kanene-yaaay · 1 year
To Catch a Hero’s Giggle
Alternative Title: Golden Child
Kanene’s Notes: This fic is heavily inspired by This Headcanon that is basically that Hero has a natural quiet laughter and everyone likes to pretend that they ‘stole’ his giggles while tickling him
Warnings: This one has a lot of tickles dfghjhgfgh. Angst with a happy ending. Hurt/Comfort. Raspberries. Lee!Hero and Ler!Sunny&Ler!Kel. Around 3.500 words.
The top is a lonely place.
Actually, thinking about where he is - in the highest spot - feels weirdly frustrating. This numb feeling as he stared at the good grade on his newest text, the lack of even a small sparkle of proudness or relief at knowing that he did it again, the neutral tune of his face, the constant tiredness on his bones… none of this felt like the top. Like the best version of himself, like the amazingness and peak of development that he could achieve.
Yet, that was what everyone around him told that it was his place. The top of his class. The top of the students. The top of his school.
Hero had listened to it for years now, he had even fought with all his power for the title. And still he wondered when it would ever begin to make sense for him, to mean something for him.
(He wondered when he would look at the mirror with the same shine of pride and trust that his teachers and parents had when talking to him.)
"Hey, Hero! How did you do?" 
Hero didn't grimace, because that was his classmate and she was nice. In any other and every other situation that didn’t involve school or grades, she was really nice. 
Unluckily for him, that was not the case today.
"How did you do?" A smile, a curious look. Usually that would be enough to trail the attention away.
"I got a D! Not as brilliant as you, I guess, but still enough to pass so yeah!"
"D is still a good grade. I am glad you got it!"
"Hm mm, but still you're not running away from the question. Tell me, what did you get?"
His hand began scratching the back of his head, fingers tangling in his hair. "Ah, nothing much, just a B." He chuckled in good humor.
"Nothing much? Hero, I would commit crimes for your grades! Uuuurg, and you don't even look happy for it, too. Come on, I would be shooting fireworks if I was you right now. Is being that good just so normal for you, golden student, that you don't even care about them anymore?"
Words appeared and died in his tongue. A mix of "You’re not me" and "but I don't feel happy" and "Please don't call me that". Instead, he smiled and opened his mouth to say something (anything).
Scratch, scratch, scratch. He could almost feel the spotlight. It was starting to irritate, burn his skin.
Another classmate cut them.
"Hey, hey, Heroooo, my man!" That was June. She was nice and the arm that he slipped across his shoulders in a half hug made warmth spread across the touch. She was nice. "Sorry for cutting you short but I really need you to explain the subject of our Literature test like right now." 
His eyes ran at the clock above the white board on the room. It was lunchtime, their literature test would be in the period right after it.
"Of course!" Smile. Suddenly, he was back at his comfort zone, with notes and books and subjects that don’t make any sense, but when you start to stare at them long enough with a tilted head you can start to see the connections. "Do you have any questions in mind? What was the part you got the most confused?"
In a blink his own literature notebook was on his hands, pages being fastly flipped as the boy looked for where his notes were. 
Silence. The arm slipped from his shoulders.
Hero looked up. June laughed, with a tiny drop of awkwardness and bit her thumb with a dangerous smile as she avoided the other's eyes.
Hero stopped. Blinked. There was a light tremble in his words.
"The seven chapters about art schools?" 
"Yep." She popped the p. "And the historical context. And the authors. And characteristics." Hero must have shown a glimpse of the dread he was feeling inside because soon June was holding his hand and kneeling on the not-so-clean-and-where-did-all-this-ink-even-came-from-floor. "Please, Hero, please! I know that I haven't studied anything but you're so great at teaching. I will owe you that one, please!"
"Ok! Ok!" Hero fumbled a bit with his own hands, feeling a mix of relief to take over his movements. No one should be so desperate to get his help. And how could he even say no to her? "It's fine, it is a very long subject but we have one hour before the class so I think we can cover a bit more than the basics." 
His face became more serious, determinated eyes. "Get your book. We're going to meet on the tree next to the entrance, alright?"
"Perfect!" June jumped in the same place. "Thank you so much, Hero!"
"It is fine." And it really was, Hero loved to teach. But…"I am always happy to help, but next time, please ask me a day or two before the test." 
"Of course, dude!" And she was already out the door. 
Deep sigh. Hero looked at the clock. Actually, he took like one week to study all that stuff, however, maybe if he got the main historical events and explained how those affected the literature, architecture and worldview of each age, perhaps he could summon the main points of everything.
Another minute ticked by. Hero got his sandwich from his bag, already opening and taking a bite. Today was going to be a long day.
At least June was truly nice.
The thing about having Sunny as a neighbor is that sometimes he was just… there.
Hero, in his spot laid on the floorboards of his room - having fallen there after coming back from school and realizing that Kel was still out with the basketball group, - stared wide eyed at the deep dark eyes that curiously peaked at him from above. As soon as his brain clicked and he recognized the boy, however, his fast heartbeats began to calm down.
“Sunny!” He didn’t really want to get up, the cold floor soaking through his clothes and resting on his skin making all his muscles relax and keeping his mind from floating away. Still, he sat and turned around to stare at the younger with a pleasant quirk of lips. “Did you come to see Kel? He is still at his basketball practice. I am sure that you can still find him if you go to the park.”
Sunny looked back at him, his face was less pale and his movements less sluggish. It was good to actually see him more often, see the light come back bit by bit in his eyes. The same attentive eyes that fixed their attention at the taller boy, the silence stretching across the room before Sunny seemed to arrive at a conclusion, lightly nodding his head before popping himself on the floor right at his side.
He pulled his knees up and rested his chin on them and Hero opened his mouth, wanting, but not knowing how to explain that he really wasn’t a fun company right now.
“Heh. Sunny, I-”
A hand rested on his. The cold fingers patting his hand twice before a phone screen was basically shoved in his face.
Hero blinked, chuckled and adjusted himself to see what was on the device. It was a video of a small duck shaking himself and walking excitedly behind its owner with a light and quick ‘pap pap pap’.
He smiled, much more naturally this time, and pretended to not notice how thick with emotion was his voice. “This is cute.”
Sunny nodded, seeming content with himself, before turning back to watch something else. Probably more videos with ducks.
“Right.” Hero mumbled for anyone in particular. Deep breath. “Alright.”
Something hot ran across his cheek. And another. And another. And another.
It felt like burning, almost as bad as his eyes. Almost as annoying as the itch on his nose, the dryness of his throat.
Still, the floorboards were cold. They were brown and smooth and filled with dents wherever the tip of his fingers passes, result of years and years of both him and Kel having more accidents than the normal amount for two boys with inexplicable clumsy tendencies.
Still, there was a cold hand on his and the sound of puppies ‘yip yap yap’ and ducks ‘pap pap pap’ in the air smiling at it felt a bit easier.
Hero stared at the ceiling for a pieces of minutes, letting himself slowly close his eyes as his breathing got slower. 
What a long day.
He opened his eyes, rubbing them and yawning as the consciousness slowly creeped back to his senses. His gaze travelled to the window, confirming that it was still afternoon and that possibly didn’t doze off for more than an hour. 
Stretching on the floor, the older one realized that Sunny was still there, unfolding from the tight ball he usually imitated when sitting down and answering his gaze with his own curious eyes.
Hero smiled.
Sunny was a good friend.
His smile quickly turned into a grin.
“Sunny. There is something on your face, come here for a second.”
One blink, two blinks, Sunny came closer. Hero tried to not let his plan ( or mischief) show too much on his face.
“Just a little bit closer.”
He opened his arms, Sunny moved to attend his request. Hero’s arms got closer and…
*HERO captures you in a hug!*
With a squeak, Sunny trash for a second before realizing what was happening and letting himself fall on the floor with a small smile, amused titters making his shoulders bounce for a bit before he let himself be hugged like a teddy bear with no complaints.
“Thank you, Sunny. You’re a really good friend.” 
The younger boy didn’t answer him, but it didn’t matter. The silence that fell on them wasn’t in any way awkward. There was no need for words when all of his acts and little expressions showed how much Sunny cared.
Hero only kept him in the embrace for a couple more of seconds, giving the boy a quick squeeze before letting him go as a dazzling smile took over his face. Now it was time for him to show a bit how he cared about the younger too.
That was enough sulking for one day.
“Kel still hasn't arrived, huh? What if we both play a game then? I am sure we still have that old Spaceboy videogame where you can race his-”
“Another game.”
The voice was low, but for the way that made him immediately stop right on his tracks could be the loudest shout to ever exist. Hero tried to not let the immense wave of pride that filled his chest everytime Sunny decided to express his opinion show in his expression.
“Do you want to play another game?”
Sunny nodded, lightly pushing Hero’s shoulder so he would be laying down again. Hero let himself fall with an amused light in his face.
