#Singing Sammy Hagar
wickedzeevyln · 5 months
Free of This Distance
My heart is calling out yours. One can hope never to reach the bottom of the cup filled with steaming coffee, lost in trance, luxuriating in a conversation wrapped in ribbons of evoking thoughts and decadent flavors. One second after another, the veil is peeled, unmasking secrets until they are naked and the heat floods the senses, charcoal eyes running against the seconds and face tightening…
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jeffcbliss · 28 days
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Michael Anthony (left) and Sammy Hagar - "Best of All Worlds" tour; MGM Grand Garden Arena; Las Vegas, CA (8-9-24). @RealMadAnthony @sammyhagar
Photo: Jeff Bliss
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eisforeidolon · 10 months
Question: One of my favorite things about Supernatural is the music, and I was curious if you guys remember your first concert experience, and who was it that you went and saw?
Jared: Yep, I remember - I don't remember which one was first, but I [???] I saw En Vogue open for Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer.
Jensen: [makes face, covers his eyes with his hand]
Jared: [rests his arm on Jensen's back] And not a word of a lie, my mom - I don't remember which was first. But for my birthday I really wanted to go to this other concert, so my mom took me. And I like begged and my birthday passed, couldn't get tickets. Christmas came, I got tickets or whatever. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Jensen: [shakes his head]
Jared: I'm not fucking kidding. It was TMNT, yeah. And I'm proud of that!
Jensen: [incredulous] En Vogue?
Jared: It was a triple header, it was En Vogue, Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer. All of that [???]. It was probably like 92 or -
Jensen: Were you too legit to quit?
Audience member: You're never gonna get it!
Jared: [makes comically amused face and points, claps]
Jensen: [makes 🤯 gesture] [sings] Never gonna get it, never gonna get it ... Um, right. Mine's not quite as embarrassing. My first concert, my mother took me with her sister my aunt - and I don't remember the story, I forget why I went and why like my brother and my sister - well, my sister wasn't quite born yet. But I don't know why my brother didn't go.
Jared: He was at Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with me.
Jensen: [laughs] Yeah, he was at En Vogue with you. But I was six years old and it was - it scared the crap out of me. It was at Texas Stadium and it was Michael Jackson Thriller Tour. [Jared jawdrops] My first concert ever. And I was terrified because all the lights were down and then these big monsters started coming out on stage [makes weird vague movements to imitate monsters] and then, I mean, it was like, oh my gosh, what's happening, the roar of the crowd - I'd never been in a crowd that big, and then he came out and he just blew the roof off the place. That's why it doesn't have a roof. Um, and then the first concert that I went to on my own volition was Van Halen with Sammy Hagar.
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lightning-and-sparks · 5 months
what was your inspiration for Roland? And your inspiration for the other characters if you’d like to share
Oh my gosh, this is such a great question I’m so excited! This counts as Thorns Chronicles 2
So originally, Roland wasn’t supposed to be the main antagonist. He was just a namesake to throw into the position of manager. I also picked kind of a jerk name bc I’ve dealt with some jackass named Roland. Roland evolved into being a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” character where on the surface he doesn’t look intimidating but you kind of get a strange vibe from him. I wanted to make someone desperate enough to do what he did. He’s hellbent on getting back to Dancity bc his wife is dying and he only took the job as Jack’s manager to pay her medical bills because it was all he could get. I don’t want to say too much here but he is hinted to have a criminal background with his last client that almost ended his career. He also manipulates Jack on things he knows will provoke him, like his past, and possible relationships where he will be used, and wants to keep reminding him that he is nothing but a pretty face and a warm body, if you catch my drift. As a final thing on Roland, don’t underestimate what an animal backed into a corner will do.
Kelly (The Makeup artist) is based off my hair dresser and acts as more of a comic relief and familiar face. You see her in the very beginning and at the very end. She’s a mother and her empathy extends to Jack. She is employed by him so she doesn’t act on it (ex, when he starts showing signs something is wrong before talking to Korzo, chapter 7 I think?) She doesn’t see Jack Rose as the son of a dictator or a celebrity when he’s in her chair.
