#Coffee Conversations
pratignya18 · 29 days
Rad dads!
Who would you like to talk to soon? Dadas are truly a silent lot. You see them often, but you rarely hear them. I’ve seen them at soccer matches, football matches, athletic meets, sports day events, award ceremonies, and even at random special mentoring sessions. My Dad was no different. He used to stand on his bike parked outside the gym silently watching us perform. He did not want to disturb…
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wickedzeevyln · 1 month
Free of This Distance
My heart is calling out yours. One can hope never to reach the bottom of the cup filled with steaming coffee, lost in trance, luxuriating in a conversation wrapped in ribbons of evoking thoughts and decadent flavors. One second after another, the veil is peeled, unmasking secrets until they are naked and the heat floods the senses, charcoal eyes running against the seconds and face tightening…
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thereadingbud · 2 years
Coffee Conversations Ep. 07 with Peggy Race
Coffee Conversations Ep. 07 with Peggy Race
Listen to this heartwarming episode of my podcast where I talk to Author Peggy Race an ardent dog lover, advocate and rescuer from Southeastern Wisconsin, United States, about how writing her memoirs helped her deal with the loss of her beloved husband and her precious rescue dog, Desiree, a Hurricane Katrina rescue dog from Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah. Author Peggy also shares…
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jacky93sims · 2 months
Avocado Seat, Cat House and Urbanist Coffee Table Pet Bed for The Sims 2
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These are 4to2 conversions from PixelVibes, I reduced the polycount (now it's low). Avocado Seat is an armchair, the coffee table can be found in low tables section of buy mode and is for small pets (not big dogs), plus the cushion is slaved to the original game one (so it will take all the recolors too). The cat house is in the pet section and it's just for cats.
If you want to support my creations, you can send me a donation with Paypal or Ko-fi ☕ If you want to ask for a Paid Commission, HERE you can find more details. Thank you <3
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millenniallust4death · 7 months
How about we have a share a tiny positive thing happening in your life post?
I'll start. Here are the windows in the bedroom of my new apartment.
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robertdowneyjjr · 8 months
a soulmates au where your words only show up after you’ve met your soulmate. sort of like an insurance policy, you know, so you’re not left wondering whether every other person you meet is the one if your words are too generic.
in this universe, captain america has been recovered and active for several years now. he runs missions and saves the world with his ragtag team of superheroes formed by SHIELD. steve's become a celebrity, which he doesn't love, but it's something he learns to live with because that's life for public figures in the 21st century.
tony never became iron man because he walked away from his father's legacy the second he turned 18. he and howard are still working on their relationship, but maria couldn't be prouder and tells tony so everyday. he built his own company from the ground up and it's thriving under his leadership. he's only marginally famous these days and he tries his best to stay out of the limelight, guarding his private life as much as possible. that's how it's been for twenty years and he's happy.
they meet on a day when steve is tired, irritable and angry. he's just returned from a mission where two of his teammates were injured because of the faulty information they received. he goes out on a walk to let off some steam and he's just slipping his phone back into his pocket after rejecting fury's fifth call for a debrief when he slams right into tony.
tony was having a good day. he'd just sent out a new set of designs and decided to reward himself for it. he goes and gets himself a fresh, delicious, life-affirming cup of coffee and is just stepping out of the cafe with aforementioned cup when a walking brick wall comes out of nowhere.
good news is, tony had ordered a cold brew. once every few weeks that's just what he's in the mood for and it had been one of those days. bad news is, instead of drinking it he is now wearing it.
sticky and cold and more than a little shocked, tony barely has time to recover and figure out what happened when steve starts tearing into him.
