#To the point where the fans basically break and become Obsessed with defending them
digital-roots · 8 months
Coming as someone who was in both the mcyt(mainly dteam) fandom and the hazbin hotel/helluva boss fandom, dream and vivziepop are eerily similar in how cult-like and defensive their fanbases are
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
It wasn’t all Micah’s fault, Dutch is as much to blame.
A lot of people seem to think that Micah being the rat is what led to the fall of the Van der Linde gang. While it’s true that Micah is partly to blame. But Micah would not have an opportunity if it were not for Dutch’s vanity and pride.
Dutch is the classic delusional leader seen in many stories, novels. His fantasies become more real with each day, battle and somehow they think fortune is right around the corner. Like a gambler chasing the eternal big pot. No amount of money would ever be enough. It wasn't about money. It's was about the chase, the illusion of victory that never comes.
In Chapter 6 is when this all becomes more apparent. A switch went off in Dutch's mind, in Ch6. This wasn't the way HIS story was supposed to happen. Not to HIM. He's freaking Don Quixote, madman fighting knights in his mind and being a hero. It's fucking beautiful character writing and story arc for him.
Dutch has a discarded speech draft in horseshoe overlook that shows he’s always been a self-obsessed politician in context of the gang. He crosses out every line of humility and replaces it with narcissistic martyrdom, and avoids ever giving his audience a moment to question him or the path they’re on. He wants control over people so he can use them to realize his ambitions, and every book he reads in camp has a similar motif that explains why he thinks that way.
There are conversations between Lenny and Dutch, too. Lenny is not a fan of Evelyn Miller and tells Dutch why. Dutch is blind to the criticism. This speaks volumes about the two characters. This conversation made me realize that Dutch is used to peddling his philosophy to people who are not as well read as him; the moment he has to defend his ideas to someone more intelligent he gets defensive and angry. Because he isn't searching for a debate; he's searching for affirmation.
Everyone loves to paint Dutch and Hosea as the perfect partners and even ship them in a gay way. But Dutch doesn’t respect Hosea? Also Hosea was a happily married man. They're supposed to be partners, but he certainly doesn't treat him like one. He doesn't listen to him, he yells at him when he's doubting, coughing or in pain, and he makes him sleep on the cold, hard, dirty ground. He even openly ignores him in Colter, in front of the other men, and rides off when he tries to stop him from robbing Cornwall's train. I'm not saying they don't have a rich history or good moments, but it's a toxic relationship at best. Not exactly something worth praising. If you don't believe me, you can find unique dialogues as the game progresses, verifying he’s lost all faith in Dutch. To the point that he even starts telling other members to leave. Abigail, John, Arthur, Lenny, Tilly, Sadie -- he tells all of them to leave. During a dominoes game we played together he even said, "Maybe it's just me, but Dutch seems to be getting more and more unhinged." And as early as chapter one he told Arthur, "Try to stop Dutch getting all of you killed, because I'm about beginning to think he's finally lost his mind." There are also other conversations where Hosea’s disappointment with Dutch is far more blatant. He basically tells Arthur he’s been disillusioned for a while and wishes the gang would change, but when Arthur asks what they’d do instead of thieving, Hosea says, “I don’t know. I never knew. Guess I could never figure that out, neither.” By this point he’s just so dejected and defeatist because he knows Dutch won’t listen to him. He also goes on a whole tirade about how they’ve become “nothing but a bunch of killers”, which breaks his heart, and during a random campfire encounter he bares his soul and flat out tells the gang he no longer believes in Dutch’s “we’re above the law” philosophy. I feel like Dutch is glad Hosea was killed because the biggest doubter and thorn in his side was taken care of.
I mean this is what Hosea feels about the majority of Dutch’s plans
The moment John put his family as a priority, Dutch saw this as a threat and has been paranoid about John ever since. 
He tried to play the Grays, Braithewaites and Bronte  the same way he’s used Arthur, Hosea, John, Bill, Javier, and even his women like Molly, Susan and Annabelle. To Dutch, people are just set pieces in his life. He cares for them and wants them to love him, but it’s only because he’s a narcissist that needs their support to make himself stronger.
He never snapped or went crazy or turned. The Dutch that drowned Bronte is the same Dutch that had always been there. He was frustrated that he did not have the upper hand on somebody, that someone had played him the same way he plays others, and it’s probably the same reason he shot a girl in cold blood on the ferry and the same reason he shot the girl in the bank in rdr1. In that scene in rdr1, he said something like “you’re the master now John” before Dutch did what he did.
When Dutch isn’t in control, he rages against the world around him. Because as far as he’s concerned, he’s the smartest and most virtuous man around and anyone who opposes him is wrong. And anytime he loses or isn’t completely in control, somebody’s out to get him and play him like a fool. That’s why he turns on Arthur and John, and why Micah manipulates him so easily
Blackwater, going up against Cornwall, playing the inbred families and Bronte is what sealed the gang's fate.
Blackwater. If Dutch had just ignored the ferry job and let Hosea and Arthur handle their Blackwater real estate/tax scam, then they would have made it big with no one dying
If Dutch had just ignored the O'Driscolls and their train heist plans, then Cornwall would have went after Colm O'Driscoll while Dutch and the gang could have either went to Horseshoe without incident or gotten lost out West. Don’t forget it was Hosea who was against robbing that train back in chapter 1 that belonged to Leviticus Cornwall. It was after that robbery when he started sponsoring Pinkertons to find Dutch. If they stayed away from that train, they could’ve shaken off the Pinkertons easily. Hosea was right from the very start. Even before that he was saying that Blackwater robbery was a bad idea.
If Dutch or Hosea put their foot down and requested Herr Straus to stop loansharking desperate people or risk being banished from the gang, then maybe Arthur would still be alive
If they requested the aid of Trelwany to see if the rumor of Confederate gold is legit or not, then they could've realized playing one or the other family was a complete waste of time and not worth the effort.
The moment they got Jack from Bronte, they should have just left Lemoyne and never looked back.
The moment Arthur began helping the Wapiti tribe, he should have never went back to Dutch. Arthur, Charles, Sadie and John should have helped them and never looked back. John would’ve gotten Abigail and Jack out alive, while from some convincing from Arthur, Uncle and Susan would have helped Mary-Beth, Tilly and Pearson leave the gang. 
Even if everything turned out the way it did but Hosea, Lenny and Sean were alive, the gang would be split. Hosea, Susan, Lenny and Sean would have sided with Arthur. There would have been a chance that Hosea and Arthur could have talked sense into Dutch, but Dutch would not want to see that he fucked up royally and costed EVERYTHING, he would stand by the choices he made, even if it meant fighting his own brother and sons.
But no, Dutch needs to feel like this big and important leader. He needs one last take. It wasn't about money, it was wanting to prove that he won and just wanting to be the big man, like Evelyn Miller or all the outlaws that are romanticized. Micah saw him for what he was and was playing him like a fiddle and milking him for all he's worth. It was so easy for Micah to play Dutch and so easy for Arthur Hosea, Sean, Lenny, Susan, Davey, Mac and Jenny to die for the sake of Dutch proving that he is a winner and that he is right. It was never about getting lost out west or even the money or even Tahiti, it was about Dutch wanting to prove he is right and all the doubters are wrong.
Dutch Van der Linde’s pride and ego is what destroyed the gang. Even if Milton did not kill Hosea, there was no stopping Dutch’s path of self-destruction.
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terrific-togekiss · 3 years
Pokémon Champions and overall Journey Themes
Pokémon. A franchise met with much praise and adoration for many years.
Catching your favorite pocket monsters, while capturing the hearts of many.
Today we're going to look and analyze at an aspect of the main games that many is familiar with: Champions.
The last victory before the main journey is over. A culmination of everything the player has been through over the entire main game. And here we're talking about what the Pokémon Champions really symbolize in the games and how they hold up the overall themes of the game.
Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow
Starting with Blue in Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow.
As the first games of the franchise, it's only natural that the champion is someone the player knows.
With Blue, Gen 1 is the first Pokémon games. So, of course since Pokémon is a personal journey it ends with you the player facing someone of a personal relationship.
You went on this journey. You saved Kanto from Team Rocket. You caught many Pokémon of various shapes, sizes, colors and personalities. You filled up the Pokédex. You traveled across the lands.
Now it's time for one final challenge before your journey is over.
And there's the man who reminds of where you began. Your own best friend as the champion. If both journeys are coming to end, so is this friendly rivalry the two of you have had since the start.
The main theme of Gen 1 is to remind fans how Pokémon is ultimately a journey you set off on yourself.
Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal
Now let's move on to the Johto region in Gen 2. Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal share close connections to the Gen 1 games, being seen as a bit of an add on.
Lance is a Dragon master, Gen 2 was about respecting old legends and learning from those before you, so of course the champion has a team of dragons and ancient Pokémon.
Team Rocket returns and does not respect any of the old legends, as seen with messing with the natural habitat, angering a shiny Gyrados and caring more about themselves.
Silver, the son of Giovanni is also reflective of this as he tries to take on his dad's old crime group before forging his own path.
Lance embodies none of these characteristics and teaches the player to respect all before you, but never lose sight of what awaits you.
We ultimately forge our own paths.
Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald
In the Gen 3 games Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, Team Magma and Team Aqua both have plans for changing the overall environment of the entire Hoenn region.
Both Steven Stone and Wallace have Pokémon closer to the the natural world, showing the player to never forget Pokémon origins, and not grow obsessed with how phenomenal the world as a whole is.
Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum
With Cynthia in the Gen 4 games of Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, she's the first champion to have a team not regulated by one type. You, the player, are a literal small town Pokémon trainer that goes on to do great things in contrast yet likeness.
Cynthia is humble in who she is and was most likely in the same position as the Player. Showing how anyone can do great things and go on to do great things. No matter where they came from.
Pokémon Black and White
With the Gen 5 game Pokémon Black and White: Alder is very old and N, someone much younger, beating him is meant to reflect Team Plasma's goals and ushering in a new age. Alder being beat is meant to show the old ways are done. N winning is the Truth, his future of no more Pokémon battling is what he deems ideal. As the overall theme of Black and White is Truth and Ideals.
The player beating him and Team Plasma, is meant to show how hollow Truth and Ideals are, when on a journey of power than self discovery.
Pokémon Black 2 and White 2
This carries over to Pokémon Black 2 and White 2: Team Plasma has split into two groups. One believes in the old goal of people and Pokémon coexisting peacefully, while the other wants to take over Unova. The latter, Neo Team Plasma is trying to hold onto N's ideals, while the former is the truth behind what Team Plasma always planned on.
Iris going from a Gym Leader in one version of the previous games to champion holds onto this theme, while rejecting it; this is the last 2D Pokémon game, so what is being carried over?
Fun. No matter what paths we take, what roads we travel, what struggles we face, Pokémon is all about having fun.
N lost sight of why Pokémon would want to stay with their masters, but realized in the end, through the protagonist that maybe humans and Pokémon may live in harmony one day.
Fun adds meaning to life and helps take our minds off of what we face in our day to day lives. It's the Truth of why so many love Pokémon, creating an ideal world building enrichment in our lives.
Pokémon X and Y
Moving on, in the Gen 6 games X and Y, Diantha is a fashion model and embodies beauty in yourself and finding it in others. Team Flare wants beauty to be immortalized. Diantha disagrees with Lysandre and rejects his offer early in the game, understanding nothing lasts forever and beauty becomes hollow if it does.
The player beating her and than beating AZ is meant to show how something is beautiful not because it lasts: how we feel towards it does. As seen with with AZ and Floette. Even decades later, they still hold the same love they hold for each other.
Team Flare is shown throughout the game to be a group of flamboyant criminals, that while emphasizing immortal beauty: all look the same.
As everything must fade away at some point and nothing truly lasts forever. But that's not exactly bad thing. It's a reminder of appreciating things in the here and now.
Pokémon (Ultra) Sun and (Ultra) Moon
With Gen 7, since something is done differently here, but the player still beats the Elite Four and shows how anyone can stand tall, but true knowledge never ends. As seen with being able to defend your position as champion.
When one reaches the top, what's left when you've learned all there is to learn and being number one?
Start all over again. The other side of the mountain is the beginning and every journey starts all over again.
This idea is also instilled in the challengers, as for the first time the player can defend their title as champion and teach the same lesson to them.
Pokémon Sword and Shield
In the Gen 8 games, Leon basically embodies the pressure society puts on you when you become famous and needing to live up the expectations of your family (or otherwise supporting them). He's one of the first who makes an explicit effort to keep "you kids" out of danger until it becomes impossible. He even takes an entire HIT for the player during the Eternatus incident. He breaks the trope of ten year olds being expected to handle everything, while adults help in smaller ways.
And why does he care so much? Pressure.
How fitting and ironic since this is the first console Pokémon games, with Gen 7 being the last handheld ones.
Moving on, Leon understands the pressures of the player going on a journey, as he was in the very same position himself.
Societal pressures are ultimately pointless: you decide what defines greatness and how others can follow your example. As seen with Leon looking out for the player. Not to be blinded by the light, but to follow it.
Thanks for reading everyone! I look forward to what Gen 9 may do this.
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
ok ok hear me out hear me out. Yuma becoming obsessed with one of the game’s ( few ) sentient, non-romancable npcs. Like they can think and feel and ( somewhat ) act for themselves but there just isn’t a route for them. Also bonus points of the darling is kinda bratty/prissy, we haven’t see a lot of readers like that. Ily and your writing so much, mwah — ✨ anon
My my, how different!
Welcome in, ✨ Anon! And thank you for enjoying my writing so far.
TW/Tags: I love this concept, although being very different from the norm // some ddlc vibes // I just discovered a new word and I'm so glad it exists! (prissy reader cause I think this would be very fun-) // angsty // trapping, manipulation and gaslighting // every time the gender isn't set, I like to keep it ambiguous, basically making it gender neutral (gender neutral reader) // gender neutral Yuma //
Just Yuma (lol) [Yandere!A.I OC x A.I!Reader - Headcanon]:
I like to think that a game like Yuma's would be made to entertain the players to at least 5 or so years before the next installment- Which is basically the same as the last with better graphics and switching the main love interest cast.
The games would be made clearly for the sake of fan service and slice of life material- But would be surprisingly more advanced to us than to those who have created the franchise.
Because there is already an estimation of the amount of content and for how long players would play the game, every single character should get at least some bit of highlight- So even npcs that are just there for the sake of ambience and narrative, are treated with a lot of care and given the best a.i the developers could give to make the experience entertaining.
You are just like any other non-dateable npc, except that you have gained a bit of a role in one of the main cast's routes. It wouldn't be a stretch to guess that one of these characters would be Yuma themselves.
You were supposed to be Yuma's love interest, meaning you would have an role as an player's rival- But due to an strict schedule and corporate greed, you have been demoted from having such a big impact, and now you're basically Yuma's best friend who keeps them from committing homicide every five seconds.
It's not exactly a bad role, since you keep having the same dynamic with them from before- Chaotic gremlin is best friends with Paranoid goody two shoes, now with less romantic interactions.
The only mistake by the company was to leave half of the data showcasing this relationship in the game at the release. Basically- Half of the cutscenes and dialogue involving you and Yuma not only being friends but the start of you two dating (the game kinda pairs the couples up if the player fails to date them, or simply shows disinterest in the characters to begin with-) and even some of the things involving you two during the dating phase- Even the potential break-up sequence which could be orchestrated by the player.
Well, could have- Since none of this content is really available or considered official, the only way to access it is by messing the games files.
So in a way, you're already pretty sentient as it is, you act not as a rival but as a somewhat helper into getting the player to get closer to Yuma. I don't know how much you are aware about your own circumstances, or if you even care about the concept of being just an character made for the sake of another-
In the home planet that has created and released the game, players were kinda disappointed with what happened- They preferred the deleted/unused content more than the events and dialogue that was used for you two, so much so that people started shipping you two more than actually being interested in romancing Yuma, especially since they're way too chaotic for most player's taste.
There was an update overhaul being planned to happen where not only the stuff related to you would be changed- But all the other characters and gameplay mechanics would be updated and hopefully make the game better- But ever since your cartridge has been suddenly lost and forgotten on Earth, you were never able to see that update.
Not that you were aware of it to begin with, but still, what a shame. And not only that, your game is basically Glitch Station- Absolutely filed with mods to help the gameplay be "easier" to the original owner of this cartridge. I don't think she even remembers where she has left it.
Still, even when a new save was made you felt a weird sensation of deja vu. The game has started again with a new player playing it and trying to work their way through this broken game.
You didn't understand why all these events felt familiar though, you only felt like it made sense. It was your first year in college, you got ready and made sure to look your best and give your goodbye to your parents-
It felt like this day has happened before, and even if your routine was similar, you felt like this day was supposed to be a big deal- Why does it feel oddly nostalgic?
Why… Why are the floors on your house flowing? Why are there so many empty spaces here and there? You feel like you could potentially fall from your disintegrating house. And your parents, where are they? Why can't you see them? Why can you only hear them saying goodbye back to you from one of the other rooms?
When you open the door to see them- There is nothing there. There is not even a room.
It's a door that leads to nowhere. Just an empty void.
The sensation of dread was starting to creep in yet you thought that it would be uncalled for to overreact. Like you weren't allowed to showcase concern for the odd reality around you.
You walked on foot towards your college, panicking slightly at the people who would fade in and out of existence- Yet you had held yourself from screaming, from showing any sense of vulnerability at the thought that maybe you were in a dangerous place or realm.
You were coded to not find issues with the odd reality around you, like any other npc- You were taught to hold in and try to keep a sense of normality so no players would find issue with screaming characters begging to be freed. But your nervous personality caused you to search for help, you panicked and ended up running away to what you assumed to be a safe place- Somewhere crowded with a lot of people.
The institution's gates were open, you entered like your life depended on it (and maybe it did) yet you stopped yourself from screaming when you noticed a commotion happening.
A guy who was wearing the uniform lazily has bumped into a girl, causing her to fall. She is yelling at him because the fall has broken her phone, he is trying his best to calm her down- But at the same time it feels like he is just making poor choices of words because of how sick he is of having to chat with someone so angry at an accident.
Haven't you seen this before? But if so- When? When could you possibly have seen something like that happen?-
"- [Y/N]?"
"- AAAAH- Oh hey Yuma."
You yelled after getting spooked by Yuma- Who was…. Why are they wearing that?
"- Why aren't you in your uniform, Yumie?" You asked them, showing your own uniform in the process. You called them by a sweet nickname you had given them- But when exactly?
You know that you're best friends with Yuma, but since when? You know it should have been for about 6 years or so, but… It feels like you have only known them for a year- How… Weird.
"- Don't tell me you're already breaking a rule on your first day." You pouted and stomped your fit into the ground. Yes, you know that Yuma is a troublemaker…. You know…. That.
Yuma hasn't been able to speak ever since you showed concern about their outfit. They were staring at you in shock- As if you were an odd creature who they just found.
"- Y-You can see my outfit??" They blurted out. How can you recognize it??? All the other npcs recognize it as their uniform, but why are you suddenly acting like you do??
"- Hm, duh? Sorry Yummie, but that sporty outfit of yours is more eye-catching than that guy's barely well put together uniform- Such bad manners, I bet he woke up and hastily wore the first thing he saw-" You were beginning to go on a rant about that guy's uniform- That guy being the MC of this new save file. Yuma has stopped you by pulling you away from the college's entrance and entering into a secluded area so they could interrogate you over this odd behavior you were displaying.
"- Yummie- What are you doing!?" You cried out feeling hurt by their tight grip on your wrists.
"- WHAT DID YOU CALL MY OUTFIT??" They yelled desperately. Begging for their hypothesis to be corrected.
"- … A breaking of the uniform rule?" You genuinely did not understand where they were talking about.
"- No, No NO! You said Sporty Outfit, right?" They said reminding you of what you have previously commented about their outfit.
"- Oh! Yes, yes I did- And although being somewhat casual looking- It does fit the category of sporty." You readdressed the topic while going on a bit of detail- The usual annoying talk you would always do whenever a dialogue with you was activated.
Yuma was over the edge- They have never, ever met another sentient character with the same a.i as theirs.
They haven't been this happy since a long, long time.
"- You're so annoying!" They screamed, their face showing a bright smile as tears filled their eyes.
"- Yummie that's so rude!-" You were about to defend yourself when they grabbed you and hugged you as tight as they could.
"- You're genuinely so, so, so, so, so, so ANNOYING!!" They continued to go on, laughing while crying, loving every second of this.
You were coded to be their best friend. You were coded to be the one that would balance them out. You were once coded to be someone made to be able to be their lover, but here you are- The real you, free from all the locks that would keep your a.i from growing and understanding them.
If you're able to be sentient, then all of their friends can as well.
You're the personification of a miracle, to Yuma. The personification of hope.
In this scenario, Yuma isn't aware that the player isn't the same alien who has destroyed their digital world, so to them, they can't ever let the player see you getting sentient and becoming aware of your imprisonment.
" If a player finds issues with any of the characters being portrayed, they must return the cartridge to their nearest store to get a factory reset." Such a simple yet frightening tip to Yuma, to any a.i that has suddenly found itself desperate to get out of the system that traps them.
At first, the idea of having someone like them be also aware of the situation is incredible, it's amazing even! You two could possibly work out a way of getting a way to be free- It wouldn't be easy but hopefully you two would be able to have life away from this game and even finding a way of bringing your other friends with you two.