How could he deny that boy anything, really.
“What game is it?”
Sunny shrugged, as if not sure, he didn’t wonder about it too much, however, the shorter quickly calling his attention by lightly shaking his hands and lifting them. 
Hero tilted his head, confused and still amused. Kids nowadays are so fun.
Sunny repeated the movement.
“Ah!” Finally, it clicked. Hero lifted his own arms. Was this a new version of Worm? He and Kel used to play it all the time as kids, even though his mother never seemed excited in seeing her two sons wiggling around the floor like two invertebrate beings. “Like this?”
The younger nodded, patting the arms for a good measure and a clear message of ‘stay’.
Then he lifted his own hands again, Hero watched attentively, ready to follow the instructions to the next step of the game.
That was the moment Sunny shoved his hands on his sides.
The sound that came out of his mouth was a half gasp and a half squeal, arms immediately crashing down in an attempt to catch and stop the onslaught of squeezes and pinches that were being delivered all across the ticklish skin.
“Suhuhunny!!” As quick as the giggling came, it went away, being immediately replaced airy titters and low, almost inaudible laughter, especially as Sunny spidered his nimbly fingers upwards in order to escape the hands that tried to pry him away, each prod and poke on his sensitive ribs making the older one arch his back and let out a single high pitched squeak that made his entire face explode in warmth. “W-why!”
Sunny only hummed contently, letting his hands rest cozy and snug on his highest ribs, the tip of his fingers just scratching the tip of his armpits while the thumbs kneaded the ribs with energy. Soon enough more and more loud high pitched squeals and squeaks began breaking the quietness of his laughter only for Hero to descend right back and his hysterical airy giggles all over again, arms clued on his sides, torso squirming from a side to another in lazy, futile wiggles that did nothing to actually stop the sudden tickle attack.
“Got you.” Sunny’s voice was as calm as ever, with plenty of a playful joy blossoming on it freely. “I will steal all of your giggles for myself…” 
His attack went back to his sides, however instead of maddening squeezes or killer pinches, Sunny simply laid his hands on the skin and vibrated. 
Hero jumped, merely wheezing before inaudible snickers that made his shoulders bounce with giddiness bubbly right out of his lips.
“Got them. They’re mine now.” Hero almost wished that his laughter was as loud and boisterous as Kel’s just so it wouldn’t be so easy to listen to Sunny’s teasy remarks, which weren’t even that teasy in the first place, lacking the smugness Aubrey had during her tickle attacks or Kel’s mischievous pokes of fun, but his words right now sounded just so sincerely happy that all that Hero could do at the this was let out an embarrassing snort that made his cheeks even more warm, the gigantic smile plastered on his face getting wobblier.
Especially as he heard a voice from his doorway.
“Are we tickling Hero?”
The immediate cry of “No!” that flew from his voice was quickly subdued by the fact that the younger violin player decided to change his technique to a skilled scribbling that concentrated too much on the spot where his sides connected with his stomach to be a coincidence. The word died in the air just as Hero’s bouncy snickers got even bouncier and even snickery, Sunny’s affirmative hum instead filling the room.
“Don’t!” Hero managed to slip in between his chuckles, opening a watery eye just to face the one thousand watts smirk of his younger brother, a smirk full of promises of danger and his very immediate doom. His brain run though arguments to find anything, anything promising enough to discourage Kel from helping Sunny but all he got was the same mantra of “it tickles it tickles it ticklesitreallytickles” that scrambled his thoughts any time that wiggly fingers even looked at his direction. 
“I’m going to-” Wheeze. 
“I can’t-” Yelp. 
“When I-” A hiccup. More airy giggles.
Finally, he acquiesced, accepting his fate. “Plehehehease.”
“You’re tickling his sides? Nice idea, Sunny! That is a very good spot.” Kel carelessly threw his bag somewhere on the floor running to sit right at his brother’s sides, taking full advantage of the situation where Hero couldn’t scold him for that. “But you have to see his reactions when I tickle his legs! It’s like a super secret spot that can get him crazy every single time!”
Hero actually jumped when a hand lifted his leg, a few half-heartedly kicks with no real effort showing his struggle as he shook his head in protest.
“He always gets all squirmy when I do that but he never actually tells me to stop.” Kel ‘whispered’ (which, for Kel’s standard, was a lowered shout). “Even when he kicks me it’s so light that I can barely feel it. I think that he really doesn’t mind being tickled but I don’t tell him that I know or he would be really embarrassed.”
Sunny seriously nodded in understanding. Hero wondered if his face was trying to melt with how hot it was. Maybe if he tried enough he could be able to get that invisibility power he always wanted as a kid.
He kicked again. 
“Watch this.” Kel whispered to Sunny, who decided to stop his own attack so the taller could get some interrupted oxygen. Two sets of watchful eyes turned in Hero’s direction. “Ha! This one wasn’t even close, Hero. Try again!” And then Kel’s hand found his calf and began kneading.
The force of the crackle that was fished from his throat made Hero shoot his head backwards, arms failing around for a couple of seconds before he fell back on the floor, quiet, fast and impossible to hide began dancing around in the room like a sweet melody.
“Ok, ok!” Kel, like the little demon he is, laughed together with him. “Now you just need to do this and…” His fingers crawled a few inches closer to his knee, attacking the spot with squeezes and pinches non stop. A snort shot in the air. And another. And another. And another. “Tcharam!! A snorty piggie coming right up.”
“Kehehehel! Don’t!”
“Make me.” Kel raspberried at him, suddenly stopping the banter when he saw his neighbor moving like he was snatching something out of thin air. “Eh? Did you catch a mosquito?”
Sunny shook his head, a grin on his face. Hero turned his attention to him as well when the boy repeated the gesture.
“I am catching Hero’s snorts.”
“Ohohoho my gohohod.” Sunny telegraphed his movements enough that when the oldest’s protest began disappearing in a wheezy crackle he was already “snatching” it from the air. “Stohohohop!”
“Ah! I get it! But you can’t have only his snorts, Sunny. Look! I can make him do other sounds too.”
Suddenly there were scritchess and scratches worming their way on the extremely, awfully, horribly ticklish skin under his knee, giving every inch of it a special attention as more and more silly sounds fell in flocks from his lips.
“There is a giggle!”
“And a yelp!”
“Quick, catch this squeak, it’s already floating away.”
As Kel and Sunny kept their play pretend, Hero started to feel like he was going to explode, and, in an unexpected bound of energy the flew forward and catched Kel’s hands, holding them with a triumphant grin - which was cracking at the corners with leftover chuckles, it’s true, but still - as he stared down at the brother in front of him.
“Heyyy, Hero.” Kel smiled nervously. “I, huh, er, uh…”
“Hi, Kel.” He was careful enough to put a playful growl at the end of the younger’s name. “Missed your old friend, the Tickle Monster?”
“Eek! Aaaaah!! He is going to tickle me! Sunny!”
“Don’t worry, the Tickle Monster has two hands. One for each ticklish boOOOY!”
A sensation exploded across his senses. A buzzing that began in the back of his neck and spread like a tickly electricity across all his nerves, teasing his ears, dancing on his chin, zig zagging over his spine and humming over his torso.
“Yes! Get him, Sunny! More raspberries until the Tickle Monster is defeated!”
Quickly another raspberry followed the first, and then another and another over and over again, all of them unfairly attacking his unprotected neck. For a moment Hero lost himself in uncontrollable belly laughter, in smiles, in airy snickers, teetery titters and in a maddening sensation that made everything else but the constant idea that “It tickles!” disappear from his mind in a blink.
After some time, he was tapping the floor, happy tears running on his cheeks and a wheezy “enohohohough” flying from his lips as the tickling went away. Sunny running to stay at Kel’s side as his friend called him for a winning high five.
“We did it. We defeated him!” Kel’s excited voice made amusement fill his chest. Kids are so fun nowadays. “Your raspberry attack was a good idea.”
Breathe in. Breathe out. Giggle giggle giggle.
“But, eh, why were we tickling Hero?”
At this, Hero’s head shoot upwards, body slowly unfolding from the defensive ball it tried to mimic to watch Sunny with an equally curious gaze.
The shortest eyes glanced at his form for a bit, but before Hero could think anything out of it (was he going to tell-) Sunny just shrugged.
“Ok! Hey, Sunny, since you’re here, we should play a game!”
Their neighbor grinned, just the tiniest tiny bit. 
Hero wondered if he, as a good older brother, should warn Kel.
“Do you have any idea of a good one?”
But nah. Hero sighed - a mix of relief and a calm contentment that spilled from his soul and filled his heart. He would let them have their fun.
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lovelymessybubbly · 7 months
Art idea:
Izuku in Sir Nighteye's tickle machine.
