#Time Scooped
wickedzeevyln · 5 months
Free of This Distance
My heart is calling out yours. One can hope never to reach the bottom of the cup filled with steaming coffee, lost in trance, luxuriating in a conversation wrapped in ribbons of evoking thoughts and decadent flavors. One second after another, the veil is peeled, unmasking secrets until they are naked and the heat floods the senses, charcoal eyes running against the seconds and face tightening…
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gon-iii · 1 month
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scoops-aboy86 · 2 months
Steve as a late night radio DJ, with Robin as his producer (because my partner has made me watch so much Frasier lol). He's got the sexy voice and Eddie, frontman of successful metal band Corroded Coffin, still remembers him from Hawkins and, ugh.
But, well, his manager set up the interview and it would cause more of a stir to no-show than it would to turn up and bicker with some washed up former high school bully. It's a different city, a different decade; maybe King Steve won't even remember him.
So Eddie turns up, and he actually beats Steve there. To the point of the show starting and it's just him in the booth, chatting awkwardly with Robin to fill the air. It gets less awkward the more they talk, idly catching up on old small town bullshit and what it's like to go from isolated baby queers ("I thought I was totally alone!" "Really? You didn't clock the black bandana hanging out of my pocket for five of my six years in high school?" "Sorry old timer, I was still in middle school for part of that." "Oh fuck off, Ms. 'I went to Sarah Lawrence and all I got was this awesome girlfriend.'" "Sorry Eddie, we can't all be super late bloomers like you.") to Actually Successful And Functioning Adults. (She's kind enough not to mention his single but unfortunately well known brush with rehab, other than to congratulate him on his seven year chip.)
And then Steve bursts in, huffing and puffing and diving for the headphones and mic to apologize to both them and the audience for being late. He doesn't even try to offer an excuse until Robin asks, "Uh, Steve? Want to share with us why your arm's in a sling and one of your eyebrows looks like it got flambéd right off your face?"
Which turns into a very put-upon but entertaining retelling of Dustin Henderson ("Oh damn, Henderson! I fell outta touch with him ages ago. How is that little shit?" "Married. He didn't end up converting to Mormonism, but they still have enough kids to make up half a basketball team." "Is that... a lot?" "Six, Munson. They have six kids." "Which is funny, because he made soooo much fun of Steve for wanting that many back in the day." "Yeah. Showed him." "Fuck, my condolences to his wife if they all inherited his big head. You gotta give me his number after this. Or—DUSTIN, if you're listening to your babysitter's show, come to my next concert and there'll be two backstage passes with your name on it! Or, well, that embarrassing nickname your radio girlfriend used to call you, since I think I've blurted out your full government name by now." "That girlfriend is actually his wife now." "No shit?! Wow, I can't believe one of my little lost sheepies has managed to keep the same girl for over a decade. Is she really hotter than Phoebe Cates?" "Oh, she is smokin." "Robin, don't make it weird." "Oh it's okay, she already knows. I told her.") ... A very put-upon but entertaining retelling of Dustin Henderson coming over to discuss plans for Ma Henderson's birthday, and bringing a cherries jubilee that Suzie had made so he could literally demonstrate the flambé presentation ("Listeners, I swear I did not know, when I asked Steve about his flambéd eyebrow, that it was a literal flambé accident. Eddie, can you confirm?" "I can confirm, Robin. We received no heads-up calls or messages from Steve before or during the show. It was serendipitous irony, 100% pure.") but poured waaaaay too much brandy on, and then Steve tripped in his mad dash for the fire extinguisher ("He was no help at all, just stopped dropped and rolled right there in the middle of the damn kitchen." "How are his eyebrows?" "Ugh, I have more of them than he does right now but at least his match. Don't worry everyone, he's fine. No nerds were injured in the course of this improv slapstick comedy routine that is my life. I swear to god, I need a girlfriend or a boyfriend or someone reasonable to hang out with besides all you weirdos." "Aw, you love us." "Yeah Stevie, what would you do without your loving nerd squad?" "Yeah, yeah... But don't try to leave yourself out of this Munson, as far as I'm concerned you're still the king of all nerds. And if you're reconnecting with Dustin, you're stuck with us too.") and had to stop by urgent care on the way to work.
