#pgr headcanon
punishing-eden · 19 days
Hello, I was wondering if u could do a request,like how the constructs react and do when they realize that commandant is deathly afraid of needles. Idk if ur accepting requests at the moment but if you do reply will you do gray/grey raven and strike hawk?? . Thank you in advance(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
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Twas, But a Pinch...
Pgr Headcanons
The clock ticked by in the infirmary room. You were sitting by the waiting bench. Your leg was shaking out of nervousness. If you could, you would have opted out of the appointment, but you know it can't...
Wanshi (Hypnos)
Wanshi was sleeping in the infirmary room, when he was rudely awakened by you making a scene.
The nurse told you to take a small break before proceeding. Sitting at the waiting bench, you tried to calm your beating heart.
"What's all that ruckus about?" Wanshi seems to came out of nowhere to ask. You were flustered by his question.
"I need to take my shot, and I just can't take it... The needles... " you couldn't finish your sentence.
Wanshi understood what you were going through, and this wasn't the first time he comes across patients like you.
He suddenly asks you questions like, "How your catLee?".
Then, he would play little games with you, drawing patterns on your skin for you to guess what he was drawing.
For a rare moment, you saw Wanshi smiled at you.
"Hm? Is there something on my face?" you asked.
"Done!" the nurse said. You were surprised and turned to see the nurse had already given you your shot, and was patching the small wound up.
Wanshi had distracted you from the pain and the attention to the needle.
"Well, my job here is done," Wanshi said before crawling back to one of the infirmary beds. He quickly fell alseep. Leaving you, dumbfounded.
Lee (Paleflame/Entropy)
Lee knows about your fear of needles, he had seen you struggle to take serums by yourself during missions, and needed Liv's to help.
He has rationalized your fear the moment you explained it to him. Yet, it doesn't prepare him to see you crawling that his arm, as the nurse tried to give you your IV drip.
"Now is not the time to be messing around," he said. The held his usual scowl.
But you would not budge, you keep holding on to Lee, crying and begging.
He think it would make you feel less afraid if you know all about the logistics and process of getting an IV.
Lee proceeds to tell you the step by step process. He uses many scientific vocabulary, and provided numbers from statistics.
He says it with such rationale and seriousness, he had failed to noticed you had already braced the inevitable and put the IV catheter on.
You rather just get it done with than to hear Lee ramble about it.
"Lee... We are done..." you said to get him to stop.
Lee stops immediately, and thinks he did a job well done. "Well, that was effective and quick. I shall see you in a 2 hours."
Goes back to his room and continues to dismantle his gears.
Lucia (Plume)
Very proactive in voicing her concerns about your fear in your monthly body check up.
"Will you be okay with it, Commandant?"
You reassured her you will be find, but deep down you are not fine.
Lucia would be in doubt as well, so she decided to go with you.
To see you go through this much for an injection, Lucia wish she could do something, but she can't. She wishes Liv was there.
She could only try to get you to calm down. "Commandant, you don't have to get it if you don't want to." she said.
"No, I have to..." you voice shook, "It's an requirement." Whatever your decision is, she fully supports, and be with you through the whole way.
The appointment lasted longer that it was expected. You finally got your shot.
Kamui (Bastion/ Tenebrion)
Does not, and could not, understand your fear at all.
He is genuinely confused when you told him about it. "Hm? How come?" he asked.
"But don't you have to take serums too? Those bottles got needles as well." he said.
You tried to explain to Kamui that the serum bottles were different. You have your own way of injecting it yourself, and Liv would also be there to help.
He wants to understand it and asked, "Can you show it to me?"
He probably word it incorrectly. You flat out said no. You don't want to subject yourself to your fear if it's not nesscary.
He ruminates on that thought about human fear to the point Chrome gets worried by how silent Kamui is.
Chrome (Archlight)
Chrome would ponder about your phobia, trying to find a solution for it.
Pours all his after hours into looking for better ways to help you overcome or to lessen the fear of your upcoming injection appointment.
Chrome invites you to meet up with him, and proceeds to tell you, "Commandant, I have a few exercises that I think would help with your phobia."
So essentially, he tried many ways to help you to overcome needles, and is very diligent about it.
However, he would not be accompany you to the infirmary on your appointment for, 1, he's busy, and 2, he believes these matters is your privacy, and to accompany would be inappropriate.
Needless to say, he will be thinking about you constantly.
Liv (Benediction)
Liv is the only one you trust around needles.
