#Thomas Strobel
mycstilleblog · 1 year
Von der "Was tun! NRW" Konferenz in Dortmund
„Was tun NRW!“ ist laut Selbstauskunft eine außerparlamentarische Sammlungsbewegung von in der Partei Die Linke tätigen Funktionsträgern, darunter Kreissprecherinnen beziehungsweise Kreissprechern, kommunalen Mandatsträgern und Mitgliedern von Sprecher*innenräten von Landesarbeitsgemeinschaften. „Viele von uns“, heißt es weiter, „sind in der SL NRW (Sozialistische Linke; C.S.) organisiert. Bei…
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jocelynscrazyideas · 5 months
not sure if I’ll be writing yet- I’m planning on it, just not sure if I’m ready for the creation part. I’ll probably start during off season 🤗
Who I write for: if your desired player is not here, just mention the name, and ill add them to the list!!
A: Alexander Holtz - New Jersey Devils Auston Mathews - Toronto Maple Leafs Adam Fantilli- CBJ
B: Brock Faber- Minnesota Wild Brady Tkachuk- Ottawa Senators Brendan Brisson- Vegas Golden Knight Brodie Ziemer- USNTDP U18/ college commit: U of Minn Brendan McMorrow- USNTDP U18/ Commit to U of Denver
C: Charlie Strobel- University of Minnesota Cole Caufield- Montreal Canadieans
D: Dawson Mercer- New Jersey Devils Dylan Duke- U of Mich/ Tampa Bay Lightning
E: Ethan Edwards- U of Mich/NJD
F: Frank Nazar lll- U of Michigan/Chicago Blackhawks
G: Gavin Brindley- U of Mich/Columbus Blue Jackets Garrett Shifsky- University of MIchigan
H: J: Jack Hughes- New Jersey Devils John Marino- New Jersey Devils Johnny Beecher- Boston Bruins
Joel Hofer-
K: Kiril Kaprizov? - Minnesota Wilds Kienan Draper- Detroit Red Wings Kandre Miller- New York Rangers
L: Luke Hughes - New Jersey Devils Luca Fantilli- U of Michigan
M: Mark Estapa - U of Michigan Mackie Samoskevich - Florida Panthers/charlotte checkers Matt Boldy - Minnesota Wild Matthew Tkachuk - Florida Panthers Matt Rempe- NYR
N: Nick Moldenhauer- U of Mich/Toronto Maple Leafs
Nico Hischier- New Jersey devils
O: Owen Powers- Buffalo Sabers Oliver Moore- University of MN/Chicago Blackawks
P: Philippe Lapointe- Univeristy of Michigan
Q: Quinn Hughes- Vancouver Canucks
R: Rutger McGroarty- U of Mich/Winnipeg Jets
S: Seamus Casey - U of Mich/NJD Sidney Crosby?- Pittsburg Penguins
T: Trevor Zegras- Anaheim Ducks Tyler Duke- U of Michigan Thomas Bordeleau - San Jose Sharks
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carbone14 · 1 year
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"Full victory - nothing else"
Le Général Eisenhower en discussion avec le Lieutenant Wallace C. Strobel du 502nd PIR de la 101st Airborne Division avant le décollage pour la Normandie – Opération Albany – Opération Overlord – base aérienne de la RAF de Greenham common – Angleterre – 20 h 30 – 5 juin 1944
©Library of Congress – LC-USZ62-25600
La photo montre le général Eisenhower discutant avec des parachutistes de la Compagnie E (easy Company) du 502e Régiment d'infanterie parachutiste de la 101e Division aéroportée sur la base aérienne de la RAF de Greenham Common.
Les personnages identifiés sont les suivants :
Le Sergent Fred Lindsey tenant un carnet de croquis, derrière et à gauche du dos d'Eisenhower (Source : Chad Lindsey, 2014)
Russell Wilmarth, derrière le menton d'Eisenhower (Source : Alan Offen, 2009)
Le lieutenant Wallace C. Strobel avec une étiquette '23' (Source : Dwight David Eisenhower - The Centennial, CMH Pub 71-40)
Ralph 'Bud' Thomas ou Arthur L. Wegener, à gauche de Strobel (Source : Eileen Thomas Hayes, 2012 et Sandra Edwards, 2021)
Probablement le caporal Donald E. Kruger, au premier rang, à l'extrême droite, portant un sac musette sur la poitrine (Source : Alice Kruger Bruns et Jason Bezis, 2013)
Joseph Burdette May Jr. (1920-1995), au-dessus du pouce d'Eisenhower (Source : Ashley Barnes, 2018)
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wausaupilot · 10 months
Wausau East/Merrill boys hockey upends D.C. Everest for first win of season
Remington scores midway through the third period for the game-winner for the Bluejacks.
