#Time actively shooting himself in the foot
graves-doodles · 2 years
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He thought it would be way funnier and now he doesn’t know how to end it
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slvttyplum · 7 months
Accidentally hitting gojo in the nuts and he asks u to kiss it better lol
what was an innocent, playful fight between you and satoru turned into you getting face-fucked against the wall.
“satoru, stop i said that hurts!” pushing your foot against his stomach, but his weight is pressing down on you as he aggressively tickles your stomach.
“ugh, you’re such a crybaby; no, it doesn’t.” his fingertips digging into your stomach so hard that it doesn’t even hurt, as in he’s tickling you too much; it hurts because he’s literally pressing into your stomach.
“no, you fucking ass hat, it actually hurts!” trying to flail your body all around on the couch to get out of his grasp, but you can’t, so you push on his stomach more.
pushing your foot into his stomach multiple times and then your foot slipping and going straight for his dick, accidentally kicking him.
“FUCK!!” his weight slipping off of you, and you can finally breathe. satoru backing up, clenching himself, and shouting.
you quickly get up and walk towards him, reaching your hands out to touch where his hands were, but he continues to moan and groan, backing away.
“stay away, you psycho!” your shocked face is now turning to anger as you step closer to him and kick his hand, causing another shout.
“fuck off. i told you to stop.” satoru drops his hand and rolls his eyes, getting in your face.
“i thought you were joking; now i’m hurt. what are you going to do?” his eyes dark, and his mouth frowns into a pout as he stares you down.
all you do is roll your eyes and walk to the couch, flopping down on it. satoru was ridiculous.
“come on, kiss it better!” he walks in between your legs, pouting and whining. all you do is roll your eyes and push him back.
“i’m not kissing your fucking dick.” he grabs your wrist, pulls you up, and pulls you towards the bedroom, your eyes widening. you already know where this is going.
satoru tries to pull you onto the bed, but you are actively pulling back, your body giving up, and you collapse on the floor against the wall.
“come on, be good for me, okay?” unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants, his dick plops out and rests against his belly button. one of your eyebrows shooting up from confusion.
“the fuck?”
“it’s sensitive, okay?” satoru scoots up closer to your face, takes his hand, and cups your cheek while his other hand grips his length and softly taps it against your lips.
you softly peck his member a few times before slowly sliding your tongue out and taking a long stripe, satoru’s legs already twitching with anticipation.
your hand coming up to grip the bottom of his shaft before licking his tip, then slowly sliding down only a little bit, then back to the tip.
satoru’s face is red, and his mouth is in a frown as he groans.
“come on, stop teasing.”
your mouth still going in the same motion before stopping and smirking up at him.
“you said a kiss. be glad i’m doing this much.” he rolls his eyes and squeezes your cheeks, feeling that off flesh inside your mouth on his length.
he places his hand on the other side of your cheek and just goes for it. pushing his hips into you and your head hitting the wall, he doesn’t stop, and he only goes faster.
sucking his bottom lip into his mouth and sinking his front teeth into his bottom lip, trying to hold in his moans, but to no avail. his mouth flies open when he feels your tongue swirl around his length and your warm saliva coating him.
your mouth purposefully hollowing out as you suck in and lick, repeating it over and over again. satoru pushing your cheeks in about to lose your balance, your hands sliding up to the back on his thighs.
his pace slamming into you, getting sloppier, and his moans turning into whimpers, almost whining.
satoru’s thumbs digging into your cheeks and his legs still getting unsteady, you could feel his knees buckle, your eyes squinting shut when you felt his cum trickle into your mouth.
he stammers, then his grip on your face loosens as he falls back, collapsing onto the floor. gulping down his cum quickly, you hover over him.
“get someone else to kiss that better.”
satoru was about to say something, but his mouth wouldn’t let him, only one last whimper before closing his eyes.
and that’s what he gets for using his injuries as an advantage.
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crownofgildedlilies · 6 months
my peaceful nights belong to you
in which: a son of poseidon has himself convinced a daughter of athena doesn’t want to listen to him complain.
pairing: percy jackson x daughter of athena!reader
warnings: angst, my poor percy has been through TOO MUCH
tropes: hurt/comfort, best friends to lovers
word count: 2.1k
a/n: friendly reminder that request r open (esp for headcanons) and bc I have a four hour layover tmrw I will be absolutely active on here. plz enjoy. also, this is inspired by a tiktok I saw that said Percy's trauma is so overlooked. so here's me not overlooking it.
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All eyes were on the great Percy Jackson.
Yours were, too, don’t be fooled. You had always found him impossible to look away from. But it wasn’t admiration you were studying him with as tales of his quests were told and retold and embellished around the bonfire. Quests you had been on, each and every time.
No, you were watching him with concern.
Because the son of the sea was drowning in all the attention.
It was almost painful for you to watch, but you couldn't look away.
A beautiful train wreck, you supposed, studying Percy's uncomfortable but obliging conversation with one of the newer sons of Ares who hadn't been around for Kronos or Gaea and simply thought fighting in those wars had been fun.
But people had died. Your people, your friends. It was war, and it was painful, and even though you were the daughter of the war goddess, you hated it with every inch of your being.
No amount of planning on your behalf could have saved Beckendorf. There was no stopping Leo from sacrificing himself.
"That's called being a demigod," Percy had told you one day, offhanded, sometime between nearly dying in a volcanic explosion and being stolen from her by Hera.
"That doesn't mean we have to stand idly by and accept it," You had countered, frowning, and Percy must have realized he'd said something that had upset you, because he had pulled you into a hug and muttered an apology you still hadn't worked out was necessary or not.
But what you did know was that he was your best friend, that you had been in love with him since you were both fourteen, and he absolutely did not want to talk about all his past glories like a good little Greek hero.
Seated on a front-row bench with Grover on on side and an assortment of other campers you knew he wasn't close with surrounding him, you knew you had to run a rescue mission.
Especially since Grover was too distracted by eating his marshmallow roasting stick to realize how tense Percy was as the Ares kid went on and on.
"Perce, there you are." You wedged yourself into the not-entirely open spot next to your best friend, smile on your lips and a sly look in your eyes. Percy's own widened in sight relief, his arm wrapping loosely around your shoulders in a casual movement that was entirely too familiar. "Thought you ran off on me."
"Never," He sighed, some of his tension already dissipating. You grinned a little unevenly at him, not wanting to give the others watching any clues that the great Percy Jackson wasn't completely and utterly alright.
"Good," You bumped him with your shoulder, and he squeezed his arm around you for just a brief moment, tugging you close to his side. You had to turn and face the young Ares boy to keep yourself focused. "How are your archery lessons coming?"
The new camper looked slightly put out about the change in conversation, but you pinned your stare on him and didn't back down. For a moment, you thought he would continue to pester Percy with questions about fighting in two wars, even with you sending up very clear signals that neither of you were interested.
But the boy made the right choice, launching into a rant about how long range combat was not his strength.
Halfway through the story about almost shooting Connor Stoll's foot, you felt Percy lean towards you, his breath warm against the shell of your ear as he dropped his voice to a whisper, meant only for you.
"Thank you,"
Since you had taken half a seat, your body was pressed firmly against his from your ankles to your shoulders. His touch warmed your skin like a sunny day on the beach, and you weren't sure if it was a son of Poseidon thing or a Percy Jackson thing.
So instead of answering him, you set one of your hands on his leg, just above his knee, and squeezed.
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The moon was shining over camp when you gave up on finding sleep and decided to sneak out.
You’d been around long enough to know just how to sweet talk Mr. D into letting you be out past curfew, and Chiron had a soft spot for you, since you helped save the world. Twice. It was the harpies catching you that you were afraid of.
Travis Stoll had almost learned the hard way that Mr. D was not kidding about them eating campers.
But children of Athena had passed on the secret to sneaking out through generations, and you were exploiting that very information for a midnight trip to the lake to stargaze there when you spotted movement on the roof of Cabin Three.
Really, you weren't in control of your own actions as you turned swiftly to change course. Maybe it was Tyche with her luck or Aphrodite with her meddling in the affairs of the heart that had you scaling the side of Poseidon's cabin, a path you had taken more than once.
Or maybe, for once, you couldn't blame the gods. Maybe you were the only one making the choices that had you settling on your back beside Percy on the slanted cabin roof.
He hadn't seemed all too surprised to see you, but all he offered in way of greeting was a nod before he returned to studying the sky above.
You only let the silence last for three minutes, a gnawing feeling in the pits of your stomach unable to let it be.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked, voiced simultaneously quiet and startlingly loud in the otherwise silent night. With your head turned to watch his side profile, you watched him tumble from his thoughts and back onto that rooftop, with you.
"What?" He was playing coy, you knew him well enough. What you didn't understand was why he was holding back with you, of all people. You, who had been there with him from the night Grover dragged him over Half-Blood Hill. Who had followed him and Grover and Annabeth across the country to save his mom, who fought Luke and Kronos with him, and mourned the loss of so many friends.
You, who hadn't slept for six months when he disappeared, only to find him in New Rome with the claim that he had forgotten everyone and everything but you.
His tether to his life. His best friend. His something more.
"About whatever is bothering you so much tonight." You shot him a flat look, but his was still doing a good job at avoiding your eye. Frowning, you nudged him with your elbow. "I saw you at the bonfire, Perce. Something is eating at you."
For a moment, it was silent. And then Percy drew in a deep breath, like he was readying himself for something, but he still hadn't looked at you.
"I guess I’ve just been thinking about just… everything." He sighed, but you could hear the apprehension and exhaustion in his voice. He was still keeping things back, but you couldn't understand why. And that killed you, as a child of Athena. "I've been fighting since I—we—were twelve. It's too..."
"Too what?" You prompted when he trailed off, his voice dying in the warm night air. Your hand brushed against his on the rooftop between your bodies, and you considered the risks of just grabbing his hand and squeezing to offer comfort while he sorted through his thoughts.
"Forget it." He shook his head, and your heart sunk. "You don’t want to hear me complain."
You frowned, twisting to face the sky and wracking your Athena blessed mind for some way to prove to him that you did, in fact, want to hear it. You wanted to hear anything, ever, that he had to say.
But when words failed you, actions didn’t, and you finally stopped pretending to accidentally brush your pinky against his and just wrapped your hand around his.
You both stayed like that for a while, quiet and thinking, until you turned your head to face him, unsurprised to find a stormy look on his face while he still studied the stars. Maybe he was thinking of Zoë, of all the others the two of you had lost over the years.
But you were thinking about him, only.
"I’ve been fighting with you since you came to camp," Your words were quiet, little more than a summer’s breeze brushing across Percy’s skin, but you knew he heard you. "But maybe now we’re not fighting monsters anymore. Maybe we’re fighting the memories and scars they left behind. But I’m still fighting with you, Percy."
He turned his head, then, his eyes finding yours like they were always meant to. And, deep down, part of you knew they were.
Every shared glance during combat, or after a stupid joke, or when a battle ended and all either of you could do was search the carnage for a hint of the other—those eyes had found you.
"I’m just so scared I’ll never get to live my life.” Percy confessed, voice hauntingly hollow. You squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back like a lifeline. “I don’t know if I’m running away from what’s already happened or into the next big mess. And what if next time… what if…"
He trailed off, eyes wide in panic, a bit of desperation. You squeezed his hand again, because you couldn’t give him the words. He needed to find them himself.
Percy screwed his eyes shut and darted forward, slotting his mouth over yours in an unexpected, horribly angled kiss. Teeth clashed together, your bottom lip caught in the mayhem and you gasped at the slight bite of pain.
He jumped back like you had burned him, propped up on one arm as he leaned on his side next to you.
"I, shit, I shouldn’t have—" He fumbled for words, already trying to shuffle further away from you, but you held tight onto his hand to keep him close, sitting up to follow him. "Please, let’s just forget about this, okay? I just, I got caught up in everything and—"
"Tell me you didn’t want to kiss me, then." You promoted, brows knitted together as you studied his face, desperate for a glimpse of how he was feeling revealed to you in the moonlight. "Because if you can’t say it meant nothing to you, you need to tell me, right now."
"I… can’t say it."
And just like that, you were the one kissing him, one hand curving around the back of his neck to keep him close while the other remained threaded through his fingers. His free hand reached up to cup your cheek, thumb brushing against your skin as if he needed confirmation that this was real, that you were real.
When you finally pulled apart to breathe, you didn’t go far. Not from him. Never from him.
"I was worried next time I wouldn’t get the chance to do that." Percy finished his thought from before, a little dazed from the kiss you both had been long awaiting, apparently. You smiled softly and closed your eyes, pressing your forehead against his.
"If you’re running towards the next prophecy, I’ll run with you." You promised, pausing only briefly to shift your position so you and Percy were laying on the roof again, only this time your head was propped on his chest and his arm was wrapped securely around you. "But if you want to sit up here and talk about the monsters you’re running from, I’ll do that, too."
"Thank you." He echoed his words from the earlier bonfire. And you could tell from his voice that he really was thankful. Because as tough as he was, Percy Jackson was still half mortal. "I…" He started, the air thick with tension about what he was going to confess. "I keep having dreams about Tartarus."
You let him talk, devoting your attention and mind to him, tracing shapes and stars and waves against his chest by your head while he spoke.
Time moved quickly that way, with talk of his fears and what weighed heavily on his mind broken up only when his throat would clog with emotion and you would tilt your head up to kiss away the memory long enough for him to regain his composure.
Because no one knew him better than you, and he didn't have to be the great Percy Jackson with you.
He could just be Percy, the boy who was haunted by his past and terrified of his future.
And you would give him all of your peaceful nights for him to have only one.
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[jungkook x reader]
"You wanna know about art? When the class president starts touching my face on darkened street corners, and talking about my eyes, there's a word for it. There's an entire movement in the 20's—it's called surreal."
Or THE popular fuckboy in your campus suddenly signs up as the figure model to one of your extracurricular activities and starts showing his interest in you.
A/N: I'm not sure where I went with this. Thus, untitled. I'm not even sure where this falls in the tags. But, enjoy!
Jungkook is at odds with himself.
Part of him wants to leave and forget about this stupid idea. He doesn't know what compelled him to listen to Jin. What exactly does the old man know about dating anyway? As far as he knows, he's never seen him with the same girl, so maybe he should have reached out to Namjoon instead. The other part is hyping himself up. In about a few minutes, you’ll be coming through those doors. It would be too late to back out now.
He chugs his bottled water as if he were thirsty. Jungkook thinks he'll pass out from anxiety. If not that, then from how warm it is inside this garage turned makeshift studio.
He feels the beads of sweat trickle down his back and pits.
This is not good.
The class is about to start and he'll be stripping down to his boxers and he's all sweaty. Thinking about that uneventful possibility makes him sweat more.
He notices someone walk towards the corner he has been hiding in. Judging by how good-looking his face is and the vintage clothing he wears, Jungkook surmises this must be the Senior organizing this art class. Taeyong? Taehyun?
Ah, Taehyung, he remembers just before the elder stands infront of him.
"You're Jungkook, right?"
Jungkook only nods as a response. His dry throat keeps him from speaking, afraid he squeaks out a reply and embarrasses himself more.
Thankfully, the other man is kind enough to not assume his silence as being standoffish.
"Nervous, huh?" Taehyung smirks, but Jungkook doesn't feel like he's being provoked. Rather, it actually calms him—at least the idea that it must be a common occurrence for models to exude this much anxiety that it's the first question people assume.
"That obvious?" He squeaks before clearing his throat. "Do all models get nervous on their first time?" Jungkook finally grounds his voice. Albeit, a bit meek for someone with a strong commanding aura and in a leather jacket.
Taehyung smiles and nods. "More than you expect. Which is understandable. Jin hyung told me you're doing this to learn more about art?"
No, he isn't, he internally protests. He doesn't know what Jin told Taehyung. The real reason he's here on a Sunday, as a supposed 'volunteer' model for a drawing class, is because of you.
The rest, he let Jin fill it out so Jungkook can secure the spot.
But of course, he wouldn't divulge those. So, Jungkook once again clears his throat before responding with a meek 'yes' as he shoots his empty water bottle in the can, making a clanging noise. He smiles sheepishly at the circled crowd whose attention he caught. He cringes at how much he's going out of his way to act cool. He's never this way, and yet, he wants to make sure you witness him with his best foot forward today.
Jungkook sways on the balls of his feet, taking in the space when he sees you—just as you were hooking your bag in your chair.
Goddamn, you're pretty. He's watching you laugh with another girl stationed near your table as you lay out your tools.
"Ready when you are." Taehyung breaks him out of his trance, and he replies with a sheepish nod—hoping he wasn't caught staring at you.
Jungkook starts by taking off his shoes, then his leather jacket. He unbuttons his pants with briefs in tow and the thought that you would be looking at his crotch makes him blush. He shamelessly imagines you and him as Jack and Rose in that sketching scene. But, before he can pull his jeans down, a booming baritone voice hollers at him.
Taehyung hurries towards him. "What the fuck are you doing?"
Jungkook freezes at the sudden aggression. His mouth puckers open and close like a fish coming up for air, as he struggles to come up with a reply.
Taehyung tilts his head and assesses the young man with a pout. "Did Seokjin not tell you this isn't a nude class? We just need you to strip to your shirt and jeans," Taehyung clarifies in a whisper.
Embarrassment floods Jungkook and he sputters out an apology. He silently curses himself between nervous laughs and incoherent words of what seemed to be apologies. Shy doe eyes peeps at you and the confused and scandalized look painted on your face makes him want to get swallowed by the ground and never reappear in front of you ever again.
You must think he’s some kind of a creep or worse, a flasher. With a big exhale, he tries to set aside the embarrassment and go through this. It's already bad enough that his nerves and recent embarrassment made a sweat stain on his shirt.
Not long after, Jungkook stands in the middle of the circle of easels. It actually isn't bad, he thinks. Most of the time, he's staring at wood stands and the occasional heads peeking out of the canvas.
You're on his side, so he can only see you through his peripheral vision. Even so, he can already visualize the vein popping on your forehead when you concentrate—just one of the things he adores on your face.
That afternoon, Jungkook finds out he likes the thought of you paying this much attention and focus on him, instead of the other way around.
He holds his growing smile at bay.
The hour-long class went quicker than Jungkook wanted. He takes his time picking up his jacket and pretends to search for something in his bag as he waits for you to pack up. However, you never rise from your seat.
It takes Taehyung tapping your shoulder to bring you out of your world. "You still get tomorrow, Y/N," he hears Taehyung remind you before walking around the room, checking progress.
Jungkook didn't mean to eavesdrop more, but when you stood up and followed Taehyung, he couldn't help but tune in to your conversation.
"I need a little more time to fix a few edges. Can I just extend for a while? I'll clean up the supplies room." You bargain, voice kept low as if you're making an illegal trade with Taehyung.
