#To Shanshu in L.A.
cangelgifs · 1 year
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ATS 1.22 & 3.12 (insp)
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Angel - "To Shanshu in L.A."
The Librarians - "And the Eternal Question"
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bestepisode · 5 months
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Vote on more episodes here!
See the full list of round 3 polls here.
In the Dark: Spike and a colleague torture Angel in hopes of ascertaining the whereabouts of a ring that makes the wearer invincible. To Shanshu in L.A.: A scythe-wielding demon targets Angel's allies as Wolfram and Hart lawyers attempt to summon a powerful force from beyond.
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dailyats · 1 year
Best Episode Poll (Poll 2/11)
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buffysummers · 1 year
So, I finished my Angel the Series season one rewatch, so I thought I’d rank the five worst and best episodes of the season. The #1 ranked episodes in each list are either the #1 worst of the season, or the best. We shall start with the worst:
The top five worst episodes of season one:
Lonely Heart, 1.02
Expecting, 1.12
I Fall to Pieces, 1.04
She, 1.13
Rm w/a Vu, 1.05
The top five best episodes of season one:
I Will Remember You, 1.08
To Shanshu in L.A., 1.22
Sanctuary, 1.19
Five by Five, 1.18
I've Got You Under My Skin, 1.14
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sunnydaleherald · 10 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, December 8
BUFFY: How did you know my name? ANGEL: I waited. I waited here for you. But you never... I was supposed to help you. BUFFY: (huffs) You were gonna help me. ANGEL: (weakly) The Master rose. He let me live... to punish me. I kept hoping maybe you'd come. My destiny. BUFFY: (huffs) Is this a get-in-my-pants thing? You guys in Sunnydale talk like I'm the Second Coming.
~~The Wish~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Something Blue & Vegas, Too! by all_choseny [and other Buffy/Spike works] (Buffy/Spike, E)
The Shadow Within by all_choseny [and other G works] (Spike, G)
You're My Lighthouse. by Ashmaenas (Buffy/Spike, T)
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Connor Adopted AU by greensword101 (Connor, unrated)
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The Merry Month of Magnus Presents... What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Puppy Poker by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Buffyverse Flashfiction updated by NotASlayer (unrated)
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Plenty of Fish - Ch.16 by all_choseny, ivyscribbles (all_choseny) (Buffy/Spike, G) COMPLETE!
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High Tide - Ch. 5 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Slay Bells Ringing - Ch. 8 by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Keep You Ghosted - Ch. 4 by hydranjenna (Buffy/Spike, R)
Goodbye to Everything That I Knew - Ch. 11 by fortes775 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Destiny or Choices Made? - Ch. 33 by charmed4lifekaren (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Neighbor's Point of View - Ch. 62 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, PG)
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Ship of the Line-Power of the Stars - Ch. 19 by texaswookie (ensemble, multi xover, FR18)
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High Tide - Ch. 5 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Slay Bells Ringing - Ch. 8 by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Spuffy's Little Helper - Ch. 8 by Alyot (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
A Very Summers Winter - Ch. 8 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
What the Drabble? - Ch. 50 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Playlist: Buffy The Vampire Slayer S1 soundtrack compiled by Ok-Cranberry-6653
Playlist: Angel S1 soundtrack compiled by Ok-Cranberry-6653
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Manip: We Glow by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Artwork: buffy hottest ex by sundayroadkill (Faith, worksafe)
Artwork: more sillay angel investigationsssss including bonus smile time... by artsying-ifer (Angel, Fred, Gunn, Cordelia, Puppet Angel, worksafe)
Fanvid: Lilah Morgan | A&W by mercer-queen (Lilah, Wes/Lilah, mostly worksafe)
Gifset: [The Body but it's the nice dinner scene] by bocadelinfierno (Joyce, Giles, Buffy, Dawn, Xander, Anya, Tara, Willow, worksafe)
Gifset: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER Season 5 Episode 8: "Shadows" by rosamundpkes (Buffy, Dawn, worksafe)
Gifset: ONE CORDY AND ANGEL MOMENT PER EPISODE ➺ 1.22, To Shanshu in L.A. by cangelgifs (Angel/Cordelia, worksafe)
