#Thundermans x sibling!reader
sunna66 · 2 years
Y/n: Why do you have a bag full of passports?
Max: Incase I have to flee the country.
Y/n: This is ...really illegal..
Max: *Putting on a fake mustache* Then I guess it's time for Ricardo Montalban to take a Mediterranean vacation.
Y/n: I used to play catch with dad,
Y/n: except the ball hit the wall because he wasn't there.
Phoebe: ......
Max: *distant laughter*
Phoebe: What did you do?
Y/n: Okay, but you can't be mad at me.
Phoebe: What did you do?
Y/n: Okay, first I was minding my business-
Phoebe: BULLSHIT!!
Y/n: I WAS!!!
Y/n: *Waking up from yet another coma* *yawns* Hey guys, what time is it?
Max: It's about 2 am, you hungry?
Y/n: Oh, cool. I'm up for some food.
Barbara, *sobbing uncontrollably*: Can YOU PLEASE STOP ACTING LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED-
Max: Am I going too far?
Y/n: No, no, no you went too far seven hours ago, now you’re going to prison.
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infiniteimaginings · 3 months
I love how you write, by gods I will keep them forever. Definitely the best writings by Max Thunderman that I have read here, I would be fascinated by a second part of ⟨Perfect for me⟩, Of course if it's in your plans or you have time, if not ignore me completely but I love how you write 💞🎸
Imperfectly Loved (Max Thunderman x GN!Reader)
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Summary: Max Thunderman has been utterly heartbroken since you broke up with him due to his rivalry with one of your friends, his sister. Their powerful arguments has led them both to lose you, and Max doesn't know what to do anymore. Even if he had a moment to talk to you, what would he even say? Part One: Perfect for Me Pronouns: You/Yours, They/Them Warnings: Brief mentions of characters not eating, but no depth into it. Word Count: 5.0k A/N: I'm using your ask so everyone knows this is part two lmao (but if you've never read perfect for me it's not required to read the first part, you'll get the gist). But thank you so much! You're such a sweetie! Thank you thank you thank you! 'Perfect for me' was originally based on a song, then I changed it to what it is, and it wasn't going to have a part two. I enjoy the angst. Since you guys all asked so nicely, here is the heavily requested part two!
Max Thunderman was known to be mischievous, he was known to be manipulative, ‘evil’ even. Max Thunderman was known to be in his lair working on his next scheme to bring embarrassment to others, humor to himself. He would go to the kitchen, see his family, and retort back to them when they speak of his ‘phase’ he’s going through, telling them how serious he was about being evil.
The issue at the moment was that Max wasn’t doing any of that. He hadn’t worked on a project in a few days, nor had he eaten meals with his family in the time span. When he walked up the stairs to get to the main floor of his home and his family saw him, he wouldn't even acknowledge them. He wouldn’t look at them, not an eye roll, not a snarky response, not even a smirk.
Barb would ask if he had gotten to the closing end of his ‘phase’ since he wasn’t acting as his normal self, Hank laughing at the comment a bit. Max looked at them, but his eyes were distant, as if he was looking straight through them. He would turn and go to the pantry, grabbing a bottle of water and then he would go back to his lair, not saying a word. 
His parents looked at each other oddly, confused as to why Max suddenly was acting so strange. 
Phoebe had only been looking down if she was in the area with Max at all, her time had mainly been spent in her own bedroom.
Billy and Nora would frown at one another, their two older siblings had been detached from the rest of the family since Saturday, since you had left the house. They didn’t know when everything would go back to normal, if anything would go back to normal. 
The following days had the same pattern. Phoebe would come down for breakfast or dinner, she wouldn’t talk. She would pick at her food and when everyone left the table she would go back to her room. Max wouldn’t come for meals at all and he would stay in his lair, no sounds heard from his room from the kitchen like before.
Phoebe would go to his lair door, the basement door, and listen in, concern always filled her. She would hear quiet, muffled sobs from the room. When she heard Max’s hiccups and large gasps for air from crying her own eyes would fill with tears. She would sniffle and contemplate whether she should knock and try to comfort him, but she would shake the thoughts from her head and go back up the stairs to the main floor.