Wausau Pilot & Review MOSINEE – Ryker Remington scored on a power play midway through the third period to lift the Wausau East/Merrill boys hockey team to a 3-2 win over D.C. Everest in a Marathon Cup game Saturday at the Mosinee City Recreation Center. D.C. Everest led 2-1 after first-period goals by Charlie Strobel and Thomas Passineau, before Zach Pagel tied the game for the Bluejays with…
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sco1960 · 1 year
Überraschende Ergebnisse bei den Schnupfern
Landkreisklubs haben in der Einzelwertung das Nachsehen – Oberlauterbach gewinnt Mannschaftswettbewerb
Von Hans Dieter Vogl
Mit dem knappsten aller möglichen Ergebnisse haben sich die Herren des gastgehenden SC Oberlauterbach am Samstag den Mannschaftstitel bei der 52. Bayerischen Schnupfmeisterschaft geholt. Ein Tausendstelgramm entschied im Duell mit dem Landkreisrivalen Dettenhofen über den Sieg. Das neue, schmucke Schützen- und Dorfheim von Oberlauterbach war der Austragungsort der Schnupf-Meisterschaft. Pünktlich begrüßte der Hausherr, Vereinsvorsitzender Thomas Plöckl, die zahlreich erschienenen Gäste aus nah und fern. Interessanterweise war sogar aus Österreich ein Team zur bayerischen Meisterschaft angereist. Nach Grußworten vom Schirmherrn, Aresings Bürgermeister Klaus Angermeier (CSU), von Staatssekretär Roland Weigert (FW), Landtagsabgeordnetem Matthias Enghuber (CSU) und dem Präsidenten des Deutschen Schnupferbundes, Christian Knauer aus Dettenhofen, ging es auch schon los: Auf das Kommando „Schnupfer fertig machen, die Dose öffnen, Achtung, fertig, los“ bemühten sich insgesamt 150 Starter, die in einer Dose eingewogenen fünf Gramm Schmai in exakt einer Minute in der Nase unterzubringen. Dies auf vielfältige Weise, vor allem aber möglichst viel und auch möglichst sauber – denn dafür gab es Extrapunkte. Dies ging – jeweils zu sechst auf der Bühne – rasch über dieselbe.
Zumindest bei den Damen gewinnen die Favoriten
Nach dem letzten Durchgang zogen sich die Offiziellen zur Auswertung zurück, alle anderen nutzten die Gelegenheit, um sich zu stärken oder das ein oder andere Getränk zu sich zu nehmen. Und als es dann zur Bekanntgabe der Ergebnisse kam, war es still im Saal, alle waren gespannt, ob sich die Favoriten durchgesetzt hatten oder doch ein Geheimtipp. Thomas Plöckl verkündete die Ergebnisse und Schirmherr Angermeier überreichte die Pokale, stets mit einer netten Anmerkung verbunden. Bei den Damen siegte, wenig überraschend, das Team vom SC Unterbuch (18,800 Gramm plus 73 Punkte für Sauberkeit) relativ deutlich vor der Damenprise Latsch (18,772 Gramm plus 72 Punkte) und den Damen des SC Nandlstadt. Die erstmals zu einem Wettbewerb angetretenen Wenzelhupen der Gastgeber mussten sich mit dem dritten Platz zufriedengeben. Einzelsiegerin wurde Petra Leinfelder aus Unterbuch (4,932 Gramm, 19 Punkte). Bettina Ochs von der Damenprise Latsch errang Platz zwei vor Regina Eder-Strobel aus Unterbuch. Die heimischen Damen mussten sich mit hinteren Plätzen begnügen, aber sie sind ja noch jung und können sich bestimmt noch steigern. Überraschungen gab es bei den Herren. Nicht Abonnementssieger Dettenhofen, nein, die Gastgeber errangen den Mannschaftstitel. In der Besetzung Benedikt Steger, Robert Wenger, Konrad Böck und Konrad Plöckl gelang es, vor heimischer Kulisse das beste Ergebnis zu erringen. Roman und Lukas Schruff ergänzten das Team, das insgesamt 19,670 Gramm und 77,5 Sauberkeitspunkte verbuchte. Der Zweitplatzierte SC Dettenhofen hatte zwar neun Tausendstelgramm mehr geschnupft, weil aber nur 76,5 Punkte bei der Sauberkeit gewertet worden waren, reichte es für Oberlauterbach zum Titel. Auf Platz drei landete der SC Dingisweiler vor dem SC Unterbuch, dem SC Peutenhausen und dem SC Sulzemoos. Das zweite Team aus Oberlauterbach, die Schnupfabrüada, errangen Platz sieben, die Wenzelschnupfer landeten auf Platz 22 und die Lauterbacher Tigers auf Platz 23.
