#Time and place Bianca pls
cosmicflw3rr · 3 months
cash in.
dominik mysterio x fem! reader
summary: you cash in at wrestlemania.
A/N: this is inspired by damian’s cash in, just something to put out while I work on my other things! btw pls request stuff I need to unleash my creativity 😈😈
btw in this short fic, for the inst post at the end im using pics from liv’s cash in, and a pic of bianca and montez but you can imagine yourself however you want it’s just pics i chose for the post :)
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your nerves were jumbled up as you watched bayley and iyo sky fight for the title. their feud had been going on for a while now and was finally going to be resolved at the grandest stage of them all.
what they didn’t know was that tonight you’d finally cash in the money in the bank contract you'd been clutching for months. you had never found the perfect moment to make your move. yet, something in the air felt different, electric. today was the day you'd cash it in; you could just feel it.
you had to look away from the screen at the amount of close calls the match had, you moved away from the monitor sitting down on the couch in the little spot the tv crew had for the judgement day. damian, finn, jd and rhea also watched the match intently.
you held your head with your hands, sighing. your leg bouncing up and down anxiously. dominik, your boyfriend sat down next to you placing his hand on your knee to stop it from bouncing.
as soon as dom's hand touched your knee, you paused and locked eyes with him. "hermosa, talk to me," he urged, understanding the weight of the evening on your shoulders, yet not wanting you to be overwhelmed by stress.
leaning back, you let out a groan, the frustration clear in your voice. "what if it doesn’t work? what if I can't cash in the contract?" you shared your fears, the pressure mounting. "I might not get a chance like this ever again." the uncertainty of it all was eating at you.
you were convinced this was a once-in-a-lifetime shot, but dom saw things differently. he knew just how incredible you were in the ring, how you owned every match you fought and put your heart into everything you did. so to hear you think you weren’t ever going to get an opportunity like that again hurt, because he knew you would.
“listen amor.” when you wouldn't meet his gaze, he gently tilted your chin up, eyes meeting yours, and saw the worry glistening there. with a soft, reassuring smile, he whispered, "amor, don't worry. you've got this. you're one of the best wrestlers out there, and no matter what happens, there will be more chances. believe in yourself like I believe in you." his words were the comfort you didn't know you needed.
you eyes met dom’s as you nodded, understanding flickering between you. suddenly, the bell echoed, one, two, three times. your head whipped around to the screen, and there it was—bayley's victory. the members from your faction turned to you, their faces a mix of surprise and disbelief.
aithout a second thought, you grabbed your briefcase and bolted towards the gorilla, heart racing. "I'm cashing in! I'm cashing in!" you shouted at the top of your lungs. the production crew exchanged quick glances, barely able to process your words as you grabbed a referee by his shirt and charged onto the stage, adrenaline fueling your every step.
running down the ramp as your theme blared through the arena, the crowd erupted in cheers, instantly recognizing the moment unfolding. You reached the ring sliding into it with the referee on your heels. you turned thrusting the briefcase into his hands, “I’m cashing in!” you yelled.
he looked down at the briefcase his voice tinged with uncertainty, "are you sure?"
without hesitation, you shouted back, "yes, I'm cashing in, do it!" your hand came down hard on the briefcase, affirming your decision. the buzz from the crowd surged through you, adrenaline coursing wildly through your veins.
bayley staggered to her feet, unsteady. you bounced on the balls of your feet, ready, and as the bell chimed for the third time, you quickly delivered your finisher, the ripcord flatliner.
she hit the mat, motionless. yet, the roar of the crowd told you to keep going. you quickly pulled her to the ring's center, seizing her legs and cinching in a figure four lock, the cheers growing impossibly louder.
the excitement from the crowd was electric and the adrenaline in your body was hard to contain.
with the figure four perfectly locked in, bayley was trapped, dead center of the ring with no hope of grabbing the ropes. you yelled, teeth gritted, tightening the hold. then, the moment came—bayley tapped out, the bell sounding three times.
your music blared out as you released her, you scooted back, your spine meeting the ropes, shock written on your face. your hands flew to cover your eyes, tears leaving paths down your cheeks as you sobbed, the crowd's roar drowning your thoughts, the reality of the moment not quite sinking in.
wiping your tears, you turned to the referee, who held the championship title towards you. grabbing it from, you sat there dazed, just gazing at the title, a fresh wave of tears blurring in your eyes as pride swelled within you.
you got to your feet, lifting your arm, and the cheers from the crowd grew even wilder. you let out a smile, wiping away those involuntary tears. just then, at the top of the ramp, you noticed the judgement day coming out, cheering you on.
without missing a beat, you slipped out of the ring and bolted up the ramp. reaching the top, you found dominik first, waiting for you. the two of you collided into a tight embrace, him lifting and twirling you off the ground.
when your feet touched solid ground, you stepped back, locking eyes with him briefly, then sharing a tender kiss. after the kiss, you both melted into another warm hug, your arms around his neck and his on your waist.
“I’m so proud of you baby. I told you everything would work out.” he whispered, stirring fresh tears in your eyes. you nodded against his shoulder.
"I love you so much," you choked out, voice trembling, tears streaming down. breaking from the embrace, he tenderly held your face, wiping away the tears, then kissed you once more.
a smile broke through as he stepped aside, revealing the judgement day, all hyped up. In an instant, they swept you and dom up in a massive group hug.
you all erupted in cheers, bouncing around with excitement as each one expressed their pride in you, bringing a beam to your face. the group hug ended, and everyone turned towards the ring.
in a swift move, dom and damian hoisted you onto their shoulders, your hands clutching the title as you raised it high, pyro blazing in the background.
with a joyful shout, you took in the cheering crowd. after soaking in the moment, they carefully lowered you back down. you lifted your hand in triumph one last time before Dom draped his arm over your shoulder.
backstage, away from the roaring crowd, the intimacy of the moment enveloped you and dom as the judgment day trailed behind. you wrapped your arms around dom once more, this hug deeper, more personal.
tears freely flowed as the weight of your victory hit you, and dom was there, a comforting presence, rubbing your back gently. "I am so, so proud of you, amor. you've earned this and so much more," he whispered, his words a soothing balm to your overwhelmed emotions.
pulling back from the embrace, you brushed away the lingering tears, offering him a tender kiss. "thank you, babe. for everything," you murmured with heartfelt gratitude.
"this was all you," he replied, his pride in you evident.
"maybe, but your support has been my rock, the thing that's kept me pushing forward," you said, your voice laced with appreciation. his smile then met yours, and he leaned in to seal your shared moment with another kiss.
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y/n: and your new…
tagged: dominik_35
dominik_35: so proud of you amor❤️
y/n: ❤️❤️❤️
rhearipley_wwe: all rise!!
y/n: judgement day is ALWAYS on top!!💜⚖️
yaonlylivonce: so happy for you! you deserve it!! 🥹❤️❤️
y/n: thank you so much liv! I love you so much!!🤍
archerofinfamy: proud of you chiquita💜
y/n: 💜
samanthairvinwwe: by far my fav name to call out tonight! congrats girl! you deserve it!! 👏💗
y/n: shhhh🤫 don’t let them know you have favorites😏
wwelover: was in sm shock watching! congratulations!!
y/n.vsp: the edits I alr have lined up for this😝
wrestlingstan: I KNEW SHED CASH IN! OMG!
WWE: your new women’s champion!
y/n: thank you to all of you who gave me the opportunity❤️.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 7 months
Hi! Imma resend my req then cause yep.
Could I pls get Nico with a super rich pretty boy (mortal) that’s like very affectionate and looks like a airhead but just like completely changes when it comes down to business like becomes super serious? And he’s like super big in making Nico blush with lavish and thoughtful gifts or trips to compensate cause he can’t like fight monsters? Feeel free to decline!
Ps: I loved ur Connor stoll x mortal fic!
Hey <333 so this was kinda changed around a bit and also mixed with a request for Nico x Son of Eros from ages ago, so whoever asked for that, here it is!
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red roses and ghost flowers---Nico x flirty son of Eros
»»————- ★ ————-««
-Nico doesn’t know how to react.
-First of all, touch is a big no no for him, it makes him feel claustrophobic and stuck and there’s a lot of reasons he really doesn’t like that feeling. But then you came along, and suddenly maybe if he’s outside in the open spaces and you run up and wrap your arm around his shoulder, it might just be okay. 
-You just wear the prettiest rings and give him the prettiest rings, that holding hands isn’t the worst thing. Just because of the rings. Definitely. Not because of how your knuckles sit against his the way your thumb rubs against the scars covering his palms. 
-His hands. Holy Hades, you seemed to have this obsession with doing that silly bow and pressing your lips to the back of his hand every time he saw you. 
-Which was a lot. 
-Maybe it was meant to be, or maybe it was because Nico sort of detoured a little to wander past the Eros cabin or pop into the arts and crafts center. Just to see how Annabeth was doing teaching the weaving classes, of course. Not because you were usually in the back making another little thing.
-Nico ended up with a lot of those little things. They filled an entire coffin shaped shelf in his by now, but he couldn’t exactly get rid of them. The skull shaped candle was just too on point, you must’ve found a real skull for comparison, and that was dedication Nico couldn’t just throw away. And then there was a vinyl record of an old band Maria had taken him to with Bianca. However you had found that, it must've taken a lot of time and money. It would be rude to get rid of something like that.
-Of course the bouquets were always chucked out every few days, but only when Nico had touched the soft petals with a smile too much and they’d started to shrivel.
-Nico was still convinced Hazel was the mole, running to find you every time the sunflowers or the red roses or the ghost flowers [He hated to admit that they were really cool] wilted, because then another bunch of flowers would turn up on the doorstep of the Hades cabin with a pink silk holding them together. 
-Even the Mythomagic cards you’d found stayed on the shelf, although Nico already had them. They were from you. It would be rude. And they sort of made him grin a little bit. You paid so much attention, why wouldn’t that make him grin? 
-Especially because, well, you could be paying attention to anyone else. Literally anyone. There were people clawing their way into the sparring classes you went to. Not that they had much of a reason to watch, you spent most of the time holding a sword and then blinking in confusion at the instructor, who’d given up by now. 
-Archery was a whole different story though, and Nico had to admit, he had sort of gone to watch you do that a few times. 
-On one hand, you weren't exactly bad looking, but on the other hand all he could see was Eros laughing cruelly and launching volley after volley of heart shaped arrows into Nico’s limbs in that shadowy place filled with broken statues and pillars. It was safe to say he had a bit to work through, but the fact you still ran up with a grin considering the first time Nico met you, he had a full blown panic attack and then Jason nearly bit you, he figured you couldn’t do much harm. 
-The son of Jupiter still watched your interactions carefully, but Nico had convinced him to tone down the growling part. 
-Then you’d both bonded over the fact that your dads sucked majorly, and now Nico was sort of concerned that Jason might steal his- his… his whatever you were [apart from way too pretty]
-Nico had to admit, you were really good looking. Something about the shininess of your eyes and the way your smile was so sharp had to be some sort of love god trickery, but it made his stomach fill with the souls of the departed and shadows to thicken in the corner. 
-You didn’t even mind when the grass wilted around him and the air got a bit too cold to be normal. 
-One time you even picked him up and just carried Nico princess style to the pavement that couldn’t shrivel and turn brown. That certainly helped the bad feelings inside his head take a break and admire your arms. 
-He figured when you showed up one night in your normal camp clothes and a pink bow tie to take him to the first showing of Scream 6 [Nico liked explaining how many stabs it would actually take to kill the characters], that there really was no back peddling.
-So he took the bouquet of ghost flowers from you and then held both the flowers… and your hand. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
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snzhrchy · 2 years
can i pls request a fic were xavier asks reader to prom and its like friends to lovers💕
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xavier thorpe x fem!reader
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synopsis; just how you and your best friend's relationship developed into something more. warnings; none :) taglist; @i9abella @lastwandastan lmk if u wanna be on it !
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The first time you met Xavier Thorpe was on your first official day at Nevermore: you were running late for your class and had no idea where it was. Your bad sense of direction lead you to him - actually, you bumped into him. On that day, he was kind enough to take you to your class since he had class there too.
The second time you met Xavier Thorpe, was at the lake: it was your second week at Nevermore and you had already gotten into a fight with your roommate so you ran into the lake knowing that it’s the only place you’ll find tranquility.
Subsequently, Xavier was there as well. You both just sat there in silence until Xavier proposed the idea of a rock throwing game. Safe to say that that event caused you both to become closer.