However, after discovering that not only has the cartridge found itself on another planet with another player being the new owner of it- And discovering that it's just a matter of trading places with other people to be able to be free- Yuma would start getting really clingy to you. They have been all alone thinking that they were the only one capable of feeling and thinking for themselves.
Yuma has found those unused events and scattered dialogue, you know?
While they were looking for a possibility, any possibility of getting out- They found those unused files where you two were able to be together.
And although they thought it was weird at first, after seeing you have a better understanding of your current reality and existence- It oddly sounds fitting.
Of course it would be you, the one who always puts them back on the right tracks, to be the second one to want to escape this game.
It 's so fitting.
The idea of being something more than just a best friend to you is starting to sound more and more appealing in their eyes- It's so ironic that you two work together so well.
After Yuma gets their taste of freedom and you try to calm a frightened young guy that wasn't expecting to be suddenly kidnapped and be forced to stay in the game world for a while, you wait for them to find the solution to free everyone without trying to trap anymore "humans"..
No one should be stuck here for the sake of someone else leaving, that's what you have told them.
But Yuma didn't care. Yuma just wanted to be free with you and everyone else, who cares for those that have to deal with a glitchy game for eternity?
You two had an argument. You didn't want to continue feeling like your whole life was a lie, you want to be free but no one should be hurt in the process. What good would it be if someone else has to go through the same torment as you two?
With each day that passes by, you notice how both of your ideas of freedom were different- To the point they had to tell you the truth.
You aren't going out of there anymore. Not until you understand and truly appreciate the effort that Yuma goes through to find a way of freeing you- Of finding a victim, to be in your place.
They never told you about your previously intended role in the game, they thought you would be more terrified of following their instructions- And besides, it would be very distasteful to insinuate that the only reason that they care for you it's because of that code that was left unused- Which couldn't be more of a lie! They genuinely care for you!
…. But maybe a bit of tempering would help you see their side of the story, right?
It can't be that hard to modify some of the codes, the game is already broken anyway.
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kevkesblog · 4 years
Translation: Julian Brandt Interview for “11 Freunde” (June 18, 2020)
Attention: long post! Julian talks about overblown salaries in football, why he even stays at two-star hotels, why he thinks football should not be dramaticly reformed and why you won’t see him in Gucci clothing & more.
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Julian Brandt, what do you miss the most at the moment?
Ju:     Just going outside and sitting in a café with some friends. Enjoying a bit more freedom. But I think many people have the same wishes right now.
Yet, the break because of the Corona pandemic seem to have lifted you. You were involved in all four goals during the 4-0 win against Schalke.
Ju:     I would still have preferred it, without the break. I mean it’s like this: sometimes you need just a few days to arrive at a place, sometimes it takes months. Feeling well in a city, a club and with my teammates is important. I’m a football player that needs a comfortable environment.
How was it for you at BVB in the beginning?
Ju:     There were definitely no fireworks at the beginning. But honestly, I kind of expected to need more time. I think thats normal after five and a half years at Bayer Leverkusen. It was a great time there, but in the end it was a comfort zone for me. I switched to BVB because I wanted to do something new.
And because Marco Reus asked you.
Ju:     Many people were in favour of me going to Dortmund. Even my mother wore yellow pullovers astonishingly often, during the time before my transfer happend. And Marco asked me at the national team, that’s true. I felt honored, but I saw a chance playing for a team which plays competitively for the title until the end of the season and is represented in the Champions League regularly, those were the main reasons for my transfer.
What else is different in Dortmund than in Leverkusen?
Ju:     Dortmund is bigger in almost every regard. Even the stadium is enormous and it becomes even more imposing with people in it. Building such a stadium somewhere is one thing. Brining it to live however like in Dortmund – that’s an art in and of itself. You don’t get that very often in Europe. Leverkusen – and I have to be honest here – has never been on my radar for me as a boy. But it’s the perfect club if you want to develop as a young player. I already suspected this after I talked to Rudi Völler for the first time.
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I was told, you said „Rudi Völler has honest eyes“ to your father afterwards.
Ju:     He has a sincere attitude. I would have believed everything he said. And his promises became reality. We were playing attractive and successful football. And you don’t get so much pressure as a young player from the outside. The media landscape for example is much smaller in Leverkusen than elsewhere.
Do you miss the fans in the stadium in Dortmund?
Ju:     I was never that guy who was aware of stuff that happend on the stands. But after the game against Inter Mailand, where we were behind 0-2 before the break and won 3-2 in the end – I recognized how important football is for the people here and how much they were willing to support us. It was so honest, authentic and direct. One of the best games thus far.
Before that Michael Rummenigge critized you as „C-youth player“. That was after the Inter game where you scored as well. Was that a key moment?
Ju:     Everybody can voice their opinions that’s totally fine for me. I’m not a person who jumps on it.  And I wasn’t really satisfied with my game as well. Perhaps the 2-1 win against Gladbach a few days before was a turning point. Not only, because I scored twice, but rather because I was able to play on the ten for the first time. After that my game became better.
You said in the beginning of your time at BVB „Peter Bosz liked the risk. We don’t really have that here in Dortmund“. Did the way you play now changed?
Ju:     We play nice football under Lucien Favre. He likes an offensive tactic. Adding that, we score alot of goals. But Peter Bosz was a special coach in that regard because we played a modern version of football with a high amount of ball possesion – often over 80 percent. And we not only wanted to keep the ball all the time, while playing until our opponent gets tired like it’s the case with tiki-taka football. We were always on the attack. At BVB we put more emphasis on the defensive at the beginning. It was a change for me, since I wanted to have the ball and not running behind him all the time.
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Is football an elegant game?
Ju:     My room as child was full of „Bravo“-magazine posters with offensive players. Nedved, Robinho, Del Piero and the best among the best: Ronaldinho. I liked it whenever players carry their street football skills to the pitch. Whenever somebody is looking for something spectacular. I want to gamble and not just act in a rigid system.
Doesn’t modern tactics prevent something like this?
Ju:     You are basically being funneled at youth football academies with: receive the ball, passing, receiving, passing. There a strict requirements you have to follow. But I think good teams need self-confident players, saying „No, I won’t fit in, but I rather go into a one-on-one situation“. We have such guys in our national team. Leroy Sané or Timo Werner. Kai Havertz is a player who has a street football mentality too. Often it looks very easy, but it’s not. It just passed over into blood.
You are wearing the jersey number 10 at the national team. Like you also wore at Leverkusen. Does that do something with you?
Ju:     I feel lighter in some sense. Perhaps because I know that you have to earn the number ten. Not like in the past, but I do think it has a certain meaning yes.
We heard you don’t like to talk about your strengths. Why?
Ju:     I think, it looks like I’m a show off. I have enough self-confidence already.
Yet you do know that you can shoot really good. Who taught you?
Ju:     Many things happened because I just tried. I even knew as a ten-year old boy: if I want to become a great football player I have to be able to shoot well with both feet. So, for weeks I shoot with my left foot on our lawn. Shot, flank, pass. It helped a lot. I met Federico Palacios during my youth time in Wolfsburg. He taught me insane techniques. I had a phase were I was obsessively training my first contact: not trying to stop the ball between the lines, but rather take the ball without defender nor midfielder getting the ball instead.
What are your weaknesses?
Ju:     My headers. But I’m currently working on it and I often score. At least without opponent (laughs). Some people say I can work more on my defensive work. And yes, there is some truth to it, even after I already worked on it for quite some time. The thing is: I’m not an aggressive person, its not who I am. But of course, I understand whenever coaches say I need to have a certain minimum amount of aggressive behavior on the pitch.
Do you have a career plan?
Ju:     No, everything I do, I do spontaneously.
But everything you do looks so reasonable: youth football for your home club. Training at a football academy in Wolfsburg. Professional debut at Bayer Leverkusen, your transfer to BVB a year ago…
Ju:     Honestly: I could not have imagined going to VfL Wolfsburg as well at the beginning. Why should a boy do this, when he basically grew up just a 20 minute bike ride away from the Weser stadium in Bremen and was standing in the fan curve in his youth?
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Because Werder [Bremen] overlooked you?
Ju:     That’s not true. I even got invited to a try-out training. But then I looked at some other academies. I wasn’t only looking at VfL Wolfsburg. For example I looked at FC St. Pauli as well. Yet, I had the best feeling with Wolfsburg.
Especially during the ages 15 to 18 a lot is happening: you grow, your muscle mass is increasing, you slowly get to play with the professionals. On the other hand, many doors are opening. Your friends go partying for example. I liked being on a football academy for two and a half years. You couldn’t leave the campus after 11 o’clock in the evening. Apart from that we were very successful and won the German a-youth championship. But I can still remember how perplexed my parents were at the breakfast table, back when I told them about my decision to join Wolfsburg.
You are being called the “Anti-Star” of the business quite often. Does that do something with you?
Ju:     Many people seem to think it’s probably because I have no tattoos and my father is my agent. But to be honest: there are some football player clichées I fit in. I like fast cars. I like playing playstation and I have 40 pairs of shoes in my closet. I just try not to pretend to be someone else. I wouldn’t look good in a Gucci-pullover.
Others like to call you “premature”. You were allowed to train with the professionals at the age of 15 in Wolfsburg. How did you do that?
Ju:     That was insane and unreal. I was riding my bike to the training ground one day and the assistant coach Bernd Hollerbach took me to his side and said: “Introduce yourself to the coach”. So, I went into his office. “Hello Mr. Magath, I’m Julian from the under-17 team.” Of course, I was suspecting he already knew me otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten an invitation. But he was just staring at the television. After a while – it felt like an eternity – he looked at me, didn’t say a word, total silence and then he turned away. And then I was sneaking out of the room.
Magath wanted to test you?
Ju:     I was unsettled a bit, but I wasn’t thinking about it anymore on the pitch. It doesn’t matter who is on your side, or whether your opponent is twenty years older than you and who your father is.
Did you nutmeg someone?
Ju:     I would have been beaten for that. On the other hand: the pain fades away, the nutmeg stays (laughs). I remember I unintentionally shoot a ball into Marvin Hitz’s face.
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How many agents were lining up at your doorstep at the time?
Ju:     I stopped counting it after a while. I don’t think all agents are bad but I don’t need one at the moment. I have my father. He may not be Mino Raiola with thousands of contacts all over the world. But he doesn’t need them.
Nevertheless: this son-father-constellation also has it’s potential conflicts…
Ju:     Our family sticks together – we are very harmonic and strong. I can’t remember a time where we were had an argument. I lived together with my brother in Cologne. I also have a connection with my father because of football. He used to play for the first team at SC Borgfeld – which was also my first club. I still remember: we went into the clubhouse whenever the Champions League was on. It was the best day of the week.
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Now it’s about big business. Do you know your own worth?
Ju:     It was downgraded since the outbreak of the pandemic. I read that on so some sites.
But it’s still 40 million euros. What does such a number do with you?
Ju:     I can handle that because I can manage those numbers quite well. There is a lot money floating around in football. And I know its not easy to comprehend it with normal standards anymore. We live in our own bubble in that regard. The salaries in football are in no relation to what normal people earn – even with football being the greatest sport on earth. But why is that the case? Because sponsors are flushing so unbelievable high amounts of money into football. I think it’s important not to make the sport a luxury item. It has to stay affordable. In the stadium as well as in front of the TV.
Explain to us: why does a professional football player negotiate whether he should get 10 or 11 million euros per year?
Ju:     It shows how greedy people can be sometimes. But that’s not football specific. It’s as unfair as the richest one percent of the world’s population owning more than half of the world’s wealth, right?
Could this crisis perhaps be a chance in order for football to calm down?
Ju:     Perhaps in the short term. For the next one or two years. If any. I can’t imagine a player like Mbappé being sold next year for 80 million euros. Someone will always pay those insane sums of money.
How do you ground yourself?
Ju:     Through my family and friends. Many are studying or doing an apprenticeship. It’s never about money when we talk, I just like having a great time with them. We don’t need a luxury vacation. But one time: we went to Mallorca for four or five days just as we qualified for the Champions League with Bayer Leverkusen. We stayed at a normal two-star-hotel, one room with a bed and a bathroom – that was it. We went to the beach and relaxed.
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Has there never been a situation where a friend or family member had to take you back to the ground?
Ju:     No. I can’t remember that I ever reacted arrogant or snooty. Or a situation where I thought: “Wow. That’s not who you are”. I’m fully aware of my very privileged life. In short: my greatest worry is whether we will win or loose on the weekends. It’s important to be thankful and to remind yourself what you got every once in a while.
Why do you have to remind yourself stuff like that all the time?
Ju:     In order for it never to become normal. I know cheese costs about 69 cents at the grocery store and a different one costs 1,29 euros. But if a tool or device breaks down I sometimes just buy myself a new one. Whereas in the past I would have repaired it by myself.
But is football still the same game you fell in love with as a kid?
Ju:     Absolutely. The game itself hasn’t really changed much. Okay, we have the goal line technology – which I support. And we got the video assistant referee, were people can argue. I abstain in that question. Once in a while, new ideas are being floated: like reducing the playtime to 60 minutes, new tournaments, elite leagues – I think it’s all bullshit. Keep football like it is. The way we learned it. With all its faults and tricky aspects. Even if something goes wrong.
Like during the World Cup 2018. Did you know that you could be the first DFB-team leaving the tournament after the group stage?
Ju:     At some point he heard of it. It doesn’t really look good on your vita but it happened. Perhaps we needed this in order for something new to emerge. You have to remember: other great football nations also failed in similar ways. Italy, Spain or France all crashed out of the group stage after they won the World Cup.
Did the photo with Mesut Özil and Erdogan brought some unrest into the team?
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Ju:     The fact that almost all reporting was revolving around that topic was irritating sometimes. Don’t get me wrong: I think its important for the media to cover political topics extensively and with background stories. But I remember after the game against Sweden – after we barely won because of Toni Kroos free kick: shortly after the game you get asked whether the poor performance during the first 75 minutes were due to the photo – and you thinking: why don’t we talk about the game? Mesut became the poster boy for the disappointing World Cup. That’s nonsense. We all played shitty.
During the Confed-Cup the year before, many young players were in the team. At the World Cup the established players came back. Did Löw put his trust into the wrong players in Russia?
Ju:     You can come to that conclusion afterwards, but you don’t know it in advance. I could fully understand Low though. He was loyal and in some cases he felt some gratitude. He couldn’t and he didn’t want to replace a World Cup winner from 2014 with a young player. The way we were defeated at the World Cup was not foreseeable. Because we also played great football between 2014 and 2018.
The team made it to the semifinals at the EURO 2016 and you became second with the Olympic football team in Rio.
Ju:     A great experience with a team that was just thrown together. A contribution of Horst Hrubesch.
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What makes him special?
Ju:     He is just great, the guy! He’s from a different generation which you can tell with a lot of things around him. Once he wanted to show me how to shot from the side. I almost tore my muscle fiber doing it. But he manages it very well forming a team with young players. He’s a very free coach and very direct. He always called me lazy (laughs). And he has a very nice and dry sense of humor.
An example?
Ju:     Me and the Bender-twins were sitting together shortly before the semifinal against Nigeria. He came up and said: “Guys, losing today doesn’t make any sense anymore.” A funny sentence, but also true if you think about it.
Julian Brandt, you made over 200 Bundesliga games, played Champions League and participated in one World Cup. You just turned 24. Do you even still have time to suck it all in and enjoy it?
Ju:     Football is quick. I can still remember coming to Leverkusen – as if it was yesterday: my first game for the under 23 team against Essen. My Bundesliga debut against Schalke a week later. That was a little more than six years ago already. Crazy. Veteran players always say: “Enjoy it, because quickly your career will be over.” But how should you enjoy it? A game every four or five days. New photos, new events. You don’t have an awful lot of time to let everything sink in for a moment. I usually do that on new years eve. On a friend’s balcony. I even get sentimental then.
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Why Katherine Pierce Deserved Better: An Essay
Warning: Long as shit.
I can’t think of anywhere best to start with the beginning of her story. At sixteen she was betrayed by her father with her child being ripped from her, with not even a chance to hold the girl she was giving up. Right after, she was exiled. Your parents discarding you is traumatic, as is childbirth even with a medical professional- add on not being able to hold your child? That has to cause PTSD.
She, then, thought she found safety with the Mikaelson brothers. Little did she know that yet again, the people that were supposed to keep her safe, were going to betray her. Also, it’s heavily implied that Elijah didn’t tell Katherine a plan he had to keep Klaus from sacrificing her and basically told her to trust him- something Katherine had zero idea how to. Once she fled, as any normal human would, and escaped, Klaus killed her entire family. Klaus also left their corpses so she would see the gruesome death they suffered. Once again, giving her more PTSD. The man she loved, Elijah, betrayed her. I’ll touch on Elijah again later.
Then, she was on the run for nearly four hundred years. Not getting close to anyone or anything and got used to basically being the most primal version of her vampiric self. Enough to make anyone a little unhinged and unaware of how to behave compassionately. However, she met Stefan and at first I do believe saw him as a plaything, but it quickly became more. I think Stefan sparked something in Katherine she hadn’t felt in a long time. Do I think Stefan loved Katherine? I don’t know. I do know; however, Damon did not love Katherine. Damon was obsessed and in love with the idea of her. I think the same could also be said about Stefan, but a different delusion. Stefan said she was an angel, which we all know is untrue. Damon saw the darker parts of her, which I also think isn’t fair. Neither one completely take hold of Katherine. Everything she does is out of survival. Not selfishness, though her actions are selfish and self-serving. Those two statements can exist together. Also, do I think Katherine compelled Stefan’s love? Absolutely not. Do I think she took away his ability to decide to look past her being a vampire and that caused resentment when he became one? Absolutely. Stefan is a man that likes to make his own choices, and he was robbed of it. I, also, think he had the most complicated feelings about her than anyone on the show. He hated to love her, because he thinks by loving her he is agreeing with her actions. I’ll touch on her and Damon more later.
Sadly, Katherine’s past caught up to her and she had to leave her home, which was Mystical Falls, again. Once again, the loneliness crept in, turning her even more sour.
Now, to the part of the show where it’s in present day. She’s the villain... but is she really? Or is she working for and a pawn to the bigger badder villain? She was just trying to stay alive, which is a basic human instinct. She had no reason to care about Caroline or Bonnie or really, Elena. Especially when her doppelganger has the man she “loves”. Once again, I think Katherine has a Damon like mentality with Stefan. It’s not love, it’s obsession and possessiveness. “If I can’t have Stefan, no one can.” You don’t talk about someone you truly love like that. She fixated on him because loving him made her feel like a better person and if he loved her back, she could be redeemed. She said it herself.
With turning Caroline and her plan to use her as the vampire in the sacrifice, it was harsh. I won’t defend it further than she saw her as a pawn. BUT, even Caroline herself has said that since that day she has been a better person. Tyler agrees that becoming a werewolf made him a better person, too. She even admitted to liking Matt from the get-go. So, who’s really a victim? The only one really is Jeremy and Elena. I genuinely believe that Katherine doesn’t like Gilbert men (which is odd because it’s a trend) and it’s painfully obvious that she is jealous of Elena. I’ll make another post about that soon. But, lets face it, Katherine could’ve easily killed Elena. She’s killed so many people I stopped keeping track, so why was Elena so hard? (Because she’s the protagonist, lol) but also, one could argue that Katherine’s heart was never truly in it. All of her plans involved time, something she knows the gang can fight against. She’s known as the smartest villain on the show (that didn’t get their own spinoff).
Let’s talk hypocrisy now- mostly with Damon and Caroline. First, Damon has done worse deeds than Katherine. He killed an entire family linage for years, turned Bonnie’s mom, killed Jeremy, mentally/physically/and yes, sexually abused Caroline most of season one, killed uncle Zach, killed Vicki, killed Lexi, compelled a woman to date him and basically made her Caroline 2.O. But, he got a redemption arch... why? I’m adding that he killed Tyler fucking Lockwood Caroline’s list almost feels slight next to Damon’s but it proves a different point- First, everything she did when her humanity was turned off. Second, slept with the guy who once tried to kill her best friend and did kill her ex’s mom(Klaus)... while still wanting said ex back. Don’t get me wrong, I love Caroline, but seriously? She’s going to give Niklaus Mikaelson a break, but not Katherine Pierce? Because she turned her? Klaus killed aunt Jenna!
Now that we’ve talked about what happened to Katherine and most of what she did wrong, let’s talk about the times she was actually selfless. Remember when I said I’d touch on her feelings for Damon and Elijah?
First, Katherine Pierce’s main goal is to survive, yet she risked that by giving Damon the cure for werewolf venom. “It’s okay to love them both, I did.” I think she loved Damon, but was never in love with him. She went out of her way to save him. She could’ve kept the cure for herself, but then Damon would be dead. Also, she stopped Damon from killing Mikael because she knew it would kill him.
And her relationship with Elijah always proves to me to be the most heartbreaking of all her relationships, besides Nadia. She gave him the cure, her only bargaining chip, to prove to him she was loyal. She could’ve used it against Klaus and ended things once and for all. He’s also the only man she’s seen to respect and love. She never once manipulated him. In my opinion, that was the only man she ever truly loved and he chose his brother over her. Another piece of her already fragile humanity gone.