Der Einzelsieger kommt aus Sulzemoos
Geradezu eine Sensation gab es bei der Einzelwertung der Herren. Kein Dettenhofener gewann da, kein Oberlauterbacher oder Unterbucher, nicht mal einer der aufstrebenden Knodorfer. Nein, Emil Hartmann vom SC Sulzemoos war mit 4,943 Gramm (20 Punkte Sauberkeit) nicht zu schlagen und nahm verdient den größten Pokal in Empfang. Auch Alois Mussack vom SC Dingisweiler war auf Platz zwei eine Überraschung (4,936 Gramm, 20 Punkte). Die Ehre des Schrobenhausener Landes, der Schnupferhochburg schlechthin, rettete Lokalmatador Benedikt Steger von den Gastgebern, der mit 4,928 Gramm und 19,5 Punkten für Sauberkeit Platz drei belegte. Wie gut geschnupft wurde zeigt, dass bis Rang 16 bei den Herren und bei den Damen bis Platz zwei über 4,9 Gramm geschnupft wurden. Nach der Siegerehrung erklang die Bayernhymne als offizieller Schluss der Veranstaltung. Bei herrlichem Spätsommerwetter wurden dann noch die Erfolge gefeiert und die Misserfolge analysiert. Schon in zwei Wochen, am Samstag, 30. September, sieht man sich wieder, wenn in Lampertshofen der SC Dettenhofen Gastgeber beim SVD-Pokal ist.
Hier geht's zur vollständigen Ergebnisliste
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onenakedfarmer · 2 years
Royce Applegate – Rev. Brocklehurst
Frances Bay – Mrs. Tremond/Mrs. Chalfont
James Booth – Ernie Niles
David Bowie – Philip Jeffries
John Boyland - Mayor Milford
Catherine Coulson – Margaret Lanterman
Julee Cruise - Herself
Royal Dano – Judge Sternwood
Don S. Davis – Major Briggs
Miguel Ferrer – Albert Rosenfeld
Robert Forster – Frank Truman
Warren Frost – Dr. Hayward
Pamela Gidley – Theresa Banks
David Lander – Mr. Pinkel
Peggy Lipton – Norma Jennings
Clark Middleton – Charlie
Jack Nance – Pete Martell
Dan O'Herlihy – Andrew Packard
Walter Olkewicz - Jacques Renault
Michael Parks – Jean Renault
Frank Silva – Bob
Harry Dean Stanton – Carl Rodd
Al Strobel – Mike/Philip Gerard
Lenny von Dohlen – Harold Smith
David Warner – Thomas Eckhardt
Kenneth Welsh – Windom Earle
Hank Worden – The Waiter
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pascalemartin · 2 years
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Don Carlos von Friedrich Schiller
Staatsschauspiel Stuttgart | 14. Januar 2023
Regie: David Bösch | Bühne: Falko Herold | Kostüme: Pascale Martin
mit Frida-Lovisa Hamann, Kathartina Hauter, Matthias Leja, Reinhard Mahlberg, David Müller, Anke Schubert, Michael Stiller und Felix Strobel
© Thomas Aurin
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Mord am Hellweg 10 - 17. September bis 12. November 2022
Mord am Hellweg 10 – 17. September bis 12. November 2022
Dieses Jahr findet wieder das literarische Großereignis Mord am Hellweg statt. Die Events von Mord am Hellweg 10 starten am 17. September 2022 und enden am 12. November 2022. In verschiedenen Städten entlange am Hellweg (in Nordrhein-Westfalen, genauer von Duisburg/Düsseldorf bis nach Soest, oder umgekehrt. Eine Jubiläums-Preview-Veranstaltung findet vorab schon am 6. September 2022 um 19:30 Uhr…
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graceandpeacejoanne · 3 years
Gospel of John: Thomas Had Doubts
Gospel of John: Thomas the Twin Thomas could not seem to accept Jesus' resurrection without some empirical proof. Doubt can be a good thing, because it makes us think. Doubt is one foot lifted, poised to move forward or backward.#DoubtingThomas
Thomas Had Doubts There was one holdout left among Jesus’s disciples—Thomas, called the Twin. No reason is given as to why Thomas had not met with the other disciples on that first day’s evening. But by not meeting with them he had missed out on Jesus coming to them, missed out on Jesus’ commission to them, missed out on eating and talking with the Lord, and missed out on Jesus praying for them…
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omnistpilgrim · 3 years
I've resolved to study and re-read more spiritual texts this year (starting 2022), and share quotes I like. (note that this isn't meant to be a list of recommendations, just a record. not all of these have been spiritually edifying to me.) List of what I've read so far:
Anglicanism/ Episcopalianism
The Book of Common Prayer
The Dhammapada- translation by Eknath Easwaran
Peace is Every Step- Thich Nhat Hanh
Radical Acceptance- Tara Brach
The Faith Explained- Leo J Trese
Theology For Beginners- Frank Sheed
True Devotion to Mary- Louis de Montfort
The Modern Saints- Gracie Morbitzer
The Secret of the Rosary- Louis de Montfort
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
This is My Body, This is My Blood- Bob & Penny Lord
Good News About Sex & Marriage- Christopher West
The Story of A Soul- St Therese of Lisieux
Christianity (general)
The New Testament
The Screwtape Letters- CS Lewis
The Heart of Christianity- Marcus J Borg
God Can't- Thomas J Oord
Mere Christianity- CS Lewis
