salamencerobot · 1 month
9 for the oc game!
-which oc has had the most major redesign?
Right now definitely Corela. She didn't even have proper dragon wings when I first designed her, and how her base form does. Beyond that, in my main rp with her she's currently going through a fairly major redesign. The canonical reason is she's finally getting exposure to the sun which is the dragon's main source of magic in this world (and shes half dragon).
The irl reason was just that I felt her design was a bit... Jumbled. Different colored wings and tail, and she doesn't have any other dragon features when she's in her base form. While this worked for her at the start (as she was a fucked up science experiment as a result of merging souls), as she's come into herself and become more comfortable with her identity, that piecemeal design doesn't work for her.
Eventually her base form will have scale patches all over, her eyes will shift to having slit pupils constantly, and her teeth will get a lil sharper. She'll also be a bit taller and have freckles, but that's more to do with being healthier.
Her other forms will be more drastic, eventually I want her full draconic form to have iridescent white as a base color that fades into blue and red at her extremities, but we haven't gotten to that part yet.
Eventually I plan to fully redesign Tiama. I want to lean into the idea of her identity being formed by those she interacted with, which is why so far the normal shape she takes is fairly human and exclusively female (all of her friends are female, and the two she sees most often are very close to human)
Now that she's not as restricted, I am gonna have some fun with her figuring out her identity and how she wants to look, but that'll be done later.
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Vitrophanies, signalétique adhésive, déco murales
#vitrophanie #signalétique #papierpeint
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lazui-l · 1 year
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93hyena · 1 year
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Tiama captured by Claire Hart for affaires
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For those on mobile who can't access the index page
Aperitif—Blood Grave
Hors D’oeuvre–Tasan Pig Liver Pâté With Assorted Vegetables
Scene 1—-Scene 2—-Scene 3—-Scene 4—-Scene 5—-Scene 6—-Scene 7—-Scene 8—-Scene 9—-Scene 10—-Scene 11
Soup–Cupid Horn Neck Soup
Scene 1—-Scene 2—-Scene 3—-Scene 4—-Scene 5—-Scene  6—-Scene 7—-Scene 8
Poisson–Smothered Ziz Tiama
Scene 1—-Scene 2—-Scene 3—-Scene 4—-Scene 5—-Scene 6—-Scene 7—-Scene 8—-Scene 9
Sorbet–Plateau Sherbet
Scene 1—-Scene 2—-Scene 3—-Scene 4—-Scene 5—-Scene 6—-Scene 7—-Scene 8—-Scene 9
Viande–XXXX Steak
Scene 1—-Scene 2—-Scene 3—-Scene 4—-Scene 5—-Scene 6—-Scene 7—-Scene 8—-Scene 9—-Scene 10—-Scene 11—-Scene 12
Dessert–Combo Platter of Varied Desserts
Scene 1—-Scene 2—-Scene 3—-Scene 4—-Scene 5—-Scene 6—-Scene 7—-Scene 8—-Scene 9—-Scene 10
Gloom of Held
Scene 1—-Scene 2—-Scene 3
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pumpkin-bread · 2 years
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I’ve not really bred this pair that much and yet they’ve still given me TWO primals! What legends. I love them.
Pretty and rare lore imps for sale!
Born of Ardon and Yvonna, two deceptively high-ranking members of Clan Amberspire. In truth, these siblings know little of their parents; being primarily raised by the clan’s caretakers and seeing them only rarely.
This is likely for the best.
Will they still take after their heartless assassin of a father, or their cold and business-focused mother? Or will they simply come into their own, in their own unique way?
That is, of course, up to whoever takes them in.
Baikal - Primal Male - 220g
Tiama - Unusual Female - 120g
Hattie - Common Female - 120g
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nurknabo · 5 months
Demanda pleonasmo en Esperanto
Ĉi tion mi pensis antaŭ kelkaj jaroj jam, kaj eĉ prikomentis en la tiama Tvitero. Je tiu momento, krome, estis kiam mi unuafoje vidis la ĝenan malemon de Esperantistoj al io nova en la lingvo, eĉ se neformale, kiel miakaze.