Gifset: Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 6.01 [and] Angel | 3.22 by andremichaux (Tara, Willow, Fred, Gunn, worksafe)
Gifset: [WB promo with SMG, David, and Alyson dancing] by bocadelinfierno (worksafe)
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: falloutmelody seeks btvs rp [roleplay]
[Fandom Discussions]
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why do I feel like this show wants me to think riley finn is actually a good catch... by caricature-of-a-witch
Deep dive I made a little while ago about this INSANE parallel [Spuffy and tarot card] by raisedbythetv89
POLL: What is your favorite season of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer? by favoriteseasonpolls
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Question - Was Faith killed in THE WISH? by NoShip and others
How well do Tara's accusations stand up at the time they're made? updated by NoShip
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Random detail I like in the comics: Buffy getting upset that Giles gets a girlfriend by CoffeeMilkLvr
Now for the next letter of Giles quotes “E” [alphabet game] by TransmanDan20
Xander (character writing) appreciation post by ginime_
Why did the Trio even go after the Slayer? by -DoctorSpaceman-
Big days in Dawn's life - does anyone really remember the truth? by microgiant
What to Watch/Read Next [finished only BTVS] by roniwelldone
Anya x Tara is my fave by Tylotron
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Video: via redditor JanuaryStorm - Ultimate List Of 100 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Facts by January Media
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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News: via redditor JeSuisLaCockamouse: I can’t believe @dancingwiththestars is over... [IG video about her making the finals of Dancing With the Stars] by alysonhannigan
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uptonogoodindiememes · 10 months
Angel Sentence Meme - To Shanshu in L.A.
“Nobody gets my humor,”
“You can leave it to me,”
“I told you she’d show,”
“Gee this town have everything doesn’t it,”
“Did you think I would just forget about that?”
“What connects us to life?”
“Morning, want some coffee?”
“Am I supposed to know what this is about?”
“You’re cut off from life, but don’t worry, I’m gonna help you with that,”
“How would you like a puppy?”
“Do you paint?”
“You’re a major witness at a major crime scene, you’re not going anywhere,”
“I’m sick and tired of you blaming me for everything you can’t handle,”
“Can you help me?”
“Are you getting enough iron, you look a little pale,”
“Aren’t we gonna be late?”
“You said I had to make a choice,”
“I’m seeing things more clearly now,”
“You need to relax and recharge the brain cells,”
“Don’t be embarrassed, we’re family,”
“I may have made a tiny mistake,”
“Okay, as tiny mistakes go, that’s not one,”
“So don’t break out the champagne just yet,”
“This is a big deal,”
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haydenpanettieres · 3 years
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ANGEL (1999-2004): ↪ 1.22 "To Shanshu in L.A."
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random-fandom-whump · 7 years
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Angel S01E22
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cangelgifs · 2 years
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↪ Cordy unintentionally prophesying becoming Angel’s best friend
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Angel 1x22 - "To Shanshu in L.A."
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nileqt87 · 3 years
Ramblings about Lucifer referencing Bones, “Close your eyes.” and shows influencing each other
That was never just a Bones reference being made and the season finale admitted it.
David Boreanaz played the ironically-named Angel on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel: the Series. His character has *so many* parallels with Lucifer (far more than Booth outside of the law enforcement/crime procedural connection).
Angel's spinoff also has noir crime drama aspects mixed with the supernatural starring an immortal protagonist with a dark past and infamously villainous reputation fighting evil as a supernatural private detective in the City of Angels (a city known for its dark underbelly juxtaposed with fame and glamor, broken dreams and chasing eternal youth) and navigating human law (including the LAPD and evil lawyers) while not legally existing.
Angel also fell in love with a blonde human heroine (Buffy Summers) after lifetimes of self-destructive, not-so-heroic behaviors (getting his soul back did *not* make Angel a hero and human Liam was a lecherous drunk with unfulfilled ambitions and father issues) who inspired him to become a better man and make human connections.