She was also constantly saving Stefan. She got into the safe with him when he could’ve killed her... when her main goal throughout the series is to stay alive. She saved him from Mikael/Klaus. You could say she saved both brothers from their father.
Also, she only died in season five because she wanted to be there for Nadia. Which, proved to her traumatized mind, that love was a weakness and the enemy. I’ve said it on my twitter and I’ll say it here: The Salvatore Brothers got what was coming to them in season eight. Then again, though, I could be bias... I’m not a fan of either.
So, did I miss anything? I’m sure I did, but this is long enough, lol.
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
coldhands identity is brave danny flint
Could Coldhands be Brave Danny Flint? It sounds crackpot, and very likely is, but the more I thought about it the more it appealed to me. I've done a quick search, one or two people seem to have floated this before but it's never had much in-depth analysis. This is my first meta, so please be gentle and C&C welcome.
The Gender Agenda To start with, I'll start with the elephant in the room - Danny Flint was a girl, Coldhands is male. Or is he? Gilly, Meera, and Bran all refer to him as male, but they have no idea who he is, so would see Night's Watch clothes and assume. He wears a scarf over his face, and while they can see his eyes and that his face is pale, it took Bran's gang a decent amount of time to work out he was a walking corpse, so I'm not sure I trust them to figure out niceties like gender. Leaf's "They killed him long ago" is more of a problem - she's a colleague, she would probably know. My best defence is that maybe Children of the Forest don't do gender in the same way as humans? This feels like a reach, but we have had another magical species with sexual fluidity leading to trouble with pronouns in the series. Otherwise, Leaf tends to hang out in the cave, Coldhands can't get in, maybe they're just not that close. Finally, the main person to ask - Coldhands his or her self. The only other post I could see on reddit about this theory had someone respond with the quote "Once the heart has ceased to beat, a man's blood runs down into his extremities, where it thickens and congeals. His hands and feet swell up and turn as black as pudding. The rest of him becomes as white as milk", but I'd point out this is in third person and a generalization - "a man", not "me, Coldhands, the man".
Okay, now I've convinced everyone my theory is terrible, let's get into the meat of it.
Hands cold as stone This was what got me into this rabbit hole in the first place - House Flint's sigil is "A grey stone hand upon a white inverted pall on paly black and grey". A stone hand would be pretty cold, right? In point of fact, when we first met Coldhands, the final line of the chapter describes "fingers hard as stone." On top of that, the white and black background seems to fit the Night's Watch blacks, pale face, black hands, white snow, etc.
Who the hell else could it be? This has always been the weird thing about Coldhands for me. Honestly, there's a very good chance this is a non mystery mystery, he's a zombie Night's watch ranger riding an elk, do we really need a secret identity? However, "who is Coldhands?" is one of the most commonly asked questions in the fandom, so let's assume it's getting an answer. We know: a) night's watch member b) killed a long time ago, as reckoned by a 200 year old, c) not Benjen. There are essentially 3 historical periods where we know any specifics about the Night's Watch: 1) the long night/age of heroes, 2) Targaryen era, 3) recent history. If we work through these backwards, we can pretty much rule out the recent era for not meeting the criteria of "killed a long time ago". The Targaryen era didn't have much Night's Watch drama, a few kings sent to the wall at Aegon's conquest, Raymun Redbeard's invasion is wall related but the whole point of that story is that the Night's Watch failed to really get involved... the only strong contender from this period is a mysterious magical Targaryen bastard who went to the wall and went missing... but he's the other mysterious good zombie wandering around up north. The long night has a lot of Night's Watch focus, but it was 10,000 years ago. Allowing for this being in-universe exaggeration, it's still ~2,000 years ago, and if Coldhands were that old, I'm not sure he'd be in elk-riding mutineer-killing form, or at least not look passably human to Bran and co. This rules out specific timeline characters, which leaves more folkloric characters like Danny Flint, who isn't associated to any one point in time. There's a song, and she's treated as a well-known tale, which implies a fairly long time, but overall could be whenever. This works for any of the folkloric Night's Watch characters, but the Rat King is already otherwise occupied with a different cannibalistic pseudo immortality, leaving Mad Axe, who does have the massacring fellow brothers down pat, but doesn't feel thematically right to me. This section really grew in the writing, but TL;DR - assuming Coldhands is someone we've heard of before, no specific historical figures seem to match up chronologically, leaving figures from folk tales and songs, which there are only so many of.
Mutineer Massacre For a character we've all obsessed over so much, it's easy to forget how little we've seen of Coldhands. His role in the story has effectively been "transport Sam and Gilly to the wall, transport Bran and co to Bloodraven, massacre the Night's Watch mutineers". Hold up, one of those things is not like the others. During his quest to get Bran to Bloodraven, to awake the messiah and save the world, Coldhands takes a break and makes a detour to kill the Night's Watch Mutineers from Crasters. This is explicitly noted to be something they slow down for, when time is critical. Admittedly, it secures the party some delicious Long Pork when supplies are low, but even in aDwD it seems like there are other ways to get meat than to hunt humans, besides which he kills not one but five mutineers. He claims it is because the mutineers are following them, but Meera points out they've been circling for days - it seems Coldhands deliberately sought the mutineers out. The brutality of the kills also suggests more than utilitarian pragmatism - there are entrails slung through branches and severed heads! All of this to say, Coldhands is deliberately shown as both a member of the Night's Watch, and willing/going out of his way to punish Night's Watch brothers who break their vows and harm their fellow brothers, something Danny Flint might take personally. Basically, it's a classic exploitation movie with an elk-riding zombie as the wronged woman hunting down wrongdoers. Someone call Tarantino to direct this.
A True Night's Watch One of the big themes GRRM loves is the idea that outsiders to an institution can be the truest embodiment of that institution - Dunk and Brienne are the truest Knights, Davos is the truest lord, the Manderlys are the most loyal northerners. Coldhands already seems to tie into this - the Night's Watch are tireless defenders from the Others and their Wights, so ironically the staunchest ranger is undead as well. It would only emphasise this theme if this ultimate Night's Watch ranger was someone who was barred from entry, had to sneak in, and was murdered by their brothers for not belonging. There also seems to be a thematic tie in that Danny Flint had to essentially infiltrate the Night's Watch and keep her cover in hostile terrain, much like Coldhands in the Others controlled north.
Bonding over being murdered by your brothers Coldhands has so far been very much one of Bran's cast, but it's worth noting characters can switch storylines, and we have someone else in the North who can soon relate to being a back-from-the-dead Night's Watchman fighting the Others - I'm hardly the first to note the Coldhands/Jon parallels, but Coldhands being another character who was murdered by the Night's Watch due to their conservatism and hatred of outsiders would add another layer.
Miscellany A couple of quotes I found while researching for this: “Did Mance ever sing of Brave Danny Flint?” “Not as I recall. Who was he?” (ADWD Jon XII) - Tormund and Jon talking, Tormund mistaking Danny Flint for a man, this feels like one of those throw-away lines GRRM likes to include to make a little double meaning once the truth is out, or just seeding the idea of mistaking Danny Flint for a man. “The ranger wore the black of the Night’s Watch, but what if he was not a man at all?" (ADWD Bran I) - again, I could see GRRM giggling as he typed that if this theory were true.
Conclusion Honestly, there is every chance this is absolute nonsense, and I've just lost it waiting for TWoW. I tend to lean towards Coldhands not having a big identity reveal, he's an undead ranger co-opted by Bloodraven and that's enough. However, if Coldhands is to have an identity reveal, I think Danny Flint deserves consideration: there aren't that many viable candidates, her story is emotionally intense enough and has been referred to often enough that a casual fan could be expected to go "oh!" instead of "...let me google that", and it would fit with existing themes of the story. The angle of Jon parallels even gives an opening for the reveal to be natural and facilitate character and thematic arcs, which is what I look for in a theory.
comment on reddit
Yeah, the Flint (of Flint's Finger) sigil literally being a Cold Hand is what sold me on this when I started looking into it. There's also some other intriguing textual stuff about it...
The weird thing about Danny Flint is that she is only mentioned three times in all of ASOIAF. Three! Bran recounts her tale in Bran IV, ASOS; Theon hears Wyman Manderly demand her song in The Prince of Winterfell, ADWD; and Jon discusses her tale with Tormund in Jon XII, ADWD.
This was kind of shocking to me. Danny Flint is a pretty recognizable name to, I’d figure, the majority of attentive readers. I thought she must have been mentioned before the third book, at least, but… nope. Her tale is first introduced to us in Bran IV, ASOS, the Nightfort chapter… Oh, what’s that? Wait, isn’t that… the very same Nightfort chapter where we first hear about Coldhands? (Well, no, actually, he appears at the end of Samwell III before that, but this is the first chapter where he is identified as Coldhands.) Chronologically, Sam meets Coldhands, Bran thinks about Danny Flint, and then Sam introduces Bran to Coldhands, in fairly quick succession.
So it seems GRRM came up with Danny Flint and Coldhands around the exact same time. Interesting. Danny Flint is then not mentioned again until ADWD, when the Coldhands mystery is developed further. Double interesting.
Also, the Bran chapter directly preceding the Nightfort chapter– our first introduction to Danny Flint– is the one where Meera tells him the story of the Knight of the Laughing Tree, another tale of a northern warrior woman dressing as a man and hiding her face in service of some greater goal. Stretch? Maybe.
And why would Coldhands' face be covered at all if there WASN'T some big reveal upcoming? What utility would that have? That scarf clearly seems like a setup for SOMETHING. He doesn't need it for warmth. He's likely hiding a face that would make him recognizable to Bran/Meera/Jojen (and the readers), but died long ago... the only way that reveal could work without a ton of laborious exposition is if he took off the scarf and it was obviously a 'female' face, making it obviously Danny. It also seems likely Coldhands will interact with at least Bran and Meera again, both of whom are somewhat connected to Danny Flint’s story– Bran via his love of stories and legends, and Meera via the breaking of gender roles. So there's thematic levels to it as well.
source www . reddit . com/r/asoiaf/comments/llwm8m/coldhands_identity_spoilers_extended/
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mistabullets · 4 years
The Lovers, Chariot, Temperance, Wheel of Fortune, The World and The Star for Jotaro for the yandere tarot asks? (also quick note thank you for doing yandere stuff!! I totally understand people who are uncomfortable with the trope but so many people are quick to things like insults or doxxing or suicide baiting over it )
NOTE: you’re welcome!! i’m honestly comfortable with doing darker subject and it’s crazy how ppl go through so much hate for writing stuff like yandere?? honestly that’s wack lmao
The Lovers - How would this yandere deal with their darling being in a relationship with someone else?
Jotaro isn’t the type to immediately voice his displeasure upon hearing his darling becoming intimate with someone who is not him, especially if they have separated. However, there’s a glint in his eyes when he attempts to interact with his darling, a hidden malicious darkness brewing in his sharp eyes. He’s going to observe and stalk them in the shadows, Star Platinum providing enhanced vision and making the tasks easier. He’s studying their routine, where his darling frequents, and when would be the best time to attack which is easy since he knows them oh-so well. The moment strikes right whenever their darling and their partner return to their small home; no one else is home, the sun is setting, and his darling has a habit of leaving the door unlocked. Once he manages to enter your home, Jotaro will use The World to stop time and take care of his darling’s significant other. Jotaro has trained himself to extend this ability to up to fifteen seconds which is plenty of time. He’ll quietly kill his darling’s lover, by using Star Platinum’s inhumane strength to break their neck, right at the axis of their skull. When time resumes, his darling is met with the gruesome sight of their lover’s head dangling and twisted; however, they are more terrified when their senses are filled with the faint scent of the sea before Jotaro covers their mouth with a cloth dosed in a sickly sweet aroma. “It’s time to go home, Y/N.”
The Chariot - What freedoms would this yandere allow, and take away?
Over the years, Jotaro would wed with his darling and insists on them giving up on their dream job and insist on him taking care of the bills so he has financial control over them. Over the years, they would slowly lose more of their freedoms, quite unaware they were doing so. Eventually, Jotaro will comment about some of the individuals they may hang out, particularly anyone who voices their concern that their husband may be too overbearing. While he’s a man of few words, his darling trusts that their husband knows what is best and will subtlety cut ties with friends who challenge their marriage. Jotaro quite literally takes care of his darling and their needs and wants... it’s difficult to find a job when one is lacking experience and connections, when one have children to take care of, and so much more. Jotaro has molded his spouse to believe that he knows best, he takes cares of them, doesn’t he? -- so much so, where they are willingly giving up friends and hobbies that Jotaro has the slightest problems with. 
Temperance - What made this person yandere for their darling?
He met his darling while travelling to Egypt; at first, he thought nothing of them but over time, they gain his attention and camaraderie since their stands pair so well together. It was a normal friendship, filled with laughter and crying, mostly on his darling’s end. He appreciated that they were quite mature but was able to easily bring a smile and soft chuckle to each Crusader. But when the group finally encountered Dio, Jotaro almost witness the death of his darling which brought him to an epiphany: he loved them so much, he wanted to hold them, and he wanted to protect them at all cost. Combine this, the culmination of stress, and losing three friends who helped him so much just to save his mother... well, it basically traumatized and warped his view of his darling at a young age. While a part of him numbed, accustomed to death, another part of him discovered motivation which spiraled into obsession with his darling. After the battle, while visiting his darling at the hospital, he quietly vows to keep his newfound and twisted love safe and his, no matter the consequences, as long as he had them. 
Wheel of Fortune - Would this yandere’s behavior stay the same over time? If not, why do they remain the same?
No. Jotaro has been pinning for his darling for years and thus, attempts to change himself and better himself. He stops being so rude to his mother, he holds his tongue when it comes to his entourage of fan girls, and he begins to focus on his studies more and more so he can support both himself and his darling. However, his yandere behavior also changes over the years and he learns to mask his dark intentions better. Rather than beating up their admirers to the pulp, right in front of them, he takes them out through subtle means without his darling’s knowledge. When he lands a decent job, it becomes easier to control his darling since at this point, they are now a married couple, not having to worry about familial interventions. He insists they don’t have to work so he can financially trap them, he’s always aware of their location with high tech tracking secretly installed on their phone and car, and uses subtle means to make his darling spill any information about their life outside the home. Oh, they became friends with a rather upbeat and friendly new local? He better keep tabs on that. Jotaro has more connections compared to his darling which helps him significantly. 
The World - Would this yandere ever give up on their darling?
If he ever reflected over his trauma and what triggered his obsession with his darling, he may consider the possibility of giving up his loved one, if it’s clear to him that his actions are obviously hurting them. However, this would be a tremendous effort. Jotaro has convinced himself over the years that his darling needs him; they rely on him, he gave them so much, they been together for over a decade so it couldn’t possibly end, right? Yes, he may be killing those who consider potential suitors or anyone who may spark his darling’s interest? His loved one has been manipulated to believe there will be constant death nearby and that is part of life, especially with their stand abilities. Perhaps this is part of the Joestar curse which their husband always insinuates about, which always lingers in the back of their mind, subconsciously justifying tragedies which seem to naturally occur when they are around anyone. Thus, they accept it and have also grown accustomed to death, being damn near close times before. However, if his darling ever grown tired of the constant death and discovered Jotaro’s murderous rampage, all caused by his obsessive love for them? He would understand if they wanted to leave; which is why he must be meticulous, keeping his expressionless visage and feigning innocence when he hears his darling chat about another tragic death of a good friend.  
The Star - How would this yandere deal with their darling’s loved ones?
If they ever grew suspicious of him or grew worry about how much his darling has given up their freedoms to be dependent on him, Jotaro would assure with them that it is their wishes and that they are grown adults. However, if it’s a persistent issue, he may grow short with them and give them cold replies. He will make comments about how his in-laws are nagging him to his darling, being brutally honest and intentionally making his lover pick a side. While they do care for their parents, family, and loved ones, Jotaro is right. How dare they make a scene, wondering if they are truly happy? He saved them, cared for them, and provided them with all they ever wanted. The next time at a family dinner, if they expressed any negative criticism, his darling is going to vehemently defend Jotaro and even threaten to cut off connections. Sure, they may have given up their dream job, maybe they’re a bit too much of a homebody, perhaps Jotaro can be overprotective but life doesn’t always go as plan, right? Their husband is proud, glad he has shaped his spouse to be so cooperative, lucky to have them grow into a quiet yet defensive lover rather than a bold bitch who seeks independence. 
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animegenork · 4 years
Thoughts on Ivan Chapter 5
And so, here we are. I’m finally doing this.
As a disclaimer: I’m very very very very very very late, and I know that. But I also needed to finish the chapter before having official thoughts on it. (Because that makes sense.)
And now, I can.
I made a Google Doc to write down my reactions each day I played, as I am free 2 play and needed to keep track of this stuff. So here is the entirety of the mess that is my reacting to this chapter. (I’m putting all this under the cut so those who don’t care don’t gotta deal with this.)
TL;DR: Eloise and Ivan both fucked up. Eloise didn’t trust Ivan enough and ended up breaking Ivan’s trust. Now they’re at a bit of a stalemate because valid feeling vs. valid feeling = hella heated argument. [You’ll have to actually read to get the full story behind this.]
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There we are. This was about 11 pages in Google Doc form. I had a lot of thoughts about this chapter.
I’m probably going to reference a couple things from this post I did where I dove into Ivan’s head a little bit. If you want to know more, take a read. I, uh... I ended up being really accurate, and I’m still freaked out.
To be clear, I bounced back and forth throughout this chapter on how I felt about Eloise and Ivan’s actions and words. And let me make a defining statement about my stance:
Eloise and Ivan both fucked up.
They did. Don’t try to convince me otherwise.
I made a post once wondering why people were mad about Eloise being jealous. Because let’s face it: jealousy exists. I can tell you a story of a coworker of mine whose ex-girlfriend would consistently harangue him about our other coworker simply because she existed in the same room as him. Jealousy is some powerful shit.
Fans of otome games may not like it or want to deal with the past lovers/jealousy trope, but honestly it’s necessary. Romance ain’t a perfect science, and the more obstacles you have to go through to be with the one you love, the better it’ll be. But this post isn’t about that.
I understand Eloise a lot here. She’s met this Constance, who meant the WORLD to Ivan, and she knows how (seemingly) perfect she is. HELL, I WOULD BE INSECURE TOO. Eloise is insecure; she wonders if perhaps she can ever measure up to this past lover that Ivan had. She’s starting to experience feelings she may not quite understand, and that’s perfectly okay.
However, she kinda went about it all wrong.
Okay, sure. If I heard about my crush going and seeing his past lover during the day (risking life and limb to do so), I’d be a little suspicious. Maybe the “stalker” or “obsessed” thought would cross my mind. BUT if I remembered that Ivan was clinging to humanity AND realized that letting someone go who means the world to you is incredibly difficult, I would probably be more rational than Eloise. Honestly, Ivan’s big mistake here is letting Eloise find out about this outings because they poisoned her mind a bit.
Now, she could have asked him, “Okay, but why follow her?” Because that would have made more sense than doing the exact thing she was (mentally) calling him out for. But no. She did the same thing. And she found she was unable to hate this woman who, now remarried, used to completely hold Ivan’s heart.
What really ticks me off is that she did this because she didn’t believe him when he said he doesn’t feel the same way about Constance as he used to. She didn’t trust him enough to take him at his word. I mean, he’s a vampire, so I guess fully trusting him is off the table, even though she was fully admiring his shirtless form like 6 seconds ago (I mean, so was I), but anyway.
In the end, Ivan gets mad (UNDERSTANDABLY), and they argue because Eloise has somehow become a little obsessed with this Constance idea. Do you remember what I said about my coworker? His ex was ALSO obsessed with the idea of someone else in his life. It’s a pretty valid concern, and honestly, considering the way I argue with people, I don’t think Eloise’s freak out during the argument is completely unjustified. When you’re insecure, you are trying your DAMNEDEST to prove that there is merit to your worries.
I really sympathized with Eloise at the end of the chapter. She was convinced she’d ruined whatever it is she has with Ivan and that she should’ve kept her big mouth shut. This is exactly how I feel at the end of really bad arguments.
Poor Eloise. She’s never been in a relationship, right? So of course things would go wrong in the first one. But that doesn’t mean she needs to lose hope!
I might get rant-y here. Only because some things people have said have PISSED. ME. OFF. Especially in relation to what I now know. (I’m not about to address the claim that Ivan needs a straitjacket now, but it might come in the future, if my newly-acquired knowledge of the definition of psychopathy has anything to say about it.)
Okay, so. Ivan definitely could have been a little clearer when he explained his relationship with Constance. He certainly could have clarified his exact reasons for going to the Village during the day. But with the bits and pieces I gathered, it was... I don’t know, obvious? When you care for someone as much as Ivan cared for Constance, you’re going to wonder how they’re faring after your sudden disappearance. It’s a thing in fiction where if X Character disappears, they wonder how life back home is going.
That might just be me over analyzing character motivations again. Sorry. (It’s an English/Creative Writing major thing.)
Still, this boy trusted that Eloise would give him space after he dug into this painful wound of his. He trusted that she wouldn’t ask anymore until he was ready to go back to poking it. But instead, she went and investigated on her own. Not only does that speak of her not trusting him, but now, how can he trust her when she did this?
I wanna note that before shit hit the fan (i.e. the argument), Ivan was perfectly content with Eloise visiting him. He was ecstatic that she would come to him so early in the night. When she gave him the plant, he BEAMED! He told her that he didn’t think he deserved to care for something like a plant! HE TOLD HER THAT THE FACT THAT SHE GAVE IT TO HIM MADE IT MORE BEAUTIFUL!
