#Tomoko Academy
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Tomoko Noge aka "Moko"
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p5x-theories · 4 months
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What We Know About Moko
(last updated 9/17/24!)
Tomoko Noge, codename Moko, is a second-year at Kokatsu Academy in class 2D. She and her best friend, Motoha Arai, both have an interest in baseball, and were in a little league together when they were younger. She joins the team as a “Phantom Idol”, or cognitive teammate.
A separate, summer event version of Tomoko was added in Version 2.1.2, and has a separate post documenting her combat information. Note that Summer Tomoko cannot be on the same active team as Moko.
Previously, in the second beta, her codename was “Kotomo”, however, it was changed to Moko from the third beta onward.
Her Japanese voice actress is Satomi Akesaka.
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Tomoko is a Confidant of Wonder’s, available to start after Tomoko's return to school. Her Confidant focuses on her trying different part time jobs with Wonder, in an attempt to figure out what she wants to do now that she can't play baseball anymore. Kotone Montagne appears during it, and Tomoko recognizes and relates to her, wanting to get to know her. More information about Tomoko’s Confidant can be found here.
Tomoko is first relevant in the plot when Wonder sees she dropped her train pass and returns it to her, though she then continues to be relevant as Motoha’s friend who gets scouted for a baseball tryout. She also develops a bit of a crush on Wonder, to her own admittance, though she says it's mostly an admiration of him.
However, shortly after Wonder and Ruferu begin exploring the first Palace, belonging to Takeyuki Kiuchi, the real-world Kiuchi sees Motoha and Tomoko at the train station and attempts to attack Motoha. Tomoko sees what he’s doing, and takes the blow for Motoha, getting knocked over the guard rail and onto the train tracks. She ends up needing to be hospitalized.
Her injury means she can no longer play as a baseball catcher, which causes her to become extremely dejected and hopeless during her hospital stay, to Motoha’s dismay. This ends up motivating Motoha to agree to changing Kiuchi’s heart, despite the possible risks involved.
Correlating with when Wonder, Motoha, and Ruferu open the next area of Mementos, she mentions suddenly feeling the desire to do something, and returns to school after Kiuchi’s change of heart and recovering from her injuries. Ruferu says this is because her desires were returned to her.
Tomoko’s role seems to loosely parallel Shiho’s in the original P5. Motoha and Ann draw a similarity between the two (and their own motivations to avenge their friends) in the P5 Collab.
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Tomoko is quieter than Motoha, but not to the point of shyness, and she's no less passionate about baseball. She has little difficulty approaching the protagonist and talking to him despite her crush (though she does get nervous when Motoha more directly tries to push her towards Wonder), and asks him to work part-time jobs with her during her Confidant because she feels more at ease having him there than she would alone.
While Tomoko ultimately seems to be sad about baseball getting taken away from her, she's also enthusiastic about the jobs she and Wonder try, and is always looking for more things to try wherever they go. She seems to take this as a chance for a new experience, rather than solely a bad thing.
She also doesn’t seem insecure about her role as Motoha’s best friend, though we haven’t really seen her interacting in-depth with anyone besides Motoha and the protagonist. She jokingly apologizes to Wonder for “stealing” Motoha at one point when Motoha drops everything to visit her, instead of Motoha’s original plans with Wonder (visiting Takemi's clinic for the first time).
When Motoha and Wonder are planning to talk to Tomoko's classmate Shun Kanou, Motoha actually texts Tomoko to ask her if Shun came to class today, and Tomoko seems to have at least an idea of Shun's habit of eating lunch alone. Though there’s been no indication that Tomoko knows about what they’re doing as phantom thieves, Motoha does seem to rely on her intel. Tomoko also uses her good awareness of her surroundings while working part-time jobs with Wonder (and one of her Confidant rewards is based around it), crediting it to her time as a baseball catcher.
The above is supported by her profile, which has been translated as “She has a calm personality, outstanding observation skills, and is used to taking the initiative to take care of those around her. As a baseball catcher, she won various championships with Motoha when she was young, and she is full of confidence in her strength on the field.”
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Moko's Persona Prosymna (based on a naiad who nursed Hera, alongside her sisters) is categorized as a Psychokinesis type, and resists Psychokinesis while being weak to Curse.
Prosymna is a Superior Persona, meaning she’s good at buffing teammates and improving their effectiveness. Her trait gives her four "green leaves" at the start of combat, and another every other round, which she uses for skills. She has a psychokinesis attack skill that damages all enemies and gives her two green leaves, a support skill that costs two green leaves to buff a teammate's attack, and a status skill that costs two green leaves to increase the next damage an enemy takes, with a chance of putting them to sleep. Her passive skills increase the damage dealt by a teammate when she casts a spell on them, and increase the damage done by all teammates to enemies with mental status conditions.
In combat, her melee weapon is dual daggers (though she can also use Summer Tomoko’s fairy sticks), while her ranged weapon is a bow. Her Highlight is shown from 0:09 - 0:20 in this video, and it increases the next damage the target receives, with a high chance of putting them to sleep.