Kit Korzo (News Reporter) was my attempt to make a Cesar Flickerman character if you have ever seen hunger games. He’s built his life and livelihood around reporting and is well known for it. He wants Jack’s testimony on his mother but he’s patient enough to play the long game. Like other Eternians he is calculating and we will see him again. Also, @charminggold25 told me he reminds him of Ellen which is so funny
Foxx (bodyguard) is based on a real-life person u know and acts as an outsider looking in. He’s known Jack since he was younger and being employed by the Swans had saved him and his family. Although Night Swan wasn’t the greatest person, she kept him and his kids alive and for that, he’s indebted to the Swans. If not for their employment he would have turned back to a life of crime from which he came. He has three kids, (two daughters and a son) his middle child (the son) is a fan of Jack Rose and ultimately serves to bridge their connection. Foxx sees his son in Jack and also remembers how he was as a kid and feels compelled to step in even if just for his son. Like most Eternians, he is not particular about Dancinites so seeing Roland as an enemy is not that difficult. He’s come to see Jack as a friend rather than an employer and shares his triumphs and downfalls.
Sting (Bodyguard) is introduced a lot later than Foxx when Jack realizes the situation is too big for just them. He acts as a refresher character who adds some new eyes into each scenario. He’s less seasoned compared to Foxx and that breaks up Foxx’s stiffness. He lives in the same neighborhood as Foxx but lives with his grandmother (who taught him Spanish) Sting isn’t upset about the promotion but is happy to be included. Originally, he was named Gordy Sting after Gordon Sting who sings for The Police *COUGH COUGH* message in the bottle! But got switched to Sammy Sting bc the chapter he’s introduced in is a song sang by Sammy Hagar.
Electra (sound coordinator) She exists because I needed someone on the inside as far as technology goes. She’s overconfident and knows what she’s doing. She is from a different Eternian city and acclimated to Eternyx City well.
Soong (Doctor) is one of the first characters I made that we see. He’s distant and watches Jack’s gradual deterioration. Like most Eternians, he knows of Jack Rose but at surface level. He sees him after the initial encounter and watches how he shifts from fear to anger. Soong is last seen at the beginning of the second half of arc 1. He sees what happens to Jack at an intimate level. He also knows Roland and is afraid of him knowing what he’s capable of. He sees Jack first alone and scared but in their next encounter sees he is no longer alone. He is haunted by the image of Jack hemorrhaging on the hospital floor.
Sandy (tailor) comic relief character who is zero bullshit. Doesn’t see Jack or Wander as higher figures. Takes her job very seriously but she can tell something is up by the way Wander and Jack interact and puts in her two cents to Wander.
The man in the mirror: Bad ex of Jack Rose, his first (if u know u know) I’ll talk about him another time, He is called “Spike”
Characters are made for a purpose in Thorns 😉
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fuckyeahvanhalen86-95 · 3 months
Former Van Halen bassist Michael Anthony is celebrating his 70th birthday today (June 20). In honor of the milestone, Anthony’s longtime musical compatriot Sammy Hagar has posted a special message on his social media sites for his frequent collaborator and fellow VH alum.
The Red Rocker posted a text note, as well as a video in which he delivered a heartfelt message to Anthony that ended with a little humorous twist.
“On this day, a long, long time ago, the world was blessed with this bad a–, bass playing, singing rock ‘n’ roll superstar,” Hagar wrote. “Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the one. The only Mr. Michael Anthony.”
As for the video, it featured Hagar addressing the camera while wearing a stylish gray blazer and a white dress shirt with dark stripes.
“Happy Birthday, Mr. Michael Anthony, my longtime friend, my brother from a different mother,” Hagar said in the clip. “I can’t tell you how much I love having you as a friend, having you as a bandmate, a partner in crime. I know it’s your birthday today, and I’m sitting here reminiscing and looking at all these old pictures.”
The video then showed a series of old photos of Hagar and Anthony performing onstage together.
Sammy continued, “Mike, we’ve been doing it a long time. … We have more fun than any 10 monkeys on the planet, OK?”
Hagar then noted, “Like I said, I know it’s your birthday, so in your honor, I’m getting dressed up today and I’m gonna stay dressed up. And I’m gonna make a cocktail later—it’s too early now—but in your honor, I want to be first class today for you. Peace, love, and happiness.”