The Wisdom Jesus- Cynthia Bourgeault
The Universal Christ- Richard Rohr
The Case For Christ- Lee Strobel
The Great Divorce- CS Lewis
Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul- John Philip Newell
Searching for Sunday- Rachel Held Evans
Unlearning God- Phillip Gulley
Saving Jesus From the Church- Robin R Meyers
Christianity (biblical analysis)
Inspired- Rachel Held Evans
What is the Bible? - Rob Bell
The Uncensored Bible- Kaltner, Kilpatrick, & McKenzie
The Gay Gospels- Keith Sharpe
The Bible Doesn't Say That- Joel M Hoffman
The Sins of Scripture- John Shelby Spong
Paul and Jesus- James D Tabor
Reclaiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World- John Shelby Spong
Forged- Bart D Ehrman
Jesus, Interrupted- Bart D Ehrman
Zealot- Reza Aslan
Jezebel- Lesley Hazleton
101 Myths of the Bible- Gary Greenberg
Divine Feminine
The Way of the Rose- Clark Strand & Perdita Finn
Missing Mary- Charlene Spretnak
Circle of Mysteries- Christine Lore Weber
The Goddess in the Gospels- Margaret Starbird
Now is the Hour of Her Return- Clark Strand
Waking Up to the Dark- Clark Strand
Wild Mercy- Mirabai Starr
The Woman With the Alabaster Jar- Margaret Starbird
Druidry/ Celtic Paganism
The Book of Hedge Druidry- Joanna van der Hoeven
The Druidry Handbook- John Michael Greer
The Druid Path- John Michael Greer
The Book of Celtic Myths- Jennifer Emmick
Sacred Nature- Karen Armstrong
Filianism/ Déanism
The Gospel of Our Mother God
Hellenistic Paganism
The Iliad- Homer
The Odyssey- Homer
Mythology- Edith Hamilton
The Bhagavad Gita- translation by Barbara Stoler Miller
The Upanishads- translation by Eknath Easwaran
The Complete Illustrated Guide to Hinduism- Rasamandala Das
Hinduism: A Very Short Introduction- Kim Knott
The Qur'an- translation by Abdullah Yusufali
The Tanakh
When Bad Things Happen to Good People- Harold S Kushner
The Book of Mormon
Paganism (general) / Wicca
The Spiral Dance- Starhawk
Paganism- Joyce & River Higgenbotham
Drawing Down the Moon- Margot Adler
The Path of a Christian Witch- Adelina St Clair
Tarot Fundamentals- Sasha Graham
Astrology- Carole Taylor
Tarot Magic- Donald Tyson
Wicca: A Guide For the Solitary Practitioner- Scott Cunningham
Cunningham's Book of Shadows- Scott Cunningham
The Witch's Book of Power- Devin Hunter
The Deep Heart of Witchcraft- David Salisbury
Faith and Practice- Baltimore Yearly Meeting
A Testament of Devotion- Thomas R Kelly
Living the Quaker Way- Philip Gulley
A Quaker Book of Wisdom- Robert Lawrence Smith
Letters to a Fellow Seeker- Steve Chase
Poems from the Sikh Sacred Tradition- Guru Nanak
The Tao Te Ching- translation by Stephen Mitchell
The Tao of Pooh- Benjamin Hoff
Other/ Interfaith/ General Theism
A World of Prayer- edited by Rosalind Bradley
The Interfaith Prayer Book- compiled by Ted Brownstein
God of Love- Mirabai Starr
A New Earth- Eckhart Tolle
How to Believe in God- Clark Strand
Holy Envy- Barbara Brown Taylor
The Power of Now- Eckhart Tolle
Atheism and the Case Against Christ- Matthew S McCormick
Letter to a Christian Nation- Sam Harris
Why I Became an Atheist- John W Loftus
God is Not Great- Christopher Hitchens
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keow · 3 years
Hi! This is a weird ask, but would you be willing to post resources/arguments about Christianity being true? Like, were there specific ones that convinced you to convert? I was raised Catholic but didn't really believe it growing up, but would like to have the same feelings about faith and peace that you posted about. I'm in a bit of a bad place right now and would like to go back and deepen my faith but it's hard.
This isn’t a weird ask, don’t worry! I’d love to provide you with some resources :) I’ll try to include both visual and auditory mediums as I don’t know what your learning style is.
I don’t mean to overwhelm you with information, please forgive me if this is too much 😗
I’m going to split this up into different categories of content here, based loosely around my conversion journey—i.e. what I had questions and doubts about. Please remember that faith is a very personal journey and you may have different concerns altogether, but hopefully this will give you a starting point to jump off of.
First: Arguments for the existence of God
Breaking in the Habit - What is God?  
The Thomistic Institute on the Five Ways
Pints with Aquinas - Explaining Thomas Aquinas’ Proofs
Pints with Aquinas - The Best Argument for the Existence of God W/ Trent Horn
Lumen - Arguments for the Existence of God (overview)
Subcategory: Near death experiences This is clearly anecdotal evidence and therefore not as strong, but I found reading about near death experiences to be extremely interesting. I liked browsing the NDE subreddit :) The common experience of SOMETHING among those who nearly die is at least indicative of there being more beyond the material realm, and by extension, a God. 