Jungkook hears the older man sigh and call your name softly. "You still have tomorrow to work on it, and the next few days. Plus, I can't suddenly ask the model to stay just for you."
You whine petulantly like a child and Jungkook wonders if he can make you whine under different situations. Perhaps, under hi—
"He can go. I just need—"
The moment he makes out your reply, Jungkook was quick to cut you off and offer his time. "I can stay for a while."
Both you and Taehyung turn your heads to face the man who looks like a deer caught in the headlights, but he might as well have been. Your glowered confused eyes stare into him. "I-if you want," he stutters, so he tries to salvage his image with an obviously feigned nonchalant shrug.
Taehyung holds back his laugh but the sudden expulsion of air from his nose wasn't amiss, earning a side eye from you.
"No need," you answer with finality. "You get paid by the hour, right? I can't pay you and—"
"You don't have to pay me. I'm offering for free." Jungkook internally winces at how quick he was in offering himself. But if he were being honest, he would stay in this shoddy garage all night, through the blazing summer heat, as long as it's time spent with you.
Is it a crime that he's quick to take an opportunity when it has presented itself?
He thinks abso-fucking-lutely not.
Your eyebrows furrow, the 'I wasn't done talking' death glare you directed at Jungkook has him shift awkwardly on his foot and look everywhere else but at you.
"Still, I'd get in trouble for requesting more time, anyway. Can't have other students think Taehyung here has favorites." You press and it chips a bit of his confidence. It was obvious you didn't want him to stay. If he keeps insisting, you might think he's creepy.
Jungkook didn't want to seem too pushy anyway, and so, lets out a defeated "Oh.." and nods. His round eyes making it easy to see his dismay as it curves downwards a little at the sides.
"I wouldn't worry about that," Taehyung intervenes. The older man was amused as he watched Jungkook flounder around you, he also knows how oblivious and dismissive you are of guys like Jungkook to a fault. And so, he helps.
Ah, young love, Taehyung muses. "Just make sure to clean up and lock up after, like you promised." He tosses the keys to you, but you make no movement of catching it, letting the keys hit your chest and fall to the ground.
Now your glare is directed towards your sunbaenim. "On second thought, I'm wrapping it up for tonight then." You head towards your easel to pack up your stuff.
Taehyung sighs.
He tells Jungkook to wait a bit and pick up the keys as he follows after you, calling your name.
“Just take the guy's offer to help. He’s trying to learn more about art, too,” he whispers, arms crossing across his chest. "Isn't this the piece you're submitting with your application? I know that head of yours will run nonstop if you don't finish what you intended to do tonight." Taehyung nudges you with a smile and softly jabs his pointer finger to your temple, making you chuckle with a pout. You shoo his hand away from your face and he knows he got you to stay.
This Jungkook kid owes him, Taehyung thinks.
However, from where Jungkook stands, he sees you breaking out the cutest smile at Taehyung. His eyes even going bigger at what he believes is an affectionate touch to your face when Taehyung boops your forehead.
Is that even ethical or something, he wonders irately. Taehyung isn't much older but given that he's your sunbaenim, Jungkook thinks he shouldn't be doing that. Or even be standing close to you. He's currently throwing imaginary lasers at Taehyung's back when you both turn to him and he immediately unsquints his eyes.
"Jungkook, do you still want to stay?" Taehyung shouts at the young man.
A hundred times yes. He's a lovesick loyal puppy and if you ask him to bark, he'll bark for you.
Jungkook nods enthusiastically and rushes closer to where you stand, eager to wedge himself between you and Taehyung.
"Jungkook," you sigh his name tiredly. "I really need you to stop moving your head. Is there something more interesting behind me?" The question was rhetorical, but you're starting to wonder what he keeps on staring at behind you that you turn your head, only to be greeted with a wall filled with hanged canvases.
You hear him mumble out a you with a smirk, but was quick to cover it up with a sorry. This guy think he was slick.
Jungkook turns his head to assume his supposed pose. His eyes still filled with mirth. And he lasts about four minutes before his head starts turning towards you. Again.
You throw your head forward with an exhausted groan. This was a mistake. You're growing more frustrated by the minute. Maybe you should call it a night.
Looking back up at your model, you tell him he can leave.
Jungkook breaks his stance then quickly poses as he quickly persuades you. "No, I'll stay still. Look," he promises and follows through quickly by holding the pose.
"No, I'm just really too tired for tonight. Thank you for staying a bit longer." You busy yourself by grabbing at your stuff, cleaning pencil shards here and there to keep the lurking unease.
You can't have a breakdown here again, you admonish yourself. And it's going to feel worse after if Jungkook's here to see it happen. You keep your head down while your hands wipe the charcoal dust on the table.
You hear footsteps nearing you, and you pray to whoever listens that he's not actually coming closer. He calls your name, his voice close and soft. You hum in response, head still hung low, refusing to face him.
Jungkook sees you rubbing an eraser at a blank surface and purses his lips. He finally got the chance to spend time with you and he was hoping to break the ice and get closer to you, but he does this—he upset you and wasted your time. You're not gonna want to spend more time with him after this.
"I-I'm sorry. I really wanted to help. I can stay again tomorrow to make up for tonight," he offers. Everything about him screams eagerness and he must really be interested in art to be willing to stay in the garage-slash-studio during this Summer heat.
You feel the tingling pressure in your throat and your lips quiver. You clear your throat and will away the tears before it breaks through your paper wall.
"No. You did great, Jungkook. I'm just not feeling well tonight." Your voice was too soft, but at least it didn't break.
Jungkook walks around you and turns to face you, hands making contact with your shoulder. "Are you sick? I have some medicine in my bag," he offers. He retracts his hand and unzips his bag to take out whatever medicine he had stashed inside.
It's his genuine concern that does it for you. You suddenly sob and cover your face with your hands.
"Oh, Y/N, are you okay? Does something hurt?" He didn't expect this. Jungkook was taken aback and his worried eyes looked for signs of where you could have been hurt.
Your sobs turned to full-on bawling and Jungkook was quick to take you into his arms. He lets you cry and occasionally whispers assurances between your weeping despite not knowing why you suddenly burst into tears.
In that moment, you stood illuminated by harsh yellowish fluorescent lights like a Gustav Klimt painting on display. The A/C humming noise drowned out by your hiccups and his whispers.
You were the first to pull away. He didn't mean to, but the moment you separated from Jungkook and lowered your hands from your face, he laughed.
Offended at his reaction, you push him away and quickly gather your bag hanging on the chair.
"Wait," he calls for you as he fumbles to pick up the bag he let fall to the floor.
He calls your name but you decidedly ignore him, feet shuffling quickly to leave the garage.
Fucking ass, you think. You're mortified. You already dread tomorrow as your imagination runs wild. What if he tells his friends about your ugly crying? You think you don't care what frat guys think, but you still definitely don't want to be the talk of the campus. You've only transferred here last year and after being briefed by your friend on who to avoid, you made sure not to have a run in with guys like Jungkook.
This is exactly why you were holding everything in earlier. Every stereotype of frat guys being huge assholes behind the charming facade were true.
A flash of high school memories ambush you and you just want to get to your dorm and hide under your blankets. You'll just have to miss tomorrow's class, you plan.
You violently shrug when you feel a hand grip your wrist.
"Hey, will you wait," Jungkook pleads. You turn to face him and see him reach something in his pockets.
Fuck. He's not going to take a photo, isn't he?
You were ready to lunge at him, anything to prevent him from taking a snap at your post-bawl blotched face, when all of sudden, a soft cloth touched your face.
Jungkook chuckles at your startled face.
"You have charcoal smudged all over your face," he points out. His bunny teeth peeks through his curved lips and the sides of his eyes wrinkle from amusement.
"Oh." You visibly flinch when he uses his thumb to brush the apple of your cheeks.
"There," he smiles, eyes fixated on his finger caressing your skin.
"You know you really have pretty eyes."
If you were in a romantic movie, his line would have panned out well. But you're not, so cue the sound of glass breaking to signify a shattered moment.
To think, you bought his act. You thought, here's a deviant frat boy species. Maybe not all of them are only interested in girls and booze. You even thought this Jeon Jungkook isn't so bad.
Until he says that.
Breaking away and stepping back from him, you humorlessly laugh in disbelief.
"You're a fucking cliché, Jungkook. Does this babble usually work on chicks?" You take a look at him and he has the audacity to look unaware of how hokey the situation is.
"Wha—" Poor boy couldn't even finish his sentence, you thought.
"Y/N, I'm not following."
You were about to make a joke on flies flying straight to his agape mouth but you hold yourself back. Instead, you make a gesture of shaking your head as you force out another dry laugh. You look at him one last time and walk away from the frat boy once again.
You hear his footsteps follow you, along with calls of your name. "Did I say something wrong?"
You stop as you reach the threshold—you're almost out of the garage and out into the cold dark night, ready to rush into the safety of your dorm and away from sleazy college boys.
But something in you compels you to turn, and so you do. "Yes, Jungkook. You did." Your hands grip your bag tighter, feet taking a couple of steps back into the garage, to the shoddy light so he can see you.
"Did you really think this charming ‘oh-i’m-clueless act was going to drop panties? You wanna know about art?" You hurl the question; voice no longer shaky and unsure. "When the campus playboy starts touching my face on dimly lit spaces, and starts talking about my eyes, there's a word for it. There's an entire movement in the 20's—it's called surreal." You roll your eyes at him before making your exit.
It takes a minute for Jungkook to get his body to move. And when he does, you're already a distance away. Almost gone from his sight.
This is the second time today that you rendered him immobile and speechless. Just what the fuck did he do?
Meanwhile, you cursed at Jeon Jungkook on your entire walk home. Fuck him and his round innocent eyes for throwing the bees and butterflies in your stomach into chaos.
You tell yourself you dodged a bullet and that was just a ploy for him to get into your pants. You should actually congratulate yourself for turning away one of the notorious womanizers. Your roommate would be proud of you.
Still, you couldn't deny the jolt you felt in your chest when he touched your face and spewed those cheesy lines about your eyes.
You grunt as you slam the door to your dorm.
"Damn. Who pissed you off?" Jihyo, your roommate stares at you across her table.
You heave a sigh of exhaustion and plop yourself on the carpeted floor. "Had a run in with a frat guy," you spit with a scowl. "You remember the guy you were talking about last week? Jungkook? He's the model for this week."
"Seriously? That's..." Jihyo's head tilted sideways as she looked for the right word, brows furrowing. "Out of character for him."
You raise your head and prop your arms to face your roommate. "Right? That's what I thought, but Taehyung said he was interested in learning art."
At this, Jihyo pauses while eating and guffaws. "Is he for real?"
You roll your eyes at no one in particular and rest your head on your palms as your other hand plucks at the carpet. "Nah, I'm pretty sure he was just there to pick up girls."
Jihyo squints at you, suddenly alert as she senses something you haven't told her yet.
"He hit on me," you start. Already growing flustered at the recollection of the afternoon. "You know those cheesy lines from romcoms, he actually used them on me." You went on detail by detail about what happened and ended your story with a shudder. "This is the first time I might dread going to the class."
"Yep, I see why he thinks he could get away with the cheesiest line," Jihyo murmurs. Apparently, during your story, Jihyo picked up her phone and started to stalk Jungkook's profile. "I mean shame it wasn't nude because have you seen this body?" She flips her phone so you can see her screen.
"What? That's not Jungkook." You stand from your spot and walk closer to Jihyo and snatch the phone. "This isn't Jungkook."
"What are you talking about? That’s literally his profile,” Jihyo takes her phone back, wanting to take another look if you’re looking at the same thing. “See, Kim Jongkook. He’s the notorious fuck boy, probably in all departments. Good thing is, he’s graduating this year.”
Oh, fuck.
>> Still Untitled
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bahrtofane · 8 months
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you drag jude to take a nap with you in his backyard. he likes it more than he can admit. 
word count : 700+
watch it : pure fluff, mildly cranky whining jude, still loves you any way 
enjoy <33
"still think this is a good idea ?" jude sighs, closing the back door with his foot and dragging the blankets behind him. 
when you said you wanted to relax and enjoy the sun he was thinking of the pool, maybe even a quick flight to the nearest nice beach. going to a park, hell even just tan. nowhere in his mind did he think you wanted to sunbathe and take naps in his backyard. yet here the both of you are. bellies full from lunch (thank you to his mother for the lovely meal), warm from the sun. not half bad actually. he just likes being dramatic.
he's far too shy to say it outloud, contrary to popular belief, but any time spent with you is good time. no matter what you're doing. if you wanted to sunbathe on the moon hes pretty sure he'd follow. 
"yes i do thank you. it's a lovely day." you beam, smoothing out the blankets and rearranging the pillows just how you like. throwing your phone somewhere near the far corner. you are going to nap dammit. no distractions allowed ( jude not included ). 
he huffs, "why the backyard, there are plenty of parks," squinting up at the sun the breaks between the tall trees that span the yard. 
you shrug, "it's more intimate this way. i don’t want to get all dressed up and deal with people, and i know how tired you get from having to interact with the public. now sit," you pat the space next to you on the blanket. nice and neat against the grass. 
he supposes that it is much more intimate. it's a welcome change from your usual outings. always with security and his agent. here he can be jude, and you are free to be you in every capacity. under the shade, you each blossom and bloom under the suns warm touch. each leaning on eachother. 
he finds it endearing how you thought of him, remembering his likes and dislikes. you really are something. 
but you don't need to know that just yet. he finds complaining rather fun. 
"ants are going to have a field day." jude grumbles, sitting himself cross legged next to you.
you shrug, "they don’t do much honestly. we don’t even have food out anyway."
he hums, "i guess so."
you hunker down belly flat on the soft blanket, stretching your limbs out with a yawn, "well im going to nap." you sigh softly, grabbing a pillow and burying your face into its side.
jude looks at you aghast,"no no no. you drag me out here and then you bail to nap ? absolutely not."
"i need my sun nap time or i die. like a plant." you retort, eyes closed. 
"i need my time with you or i die. like a jude." he shoots back, arms failing as he whines.
you crack an eye open to glare at him, "just try it, "arms open and inviting him next to you. 
he eventually gives in, rolling his eyes playfully as he slides right into your arms. face pressed into the same pillow, he lets you get comfortable against him. sliding your arms to bring him closer, wrapping a leg around his. 
"see? not so bad you big baby." you mumble into his skin, pressing a few kisses into his skin.
"guess not." he mumbles, warm and content in your embrace. 
you're out light a light not even a minute later, softly grasping his arms and face buried into him as you doze off in the sun. just like you wanted. 
there's much worse things he could be doing right now he realizes. a slew of illegal activities, hundreds of bad food to chow down on and make his nutritionist hate her life. the amout of shit he gets from his teamates on his habbits is enough to last a life time. they really should be jumping for joy. 
but more importantly, he could jump for joy. happy and warm, pressed close to his lovers side. cuddling with you on soft blankets in the sun on a warm day is the best option. safe and sound in your arms jude soon finds himself drifting away. he hopes he dreams of you. 
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thedensworld · 11 months
Even When We're Drown, We're Still Breathing | K.Mg
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Pairing: Husband!Mingyu x Wife!Reader
Genre: angst, established relationship, fluff
Words Count: 1k
Summary: Mingyu was missing the spotlight he used to have, so he decided to accept the offer to shoot a reality show about marriage life and parenting. However, his wife was in a different situation.
Mingyu was bursting with excitement when the first episode of the reality show you had shot finally aired. He was thoroughly satisfied with the outcome. The editing and the host's reactions had met his expectations. Mingyu couldn't help but replay the scene when the twins were introduced to the public for the first time. You and he had covered their faces on your social media, doing your utmost to safeguard their privacy. However, like any ordinary parents would, Mingyu wanted to know the viewers' reactions to his kids. He scrolled through the comments section on the video showcasing Hana and Hoon, along with the flawless editing that portrayed Hana as calm and shy, and Hoon as boisterous with puppy-like behavior. He couldn't contain his laughter when they compared his kids to his fellow members, Wonwoo and Hoshi.
"When will mom be home?" Hana inquired while Mingyu finished watching the video and was about to prepare dinner.
These days, you've been occupied with promoting your new movie release. When you and Mingyu decided to tie the knot, you were at the pinnacle of your career. After a four-year hiatus, you had just made a comeback with an action-packed film, and Mingyu was exceptionally supportive. You had met Mingyu through his fellow member, Wonwoo, who happened to be your co-star in your early movie. At that time, Mingyu had just completed his military service and found you intriguing, so he asked Wonwoo to introduce you two.
Mingyu is still actively involved in his band, even though their last album was released a year and a half ago. Each member is swamped with their individual schedules; some have even started their own families, like Mingyu, making it harder to have consistent comebacks.
Lately, Mingyu has been occupied with his clothing line business and various modeling sessions. He strives to be less tied up so he can take care of the kids while you're at work. Prior to your promotional schedule, you were jet-setting abroad every week for your new movie shoots. Mingyu was elated to have the kids all to himself.
"She said she'll be home at 6," Mingyu grinned as he replied to his daughter.
When he pitched the idea of joining the reality show to you, he mentioned that he missed the spotlight he used to bask in. He still had it, albeit to a much lesser extent. People recognized him everywhere, even the staff at the daycare his kids attended used to be his fans. It was the interaction he missed the most. The feedback, the compliments, the expectations that used to ignite his passions - he longed for them.
"It might be tough for the kids; we've never exposed them to this industry," you remarked when he asked for your opinion.
That was true. Hana and Hoon knew who their parents were and what they did. They enjoyed Mingyu's band's songs and loved watching your old dramas. They understood that their parents worked in the entertainment industry, but they didn't grasp the intricacies of it. Mingyu had pondered this. If he accepted the offer, how would it impact his kids? Privacy would unquestionably be at the forefront of concerns.
"If you truly want to do it, let's do it. We'll work on the rest together," your words reassured him, leading him to accept the offer.
Mingyu let out a sigh at the sight of what his kids had done to the living room. Hoon, the mischief-maker, darted towards his room to fetch more things to scatter. Meanwhile, Hana was engrossed in her Lego, but even her creations couldn't evade finding their way under Mingyu's foot.
In a moment of urgency, Mingyu grabbed his phone and called you for help. He'd never felt this way when you were away for days, but knowing you'd be home in an hour made his patience wear thin.
"Hello..." Your voice filled the room as he put the call on speaker, immediately drawing the attention of your kids, who started shouting "mom."
Without a word, he let out another heavy sigh. You couldn't help but chuckle upon hearing it.
"I'm sorry, I won't be home until 10. We're having a team dinner after this," you explained.
"Really? Hana, mom won't be home until 10," he said, his disappointment evident as he relayed the news to his daughter.
Mingyu's smile returned when he saw Hana pout, her expression mirroring yours when she's upset. "Hana wants to speak," he said, passing the phone to her.