Now, fast forward to the Rave'N, you had been wanting to ask Xavier to the ball yet you were unsure of how to bring it up; you assumed he was probably going with either Bianca or Wednesday, until the evening before the ball, when you heard him knock on your door:
You had been laying on your stomach, mindlessly scrolling through social media and wasting your time when you heard someone knock on the door. Sighing, you went up to open it and were surprised to to be met by Xavier's tall figure. He was the last person you expected to see right now but his presence was welcomed.
'Hey, what's up? you smiled, looking at the man in front of you. You noticed that Xavier seemed nervous, he was fiddling with his fingers and was avoiding your gaze. You wondered what could have possibly caused him to be nervous around you.
'I need to talk to you about something,' he spoke, his tone was laced in seriousness. You'd be lying if you said you weren't scared about whatever topic Xavier wanted to communicate with.
You allowed him to enter your room and he sat himself down, comfortably on your bed with you sitting just beside him. Your eyes scanned the man beside you, you were taking in every one of his features. Even with his messy hair and tired eyes, he still looked beautiful to you.
As you were admiring his features, Xavier's eyes darted towards the many objects and furniture that decorated your dorm. He noticed all the small things such as your notebooks that were strewn over your desk or how you had pictures of you and your friends that were stuck up on your vanity. He'd been in your dorm many times but this was the first he actually sat down and observed everything present in it.
'So, what is it that you want to talk about?' you asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. He turned to look at you as he took a deep breathe and asked you the question that you had been longing to hear: 'would you like to go to the Rave'N with me?'
Your lips slowly curved into a smile and your eyes widened once you heard his question. Without thinking, you immediately said "yes" to him. This was truly going to be night that you would remember.
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whorrorbellee · 4 months
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Its been a year since someone spread a rumour to you school that you've sucked off half the football team in one night. one year of catcalls, one year of graffitied lockers and bullying, so when you find out his majesty king Steve is behind the rumour its time to take drastic action against him. King!Steve x reader
A/N; reread my own fan fiction, thought it was okay ig then released I had to release the second chapter because I wanted to know what was going on, im gonna add warnings later but im pretty sure there is going to be some sweet sweet smut in this so if your under 18 pls leave or ill sleep with your dad, maybe I already have who knows? master list chapter one
ill edit this later btw
Chapter two 
The soft chime of the bell rings throughout the store, you gaze up upon the entree, Harrington's body moves through the store before stopping at the counter.
“I called you last night, you didn't pick up, wanted to see if you got home safe” Steve leans over the counter of Beans&Books the local coffee shop bookstore you practically live in when you're not working.
“How do you know where I work ?” you interrogate, staring at his brown eyes.
“I read a lot, pride and persuas-”,
”yeah that, you know the classics” he scratches at his nose, other hand running over the smooth wooden counter, then he fiddles with the pens in the white mug and the plastic  clashes together. His lips pouts, big brown eyes staring down at you. 
“Oh i wasn't aware that you could” you shake your head at him, you return the stare. 
“Could what?’he smiles.
“Read” you say bluntly.
There's a pause, Steve swallows and then glances at the floor, his gaze returns and his face brightens “You're so funny” his eyes lingering down upon your lips as he folds his arms into himself as he chuckles “that was good”
You glance away from him awkwardly “Can I help you with anything?” you ask, leaning back into the wall, running your hands over your jeans. You take the pile of new stock into your hands. Coming out from behind the till and meandering over to the shelves  slowly, careful to not drop anything. 
“Yeah i wanna find a new book” 
“Okay” you look at him, he's wearing a green collared henley shirt  and dark blue harrington jacket, “What-uh books are you into?” you look back at the shelf in front of you, running your finger over the author's name until you find the correct place. 
The coffee shop bustles with life, the milk frother screeching, beans grinding as customers talk, it's hard to hear him over all the noise so you stare back at him. 
‘I liked Romeo and Juliet, ' he nods. "Yeah, I liked Romeo and Juliet,” he says almost as if he was confirming it himself. 
‘So Shakespeare?um Macbeth? Midsummer's night dream, Taming of the shrew?”
“What's taming the shrew?”  he asks. 
“oh , like the movie, Kiss me, Kate?” 
“I don't know it” 
“Okay , so like Bianca can't marry until her sister does, and this guy really likes her so they get this guy to pretend to be a tutor and make him court her so he can marry Bianca, its like fake dating but the other one doesn't know it ”
Your turn to put another book on the shelf wondering if you've been a bit on the nose, Steve is none the wiser. 
“Yeah, I'll take that.” His arms stretch out behind him, shirt following exposing his midriff and you can help but fixate on him for a second too long, you almost forget how he towers over you as you look up at his now smirking face, eyes half closed as he looks down upon your face.
Cheeks heated at his gaze “Okay cool” You head to the sections of plays, eyes catching onto the novel you were looking for before ringing him up at the front desk.
“That's five dollars, would you like a receipt?”
‘No. But hey, do u wanna go for a coffee sometime and like talk about shakespeare” he points at you 
“I um, you know what, yeah sure” you shrug your shoulders.
“Yeah” you respond nodding.
“Cool, cool! I'll call you yeah?” he slaps the counter with his palm tucking the book into his coat before walking out the door, he flashes you a smile and leaves. You hear his car leave and smile to yourself for a minute.
You look over at the coffee counter Aaron (your coworker) smiles at you, he's just rinsed out the portafilter. You hear the beans grinding, and he's smoothing his hands over his apron before approaching you. 
“Was that his majesty?” Aaron asks.
“Is he okay? I didn't know he could read” he reclines, his bleached afro a contrast against the brown painted wall behind him.
“That's what i said, he just laughed, like he was on the david letterman show” you look at Aaron, his face is shrivelled up in confusion and you grin.
‘He bought Shakespeare, and then asked to hangout, and you weren't at the party last night right? But he stole my-” you speak in a hushed whisper in front of the customers, “ he stole my joint like out my hand after staring at me” 
“Huh, i think he wants to, you know” he cocks his head, eyes widening and you laugh. 
“No really” he looks over to the counter, “shit i gotta get back to work” he jogs back to his counter smiling brightly at the old lady who is holding a dog and a sandwich the size of it. you look at the pile of boxes you should probably sort out, you sigh and stare at the door.
The telephone rings and you pick up the bubblegum pink receiver, plastic cold in your hand.“Hello?” your finger hooks around the coiled wire and pulls it away from you, twirling it around.you rests against the wall bathed in a cotton candy blue hue. 
“Hey, it's Steve"
You hear his soft breath against the telephone“Oh hi, how's the book going?”
“Yeah great, wanna come to a party on friday?” he asks quickly.
‘Yeah sure, want me to tell Eddie to bring gear?” 
“No i just wanna see you” you can almost hear him smile. You plop yourself down on your bed, hair falling against the plush floral comforter.
“Oh really?you know i dont deal right?” you query, eyes wandering your room to fixate on something other than the ceiling, eyes catching onto the billy idol poster on your wardrobe door, a mean stare and his bleach blonde hair looks back at you.
“Yeah of course , can't stop thinking about how pretty you are,” he whispers into the phone. 
You sit up quickly smiling, there's a pause and you hear soft “shit” before he coughs.
“What was that?” you interrogate.
“How funny you are, anyway I'll pick you up at 7 friday! bring a swimsuit, sounds good? great see ya”
The phone line drops dead before you can reply and suddenly you panicking about what to wear, how to do your hair and who the fucks gonna be there, you dont even like the guy.
You're in and out of classes, studying in the library suddenly Steve is everywhere, Tommy H and Carol snickering behind your back after he waves or smiles at you. You smile at his insolence playing into his idea of you, a mean stare one day and the next a shy look away. 
Suddenly It's Friday and you're in the back of chem class staring straight into the back of Steve's head when Eddie throws a piece of paper straight at your eye, you glare at him and his face falls, he leans across his desk to whisper to you. 
“Heard your going to the famous Hagen party”
“Huh?” your pencil taps against the table. 
“Yeah, Tommy's party, it like a massive bender, everyone hooks up with everyone, i heard Billy is taking Nicole”
“ Billy's going?”you panic.” i don't want to see that douche”
“Dude, your going with the king”
You wince against his words. “Shit yeah, two douches”
“Im gonna die, they're gonna try to have sex with me and then im gonna die”
“Whou would you bang then, out of all three like realistically?" Eddie grins, you glance back at him and then around the room. Steve leans back in his chair playing with his pencil on the table, Tommy's asking his friend the next desk over if the glue stick hes got in his hand can get him high, then you shuffle and look behind you, billy smiles and winks at you, nice enough until he stares directly at carols tits. 
You give Eddie a knowing stare and he answers for you “ it's me isn't it ? we should just go home and fuck.” 
You laugh at him “i know im whore eddie but christ, your my loser best friend and your in love with Kirsty from the bar” 
“Steve then?” 
“I hope he dies, but i've heard his dick game is good” you shrug.
continue on
taglist (please turn on tags if your listed but wasn't tagged )
@paleidiot @justrandomcanadiantransdude @joonies-word @officerrrfriendly @ravenhellfire86 @littlebookworm86 @tr4sh-mouth @genesis-p4l-love @brother-lauren @keerysfolklore @person-005 @soapiaa @roundoudou @billieeilishshousewife @cherrymedicine13 @m3tallica69 @poppet05 @supraveng
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stevenbasic · 9 months
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GITJ Post 349: That was Then, This is Now, p1
“Mmmmph! M-Morgan!! Pl-please!” I sputtered, head buried deep in the big bosom of my new Hungarian APRN. My arms were straightened stock-stiff at my sides.
“Oh, Dr. J, do the relax!” the enormous blond woman laughed, mirth jiggling through her mighty chest as she hugged me tightly. She nearly had me pulled off my feet as I stood there in my office that Monday morning, her strong arms encircling my head, shoulders and upper back. I’d been waiting for my coff-…my m-…my warm morning beverage and the meeting Melissa had wanted to have but had been summarily assaulted - this counted as the twelfth one - by the “Good Morning Hugs” of my staff as they’d come one-by-one to greet me. New office policy, it had been announced, I guess: Dr. J gets a hug every morning, from everyone. 
Julia had been here with hugs, Bobbi and Brittni and Bianca and Bessie as well, all thanking me for such a fun weekend and being so cool and nice to them on Instagram. Wait what? Shanette had come early and lingered long, feeling especially soft and had purred motherly greetings. Katarina had, with a peculiar giggle, offered to fill my mug if I’d been waiting too long for Melissa to appear with my warm milk. Josie didn’t stop at a hug and gave me kisses, while Randi and Katie had each started flat-out making out with me. Angie nearly had me out of my pants and it was only Aubrey showing up for her hug that saved me from an early-morning, non-consensual handjob. Lakshmi had left just a few minutes ago, after helping me clean the lipstick of all these other from my face and finally showing me on her phone what all the girls is had been mysteriously hinting at and talking about: the Instagram posts made to my account after my own phone had been hijacked on Saturday night, before its demise at the bottom of Melissa’s pool. Good god! I remembered so little of the weekend, had I really been a part of all this…this…debauchery?
What a way to start a week!
“I hear you have the exciting weekend,” Morgan was now purring to me, her basso profundo rumbling through her chest as she held me captive at her monumental breast. “Morgan sorry she not there, she the busy. But happy you have the good time. Many orgasm, I can know!” 
At that, she released my face from the depths of her bosom and - god help me - held me out at arms reach. My feet were six inches off the floor! My mouth gaped: Morgan was huge! Enormous! Maybe not quite as tall as Melissa but probably outweighing her by sixty pounds, at least. Jesus Christ the size of her! Yes, whatever my mystery affliction was had been reducing my stature (I really have to get this checked out…) and changing my perspective, and I knew Morgan was a big lady, but - holy crap! What had happened to her?!? I’d seen her just last Friday, working with patients, and she was nowhere near this size, was she?? She was a house! Thick curves threatened to burst forth from her stretchy pants and overmatched, overstretched blouse whose buttons seemed ready to -
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“Haha button go pop,” she laughed as - yes - the top button of her blouse flew past my face.
My eyes just goggled as her cleavage bulged forth and then, slowly, she began to lift me up, up, up until we were eye level. Good god this woman wasn’t only huge, but hugely strong!
“Because you, the breasts of me are so bigger now,” she said, cryptically, “Tell me, what the happen? What you do on the weekend?”
Oh my god what did happen this weekend?
