#To quote my mom:''Stolen tastes better''
Most to Least likely FFXV character to steal food off your plate
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Assuming you’ve got different dishes in e.g. a restaurant)
Gladio. He won’t do it if you’re complete strangers, but after that, everything goes; he fully expects you to steal a fork full of his stuff, too, though. He’ll probably do it just ‘cause, no matter what kind of food you’re eating as long as he doesn’t find it too gross
Aranea. She will only do it if she likes the food on your plate, but then she will without hesitation if you don’t defend it.
Noctis. He will at least put his veggies on your plate in return? Which means you actually end up with more food. Still, it’s probably not the trade you planned for.
Prompto. He will only do it if you’re friends, and will probably ask first unless you’re really close (or you stole some of his food first)
Lunafreya. She’s not gonna steal it unless she’s feeling particularly mischievous, but might ask to try some.
Ignis. The boy has manners, though he might take some if you offer, and would be willing to let you try his food; he will probably ask to try yours if it’s a dish he hasn’t tried out yet.
Ravus. He doesn’t mind letting you try some of his, but he’d expect you to ask first; probably wouldn’t get the idea of stealing someone else’s food, usually. Possible exception being if he’s purposefully trying to piss someone off.
Impossible to rank: Ardyn. He’s kind of a wild card because he can be all nice and proper when he wants to, but he can also be a huge jerk, and everything in between. If he’s trying to woo you, or pretending to be a Gentleman, he won’t steal your food at all, though he might offer a little bit of his; if he’s being playful (e.g. Past!Ardyn) he’s probably between Noct and Prom; if he’s in Jerk Mode, like when people are forced to spend time with him while unable to really do much against him, and he knows it and wants them to know it too (Think his first scene in Kingsglaive), he will probably eat half your food and not even apologize.
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beartes22 · 4 years
Jason Todd Incorrect quotes
An anthology (1/?)
for @river9noble who asked me for it so nicely
Baby Jay
Some rando: Oi, Willis, since when you have a son?
Willis: I have a what?
Jason: He askes if you have a gun. Here it is *cocks gun and points*
Some good Samaritan: Oh, poor child. Here, have some money
Jason, cheerfully: Thanks! I will go right now to buy drugs for my mom!
The Samaritan: What? No!
Jason: You snooze you lose!!
Street rat Jay
Jason: Now listen up you rugrats. Jason will tell you how to survive the street
The rugrats: Whe- This is our cardboard box, go find yours f*cker!
Jason, sensei to new street kids everywhere: First thing is: you only keep what’s necesary for survive
The rugrats: F*ck off! And what’s with the bag!?
Jason: Wha- These are my books!
The rugrats: Are you dumb? The only good thing of the streets is that you ain’t gotta do school no more!!
Jason: You are wrong and also this is not schoolbooks. These *shows them like a dealer do with the good drugs* are Classics.
The rugrats: What the f*ck is a classic. Leave us alone! 
Jason, undaunted: The second thing is this: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.
The rurgrats: *Confusedly boo at Jason*
Jason: In the alley, you learn pretty quick how to pick your fights
Also Jason, seeing the Batman for the first time: Dibs!!
Still Jason, seeing a rogue eyeing the Batmobile: I said DIBS!!!
Robin Jay
Alfred: Master Bruce, what is that
Bruce, coming up to the mannor with Jason, a tire iron still in his hand: A tire iron
Alfred: I was refering to the child, Master Bruce
Bruce: Oh, that’s Jason. He lives here now
Jason: Hi! I was told there was food. Where’s the food?
Alfred: In the kitchen. Master Bruce, may I inquire why this child lives here now?
Jason: Oh! He picked me up from the streets and now I’m gonna be Robin!!
Bruce: He has a great right hook?
Alfred: Master Bruce, a word, if you please.
Robin, fighting thugs: Take that, thou weedy clapper-clawed scurvy-knave!
Nightwing, only visiting: *confused bird noises*
Robin: Ha! Thou bootless fool-born lout! Taste my fist!
Nightwing: B! B! What is he saying?
Batman: *sighs in father* It’s better than the alternative
Nightwing: *concerned bird noises*
Robin: You want to censor my language Batman? Ha! *Kicks thug in the nuts* Censor that thou weedy beef-witted haggard!
Nightwing, almost crying: What does even mean
Batgirl, swinging by: He just called B a himbo. In Shakespearian
Batman: *still sighing in dad* The swearjar was a terrible idea
Alfred, from the comms: Indeed it was. Now, I think Robin is owed at least fifty dollars from such marvelous reintrerpretation of the Bard
Robin: Yeah!!! Pay up, B!!
Nightwing: That’s, that’s not how swearjar works
Tiny weeny Jason, meeting the Justice League for the First time: Hi, I’m Robin II: Electric Bongaloo, nice to metcha
Superman: Hi, kid. *turns to the Bat*Batman, you better have not stolen this child
WonderWoman: A baby! What a fortuitous day! Zeus must smile on us! Tell me, little warrior, do you wish to learn the ways of the sword?
Jason: *Stares in naked wonder* Could you adopt me instead?
Batman, getting woke: Now Robin let’s not be hasty
WonderWoman: Of course! I, too, enjoy a little pupil to teach my ways! We can start with
Batman, panicking: No she can’t because men explode if they step into Themysira!!
Jason: What? No Way!! That’s so cool!
Batman, praying to the old good greek gods for mercy: Yes. That’s why there’s only women there.
WonderWoman: *judges him silently and in ancient greek*
Batman: *prays harder*
WonderWoman: *sighs* Yes, little one. I must have forgotten with the elation of making new friends
*Years Later*
Artemis, laughing so hard she’s crying: Explode? What nonsense! Who told you that?
Jason, red as his helmet: *hissing* Batman
Lost Days Jay
Ra’s Al Ghul, CALMLY: Talia, did you put your mutt in the Lazarus Pit?
Talia: I would never Father. How dare you think that I would sully the very thing that gives you life. To even conceive that I could betray you in such a cravenly manner-
Jason, coming up for air: *screams*
Talia: Oh my, how did that ended up there.
Talia: Jason did you murder all of your teachers?
Jason, cleaning a bloody kris: Bats. Don’t. Kill. Remember?
Jason: ...Yeah I did
Jason, walking by Nanda Pravat: Vengeance. Drama. Justice!
Damian, not having a very good childhood right now: *walks by*
Jason: Was,,, was that a wholeass child?
Talia: No it wasn’t
Jason: But I- I saw him. It was tiny and fierce and had a tiny sword for his tiny little hands
Talia: *yeah he did* *so cute* *his sword is so tiny* *like him*
Also Talia: It’s an aftereffect of the Lazarus Pit. You were hallucinating
Jason: ...Weird thing to allucinate about
Talia: Is it? Or is this your subconscious telling you something?
Jason, allergic to introspection and emotion like a Good Old Bat: Nevermind then.
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kiarcheo · 4 years
'I’d say that we have to thank Mary for the suggestion.’ ‘I’d rather die.’ The disgust on Kat’s face makes Cathy chuckle.
The one where Kat and Mary have an interesting relationship and Parrward get together.
A/N: Mary’s portrait in this fic is positive and totally ignores her doings as a queen but if it bothers you, you can skip to the Parrward part starting with Kat waiting at the cinema: Mary is mentioned but I think you can understand what is going on without having read the first part of the fic.
With that out of the way…I’m not sure exactly what this is or where it came from, but it started with 500 words of Mary&Kat banter (actually I know where that part came from, from Hidden Stories and their dynamic in the last chapter) and then ofc Parrward had to get involved and it got out of hand and now I have almost 4000 words??
This is 1/4 Mary&Kat and 3/4 Parrward, I guess. Also can read on Ao3 as usual.
When you’re a 16th-century queen living in the 21st century, things are bound to be confusing. From language to social conventions, the changes are endless, without even talking about the technological progress. Motion sensor technology, from bells ringing when you step into a shop to doors opening themselves, still catches them by surprise, especially when things start to move or turn off and on without any prompt.
Home is an oasis of familiarity and certainty, if they don’t dwell on why they and their children had been brought back, how, or even simpler questions like why they came back aged as they had. The order from older to younger goes: Catalina, Anna, Jane, Anne, Cathy, Kat. They had tried to figure it out, of course. Was it according to their original date of birth? No, because then Anne would have been the second oldest one. Was it according to their age when they died? No, because Jane would have been younger than Anne and Cathy. Their age at the time of their marriage to Henry? Catalina and Anna, at 24 and 25, had been the youngest besides Kat, so that made no sense either. The length of their reign? Pitiful as most of them had been, Cathy and Anne would have followed Catalina. The kids at least had come back in the order of their birth: Mary is still the oldest, followed by Elizabeth, Edward, and then toddler Mae. Everyone came back younger, with the notable exceptions of Katherine and Mae who returned at the same age they were when they died. Perhaps it was possible to make them younger but not older than they had ever been in their first lives?
Just small questions to ignore, right? But once they decided that their return was the work of an inscrutable higher power and they learnt how to use modern appliances, with their shared past, knowledge and experiences, home became an oasis of familiarity and certainty in a new, confusing world.
Except for one thing. Which was actually one of most baffling matters the queens had encountered… and that they kept seeing, right in the house they shared: the relationship between Katherine Howard and Mary Tudor.
According to history books, that should have been Katherine’s most fraught relationship: unlike the first three queens, she didn’t have any issue with her predecessors or successor, Elizabeth and Edward had fond memories of her, and she had never even met little Mae. And if age had been a sore point between them – for Mary at least, who had been displeased at her father marrying someone several years younger than herself – them returning pretty much at the same age, seemed a recipe for disaster.
With time, most animosity among the queens had been squelched and scores had been settled, and the idea of them all living together had been put forward. It took a while, but they finally managed to find a suitable house to everyone’s liking. Still, being cordial during an occasional meeting was different than living together. So the queens had expected, if not explosive confrontations, at least tense interactions between the youngest queen and the oldest ‘kid’. But they never came. Instead, as they all moved in together, they were witnesses to a dynamic that they struggled to fully understand, but that seemed to work well for the two girls.
‘I think we can all agree-’
‘That I’m the ten among you threes?’ Kat interrupts her.
Mary glares at her. ‘That my father was an asshole.’
‘That too.’
Catherine raises an eyebrow at what she hears as she enters the room. ‘What are you talking about?’
‘I didn’t really mean that, you know.’
‘Just curious. Trust me, not going to defend him.’ Nobody in their house would, and she thought Kat would know it.
‘No, I mean, you’re not a three. You’re totally a ten too.’
Catalina chuckles. ‘Aren’t you charming today?’
‘You’re lucky you got your mom’s looks.’
Cathy wonders if they realise she is the kitchen and if she should make her presence known. She doesn’t particularly wish to witness their flirting either.
‘Actually, my father was quite handsome in his youth.’
‘Wouldn’t know, he was like thrice my age and twice my size when I met him.’
‘Same.’ It slips out. Not really. She had been 31 when they got married and he had been twenty years her senior.  But Cathy understands the sentiment.
Mary looks from Kat to Cathy, apparently not at all put out by her overhearing them. ‘Fair enough.’
‘No offence to Anne but divorcing your mother should have been a sign that something was wrong with him.’
Hearing her name, Anne starts to pay attention as Kat continues. ‘I would have never done it.’
‘What?’ Mary echoes Anne’s thoughts.
‘If I had been married to Catalina, I would have never divorced her. RIP Henry but I’m different.’
‘I don’t know what’s more disturbing. That you find my mom attractive or that you would have been my stepmother.’
Kat chuckles. ‘I am your stepmother.’
‘Stepbother, that’s what you are.’
‘Ehi, Mary, do you call your mom mami?’
‘Can I?’
Mary gives a saccharine smile to Jane, who is looking between her and Kat confused. ‘Jane, we’re going to need one less seat at the table today. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some murdering to do.’
‘Mary, Mary,’ Anna is ready to point out to Kat that there is no way Mary can hear her calling if she is whispering her name like that, when Kat yells. ‘MARY!’