One day she had done the usual, listening at the door, trying to find the courage to knock and do something for Max. When she listened in this time, she heard footsteps coming to where she was so she would rush up the stairs, going to the kitchen to act as if she was just looking for a snack.
Max walked past her like he didn’t see her. He went to the pantry and his eyes scanned the area but he just closed it back and walked back to his lair. He had kicked the button, about to go down before Phoebe squeezed her eyes shut, deciding this was her moment or she’d never have it again.
“Max!” She called to him, hands clenched into fists to stop them from shaking, walking closer so now she was at the base of the small steps to get to the tunnel. 
Her twin looked at her blankly, his eyes were so unfocused, it made her shiver, slightly uncomfortable. They didn’t have the typical glint in his eyes when he was plotting something, a glint she hated but something she now missed about him. 
Phoebe shifted a bit on her feet, looking down before taking a deep breath, “I just wanted to tell you that I’m so sorry.” She told him, chewing the inside of her cheek. Max continued to look at her glassy eyed, the tunnel door open and lit up. He didn’t say anything in response, he stood un-moving, almost not even blinking. Due to the lack of response she continued to speak, “I didn’t mean for your relationship to end.” She spoke softly, looking at him with sad, glossy eyes. 
Max had taken a few steps down, now on the same level as Phoebe, he stared at her. His blank eyes were looking into her regret filled ones, his expression was neutral, he showed no emotion. His lips parted a bit, he cleared his throat, almost like he hadn’t spoken in a while. He blinked at Phoebe, “They ended things with me, it’s over, me and them are done.” He told her something she already knew, his voice was flat, monotone. “I will never get them back, and I wish I could blame you entirely.” He continued on, hands at his sides. “I can’t though, because it’s my fault too. Either way, whether it’s majority yours or majority mine, it doesn’t matter.” He expressed to her, head moving a bit to the side, voice hollow, eyes with no shine. “We don’t have to like each other or even try for their sake because they’re gone, so stop.” He finished, turning and deciding to just go down the stairs to his lair, not in the mood to go down the slide.
The girl watched him walk down the stairs to his room, blinking back her tears, nodding at his words. She tried to take a breath but a struggling sob came out instead. Her hands were clenching, nails digging so deep into her palms she could’ve drawn blood. She really didn’t know that you had affected him so much.
It was Thursday morning, a weekday, a school day. Max and Phoebe had been going to school, Phoebe just went earlier and Max tended to show up at the normal time so they wouldn’t walk together. Phoebe was the student body president so she had to show up early anyways that day for a meeting with the student body, you were a part of the student body.
When she walked in, she tried looking for you, wanting to apologize because here you couldn’t avoid her. You had been avoiding the twins since Saturday, moving away from them in the halls, carrying all your supplies so you wouldn’t have to stop at your locker, eating lunch somewhere Phoebe couldn’t find anywhere.
The room was filled with all the members and Phoebe sat at the table in the front, but she didn’t see you. She noticed Flunky looking at her intensely but shrugged it off, the blonde tended to do that alot so she wasn’t concerned about it. The time hit the start of the meeting so she began, speaking of ideas and changes they could make, asking for suggestions.
Flunky had stood up with a folder, he brought it to her table where she, the vice president, the secretary, and etc all were sitting. Phoebe took hold of it and saw your name on it, “Why do you have their folder?” She asked with a raised brow, tone unimpressed as she held it in her hand, not opening it.
“They told me to present it to you since they wouldn’t be present today.” The boy had spoken seriously as if he were some sort of agent. He tried to stand tall even though he was the shortest one there, his chin tilted up.
“They won’t be here?”
“Will they be at school?”
“Why won’t they come to the meeting?”
“I can not disclose that information.”
“You don’t know, do you?” Phoebe asked him with a raised brow, the folder long passed over to the vice president who looked over it. Flunky pursed his lips and nodded, looking down and turning to sit back down.
Phoebe puffed air in her cheeks and mumbled an ‘okay’, continuing the meeting. She spoke about the ideas you had in the folder, truly appreciative that you still contributed even though you were ignoring her.