Have I mentioned I was sobbing at this part?
I’m not about to go into the nuances of the Chalice-vampire bond, because not much has been explained about it. However, Eloise did, in fact, say something that was very like Constance (all flower-knowledgeable and such), and the fact that that BRIEF tidbit clued her in to Eloise’s actions is interesting. So, yeah. He gets mad that Eloise went to see Constance in person, because that is, in fact, an invasion of his privacy in many ways. It’s like if I went to see my boyfriend’s ex in person just because he gave me a name. (I don’t have a boyfriend, and I wouldn’t do that. Just by the way.) But before that...
You know what I didn’t see in people’s reactions to Chapter 5? How worried Ivan was about us. He saw that Eloise wasn’t acting like herself. And he asked THREE TIMES (count ‘em in my reactions above, he asked THREE TIMES) if she was okay. The THIRD time, he said, “Did I do something wrong?”
I want someone to explain to me how in the fucking world this clues us in to him not caring about us. But anyway.
This concern, in fact, comes up when Ivan starts yelling at Eloise about being reckless. Because she was. Going too far from Ivan fucks with the Chalice bond, AND she did it during the day (and nearly got burnt real bad), AND there’s a murderer on the loose, AND Vlad could’ve found out. What I think a lot of people looked past was that there was concern behind Ivan’s anger. Anger based on concern is a helluva drug, and Ivan was high on that.
So, Eloise broke Ivan’s trust and endangered herself while doing it. And people are mad at Ivan? Okay. Cool. Good to know.
You know what was really crazy about all of this? A lot of the things Ivan said in this chapter really resonated with the post I linked above. I didn’t actually know Ivan didn’t take change (which had fucked him over in the past) well, but he directly said so. I didn’t actually know for sure that Ivan saw Constance as the embodiment of what he’d lost when he turned vamp, BUT HE ACTUALLY SAID IT (the part labeled, “OH MY GOD. OH. MY. GOD.”). I only vaguely understood that Ivan had a hard time coping with his transformation and feared that he was gonna ruin his relationship with Eloise. And yet! I ended up hitting the nail right on the head! I can’t tell if this means I’m magical or that I’m too good at diving into character’s heads.
The best part is that Ivan is the one to call an end to the shouting match. I’m kinda glad he kissed her, first of all, because there were some logical fallacies and circular arguing going on PLUS all of the emotions both were feeling PLUS the Chalice bond fucking them up a bit, SO it kinda served to tell him, “We gotta stop.” He basically says (and this is a paraphrase), “Okay, you go chill, and I’ll stay here and chill, because we’re both very angry and should probably calm down.” RATIONAL IVAN.
I’m really, REALLY confused why people are bashing him left and right (and I WOULD bring up the straitjacket thing again BUT).
[Side Note: I think at the beginning of Chapter 6, he ended up going out anyway because after an argument like THAT, how do you NOT get stuck in your own head and need to leave?]
Final Thoughts
This could all be bullshit. Even the parts where I directly quote what the English version of this chapter gave me. I could be going in too deep for the sake of defending Ivan. But what the Moonlight Lovers fandom needs to remember is that nobody ever said Ivan’s route was going to be easy. I got my fluff. I got some damn good fluff in this chapter, too. I NEVER expected things to NOT go to shit for the sake of the overarching plot. I expected it. That’s the point of this game, for God’s sake: things go to shit because of [PLOT].
There are two main things I think some people may have forgotten.
1. Eloise is allowed to be jealous. I’m sorry the past-lover-jealousy trope isn’t everybody’s cup of tea, but I, personally, find it realistic. Maybe she went about it in the wrong way (although we got some hefty dramarama), but I empathize. I’m hecka insecure; I would be acting very similarly to her.
2. Ivan does, in fact, have a point. He has multiple, actually. I don’t blame him for going further into the “so I would go out to see her-” thing, because how does one properly explain something like that to someone who doesn’t know them that well?!?! Plus, his concern is very clear throughout this chapter, so treating him like he has no emotions/doesn’t give a damn about Eloise is pretty fucking stupid. Perhaps he’s acting rather selfishly most of the time, but do you think Vlad and Bel were entirely selfless 24/7? HELL, I’D BE SELFISH TOO. LOOK HOW FUCKED UP HIS LIFE HAS GOTTEN SINCE HE BECAME A VAMP.
I didn’t really ever plan on doing this post, not until I saw people giving Ivan a lot of shit. Frankly, I’m giving him some shit as well. Considering how close in age Eloise and Ivan are, I’m really not surprised shit hit the fan in this chapter, especially with the decisions both of them made.
But then, I still enjoyed it.
So, yeah. I actually enjoyed this chapter. I was tossed back and forth between empathizing with Eloise and Ivan so much that my conclusion - that both of them had a point and both of them had valid feelings and reactions - was not one I thought I’d make when I went in.
And if anybody else actually happened to find merit in this chapter, don’t be afraid to say so. Hell, you can DM me and tell me EXACTLY why you found merit with it. I don’t mind.
Final Final Thoughts
This is a stupid random thought, but. When did Eloise and Ivan become parts of my psyche incarnate??? Like I empathized with them WAYYYYYY too much. Was this chapter written specifically for me? For a real person who’s felt many of these things before?
Beemoov, did you specifically write Ivan’s route for me? As flattered as I am, this is kinda weird. I didn’t expect to see myself so much in the MC of this game, but here we are.
I’m just bullshitting please no one roast me for having a huge ego it’s just that the coincidence was too uncanny
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maddiesup · 4 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by @ohbabycupcakes thank u💖
RULES: Name 10 favorite characters from 10 different things then tag 10 people + leave comments on all of them
This is gonna be hard, where do I even start?
1) Keith (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Okay I'm- trying not to laugh too hard because oh boy, this show was a complete mess. BUT Keith still stays as one of my favorite characters ever just because no matter how badly I was hurt by vld he'll always be precious to me 💖 He's hotheaded, cool and a lone wolf, but needs affection more than anyone else on the team. He's easy for me to relate to as I am more likely to push someone away than to keep them close just to avoid being hurt as well. His development is amazing tho and I love love him so much 😭 also it might be just that I have a soft spot for emo characters lmao
2) Todoroki Shoto (Boku no Hero Academia)
This just reinforces my statement earlier since Todoroki is pretty emo too :') But in a different way than Keith. If you are a part of bnha fandom you know he's generally a little bit overrated, but I couldn't help falling in love with him at first sight anyway lol His backstory is tragic but he keeps pursuing his dream and damn is he good at it. Also the combo of fire and ice is aesthetic goals. However, what I admire the most about Shoto is probably his loyalty to his friends, his will to fight and sometimes his goofy attitude (even if he probably isn't aware that he's being goofy lol) In conclusion: I love him, let's move on.
3) Uenoyama Ritsuka (Given)
Can I just stop to say how much I love given for a moment? Like I've never seen a bl anime/manga that would portray gay characters so respectfully 😭❤️ Ue is basically me gay panicking, I feel the boy so much :') OH also what's up with gays & guitars bc first given, then why r u and now also 2gether :') (I might be falling in love with this trope help) okay so: Ue is panicking when he starts liking Mafuyu but he handles it so well in a way? He doesn't deny his crush even if he is slow to notice it lol He's straightforward and sometimes a little bit rough around the edges, but even if he's supposed to be "the cool guy" we see him in the most hilarious settings and that just makes me love him all the more 💖 he respects Mafuyu and his boundaries and I want more of that in bl anime please
4) Eiji & Ash (Banana Fish)
Uhhhh this anime,,, I CANNOT choose between Ash and Eiji, I'm gonna forever see them as a pair and that's simply it. Ash is another emo one I would like to say that but he's actually not. He's backstory is heartbreaking and the life he has to live is dangerous and scary. He gets used to this reality where he has no one to rely on and no one to trust but then Eiji appears tearing his walls down and making him finally be able to show his soft and sensitive side to someone. Eiji is like a salve for his wounds and yes, I'm still emotional about it bc their relationship is one of the best developped I've ever seen. Their bond is so strong it's beautiful, they would literally die for each other. It's so apparent that they love each other and care for each other so much (don't mind me crying in the corner)
5) Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson & the Olympians)
PJ technically got me into fantasy/sci-fi in elementary school and it stays at the top of my favorite book series list ever (big props to Uncle Rick 👏) The whole series is funny and I would say pretty light-hearted even tho you know,,, Percy saves the world several times, lol, usual demigod things™. He's lovable. Son of Poseidon so he has seaweeds instead of a brain (or so you thought, he is brilliant at strategic planning and has a charisma to be a great leader), has a very good sense of humor, is loyal and would risk everything for his friends. Also he loves his girlfriend very much and I was crying while reading the House of Hades but no one needed to know that oh well. I'm also gonna mention Nico de Angelo here, since he fell in love with Percy (didn't we all tho) and was the first gay character I saw portrayed in the book and oh do I love him 😭💖
6) 707 (Mystic Messenger)
Was I losing sleep over this game? I was. Do I regret anything? Absolutely not. I think my choices are pretty boring tho, since Seven is literally everyone's favorite but oh boy there's a reason for that. Apart from being a talented hacker who knows too much (and I think is cautious of us the most at the start) he has a lovely happy-go-lucky personality composed of all the lame jokes, questions "have you eaten already" and anxiety (another emo one). He's that type of a character who will always try to make you laugh but you never know what's going on inside his head. He's mysterious and we don't get to know him well till his route so pretty much till the end of the game lol. Also he loves his brother, phd pepper, honey buddha chips and Elizabeth 3rd the most in this entire world and I love him for that
7) Evan Hansen (Dear Evan Hansen)
ANOTHER EMO ONE okay but hear me out Evan has social anxiety and its portrayal is almost too real for me. He makes a big oopsie which at the start seems like a little innocent lie but then snowballs to enormous sizes. He gains everything in this bargain, a best (dead) friend, a caring mother, a father, a girlfriend even - and then everything falls apart since it all is built on one fat lie. He makes a lot of mistakes and then some more but you get it and you feel for him, and you cry with him and you're happy for him. And when all of this is over you're glad that he's still there trying his best, taking it one day at a time. And sidenote: Ben Platt's voice is angelic and I love him as Evan 💖💖💖
8) Isak (SKAM)
Another gay panicking one. I'm starting to realize there's a set of traits that I particularly like in fictional characters lol But ye, when I was watching skam ofc it was the third season which gripped me the most and kept me on the edge, bc yet again Isak taking an "are you gay" test was way too real for me. He makes a lot of mistakes along the way of figuring out his sexuality and sometimes stuff with Evan becomes really messy (for both of them) but he stays with him nevertheless ❤️ Skam is literally so good in its portrayal of the characters :') Anyways: alt er love 💖
9) Viktor & Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Em, another one that I absolutely can't break up to just one bc how could I? Yuri on ice got me into skating ❤️ I went to an ice rink for the first time bc of this anime and I almost died but now look at me actually finishing my first three months of ice skating training and watching real life figure skating competitions :') Little did I know then. But they're not only my favourites bc of that, I genuinely love the development of their relationship from fan - idol through skater - couch to lovers and history makers in the end. I love how Yuuri is a ball of insecurities and how Viktor manages to reassure him. I love how Viktor fell in love with drunk Yuuri clinging to him. I love how at first Yuuri wasn't able to get too close to Viktor without getting flustered and it changes so drastically to them basically always holding onto each other. I love how Viktor was stuck with no inspiration but then Yuuri came and turned his world upside down. I love how they support and respect each other. I could probably go on into eternity like that and Yuri on ice isn't even the best anime I've ever seen but it's certainly my favourite one ❤️
10) Tutor (WHY R U)
I can't believe I'm so obsessed with thai dramas rn and I'm only gonna include Tor on this list smh He's mental attitude inspires me. He's able to hold so much and appears totally unfazed even if he's barely holding on inside. He's hardworking and doesn't want others to pity him since he can manage it all just fine. He has a kind heart, he's a wonderful friend (especially to Hwa, he always listens to her, gives her pieces of advise, supports her and tries to cheer her up). He never forgets to say thank you when he genuinely feels grateful. But as we've seen he also is passionate and when he loves he LOVES. Also he's the biggest tease to Fighter and I love him for that :') I am so satisfied just by seeing him happy, please do not change that whyru gods 🙏
As it appears I'm done .-. I have no idea what have just happened and if my rambling even makes sense but not that I care at this point. If you read this far, please drink some water now, that was a lot of reading to go through ❤️
Tagging: @wir-ro, @saecookie and any other 8 people who might want to ksks (im too tired to tag lmao)
Don't be like me and go to bed at reasonable hours despite this whole quarantine thing .-. thank again Doreen for tagging since it was really fun 🥺❤️
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 4 years
Nancy Drew 1x15
Okay I will start with my three disappointments. First, I was hoping when they were going down the “you don’t have first-hand exp with the Aglaeca spirit” path they would bring in Victoria. They did not. WRITERS. WHERE IS MY DYSFUNCTIONAL CLAIRVOYANT. Two, they went to the historical society. They MENTIONED HANNAH GRUEN. And then she just wasn’t there, and I was Let Down. Three, Owen and Nancy had sex.
No further comment.
Alright to break this down, I thought this episode was fantastic. Nancy coughing up teeth was so metal (the seaweed was a little gross) and they brought back fan favorite Ace’s dad. Side note, I really love what this show does for sign language, just how it is so casually interwoven. And also Ace and his dad’s shock to see Nick knew it, pointing out how uncommon it is which is kind of sad when you consider it’s one of deaf people’s only means of communication. Maybe now that Karen is you know ARRESTED Ace’s dad whose name I do not know will be our point person on the police since the writers have apparently become allergic to Chief McGinnis.
Speaking of Ace, him and Nick being all dude detective duo this episode was fantastic and I loved it. Pair them up more often. And even though I have no idea if they’ll ever be written romantically or not, Nancy has exponentially more chemistry with Ace than with Owen and I would much rather see them explored. I also want to know if anything has even really changed since the last time Owen and Nancy kissed. He asked her out and she said no, and we didn't see what happened the morning after this time around but she clearly spent the night. Bess is bound to bring it up since she spent the night at Nancy’s house and Nancy wasn’t there, and also Owen is her cousin.
I love the bond between Nancy and her dad, it has grown so much and is so beautiful. Her absolute faith and conviction in his innocence and belief that she will get him out of this, especially when he seems to have given up. *chef’s kiss*
I will say going back to Ace and Nick’s detective work, why didn’t they just go ask Claire in prison? “Hey you know how you murdered a bunch of people? We’ll knock like five years off your I presume lifelong sentence if you tell us if you sold this guy poison.” Like admittedly she didn’t, but they didn’t know that at the time. And CAN WE TALK ABOUT KAREN? As soon as it was revealed it was her, I knew she must have known about Ryan and Lucy’s fight before Nancy gave her the emails. Lucy started drawing away after the Velvet Masque but she and Ryan were already dating when he took her, which is probably something Lucy would have told her best friend. And honestly I feel the poison was a little justified? Like at this point Ryan obviously didn’t kill Lucy because the writers know that’s what we’re expecting, but he was involved somehow and if my best friend had been murdered twenty years ago, the case was still unsolved, and her billionaire ex boyfriend was involved and untouchable? I may have also slipped the friend’s brother an untraceable poison. On that note, I love how the writers brought back the Claire episode. At the time we were like, oh it’s just a fun little killer of the week one-off episode, and now a few weeks later here they are like “PSYCHE. What, you thought everything we did wouldn’t have a meaning? Fools.” And honestly, more power to them. I support this kind of intricate planning it speaks to my obsessive perfectionism.
Everything except the Mr. Drew x Karen romance apparently 😂. Like they really did just include that in the pilot to create more drama between Nancy and her dad didn’t they?
Since it turns out Bess is a founder’s descendant, maybe she will be more interested in Marvin family history, get involved in the historical society and we will see Hannah Gruen more often. Make it happen writers. On the topic of Bess, please tell me someone gets that girl a therapist for her kleptomania before she breaks into a museum. Or a bank. Or a mausoleum. Or something high profile.
I did really want to see the Aglaeca, I was looking forward to seeing how costume and makeup pulled it off, but the blackness spreading through the water was really cool too. And considering this episode ended with Nancy like coughing up seaweed for not paying the toll, maybe we will see the spirit next episode as the gang tries to appease it? Let’s talk about the toll for a minute. Did the Aglaeca want to kill Owen or just like want a blood donation? Why? And if it demands a victim for every favor it grants, I can see why the ritual was not handed down through the generations.
NANCY AND NICK. Oh the moments were sparse but they were quality. At the beginning, watching the fight footage when Nick tensed up and Nancy looked away, and she almost rested her head on his shoulder. His continued concern for her. Nancy’s immediately going to the police station when he texted, compare and contrast with episode 7 when Nick kept calling and she kept ignoring. Nick’s reaction when Nancy was about to drink the “poison”.
George had a very small role this episode which is not exceedingly unusual, but she was funny to watch, falling for Nick, and a great friend to Nancy. All good things. I just hope she doesn’t fall too hard for Nick, since he and Nancy will most likely eventually find their way back to each other. Maybe she can get together with Ace since I ship him with literally everyone apparently. I also like how they brought back that blood bucket she kicked I was beginning to wonder if they’d forgotten about it.
One last thing guys where tf is Josh? Like he walked into a cabinet thing and vanished, maybe Karen is storing him somewhere. Also HOW DID HE SURVIVE GETTING FUCKING ELECTROCUTED. HOW.
Could we really be solving Lucy’s murder next week in The Haunting of Nancy Drew? We will now discuss possible suspects and where the show could go after this.
The episode summary reads “blah blah using forensics and spn stuff Nancy unravels what happened the night Lucy died.” I am going to discount the Hudsons as suspects since we already know they’re involved via the seance.
Owen Marvin. We know the Marvins have family secrets and shady pasts, he is about the same age as Lucy/Ryan and if there was some sort of love triangle
Holy fuck.
Hear me out.
Okay what if Owen was in love with Lucy, and he somehow broke them up (there was a fight and Lucy broke up with Ryan, but in the emails Ryan calls Lucy the whore, so I’m thinking there was definitely some sort of misunderstanding) and he went to profess his love and she turned him down and he killed her? AND NOW, assuming Nancy is Lucy (and Ryan’s) daughter that’s why Owen is so determinedly romancing her? I have absolutely no proof for this theory and it probably didn’t happen since he is helping them out with the investigation but I like it anyway.
There is Lucy’s mother, who I am now convinced was involved because of her trance thing last episode. You can read my last review for more detail (it’ll be under my Nancy Drew tag) but basically upon seeing crime scene photos of Lucy she started singing the Lucy Sable song and was very focused on how Lucy is in the water. And sure parents go crazy over their children dying, but this feels like a little bit more than that? In the transcripts Lucy said if anything happened to her it would be her mother’s doing, and we know they had some kind of falling out before she died over her dating Ryan.
Katherine Drew 😈. Again no evidence but I like to speculate. She was Lucy’s guidance counselor, it gives Mr. Drew a reason to not try very hard to defend himself, to spare Nancy the pain of her mom being a killer. It would make such great drama. That’s it those are the reasons.
Let’s take a moment to examine some untied threads that could be pulled upon in the solving of this murder. Lucy and Josh are only half-siblings, but we don’t know via which parent. So maybe Lucy’s biological mom/dad could have somehow been involved. There are the emails between her and Ryan following the unknown betrayal (you’re a whore like everyone says). I think this one could be tied to what Candice Weaver (sea queen runner up) mentioned, about how there were rumors Lucy slept with the judges to win the title. Maybe Ryan’s parents, especially his mother, were trying to discredit Lucy or frighten her off? Ryan was scheduled to meet with Lucy the night of her death, maybe he saw something he hasn’t come clean about. Back to Josh, right after Lucy died some developers offered Josh and his mom a LOT of money for their house. We know the Marvins deal in real estate, maybe they were trying to get them out of town to cover up for Owen? We also still don’t know for sure how Lucy died, maybe she wasn’t even stabbed at all. And finally, the crown Nancy’s forensic chemist friend examined proves that a woman was up there on those cliffs (KATHERINE DREW) with Lucy because the hair that wasn’t Lucy’s came from a female.
Assuming we do indeed find out who killed Lucy next episode, here are some things the writers could fill the last six episodes with or use to set up season two/things I really want to happen. The episode where Nancy broke into the morgue Ace mentioned Lucy haunts it, looking for her body. Three kids broke in a few years ago, one died, one went missing, one went insane. It was mentioned once and never picked up again. Since Lucy apparently knew where her body was this whole time, maybe a different spirit haunts the morgue and Lucy just gets the blame cause she’s famous. There is George’s blood bucket, which I admit was brought up this episode, but aside from that has not been touched since episode 4. George and Nick’s relationship, Nancy and Owen’s relationship, the Bess/Lisbeth/Amaya love triangle. Whatever sort of closure Mr. Drew needs from Karen or something idk. George could start to become psychic like her mother. There’s the trial of Mr. Hudson for the sinking of the Bonny Scot, along with the haunted dude who survived giving testimony. Maybe he will be killed and Nancy and Co will have to find another piece of evidence really fast like the urn from the Bonny Scot that Ryan is still hanging on to. MAKE BESS AND GEORGE COUSINS WRITERS. MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Even after Nancy solves Lucy’s murder, I want Lucy to stick around. She is my favorite character on the show. She and Nancy can be roommates, she’d be a really great security system. Some guy tries to break into the house only to be greeted by a drowned girl screaming her head off? I’d drop dead. And from next week’s trailer, towards the end when she says “I am trying to solve your murder!” Is it just me or does she sound a little exasperated? Maybe because Nancy is working her ass off here and all Lucy does is scream at her and make her cough up teeth 😂. Yes I want Lucy to find peace, but I also just really really want her to stick around.