‘You bellowed?
‘See? Call three times and she will appear; you don’t even need a mirror.’
‘I’m going to kill you.’
‘Not really helping your case.’
Anna chuckles. She doesn’t understand their relationship, but it certainly makes for some entertaining times.
The queens are in the living room when they hear the front door opening and the distinctive voices of Mary and Kat getting closer.
‘I said that objectively speaking.’
‘And then I’m going to tell her that you objectively think she is hot.’
‘Don’t you dare.’
‘Don’t be ashamed, Mary!’ Kat enters the living room, eyes on her phone. ‘Embrace the gay!’
She gets the wind knocked out of her by an unexpected hug. ‘What?’ Mary squeezes her more. ‘I’m doing as you said.’
‘Kat, are you gay?’
Everyone stops at Jane’s question.
‘Am I gay?’ Kat laughs. ‘I’m ecstatic!’
Mary can’t help to notice that Cathy is the only one chuckling at Kat’s quote.
 So. Yes. If asked about Kat and Mary’s relationship, the consensus is that they seem to live to bother each other. Mary lording being older over Kat and Kat constantly reminding Mary that she was and still is her stepmother as her marriage to Henry had never been annulled. Mary threatening bodily harm and Kat mentioning how much she likes Catalina. It’s just harmless flirting and Catalina finds it amusing as much as Mary finds it annoying. She knows perfectly well that Kat hits on her mom just to rile her up…and it works every single time.
 ‘You know, for once, you could actually focus your attention on the Catherine you actually like…’ Mary says once her mother leaves the room, eyes not leaving the sketchbook on her lap.
‘What? I do like your mom. I don’t know what you mean.’
‘Sure you don’t.’ Mary rolls her eyes. ‘You should have been Catherine with a C.’
‘What? Why?’ Kat asks genuinely confused.
‘Then your name would have fit you better.’  She raises the sketchbook to show it to her. A blank page with a single word in capital letters: C(h)oward. ‘Since you’re a coward.’
 Yet, for two people who loudly proclaim all the time that they cannot stand each other and whose contact name for the other is ‘stepbother’ (Mary claiming Kat had stolen it from her but it made no sense, Kat retorting that daughter and bother sound similar enough to make sense), they sure spend a lot of time together of their own volition.
That’s how Kat finds herself waiting outside the cinema for Mary. Who is late. Despite being the one who had wanted to see the movie – Kat still doesn’t know which one, but her and Mary have a similar enough taste that she usually trusts her choices – and had organised the outing. She looks at her phone again to check if Mary had replied to her text. Nothing. She doesn’t know why she even bothered to try since the phone didn’t buzz. She is slipping it back in her pocket when the awaited sound stops her. She opens the chat: Mary sent her the code of her ticket, telling her to start heading in. Seeing no reason for both to risk missing the movie, she does, but not before writing back that Mary better get some snacks when she arrives to make up for her lateness.  
She easily finds her assigned seat. She sits down and looks at the ticket stub again to double check. Portrait of a lady on fire. She contemplates whether looking it up online. She has never heard of it, but the way the girl at the till had smiled at her while handing her the ticket made her feel like she is missing something.
‘Look who decided to show u-’ she greets the person who just sat down next to her. ‘Cathy?’
‘Kat? Hi!’ Cathy sounds as surprised as she is to see her there. ‘I didn’t know Mary had invited you too.’
‘Yeah, she told me to go ahead and get in without waiting for her. Why?’
Kat shakes her head lightly. ‘She told me the same.’ She takes her phone out, quickly opening their chat. Her fingers hover over the screen. Should she stick with the evergreen ‘I’m going to kill you’ (she should really make a shortcut for it) or be more creative and get into details of how she is going to make her pay?
‘I feel slightly out of place.’
Kat looks at Cathy, who just juts her chin and tilts her head slightly. ‘Take a look around yourself.’ She adds very quietly.
Lots of small groups of elderly women. Or elderly couples. Kat doesn’t turn around to check the rows behind her, but from what she can see they are the youngest people in the room. Perhaps that’s the usual audience for a mid-week afternoon show?
‘It’s so nice to see some new faces!’ Apparently they are not the only ones who took notice. A lady is smiling at them, holding out a pamphlet. ‘In case you’re interested in more.’
Cathy takes it, thanking her. It’s a list of foreign movies with the details of the screenings.
‘How is your French?’
Kat takes a moment to think about it. ‘Rusty?’
She has never been as good as Anne, for obvious reasons. They had retained their language skills from the past which left her (and Jane) at disadvantage compared to the others. With five languages each, Cathy and Catalina are the polyglot queens, with the three older kids on par with them. It is actually a point of pride for the queens. They might be lacking some common general knowledge, but their household can speak English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Greek, even if some slightly antiquate forms of them at times.
Kat knows that she will never be the most well-versed in languages in their group, but it doesn’t mean she is not going to take advantage of her multi-lingual family and learn as much as she can. But lately she might have been neglecting French a bit to focus on learning Spanish. Admittedly it had started as a way to annoy Mary by talking with Catalina in what Mary considered ‘their own private language’, despite most people at the house speaking it. But then it became the gateway for a better relationship with the first queen, replacing the cordial but distant one they had before.
Anne and Jane were family and family had been everything in the past, despite how crappy she had been treated by her own blood. She still values it above most things, so it gave her an instant connection to them, despite past experiences…or perhaps thanks to them. Surprise, surprise, their extended family had not been much nicer to her cousins than they had been to her, so there was bonding over terrible families. Anna was a friendly face from the past and they almost seamlessly picked up from where they had left. And Cathy…they had an immediate and quick connection. At first it was because they were the youngest queens in this new life and also the ones who could relate the most to each other about their past one. They had to put up with the same Henry. Anna’s married experience had been short before moving onto a cordial if not friendly relationship as the ‘King’s sister’ (and besides, Kat knew she still harboured guilty feelings about her divorce opening the way for Kat’s marriage and consequent death, so she tried to avoid the topic). Jane had supposedly been ‘the only one he truly loved’. And Catalina and Anne had known a younger Henry who was, apparently, quite a different man from the one the last two queens had been saddled with.
All in all, Catalina had been the queen Kat had struggled the most to connect with, and learning Spanish helped. But not in this occasion, with a French movie about to start.
‘It should have subtitles, right?’
 The credits end. The lights come up. They remain seated. Most of the audience does, almost if shell-shocked by the movie that just ended. Cathy nudges Kat’s elbow lightly, offering a tissue. Usually Kat would make a joke about her being such a mom (she has taken care of Mae enough to know that you can never be overprepared with a toddler), but she wordlessly accepts it. They both dry their eyes.
‘I think,’ Kat croaks out, ‘this is the best movie I’ve ever seen.’
She is not an expert cinephile, it goes without saying; none of them are. But they did look for lists of iconic movies and watched them. While their usual excuse of having grown up without a tv works relatively well when they need to explain their lack of pop culture knowledge, nobody likes to feel always left out. They still have movie family nights, usually with a ‘must-watch’ title, but by now everyone just watches what they like. In Kat’s case, she tends to stick to ‘light’ movies. She doesn’t care if it’s fantasy, comedy, action, animated…she just doesn’t want to be scared or cry too much. But sometimes the crying is worth it.
‘Yeah.’ Cathy agrees. It seems like she has been left speechless too.
Both lost in their thoughts, no words are exchanged until they are out of the cinema.
‘Want to go and eat something?’
‘What about Mae?’
Cathy smiles at Kat’s thoughtfulness. ‘Everyone but us is home.’ Perks of living all together. Built-in babysitter service basically 24/7 in case of need. ‘And Jane said that even if the others go out, she will stay.’
As they sit at a Chinese restaurant nearby, the conversation returns to the movie.
‘I mean, I wished the ending was different, you know? Happy. With them together. But…the more I think, the more I understand it, I think.’ Kat says, twirling her noodles with her fork, using chopsticks a skill she has yet to master properly. ‘I get it. Marriage being unescapable. Men intruding in women’s spaces and lives ruining everything…’
‘Not like that.’ She realises what Cathy thought she was implying. ‘Just…the happiest period of my life had been the first months as Anna’s maid of honour. Just being around her and the other ladies. And then of course Henry had to ruin everything…’ Kat shakes her head as to dispel the thought. ‘What about you?’
‘I think I still need sometime to fully process the movie. But I’d say that we have to thank Mary for the suggestion.’
‘I’d rather die.’ The disgust on Kat’s face makes Cathy chuckle. ‘How did that happen, anyway?’ She has never seen Mary and Cathy spend any significant amount of time together.
‘She texted me, something about wanting to taste,’ Kat starts choking, ‘which I assume was meant to be test, the waters. We’re not as close as the others, so I thought spending time together could be good…You okay?’
Kat, still coughing, waves her concern away. ‘Just a bit too spicy.’
‘Yeah, you look flushed.’
‘I’ll pop to the loo and splash some water on my face,’ she rasps out, standing up.
Cathy follows her with her eyes, making sure that she is okay, until she disappears behind the toilet door. Then she grabs the menu, wanting to check the desserts. Her eyes fall onto the noodles section and…Kat’s dish has no red chili pepper next to it.
A vibration distracts her from her thoughts. She immediately checks her phone in case the call is about Mae, before realising it comes from Kat’s phone, ‘Stepbother’ flashing on the screen. The vibrating stops. Then starts again, this time shorter ones. Instinctively she looks at it.
A notification pops up.
* Don’t be a K(h)oward like usual *
Others follow in quick succession.
* Tell her *
* You’re not going to like the next step of my plan *
* I will get you two together *
* So you stop hitting on my mom *
* Not because I want you to be happy *
* Ofc *
 ‘So…going back to Mary,’ Cathy starts once Kat is back. ‘Do you think she did it on purpose?’
Kat looks intently at the menu, shrugging.
‘Because that would be…going to some length.’ She continues. ‘Organising. Getting two separate tickets but for seats next to each other. Paying for them…Any idea why?’
Kat sighs. ‘Any chance you’re letting this go?’
‘Any chance Mary is going to let this go?’
Kat puts her elbows on the table, closed fists against her forehead. A groan is all Cathy gets.
‘I’m sure it’s not that bad.’
Kat rubs her eyes in frustration. Cathy is starting to think she won’t get a reply when the younger girl straightens up in her chair.
She takes a visibly deep breath and rushes out ‘She has been pushing me to ask you out for…’ she hesitates, ‘some time.’
‘How long if she had decided to take matters in her hands?’ She is teasing but also genuinely curious.
‘Not like she is known for her patience.’ Kat grumbles. Looking at Cathy she can see that she is not convinced, but she is thankful that she seems to let it go. And smiling. ‘You’re not upset?’
‘Why don’t we continue this outside?’ Cathy nods towards the exit. ‘But no,’ she adds before Kat could misinterpret it. ‘I’m not upset.’
As they go towards the till to pay, Cathy tries to order her thoughts. That was not what she had been expecting from today. Kat was interested in her. It’s not like she had never thought about it. They get along very well. Besides her godmother, Kat is the queen she feels the closest too. She is great with Mae. And she is undeniably beautiful.  
‘What are thinking?’
Cathy has not even realised they had left the restaurant. ‘Wait! I didn’t pay!’ She makes to go back inside but Kat grabs her arm.
‘I took care of it.’ Kat shrugs. ‘You were clearly out of it and it’s my fault.’ She jams her hands in her pockets, eyes downcast.
‘None of that,’ she bumps against her hip, trying to get a smile. ‘I was just surprised.’
Kat peeks at her, cautiously hopeful.  
‘I didn’t think you liked me. As more than a friend.’ Cathy specifies before Kat can say anything in that regard. ‘Well, maybe sometimes? But I sort of convinced myself that it was wishful thinking.’
Kat stops walking at that. ‘What?’ She hurries to catch up with Cathy.
‘I thought you and Mary…’
‘Eww. She is like…was going to say sister but that would make it really weird to hit on her mom.’
‘That’s the other thing.’