The moment that the bell rang for students to go to their lockers before first period, Flunky had jumped up and rushed out of the room. This action was weird to Phoebe because usually Flunky would put on his sunglasses and try flirting with her, though she turned him down. She didn’t think about it much, she was thinking about far more important things, but Flunky not bothering her gave her a moment of peace.
Flunky had rushed to the lockers, standing in front of one with his arms crossed. He was looking around with suspicious eyes, they were narrowed and gazing at every person who crossed his path.
You walked up and Flunky moved a bit, letting you get to your locker. You smiled a bit at how serious he was taking all this and opened your locker. “Hi Flunky.” You greeted, placing your stack of items into the locker. You didn’t feel like carrying everything around today, you had a project so you needed that to be taken care of. 
Flunky greeted you with a head nod, still looking around. You asked if he could be a ‘bodyguard’ of sorts so that you wouldn't have to keep going to such extremes to avoid the two people who continuously tried talking to you. Flunky agreed without you even having to explain, not letting anyone talk to you while you were at your locker, his hands clasped in front of him, standing stiffly. You were organizing your locker, placing everything you had been carrying around in their respective places since you hadn’t used the locker in quite a bit.
You felt your ears twitch a bit at the sound of footsteps nearing you, you paid no mind to it, everyone was going to their lockers. You paid no mind until you heard Flunky clear his throat, “Hey.” He spoke simply, deepening his voice to be more intimidating.
That voice, you recognized it. The tone was extremely uninterested in the blonde in front of them. Your head snapped up to stare at the back of your locker, you didn’t dare to turn because if you did you knew you would end up talking to the person.
You heard the shuffling of feet, Flunky was following every move that the person had made. There was an exasperated sigh, “Flunky, move.” The male voice spoke. It was Max, your suspicions confirmed. You tried to put things into your locker a little faster, still not turning to look at him.
Flunky shook his head, arms crossed, “Can't do that.” He spoke simply, eyes looking straight into Max’s. Max shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose before looking back up and looking over the younger boy's shoulder, “Please, talk to me.” He spoke to you, his voice directed to you had caused you to freeze.
His voice was quieter, he sounded tired. You couldn’t face him, you wouldn’t, if you had turned you felt as if you would crumble. He always had that effect on you, the effect to just stay if you looked in his eyes long enough. You whispered silent thank yous to Flunky within your head, grateful you had come up with the idea the afternoon before. 
“Flunky, I’m serious, move.” Max spoke, a slight hint of desperation in his voice. 
“I’m serious too.” The younger had told him, standing in front of you, your backs to one another. “They don’t want to talk to you, clearly.” Flunky had let him know, tilting his head a bit. If you had really not minded Max talking to you, you would’ve turned around and told him that, but you didn’t. Since you didn’t, Flunky was going to keep being a protector of some sort.
Max blew air out his nose, eyes narrowed, “Move.” He spoke through gritted teeth, trying not to have an outburst so early in the morning, especially around you. Flunky didn’t change position, “Max, you’re my friend.” Flunky spoke, the comment causing Max to light up a bit, “But they do not want to talk to you, so you need to go.” 
Max sighed, nodding, “Okay.” He spoke quietly, kicking the ground a bit. “Yeah, I get it.” He spoke once more, turning around, “I’ll leave you alone.” He told you specifically, now walking off to whatever his first class was.
You didn’t realize you were so tense, your hands were gripping the folder you were putting away so tightly that crescent shaped dents were in it. You dropped the folder, closing your locker, relaxing your body and putting your head on the cold metal. Flunky turned to you, his serious demeanor softening. He placed a hand on your back, rubbing circles into it, “Let’s get to class.” He told you, grabbing your project for you.
The very next day, Friday, you had asked Flunky not to be your protector. He did great at his job, but you felt it hurt a little more to be able to hear them talking rather than just tell them to go away. Flunky had understood, telling you to come find him if you changed your mind and you had agreed.
After your club at the end of the day, you went to your locker to put everything away. Neither of the twins had tried to talk to you that day, you would say it felt refreshing but, losing your friends wasn’t a good feeling. It felt nice for a moment though, just the quiet, not having to worry about it.
The world worked against you because the moment you closed your locker and turned around, you were met face to face with Phoebe Thunderman, someone you definitely did not want to see.