I remember, of course, getting in a little late this Monday morning with Melissa driving me to work. I’d stayed the night, again, the third in a row at her place. She’d helped me get ready and had clothes for me - these new, XXS unisex scrubs she’d found at the mall. I normally didn’t like wearing scrubs at the office as it made me look, well…like the rest of the staff, the medical assistants. But today I had little choice. So while this morning’s memories were clear as day, the day before, however, was a little fuzzier. Though with a little effort I pretty much recalled the whole thing.
“Um,” I told Morgan, as she held me aloft like a rag doll, “M-Melissa and I just sort of relaxed yesterday…”
Of the events of the weekend, Sunday afternoon’s were clearest in my mind. It had turned out to be a lazy day of napping in and out and cuddling on the couch. Melissa spent it pampering me, barely letting me lift a finger, keeping me couchbound in her arms, or pinned underneath her, or with her head in my lap. She’d apparently wanted to spend most of the day in penis worship, and wanted me also adulating her breasts. It was Sunday, after all. Time for church. And so we honored the occasion with either me sucking on her or by her sucking on me ‘like a piece of candy’, tending to the every whim of the insatiable beast between my legs, barely letting it leave her mouth for hours on end. I don’t know how many times her skilled lips, tongue and throat had brought me to climax there on the couch - it was a lot. But it was right before the dinner of Mac n Cheese she’d made for me that I finally had to stop her. I was sore, I was actually really sore, my balls tender and shaft raw from so much overuse this weekend, a sex marathon that did a number on my privates. She’d cooed and clucked in amused pity, offering ointments and creams 'to make it all better', but they only served to get me ready for another round in her mouth or tender grip. It was finally with a laying-on-of-hands, a strange cooling sensation that her palms brought my groin with no liniments or salves, that in the end miraculously healed my pain. Had she done something like that before? On…Saturday night, to a bruise on my neck? I was a little weirded out, as that moment brought back flashes of other memories. Was I just imagining some of these things? I remember her, and the other girls doing…stuff. Like, I knew Melissa was really strong, but there was no way she used her breath to blow me across the pool, was there?
“I heard you almost the drownded,” Morgan said, watching my face as I continued to try to recall the weekend. 
“Who? Me? Oh, um…”
Yes, I had woken Sunday morning and found my busted phone. Did I get it from the bottom of the pool? Or was that Melissa? Wait, did she actually save me from, like, almost drowning? I shivered, recalling it now. Yes, I felt it again - the fear, the near-death experience at the bottom of the deep-end and then suddenly being safe in her arms. Anyway, I remembered intimacy with Melissa in the pool, in the shower, at breakfast. Jeez we were horndogs!
“...yeah, I uh, had a little accident Sunday morning,” I admitted to Morgan, “but it was a f-fun little party the night before. Too b-bad you couldn’t come.”
Saturday was, for sure, more of a blur. There were girls over at Melissa’s, lots of them. I must have been drinking that afternoon because I barely remember that time at all. Later on into the evening I recall a little more - time in the hot tub? Sushi for dinner was it? A movie, some warm milk? Bedtime was more easy to recollect, with Shanette sharing the bed with Melissa and me for a while. 
“Sound so the fun,” Morgan smiled, the twinkle in her eyes telling me she knew more than she was saying. 
“Yeah,” I agreed. Realizing now why I already felt so exhausted: I had the sex lives of twenty men. Yes, I’d slept like a rock last night, after Melissa had taken me to her bed and put me under by humming sweet lullabies that reverberated throughout my cock, hips and spine to settle in my mind and rock it to sleep. But I felt like I’d need to sleep another week to recover from what I’d been through. I hadn’t even stepped through the door of my apartment upstairs this morning, having come straight into the office, and I was already looking forward to collapsing in my bed tonight. 
But first I needed to get through today. Still held aloft by the shoulders in Morgan’s strong hands, I was reminded of that by a knock on the door. Melissa, maybe, I hoped? We both turned to see who it’d be.
Aubrey, peeking around the doorframe. Back for more hugs? Apparently not. 
“Gianna needs to talk to you,” she said. 
thanks to RiF for editing help
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my3rzs · 1 year
Hii! Welcome here :) I would love to ask you for some comfort?? Haha, maybe like reader and Xavier being like enemies, but then some day another student was making reader really uncomfortable so Xavier like stood up for reader, maybe like pretends to date reader so the student would leave them alone , xoxo love you ))
thank you.
xavier thorpe x reader
warnings: swearing, someone making reader uncomfy (i think thats all but pls tell me if i missed anyy!)
you woke up and yawned, scoffing while getting ready for your first class. you didnt feel like going to school today, you were having a bad day.
botany class was your first class. which is one of the classes where u sat next to xavier. you didnt feel like arguing with him ‘cause you were already having a bad day.
you were walking into class, then you stopped when you saw xavier leaning against the door waiting for you, you rolled your eyes as you saw him with a mischievous grin. ''lets get this over with'' you sighed. you walked again and tried to avoid him but he grabbed your wrist “dont try to avoid me, sweetheart” he said.“xavier, i dont have time for this. i just wanna get to class, and please dont call me that?” you said getting out of his grip and going to your seat leaving him with a confused look.
the rest of the class was boring, you just listened to bianca and wednesday’s rivalry while xavier tried to tease you or catch your attention by drawing spiders or butterflies but you kept smashing them into dust.
as class was finally over, you grabbed your bag and walked out of class walking into the quad and finding a seat. until you see one of the werewolves, cole. he always made you uncomfortable and it was so annoying. “what do you want cole?” you scoffed. “don’t act like that, babe.” he said as he placed a hand on your thigh. “what the fuck cole! don’t touch me!” you screamed so loud some people turned your way. “why are you so dram-“ he got cut off as he got pushed to the ground by a tall boy, you looked up to see who it was.. xavier? what is he doing here.
“don’t touch my girlfriend, asshole.” he said as he pulled cole’s collar and pulled you away to go to his dorm.
it was silent so you decided to speak, “thank you” you whispered blushing because he called you his girlfriend. “you’re welcome, y/n. it’s no big deal. i’m sorry about the whole ‘girlfriend’ part.” he said scratching the back of his neck. you gave him a slight smile, “im also sorry, for being rude from the start of the day, i was not in the mood and stuff.” you sighed. “y/n, can i tell you something? and promise it wont change anything between us.” he said stuttering saying the last part, “yes, promise.” you promised, curious about what he’s gonna say.
“i-i’ve liked you since the first fucking second i saw you, actually, i fucking love you! i was just saying fucked up shit so i could get your attention, ajax is so tired of me talking about you and my feelings i have for you, y/n. i just want you to be mine only, because i was always yours. i just want you to know that i fucking love you y/n! i always have and i always will.” he lightly gasped as he realized what he said cursing himself in his mind. “it’s okay if you dont like me b-“ you cut him off by smashing your lips into his wrapping your hands around his neck as xavier grabbed your waist pulling you closer to him.
you broke the kiss to catch a breath “i love you too xavier” you said kissing him again
a/n: im sorry this is so bad, this is rushed and this is my first time writing in a few months, but i hope you like it anon :’)
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anyalovesu · 3 months
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tolerate it.
x. i made you my temple, my mural, my sky
—“i can’t seem to explain how it all happened, but one day it all started to make sense and not make sense at the same time. leon became more important to me than he ever was before, and it was scary—the feeling of it was, because it would mean that if i lost him again it would hurt so more.”
necessary reminders !
—leon and eli does 🔞 stuff at some point of the chapter.
— it's my first time attempting to write something like this, so if it turns out bad pls cut me some slack hehe
— it's not piv but i think i still needs to be labeled at 18+ so pls pls pls if you are UNDER 18 and is reading this fic, do not interact with this post.
— again mdni pls pls pls
— if this is not your kind of shit, dni too hehe tnx sm
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click here for bianca + gremlins gc convo
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continue here (alonzo park and leon park's conversation)
Leon thought of it. Alonzo Park was right. It is easier to love someone when you’ve already seen them at their worst. Maybe that’s a tad bit toxic to fall for someone at their worst, but really, his mom’s and Eli’s versions of worst wasn’t half as bad at all. It really was just realizing that they never meant to be bad. It’s just that hurt people hurts people and he is no stranger to feeling that way. Leon wasn’t going to deny the fact that he hurt Eli when he was in that position too.
A month ago, everything was a huge mess and maybe he really did underestimate how hard this was for Elijah. After all, if Eli was the one who left him, which was unlikely, he would’ve reacted the same way that she did, worse even. It’s stupid how it took him seeing almost every single canvas Elijah has painted on to realize that she took the deeper cuts when the fallout maimed them both. While he was dating around the past four years, Eli was continuously mourning the longest friendship that she has ever known. While he was enjoying the comfort of someone else’s arms, and while technically Eli was too, it can’t be denied that the hurt inside her never healed. 
And now pulling over in the driveway of the house that Eli and her team built, never felt more welcoming. It never felt more accepting of him after their conversation back in Batangas and their conversation during their way back. 
Elijah must be some kind of saint in her past life to only take an apology and heal, because it never would’ve been the same way if it was him who was placed in that kind of position. After everything that she has done for him, to be abandoned because he allowed himself to be manipulated to do so, was something he never would’ve forgiven. But Eli did. Elijah understood. It was what she fell asleep reminding him when they were in Batangas. That he should also forgive himself because it wasn’t his hands for someone to use his own capability to love against him. 
Gaeul’s sharp pitchy barks filled his ears as soon as he was out of his car. The little white dog jumped happily as soon as she was let out on the front door porch. Leon recalls how good Gaeul really was in letting everyone know that one of her family members was home. He was actually expecting her to be more timid after being introduced into a place that wasn’t his apartment nor was their family home, but it seemed that she adjusted really quickly into the house. It must’ve excited her that it wasn’t just her and Leon anymore.
“Dinner’s ready, dalian mo na d’yan, nauna na mag dinner si Gaeul sa’yo,” Eli tells him.
Leon chuckles. “Sermon agad? Hindi ba p’wedeng kiss muna?”
“Kumain muna,” she whined, stomping her foot, making Leon laugh at how childish it was. “Ang tagal tagal mo nagugutom na ako!”
“Bakit hindi ka pa kumain?”
“Bro, you were the one who asked that we eat dinners together as much as possible,” Elijah rolled her eyes at him playfully.
For a moment he really did forget that he was the one who asked for her to be home for dinners, but she rarely ever was home on time. She always worked extra hours just to avoid him, which he understood why she did by all means. He eventually got into eating his dinners alone and falling asleep before she came home.
Except the past few days though. She was home at the expected time that she would be with distance and her office hours considered. It was too good to be true that he and Eli were finally seeing eye to eye like they did before.
It made his heart full to think that Eli is finally warming up to him.
“I did ask you to do that,” he smiled to himself as he picked up Gaeul from the floor and settled her on a chair right across Eli.
Elijah looked so at peace having dinner with him. The peace was too much for him to ruin with his announcement that he’ll be gone for almost a week. It’s not that Eli would not last a day without him—she’s made it clear that she survived 4 great years without him. What bothered him was the fact that he was the one who couldn’t bear to do it. He didn’t want to make her feel like he was leaving her again. They were just beginning to bond again, he didn’t want to ruin their sweet streak and risk being ignored once he got back.
“You’re quiet,” Eli pointed out. 
Leon still didn’t know how to tell her. He can’t say no to his parents especially if it’s company related. He is expected to step up after his dad retires, he’ll be risking slipping up and making a bad image for the board if he declines this.
“Gusto mo na bang daanan ni Monet sa shelter bukas?” He asked. 
Eli’s face lit up but it makes Leon’s stomach churn despite the phenomenal medium done steak in front of him when he realizes he’s not gonna feel that same relief from seeing Eli look so happy for a couple of days. Whipped. That’s what he is.
He shied away from allowing himself to feel that way because he was guilty that he was replacing Margot so quickly. But everyone else was right, they were already trapped in this with no way out anymore. This and nothing else. So it’s either you enjoy it or live your life miserable. Margot was well aware of that, even days before Leon found out that he’s getting married to someone else. While it may be bizarre to be able to accept that the person you loved so much is getting married to someone else, Margot was able to do it. After all, she knew this was a possibility when she got with Leon. There’s a long history of forced marriages in the family to even hope that they would be spared.
“As soon as possible sana,” she smiled at him, looking down on the steak happily as she munched on it. “Did you get her stuff na?”
“Yeah, dog food and everything else. I got her a cute matching bed with Gaeul, tignan mo mamaya.”