Her recommended card sets are 1) 4 of Coins (Power) + Queen of Cups (Trust), 2) 3 of Cups (Abundance) + Queen of Cups (Trust).
The game recommends teaming her up with 1) Joker.
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yuripoll · 1 year
KNOCKOUTS: Oniisama e... (1974)
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Oniisama e... is a three volume shoujo series by Riyoko Ikeda about a high class club at a prestigious all-girls' school.
Optimistic, 16-year-old Nanako Misonoo anticipates a blissful experience at her new high school. Enrolling alongside her best friend Tomoko Arikura, she is confident that her freshman year will be exciting and filled with pleasant memories. However, upon entering the prestigious all-girls Seiran Academy, the wondrous school life Nanako had envisioned quickly vanishes as she is inducted into one of the school's most elite clubs, the Sorority. Normally only accepting the wealthiest and most prominent students, Nanako—who is neither rich nor well-known—is rumored to have cheated the selection and becomes a target of bullying from her envious peers. To make matters worse, she gradually becomes involved with Seiran's most popular students, the "Magnificent Three," comprising of the disconcerted pianist Rei Asaka, the competitive tomboy Kaoru Orihara, and the dignified Sorority President Fukiko Ichinomiya. As a result of her abnormal situation, Nanako begins documenting her daily life in the form of letters to her former teacher, Takehiko Henmi, whom she fondly refers to as "brother," all while striving to find peace amidst the turmoil that is Seiran Academy. - MAL
Official JP available on Book Walker. No official ENG release.
CWs under the cut. General severity ranking: moderate.
no sexual content, some mild nudity
violence, bloody but nothing especially graphic
drug abuse, overdosing
disordered eating (referenced in one scene)
self-harm, suicide, suicidal ideation
emotional abuse (by an older sister)
non-specific references to sexual assault
terminal illness (cancer)
unhappy ending -> everyone ends up straight or dead
grooming - henmi & ichinomiya are both grown adults when they pursue relationships with high school girls. this is not presented critically.
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jojosbizzarewife · 1 year
Video Game Headcanons
Video games I think they would enjoy, not necessarily their favourite
Diamond is Unbreakable
Josuke, Okuyasu, Rohan, Koichi, Yukako, Kira, Mikitaka, Tomoko, Tonio, Akira Otoishi
Josuke - Persona 4
Okuyasu - Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
Rohan - Pokémon Art Academy
Loves to draw those little guys
Koichi - Dance Dance Revolution
Defends his highest score at the arcade
Yukako - Pokémon LeafGreen
Loves to collect those little guys
Kira - The Sims 2
He has ALL of the expansions
Mikitaka - Glover
Tomoko - Mortal Kombat
The only game she has beaten Josuke at, she also never lets him live it down
Tonio - Cooking Mama
Anytime he finds a recipe in a game he writes it down to try later
Akira Otoishi - Guitar Hero
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tokufan400 · 1 year
Making another fanfic recommendation
This is a crossover between Kill la Kill and Kamen Rider Fourze that takes place in a world where both series exist at the same time. After learning about Gentaro and Fourze, Satsuki arranges it so he is transferred to Honnoji Academy. Gentaro then shows up on the same day as Ryuko, and the story starts from their. From their, the story goes 1-11 and only keeps going. The writers of this fic, in my opinion, are able to match how nuts Kill la Kill can be. Coming from someone who honestly hasn't seen Fourze, I love that Gentaro is the goof ball that bring everyone together, even if it's clear he's not the brightest. The Kamen Rider's are written in a way that they can keep up with the characters of Kill la Kill, but not one shot them. The same can be said for the Neo Kamen Rider Club. Said club being composed of Gentaro, Ryuko, Mako, Takaharu, Omiko, Maiko, and other members that show up. Everyone of them brings something to the table when fighting enemy club members and Zodiarts, even getting moments of badass for all of them. What also makes it fun is the amount of cameos from other series. Examples being: -Gentaro being related to Josuke (Jojo), Kyru (Yakuza), and the the Daemon sisters (Panty and Stocking) among others -Tomoko being a decedent of Tharja (FE: Awakening) -Nui being friends Junko (Danganronpa) -Mako learning her own version of Slugger Style thanks to Majma (through Kyru) If their is one thing I can say against it, is that it can come off as high octain cheese. This fic is full of cheese and every moment is taken seriously. The high octain can come off as to much as well, so be prepared for that. That said, I still highly recommend this fic. I know my summary is a all over the place, but I didn't want to reveal to much on the story since all of the best moments are best seen yourself. There aren't a lot of Kill la Kill and Kamen Rider crossovers, but this is probably the best one in terms of matching how insane Kill la Kill is and making it so Fourze and the world of Kamen Rider fit in to the insanity.
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bobduh · 10 months
Dear Brother - Episode 7
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to dive back into the nest of vipers that is Seiran Academy, as we bear witness to Nanako’s continuing misfortunes in the marvelous Dear Brother. The injustices of last episode, including the continuation dissolution of Nanako’s friendship with childhood confidant Tomoko, seemed to actually push our beleaguered heroine to a…
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azukokarisma · 1 year
Chapter 9 - I Light My Torch And Burn It
“...This isn’t fair.”