You know she will not hurt you on purpose, and is experienced enough to know how to work around your phobia
Liv, at first, was a little shocked and worried about your phobia of needles. There are many medical procedure that needs the use of needles.
But, she persisted to know what is the most comfortable for you and help you with serum injections.
Hence, whenever there are needles involved, Liv will alway take over that duty for you and administer the injection.
If Liv is not with you, she would leave a step by step guide for the other person to help you with injections.
All was well, and you are good to go after that.
(C) Punishing Eden
Author's notes:
This has been sitting in my ask for a while. I have been slowly getting back at gaming recently, so my characterisation might be a little rusty for the time being.
-Punishing eden
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rooshayah · 1 year
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Headcanons for my favorite team to play as in PGR
You can find the template here!
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seraphsredemption · 1 year
I like to imagine the Exo Suit in PGR is like the one from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
I really like these Exo Suits and it also makes it easier for me to draw lol
I'd definitely recommend looking into these, they're super cool and I've been fascinated by them since I first played the game.
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unhappy-last-resort · 17 days
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@yandere-yearnings I put this originally with the post, but it wasn't super related so I put it seperately and still wanted you to read it
I know most of us think of Chrome as more experienced when it comes to physical intimacy, and I think that's not actually true at all. Unlike someone like Noan who has had a lot of experience with people and in life, Chrome was isolated as a child and teen and didn't have much of any human experiences. I'm not mad at anyone who thinks he would be though because...that's the point.
He wants you to think he's perfect and good at everything, he cares a lot about the impression he makes on others- especially someone he wants to have a relationship with. He very carefully picks everything when it comes to that person, whether it's his words, the gifts he picks, or even when and how he finds a way to touch them (idk if you saw the short that was uploaded a year or two ago for his birthday, but the way he looks so disappointed when you fix your own collar instead of letting him do it, or a past event where Chrome is gifted a pin and immediately on opening it, puts it on you. An excuse to touch you, but never in a way he can't brush off).
Of course you think your first kiss wouldn't be messy and inexperienced! Or that he has any clue where to touch you that will actually elicit a reaction from you- he has sold you that deception of himself, and sold it well. Somewhere in the distance, Roland is both laughing at, and applauding him at the same time
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therealbarombunny · 6 days
Lee Headcanon (kinda just a shit post)
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I headcanon that Lee just takes stray animals off the streets and tries to make them his pets, like he can just be walking or on a mission or something and then see like a stray cat or dog or whatnot and just take it in without giving a second thought to it.
And he's done this so much so, to the point where the higher ups had to make it a rule that Lee is banned from taking in stray's and anytime he does, he immediately is forced to take a bath/shower and the animal is taken away from him and put into a shelter or something. But yet, Lee still finds ways to sneak animals in. Kinda like someone sneaking outside food into a movie theater.
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sunenjoyswriting · 6 months
General Liv x Reader headcanons!
Writers note: :3
Warnings: None, I think!
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- She leaves you for Lucia
(Mandatory “It’s April first for me and this is an April Fools joke” disclaimer in case someone who its a different day for sees this)
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von327 · 6 months
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Blonde, blue eyes
Stature is Not very tall and not very short
Is a Captain
Can use all kinds of weapons
*OCD* especially for cleaning
An excellent leader
Mon/Dad of the group
Extremely intelligent
Fascinated about history and discovery
Has difficulty and high concentration need hobbies ( like chess)
" I will fight till I die" philosophy
Has very unhealthy ways to copy with any situation
" I will find and follow you whenever you are"
Gets angry at himself before the others
Likes to do domestic chores, cleaning, cooking etc
It's their son thanks for coming to my ted talk 👁️👅👁️
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watanabes-cum-dump · 1 year
PGR characters as people you meet in high school
Lucia - The quiet kid who’s also really popular for some reason. She doesn’t seem talk to people that much but for some reason everyone seems to know and like her somehow. I don’t even think she knows most of their names
Lee - The robotics/gamer kid who somehow has an unreasonable amount of rizz Also one of the quiet ones. Ngl I feel like Gray Raven is just that quiet friend group who always does their own thing and eats lunch in the art room together or smth. Lee by all means seems like he’s be sort of a loser, but no, he’s got EVERYONE trying to tap his non existent ass. I have this type of friend, I have no idea why but they (yeah there are two of em) always pull the baddest bitches. It’s insane.
Liv - The shy and kind kid Liv is the kid that nobody makes fun of because if you did, you would have the entire school on your ass. She is that nice, and absolute angel. Though I feel like she’s also the quiet kid you should be scared of, most people are smart enough not to fuck with her but a few weren’t.