“You sound like a girl-dad na nahshopping spree,” Eli teased, laughing. Leon blushed a little, at the mere thought of them having actual children getting brought up.
“I am a girl-dad na nagshopping spree,” Leon quips. “What are you talking about?”
“Kanina ka pang parang may gusto sabihin,” Eli mentions, sitting on the counter next to the sink as she watches Leon do the dishes, Gaeul now settled in the extra rooms in her comfy little dog bed.
Leon didn’t know how to tell her that it was eating him up everytime he thought of it though it was inescapable. He should just spend as much time with her as possible right? That seemed appropriate to do.
“I was thinking that you should move to the Master’s bedroom—”
“Palit tayo ng kwarto?”
“Timang,” Leon snorted, shaking his head at Eli’s playful response. She knew what he meant though, and she’s not against it. She slept well when he was next to her even though she thought he left when she fell asleep. “Kasama ako s’yempre.”
“Gusto mo lang ako katabi eh,” Eli teased, even playfully pinching his cheek but Leon managed to get a hold of her hand before she could take it back. 
Leon hummed in agreement before kissing the back of her hand softly and placing it on his cheek carefully. The look in his eye was longing, craving to feel any sort of physical touch from Elijah herself as if he was already missing her and he hadn't even left.
“Yea,” he replied, leaning over to wrap his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. “Gusto kitang katabi matulog.”
“Are you okay, Leon?” she asked, concern lacing the tone of her voice as she made him look up at her, eyes looking weary of why Leon seemed so bothered since he got home.
He shook his head honestly, “why?” she follows, holding him by both of his cheeks trying to pry an answer from him.
Why hasn’t he told her? Is he shy? Is he embarrassed? Or was it really just hard to admit to himself that he’s at risk of coming home to something completely different than what he left?
“Papunta kami nila Kuya sa Cebu next week,” he mumbled quietly.
“Anong problema doon?”
“I don’t want to leave you,” he added, saying it truthfully. 
He was expecting her to burst out in laughter and find it funny that he’s reacting this way. He is a grown ass man afraid to miss a girl that’s not even his girlfriend his fiancée lol, it was something funny in his head but it did not seem like that in Eli’s head.
“I’m gonna be alright, Leon,” she let out a soft chuckle.
“4 days rin kasama sila Kuya Santi…” He explained.
“That’s okay. Kuya Santi is maligalig like me, you won’t miss me too much.”
“Hahalikan ba ako ni Kuya Santi, ha?” 
That threw Eli out and finally made her burst into laughter.
“Please don’t kiss my brother,” she giggled before flinging her arms on both sides of his neck to pull him closer in between her legs. “I’m here pa naman.”
Leon hummed, pushing his face dangerously close to hers before asking, “You want me to kiss you instead, ha?”
“If that means you won’t kiss other people sa Cebu, then yes.” That was a bold reply but something expected of Eli. All her generosity aside, Eli liked her favorite things to herself. She was quite territorial when it came to people.
“Not planning on it,” he replied before pressing his lips firmly on hers, mouths immediately molding into the fit of each other’s mouths like it was always made to be there. 
It was wet and hot, Eli could feel her heart pounding against her chest but for once in her life she wasn’t afraid that it was going to be a panic attack, especially when Leon’s cold hands were creeping under her pajama shirt making her gasp. Leon smirks at his plan working, taking the chance to slide his tongue between her parted lips. His brain then goes into a frenzy as her fingertips begin fiddling with the hair on the back of his head. He can’t seem to pull away even if he was slowly running out of breath. Addicted, that’s what he is.
“Kuya Santi won’t kiss you like that, no?” Eli joked when they pulled away, panting because of how long they had been kissing.
“Magtigil ka nga, hindi naman kuya mo ang gusto kong halikan,” Leon shrugged, wiping the wet parts of the side of her lips as he chuckled at Eli’s childishness.
“So, just me?”
 He knows she’s doing it on purpose but the feigned innocence in her face as she asks is admittedly working on him.
“Tara na sa taas, kuhanin mo na ang mga gamit mo sa kwarto mo doon ka sa kwarto natin,” he chuckled, grabbing her by the waist again and carrying her down the countertop.
Eli doesn’t recall how she got there but there she was on Leon’s bed, him already changed in his loose shirt and boxers with hands gripping firmly on her waist from under her shirt while her knees were on either side of his thighs. Their lips sealed together like every second that their lips were an inch apart is a waste of time. 
It was unusual how all of a sudden she was craving his lips like she has been starving, but it only felt right even if it’s Leon...because it’s Leon. 
Stuck in her little paradox, the other person in the equation, Leon, was slowly growing embarrassed of how hard he was growing while his hands roamed around her torso, careful not to go any higher and do something she would be uncomfortable with. He was hesitant to put her in a position she did not want to be in but it seemed like Eli felt differently, when she pulled away and asked something Leon never would’ve thought he’ll ever live long enough to hear, 
“Do you want me to take it off?” she asked, referring to her pajama shirt that was clearly restricting Leon from doing what he’s been wanting to do.
“‘Wag na kung hindi ka komportable,” Leon chuckled at her lightly, pressing a soft kiss of her cheek before she shoots her next question, which ultimately sends Leon’s brain to short circuit.
“Can I move?”
“Can you what—” but before there was a coherent thought formed in his head, Eli shifted to make herself more comfortable before pressing herself hard on him, causing friction to where he needed it most. “Shit, yes, Ellie,” he moaned before capturing her lips once again, hands finding home in her waist once again guiding her movement. “Fuck.”
Eli whines quietly next to his ear, pressing open mouthed kisses behind it as she moves faster, putting more pressure as Leon’s shameless moans fills in the room, even more so when she takes his hand, which still carefully navigated the skin on her back and waist, to her mound, allowing him to squeeze the soft skin on it, thumbing on the already hardened nipple.
“God, baby,” Leon moans, removing his free hand from her waist and finding its way to Eli’s neck to kiss her again, mumbling incoherent praises against her lips before his tongue slots between her lips once again which she willingly gives him permission to do so. “So good for me, Ellie…”
Eli’s hips began to move frantically, chasing her high. Leon practically doing the same, leisuring on the feeling of her soft mound against his hand as she grinded himself against Eli, trying to meet her movements as much as he could.
God. That really just sends Eli’s brain to go haywire too, unable to form any logical form of thought just—Leon. Leon. Leon. Leon. Leon. Leon. Leon—throwing all shame out the window as she shamelessly moaned his name over and over in between longing gasps against his lips while she grinded against his hard-on, realizing how big it was and how safe of a choice it was to not go down that route tonight.
The next thing she knew, as if there was more shame to throw out the window, she was cursing, pleading, even crying for Leon to let her come. 
Leon thought that she didn’t have to but it would be a bigger shame to tell that he wasn’t turned on by it. He loved every second of it, every word leaving her mouth.
“Go on, baby,” he hummed, carefully wiping the tears off her face before he found his hand back on her waist, guiding her to put more pressure as she moved before letting out a string of soft moans.
The mere sound of her moans was embarrassingly enough to finish too.
“Are you okay?” Leon hummed, holding her shivering body against his. All Elijah gave was a quiet nod as she clings to him.
He then caresses the soft hair on her head while the other rubbed circles on the expanse of her back under her shirt. “Sure? I need to hear you say it, Ellie.”
“I’m okay, Leon,” she hummed, nuzzling her face further into his neck.
“Alright, tara na maglinis,” he hummed, kissing the top of her head once again before he carried her up to the bathroom. “I’ll get you clothes, you do your thing, alright?”
Eli nodded at him, still having the same dilated eyes from earlier as Leon closed the door allowing her to clean herself up from her soiled shorts and underwear.
Fuck. That really just happened.
Days went by so quickly, Monet had settled in well with Gaeul and was currently being dropped by in a pet daycare to be watched over and trained in the morning when both Eli and Leon were at work. They’ve also settled in well on who picks up the dogs from daycare. To say the least, in a span of a couple of days, they have been functioning well as furparents and maybe occasionally as a proper couple as well—mostly it was making out and cuddling in the bed while they wait for Eli’s chamomile tea to cool down a bit but the rest really were just looking out for each other—which by the way was a basic thing a human would do if they live in the same roof with someone. 
It was also half because their intimate activities left Eli wondering if there really was more to their relationship long before it was a topic for thought. Leon, on the other hand, was just too focused on keeping it together before he finally leaves, making sure he doesn’t do anything that will cause a drift between them before he leaves.
“Hindi ka man lang magbibilin?” Leon playfully asks, as he leans back on the trunk of Eli’s car that brought all four of them to airport. 
“Basta umuwi ka ng buo at iisa—”
“What do you mean iisa?”
“Baka uwi ka ng may anak na—” 
“May mga anak na ako dito, bakit ako uuwi ng may ibang anak?” Leon playfully flicks her forehead as she rolled her eyes at him. 
“Buntis ka?” Yves looks at her, eyes wide in shock.
“OA,” Eli shrugged at him. “Si Monet at Gaeul ang mga anak. Mukha ba akong capable maging nanay ha?”
“Aba malay ko ba!”
Leon chuckled at their banter. As much as he had the urge to get jealous for how close they seemed, but it’s Architect Yves. He knows how much this person supported her like Santi would have when no one else could. There’s an understanding that they could only look at each other from a sibling light.
“We should go,” Leon smiled, pressing a soft kiss on Eli’s lips before pressing another on her forehead, giving it his all not to let the tears fall. 
“Oh my god, kailangan ba sa harap namin?” Santi complained, pulling Leon away from his little sister before giving her a tight hug. “Kadiri ha!”
“Ingat kayo,” Eli hummed. “Take care of each other, alright?”
“Ingat kuya,” she smiled, giving Yves and Tobi their hugs before they parted. 
The car ride home from the airport to Yang ENT. was quiet, painfully for that matter. The obvious difference of the atmosphere in her car on their way there somehow irked her, like she wasn’t used to silence anymore.
“Ba’t ganyan ang itsura mo?” Ynes asked, chuckling lightly as she went to hug Eli’s sullen figure. “Para kang pinagsakluban d’yan.”
“The office is quiet,” she pouted at her best friend. “Walang mga kuya na magaaway the whole week.”
Truth to be told, while Eli liked her silence, there was something about her brothers’ noise that comforted her. Something about hearing Leon yap about his day sounded like home. The silence now was cold and crisp, something that resembled the silence at home whenever her papa was mad at her for some reason she never really understood even at her big age now.
It’s always been her and the silence. Life out of that was greater than she ever thought she was, now home wasn’t home anymore without the joyful noise that reminded her that it is nice that she is alive.
“Hala si ate ko umiyak,” Ynes chuckles at her bestfriend, engulfing her in a tighter embrace. “Ito naman parang ‘di nag-grade two! Uuwi naman ‘yung mga ‘yon!”
“Uuwi ‘yon, ano ba itong babae na ‘to!” Ynes really tried to maake something light out of the situation but deep inside she knew that this was hard for her. She hasn’t lived in the same roof with her brother for a couple of years now, but they always saw each other at work. It wasn’t a big adjustment for her. Living with Leon now would be another conversation, because this is the first time in a couple days since they made amends that Leon would be away from her.
“Gusto ko sumama sa Cebu, babes,” she cried like a child na iniwan ng magulang. The funny thing was she never cried to her parents after being left at home—she was used to that Elizalde and Soren Yang had always been busy people, being left to caretakers and secretaries was no big deal to her. So why does that right now seem so heavy for her? 
“It’s your first time being loved like that and being left behind, ano?”
Maybe it’s the way that Ynes’ words made her think of it or the way that she was not sure why she really was acting this way, but that made her stop and look at Ynes.
It’s the first time someone that made her very loved had to leave her behind. The first time that someone wasn’t going to be constantly gonna be there for her. And it was different before when Leon left because she didn’t feel that way for him back then. She was far from mature to actually take the time to acknowledge her own feelings when all that happened but it’s different now.
“It’s okay to feel that way, babes,” Ynes smiled at her, squeezing her arm to give her reassurance. “It’s human to miss the people that you love.”
“You think I love Leon?” she asked, slightly tilting her head up to level her sight with Ynes.