‘You didn’t really think I fancied Catalina, did you? I mean, she is a beautiful woman, but it has always been about annoying Mary.’
‘I really don’t get your relationship.’
Kat just shrugs. She is used to hearing that.
‘Hey! I know you!’ a loud voice interrupts them. ‘This a step-daughter too?’ The man takes a step closer to Kat.
Cathy doesn’t know what possesses her, but she puts her arm around Kat’s waist. ‘Actually I’m her girlfriend and we’re on a date.’
‘Is that so?’ The man looks between them.
‘Yes.’ Kat puts her arm around Cathy’s shoulder and Cathy snuggles into her side.
‘What?’ Cathy tries to take step forward.
‘Don’t.’ Kat grasps her closer to her, keeping her still as the man walks away. ‘It’s not that.’
‘Then what was that?’ It clearly looked like that to Cathy.
‘So…sometimes when me and Mary are out, guys hit on us. Best way to shake them off? Even better than saying we’re girlfriends, since some dudes takes it as an invitation to ask for a threesome? Saying that I’m her stepmother. It tends to weird them out or at least throw them off long enough that we can get away.’
Cathy thinks about it. Mary and Kat are quite close in age and they look like it, so she can see what it would surprise people. ‘Wait…did he think…’
‘That you are Mary’s mom? That or that we’re in some role-play stuff, I guess. That’s why I stopped you from trying to beat him up.’ Kat chuckles at the idea of Cathy, who is even shorter than her, although not by much, squaring up with that guy. ‘It was not because of the gay thing. Also from the smell, he was not exactly sober. I didn’t want you to get hurt.’
‘Awww.’ Cathy coos softly. ‘Still can’t believe you and Mary do that.’
‘Don’t say it like that. You make it sound like something weird.’ Kat steps away, dropping her arm from around Cathy’s shoulder. They both immediately regret the move. ‘Besides it’s the truth. I didn’t lie.’
‘Wouldn’t want to make a liar out of you now, then.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Maybe we could make this a real date? We went to movie. We had dinner…’
‘Yes!’ Kat shouts enthusiastically. ‘Wait! No!’
‘We’re not going to have a first date organised by Mary.’ Cathy relaxes at Kat’s explanation. ‘She’s going to be unsufferable. What about tomorrow? Oh, wait. Creative writing class. Uhm…when do you prefer? I’m sure we could find someone to look after Mae.’
‘What about Wednesday?’
‘Oh, Pasta day at The Tucan! If you’d like it, I mean.’
‘It’s a date.’
They stare at each other smiling until a couple of tipsy girls walk into them.
They walk side by side, hands brushing against each other. Kat glances down after her hand knocks against Cathy’s harder than usual. ‘Can I…’ she extends her fingers, now lightly tickling the back of Cathy’s hand.
Cathy turns her hand over and takes Kat’s without saying a word. As they keep walking, she twists her hand a bit and entwines their fingers.
‘What?’ Cathy asks with a smile after hearing Kat giggling.
‘It’s just unreal.’ Kat looks at her, beaming with a giddy expression plastered on her face.
‘What? That we watched a breath-taking movie, had dinner together, agreed on a date and we’re now going back home together and all because we were set up by our shared stepdaughter?’
‘I was more thinking about holding your hand and you liking me back, but that too.’
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b-lessings · 4 years
Tagged by both my girls @trepika & @doulunay , Love you 💗
Rules: MAKE A NEW POST, bold what applies to you and tag whoever you want to get to know better.
i’m over 5’5” (165.1 cm) { yas kinda tall girl here 1.74}// i wear glasses (but like not all the time, only for using screens) or contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing  // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails (rarely) // i typically wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look (alhamdulillah)// i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
Hobbies and Talents
i play a sport // i can play an instrument  // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition (I once one first prize on regional and 3rd on national for video making lol)  // i can cook or bake without a recipe// I know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami  // i prefer movies to t.v shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own ‘but I DON’T WANT TO) // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks  // i can do a handstand.
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year  // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years  // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise  // i enjoy rainy days// i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms( only when I m not alone) // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle  // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least one dog // i have a cat (had twin cats and they got stolen *sigh*
I know everyone is busy with their new year plans, so imma tag yall girls now and you can play whenever you can/ want .xx
@seall @maqroota @far-from-perfection-here-i-live @reelieef @riricitaa @assiachamakh @sarsourahsworld @strawbery--milk @wafas-fantasy and I know you’ve already been tagged by of course I have to mention you, my queen @3ayyn 💗 
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melyaliz · 5 years
Chapter 2 Enter the SandMan
Fandom: Marvel / X-men 
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x OC 
Summary: No matter when she goes to bed Gemma always feels exhausted when she wakes up. 
Notes: special thank you to all the support I have gotten so far on this fic. Gemma has been an OC I have had for some time now but always seem to struggle to tell her story (for some reason)
Also, I feel like not a lot of happening but I promise it will pick up.  
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
They had been dealing with these mutants for over a year now. Not consistently but every once in a while they would pop back up. Only stealing weird stuff from power cells. Once they had stolen a whole truck full of household batteries (like AA and stuff). Another time they had broken into a string of car dealerships but only took the engines  
Regardless they would strike and then disappear just as quickly. 
Xavier had said that it was possible they had been causing crimes for longer but the X-men had only come upon them recently. 
Because of their mutant powers he had been worried they would ruin all the hard work he was doing to build a better world where Mutants and Humans could co-exist. They weren’t shy about using their powers both in a fight and when they were busy taking whatever they wanted. 
Peter had never really thought much about it. 
They were just more baddies they needed to fight. 
Until he met one of them on the bus.
Gemma yawned again rubbing her eyes as she turned on her boombox letting the music pulse through the room. James Hetfield’s gravelly voice filled her small bedroom as she changed from her work clothes into something more comfortable for bed. 
It was soothing, the energy pulsing from her speakers. Not that many people would call the tunes of Metallic soothing but she wasn't many people. Sitting down in front of the boombox she hummed along letting the manic sounds flow through her like sparks from a current. As weird as it was to say the fast-paced rhythm was calming she couldn’t explain it any other way. 
Getting up she threw herself down onto her bed letting out a low moan as she buried her head in her pillow. Closing her eyes letting sleep overcome her. Praying it would be a peaceful night. That her body would just rest. Just let her have one good night’s sleep. 
Was that too much to ask for? 
Her dreams were filled with weird lights flashing behind her eyelids. Yelling and screaming. Flickers of energy flashing like lighting across her face as monsters with human faces she didn’t recognize danced around her. Their deformed bodies flickering back and forth as if the lighting itself was summoning them. 
And a silver-haired boy. 
Running around her faster and faster. Her headphones on his head.
“Wake up, wake up, wake up.” 
Gemma found herself laying flat on her back on the hard floor of her bedroom, her body unable to move as she looked up at her ceiling blinking a few times. Reality slowly seeped into her consciousness images from her dreams fading. 
All but one, a silver-haired boy.  
Well man really, but you know. 
“Maybe I need to stop playing music before I go to bed” she muttered sitting up rubbing temples trying to bring some feeling back into her body. It felt so numb and exhausting. As if she had just run for miles. Getting up she turned off the buzzing alarm on her clock before dragging herself into the bathroom to try and get herself ready for the day. 
“Morning!” Drew said as his older sister stumbled down into the kitchen looking like death itself. He would never say it to his sister but later she really didn’t seem… herself. “I made coffee,” the 12-year-old said, holding out a mug.
Gemma smiled gratefully taking it in her hands letting the warmth fill her body before taking a sip. “Ok but why are you the coolest brother ever?” 
Drew shrugged “It’s my gift.” 
“Oh, if only I could be as cool.”
“Maybe someday my young padawan”
“Teach me your ways yoda” Gamma chuckled already feeling the effects of the caffeine bringing her back to life. 
“Speaking of the best movie that has ever been made, are we still on for marathoning tomorrow?” 
“Don’t you have like, cool friends you want to hang out with?” 
“Yeah but my sister said she would make her sugar popcorn and I got a bunch of star wars themed snacks with that money you gave me.” As he said this he pulled out a box of C-3PO's cereal out of the cabinet. “I mean look at this,” 
“I mean, I know I want to hang out with you and quote Star Wars ad nauseam until our sweet dear parents make us turn it off or at least speak with inside voices but I assumed you had like… you know kids your own age you wanted to hang with.”
“It’s the summer we hung out all week. Weekends are our time.”
“Sounds perfect to me. I literally can’t wait.”
After a hearty breakfast of sugary themed cereal and coffee Gemma grabbed her bag and rushed off to the bus stop while Led Zeppelin cheered her on through her new headphones.  
Normally Gemma wasn’t one to really pay attention to the other patients on the bus. Keeping her head down and enjoying whatever mixed tape she had made that week. But as she walked onto the bus that morning she couldn’t help but notice a silver-haired boy sitting at the back. 
Was he stalking her? 
Naw probably just had the same route. 
Peter was stalking her. All night he had rushed around unnoticed by the small family that resided in the house Gemma had entered.They were your classic American family. Two kids, a boy and a girl (if not a bit of an age gap) with loving parents. They said grace and talked about their days over a roast. 
Picture perfect. 
Besides the constant yawning, Gemma seemed happy. Smiling and engaging with them. Very polite and even seemed to care about the work story her father had to say or what drama Karen was causing in her mom’s sewing circle. 
Shit that Peter would have bashed his head in if he had to listen too. 
Shit, a villain like the woman he had fought wouldn’t sit through. Or at least with a genuine smile like the one Gemma wore. It was like she actually enjoyed family time. 
After dinner, they all watched some TV but Gemma had chosen to rest early. Going to her room where she blasted some music from her stereo turning around letting her hands hover just a few inches from the speaker. This was the first time he noticed any non-normal action from her. Just her standing there, eyes closed, head tilted back, mouth open slightly letting the music wash over her with her hands so close to the sound it was as if they craved it. 
After a few moments she removed her hands then walked toward her bed face-planting on the bed and promptly fell asleep. 
Which was his cue to leave. Yes, he was stalking her but he wasn’t a creeper. Time to find out who this weird girl was. 
A quick break-in and a couple photo books later and he learned she was a VERY average girl. Normal grades, all comments in her yearbook generic like “good luck” “rock on” with a few quotes from songs, all heavy rock and metal. (At least she had a good taste in music) 
There was one thing though, it looked like in her early years she had dark brown hair and eyes which slowly through her teens faded into the white hair and bright blue that she had now. Probably had something to do with her mutation. 
This also confirmed she was one of the four mutants.
Which was almost impossible to believe considering how generic and bland this girl’s life seemed.
It was a puzzle. 
Their eyes met in that awkward “so should we act like we know each other or not’ look. In the light of day and (in the loosest term possible) rest, the silver-haired boy wasn’t bad looking. Large brown eyes and that laid back “whatever” attitude that Gemma had always fallen for in high school. 
But she wasn’t in high school anymore and he was just some weird guy on the bus.
Deciding to not engage she flashed him a half-smile before taking a seat in the middle of the bus. Ok, maybe she shouldn’t have smiled. But it was that christen upbringing engaged in her. 
Be kind to others.
Or some bullshit like that. 
“You forgot your headphones yesterday.” 
Gemma basically jumped out of her skin when the boy appeared out of nowhere now sitting next to her in the empty seat. Holding out small headphones in one hand for her to take. 
“I…” she checked behind her to confirm that the seat he had been in was empty, it was. “I didn’t forget them,” she said, turning her attention back to him. He smelled good, was that bad for her to think? But he did so maybe it was just more of a fact. Kind of like fun. He smelled like fun. Which shouldn’t have a smell… but if it did it would be how this boy smelled. 
He was still sitting there holding out the headphones for her, a look of confusion on his face. 
“I gave them to you.” she clarified, “So you could listen to some better music than Pink Floyd.” 
“Outch, what do you have against Floyd?”
She chuckled, shrugging, “Honestly I don’t, I just felt like razzing you.” 