"Mom, fighting!" Mingyu burst into laughter at his daughter's choice of words. "Have fun, I'm going to cook dinner," he said to you before ending the call.
"Mom won't be joining the dinner?" Hoon inquired, and Mingyu nodded.
"Isn't it fun having a meal with dad?" he asked them. Hoon promptly shook his head, declaring, "No! Eating with mom is more fun, right Hana?" while Hana simply ignored them.
Maybe what the editor said about his children was right. Hoon did resemble Hoshi, and Hana bore a striking resemblance to Wonwoo.
During the photoshoot for the promotion of your new movie release, they handed you and your fellow actor, Choi Woosung, a script containing questions that would be asked during the recording.
"You've shot a reality show?" Woosung inquired, and you nodded in confirmation. You explained that the reality show focused on Mingyu's life as your husband and parent.
"How's the reaction?" He asked, echoing one of the questions from the list.
You chuckled, slipping into the role as if it were a real interview. "The reaction is very good. The fourth episode has been released. It felt great to share a glimpse of our life with the public."
On your way home, you couldn't shake off the question from earlier.
'How's the reaction to your reality show?'
You hadn't really kept up with it. Mingyu was usually the one to inform you about updates. You'd only appeared for less than 20 minutes in total. While you were excited about the show, your schedule had kept you too occupied to check on it, let alone gauge the reaction.
As you headed towards your home, you opened your phone, typed in the name of your reality show, and checked the comments section. You were delighted by the rush of dopamine every time you came across comments praising the twins for being so cute and clever. There were even some compliments about the parenting you and Mingyu showcased on the show. Reading them made you grasp the feeling your husband had been missing - this surge of happiness.
'It's so weird that the wife is never home.'
'Why is it always Kim Mingyu who does the work at home? Is it because of his busy wife?'
'Mingyu housewife agenda is still going strong kekekeke..'
'Even after marriage, Mingyu still takes care of everyone. Poor Mingyu lol'
You entered your quiet house as the clock struck ten at night. Your day had been packed, starting at ten in the morning with back-to-back shoots. Quickly, you changed into your sleeping clothes, meeting Mingyu as he emerged from your children's room. One of the things people praised was your effort in training the twins to sleep on their own.
"Hana's finally asleep," Mingyu whispered, placing his arm around your shoulder as you both made your way to the kitchen, the farthest point from the twins' room.
"What did she ask this time?" You inquired, already stifling a laugh as Mingyu began with a sigh.
He perched on the counter while you opened the fridge, searching for a beer to accompany tonight's conversation with your husband.
"She asked if she could make green coffee from green beans because coffee is made from coffee beans," he reported, burying his head in his arms, which rested on the counter.
You chuckled. "That's clever," you remarked, handing him a can of beer.
"Hoon wanted to use your glass, but he accidentally dropped it. He's preparing his apology for tomorrow morning," he shared, introducing another amusing incident.
You shook your head. "Did he mention it was an accident?" Mingyu nodded, "He didn't want me to break the news to you because he wanted to tell you himself."
Your heart warmed at hearing this. The glass wasn't a big deal to you—it was just a way to encourage them to drink water by using their favorite glass.
"That's sweet," you said, smiling at him. "Yeah, I thought so. They're growing up a little too quickly," Mingyu mumbled, and you agreed.
"How was your day with them? I saw the video you sent me," you asked, referring to the video he took of Hoon and Hana squabbling over petting a puppy at the park.
Mingyu chuckled. "On our way home, they suddenly wanted to take a walk in the park. I think it must be something they learned or heard at daycare. It was just so random. Some people recognized them, which upset Hana. Hoon loved it," he recounted, and you couldn't help but laugh at the tale.
"They met a little Samoyed, and I think it was their first time seeing one," you agreed. "Hoon suddenly got petty when Hana joined him in petting the puppy. He said Hana kept imitating him, and Hana didn't like dogs."
You were also tickled by the fact that Hana was petting a dog. She was never fond of them, in fact, she preferred stuffed animals over real ones, which was the opposite of Hoon, who wished for a puppy or kitten on every birthday.
"Let's sleep," Mingyu murmured as the beer was finished, and you two couldn't contain your laughter from the twin's escapade. Waking them up was the last thing you both wanted.
"What time is your schedule tomorrow?" Mingyu asked as you both lay down on the bed, his arm pulling you closer.
"I have a salon appointment at 11, and the shoot might end by 2. Why?" you inquired.
"My mom and my sister are in Seoul tomorrow. Mom said she wants to meet you."
You raised an eyebrow. "Should we go out for dinner tomorrow? Your mom liked the Japanese restaurant we visited last month."
Mingyu nodded and closed his eyes. "Okay, I'll book a table for tomorrow." His arm tightened around you, and you mumbled that it was too warm, but he pretended to be asleep.
The drive home after dinner was quiet. The kids had fallen asleep, leaving you and Mingyu in a solemn atmosphere. Not a word was exchanged since you bid goodbye to his mom and sister, parting ways as they headed back to Anyang. Mingyu stole glances at you multiple times but hesitated to say a word, treading carefully after what had happened at the restaurant.
Mingyu's mom had always adored you. He'd known that from the moment he introduced you to her. She looked at you with a love he'd never seen in her eyes when she interacted with him or his sister. It was as if you were her own, even his sister acknowledged this. She never spoke ill of you or to you; she held you in the same respect a mother-in-law should have for their child's partner. So, when she said those unexpected words in the restaurant, it took Mingyu aback.
"I noticed you never take care of the house on the show," she had remarked, to which Mingyu immediately interjected, "She was busy."
"Still, a wife should be taking care of her husband and kids."
"Mom..." Mingyu tried to halt the conversation, but his sister promptly changed the subject, showcasing how Hoon was eagerly eating his sushi.
Seeing you silenced by this exchange hurt Mingyu deeply. He despised the discomfort that settled between you both as you moved around the house in silence. You didn't even glance his way.
As you passed him, he gently took your arm, leading you to the couch and squatting in front of you. Your eyes were level, but you avoided meeting his gaze.
"I'm sorry about earlier," Mingyu began. "I know it hurt. I'm not happy with what mom said either."
"It's not your fault," you mumbled, your eyes still averted.
Mingyu bit his lip, his voice thick. "Babe, please look at me," he whispered, cupping your cheeks.
"If I look at you, I'll start to cry," you admitted in a near-whisper.
Mingyu's heart broke, and he immediately pulled you into an embrace. He sat beside you, his fingers gently running through your hair, whispering soothing words as you sobbed against his chest.
When you pulled away, you confessed, "I'm just disappointed. I thought your mom knew me better." Mingyu nodded, indicating that he was all ears.
"I thought she knew me better than what she saw on the show. We've been married for a long time," you began. "She used to see me preparing your meals. She even praised how tidy our home was when she visited while you were on tour. She was so proud when we decided not to have a sitter for the twins. Why... Why did she suddenly say that?"
Mingyu closed his eyes, feeling tears welling up. He held you tighter, as if afraid that if he let go, he might lose you.
"I'm fine when people judge me based on what they see. I'm totally fine with that. But, she's my mother-in-law. She's my mom."
That night, Mingyu realized something he hadn't considered when agreeing to the show. He hadn't thought about you; he'd been thoughtless. He remembered the backlash you both faced when you decided to publicly date. Even years after your marriage, there were mixed reactions, with some saying Mingyu was hindering the group's activities and others believing you were sacrificing your career too soon.
Mingyu had never been one to care about public opinion, but you were different. He believed you were making continuous progress, but he knew it was hard for you to accept comments, especially those that weren't true. You detested people's expectations and how they burdened you. It was something Mingyu couldn't entirely comprehend. He thrived on expectations, needing that pressure to stay motivated. These differences had occasionally caused friction in your relationship.
Your pregnancy with the twins had been unexpected. You were in the midst of shooting an action movie, involving a lot of stunts, when you found out you were two weeks pregnant after collapsing on set. Mingyu was upset that you had to continue shooting after almost losing the baby. He couldn't understand why you kept getting action roles and constantly put yourself in danger with all the stunts.
"Remember my movie with Wonwoo? I don't like how people expect us to fall in love after the project. Action movies give me less pressure compared to romance and melodrama. I hope you understand."
This was followed by your reluctance to attend promotions and your refusal to appear on variety shows because of the burden it placed on you.
Now, Mingyu finally understood why it weighed on you. He could see the pieces falling into place.
He gently kissed your forehead as you fell asleep on his lap after the emotional conversation you'd had earlier. He picked you up effortlessly and carried you to the bedroom, determined that things would change for the better from this point forward.
Mingyu's smile stretched wide as he set up blankets for the viewing spot. Today marked the last episode of your reality show, and it was the first time he'd be watching it with you and the kids. You chuckled when you saw Mingyu pat a spot next to him with a beaming smile and a look of adoration – an expression his fellow members often teasingly referred to as a "cheap stare."
"Why are you smiling? It hasn't even started yet," you remarked, picking up Hana and settling her on your lap. She immediately clung to you like a koala on a tree.
"I want a hug too," Hoon chimed in, and you opened your arms for him to join Hana.
Mingyu sighed, resting his head on the couch while gazing at the three of you. "They never treat me like this," he mumbled.
The show began with the familiar scenes of your house and the kids' activities. However, you were taken aback when there were a few scenes of you that hadn't been included in previous episodes. It showed you preparing breakfast, doing a quick load of laundry, tidying the kids' room, and tending to the plants. The scenes were accompanied by the sub-title, 'special for mom.' You glanced at Mingyu, who was fully engrossed in the screen.
"Mom, you're so pretty!" Hoon exclaimed upon seeing a scene from one of your movies. You smiled and planted a kiss on his cheek.
"Do I really look like that in the morning? That's not a good look for broadcast," you muttered, watching yourself on screen without any makeup.
Mingyu scoffed, "Are you underestimating my taste in girls?" His words earned a grateful laugh from you.
'My wife, Y/n, she's such an interesting person. She's the second shyest person in this house after Hana. They're basically like mother and daughter,' you heard Mingyu say on the show.
'She's so talented and amazing. But she's not a very confident person. I don't know why, but that's just how she humbles herself,' he continued, drawing a chuckle from you.
'Mom is a hero. She makes me my favorite food and runs with me at the park,' Hoon's voice filled the room.
'Mom? She's awesome. She reads me a book every day. I love it,' Hana chimed in.
'There's a lot about her that hasn't been shown much. She gave birth to my children. She sacrificed her body, her career, her life to marry me and start a family with me. There were times when she was alone with the kids while I was on tour. I believe it was tough raising the kids – twins at that – alone, especially for a new parent,' Mingyu shared, his voice filled with genuine admiration and respect.
The entire episode was a tribute to you. Tears welled up in your eyes as Mingyu spoke so highly of you, acknowledging the challenges and sacrifices that come with being a wife and mother.
The show concluded with a montage of pictures, capturing precious moments of your family when the twins were born, when you video called Mingyu on tour with the babies just months old, when you cooked while Mingyu looked after the twins, and even when you did home workouts with the twins imitating you.
"Kim Mingyu!" You playfully scolded him as soon as the show ended.
Mingyu laughed at your reaction, your eyes slightly swollen from crying throughout the show. Meanwhile, the twins, showing a clear preference for their mom, eagerly joined you in your playful reprimand.
Mingyu grabbed his phone, capturing a picture of your post-crying face and one of the three of you engrossed in the show from earlier. He planned to post them on his social media later.
After putting the kids to bed, Mingyu pulled you into his arms and whispered, "Love you, always."
You smiled and held him closer. "Thanks for everything. I love you more."
"You deserve it, baby. You deserve it."
Mingyu muttered, "I honestly don't think our kid resembles them," as he pettily showed a video of Hoon and Hana alongside Hoshi and Wonwoo.
He paused, then continued, "I mean, they're our child. They're supposed to resemble us, and they do. People just fail to see that." He mumbled, then turned his attention back to you, who were busy chopping chicken breast before putting it into the blender.
You decided to ignore him, focusing on your pre-workout meal preparations.
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daceydeath · 4 months
Screeching Tires and Blood Stains
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Pairing: Mafia Jongho x Reader Word Count: 3k Genre: Mafia Romance Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Swearing, Violence, Blood, Dangerous Driving, Explicit Activities, Drinking
Coming face to face with the realities of Jongho's criminal life had not been how you expected your night out together to go.
"Where is Jongho?" you begged, gripping the seatbelt so tightly that your knuckles were beginning to turn white.
"He'll be fine" Yunho stressed his eyes firmly on the road "you will be too I'll get you back safely".
"I'm not scared for me Yunho" you whimpered, not being able to focus on anything outside of the car, the scenery passing too fast for you to focus on. Jongho had ordered Yunho to get you in another car and get you back to a safe house as fast as possible. You hadn't even had a second to ask what was happening or even kiss him goodbye. Now you weren't sure if you were ever going to see your fiance again. The last sound you had heard other than the screeching tires as Yunho floored the engine was the sound of a scream which made your blood run cold.
You had known the life he led was dangerous, you had cleaned blood from his clothes more times than you could count and changed dressings on wounds at least once a month, but this was the first time you had actually come face to face with the danger he surrounded himself with everyday. Yunho often acted as your bodyguard. He was a gentle giant when it came to you and his loyalty to Jongho was unwavering so naturally Jongho trusted him to protect what he deemed most precious to him, you.
"I know, Jongho is going to be fine, he's a tough fucker" Yunho smiled wryly finally slowing the car now that he deemed it safe. "It's always a bigger deal if you are with us when something happens".
You hummed in understanding but the fear was still firmly entrenched in your chest like a lump of ice freezing you from the inside. The scenery was still passing your window in a blur, Yunho's foot still firmly on the accelerator not taking any chance that someone would follow you back to Jongho's apartment. The tire screech that followed you into the undercover parking garage was almost deafening no doubt leaving rubber in a thick layer on the smooth concrete as he finally hit the brakes before lifting you from the car and running into the waiting elevator only placing you on your own two feet when it started it's climb to the penthouse floor. He led you into the hallway nodding silently to the two men who guarded the entrance to the actual apartment, the message you didn't know officially but you had an inkling just watching the two men tense and take a more aggressive stance.
"I'll get you something to drink" Yunho smiled tightly, sitting you on the sofa and moving towards the drinks cart to grab you your standard tipple of choice.
"You're making me drinks? How bad is tonight going to be?" You sighed bitterly, your heart in your throat, looking into Yunho's eyes hoping he could see that you were demanding the truth from him.
"It could be really bad" he frowned, sitting down opposite you, pulling his hand gun from its holster and laying it on the coffee table "Jongho didn't see this coming tonight, I don't know what will happen". His candor was unusual. Normally he would soften news for you to prevent you panicking.
"You should be out there with him Yunho" you urged chewing your lip nervously "I'll be fine here, there's guys out the front and Jongho taught me to shoot" you looked at him knowing that if you could get him to go back your man was more likely to come home to you.
"He ordered me to stay with you so I will" he reminded you kindly before moving to take your hand  in his. "If this goes to shit you will be looked after. I gave Jongho my word and he's given clear instructions".
"What the fuck does that mean?" You refuted angrily pulling your hand away from his as you heard loud yelling from the hallway outside. Whipping your head towards the sound with wide eyes, before a heartbeat later you found yourself pressed face first into the plush carpet Yunho pressed against your back, his long arm extended pointing his gun towards the sound. The front door burst open revealing Mingi and San, two of Jongho's enforcers, dragging a blood soaked Jongho into the apartment swearing loudly and still shouting at someone behind them.
"Fuck Yunho" San shouted as he spotted Yunho's gun trained on them “we don't need anyone else getting trigger happy tonight”.
"What happened?" Yunho grunted standing quickly, pulling you up with him, and moving to help haul Jongho's pained form onto the dining table making him breath heavily and grunt in protest.
“Were you followed Yunho? Did they see where you brought her?” Jongho growled looking at his friend.
“I got her away clean, man, you know I will keep her safe for you” Yunho replied solemnly.
"We were double crossed" Mingi spat through his clenched teeth, helping to get Jongho's shirt off of him while you stood motionless in shock beside the couch. "One of the soldiers was a plant".
"Was? I'm taking you fixed that problem?" Yunho smirked, helping to hold Jongho still while Mingi got his shirt and tie off the blood still flowing from his arm now running into the floor beneath the table staining the carpet bright vermillion. The front door once again opened as a man you know only as Doc rushed in followed by another man carrying a large medical crate.
"Is it a through and through?" Lee barked, opening one of Jongho's eyes wide to check his pupils, then felt for the pulse in his neck.
"Yeah doc, he's lost a lot of blood but he's still breathing" San replied swiftly, tying a tourniquet around Jongho's upper arm to stem the bleeding once more.
"Right get a needle in him and get some blood started" he ordered as the nameless man did as he was told.
"Will he be alright?" You finally managed to ask your voice faltering. Jongho hissed as the first needle entered the vein in his opposite arm and doc began probing the open wound in his upper arm.
"Of course" San reassured you "Doc will get him sorted out then if needed we will get him to a hospital but it's just a bullet wound" his smile was tight but he was trying his hardest to sound calm and in control. Jongho met your eyes for the first time since he had just about thrown you at Yunho screaming at him to get you out of there.
"San has got a few scratches on him. How about you help clean those up and get some clean clothes for me?" Jongho urged nodding at San and Mingi who nodded back in an unspoken agreement.
"Sure" you stuttered, walking towards the bedroom to get some clothes for at least Jongho and San. "I can do that".
San followed you, grabbing the clothes you offered him and heading into the bathroom to clean himself up, while you sat on the bed opening the first aid kit that you kept in the bedroom. San returned a few minutes later wearing sweatpants and no shirt, the small wound on his arm obvious but insignificant. 
"Sit San" you tried your hardest to not let the shake in your voice obvious, following your wishes he did, letting you tend to the small graze that he didn't even seem to have noticed before Jongho had sent him with you.
"You're doing great" he murmured, pulling on a T-shirt and placing his hand on top of your head. "I'll swap with Mingi and you can look after anything that's on him". San picked up the clothes for your boyfriend and left to fetch Mingi.
Being left alone you took the chance to quickly change your own clothes, dropping the brand new dress you had worn onto the pile of clothes San had left on the bathroom floor. You would have to make sure they were incinerated later but for now you would wait for Mingi to change to another set of sweats and shirt sitting beside you on the bed.
"Ready for me?" Mingi asked softly trying to not startle you as he stepped into the room.
"Go clean up and I'll clean up anything you have that needs tending" you nodded letting him step into the bathroom with the clothes you had given him. You couldn't stop thinking about the sight of Jongho lying covered in blood on the table, how murderous he had looked being dragged by his friends into the apartment and what Yunho had said. What would you do if it did go badly? you weren't sure you could live without Jongho and would you even be allowed to just continue with life with all the things you knew and had seen in your time with him.