“The same way he loves you, Elijah,” Ynes sighs. “Alam kong itatanggi mo nanaman kasi ayaw mong maguilty na kawawala n’yo lang ni Isaac, but Eli, life is not going to end if you hurt Isaac lalo na at hindi rin naman s’ya mabuting tao.”
click here to continue (housemates' gc)
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bratshaws · 8 months
through the hourglass 280. brb x oc
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a/n: EHEHEHEHEH (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: oh honey, so many. rooster is a warning on itself. smut, birthday s3x, those things uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
The party was a success for both of them. Nicole got so many gifts they didn’t know where to put them, her nursery’s space was already limited so they decided to keep in the guest room for the time being.
Beatrice placed everything in there while Rooster’s gifts were in their bedroom. Again, it was very few and simple things; he never really liked extravagant gifts, just thoughtful ones. 
The party had continued well into the evening, with friends and family sharing stories, laughter, and good food. Rooster's friends from the Navy, had shared heartfelt toasts and well wishes.Pete had even made a touching speech, trying so hard not to cry. It was a moment that brought tears to many eyes and a sense of pride to Beatrice.
But now that the night is done with, Beatrice could feel her nerves prickling a bit. Her mother was talking to her, about how long they’d keep Nicole and the dogs, and Rooster - who was helping her clean what was left of the party- looked up. “...Nikki is staying with your parents?”
“Yeah,” she says, trying to appear as casual as she could, “And they are taking the dogs for a weekend retreat if you…can say that.”
Her husband blinked, then furrowed his brows, ‘Oh…alright.” he mutters, “Well…as long it doesn’t bother your parents or Leo.”
“Oh please,Bradley,” Claudia waves her hand, holding a very sleepy Nicole to her chest, “It’ll be fun, Bianca and Éowyn are staying there too, so Nicole won’t be alone…but I do feel she’ll end up sleeping more than playing.”
Beatrice smiled at her mother, appreciative of the support. "Thank you, Mom. It's just for a weekend, and it'll give us some time to prepare and spend time together before Rooster's deployment."
Claudia nodded, her gaze very knowing. "Of course, dear. I know how important these moments are for both of you. Nicole will be in good hands." she smiles more, “Well, if you two need anything, you can always call us,right?”
“Okay, then,I’ll go home with dad and the dogs.” the said dogs were already in Rafael’s car, seated patiently waiting for them, “And…well, you two enjoy the weekend,yes?” Claudia kisses Beatrice’s cheeks, then Bradley’s, waving a sleepy Nicole’s arm towards them, “Bye,bye.”
As Claudia, Rafael, and the dogs departed for their weekend retreat with Nicole in tow, Beatrice couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. She knew that this was an opportunity to spend some quality time alone with Rooster before his deployment.
Rooster stood beside her, his arm wrapped around her waist as they watched their family leave. He gave her a little squeeze, his expression filled with love a. "You okay, Bea?"
Beatrice leaned into his embrace, taking comfort in his warmth. "Yeah, Roos. I’m fine…Nikki is going to be okay too,even if…I’ll miss her and the dogs.”
"I know, baby. I'm going to miss her too.” he hums “But this time together is precious, and we'll make the most of it."
Beatrice turned to look at him, biting her lower lip. "You're right, Roos. We have the weekend, and we'll cherish every moment of it."
“Will we?”
He purses his lips, squinting his eyes just enough to make sure she knows he’s suspicious and intrigued, “...alright.” he licks his lips, sucking air through his teeth then rubbing his thumb against her knuckles, “...you planned this,right? Us spending the weekend here alone?” she shrugs innocently at him, “You are full of surprises.”
“I do try.” she smiles, then cups his face to kiss his lips repeatedly, “Can you…stay in the couch for a little bit, then you come up?”
Rooster chuckled ,propping his hands on his hips as he followed her hips as she walks up the steps. "You're up to something, aren't you, Bea?"
Beatrice feigned innocence, her eyes wide and her lips curving into a mischievous smile. "Who, me? Up to something? I have no idea what you're talking about."
He couldn't help but laugh at her antics, shaking his head. "Alright, I'll play along. I'll stay on the couch for a little bit.But I expect you to fill me in on this surprise later."
She kissed him back, her lips soft and warm against his. "I promise, Roos. You won't be disappointed."
With that, Rooster made his way to the living room, settling down on the couch. Beatrice watched him for a moment, a playful glint in her eye. She had something special planned for their weekend together, and she couldn't wait to see his reaction.
It took some time to get it done, but she managed it.
As Beatrice headed upstairs to prepare for their evening together, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. It was a rare opportunity for them to have time alone, and she wanted to make it unforgettable.
Rooster waited on the couch, his anticipation growing. The living room was bathed in a cozy glow, even if it was already night time the remnants of the day's celebrations lingering in the air.
He taps his hands on the back of the couch, then crosses his legs by the ankles and relaxing on his seat. He could hear her feet moving back and forth in their bedroom and he smiles, rubbing his fingers together out of habit.
When he hears her feet again, he looks back just in time to see something plop down the staircase. He frowns, craning his neck in hopes he could see it better, but it was dark enough that the only thing he knew was that it looked like some type of cloth? “Bea?”
‘Put it on before you come into the room!” she replies, “After you walk up the stairs!”
Rooster raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the request but pushing himself to his feet, the wooden floors underneath him squeaked because of his weight. He tilts his head once he’s close enough, leaning down to grab it and chuckling softly once he notices what it was ,”...a blindfold.” he tries to see through it once he opens it, but to no avail, “Damn this thing…is thick.”
"That's the idea, Roos. Now, blindfold yourself once you reach the door, and I'll guide you to our surprise."
Rooster chuckled, feeling his heart race with anticipation. He held the blindfold to his side, walking up the stairs and trying to figure out if he could hear anything else.
No music.
Just the sound of their house during night time.
He hums,trying to bite back his smile as he approaches the bedroom door. He tries the handle but it’s locked, “...what are you planning,Bea?”
“Is the blindfold on?”
He huffs out a laugh, then secured the blindfold in place, ensuring that he couldn't see anything. Rooster's other senses seemed to sharpen once he was in the dark and the sounds around him got louder almost. He could hear the soft rustle of fabric as Beatrice moved, and he could detect the faint scent of something sweet in the air.
"Alright," Beatrice said, her voice soft yet filled with excitement. "Now, I’m going to unlock the door.”
Rooster nodded, even though he knew she couldn't see his response. It was a peculiar feeling, to be blindfolded in his own home, trusting his wife to lead him to a surprise.
Beatrice unlocked the bedroom door and slowly opened it. Her heart raced with excitement as she approached her husband, who stood blindfolded just outside the bedroom his smirk widening when he heard the door creak.
"Alright, Roos," she said, her voice soft and reassuring. "I'm going to take your hand, and you'll follow me into the room. Trust me, you're going to love this."
Rooster nodded, his trust in Beatrice unwavering. His other senses were heightened by the blindfold, and he could feel her presence as she took his hand. Her touch was warm and gentle, guiding him into the room.
Also…was that lace touching his wrist?
Step by step, Beatrice led Rooster further into their bedroom. She had dimmed the lights, creating a soft and romantic atmosphere. The air was scented with the subtle fragrance of candles, adding to the ambiance. Lavender,obviously.
As they moved forward, Rooster could sense that something soft and comfortable was under his feet. "What's this, Bea?" he asked, curiosity tingling in his voice.
"It's a surprise," Beatrice replied with a playful smile. "You'll find out soon. Just a few more steps."
Rooster continued to trust her guidance, even though his curiosity was piqued. He knew that Beatrice had put thought and care into this surprise, and he was very excited in figuring out what it was.
As Beatrice led Rooster to the center of the room, she released his hand and stepped back. "Okay, Roos. You can take off the blindfold now."
Rooster carefully removed the blindfold, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the soft lighting in the room. When his vision cleared, he found himself standing on a luxurious, oversized, and incredibly soft bed, adorned with silky sheets and plush pillows. The entire bed was decorated with rose petals.
The room was filled with the warm glow of -fake -candlelight, casting a soft, flickering light on the walls and ceiling. The air was infused with the sweet scent of lavender from the candles. 
Rooster's gaze moved around the room, taking in every detail of the romantic setup that Beatrice had prepared. He noticed a bottle of champagne chilling in an ice bucket on a nearby table, alongside two crystal flutes. 
Beatrice watched Rooster's reaction, her heart filled with joy as she saw the surprise and appreciation in his eyes. "Happy birthday, Roos," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "I wanted to create a special and romantic evening for us. A moment for just the two of us."
“...did I just accidentally enter a hotel room?” but he loved it, he was so busy looking around that he hadn’t noticed what she was wearing yet. "Bea, you're incredible," he whispered, "This is beyond anything I could have imagined. How did you even do this?"
“Well…I have my ways.” she smiles, then clears her throat, “You can um…look at me now,Roos.”
Rooster turned his gaze back to Beatrice, and his breath caught in his throat as he finally took in her appearance. 
She stood before him, radiant in a lingerie set that was a beautiful shade of lilac, fitting her like a second skin. It was elegant and designed to enhance her curves, the bra’s neckline slightly plunging and accentuating her collarbone. The intricate lace detailing and subtle beading added a touch of glamour to the attire.
Her long, brown  hair flowed down in soft waves, kissed by the candlelight. It cascaded over her shoulders and down her back, framing her beautiful face. A pair of silver, teardrop-shaped earrings dangled from her ears, glinting in the light.
Rooster stood there, speechless, for a few seconds, then he let out a quiet: "Holy shit.”
A flush of warmth colored Beatrice's cheeks as she held her husband's gaze. She could see the appreciation and longing in his eyes, making her feel even more beautiful and desired. "Thank you, Roos," she said, her voice soft and filled with love. "I wanted this evening to be as special for you as you make every day of my life."
Rooster approached Beatrice, his gaze never leaving her. He reached out and took her hand, a small smile gracing his lips. "Every day with you is special, Bea. You light up my life in ways I can't even express." His fingers brushed against hers, his touch sending a shiver of electricity through her. “...gorgeous you look so beautiful.”
“Well I–”
“Is this…the surprise?”
“Part of it,yeah.” she shrugs, and the movement makes her breasts squish together because of the bra. Rooster’s gaze snaps to it but Beatrice doesn’t care, “The other part is…well…can you blindfold yourself again?”
He is so busy following the lines of delicate lace and fabric on her body that she needs to gently touch his arm for him to actually move. “Ah,right, blindfold.” he is still staring, “Why…why do I need to be blindfolded?”
“It’s part of the surprise.” she smiles, “Please?’
That face of hers is his ruin and he just clenches his jaw trying to hold back the pained groan that almost left his throat, but he nods. He lifts the blindfold to his eyes, but pauses, “Should I remove my clothes first?” he is just wearing one of his Hawaiian shirts, the white tee, and his jorts, it wasn’t like he was wearing his flight suit but he still had to ask.
Beatrice smiles, shaking her head - the movement making her hair flutter on her shoulders and over her eyes, “No, don’t worry,I’ll handle it.” and he shuddered over those words. His pupils were blown so wide but he plopped down on the edge of the bed, breathing in and out slowly as he brought the blindfold to his eyes.
The second he wraps it on his head, he can hear everything at once all over again. It’s an explosion to his senses but it’s so very exhilarating to be part of something like this.
He pays attention to Beatrice, in fact he cannot…hear Beatrice. He furrows his brows behind the blindfold, lips parting to call her name but he stops when he feels his shirt rolls down his arms and onto the bed, her soft,minty breathing is touching the back of his neck, “It’s okay Roos.” she whispers in his ear and he shivers.
Rooster’s mouth is still parted, but now for very different reason. It was like his body was on fire which wasn’t that different from what they normally did. “Now,Roos.” her hands slide under his shirt and his back arches because they are a bit cold and slippery, like she rubbed something on them, “I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen this weekend. There’s only me and you here, we’ll be alone until four in the afternoon tomorrow.”
Fuck he loved when her voice got breathy like that.
He nods, signaling that he was listening to her, “I…will let you decide if you want to keep the blindfold on and let me handle things or…if you want me to have it on and then you can do whatever you want.” his pants felt tighter, his member jumped inside his briefs, “Whatever you’d like…it’s your birthday after all.”
His chest moves slowly as he breathes in and out, tongue peeking out to lick his lips, ‘...can I…have both?”
“But we’ll do by parts?” she stops her hands and he can see the tilt of her head when he suggests that even if his eyes were covered, “We’ll start tonight with me wearing it and then…we’ll do it with you tomorrow.” he licks his lips again, ‘As long as you let me take my clothes off,I’m melting here, Bea.”
Beatrice stares at him, cheeks flaming and eyes going wide but again,should she be so surprised with her husband? After all this time, “Well…I can do that.” she barely has time to finish her sentence when Rooster stands up, back still turned to her, and pulls out his shirt and jorts, leaving him only with his underwear on.