You stared at her before walking in the direction of the school exit. She had noticed what you were trying to do and rushed in front of you, she held her hand out to stop you from walking, “Wait!” She expressed, eyes distressed as they looked deep into yours. You had no idea why you stopped walking, why you made eye contact with her, why you decided to stand and for some reason hear her out.
You had inhaled, rolling your eyes, “The two of you just don’t quit.” You mumbled to yourself, shaking your head. Phoebe was slightly confused at the comment, unsure of what you meant but she shrugged it off. She puffed air into her cheeks, trying to figure out where to start with the conversation, her fingers playing with the bracelet on her wrist.
You stood there, impatiently. You were tapping your foot, looking at the clock as if you had somewhere to be. You didn’t. Phoebe had noticed your body language and decided to just spit out whatever she was trying to say. 
“You don’t have to forgive me.”
“Yes, I know.”
Your curt response made her deflate a bit, but she built her courage back a bit, looking down. “At least forgive him.” She told you, eyes meeting yours once more, hair in her face a bit, a frown on her face. You struggled to keep eye contact, she looked so hopeless, for lack of a better word. She had dark circles under her eyes and her eyes were glossed over with tears. You tried to open your mouth to speak but Phoebe just continued, trying to get everything out.
She swallowed hard, “He has been a mess since you guys broke up.” She spoke, her voice breathy as she blinked hurriedly, keeping her tears back. “He won’t eat,” She began, holding a finger up to count, “he’s in his lair all the time,” she continued, “he’s destroyed because of this.” She told you, lips parted, trying to speak more but her mouth soon closed. 
She remembered that night, last week, when Max had cried in front of her. When he cried over you, tried to text you over and over again. When he said ‘Thank you Phoebe for showing me which one of us was evil. Because you really proved that it’s not me.’ She had thought about every nasty comment she ever told you about him and she felt the sharp blade of her words go through her chest. Every comment she remembered she would remember how hurt Max had looked, she had never seen him cry over something like this, she’d never seen him so vulnerable.
Phoebe licked her lips, sniffling a bit, “When I saw him crying over you,” she spoke, the words caused your eyes to snap to her. He was crying over you? You had never seen him cry before, you guys were close, but he always had a smile or smirk on his face when you saw him. “it hurt.” Phoebe continued, now messing with the bottom of her shirt. She looked as if she was zoning out, remembering things you couldn’t, gazing to the floor as she spoke. “It hurt to see my brother like that.” She told you, now looking up at you again. You stood as still as a statue, you didn’t know what to say.
“I didn’t know how much he loved you.” She sniffled, biting the inside of her cheek, “I didn’t know he loved you at all.”
There was silence from you, when she looked at you she couldn’t tell what your expression was. She didn’t know if she just made things worse or better, but she wanted to tell you so at least you would know. 
She relaxed a bit, “I’m sorry for all those things I said.” She apologized,  “I didn’t realize that he cares about you more than anyone else in this world.” The words spilled out of her mouth easily, you were avoiding them so she was sure that Max didn’t get a chance to tell you. She wanted to fix this since she was the one who caused it, “Please, go talk to him.” She begged, a hand placing itself gently on your shoulder, you didn’t flinch away.
There was silence once again and she nodded. She patted your shoulder and began to walk away, “I’m sorry again.” Was the final thing she had said, walking out the school doors.
You breathed out a sigh of relief, your chest felt tight, you gripped it with your hand trying to breathe. You fluttered your eyes in rapid blinks, you felt as if the entire school just closed on you. So much information was dumped on you, you didn’t know how much this had affected the two. Phoebe was not the kind of person to apologize for the sake and concern of her brother, ever, and she was practically begging you to talk to him because he was hurt. So much was running through your mind that before you knew it, you were on your way to the Thunderman household before you could even think it through.
You knocked on the familiar red door, dancing on your heels a bit. You wondered who would answer it, if it was Max, you would probably sputter on the spot. If it was one of his parents, you’d be able to talk to them quite easily.
As you thought about it, the door had opened a bit. The smaller boy with brown hair had looked up to you and tilted his head, his little sister now next to him. You didn’t expect your breath to hitch when you saw the two younger siblings of Max, you didn’t expect to be nervous when you saw the two. 