The boy shrugged fighting back a smile, (was it ok to like this girl if she was a bad guy?) “Fair.”
Both of them sat in an awkward silence for a while. 
“Well this is my stop” the boy said as the bus slowed.
“Cool, bye” 
And like that he was gone. 
Cute, but still a weirdo.
Not that she was really one to talk. She was VERY far from being normal. 
Turing up her music she leaned back in her chair letting it play as she held the cassette player in her lap trying to make sure she didn’t touch it with her hands. Sometimes her powers would drain electronics when she wasn’t paying attention, especially when she was tired. 
Why was she always so tired? 
Music playing through her head and thoughts of a silver-haired boy played around in her mind as the world rushed past her.
And that was the last thing she remembered. 
Forever tag:  @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​ @coffee-randomness​​ @0hmydeku @xx3fsxx @daisyboobear​​ @  @jason-redhood​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr @ocelysium @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep  @cdwmtjb8 (Let me know if you too would like to be tagged) 
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microsuedemouse · 4 years
I wasn’t tagged and I’m not tagging anyone, I just stole this bc I’m in a Mood and seeking distractions
RULES: bold everything that applies to you and tag people you’d like to get to know better.
stolen from @izupie ☀️
i’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses or contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs // i have a cat
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a-cai-jpg · 4 years
there’s a scene that comes back to me often these days.
i read this quote the other day: “In the uncertain ebb and flow of time and emotions, much of one’s life history is etched in the senses. And things of no particular importance, or irreplaceable things, can suddenly resurface in a café one winter night.”
i read it, and then i re-read it, and then i quoted the quote back at the person who sent it, because i didn’t know how to explain what the last sentence made me feel.
(it was like language had escaped me, and i was overcome by the image of the café--soft, piling snow outside the window, the soft din of diner, the clink of the coffee cup against the saucer, and the twisting in my chest.)
there’s a scene that comes back to me often these days.
i’m in nara. the streets are wide and bare, neat rows of trees lining the road. the sun bears down on the back of my neck, but i don’t feel the fatigue and heat that i know i would if i tried to actively recall the day. i’m walking to a market, and there’s a story that worms itself into my head about a ghost writer.
it mixes sometimes, with dinner in a restaurant at the edge of dotonbori, a sampler of okonomiyaki, and stories about best friends who fall in love, and songs written about the universe with melodies i can never quite pick out.
it’s funny, because the moments that come back aren’t the ones that i’ve taken pictures of. if u ask me where my favorite place in japan was, it’s probably either nikko or hakodate. but, recently, as i lie in the patch of sunlight that spreads across my carpet, i think about nara and osaka.
i was talking to a friend about how we kind of always remember the small moments. like yes, we remember the time where a friend got her necklace stolen on the streets of italy. but i also remember spilling red wine on white bed sheets, and the mirror selfie we took in that empty club, and the traitorous taste of limoncello and this beautiful, glittering strawberry liquer, and the sunrise that greeted us on the train to florence. god, maybe that was the loudest silence. i’m saying words i can’t hear, i see her mouth moving, i gasp soundlessly and give up trying to speak. i point out the window, and i see her jaw drop. the train roars in the background, and my ears pop. she fumbles for her phone, tries to take a picture, but the moment is over.
(she doesn’t actually remember this. rude.)
sometimes, i remember the taste of salty toast and dark coffee. i don’t like the taste of coffee so dark it’s sour, but i mollify it with sweet jam. it comes back to me in snapshots, one adding on top of another. it’s kyoto, early in the morning. i’m running out of things to say, so i ramble, and she listens. the day is warm, and sweat will collect in my scalp by the time the day is over.
and then very, very rarely, i feel the emptiness of the day after she left. tokyo is gloomy, but it feels like i’m dragging myself through the sludge of the summer anyways, as i walk from tsukishima to ginza. it’s not a long walk, but my backpack is heavy with my laptop, and my shoulders ache when i set it down at starbucks. i eat a slice of cake, and it reminds me of the days where i’d take a break whilst walking home from high school at a bakery, heart heavy, trying to chase away the gloom with the sugary cream of black forest cake. i’d feel sorry for myself as i methodically cut away at the slice, not sure if the presence of my grandmother at home was a comfort or a burden.
but usually, when i think of this day, i remember the chaotic trudge through the fish market, and then rain. 
i don’t know if this was the same day.
but it’s raining. i find a beautiful cafe on the corner of a street. i order a sandwich and tea and a slice of strawberry cake. i am alone, and i write. the rain doesn’t stop. the check comes out to be a little over twenty dollars. the sandwich was delicious.
there’s another quote i read, “I learned things don’t happen and then disappear. Once they happen, they still are here. And you can move on and forget them but they still exist somewhere. So no matter how far behind you leave them, they still wait for you there.”
i think of howl’s moving castle--specifically, the yearning i felt when i saw howl’s room. cluttered, glittering, full of mysteries and things to be uncovered. it’s like everything we’ve ever seen, heard, or felt is kept in this room, waiting for us to wander in and pick it up again. it gives me comfort.
i think of death.
i think of my grandmother, young, selling cigarettes on the street.
i hope at the end, she looks back, and it was good.
i’ve been complaining to friends about how my grandmother ghosts me on wechat. but actually, she looks at all the pictures i send her and remembers them better than i do--snippets of my life that i never thought i’d get to share with her. she remembers that i found radishes in the garden, warns me about going to farmer’s markets and then scolds me for spending so much money buying produce. she asks my uncle to fix the camera on her phone so she can show me the scarf she’s knitting for me and my cousin. i say i want the red one, and she agrees heartily. i ask her if she’s going to send it over, and she tells me that i have to go back to get it.
i remember there’s this thing the mom says in never have i ever, when they’re praying, and she hisses, “pray that you’ll get into princeton (or some ivy league). don’t waste it on stupid things like world peace.)
i think about this as i crawl into bed, laughing at the notification of a wechat article my grandmother sent me about the dangers of preparing silk gourd soup incorrectly. i wish for world peace, not because i hold this agape love for the world, but because i am selfish, and i want to see my grandmother.
there are many moments in recent years, where i’m crying and walking on the streets of shanghai and my tears mix with the rain, and i either don’t have an umbrella or the umbrella is too shabby to actually keep me dry. 
once, a nice uncle came up to me and held an umbrella over my head as i waited at a traffic light.
another time, i got lost at the same street i always get lost at, trying to find my way back to my grandparents’ apartment. i’m crying because time is limited, and i’ve somehow entered a stretch of my life that i have to walk alone, and it’s difficult for me, my mom, and my grandma.
i remember harsh things i’ve said to my grandma. i remember throwing couch cushions on the floor because i was too much of a coward to actually break things. i remember throwing a crying tantrum in high school over the set-up of my new bedroom. but i also remember leaning my head on my grandma’s shoulder, and her trying to shrug me off. i remember her stuffing apples into my mouth, against my will. i remember her cooking the same dishes over and over again because i mentioned, once, that i like it. 
i remember the soft sunshine of early boston mornings, a face mask on my face, as i talk to my grandma about cooking spare ribs. she makes a comment about the posters on my walls and asks if the posters are still up in my room at home. i say yes, even though the ones she remembers are probably rolled up and stuffed in the corner of my room.
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kiwioverlord · 4 years
bold what definitely applies to your muse. (+2)
italicize what somewhat applies to your muse. (+1)
tagged by : stolen from dash
tagging : ur mom.
𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙰𝙽   » toothy  grins,  stories  around  the  campfire,  clothes  covered  in  pet  hair, hot temper,  old  jeans, heartbeat  in  head, potatoes  and  steak,  beaded  jewelry, bruises  like galaxies,  mementos,  backpack  stuffed  full,  craigslist  furniture, spontaneous  road  trips, air ripped  from  lungs   (14)
𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙳   » homemade  bread, white  lies,  easily  excited,  trying  on  hats,  band  geek,  pep  talks, no impulse  control,  sunsets,  vintage  fashion, long  showers,  selfies, following  dreams,  rosy cheeks,  song  mash-ups,  pink  lemonade  with  tequila,  loves  easily,  animated  storyteller, full of  comebacks (17)
𝙲𝙻𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙲   » list  of  wishes, biting  their  tongue,  band-aids  and  neosporin,  shoulder  to  cry  on, morning  sun,  necklaces, trial  and  error, homemade  quilts, formal clothing,  astrology  fan, messages  in  bottles,  pleated  braids, speaking  up  for  friends, feathers, motivational  quotes, vivid  dreams (12)
𝙳𝚁𝚄𝙸𝙳   »   bird  watching,  shy  kid,  wind  chimes,  trying  to  whistle,  summer  camp, apple  orchards,  lost  in  their  head, glow-in-the-dark  stars  on  the  ceiling, hoodies,  thrift  shopping, saving  worms  off  the  sidewalk,  pig  latin, bare  feet, thunderstorms,  numb  fingers, braided  hair,  naming  potted  plants  (14)
𝙵𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙴𝚁   » goosebumps, leather  jackets,  adventure,  chewing  nails, cares  deeply  but  can’t  show  it,  bronze  locks, no  sleep, taste  of  iron,  netflix  binges,  never  forgets, combat  boots,  stories  behind  scars, table  for  one,  official  soundtracks,  sore  calves, trusts  themselves  the  most (10)
𝙼𝙾𝙽𝙺   » always  trying  to  be  better, wanderlust,  meditation,  sweat  pants, old   photographs,  yoga,  sleeping  in  hammocks,  nostalgia,  minimalist  design, a breath  of  fresh  air, baby  animals,  volunteering, perfectionist, doesn’t  care  about  fashion,  healthy  snacks, noticing  the  little  things (13)
𝙿𝙰𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽   » school  uniforms, thick  jackets, sleeping  with  the  windows  open, logical  advice,  scrapbooking,  compasses, I  fight  for  my  friends, sculpture  gardens, cold  morning  air, big  soul, likes  routine, secret  romantic, last  to  get  jokes, sunflowers, practical  presents, misty  weather  (6)
𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁   » herbal  tea,  smell  of  rain,  blinking  away  tears,  camping  trips,  collecting  bones, swiss  army  knives, first  impressions, anxious  thoughts,  bobby  pins, burnt  marshmallows, too  competitive,  clothes  lines,  messenger  bags, holding  grudges, gets  along  better  with  animals  than  people   (10)
𝚁𝙾𝙶𝚄𝙴   »   flirtatious  sarcasm,  candid  photos, lost  phone  chargers,  adrenaline  rush, picking  dirt  out  from  beneath  their  nails,  social  chameleon,  clashing  clothes, self-deprecating  jokes,  claw  machines, sits  in  chairs  wrong,  smudged  eyeliner,  has  too  many  sunglasses,  eats  nothing  or  everything   (7)
𝚂𝙾𝚁𝙲𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚁   » infectious  laugh, family  trees,  shivers  down  their  spine, lipstick  and  roses, mood  swings,  clumsy,  believing  in  destiny, high  expectations, sleeping  in  darkness,  collection  of  nail  polish, passionate, good  grades  but  never  studies, poetry  books, blowing  kisses, not  knowing  their  own  strength   (6)
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺   »   knowing  everyone’s  secrets,  backpack  covered  in  pins, envy,  being  in  walmart  late  at  night,  earl  grey,  selective  memory, conspiracy  theories  and  cryptids, keysmashing,  need  to  know  basis, can’t  cook, bags  under  eyes,  experimental  art, flickering  bulbs, black  clothing  all  year  long   (2)
𝚆𝙸𝚉𝙰𝚁𝙳   » piles  of  textbooks, cat  in  lap, keeping  a  diary, indecision, scented  candles, studying  alone  in  a  café, lingering  touches, museum  dates, unanswered  questions, taking  on  too  much  responsibility,  collections,  chalk  dust,  comfy  robes, unnecessary  apologies, coming  home  after  a  long  day   (1)
VERDICT >>> bard (runner up, barbarian, druid)
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aggresivelyfriendly · 6 years
Tumblr media
With a Bang
Part two of Mistletoe
Most of the world had a crush on Harry Styles. Probably all of England. Keira just liked to think that she got a head start on everybody else.