Second: Arguments for monotheism
This isn’t a common apologetics issue unless you’re a convert from a polytheistic religion (which I was), so there’s less content on this.
Pints with Aquinas — Aquinas on Why There Can’t Be Many Gods
Jordan Peterson on Monotheism
Third: How reliable are the Gospels? Did Jesus even exist?
Biblical Archeology Society - Did Jesus Exist? Searching for Evidence Beyond the Bible
Pints with Aquinas - Is the New Testament Really Historically Accurate? W/ Trent Horn
The Great Myths - History for Atheists  This is a SECULAR website created by an atheist seeking to correct the flaws in his fellow atheists’ arguments. Much to his chagrin, I found the website and now I’m a Christian. Here is their Jesus Mythicism series.
Influence - The Reliability of the Gospels
NAMB - The Historical Reliability of the Gospels
History - The Bible Says Jesus Was Real. What Other Proof Exists?
The Science of Apologetics on the historical accuracy of the Bible 
Answers in Genesis - How Do We Know the Bible is True? 
Fourth: Was Jesus the prophesied Messiah?
Jews for Jesus - What Proof Do You Have That Jesus is the Messiah?
The Top 40 Messianic Prophecies
Two Messiahs in Judaism: Ben David and Ben Joseph
Be Thinking - Messiah: Jesus, the evidence of history
Fifth: The Resurrection (and the events thereafter)
The Resurrection, Evidence, and the Scientist
William Lane Craig Debates Ben Shapiro about Jesus 
Did the Resurrection Really Happen? | William Lane Craig
Capturing Christianity’s interview with Dr. Gary Habermas Short highlight from that video the Science of Apologetics on Evidence for the Resurrection
Links from the bottom of that post: One, two, three, four, five
Sixth: Did Jesus claim to be God? Theology of the Incarnation and the Holy Trinity
The Thomistic Institute on the Trinity: The Triune God (Aquinas 101) The Persons of the Trinity (Aquinas 101)
Breaking in the Habit - Did Jesus Claim to be God? 
Trinity explained by CS Lewis: Christian "Trinity" Explained in 3 Minutes The Three-Personal God by C.S. Lewis
Christianity.com - Did Jesus Claim to be God?
Ryan Reeves - The Incarnation and Jesus Christ (In 90 Seconds)
The Thomistic Institute on the Incarnation: The Meaning of the Incarnation (Aquinas 101) Motives of the Incarnation (Aquinas 101)
Bishop Robert Barron - Understanding the Incarnation
Seventh: Miracles and saints just because I personally think they’re really fun!
Lessons from Lourdes: Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette
Pints with Aquinas - Scientific EVIDENCE for Eucharistic Miracles? w/ Fr. Terry Donahue
Actual information on incorruptible saints 
Our Lady of Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun
The Shroud of Turin: The Catholic Talk Show  Mr. Mythos  Lecture on the Shroud
Our Lady of Guadalupe
The miracles of St. Padre Pio
PDFS AND STUFF— Writings of saints, theologians, and apologists.
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
The (searchable!) Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas
Rome Sweet Home by Scott Hahn
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis
Early Christian writings from the Church Fathers
Saints’ Books - A collection of free writings from Catholic saints
St. Augustine of Hippo: On the Trinity  Confessions 
Miscellaneous favorites:
The Thomistic Institute Ascension Presents Fr. Mike Bible in a Year Podcast The Catholic Talk Show Pints with Aquinas Pints with Aquinas - Apologetics Extravaganza with Trent Horn  Capturing Christianity Free Christian Apologetics Resources - Capturing Christianity Bible Illustrated  BibleProject Lectures on early & medieval church history by Ryan Reeves Breaking in the Habit / Catholicism in Focus Upon Friar Review Trisagion Films Servus Dei discord server
Apps: Hallow Catena: Bible and Commentaries The Chosen (This is a tv show! It has its own app. It’s really good and accurate to the Gospels.)
My personal tips section :)
While it’s very important to have a logical foundation for religion, PLEASE don’t underestimate the power of simply sitting with God in prayer. That’s the most important thing. I love praying the rosary, practicing lectio divina, praying novenas, reading the psalms, etc. Prayer shouldn’t always be scripted either. The pre-written prayers are helpful for when you aren’t really sure what to say or where to start, but you should speak to God from your heart as much as possible. Sometimes prayer doesn’t even have to be verbal! Sometimes it’s just a state of being.
Music also goes hand in hand with this. Hymns can really help you get into that religious spiritual headspace when you feel disconnected from God. Here’s a channel that posts some good ones. Read the Bible. When in doubt, just read it or listen to someone else read it. It’s truly the inspired Word of God. For a while it was really hard for me to connect with Jesus for some reason, but reading the Gospels has been instrumental in building a stronger relationship with Him. It’s kind of a given but you might have the same blockages as I did.