"Your thinking too hard" Mingi sighed sitting beside you on the bed "he's going to be fine, it's not life threatening" he gave you a small smile as you stood looking him over. Mingi has three small cuts that didn't even need dressing and a dozen bruises coming up so you carefully put some ointment on him before allowing him to finish dressing himself.
"Can I come out and see him again?" You asked meekly, putting away the first aid supplies.
"Course, docs got him hooked up to blood and saline so he should be back to normal soon anyway" Mingi grinned, escorting you out to where they were. You could hear hushed whispers as you stepped out of your shared bedroom but with Mingi's hand on your shoulder you continued to where they were still treating Jongho only he was now sitting in one of the dining chairs whilst Yunho cleaned the blood from the table.
"My love" Jongho sighed, his voice hoarse but still definitely loud enough for you to hear properly.
"Jongho" you sobbed, taking the hand closest to you and squeezing it.
"Hey love, no tears I'm fine" he tried to chuckle.
"Fine? You were just dragged onto your apartment and put on the dining table with blood pouring out of you!" you scoffed emotionally trying to not let the tears in your eyes escape your waterline and trying your hardest to resist slapping his shoulder.
"Doc has patched me up" Jongho smiled cupping your face with his other hand not noticing the dried blood all over it until it was against your skin.
"You scared me half to death" you pouted watching his eyes crinkle in a soft smile and doc removed the cannula that was no longer needed from his arm.
“That's why you love me though'' he grinned cheekily knowing you wouldn't argue you were just happy that he was fine. “You boys go home, get some rest and we will reconvene tomorrow to sort out what needs to be done”. You watched them all nod and one by one leave with Yunho being the last to go, his hand squeezing Jongho’s shoulder firmly before he let himself out.
“I'm sorry your pretty dress is ruined my love” he apologized genuinely, taking both your hands in his and kissing each of your fingers. “I'll buy you ten more to replace it”.
“Let me get you into bed first” you chewed your lip tiredly “you need rest”. He stood up easily, letting you pull him carefully behind you to his bedroom, sitting him down on his side of the bed letting him get comfortable against the headboard before you went back out to turn off all the lights. You returned to him smiling crookedly at you, his hair tousled from running his hand through it. Slipping the sweatpants you had put on off you were left in just one of his oversized t-shirts and your underwear.
“Do you need help getting into bed handsome?” You tilted your head as you crossed the room to him, noticing his eyes roaming up and down your body.
“No but I have had a thought” he started his soft eyes meeting yours while he cupped your cheek with his hand “I want you to move in here with me, I want to come home to you, I want to know you’re always safe”.
“I thought you wanted me to keep one step away from this life?” you furrowed your brows slightly even though the corners of your lips turned upward.
“I did but now I want you with me always” he admitted pulling you in to kiss you passionately, even in his injured state he easily maneuvered you into his lap pressing you against him and holding you in place with his hand on the nape of your neck.
“We can’t you’re hurt” you whispered against his lips, feeling his hard chest against your own, your hands bunching up his shirt to expose his flesh to you.
“I’m not that injured my love” he murmured back lowering one of his hands to squeeze and tease your tits making you whimper and shuffle in his lap “please let me touch you” he continued pressing his hips up against your barely covered crotch, you dropped your forehead against his shoulder letting him do whatever he wanted in that moment letting small noises leave your lips with each movement of his hands. Kissing his neck softly you felt the vibrations from his quiet groan through his skin encouraging you to keep kissing him.
“You’re so amazing letting me touch you, letting me love you” he rasped, swallowing hard and moving his attention to your hips, gripping them tightly and pressing you against his hardening dick helping you grid against him the way he wanted. “You going to let me fuck you yeah?”.
“Yes Jongho” you whined, his fingers brushing against your covered clit only to pull away again to help you lift yourself enough for him to pull his now weeping cock from his pants so that there would be nothing but the flimsy material of your underwear between you. Continuing your grinding against him he let out a low groan from deep in his throat moving your underwear to the side to easily slip himself between your folds to cover his length with your essence before gradually entering your tight hole and allowing you to sink down at your own pace, splitting you open and stretching you until you were so full you didn’t think you could possibly take anymore of him. 
“Just a little bit more my love” he grunted, not moving his hips to let you control your own pace.
“So big Jongho” you moaned softly, not stopping your legs from sinking you down further on his cock. You heard him grunt as you finally pressed hips against his pelvis, the delicious mix of pleasure and almost pain making your head swim. Jongho’s head fell back against the bed frame with a soft thunk, his hands gripping your hips, his fingers digging into your skin. You began to roll your hips again unhurriedly enjoying the feeling of him inside you, his hands on you, his voice surrounding you as you began to find your leisurely pace. Your hands on his chest you leant forward to press your lips against his neck nipping and carefully sucking small love bites on his skin marking him lightly as yours and only yours as his grip on you tightened no doubt leaving his own marks on you for you to find in the morning.
“Fuck I’m so in love with you” He moaned his breath coming out in soft pants and grunts as you continued to ride him. 
“I love you” you mewled the pleasure flowing through you making you move more desperately his whimpers making you need more as the image of him still covered in blood entered your mind making you feel everything so much more intensely bringing tears to your eyes your rocking hips moving faster as your got more emotional “I love you Jongho”. The first tear falling from your eyes onto his neck mingling with his sweat and making his skin even saltier against your tongue.
“I got you love, I’m here” he grunted loudly his hands now moving your hips as you began to lose your rhythm his hips coming up slightly to meet yours “Fuck my love I’m here, I’ll always he here he ground out as your walls started to flutter wildly around him.
“Fuck Jongho…Jongho” you cried coming hard around him, your walls milking his seed from him as he followed you with his own release. Slumping against him you continued kissing his neck lazily breathing in his scent as your eyes began to droop slightly. You both sat in silence, your bodies still connected as you came down from your highs only moving when Jongho helped you to lay beside him, your thighs burning too much for you to move by yourself gracefully.
“I know I scared you tonight my love” he started brushing his fingers against your back as you laid curled up against him “I’m sorry”.
“I know it’s your life Jongho, I’ve known for almost as long as we have been together. It’s a risk I knew existed but I never thought would happen in front of me. Is that naive?” You asked honestly.
“There will be retribution for what happened tonight so hopefully it won't happen in front of you again but I can’t promise it will never happen again” he answered truthfully “But I will protect you always and Yunho will take care of you if anything ever happens to me so you will always be safe”.
“I love you Jongho, I’ll get my stuff together to move in at the weekend” you grinned against his chest. Feeling him silently chuckle.
“I’ll let the guys know they will be moving your stuff for you then”.
A/N: Thank you for reading as always your support means the world to me as always I appreciate every like, reblog and comment my beautiful lovelies xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz @armystay89 @damnyouficc @roamingpolar @tara-skyhold @bakedlilgoonie , @krishastumblernow , @mrsseals16 , @fawnpeaks @leeknowinggg @uno7 @tanzen-ist-gold
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Bella Notte
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: A moonlight lake swim with Benedict
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI, innocence/corruption kink, first-time kissing, breast fondling, fingering, penis touching (i.e. first second and third base activities lol), romantic I guess?
Word Count: 2.9k
Authors Note: this is a very overdue fic request for my dear Emmy @iboopedyournose that she sent over DM many months ago. (Request: romantic moonlight swim with Benedict that leads to something steamy 😉😋). I don't know if there's enough romance here. I hope so. Also I’m sorry, I just wrote this now; I'm a bad friend. I hope you enjoy <3 (PS I almost subtitled this Innocence: underwater edition)
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It’s after midnight when you and Benedict secretly steal down to the water's edge at Aubrey Hall. This is your first time unchaperoned with your intended; even just meeting him in the dead of night in the hallway seemed thrilling. But when he suggests you go to the lake, your whole body shivers at the prospect—not only for the clandestine time alone but also for the chance to dip a toe into the cool water, such a tempting prospect after an unrelentingly stifling hot July day. 
The setting is stunning, the trees surrounding you a beautiful silhouette under a blanket of stars, the milky white waxing moon reflecting upon the mirror-smooth surface of the lake.
Benedict squeezes your hand and catches your eye.
“Shall we?” his buttery voice is such an alluring temptation you can’t resist.
“We shouldn’t…,” you demure.
“That, my dear fiancee, is not exactly a no,” he murmurs, releasing your hand to strip off his shirt, revealing a toned chest that makes you bite your cheek.
“You first,” you whisper, a light breeze ruffling the strands of hair around your face as you watch him raise an eyebrow and reach for the buttons on his britches.
“If you wish to remain innocent, avert your eyes,” he suggests playfully.
You inhale sharply and spin around to face the house, your cheeks aflame, but your eyes cut to the side, half hoping to catch a furtive glimpse of your husband-to-be’s naked body. You hear the rustle of clothing being shed and then the splash of water as he seems to throw himself in bodily. The moan he makes as he surfaces does things to your insides that you don't fully understand, steadfastly still facing away.
“You may turn around now,” he calls, bemused, “I am concealed by the water.”
You slowly spin around to see him standing upright and almost choke. The waterline hugs low on his hips. So dangerously low there is dark thatch of hair peaking above the surface. And above it, acres of toned, muscular, very male torso painted with water droplets. You know you are staring—you know you are probably slack-jawed. Your gaze eventually reaches his face, and it's sin personified. He knows exactly what he is doing to you, teasing you, his hair slicked back against his head, emphasising the handsome lines of his face.
“Are you coming in too, or is this merely a spectator’s sport for you?” he intones, that lopsided grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“You are so troublesome, Mr Bridgerton,” you murmur, trying to school your expression, but you just end up biting your lip, very much wishing for a fan as you feel your face heating.
“I promise nothing untoward,” he offers chivalrously, holding out a hand to beckon you in, “unless you want it,” the dusky addition makes your stomach flip.
He turns around and shoots you a sultry look over his shoulder before jumping up and diving back down into the water in a perfect fluid motion…. Giving you an eyeful of a very pert, very shapely, naked bottom as he does so.
“Dear god…” you exhale, looking skyward, knowing this will test your willpower, but somehow still drawn inexorably towards the water. After all, it has been such a HOT day; this will cool your body like nothing else.
As he swims away, you strip off your light silk robe to your white cotton nightgown and place a foot into the water.
The rocks under your toes are cool, smooth and slightly mossy. It feels heavenly. And so you wade in, the ground falling away fast, and by the time you are four paces from the edge, the water tickles against the apex of your thighs, and you sigh. The cold tamping, the fiery heat you feel there, mainly due to the man making his way back to you in a leisurely breaststroke, a smile on his face.
“So glad you decided to join me,” he lilts. “It's so refreshing, is it not?”
“Yes,” you sigh, moving deeper so the water is up around your waist, your nightdress starting to float up and away from your body. “Such a balm,” you add.
He hums in agreement and tips his head back, looking up at the moon.
“The moon shines bright. In such a night as this. When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees, and they did make no noise, in such a night.” his delivery wistful.
“Shakespeare,” you breathe, your heart speeding up at the lyrical words he speaks from memory.
“Indeed,” he looks over at you, his eyes soft. “I enjoy nothing more than the truths he reveals so poetically. How he talks of beauty, nature, all the range of human emotions, and love,” he expands, moving closer, little waves of water buffering against your breast as he wades shallower and you deeper, drawn inescapably to him. 
He takes your hand from the surface and bends down slightly to kiss the back of it, his warm lips grazing your knuckles a contrast to the cool water dripping from your fingertips. Your breath catches in your throat at this simple move. You want to say something in response, but somehow all of your vocabulary seems inadequate, and you feel quite tongue-tied. 
“Come, swim with me,” he prompts softly, pulling you into the deeper water, and you let your feet float up from the ground. 
Your nightgown pooling in diaphanous layers around you, the cool water seeping into every crevice of your body, making you feel calm and soothed for the first time since this insatiable heatwave began. You start to move in a leisurely stroke keeping up with Benedict as he glances over and smiles at you encouragingly.
The moon, the sound of water moving gently over your limbs, the rustle of the trees and the trace of scent wafting from the nearby rose garden all make for a wonderous moment, and you roll onto your back, staring at the stars.
“Thank you for this,” you say quietly as you both slow, nearing the middle of the lake. 
“It is my pleasure,” he assures.
“It is very romantic,” you murmur, knowing your cheeks blush at your words. “The setting, I mean,” you quickly amend for some reason, somehow reticent to express romantic feelings.
“Not just the setting has to be romantic,” he offers, his voice low as he moves closer again.
You have to put your feet back onto the stony bottom to not feel unmoored by the tone and the sultry look in his eyes. The water is up to your neck almost.
“Benedict,” his name a sigh from your lips, even though you are unsure why you say it. A reflex, a call to him, a warning, even you do not know. All you feel is the heart beating wildly against your ribcage as he crowds into you.
“Y/n,” he purrs, and even in the water, you feel suddenly flushed. “Im going to kiss you,” he whispers, almost a warning, giving you a chance to move away.
Instead, you hold his molten gaze, equally excited and nervous about the prospect. Apart from a few chaste hand kisses, you have done nothing more in all your years on this earth.
“Okay…” you exhale shakily.
And then there is a large hand cupping your whole face, tilting you up to look at him. This close, he is so handsome, all cheekbones and strong jaw. You just freeze like a rabbit in the crosshairs. There is a warm gust of air over your nose as he breathes out, and then soft lips damp land on yours. 
Something fires in your chest like a gun, and your eyelids flutter shut. Then he is pressing harder, more insistent, moving his lips against yours. Unsure of what else to do or how to catalogue what is happening, you try to mirror his movements, pushing back with your closed lips up onto your tiptoes—a noise from deep within his body thrills every inch of your being. Arms band tight around your body, you are pulled against a solid warm chest, and your whole world explodes into fireworks behind your closed eyes. You can't help the gasp over his mouth, and his responding deep chuckle vibrates your entire being.
“Darling, I haven't even kissed you properly yet,” his tone dripping with bemusement as he speaks against your lips.
“What do you mean?” you stutter, trying to adjust to being in his strong embrace.
“Do you know what a true kiss feels like?” his question is so dark and smooth it hypnotises you.
“No,” you answer, breathing a little heavy.
“You are about to.”
His lips are back, and this time he opens his mouth, the hot wave of moisture, heat and taste taking you by surprise. His tongue rolls against your lips. You squeak, and on instinct, your mouth opens under his. Now it is massaging against yours, and there is a molten hot tingle between your legs. What on earth is he doing to you? You feel drunk, overwhelmed, just so much taste, sight, smell and just him. It seems apt you are in a lake seeing as you feel like you are drowning in him.
He breaks away slowly, and as you reopen your eyes, he smiles at you.
“How was that?” even you can detect the pride in his tone, knowing exactly how affected you are.
“Wonderful,” you respond honestly, and he beams at you.
And then he is kissing you again. The same passionate way. And then again. Over and over, your lips meet; minutes blur into each other. Exploring each other's mouths, his hand tender on your jaw.
“Would you like to know more?” There is no way you can resist that dark honeyed tone.
“Yes,” you sigh, desperate to understand what awaits you once you are married.
The hand around your jaw slips lower, fingers trailing over your neck as he holds your gaze. You can't look away, but your breath speeds up as that hand feels so heavy travels lower, fingers trailing your collarbone and then sinking lower, mapping your sternum as your chest rises and falls quicker than before. That crooked grin unfurls as he moves his hand to the right and cups your breast over your now translucent nightgown. You inhale sharply as your body responds, blood running hot. And then his fingertips trace over your nipple, and you moan lightly in your throat.
“Yes, darling,” it's gravelly, and his face is one of understanding for your plight and sheer carnal delight that he is the cause.
His other hand moves from around your waist, mapping your side until it mirrors the actions of his other hand on your other breast, and you practically swoon against him.
“Benedict,” you utter his name shakily, his smile turning predatory. 
“My darling wife-to-be, your body was made for me,” he murmurs. “Look how well your breasts fit into my hands.”
You bite your lip as you look down at the beguiling site of his huge hands holding your body; something ablaze inside you, liquid and volcanic. It makes you want to pull up and wrap your legs around his body, press him into the middle of your thighs, into that tugging ache.
“Show me more,” you plead, looking into his eyes, watching his pupils rapidly dilate and his tongue dart out to lick his bottom lip.
Then one of his hands moves to the buttons in the middle of your nightgown and flicks open a button. And then another. And another. And another. All the while, his fingers trace the slit of skin revealed down to your navel. His hands land on your shoulders, pushing the two sides of your nightgown apart and sliding it down over your arms. 
Under the water, you are now topless. Your skin breaks into goosebumps that have nothing to do with the water temperature but everything to do with the man in front of you.
Then you are wrenched back into his strong embrace and stunned into silence at the feel of his naked chest crushing yours—so solid, so smooth, your nipples pebbling so hard under his contours.
His lips find your neck, and you instinctively wrap your arms around his shoulders, hands mapping the lithe tone, the play of muscle under your fingertips.
You can scarcely believe something this good is possible. You have heard married women talk of needing to submit to the will of their husband's desires. But if this is anything close to what they mean, you wholeheartedly disagree. You want to submit to him utterly. Completely. He can do this to you as much as he wants.
“I will,” he responds fiercely into your skin, and you realise you must have said your last thought aloud. “Darling, I will kiss and hold you and do so many wonderful things every day if you will allow me.” 
“You can do whatever you want to me, Benedict,” you vow.
His responding groan right into your ear makes every inch of your body tingle.
“Darling, my sweet, you have no idea what you are saying yet, but god, I hope that is true,” he sounds so fervent, so very overwrought.
“Are you distressed, Benedict?” you blurt out, pulling his face between your hands and looking into his eyes, worried about how agitated he seems.
“No, my love,” he reassures, “this is passion; this is need. I want to do so many many things with you. But we should not until we are married.”
“Are there not things we can do before we are married to help with your need?” so curious to know more.
He leans his forehead against yours and closes his eyes. “I can hold you, and we can touch in places, briefly….” It sounds so taboo your blood runs hot.
“Where?” you breathe onto his cheeks.
“Between our legs,” he mutters back.
“I ache there,” you confess, “when you kiss me.”
He groans again and licks his lips; eyes still screwed shut. “That is wonderful news, my love. That is how it should be; it means you desire me as much as I desire you.”
“How will I know that you desire me?”
He grabs your wrist from around his neck and guides your hand slowly underwater. Then he presses your hand against something large, hard, and entirely unlike what you have between your legs. Your eyes go wide; your mouth falls open. Your hand on hot, steely flesh.
“That,” he rumbles, his eyes flaring open, stare piercing yours, “that is how you know I desire you, my love.”
“Wh.. what is that?” you gasp.