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yes, great idea !!! i had been wanting to illustrate a ticklish hero being punished in this anyways ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)˚๐*˟ ♡ and izuku-kyun is super cute when he is hysterical.
i guess he must have said something that was not deemed in good spirits. poor, ticklish izuku-kun !!! ₍₍ ( ๑॔˃̶◡ ˂̶๑॓)◞♡
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intheticklecloset · 1 month
Pushy (My Hero Academia)
One Shot
Summary: As Deku and Todoroki grow closer in the early days of their relationship, they learn things about each other they find rather adorable.
A/N: It's been a while since I posted an MHA fic, and since I had this one waiting patiently for its turn in the spotlight, I decided now is the time! Enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 901
Something that Todoroki didn’t know about Midoriya until after they started dating was that the greenette loved play wrestling.
The first time it happened was on a Saturday afternoon when they were at Deku’s mom’s apartment while she was at work. They had lunch and then sat to binge a new anime they gotten into together, and the next thing Todoroki knew, Deku was pushing at him playfully. Todoroki, of course, being new to dating and not wishing to disappoint, did the same. From there it evolved into full-on wrestling, their anime long forgotten.
Todoroki wasn’t sure why his urge to win was so strong; under any other circumstances he’d likely have given up well before things got out of hand, not wishing to spend the energy on it. But with Deku, things were different. His competitive side rose up like never before, and his wrestling was genuine.
Thanks to Deku’s quirk, though, the greenette eventually gained the upper hand, flopping Todoroki onto his back and pinning his wrists down, counting to three quickly so he could win their spontaneous game.
“Gotcha!” Midoriya giggled, his freckled face beaming down at his boyfriend, swinging a leg over to straddle him before letting his wrists go. “Hmm…what should my prize be?” He faux contemplated before leaning down to kiss him, running a thumb along Todoroki’s cheek.
Todoroki also learned something about himself that day. Not that he planned to admit it to anyone.
A couple of weeks later, back at the dorms, Todoroki was reaching into the fridge to get a water bottle after having trained most of the morning. But before he could open the door all the way, a hand grabbed him from behind and whipped him around, pushing him against the fridge.
Todoroki barely had time to register that it was Deku before his partner reached up to grab his face and pull him down for a kiss. Though Midoriya had gone through a growth spurt recently so there was no longer too much of a height difference between them, the peppermint boy still felt his heart racing as he allowed himself to stoop down to match him, hugging him closer, ignoring the sharp poke of a magnet digging into his back.
Who needed water when Deku’s kisses were available, anyway?
The next night, Todoroki was lounging in his dorm room watching an anime based on one of his favorite manga series when his boyfriend knocked, then entered when beckoned. He expected Deku to sit beside him and cuddle up to his warm half like he usually did.
Instead, Deku moved right in front of the TV and sat in Todoroki’s lap facing him, smirking mischievously.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” Todoroki replied. He absentmindedly ran his hands along Deku’s thighs, totally unbothered by the interruption. “Did you come to cuddle?”
Deku shrugged. “Eventually. But first I want to ask you something.” The greenette leaned in so their noses were touching. “Do you like it when I get a little pushy with you?”
Todoroki didn’t even know how he was supposed to respond to that, other than let out a little gasp. “I…I, um…what?”
Midoriya gently took Todoroki’s wrists away from his thighs, then tightened his hold and shoved them behind his head against the back of his seat.
Todoroki’s eyes went wide.
Deku grinned. “You light up when I do things like this. Remember yesterday when I kissed you by the fridge? You seemed to enjoy it when I pushed you up against it. Did you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Todoroki protested.
Deku responded with a finger in his side, wiggling gently but insistently. Todoroki sputtered and tried to scoot away, but there was nowhere for him to go with his boyfriend sitting on him.
“Be honest. You like it when I mess with you.” The freckled boy giggled, switching from poking to pinching along his partner’s side.
Todoroki let out a little giggle of his own, whining despite himself. “Nohohohoho! You’ve gohohot it wrohohohong, Midohohoriya!”
Deku hesitated, letting up, frowning a little. “I do? Then…why do you look so excited when I push you around a little?” His frown smoothed out into a tiny smile. “And why do you look so disappointed that I let you off easy just now?”
“I…! I mean, you…! Ugh, fine. All right, all right.” Todoroki averted his eyes. “I kind of like it when you mess with me. Just a little, though, you know? Like, I don’t want you to start being a jerk, it’s just…fun when you do…well, stuff like you’re doing now.”
The finger was back, tickling closer to his underarm now. “Stuff like this?”
“Hehehehey!” Todoroki snorted, giggling steadily now. “Don’t gehehehehet cahahaharried away!”
Deku chuckled. “This isn’t carried away!” He shot his tickling hand down to his boyfriend’s thigh and squeezed, tightening his grip on his wrists at the same time. “This is.”
Todoroki burst into laughter, trying to buck Deku off of his lap, but he was stuck tight, and yes, all right, he had to finally admit it – he liked Midoriya playfully taking charge like this.
“Aiiieee! Plehehehehehease, Izuku!”
Deku snickered, letting his wrists go to tickle both his sides at once, kissing him in the brief moment before his partner started pushing at his shoulders, squirming in his seat. “Good thing I like watching you get all flustered, then, Shoto!”
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thebest-medicine · 2 months
Day 24: Pinned
Tickletober 2023 - My Hero Academia - Class 1A - lee!Bakugo, lee!Midoriya
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
[ao3 link]
A/N: first my hero academia fic??? neeed!!!! angry boy need tickled sometimes. god help whoever does it tho.
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Summary: Bakugo is all three things: loud, angry, and ticklish. One of them is less obvious than the others, and he wants to keep it that way. 
Words: 1.4k 
Loud, angry, and ticklish — these were among the many words that could describe Bakugo Katsuki. Like his quirk, he was often explosive with his voice and his temper. Ticklish, though? That was a pretty well-hidden feature, and one that not many would be willing to try with him! Not that anyone had in a long time. 
Until today. 
The sound of tittering laughter and chatter, much too loud and too cheery to be school-related, drew an already grumpy Bakugo toward the common room of the dorms. It seemed to be the place to be, he realized, when he walked in and saw most of his classmates relaxing around the couch, laughing and talking.
“What the hell are you all laughing about in here?” Bakugo barged in, asking loudly.
“Bakugo! Come on, Sero was just telling us the funniest story about—” Ochaco waved him over.
Bakugo cut her off. “Why don’t you losers stop sitting around laughing and wasting all day and get some goddamn work done! Ugh, Icy Hot and I have been working twice as hard as the rest of you because of our extra classes, and now you’re all slacking off?! It’s gonna be way too easy for me to surpass you! Where’s the challenge in that!? Now get off your asses and stop slacking!!!” 
Everyone stared back at him, their giggling long gone.
“It’s Sunday afternoon Bakugo…” Momo sighed.
“Yeah, come on, even heroes need to rest.” Tsu added.
“It’s good for you to relax a little. We’re all still training super hard!” Mina assured her classmate.
“Shut up! You’re all just a bunch of slackers and losers!” Bakugo grumbled loudly.
“Would it kill you to relax? Maybe smile a little?” Kaminari asked.
Bakugo turned to look at him, glaring with fuming rage. 
“We’re not even doing anything to bother you, Bakubro, come on!” Kaminari bargained. “If you want to keep studying then go back to your room, you don’t have to sit here watching us relax if you don’t want to join us.” 
“Seriously, come on…” Kirishima sighed. “You know we’ve all been working hard, we deserve some chill time!” If he squinted, it almost looked like Bakugo was steaming with anger.
In the dorms, with his guard down, focused on arguing with his friends and surrounded by his classmates, Bakugo didn’t sense the approach of his childhood friend from behind until it was too late. 
With a wide grin on his face, Midoriya had managed to creep up behind the grumpy, yapping dog that was Bakugo. He remembered something about his friend from a long time ago, and though he hadn’t tried it in many, many years, he was sure it would help here.
It was a matter of moments between when Bakugo was yelling back at Kirishima and Kaminari and when he finally felt the presence of someone approaching from behind. He ignored it for a second too long. Midoriya’s voice was friendly as it chided. “Kacchan, why are you being so mean?” And suddenly there were accompanying fingers pinching along Bakugo’s sides. 
“—GET BACK TO WO-AHHIIHHH!” His rant cut off into a very un-hero-like squeal at the unexpected tickle. Bakugo’s face, which was already red with anger, ripened further as he slowly spun his head to look behind him at Midoriya. “What. The FUCK!!!” 
“What just happened!?” Kaminari asked, smirking.
“Was that you Bakubro?” Kirishima said in disbelief.
“Deku, what did you just do?” Ochaco laughed.
“Oh my gosh! Bakugo are you ticklish?” Mina grinned, wiggling in her seat.
“That’s so cute!” Tsu agreed.
“Wait what? I missed it!” Sero turned to face him better.