A good way to learn more about Christianity, the Church, and her saints is to keep track of the Church calendar. For instance, find out what important feast days/holidays are coming up, then research and learn about them around the time that they occur. Okay that’s pretty much it! Feel free to DM me about anything (I love theological discussion). I hope things get better for you--trust that I’ll be praying for you. Have a lovely day!
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10yrsyart · 3 years
I mean no offense by this ask, I am just trying to understand another's POV on a subject that's difficult to discuss irl. I don't really understand why people believe in something with no direct proof. Do you feel like there is proof other than in writing, or do you feel like belief has more value without? What benefit does your faith serve to you? Do you see it as comforting belief or harsh truth? Were you raised religious? Do you think you would be today if not? Meant with the utmost respect.
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thankyou Anon! :) i keep anonymous open for people with anxiety, but you know you can always DM me with big questions like that.. this may get long 😅
there's a lot of proof the Bible is real. Mount Sinai (the mountain where God came down) has been located, the same with Noah's Ark, the crossing of the Red Sea where Moses split the water, the remains of the Egyptian army chasing them, the remains of Sodom and Gomorrah, numerous ancient ruins of the Davidic age, and so many more. (i would recommend some of Ron Wyatts' discoveries and research). there's also the validity of the new testament writings, which have more surviving copies than any other ancient documents ever. (i would recommend "the Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel, where he tests all kinds of historical, forensic, and psychological arguments against Jesus. he was an atheist when he did his research and he has good and poignant questions.)
on top of that, i look around and see the proof of God's existence. there's no way i could ever believe the design of a human eye and the similarities between a tree and our lungs just randomly came into being. i don't look at a building and think "man, that building sure did become pretty by chance." i know that there must be a designer. not to mention, the difference that Jesus makes in my life and the lives of His children. there are countless testimonies of people that were healed from incurable diseases or miraculously saved out of danger by Him. just as many testimonies of Jesus appearing to them and changing their lives. i have had things happen that i know were not by coincidence or created in my head.
ultimately God can prove Himself. some people find Him by seeing all the evidence and then believing, and others choose to believe and are strengthened when they see the evidence after. Jesus said, "You (Thomas) believe because you have seen Me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing Me!" (John 20:29). don't be afraid to ask Jesus to make Himself real to you.
i was raised in a Christian home but i had my first Jesus "experience" when i was 1 (maybe i'll talk about that later), and i accepted Him into my heart when i was 3. so while my parents definitely cultivated that faith later, i have no doubt He would have called me anyway even if they hadn't.
my faith is comforting because i know that i am protected, forgiven, loved and looked after. as i cling to the Lord more and more He's helping me with my depression and anxiety. and i don't have existential dread because i know my future is one of joy and happiness. however, it is also a harsh truth because of how many people choose not to accept Jesus as the only way to be saved. without Him they'll be stuck in darkness and separated from Him forever. i want everyone to be saved, and have the assurance and hope that i do. 💙
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New Crystalline Form of Silicon Could Enable Next-Gen Electronic and Energy Devices
Novel crystalline form of silicon could potentially be used to create next-generation electronic and energy devices.
A team led by Carnegie’s Thomas Shiell and Timothy Strobel developed a new method for synthesizing a novel crystalline form of silicon with a hexagonal structure that could potentially be used to create next-generation electronic and energy devices with enhanced properties that exceed those of the “normal” cubic form of silicon used today.
Their work is published in Physical Review Letters.
Silicon plays an outsized role in human life. It is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. When mixed with other elements, it is essential for many construction and infrastructure projects. And in pure elemental form, it is crucial enough to computing that the longstanding technological hub of the U.S.—California’s Silicon Valley—was nicknamed in honor of it.
Read more.
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melaschnie · 3 years
22 books i want to read in 2022
2022 is already 10 days old (they grow up so quickly) but @athenastudying and @asteristudy tagged me to do this so here we go! 
1-4. The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater  ✓ 5. Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo  ✓ 6. Suicide Notes by Michael Thomas Ford ✓ 7. One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus ✓ 8. 1984 by George Orwell ✓ 9. Offline by Arno Strobel 10. The Shape of My Name by Nino Cipri ✓ 11. Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words by Randall Munroe 12. This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone  ✓ 13. The Queen’s Gambit by Walter Tevis ✓ 14. The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake  ✓ 15. Harry Potter og de vises stein by J. K. Rowling (yes, this is the Norwegian translation of the first book!) ✓ 16. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson  ✓ 17. Norwegen der Länge nach by Simon Michalowicz  ✓ 18. Heartstopper by Alice Oseman  ✓ 19. When The Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore  ✓ 20. Aldri, aldri, aldri by Linn Strømsborg  ✓ 21. The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller  ✓ 22. Deutschstunde by Siegried Lenz
(status: 17 out of 22 as per 07/112022)
I have absolutely no idea who has done this tag and who hasn’t so feel free to say I tagged you! Additionally, I’m tagging @pilvenhattara, @ecopsycho, and @multilingue if you want to. No pressure though, of course :)
[pssst btw if anyone wants to add me on storygraph you can find me here under the same username! just hmu if you send me a friend request so that i know who to accept :)]
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westandwithprofauma · 4 years
Offener Brief              25.01.2021
Sehr geehrte Professorin Dr. Auma,
wir als Studierende und Absolvent_innen der Kindheitswissenschaften möchten Ihnen hiermit öffentlich für Ihre Lehre und Forschung danken. Viele von uns durften Sie live in einem Ihrer Seminare erleben und von Ihrer fundierten Expertise profitieren.