Chrome - The golden child/overachiever This man. He’s on the principal’s list, he’s got a bunch of scholarships lined up for him, multiple extracurriculars, plus he’s rich, nice, and hot. This is the kid that has EVERYTHING it’s insane. But he definitely deserves it, and he’s always willing to help with homework. Suffers from bad taste in men (Vonnegut) because from my experience, all the kids of this kind do. Like that is the only thing wrong with them, their romantic preferences.
Kamui - The class clown and gamer kid Ngl I think he would be made fun of, but he’s just such a nice guy honestly. Another member of the disciples of rizz, somehow always pulls some bad bitches. I feel like he would wear blatant anime merch and maybe those wolf hoodies tho. Also big ass headphones all the time. Sorry Kamui stans.
Camu - Gamer boy part 2 + gets in trouble a lot He also vapes in the washroom when skipping class. Really good at one subject, barely average in the rest. I want to say that he’s the hot Wattpad delinquent bad boy, but he’s a hardcore gamer so he doesn’t get that luxury. Skips school quite a bit, gets into a lot of fights. Yeah.
Wanshi - The kid who never shows up for class We all have that one friend who never shows up to school right? Yeah, that’s Wanshi. Except he probably shows up on test days or for big projects. He still passes tho. Textbook definition of really smart, just lazy.
Karenina - The loud girl that’s always got beef I don’t like her. She seems like that basic ass bitch who is actually always mad at everything and really mean to the guy she likes. But not in a cute way, just annoying. Decent grades, probably argues with the teacher tho. Yeah, we all know this kid right?
Bianca - The Christian white girl who has a rebellious phase later I don’t like Bianca either, but I feel like every textbook Lulu Lemon/Aritzia Christian white girl eventually goes through a rebellious phase or abandons religion completely. Source? I go to a Catholic private school. I know what I’m talking about.
Watanabe - The actual hot delinquent Sorry Camu, Watanabe gets to be the Wattpad boy. He’s just so cold around anyone that isn’t Gray Raven/Kamui that I think he’s just that kid. He’s not an asshole though, minds his own business most of the time but gets into a lot of fights. He’s also something like a big brother to everyone. Teachers hate him though. Also skips fairly often, but he’s always at parties. Mostly as the designated driver. To everyone’s surprise, he wants to be a teacher and that is what he goes and does after high school.
Luna - The popular girl with all the tea I just know Luna hears absolutely everything and uses it as black mail. She’s pretty chill and likeable most of the time though, hence why she’s so popular. Probably on the student council methinks. Pretty good grades too.
Alpha - The popular athletic kid She doesn’t strike me as a tomboy necessarily, just athletic. And gay as fuck. I don’t know what it is guys, I think it might be the Doc Martens. I feel like when she’s not doing sports she’s the cool alt girl everyone wishes they were. Gets into fights and always wins them. Surprisingly, she’s well likes by teachers because she’s pretty quiet in class.
Roland - The theatre/show choir kid You all saw this one coming from a mile away. I said show choir kid too because show choir kids are actually an entirely different breed of crazy. Like we nutty as fuck. (yes, I am a show choir kid, point and laugh guys) Super flamboyant and shows off a lot- worst part is it’s actually always really impressive. Doc Martens wearer number 2, probably made a shrine to Lin Manuel Miranda in the washroom as a joke once, or a Pedro Pascal one. Either or.
Might make a part two and a bonus round for my OCs, idk hope you liked these
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aetherose · 3 months
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Funny to consider Luna being able to fly can lead to funny things happening. Like, you won't be able to hear Luna come into rooms so she purposefully may sneak up on you knowing you won't hear her. Or hanging around on the ceiling. May hang upside down from the ceiling bat-style even.
Sometimes you just see her flying to-and-fro all over the place because she's thinking and probably a little frustrated or possibly overthinking, which may be accompanied by much muttering from her. She tends to also sit or lounge about in midair as well.
But also consider she can get the best views of the stars by flying up and she could carry your muse up there. But she may also fly high up into the sky if she wants to avoid everyone if she's mad or doesn't want to be seen 'weak' if she's sad or something, which in that state only Alpha can convince her to come down.
There are a lot of things she uses it for honestly and I think it's quite fun. Luna is a strange person for sure, but to be an Agent you definitely can't be very normal haha.