She supposed she had an advantage being from the same village and all. She almost was ashamed at just how long it had taken her to really see him. When she looked back through year books and the like, well he was the most adorable little boy, and she did remember him being fun to listen to in his Elvis get up. Keira was fairly sure her first crush had been somebody silly like Gordo from Lizzie Macguire. And then there had been Tom.
She and Tom were something of an ineveitability. Their mothers had been best friends for life and they had grown up together. There was ample opportunity for kisses stolen and ice creams shared. So they had happened, and everybody had oowed and awwed. But it had happened for too long.
Keira wasn't sure how to break up with him when they all lived in the same small place, and he was eager to break up when they left. She mourned that, how ill used she was, that at home, she was a feather in his dumb newsboy cap, but away, she was a hinderance. Usually, growing up she was happy to be part of Keira and Tom. Not all the time, like when he scoffed at her love of books, or ignored her for days in favor of video games, or when he made eyes at his mates about her.
She wasn't ashamed they were having sex, she liked it fine, but she didn't like him bragging about it. Especially to Harry. He looked uncomfortable when Tom raised his stupid eyebrows when she had to bend down or something equally innocuous but somehow sensuous to 16 year old boys. Keira assumed is was because he was so sweet, Harry. He was the nicest boy in class, nicest smile. Even before the world agreed, she was sometimes sad that Harry wasn't raising his eyebrows at her, she couldn't imagine him being gross about her like Tom.
Perhaps she was never sadder to be part of Keira and Tom than when she and Harry were assigned to the 12 or so small boys and girls for football camps.
"You can't let him push you around." Was the first sentence she could make out when she came upon Harry talking to little Stevie. Keira knew she was talking about Liam. Liam was the biggest boy on the team, the most athletic. He got a lot of attention, and he liked it. Knew he was the best. Didn't want anybody to forget it. And he enjoyed Stevie's attention, didn't care if it was positive or negative.
The little girl sniffled loud, "my mum says it's cuz he likes me...." she trailed off.
Keira was livid. She hated that, and what message it taught. Her mum had griped at her dad about it when she was a little girl when somebody was mean to her. Come to think of it, it may have been Tom.
"What?" Harry was audibly irked. His voice a question mark, in red. "If he liked you, shouldn't he be nice to you and not kick your shins instead of the ball, or hit your chest when he's trying to 'knock' the ball down'?" She saw his fingers make the quotes, but his voice said enough. Harry's voice was really nice she noticed that day. He was really nice.
"That's what I think!" Stevie made big hands and Harry was nodding. "And why should I like him if he's mean to me anyway?"
"Stevie, I think you should ask yourself that question your whole life, ok?" Harry extended his hand and Stevie took it. "Deal?"
"Deal!" The little girl was sans snot now and Keira could see dimples in both of their cheeks.
"Now, lets go kick him in the shins, I mean win the ball from him!" He narrowed his eyes and they sparkled.
Stevie looked a little smitten, so was Keira.
But she was Tom's girlfriend. Yet, she always wore the Alien Harry complimented the one time, even though Tom liked the one he bought her.
She liked when he smelled her and his cheeks flushed a little. It made her feel taller, even taller than him. Her cheeks always felt full too. He made her laugh, she liked his laugh.
Sometimes he seemed to like hers too. But everybody liked Harry, the whole of the school, and the girls' he'd kissed, had, they talked about how sweet he was and how his breath was minty, and how his lips and tongue moved. But there were quite a few of them and though he was sweet, he wasn't faithful, well, not a one woman kinda boy.
And then he wasn't sweet Harry Styles from her home town, with the floppy hair and cute cheeks and killer smile. He was Harry fucking Styles from One Direction, with the killer curls, and big voice, and sexy swagger.
The jeans killed her. Genes too.
Tom has caught her one time, drooling over how Harry was growing up. Watching the Story of my Life video and rewinding his parts over and over. Thinking about his hands around a football teaching a throw in.
Thinking about his hands and how lanky he'd gotten. How Cut.
"What're you doing?" Tom sounded, well, pissed. But he sounded that way whenever they saw each other now. She interfered with his video game and drinking schedule when he was home. She wasn't sure why either of them were bothering. But he'd shown up on her doorstep the first day back, and begged, and well, they were Keira and Tom.
She quickly slammed her lap top closed. "Nothing, it's just wild! That's our Harry!" But so much more. Who could have guessed?
How could they miss it?
He was the one everybody watched she remembered, no matter the room, or the age. Little Stevie included. Keira too.
Tom didn't like that.
"It's just Harry, not sure what the fuss is about. Not even sure he can sing! He fucks up sometimes."
Well, that wasn't on. "Um, I think he can definitely sing, clearly." Keira gestured at the TV. Oh, he looked pissed.
"Well, then, you can go to this shifty party by yourself then, see if he'll sing to you!"
"Harry's home!?" Oh, wrong thing to say.
"Yeah, supposed to celebrate his stupid fucking birthday, not for months for fuck's sake!"
"We don't have to go." Keira wanted to go.
"You don't have to go, I do. He'll be upset if I don't make it. He's like a girl sometimes." She hated when he said shit like that. Then he changed tactics, and wrapped her up in his skinny arms. She liked he was taller than her, looked like a willow sapling. She only wished he had a little more muscle recently. Like when she started watching one direction videos. "And I'd rather stay here with you, all night," he nuzzled the spot behind her ear they favored, and she wanted to stay with him too, kind of. "But, let's go to the party. We can bask in that big head of hair of his, watch him flex his damn dimples like he's god's gi-"
"I thought you liked Harry! He's your mate!" She protested.
"Listened, he's a mate, and I'll always have his back publicly,  but between you and me, he's changed. I love that you haven't changed." He'd kissed her lips, just like she liked, and craved. "You taste just the same. Like my girl."
Keira knew she had melted and though some part of her felt like Tom was lying about Harry, she was with Tom, hadn't seen Harry in four years, pre stardom.
She's noticed that night, while Tom lavished attention on her like never before, that Harry seemed much the same. At least from her wide orbit around him.
Predictably, after the party, there was sex, the same semi satisfying dance she and Tom had done before, for years. He always got off, sometimes she got lucky. Then, the journey back to uni, and the break up.
She still watched One Direction videos when they were on.
It had been a shock, a pleasant jolt, to run into Harry, a very grown up, and familiar Harry at the bakery. Thinking back on it, maybe Tom was smarter than she gave him credit for and noticed. Noticed she was interested in Harry, a little smitten. He'd worked pretty hard to bad mouth him. And he'd payed her attention and stayed close too.
The shocking thing, after the bakery, and the mistletoe, was that He hadn't changed. He was still the boy she had taught footie with. Hung on the chair of the coach near. But he was better, a man.
A really lovely, accomplished, well heeled, world renowned man that she was totally smitten with.
And if his kiss was anything to go by, it was mutual. Her lips tingled when she thought about it, the way his face had gone from shock, the little 'o', to a quirk in the cute slices in his cheeks to a bit of a smirk. And then her eyes had fallen closed and she'd let other senses take over.
Touch and taste.
Keira'd been thinking about his lips since she got bold enough to walk up to him while holding the mistletoe above his head.
Well she had been thinking about his lips since she bought the mistletoe. Maybe since she was 19 or so, ok, 17. She'd been shopping with her mom and seen the little sprigs of green by the register and decided that if Harry wanted mistletoe, if they needed an excuse to do this, she'd make sure they had one.
She'd thrown it on the belt and her mom had given her a queer look to which she had shrugged. Why explain herself.
Keira had been prompted to explain herself on the way home from the party. She wasn't sure if everybody saw them kissing. But her mother certainly had.
It was probably because it had gone on for so long, the kiss.  Really more of a makeout.
But when she'd gotten to feel those lips on her own, well, her hands were up the back of his jacket and might have pulled his shirt free from his white pants if they'd had two more minutes. But somebody had cleared their throats.
She'd felt devastated. Partially that they hadn't done that ages ago. That she thought Tom could kiss.
Harry had looked wrecked as well. Her hands hadn't made it to his hair, a pity, but he was yanking it back and runnng his hands down his face moments later. God, he was so hot.
She'd been squirmy for the entire rest of the evening. It had been short, but when he'd hugged her goodbye and put his face in her neck to sniff her and pushed those pink edged pillows to her neck then her cheek so close to her mouth she could taste his gum, she knew she was a goner.
Basically, the minute they got in the car her mom said, "that why you bought the mistletoe then?" With a ridiculous grin.
She couldn't talk about it, so she shrugged.
It was all she had thought about the short drive home, while she changed and brushed her teeth, when she mourned the stronger mint that wasn't his taste in her mouth, and while she ran her thighs against themselves.
"It's your own bed, it's where you first masterbated. Get over yourself and do it." Keira said aloud after an hour of flopping on her twin bed. So, her hand slipped beneath her flannel bottoms and she could pretend she was surprised by the slip and slide she found in her knickers, but she wasn't. Her clit was sensitive, from the first brush of her middle finger. It took only the one finger, not to many twirls over her hood, and the thought of Harry doing this in his adolescent bed with her on his mind to finish the job.
But she still woke up thinking about the kiss.
She thought about it all through the week she was back in London, gave her Christmas present to herself, the fancy vibrator she figured a single girl Deserved, a workout most nights over it.
She nearly texted him daily.
Was he in London?
Did he catch himself daydreaming about how the ridge of his tongue felt in her mouth? When it slid against her own, and caught the corner of her lips on the way out. Hers still tingled. Did his?
Could she send that text?
Would she?
No, was the answer.
But on the eve of New Year's Eve, her phone chimed and she was expecting it was Molly, with another guilt trip about Keira not wanting to third wheel with  her and Mace.
Instead it was Harry.
Her heart thrummed. Her lips parted on a gasp. It was a short text though, 'you home or in London?'
'Well, this feels like a trick question. I live in London, so, yes.' Be coy, make him text you again. Please text again.
'I hope that means you are in London. I am.'
Well what did she say to that?
'I'm home, in London.' Safe, ball back in his court.
'London's not home. But since we are both here, do you have plans tomorrow night?'
Now her heart was really beating. She should have plans, right? That would be cooler. She could have plans, but she hated new year's with all it's expectation. It was hard to have a good time when you were supposed to have the best time.
"Not really.' Aloof. So not her, she sucked at this text flirting, maybe why she hadn't really dated since Tom. Just the one boyforned of a sort her final term of university.
'Now you do! I'm having people round'
The next text was an address, in a neighborhood far enough away to be expensive. Shit! Fancy, what did she wear? What did she have?
'Dress code?' That was chill enough.
'You could come naked.....😈😈😈' he was better at this than her. Would he be naked?
'Will you be naked?'
'Unfortunately, no. Think my guests would be confused.'
Ok, so not the two of them. Naked. Her mind was whirring. What did she say?
'It's casual, just a bit of food, and games, lots of drinks with some friends. I'd like to see you. Wear whatever.'
That was such a boy thing to say. Wear whatever. Come to my posh house in the posh part of London, but wear jeans, but only if they look destructed perfectly.
It took her a day to decide what to wear. Mostly because she had to leave to only be the 18 minutes late she was allowing. That was relaxed, right? Just a bit late, so she wasn't rude, but also not too eager?
It was just a little cotton dress. With some shimmery overlay to be festive. T shirt cut, so it was casual, but short. She had always liked her legs.
Keira was a little jittery on the tube, almost took a nip off the bottle some passengers were passing around.  Who even was she? It was just Harry, for fuck's sake, they had grown up together.
The house was pretty unassuming, but the address and the fancy cars in the drive told her she was a long way from home.
Her homegrown boy was internationally known, and lusted for. Keira was more than aware of it, almost left, but she'd rung the bell. Because she lusted for him.
"Keira!" He looked happy to see her, and a little red checked. His long long arms wrapped around her waist and this time she sniffed him, inhaled deep. He smelled like nice cologne, and his mint gum, and alcohol. He had started early.