“That is my cock, and when we are married, it goes inside you,” he explains breathily as he presses your palm more forcefully into it, rocking his hips slightly.
“What? Where?” you are completely non-plussed.
He pulls your hand away and slides it between your legs, the layers of your nightgown billowing in a ring around your waist.
“Right here,” he intones softly, and you gasp as he pushes your middle finger up and into your body, his grip on your hand so tight.
“It won't fit,” you fret.
“It will,” he soothes, releasing your wrist, “look, it can take my finger and yours.” 
That is all the warning he gives before his long elegant digit plunges into your channel, flanking yours. You inhale staccato in shock and awe at the feeling.
“You are so very tight,” his voice at once reedy, “but I assure you, my love, I will fit. That is the marital act,” he adds, slowly withdrawing his fingers and yours.
“THAT is the marital act?!?” your mind still reeling from what has just transpired. “I have heard rumours that I must allow you to do things to me for ‘the marital act’. But... but I had no idea; I had heard it is unpleasant but short.” you frown, confused.
He huffs a laugh and grabs your jaw, pulling you against him so close his cock brands hot against your belly.
“It shall be neither, I assure you of that. You will demand, and receive, from me pleasure. At length.” Something in the way he says it stokes a fire inside you that cannot wait until that day. “But until then…” he sighs, pulling away, “we must resist further temptation, my love. As much as I want nothing more than to wrap your hand around my cock and push my fingers into your body, it is not fair to defile you as such yet.”
You pout at him as he reluctantly hauls your nightgown onto your shoulders beneath the surface. He has teased you with what awaits, and you are now hungry for more. 
But he kisses your lips chastely and turns back to look at the house. “We should probably swim back to shore and depart for our beds. Now that we are cooled down,” he adds with a wink.
“Speak for yourself,” you grouse uncharacteristically, refastening your buttons. “I may well be feeling more flushed now than I was before I stepped into the lake. No thanks to you.”
You have never shown your sassy side to Benedict before, always trying to play the demure fiancee your family has lectured you to be. But with everything that has happened, you feel unable to school your real personality from flaring out of you.
And the look he gives you is everything. It is desire, fascination and surprise all wrapped into one handsome raised eyebrow. You want to bathe in it.
“Oh, Mrs Bridgerton,” your upcoming name dripping syllable by decadent syllable from his lips, “such a sharp tongue. We will have plenty of fun putting that to very good use, I assure you.”
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84
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tawfu · 2 years
walk ‘em like a dog
cw: sub heizou, dom reader, gn reader, pet play, exhibitionism, public humiliation, masochism (incl. physical harm), dacryphilia, shoe humping, cum eating
wc: 1.1k
Summary: You take Heizou for a stroll around town.
Heizou is quite a well known figure in Inazuma, considering he’s the biggest hotshot among detectives. But more importantly, he’s your pet, and today, you decided to take him out for a night of bonding activities.
Said pet currently sits on his knees in front of you, body bare and covered in questionable bruises and fists resting on his knees. The only thing he’d been wearing throughout the whole day was a pair of light brown dog ears, and a cute tail plug to match.
His eyes are looking up at you expectedly as he leans his head upwards to expose more of his neck to you, showing off the collar he so proudly wears in front of everyone.
You can see his eyes sparkle when you secure the leash onto his collar, the satisfying click causing Heizou to wiggle in place.
He loved the serious look in your eyes as you inspected him, letting out a sympathetic hiss as you pressed on one of the bruises littered on his collarbone, making Heizou wince in discomfort.
“You poor thing, these must hurt,” you coo condescendingly, knowing that you were the cause of each and every one of them. He nods slightly in response, shuddering at the way you smile down at him. He can recall every memory that came with those bruises.
Whether it was to mark him as your property, or to simply hurt him for your own amusement, he loved seeing the physical proof of his devotion to you.
You run your hand through his hair, letting out a sigh of contentment before getting up.
“Let’s go.”
Heizou’s fluffy tail almost looked like it was wagging in excitement as he crawled behind you, too slow for your liking, so you pulled on the leash harshly and he yelped, moving frantically to match your pace.
A short while later, you arrived in Inazuma City. The roads were fairly empty at this time in the evening, with only a few fair maidens in sight. However, it only made your pet stand out more, and he watched as they shot him judgemental looks and whispered amongst themselves, eyes widened at the unwanted display. Oh god, they definitely recognized him, didn’t they?
It humiliated him to no end, but despite the low whimpers of shame he let out in an attempt to catch your attention, you only continued to walk nonchalantly, shooting the women a friendly smile as you passed them. 
After what felt like ages, you arrived at Ogura Textiles & Kimonos, your puppy trailing behind you, head bowed in embarrassment as he tried to conceal his presence. 
“Welcome to Ogura Textiles & Kimonos. What can I do for…” the owner trails off mid sentence, eyes slowly wandering downwards when she notices the naked, leashed human by your side. It seems that Heizou’s efforts were to no avail. 
He looked up at her with a ruddy face, and he could feel himself twitch at the way she stared at him slack-jawed. He whined, rubbing his cheek on your calf, not knowing what to do now that he’s completely distracted the woman.
You look down at him, smiling once more, before grabbing his hair roughly to pull him away from you. Heizou whimpered in response, mumbling sorry’s, but it only served to irritate you further. 
You push him to the ground with your foot and as he falls to the side, you deliver a harsh kick to his stomach, causing Heizou to scream in both pain and pleasure. Yes, this is what he lived for, to be treated like he’s a puppet, to be played with, to be the dirt beneath your feet.
“Don’t you dare disrupt us again.” you spit, and Heizou keeps his eyes cast downwards as he nods, getting back on all fours silently with one arm clutching his stomach to soothe the pain as he feels his eyesight blur from tears of delicious humiliation.
He was trying his hardest to hold back now that his dick had hardened to the point of leaking, but all he could do was try to rub his legs together discreetly, anxiety pooling in his gut in fear that you would catch him, but luckily, you paid him no mind.
It didn’t do much to relieve the ache he felt, but he was glad that he could catch the precum drooling from his tip on his thighs. He could only imagine what you’d do if he dirtied the ground.
You apologized for the misbehavior and the rest of your conversation with the now mortified woman continued as normally as it could after what she had just witnessed, and finally, you left, tugging on the leash in your hand with enough force to choke your pet. The coughs he let out made you shudder in delight as you smiled to yourself.
The two of you stayed silent as you walked home, with Heizou trying his hardest to be good for you, to not make a sound as he sobbed at the way he’d been treated, and due to the excruciating pain he felt on his stomach and scraped knees. 
At last, you arrived at your doorstep, unlocking the door and leading Heizou to kneel once more in front of you as you sat yourself on the couch. Moving one of your boots closer to him, you looked at him with disgust, seeing the obvious effect your treatment towards him had, and how shamelessly he spread his legs to ensure you saw his reddened cock jump.
“Hurry up, filthy whore.”
“Yes!” he exclaimed, quickly maneuvering so that his dick rested on your shoe as he began to frantically hump it, hands moving to tug at his nipples as he cries out at the rough feeling of the cold leather on his skin. It hurts and he can barely get enough friction, but he’s so pent up that he will take anything you give him. 
You slowly move your foot away from him and he whines loudly, pleading with you with tears falling from his eyes that you keep it under his cock as he wouldn’t dare to touch it himself, and with a chuckle, you bring it back where he wants it most.
It doesn’t take very long for Heizou to finish. He looks like a lovesick puppy, hearts in his eyes and drool escaping his lips as he ruts against your shoe until it’s stained with ropes of cum.
 “O-oh… Thank you! I love you!” he yelps.
You don’t even have to speak after he gets out of his post orgasm haze, because Heizou immediately leans down, throwing a teasing look your way as he laps up the mess he made on your shoe, swallowing it loudly and sticking his tongue out to show you how well he cleaned it. 
You caress his cheek with your thumb, wiping his tears away as you praise him for his manners, and he smiles up at you as he leans into your touch.
Correction, Heizou is a lovesick puppy.
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somanyratsinthewalls · 5 months
Kinktober Special Part 8
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Mo’s Kinktober Special 
The Crew’s Whore (Part 8) (+18)
!!!!!!MINORS DNI!!!!
Summary: You are the former owner of the Grand Line’s most popular brothel. Your powerful fighting abilities got the attention of the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He had asked you to join their crew but what would you bring to the team? Your battle skills were hardly comparable to many of the other Straw Hats… but you actually had a great skill. Your years working as a high end escort had prepared you to become the private plaything for this pirate crew. You joined the Straw Hats as their personal sex toy.
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x Fem!Reader
WC: 2600 lol
TWs: IT’S FOOT TIME! FOOT FETISH WARNING! Man I am not even into feet but this kinda did it for me. In my brain Law is canonically into feet in a weird way. Unprotected sex, p in v sex, table sex, alcohol consuption, toe sucking lmao, just fetish shit yeah.
The trip to the next island was turning out to be longer than anticipated due to poor weather. The Straw Hat pirates had allied themselves with now-warlord-of-the-sea Captain Trafalgar Law and were harboring him on their ship as they sailed towards the next part of their plan as an alliance. The weather had finally turned pleasant so of course Luffy ordered Sanji to prepare a huge feast, complete with piles of steaming food and barrels of cold booze. 
Eating and drinking were two of you favorite activities, second and third only to fucking, so you were thrilled at the prospect of a little party. No one had approached you yet and asked you for your time tonight, everyone being so busy setting up for the party and all… but you expected that to change as the night went on. Because you anticipated being taken for your services tonight, you took the time to bathe and clean yourself up a little extra nice. 
You curled your hair into soft waves and spent half an hour caking your face and painting your lips a glossy sheer crimson before heading to your closet and picked out an outfit. You settled on a flouncy little baby pink dress, the layered fabric sheer and light. The soft pink hem swished high up on your thighs, leaving very little of your legs to the imagination. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you decide to play it up even further and crouched down to grab a pair of red high heels from under your bed. You slipped on the pumps and with a final twirl in the mirror headed out to the party. 
The deck of the ship was buzzing with the sounds of your crew mates enjoying themselves. Brook was serenading the party with a jaunty tune to which Chopper and Nami were dancing, Luffy was busying himself with the sumptuous spread Sanji prepared, all while Zoro was ahead of the game and drinking himself into oblivion. Law was seated at the same table as Zoro, seemingly having much less of a nice time. The mysterious doctor was hunched over and stared emotionless into his drink, puffy brim of his hat shielding most of his face. 
You noticed your friend Robin leaning up against the back wall of the Sunny with a glass of red wine in hand and bit of a scowl on her face. 
“You don’t look pleased with the festivities.” 
“See that target they put up at the end of the ship?” Robin nods behind you. 
You turn and do indeed see a large target placed near the head of the Sunny. 
“Yeah?” You inquire. 
“Usopp and Franky keep having shooting contests. Franky keeps losing but he won’t give up. I don’t think they’ve sat down all night, and his face is as red as a tomato. Kind of embarrassing…” Robin giggles a little. 
“Are you surprised? I guess they’ll be out of our hair for the rest of the night then.” You laugh.
“That’s my point.” Robin rolls her eyes. Your brows raise in realization. 
“Ohhhh… you were trying to get laid! I get it now! Well no one’s approached me if you’re still up for it later…” You wink.  
“Thank you sweet y/n, always so thoughtful!” Robin sips her wine. “I’ll see if I can find you later if I’m still feeling up for it. Go get a drink and enjoy the party, dear!” Robin waves you on to the kitchen. 
You enter the galley and are immediately met with a very sweaty, stressed out Sanji. 
“Hi handsome.” You purr as you approach the blonde at the stove. 
“Oh, hello my love. I’m afraid the voracious appetite of our captain has rendered me incapacitated for the rest of the evening, the fucking glutton…” Sanji sighs. 
“Aww, my poor, tired, love cook.” You coo as you push his bangs out of his eyes. You place a kiss on his cheek. A droplet of blood escapes Sanji’s left nostril. “Well I’ll leave you to it then.” You grab a bottle of cold wine from the fridge and a glass from the shelf and carry them both out to the deck with you. 
You stroll over to the table where Law and Zoro were seated, now joined by Luffy whose cheeks were stuffed to bursting with various meats and cheeses. 
“You gentlemen mind if I sit with you?” You ask while already sitting down across from Law. 
“Not at all, pretty thing. Come have a drink with us.” Zoro smirks at you, holding his hand out to take the wine bottle from you. You oblige and he unsheathes a single blade to pop the cork off for you in dramatic fashion. 
“My hero.” You chide as the swordsman fills your glass to the brim. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to get me drunk, Mr. Roronoa.” 
“And what if I am? You say the filthiest shit after you’ve had a whole bottle of wine and it’s fucking incredible.” Zoro shoots you a hungry look as he downs another cup of sake. Luffy giggles. Law straightens up and gives Zoro a confused look. 
“Not much of a talker, are you, Trafalgar?” You turn your attention to Law. 
“I didn’t know the two of you were a couple.” He states blankly. 
“We’re not. I’m seeing everyone.” You smirk across the table at the foreign captain. He looks even more confused. “It’s what I do. I love making my crew mates happy, you can understand that, can’t you?”
Without time to answer, Luffy interjects. 
“Haha you should give her a try, Traffy! She’s really something hehe!” 
Law’s eyes widen. 
“Yeah why not, Tra-Guy? You’re already here eating our food and drinking our booze, why not sample some of the other amenities we have here on the Sunny.” Zoro chuckles as he pours himself another cup of liquor. Zoro must be quite fond of Law, as sharing you is never something he likes to bring up. 
“I’m sorry… are you offering me… her? Shouldn’t she be doing that?” Law looks a bit offended. 
“Would that make you feel better? My services apply to guests of the Straw Hat pirates as well, and I assure you I can meet whatever needs you may have.” You swirl you wine in the glass and take a long sip. 
“Um… No.. that’s.. that’s quite alright, thank you.” Law stutters out his refusal. 
“You don’t know what you’re turning down, man. Whatever you’re into, and I mean whatever, she can do it. Sweetest pussy in the Grand Line.” Zoro leans back in his chair. 
“Zoro! Don’t be so vulgar around our guest.” You scold the swordsman. 
“Whatever, his loss.” Zoro shrugs and slams another drink. 
— — 
After hours upon hours of dancing and drinking, the party had thinned out quite a bit. Now that things were winding down, you notice the painful ache in your feet from wearing high heels all night. Most everyone had headed to bed and you were considering doing the same until you spy your unfinished bottle of wine on the table with Law still dated at it, alone now. 
You sit down across from Law and take a swig from the bottle directly, your glass having been lost several dances ago. 
“Classy.” Law remarks from across the table. 
“Never said that was part of my resume.” You smirk and take another swallow of alcohol. You pull your feet up into your lap and groan. “God this is the last fucking time I wear these heels.” 
You slip off one of your shoes and behind massaging the heel of your foot with both hands. You pause your ministrations to grab another sip of wine when you notice Law’s eyes on you. They weren’t on your breasts close to spilling out of your low cut dress, or your plush thighs squishing against the wood of the bench you were sitting on… they were on your foot in your lap. 
There it is.
Ideas filled your head on how to finally break this stoic stranger. 
“You’re a doctor, right?” You ask innocently. 
“Huh?” Law responds, having been snapped out of what seemed like a trance. “Um, yeah.” 
“Could you maybe feel right here? I think it could be swollen.” You extend your nearly naked leg across from you and push the table to the side so that there was nothing between the two of you. 
“It..i-it doesn’t look swollen… but if you really want I could… I could take a closer look…” He hesitantly up at you before returning his gaze to your perfectly pedicured foot. 
“I’d love that. Thank you.” 
Law gingerly takes your foot in both hands and presses firmly into where you were pointing. You squirm a bit, feet incredibly sore from dancing all night. Law starts to rub up and down from your toes to your heel, intently examining every inch. You couldn’t help but notice how his mouth was now parted and his breathing quickened as he stroked your foot. 
He stopped abruptly and released your foot from his hold. 
“I-it seems fine. You should be fine.” 
You drop your foot directly into his lap and push it firmly against the crotch of Law’s jeans. 
“Are you sure, doctor? I think you should check again.” You flash him a devious smile as you take another swig from the bottle. 
“W-what are you doing, y/n?” Law sputters out, sweat forming on his temples. You feel his cock begin to stir under the sole of your foot. 
“You know, Traffy, we could have a lot of fun together…” You push harder against his erection with your foot. 
Law winces but he doesn’t respond. 
“Y-yeah?” He manages to pant out. 
You begin to slowly stroke your foot over his denim clad member, feeling it from base to tip, hot and aching to be freed. 
“Mhmm… Why don’t you take him out so we can play? You’re so hard Traffy, must hurt… We’re the only ones left out here, no need to be shy anymore…” You giggle. 
Law sucks in a breath before eventually undoing his belt and jeans buttons. His cock springs up as he pulls it out his pants and briefs, laying rigid against his abdomen. 
“Wow… you have such a pretty cock, Traffy…” You coo at him as you slip your left shoe off your foot and allow it to join your other foot in his lap. 
“D-don’t call me that…” Law whispers out. 
“Sorry…” You begin rubbing both of your feet up and down Law’s now exposed length. He watches your movements in awe as his mouth hangs farther open than before. “You’re just so cute I can’t help but tease you…” 
Law pays your words no mind as he is mesmerized by the sight of your pretty little feet stroking his cock. Soft pants leave his lips as you continue working him over. 
“You wanna cum like this, or do you wanna fuck me, Law?” You ask as you slide the ball of your right foot over his leaking tip. 
Without responding verbally, Law grunts and leans forward to pick you up by your waist and lay you down roughly on the table you had scooted out of the way earlier. He rips his shirt over his head, keeping his hat in place. He wastes no time and flips up your frilly pink dress to expose your panties that had grown wet from merely giving a powerful man a foot job. 
“I’m not waiting-“ Law says as he pushes your panties to the side and slides the head of his cock from your hole to your clit and back again, coating himself in your wetness. He pushes himself inside of you quickly, causing you to moan and arch your back. After a few experimental thrusts, Law picks up a quick pace and rams his hips into yours, curved cock hitting all the right places inside of you. 
“Oh, fuck, Law that’s so oh-!” Your eyes snap open at the foreign feeling only to see Law standing between your legs with the outside few toes of your right foot in his mouth. Eyes slammed shut, he doesn’t falter in his thrusts as he savors the taste of your skin on his tongue. He uses one hand to rub at your clit as he caresses your ankle with the other. 
“Dirty boy…” You coo up at him as you rake your nails down his abdomen. “You like sucking on my toes, you filthy boy?”
“Mmmm” Law manages to groan out as he peppers wet, sloppy kisses to the sole of your foot now, making sure every inch gets his attention. 
“Make me cum and I’ll let you blow all over them.” You demand as you wrap your other leg around his waist and pull him closer. 