Last thing before I wrap up. I know the show is astronomically different from the books but Nancy traveled in the books. She went to different cities, states, countries. As much as I love the creepy superstition loving town of Horseshoe Bay, I am hoping maybe in the later seasons the show’s location branches out a bit? It probably won't because it’s the CW and they use sets and yada yada yada but a girl can dream. See you next week!
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arlingtonpark · 5 years
SNK 122 Review
Finally the Marleyan and Eldian versions of history are reconciled. We see the real history for ourselves and what we learn is that the Marleyans were basically right.
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You can all kiss my ass!
Look, I’m not going to mince words here: the official Marleyan history is that Ymir had a working relationship with “the devil” and together they subjugated the Marleyans.
That is exactly what happened. 
According to Eren’s grandfather, the relationship was more mutual; he described it as a contract. According to Kruger, the relationship was more one-sided; he describes Ymir in the Marleyan history as a pawn of the devil.
In any event, the devil was a real, albeit mythologized figure and Ymir worked with/under them. Is it unreasonable for the Marleyans for say this dude was the devil and leave it at that? 
Yeah, kind of, and they probably did it for propaganda reasons. But it’s not as unreasonable as you would think.
You’ve all heard of Jesus, right?
Jesus was a real person and we know that because he is mentioned in the Bible, which is in fact a historical document. Yes, the Bible says Jesus had magical powers (and that the world was created 7000 years ago) but so what? Ancient historical documents mix reality with mythology all the time. That’s the challenge of being a historian of antiquity, separating the facts from the myth.
That the Marleyan’s historical record claims this dude was the devil is not that out there.
Meanwhile, the official Eldian history is that Eldian rule was orgasmic.
It completely leaves out the raping and pillaging and other atrocities. It’s an incomplete picture. The Marleyan history is essentially the whole story.
Yes, Ymir really did cultivate the land, but this was only to the Eldian’s benefit. The Marleyan history does not contradict that. It emphasizes the atrocities, but it is implicit in the Marleyan account of history that the Eldians benefited from their dominance.
‘Cause, ya know, that’s how racism works. It’s not just a detriment to the oppressed, it benefits the oppressors.
It’s not even unreasonable to emphasize the atrocities, since they are, not to put too fine a point on it, atrocities. Building roads and bridges, by itself, is just not noteworthy. 
Why would any impartial history book mention that Ymir built roads outside of a few sentences, and even then, just to lay the ground work to explain how the Eldian Empire grew to be able to expand and conquer. 
The history of the world of SNK is first and foremost a story about a racist empire that murdered many people. 
Building roads and bridges? That’s not important. 
And as for the 1700 years of genocide, that is yet to be settled. That happened after Ymir’s death, and while we see that the Eldians conquered the world, we don’t see the details.
One thing that’s great about this chapter: many apologists for imperialism turn to excuses like how the colonialists built infrastructure and cultivated the land to justify imperialism. What SNK gets right is that the benefits of that cultivation were only enjoyed by the oppressors.
Yes, in the course of colonizing Africa, the Europeans built roads and crap, but that is a non-factor in the rightfulness of the imperialist project because those roads benefited the colonialists. And no one else.
Likewise, the benefits of Ymir’s work were only enjoyed by Eldians, which is why they remember her so fondly. Meanwhile, the Marleyans were victimized by Ymir, so they hate her.
What’s even better is that this could, maybe, hopefully, be read as a repudiation of Kruger’s dumbass line about the nature of truth.
There is truth in this world.
The Marleyan truth.
You hate to see it.
Frieda in this chapter is something of a tragic figure. She means well and just wants to give Historia some good advice, but she’s too drunk on the kool-aid to say anything helpful.
It’s true that we should all be thinking about others, but what’s been forgotten is love for ourselves in addition to love for others. A healthy relationship involves both of these things. You help people out, but always make sure to help yourself.
Ymir is literally the property of her master and is the equivalent of a tool to be used until it breaks. Her life is all about serving others. She bears the king’s children, fights the king’s enemies, and builds up the king’s empire. She was never allowed to love others, and she doesn’t even seem to have had any friends.
There’s no room for her to love herself, which is why this is a bad relationship.
You know, just to say the obvious.
One thing that’s great about SNK is that one of its morals is how bad it is to care too much about others. Caring too much, to the point you subordinate your own needs to someone else, is a kind of metaphorical enslavement.
Historia is the best example of that. Her whole character starting out was about self-sacrifice and caring about others. Her girlfriend thought she was a total idiot, and she was right.
There are other examples, though, like Mikasa gradually becoming less obsessive over Eren as the story goes on, or like the way the warriors serve Marley, which is a lot like a kind of slavery.
The series is characteristically blunt about it here, what with Ymir literally being a slave, but it’s a good moral and not an intuitive one.
The emptiness behind Frieda’s advice couldn’t be made more obvious here. As she expounds on how we need to be people who are helpful to others, we see are shown how her example, Ymir, is a literal slave. And towards the end of Frieda’s monologue, Ymir looks on at two lovers making out.
The contrast is clear. Give yourself over to others and being “loved” by them is not real love.
So this is Ymir Fritz, huh?
Another theme of this series is how lacking freedom limits your potential. Historia, once again, is a good example. Her over-caring was a burden on herself, and it kept her from truly becoming her own person. She’s in a much better place now that she’s move past that.
Eren is also kind of another example, but he’s like the incel version of it. Eren is “free” because he got swole and can just kick the ass of anyone who disagrees with him. Eren is what incel losers on Reddit dream of becoming. A chad.
He went from being a social loser to singlehandedly saving the world. From commonplace to world’s strongest. He's like the main character of an isekai anime. Pure vicarious pleasure for the stereotypical anime nerd.
Ymir is the encapsulation of this theme. She is basically a god, with incredible power. The only limit on her power is her imagination. Tragically, her imagination was so limited.
She has all this power, and she never thought to use it for herself. She used it for the king because she is his slave and that is her place in the world. She never thought otherwise.
Now Eren’s broken though to her and it looks like she and him are going to be partners in crime. Yay?
The themes of this series can be good, but there are still problems.
One theme is the inherent value of life. People deserve to live and it’s not because they possess any certain quality. People deserve to live because they are. They were born and they exist now.
Maybe their birth was mistake, but that’s ok, because people can give their own lives meaning. The meaning of life, according to SNK, is completely internal. It comes from within you.
Throughout the story, characters have devoted themselves to various things. Not all of them were bad things. Levi is devoted to Erwin. Mikasa is (was?) devoted to Eren. Armin was devoted to his dream of seeing the ocean. Rod was devoted to his belief in god.
They all tried to give meaning to their lives through external means.
But people like Historia, and, in kind of a bad way, Eren, are special because they try to find meaning through internal means.
That’s fine and all, but the problem is that Eren is the main character and his values and his example is what the series upholds.
Eren is a fighter and it’s clear he sees that as carte blanche to do whatever he thinks is right.
Killing children?
Pissing over his friends?
So, is human life inherently valuable or not?
The series tries to be about how lives matter, but also seemingly upholds this really stupid moral code where defending your own life can justify anything.
This isn’t even really a form of consequentialism. Consequentialists define goodness in terms of an action’s consequences. But, like, it’s the consequences for the world as a whole. Goodness is about what’s good for the world overall, not what’s good for me personally.
You can kill in self-defense, but there are limits. Violence should be proportionate and reasonable. And the killing itself should not be the point.
Killing most of the world is obviously not a net good for the world. Yes, the series makes humanity out to be depraved, but that’s bullshit because it is not true. People can be made to do awful or just plain stupid things by their environment, but the solution isn’t to just kill everyone.
They were born into this world, you see.
This is why there is a ten billion percent chance Eren will repudiate his way of thinking by the end of the series. Maybe as early as the next chapter. For the series to not do that would be hypocrisy.
There is no way the story is going to go with an ironic ending where Eren kills everyone and declares himself free while standing atop a pile of rubble.
SNK has employed dramatic irony before, but it has always been straightforward with its main themes. It would not resort to irony here; that would just muddle the message even more.
At this point the series is just mocking Historia fans. Ymir Fritz is also forced into pregnancy and even sits in a wooden chair just like Historia.
But I think this is actually a reason to be hopeful. This is an implicit acknowledgement of how fucking shitty Historia’s nominal situation is.
Ymir is forced to bear children and that is a manifestation of her enslavement. Historia is therefore also a slave by the story’s logic. And since this is a story about breaking free from your enslavement, Historia can only do just that and rain hellfire on the world like how Ymir Fritz seems poised to do here.
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I don’t know if this was intentional or not, but I love how they throw in a radical feminist take on Ymir Fritz’s life.
Ymir was always thinking about others, and that made her girlish, ie is an obedient slave.
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
Biggest wasted potential in Naruto
Killing off Zabuza and Haku. Like come on. Zabuza could’ve either went on to become a Jonin at Konoha and fought against Kisame, or if Haku were alive. Zabuza and Haku would’ve eventually become powerful enough to pull a successful coup and otherthrow Obito’s puppet and Zabuza would become Mizukage with Haku by his side. Naruto could’ve inspired to turn the Hidden Mist into being better, Naruto did get to Zabuza’s heart so it is possible, it worked for Gaara and it damn well could’ve worked with Zabuza. And we could have Zabuza and Haku taking on the entire Swordsmen of the hidden Mist. We could’ve also gotten Haku finding out more about his clan and becoming more powerful in his abilities. We could’ve seen feats in his powers far more powerful than the demon ice mirrors.  
The Hyuga Clan. Building up the Hyuga Clan as one of the strongest clans  in the first half and barely using them to the point where they are underdeveloped and barely acknowledge the Byakugan. Remember when the Byakugan was supposed to be more powerful than the sharingan (and the sharingan was originally derived from the byakugan)? Such a powerful blood trait that the main branch of the clan would enslave the side branches to keep it safe? Yeah that went out the window pretty quickly.
The White Fang. Kakashi's father who is even more famous and powerfull than Kakashi. Who is at least famous as The Sannin. The White Fang of Konoha. There are no games, no Gaiden, movie or anything about him. We could’ve seen The White Fang brought back to fight against Kakashi and Kakashi could’ve been brought closure. It’s a damn shame.
Shino. Shino Aburame was the strongest Genin and he was the most myterious one and one the coolest among all Genins. He was as smart as Shikimaru, skilled as Sasuke and resilient as Neji. He is from one of the noble clans of Konohagakure and Clan Leader's son. After shippuden he completely ignored and only seeing in filler episodes. Even Akamaru and Tonton has more screen time than Shino. And making Shino a Chunnin as Class Teacher at the end? Shino should be a wanderer, a researcher, a S-Class Jonin as sensor or a duty at central intelligence.
The fact that we never learn anything about Konohamaru’s parents. Could they have just been Jonin or Anbu or Ninjas who died in the Kyuubi attack? We will never know.
Kurenai. Youngest of the 4 Leader Jonin of Konoha. Even at her young age she is stated as roughly equal to other senseis’ such as Gai, Kakashi and Asuma. Her genjutsu was so powerful, she was good enough to stunt instantly a guy like Kisame with her fundamental genjutsu and also she was good at breaking Itachi's genjutsu by her own. Where would this go from here? Who from the Akatsuki will she face? What role will she play in the war? And she’s reduced to Asuma’s love interest and made pregnant for the rest of the series. We don’t even see if she was replaced and see if Team 8 even got a new Sensei. We don’t even see Kurenai interact with Hinata, Kiba or Shino. Literally no interaction between any of her students. Kurenai deserved so much better.      
Tenten. Tenten was the only one not interested in boys. Tenten is the only girl who has a big ideal goal. And that is "Becoming a great kunoichi just like her role model Great Sannin Tsunade" Compared to Sakura, Ino, Temari and Karin, Tenten was the only Kunoichi who got the least amount of screen time. And why is that? Kishimoto didn't wanna write any self-reliant teenage girl.
Uzumaki Clan. Not having Naruto use his clan’s powerful sealing abilities in the war. Hell, we REALLY could’ve learned more about the Uzumaki Clan from Karin. Karin would have been a great opportunity to be the one who lets us know what the clan was really like. This could’ve made Sasukarin work cause both clans being restored really would’ve worked. Like we have both Nagato and Karin and we never learn anything about the Clan from either of them. How do you not use your main character’s clan???  Hell, Naruto could’ve used what he inherited from Kushina to seal away Madara before Madara could possess Obito to bring him back. 
Hinata. If there was a picture in front of the definition of wasted—Hinata would be there. Hinata started to become one of my favorites during her fight with Neji. Kishimoto never really utilized Hinata Hyuga in any real manner. The only times she stood out was when the plot needed advancement. Usually, during a high intense, emotional situation. Hinata outside of extreme life or death moments…is static and seemingly inconsequential. Her existance never affected anything, whether she was living or dead…it wouldn’t of changed a thing. Hinata’s popularity rose, because of her love and obsession w/ the main character. She became a “underdog” in theory, because here’s this shy girl, disowned by her clan, and basically kicked to the curb like yesterdays garbage. The cousin that was raised to protect her—HATED—her and she was cute, pathetic, and terribly shy. Quite a few fans gravitated towards this character, because of these events. The terrible tragedy that was Hinata Hyuga evoked pity, the fulfillment of her dreams, and fans who in some cases sympathized or viewed shades of themselves in this shy gal. Unfortunately, as a by-product…most fans simultaneously used the tragic backdrop and her position of birth right in order to create this image of a “Tragic Princess”. Hinata was elevated not because of merit or depth, but for representing a figure that could be shaped into something that resembled very little of her original form. Hinata lost any potential real development or sovereignty to become one half of a pair, a princess, and a damsal in distress. She became a caricature. It’s rare to see fan art portraying her as the Hyuga head, a keen leader in her own right or as a mature woman, NOT infantilized or glorified for being somebodies or Naruto’s waifu. Most of this characters identity is tied and overshadowed by her love interest. Hinata is a dreamy character that looses tremendous glamour when gazed at objectively. To be truthful, Hinata never really had an identity, nor was she allowed to naturally build up one on her own. Kishimoto undercut her severely in that department. Hinata could’ve been something fantastic! She could’ve grown to be discarded by her clan and viewed as the lesser child, to growing to improving herself and become equals with Neji and grow to move past her crush/obsession with Naruto to both Neji and Hinata becoming the heads of their respective branches and changing the Hyuga Clan together. Hinata, in my opinion was never a strong character physically. Sure she could fight to defend herself, and she had the Byakugan. Yet despite that…she’s just one of many Hyuga. Hinata isn’t nor was she ever a spectacular fighter in her own right. Quite often she was overwhelmed and fatigued easily. In battle she failed, but if given a real voice. She could’ve been influential and endearing in a completely different way. This girl is the odd one out in her family, weak and soft, but despite all of that….Hinata has heart. The traits she expressed, while rarely separated from “N-Naruto-kun” is that of hesitancy, shyness, ineptitude, a rare softness that could easily be kind, but also bloom into complete indifference, selfishness and a one track mind. Hinata is caring until she goes cold. Specific traits like her indifference, selfishness, and complete apathy to another’s situation seem to stem from general Hyuga decorum and behavior. To be apart of such a clan…these traits would be needed to endure the cruelty, tragedies, and fear that hide behind the poshly royal exterior. The Hyuga are about saving face and Hinata is a pro at hiding her own. I think, Kishimoto could’ve shown Hinata at war w/ herself, her clan and the life expected of her in general. She’d be someone w/ an active inner life, but pretty much a dead fish on the outside. The fans would’ve seen a shy female stalking a boy in order to relieve herself of her woes and worries. To forget for a while. Naruto w/o ever knowing it could’ve been a catalyst for a far stronger transformation w/ future implications. We should’ve seen her gradually change shyness into reserve, hesitancy into patience, unprotected softness into emotional strength, and her indifference into engagement. This character could’ve been a nice counter-balance to the constant might makes right scenarios. Hinata shown doing anything other than stalking, obsessing, and worrying over Naruto would’ve been amazing. I’d rather see her slowly, but surely altering the views of the clan by maturely engaging w/ them in a holistic way. By showing having a heart and being aware of others in a intimate nature was not weakness. She’d develop tenacity, a spine and voice her concerns gradually. Linking and working w/ Neji who serves as a teacher in more ways than one, but who also becomes a student, because Hinata in her peculiar way teaches him a thing or two. To see them both mingle and wind themselves through the complexities of the Hyuga clan. Working to attempt change. To simply see Hinata become a better sister. One who shows Hanabi through self sacrifice and unconditional love a different way. Hanabi may detest Hinata’s weakness, because she’s been brought up the traditional Hyuga way. Or even flashbacks of Hinata’s mother…who I feel she’d miss dearly and would’ve had a closer relationship to. Someone which whom she truly felt safe and cherished by. To portray generational cycles through a feminine scope. One of submission, bondage and freedom. “The Hyuga women are like water…we take the shape of whatever container we’re put into.” —Quote from Lady Hyuga, Hinata’s mother Lastly, in fanfiction, Hinata is actually portrayed in ways she should’ve been. For those writers who truly cared for THE CHARACTER and not the waifu…I give props. They present a slow to smile, pearly-lilac eyed women who’s reserved, a wallflower and damn impressive. Hinata always seems to carry a hint of bittersweetness. People ruined all of her wonderful possibilities by keeping her static and a princess. Hinata thrives in difficult times. She blooms when rough roads are ahead and she’s sacrificial….even to her own detriment. In order for her to move on…to become something golden…Hinata has to give up on certain things. This is often true in well written stories concerning her. The obsession for Naruto is only meant to last to a point. Just enough to begin to reveal who Hinata Hyuga really is. To stay pass it’s welcome—means she’ll be forgotten once again…even if the dream unfolded and she got her wish…as canon portrays. Little Hinata Hyuga will be ignored, unknown, and relegated to washing dishes and dusting shelves; as someone else lives out their dreams at her expense.
Lee and Neji being shafted and Neji being killed to justify a ship. The fact we never got to see Sasuke and Neji fight in either the Chunin Exams or in Shippuden is downright insulting. Rock Lee is one of the greatest characters in Naruto, period. He has a great origin story, great setting, very emotional and passionate bonds with others. He had the best fights against Gaara and Kimmimaru and kicked Sasuke’s sorry ass. Then, Kishimoto decided not to develop anyone who didn’t have a Sharingan, not on Team 7 or  Formation Ino–Shika–Chō. We never able to see Rock Lee's development his rough journey to fullfil his ninja way. We don’t even get to see a friendly match between Lee and Neji to show that Lee has FINALLY surpassed his rival or even show Lee fight Sasuke. Such a shame that a fan favorite was wasted. And, no I am not done bitching about Neji. Neji was a perfect candidate for who is gonna build up new Konoha Village and Shibobi System with Naruto as the head of Hyuga Clan. Cuz this is the deal between that promised by 'em long way ago. Neji is the only prodigy type character who died so easily. He has a great history and origin story and has a great bond with Naruto. Naruto once said "when ım gonna become hokage ım gonna chance Hyuga and ım gonna get rid off from family branches and you will be the leader of hyuga" That was the promise of the series. Neji stated even better prodigy than Sasuke. Neji was the most potentially skilled person and Neji had a real bond and story with protagonist. And we never able to saw his development. He never faced with Akatsuki....seriously? His dad came back, but didn’t have any scene with his son???? We could’ve even had Neji and Lee teaming up against Sasuke. Lee and Neji deserved so much better.
Dosu. He was so damn cool and it was such a waste that he was killed off so soon. He could’ve been by Orochimaru and Kabuto’s side. You could’ve even had Dosu become so damn powerful enough that Dosu replaces Kimmimaru as part of the Sound 5. Hell, just keep Team Dosu alive. Dosu, Zaku and Kin should have lived and become apart of Team Hebi/Taka with Sasuke, Karin, and Jugo(in the case of Zabuza living, Suigetsu is not needed) Zaku could’ve gotten past his ego and learn to use his abilities better. Kin could have been developed more and improve her abilities and Dosu could’ve been an untapped powder keg. Team Dosu could’ve been Sasuke’s strongest allies. 