Throughout all of this, Eddie is not twirling a lock of hair around one finger... but only because it's tied haphazardly back to keep it out of his face for the day. Steve is different from the guy he remembers strutting the halls of Hawkins High. Still all freckles and hair and charismatic grin, but he carries himself differently. More solidly built in his mid-thirties than his late teens, with a layer of softness that suits him. Calmer and settled, with the kind of confidence that comes with growing up. And the girlfriend or boyfriend thing? Holy shit. Holy shit. King Steve? Who knew? But, well, it explains why Steve and Robin are so close, Eddie guesses.
The Steve Harrington that Eddie had known back in the day hadn't exactly been the worst of the bullies, but he'd been friends with them, and they had spouted plenty of homophobic shit. And Steve had been looking right at him as he'd said it, like he's aware that Eddie is terminally single and maybe, just maybe, there was a flicker of a question in his eyes.
Eddie has been publicly out for a while now, and the thing is... Steve is definitely his type. So he leans into it a little, testing the waters. And Steve responds to it like a sunflower greeting the sunrise.
By the end of the show Robin is slapping post-its on the glass partition that read "Get his number dingus" and "Get a room" and Don't make that face at me, yes I do know that he can see these too and I don't care, GET IT or I will recruit Dusty-dun to my cause" and "To clarify, the cause is getting you laid. Eddie, take note, he's allergic to latex."
Permanent tag list (ask to be added, but since I have gotten an influx of new followers lately just know that I write a lot of weight gain kink so like... just be aware): @hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @sofadofax @tangerinesteve
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inhabited-by-something · 11 months
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Like father like son ~
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 3 months
Alpha!Eddie Munson being asked to help fellow Alpha! Steve Harrington’s knot to stay down longer during sex. As the second Steve gets inside an omega his knot immediately pops. Eddie agrees to help under the conditions that he gets to decide when and where he helps train Steves knot. Of course a few sessions go by with no luck, up until Eddie decides playing with the others prostate could possibly help.
Now Steve doesn't understand how the staffs area of scoops ahoy was the perfect place to test this out for the first time, and he kinds of regrets agreeing to this. Not because he doesn't enjoy it, but because he has to stay silent.
His shorts are currently down to his ankles and his hand’s covered tightly over his mouth as tears roll down his face. His legs are spread out as his cock is pressed uncomfortably between his stomach and the table. Their goal of having him last longer than a second has been met but now his knot is swollen and cock is leaking more precum at each thrust from behind.
Eddie’s purposely thrusting against his prostate. His own Knot starting to catch against Steve’s rim.
Steves very close to having the best orgasm of his life when Eddie pulls out, flips him over and jerks off all over Steve’s agitated knot. Then proceeds to pull Steve’s shorts up, pat him on the ass to be on his way.
“You just told me to help you not knot immediately. Never asked me to teach you how to cum properly big boy.”
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skyblueartt · 2 months
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Silly work doodle of Michael Afton💜
“I got my insides scooped out by one of my dad’s creations and all I got was this stupid shirt!”
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renata-dp · 6 months
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More Mike and William having Perry and Doof's dynamic bc I have been doing screenshots and there are so many moments that fit them you have no idea (and I love it XD)
[og pnf screenshots below the cut, oh- and also my first post about it here]
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sunshinerotting · 1 month
u ever think about jiang cheng having enough trust in wei wuxian to walk up a mountain blindfolded only to be betrayed in a way so internal and inescapable that learning about it sends him spiraling nearly two decades later. he lost everything in the world except what couldn’t physically leave. he has jin ling and wwx’s core and they’re both necessary and he couldn’t have had either of them without losing his siblings. he would prefer his siblings. he can’t have a conversation with wwx but he can never escape him how can he deal with that. doesn’t it feel dirty. imagine thinking your brother thinks he’s so worthless you would prefer taking the most important thing from him than to not have it. imagine him beating u at everything always and when u finally get ground it turns out it’s not even you. its still him. in giving up his core wwx gave up the possibility of staying in jiang chengs life even before the wen remnants entered the picture. congratulations to jiang cheng! u have his core but u can never have him again
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bringbackgoth · 2 months
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So this wretched little fleabag came onto my porch last night.
We're calling her Daisy and she's really a VERY sweet and also EXTREMELY scared girl.
She had a collar on but when I gave her a bath this morning she dripped red from all of the flea-dirt on her body. Lucky for her, I had extra flea treatment on hand, so she should be fixed up now.
She's SO soft and SO scared I don't think she's ever been in a building before. She was probably just a yard-dog.