Bakugo growled. “Deku…” 
Midoriya’s eyes widened as he saw Kacchan shift his weight to launch an offensive his direction. “Wait! Kacchan, I’m sorry don’t kill meEE—” He quickly sped off with a squeal out of the common room and into the hall as Bakugo bolted after him as fast as he could without shooting out explosions.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know you would react so much!” Izuku laughed as he raced ahead of his rival and old friend. 
The rest of the class left them to it, not wanting to incur the wrath of a furious Bakugo as Midoriya just had. They were grateful to their classmate for allowing them to continue relaxing for a few more hours without having criticisms screamed at them. Bakugo had a point, but so did they. They would have to work hard but still relax hard, play hard. 
Down the hall, Shoji picked up the sound of a scuffle before everyone heard crash and tumble followed by the familiar sound of Midoriya’s laughter… though this time it sounded much more frantic than it usually did after a good story or funny joke. 
Izuku didn’t know what he had been thinking when he’d tried to tickle Kacchan for a brief second in the common room of their dorm… He had been yelling at everyone and looked so angry, Izuku just wanted to distract him for a moment and maybe get him to relax or smile a little. He remembered having tickle fights with Kacchan when they were kids. It had been a long, long time. This time, he got the jump on him, just for a moment. It was in front of their classmates, so other people now knew Kacchan was ticklish. It made sense that he was so angry, he was angry a lot. But, it had been nice to catch a hint of his smile. Even if he had embarrassed him a little. 
Now that he’d done it, though, he realized too late the wrath he had provoked. 
Izuku sped down the hall as fast as he could, trying to race back to his dorm room in time to try to lock himself inside—though… Katsuki seemed mad enough that he might just activate his quirk and blow the door down. He didn’t make it far enough to find out, though. Bakugo crashed into him, shouting obscenities as he knocked them both to the ground. 
“Wait! Kacchan don’t! Not out here!” Midoriya yelped as Bakugo landed on him. He knew he was caught.
“Stupid Deku, see how you fucking like it!!” Bakugo growled, pushing Midoriya into the floor and kneeling over his thighs. He reached down, jabbing harsh, tickling fingers ruthlessly into Izuku’s sides. They squeezed up along his ribs and down to his hips. Izuku screeched out a laugh before flailing helplessly where he was already pinned. He tried to reach back behind him to grab or block a hand. 
“KACCHAHAHAN— I’M SORRYHEHEHE!” Izuku shrieked through his laughter. “IHIHIHI- I CAHAHAN’T BREHEHEATHE!” He cried, kicking into the floor. 
“Good! Die!!!” Bakugo answered, loud and angry, as he made a grab for Izuku’s wrist and hauled it up over his head. 
Bakugo drilled fingers into his exposed armpit, and Midoriya felt tears welling in his eyes. Bakugo was ticklish, certainly, but Midoriya was… well neither of them had ever met anyone else so sensitive. How strange a trait for one determined to be the number one hero — to crumple and fall apart in the face of some simple tickling. Though, he wouldn’t call what Bakugo was putting him through ‘simple’. 
The way Bakugo saw it, the others may have seen that he was ticklish, but if he could make enough of an example out of Midoriya, no one else would dare try it again. He hoped. 
Midoriya’s other arm flailed and tapped out helplessly on the ground as Bakugo took advantage of every ticklish spot he could remember. The tickling hand even snuck down beneath him to claw against his stomach. “PL-PLHEEHEHEHEASE KACCHAN IHIHIHIHIHI CAN’T! CAHAHAN’T TAKE IT! AHAHA-STAHAHAHAHAHA—” 
Katsuki leaned in closer, still tickling viciously. “Never. Ever. Fucking. Do that again.” He paused for a second, his hand freezing against Izuku’s sides. “Understand me?” 
Izuku breathed in a few times, panting for air and giggling each breath out. After a few seconds, he spoke up. “Y-You mean like in front of people or just in general?” 
Bakugo’s face went red as he shouted, “IDIOT!” and started tickling anew. 
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gaybananabread · 8 months
TickleTober Day 3 - Cuddles
I've been slowly revisiting my old fandoms for the event, and the MHA curse may or may not have re-infected my brain. Soooo here's some DabiHawks because I'm basic (TvT). Loving this event so far, it's really challenging my creativity and overall commitment levels! As always, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Hawks
Lee: Dabi
Summary: Dabi and Hawks wake up after a night together, cozy in their bed. Dabi wants peaceful cuddles, but Hawks won't stop being a shit. Lucky for him, Dabi knows just how to get the pesky bird to settle down.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Dabi just wanted one morning where he could wake up peacefully with his bird boy. Just one nice, calm, soft morning. With Hawks, however, that was never an option. He had barely opened his eyes before he felt something poking his cheek. 
“Heeeeey crispy~” Ugh, that nickname… He wished the pro had never thought of it. At least his morning voice was nice. Dabi tried to tune him out, digging his face into his partner’s arm. “Mmmph. Go back ta sleep…”
Peacefulness wasn’t really an option for the winged hero. He was feeling playful, rested and wanted to mess with his man. Besides, twelve o'clock is a perfectly reasonable time to wake someone up. Not his fault that Dabi’s not a morning person. The villain groggily swatted at the other’s hand.  “But I’m not tired. You need to get up, it’s almost noon.”
Dabi groaned, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. Why did he always have to do that? “No. Sleep.” He rested his head against the other man’s chest, hoping to sway him to the sleepy side. He never got the best rest at night, even with Hawks by his side. Mornings were dreaded by him, he always tried to get a few more hours out of his partner.
Hawks just chuckled and shook his head. He was more than used to Dabi’s groggy morning routine. Still, he was a bit antsy, wanting to start the day.  Feeling mischievous, he moved his wings, gently brushing the tips of his feathers on the burned boy’s neck and arms. 
That got a reaction, though it wasn’t the one he was looking for. Dabi pushed himself up, gathering Hawks’ wrists in one hand and pushing them above his head. The ravenette was practically laying on top of him, using his strength and weight to keep him pinned. He was awake now. Hawks wasn’t worried yet, his playful smirk on full display. “Wohoah. Thought you were tired, Dabs. Don’t mind this, though~” 
Dabi rolled his eyes and huffed. That man… He was gonna get it. “Always gotta go there, huh?” His free hand rested on the blonde man’s side, drumming fingers against his bare skin. “Think I got a way to wear you out, birdy.”
Now Hawks was worried. The smirk wavered, a nervous smile replacing his confident grin. Dabi didn’t make empty threats like that. “Hey! Lehet’s- let’s talk about this!” He tugged at his arms, trying to free himself. Pinned on his back, Hawk’s wings wouldn’t be much help. He could get them to Dabi, but the fiery man would easily push them aside. Besides, he’d rather not draw attention to the sensitive appendages. 
“Nothin’ to discuss. You’re being a shit; ’m just returning the favor.” The fingers on his side bent into a claw, slowly scratching the area right under his ribs. Hawks bit his lip, refusing to break so quickly. Dabi wanted a reaction? He was gonna have to work for it.
He wanted to play hardball? Fine. Dabi could play hardball. He kept his clawing light and slow, teasing the other man. The claw climbed upwards, toying with his ribs before moving back down. He was gonna be cruel about it. “Silent treatment, eh? We’ll see how long that lasts..” 
Hawks could feel his cheeks heat up as he squirmed. He was only in his boxers, his lover wearing a loose tank-top. He was almost completely exposed to Dabi’s ticklish teasing. His breathing was only getting shakier, the tight bite of his lip wobbling. The winged hero couldn’t hold out forever.
The fiery man saw his reactions, chuckling. “Look’it you, all blushy and squirmy. Could eat you up, nugs. Actually…not a bad idea.” Dabi lowered his head slowly, his clawing fingers running up and down the blonde’s ribcage. Hawks kicked and squirmed, but nothing he did could stop his boyfriend’s lips from touching down on his stomach. The hero finally broke, squealing and bursting into bubbly giggles as he felt Dabi’s teeth on his stomach.
“GYAAAhahaha! Dahabihihihi noho!” Hawks bucked his hips, trying to get the other man away from his ticklish belly. Dabi chuckled against his stomach, sending little vibrations through the sensitive flesh as he nibbled and kissed on it. He was being so mean!
As if all the teasing and provoking wasn’t enough, Dabi decided to speak against his belly too. “Such a ticklish thing, aren’t we? Wouldn’t it suck if I spilled to the League about this? Even with your wings, I doubt you could fend off Twice’s little army. So many wiggling fingers~” He switched from clawing to scribbling, still focusing on the winged hero’s ribs while nibbling on his belly. 
Hawks was in stitches, giggling and squeaking like there was no tomorrow. His cheeks were burning, the teases hitting their mark and flustering the man. “Youhuhu s-suHUHUCK! GEHEHET OHOhohoff!” The gentle scraping of his lover’s teeth on his belly, the fluttery feeling of the kisses; it was insane. Correction; it was driving him insane.
