#This was really sweet :')
waverlyyhaught · 23 days
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Favorite Marta and Fina Moments - Part 76 Sueños de Libertad
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pirateprincessjess · 2 months
hey i just wanna say you're maybe my favorite person on this site. the godzilla posting, the puppyposting, you just absolutely rock. impeccable vibes
Awwww thank you! I’m just doing what I enjoy and I’m glad others seem to enjoy it too!
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fembroder · 1 month
🎨🖌️🎨🖌️🎨 (IG credit to huffpostuk)
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moxtoons · 1 year
I know you mainly draw Cuphead nowadays (which is amazing by the way, keep up the good work!) But I've been coming across your Batman art lately and I have to say, I love it! You draw the BTAS characters so well, and I especially loved your domestic Hattercrow art! That's all I wanted to say, that I loved how you drew the dork squad and Batman ^^'
Aw! Thank you so much! it's not often I get such nice asks regarding my transitions into new fandoms! I'll admit I do occasionally miss drawing the dork squad, especially Scarecrow.
I'm so happy you like my older work of them!
Here, for you and my other followers who have stuck around despite my ever-changing hyperfixations. It's spooky month so here's a quick doodle of the spook lord himself;
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It's been so long but I never forget how to draw Crane 💛
Thank you again! Maybe I'll put out some more BTAS baddies soon for ya'll 😊
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
Bbbweeh. I wish I could talk more cohesive rn but I am a firm believer in Roger loving both of his boys so much and equally, just because I am sick of some interpretations that ask „okay why did he keep Buggy on board tough?“ because that’s his baby boy whomst he loves next question.
Him seeing Shanks as more of a successor than Buggy certainly had done a number on him, don’t get me wrong, but I sincerely believe he was just … not an awful father figure but didn’t realize how much that would affect the poor boy later. Would probably be concerned if he ever heard about Buggy thinking he would always be in Shanks shadow and that this made him give up on his own dreams. But if you talked to him about Buggy? Boy that man would have talked your ear off. Smart things Buggy did, silly things Buggy did, stupid things Buggy did that made him burst into tears of laughter. How Buggy loves to put ketchup on everything but hates tomatoes. How he and Shanks still share a bunk and he feels like that will never change. How Buggy is just a bit of a coward but can overplay that with his bombastic personality so smoothly. How he hates his nose but loves his hair and takes great care of it. How Shanks has his heart in the right place but Buggy has his feet firmly on the ground and he’s so happy that Shanks has someone who can get his head out of the clouds while Buggy has someone who wants to reach for the stars with him. His boys. He just knows they are both gonna go far in the world and he’s going to be so proud of them for it.
Just, no offense to anyone but I don’t buy the „Roger had a reason for „keeping“ Buggy around“ except if that reason was that he grew way too attached to both of his cabin boys / apprentices
Awwww I love this so much. I actually think the same!!! Roger seemed to love them both a whole lot (they're literally his children ofc he loves them lmao what am I even saying), the fact that he just chose Shanks over Buggy (and it isn't really "over" Buggy. There's nothing to choose from. Buggy is still the next generation and to Roger and everybody else they were so attached to the hip it's weird to think of a future with them not being together) to keep the legacy and the next generation going doesn't mean he didn't love Buggy just as much. As you said, he loved his kid!! All the lil things you said are so real and I love my boy so much </3
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sisyphusunderthesun · 4 months
Hey man, I saw your post about all the hatred online for Hankcon, and I'm sorry to hear how negatively it impacts you. As a lurker in the fandom, I am so grateful to people like you for keeping the ship alive. If it's of any consolation, I think the people hating on the ship are usually very young people, or people with a really immature mindset. The internet these days is an incredibly toxic place, and that sort of behaviour is being normalised and encouraged for the younger generations by the most popular platforms for algorythm and engagement purposes. I don't think it's worth arguing with immature bad faith actors like them, and people with such a mindset have a poor understanding of seperating a fictional healthy age gap adult relationship from real life dysfunctional grooming of a minor. It's never fun to experience online hate, especially from a community that is supposed to bring you joy, but in my experience the healthiest way of coping is by simply ignoring their screeching and block them. It feels good not to steep down on their level. Obviously you should react in a way that works best for you, but I wanted to let you know that you don't deserve recieving hate or judgement for enjoying what you enjoy. Thanks for all your dope artwork! <3
I am really gratefull for this message. And it's true about the Internet, that was one of the reasons why I've been staying away from the social media for so many years despite the fact I've been on hankcon's side since the year the game came out. But I really wanted to share my love for hankcon and since my drawing skills improved within those years, I thought it would be nice to share my art too. I still hope that there is some good in people and that one day they will understand that our boys deserve nothing but love and comfort and happiness and that hating them makes no sense.
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
I just don’t get why questions like these keep being asked. A lot of these questions have already been answered or stated otherwise at the beginning of the story/lore master lists. Which you have very kindly reorganized and made even easier for us readers to delve into.
You’ve done an excellent job on the most recent chapter and have left us with just the right amount of enthusiasm for the next chapters arrival. However, as most people should, I will wait patiently for yet another wonderful work of art.
Do take time to rest and destress from all the work you’ve put in (and all the anons adding to it).
Thank you, love. 💚
I was going to reorganize it like a couple weeks ago, but I kept forgetting to do it, or I'd get too busy writing 😂 I basically reorganized it to almost match the way I organized it on Ao3 when I posted them there. That, and a couple of them were getting to be too long so I had to break them up anyway. They're a lot easier to navigate now since it's not just big blocks of links (for the most part).