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reshramlove1ob · 1 year
Guys please give me requests to make headcanons on, whether it be au headcanons or not
Stuff I specifically want to make headcanons on
Honkai Star Rail
Lego Monkie Kid
Punishing Grey Raven
YuGiOh (any series besides ZeXal, Sevens, or Go Rush)
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wathappendbro · 10 months
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Silly little headcanons lol
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punishing-eden · 1 year
Hello, I would like to request a headcannon regarding Lee and F!Commander who often accidentally see and equate Lee with a cat because of their behavior. I have a cat at home that behaves similarly to Lee, when chased it gets scared but slowly gets closer on its own. So I want to know how Lee would react if he came across this situation. Thank you very much for your time, have a nice day.
Author’s Notes:
WWWWWWWW… Is it the one in your pfp?! AYe, your cat is so cute!
Yes, Lee is a cat, and nothing will convince me otherwise!
-Punishing Eden
I Also Got A Cat At Home, His Name is Lee...
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Pgr Lee Headcanons
"Awww, they're so cute~" You commented as a cat was resting with her kittens. Watanabe ignored your comment and continue to care for the family of cats.
Among the five kitten, one has caught your attention. It was small, yet it radiates an standoffish energy. Whenever Watanabe tried to coax or touch it, the little kitten fought back and hissed to scold.
"He's a grumpy one..." Watanabe sighed, "... Just like someone over there..." He motioned at Lee who was busying looking at his control panel.
Tags: Lee, headcanons.
Lee (Palefire/Entropy)
It started out small, Lee noticed that sometimes you would stare at him. He initially, personally, don’t mind.
However, the more you observed him, the more your construct feels a little uncomfortable.
Uncomfortable as in: "Why are you looking at me like that?" he bluntly asked.
"Hm? Me? Oh, it’s nothing..." you said.
Your excuses and denial was meet with Lee's skepticism and suspicion.
As time went on, Lee noticed, you seem to treat him a little differently. You seem to be more... Lenient...or...maybe a little too affectionate.
You gave him trinkets and gifts. Sometime, you (unconsciously) teased him with snacks. But, he would give them all to Kamui.
Your behaviour puzzled Lee greatly.
"You have been acting strange lately, What are you up to?", "Commdant, please, my inner device is not a toy. Stop touching them.", "You do know we construct do not require food to function. These snacks prove no use for me.", "Commandant, what are you doing?", "If you don't need my help, I should get going.", "Stop being so childish.".
At one point, he would get fed up and confront you straight up:
"What are you doing? You have been treating me a little different lately. What is going on." he said.
"... What do you mean?" You were a little anxious from him calling you out. You tried to deny it.
But Lee was able to pressure you to confess. Thus, you finally cracked under the pressure.
"I just want to be closer to you..." you confessed.
Lee crossed his arms. He seems to understand where you were coming from, in a sense.
"You don't have to worry about me, [y/n]. I am fully capable of taking care of myself... But if you want to worry about someone, it should be you, yourself."
"But, don't worry... I will always be there for you, be it on missions or in the base." Lee spoke with professional tone.
"I know, but...you're a bit too aloof.... You know, like a cat." you said.
Lee.exe. Stopped working for 2 seconds.
He didn't seem to happy with what you said. He fully disagrees, and asked why would you think of him that way.
You told him your encounter of a family of cats during your mission with the Forsaken.
Watanabe taught you about how to deal with cats, and you thought it would be a good idea to exercise it on Lee.
Lee gets a little embarassed. He was embarassed to know that you have been seeing him as a cat all this time. Yet, he never caught on.
He holes up in his room after that. It took him a while to come back out.
Once he's out, made sure to put a little more effort into group activites, hoping you won't equate him to a grumpy cat again.
(C) Punishing Eden
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rooshayah · 2 years
My Roland headcanon is that, were Commandant to accept his offer of helping them stay awake, Roland would just make them a coffee that tastes fine but gives Commandant the runs for like 3 days straight.
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ryu-koru · 1 year
Sobre mis AU's ZhongXiao... (Actualizado 02/07/23)
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Bien, bien...
Antes de siquiera repostear mis dibujos ZX que anteriormente subí en Twitter e Instagram, permítanme explicar un poco sobre mis AUs de ZX que he creado hace un mes o un poco más.
Ustedes no lo saben, pero soy amante de los crossovers. No es que consuma mucho pero sí he imaginado siempre que puedo (con música) varios crossovers para pasar el rato. Y cuando veo en series o películas crossovers, ¡ME ENCANTA!