Nur por certeco ke ni ne miskomprenos: pleonasmo estas frazfiguro kie oni uzas nenecesa(j)n vorto(j)n por specifa celata emfazo, esprimo. Ekzemplo: "Mi vidis per miaj propraj okuloj." La vortoj "per miaj propraj okuloj" estas nenecesaj, tial ke "vidi" jam diras ke per okuloj oni vidis, sed tamen ili funkcias por emfazo.
Mi proponis similan aferon al Esperanto por fari demandojn, per la partikulo "ĉu".
La diferenco inter la anglismo "eĉ"
"Eĉ" estu uzita nur kiam oni volas emfazi la fakton, la realecon de okazaĵo; ekzemple: "Ŝi batis lian kapon tiel forte, ke li eĉ svenis." Skeme ni povas diri ke frazoj kun "eĉ" havas strukturon similan al ĉi tiu: iu ago/okazaĵo estas tia influa, ke tio ĉi okazas.
Tial frazo kiel "Kion vi eĉ volas?" ne sencas, estas laŭ mi klara angla influo el la frazo "What do you even want?" aŭ simila, ĉar "even" tradukeblas al "eĉ", sed ĝi ĉi tie ne havas la sencon de "eĉ", kiu ĉiam emfazas vorton, neniam tutan frazon, aŭ demandon, kiel "even" ĉi-kaze. Kondiĉe ke ĉi tiu specifa nuanco estas aldonita al "eĉ", kaj vi sciu ke Esperantistoj ne multe ŝatas tiaĵon, tia uzado ne sencas. "Kion vi eĉ volas?" nur sencas, se oni faras ĉi tiun demandon post priskribo kiel: "La knabineto iris al ĉiu evento kun la verkisto, spektis ĉiun paroladon lian, aĉetis lian novan libron kaj eĉ volis foton kun li." Do: "Kion ŝi eĉ volis?"
Esperanto, do, ne havas partikulon por ĉi tia emfazo. Mi do elpensis uzi "ĉu" por ĉi tio: "Kion ĉu vi volas?" Kaj ĝi uzeblas kun ajna demandvorto.
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Ĉi tio estas nur neformalaĵo al la lingvo, ne ke mi volas aldoni ĉi tion al la Esperanta gramatiko. Ja videblas ke ĉiutaga lingvaĵo diferenciĝas de la norma, oni kreas vortojn kaj esprimojn por interparoli, kaj ĉi tio estas unu el ili. Praktike, tamen, mi scias ke ĉi tia "ĉu" ne venkos, oni nek akceptos nek komprenos ĝin, do, nu, estas nur afero mia.
Per norma Esperanto mem
Aliflanke, mi trovis pli bonan vojon, kiu jam ekzistas en Esperanto kaj evitas malemulojn, kaj kiun mi uzos.
Montriĝas ke la difino de "kiel" ĉe PIV havas la interesan variaĵon "kiele", kun E-finaĵo. PIV diras ke ĝi estas emfazo de "kiel" kiel adverbo, en frazo tia: "Kiel bela estas la ĉielo!" > "Kiele bela estas la ĉielo!" Sed, nu, kial ĝi ne povas esti uzata por la aliaj signifoj de "kiel"? Kompreneble ĝi povas. Aldone, kiale la E-finaĵo ne povus esti tiel uzata ĉe aliaj demandvortoj? Ĉi tio eblas tute.
Fakte, laŭvorte antaŭ kelkaj minutoj, koincide dum mi ankoraŭ faris ĉi afiŝon, oni demandis ĉe la Diskorda servilo Esperanto pri difino ĉe Tuja Vortaro kie uzatas E-finaĵo ĉe "tiel": "Okazis tiele" Estis interese ekscii ke jam estas almenaŭ iomete da tia uzado en la lingvo, sed neniel surprize ke Esperanto al ni permesas tian grandan fleksiĝon. Ja eblas la E-finaĵo kiel emfazo ĉe ĉiu tabelvorto.