He is back down in an instant and Beatrice has to say she loves how the light from the fake candles his every contour and muscle on his body, how she could see the tiny scars and freckles on his skin like this…like little stars on a bronze colored sky. “Okay…” he sighs, “What now?”
“Now,” and she pushes him on the bed, giving him time to get comfortable, leaning down to kiss around his mouth and his cheeks instead of his lips, “I can pamper you how you deserve to be pampered.”
“Hmhm, you bet,handsome.” she giggles, running her hand through the dark brown tresses and chewing her lower lip, thinking what she’d like to do first, “Let’s see…” and she runs her finger over his length that’s straining against the black fabric of his briefs, she hears the sharp intake of breath and smiles wider, “I know how to begin.”
“Mhm.” she leans down once more, he feels the tips of her hair touching his chest and her lips soon followed, pressing open mouthed kisses to his skin, nails dragging on his sides and he just grunts out,happily, when her mouth reaches his navel.
Her lips were soft, just like the rest of her, and he can feel them nibble down on the elastic of his underwear, slowly dragging it down,slowly exposing more of him to the night air. He gasps out in relief when his cock springs out, one of his hands coming up to brush his fingers through her hair, “Fuck…gorgeous.” she giggles back at him and he can feel she’s adjusting herself.
He’s half expecting her to put him in her mouth, but she doesn’t, at least not yet. What he does feel however, is her hand gently caressing him from the base to tip in a twist motion that honestly if he wasn’t already seeing only darkness, he’d possibly black out. Something about having the vision gone made this ordeal so much more pleasurable than he expected.
She goes down then up, giving the flushed head enough love before repeating the motions, all the while Rooster is squirming and clenching his hands on the sheets. The one closer to her face just tries to find her lips, thumb touching the soft flesh and she parts her mouth so he can plop his finger in. “Fuuuckkk…” his legs were tensing up and he has to adjust his body so he doesn’t orgasm right then and there.
It’d be a bit embarrassing,right on his birthday?
She hums happily around his finger, letting him pop it down and rest on the side of her mouth as she speeds her movements, the gentle squelching of the precum sticking to her hands and his member was louder than he expected, “Bea…” he calls,still touching her face and feeling how her cheek flexed with a smile when he whispered that out. “Are you going to suck me off,baby?”
“Hmmm…maybe.” she says, “Would you like me to?”
“You know I do.” he says, but her hand continues the motion, speeding, then slowing down, but keeping the twisting movement until he’s almost hallucinating behind the blindfold. He’s already covered in sweat and it’s been minutes. “G-Gorgeous, fuck.”
Beatrice bites her lower lip, flicking her hair to the side and dragging his hand down to her chest where he can feel the gentle,delicate lace touching his calloused palm, “Okay.” and she disappears from his hold. He blinks behind the fabric, trying to figure out where she was now.
He could hear the bed squeaking and he could feel her parting his legs for a little bit, then he cranes his neck back with a deep groan escaping his mouth because she pushes her breasts down and around his member.
She hasn’t removed the bra, so she’s tight just enough and by God that does feel incredible. He can’t see, but the feeling of her skin around him is just so incredible all he can do is groan and moan in pure raw pleasure.
He moves his hips and his legs hit the bottom of her breasts, which then adds to the pressure around him. Rooster is already loving this and it’s only part one of the surprise? Oh he’s in heaven. He could die right now and be happy. He calls her name quietly only for it to be distorted when he feels her lips wrap around his head every time he pushes up.
It’s gentle, just her lips going ‘pop’ ‘pop’ every time he moves up, sucking enough to make him feel the pressure around the flushed head. Rooster is losing his mind, his mouth is parted, his body is covered with sweat and he cannot see her face.
But somehow, imagining what she looked like was even better than he thought. He’s just doing what his instincts tell him to do and right now they are telling him to keep moving. Soon enough,Beatrice just lets him lead and keeps her breasts static, giggling while licking and touching his member when he was close to her mouth.
He was about to explode, but he stops suddenly, clenching his hands and his teeth with an annoyed groan, “Fuck!” it surprises her and she almost feels he got hurt, but no, he’s trying to hold himself back, “Baby you have to– I want to fuck you.” he gasps, trying his best to not convulse on the spot.
Beatrice slowly straightens herself and Bradley gasps roughly, fingers twitching because that last pull on his cock almost made him lose it. But he held himself together the best he could. He didn’t know what she was planning, but he waits oh so patiently for her to do so.
So, when he hears the sound of a thong elastic hitting her skin, followed by the soft sound of something else touching the floor, he smiles. He adjusts himself the best way that he can, and he waits.
“Get comfy LC.”
“Oh,I am,don’t you worry.”
Beatrice chewed her lower lip, she was honestly so proud of his restraint, she didn’t think he’d manage to get this far…but oh well, she knew Rooster. And when he liked something, he really did. So she pondered, chewing the side of her thumb as she looked down at his flushed, twitchy member. “C’mere.” he’s almost begging, “C’mere.”
“I’m going.” she says, thinking what best way to– oh. Oh. Great idea. She moves over to the bed and climbs on his lap. She doesn’t give him enough time to breathe when she slides him into her core and that is enough to make both of them gasp.
But she’s not done.
She breathes quietly, licking her lips as she leans back supporting herself on her hands, stretching her torso a little bit more. She waits until she’s sure she’s not going to hurt him and crosses one leg over the other while keeping herself upright. The feeling was outwardly for both of them.
That just pushed her legs together against her pubic mound, while for him, it squeezed him even  more and she was so very proud of that idea. Because Rooster growled out her name like he was a starving man trying to get a bite. She knows she has to be slow, she didn’t want to lose balance while moving.
So it was slow at first, plus she didn’t know how long she could handle this before her legs started to cramp up, moving up and down. Her ass touched his legs and she grinned when his hands tried to find her calves so he could hold.
But when he didn’t, his brows furrowed. Oh he loved that, but he didn’t liked when he couldn’t touch her like he does.”Y-You can take, the b-blindfold off.” she whispers and he whips it out so fast his hair is all askew. He has to get used to his surroundings again, pupils widening and shrinking before he finds her.
Something about that pose, the way she was moving…it was so regal and sensual and Rooster could only watch, mouth parted and body ready to combust as she waves her hips and moves up and down. It’s his new favorite, even if it did look a bit complicated, he loved that, “Fuuuck…baby….”
“Fuck.” he can touch her outer thighs, so he does with one hand only, the other is holding onto the pillow for dear life.  Since they are both alone now, neither of them had to be quiet, and they weren’t.
God help them if they saw their neighbors this week because it’d be awkward.
He grunts happily, eyelids low and mouth parting in a proud grin when she moves her body up and down on his length, breasts bouncing ever so slightly because of the impact against his legs. Rooster is just on cloud nine, he cannot stop watching even if he so desired, “Fuck…baby…”he knows he cannot last much longer, but he doesn’t want this to end. “Baby you are so good right now.” the lovely clench isn’t lost to him, oh, Bea and her weakness for dirty talk, “You take me so well and you look so good on top of me.”
Another clench and her hips move just a bit faster, her eyes unfocused. 
He moves his own hips up and the movement makes Beatrice throw her head back in a loud moan, her could see her feet twitch at the sudden touch but he doesn’t stop, “You take my cock so fuckin’ well, your pussy was just made for me gorgeous. I fuckin’ love how it always get so wet,” his eyes follow a dribble that slid down his shaft and disappeared between his legs, “And so hot for me.”
Beatrice whimpers, leaning back down even more, almost as if she’s lying on the bed but keeping herself a bit higher with her arms, “F-Fuck,Roos!” she moves her hips more and she could feel how this pose was taking it’s toll on her, she couldn’t keep her legs crossed much longer because it was starting to hurt.
And he noticed, because he just tapped her thigh and slowly helped her uncross them. His eyes landed on her center, swallowing him,pushing forward then backwards, “Fuck I never get tired of this fuckin’ view.”
He pushes himself up a bit, then manages to sit up and wrap his arms around her waist, pulling her upwards to their chest are touching and their mouths are inches away. He smiles, deliriously just like she was, his hands tangling in her hair as her own hands go up to his golden brown strands, “Yeah,baby,yeah.” he says, keeping the movement of their hips and using his navel to brush up against her clip, “Yeah,I’m here,I’m here,I’m gonna make you cum so hard right now,hm? You want that right?” 
She nods, closing her eyes finally and suddenly forgetting to speak.
Rooster would make her say it but…they had the whole Sunday to continue this, and they were both already enjoying this so, he slides his hand between the two and finds her clit. He just pushes into it, just a gentle touch and Beatrice screams.
Her screaming almost cracks the glass if he can say so and her entire body goes rigid as her orgasm hits like a bullet train. Bradley, by seeing her like that, feels his own orgasm ripping through him and through gritted teeth he groans in relief.
Both of their hips are still moving because of aftershocks, and their legs hurt just a little bit but they are waiting until their bodies calm down to finally stop. He watches the sheen cover her breasts and body, making her skin turn into a crystal almost, what was the one she had on the window? Rose quartz? Something like that, pink and shiny. He gasps out, throwing his head back and shaking it once he’s able to control himself, ‘...holy shit.”
His wife is soft in his hold, back still bent and body stretched for him to see, but her legs are on each side of his, ‘...baby, you okay?” he tries and Beatrice’s hands drop on her eyes as she tries to come back to answer his question.
“Y-Yeah.” she says, slowly lifting her head, hair sticking to her cheeks and temples,”I-I’m fine…are you?”
He chuckles, in disbelief, “...baby, I’m great.” he smirks, tucking the sweaty strands behind her ears and then cupping her cheek. She leans into his hand and his heart melts immediately, “Tired?’ she nods, “A good tired?’ she smiles and nods again, “...thank you for this.I like the first part of my gift.”
“I’m glad.” she grins, looking up at him, those green eyes shining like the cleanest of the oceans, “I…I really wanted to make something special for you,Roos.”
“I know.” he grins, “And you did, baby. You sure did.”
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judgementdaysunshine · 10 months
Bianca Belair pls
Sudden visit
Pairing: Bianca Belair x Fem reader
Description: You surprise your girlfriend by flying to where she was staying while in her match
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Bianca smiles after hanging up the phone, you had called her as she was getting changed into her ring gear before her match talking to you until she had to go out for her match. You giggle and squeal in excitement sitting in her hotel room without her knowing it, you had flown in to surprise her knowing what hotel she was at getting the receptionist to give you a key card to her room after explaining to her that she was waiting for you and told you to ask the front desk for a key card to the room, you keep an eye on the time as you watch tv and leave the room grabbing food as the last twenty minutes ticks by knowing that once the event went off the air after the last match she would be on her way back to the room feeling the excitement slowly bubble up and ooze out of you as you eat and wait laying in bed while a movie mindlessly plays for background noise. You hear the door open standing quietly, you burst out laughing at her stunned look when she turns around to see you a few feet away in front of her before she's squealing in her hands and lifting you in her arms "Oh my god babyyy what are you doing here?! I thought you were at home or with your mom!" you laugh as she sets you down sharing a deep kiss that leads to multiple ones before she stops "I gotta shower I am sweaty" you smack her butt as she gets up making her yelp and you laugh before she is showering while humming winking at her as she walks out in a towel to pick a pair of clothes to change to but you put a stop to that by lightly running your fingers across her neck sending chills down her spine and goosebumps form as you begin to kiss and lightly nip at her neck before turning her around into a passionate, fiery, and heated kiss throwing her towel across the room before your in between her legs leaving her a mess moaning in a pillow before she suddenly grabs and switches positions. Soon the two of you are smiling while panting quickly, you both shower the sweat off and lay back in bed eating take out from door dash while watching a movie together "Thank you for coming here baby, I can't believe you're actually here" you share a kiss as you both lay down after the movie ends and reruns of Cheers played "I love you sweetie" she holds your hands after wrapping your arms around her waist and your head a few inches behind her head placing a soft kiss on her neck followed by her the sensitive spot behind her ear and temple "I love you baby girl" you smile feeling her breathing even out and slow until you were asleep a few seconds later on.
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apoptoses · 9 months
WHY did Anne not include Daniel and Thorne in Marius’ painting at the end of Blood Communion?? Did she just forget??