As the video came to an end, Sammy commented to the person recording the message, “Are we done?” Hagar then turned and started walking back into his house, as the camera pulled back to show he was wearing Hawaiian-print shorts and was barefoot.
“[Got to] get this monkey suit off,” he then said.
Anthony posted his own message responding to Hagar’s video in the comments section of Sammy’s Instagram page.
“Hahahaha, thanks, brother, haven’t seen you that dressed up in a long time!!!” Michael wrote. “We’ve been through a lot, and we ain’t finished yet!! I love ya….and I’ll be right over for that birthday cocktail.”
Anthony and Hagar first began playing together when Sammy was hired by Van Halen to replace founding frontman David Lee Roth in 1985. Hagar left Van Halen in 1996, and he and Anthony then teamed up with Journey’s Neal Schon and Deen Castronovo in the short-lived band Planet Us in 2002.
Anthony and Hagar took part in a Van Halen reunion tour in 2004, but after the trek, both musicians soon departed the band for good. In 2007, Van Halen was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, but Anthony and Hagar were the only members to attend the ceremony, although they no longer were part of the group.
Since then, Anthony has played with Hagar in the supergroup Chickenfoot and in Sammy’s backing band The Circle. He now is preparing to hit the road with Hagar on The Best of All Worlds Tour, along with Chickenfoot guitarist Joe Satriani and The Circle’s drummer, Jason Bonham.
As previously reported, The Best of All Worlds Tour will mainly focus the Van Halen catalog.
The trek kicks off July 13 in West Palm Beach, Florida, and is scheduled to conclude on August 31 in St. Louis. Loverboy will be the opening act throughout the tour.
Tickets for the tour dates shows are available now via various outlets, including StubHub.
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching No Rest for the Wicked
Welcome to “Do Genitals Have a Skeletal System in Hell?: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
  Up today, s3e16: No Rest for the Wicked.
 Dean’s got days now, and the desperation leads the boys to fight over what to try next. Ruby has a plan Dean doesn’t like, and Sam is frustrated (again) by Dean’s refusal to trust her. Meanwhile, Lilith, the demon who reportedly holds Dean’s contract, has possessed a young girl and is using her to torment and kill members of the child’s family. Bobby is able to pinpoint Lilith’s location, and the boys infiltrate the home in an attempt to kill Lilith. They fail. In the final moments before midnight, Dean hears hell hounds. The dogs, invisible to everyone else, rip him to shreds, leaving no doubt that he's dead. The final shots of the episode zoom in through Dean’s sightless eyes, where we see him suspended from meat hooks in what can only be hell, yelling his brother’s name in anguish.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 oh DEAN
 wow it's like the start of an Arrow season. running through the woods
 oh Dean. if you WILL read horror lore before bed...
 “let’s never do that"
good boy, Sammy
 I love it when Bobby calls them “kid"
they are his BOYS
 "when Bella breathes, the air comes out crooked"
 poor Dean. he's gonna go to hell for 40 years and when he gets back, Sammy is STILL hanging out after school with Ruby
 “just no” and the way his voice breaks
 ooof, yeah
 I bet Sam is absolutely going to do what his brother asked him to
 Ruby, not everything needs a cutesy nickname
especially when you occupy space with *the* Dean Winchester, the queen of that
 oh how I enjoy watching Laurel chew on a paper bag and calling it acting
 HA right?!
 “I knew SAM wouldn’t listen"
 pets him
 dicks don't have spines. generally
 well maybe they do where she’s from
 you do? really?!
get the smelling salts
I know it truly is shocking
 so shocking
he's so SMART
 Sammy is looking very lovely today
 he is
 AHA! Dean’s been watching the show
 i'm enjoying Dean's light-colored t-shirt too
 “I totally rehearsed that speech, too"
I want to see that pls
 (I HATE that they try to position 327 as them finally not doing this/breaking this habit of sacrificing for each other when there is NO reason to think they didn't have other options that didn't involve making a bad deal to try first)
 oh MAN I forgot THIS is in THIS episode
 oof, yeah, this is rough
 this kid is SO GOOD
 she IS
 is that... plastic?
 Bobby with the ol’ distributer cap trick
 would that be in a 67 impala?