Die Kontextualisierung von Macht und sozialen Positionierungen sowie die Situiertheit von Wissen sind zentrale Erkenntnisse, die wir in den Kindheitswissenschaften u.a. durch Sie verstehen lernen durften. Ihre wissenschaftlichen Beiträge und Analysen zu Diversity Studies bezogen auf Kindheit(en), Ihre intersektionale Forschung, die uns diskriminierungssensible Bildung in der Kindheit fortwährend verstehen und anwenden lässt, sind von großem Wert für unsere Ausbildung und unseren weiteren beruflichen Werdegang. Darüber hinaus tragen Sie mit Ihren machtkritischen Analysen dazu bei, gesellschaftliche - und demnach auch universitäre - Räume verstehen zu lernen und neu zu denken.
Für diese wegweisende Arbeit möchten wir Ihnen herzlich danken!
Die Strategie rechter Populist_innen, anerkannte Wissenschaftler_innen zu diffamieren, ist nicht neu. Dass diese haltlosen Diffamierungen sich Ihnen gegenüber als Schwarzer Frau rassistischen und sexistischen Inhalten bedienen auch nicht. Wir leben in einer Gesellschaft, in der sich solche Szenarien täglich zur Genüge abspielen. Ohne diese Tatsache aus den Augen zu verlieren, inspirieren uns Menschen, die sich für eine diskriminierungsärmere Zukunft einsetzen. Zu diesen Menschen zählen wir Sie und stehen an Ihrer Seite.
Vielen Dank für Ihre bisherige Arbeit. Wir freuen uns auf weitere erkenntnisreiche Seminare und Publikationen Ihrerseits, die unser Studium, unsere Arbeit und unser Leben bereichern.
In Verbundenheit,
Studierende und Absolvent_innen der Kindheitswissenschaften (B.A. und M.A.) der Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal sowie weitere Hochschulangehörige und Unterstützer_innen
Der Brief kann durch eine Email mit dem zu veröffentlichenden Namen an [email protected] unterzeichnet werden.
Unterzeichner_innen: Anika Noack, Annika Stark, Luisa Fischer, Stephanie Fischer, Britta Wiese, Daniela Tews, Vanessa Jahn, Viktoria Jünemann Madsen, Sally Matthes, Raimund Schütze, Mara Erdmann, Janine Rösicke, Dr. Anne-Sophie Windel, Kristin Kramer, Magda Przybylska, Patrice Jäger, Lea Mangelsdorf, Christian Heidig, Janne Riebesell, Daria Pilka, Lysann Krug, Esther Mailand, Hanna Reich, Emma Trepte, Marvin Theilig, Katharina Lauterbach, Kyra Sukop, David Iversen, Alexandra Schulz, Silvia Leitner, Jonas Khalyfa, Hannes Krischkofsky, Katrine Juel Thomassen, Jasper Ehlers, Johannes Krug, Anjuli-Marie Hecker, Franziska Schulze, Carmen Buschendorf, Silke Markgraf, Clementine E Burnley, Romy Schulze, Alexandra Blaik, Denise Mikoleit, Ann-Katrin Strobel, Jens Bornemann, Pauline Funk, Gabi Heßler-Stark, Lina Münnich, Lara Lilienthal, Daniel Frömbgen, Maria Kovács, Monique Chiyangi, Silke Markgraf, Stefanie Kummer, Annegret Keller, Annalena Otto, Annika Mordhorst, Carolin Martin, M.Simla, Monique Otto, Jens Weber, Annemarie Czinzoll, Moritz Kolbus, Jasmin Kolbus, Anja Funke, Melanie Zenk, Prof. Dr. Raimund Geene, Maxi Ines Müller,  Frederike Dümpelmann, Ida M. Schwerin,  Annemarie Fischer, Josefine Dettmer, Hannah Benz, Maria Elisabeth Vorwallner, Pia-Charline Brockmann, Anja Demme, Martin Leonhardt, Kerstin Seela, Henriette Quade (MdL Sachsen-Anhalt, Die Linke.), Hanna Steller, Lukas Wanke, Elisa Bönisch, Dekanin Prof. Dr. Beatrice Hungerland, Prof. Dr. Michael Klundt, Franziska Fuchs, Aliena-Sophia Mard, Maxi Helm, Annika Kleiner, Anouk Schütt, Zivilgesellschaftliches Bündnis “Herz statt Hetze Stendal”, Kamilla Goltze, John Murawa, Jelena Lischka, Wencke Grahn, Sara Ser, Anja Eggert, Rektorin Prof. Dr. Anne Lequy, Katharina Steiner, Ruben Wendrock, Prof. Dr. Katrin Reimer-Gordinskaya, Hendrik Lange (MdL Sachsen-Anhalt, Die Linke.), Prof. Dr. Susanne Borkowski, Prof. Dr. Claudia Dreke, Paulina Hammer, Pascal Begrich für Miteinander e.V. Sachsen-Anhalt, Richard Stark, Erik Benndorf, Josephin Steinau, Claudia Kipping, David Tyllack, Pascal Radowski, Flüchtlingsrat Sachsen-Anhalt e.V., Prof. Dr. Thomas Kliche, Alina Albrecht, Fachschaftsrat der Philosophischen Fakultät I der MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Sonja Lamer, Annika Köther, Prof. Dr. Josefine Heusinger, Carolin Lucke-Schurk, Stefanie Plate, Mathilde Grauer-Nottrott, Juliane Nitschke
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kabane52 · 4 years
Light at the End of Doubt’s Tunnel
Note: This was written a year or two ago. For those who would like to hear the full story of how I processed and finally was freed from intellectual doubt, together with the major things that caused me trouble and how I realized that there were good solutions to them- as well as amazingly powerful reasons to believe in Christianity, here's part 1 of a 5 part series.