Pero mi amor al ZX y otros juegos gachas me ha llevado a hacer un AU donde más que un crossover es un...headcanon familiar (?
Así que bien, todo empezó cuando conocí a Dan Heng (Honkai Star Rail) y tanto yo como otros jugadores hemos dicho "¡OH! ES COMO EL HIJO DE ZHONGLI Y XIAO!" Entonces hasta ahí dije, "Sí, realmente parece". Por lo que hice un dibujo sobre eso, como si Dan Heng hubiese salido del huevo y estaba por fin con sus padres.
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Pero lo que me llevó a seguir con los dibujos familiares ZX fue que vi a Jiyan (Wuthering Waves) y ahí ya dije "OTRO HIJO?!". Y fue en ese momento que me animé a hacer el primer dibujo de Jiyan como hermano mayor de Dan Heng...
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Y bueno, para mí sorpresa, a varias personas les gustó la idea y eso me empujó a seguir adelante e incluso hacer una cuenta de IG exclusivamente para ese AU ZX (aunque ya tengo con esa, 10 cuentas jeje).
Por lo tanto, seguí imaginando el AU y al final terminé haciendo dos: un AU moderno (para más facilidad mía al dibujar) y un AU que se ambienta en el mundo de Genshin principalmente (acá sigo pensando muchas cosas para que todo tenga lógica con los lores de cada personaje).
Y como me cuesta bastante dibujar diseños estilo Genshin, lo tomé como un desafío (algún día dibujaré mejor, ya verán). Mientras tanto, suelo dibujar más el AU moderno para no estresarme~
Como último integrante de esta familia ZX, he agregado a Meng Zhang, personaje jugable (en el server CN) de Aether Gazer! (Ya que también me pareció muy similar a ZX y sus hermanos jajaja. Sí, por tener que ver con un dragón de viento).
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[Desde que salió AG Global, estoy ahorrando para él jeje]
✨Árbol genealógico✨
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Ok! Voy a explicar un poco por encima quiénes son los otros dos personajes que ven arriba de todo~
Ellos son Chongyue (Arknights) y Qu (Punishing: Gray Raven).
Qu es un personaje que me encanta de PGR, ella desde el inicio me dio vibras de alguien muy serena que sigue las tradiciones familiares por más que le pese, pero que al mismo tiempo sabe gobernar y hacerse respetar.
En el lore de PGR: ella era un Constructo relativamente más débil contra el Virus Punitivo, que se transformó en un Trascendente una vez conoció a un "Agente". Así, ella puede presenciar cómo sobreviven los humanos en el resto del mundo hasta el día de hoy.
Rara vez se hace llamar a sí misma "Monarca de Kowloong" (a menos que sea necesario).
Como dato extra, ella disfruta de leer libros humanos durante su tiempo libre (sobretodo los relacionados a antropología e historia).
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Y, ahora sin hablar tan formalmente de ella, les diré que exactamente usa una lanza como arma y se puede asemejar con el "viento" (sí, ahí vamos de nuevo con la similitud con Xiao jeje).
Cuando la vi por primera vez en el server Global en PGR, la saqué (amo su diseño) y la usé...y lo que se me pasó por la cabeza fue que "Es la madre de Xiao".
Exactamente en ese momento no hice nada, pero fue cuando hace un mes o dos empecé a dibujar éste AU ZX que alguien me recordó que ella existía (dejé de jugar Pgr por un tiempo, así que se me pasó de largo). Gracias a esa persona de Twitter, la añadí al AU moderno y de Genshin como la madre de Xiao~ ✨
En el AU moderno, es una empresaria que crío a Liang Xue (Xiao) sola, desde siempre. Mientras al mismo tiempo se encargaba de la empresa de su padre. Le enseñó a Xiao a valerse por si mismo como persona y como Omega. Y, por más que pareciera que ella estaba fuera trabajando, siempre se las ingeniaba para observar a su hijo y ver que estaba bien.
En el AU de Genshin, tengo en "boceto" que ella, para proteger a su hijo del Virus Punitivo, logró enviarlo a otro mundo (Genshin) para que no sea infectado y sea libre... (Más sobre ésto, pronto)
Chongyue es un personaje del juego Arknights que aún no salió en el server Global, pero ahí les va un poco de su historia:
El mayor de todos los "hermanos" de Sui, el Feranmut Yanés Shuo, es el primero en obtener conciencia humana después de su fragmentación y el que busca encontrar su propio significado de la vida en el mundo mortal.