You waved slightly with an awkward smile, “Hey. “ You greeted them, your void airy. They said small greetings in response and you danced on your heels once again, “Is Max home?” You asked the two and they shook their heads. 
Billy shook his head and Nora tilted her head, “He never came home.” Nora explained to you with a shrug.
Max wasn’t home, you weren’t sure where you could find him. You were trying to think under the watchful eye of the young children in front of you until you had a bit of an idea. You lit up a bit and told the two thank you, going to walk down the driveway.
“Are you still angry at him?” The small girl's voice suddenly spoke out, and you turned to her. The door was still open, the two were leaning forward a bit to look at you. You walked back to them, frowning a bit, “I was upset with him, but I’m not angry.” You explained to them honestly, shaking your head as you spoke. 
Billy moved the ball in his hand, they must’ve been playing another game. This ball however was a little singed in the middle, you tried not to question it. “Were you sad?” He asked you and you nodded slightly, the reaction made him frown, “Max was sad too.” He told you.
“Really sad.” Nora added onto it.
You tilted your head with sad eyes but a bit of a smile, you took hold of their hands gently, the two were pouting ever so slightly. “I’m going to try to make him feel better.” You reassured the two who gently smiled at you. 
Nora picked her head up a bit, “Do you still like him?” she asked you, her bow moving over slightly. The air between the three of you was quiet, still. You adjusted her bow for her, standing and brushing yourself off.
“Yeah, I still like him.” 
You had walked away from the smaller Thundermans and began walking to an area you didn’t know the directions to that well. You took about four wrong turns but eventually you reached the building. The familiar broken glass and dust reached your line of sight, causing you to relax and grin. You walked to the other side of the room you entered, climbing a ladder to the roof.
When your head had popped out and you felt the air gently blow against your face, the chill caused warmth to spread through your cheeks. You looked around a bit and saw a figure sitting with their knees to their chest, Max, he didn’t notice you. You pulled yourself up onto the roof, walking over carefully and quietly, “I thought I’d find you here.” You spoke gently, standing next to him.
He looked up and you thought you would be met with the warm brown eyes you were used to, but his face was sullen, his eyes were puffy, his expression slightly vacant. Your grin had fallen into a frown, you didn’t realize how tired he was, how upset he was.
You sat next to him quietly, hugging your knees as you looked out to the sky. The sun was setting, it was getting colder, the air between the two of you was tense. You didn’t know what to say, you had found him, but now what? 
He cleared his throat, rubbing his eyes with arm, hiding his face from you a bit, “I didn’t expect you.” He mumbled to you, his voice hoarse, scratchy. You looked over with sad eyes, “I know.” You muttered back and he just looked forward. “You know…” He began, sniffling a bit, “No one else comes here, just us.” He slightly explained to you. 
The thought of having a place to yourselves spread warmth into your chest. You couldn’t smile at the feeling though, because even though he had said ‘us’, he was here by himself originally. He had been by himself for days, ever since you left last week. It broke your heart to see him like this, it broke your heart to see him.
“Phoebe told me that-“ You began, unsure of how to continue but Max beat you to the punch. “I looked a mess?” He asked, and you nodded, humming in response to confirm.
He shook his head, chuckling a bit, “She's such a snitch.” 
You laughed a bit with him at the comment and scrunched your nose. “Well, her snitching got me here.” You told him, placing your cheek on your knees, looking at him. He nodded, leaning back on his hands, still looking straight forward. “I guess I should thank her.” He spoke, slightly nodding as he spoke before tilting her head, “Maybe in a letter after I’m dead, but I'll thank her anyways.” He told you, and the both of you bursted into laughter. 
You nodded, lifting your head, “There’s my Max.” You spoke, looking at the sky with a soft smile. It had gotten darker, but not dark enough that the sky was black. The sky was a light orange and pink, the moon already up. 
Max had stopped laughing, extending his legs, looking away from you. “Am I your Max?” He asked you quietly, unsure of where this conversation would lead.