“god damn it, watch where the fuck you’re going! that could have spilled all over me! idiot!” steve yells at tony. and on a normal day, he’d be apologetic and he’d never curse like this at a stranger. but he really didn’t need yet another thing to go wrong today and he’s on a short fuse.
maybe later, when he’s calmed down, he’ll think back on the cute man with the giant brown eyes staring at him in disbelief and start beating himself up over how he behaved.
at the moment, all tony can do is look at steve’s pristine white t-shirt that somehow has not a single drop of coffee on it, then look back down at his own chest. he has no words except, “wow. you’re a fucking asshole.” and he just turns around and walks away.
tony gets home and strips off for a rinse before he gets ready for his flight to london for a week of meetings. all the while he can’t help but think that angry blond man looked vaguely familiar and he can’t place where he knows him from. he doesn’t notice the new string of words tattooed down the side of his thigh until he’s in his hotel room half a day later.
meanwhile, steve gets home after his walk, after he’s checked on his teammates, after sitting with fury for three long hours to debrief, and finally washes the day off of him. before he gets into the shower, he notices something different about his reflection.
along his left bicep are the words, wow. you’re a fucking asshole.
he thinks back on the cute man with the big brown eyes and a chest full of coffee and wonders how in the hell he can fix this mess.
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fromgoy2joy · 3 months
People would say that the biggest problem of being Jewish on campus is the antisemitism.
No. Not at all. It is the subpar outreach and misrepresentation of Jewish culture through bad bagels.
Today, I sat for 4 hours at a college tabling event called "bagels and tables" - the reason it was chosen was just because it “rhymed”.
The bagels - because they are not from the Northeast of the United States- sucked ass. How is this bringing people to us? How is this inviting?
Here are some witty names with actually okay food-
Knishes and Dishes - you dish out the gossip of the Jewish community to anyone who stops by. There’s so much and it will never run out. And by the end, you might have some more information.
Kupcake and Kvetch - complain about your life to a college student while lathering on frosting. What do cupcakes have to do with Judaism? Uhhhh happiness is inherent to our practices and what gives joy? Cupcake frosting ! (I couldn’t care less about the actual bread part of the cupcake but it does serve as a vessel for sugar)
Challah and Call-a Rabbi - you always need spiritual guidance. And the bread is excellent.
Coffee - just coffee. That’s it. That’s all we need. No bells or whistles.
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Kohane and Toya are probably one of the most underrated canon friendships that i don't see in the fandom a right lot. kind of surprised me, while i was first reading the VBS main story, i felt they sort of had the vibes that people would like them quite a bit
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autumnal-prince · 2 months
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lilacthebooklover · 1 month
real suffering is learning that the awesome pretty girls in your chem class are also into starkid and you have no way to drop that you know what that is without it being completely out of the blue <//3 i'll just have to settle for liking all of their starkid innit reposts <///3 woe is me
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random Douxoodles (Douxie doodles) 💙
(click for better quality) (i hope)
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thegoodmorningman · 9 days
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If plastic was bad, why would there be so much in everyone's blood? Good Morning!!!
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thereadingbud · 2 years
In Conversation With Author Ryan Harper Jones
In Conversation With Author Ryan Harper Jones
In this exclusive episode of Coffee Conversations, listen to author Ryan Harper Jones from the UK talk about his latest release A Council Of Ghosts, a coming-of-age complex magical fantasy children’s book along the lines of Harry Potter. Author Ryan shares his journey of writing this book over a period of 5 years, and his overall journey as a writer for over 15 years. He also shares his…
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jacky93sims · 1 month
Hanging Plant, Quercus Plant and a Table Set for The Sims 2
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These are 4to2 conversions from Syboubou (plant - table), Wondymoon, Onyxium, Severinka, low poly.
If you want to support my creations, you can send me a donation with Paypal or Ko-fi ☕ If you want to ask for a Paid Commission, HERE you can find more details. Thank you ❤️
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dumblr · 4 months
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dykeinthedark · 1 month
the thing about having a radical butchformation (like transformation but. butch.) is that people are starting to perceive me as a trans man and someone at the coffee shop i go to told me that they respect the LGBT but that boys trying to be girls and girls trying to be boys is too far and then she added that i'll always be a girl no matter what. like thanks? but also kill yourself
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