“Fuck… swordsman wasn’t kidding…” Law grunts out as he picks up the pace of his hips, plowing into you with an ungodly force. He untangles your legs from his body and pushes them up to your chest, allowing himself the perfect angle to heighten your pleasure. 
With hands under the crooks of your knees, Law brings you tumbling over the edge of your high and you cried out his name to the starry sky above you as your orgasm overtakes you. With your cunt still pulsing, Law pulls his aching, throbbing cock begging for release from your tight hole and begins stroking it in front of you. 
Law grabs both your ankles in one hand and proceeds to blow rope after rope of hot white spend all over your delicate, pink painted toes. 
Breathing heavily still, Law takes a few moments to admire his handiwork. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You quip from your exposed state on the table. 
Law shoves himself back into his pants and puts his shirt back on. He surprisingly takes the time to gently put your panties back into place and pull your dress down before helping you off the table. 
“You aren’t.. going to tell anyone about this… right?” He asks, hiding his eyes again with the brim of his hat. 
“About what? You liking feet?” You smirk. 
“You’re secret is safe with me, Traffy.” You say with a wink. 
*A/N ........ sorry :)*
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"She's confident."
Duke dennis x black!reader
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Summary: after duke and his girlfriend broke up he hasn't been talkative with his friends or hasn't gone out, so his friends take him out, because he hasn't been active so they take him to the store to go get something to eat, until duke saw this pretty ass girl at the store trying to shoot his shot but her confidence made him down bad for her.
Duke hasn't been the same after his break up with Kali. Kali and him had a nice relationship he was in love with her, and he thought the relationship was gonna last forever, but their relationship got a bit distant. Duke has been streaming a lot, and Kali was more worried and busy on her music career, and everything just fell apart from there. Duke hasn't been the same. He has been distant during the whole thing. He's been streaming a lot lately so he can distract himself from his heartbreak. Even his friends noticed, took.
Kai was in his room chatting with fanum. "Yo, I ain't neva seen this nigga that sad, bruh." Kai said with a concerned look thinking about duke's well being on the breakup. "Real shit, he been streaming alot lately to distract himself, like I would be putting him on with some girl because he hasn't been dating in a while ever since kali." Fanum said to Kai. "Right, that one time I was streaming with him we were talking to some girls, and the girls were trying to rizz the nigga up, and he wasn't even interested." Kai said to fanum as fanum made a disbelief look.
"Nah, we gotta get him out there he can't be stuck on kali forever, my nigga." Kali said to fanum rubbing his eyes since he's been stressed and tired after he finished streaming.
"Yo I'm mad hungry, I haven't eaten all day." Fanum said as kai gave him 'you lying' look. "Thats a lie nigga, I ain't never seen you get through the day without eating." Kai laughs as fanum fake laughs. "I know you ain't talking, grow nigga you like 4 foot something." Fanum jokes as kai gave him a look.
"Wait hold on I think I got a idea to get duke out the house, bruh." Kai said as he smiles having a good idea. "So we go to the store with duke, right? We get some snacks and if we see him eyeing a fine ass girl at the store we gon hook a nigga up." Kai smiles like kid seeing candy. Fanum thinks and then nod his head in a agreeing manner. "Ok, nigga I see you." Fanum smiles as he daps kai up.
"OK who paying because I ain't trying spend my money not gon lie." Fanum says. "Don't worry I'm gonna pay." Kai says as he gets up from his chair as fanum follows behind. Kai and fanum went to duke's room seeing him on his phone depressed.
"Aye, duke let's go to the store we ready." Kai said as he looks at Duke.
"Alright, who driving?" Duke questions as he gets up from his chair.
"I wanna drive." Fanum and kai says at the same and they gave each other a confused look.
"No, bro I'm driving I said it." Kai says back to fanum.
"Yo, you short as fuck you not reaching the steering wheel and your feet ain't gon touch the ground, nigga." Fanum laughs as kai look back at him irritatingly.
"I know you ain't talking yo big ass not gonna fit inside the car." Kai laughs at his joke as fanum look back at him with "nigga shut up" look.
"Why you always on my dick, bro" fanum says irritatingly as kai gave him a look in disbelief in shock.
"Nigga you be on my dick, fuck is you talkin bout." Kai argues back at fanum.
"Alright, I'm finna drive because yall nigga are just talking." Duke says walking past them as he taking the car keys. Kai and fanum follow behind duke as they make it outside walking towards the parked car.
Duke unlocks the car as they got in the car, duke drives off. They drove in completely silence which was really weird because when they usually be in the car they be loud as fuck, playing music and just having a fun time, but ever since duke and kali broke up, duke hasn't been the same lately.
As they made it to the store. Duke parked his car as they got out the car as the cold breeze touches their face. "Damn it's cold as shit out here." Kai says as shakes a little bit from the cold weather. "Why you ain't bring you jacket?" Duke question as they walked inside the store. "Because since fanum and I were arguing I ain't paid no attention of bringing my jacket." Kai responds back as fanum starts silently chuckling.
"That's what your ass get for arguing with me nigga." Fanum laughs as he childishly points finger at kai as kai hits his hand away.
"Bro shut yo bitch ass up, nigga." Kai says to fanum, duke crack a little smile as he hears kai and fanum arguing from behind him.
"Alright I'm gonna get me something to drink and to get away from y'all niggas before you embarrass me in this store." Duke says as he walks away from kai and fanum. Duke went towards the beverage isle as he stands infront of the fridge looking for something to eat. Duke heard the door open with that little bell ringing anytime someone enters the store.
Duke couldn't take his eyes off the woman that entered the store. She had locs in her hair that reached down to her waist. She had a black crop top, with some baggy pants, a belly button piercing, and white air forces. The pretty woman walks Duke's way, they made eye contact as the woman smiles at him. Duke wanted you, even if he didn't know you. Your smile was attractive, the way you walked with such confidence, the way you sway your hips when you walk.
Duke saw kai and fanum at the chips isl as they were talking with each other. "Yo, guys." Duke whispers as he caught kai and fanum's attention. "What, bro?" Kai asks. "I saw this fine ass girl coming my way and she smiled at me, not that 'nice, wholesome' type shit, like that attractive shit." Duke explains which made fanum and kai intrigued.
"Go talk to her nigga." Fanum looks at him urgently wanting him to go talk to the girl.
"Wait I gotta pay all this for you niggas." Duke says. "Don't worry I'm gonna pay me and fanum gonna be waiting for you in the car." Kai says as to duke, duke look a bit nervous second guessing. "Go, nigga we got you." Fanum insists.
"Alright imma go- wait you had money this whole time and you just me to waist my money, nigga." Duke asks questions as kai awkwardly smiles knowing he's been caught.
"We gonna go to the car, gotta go nigga." Kai says urgently as fanum follows behind as duke sees them paying for they snacks, kai and fanum look back at duke giving him a thumbs up as they left the store.
Duke takes a deep breath as he walks toward the candy isle seeing the woman was still there. Duke was next to her but not to close not wanting to seem like a stalker. Duke was looking at what candy he gonna get but he was looking back at the girl who was picking which candy she was gonna get.
"I know you're staring, I mean, I'm a pretty girl, but you can just ask." Y/n says to Duke, not looking at him. "Damn, hold on i'm -" Duke was about to apologize, but she cut him off. "Nah, I'm just messing around. It's cool." Y/n says calm as she looks back at Duke. "Oh shit your duke." Y/n says smiling as Duke smiles back. "You know me?" Duke asks. "Yeah, I know you. I watch Amp all the time." Y/n admits as she grabs a 'Twix' bar. "Damn, why did you -" Duke was gonna say something, but y/n cuts him off. "I don't really do that extra shit when I see a celebrity. You know y'all are people too." Y/n says as she walks as Duke follows her.
"Also them niggas at new York y'all were giving PC's to were doing to fucking much." Y/n says as she went towards the chip isle as duke grab some 'Hot cheetos'. "Yeah them niggas was buggin, acting crazy." Duke answers back Making y/n laugh. "Wait, I ain't get your name." Duke says as y/n stops in her tracks. "It's Y/n." Y/n bit her bottom lip as she continues walking.
"Pretty name for a pretty ass girl." Duke says making y/n smile. "I know nigga, don't play." Y/n and Duke laughed as they walk towards the register as they continue talking.
"Hey I know we just met, but can I get your number." Duke does his infamous rizz smile which y/n couldn't say no to. "Sure." Y/n agrees as duke offer his phone to her as she writes her number in his contacts. Y/n pulls out her wallet but duke stops her. "Nah let me pay for you." Duke insists. "Nah I'm a big girl I can pay for my own stuff, baby." Y/n smirks making duke heart melt. The way she said 'baby' made him feel some type of way. The man at the counter gave him the snacks in the bag.
"It was nice meeting you, y/n." Duke says as y/n looks up at him with a picture perfect smile. As duke and y/n head out of the store they grabbed their snack from inside the bag as there hands touch making them look at each other not breaking eye contact. Y/n kisses duke on the cheek as she smiles at him she comes closer and whispered in his ear. "Call me." Y/n whispers as she walks away from him as she walks towards her car.
Duke walks towards his car getting inside. "Yo, we saw everything outisde nigga, she want you for real." Kai smiles exciting hyping duke up.
"Did you get her number? That's the main question." Fanum asks duke. "Hell yeah, I got her number, nigga." Duke says as kai and fanum shouts hyping Duke up.
Duke starts the car as duke was telling the whole story the whole car ride home. They made it home as they was still talking about it. "You gonna text her?" Kai asks as duke thinks.
"I don't know bruh?" Duke responds not really sure what to do.
"Bro text her so she knows you interested don't boring with it though." Fanum gives duke some advice as they walked inside the house. "Not gonna lie I'm tired as hell." Kai yawns. "Alright I'm boutta go upstairs" Duke says. "Alright night, bro." Fanum says walking to his room.
Duke walked upstairs as he went inside his room, he heard phone buzzed as he turns his phone on he sees that you texted him.
"Y/n: You wanna go out for dinner?" Y/n texted making duke smile at tye response.
"Duke: yeah, why not?" Duke texted back.
"Y/n: cool, night." Y/n texted back as she smiles as she turns her phone off and still smiling at the thought of Duke.
Duke smiles as he turn his lights off making it too bed still thinking about y/n, he couldn't stop thinking about her, duke is grateful to have kai and fanum putting him out there.
He finally was himself again, and he wasn't thinking about Kali anymore, and for that he was happy to have someone new in his life.
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fairykazu · 2 months
kazuha's message: hey (with rizz) masterlist ++ wc: 1.3k this reads off like a dork diaries book nvm, i reread it. it's corny but it's fun! ++ part two
the arcade was a place that kazuha vowed to never ever visit again and no one ever knew why. anytime his friends– or anyone really, wanted to go to the arcade, they had to make sure the arcade had other activities to do because no matter how hard they tried, kazuha refused to even put a foot near a machine or step on the shape patterned carpet. even the carpet gave the poor guy ptsd. 
well, that was until you came into the picture. kazuha has been pining over you since freshman year had started and the both of you are now seniors? the struggle between his neverending grudge against arcades and his limitless love for you to a point his feelings for you bled into his creative works. god, to get this straight, kazuha still despises the arcade, in fact, if you never mentioned you liked it, he wouldn’t have even mentioned he was an absolute monster at the first-person shooting games that he never learned the name of– just calling it, “my game”...
 or he could just play space invaders. 
to put it simply, he doesn’t know how the infatuation or the c-word (crush) really started. it just blossomed in his heart one day and he ached ever since. well, he did remember that he admired you for your ambitious nature which contradicts soft actions whenever you scold your friends for their reckless behavior. the more he thought of you, the more he desperately wanted to be your friend and maybe, something more.
like knowing the real you who doesn’t have to hide your smile when you laugh! or hell, he just needs to be your friend to forget the scenarios he made up of happening if he did ask. of course, none of it would really happen. but imagine if he asked, you laughed in his face and pointed at him, then he digs a hole, crawls into it and dies. then he didn’t really die but he woke up to you throwing dirt in his face and then he really dies. but not because of being suffocated by dirt, but because he died of pure EMBARRASSMENT. 
or what if you’re like “you’re a freak, kaedehara!” and he would never live it down. he’d be called “freakster kazuha” or “freakdehara!” down the halls while he shoved his face into his hands and cry. well, of course, you aren’t mean. what if you accept being friends– wait why does this scenario sound good? 
BUT !!! 
there it is, the big old “but” stopping kazuha to ever build up the courage to be friends. wait, why do all these endings sound really bad? 
kazuha slapped his face, trying to fight against his anxiety that is willing to drown him in insecurities. he will ask you out… 
to be friends! 
it took him a while, embarrassingly to admit. 
there’s a specific memory that he keeps reminding himself of and he trips over it all the time. (he actually trips !!  it’s terrible to be him but at least it’s funny to watch!) 
 it was a monday morning. it could’ve been a tuesday but he was extra tired so it was definitely a monday. he was sleep deprived because he was spending the evening pulling an all-nighter, being studious– 
but ! 
he was also sneaking in a game session with his friends… at three am. it was evident with the way he slumped through the halls, ignoring the stares thrown his way, and how his eyes were weight down, nearly drooping back to sleep.
it was as if heaven heard his call. cue the heaven gates’ tune (. an angel flew through the halls– it was you, you beamed him with motivation. his slouching, some might say terrible posture, immediately straightened, his eyes widenended and his breath…
“heizou, heizou… how’s my breath?” kazuha exhaled and heizou’s face scrunched up as if it was rotten and sour. how terrible! 
the brunette took a step back from kazuha, holding his nose. “it stinks, kazuha. did you even brush your teeth?” 
it … 
stinks (O_o) ?! 
heizou stifled a laugh while the silver haired male’s face dropped. oh god, kazuha could imagine it now, what if he asks to hang out, when you were going to accept but you see the obvious, green fumes coming out of his mouth. before you could say anything, then he killed you with his stank breath!
…where’s the breath spray??? 
 “give me your mint spray!!” kazuha protested, already yanking heizou’s bag off his shoulder.
heizou dug through his bag, handing kazuha the spray. before giving it to him, he joked, “are you finally rizzing them up?” kazuha frowned, 
“... give me the spray. do i smell good? do i look good?” he took the spray and quickly sprayed it in his mouth. he coughed as heizou analyzed him, supposedly. 
“kind of, yeah i guess. oh and they’re walking away.” 
“NOOOOOOO.” is what kazuha wouldve said if you weren’t actually walking towards him. really? god has answered his prayers. thank you barbatos, thank you morax, thank you baal, thank you focalor- 
“hey, kaedehara!” 
“hey beautiful. i mean, the sky is pretty beautiful… and good morning, [name]. ” kazuha cleared his throat, stumbling over his words. it was like the devil took over with the way almost a good amount of his friends saw him pull off the biggest fumble of the century. xinyan patted him on the back, whispering in his ear, “good save.” 
scaramouche quipped back, “it’s cloudy. they definitely heard that.” 
“you’re silly today but you’re actually in the way of my locker.” 
it was a win but at what cost… 
“silly isn’t a compliment, kazuha. maybe they were trying to call you crazy politely,” scaramouche said, picking at the lunch food. jeez, it’s like the school is trying to kill people with soggy cheese pockets. 
xinyan defended kazuha as he curled into a ball so he could roll out of teyvat. “but like scaramouche, [name] does say silly alot.” 
“who do they say it to mostly?” 
“... that doesn’t matter!!! because kazuha has game!” 
“last night?” 
“that doesn’t count. it was four am, he was having an all-nighter before the games– it was ap bio and ap lit!!!” 
xinyan, please admit you’re losing. it’s so over… 
besides, scaramouche countered with the fact he took five aps and he managed to win the rounds over and over. 
what a show off.
he shook his head, trying to dismiss what he did. he can’t because it was last week. 
when he actually managed the courage to ask to be friends, he casually leaned on his locker and waited for you to come to him like the total cool guy he is… 
as the blossoms suddenly surround you both, you fawn over him and then while you almost trip, he catches you and you swoon. “hey [name], heh,” he said in a deep, totally-charming-hunk of a voice. “want to be friends?” 
you giggle in response, twirling your hair, until you accidentally slipped on a banana that somehow ended up there. a push of confidence overtakes him as if it was a gust of wind, he caught you with grace. your whole face flushed as you bashfully smiled and thanked him profusely. he just basked in the praise and attention you gave him like a proud, not at all needy, dog. 
that is what kazuha wants to believe happened. but out of his dreamscape and into reality, you were the one who asked him to hang out and he jumped at the chance. like really, he was desperate from anyone else’s point of view he looked like a pitiful dog. “hey kadehara?” you asked, immediately kazuha pretending last week was a dream but he stepped aside. “oh no! hey, wanna hang out with my friends and i? it would be fun, right?” 
kazuha’s face dropped, he wasn’t the best at hiding his expression when it came to you.“yes! ahem, i mean, yeah, sure. what’s your ig?”
“143[name]! see you saturday?” 
“you can count on it. oh, someone’s calling me.” no sound from his phone nor a vibration.
(he squealed and danced in the courtyard. scaramouche has it recorded.) 
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witchhazelevesque · 12 days
I often see Calypso’s curse described as ‘she’s forced to love anyone that comes to her island’ but that’s not exactly what happens:
“You asked about my curse, Percy. I did not want to tell you. The truth is the gods send me companionship from time to time. Every thousand years or so, they allow a hero to wash up on my shores, someone who needs my help. I tend to him and befriend him, but it is never random. The Fates make sure that the sort of hero they send…” “They send a person who can never stay,” she whispered. “Who can never accept my offer of companionship for more than a little while. They send me a hero I can’t help…just the sort of person I can’t help falling in love with.” … “The Fates are cruel. They sent you to me, my brave one, knowing that you would break my heart.”
Battle of the Labyrinth, 223
The most pertinent bits are in color.
It’s not that she’s magicked into loving someone against her will, it’s that the Fates handpick people she would have loved anyway. As in, they have qualities she admires/values and finds herself able to love (big asterisk here). And the Fates make sure that of those people she could love, they pick ones that can’t stay with her.
This isn’t exactly retconned in House of Hades, but she does shift the blame more to the gods and doesn’t mention the Fates in this exchange:
“They were all the same! The gods send me the greatest heroes, the ones I cannot help but…” “You fall in love with them,” Leo guessed. “And then they leave you.” Her chin trembled. “That is my curse. I had hoped to be free of it by now, but here I am, still stuck on Ogygia after three thousand years.”
House of Hades, 378
But the focus is still on the fact that the people who come to her island can’t stay. The way it’s phrased here, it does makes sense how it could be taken as ‘she’s forced to love anyone’, but that’s not what’s happening.