AtS made heavy use of sprawling nighttime Downtown L.A. cityscape shots, which Lucifer also shared an abundance of.
During both of their first cases, they failed to save the troubled blonde girl they were trying to help (Tina and Delilah, respectively). They also have a connection inside the LAPD through a blonde cop who also takes their identity secrets pretty badly (Kate Lockley in Angel's case).
Note that Buffy not only screamed (twice, given it repeated during her memory loss in Halloween), but also came after Angel with a crossbow when she thought he'd attacked her mother (it was Darla), so Chloe taking the Devil face reveal (Monster Reveals are iconic old horror imagery) poorly to the point of considering poisoning is par for the course. However, it only took Buffy seven episodes instead of three seasons to get the identity reveal via seeing the horrific second face (arguably also an accident on Angel's part).
They are metaphorically or literally Hell's angels. They also had long stays in Hell or a hell dimension.
Lucifer and Angel are also both Prodigal Sons with long-held grudges against their long-absent fathers (patricide in Liam/Angel(us)'s case) and they're later faced with a situation where they have unexpected, thought-impossible offspring who show up as adults (neither got to raise their miracle child) wanting revenge. Yup, major Connor/Rory parallel there.
Angel is also in a constant struggle with the Powers that Be manipulating his fate and free will (like Lucifer, he's a champion of free will no matter the cost) and making him prophecy's bitch.
Bones famously got jokes about how Booth is Angel getting his Shanshu (made human), since the character is given constant Angel-isms like references to a dark past having killed people (Booth is also named after a historical murderer, in addition to having been a sniper), both being Catholics full of Catholic guilt (note that the Buffyverse is most accurately polytheistic, though Angel does face off against a take on the antichrist--Angel has constant biblical imagery/themes and not just because of vampire iconography), kicking down doors (just not off their entire frames--LOL), turning on a dime and threatening people up against walls, constant wink-wink references to the Buffyverse (familiar casting, references to the Hyperion Hotel, etc...), etc...
The Lucifer finale used the words "Close your eyes." right before Lucifer is sent to Hell. This is literally the BtVS season 2 finale where Buffy kisses Angel and sends him to hell for a century with a stab to the gut (see the season 5 finale, not to mention Lucifer giving up his life for Chloe's à la I Will Remember You).
Note that D.B. Woodside was on BtVS (playing Robin Wood, whose Slayer mother Nikki Wood was killed by Spike). Aimee Garcia was in both episodes of AtS (Birthday--she's older than she looks!) and Bones. See her also playing a cross-wearing religious girl on Supernatural who was slaughtered in a police precinct by Lilith. Kevin Alejandro was also in an episode of Bones.
Tricia Helfer was in an episode of Supernatural playing a ghost who reenacts the night of her death every year. BtVS also had an episode along those lines, but with Buffy and Angelus possessed (not to mention Phantom Dennis!). Lucifer having Dan as a ghost is yet another thing they all have in common (ditto referencing Ghost, Patrick Swayze and/or Unchained Melody--Vincent Schiavelli a.k.a. Ghost's subway ghost was Jenny's uncle Enyos, whom Angelus killed).
Lucifer name-checked Castiel and Supernatural referenced Lucifer using their Lucifer (crime-fighting angel in L.A. made it a double-reference whammy). Supernatural returned the favor again by having Castiel forced to sing in Enochian. Lucifer's reference to his singing voice was already a zing about Misha Collins having to put on that monotone gravel voice and Enochian being far from melodious.
Russell T Davies was quite heavily inspired by the Buffyverse when he revived Doctor Who and spun off Torchwood, so there are absolute tons of Buffy, Angel and Spike respectively in Rose Tyler, the 9th/10th Doctors, Captain Jack Harkness and Captain John Hart (right down to the actor). School Reunion is the episode where the Buffyverse inspiration is most on the nose, complete with Anthony Stewart Head saying "shooty dog thing" in a school setting and a Mayor/Angel-esque speech about the curse of immortality. The Time War gave the Doctor a huge genocide-level guilt complex. Note that the creator of DC comics' version of Lucifer, Neil Gaiman, has also written for Doctor Who and is also the co-creator of Good Omens (the show is brimming with Doctor Who Easter eggs thanks to David Tennant). A barely-recognizable Tom Ellis played Martha Jones' ex-fiancé Tom Milligan during the Year that Never Was, as well.