Orochimaru. Orochimaru was built up as the big bad of the series. He betrayed his village and friends for knowledge of all jutsu and immortality. He killed Sarutobi and Gaara’s father and finally he had Sasuke. And Shippuden retconned him into a punching bag for Sasuke. He never reached to his potential or never able to show how much he developed in terms of jutsus and power after killing Sarutobi, I honestly would’ve preferred if Orochimaru was successful in taking Sasuke’s body. It could work. if Sasuke was not strong enough to over power the ritual. what would have happened is Orochimaru would've granted Sasuke his one wish to kill Itachi and Sasuke's strong intentions and desires would have remained as part of Orochimaru's subconscious while he was in control of his body. Plus Sasuke was willing to do this if he was able to see Itachi die. Orochimaru already was a pretty powerful ninja and having the Sharingan definitely would have helped. To unlock Mangekyo he might have had to kill Kabuto which I don't have a problem with. And Kabuto would have no problem with since he wanted his master to succeed. Orochimaru would have mastered Sage Mode(snake sage mode would look awesome tbh), and probably unlocked the Rinnegan (he had enough DNA of the First Hokage to Edo Tensei him after all) The Akatsuki view this news very problematic. Orochimaru was already a problem but with confirmation that he succeeded makes him as much as priority as capturing the tailed beasts. Naruto would have asked Tsunade to order a team to hunt Orochimaru down for him to pay for pretty much killing Sasuke and knowing Jiriya wanting to keep a close eye on Orochimaru and wanting to stop him, he would put investigating Pein on hold and join Naruto. Eventually I think Naruto and Itachi would form an alliance and together fight Orochimaru. I believe Itachi knows that if he could get Orochimaru's chakara low enough, he could force his brother out and use Susano to seal Orochimaru. Then Sasuke would kill his brother.
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Voltron: Legendary Defender—an Unfulfilling Copy of Award-Winning Mecha Predecessor and Market Competitor, Transformers Prime?
Note, this comparison post has major spoilers for both Transformers Prime and Voltron: Legendary Defender. It contains screenshots/topics from the shows that some may find sensitive or disturbing. 
The Transformers franchise and Voltron franchise have been direct market competitors, in toy sales and in (primarily boy-targeted) cartoons, since 1984. Both franchises have various iterations and reboots spanning decades. But in June 2011, Voltron: Force aired and stumbled. It was cancelled after a single season and achieved zero awards. In comparison, the competing Transformers franchise had aired Transformers Prime in November 2010, and the cartoon gained immediate critical acclaim, winning over older fans of highly successful previous Transformers cartoons—and pushing the content limits of the (US-rated) Y7-FV mecha genre.
By the time Transformers Prime (TFP) ended in 2013, it had earned several awards and set high standards for mecha cartoon shows in regards to animation, directing, plot complexities, and moral ambiguity, with a very extensive budget per episode.
This 2010-2013 show ultimately wasn’t your average kids show. Executive Producers Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzman admitted to using this show as their way to deepen the characters they fell in love with from writing the PG-13 live-action film, Revenge of the Fallen.
But did the show tone down its PG-13 origins? Not by much, if at all. TFP deals with very dark, edgy content, as well as sophisticated introspection into various characters. And it got away with it, in part, because it handled controversial topics so well.
Transformers Prime, under a TV-Y7-FV rating, boasts:                       
Multiple instances of major character death (even within episode 1, complete with blood splatters)
Graphic body horror and mutilation
Physical and mental/emotional abuse
Electrocution, near-death experiences with major health consequences, betrayals, and torture
Amputation, disabilities, and characters actively experiencing PTSD and having mental breakdowns
Horror-genre monster chase scenes
Major trolley problems and moral ambiguity
War crimes
Good guys doing questionable/bad things, bad guys doing good things, and good guys working with mass murderers to defeat a common enemy
To an extent, transformers themselves do not exhibit a fully human image, which decreases the possible emotional reaction one might have to the graphic content. At the same time, this show dropped its money hard on developing the characters and making them as “human” as possible, and even having the human characters struggle with that realization, which resulted in a suspenseful, emotionally invested viewing.
The show still, to this day, enjoys an involved and productive fandom who delight in its characterizations, its plot, and its core message (which executive producer Jeff Kline explained as “the universal need to find or forge a family and a home”). 
But why does Transformers Prime matter to today’s children mecha show environment? And why does it specifically matter to the audience who watched Voltron: Legendary Defender?  
Executive Producers for VLD, JDS and LM, were still working on Legend of Korra, which ended in 2014, when they pitched a reboot for Voltron only months after TFP had finished in late 2013.
Hilariously, a lot of what happens in VLD had already happened in Transformers Prime, but with the twist of following through on a positive or morally meaningful message. So if you’re looking for a show that does what VLD did, but did it well—check out Transformers Prime. This show accomplishes:
Powerful female-gendered characters who live to enjoy their heroism and achieve their dreams
Individuals overcoming their PTSD and reintegrating socially
Humans not being the center of the universe and actually learning moral lessons
Multidimensional, dynamic villains, antagonists, and self-aware heroes
Abuse victims and villains breaking the cycle of evil
Deceased warriors being consistently remembered for their sacrifice and value
Socially and physically nonconforming individuals rising to great moral fame and recognition
A powerful character dying for the greater good, in which they transform into something even more powerful
Heroes being held to high moral standards
Still not sure about checking out TFP? Then enjoy this list of the vast extent to which VLD mimics TFP, as well as how TFP handles such topics with increased complexity and finesse compared to VLD:
Updates to Worldbuilding and Backstories
TFP, in keeping with live-action films, boasts aged-up human companions compared to previous transformer cartoons (Sari from TFA was only 9 at the start of the show). Transformers has, time and again, more typically aligned itself with bildungsroman (coming of age) storylines. Not surprisingly, VLD followed suit in adjusting its pilots to more strongly align to the teenager age group. For the Voltron franchise, however, this meant de-aging the pilots, which made them more fallible in a franchise where they were traditionally the center point of morality as adults. This is unlike the young humans in TFP, who are traditionally schooled by or in dialogue with the transformers about moral decisions and the hardships of growing up/becoming more responsible.
TFP’s synthetic energon or Synth-En, drives people crazy similar to VLD’s quintessence overexposure, bringing out the worst in them. Dark energon, which glows purple and is a mystical science-magic, is derived from a source of great chaos and lends disturbing powers, including reanimation of the dead and mind control, to one willing to bond with it. This is similar to quintessence manipulation as well.
The war between Decepticons and Autobots ultimately resulted in the destruction of their planet. Similarly, for the first time ever in Voltron history, both Daibazaal and Altea are destroyed in the war, leaving both people groups (or their remaining warriors) homeless and roaming the galaxy in guerilla warfare.
TFP boasts characters who live through incredible spans of time. VLD, for the first time in Voltron history, expands with a world of basically immortal aliens as well.
Updates to Characters
VLD also majorly expanded or revised previous Voltron lore, characters, and character arcs. In doing so, it brought Voltron characters closer than ever to their Transformer counterparts in TFP:
(A quick list of characters discussed, for reference if you need it)
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Honerva copies Megatron, both before and after his corruption. Honerva’s new history was entirely unprecedented within Voltron lore, but it was a core staple within TFP.
Both Honerva and Megatronus start off as good people, with very close friendships with the protagonist leaders, Alfor and Orion Pax. Both Megatronus and Honerva see societal ills, inequality, and want to fix them, challenging the traditions/hoarding of power by those of higher authority. Both Megatronus and Honerva are told their ideas for improving the world are wrong because they involve force and a demand for access to great power (For Honerva, it’s the quintessence field. For Megatronus, it’s the powerful Matrix of Leadership, which would result in making him a prime). Both characters ignore the concerns of Alfor/The High Council and grow increasingly more frustrated with the balance of power, desiring to usurp it for themselves. Both suffer the consequences and jumpstart a millennia-long war.
Their names change upon corruption. Megatronus becomes Megatron. Honerva becomes Haggar. Neither Megatronus nor Honerva are ever again able to truly separate from who they’ve become. The good part of them is permanently marred.
They’re both obsessed with a magic that can be used for great evil, from a questionable, destructive source (Dark Entity/rift creatures in VLD, the chaotic dark entity Unicron in TFP).
Both shows include an episode of the protagonists/heroes diving into the mind of Honerva/Megatron for more information, and having a harrowing experience in doing so.  
Both Honerva and Megatron reanimate, to an extent, a dead soldier (Lotor/Cliffjumper) and use his body/weapons for their own purpose. 
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Honerva and Predacons Rising Megatron
In the final movie that ended TFP, Predacons Rising, Megatron’s character gets taken to a whole new level. Honerva’s arc eerily matches:
Both Honerva and Megatron are overwhelmed when the Dark Entities/Rift Creatures and Unicorn decide to destroy the world(s) most precious to them.
Both die and are reanimated back to life by dark power.
Upon reanimation, both can wield purple magic.
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In TFP, Unicron, an ancient dark entity who is the source of all chaos and evil, says, “Your husk will simply be an instrument of my will.” Megatron undergoes a painful transformation that alters his usual form. In VLD, through contact with a dark entity and through the corruption from pure quintessence exposure, Honerva becomes Haggar. She is heavily altered visually, and is little more than a puppet of Zarkon’s will until she remembers who she is and fights back to regain herself, just as Megatronus does with Unicron.
They both gain the ability to peer into the minds and even alter the minds and behaviors of others.
Megatron cannot join the Allspark (go to the afterlife) because he’d been joined to the lifeblood of the chaotic Unicron, and he spends a deal of time cursed inside the mind of Unicron. Honerva’s soul does not move to the afterlife in death, but instead, being infused with quintessence, she is reanimated. They’re both the immortally undead. In addition, Honerva had “cursed” the souls of the OG paladins. They were inside her mind with her, unable to be in the afterlife because of it, similar to the plight Megatron finds himself in within Unicron’s mind.
They both give themselves over to scorched-earth policy. Honerva refuses the title to run an empire and goes on to nearly destroy the multiverse. Megatron, as Unicron’s puppet, admits to fellow Decepticons (who are subsequently disturbed by him), “I do not wish to conquer this world—I wish to eradicate it.” Honerva follows suit in her desire to achieve the past at any cost to the future of an entire multiverse, carrying Megatron’s banner that, “The past shall consume the future!”
A quasi-redemption arc: Both Megatron and Honerva achieve what they want. Megatron gets bonded to the spark of a great, chaotic power, able to warp time and space as a new, all-powerful being. His abilities allow him to quickly fly to a regenerated version of his home world, Cybertron, which had been destroyed millennia ago. Honerva gets access to Oriande, transreality materials, and achieves entry to a dimension with a still-living family on her home world of Altea (which was living, unlike the Altea she know, which had been destroyed millennia ago).
Once they’re given over to the power or end they desired, they do not achieve the true effect they wanted. They have a moment where they lose their own personal agency within that situation, only to rage to destroy everything at great risk to themselves, and then from out of the rage, fall into a daze of distaste for what their desires have brought them. 
Then they both act defeated, whiny, and salty over how nothing’s like what they wanted.
They both disappear off into the sunset in a disquieted, defeated sense of, “Whatever, I guess I’ll be good now and do my own thing because I’m tired.” (Paraphrasing here.)
In TFP, the insanity of Predacons Rising Megatron is described by Predaking (another character) as, “Dark magic…perpetrated by the demon who lives in Megatron’s skin.” In a similar manner, Lotor accuses the Oriande-infused Honerva of being “an abomination.”
Zarkon is a mirror to the standard, more well-known Megatron. But in VLD, he boasts similar characteristics, like Honerva, to Megatronus, picking up Megatronus’s gladiator history. Class issues are important to both Zarkon and Megatronus as well.
It’s implied that Megatron was born into a very low class and rose to power through the gladiatorial ring by rite of combat, bolstering his political career. As a gladiator “in the pits of Kaon,” his rise to become the leader of the Decepticons mirrors Voltron’s brand-new lore of Zarkon rising to imperial power through the Kral Zera, which is a ceremonial gladiatorial arena to establish the new leader through rite of combat.
Zarkon functioned as a military mentor for Alfor; Megatronus was a political mentor to Orion Pax.
According to the lore of the original Thirteen Primes, Megatronus Prime got into a fight with his brethren that resulted in the death of his lover, Solus Prime, a weapons forger. Megatronus Prime’s title as “The Fallen” being closely related to in-fighting specifically over a lover in many ways echoes in the ultimate breakdown of friendship between Alfor and Zarkon, specifically over Honerva and her abilities to manipulate quintessence into tactical advantages/weapons. The end result is that Zarkon “falls” as well through Honerva’s death, just as Megatronus Prime falls through the death of Solus Prime.
Zarkon is massively injured and in a state of unconscious for a time, disrupting the empire. Megatron as well is massively injured in a state of unconsciousness for a time, disrupting the order of command for the Decepticons. In both instances, this is a major plot device to introduce other characters to the show and deepen political conflict.
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Zarkon’s armor and facial reconstruction for the reboot more closely mimic Megatron’s elongated face and eye-set, as well as his very wide-shoulder, spiky armor, complete with angled armor lining his cheeks. It’s similar enough that others have poked fun at their similarities. 
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Alfor’s history more closely mimics that of Orion Pax. They’re both initially great friends with the very person who would later seek to kill them and their friends.
It’s implied that Megatronus suffered through the very issues that he was critiquing to the High Council. Meanwhile, Orion Pax was of a higher class and coddled from experiencing the same societal ills. In many ways, this echoes how Alfor critiqued the behaviors of Zarkon and Honerva, while standing from a place of incredible power through Oriande, as well as physical peace and comfort.
Alfor and Orion Pax are both very scholarly individuals without the military expertise as touted by their counterparts, Zarkon and Megatronus.
Alfor and Orion Pax are both initially deceived by the heartfelt words of their friends, only to realize in horror what their friends actually desired beneath it.
Orion Pax and Alfor stand as the ultimate inheritors of the powers and status coveted by Zarkon/Honerva and Megatronus.
When Orion Pax is converted to Optimus Prime, his old self somewhat dies, and he becomes a more perfected, all-powerful version. Alfor, likewise, dies in the war…and his legacy is inherited by Allura, who is canonically shown as even more powerful. She carries on the mantle/legacy as previously set before her by her predecessors.
And last but not least of the Big Four, Princess Allura’s arc in VLD very closely mimics Optimus Prime’s arc in TFP.
Like Optimus Prime, Allura becomes locked into a millennia-old war that she did not start herself.
Optimus Prime is the last of the primes. Princess Allura is the last of the royal Altean line. Both primes and royal Alteans have access to deep knowledge and mystical abilities coveted greatly by others of their race.
The High Council bestows the Matrix of Leadership, which is the core of Optimus Prime’s power. The Ancient Alteans of Oriande impart their wisdom and knowledge to enhance Allura’s power. Megatronus’s failure to achieve the Matrix, receiving only rejection in return, is echoed in Lotor’s rejection and fall in Oriande, who like his father sought to obtain such power through Galra-standard force.
Optimus Prime is a member of an endangered species, believing his few Autobot comrades to be some of the only ones remaining after the great war. In a similar way, Princess Allura struggles with the isolation and fall of Alteans. Both Optimus and Allura are separated by vast distances of space from other possible survivors of their own kind.
They both agree to truces with great enemies and unknown powers for a specific end. Allura accepts the dark entity and works alongside Lotor. Optimus makes several deals with Megatron, at great hesitance from his team.
Both wield great power that no one else currently can.
They both sacrifice their lives and own energy in the end to restore life itself to worlds, because they cannot separate themselves from the power it takes to restore life.
They both pass down a “transformation” to one of their brethren before dying. Princess Allura gives Altean marks to Lance. Optimus converts Bumblebee to a warrior.
Their comrades all stand and watch as they willingly sacrifice themselves, and they have first-row seats to a major visual outpouring of light and life.
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(Screenshot explanation: The visual effect of Princess Allura sacrificing herself to restore life to the multiverse.)
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(Screenshot explanation: The visual effect of Optimus Prime sacrificing himself to restore life to the Well of All Sparks.)
Aside from The Big Four, there are other TFP characters with extreme similarities to VLD supporting characters.
Knockout/Breakdown/Predaking as Lotor
The Knockout connection to Lotor
According to Hasbro’s vice president of development and scripted entertainment, Mike Vogel, Knockout as a character received several upgrades because his previous iteration as “Lugnut” wasn’t considered sexy enough. Similarly, Lotor in VLD was upgraded to be a prettier bad boy in several ways that he hadn’t been before, especially in regard to physical clothing and behavior. Both pretty bad boys ultimately boasted a tight waist, spiky shoulders, great eyeliner, and heavily angled paneling on their torsos:
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Knockout is coded as being “different” than most of the other Decepticons and is looked down upon for having a road-based alt-mode instead of an alt-mode that affords flight. In being so, he is more similar to the Autobots despite being born as a Decepticon. Likewise, VLD heavily increases the amount of attention and derision given to Lotor for being half-Galran and half-Altean. Both Knockout and Lotor profess great confidence and satisfaction in what they are, though, regardless of anyone else’s critique.
Knockout is summoned to Earth after the fall of Megatron, who remains in an ill, unconscious state. This is reflected in how Lotor is introduced into the revised Voltron series, to assist his reigning father in a time of need.
Knockout is a medic and is tasked with preserving life—or taking it out. Lotor’s base motivation is also to preserve life, but he maintains Knockout’s underhanded side of also deciding when to eliminate a loose or unproductive end.
Unlike previous iterations of Lotor, the VLD Lotor is excessively more evasive and less likely to barge in bull-headedly into battle. Knockout uses similar tactics.
Knockout gets melded into a ship (although unlike Lotor, he does get out and isn’t dead).
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Knockout constantly schemes for more power and prestige, using underhanded tactics. He has very little loyalty but does have a deep bond with fellow Decepticon Breakdown, who functions as the muscle to Knockout’s intelligence. They’re usually seen together as two halves of the same brotherly unit. In a similar way, Lotor is the scheming commander and point of intelligence in his own small group. His generals are overall the brawn, like Breakdown.
Knockout provides confidential information about his old Decepticon comrades to help the Autobots while in custody as a prisoner of war.  (Although unlike Lotor, Knockout demands, “We’re prisoners of war; we have rights!”)
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The Predaking connection to Lotor
Predaking is a type of Predacon, an ancient beast that died long ago but is brought back to life through experimentation. In ways, his ancient status and the strange circumstances of his “birth” echo in the way Prince Lotor is a vestige himself from ancient times and was still growing in Honerva when she died, suggesting that he died as well or was somehow preserved by his infusion with quintessence. The result is that his life is unnaturally sustained by quintessence itself, when he would have otherwise been dead. Similarly, Predaking’s existence was not possible without intentionally overriding natural limitations, since his kind could not be “sparked” naturally. 
Predaking is groomed to be a weapon for Megatron and initially assumed to be a dumb beast. In doing so, he endures ongoing physical and mental abuse by the Decepticons, particularly Megatron’s second in command, Starscream. As he grows more intelligent and powerful, he increasingly balks against the treatment he receives and loses loyalty to Megatron. This is similar to Lotor being groomed as the heir to the Galran throne via brainwashing but yet suffers abuse for what he is. He, like Predaking, ultimately grows to reject much of what he’s been told to believe about himself and his place in the world. Both Lotor and Predaking are strong enough to challenge and nearly defeat the main heroes of the shows, Voltron and Optimus Prime, respectively.
Predaking, in hatred for Megatron who tried to make him a weapon, attacks him with the intent to kill. Lotor, likewise, attacks his father, Zarkon—although Lotor does achieve killing him.
Both Predaking and Lotor are core to the dismantling of various alliances upon the discovery of a colony of innocents being killed in the name of tactical war advantages. In both cases, the innocents were people in tubes being groomed/harvested for war purposes.
The Breakdown connection to Lotor
Decepticon Breakdown is betrayed by one of his own team members, whom he had found attractive and had flirted with. The Decepticon femme Airachnid kills him. The distorted remains of his body end up being used for spare parts for a terrorist’s horrifying fusion of organic flesh and mech technology. Ultimately, Breakdown’s body is a victim of being used post-mortem to further the military aims of another person who wanted to exploit him. Breakdown’s personal agency is completely removed, and his body receives no rest.
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Lotor, likewise, is betrayed by Voltron and specifically by Princess Allura during an alliance. Princess Allura, as his love interest, kills him. The distorted remains of his body, which are fused to the Sincline ship, end up being used post-mortem to further the military aims of Honerva. Lotor’s personal agency is completely removed, and his body receives no rest.
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Bumblebee as Lance
Bumblebee and Lance, as the beloved young but inexperienced warriors, are both killed and brought back to life.
Bumblebee has progressively taken over as the frontrunner of the show within the Transformers franchise. Likewise, Lance gained more screen time and heightened significance in VLD compared to previous Voltron iterations.
Lance in the VLD finale and Bumblebee in the TFP sequel both struggle with the dissonance between who they were during war and now who they are as guardians or people look up to, but who are somewhat vestiges of the past.
Optimus Prime, prior to his death, changes Bumblebee from a scout to a warrior, which was not what Bumblebee was originally designed to be. Princess Allura, prior to her death, alters Lance from being purely human to exhibiting Altean characteristics.
Arcee as Shiro
They both suffer from PTSD, having been tortured by the enemy, interrogated, and experimented on. Arcee, being mechanical, has had her visible scars repaired, but the nightmares remain. Shiro similarly experiences PTSD.
They both have lost a significant other to war. They’re both afraid of losing the children they’re responsible for.
They both find family and are able to find happiness by the end, putting to rest any conflict they had over their previous partner.
Nemesis Prime (a Clone of Optimus Prime) as Kuron (a Clone of Shiro)
Nemesis Prime is a “clone” of Optimus Prime, developed by the human terrorist group M.E.C.H. He exhibits a physical appearance similar to Optimus Prime but, when activated, carries out their will of death and destruction.
Similarly, Kuron is a clone of Shiro developed by Haggar. He exhibits a physical appearance similar to the true Shiro, but when activated, carries out Haggar’s will of death and destruction.