Tras ver muchas guerras, derramamientos de sangre, se asombra al ver que el Imperio de Yan aún tiene poder a pesar de haber pasado por centenas de años.
Con el fin de buscar el verdadero significado de "wu", ya sea conflicto para la guerra o artes marciales para la paz, como ser humano, oculta su naturaleza como Feranmut dentro de su espada mágica y remodela su cuerpo como un verdadero hombre llamado "Chongyue" (Zhongyue también es válido), un seudónimo dado por su compañero fallecido y una elegía que describe su misión eterna y su asombro en el reino mortal.
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A pesar de sus grandes logros como maestro de las artes marciales de la Guardia Imperial, solo podía ver cómo sus queridos compañeros y discípulos se desvanecían uno tras otro.
Ya está cansado de los conflictos eternos, pero quiere encontrar su paz interior. Así que se retiró avisando a la Corte Imperial de Yumen.
Actualmente, Chongyue quiere detener a algunos de sus hermanos malvados. Por más que le guste la tranquilidad, no dudará en usar sus puños de hierro...
COMO VEN, Chongyue realmente me recordó un poco a Zhongli en el sentido de perder a sus seres queridos con el pasar del tiempo, y su gran determinación a usar (si puede) el camino pacífico para detener a los malos.
Chongyue en el AU moderno aún no está desarrollado, al igual que en el AU de Genshin, todavía me faltan algunos cabos sueltos para que todo quede lógico.
Jeje, en algún momento lo tendré bien hecho 🙏
Para ser sincero, no pensé que a la gente le interesase mi AU, ya que incluso yo he pensado "Esto es raro". Pero al final, lo que cuenta es la diversión y emoción que yo tenga al crear dibujos sobre mis ideas, así que por más que a la gente le parezca interesante o no, tengo que seguir adelante con lo que me hace feliz, ¿cierto?
Así que eso, seguiré creando cosas sobre el AU (los) por mi propia diversión! Y para cualquiera que lea esto: ¡Eres bienvenid@ a conocer más sobre éste AU crossover headcanon familiero ZhongXiao que creé! <3
[También pueden visitar mis redes sociales si gustan e.e]
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whisperiin · 3 months
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this blog is sfw-only. i won't be writing or reblogging any explicit posts or posts that contain dark content, but there may be some suggestive posts! in that same vein, if you need something tagged / deleted, please let me know!
this is a purely reader-insert blog, so i won't be taking requests for canon x canon or oc x canon (but please show me your ocs i'd like to see them). please be respectful of this! also, unless it's important to the request or explicitly stated in the ask, i'll always be writing with a gender-neutral reader in mind.
for my own sake, i'll be accepting a maximum of three characters for headcanon/drabble requests, and a maximum of just one for oneshots! i can generally write for anyone, but i hope it goes without saying that i will not be writing any of the younger characters (bambinata, pulao, encore, verina, etc.) in any romantic context. this is non-negotiable.
i will not be writing anything based on leaks! in the case of pgr, i may use events or frames that already released other servers (cn and jp in particular), but in general, i'll wait for them to officially come out first before i write anything.
please remember that posts may be largely sporadic! i'm a university student and get swamped with work fairly often, so i don't usually have a lot of time to devote to writing. please keep this in mind, and thank you in advance for your patience!
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von327 · 2 years
PGR Chrome Headcanons!
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Because of being a perfectionist always that the strike hawk members are out would organize and clean the whole dormitory.
At least one time per week will host some kind of little event for the Strike Hawk members, eventually calling the gray raven commandant to join.
Is a hopeless romantic and cry while watching drama/romance.
When out with commandant and felling insecure would want some kind of touch, be it just holding the commandant arms or hands or a side hug.
During missions break on earth would look for books or other tipe of media from the golden age to study by himself.
Likes to study humanity Victorian era.
When possible will ask the Gray Raven members about the commandant health.
During events where the commandant and John Smith are in the same room want to put himself in a role (he knows the tension is because of him).
Knows how to dance because of how he was raised.
Also know instrumenta like flute, violin and piano.
Likes classical music.
Knows how to cook very well ( he's the perfect malewife).
I believe that if he falls in love with someone, be the commandant or other, very soon he would want to form a family, even if he's a construct.
Is easy fooled by others with tricks for him to feel ashamed.
Extremely shy with anything out of his duties ( basically his comfort zone).
Is the little spoon for sure (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Always needs to be remembered of how he's important for the people around him ( the poor baby is really insecure).
That's all folks.
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