A lot of shows take inspiration from the Buffyverse and you've probably seen some of them. It isn't just the copycat vampire romance stories either.
Angel's forerunners in turn were a mix of guilt-stricken, rat-eating Louis de Pointe du Lac (his Jekyll/Hyde-esque alter-ego Angelus is closer to the pre-retcon, fully-evil Lestat de Lioncourt, who got woobified into an antihero rocker not unlike Spike--the entire Fanged Four mirror Anne Rice's character lineup), sword-wielding, immortality trope-influencers Connor/Duncan MacLeod of Highlander fighting for the Prize of humanity (akin to Pinocchio becoming a "real boy"--see also Barnabas Collins of Dark Shadows, though he was before vampires became antihero superheroes, not just sympathetic antivillains) and Nick Knight of Forever Knight (vampire detective).
Additionally, Tom Welling was famously the longest-serving Clark Kent of them all (Smallville) on the old WB (there's that DC comics connection, too), so it's not just a Fox shows thing (though Fox, not just Warner Brothers, did indeed own the Buffyverse). One of the least-known things about Clark is that he also has an immortality problem where he wouldn't age parallel to Lois (they wouldn't be able to have kids either) without a workaround. The Kryptonite line directed at Cain/Pierce by Lucifer was quite on the nose! Lucifer and Smallville sort of crossed over even further in Crisis on Infinite Earths, so Tom is canonically the face of both Clark and Cain in parallel universes of the DC multiverse.
Supernatural had quite recently had their own takes on Cain (played by Timothy Omundson, who also played God Johnson) and the Mark of Cain when Lucifer did it. Dan's killer Le Mec was, of course, Rob Benedict, who was God a.k.a. Chuck Shurley, the ultimate villain of Supernatural. Richard Speight, Jr., who was archangel Gabriel/Loki the Trickster, directed a lot of Lucifer's later episodes in addition to being a prolific Supernatural director.
Supernatural and Lucifer use the exact same font for their titles (Supernatural Knight).
The X-Files (which Supernatural referenced constantly) and Supernatural also had stories about nephilim (see the apocryphal Book of Enoch). Lucifer ultimately had two nephilim (forbidden interspecies offspring of angels and humans), even if not saying so as a known concept. Connor can also be compared to the vampire equivalent of being something like a dhampir, though he's not quite that (mostly-but-not-quite-human offspring of two vampires instead of a human/vampire hybrid--see Blade for an actual dhampir). Supernatural has also covered the even rarer cambion species (human/demon hybrid).
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bestepisode · 5 months
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Vote on more episodes here!
See the full list of round 2 polls here.
The Prodigal: Angel seeks to solve a mystery involving Kate's father after a normally peaceful demon attacks a delivery man on the subway. To Shanshu in L.A.: A scythe-wielding demon targets Angel's allies as Wolfram and Hart lawyers attempt to summon a powerful force from beyond.
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dailyats · 2 years
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tuoshpreecq · 4 years
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Mostly Spuffy, because that's what I read the most.
The Darkling by OffYourBird post canon, Buffy’s wish to get Spike back transports her to the past.
Inside Man by HollyDB what if Spike’s character arc in AtS season 5 made sense.
Proud Trophies Won in Foreign Fight by Baphrosia (spuffy_luvr) Glory’s portal takes Buffy to Spike’s past.
Out of Time by Joycometh season 5, Buffy and Spike find themselves in Victorian England.
A Loss of Pride by Mabel Marsters post AtS, Spike shanshues and hates it.
Autumn’s Advancing by Cosmic Tuesdays post canon, established spuffy with senior citizen Buffy.
A Witch in L.A. By KineticKid After Tabula Rasa, Tara breaks up with Willow and leaves Sunnydale.