I struggled with doubt for years. It was extremely painful. I'll turn 26 in a couple of days. My doubt began when I was 13, embraced evolution (that actually didn't start my period of doubting, I was theistic evolutionist for a long time, until 2014) and found the atheist community online. It was devastating. I had never thought about why I believed what I believed. I encountered a huge variety of arguments, and I was clueless about how to respond to any of them. I was overwhelmed, I was miserable, I felt myself pushed towards the inevitably conclusion that atheism was true. They have taken my Lord away from me, and I do not know where they have laid Him. I cried out to God, I wept, I begged. And nothing. Radio silence. It was the most emotionally intense period in my life, and I couldn't talk to anyone. I didn't want to say I was doubting. I knew it would crush my mom. I was alone.
I remembered one day that there was a book on the shelf- Lee Strobel's The Case for Christ. I devoured it in a day. It didn't answer all of my questions or put an end to my crisis of faith. What it did do is give me a lifeline, something to cling to, something to hold on as I kept searching and praying for answers.
I'm not going to tell you the whole story. What I will tell you is that over the next seven years, every single doubt I had was answered in a way that completely satisfied me intellectually. I cannot deal with cognitive dissonance. I have to look up critical reviews of any book whose thesis I want to believe. I don't say that to brag or to say anything about myself except that for me, I needed intellectual satisfaction. My name is Thomas, so I guess like Thomas, even though it would have been better for me to fully trust Him from day one, He offered the scars of the nails in His hands to me. Over the years I would continue to encounter newer and more sophisticated challenges to Christianity and Biblical faith. I went through another major crisis of faith in 2013, this time really struggling with issues of higher criticism and the Old Testament. On Easter of that year that crisis ended. I continued to struggle with doubt on and off until April 2014. From April-October of that year, my entire worldview was radically reconfigured. I realized that the Bible was more true than I had ever dared to believe. I realized that there were excellent answers to each criticism that had plagued me. I realized that the academy really wasn't all it was cracked up to be.
That last one was important. I had to internalize the fact that sometimes almost everybody in a particular discipline believes things that are simply foolish. My dad has a Ph.D. I'm in my final semesters of a Masters program and intend, God-willing (please pray for this) to get a Ph.D. So I respect the importance of study and reflection. I am not anti-intellectual. But the academy in its secular incarnation is foolish. We say sometimes that a biblical fool does not mean an idiot. Quite frankly. that is basically what it means, only moreso. And I have realized that many people who have IQs believe idiotic things and make idiotic arguments. I realized that when you acknowledge that you don't have to reverently assume that a critique that seems obvious to you is simply "too obvious" and that you must be missing something. You likely aren't. Remember- the most serious problem in academic literature is not the data. It's logic. The fact that atheists are bad philosophers isn't something that just has implications for their writing on philosophy. It means that they are untrained thinkers, unused to rigorously testing each conclusion for its logical validity in relation to the premises, and are used to relying on hunches without knowing it. This kind of thing is present throughout everything Dawkins and Krauss write and say. You think it doesn't affect their scientific work? You bet it does. Difference is that there aren't logicians and philosophers there to call them on it.
Anyway. I wanted to write that in case any of you were struggling with crises of faith. I know how deeply, deeply painful and intense it can be. In many ways there is simply nothing like that. In that light, this is one of my favorite texts:
(2 Corinthians 1:3-7) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too. If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer. Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort.
If you are struggling, please feel free to message me. I am very willing to help you work through your issues with anything I can offer.
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