#Thsc Hershell
Hershell Hcs
Heya decided to do some more Hcs now for Hershell. I kinda went overboard with this one so sorry about that one. He's just one of my favorites 
Orphaned at a very young age, he was far too young to remember his parent's faces or their reasons to leave him behind. 
Since he wasn't given a finalized name by anyone, really, or truthfully one one he truly enjoyed going by, he'd decided to name himself
^ First name was because of the meaning; Hershell - deer, his favorite animals and being an enjoyer of nature. And then the last, Panzer, because it was a alias meaning tanks, that as a child he played with a little, old toy tank growing up 
^ Embarrassingly enough he misspelled his first name but never felt the strong urge to really change it again and grew to love it in the end
Grew up in an orphanage for most of his life until eventually he grew out of the system at eighteen. Now during that time, he was in and out of foster homes as well. 
Has a natural knack for taking care of children as it came easy for him, always having a gentle soft spot for them and being very tentative 
Due to this troubled and very rocky upbringing, Hershell wasn't an easy child to handle with the tendency to lash out on any authoritative figure
In order to support himself since he barely got any support he began to work under the table for some extra cash as a young fighter/boxer by underground, illegal fight clubs
^ Soon he became an impressive fighter who was infamously known to play underhanded, dirty tricks in order to win and always be on top
^ This is how he met his best friend, Hj Canterbury where they first met in the ring and he gave the other man a nasty bloody nose. It started to grow from there as he felt guilty and became very careful and protective over his friend
Undiagnosed Adhd throughout his early childhood to adulthood where he couldn't handle staying in one place for too long while fidgeting, struggled to remember things for long periods of time, temper flares and so on
^ He wasn't properly diagnosed and treated with such until a few years after joining the military, in his early to mid twenties
^ Before becoming a parent and quitting/taking his Adhd medication, he used to smoke weed on a daily basis in order to relax. But for him sometimes it didn't always do the trick
Became a single parent on his own when he was 22-23yo after his ex just got up and left him and their son 
Throughout the years he had struggled to commit to long term, serious relationships so often he was either alone or did simple short-lived flings on the side
To his shameful embarrassment yet embraced it later on, Hershell prematurely grayed in his late twenties, used to dye it. It was mostly caused by stress and genetics 
A highly experienced Earthbender who self taught at a young age, he was around 15yo when he realized his natural power and ability. Has the most experienced to least in; Earth, metal, sand and lava. 
^ His son, Johnny however didn't inherit this ability unfortunately for unknown reasons. Maybe it was genetics that passed a generation, bad luck or something else?
Works out daily, almost every day maybe 4-5 days of the full week if possible and is naturally built like an absolute unit; someone you should never mess with
Also can be good at multitasking, a man of many hobbies and talents? In particular, with more hands-on jobs. 
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wololo-01 · 2 months
We are all so strong/hj 🫡
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And Yeah them are all my favorite characters even though I never draw or talk about them, BUT STILL 😭
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berensteinsmonster · 2 months
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aside from Bailfalse I think Hershell Proctor has my second favorite tvog chairman design hehe. Actually desided to go full on librarian / ancient mage wizard look. Which makes sense since he's in charge of the Ministry of Education, and a psychic. Did I tell you guys that?
Anyways I'm actually proud with this colorscheme now so, few more chairmen to go through
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samthecookielord · 11 months
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He wouldve been so perfect to hide in the background of a toppat scene
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Proper re-upload of the old art I deleted from my main blog (part 3 of 14)
Tangent Heroes In-Between comics!
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thsc-scattered-stars · 3 months
*clicks on the people visible in the zoomed out panel*
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ambasingresident · 3 months
Happy Independence Day for the Filipinos in the THSC community (RAHHHHH 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭)
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This drawing commemorates the BRAVE heroes of the Philippines. Drew most of the Government-affiliated characters as soldiers and officers of the First Philippine Republic (Philippine Revolutionary Army) celebrating their victory after a battle.