"Am I late?" She bit her lip and pulled back to look at him, elsewise she was worried she was going to burrow in his smell and stay there. Or he'd catch her sniffing and she'd be totally embarrassed.
It may have been ok though, because he kept both hands around her waist and gripped her so she wouldn't get too far and smiled at her before he leaned in and kissed her, well, pecked her. She supposed on the cheek, but it was close enough to her mouth to resuscitate the tingling.
"Nah, you're not late. Nick just came over early with a bottle because had another party to get to. Come meet everybody!"
Keira assumed he would see her safely ensconced with the first group of people, Sarah, his drummer she recognized, and mingle.
Instead, his arm stayed firmly around her waist, and his larger than life, and all to real, presence at her side. Through the first, "this is Keira, an old friend," his eye twinkled there, "from home who lives nearby now! We just found out we are neighbors!" He popped a kiss to her temple on that one after an hour of chat and two more drinks for him, and three glasses of veuve cliqueot for her.
Neighbors was a stretch, but she was enjoying being the center of his attention too much, rather than another person to talk too, to correct him. She didn't shrug out from under his arm until she had to use the restroom. That was several glasses later. She was pretty sure she had had a whole bottle to herself and it was only 10:30.
She'd had enough she was hoping for a new year's kiss. He'd been really really touchy, and she was loving it. But, it could be construed as friendly, and he did seem to be affectionate in general. It was funny, she had been so forward on Christmas, but now, among strangers, in his other life, she was feeling inhibited.
"Just kiss him, if you want. If he rejects you, fine. Friends." She extended her hand and pretended to shake the air. Wow, she was drunk.
Keira was chuckling when she opened the door to the bathroom off the more populated parts of the house.  She was nearly to the corner into the living room when Harry appeared.
"Ahh! Harry, you gave me a fright!" Her hand was on her heart.
He was laughing and flushed and happy. She was really smitten, so smitten, she was rethinking her bargain with herself. She really didn't want to get rejected.
"Sorry," he continued laughing, "I really didn't mean to scare you, I just wasn't sure where you were." He took her hand off her chest, and pulled her forward and kissed her hair. This was over the top? No matter how affectionate, right?
He kept her close, and she looked up at his face when he loosened his hold. "Hi!" She glowed at him.
"Hiii!" He scrunched his face at her.
"You're adorable!" Jesus, did she just sigh at him.
"I'm not adorable." He shook his head. "I'm sexy." He put his nose to hers.
"Nope, definitely adorable." Keira was cross eyed looking at him this close.
"Heyyyy!" He ran his hands a little higher on her rib cage, his thumbs on the underwire of her bra. "I can also be sexy!"
She knew that. She'd thought about it a lot, actually. But his swings from cute to smug were all over the place. He was a cute drunk tonight.
"Prove it!" She taunted and bit her lip the way he seemed to like. They both had wide mouths. It made the kissing a treat. Lots of room to play.
His brow quirked. "All right, I can prove it. And if I do......" he leaned down and she could feel his breath on her neck. "You have to come upstairs with me at midnight." She felt and heard that request, bet, whatever.
Jesus, so back to sexy. "For a new year's kiss?" She asked breathlessly while his nose boasted over her cheekbone.
He just gave her a smug look and she was ready to go upstairs now. "Something like that."
"If I admit you're sexy, can we go upstairs now?" He was so close, she could almost get to his lips, he glanced back just an inch.
"Nope! I have guests." He shook his head, and her face must have looked like she was eating bitter lemon. He leaned into her ear again, "and I want you to think on what we might do up there, where I might kiss you, until then. While I make sure everybody is really drunk, so they won't notice your moans over the music."
Her what? He kissed her pulse point, she could feel how hard her heart was beating. Now he could too. "My moans?" Did she moan?
"If that kiss I've been obsessing over is an indication," He looked her in the eye then. "You're loud, Keira. I like it. Wanna hear."
She was gonna kiss him. If her knees didn't go fully gelatin right now.
"Harry!" Mitch jogged up then. "Emi is sick. Think she was a little to excited for adult time with Adam. Can you help him get her out."
"Sure." He called back, but maintained eye contact with her. She thought she saw Mitch smile and shake his head, but she was still locked with Harry. "Will you be ok til I get back?"
"Yeah, I'm actually usually really good with new people." She shrugged. That was true, but she'd been nervous to come over tonight.
"I actually remember that about you, but just don't want you to feel abandoned. I'll find you soon, Yeah?"
"Yeah." God, her voice was silly right now. And then, Harry lightly pressed a kiss to her open lips and she lost all the breath that had been filling her voice.
Keira watched him walk away and slumped against the wall a moment. "Fuck's sake!"
It took her a minute to get her wits about her. Her first thought was another glass, but she decided she wad cloudy enough. And she definitely wanted to remember whatever happened when Cinderella time struck.
Keira finally made it out of the hallway and literally smashed into a tall dark haired man. "Sorry! Jesus, I'm more sloshed than I thought."
He laughed and his teeth were full in his mouth. "No, was all me, let me get you a drink to make up for it."
Which was how she wound up with a new flute of champagne and her back to a corner. She was nursing the golden liquid. She'd decided this was the last and time was running out. The last grains of 2018 slipping through the hour glass.
The last hour had seemed long. She'd lost track of Harry for the first time since she arrived.
It would have been fine, the people she was talking to were lively, lovely, he had good friends. But she was twitchy and all she could think of was his lips and midnight.
Slowly, the group broke up, in search of more drinks, or a new playlist or summat. And she was standing near the corner trying to summon up the courage to go look for Sarah. She'd enjoyed her the most. She was quirky and a little awkward and funny, when she saw Harry making his way over to her.
The hair on her arms stood up when she realized it had been about an hour since he'd left and that he was making a b line for her. If she wasn't so turned on, she might be embarrassed that all her bluster about doing well in new situations looked like a bluff.
"Hey! Sorry, took a bit. Emi threw up on me, I had to change. And shower." He dimpled.
"Well, my nostrils thank you!" What was that? He made her a little stupid.
"Yeah!" It was a squack of a laugh. "Do you need a new drink." He gestured in the scant space between him to where she was holding the nearly empty flute.
"No, um, I think I'm good for the night." She smiled.
His brow creased, he took the glass and smelled it. "Do you feel alright? Or do you not like the taste, they said it was the good stuff."
"No, I like the taste, I'm just trying to keep my head on."
"Why what?" She was busy staring at his eyes. They were a bit glassy. she hoped he would remember midnight, or his plans for it.
"Why do you want to stay in control? I'd rather you lose it." He lifted the glass and she looked at it. He tipped it to her lips and she drank the last sip. "Now, can I have a taste?"
She'd barely nodded when his mouth was on her. His tongue slicked over the small gap his bottom lip had just vacated and Keira gasped. It slipped into her wanting mouth and her neck went soft. He caught it. The kiss got less controlled when her hands slipped up his shirt like she'd wanted them to on Christmas Eve. His hands were gripping her ass a second after she heard the glass get sat down. He squeezed and pulled her into him and he felt, full. After long minutes and a few of the loud moans he had mentioned, these ones she noticed, she pulled back to suck in air.
They were both breathing heavy, the same air, she taking his exhale, him her inhale. His hand migrated to grab the glass, while its twin ran round her outer thigh.
"Can I have a taste?"
"Of what?"
"Your lips?"
She may have been a little drunk, but she was fairly sure he'd had more than one.
"But you have?" He smirked at her and it brought her awareness to the warming center of her. Harry's fingers were below her short dress now, very high, on the inside of her thigh.
"Not those ones." He raised his eyebrows at her. "These ones." His fingers brushed over her panties and she yelped. Keira bit her lip to keep it down, and looked over his shoulder. The party was winding down, most people were looking jolly, but they were not alone.
"Harry!" She whispered loudly, and cocked her head over her shoulder. "Somebody might see!"
"No," he shook his head and ran his fingers over where she was swelling. "No one will see, not if we stay like this. The problem is." He hooked her panties to the side and she gasped. It was louder than her words had been. "Someone might hear." The callouses on his fingertips, from guitar sounded in her head, caught on her clit a little when he glanced it over and over. Keira bit off her moan. "If you can't be quiet, or if I have to kiss you, to shut you up, that would be conspicuous too. We get a little carried away kissing." His smile was wide as the sky. He caressed the sensitive nerve endings at her opening. "So I'm gonna smile, and you can bite your lip," he nodded his chin at her. "Like that. Like we are flirting, and I'm not getting you off so that you are very wet by the time we go upstairs, and we can fuck."
A moan slipped out then. "Oh God!" She covered her mouth.
"Pretend to laugh." He leaned in and she turned her gasp into a giggle. His nose on her neck, his smell in her head, his fingers working her.
Her thighs were trembling. "Harry!" She whispered, "my knees, I'm not sure," oh that was a spot. "I can stay standing." Her breath was rapid and her heart was speeding. She squeezed her thighs around his hand. It increased the friction. "Harry!" Her lip, She bit it fiercely, tasted rust. "I'm going to scream."
His hand cupped her chin and he put a tongue to the side of his mouth, "ok."
Keira contracted around his fingers, pulsed into his hand, and yelled into his kiss.
Her head was on his shoulder and he was making shushing sounds and smoothing her dress down.
"You look beautiful flushed." Was all he said about it. "We have half an hour." He kissed her cheek and winked at her before sucking his fingers into his mouth.
Keira held onto the table near her. "Holy fuck!" And she found a place to sit down while she could still use her legs. All of her was liquid.
She watched the whole room, while Harry went about hosting like he hadn't just had his hand knuckle deep in her pussy.
Once he was sure everybody still able to stand and toast had a glass, he turned on the telly and opened the balcony. He made his way over to her then, after the lifelong 30 minutes.
"Cmon." He looked gleeful, like they had a secret. Keira supposed they did. He kept his glass and gave her another, brimming with champagne, "drink it before it spills!" And he caught her empty hand while she giggled over her sip. She almost choked.
They fled up the stairs.
At the top, she stopped on the landing and saw the first firework go off! "Oh! That's why you opened the patio!"
"Yeah, but their view isn't this good!" And he stood behind her and walked her to the glass. Harry cleared the hair from her neck and kissed her, on the cord of muscle from her skull to her shoulders. Her belly pressed to the glass, and she could feel the cool of the night through her dress. Her nipples didn't cut through. Keira was surprised.
"You can be loud now," his hands pulled her dress up her body and over her shoulders and head. "Ah! I thought you'd not worn a bra!" Harry pulled her back enough to pluck at her nipples. When her jaw dropped at the sensation, he filled her mouth with his tongue.
It didn't take much more than a couple of tugs to Relieve her of her panties. He had her writhing moments later, one hand across her body on a breast, the other cupping her weeping place, and his hard cock rubbing through his loose pants against her ass.
She knew she was being loud, she wasn't sure when it had changed from moans and gasps to, "Harry!" When she flexed against him he spun her quick and she forgot about the fireworks. Her hands pulled his shirt free of his pants, she didn't even bother to unbutton it, her eager hands pushing it up his body. He helped her get it off and she moved on to unbuttoning his pants.
He filled her hand up and she was happy to feel a mattress at her back and his motion and strong thighs guiding her up to the headboard.
He didn't stop kissing her, all over her mouth and neck. She could hear him rustling in the side table. The crinkle of the wrapper was louder than the booms outside the window.
Harry sat back on his haunches and she got her first eye full. She knew other parts of her body would be brimful soon.
His tip a deep pink, weeping. She had come, not so long ago, though the tightness between her legs made it seem longer. Harry had not. When Keira brought her hands up to help him get skinned. She gasped, "You're so hard."
"For you." The roll of the condom met his wiry hair, and he pressed her back to the bed. Keira was ready, more than.
But Harry trailed down, with his fingertips, followed by his lips, and teeth.
"Can I have a taste?" He asked again from between her thighs.