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immoonprincess · 11 months
Evillious OC: Pride
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(Quality is low because this is all i can back up)
~Technical Information~ Alias: Prides, MIkoto, Hime, MEIKA Twins, Demonic Twins Vocaloid: MEIKA Mikoto and Hime
~Biographical Information~ Born: Unknown (Possibly around 1470s at least) Age: from mid 20s to potientally hundreds years old (due to multiple species in 2-3 bodies) Gender: Genderless Race: Formerly Humans and Elves, Now Artificial Demons Sexual Orientation: Asexual Hair Color: Blue and Pink Eyes Color: Blue and Pink (One color on each twin) Affiliation(s): Now Destroyed Parallel World (Place of Birth) Currently 4th Period (Northern Maistia) MHA-esque Parallel World (Formerly) Pride was once Party of Heroes who was killed in defense of Banica and her Crew Rampages from destroying their world, Their Spirits remain unrest and wanted justice to their world that They try to protect, so They're stalking her until She went back to her homeworld
Eventually They're met with Cryptid Trios (Gluttony, Greed and Wrath) which the Three offers the ability that could counter or even killed Who have killed them (originally They gonna give grim the end but They're reject as They might broke out of their control so Spirits become Pride Sinners instead)
Pride got "Prototype" form which is reanimated Cephalopod creature which have a lots of problems like Mood swings or Souls are try to controlling body one or another
so Later on They're got more humanoid body, Cloned from Demon of Sins mixed with Irregulars which make them easier to control as They can now Splitting their soul into 2-3 per body instead of cramming all of them in one body
Years later, They're along with rest of New Sinners are raiding Heavenly Yard and failed
so They were sending to MHA-esque world because with everyone have superpowers would make their egos dwelled down and make them basic bitch
but instead, This make them able to adapting to their new world and gaining their fans which boosting their (Sin) Power and ego so when They're come back, They're even stronger
when They're come back, They along with New Sinners freed Cryptid Trios from getting sealed for second time and now They're continue their raiding plan with plan is attacking Lucifenia Palace along with Prim who They taught their own Magic to her and then They will try to have rematch with Banica in order to avenged their homes
Trivia: - Pride barely using Sin Power at all other than their Durability as They're have so much trust in their power in their world than other one (but sin power did boosting their own power as well) and They are so Confident in their own Power that They didn't used it
If they got blasted by Elluka magic in their prototype form , They can extended their tentacles to 1 kilometer instead of grow in size like Ziz Tiama
They're foil to Rilliane (and by less extension, Allen) where They're competent fighters but not nobles just adventurers but They both played by Twin Vocaloids
if Banica able to escape them, They will find the way to get track her down, making it an multiversal Game of Cat and Mouse
Pride Souls contained of Fighter, Mage, Healer (Claric), Rogue and Barbarian
They taught Prim Marlon their own magic with Warlock Magic as They're believing HER could enhanced it a lot
Pride did revealed to killing small animals in spare time as that's how They're "grinding" their own power
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salamencerobot · 7 months
ooo... 37 - "Your character has been kidnapped. Who has kidnapped them and how do they escape?" with tiama ?
Hfgdg unfortunately you chose the wrong character, so I'll give info on a second one as well
Tiama would likely be kidnapped by a local trying to study rumors and legends. She has a strong protective streak, and has nearly drowned several people who got too close to her grove. And that's not even mentioning the dozens that she's made wander the endless tunnels of Waterfall, using her illusions to keep them trapped just long enough for them to lose hope.
As for why she's a bad choice for this question? She's stuck in her grove. Because her tree is there, she can't wander very far. She's a bit like a dryad! She absorbed so much magic over time she just became something more than just a tree. Also, she can teleport. It's one way, and it's just returning her to her tree, but she can do it. She's closer to a ghost than anything solid, it'd be a bit tricky to kidnap her.
I'll answer this question for another oc, though! If Sayala was taken against her will it would likely be by the local police force. She had a bad experience with them when she was young, with two of them killing her younger siblings and their friend, so she's been hunting them ever since. She's killed the two cops involved, but holds a grudge against the entire organization, and authority in general.
She'd likely fight her way out, if Corela didn't find her first.
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graha-stan-account · 1 year
Shed: Day 8
Shed: v. Discard. 
Present. Napha goes on her own journey after 6.0. And now that she's returned, she's got a lot of old junk to offload.
FFXIVWrite 2023 Masterlist
The outside looked just as she had left it – slightly overgrown, vegetables not yet ripened, windows dark. She pressed the key into the door and turned until she heard a pleasant click within. Swollen from the thickness in the forest air, the cottage door needed a firm shoulder press to convince it to move over the threshold. 