(I am legitimately asking you)
 i wouldn’t think so but maybe as a replacement part?
 omg abashed Dean
 oh dean honey
 omg the way he stops singing
 oh honey. his FACE
 "so you can see hell's other bitches"
 knives don’t make that sound when they’re cutting cake
 the juxtaposition of the little girl stuff and the horrible stuff is brilliant
they don't
 it really is
 Bobby calling Dean son i cannot
 everybody stop hurting Dean
 yes, he needs to be perfect for the devil dogs
 I was thinking more about alleviating his suffering but SURE MACE
 is something important happening here, bc I might be stuck imagining myself as the dad here in ONLY this scene
 I love that the mom catches on immediately
 I was JUST gonna say that
 YES DEAN he should remember what YOU taught him
 HOW does Jensen make like one tiny muscle in his face twitch like that?!
 no idea
 it’s not that pretty [Ed. Lor here. I feel compelled, COMPELLED, I tell you, to note that this was not in reference to Jensen’s face. okay. carry on. (sorry.)]
 it really isn't
 look, i’m concerned about Dean but having him sprawled on the table like that is...distracting
 it REALLY is
 ooooof SAM
 oh Bean
 the zoom into hell through his eye is SO COOL
 it IS
 and the second scream of his name over the credits
 hold on DeanDean, Cas is coming
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greeneyezblackheart · 2 years
The only Van Halen album I've heard so far that Sammy Hagar did is 5150. Of course, I'll listen to the others, but that's the only one so far. And is it just me, or does his voice sound REALLY similar to David Lee Roth's? I'll be completely honest- I thought that was DLR singing. I know he left in 1985, and it didn't dawn on me that he wasn't singing until I saw that 5150 was released in 1986. It wasn't till then that I connected the dots. I would have NEVER known. I mean, am I crazy, or do they sound almost exactly alike?
And Eddie is the newest LOML, by the way. In case I haven't made that clear 😂. Just look at him! I can't get over how adorable he was! 🥺🥺🥺
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Girl, I’m right there with you with EVH—I love that sweet little impish grin of his. So adorable. When he passed away a few years ago, it hit me pretty hard. As far as celebrity deaths go, that one really affected me. I played VH religiously for about a month, and sometimes I’d just cry and cry listening to them.
I think I do kinda hear some similarities between Eddie’s and Sammy’s voices now that you mention it. I’ve never thought about it before. Interesting. Funnily enough, I think I read somewhere that during Sammy Hagar’s tenure in the group, they never did any of DLR’s songs when they’d perform. I suppose they could have, though. He could definitely pull off those songs.
My favorite VH songs mostly feature Sammy on vocals:
*** If you never listen to any of these (that you’ve not already heard before) you gotta listen to Don’t Tell Me What Love Can Do. Eddie’s guitar in this song just does something to me, makes me feel some type of way. 😮‍💨
Fun fact: In case you didn’t know this (I’m sure you probably do), EVH played the guitar solo on Michael Jackson’s song Beat It. Completely made the song. And speaking of Michael Jackson, in case you didn’t know, Slash played on the song Give In To Me. Both of these are AMAZING songs. Not sure how you feel about MJ, but I figured I would share anyway. 😌
Give In To Me. Holy crap, that’s a good song. One I haven’t heard in forever. I think I’ll go listen to it now. 
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thekylemeredith · 1 month
What's a great way to kick off the weekend? Getting to talk with metal legend and Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine!
We dig into their latest tour, setlist changes, life on Mars, singing with Sammy Hagar (The Red Rocker) and more.
At Consequence or podcasts.
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myraelvira · 3 months
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Jim Hodder
Jim Hodder, also known as Jimmy, was born on December 17th, 1947, in Bethpage, New York. He graduated from Plainedge High School in 1965, then relocated to the Boston area, where he became active in the local music scene.
He joined the Psychadelic rock group, The Bead Game, also known as Bead Game, which was named after Hermann Hesse’s novel, “The Glass Bead Game”. Jim was the drummer and lead singer of the band. The group built a local following before attracting the attention of Avco Records, and producer Gary Kannon, later known as Gary Katz. Their first album, Baptism, was canceled, though it would receive a posthumous release in 1996, with a limited run. In 1970, Bead Game appeared in the film, “The People Next Door”, where they performed 2 songs, and soon thereafter recorded the album, “Easy Ridin” as part of the collective Freedom Express. That same year (1970), the band’s only album, “Welcome” had been released. Jim sang lead vocals on all the tracks.