Your mouth had gone dry, you didn’t look at him. You had begun to mess with your hands that were holding your knees to your chest. You soon relaxed your legs, sitting in a cross-legged position. You sighed, feeling a pain in your side causing you to jolt up. He looked over at you at your motion in concern, your eyes met his, and this time his expression was attentive, he saw you instead of seeing through you. To be fair, he always saw you, you were the only one he cared enough to pay more attention to.
You hummed, rubbing your neck a bit, “I think we could work through some stuff.” You muttered to him, hand slowly reaching to his, but it was so subtle, you almost couldn't tell your hand was moving. He kept his eyes on you, never looking away. You haven’t been this close to him in days and he missed seeing your side profile, he missed seeing you near him. He missed you. “I think no matter what, you’ll always somehow be my Max.” you spoke honestly, eyes flickering to him, creating a string of eye contact.
Max smiled gently, eyes moving down, seeing your hand reaching to his. He slowly interlaced your fingers together, electricity running through the both of you at the contact. When he looked back at you, you had moved a bit closer, just so the two of you would be shoulder to shoulder, your interlocked fingers on your lap.
Max blinked a bit, searching your eyes, mouth opening a bit as if he wanted to say something. He didn’t. You tilted your head, “What is it?” You asked him, fingers moving slightly to grab his attention as he studied your face as if he would forget. 
The brown haired boy looked away to the sky, hand still holding yours, “Being in my house is always so suffocating.” He spoke quietly, you were listening to the certain vocabulary. “You were always a breath of fresh air, when I’m not around you I feel like I can’t breathe.” He told you, choking up a bit, blinking back the tears. You had to tighten your grip on his hand to show him you were still there and he nodded.
“Before we started dating, before you became friends with Phoebe…” He paused, sucking his teeth with a frown. There was a long pause, a pensive expression taking over him. “I couldn’t help but want to love you.” He finally spoke, the words almost stopped your breathing. “But, I felt like everytime I tried I just was overwhelming to you.” He explained, looking over to you, and you got a good look at him once again. His eyes were watery, brows furrowed, legs shifting a bit. His face was flushed, tears pricked at the corners of his eyes and his voice trembled as he asked you, “Was I overwhelming?”
You shook your head quickly, a plethora of ‘No’s escaping your lips as you held his hand with both of yours. Your voice was assertive as you spoke your no’s, one hand reaching up and wiping the end corners of his eyes. Your posture had straightened and you blinked rapidly, jaw tightening, “You weren’t overwhelming, I wasn’t trying to pull away from you.” You tried to explain.
“Why did it feel like that then?”
“I don’t know Max.” You told him, voice softer now. “I really like being around you.”
He looked away again, this time to the roof the two of your were sitting on, “You mean you liked being around me.” 
Your mouth closed, his heartbroken tone had whisked you into silence. You shifted in your seat, once again trying to find the words to express how you were feeling at the moment. “I was upset,” you began.
“I’m sorry.” He spoke, so exasperated, so exhausted. He was so extremely apologetic, his eyes began to fill with tears once more but you stopped him, cupping his face gently. He relaxed at your touch.
“I still like being around you Max, I still like you.” You told him honestly, hoping your expression mirrored how you were feeling. 
Max was looking at your face, nuzzling into your hands, “I want to fix things.” He mumbled to you, his now vacant hands finding their way to your waist. “I’m not perfect I know,” He expressed to you, shaking his head, “but you are.”
The words made you put your forehead to his, “I’m not.”
“You are to me.”
You laughed breathily, kissing his forehead. Your lips were soft against his skin that had warmed up due to your touch. “We all have imperfections and your imperfections are why I love you.” You spoke gently, pulling away, looking into your eyes.
His eyes glistened with light and you saw the glint of mischief in his eyes that you missed so dearly. His expression was soft, loving, his hands gentle to your waist as he pulled you closer. He leaned in and kissed you, pulling your waist and tilting his head to deepen the kiss. Your face warmed but you moved your hands cupping his cheeks to gently move your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. 
He pulled apart for a moment, his brown eyes shining with moonlight as he breathed heavily, “I love you too.”
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lottiette · 2 months
Hi lovely!!