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the-irken-pony · 10 months
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jaytoons7 · 2 years
More THSC characters as pokemon, But some of the reasonings aren't as deep
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Sven's a Meowth (Because why not)
Burt's a Noivern (Because it'd make sense for the head of communications to be a sound based pokemon. It's also meant to be foil of sorts to Charles, Both being dragon type pseudo-legendaries that can fly)
Dave's a Flaaffy (Also because why not. He will be able to mega evolve once he evolves as a bonus)
Rupert's a Luxio (Matching hair lol)
Johnny's a Growlithe (Because in the anime, Growlithe often work with officers. This means that his dad, Hershel, Is a very powerful Arcanine)
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I'm continuing on my little tangent of Thrown In: A Henry Stickmin X Minecraft crossover AU
Up next we have Doc Vin! Courtesy of @thsc-stuffs , she would be the type to make automatic, AFK farms! Any mob that she can farm for materials, she can and will! She uses mob farms to substitute ridding the dimensions of their natural resources. But, based upon her studies (and shit I'm making up), the mobs that spawn within the mob farms aren't negotiable, but that's something of a bigger dive when I get to writing down things.
Johnny is a bit of an odd one. He loves the end, but more specifically, he lives going into the towers and collecting everything he can! At first, he wasn't well liked with the shulkers, but after realizing that he was getting rid of the things humans left, they left him alone. In return, he has also built their rooms bigger, enough to house any shulker he finds. He's brought families together from this action, and is often gifted with the rements of dead shulkers to use on his travels. No, he never keeps them purple out of respect.
Now, how about his father? Hershell would be the type to slow down majorly, taking his time with just exploring and finding scenic places. Spruce forests are his favorite, so it would be surprising to see him settled in one taking care of foxes. Yes, he's basically a wondering trader, except he fuels the villager economy. He'd also be the one to offer lost villagers a way to a good friend of his, Galeforce, and makes sure they're comfortable.
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The Hubert Galeforce Collection!!! Feat. A LOT of lads! seperate versions below!
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Hershell Panzer
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I always wanted to try my hand in drawing Hershell here at least to my liking and how I usually portray him as. Though I can't figure out whether to have him have long or short hair?
But I really do like how I did him here. Slow progression
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askjohnnypanzer · 3 years
hey hey what do you think about your dad? Mind tell us about him?
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berensteinsmonster · 5 months
TVOGXART corporation but its only the doodles (cw. blood and eyes)
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I have a huge ramble about the tvogxart corporation here. check it out ... with character explanations... i love talking about my hv au all day all the time
ty to people and friends who've been supporting my art and au the whole way it means alot :]
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swanno-arts · 4 years
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i think about him a lot....
fuck your armor i spent a good 30 minute on the shoulders alone
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st1ckart1zt · 3 years
The Lost Princess and The Thief Chapter 6
Henley and Charlie walked down the tunnel, as Henley carried a lantern.
“Well ive go to say didn’t know you had that in you back there. That was pretty impressive,” Henley said.
"I know!.... I know” Charlie smiled. “So Henley, where are you from?”
“Whoo! Whoo! Sorry brownie but i don't do backstory. How ever i am becoming very intrested in yours now. I know i'm not supposed to mention the hair." Henley said.
"Nope,” replied Charlie.
“or the father?” Henley asked.
“Na ah” Charlie answered.
“Frankley i'm to sceard to ask about the frog,” Henley added.
“Chameleon,” Charlie corrected.
“New ones. Here's my question though. If you want to see the lanterns this badly, why haven’t you gone before?” Henley asked.
“Um….well, it’s kind of a funny story,” Charlie said. As she said that, the ground of the cave began shaking.
“Henley?” she asked.
The two turned and noticed the guards running towards them.
“Run!” Henley yelled. Charlie gathered up her hair, and the two of them started running. They came out of the tunnel, and found themselves on a ledge over a cliff.
Charlie spotted Sven and Macbeth in the distance.
“Who are they?” she asked.
“They don’t like me,” Henley answered, as the guards ran out of the tunnel.
“Who's that?” Charlie repeated, pointing at them.
“They don’t like me either,” Henley replied.
Rupert ran out after the guards.
“Who’s that?” Charlie asked.