In a way, Dabi was still getting his cuddles. He was pretty much laying on Hawk’s lower body, he was kissing and loving on him, and his partner was smiling. True, pitchy laughter was right behind that smile, but he wasn’t picky. Pinning his arms above his head and tickling him was just a part of the fun. 
“Bahabe- babe plehEHEHEASE! MOHOHOVE!” Hawks was quickly losing it over the tickles, the nibbles and kisses on his toned stomach more than he was ready for. He was used to Dabi being mean, but he normally wasn’t this cruel. He should’ve just gone for the cuddles…
Dabi’s head finally pulled away, a wide and smug smirk adorning his features. He ran his hand across his boyfriend’s stomach, wiping any loose saliva from his tickly attack off the surface. That man knew exactly what he was doing, and he was enjoying it. “Aww, guess my birdy can’t handle a few kisses. Maybe you should think about that next time you wanna be a shit.” He kept both Hawk’s arms pinned above his head, using his free hand to drill into the blonde’s hips.
Think about that next time? Oh, he’d be thinking about it for the rest of the day, possibly into the next morning. And maybe, just maybe, he’d do the exact same thing tomorrow. But at that moment, all he could do was laugh. “DAHABIHIHIHI! WHYHIHIHI AHARE YOU SOHO MEHEHEAHAN?!”
“It’s my job, Keigo. I’m an evil villain, remember? Gotta keep my bratty bird boy in check.”  That made Hawk’s entire face go red, the blush actually spreading to the tips of his ears. They seldom used each other's actual names, as they had gotten used to the aliases before they started dating. Hearing his name come from Dabi’s mouth, on top of the tickling and teasing tone…it’s safe to say he was flustered. Even better, the worst was yet to come.
Dabi’s eyes wandered, landing on his boyfriend’s wings. He had long since figured out how sensitive they were; that was hardly the first time he’d tickled the man. This meant that he knew exactly how ticklish his wings were, and just how to go at them to wreck the hero. His hand slowly moved behind his ribs, getting closer and closer to the base of Hawk’s wings. “Ya know, there’s one spot I’ve been dying to get to. I’d say I’ve been pretty patient, wouldn’t you?” 
Oh, that ass. “DAHABIHI- DABI NOHOHO! YOUHUHUHU WOUHULDN’T!” Dabi just laughed, leaning down and whispering right in his ear. “Oh, I would~” He let go of Hawk’s arms, quickly flipping the man over now that his hands are free. Hawks, both dazed from the tickled and flustered out of his mind, couldn’t react fast enough. He was straddled in seconds, both of Dabi’s evil hands scratching along the bases of his wings. 
When I say this man cackled, I mean he lost his shit. 
“NAHAHA! SHIHIT- DAHAHABIHIHI! IHI- YOUHU- GAHAHA!” He writhed under his boyfriend’s touch, the crazy ticklish spot driving him up the wall. He could barely think, barely speak, barely do anything other than thrash and laugh his ass off. Dabi found it quite amusing. “Damn, birdy. Got some pipes on ya there. Should be calling you songbird.”
Hawks ultimately gave up, resigning to his ticklish fate. He couldn’t get Dabi off his back, couldn’t focus enough to use his quirk, and couldn’t stretch his wings far enough to retaliate. He just pressed his face into a pillow, laughing his heart out as his boyfriend destroyed him with tickles.
Eventually, Dabi got his fill, seeing the puddle of squirmy cackling beneath him. He climbed off of the winged hero, instead laying beside him and pulling him close. Hawks was still giggling like crazy; the intense tickling left him with plenty of phantom sensations. Dabi just rubbed his back, placing little kisses on his forehead as he cuddled up to the blonde. “Easy, babe. I’m done, you’re good.”
It took a solid three minutes, but Hawks finally regained his composure, sighing into Dabi’s chest. The tickling had definitely worn him out; all the antsy energy he felt that morning was spent. In fact, he could use a nap.  He draped across his boyfriend’s sides, breathing out a sleepily muttered “jerk” before closing his eyes. 
Dabi just chuckled, gently scratching the pro’s head as he drifted off. It was gonna be at least a good hour before he woke back up. Looks like he was getting his cuddles after all…
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mushyblushyredhead · 6 months
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Ticklish Tamaki, my beloved!! 🪶💜˚✧₊⁎ 。(*⁰▿⁰*)
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womanofwords · 5 months
"No! No, please, don't you dare!" Villain begged. Their smug bravado and posturing was gone, replacing with pleading. "You don't have to do this!"
"Oh, but I do," Hero said. "I completely do."
And then they pounced.
"No!" Villain squirmed, and Hero restrained them. "I'm sorry! I'll behave, I'll do whatever you want, just - please, not that!"
"This is just a bit of reassurance that you'll behave," Hero taunted, grabbing Villain's waist and squeezing. Their fingers became curious adventurers, searching for spots of sensitivity.
"You are such a precious little doll," Hero said, as Villain shrieked with laughter. "Just so cute."
"I'll call you whatever I like," Hero said. "Sweetie pie, precious, itty-bitty cute little cupcake-"
"NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" Tears were escaping from the corners of the villain's eyes. Hero took that as the sign that their work was done.
"And just remember, if you aren't the sweetest little angel for Superhero, I'll see to it that everybody you know finds out about your little weakness," Hero said.
"No, please!" Villain begged. "My reputation will be shattered! You can't!"
"And if you behave, I won't," Hero said. "Now cooperate with Superhero, Villain."
"OK," Villain said.
And Hero smirked.
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flames-tstuff · 1 year
Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas, @ticklethepup ! It is I, your Secret Santa!
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Prompt: Cheer-up tickles w/ Will x Nico!
I'm sooooo happy with how this turned out, and I adored getting the chance to draw some more Riordanverse characters ❤️
Hope you have a great holiday season!
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moeblob · 7 months
In case anyone who follows me forgot or did not know. Good lord I love Saizo and bless him for finally getting an alt and also bless him for being the only reasonable adult once again (in the paralogues). This man suffers so much from the people around him and the fact even his alt isn't a vacation but more stress is really funny to me (and bad for him, sorry buddy).
Saizo Dislikers please leave it at the door I don't wanna hear it. I've read enough rude tags on my art of him to last me a life time. o7
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hero-of-the-horn · 7 months
lil snippet from my next wolfwren smut:
Shin’s stomach clenches when Sabine ghosts her mouth near her navel, and a strangled, unhappy sound weasels out of their throat. 
Sabine’s eyes are wide when she pulls back and her mouth is set in a small, open smile. “Did you just– Are you ticklish?” 
She’s not sure why the idea sounds so absurd – Shin’s only human – but somehow the thought of her getting tickled as Sabine kisses her stomach feels like an even more insane thought than the two of them fucking. 
Shin’s glare could melt steel. “Don’t.”
Sabine’s thumb sweeps gently over their stomach, but before she can even make up her mind if she wants to test them, breath chokes off in her throat, Shin’s Force grip on her warning enough for Sabine to lift her hand in surrender. 
When she can breathe again, she nods and rubs her throat. 
“Noted,” she says seriously, and means it. 
There’s being vulnerable – bare on your enemy’s ship freshly fucked by her strap on – and then there’s being vulnerable – at the mercy of your enemy tickling your bare stomach when you’re resting in post-orgasm afterglow.
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lee-lucius · 8 months
Tickletober Day 2: Accidental
Summary: When Spinner agrees to help Shigaraki take care of his scars, neither of them expect it to take a ticklish turn.
Word Count: 1,899
Day 2 is done! I want to write for a bunch of different fandoms this month, and I was so excited to get to write for one of my favorite ships! (I love them sm I swear---) Anyway, I hope you enjoy these cute, sappy boyfriends! 💙
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"Are you… ready?" Spinner asked, voice hushed and hesitant, wrestling with his nerves.
Shigaraki hummed in affirmation, running a hand through his wet, slightly knotted hair before shoving it into a messy bun, just good enough to keep it from hanging onto his neck. He looked lovely. Nestled in an oversized dark sweatshirt, he settled himself down on the couch with his back to his boyfriend, fiddling with his sleeves. He never could stay still.
"Right," Spinner swallowed, eyeing the nape of his neck. The scars were better now. Healing. With enough persuasion, the League had managed to get Shigaraki to avoid scratching for the past few days, allowing his old wounds to close. It hadn't been easy to break the habit he'd had for… Spinner didn't know how long, but he was managing. And when it got especially bad, Spinner was always there to hold his hands, much to both of their embarrassment.
A bath, they decided, would help wash away any of the dead skin before they tried to revitalize it, using a lotion Kurogiri had given them. Shigaraki had asked Spinner to help him apply it; he didn't know why Shigaraki needed the help, but he agreed.