Keira answered with a moan. It lasted while his fingers parted her folds, and his fingertips teased her clit. He was holding her down after the first long swipe of his tongue from opening to the gathering of nerves he'd teased her to completion with in her living room.
By the fifth lick, Keira was almost ashamed she was coming. Almost.
"Fuck, fuck fuck's sake Harry, fuck me!" There seemed to be a escalation of the sounds at the window. More and more loud bangs and whistles, shrill pops.
Harry smoothed his long body up her own, the fireworks crescendoed when he fitted the condom tip he'd wet with saliva into her.
The first stroke, the joining, came on the final bang.
Harry came much later.
111 notes · View notes
sigritandtheelves · 6 years
Au where mulders a writer of sci fi stories and Scullys a scientist hired by his editor to fact check some of his stories. Bonus points if theres a romantic subplot in his story and they quote lines to each other
A/N: This gets a bit meta for a quick sec. It is also… irredeemable fluff. I’ve had a hard few days and I needed something wholesome. I am 100% sure I will regret it in the morning, lol.
He wants this one to be different. He needs the science to feel more real than the speculative world-building he’s done in his last three books. The universe should feel like ours, he thinks—its physics and its materiality should have the same weight. Its atoms the same heft. This is going to be the one, he thinks. The one that puts his name on the charts. It needs to not just be right, but to feel right. He calls his editor, asks about a consultant.
His index finger disappears inside the looping plastic phone cord as he talks—feet on the desk beside his word processor.
“Well, I might know someone,” his editor says.
“Yeah… she’s good. Not usually her line of work, but she’s bored with her day job. I think she’d take it on.”
“You think.” Mulder senses hesitation—the pause draws out a moment too long. “Charlie?”
“Yeah, Mulder. The thing is, it’s my sister.”
“I’ll give her a call tonight if you want?”
“Okay.” The chair creaks as he sits up to bring the receiver to it’s cradle, but then at the last minute—“Hey Charlie?”
“Is she hot?”
The line goes dead.
She is, though. Hot. Not porno hot, but… something. Dana Scully is short and fresh-faced, spring-stepped and the tiniest bit awkward a suit that seems ill-fitting, a little uncomfortable. She’s a pathologist—usually spends her days in scrubs, he thinks. But she majored in physics and her science is blade sharp, a razor to scrape his work clean.
“So in the novel,” she says, “It’s a conspiracy of men?”
“And aliens,” he says.
Her look is wariness and amusement, eyebrows to the hairline, red lips pinched to hold in a smile.
“See, they’re working together. They’re developing a colonizing agent that will wipe out most of the population.”
“Unless your hero can stop them.”
“And he’s a scientist?”
“Yeah, that’s the plan.”
“He’s working alone?”
“He has kind of a sidekick, a friend who’s a conspiracy nerd, spends all his days in his mom’s basement, connecting dots.”
She purses her lips and he senses her skepticism.
“Are there any women in the book?”
“The main character’s mom is in one scene. And there’s a sexy informant. Plus the aliens abduct several women, and I tell their stories too.”
The lip pursing has been joined by a disapproving squint. “Let me read your draft,” she says.
It comes back with notes. So very many notes. At first he balks—digs in his heels and swears at the marked-up manuscript on his desk. He throws a pillow, kicks his trash can. He wanted science notes, not… ugh. Of course, she has given him the science notes… and story notes and character notes and structural notes and even a few on language. He ignores the last page, where she’s placed a yellow sticky-note:
I know this is a lot but it’s only because I really like it. I think it could be great. Call me and we’ll talk about it more?
He frowns. He pouts. He doesn’t touch the book for a week. How dare she? He thinks. But then he thinks of her freckled face, that smile he’d gotten when he described the story, the way she’d gone nose-to-nose with his crazy ideas. After a while, and after he reads everything again, he realizes that she’s right.
He tucks away his pride. He works and works and works, thinking of her raised eyebrows, her little smirk, the whole time. Thinking of her, mostly. It’s three weeks before he’s happy with the draft, but he calls when he’s finished, nervous somehow, to hear her voice again.
“I thought you wouldn’t call,” she says. “I thought maybe… I’d gone a bit overboard with the comments.”
He laughs a little. “Yeah, well… me too, at first. But I think you’re right. About almost everything. Come over?” He’s surprised at how casual his voice sounds, how easy it is to ask her.
“Okay,” she says.
She comes to his apartment bearing coffee and a box of donut holes, stands his doorway looking vulnerable. Apologetic. She’s dressed casually this time—jeans and a maroon sweater. She tilts her chin in an I’m sorry pout as she holds up her offerings.
He smiles. “Come in.”
Wary at first, not sure what to expect, she takes in his apartment: the art on his walls, his leather couch, his fish. She’s surprised at how comfortable the space feels, how she wants to curl up in his cushions, put her feet up, watch a movie with him—though she barely knows this man. A clean, printed manuscript rests on the coffee table. He gestures with his chin. “Take a look.”
She does. Her eyes go wide as she thumbs through the first chapter. “You made the scientist a woman?” She asks.
Mulder nods, chewing his thumbnail. He tries not to hover, sips coffee and chews donut holes instead. She got jelly ones, bless her. When she’s skimmed roughly a third, she sits back and looks up.
“Are they in love?” She asks, cheeks red.
“Maybe,” he says. “I hadn’t thought at first—“
“They should be,” she says, and now his face is red too. “Can I read it all?”
She comes back again. And again. They spend evenings reading, sometimes aloud, her nose wrinkling when something’s not right, talking about the story, and then talking about other things. They watch Plan 9 from Outer Space and he makes her laugh when he recites the lines. He frowns at her unbuttered popcorn. They drink beer and she settles into his cushions. He watches her face while she reads. Watches her lips. She swallows hard when he tells her that there is a love scene.
“So he’s a little roughed up from his escape, and she thought he might have been dead. But then he shows up at her door, and he’s stolen some vials of the vaccine… It’s kind of a reunion, plus they think maybe they’ve won,” he explains.
Her knee is touching his. Denim against denim radiates heat up her leg. Her palms feel hot. “So what does she do?”
Mulder looks at her and there’s a smile in his eyes. He’s chewing his bottom lip. “Well first she yells at him,” he says.
“Hmm. He did do something kind of stupid.”
“He did,” Mulder concedes. “But then… then she kisses him.”
“She does?” Her breath sounds too loud in her ears. His tongue comes out over his lips again.
“Mm hmm.”
The air: so still. Fish tank burbling. Pages between them on the couch. He watches her pupils dilate. She shifts and her knee rubs along his thigh. “Oh,” she says.
And then he’s kissing her, thumbs at her cheeks, taste of coffee on his tongue. Her fingers come around his wrist, feel the pulse point, stroke the fine hairs beneath his watch. She falls. She is falling. She does not land. Somehow she knew. She knew it would be like this with him.
His book does well, so much better than he expected, even gets nominated for a Hugo award.
On Sundays, they lay in bed and read the New York Times Book Review, watching his title climb the list, smelling of sex and tasting of each other. He visits her at work, brings coffee, and vomits into stainless steel basin the first time he watches her use a bone saw. She tries not to smile, rubs his back, brings him a cup of water.
When the paperback edition of the novel comes out, he has a special edition printed just for her. It is Saturday and they are in the park, legs entangled, her head on his shoulder. “I have a surprise,” he says.
He hands her the copy and she frowns because it feels strange, the cover lumpy.
“What?” She asks, but he’s shaking his head.
“Open it.”
She does, giving him that squinty, skeptical eye he’s now so used to. He’s had the dedication page changed. Where it once said, “For Dana who made this book what it is,” it now reads, “For Dana, who makes my life what it is. Will you marry me?” Taped below it is a ring.
She gapes. She almost chokes. She smacks him with the book. “You sap!” She says. But then she is crying and putting on the ring and kissing him.
At their wedding, Charlie is insufferable. He drunkenly tries to take credit for bringing them together, not to mention for the book. They ignore him. They dance.
“Let’s write another one,” Mulder whispers into her hair.
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thenerdcommander · 5 years
Stolen from @bronzeagelove.  Because I can.  Steal it from me too if y’all wanna do it I’m not bothering with tagging.
Rules: bold everything that applies to you and tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better.
I am over 5’5 (1,65m) // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing over tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer nike to Adidas // I wear baseball caps backwards
Hobbies and talents
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with my friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush  // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me (before she was even my crush lmao) // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate  outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire  // I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favourite season
I can fall asleep in moving vehicles // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote(s) // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
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thewhitemperor · 5 years
tag, you’re it
Stolen from a random person
Tagging!: @glacies-tempestatem @medicalwarrior @thebloomingrosefamily @ryusxnka @kingsprotector
Rules: Bold everything that applies to you then tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
I ’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup (though now I only wear mascara) // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backward
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows  // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing(although I'm really really really bad at singing I love doing it) // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends (only when they ask me to) // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise// I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs
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Rules: Bold everything that applies to you and tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better.
Stolen from: @overlookhotelhothead
Tagging: @1-love-pencils @teaat3am @hcllpriest @blackroselovesyou and anyone else who wants to steal this
I’m over 5'5" // I wear glasses // contacts // i have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backward
Hobbies & Talents:
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with my friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors// I find mystery in the ocean //I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote(s) // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead
2 notes · View notes
littlesnowyships · 5 years
Stolen from @plucky-belmondo
Rules: Bold what applies to you and then tag ten people who you want to know better
I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows  // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year (my entire life...) // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me //I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs
I’m not tagging specific people because I don’t know who has done this, so I’ll just tag whoever wants to do this 😂
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disastrousbarnes · 5 years
Stolen Dance (3)  Beckett Cain P.O.V
Jazz 1 / Chapter 1 / Jazz 2/ Jazz 3/ Chapter 2 / Jazz 4 / Jazz 5
Pairing: Beckett Cain (OC) x Jasmine Rogers (OC, Steve Rogers daughter)
Summary: Beckett left for college 2 years ago. Breaking thing of with his girlfriend Jazz. He thought he was over her, but now that he is reminded of her existence, he isn’t sure. Will he reach back out? Will she respond?
Authors Note: I just felt like responding with my gorgeous boi Beckett’s P.O.V FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED.
Word count: 1125
Chapter title: Gin and Vanilla Coke
We are half way trough dinner and I am drunk as hell, when my phone screen lights up. I am about to complain, because this means I have to do the dishes, when I see that it’s a snap from Jazz. Without giving it a second thought I grab my phone. She responded.
It was a video of her, acting offended because I wasn’t sharing my pie with her.
I didn’t wait a single moment to respond. “Oh my dear Jassssmine,” I didn’t realize I was slurring my words. “My friends want pie too, I’ll make you some when I am back home. LOVE YOU.” I was probably going to regret the ‘love you’ tomorrow, but right now it felt like the right thing to say.
“Damn Beck, I thought you guys broke up 2 years ago?” Maia says, wiggling her eyebrows.
I nod, barely taking in what she says. “I just love her.”
I feel Ingmar’s hand running over the small of my back, “Cain, I think you might have had enough to drink.” He was only joking, of course. I hope he was, because I had no plans of stopping anytime soon.
 Okay I should have stopped when Ingmar told me so. It’s 3 A.M and I am hanging over the toilet, puking my guts out. Fuck, I really shouldn’t be drinking gin half and half with vanilla coke. You don’t really taste the alcohol anymore, but believe me it’s still there. Especially if all you’ve eaten is a chocolate croissant and some chicken.
I hear a soft knock against the door. “Beckett?” It’s Benji.
“Yes.” I say, though it probably sounds more like a groan.
“Are you okay?”
“Oh, well you sound like shit.”
“I am-” I was going to tell him I am fine when I feel another wave of nausea hit me. Not even 5 seconds later I am back to puking.
The door opens and Ingmar sits down next to me, holding what looks like a glass of water. “Hey buddy,” he says, his tone soft and gentle. “I brought you some water, you want it?”
I nod, eager to get this gross taste out of my mouth. “I am so sorry.”