Her curse is centered around being abandoned while stuck on her island. It’s only a curse because she’s imprisoned. She cites that as the reason she isn’t free from this curse. It’s not a set-and-forget work of magic that controls her emotions. It’s more of an active situation for the gods or Fates, where they orchestrate the delivery of the source of her pain each millennia, and then the rest comes in Calypso dealing with the aftermath of her companions leaving.
That big asterisk: Percy and Leo should not be included in this category. They’re children.
So, why is any of this even happening?
Blame Riordan and his weird, failed attempt to depict Calypso as a teenager; he did a horrible job.
Granted, it wouldn’t have worked no matter what he did, just by the nature of immortality. But he, for some reason, keeps shooting himself in the foot by hammering in her age. I don’t have access to the ToA books but some examples: Apollo saying she was old enough to be his babysitter, the way she got dreamy eyed at remembering things that happened before her imprisonment, the fact that she was there when Zeus was a child (by immortal standards).
Calypso is aware of time passing, and she retains all her memories of the thousands of years she existed, both on and off Ogygia. Time is weird on her island, but it does still move forward. She is literally, emotionally and mentally thousands of years old.
The only leg work RR does to depict Calypso as a teenager is to make her look like a teenager and then try to set up romantic situations with actual teenagers. For comparison, RR has Hestia take the form of a child, but no one acts like she actually is a child.
Later, RR has Calypso do things like want to go to high school and band camp, but that doesn’t make sense. Her wanting to have new experiences does, yes, but not ones that are for teenagers. That’s not indicative of her being a child, it’s more of RR’s lukewarm effort to make her a teenager.
I don’t have some hard hitting point to this distinction, I just think it’s important to know what’s actually being portrayed and how it’s being done. Calypso isn’t forced magically, in universe to fall in love, but she is forced to narratively.
My overall point though is, as usual, be critical of Riordan’s choices. He set up this thing where he wants the audience to believe that Calypso is so compatible with Percy and Leo that even the gods take notice, but it doesn’t work because she isn’t a teenager like they are.
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anti-the-glitch-bitch · 2 months
The Phantom Soldier 2
The first thing that Danny notices when he comes back to consciousness is the sound of a machine beeping. The second thing is the smell of cleaning chemicals, making his nose wrinkle in disgust. He hurts everywhere, but he couldn’t deny the cool warmth surrounding him. He just wants to go back to sleep. To avoid the pain that he knows is coming any minute now. The pain that has happened every day since he’s been captured.
It takes Danny a moment to realize that he’s lying in a semi-upright position in a comfortable bed. Shock filters through his battered brain and he slowly opens up his eyes in the dimly lit room. It doesn’t look like any room that he’s been placed in before. If he’s being honest, it kind of reminds him of a hospital room, but that’s not possible. His kidnappers would never let that happen.
Continuing his inspection of the room, Danny notices a large window with shades pulled down to dim the bright light trying to come through. It almost looks like sunlight, but it could also be a trick. 
Danny slowly removes the blanket covering him, wincing from the pain that shoots through his body as he does so, and notices the IV in his arm taped down so that it doesn’t move. He can only imagine what these people are pumping into him this time, but he's learned it's best not to fight it if he doesn't want a beating later.
Hopefully it doesn't make him sick this time. 
Danny is weak from the lack of human food and ectoplasm. While he doesn't really need to eat that much anymore, he still needs a good amount of ectoplasm to survive. Hydra wanted to see how long he could last without either, and now it's taking everything he has not to completely collapse. It doesn't help that he had put so much of his energy into his ghostly wail before he passed out. 
Slowly, he positions himself on the edge of the bed. The IV bag is connected to a pole that he grabs with weak hands so he has something to help hold himself up. He isn't the steadiest, but hey, he's standing. 
With a deep breath, Danny moves towards the only window in the room trying not to die again. He's too focused on trying to put one foot in front of the other to look around. He's not even sure how much further it is to the window. 
Honestly, Danny's surprised a scientist or guard hasn't come in by now. This has to be another trick on their part. Something else to force him into obedience or get him another beating. He shudders at the reminder, almost losing his grip on the pole. 
He's nearly to the window when the pole wheels catch on something, tripping Danny up. He loses his grip on the pole and cries out as he falls. He's too weak and too hurt to be able to get up and now he'll never feel the sun on his face. If that's even what the light was. 
Tears don't come as Danny lies on the tiled floor in despair. Hydra made sure to beat those out of him long ago. No, he simply stares at the wall that he's fallen next to, hoping that he isn't punished for getting out of the bed they put him in. He holds onto that hope as he hears the door open and footsteps rush towards him. 
Voices swirl around him, but he's disassociating and can't understand them. Danny remains limp as someone picks him up and gently places him back on the bed. More voices sound, but they slowly stop when he doesn't respond. He doesn't look at them. Doesn't acknowledge them in any way as he stares at the wall. 
Just that little bit of activity has exhausted him, and he doesn't hesitate to fall back into the comforting darkness of sleep. 
Murmurs coax Danny out of his sleep. Murmurs that sound unfortunately close to him. Like, right next to him close. 
He tries not to stiffen up, to stay as relaxed as possible but the machine next to him gives away the rapid beating of his heart. The flurry of activity surrounding him makes him afraid of what is going to happen next. Nothing good ever happens when there are this many people around him.
The strangers try to talk to him. To get him to say anything. A few even try to get him to open his eyes, but when he remains still, the voices slowly dwindle until there is only the steady beeping of the machine. 
Danny can feel the IV taped to his skin. Can feel the way the gown shifts across his many wounds that stopped healing a long time ago. He can feel the thin blanket draped across him as he adjusts to find some kind of comfortable position (no position is comfortable).
Danny slowly opens his eyes, blinking his eyes rapidly at the bright light. He closes them and tries again after a few moments, letting himself adjust to his surroundings. 
It appears to be the same room as the one he woke up in last time. With its white walls and large window with the shades closed, though this time there’s no light coming through the shades. Danny doesn’t see any cameras in the room, but it’s best not to test the limits of his freedom.
It’s best not to catch their ire.
So, Danny lays in bed waiting for whatever terrible things the scientists have in store for him today. Maybe, hopefully, if he does whatever they want without complaint, they'll start to feed him again. He doesn’t even know how many weeks it's been since he's had anything to eat.
Voices outside the door catch Danny’s attention. They must be right outside the door because he can hear them clearly. Though, it’s not like they’ve ever tried to keep their voices down around him before. He’s just an object to them anyway.
“-doing?” a male voice asks.
“He woke up a few hours ago, but won’t respond to anyone. He flinches away when we touch him, but otherwise doesn’t object. He wouldn’t even open his eyes to look at us. He’s been through a lot, Tony. It’s going to be a long time before he’s ready to pretend to be human again. Be patient with him. If you upset him, I’ll have no problem kicking you out.” a stern female voice replies.
There’s a small laugh but it doesn’t sound happy to Danny. “Doc, I’ve been through all the files. That kid was an experiment to them. Bucky was more of a person to them than that kid was. They did things to him that I’m not sure even a Super Soldier would survive. I sent over the files but to tell you the truth…from what the files say, I don’t think that kid is alive. If he is then he’s made of tougher stuff than all the Avengers combined.” Tony (Danny thinks it's this Tony person the doctor is talking to) says.
Danny hopes they aren’t talking about him, but he sincerely doubts it. They’re outside his door, after all. 
The door starts to open and Danny panics. He doesn’t want to know what they’ll do to him. Doesn’t want the pain to start again, but knows if he doesn’t let it happen, it’ll only be worse in the end. The machine next to him goes haywire as his heart picks up its pace again.
A stern Asian woman in a white lab coat rushes over to his side, checking the machine and silencing the alarm. Danny takes no notice of her, but he does watch as a shorter man in jeans and a t-shirt comes trailing in behind her. He doesn’t look like a scientist and maybe he isn’t. Maybe he’s the person in charge of the scientists. The person that the scientists always talk about.
“Hey. Can you tell me your name?” the stern woman says with concern and it draws Danny’s attention. Sometimes, they pretended to be nice.
Danny wants to tell her, but at the same time, he doesn’t. His throat aches from the ghostly wail that he hasn’t used in some time. He isn’t sure when the last time he spoke was. He’s not allowed to speak unless ordered. Like the lady wants him to do now, but his throat hurts.
He opens his mouth and…nothing. Trying to talk just causes him to cough. Danny starts to panic, because he knows that punishment comes when he doesn’t do what they want.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything right now. I’ll get you some water and we can try again later. Right now I just want you to rest.” The doctor looks concerned with her soft oval face and the wisps of brown hair that have fallen out of her bun but that’s probably because he’s broken.
 A broken asset is a useless one.
Danny watches the doctor give the man a stern glance as she leaves. The man is staring at him and it’s making Danny nervous. He doesn’t know what the guy wants. He wishes the man would give him an order. Say something. Do something. Just…
“Hey kid,” the man finally says. His voice is concerned and his body language screams awkwardness as he rubs the back of his neck. “Listen. I know you’ve been through a lot, but the people here are good people. You won’t have to deal with anything like what those Hydra goons did.”
The man walks a little closer to Danny’s bed. He doesn’t seem at all concerned that Danny hasn’t said a word to him, he just continues to talk.
“We’ll get you all fixed up and then when the Doc okays it, you can live on the compound with me and the rest of the team. How’s that sound?” The man's eyes soften from that intense stare to something sadder and his smile disappears when Danny doesn’t give a response.
Not answering a question usually gets him a punishment, but the lady told him not to say anything. Is this man in charge or the lady? Who is he supposed to obey? Danny opens up his mouth to try and say something, anything, so the man won’t get angry with him, but nothing will come out. Just a wisp of air and a cough. 
The cough hurts his throat and he tries to swallow the dryness away but it's no use. Thankfully, that doctor comes back. Unfortunately, she comes back with a whole tray of items and it scares him. Danny doesn't show it, though. He just watches with a blank expression. 
“Tony, I told you not to upset him. This is the exact opposite of that,” the doctor says, glaring at Tony as she puts the tray down on a rolling table near the window. 
Tony takes a few steps back, giving the doctor space to roll the entire table over to the bed. “I'm offended, Cho. I didn't do anything. You can even ask Friday. I'm being a good boy. All I did was say that once he heals up enough and you give the okay, he'll be moving into the compound with the rest of us.”
Danny watches the back and forth happening between the two people trying to figure out the dynamics. They talk to each other like equals, making this situation a bit more confusing to Danny. 
Doctor Cho grabs a white styrofoam cup and hands it to Danny gently. He takes the cup and looks inside, finding it filled with little chips of ice. “You are severely malnourished, so no real solids or liquids right now until we can get your body used to nutrients again. You can munch on ice for now to help with your throat, but do it slowly so you don't overwhelm your body.” Danny gives a nod to the doctor and immediately puts a few pieces in his mouth letting the ice melt to help ease his throat. 
The doctor gives Danny a nod and a smile. “That's good. If you need more ice, just press this button here,” She grabs a remote from beside the bed and hands it to him, pointing out one of the buttons. 
“I need to take a look at your bandages and change some of them. Is it okay if I touch you?” the doctor asks, as if Danny has any real choice. He has no idea what their plan is, but it’s best to just go along with it until someone gives him a direct order or his handler comes in to get him.
He looks between Tony and the doctor before giving a small nod. The doctor turns to the table again, putting on some gloves before grabbing a few things. Danny doesn’t want to see what this lady is about to do to him, so he watches Tony instead. Watches the way Tony messes with his phone for a few minutes before putting it up and turning his attention to him. 
“So, you got any parents out there missing you, kid? If you know their number, I can give ‘em a ring so they don’t have to worry about where you are anymore. I looked through all the files but it never mentioned a family and facial recognition can’t seem to get an ID on you. Friday’s still looking, but it’ll help us out if you can tell us anything.” Tony’s eyes never waver from Danny’s and it makes him uncomfortable.
This is a trick that Danny knows well. The trainers and scientists used this trick all the time to see if his time in the chair had any effect on him. They’d pretend he was rescued, ask him really personal questions about his life and family, and then, if he didn’t answer how they liked, they would punish him and put him in the chair. They’d done it so many different ways and times that Danny no longer trusts anyone that asks those sorts of questions.
Danny stares at Tony, swallows, and then says the required response. “This asset has no family.” It comes out raspy and barely audible, but he manages to get the words out. 
Tony looks away for a moment with a frown that he quickly hides. Danny catches glimpses of several other expressions, but he isn't sure how to interpret them. 
A gentle poking in a particularly painful area makes Danny wince and look at the doctor. She’s putting some sort of cream on a nasty gash that’s bruised. “Sorry if I hurt you. I just need to wrap this back up and then I’m done.” She’s very quick with her work, and soon Danny is bandaged back up and bringing his gown back down.
Doctor Cho places the blanket and flips the end of the blanket back over Danny’s waist with a smile. “There. All done. I’ll leave you alone now, but if you need anything, push that little button I showed you." She picks up the tray, leaving the table next to his bed and walks towards the door, whispering something too low for Danny to hear as she passes Tony and leaves the room.
When the door closes, Tony drags a chair over to Danny’s bed and sits down. “I feel like there’s a misunderstanding between the two of us so let’s start over. My name is Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man and a member of the Avengers.”
There's a brief pause from Tony as he waves a hand toward Danny in a flourish that Danny really isn’t sure how to interpret. Is he waiting for a response? There was no order given or question asked for him to answer.
“Are you my handler?” Danny’s head cocks to the side as he watches the man’s shoulders slump just briefly. It isn’t a response that Danny expects or can decipher, but he briefly worries that he might have made a mistake asking that question.
“Oh, kid.” Danny’s maybe-handler sighs, giving him a sad smile. “This isn’t Hydra. I know you don’t believe me, but you will eventually. Do you remember your name? Cause I know it isn’t ‘asset’.”
Another trick.
“My name is the Phantom Soldier. What are my orders?” Danny asks, placing the cup on the table and readying himself for whatever this man demands.
“Just focus on getting better, okay?” 
Not a request that Danny is expecting, but if they want to use him for something, then he’ll need to be in peak condition. He gives Tony a small nod in response.
Tony looks at his watch and his phone before returning his attention to Danny. “Look, I gotta go do a few things, but I’ll check on you before bed. I know Cho said you can use the button to call her, but if you need anything, anything at all, then just let my A.I. Friday know. Say hello, Friday.”
Danny jumps as a female’s voice comes from nowhere. “Hello. If I can be of any help, please do not hesitate to let me know.” Danny can’t see any cameras or speakers, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there.
With no other response, Tony leaves the room.
The minute the door shuts, Danny relaxes. Picking up the white cup, he sucks on a few more pieces of ice. A tentative touch on his neck with the hand that doesn’t have an IV tells him that he doesn’t have that horrible collar. Not that it means much. His throat is still messed up from his last ghostly wail that he can’t even do a small one. He’ll have to hope these people don’t put the collar back on before he can gather his strength again.
Danny’s throat is rough, but his actual neck doesn’t feel bad. He would say the gash on his chest hurts the worst, but honestly he’s so used to being in pain at this point that he isn’t particularly bothered by it. No, the worst is the bone deep fatigue that never seems to go away. The kind of fatigue that can wear a person down until they give up. The kind of fatigue that Danny’s been dealing with for years now.
Settling into the bed a bit more, Danny looks around the room. There isn’t much aside from the medical equipment. The walls are a bright blue that lightens the room up. There are no lights in the ceiling that Danny can see, but the entire room is lit up. The room is also large enough that another bed sits on the other side of the room. Far enough that each person can have privacy and yet close enough that if there was another person, they wouldn’t have to shout to have a conversation.
Two large TVs sit on the wall opposite the beds, though they’re both shut off at the moment. Danny can’t remember the last time he was allowed to watch television. His kidnappers always tell him that objects don’t get to have luxuries, and that’s what he is, isn’t it? 
An object.
A weapon.
Certainly not a person. At least, not anymore.
They’ve made sure of that.
Danny lays his head back, and even with the lights on, falls asleep to the sounds of his heartbeat beeping on the machine next to him.
Tony paces back and forth in his lab as the anger boils underneath his skin. If he could go back in time, he absolutely would just so he could destroy those fuckers again. Except he’d make the pain last longer. Maybe employ Natasha to use her skills in torture.
“This asset has no family.”
Watching that suspiciously blank face on the kid's face as he’d said that had made Tony's heart shatter. He never wants to hear anything like that come from the kid ever again. Unfortunately, Tony knows he'll probably be hearing things like that a lot until the teams are able to earn some trust and reprogram the brainwashing. 
He's not sure if his B.A.R.F. program will work on the kid as easily as it did on Barnes. From the files the genius had read through and Cho's reports, the poor kid isn't completely human. He isn’t a mutant or Inhuman either, lacking the genes to be classified as such. Something about his DNA is hard to test and his blood deteriorates too quickly to really do anything with. By the third test, it’s deteriorated so much that none of the normal markers will work. 
Tony needs Barnes. As much as he hates to admit it, talking to the guy might give him the insight Tony needs to help the kid.
“Friday, can you ask Barnes to come to the lab?” Tony sits down and pulls up the footage from the kid’s (he really needs to come up with a name for him) room.
A moment later, Friday responds, “Mr. Barnes is on his way down, Boss.”
Tony doesn’t reply, instead he watches the entire interaction between Cho, the kid, and himself, trying to get a clue on what to do. He knows it’s not really going to help, but he needs to do something or he’s going to start throwing things.
Tony is on his third playthrough when Barnes walks through the lab doors. “Friday said you needed to talk to me but she didn’t say why.”
“C’mere and watch this,” Tony replies. “I figured it’s best to go to the expert on brainwashing. Maybe you’ll be able to tell me the best way to help this kid.” Tony restarts the video, not giving Barnes a chance to object.
Barnes sits down on the nearest chair, his eyes not leaving the hologram. If Tony hadn’t been watching the guy, he’d have never caught the rage and fear that passes over his face. It’s quickly replaced with guilt, but Tony leaves his questions until the video is done.
When the video is done, Tony stops it. “What did you see that I didn't?”
The super soldier turns to Tony with that same guilty look. “Tony, I don’t think I'll be able to help you. I don’t remember much, but I do remember them using me to beat the shit out of that kid. He heals from just about anything and I was used as punishment when he wouldn’t do what they wanted. He’d been there maybe 6 months by the time I managed to get away. Anytime they wanted to put him in the chair, they had me beat him within an inch of his life.”
Tony stares at Barnes thoughtfully. If that's the case, then introducing Barnes to Phantom (ugh it's better to just call him ‘the kid’) will be a horrible decision. God, everyone on this team needs therapy.
Except maybe Sam.
And Vision. 
And maybe Rhodey.
Who is he kidding, everyone on the team needs therapy.
“I'm not telling you to go into his room and interrogate the kid, Barnes. I'm asking you what I can do to help this broken and brainwashed kid that's not even fully human.” Tony gestures from the ex-assassin to where the hologram used to be. “From a previously broken and brainwashed person to another. I need suggestions that I can use to help earn his trust so he can get better.”