Maybe it was a mistake. He didn't think it would be, until Shigaraki had left for his bath, while Spinner tried very hard not to think about what he was doing. Those few minutes were all it had taken for the panic to set it.
And it was only growing worse, being this close to him, the scent of his coconut-shampoo absorbing him, watching his small, nimble fingers toy with the loose strings of his sweaters—
"Spinner?" Shigaraki called, drawing his attention away from his thoughts.
He mentally berated himself, cringing at how much time must have passed. With a deep breath, he tried to gather himself as much as he could. It wasn't a big deal, really. It was only the most intimate thing that they would be doing since they started dating. Arguably, even the most intimate since before they were dating.
No—he shook himself out of his thoughts, holding back a sigh and opening the bottle. He needed to stop thinking. So, finally, he tucked a stray strand of hair behind Shigaraki's ear, ignoring the spark that shot through him at the contact.
"Sorry. I'll—I'll just…" he trailed off, but Shigaraki seemed to understand as he half-nodded, bun bobbing up and down, almost coming loose. 
Smiling, Spinner squirted a glob of lotion into his hand, and slowly, gently, with trembling fingers, he reached out to apply it to his neck.
Shigaraki flinched at the cold sensation, tensing before slowly relaxing into the touch. Physical contact was still a largely foreign concept to him. In his relationship with Spinner, and the rest of the League, he'd gradually grown to become more accustomed to it, but it was nothing like this. Perhaps that explained the heat rising to his cheeks and the odd tingling sensation where Spinner touched him.
As Spinner continued his work in silence, clumsily massaging the lotion onto Shigaraki's dry skin, the sensation quickly grew annoying. The tingling lingered long after Spinner had moved to a different section of his neck and even spread down his back, like little shocks of electricity shooting down his spine. 
But it wasn't completely unbearable, at least not yet. Only because he knew the reason it was taking so long, that his partner was lovingly and painstakingly trying to alleviate his pain however he could, so Shigaraki would sit through it.
That didn't mean he would be still, though. His lips, for whatever reason, wobbled and were forced into a small smile that, thankfully, Spinner couldn't see from his position. 
Unfortunately, he did notice when Shigaraki's occasional twitches grew in frequency and intensity, until he was practically shaking. Spinner stilled his hands, pulling back and allowing Shigaraki a moment to collect himself before asking, "Are you alright?"
"Fine," he mumbled, reaching up halfway to his neck before he stopped himself. 
Spinner took Shigaraki's hand in his, gently squeezing it. "Did it hurt?"
"No. It just felt… weird."
"Should I stop?"
"You're almost done, aren't you? Just finish it."
He hesitated before nodding. "Alright, turn around so I can get the front."
Shigaraki repositioned himself, and Spinner swallowed again, eyes darting around the room as he tried to find anything other than his partner to focus his attention on. 
It was easier before, when he didn't have to stare right at his gorgeous boyfriend and think about how he was touching him and how else he wanted to touch him and—focus. 
Focus. He just needed to focus.
He was already halfway done, and it hadn't been that bad. He could do this. 
So he started again, pushing back his nerves and trying not to think too hard about it. That's why it took him longer than it should have to notice; he didn't realize what was going until it happened. 
Shigaraki giggled.
Just barely. Quiet, so quiet Spinner almost didn't hear him, and raspy. It was the most beautiful thing Spinner thought he had ever heard.
He stopped, more out of shock than anything, and stared at Shigaraki. 
Shigaraki, whose hands desperately clutched his sweatshirt, pinkies up, whose mouth curled in a hesitant, twisted imitation of a smile, whose eyes squinted, body tense, and actively avoided meeting Spinner's eyes.
He knew what it was, but it took him a long moment to manage to form the words. Finally, Spinner sputtered, "You're ticklish?"
"Is that what it is?" he asked, more to himself than anything. 
Tickling was something he could vaguely recall from his childhood in more pleasant moments with his mother and sister, not that he liked to dwell on those memories. He had barely remembered what tickling was, let alone that he was ticklish, but he supposed it made more sense than anything else.
Spinner stared, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. This, this was the most shocking moment of his life. Even more than when he'd left his everyday life to join the League, than when Shigaraki had actually returned his confession, because Shigaraki Tomura, the leader of the League of Villains, his boss and boyfriend, was ticklish.
Spinner clamped his jaw shut; again, he'd been staring for too long. He shook his head, speechless and struggling.
"Nothing," he managed, resisting the urge to say something about how cute that was. "Do—should I keep going?"
"Go ahead," he grunted, willing himself not to react this time. It had been embarrassing enough when he laughed.
It was more hesitant this time; Spinner's touch was lighter, likely trying to save Shigaraki from more embarrassment, but it only made it worse.
The tingling sensation had returned, more intense than before. It felt like it was spreading throughout his whole body, making his skin stand on edge. He wanted to shove Spinner's hands away or scratch himself, anything to relieve the feeling. 
Spinner couldn't help but smile as he watched his boyfriend, who had a growing grin of his own. With a sudden burst of courage, he slowly reached his hand up to gently cup Shigaraki's face. He tilted his chin upwards, angling it so he had better access to his neck.
They both flushed. Shigaraki sank into the touch, instantly forgetting his annoyance as he was held in a way he hadn't been for years. Spinner left his hand in place long after it wasn't necessary, a nervous excitement shooting through him. It was closer than they had ever been. So close that if he leaned in another few inches, they'd be kissing. 
They still hadn't actually had their first kiss. Not yet. And now that Spinner was looking at his lips, he couldn't seem to look away.
Even when his lips parted and another hushed giggle poured out as Spinner continued applying the lotion. Then he bit his lip, eyes squinting and nose crinkling through his attempts to hold back his laughter.
Spinner felt his heart beat faster. God, he wanted to hear more. He moved his hand from Shigaraki's neck, unable to resist shooting it down to squeeze his side. 
With a loud curse, Shigaraki jolted with another burst of rapid giggles. Spinner laughed fondly, snaking his hand down further to shove it under his sweatshirt and tickle Shigaraki's bare skin, while his other hand remained cradling his face. 
"Whahahat ahare yohohou dohoing?"
"I thought we covered this. I'm tickling you."
"Whihihy?" he squirmed, trying and failing to dislodge Spinner's fingers from his side, but there wasn't much he could do without rolling off the couch or risking accidentally using his quirk.
"Well, because you're…" his blush deepened, "you're… really cute like this."
Shigaraki huffed. It wasn't… completely miserable. It was definitely annoying, but it left him feeling oddly sentimental, and Spinner was enjoying himself. So, he figured he could sit through it for a few more minutes.
He was wrong.
His laughter shifted from soft giggles to full-blown cackling as Spinner clawed at his stomach, making him thrash as much as possible. There was no way to even try to hold back his laughter; the strange feeling completely absorbed his body, leaving him absolutely helpless. 
Spinner cooed, staring at him in awe as he brought his other hand down to squeeze at Shigaraki's thigh, making him shriek as he arched backwards away from his touch. 
This, he knew, was something special. Shigaraki wouldn't let just anyone do this, share such an intimate moment with him, and Spinner felt incredibly happy. He felt a lot of things. But most of all, he felt deeply and completely infatuated with his boyfriend.
Suddenly, he stopped. He paused, letting Shigaraki catch his breath,  before he brought both of his hands back up to hold his face.
"Can I kiss you?"
Shigaraki blinked at him, looked into his eyes, looked away, and almost brought his hand back up to his neck, before he lowered it and met his eyes again.
His voice was as hoarse and softer than Spinner had ever heard as he breathed, "Yes."
His lips were rough and chapped and firm against his; they tasted like the chamomile tea Spinner had brewed for them earlier. He felt himself leaving his body, melting, molding into Shigaraki's, feeling himself fit into every crevice and curve of his body. The kiss deepened, and suddenly his hands were in Shigaraki's hair, tangling in its knots and unfurling the sorry excuse for a bun, and Shigaraki's hands, always careful, were around his neck, then his waist, and on his chest, everywhere, beckoning him, pulling his closer, entwining them deeper together, until he couldn't breathe and couldn't tell Shigaraki's body from his own.
Then they pulled back, one of them or both, Spinner couldn't tell, and they were breathless and giddy, smiling then laughing then going back for more and more and more.
It certainly wasn't a bad first kiss,  or second, or… however many they shared. And after they'd both had their fill and settled back down, Spinner leaned against him, still wholly infatuated and unbelievably lucky to be with him.
Then, he remembered what they were supposed to be doing. "I still have to put it on your face."
Shigaraki sighed and grumbled, "Fine," but there was still a smile on his lips and flush on his skin.
At least this part wouldn't tickle. Probably.
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
Okay, this time is with Hero from OMORI because I just can’t stop thinking about it but please, please picture this with me:
Hero with a natural silent laughter.