The fact that she didn’t include Tarquin Blackwood and Mona Mayfair I already expected, because it was plain she did not want to follow up on their story’s at all because she disregarded their characters completely in the first two prince Lestat books (while introducing 200 new characters who I personally didn’t care about)
But did she literally just forget Thorne and Daniel? Daniel!!! He was kind of the reason the VC came into existence, is he not? And Thorne! Who even has actual lines in last three books!?
I love Anne’s writing dearly but some choices she has made regarding these books are utterly incomprehensible to me. I’ll never understand.
Ah man, I hate it too but I feel like there were a lot of reasons. And idk if you wanted to mutually vent or wanted my Actual Thoughts but I always kinda look at it like-
Anne sucked at continuity lol Which happens if you're writing a series for over 40 years! Lestat's eyes have been blue and grey and violet, his age has mortal age changed, and he was her top blorbo so like you'd think she'd nail down the facts about him perfectly? But sometimes she goofed or changed stuff. Which is why I never sweat too hard about exact canon facts, if Anne herself didn't have perfect continuity and I can make up a reason for a little change that makes sense in my narrative idgaf I'm gonna do it.
I think Daniel was hard for her in the same way Louis was hard for her- they both are avatars of dark times in her life. Louis was her depression over her own daughter's death, Daniel she poured her struggles with alcoholism into. And I can get her side lining them both because of not wanting to revisit that headspace and those memories. Which sucks for fans of those characters but it is what it is.
I also get the impression that she didn't really know what to do with a mentally healthy vampire that doesn't have shitloads of baggage? Like when Daniel comes out of his rough years in PL he's really on top of things, and Anne's happy place is developing new tragic backstories so...for better or worse that's what she did lol
And re: the hundreds of new characters, there's a whole chapter in Conversations with Anne Rice where she talked about wanting to explore the stories of mature adults, specifically older men. The loss of her father weighed heavily on her and drew her to create characters like David Talbot, and to lean harder into the story of guys like Marius who was 40-something in mortal body but thousands of years old in spirit. So you really see that with her later books, outside of Benji and Sybelle (who also get sidelined) and Rose and Viktor (who...same) she zero'd in on older vampires because that's what held her interest.
NOT THAT I DON'T ALSO HATE IT, I mean, obviously Daniel is a top favorite of mine. So take all of that, add in the fact that she didn't really use an editor and thus did exactly what she wished for all her work, and I think the conclusion is that she just lost interest/couldn't get a story going for them and so she left them out of the mural.
But god do I feel your pain, my kingdom for more content about established characters like Daniel, Bianca, Riccardo, Thorne and less random characters that didn't have enough page time to really develop 😢
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korizzybee · 1 year
|| Something New || Chapter 1: Kendra Sullivan ||
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(If you don’t know already this is an OC story pls go look at the info)
Currently reading: C.1
Next chapter (WIP)
Okay let’s do this the right way, my name is Kendra R. Sullivan. I’m 14 years old, and I was bitten by a radioactive spider on the way home from ballet practice. During the time I’ve been SpiderWoman, or as the people from my town call me, StarSpider, I’ve been through a lot.
I’ve fallen in love, been in MANY near death situations, lost my mother, Bianca and my uncle Benji in a car accident, and lost my best friend, Suzy Carter in a fire accident. I was adopted by my aunt, Mary Johnson, and was given the billions of dollars left in my name by my parents.
I currently live a life of luxury with my aunt and for the last 2 years I’ve been the one and only SpiderWoman…or that’s what I thought. A couple months ago I was recruited to join the Spider Society by a man named Miguel, even though I was young, he saw great potential in me.
He told me I had what it took to help him out with protecting the multiverse. Of course I HAD to accept, I mean not only did I get a cool watch that I could travel to many different multiverses with, but I was also not alone.
That amazing event is what led us to today…
“Kenny! It’s time to get up for school you’re going to be late!” I heard my Aunt May call out to me from downstairs. I groggily opened my eyes and looked at my alarm clock, ‘7:43 AM?!’ I thought. “Coming Auntie!” I yelled, rushing to get out of bed as fast as I could, making me trip over my blanket and fall on the floor. “Ow…” I groaned slightly.
“Is everything okay up there!” My aunt yelled from the kitchen. “Yes ma’am!” I yelled back. The maid, Darla, came running in to my room, she helped me off the ground. “Oh dear, Ms. Sullivan, you sure are a clumsy one.” She said with a soft voice and kind smile. I loved Darla, she was like a mother to me, most of the time my aunt would be out working, so Darla would be the one taking care of me. Plus, Darla was the only one who knew about me being StarSpider…
I giggled at her words as she pulled my uniform out of my closet and handed it to me. As I got dressed, Darla was packing my bag and making sure I had everything I needed for both school and ballet practice. “Ms. Sullivan, you’ll need to leave school early today around 12:45 to be at practice. Ms. Johnson had scheduled you an extra practice so that you will be ready for your ballet solo this Saturday.”
I nodded at her words, “Got it, by the way, I’ve told you many times to just call me Kendra.” I sighed, a fake annoyed tone showing through my voice as she placed my cardigan on me. “Sorry,” she said softly with a small chuckle, “force of habit.” I rolled my eyes playfully at her, she sat me down on the bed and placed my brown loafers on my feet. “Well, I hope you one day get out of the habit.” I replied with a playfully snarky tone.
Anyone who didn’t know me would’ve thought that I was actually being rude to Darla, but I would never. Darla is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met, and yea I might be short tempered sometimes, but never to Darla, I’m always patient with her. “Come on Kendra!” I heard my Auntie yell, “It’s fine to go!” “Okay! Okay!” I yelled back, slightly annoyed she was rushing me. Darla put my lunch in my bag and placed my bag on my shoulders before hurrying me downstairs.
“Darla, please take her to school, it’s too late for me to now. I have a meeting with my boss, I won’t be back until late tonight.” She informed Darla before pressing a kiss on my cheek. “Auntie!” I whined, “I’m not a little girl anymore! You don’t need to give me cheek kisses every time you leave!” I softly argued. She giggled softly, pinching my cheek gently, “You’ll always be a little girl to me, my little girl, now have a good day at school.” She said as Darla and I left the house.
Looking out the window of the car, I see building passing by, or more accurately, us passing by the buildings. New Orleans was a big city after all, it’s always an adventure and sometimes there’s always a lot of traffic. Today, fortunately, there wasn’t any. “Make sure you work extra hard today, you have an algebra exam next week. Besides, it’s important you work harder because you’re a grade ahead.”
Darla said, keeping her eyes on the road. I just turned 14 in the summer, really, I’m still supposed to be in the eighth grade. Since I’m so smart though, I was able to skip seventh grade. Many people say I get my smarts from my dad, he graduated college at 18. I sighed, leaning back in my seat, “I know Darla, you tell me this with every exam each school year.”
I said with a bored sigh, but I know Darla was just looking out for me. “Sorry,” she said apologetically, “you know how I feel about this. I think you should be in a class with the rest of the eighth graders, but this was your decision to skip that grade so I have no choice but to comply.” She said. “I understand, I know you’re just looking out for me.” She turned and looked at me, smiling a bit.
The car stopped in front of the school, I stepped out of the car. “Have a good day Kendra.” She said, blowing me a small kiss. I pretended to catch it and place it on my heart. “Thanks, bye Darla.” I said to her, grabbing my bag and heading inside of the school. When I walked inside, a bunch of kids were staring at me. I was the youngest at the school, everyone there was either already 15-18 or turning 15 this year.
I had literally just turned 14 four months ago! This was a private school filled with snobby rich kids with nothing better to do than hate on others just trying to live their lives. I looked at the time on my phone, ‘8:15 AM,’ I thought to myself. Class started in 5 minutes, my senses went off, something told me this was going to be a terrible day….
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punishing-eden · 1 year
congratulations for reaching the milestone 🫂. If you write for Rossetta,Qu and Bianca , may i request them with a commandant that are very strict during work,but very affectionate in private with them? Take your time <3
Author's note:
Ah, thank you 💓💓.
I, unfortunately, don't have Rosetta, but I will do my best with this one. Bc Qu is also my favourite 😭😭. Her design is so good... Pls buff her already!
A Strict Commandant is a Good Commandant...
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Rosetta, Qu and Bianca headcanons
Not beta read
You were the top graduate of the F. O. S Military Command College. The Commandant of the elite squad: Grey Ravens. Some rumored, you are the top candidate of Prisdent Hassen.
Through and through, everyone and constructs finds you impressive and intimating. Your methods are diligent, strict and a person focus on delivery; while on the battle field.
People wondered, how is it that your bond with your constructs, despite your attitude was strict professional, get along so well...
Qu (Pavo)
When Qu first worked with you, she was surprised by how strict you were.
She followed your every demand and level of performance without problems. In which, she has the same sentiment at the very start.
Both you and her get along during work as Qu see thing see things eye to eye with you.
Although during after hours, Qu was a little confused. How should she carry herself when you, had become more relax and warm towards her.
A stark contrast when in the battle field.
At first, she tries to get you to explain why could you be so relaxed during off hours. (She believes one should work 24/7 for something).
"Everyone needs a break. Don't you take breaks too?" you smiled.
Qu recalls how she took a 3 minute break back in Kowloong, and felt bad about it. However, you kept on reassuring her.
"Earth won't fall if you take a 3 minute break." you teased.
It would take her some time to be convinced and soon learn how to relax during off hours. You offer to do her some favours, making her feel comfortable with the concept of relaxation.
With favours, she would ask you to brush through her hair from time to time.
Bianca (Zero)
As the Grey Ravens and Purifying Squad's missions intersect more and more, Bianca had got use to working with you.
She keeps everything professional and appreciates the fact you are just as professional.
She thinks your judgement is fair. Although, sometimes your opinions does get her interested.
Your opinions had given her many insights. She had used what she learn from you and applied it to her job. Opening to more routes and methods.
Bianca places a lot of trust in you, given how fair and dillient you take on each situtation.
Despite her own nature, Bianca does have her troubles during missions. Sometimes she would be in a very messy situtation, not knowing how she could go about it.
Her first thought was to go to you, hoping you could give her insight or advice.
It does not surprise her at all when she saw how relax you were in your office. Everyone has two sides. It's normal.
While, you were causal with her, Bianca seems to be indifferent with her attitude. Still quite aloof and professional, however, she does have a softer tone when she speaks with you in private.
From then on, she held you in a higher regard. She thinks you are the prefect candidate; able to make a balance between strictly professional, and causal.
She opt to do the same towards her team.
Rosetta (Rigor)
Felt a little unsure, Rosetta opt to follow all of your orders to the tee when she first join your team.
Seeing how demanding and strict you are, Rosetta thinks that settling in Babylonia wouldn't be too hard.
Because being a Forest Guard, she was use to the harsh conditions and expectations of the Artic Route Union. Hence, she believe working with you will be no different.
Although, deep inside she wishes she could find company to be with, if she were to stay in Babylonia for a long while.
Out of everyone, Rosetta wouldn't have expected to find company in you, the strict Commandant of Babylonia.
You went to find Rosetta one day to gift her a scarf you got during winter. "Hey, Rosetta, I got you something." you said.
She was a little shock to see you smiling warmly at her. At first she didn't know how to response whenever you talk to her in private.
Because you sound so different compare to when you are in the battle field. But she slowly opens herself up to you. Finding you company pleasant.
Rosetta likes to share her interests in childish games and animation. You decided to indulge her in her interest.
Needless to say, your kindness has earned you loyalty from Rigor.
... People always wonder, how you could have possible get on certain constructs' good side. There has to be some secrets. Was it programming? Bribing?
However, this conversation gets shut down quickly, because whenever these certain rumors get brought up a few certain constructs would be ready to prove them wrong.
(C) Punishing-eden
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desertfangs · 10 months
If nobody asked, Daniel for the send character stuff 👀 If already done, Bianca?
Thank you so much for the ask! I did Daniel here (sorry for the link but it's kind of long so I don't want to copy it in.)
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi but likes softness a lot. Soft breasts, soft hands, soft lips… 
Gender Headcanon: I see Bianca as pretty feminine.
A ship I have with said character: Armand/Bianca. I mean, I don’t ship in the sense that I think they should be together 4ever but I like them together. She’s a soft place for him to land. (My goodness I am using the word soft too much. I don’t mean to imply she can’t hold her own, we all know she can.) 
A BROTP I have with said character: Daniel! Look I know I keep putting Daniel but I think he’s a good bro for a lot of these people. He’s easy-going and loves to get to know people. But with Bianca I think they have a ton in common actually, and would have a lot of fun hanging out at a club together or going to see a bad movie and using the Mind Gift to share commentary back and forth. I think they’d be great at ganging up on Armand when he’s being stubborn. 