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In 1972, Jim accepted an invitation from Katz and Skunk Baxter to relocate to Los Angeles, and join Steely Dan, where Katz and Baxter were working with Donald Fagen, and Walter Becker.
Jim made the move with his girlfriend Kathi Kamen Goldmark, who would later become a musician herself. Jim barely knew the other band members prior to tracking their first records.
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Jim acted as Steely Dan’s drummer, but was given occasional lead vocals. One source states that Donald Fagen had insecurities with singing during this time. I can’t help but feel a bit confused with this fact, as Donald sings on a majority of the songs on their first album. Jim can be heard singing lead on the song “Dallas”, the A-side of the initial Steely Dan single, and on “Midnite Cruiser”, on Steely Dan’s debut album.
Steely Dan soon went on tour, in promotion of their releases. Jim also appeared on the band’s second album, “Countdown To Ecstasy”. On November 18th, 1973, Jim and Skunk Baxter guest played on a live broadcast by Linda Ronstadt from Sausalito, California.
Jim’s role was greatly diminished with Steely Dan’s 3rd album, “Pretzel Logic”. Jim’s role was relegated to backup vocals. The touring band featured simultaneous drumming from Jim, and the well respected Jeff Porcaro; the latter having been a session drummer on the album. This idea for touring made Jim uncomfortable initially, but he later acknowledged the creative potential of the setup. Both him and Baxter left the group after the tour, as Walter Becker and Donald Fagen relegated the band to studio sessions with guest musicians.
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Jim went on to be a session musician. He played drums for “Nine on a Ten Scale” by Sammy Hagar (1976), and Sibling Rivalry by The Rowans (1976). He later appeared as the sole drummer on David Soul’s album, “Playing To an Audience of Once”, and Rocky Sullivan’s 1984 album, “Caught In The Cross Fire”.
On discogs, Jim is listed: As drums on ‘Easy Ridin’ (1970) by The Freedom Express Having been in a band called The Vandals, in the 60’s Drums/percussion/lead vocals on ‘Welcome’ (1970) by Bead Game Drums/vocals on ‘Midnight Cruiser’ on ‘Can’t Buy a Thrill’ (1972) by Steely Dan Drums/percussion/back vocals on ‘Countdown To Ecstasy’ (1973) by Steely Dan Drums on the track ‘Light Shine’ on John Henry Kurtz’s album, “Reunion” (1972) Backing vocals only on ‘Mr. Parker’s Band’ on “Pretzel Logic” by Steely Dan. He didn’t appear to play drums on the recordings, as everything was done by Jim Gordon and Jeff Porcaro Having played on ‘1927 Kansas City’ on David Soul’s 1976 album Drums on “Playing To an Audience of Once” by David Soul (1977) Drums, electronic drums on “Caught In The Crossfire” by Rocky Sullivan (1986)
And the 1986 album seems to be the last album with Jim on it. I’m unsure if he created any other music than this.
On June 25th, 1990, Jim passed away, after drowning in his pool.
Mendocino county sheriff’s Lt. Jay Miller, who was also deputy coroner, said that Jim was pronounced dead at 3:25 am, at Ukiah Medical Center. He had been on life support from the time that he was found by a friend at the bottom of his pool, at his Point Arena Home.
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The hospital measured Hodder’s blood alcohol level, which was at .28%, which was more than three times the legal limit in California. Lt. Miller said that Hodder “had been recently drinking to excess, and was taking a prescription of Valium to avert alcohol withdrawal symptoms and another medication for a seizure disorder.”.
I could not find any obituary as made by his family. There is a find a grave page for him. He was not buried, but cremated. His profile is connected to his parents. He was 42 years old.