Inside appeared crypt-like: dark, stale and cobwebbed. The few rays of light which spilled through the drawn curtains were a-glitter with a multitude of dust motes. And in the retreating dark lay piles of all the clutter J'napha had forgotten she had left behind in her haste. 
And that didn't account for all that was stuffed into her rucksack and the satchel she'd picked up on the road. The heavy bags tumbled off her shoulder onto the setee, sending puffs into the air of whatever became of a cottage when left unattended. 
She surveyed the mess. Too many years at The Rising Stones, she thought, nodding. With Tataru and the other less field-faring Scions picking up after her, she'd all but forgotten living quarters did not just tidy themselves. Well, perhaps Y'shtola's did. She crossed her arms and wondered where one could find an amenable poroggo or magicked broom on such short notice. 
No, it was just quicker to clear it herself.
The kitchen items went first to soak. Pots with spoons welded into the sticky, burnt mess of whatever had once been in them, followed by cutting boards caked with dried vegetable peels. There was a vine of tomatoes yet in the pantry, though Napha was not keen to check on it. 
Next she tore the dusty bedclothes from their place and dropped them in a heap. She did not have a second set and the sun was rapidly setting. She lit the lamps. It wouldn't be the first time she slept anywhere but the bed, even if her room in the Pendants had spoiled her. 
But sleeping on the floor after a long journey would be much more hospitable on clean floors. 
Sweeping, then. 
She blew dust from the tomes stacked on the floor and made for them a place on the tea table. All were much overdue back to the Noumenon, including those Napha had borrowed under G'raha and Krile's names when the reference mammets insisted she return some tomes before checking out yet another dozen. Some have exams approaching, the mammet had said. 
Napha grimaced and offered a silent prayer for whomever might have failed their arcane geometry exam several months ago on her account. 
There was also the matter of returning Y'mhitra's notes from their time together with Principia. She gathered the scrolls together and shook out the contents of her rucksack to replace them with the notes. Most were gifts to be sorted and delivered - from Ryne, Lyna, Runar and sundry. Still, things were not becoming much tidier. So much had happened it was seemed like a flash of time. No matter how much she sorted, sifted, reconfigured everything from her home, to her perspective, it just didn't feel right anymore. 
The bureau near the bed made a soft scraping sound as Napha opened it to reveal a set of green and gold robes she'd been all too happy to receive some time ago. They didn't belong in a drawer in the Shroud. They belonged in the hands of someone who could truly appreciate and care for them. No matter how Napha felt about it these days, they were artifacts and evidence that, for those who had helped her succeed over the years, their endeavors meant something. But she wouldn't not assist them further in reviving this long lost art. Napha drew a finger along the length of the Evoker's horn. Useful as it had all been, she beheld it now and felt nothing but guilt. 
Napha could no longer deny that fighting fire, so to speak, with fire had not in its own way contributed to deepening the wounds caused by primal summonings. From the fury of Dalamud's Bahamut, to Tiamat's keening anguish, to those tortured for their faith, and the trust betrayed by Varis-cum-Anima, whether by crystal or one's own aether, Etheirys had no love left for such effigies. And Napha would not remind its people of their scars still healing. 
She lifted the robes from the drawer. She grasped the horn in her hand.
And she packed them tidily away in her rucksack.
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foodtruckfriday · 1 year
Good evening and happy Friday to all! This week we bring you this small audio file created by a hard working member of our marketing team. We hope that you are all able to close your eyes and picture a beautiful Friday full of Food Trucks. This song is unlikely to be used in any actual marketing but don't tell anyone that, that's our secret. Happy Friday once more!
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zoreyan · 2 years
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93hyena · 1 year
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obarbaluna · 1 year
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Sim, ela ama fazer isso… se eu me importo? Claro que me importo, mas em deixá-la feliz pois é isso que realmente importa! Filha, até onde Deus permitir, estarei ao teu lado, te protegendo e dando o meu melhor. Tu és tudo!! Papai tiama demais!! #paidemenina #paiefilha #filha #obarbaluna #amor https://www.instagram.com/p/CpoVzCctKFj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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voguecovers · 2 months
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• Vogue Ukraine, Edition 6
Australian model Tiama Tilbee, photographer Ania Brudna, styling Alisa Vornehm
❛ Tiama wearing a porcelain outfit from the Ukrainian brand Gunia Project
July 2024
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