I loveeee your billy fics and I was wondering if it would be possible to get a billy x reader where billy has a girlfriend and none of his family know that they are dating until one day they are making out on the couch and his family walks in and he casually introduces them and then he drags her upstairs to continue kissing
Sorry if this makes no sense, I tried <3
Billy Thunderman X Reader
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Authors note: Thank you for your request Anon. I’m so sorry that I haven’t been active for a while. I have been preparing for exams.(and I have just been a little preoccupied doing other things) I have a few requests sitting in my box that I’m going to be working on. I’m not sure how long it’ll take before they come out, sorry. I still love you all! Sorry if this is bad. But I hope you enjoy, and if you don’t that’s alright too.
“Well, this is embarrassing”
You were sitting on the Thunderman’s blue couch with your boyfriend Billy Thunderman. It wasn’t much different from any other Saturday. You had your legs draped over Billy’s lap as Ghostbusters played on the tv. You were scrolling through your phone, starting to get bored. Then you looked over at your boyfriend and smirked to yourself. You through your phone and scoot closer to your boyfriend Billy who was lightly stroking your leg up and down. He notices you moving closer and smiling at him. “Hi Jellybean.” He says softly. You smile bigger and scrunch your nose. “Wait a minute….i know that face. What are you planning-“ You cut him off lunging towards him. You practically throw your body into his grabbing his head with both of your hands and slamming your lips into his.
He chuckles while sucking in a breath. You giggle into his mouth holding on to his neck. You love the way he feels. The way his body feels on yours can make you ascend to the heavens. You feel safe in his grasp and your body throbs when you’re near him. He grabs onto your waist and lightly runs his tongue over your lips asking for entrance, which you gladly grant to him. Your tongues dance together. He slides his hands up and down your body. Eventually finding refuge on the bottom of your ass gripping it, creating a soft moan out of you. He pulls your body closer and you happily oblige. You bite on his bottom lip. He smiles into your kiss. You pull away giggling “What?” You ask him. “What?” He repeats the question back to you. “Why are you smiling?” He tucks a piece of your hair behind your hair. “Because you’re beautiful.” He looks into your eyes lovingly. “Aawwwww” you blush and look away. “Now eat my face.” You say as you lock your lips back into his. He pulls away for a moment. “Wait, you don’t actually want me to eat your face right? I don’t want to hurt you.” You laugh at him pulling him back in. He chuckles into your mouth. You move to straddle his lap. You shed off your jacket and he pulls you closer. He moves down to your neck and you throw your head back. You pull his lips back to yours soft moans leaving your body. When all of a sudden….
The front door opens. You didn’t notice. You were too busy having Billy’s tongue down your throat to notice or care. You moan into his mouth. His hands move under your waist band and he rubs your sides. His tongue dominates your mouth. He sucks on your tongue groaning into your mouth. You let out a moan a little louder than the other, probably because his hands were rubbing right above your sacred area. His tongue shoves even further down your throat. “OKAY! I think that’s enough!” You hear a woman’s voice exclaim, who you assume to be his mother. “My couch.” A sad pathetic males voice said, which you assumed to be Billy’s father. Then you see his siblings fill the room.
You quickly jump off of him and to the opposite side of the couch. You wipe your face knowing that your lipstick is probably smudge. The woman speaks. “Well do you want to introduce us to your ‘friend’?” Billy gets up with his usual silly grin. “This is my girlfriend (Name).” He pulls you up off the couch. You give a small wave and an embarrassed smile. “Hi.” You’re practically hiding behind Billy. “Dang Billy, didn’t know you had it in you. Oh. I’m Max, Billy’s favorite sibling.” Billy’s brother smirked. “And I’m Phoebe. I’m Billy’s favorite sibling.” “I thought Nora was his favorite.” (You and Nora are pretty good friends. Also Nora is at the mall with some friends that’s why she isn’t in this.) The woman sighs, “Well, I’m Barb. Nice to meet you.” “I’m Hank. Billy’s father.” He firmly shakes your hand. “Nice to meet you.” You say shyly. “Well we’re going to go to my room.” Billy says as he unexpectedly grabs your hand tightly dragging you up stairs.