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My video on him:
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jeffcbliss · 1 month
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(Left to right) Michael Anthony, Sammy Hagar and Jason Bonham - Best of All Worlds tour; MGM Grand Garden Arena; Las Vegas, NV (8-9-24). @RealMadAnthony @sammyhagar @Jason_Bonham @VanHalen @chickenfoot
Photo: Jeff Bliss
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cbirdsongphoto · 5 months
L!VE~ Goldfields is Rocking
Sammy Hagar once owned the venue in Roseville, sold it in 2015. It also used to be a Ninja Sushi restaurant. But in 2021 Brett Bair singed a 10 year lease on he 10,000 sq foot entertainment venue. Now there seems to be a great show every weekend and even during the week! And some big headliners have played there. Geoff Tate played Wednesday April 24th. It’s great to see such amazing artists in…
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
Van Halen - Right Now (Official Music Video) [HD Remaster]
The max was saying to turn it around and they want the lambo project to go ahead
Zues Hera
We can see in the cover he's bowing and it is David Lee Roth and they're trying to say if Sammy Hagar and it says no it's Sammy Hagar let's see me Hagar some act too and a Mac as well and we get there and here we go you take a Volkswagen you turn it into a Lamborghini and a friend here has a whole bunch of empire ships and we want those
Tommy a
I have to tell you we're probably going to get this s*** kicked out of us for this really that's the this is the code that we like
Finally something I can see my teeth into and it says the Volkswagen bug the beetle and there's trillions out there I know there's trillions out there and there's a chassis similar to my Volkswagen and they discontinued the car happens to be the golf this is going to suck
I said to make it into a lotus but really this is what it is it's that Lambo countach the white one and everybody sees what it is and they're saying he has the ships and the empire under questioning say it they sucking interrogating but they do find information that says it
Mac daddy
I interrogated something they said he has them
Bob Marsh he says what are you going to do you going to make a Lamborghini for me I have a Volkswagen that sounds scary Bob make sure it's a dune version even though the collectors keep all the parts mess it up a little drill holes in it and he said all that and really it's kind of rude but it's true we'll probably do that make it doing version that is a dune version
We going to get out of this we got to have this Lambo project I'm going to blame him any new it was coming he said we have to stop these idiots from switching these stupid ships around is dangerous and arrowheads and I do follow that and the idiot stand is in an arrowhead ship in the future where he dies I follow that too
Mac daddy
Yeah don't sing for Christ's sake so you might have those so you make a Lamborghini that's fun I do get it though we'll probably end up doing that out in Arizona
We have a huge vision in our mind about him being a Nazi and it really does not do us any good you don't want it to me so we have to help him out and do the lambo project this is going to be idiocy everyone's going to say this dumb s*** and they're going to want him to have one and what we say is he can't have one and then it's like why not
I did not hang up on him I got to go ahead and make my Lambo it's the lambo project it's a go we have the kid it's a smaller Lamborghini it's a countach but it's the same size as the real one for the most part so I can inch shorter and an inch less wide but you can use a widening kit he suggests it and really we're going to go ahead and do this and the things you don't make the old one the old one looks like s***
What if we have the old kid and give me a break he says buy a new one take one make the molds and bring it back that's fun as hell
I've had enough of this his own project is going to bite him in the ass that's terrible but we're talking about it so we probably won't do it and he's not going to
Sometimes they do it but really you should it's pestering me about this Non-Stop
Too lazy crap she's on to it right now and really this is awful it's a good idea though
Olympus who even think about this no it sounds terrible he says it actually does
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fuckyeahvanhalen86-95 · 4 months
When asked what his occupation was, Sammy Hagar promptly replied, “Making tequila and bringing it to the masses – plus I’m a singer and songwriter”. This is not the answer of a man who you think would like emotional music. It’s the answer of someone who likes going out, parties, and loud music packed with energy. In some ways, that is all correct.
Hagar likes to bring music to the masses. This means he makes music that electrifies audiences and encourages people to dance and sing. When you listen to the tracks he made with Van Halen, it’s hard not to get your head nodding. In that regard, Van Halen’s gigs were one big party, and Hagar continues that spirit within his solo career.
Because of his attitude, you wouldn’t necessarily think he likes to listen to music that makes him feel emotional, but he does. When he went through a list of his favourite albums, many of the nominations might be what you would expect. He praises Pink Floyd and Dark Side of the Moon, “Because it never gets old”. He also brings up records by Tool, James Brown and Cream, but the one that stands out from the bunch is Jeff Buckley’s Grace.