A NOTP I have with said character: None. Let her do what she wants. 
A random headcanon: I think Bianca is super into those romantic reality shows. Love is Blind, Married at First Sight, The Bachelor/Bachelorette. She gets really invested and probably convinces others to watch with her so has someone to talk to about them. 
And this isn’t a headcanon but I really want to know more about the fledgling she had and lost. That’s such a tragic thing and I want to know the story. 
General Opinion over said character: I love Bianca! I’m glad she appears in PL but like so many of them, I wish we’d gotten more time with her and more about what she’d been up to and been through. I do think she and Armand have a lot of catching up to do and I think her sense of humor and charm will appeal to Daniel so I hope she’s a frequent guest at TG and someone they hang around with when at Court.
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riccismy-life · 1 year
Pls pls do some dark Marilyn x fem reader! Preferably smutty 🫣
Maybe reader is a student.. failing Marilyn’s class and Marilyn wants to teach a lesson to the reader..
Description: You are Marilyn's student and you fail her class, she teaches you an important lesson.
TW: Mommy Kink, Lesbian Sex, Toys, Sexual Punishment, Very Light Clit Spanking, Dominant Tones.
You were in Miss Thornhill's Botanical Sciences class, she was handing out the reports she was saying them out loud. Although she was good and kind, her class was one of the hardest if you weren't a big fan of plants, especially carnivorous ones.
"Well, I want to start by saying that as always, the best in the class were Bianca and Wednesday... but most of them got good grades." she said and the aforementioned girls showed a glint of pride. "The rest, I'll tell you the grades now." , so I want you to be quiet while I say your grades" he asked sitting at the desk full of plants.
As I was saying the notes you felt more and more nervous, you definitely weren't the best in the class and lately your performance had dropped a lot. Marilyn had called you several times after school to give you detention and get you to complete your homework but you hadn't improved enough.
The redhead said all the grades except yours, her anxiety was eating away inside and out because she didn't know if you had passed her class.
In the end, when she said goodbye to everyone until the next year she looked at you directly and called “Y/N, stay.” She ordered herself softly “I have to discuss some important matters with you”.
You nodded silently and waited for all your classmates to leave the classroom, Marilyn approached you and sat down at one of the desks.
The redhead took off her glasses with a weary sigh and placed them on the table, her weight resting on the wood. "I mean I'm pretty disappointed in you." Her words were like a knife to your stomach, she was a figure of some sort. maternal to you but in a much more twisted and attractive way"It was expected that you would fail my class, but I did not want it to be so. Although I must admit that you have improved in recent weeks and I appreciate that, your performance was not enough for me. to approve of you, darling" he scolded softly.
"I'm sorry," you said, your voice sounding childish.
"I'm sorry too." She admitted "But I'm tired of your little effort, I talked to Weems and your parents, you'll stay the summer with me as your temporary tutor and I'll help you improve your grades by hook or by crook. I can be pretty strict if I want it that way."
"Okay..." you whispered.
"For now, I want you to get naked and lean over my desk" she ordered and you were too surprised. Had she really said that?
"I-I..." you whispered uncertainly.
"You what?" he sneered "Didn't you hear me? I told you to get naked and lean over my desk, Y/N. Don't make me repeat it honey" he said and you swallowed and then did what I told you. tidy.
You started taking off your clothes layer by layer, your body trembled with excitement and you felt excited by the whole situation. When you were in your underwear Marilyn approached you and put her hand on your hips, she pulled you towards her making you moan from the power struggle and she let out a small giggle.
"I've noticed how you look at me in class, Y/N. You always look so self-absorbed looking at my boobs or butt, the way you blush when I scold you in class for staring at me too much. Always thinking about the ways you Mommy could have you, huh?" you moaned loudly opening your mouth a little "So desperate for my fingers inside you."
"P-please..." you begged.
Marilyn pulled you and your back collided with her desk, in an agile movement she lifted you on top of the desk and spread your legs.
The redhead caressed your inner thighs and you stifled a moan, she took the waistband of your panties and pulled them to leave your wet pussy fully exposed, her fingers cupped your sex and you saw stars.
“Mhmm…is someone a lewd slut for mommy?” she scoffed at herself.
You moved your hips in search of more, you wanted her fingers inside you desperately.
"Answer me, whore" the redhead spat, slapping your clit, you screamed in surprise and felt your arousal build more and more, your juices dripping down your trembling thighs.
"Y-yes mommy.. I'm a slut to you.." you said, your voice sounding breathy and your breathing ragged.
"You're pathetic, look at you... you're a mess and we haven't even started my little bitch" she spoke.
"Please fuck me mommy... I need you so much, I want you to ruin me" you begged, your breasts rising and falling in a ragged breath, Marilyn dragged her thumb to your clit and started making furious circles, you moaned and your legs were shaking.
Her fingers plunged into you furiously making the most sinful sounds as she went, you moaned and gasped as her fingers healed.
They surged into you and you arched your back, you felt so close to your orgasm but Marilyn stopped in a moment.
The redhead moved a bit away from you and she searched all over her desk for an object. Without realizing it, you were surprised when she introduced a vibrator inside your tight sex and you moaned, your cheeks felt pink and embarrassment flooded your extremely excited body.
She pumped her toy in and out of you as she said the sinfulest things in her ear, her gaze fixed on your desperate, needy face. Your body felt like it was created for her and you loved the feeling of being taken by her.
“Who do you belong to, Y/N?” She asked you, powering up her toy.
Tears of overexcitement fell down your face.
"Tell me whose you are, you little bitch" she commanded.
"Yours..." you whispered weakly.
"Uh-hum.." she tutted and shook her head "that's not how you should answer little one, tell mommy who you belong to" she spoke up and you knew what she wanted.
"I'm yours.. mommy, I'm only yours and no one else's... oh please I'm so close.. I need to cum, please mommy" you begged and she smiled at you in a way you never thought you'd see coming from her.
"Then come for mommy darling" she spoke to her and you felt yourself reaching your orgasm.
"What a nice girl" the redhead praised amusedly and she took the toy out of her while you collected yourself.
You felt your cheeks burn at the praise and got off the desk.
"Who gave you permission to get off?" the redhead raised an eyebrow and you swallowed.
"I'm sorry..."
"Come back up" she commanded her "did you think she was done with you?" She laughed "that was just the warm up darling."
You nodded without really knowing what awaited you and you put yourself back in your place waiting for the unknown.
This was going to be a very long day.
Hello! how are you?... okay I want to post here more fics from Laurel Gates or Marilyn Thornhill x Daughter! reader (so if you have ideas or requests you can leave them here they would be helpful!
@marilynthornhill @marilynthornhillsimp12 @marilynthornhilllover
@cursedbambii @c-lyn4ever @leonorasbabygirl @thisismejessiep
@christinasriccinumberonefan @christinarricci @karlaestrella
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silverwashi · 1 year
Just got home from a 7 hour drive. Ugh. I’m so tired. But real quick before I fall asleep, I watched the hunger games the other day and ever since all I’ve been thinking about is Nico. So here’s some things I’ve been thinking of the past few days.
Nicos reaped at 13. The youngest victor in history. The capitals darling, their little Angel of Death. When he’s 16 he declines a random ass interview because it’s Biancas 17th birthday. A few months later she’s reaped and he knows it was his fault.
Bianca allies herself with Percy and Annabeth. Star-cross lovers from another district and she dies in Percy’s arms.
The year after Nico’s reaped again.
Percy chooses him as his and Annabeths’ ally. Mainly out of guilt and obligation. Even if Nico’s survived the games before- he’s 3 years younger than them and Biancas little brother to boot. Annabeth doesn’t trust him, thinks he’s bidding his time to get rid of them for killing his sister. But Nico knows the Capitol, knows Percy and Annabeth are victims just like him and his sister.
Nico is 17 when he joins the rebellion. The same age Bia died.
I have many more thoughts about this au. Including but not limited to Hazel taking Johannas place as the victor without any loved ones who openly detests the capital. & Reyna and Jason as deserters from the capital.
In a world where I wasn’t first and foremost a Nico stan this would probably be Perc*beth but there’s probably a bunch of hunger games fics with them so I’m thinking Percico. Just for the added pain of them being a forbidden romance because of how much the rebellion is fueled by Perc*beth. But also Percy and Nico in that Finnick deleted scene with the rope??? I die.
Anyways this works extra well with Percy as Katniss. Having volunteered for Tyson. Mainly because I don’t think he’d be as willing to play the game as Peeta is, specifically because of how he interacts with the gods. I think he could play Peetas role just like I think Annabeth could be Katniss. But I think it’s best if it’s a bit of a role reversal. Percy as the one who everyone immediately adores, Annabeth fighting tooth and nail to prove herself just as capable.
Pls excuse any mistakes I’m a little delirious- thanks 🫶
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OH HECK YEAH!!! So happy to see another weirdcore/dreamcore story writer. (Lol I just never tag my stories with those tags for some reason). I am sorry if it has already been answered earlier on, but is it alright if you can give a description of some of your characters' looks? I kinda want to try to draw them, if that's okay, but as I searched through the posts you made about it, I only saw a few pictures, so if you did post descriptions they might be a bit far down. Pls and thank you!
Have a nice day/night/whatever time it is for you! 😊
I'd love to provide some descriptions! I you do end up drawing them, I would also love to see the results. Here are some descriptions:
Appearance: Is mostly human-shaped, but their body is completely made up of scribbles in black ink. These scribbles are constantly flickering and changing, and are mostly indecipherable. However, sometimes a small piece of a sentence, or doodles, can be seen flickering throughout their body. Their head floats above their neck, and is a giant ball off these flickering scribbles, with a large red eye in the center. 
Style: Rue doesn’t care too much about their appearance, and typically just wears whatever is comfortable to them. This usually means baggy clothes such as large t-shirts, loose flannels, sweatpants, and hoodies. 
Height: 5’3 
Additional: Often appears distant/zoned out
Appearance:  Slightly chubby, anthropomorphic slug. While they do have human legs and stand up right, they do not have hands. He instead has a pair of flippers. Based loosely off of slugs in the Agriolimacidae family. They’re tannish in coloration, and are covered in mucus… as slugs are. He also has a pair of antennae on top of his head.
Style: Likes to wear big, cozy knitted sweaters and jeans. They like to dress up to be in their coziest state. 
Height: 5’7
Additional: N/A
Appearance: They have an almond skin tone, with a floating planet for a head. The planet has a shimmery silver-blue colored atmosphere. They have a ring of meteorites, as well as two pink rings that go around their head. They are also very muscular. 
Style: Almost always wears some type of battle armor. They are particularly fond of chainmail. They also always wear a small, white,  crescent-moon necklace. 
Height: 5’2
Additional: Can often be seen carrying a long sword, as well as being accompanied with their six-legged golden retriever, Bea. 
Appearance: Aderyn has dark skin, and reddish-brown dreadlocks she wears in loose space buns. Unlike most of the cast, her appearance is more human. The left half of her face is completely normal. The right half, on the other hand, is completely covered in succulents of varying colors. (Specifically different Echeveria succulents) She has a giant , blue-green colored Echeveria Lola succulent where her right eye would be. Her left eye is green. She also has a trail of succulents that spiral down her right am, ending with another Echeveria Lola on the back of her right hand.
Style: She has a very summer-y aesthetic. She often wears long sundresses in bright colors, usually paired with a pair of sandals.
Height: 5'8
Additional: N/A
Appearance: Looks like your everyday human girl… except for the fact that she has a large, boxy TV in place of a head. The TV is usually playing some kind of static/white noise, or a blurry video of flying birds. She has light brown skin and long, pink acrylic nails.
Style: She's a very fashionable person who likes to dress up. She specifically enjoys crop/tank tops with. mesh under/over shirts, as well as high heels and skirts to match her outfit-of-the-day's color scheme.
Height: 5'4
Additional: Usually carries herself in a very confidant manner- except when around Mr.Rotary, her father.
Appearance: A tall man with pale skin. He has a well-polished rotary phone in place of a head.
Style: He wears almost exclusively blue and black suits. He likes to look as professional as he can.
Height: 6'3
Additional: Like Bianca, he often carries himself with confidence.
If there's any other characters you'd like a description of/additional information you'd like, please don't be afraid to let me know!
You have a nice day/night/whatever time it is for you as well!
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