I honestly can't wait for the next few chapters. We will be getting back into the angst here very soon, so don't worry. Also things will be moving a bit faster so if things feel like they're dragging, don't worry. They'll start moving again shortly.
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antisatiric · 2 months
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why are you here?
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to be loved.
There's a certain charisma to you. Maybe it's obvious, or maybe it's subtle and hard to place, but people are drawn to you. It's likely you don't understand why, or maybe even struggle to believe it because you can't fathom what worth they see. Even so, you somehow end up with friends wherever you go and it's likely people develop frequent crushes on you. You may or may not have given up on pursuing them, but you almost certainly possess strong passions and ambitions that are part of what make you so compelling. If you do choose to chase after them, then others probably find your dedication inspiring and yearn for the same sense of direction. But if you've decided to abandon your dreams, you probably feel hopelessly aimless and as if there's no worth to anything you could do. In that case, it's not unlikely you feel as if there's no worth to you. But however unlovable you might feel, people can't help but find things to love about you. Maybe it's your sense of humor, or your contagious laugh, or how one can't help but fall in love with the way you overflow with excitement gushing about the things you like. Someone loves you and in doing so they're able to love this world that much more because you're in it. That's because being able to exist in the same time and place as you, to have the privilege of enjoying your company and witnessing all you have to offer is a precious, wonderful thing. You're a force that inspires love, one of those small, unspoken miracles that all pile up to make this world a place worth living in. You're a highlight in the lives of many, whether or not you know it. The beauty of your existence is that you need not accomplish any great or famous feats to make it meaningful. People can't help but find meaning in being able to know someone like you. You've probably saved someone without even knowing it. You exist to be loved, to make someone else's life more lovable just by being here. By loving you, someone is learning to love this world and the life they have within it. Do not doubt the worth in that. Lives like yours are what people live for.
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winnie-the-monster · 10 months
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kazer-time · 2 years
"What's your name? David? That's my brother's name."
Source: Blackhawks IG
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ramonag-if · 9 months
I just finished the public demo of CoE and honestly? It was so good it made me want to sit in my room and applaud!! Especially with the way it ends! Your'e an incredibly talented writer with an keen sense of character creation and world building. I've played a lot of IF's and I can honestly say that CoE is 100% on my number one spot. Very excited to check out your other demos and support you further!
Thank you so much! That means so, so much to me 💖 I always sit around and gush like a fool when I get messages like this so thank you for making my day! My writing took years to get where it is and I still struggle at times wondering if it's good enough so reading your kind words makes me feel a little less insecure about putting out what my crazy mind comes up with.
I do hope you enjoy the other demos though none are nearly as complete as Crown of Exile 😅
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dootznbootz · 11 months
Hi I just wanted to say your tags on my post about Odysseus and how much he loves Penelope absolutely made my day.
Thank you! That's really sweet! I was just goofing and usually place my goofy thoughts in tags as I know not everyone wants to reblog that. And yes, that ancient man is an absolute simp. I will stand by that forever. He adores her so much. There are so many little bits in the Odyssey and even the Iliad that prove it. It's just under the surface but no one wants to LOOK!
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separatist-apologist · 3 months
⭐ a star for you because you are the best and I love having you in the acotar fandom and I just want you to know that you are appreciated
i appreciate you for saying this, anon
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chosenoneofdusk · 4 months
[ Lovetape - redux! ]
She had been advised that the best way to participate in the game was to make her efforts a secret, but she did not see the fun in that. One would imagine part of the joy of an experience such as this was seeing the confusion of the target as they puzzled out what had just happened.
"Ophelia, hold still." That is all the warning Mitama gives out. She pulls the note from it's little stack and swiftly sticks the adhesive side to Ophelia's forehead before her friend can stop her. Mitama laughs, wiggling her fingers in the place of a wave as she continues walking. "Enjoy!"
Stars you admire / are a pale imitation / of your radiance.
[Pride Asks] - Accepting!
"Mitama?" For someone normally so loquacious, she finds the only word she can say is her friends name in a confused tone as the adhesive is attached to her forehead. If she had expected anything, it was to be surprise attacked in a flurry of silk. But to be boldly gotten in the day, just out in the open like this.... Her friend was no coward. "To brazenly attack a hero such as I in broad daylight is quite the feat of courage I must say!"
She waves her friend well, but takes off the note immediately. She has class to get to, and she doesn't need everyone to read what is a private comment on her way to class. However, upon arriving, she decided to read the note. Upon it was a haikyuu or however you pronounced those poems Mitama loved so much. The kindest one Ophelia had ever read for her anyways. A smile graced her lips as she put it with the rest of her things as a reminder that she was cared for, even when she doubted the stars really had chosen her. After class, she would have to do something for Mitama.
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m1xieup · 7 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged from you! <33
aw thanks for asking! 1) my friends
2) my family (including my dogs)
3) stepping outside and hearing the birds singing
4) listening to music at full blast (I’m aware it’s bad for my ears)
5) interacting with mutual such as yourself on tumblr- seeing you all and your jokes, art, theories, and discussions does actually make me very happy! I’m especially happy that the main community in in (Nevermore Webtoon) is so positive, fun, and open!
Thank you so much for asking! This is a really sappy response I know but that’s just the type of person I am lol
have a great day/night! ⭐️
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phtalogreenpoison · 5 months
I thinkkkkkkkkkkk you’re an awesome person! I love your blog and the weird mistress anon things never fail to make me laugh. Your responses are so silly and ending it with “and yet do you still wish” is *chef’s kiss*.
Thanks for having such a cool blog!! <33
thank youuuuuu 🥺🥺🥺
i'm glad you find me entertaining; that is what i set out to do. hehehehe. poetry brain be like >:)))
eeeeee thanks again!!
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