“Once again, this album doesn’t really need explanation,” he said, “Jeff Buckley’s only album is still one of the greatest, most complete albums ever made. Listen to the whole thing. It’s so emotional; it never fails to get under the skin. It can still give me goosebumps, choke me up and inspire me to go deeper as an artist.”
When you consider the kind of live show that Hagar puts on and his happy-go-lucky attitude, the way he continues to describe the album might highlight why it makes him so emotional. “It’s also one of the loneliest records—it’s most powerful to listen to alone with headphones. It’s not the kind of album you think of cranking up in the car when driving down the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) with your buddies—it’s a solo experience.”
Buckley’s Grace is one of those projects that wasn’t recognised for its brilliance at the time of release. When it came out, album sales were exceptionally low, and critics didn’t take well to it; however, in recent years, it has gotten a second wind and currently sits at 8x platinum (and only half of those sales are Sammy Hagar’s).
It makes sense that an album which requires you to listen alone would make Hagar emotional. The experience of music in solitude can be a reflective moment for whoever is listening, but with someone like Hagar, who is the opposite of his general experience with music, it’s expected to tug at the heartstrings.
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planet-motherfucker · 8 months
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songbirds-sweet · 10 months
Hello! I hope you’re doing well :)
GNR was honestly better than I expected, since a lot of people said that Axl’s voice was shot. But he could sing pretty well! I wasn’t expecting duff to cover the Stooges either lol, that was a pleasant surprise. I got to meet one of my online friends at that show so that was probably my highlight.
My favorite concert story is probably about the first show I went to. It was a little show for an old 80s band in a little bar in suburban Jersey at like 10 PM, and it was gritty and loud and perfect. Sadly I had to leave before the main act got on but i managed to find a discarded pick from one of the opening acts, and that guitar pick has been with me ever since :D
feel free to tell me any concert stories you want! I’d be happy to hear all of them❤️❤️
No way same here!!! I got to meet one of mine as well! We were a row apart!!! Yeah same here with Axl, he still had the moves and his voice wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!
DAMN now I wanna meet my true love at a concert, THAT'S ROMANTIC AF!!!!
Last summer I was at GVF in Toronto IN A PIT FOR THE FIRST TIME! I almost caught Danny's drumstick but hopefully next time I see them I wanna get either Danny's drumstick or Jake's guitar pick! (Whenever they come back to Toronto!!)
There are so many cool bands coming next year!!! Are you gonna see anyone in 2024 yet? I think I might wait until Foo Fighters, Metallica, or GVF (Hozier too) announce something BUT from bands that already announced Toronto days that I am eyeing on it's Sammy Hagar and the Circle (they're doing a Van Halen tribute this tour!), Iron Maiden, and as of early this week announced Red Hot Chili Peppers
I'll just have to wait and see if I'm going to any next year! Are you looking forward to seeing Geddy Lee tomorrow? I got his book for my dad for Christmas this year!
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itwas50yearsagotoday · 11 months
10/17/23: It was 50 years ago today, October 17th, 1973, the band Montrose would release their first, self-titled album. Named after guitarist Ronnie Montrose, this interesting band would also feature the likes of a young Sammy Hagar on vocals. The songs 'Rock Candy', 'Bad Motor Scooter', and 'Space Station #5' all got airplay on FM radio, and for very good reasons... you really can't get more "HARD ROCK" in all caps than this record. They're like a slightly more generic Aerosmith mixed with fancier instrumentation... Montrose is pretty awesome on that guitar, I tell ya. Or maybe this is where 'Hard Rock' becomes 'Arena Rock'? Wikipedia says something about folks thinking this is like the first true Heavy Metal album or that Montrose is the American Led Zeppelin... whaaaa? I'm sure they're smarter than me and have their reasons for saying so... but, uh, hmmm. Those songs I mentioned above are all very good... the rest of the record is okay, more of the same really IMO. Also, I used to have a Mandela effect with 'SS#5' thinking it was in the animated film Heavy Metal, when actually it was Hagar singing the song 'Heavy Metal' and that there are spaceships in the movie... I think.
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