I don't really want to foster a dog right now but I don't think I could live with myself if I just dropped her off at the humane society.
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I know you did Eddie as a Scoops customer but can you make him an employee? Put him in the Scoops uniform?
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customer service fuckin’ sucks
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spoiledmilks · 1 year
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Michael Afton is cool ig
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and then everyone had nightmares for a month. the end
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jeonwon-wonwoo · 1 year
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scoups: allure korea photo shoot behind
bonus: 🥹
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beneathsilverstars · 4 months
The Traveler And The Pit
(748 words, major ISAT spoilers)
"Once, a long time ago, a Traveler jumped into a pit.
He tried to jump back out, but the pit was too high. He tried to climb out, but the dirt walls crumbled under his fingers.
'Oh no,' they lamented. 'Woe is me! I'm stuck in a blinding pit for some reason!'
But obviously he couldn't expect anything to change if he just sat there lamenting, so he tried climbing again. Digging at the walls, embedding dirt and rock and root under his nails until they chipped and broke. Forming handholds slick with sweat and blood. But he could only dig for so long each day before he collapsed at the bottom of the pit, and each morning when he awoke, his hands were pristine and the walls smooth and straight.
The Traveler dug for a long, long time. They dug until they couldn't remember anything else but the pit. They dug until they forgot that the leaves far above their head were attached to branches and trunks and roots. They dug until their pristine morning nails felt alien. They dug and dug and dug and every handful of dirt that they moved they dumped straight into their soul.
They didn't notice when they started crying. It could have been days or months or weeks or years, but they didn't notice the tears running down their cheeks until the evening that they realized: the pit had turned into mud so thick and wet that they couldn't dig at all anymore. Dirt and tears had mixed and now each scoop slid between their fingers, now the walls flowed to fill each indent, now the floor of the pit sunk under their feet.
They were being pulled in. They would soon drown. And yet, they couldn't stop crying.
'Please!' they cried, 'Someone, anyone, help me!'
The Universe frowned. A Traveler stuck in a pit, huh? That wouldn't do. It would have to send someone to help.
Someone who was an expert on pits, maybe.
The Universe reached down and scooped out the Traveler's insides. The poor thing was full of mud, of course, mud and only mud from head to toe. The Universe scooped all of it up, took the mass of dirt and tears and shaped it into a simulacrum of a person, and stuck a star on top.
'There!' it said. 'A Helper.' And it gently set its creation down in the pit, next to their old body.
Since the Traveler's body wasn't full of mud anymore, it had space for other things again. Things like memories and ideas and plans. The Traveller woke up and he knew what tree trunks were and he wasn't surprised by the cleanliness of his hands. He looked around with fresh eyes, and quickly realized that he was stuck in a pit. He even remembered jumping in.
They tried to jump back out, but the pit was too high. They tried to climb out, but the dirt walls crumbled under their fingers. 'Oh no,' they lamented. 'Woe is me! I'm-'
'Don't bother,' said the Helper. 'Digging doesn't work.'
'Oh,' said the Traveler. 'Hm. I suppose... I'll have to try something else, then?'
The Traveler inspected the pit, and the Helper warned him of the spot where worms would fall out of the dirt onto their head. The Traveler squinted up at the sky above, and the Helper assured him that the weather would never change. The Traveler patted down his pockets, and-
The Helper hadn't remembered that they had pockets.
'Thank you!' said the Traveler, smile wide, eye brimming with unshed tears, rope in hand. 'I never could have gotten out of here without your help!' And he tied a loop in the rope and threw it, and hooked it over a high-up root, and used it to climb up and out of the pit.
The Helper figured, well, they might as well climb the rope too. So they did! They climbed until they stood on solid ground, and they looked around at the tree trunks and the grass and the road that stretched from one horizon to the other. They were out of the pit, and now they could leave it behind forever!
But it didn't matter. No matter how far they traveled, they would still be made out of mud."
The bird chirped, "piou, piou." It pecked at the ground one final time and then flew off.
"Yeah," said Loop, "I didn't think it was a very good story, either."
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revivify-inn · 4 months
me: "I'm gonna do things! Clean the house! Clean my office and studio space!"
The Possum in my brother's truck:
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thelastharbinger · 2 years
*I’m sighing*
*takes a long, deep breath* So yeah this is Tenoch excitedly squealing “It’s today!” with flailing arms and I’m doing totally fine, thanks for asking.
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