No matter if the tickles are soft or rough his laughter only changes between quiet wheezes and silent crackling, which are only interrupted by quiet gasps, silly hiccups or an unexpected loud snort that immediately makes his entire face be set on fire. Mari loved to tickle him and then move like she was snatching something out of thin air just to smile and tease him with “Look! I caught Hero’s giggles! I got all of them and I am not giving it back~”, which only made Hero more flustered, more giggly and more quiet.
Also I picture him as someone who just LAYS there and TAKE IT while being tickled. Like, mah man will try to halfhearthedly push your hands away but without much heat because he is just so lost in giggles and blushes which makes his brain bluescreen and his ability to fight or flight be totally erased from this plane.
On the other hand Kel will fight and trash around with all his being as if he hates being tickled even tho he is usually very vocal about not minding at all any tickle fight (execpt w Hero because Hero is an EMBARASSING DORK who would tease him forever if he knew how much fond he is to their tickle fights) and it’s just because he !!!! has so much giddy energy when someone tickles him ! he can’t help it!!!
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lovelymessybubbly · 1 year
If you are doing the Tama wrecking characters, is it possible you do Bakugou from Mha? If not that’s fine! Have a lovely rest of your day/night <3
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"you are just EXPLODING with laughter !!"
my my, he has been quite overdue for some bullying by me, hasn't he ?? (¬‿¬ ) bakugo-kun is totally one of my favorite lees so i was happy to have been given the opportunity to draw him in this situation. it has been a few years since i last drew him getting worked over, so it is like reuniting with an old friend (๑˘︶˘๑)
such heavy restraints were required to keep him from blowing the roof off the pace. yet, he manages to struggle fervently... he must be super ticklish, huh ?? (✧ω✧)
i hope you enjoy !! thank you so much for your continued support !!
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intheticklecloset · 2 months
Haiiii 😆 I’m a huge fan of your MHA Fixs! In honor of them, can we do 🍿 🍉 with Lee Bakugou & Ler whoever you want? I hope you have fun with this and I hope you have a good day/night 💕
🍋 Lemonade Special Order 🍋
“DEHEHEHEHEHEKU YOU FUHUHUHUHUHUCK!!” Bakugou roared with laughter, struggling and kicking to no avail as his friend hovered over him, fingers deep in his upper ribs. “THE MOHOHOHOHOHOVIE ISN’T OHOHOHOHOHOVER!!”
Deku giggled. “You weren’t even watching it anyway!”
A particular dig into one of the blonde’s weak spots made him kick out in retaliation, catching the bowl of popcorn the greenette had placed – safely, he thought – on top of the coffee table and sending the kernels flying everywhere, showering down on them like rain.
They had, until moments before, been watching a popular anime-turned-live action movie together to unwind a little and start learning how to be proper friends again, but not even halfway through Bakugou had started to nod off, so Deku poked him playfully to keep him alert, and well…
“AHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” the blonde screamed, clamping his arms to his sides far too late to actually protect himself. His head was thrown back and a giant smile on his face as he cackled.
Deku giggled along with him, continuing to press and knead into that sweet spot between his ribs and armpits, enjoying himself very much despite the change in activity. Usually he was on the receiving end of this kind of treatment from Bakugou; it always felt nice to turn the tables on him when he could.
“Language~” Deku warned teasingly, daring to lift his friend’s shirt enough to expose his tummy and blow a quick raspberry against the skin.
Bakugou went rigid, laughing so hard he went silent, wheezing out what giggles he could before taking a deep breath and rolling over to look up at the smaller boy, mirthful tears in his eyes. “Plehehehehease,” he begged, holding up a hand in surrender. “No mohohohohohore, Izuku!”
Deku grinned but did as he was asked and sat back, letting his friend sit up and catch his breath.
After a moment of regaining his bearings, Bakugou glanced around and muttered, “The fuck happened to the popcorn?”
“You kicked the bowl.”
“And whose fault is that?”
Deku shrugged, still smiling. “Not my fault you’re so ticklish, Kacchan.”
Bakugou had him pinned to the ground and begging for mercy through his own hysterical laughter in three seconds flat.
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gaybananabread · 8 months
Hi I love your fics! I was wondering if you could write a lee bakugo and ler best jeanist? If your requests are closed you can just ignore this, I thought it could be cute though!
Have a great day! Remember to take care of yourself!
TickleTober Day 2 - Accidental
Okay, kinda lucked out! I was gonna wait till November to do this request, but I liked the pairing and needed an idea. You didn't request it as TickleTober, but that's what it is now. Changes nothing, just gives me an excuse to write it as such lol. Ignore any sewing-term errors, I don't sew anything. Anywho, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Bakugou
Ler: Best Jeanist
Summary: Jeanist thought that Bakugou's suit needed some special touches. The blonde obviously protests, leading to some rather giggly measurements.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Bakugou's hero suit was…well, it wasn't bad. It just lacked a certain flair the pro hero was looking for. So, with him mentoring the teen and all, Jeanist thought it his responsibility to spruce up the slightly drab suit.
The rapidly approaching fall season was a decent inspiration for him. With fall comes the changing of leaves, carving of pumpkins and cooler weather. Jeanist made sure to insulate the suit, knowing the blonde needed to sweat for his quirk to work. He kept the theme mainly orange, yellow and black, adding in a few splashes of green for style. 
By the end of his lunch break, he had drawn up a new seasonal suit for Bakugou. It was time for the hard part: getting his measurements without the boy exploding.
“I don’t need a new suit! Nothin’s fucking wrong with it!” Bakugou was not putting up with another change. His poor hair had been the first change. That damn comb over…he’ll never get over it. Now he wanted to switch up his suit design? Fuck that.
The pro hero sighed, expecting this reaction. “No need to be so dramatic. It’s just a little…seasonal makeover. Trust me, you’ll be much happier.” Bakugou huffed, shaking his head. Yeah right, he had said the same thing about the hairstyle…
Bakugou's choice of words wasn't his best idea. He was getting a bit pissy, letting his temper get the best of him. "Fuck off. My suit is fine, no more makeovers!" He glared at the pro, but that temper faded when he saw the look on his face. The look that meant Jeanist was done with his shit.
"Quite the mouth on you. I believe I said something about censoring your f-bombs, did I not?" Threads flew towards the teen, wrapping around his limbs and getting him positioned. When Jeanist was done, Bakugou was standing tall, his arms and legs spread just enough to get perfect measurements. "I would say 'stand still', but I don't think that'll be an issue now."
A bit dramatic, but he needed it. Bakugou thrashed and tugged on the thread, but everytime one broke, three more were quick to replace it. Jeanist was careful not to hurt the boy, just restrain him. "The fuck?! Get these damn threads offa me!" 
The pro rolled his eyes, grabbing his measuring tape and approaching him. "What did I just say?" Jeanist first ran the tape around his chest, getting the bust measurements. He wasn't expecting the other blonde's gasp when his fingers grazed his ribs. "Bakugou…are you hurt?"
Shit… "No, go away! Get these damn threads away from me!" He tried thrashing his way out, but nothing was working. Jeanist was too good at keeping him in place.
"Bakugou, if you're hiding an injury, you're only hurting yourself more. I only think less of you for getting injured if you don't tell me about it." His tone was serious. The pro didn't mess around when it came to his others' well-being. Giving Bakugou a stern look-over, he could tell the explosive teen wasn't lying. But if he wasn't injured, why'd he gasp? Jeanist knew he wasn't getting a straight answer; best to run a test…
Ignoring his protests, Jeanist got back to measuring. He did the bust measurements one more time, his fingers grazing Bakugou's ribs again. The teen was prepared, though, biting his cheek to keep quiet.
Okay, no noise that time…moving onto the waist. He moved the tape down, fiddling with the ends of it to find the exact measurement. He pressed his fingers against the boy's lower stomach, taking mental notes of the numbers. 
Bakugou's breathing was a bit shaky, his cheek starting to hurt from biting it so hard. Why couldn't Jeanist measure somewhere that wasn't ticklish? Literally any other place would have been fine. He just had to start with his ribs. Things only went downhill from there…
Now for hip girth. The tape was moved once again, running around his hips. Bakugou struggled not to react when he felt his mentor's fingers brush his hips. He could feel his cheeks heat up, the embarrassment and stupidity of his situation getting to him. 
Jeanist heard how shaky his breathing was getting, glancing up at the teen's face. What he saw shocked him. A blushing Bakugou, struggling not to smile. Why would he…wait a minute. He got a wonderful idea. And oho, it was perfect. 
The measuring tape was pulled away, Best Jeanist's fingers leaving his torso. Bakugou huffed, sparing a glance at his mentor. He instantly regretted it. The pro hero's smile was as wide as it was mischievous. The measurements were done for now, he could've released him; but he didn't. He knew. Bakugou was fucked. 