As soon as you get to his room he closes the door. Practically shoving you into the door. He kisses you. Quickly finding his tongue into your mouth. You gladly let him as he wraps his hands around your waist. You grab onto his hair as he kisses you passionately. Your body almost falls limp as he continues to ravage you.
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the-captains-mop · 3 years
The Thundermans:
1. Hes Lost Inside | Max Thunderman pt. 1 (A03)
2. Daddy, Dont You Understand The Damage You've Done | Max Thunderman pt. 1 (Ao3)
3. In Need Of A Twin | Max and Phoebe Thunderman pt. 1 pt. 2 (A03)
4. Cuddle Bug Boy | Phoebe Thunderman/Link Evilman (Ao3)
5. Out Of The Closet | Max Thunderman (Ao3)
6. Do you believe in soulmates? | Max Thunderman/Allison
Henry Danger:
1. Movie Night With The Hart Siblings | Henry and Piper Hart (A03)
2. Henry Hart x Shy!Reader (Ao3)
3. You're Our Dad, Boogie Woogie Woogie (Ao3)
4. Late Night Cry |Henry and Piper Hart
Lab Rats:
1. Cheese shorts||Adam Davenport
2. Another Word For Water based on this post X
3. Untitled based on this post X
Lab Rats Elite Force:
1. Late Night Cookies || Chase Davenport/Kaz (A03)
2. This was never gonna work out Oliver/Skylar
233 notes · View notes
sunna66 · 2 years
Y/n: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Phoebe: Several traffic violations.
Billy: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Nora: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Max: Also, that's not our car.
Y/n: *Sighs* Yeah, that tracks.
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sunna66 · 2 years
Max: I prevented a murder.
Y/n: How'd you do that?
Max: Self control.
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sunna66 · 2 years
Max: They said I’m perfectly fine.
Max: Except for this minor burn, and this broken rib- That’s right next to two other broken ribs.
Phoebe: Did Y/n clear you or not?
Max: They did not. All right let's get back to business!
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sunna66 · 2 years
Y/n: Isn't it weird how cow boys never die, they just ride off into the sunset.
Max: Is that what your parents told you when you came back from school one day and your cow boy was missing.
Y/n: He... he just ye-hawed into another ranch...
Max: Yeah, that's what they all say.
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sunna66 · 2 years
Phoebe: *banging on the door* Max, open up!
Max: Well, it all started when I was a kid...
Nora: No, she meant-
Y/n: Shush, let him finish.
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sunna66 · 2 years
Y/n: In my defense I was left unsupervised.
Barbara: Wasn't Max with you?
Max: Well, in my defense... I was also left unsupervised.
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sunna66 · 2 years
Y/n: Isn't it weird that we pay money to see other human beings?
Max: Are you talking about prostitution, movies, or airplane tickets?
Y/n: Umm, glasses....
Y/n: -but Oh mY god!
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sunna66 · 2 years
Max: *trying to cheer the group up* Things could be worse, you know!
Phoebe: How?
Max : How what?
Y/n: How could they be worse?
Max: They couldn’t, I lied.
Y/n & Phoebe: ...
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sunna66 · 2 years
Y/n: *Talking about Max* I finally learned how to read his emotions.
Y/n: His lips are slightly pursed, and he's blinking at eight seconds intervals as suppose to his normal ten.
Y/n: *gasps*
Y/n: Oh my god.
Y/n: He's having a meltdown.
Phoebe: Meltdown seems excessive.
Y/n: Nope. It's a meltdown.
Y/n: Mark my words.
Y/n: *Walking over to Max* Hey there, Max, everything okay?
Max: No, I'm having a meltdown.
Y/n: *Slowly walks back to Phoebe*
Phoebe: Props. Solid reasoning.
Y/n: Thanks, it was a lot of work.
276 notes · View notes
sunna66 · 2 years
Y/n: I may be small, but I know things.
Max: You don't know what the top of shelf looks like.
Y/n: ...
Max: Please don't kill me.
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sunna66 · 2 years
Y/n: I may be dumb..
Phoebe: But..?
Y/n: No, that's it.
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sunna66 · 2 years
Y/n: *Is visibly upset*
Phoebe: Y/n, what happened? I haven't seen you this upset since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country.
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