Almost Paradise by HollyDB early season 6, Buffy gets transported to an alternative universe and has to find her way back to her reality.
The Blue Eye of the Storm by MaggieLaFey season 7, Buffy and Spike go into another dimension in search of a weapon to defeat the First.
Forward to Time Past by Unbridled_Brunette Buffy finds herself trapped in Victorian London and meets William.
Icarus Tethered to a Kite String By Deird1 Willow and Kennedy decide to start a family.
Death Wish by TheSigyn set in the wishverse Buffy has to make a deal in order to defeat Vampire Willow.
The Edge by TheSigyn Buffy works through some past trauma.
Pet by TheSigyn post canon, Buffy ends up in the 70’s NY and can only get back home with the help of evil 70’s Spike.
Biding Time by Aliceinwondrbra Season 7 AU, Faith and Tara share a moment.
Cave Slayer by y Kinetic-Kid Beer bad, girl pretty.
Pas de Deux by GingerKI post canon, Buffy dreams of Spike.
Souls In Bondage by Touchstoneaf what if the comics made sense.
Ex Magic by Bookishy season 7, Spike is hurt and the only way to save him is for Buffy to do a magic ritual to summon Drusilla.
Safe by Dusty87 season 11, the government puts magical creatures in concentration camps, including Buffy, Spike and Willow.
Signs and Legacy and All That Stuff by Lempo Soi (Lemposoi) Set in the Wishverse, Faith wants what Buffy has.               
Before he Screwed it up by Hello_Spikey Spike wishes to go back in time, ends up in season 6.
Till the End of the World by Someryn Spike gets his soul in the summer after Buffy dies.
Waylaid By beer_good Wishverse, Faith has a job to do, go to Sunnydale and fix what the last Slayer couldn't.
A Slayer in Love by My Osage A witch looking for a job. A slayer looking to survive.
When all you've got is hurt by Twinkles Post-series. Dawn's worried about Buffy, Spike tries to help.
Tales From a New Body by OffYourBird Buffy dies in OMWF and resurrects in a new body.
Far Away and Not Far Enough by Angel Jade Tara's left Sunnydale behind with someone who's been running all her life.
Worst Nightmare by alcy After Tabula Rasa, Willow struggles with addiction, Tara stays by her side.
Best Wishes by Kanita After The Girl in Question, a vengeance demon grants a wish that sends Buffy, Spike, and Xander back in time.
Summer's Lease by Iamblichus Season 4 AU, Human!Spike.
The U in Robot by Girlytek The Buffybot goes back in time to fix things.
Feel free to reblog with your own recommendations.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, January 13
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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It's Always You (Angel/Buffy, PG-13) by TemperanceCain
Champagne Problems (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by TemperanceCain
Lee (Angel/Buffy, R) by a2zmom
Socks (Buffy/Cordelia, PG-13) by BeatriceEveryTuesday
Moment of Truth (Ensemble, PG-13) by Emmeebee
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It's Been Occurring To Me (Buffy/Spike, PG) by acekoomboom
[Chaptered Fiction]
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I Violently Dislike You Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by scratchmeout
If Only Chapter 25 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by MixSaysRawr
I Do! Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Dusty
The 12 Days of Christmas Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by RavenLove12, Geliot99
Break Even Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by violettathepiratequeen
The Odd Couple Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
She came back wrong Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Desicat
What Lies Within Chapter 26 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by cawthraven
Better the Devil You Know Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, R) by SlayrGrl
Learning To Be Love's Bitch Chapter 27 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Desicat
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Use It or Lose It Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Dynamite
Fangs Out Chapter 22 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Dynamite
Mirror, Mirror Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by scratchmeout
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A Champion to Save the Day Chapter 5 (Xander, multiple xovers, NC-17) by Sithicus
[Images, Audio & Video]
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ATS 122. To Shanshu in L.A poster by tmcarlee
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy S03E17: Enemies by watchpost
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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SlashFilm: The 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments In Buffy The Vampire Slayer
ScreenRant: How Buffy's History Changed When Faith Joined Season 3
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