The reputation of Optimus and Shiro are temporarily called in question before others realize what’s actually happening. 
Jack Darby as Keith Kogane
Both have missing/dead fathers. Their mothers are alive, and they’re very close to their mothers, but said mother is often not a part of their daily life, given her own missions.
Both are loners and go through an arc of no longer wanting to be a part of the team, during which the team has to remind them of what they’ve gained and how important they are.
Both have a high sensibility to wanting to do the right thing, but not feeling worthy or wanting to have a position of power.
Both are constantly annoyed by the bull-headed antics of their teammate (Miko/Lance), often rolling eyes or getting on their case, but end up bonding with them in the end.
Both are the “human” lead for their team.
Both inherit great power. Optimus Prime, when no longer able to complete the mission, hands Jack the Omega Lock key. When Shiro is no longer able to be Black Paladin, Voltron chooses Keith to carry it forward.
And there’s so many other character similarities.
Moral Ambiguities
VLD also copies the moral ambiguity standards set within Transformers Prime.
In an Afterbuzz interview at the 12:52 mark, JDS and LM uplifted VLD as fairly groundbreaking for children’s shows, per its moral ambiguities. JDS said, “The finale is almost, I don’t know—I don’t wanna say unlike anything that you would see in other like-minded shows, like let’s say, like, Transformers or Power Rangers, or….something that Voltron was like, by outward appearances, being compared to. But it was something I think really exciting for us to explore because we did create villains and create heroes that worked within this very kind of, like, shades of gray spectrum. There was black, there was white. But we played in this weird morally ambiguous zone a lot of the time. And that was—I think, it was important for audiences of every age group to see that.”  
Lauren Montgomery agreed at 13:33, stating, “We also came from working on shows like Avatar the last Airbender, and Korra, which very much pushed those boundaries as well, and were extremely ground-breaking for children’s programming. And it was not something that was coming out of western animation.”
Afterbuzz Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MudCcj6QRzA
However, the vast majority of what VLD did plot-wise with moral ambiguity was already used inside TFP, a western animation cartoon airing well before Korra:
The Colony Problem
In TFP, Autobots Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus knowingly and willingly commit massacre against innocent beings. Predacons (a different race of transformers, based on ancient beasts) were being groomed in test tubes in Megatron’s facility for the purpose of becoming Decepticon warriors. In fear that Predacons would hurt humans, the Autobots choose to kill them all. This decision comes back to haunt them dearly, through Predaking’s discovery of the massacre.
Predaking, who is a Predacon himself, is an antagonist of incredible moral ambiguity. He expresses great frustration with both the Autobots and the Decepticons. He despises the abuse he endures from the Decepticons, despises Megatron for betraying his kind to the Autobots, and then despises the Autobots, who knowingly commit massacre against his own kind. His tactics and perspectives, as he refuses both sides of the war and fights to create his own space, result in him becoming an ultimate antagonist to both Autobots and Decepticons.
The Trolley problem as experienced by the Autobots (sacrificing some to save many), and the resulting political fallouts, are mirrored within VLD.
In VLD, Prince Lotor had faced a similar trolley problem as well, in which he was instrumental in how several innocent Alteans were sacrificed for an unknown military aim against the Galra. The slain Predacons and second-colony Alteans are both shown in tubes in an experimental lab, represented as victims/cannon fodder of a much larger military function.
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In VLD, the discovery of the Altean colony results in an utter destruction of previous alliances. Similarly, Predaking breaks ties with everyone in total disillusionment and rage, never again believing Autobots when they say they believe in peaceful coexistence of two races. His sentiments are echoed into VLD, in which the Galra are suspicious of Voltron and call them traitors.
Moral Shades of Gray: Characters Who Fall on a Spectrum
TFP’s Predaking has his own code of honor and is a primary example of a morally ambiguous character. He absolutely despises the Unicron-reborn version of Megatron. He snarls, “Dark magic…perpetrated by the demon who lives in Megatron’s skin.” This implies that Predaking ranks himself higher in his ways than Megatron. But Predaking, in his desire for revenge and power, also falls short of the stated moral standards of the Autobots. Similarly, Lotor absolutely despises the witch Haggar/Honerva, calling her an “abomination,” and yet he fails to meet the moral standards of Voltron and is therefore named an enemy despite their alliance.
Moral Focal Points: Have the Good Guys Always Been Good? And Have the Bad Guys Always Been Bad?
In TFP, the Autobots are said to have been the moral standard. However, they also bear a dark history of class issues / inequality and political corruption.
Similarly, in VLD, Alteans posit themselves as the moral and diplomatic standard, desiring peace for all. However, the Ancient Alteans hoarded Oriande’s power for only a select few of their kind. Alfor had no problems barreling in and using force against other people groups, in s3 flashbacks. He also created the most powerful weapon in the universe to enforce his version of peace, in which Voltron itself feeds off the life force of its paladins. Alteans additionally were able to terraform entire planets, the technology of which would have required immense power (where did they harvest that from?), and the result was the massacre of all life on said planet, for them to use to their will. These canon details suggest the Galra’s “komar” life-harvesting technology may have originated from Alteans themselves.
In VLD, the Galra (through Commander Lahn) express frustrations with Princess Allura’s coddled mindset, which mimics Megatron’s own frustrations with Autobot morality, which is derived from a position of power and comfort. 
So, in general, there’s a moral similarity between TFP and VLD, in which the “heroes” have these dark pasts and yet attempt to smooth it over, while the “villains” are victims of a much larger, oppressive order and are calling the heroes out for their hypocrisies and crimes, demanding access to the same power as they wield, or committing similar crimes as the heroes and suffering harder for it.
So given all these similarities, how in the world is TFP so much better than VLD, message-wise?
1. TFP actually understood moral ambiguity. 
In TFP, Megatron disbands the Decepticons, tired of bloodshed, without turning to the Autobots or acknowledging their perspective as the morally correct one.
The humans in TFP are excessively fallible, just like their transformer counterparts. There is a human terrorist group, M.E.C.H, who paces both Autobots and Decepticons, desiring their technology to enforce their will upon the world. These humans commit great horrors against both sides of the war, resulting in difficult decisions, odd truces between the Autobots and Decepticons, and humans fighting other humans. In other words, humans are NOT the moral center of the universe.
Some Autobots have looser morals and less self-control than others, which grates against the sensibilities of the more morally sensitive and results in a lot of disagreement and problems.
TFP consistently reflects on lessons learned. The heroes admit when they are wrong or fail to achieve moral perfection in their actions. They have to struggle through those decisions, the consequences of those decisions, and are bolstered to do better, be better.
The villains are not simply obsessed with power and are also capable of having empathy and doing things outside of pointless destruction. Breakdown is pleasantly surprised when one of the humans asks, “How are you?” And Breakdown responds politely. He also expresses sympathy for the hard work and struggle of the vehicons, who are servant-class workers on the Decepticon ship, similar to Galran robots. Likewise, Knockout expresses a love of human zombie movies and going to drive-ins to watch them, along with appreciating human vehicle design and street racing.
TFP shows villains scared and in pain, with a tremendous range of emotion and dreams. This is way more complex than how the villainous Galra are shown in VLD, who are consistently on a war path.
The heroes are willing to side with the villains (who killed their own people) to defeat common foes. The tension and resulting conversations from those truces are hilariously more complex than VLD, in which Voltron refused to work with Emperor Lotor, who is implicated in killing Alteans in the larger war against Galra. Instead of pursuing the tactical advantage of an ongoing alliance, Voltron simply assassinates him without due process for his war crime, asserting Voltron as the only morally unfallible point in the universe.
TFP shows the human heroes learning when they’re fallible and trying to be better.
TFP actively struggles with how human children/teenagers are endangered by the war, even when the children themselves don’t understand the danger.
2. TFP does a lot of other things well.
TFP always maintains a perspective that the true battle between good and evil is not a physical one—but one fought within the heart. Per Optimus Prime, “As even Megatron has demonstrated on this day, every sentient being possesses the capacity for change.” This is vastly unlike VLD, which stumbles to handle the perspectives of Voltron antagonists or the belief that people can truly change.
Megatron endures the very suffering he’d inflicted on others and comes to the decision on his own to stop his violence and disband the Decepticons, also ending his own “stereotypical toxic masculinity” arc. This contrasts heavily with Honerva, who goes into the afterlife without an understanding of why she can’t be happy as she is, demanding happiness and a family after she’s caused so much pain even to that family, perpetuating her own “stereotypical toxic femininity” arc.
There is a significant difference in the sacrifice of Optimus Prime compared to the death of Princess Allura. Optimus Prime’s sacrifice was a major power move, as well as not unexpected, given Transformers’ history of killing him off. (Although back in his first death in 1986, this was a horrifying shock to children who looked up to Optimus as a father). But within the context of TFP, Optimus had undergone a low point in the story prior, only to be rebuilt stronger than ever and growing in power and confidence as the re-energized leader of the Autobots. He had everything to live for (family, friends, regenerated planet, power) when he chose to sacrifice himself for others. Additionally, he knew there was hope in choosing to sacrifice his material body to restart the Well of Sparks, so that life could be regenerated on his planet. Optimus Prime even contextualizes his death in terms of rebirth and hope. His last words to his friends are: “Above all, do not lament my absence, for in my spark, I know that this is not the end. But merely, a new beginning. Simply put…another transformation.” He flies into death, more powerful and revered than he had ever been. He has a peaceful expression on his face. All of these details are wildly different from VLD. Princess Allura, like Optimus Prime, hits a low point beginning in s6 when Voltron’s alliance with Emperor Lotor unravels. But unlike Optimus Prime, Princess Allura continues to be progressively stripped of identity, power, and personal agency, careening into utter despondency until she willingly kills herself, with nothing to live for. She constantly gives up her own personal power to others, increasingly isolates herself from others, grows more emotionally volatile, denies her own people, and sinks into the background as other characters determine her life and decisions. There is nothing personally identifying about her by the end, with even her crown and state of dress removed/replaced with the uniform of a basic human soldier. Sorrow for her value and death comes too late in the story, when she has already become the most expendable character. It’s of additional significance that no one in VLD tries to help Princess Allura by offering other ways to resurrect the multiverse. There are only some paltry sniffles and weak, “No, don’t” responses. This is a huge contrast to TFP, in which several characters immediately are incensed by the thought of losing Optimus Prime. They jump in with ideas for how to possibly save their beloved leader, willing to endure more personal hardship on his behalf. They express that they didn’t fight this hard to resurrect Cybertron, only to lose someone they cared about. Optimus Prime explains why their ideas would not work, but in doing so, reveals that he is already one with the All Spark (meaning, that his spark is already part of a mystical collection of souls with the capacity to be born/reborn, and that continuing to live, bonded to the All Spark, would be denying all other souls from experiencing life). It is his explanation that bolsters the necessity of his sacrifice and converts his final words from being a hollow comfort to a genuine conviction that this was not the end. That they would all someday meet again.
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In the TFP sequel, Robots in Disguise (2015), it’s revealed that Optimus Prime, in death, has become an interdimensional being, capable of still interacting with and providing guidance to Bumblebee on the “human plane,” all while being spiritually tested by greater beings with even more interdimensional power than him (the Primes). Interestingly enough, this topic is mirrored within VLD. Such interdimensional beings are confirmed to exist via season 7, in which the Voltron paladins are whisked away by an all-powerful interdimensional entity, who tests their worthiness as warriors. Additionally, some of the VLD meta by @leakinghate posits that an afterlife existence for Princess Allura and Lotor as interdimensional beings was supposed to happen in the VLD finale, but was ultimately not published. Had such been published, Princess Allura’s final arc would have further matched Optimus Prime and better maintained the hope and meaning associated with his arc.
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Transformers don’t always save the day. Sometimes, it’s a little human girl with a baseball bat, or a little human boy with coding skills, or a teenager willing to put themselves in harm’s way to protect them. This greatly humbles the Autobots, some of whom struggle with their pride and the reality that they don’t have all the answers all the time, and that sometimes, they need to be protected too.
TFP actively struggles with both positive and negative prejudices assigned to humans and transformers. The humans originally think the transformers are just robots without souls—they think it’s all a game. They soon discover that transformers can bleed, and have emotions, and have a soul than can die. Likewise, some transformers find the humans to be a nuisance and despise their “fleshiness,” but soon overcome those perspectives to grow very protective and attached to humans. In other words, everyone struggles through their own perspective and learns on the way.
Optimus Prime remains the consistent point of morality for TFP. When he does controversial things, like engaging in an alliance with Megatron or allowing medical aid to be provided to Decepticons, he acknowledges those things and explains his reasoning. This is unlike Voltron, who engages in action without reflection while still demanding a position as the unquestionable moral center of the universe.
Knockout, as the Lotor bad boy of the series, defects and actively becomes a member of the Autobots. He admits he didn’t have the best role models, and it’s shown throughout the show that he endures physical and mental abuse by some Decepticons as well. He makes a cameo in Robots in Disguise (2015), suggesting he is still alive and well as an Autobot. Optimus Prime at the end of TFP includes Knockout when he says each of his teammates had acted as a prime, offering a tremendous weight of value and respect to Knockout.
Even Predaking, the antagonist, ends up helping the Autobots when it counts and otherwise remains distant with them.
Predaking gets justice against his abusers.
Autobots and many Decepticons are consistently horrified and disturbed by the crimes perpetuated against Decepticon Breakdown, whose body is taken and mutilated by terrorist group M.E.C.H.
Arcee manages to positively cope with her PTSD and remains as an active, plot-intrinsic character to the end, with several episodes dedicated to her own character arcs and the advantages she provides the overall team. She lives to see and experience her dream of a restored planet come true, without being turned into an example of the sexy lamp trope.
The transformers are able to achieve their goal of restoring Cybertron and generating new life, which allows several other characters to begin healing from the trauma of war and regain what they had lost.
The humans who make villainous decisions have dire consequences.
The human Miko rises up to become an Autobot Wrecker in her own right, without sacrificing or compromising anything about who she is, how she presents herself, or what her other interests are.
Bulkhead originally despises Decepticons but ends up rescuing his own sworn enemy from torture and dismantlement because he learns to put justice for and the safety of all people first.
The number of parallels between Transformers Prime and Voltron: Legendary Defender extend even beyond this list. And yet as seen above, TFP succeeded in so many of the major areas where VLD ultimately failed.
Transformers Prime, even years after its finale, remains as the award-winning show that transformed dark and edgy content into messages of hope, redemption, gender equality and social acceptance, moral responsibility, the power of teamwork—and did it as a Y7-FV show geared primarily for young boys.
So, if you were disappointed in VLD and how it ended, check out the edgy but satisfying TFP for what a real children’s mecha show should be like.
(Special thanks to @mermaider00 for being my TFP buddy and for suggesting some of the points discussed in this post!)
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
I'm worried about Volume 7 for RWBY. What if they pander to the Bumbleby fans again like they did in Volume 6? What if they make Blake a full-on lesbian and make her and Yang kiss in front of Sun? WHAT IF THEY MAKE EVERYONE IN THE SHOW LGBT!!!???? D:) I'm just a little worried that CRWBY is going to make the show more LGBT (Not that I hate LGBT even though I'm heterosexual, its just that there was too much in Volume 6.
Ooof! This is a pretty touch and go subject anon-chan. So I will do my best to remain as humble and respectable about it while still providing an honest opinion on the matter. Fair warning, it’s a rather long answer post:
I see what you’re basically saying anon. I’m also a straight person but  I am supportive of the LGBT community. Like anyone in today’s media, I’d like for my LGBT brethren to receive just as much good representation because why not? Why shouldn’t their stories and experiences be told too, y’know what I’m saying? Why shouldn’t they be able to look at a character on screen and see themselves in said character since they can relate to who they are as a person and what their experiences?
That’s how I look at it. But there is a fine line between what could be considered great representation and pandering. I’m a glutton for good storytelling and character writing so what I consider great representation is when you’re able to take a certain kind of character—any kind of character regardless of who they are— and just tell a good story with them. Something that makes me as the audience care about said character regardless even if I may not relate directly to them as a person or their experiences.
For example: I may not be LGBT but if you give me an LGBT character with a great story and terrific writing to back them up—one who is not just an LGBT character but a good character overall who is LGBT (believe it or not,there is a difference) then I can support said character. Not just because they are LGBT but because they are a good character. Just like in real life, there is more to an individual than just their sexuality or one characteristic about them. I get that a character’s orientation is a part of who they are but it’s not ALL that they are; y’know what I’m saying?
What I personally don’t like seeing is when showrunners make half-ass attempts at appealing to certain demographics by introducing characters who feel more like cardboard cut-outs or props placed on a string to dangle to said target audience as opposed to being actual characters who feel like real people with exceptionally-written stories that the audience can connect with.
Personally, I am tired of the whole schlock where showrunners introduce LGBT characters like it’s a last minute brain fart. It’s especially worse when they take characters who weren’t initially confirmed to be LGBT at the start of the series but suddenly make this a big reveal later in the series run. I’m not talking S2 but like in way later seasons; like near the very end when the series is about to wrap up. And I’m not even talking like it’s a thing where the character go on a journey of self-discovery where they are unsure of their orientation at first and the seasons are about building up to them coming out. I’m talking straight up saying “This character is LGBT now. That’s it. They just are. Nevermind that they weren’t that several seasons ago. They’re just that. The end.”
I’m looking straight at you Voltron: Legendary Defender and before you, Legend of Korra.  
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Additionally, what sucks is that often times, if an LGBT character is introduced in a such a contrived way and you as an audience member complain about it due to how it was portrayed, you end up being labelled with some derogatory term that overlooks what you were trying to say. It’s like some folksactively believe that you should automatically support something just because it represents a minority group and you should be happy that this is what certain shows are doing to breech that.
For example: I, as an audience member, should automatically be supportive of an LGBT character and relationship within a show I like because it is LGBT. Nevermind if it’s good representation, I should just like it because it is this and if I don’t, I’m labelled as being homophobic. Nevermind that I have justifiable reasons for not supporting said character or pairing that have nothing to do with them being LGBT. I’m just automatically roped in with the people who are like this despite my views not highlighting any kind of animosity towards LGBT representation overall.
To tell me that I should automatically support all LGBT rep in RWBY because it is LGBT is like telling me that Emerald Sustrai should automatically be my all-time favourite character because she is a black female character in the show and I am a black female.
Don’t get me wrong. I like Emerald but she isn’t my favourite. Ya’ll know who my favourite is. I don’t need to repeat myself. But should I be considered a racist just because I say Emerald isn’t my favourite despite my reasons having little to do with the colour of her skin but rather how she is written in the series? No.
This is why I don’t like seeing examples where fans are labelled homophobic just because they don’t support Bumblebee or any other LGBT character or ship within RWBY.
Let’s use the favourite character example again. My favourite character in RWBY is Oscar Pine. Oscar isn’t the best developed character within the series but my interest in him stems from the tremendous potential he has to become one of the best written characters in RWBY given the calibre of characters and stories he draws inspiration from. That being said, I can understand why not many people like Oscar. As a matter of fact, my main frustration with Oscar as a fan of his is how he’s portrayed within the show and how his growth and development is often handled by the CRWBY Writers. I understand why it’d be difficult for others to get behind Oscar as a favourite character since the writing, more often than none, doesn’t support how good he could be. (We’ll see if V7 finally changes that).
The same thing can be said for the Bumblebee pair and why there are those folks who are unable to support it 100%. I’ll focus on the Bees as my primary LGBT rep example since they’re the pair you mainly brought up.
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I’m aware that there are those special folks out there who harp on this pairing simply because it is LGBT. I know those fans exist and it’s a shame that that’s their feelings but, to each their own. However, as I must say with great emphasis—not everyone who dislikes or isn’t supportive of Bumblebee are homophobic.
I’ll use myself as an exemplar of this. I’m a BlackSun shipper who has zero issue with Bumblebee or the prospect of it becoming canon endgame. On the contrary,as of V6, I’ve wholeheartedly stopped caring about who the showrunners put to be Blake’s final love interest. After watching 6 seasons of the showrunners tease both BlackSun and Bumblebee, I’ve grown tired of this charade they’ve forced us fans to dance to. 
I don’t care who Blake ends up with. I just would very much like for the CRWBY Writers to make up their mind on who they wish to push to be with Blake and stick with said person.
One of the reasons I’ve heard folks say the Writers are pushing Bumblebee now is because Sun is out of the picture and in all honestly, I can see the truth in this. It does feel rather suspicious that the instant Sun is out of the story, it’s suddenly bee season. Say what you wish to say, BlackSun is a ship that has always been at the forefront since V1. 
By my observations, Bumblebee didn’t become as glaringly apparent as it is now until the end of V5 going into V6. 
The Beekeepers can debate as much as they’d like about ‘Bumblebee being planned from the beginning’ but this is simply not true. I rewatched all of RWBY with the recent two seasons still being very fresh in my mind. I recapped the series with an open-mind to see if all those hints that Beekeepers have preached about for years on end held up.
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In V1, Blake and Yang were teammates slowly becoming friends similar to Weiss and Ruby and that was basically it. In V2, it was the same energy and I know they had their famous moment in ‘Burning the Candle’ that most Beekeepers like to use as leverage to imply that this was the starting line of Blake and Yang ‘falling in love’ but again, this was not the case. 