“Why, we’ve all gotten way to drunk before and you’ve always been the one to take care of us.”
 I don’t remember leaving the bathroom, but the next morning I wake up in my own bed. The curtain is closed, thank god.
I reach over to grab my phone, from the nightstand, but instead I find a glass of water and an aspirin. That’s probably better anyway.
The clock on the wall shows it is 10 a.m. SHIT. IT’S MONDAY.
I ignore my hangover and the urge to puke and start running around the apartment. Class started half an hour ago. When I get downstairs I almost run straight into my Christmas tree.
 Wait a second….. It’s winter break, there is no class this week.
I want to drop onto the floor and stay there. Instead I make the wise decision to grab a carton of my favorite ice cream and lay down on the couch.
Sanne was right, ice cream is the best cure for a hangover. That and water of course. Sanne is Alex’s mom. The wife of the great Bucky Barnes, the winter soldier. She was also our sex ed teacher and my very first crush….  Yes I had a crush on one of my best friends mom, don’t judge okay. I was 12.
Now I am 21 and still definitely see she isn’t ugly, but I also know she’s 42. And married, too the most dangerous assassin on the 90’s.
I was busy binge watching Suits on Netflix, so I didn’t have to search for something to watch. Thank god, because I really don’t have the energy for that. I still didn’t have my phone and I honestly don’t care at this point.
What could I possibly be missing anyway. Expect for a response to me telling Jazz I FUCKING LOVE HER!
Fack, fack fack. I want to jump infront of a train, what kind of creep drunk snaps their ex they LOVE THEM. That’s not a normal people move. That’s a pathetic loser that isn’t over his ex, kind of move. Look I am not over Jazz, but I amen’t that pathetic. Well apparently I am, because I did snap her. She must think I am some crazy weirdo. She just responded to my pie picture and I send her a full blown love confession.
The worst part isn’t even that I send it, I mean I was clearly drunk. It’s that I meant it. I do still love her. Not the way I love Gia, my other ex, no the way you your partner. The way I’ve loved her since the second we got together.
God she had been 15, almost 16 and I was 19. It felt so wrong and I knew I probably shouldn’t do it. Scrap that. I knew I definitely shouldn’t do it, but I was young and she was gorgeous and Caleb’s, Alex’s brother, best friend. Also Alex ex’s little sister, but we got together and broke up first. Not that it’s a competition….
I have a shitload of great memories with that girl, but my favorite has to be when I drove her home that very first time. I had played Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls on repeat. As I always do and she hadn’t complained, not once. It was that moment I decided I was going to charm her into liking me. Let’s just say that worked 😉
We were together for little under a year, only broke up because I was moving to Texas and she was going into senior year. Neither of us deserved to go through that with strings attached, unable to truly enjoy it, knowing we had commitments on the other side of the country.
If given the chance I wouldn’t have done it differently, it was the right choice. That doesn’t mean I’ve never regretted it though.
God she’s probably moved on already, I think remembering the guy in one of her insta pics.
 And just like that I fall into a deep spiral of internet stalking a guy named Gabriel. He looks a shit load like Tate, but in the words of the fake blond king himself; ‘No one is hotter than me, Tate Harrison Bishop. I am gods best creation. Well except maybe Alex. I guess.’ He was drunk when he said it, but when we reminded him of his words, he used them as his graduation quote.
Anyway, Jazz was probably dating him and I was the pathetic loser stalking his ex’s boyfriend.
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I'm about to take such good care of you bitches but brace yourself cause this is a long post!
I'm going to tell you how to make the ultimate aesthetic and beneficial bath and I think we all need this after all the stress everyone has been going through this year and the last year.
Here's how to make a milk and rose bath which btw is the same shit pharaohs used to bath in and while it was expensive then, it's kinda affordable now and really anyone can do it.
• Add 1 to 2 cups of milk to a full tub of warm water. (You can use normal milk but to get the best results try Coconut Milk, Oat Milk, Almond Milk, Goat Milk, or Buttermilk.)
• Fill bathtub with warm water and add in the milk.
• Mix water and milk with your arm or foot to combine.
• 8-10 drops of a relaxing/rejuvenating essential oil of your choice.
• ½ cup of dried rose petals.
• Epsom Salt (Adding Epsom salt to a hot bath helps draw out toxins, calm nerves, cures headaches and muscles.)
• Olive Oil (Adding olive oil to a bath will moisturize and soften dry skin.)
• Soak and relax for 20 to 30 minutes and try to forget that the whole world is constantly bitch slapping us like a pimp.
• Once your done make sure you rinse.
Benefits of a milk bath:
• Soothe and hydrates skin.
• Reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
• Exfoliate skin.
• Improve skin firmness.
• Reduce dry spots and flare-ups.
• Ease sunburn.
• Improve inflammatory skin conditions.
• Ease tension.
• Relieve stress.
• Promote restful sleep.
Potential risks:
Really nothing but if you suffer from allergies to milk or have especially sensitive skin you should be cautious before taking a milk bath.
Benefits of rose water:
• Helps soothe skin irritation. (this includes both internal and external. It may even help soothe irritation of eczema or rosacea.)
• Soothes sore throats.
• Reduces skin redness and acne.
• Helps prevent and treats infections. (Rose water has naturally powerful antiseptic which is why it's in variety of natural and medicinal treatments! In fact, Its antiseptic and analgesic properties helped in treating the ocular disease.)
• Contains antioxidants. (Rose petals and rose oil contain a number of powerful antioxidants, which can help protect cells from damage. It was found that these antioxidants had potential lipid peroxidation inhibitory effects and that offers powerful cell protection as a result.)
• Heals cuts, scars, and burns.(Rose water has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help wounds heal faster. These properties can help clean and fight off infection of cuts and burns. They can also help cuts, burns, and even scars heal faster.)
• Enhances mood. (Rose water can have strong antidepressant and antianxiety properties. A study in 2011 found that the extract of rose petals can relax the central nervous system which resulted in antidepressant and antianxiety effects.)
• Relieves headaches.
• Has anti-aging properties.
• Soothes digestion problems. (In folk medicine, rose water has been used to aid in digestion and cure a upset stomach and a 2008 study found that there is some evidence that rose water can positively influence digestion and relieve an upset digestive system. It may also improve bile secretion, which can further aid digestion.)
Potential risks:
Literally nothing, the only exception is if you are allergic to rose.
Epsom salt benefits:
• Epsom salt is a natural pain reliever.
• Epsom salt is great for your body. (It helps relax muscles and relieve pain in the shoulders, neck, back and skull. For example, by relaxing the muscles surrounding the skull, the magnesium in Epsom salt may help release a headache or migraine. Sadly it doesn't remove the pain of this world but eh, at least your body feels nice.)
• Epsom salt kills bacteria. (This shit is especially useful nowadays because of the pandemic.)
Potential risks:
• Magnesium overdose. Some cases of magnesium overdose have been reported, in which people took too much Epsom salt. Symptoms include nausea, headache, lightheadedness, and flushed skin.
• Do NOT take an Epsom salt bath if you have high blood pressure, a heart or kidney condition or any circulatory problems.
Note: The bath is perfectly okay without Ebsom salt and doesn't change anything if it's gone so if your worried about it then simply don't put it in. Better safe than sorry!
Essential oil benefits:
Note: These are the actual scientific benefits not that antivax bullshit and I spent like a whole 5 minutes trying to find the real benefits because all those websites kept showing up. That's 5 minutes of my life stolen by Karen's so I hope your happy.
• Lavender oil. (Lavender is prized for its ability to calm and relax.)
• Eucalyptus oil. (Eucalyptus has a cooling effect on muscles and reduces pain and inflammation.)
• Roman and German chamomile oils. (Chamomile oils can help with pain and inflammation.)
• Peppermint oil. (Peppermint contains menthol, which has a cooling effect on sore, achy muscles. It also has analgesic, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory properties.)
• Helichrysum oil. (Helichrysum relieves muscle spasms, inflammation, and pain.)
• Marjoram oil. (Marjoram relaxes muscle spasms and tension. It’s known for its ability to ease pain and inflammation.)
• Rosemary oil. (Rosemary is noted for its ability to ease pain and inflammation.)
• Yarrow oil. (Yarrow is used to reduce pain and inflammation.)
• Cypress oil. (Cypress calms and relaxes muscles spasms and works to soothe inflammation.)
• Sandalwood oil. (Sandalwood alleviates muscle spasms, tension, and inflammation.)
• Ginger oil. (Ginger has a warming effect on sore muscles, which helps relieve pain.)
• Black pepper oil. (Black pepper alleviates pain by warming up your body.)
• Clove oil. (Clove is often used to treat pain. It also has a warming effect on sore muscles.)
• Clary sage oil. (Clary sage alleviates muscle tension and spasms while promoting relaxation.)
• Juniper oil. (Juniper eases tension and eliminates muscle spasms.)
• Arnica oil. (Arnica relieves inflammation and swelling while soothing the skin. It’s often recommended for bruising.)
• Lemongrass oil. (Lemongrass works quickly to reduce inflammation and swelling.)
Potential risks:
• Do NOT consume.
Essential oils are not safe to consume and can cause significant poisoning even if small amounts are ingested. If you try to eat this I will find you and spray you with febreze, don't try me.
Olive Oil benefits:
• It moisturizes your skin. (Olive oil is well known to moisturize and hydrate your skin.)
• Fights bacteria. (If you're prone to acne, using a soap made with olive oil may help decrease your acne by killing off the bacteria that causes the acne.)
• Olive oil is a natural anti aging option. (Nearly 73% of olive oil consists of monounsaturated fat, which is associated with increased skin elasticity and firmness.)
• Olive oil helps protect against sun burn. (Animal and lab studies suggest it has strong anti-inflammatory effects on the skin and may protect it from sun damage.)
Potential risks:
• Olive oil is honestly a double sided snake because while it fights acne, It also might cause acne.
To quote Dr. Gohara “Olive oil is a naturally heavy oil, making it a breeding ground for bacteria that can clog pores and cause acne.” but of course, everyone's skin is different, and some acne-prone people may have no problem doing this while others may find that it breaks them out.
• You might end up smelling like a Olive Garden if you don't rinse that off probably.
• Don't use daily, once a month is completely fine but honestly even that's kinda pushing it. Constant treatment with olive oil significantly damages the skin barrier, and therefore has the potential to promote the development of, and exacerbate existing, atopic dermatitis. This said, the use of olive oil for the treatment of dry skin and infant massage should therefore definitely be discouraged under any circumstances.
Note: Just like the Epsom salt, Olive oil is optional. You don't have to risk smelling like a fucking walking olive if you don't want to.
Now, let's move on to how much this will cost aka let's move forward to the part I hate.
Roses typically cost about $10-$15 but I have seen cheaper so don't worry.
I'm pretty sure we all know how much milk cost but if for some reason if you don't, $3-$4.
Olive oil is typically $15-$20 so thank god that's optional and besides you probably already have some in your kitchen somewhere or maybe that's just me since my mom's a retired cook but eh, you probably do so look before you leave to get it!
Do not buy essential oils in person, trust me it's fucking easier that way! Anytime I had tried to buy some in person it was like $30 for just one of them but online I got like 12 of them for the same price so just save your bank account the crying, and get it online. If you do this it should be about $15!
Epsom salt is around $10-$12 for a supply of 454 grams, depending on the pharmacy or walmart you visit.
So, let's move onto the pricing of showing yourself this much love.
If you choose to use all the ingredients then this whole real life aesthetic bath is probably at the most around $53 - $81 and that's kinda a big yikes but you can find it for cheaper depending on how and where you shop and I know this because I have done it.
If you choose not to use the Ebsom salt and olive oil which once again is perfectly okay then this should be around $28 - $43 at most because once again I have done this for cheaper before, it honestly just depends on how you shop so be smart about it!
Tip: try and find coupons through apps or newspapers if you still think you can't afford it.
This one is completely up to you but consider stopping to buy some chocolate, because I feel like that will taste even better when your treating yourself like this.
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