"Jeanist I- don't you FUCKING dare! I'll blow you into the stratosphere! Back off!" The blond pulled at his thread restraints, but Jeanist was too good with his quirk. He could barely wiggle around, much less escape.
The pro hero chuckled, shaking his head. "Wow, again with the language. What's it gonna take for you to clean up your act, Bakugou?" He tucked his arms behind his back, slowly getting closer to the teen. He knew exactly what it would take. He just wanted to have a bit of fun with his temperamental mentee. 
"Maybe…something like this?" He went behind the teen, squeezing his side. Bakugou huffed, jerking as much as the threads would allow. How were things as simple as threads keeping him restrained so well? 
"Lemme go! I swear, if you touch me one more time, I'll fucking blast you-" He couldn't even finish his sentence before Jeanist squeezed his side again, cutting his words off with a yelp. "There's that word again. You've really got to stop using it. Children aren't going to want to be near a hero who uses such scary language." 
To be completely honest, Jeanist didn't really care how the boy spoke. It wasn't up to him, he wasn't going to dictate how he communicated. Still, the cursing gave him an excuse to tickle the other blonde. An excuse he wasn't about to let go of.
Deciding to just go for it, Jeanist scribbled across the teen's stomach. He was pleasantly surprised to hear Baku's poorly-restrained giggles. He wasn't putting up much of an effort to conceal them anymore. "Shihit- nohoho! Get ohohoff!" 
It was nice to hear the aggressive, loud teen giggle like that. After all, he was still a kid. A teenager, yes, but still a kid. The boy deserves to laugh. And, by the looks of it, he doesn't really mind. 
"You'd think that you would stop cussing, but no. Honestly, do you ever learn your lesson?" The wiggling fingers move upwards, heading for his ribs. Bakugou's giggling got louder, still lighter and bubbly. At least he was on the right track.
Jeanist slowly moved up Bakugou's ribs, scribbling between each bone. The teen squirmed and thrashed as much as he could, his pink cheeks deepening to a vibrant red. The giggling was now borderline laughter. Just needed that one extra notch to get there.
"Goho awahahay, ohohold mahahahan!" The pro scoffed, pausing his tickling for a second. That kid was in for it now… "Old man?! I'm 35, thank you very much! That's a perfectly normal age for a hero. I think you need a lesson in manners…" 
The pro's hand suddenly darted upwards, scribbling mercilessly on the spot where his underarms meet the top of his ribs. Bakugou all but screamed, loud cackles replacing his giggling. "NOHOHO! GEHEHET- NOHOT THEHEHERE!" 
Jeanist just chuckled as he continued his ticklish fun. He was enjoying himself, seeing his mentee laugh like that. The boy never let loose besides fighting, it was a nice sight. "There we go, improvement. No insults, and not one swear word!" He didn't really have a definite reason for tickling Bakugou, besides the fact that it was fun. Excuses would help, though.
Laughter echoed around Jeanist's office, bouncing off the walls and lively the place up. The denim-clad pro experimentally squeezed Bakugou's hip, smirking at the squawk he got in return. His fingers moved away from the teen's death spot, fully moving his hands down to focus on his hips. 
"OHOHO MY- IHIHI'LL KIHILL YOUHUHU!" Bakugou was trying to continue his sort-of squirming, but he was tiring out. The tickles, paired with that morning's training and patrol, had him beat. He managed to keep his head held up, laughing as the pro went at his hips. 
His thumbs drilled into the boisterous teen's hips, smirking as he pulled laugh after laugh out of him. The kid definitely had a nice one; much better than his normal demented cackling. His eyes wandered down to Bakugou's legs, questioning if they'd be half as his upper body. Lucky for him, he forgot a measurement. 
"Oh, my bad! I forgot to measure your inseam! We'll need to take care of that, now won't we?" Jeanist pulled the measuring tape from his pocket once again, holding it against Bakugou's thigh. Only this time, he actually poked around the area, purposefully tickling him while getting the measurement.
Thigh tickles are a completely different experience from anywhere else on the body (imo). As such, Bakugou's laugh was a brand-new shade of adorable. The fiery teen giggled and squeaked, pitchy laughter replacing his cackles.
"CohOHOme ohohon! Youhuhu AHA- uhum,  j-jeheherk!” To his mentor’s surprise, Bakugou actually filtered his language. True, he had begun to call him an ass, but he took the effort to stop himself. It was kinda cute, even if he didn’t truly care about the other blonde’s language.
Jeanist chuckled, easing up on his student’s hips. “Would you look at that, he can learn. All it took was some tickling!” Said student groaned, his cheeks reddening as Jeanist said the word. Normally, he can hear and say the word just fine. That time, however, he was being teased and restrained by someone he looked up to. It’s waaay harder to stay composed when you’re giggling like an idiot.
Finally, the tickling and teasing got to him. Bakugou actually tapped out. He didn’t exactly say “uncle” or anything, but he did say one word that hadn’t been spoken since Jeanist started. “S-STOHOHOP IHIT! JeHEHEAnihihist noho mohOHORE!” 
And stop it he did. The pro hero pulled his hands away as the threads holding Bakugou in place snapped. The teen fell forwards, a bit dazed from laughing so hard for so long. Jeanist caught the giggly student before he could hurt himself. “Woah, careful. I didn’t go too far, did I?”
Bakugou shook his head, hiding his red face in his mentor’s shoulder. “Sh-shuhuhut uhup…” That was the only response he needed to know that everything was fine. The older blonde wrapped his arms around him, keeping the boy upright and letting him know that there was no judgment. 
“Alright, I’ll stop. Still, you have to admit you enjoyed yourself just a little.” Bakugou groaned, weakly punching his mentor’s side. That just made him laugh and muss up the teen’s hair. “I’ll take that as another yes.” 
A lightbulb seemed to go off in Jeanist’s head as he remembered the whole reason the silliness started. “Oh, I almost forgot! Now that I’ve got your measurements, I can start on your new suit!” He walked over to a nearby couch, laying the teen down to rest. Bakugou wasn’t totally spent, but he could use a breather. He grumbled something, but didn’t protest any. He wanted a quick nap, and knew Jeanist wouldn’t tease him for it. 
The pro went over to his personal work-area, grabbing the fabrics for Bakugou’s new suit. Hopefully, by the time his student woke up, he would have a starting point on the garment.
Their playful exchange had given him some good ideas on where to add extra padding, as well as some pops of color. Bakugou might have been a bit temperamental, but he was a good kid. A good kid deserves a good suit. As he cut the first length of fabric, he thought of the happy smile that was on his mentee’s face as he tickled him. He would have to take measurements more often…
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womanofwords · 3 months
Truth Serum (Part 1)
3 years on Tumblr celebration. It was a tie between tickles and hero/villain stuff, so I did both. Hope you like it!
Villain laughed as they had Hero trapped on a surgical table. "I finally have you! Now, tell me all the secrets of the Hero's League!"
"No," Hero said, eyes ignited with anger. "You can't do anything to make me talk!"
Villain laughed cruelly. "You won't be saying that after this little infusion of truth serum works its magic!" Hero braced themselves for their nose to be pinched or a needle to end up in their arm, but instead a purple sticker was slapped onto their forearm.
Hero raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"
"Allow my superior intellect to explain it to you," Villain crowed. "The truth serum is absorbed into the skin through the patch over the course of an hour. Have fun feeling your ability to lie leave your body! I'll be back later!" The villain laughed as they left Hero to ponder their fate.
When they came back, Hero was still defiant, but scared. "You're not getting anything out of me, Villain!" Hero stammered.
"Oh, I believe I can." Villain strolled up to the captive Hero in front of them. "Where do they keep their personal documents?"
"I don't know," Hero said, cursing under their breath. The truth patch really worked.
"If it wasn't for the truth serum, I wouldn't believe you," Villain said, poking Hero in the stomach. Hero whimpered. "What was that?"
"It tickled," Hero said. "I wish I hadn't had to say that."
"Oh, really?" Villain asked, gears whirring. "How many ticklish spots do you have? And which is the worst?"
"I am ticklish on my stomach, ribs, hips, pits, spine and feet. They are equally terrible and I am exceptionally susceptible to being teased."
"Wonderful." Villain grinned as Hero squirmed futilely. "Would this count as an effective interrogation technique?"
"Absolutely. I once bribed someone to stop tickling me once," Hero said.
Villain produced a long pink feather. "Good."
Screams of laughter echoed through the walls of the lair. Right Hand sighed. "I hear Villain's torturing another one of the little heroes again," Right Hand grumbled.
"Oh!" Villain exclaimed. "So Villain's the one laughing as he inflicts pain onto heroes! Now I get it!"
"No, Hero is laughing. A lot of the heroes are ticklish," Right Hand said.
"See?" Right Hand said.
Part 2
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