That seems to surprise Barnes, probably because Tony has never asked for his help before. They usually avoid each other like the plague. 
Tony sees the surprise and shrinks in his chair just a little. He turns and rests an arm on his table. Fiddling with a few metal pieces strewn around, he avoids Barnes’ questioning look. 
“I know we haven't gotten on the best of terms and I know it's not your fault. What happened in Siberia never should have happened. A lot of anger and secrets were thrown around and none of it was your fault. It was equally Steve’s and mine. We both made mistakes.” He runs a hand through his hair, messing up the perfectly styled locks. 
“The two of us have too much pride, and so we walk around on eggshells while trying not to step on each other's toes. I should have talked about this sooner with you, but you run away from me everytime we’re in the same room together and I just didn’t want to bring up something so painful.” Tony drops the piece he’s playing with and turns to look at the ex-assassin. “You went through a lot of pain with Hydra. You had to go through so much on your own just to remember a small part of your past. I’m sorry about what happened that day.”
This appears to completely blindside Barnes. He clearly never thought something like this would happen. Clearly didn’t think he deserved an apology. “I thought you hated me and were just doing this because King T’Challa asked,” Barnes says. “I didn’t want to bring up any bad memories, so I just stayed out of your way. I know things are still a little tense between the teams and I didn’t want to make it worse.”
“Well, gee. Now I feel even worse for not talking to you sooner,” Tony says with a small chuckle. “Nah. Don’t worry about it. If anyone is gonna make things worse, it's probably going to be me. Don’t worry about it, really. Pepper and Rhodey know how to make sure I don’t put my foot in my mouth.”
When Tony doesn’t get a response, he pulls up the hologram again. “Now, how do I help this kid so he doesn’t have to go through the deprogramming alone?”
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puckpocketed · 3 months
So do you actually believe PLD is a good player or is that part of the bit?
The PLD Post
i spent a good 2 days giggling about this to friends. i cant tell if ur a curious caps fan, a person who knows me from my other teams, a disgruntled kings fan (i’ve mostly ruled this out because im pretty sure i know all of the active ones on here) or WHAT. but i’m laughing. the tone of this ask is hilarious and vaguely accusatory but i will take it in good faith and answer <3 tl;dr yes and no. he’s better than people think he is rn, but he’s likely never going to live up to the potential of his tools unless something . idk. recalibrates his entire being. who knows!
i was working on something longer and more complex but i thought about it for more than 5 seconds and i REFUSE to go hockey-bro mode and pull out the microstats and i don’t wanna make this into a full on PLD manifesto. so. caps girlies (gn) HERE are your adoption papers under the cut!
if you are looking at pierre luc dubois who is 6’4 + 220lb and thinking “Oh he’s a power forward” i have to inform you he is in fact THEEE smallest mouse to ever play hockey in the whole world and in all of history. he sips nectar out of a thimble and sleeps curled up in a match box and goes fishing in a boat made from nutshells and twigs . he’s big, but he sort of plays small.
this is not necessarily a bad thing — he relies on foot speed and skill over hitting.
he can throw hits but prefers to stick check. he leverages his big frame to guard the puck and to defend, and it makes him simultaneously VERY effective and very much what i like to call a Nexus Of Crime. he is either drawing ten thousand penalties because people have to do something to stop him from driving the net with speed OR he is taking ten thousand penalties because he gets eager in the corners.
PLUS he’s huge and refs do just assume he’s committing a crime when they can’t see what’s going on <3 hence, Nexus Of Crime! if there’s a penalty he’s probably involved LMAO
not a “dirty” player by any means. not physical unless he decides he wants to. and there is no violence inside of him unless he’s deeply horsebonded to his team <- IMPORTANT re; playoffs aspirations. you won’t see him put himself on the line simply for the love of the game, he HAS to be committed to the team.
to be committed to his team… i’m honestly not sure what that takes. i’d guess a combination of knowing his role on the ice and in the locker room (this was very unclear on lak) consistency of messaging from coaches (also seemed to be an issue on lak)
i know nothing about caps coaching or management or the team vibes but i’m sure you can fix him <3 i’m ready to fall in love and ride this team to the sunset
this failhorse will NOT shoot the puck and if he does it will be the saddest soggiest most pathetic shot you’ve ever seen. you will tear your hair out in chunks if you watch him expecting an elite goalscorer.
he’s a pass-first guy. likes to drop pass! likes to drive play from the middle but is also capable of getting pucks off the boards. he needs a finisher on his wing. i could pull up stats here, there are stats to be pulled up, but i know this in my HEART from watching dozens of kings games: he would have had 10-15 more points easily if he wasn’t stapled to the 3rd line and had better finishers. many times i watched him tee up a very good opportunity only for his guy to miss the net or fan or just get knocked off the puck
individually, he thrives in front of the net. his ass is fat and he’s about to use it to screen the goalie. hes good at catching loose pucks in the crease to send them home <3 see his performance at worlds. he scored basically all of his goals right up there!!
most media coverage/narratives will tell you his point production dropped off bc of effort (which is true) but even the MOST resentful kings watchers will say pld wasn’t given his best shot playing with inexperienced+fringe nhlers, being line shuffled the moment he got a bit comfortable, and also not getting ANY net front time on the lak pp. i factor this into all my judgements of his performance.
He’s def earned his diva rep LMAO!! this is personal opinion here but he seems like a sensitive and easily rattled little clam… like he will have a couple of bad shifts and if there’s nobody there to shake him out of it he’ll lose his grasp on the game and play like shit <3 a rolling joke on kingstwt was figuring out which PLD we were getting that game, and you could tell by his 5th if he was switched on or off!!
they hate him for this but EYE think this is nothing new for athletes and if he can consistently stay in the zone he’ll probably be pretty good. mental fortitude of a wet tissue my beloved….
moving onto the Vibes section!! he was always good humoured in media availability and didn’t shy away from scrums even when public opinion soured against him and critiques of both his hockey and his character had reached a fever pitch. i like this about him. he always gave authentic answers and tried his best to accomodate them, and never hid behind his captains.
he gets along quite well with teammates despite the narratives. no seriously!! some of the the kings had a hang out during off-season right before they went to worlds!! there’s bisexual lighting!!!!
there’s interviews from old jets teammates that are just like. “he used to turn up at my house with his dog and text IM HERE with no warning and that’s how we became friends” or “his obsession with euro soccer teams bewitched me”. he had control of the aux cord. he was a den mother and planned group gatherings. a genuine sweetheart to every teammate he’s ever had!!
I don’t think he’s some. idk. secret 100 point producing star 1C. but i truly believe with the right environment he’ll probably hit 60 points again.
thank you for your time if you made it this far and i hope to see you all in the trenches (caps lb) next season 👍
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inkyycapp · 4 months
Yokai!matsu kidnapping reader..? It ticks a few things at once. Oh! Oh! They're kidnapped cos they were found injured, but even after they've healed the yokai brothers (seperately) refuse to let them go.
Cough, cough. I love this, cough.
You're getting hcs too.
Slight notice! I did some minor research for this, but even then I'm still unsure !! If anything is wrong please do tell me !!
(Uh so, really bad weather rn. Wifi going in and out and tornadoes lurking around, so, like that's rad ig !! Forgive me.)
Tw/Cw: Injuries, slight mention of blood, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome if you squint, manipulation(?), desperation, spelling/grammar(?), probably a little or a lot ooc I'm terrible at telling !! Forgive me !!
Youkai!Matsu x Injured!Reader
( Yokai!Matsu but used Youkai for letter colors..:D )
Small reader context !!
For whatever reason you're in the mountains doing whatever your mortal self does up there. A sharp pain shoots through your leg causing you to slip. Your foot set off a bear/fox trap. A group of bandits or just overall bad people--who one would assume set the trap--find poor injured you.
You don't have much on hand. Maybe you have a weapon, maybe you don't. But, regardless of how hard you fight, there are just more of them the there are of you.
-He doesn't hate humans, but he doesn't actively like them either. He's more neutral about it.
-Like, he wouldn't go out of his way to help/save them, that's way too much work for him. But, he also wouldn't go out of his way to kill someone unless they really pissed him off.
-Doesn't really understand humans, but somewhat understand and takes a small liking to bits of their culture and activities.
-Actually fairly in with the times, but doesn't really try enough to be in with the times, y'know?
-Obviously takes part in gambling with the humans regardless of the time period.
-He finds that you're injured and probably not going to make it out of the situation alive.
-While at first he's slightly indifferent about your situation, he recognizes you from the village below. He probably asked for money and you gave it to him, or maybe you work at one of the place he frequents, but for whatever reason, he may be persuaded to help.
-You're already unconscious and he can't help but feel pity for you. Pretty nasty leg injury. Maybe he should help.
-And, so, he does!
-After attending to your Injuries best he could, he decided to wait for you to come around. He'll admit, the patch up was sloppy, but it did the job, that's what matters.
-Eventually, you'd come around and find yourself face to face with the devil himself. Whether fearful or not, this would take some...adjusting.
-Compared to the known sterotype, he seems more lax and less...demonic.
-He finds you interesting. Somehow, that curiosity hadn't faded one moment since he's found you. Expect some questions personal, even perverted, or not.
-Dislikes when you get up or move around without his help. Though, more chill and just lightly scold you for straining yourself.
-Then, soon, one day you're all better. But, he doesn't want you to leave. How strange. He didn't think he'd be this...attached to someone like yourself. Not like that, bit it's weird to him.
-He had seen humans come and go--grow old and die. He's never been this comfortable with humans before he'd met you. He doesn't want you to leave. Will you ever see each other again after you part ways? Probably not, but he doesn't want to take that chance.
-So, you can't leave just yet.
-Karamatsu loves humans/humanity the MOST out of this list. He often tries to be 'in' with the culture no matter the time period. He goes through many "phases" trying to be what the humans deem is cool in certain points of time.
-He loves to collect and tell stories that humans tell, though can sometimes stretch it a little for a more theatrical performance.
-He often tries to interact with people and walk amongst them. But, it usually never goes well.
-His brothers often tease, but he's restless in his search for a human Karamatsu boy or girl.
-When he found you in the snow plains, a red staining the snow around you, he didn't hesitate to check out the scene.
-A group of people trying to take advantage of a defenseless Karamatsu boy or girl !! Of course he felt the need to intervene and help the poor soul.
-He manages to scare off the bandits, but by the time he gets to you, you're already out. It pains him to see such a beauty in so much pain.
-Karamatsu, without so much as a second thought, takes you somewhere much safer. A nice small cabin deep in the woods. That's where he nurses injured you back to health.
-At first, you're probably shocked, but maybe around the first week mark, you'll probably get used to it. If not, don't worry! You'll have a long time to adjust!
-He's very curious about you and the humans you surround yourself with. His knowledge of the culture is a little outdated, not by much. Still, it's nothing compared to understanding the real thing.
-He doesn't like when you try to get up. You need to recover. You'll probably hurt yourself! Don't worry, he'll do it for you!
-Honestly, just wants you to be safe. By far, you're the first human that he's ever gotten this close with--both metaphorically and literally.
-He just wants to keep you safe. There are monsters lurking both human and spirit. Surely you know.
-Karamatsu had already taken a liking to you since he met you, but over the time of your recovery, he's grown too attached to let you leave.
-You'll stay, won't you?
-Also kind of neutral, more lenient towards pretty humans. It's so painfully obvious, his brothers tease him about it, though he's incredibly indenile.
-While claiming he doesn't have an obvious leniency towards pretty humans, it is obvious to literally anyone. Including the mortals down in the villages.
-Choromatsu won't go out of his way to harm anyone he considers "pretty or cute", though his idea of pretty and cute is complicated! Not always about looks, but mannerisms, actions, etc.
-He spots you before. And, he folds at first glance. It's not difficult to be encouraged to help you. You're practically a sparkly treasure to be collected and safe guarded.
-But, then he watches as you're injured self begins to get surrounded by the group that seemed to have caught you.
-Choromats had quickly intervened, chasing off the group (probably off a cliff), before returning back to you.
-Laying in the snow, you were out cold and didn't seem to respond at all, your pulse being the only thing noting you're still alive.
-Won't deny, he was absolutely panicking at first, figuring out how to clean your injures properly.
-Eventually, he does somewhat figure it out, and once you're stable he takes that time to breathe. And, well, admire your sleeping form. Not in a creepy way, but just studying you.I
-When you do come around, he's trying and failing with his words for a moment.
-Takes care of you, and while he does often nag you, he's more so worried about how your recovery is coming along.
-Tends to kinda hover, keeping a close eye on you, telling you to lay down and get rest and that he can do whatever it was you wanted to get up to do.
-Will refuse to let you get up and do anything for yourself. Why have you do it when you have him? A literal waste, really!
-Even if he sees your coming around and the healing process is moving quicker than he wants, he still refuses to let you do anything.
-Now comes the time when you're ready to leave the nest. Pun.
-He obviously begs you to stay, much without words. Choromatsu doesn't want you to go now that he's oh so attached! You can't go. You won't leave, will you?
-Please don't leave .
-Ichimatsu, opposed to Karamatsu, probobly hates humans/humanity the most on this list.
-Often times, he was the cause of some humans lost or missing on the mountain. Though, he wouldn't go out of his way for anything unless angered or maybe he just felt malicious that day.
-Humans find him captivating despite his dislike for them. Even so, he won't admit it, but they do fascinate him on some occasions.
-He spots the bandits first, then you after he gets rid of those loud bandits that woke him from his nap. He considers getting rid of you, too.
-But, you're asleep. And, it seemed your leg is caught pretty badly. It doesn't seem like you'll be able to move far with your leg like that. You'll probably be dead in a matter of hours. He doesn't have to do a thing.
-No, he doesn't feel bad for you. Not one bit. You're just an unlucky human caught by the foot like some poor rabbit.
-Ichimatsu does somehow end up carrying you off elsewhere--somewhere more comfortable. Don't be mistaken, he may be helping you, but no further than this.
-Once you're safe in the small cabin, he does the bare minimum with your injuries and once your stable, he leaves.
-You'll wake up alone, and it'll probably be like that for maybe a few hours before you're visited by a stranger.
-Ichimatsu takes care you you between visits, though he doesn't speak to you often. You're probably scared being so close to a monster like himself.
-But, you grow comfortable in his presence and attempt to talk to him. Something he finds real odd, but almost sweet. He still doesn't talk to you though, but he almost wants to.
-His visits grow more frequent, and he even began bringing you gifts. Like dead animals. But, it's the thought that counts!
-He ends up more attached than he would've liked to admit. And, unlike some people on the list, he's more blunt that you remain here with him.
-You'll be stuck with a monster trash like him, but at least here he can keep you warm and fed.
-You're staying put. There's no reason for you to leave anyways.
-Honestly, it doesn't matter to Jyushimatsu. He's fairly friendly to any and all who walk in his path. Many run, but it doesn't bother him much.
-Though, if he had to love one thing about them, he absolutely loves their sports and activities. Often goes with Karamatsu to go take part in "human activities".
-But as one can assume, they get comically outed.
-Is fairly kind opposed to some on this list. He won't go out of his way to harm humans regardless how he feels, though when it comes to helping it's a 50/50. Normally at least tries. But, if he doesn't like you, he'll probably just watch with a lead stare.
-When he found you in the snow, you were surrounded, and he had accidentally hit one of the people with a baseball. Completely by accident. But, kinda thinks maybe the accident wasn't that much of an accident.
-Ends up completely making a fool of the group when leading them away. But, he quickly returns to where you had been laying.
-Similar to Choromatsu, he panics at first and is so unsure about how to go about this situation. Obviously he doesn't want to make it worse, but he really doesn't want you to die.
-He carries you off to the small cabin to tend to your wounds. It's sloppy patch-job, but it's alright.
-Watches you while you sleep. Pokes you now and again. When you don't move for too long Jyushimatsu does tend to panic a little but settles when you finally take in that breath of air.
-When you do wake up, he's happy you're up and not dead. Sure, he may not feel too bad if you died, but only because he didn't have a close enough connection to care, but that wouldn't mean he wouldn't care.
-Jyushimatsu tries to stay the entire time your recovering. While he does hover a little, he's more considerate of your space.
-Does whatever he can to make you laugh. Whether it's acting out a skit, telling jokes or just being goofy.
-Doesn't care if it makes him look dumb. As long as he at least gets a smile out of you it doesn't matter.
-Gets way too attached way to quick. And, when you're all better, he gets a little (lying) clingy.
-Whines and may even howl like a kicked puppy. Might even do tricks if it gets you to stay.
-Don't leave yet!!
-Todomatsu doesn't hate them, but he doesn't care for them either, similar to Osomatsu. However, he's more in with their culture, more so than Karamatsu. Only because he thinks it's cute.
-Prefers some time period clothing to others and can tend to stand out, but language is definitely up to date.
-He views humans/humanity as beneath him, or simply to play into his enjoyment. He has no issues getting rid of anyone that doesn't gives him what he wants out of an interaction. Absolutely stone cold.
-He spots a few humans gathering around, and grows curious as to what grabbed their attention.
-Their wares seem to interest him. Then, there's you. After disposing of the others, he's left with unconscious you. What to do with you.
-Well, you could be useful. You'll pretty much be indebted to him for saving you. Or, at least you should be.
-So, he drags you away from the scene, tenderly caring to your wounds, putting on a sweet and kind persona.
-When you awaken, he greets you gently, coming forward as the one who saved your life after he found you on the brink of death in the snow.
-Skeptical or not, you come around and thank him however you would. Already gaining praise from you. Admittedly, the praise feels...nicer than it should. He brushes it off, what else can he get from you.
-He slyly asks you questions, gaining more information of your personal life over a week, maybe two.
-You get up to do something, and being the ever so kind savior, he takes you back to bed, doing the task for you instead. Not that he wants to. He's playing the long game with your little life.
-But, you thank him, telling him just how kind he is. Todomatsu can't help but grow addicted to that feeling. Being appreciated and validated.
-Slowly, but surely, he begins to grow a bit (a lot) attached. He didn't think it was possible. But, soon he doesn't see you as just a human, but as you.
-Once you get better, he does contemplate poisoning you to get you to stay. Not much to kill you, but enough so he could still take care of you.
-Todomatsu doesn't do it. But, he has heavily considered it.
-He will try his damndest to get you to remain in this little cabin with him.
-You can't go yet! You need him!
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So funny that Osomatsu and Karamatsu are my favorites in general, but Todomatsu is my favorite to write for, and Jyushimatsu is my favorite to draw. What.
I still dislike Choromatsu. There is no reason for it.
Anyway if you're here, try Arizona RX Energy Herbal Tonic Tea. It's so damn good. That's all lmao !!
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