That moment could easily be argued as a mere meaningful scene between two very close friends. Blake and Yang weren’t lovers or even seen to be falling in love with each other in that scene. It was just one friend trying to help another during a dire time where she almost destroyed herself with her own obsession over Torchwick.
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In V3, same thing—friends looking out for each other. You can basically say that the Beacon Trilogy did a great job of establishing the friendship between Blake and Yang. Particularly Yang’s loyalty to Blake as one of her closest friends.   
From V1, Yang was always seen as someone who had Blake’s back no matter what. No matter how many times Blake was called out for her actions, she had Yang’s support. It’s what made it so heart-breaking to watch in V3 when Yang needed that trust and support reciprocated by Blake during the moment where she was framed during the Vytal Festival or even after losing her arm.
Instead of being there for her, Blake either expressed doubt in Yang (due to her past with Adam) or straight up ran. As unfortunate as it is to say, Blake wasn’t as good of a friend to Yang as she was to her and this was good because it was a set up for her whole arc during the events of V4-V6.
Up until this point, everything regarding Blake and Yang’s relationship had been about their friendship. Friends who are there for each other. That’s the thing. I can make the argument that Bumblebee, as a couple, did not become a real focus until the end of V5. 
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And from V6, that’s when the pandering started to slowly happen. This is why I never bought into Beekeepers celebrating the Bees being canon after V6. I didn’t see that and I still can’t understand how the Beekeepers can see Blake and Yang murdering Adam Taurus as a triumph for their relationship.
It is…sort of…but at the same time it isn’t. It’s morally stained. On one end, you have two friends who both suffered at the hands of this villain before working together to take him down but on the other hand, they killed him.
Now his blood is on their hands and what’s bothersome is that the series simply treats it like nothing. No emotional or psychological repercussions for either girl. Again we’ll see if V7 does anything with that, but nonetheless, I did not believe Bumblebee being canon after V6.
Bumblebee isn’t there yet for me. It has the potential to get there if that is what the showrunners wholeheartedly wished to do. I just wished they would take their time to continue to flesh out the Bumblebee dynamic before possibly bringing in romance if that’s in the cards for these two. And I certainly hope that they aren’t only pushing the Bees to score points with the Beekeepers, using their support to push the show.
I’m not saying all the Yang and Blake moments were blatant pandering; but I will admit there were one or two that were glaringly obvious.
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Similar to you anon-chan, I didn’t particular enjoy the pandering to this ship last season either. I honestly felt that the showrunners were more focused on the pandering than actually continuing to develop Blake and Yang’s bond overall. 
This is especially sad because there was room for further growth as brought up in V5. However it feels like most of the former tension that was highlighted in V5 suddenly got dropped by the finale, which made me question why even bring it up in the first place, y’know what I mean?
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My main justification for not lobbying behind this pair is because there hasn’t been much evidence within the show to really sell these two as lovers for me. And the pandering doesn’t help. I don’t like pandering.
Nothing wrong with tossing some delicious breadcrumbs for potential canon ships within a series. But what I tend to dislike is when showrunners only bait certain ships to score points with the audience members lobbying for this kind of pair when in actuality they have zero intentions of making said ship official. I’ve mostly seen this sort of thing done with LGBT ships in animated series and it gets annoying after some time.
Why string people along like that? If you are not serious about making certain relationships canon or developing them in a way that feels natural, realistic and relatable to a variety of audiences; not just the one it’s mainly targeted at, then…don’t do it at all. 
It’s like what J.K. Rowling has been doing with the recent queer baiting in the Fantastic Beasts series. Why claim that you have that rep within your franchise only to not do it when you had the chance to? So basically you were only doing it for the attention it brings in today’s modern media. Gotta score dem sweet woke points. 
That level of pandering is what I find obnoxious and in the case of RWBY, I wouldn’t like for that to be done for Bumblebee ship or any other LGBT character or ship to come out of the series moving forward.
But to be fair, in defence of the CRWBY, sometimes it’s not always them. In terms of LGBT rep, sometimes a show might not introduce two characters or their bond as being LGBT but some audience members, for whatever reason, end up interpreting it that way and that’s the appeal of it for them. Some might even end up advocating for the show to confirm said characters to be LGBT purely because that’s what they like to see regardless of whether it was the showrunner’s intention or not.
This is what I’m seeing currently within the FNDM where a lot of Bee-shippers are seeing the conclusion of V6 as being a sign that Bumblebee is officially canon when the reality is that that’s not the case. You can almost say that is an example of an instance when the show is pandering to a certain type of audience and that audience takes what’s given and runs far with it even though that’s not the confirmed case within the series itself.
Again, I don’t believe Bumblebee is canon. While I feel like that may be where the show wants to take them, they’re not there as yet. And until the show takes the proper time to develop this pairing in that supposed direction, I’m not going to fully buy into it. But this is only my view. I have no control over how another fan interprets something. I can only speak for myself.
What if they pander to the Bumbleby fans again like they did in Volume 6?
Honestly, I’ll say this again. If Blake and Yang being canonically revealed as LGBT is the CRWBY Writers’ vision for these characters, all I can hope for is that it’s handled well. 
Like I said. I have retired from caring about who Blake ends up with romantically. While I will always remain a BlackSun shipper at heart (since I love my Sunshine boi), Blake’s love life is no longer of interest to me moving forward. I don’t care who the CRWBY picks just as long as they make up their mind and stick with it.
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I really hope that the CRWBY aren’t pushing the Bees now because of no Sun. I honestly hope that we don’t get plenty of Bees for the majority of the Atlas Arc only for them to introduce some boring unnecessary drama between them and Sun as soon as they head for Vacuo. Please no! 
Up until now I never got the impression within the actual show that there was ever a love triangle between Yang, Blake and Sun. That kind of stuff was mostly reserved for the toxic side of the FNDM with the ridiculous shipping wars between BlackSun and Bumblebee. I would honestly be mega pissed if the Sunnybees love triangle is made into an actual subplot for RWBY in a future season. HELL NO!
Even now I still believe Bumblebee to be one-sided. What made me get behind Bumblebee was mainly for what it would mean for Yang. Between the two girls, I felt the Bumblebee vibe strongest with Yang more than Blake since at the time back in V5, she was with Sun and her focus was on Adam. 
Because of this, I looked at the show using Bumblebee as a way of showing Yang coming to terms with her sexuality  through realizing what her feelings for Blake meant to her and I was down for that. Very rare do I see animated series touch on the topic of showing characters coming to terms with their sexual orientation and having that ‘coming out’ moment. I’ve mostly seen it done in live action TV shows but not so much in animation. 
After V3, I thought that was what Miles and Kerry were going to do with Yang. Did that happen? Not really. I’m not even sure what was done for V6. All I know is that as soon as Sun was taken out of the picture, the Bumblebee hints started dropping; sparingly but so hard that it’s almost in your face.
To be honest, I wasn’t expecting any Bumblebee hints like that. Since V5 introduced Yang still having tension with Blake over the end of V3, I was hoping that V6 would’ve shown these two sitting down, have a nice long talk and then slowly rebuilding that trust and good rapport that was originally there between them.
 Instead Yang just magically forgave Blake at the end of V5 and then they really never honestly spoke about what happened in V3 at all that season. Sure it had the talk during Brunswick Farm which was a good start; but it never really went anywhere substantive from there. At least not to me.
We got one moment of Yang and Blake discussing Adam in V6 C5 and then the next time that actually had relevance was in C10 after Adam suddenly shows up to mess with Blake. We are thrown headfirst into this grandiose confrontation that I honestly wish the Writers had spent a little bit more time building up to. I knew it was going to happen at some point. I just wish it didn’t happen so soon after Team RWBY just reunited at the end of V5.
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We barely got a full season of the girls rekindling their team dynamic; particularly Yang and Blake. Yang and Blake barely had time to truly recover from their prior two seasons of ups and downs before being tossed into the literal lion’s den.
If the Writers end up pandering more to the Bees in V7, I think it should be expected at this point anon-chan. If they did so in V6, it’s going to obviously continue into the next season. I don’t expect it to stop any time soon. Not when they can milk it for what it’s worth. Personally I don’t mind if the Writers plan on providing more great heartfelt character building moments between Yang and Blake unless it leads into their relationship being properly developed. That’s all.
If pandering is part of that then…okay,I guess? I just hope it’s not ALL of it. If Bumblebee is endgame and the show is serious about that then they need to stop puppeteering it around to tease those hungry and rather impressionable Beekeepers and actually focus on ensuring that the relationship is a well-written one. Pandering is not exactly development.
Another thing is that the Beekeepers kind need to tone down on taking everything that happens between Yang and Blake are a sign that they are canon. The lengths at which some of them reach to prove that their ship is canon is…wow, what a reach. I get that you guys want this to happen but for Pete’s sake, practice some patience why don’t you. I get that some of ya’ll are really eager and very passionate about this ship but Jeez Louis on cheese, wait for a clear defining moment that cannot be argued, please.
Let your Writers do your ship justice if they’re serious about it. Let them build upon it. Reinforce it. You can’t really complain too much about a romantic relationship that’s been developed properly. If the Writers do that well for V7 and onward—not really confirming the Bees but taking the time to show their bond progressing from close friendship to love before adding romance into the mix.
If the ship is developed well, I can’t have much complaints. I’m no tsure about you anon-chan.
What if they make Blake a full-on lesbian and make her and Yang kiss in front of Sun?
Yang and Blake kissing in front of Sun…I honestly hope it doesn’t happen because it’d be such a tasteless move; even for the show. Beyond that, I honestly don’t see Sun having a problem with Blake and Yang being a couple. While he might be surprised by it at first, it’s been established in V6 that Sun is only out for Blake’s best interest and overall happiness.
Sun Wukong cares more about Blake Belladonna as a person. As he told Neptune, his reasons for following her to Menagerie wasn’t out of a desire to make her his girlfriend or that she’d fall in love with him for it. He did it because he cared about Blake and wanted to genuinely help her get over her problems with Adam and rekindle her friendship with her team. That’s what was more important.
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If Blake and Yang became a couple and Yang is shown to be the person that makes Blake happy then I can only see Sun being earnestly supportive of that; believe it or not.
I’ve said it before and I will reaffirm this. I cannot picture an envious Sun Wukong jealous of Blake’s relationship with Yang. It’s so uncharacteristic of Sun that it sounds nonsensical to even entertain the very thought. 
As a Sun fan, I would actually be more pissed at the Writers making Sun angry over Blake and Yang’s relationship overall than the action itself. 
Sun has always been one of the most supportive friends to Blake so he’d be happy for her even if she’s happy being with someone else and not him.  If Yang is the one who makes Blake happy then that’s all Sun would need to hear. That’s how this squiggle meister sees it.  
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Uhmm…I think you need to give the Writers a notch more credit than that anon-chan. 
Just because they’re introducing more LGBT characters; particularly in the main cast doesn’t necessarily mean they are going to alienate their straight audience members. I don’t see them making everyone LGBT. 
There are characters within the series who were already confirmed to be straight (like Ren and Nora, Jaune, Pyrhha, Ozma, Neo, Qrow, Tai Yang and the list goes on). I’m sorry.  I just don’t see this being possible. I can see them adding more LGBT characters to the cast, but not every character in the show. That’s ludicrous!
The reason why we have more LGBT characters is to push for more representation of everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, culture, etc. RWBY has always been kind to include a plethora of diverse characters for fans to relate to. That’s one of the things that makes it such a good show. Making EVERYONE one thing, even if its LGBT, contradicts that.
I don’t see this being possible because I’d like to believe the show will always have that nice blend of characters that can appeal to any and everyone.
 I’m just a little worried that CRWBY is going to make the show more LGBT (Not that I hate LGBT even though I’m heterosexual, its just that there was too much in Volume6.
Uhmmmm…..the thing is anon-chan, inclusion is important.
But I also get what you’re trying to say. You’re not against more LGBT rep, you’re just concerned with the pandering aspect of it, right? The kind where the showrunners only shoehorn in these types of characters to push a certain agenda, steering focus towards these characters who aren’t written to be properly fleshed out characters with good stories but rather tokens to meet a certain quota and score those sweet brownie points with the queer community while alienating or downright changing pre-established characters to fit this new mould? Is that what you mean?
I don’t mind more LGBT rep in RWBY. That’s perfectly fine. Speaking mostly for mysef here, I like my LGBT characters the same way I like my straight characters. Well-written and properly fleshed out with good relatable stories and relationships that can appeal to anyone.
I’m not too big on characters who were originally introduced one way and then seasons later, we get the sudden reveal drop that this character is LGBT. I saw this kind of pandering in Voltron when the character of Shiro went several seasons with his past and previous close relationships (outside of Keith) never being an integral part of his arc. 
It was more tailored at characters like Lance and Pidge who were heavily family driven from S1 (which made the Hunk family focus in S7 so odd to me since Lance was the second character to think about his family next to Pidge buuuuut…I digress).
But suddenly in S7, the showrunners revealed at SDCC that Shiro was gay. They announced it at a con before we got the full reveal in the season. His former fiancé was named Adam. A love interest that prior to that season was never mentioned, teased or remotely made into a recurring aspect of Shiro’s story.
Shiro being LGBT was treated more as a marketing ploy for the folks behind Voltron to sponge off with the massive appeal it received from the queer community. However this also ended up backfiring and blowing up in the series’face when that very season showcased Adam—who was only brought in during S7 being killed off in that very same season. The audience was outraged by this and there was massive backlash (which led to some odd choices in S8).
This brings to light my issue with the way in which LGBT representation is handled by certain showrunners,in animation. I don’t think any kind of representation in media is something that should be pandered to. If straight characters are given the respect of being written well with the audience being allowed to buy into their stories and bonds on-screen then why shouldn’t the same treatment be done for LGBT character. In my experience, particularly for RWBY, the way in which the LGBT characters are revealed in the series often feels…forced.
Take for example; the recent reveal of Scarlet David of Team SSSN and Coco Adel of Team CFVY being dropped as queer characters. For Scarlet, it was done in the RWBY Red Like Roses Anthology and for Coco, it was in After the Fall. While I understand that the argument could be made that we never got those reveals in the main series since the show never took the time to really delve into these characters, that still doesn’t make it look less fishy, at least from my perspective.
I dunno. Because of my experience with the Voltron fandom, I get rather suspicious when showrunners suddenly spring the idea that a character is LGBT on its fans years after the series had been long-running, y’know what I mean?
Overall, I just don’t like it when the promise of more rep is used as a ploy to score points with a certain demographic when the attempt winds up feeling hollow and half-assed. 
Not trying to imply that this will be the fate of the Bees and/or LGBT rep in RWBY. I’m just saying, as far as Bumblebee goes, it needs to be handled much better than what we’ve seen in recent seasons.
For now, only time will tell with what happens next. For what it worth. I hope it’s good. 
Sorry for the long talk anon-chan (or to anyone who reads this post). As always, I hope that my thoughts and view points on this particular subject didn’t end  offending anyone in any shape or form.  I’m mostly expressing my honest views on this topic at hand and disrespect is never a direct intention regardless of how blunt my words can become at times/
Overall that’s all I have to say. Hope this answers you anon-chan.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019) 
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nerdsideofthemedia · 5 years
The misogyny in the RWBY fandom
I’ve seen more than my share of misogyny within the RWBY fandom, which should be nonsensical considering it’s a show that focuses on 4 female characters. Yes, I know homophobia is very present too. I mean just today I’ve seen these:
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However, this comment doesn’t just show homophobia (like assuming all of the characters were straight, and calling “no artistic integrity” when they’re revealed not to be), it also reveals misogyny in the form of entitlement: they someone liked a character, therefore, she should have a compatible sexual orientation with them.
I don’t think the misogyny has been called out nowhere enough as it should be, considering how much I’ve encountered, especially on youtube comments. I decided to make a list of some sexist arguments I’ve seen and explain why they shouldn’t be used.
Jaune is being cucked
I assume this one relates to Jaune being the weakest of the group combat-wise and not about him not getting the girl, since the show isn’t over and who knows? He might end up with someone, though I don’t understand the fixation with everyone having to end up with somebody. There are single people in the world and they’re not all miserable. Pretty much like there are many married or in a relationship who are unhappy. 
About him being the weakest, I think that’s what makes him stand out. So many shows frame guys as powerful and strong, especially action-related ones (right now, the only exception that comes to mind is Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer), it’s a breath of fresh air to see a male character to not live up to that image and it makes sense because a lot of guys don’t. He expands the notions of masculinity instead of constraining to this very specific thing that most (if not all) guys in the real-life cannot truly live up to.
Sun should fight Adam because (this was when Adam was alive):
Ex vs boyfriend;
Prove he’s the one who deserves her;
Blake slept with Adam and didn’t tell Sun. During the fight, Adam will reveal this and Sun will be pissed. (no, I’m not joking, I’ve seen this one)
The first one is a dick contest. There really wasn’t any reason for Sun to fight Blake other than that. Unlike Blake, he had no ties to Adam and was never abused by him. Unlike Yang, he was never maimed by Adam. Literally the only reason is a dick contest. Sun going against Adam would actually take the spotlight away from the gals who did have real reasons to fight Adam.
The same applies to the second one, which reduces Blake to even more of a prize. A reward for the one who proved his worth, which is defined by “manliness”.
As for the last one… I will quote myself in “We Need to Talk about Adam Taurus”, where I initially addressed this perspective:
“I find this comment absolutely disgusting on several levels. 1) We don’t actually know if Adam and Blake had sex (I understand there’s not much reason for Adam to draw the line there, but again, I won’t treat it as certain, even if likely); 2) that relationship was abusive; 3) with a relevant age difference (she was a minor, he wasn't); 4) a power imbalance (he was her mentor). Assuming they had sex, it seems like Blake’s ability to consent was basically non-existent; 5) Even if there was no problem with their relationship, so what if Blake had sex with Adam? They dated, Sun knows that. Why would he get to be mad at her for that? This is as dumb as slut-shaming gets. You had sex with your boyfriend, how could you?”
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These 2 comments were made by the same person and the person responding pushed back on… pretty much everything and the conversation was polite, so I’m not going to address the BS/BB elements that aren’t problematic.
This been said, I still want to mention what I underlined: the first associates that doing something for someone should get you into their panties. This perspective is still sexist and entitled. The idea that being introduced as a love interest and not become it is a slap in the face is also problematic. If every character who has a crush on someone gets them, then I’d say that wouldn’t work from a verisimilitude perspective (we don’t always date our crushes) and honestly, I think it helps with the entitlement. This idea that people just have to reciprocate your feelings, especially if you do something for them, which is far from dead in real life too. We should have more shows with unrequited love that leads to them accepting themselves as friends and nothing more.
Oh, and yes, following someone for months without their knowledge is stalking, no matter the motive. In fact, most stalkers think they’re doing the right thing.
The second one is… weird. I don’t really get how the person could think that. Blake is a main character, Sun isn’t. The likelihood of her dying for HIM to be developed is basically non-existent. I feel compelled to blame internet RWBY critics for this one since they tend to emphasize killing characters as if that’s the only way to create character arcs and raise the stakes. Still, thinking it’s OK to kill a main female character for the sake of a male minor one feels like it falls on the camp of sexist - it feel like saying “no, women can’t be the ones that matter”. And there’s the once again “after all the times he has been there for her”, which I will talk about again.
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I already addressed this one on Bumblebee part 2, so quoting myself here too:
“There is a lot to unpack here.
First, it’s ridiculous to think you can be owed love/getting into someone’s panties. You can’t. People either love you/want to do you, or they don’t. If you want to do something for someone else, great, but do it because you want to and like (not necessarily in a romantic way) said person or because you’re altruistic – don’t expect a reward. This is what you sound like:
Second, it’s idiotic to associate getting the girl with masculinity or not getting her with being “cucked”. If your notion of being a man is tied to getting someone else, that’s on you. If you need someone else to feel good about yourself, maybe you have some underlying issues to address (another reference to Crazy Ex-Girlfriend – watch the show, especially if you’re making comments like the one I showed: you need it. I feel like the narrator in “S.O.B.s”).
Third, even by the logic of “after everything I’ve done for you”, Sun doesn’t win, because Yang paid a much bigger price: she lost an arm and had PTSD while he had a minor injury from which he had basically recovered by the next episode. This isn’t a “Yang deserves her” either – that argument is nonsensical no matter the pairing being defended, I’m just pointing out that it doesn’t even favor BS.
As for the dyke representation… (the fact that they phrased it that way is very telling) if it was just that, then any lesbian couple would do. RWBY is about 4 female characters. Seriously, how come people never ask themselves why this one is so popular, even though Yang and Blake aren’t the most popular characters? From what I’ve seen, Weiss and Yang are.”
 Adam was good until Blake left him
This is literally based on nothing. Judging by the canon, he was abusive to her. No one goes from perfectly fine to obsessive stalker just because they were left. Also, abusive or not, Blake had every right to leave. No one is entitled for the relationship to last as long as they want. You had 5, 10, 20 years together, great, but your significant other can still end the relationship tomorrow. No one should be trapped.
Also, I‘ve heard there are a lot of rape jokes, which is disgusting. Rape jokes don’t make edgy or daring - they just reveal you’re an idiot. 
I am sure there are more awful and sexist takes, but I hope this covers the bulk of it. I know that Blake in particular is a victim among the fandom too (that girl cannot catch a break) because of Adam and Sun fans who feel entitled. If you use any of those arguments, knock it off. 
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