“Let’s just assume for the moment that everyone here doesn't like me!” Henley exclaimed.
“Here!” Charlie said.
She passed Henley the frying pan, then looped her hair around a beam hanging over the cliff. She used her hair to swing to the other side of the canyon.
“I’ve waited a long time for this…” Hershell smiled, as he and the other guards walked towards Henley.
Henley looked down at the frying pan in her hand, and she immediately used it to hit the guards in their faces, knocking them out.
“Oh mama! I have got to get one of these!” she exclaimed.
Rupert headed over to her, holding a sword in his mouth. The two of them began fighting, with Henley using the frying pan to block the horse’s sword.
“This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever done!” she exclaimed.
Rupert used his sword to knock Henley’s frying pan away, and they watched as it fell off the cliff.
“Uh...best two out of three?” Henley asked. Rupert pointed his sword towards her.
“Henley!” Charlie called. She looped her hair around Henley’s hand, and Henley started to swing to the other side of the canyon.
Henley looked at Sven and Macbeth below.
“Ha! You should see your faces because you look-,” she began, before slamming into a wall. “Ridiculous.”
On the opposite ledge of the canyon, Rupert kicked a beam, causing the dam to break. Water began filling the canyon. Henley and Charlie swung to the ground to make their escape. They ran into a cave, and the exit was blocked by falling rocks.
Water continued filling the cave through cracks in the rocks. Charlie and Henley tried to get higher ground, but they were trapped. Henley went under the quickly rising water to try finding a way out, but she wound up cutting her hand. She swam back up to Charlie and gasped for air.
“It’s useless. I can’t see shit,” she said.
Charlie quickly dove under, but she couldn’t see anything either. She swam back up to catch her breath.
“This is all my fault,” she said. “Father was right. I never should done this. I’m so, so sorry, Henley,” she continued, as her eyes began to water.
"What?" Charlie asked suprised.
"My last name is Stickmin. Someone might as well know." Henley replied
"I have magic hair that glows when i sing." Charlie smiled.
"What?" Henley replied.
"I have magic hair that glows when i sing!" Charlie said. That gave Charlie an idea.
“Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine…,” Charlie began.
She was unable to finish since the water covered her and Henley’s faces.
Charlie’s hair began to glow. Henley gasped, despite water getting in her mouth. Using the light of Charlie’s hair, they found a spot of the cave where the rocks were loose. They swam down to it and moved the rocks out of the way.
Charlie and Henley escaped the cave and wound up in the river on the other side. They climbed out of the water, and Charlie grabbed her frying pan when she saw it floating nearby.
“We needed” she exclaimed.
“Holy hell, your hair glows,” Henley said.
“We’re alive!” Charlie cheered.
Henley looked down at Ellie
“WHY DOES HER HAIR GLOW?” she yelled.
“Henley!” Charlie called.
“It doesn’t just glow,” she said.
Henley noticed the smile on Ellie’s face.
“Why the hell is she smiling at me?” she asked.
Meanwhile, Terrence was in the woods, standing near the spot Hattie said the tunnel let out. He heard someone coming, but before striking, he decided to see who it was. Sven and Macbeth walked by, soaking wet and coughing.
“I am going to kill that bitch!” Sven shouted.
“Hey there, gentlemen” Terrence smirked, as he stepped out of the shadows.
“Perhaps you want to stop acting like wild dogs chasing their tails and think for a moment.” he continued, as he held up Henley’s satchel.
Macbeth and Sven immediately drew their swords.
“Oh please, there's no need for that.” Terrence said, before he threw the satchel towards them. Macbeth checked inside, and sure enough, the crown was in there.
“Well if that’s all you desire, then be on your way. I was going to offer you something worth like, a thousand crowns would have made you rich beyond belief and that wasn't even the best part. Oh well, to good to be true. Enjoy your crown,” Terrence smiled.
He turned away, but Macbeth stopped him.
“What’s the best part?” he asked.
“Revenge on Henley,” Terrence replied, as he held up the girl’s wanted poster.
Sven and Macbeth smiled at one another, then looked back at Terrence.
“We're listening,” Sven said.
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