“You’re right, Yuki. But, this does have a silver lining to it!” The small grin on Tomoko’s face, as of yet, isn’t lifting Tayoyuki’s spirits at all.
“What?” The younger gazelle’s voice is flat and disinterested; it sounds as if he were annoyed with not just carnivores, but all of animal society.
“All of your roommates will be herbivores, and I’ve spoken to your professors about seating you away from any carnivores!” Lightly drumming on the steering wheel with her fingers, Tomoko keeps gushing. “And there are also plenty of all-herbivore clubs for you to look at. There’s even a basketball team!”
Tayoyuki’s ears perk up at that mention of his favorite sport. “Wait, there’s a basketball team?” Finally, that smile his mother loves grows on Tayoyuki’s face. “Maybe it won’t be that bad…”
“There’s that smile!”
Cherryton Academy comes into view on the horizon, but instead of the dread Tayoyuki thought he would be feeling, he instead felt a touch of uncertain excitement. This is his chance to get away from what happened to him at Sakura Heights.
(PS: I forgot to post here about chapter 8. Read that too if you haven't yet.)
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acid-attacc · 1 year
Boku No Hero Academy RP Server
Just a reminder that I and @heroesburden run a BNHA rp server *permanent link below*
Characters Claimed under cut:
Izuku Midoriya Shouto Todoroki Katsuki Bakugou Denki Kaminari Eijirou Kirishima Hanta Sero Mina Ashido Hitoshi Shinsou Fumikage Tokoyami Nejire Hado (pro-hero verse) RagDoll (Tomoko Sheritoko) Eraserhead (Shouta Aizawa) Present Mic (Hizashi Yamada) Midnight (Nemuri Kayama) Fuyumi Todoroki Tenko Shimura (Child-verse)
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allstarmiral · 2 years
Yunano notsu 100
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You've missed the great announcement at the end of the Tokyo Dome ? They're boys from the beginning.Īnonymous Fri Sep 30 07:19:56 2016 No.15905167 "Marshmallow-iro no Kimi to" (New Sound Band ver.) "Yubikiri" ( ユビキリ, "Pinky Promise") (Seniors Sara, Mirena) "Delta" (Kagaku Kyumei Kikoh Logica? :Ver. During the group's live events, the members made their own interpretations of the song. Due to the archaic nature of the original lyrics, the meaning was difficult to interpret. " Aogeba Tōtoshi (from Sakura Gakuin 2014)" was released as the graduation single on February 25, 2015, and as a DVD single on March 4, 2015. After its release, writers Tomoko Kawase and Shunsaku Okuda released a demo of the song. The name comes from the words "heart" and "earth", which share successive letters, expressing the song's message that once everyone's hearts are joined on Earth, the people are united the Japanese title also uses an alternative reading of the word "earth". "Heart no Hoshi" was released as the lead single on October 15, 2014, and as a DVD single on October 22, 2014. It charted at number 18 on the Oricon weekly chart, lasting two weeks. 'Cherry Blossom Academy School Year 2014: Reaching You') is the fifth studio album by Sakura Gakuin. " Aogeba Tōtoshi (from Sakura Gakuin 2014)".After leaving the group, Ayami Mutō would later cover the song during her A.Y.M Ballads concert in August 2014. "Friends" was first performed at the concert Sakura Gakuin 2011 Nendo New: Departure and later released as a single. " Tabidachi no Hi ni" is a traditional graduation song written in 1991, and was released as the graduation single on March 7, 2012. The word comes from the phrase "very very shooby dooba", deriving from words used in scat singing, while the song title means "very happy". "Verishuvi" was released as the lead single on December 21, 2011. It charted at number 56 on the Oricon weekly chart, lasting two weeks. 'Cherry Blossom Academy School Year 2011: Friends') is the second studio album by Sakura Gakuin. "Doki Doki ☆ Morning" would later be released as a DVD single on October 22, 2011. The album marks the first appearance of the aforementioned sub-unit, as well as the Cooking Club Mini-Pati, the Go Home Club Sleepiece, and the Heavy Music Club Babymetal, as well as the only appearance for the Newspaper Club Scoopers. Socrates" was released as a single by the Baton Club Twinklestars on November 28, 2010. The group performed at Tower Records Shinjuku on April 30 to commemorate the album release. "Hello! Ivy" served as a collaboration song with Mono Comme Ça stores in Japan. "Yume ni Mukatte" / "Hello! Ivy" was released as the lead single on December 8, 2010. The album was scheduled for release on March 23, 2011, but was postponed due to the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. It charted at number 54 on the Oricon weekly chart. 'Cherry Blossom Academy School Year 2010: Message') is the debut studio album by Sakura Gakuin.
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Pondering Crests and stuff for the FoE Academies. Because that's a fine thing to ponder and to figure out.
Archimago Academy: the Silver Tower, Woods, and a Grey Phoenix.
Dom Daniel: Cave Mouth, a Dragon with an Axe, Book, staff, and Sack.
Beowulf Academy: A Vampire Spear (like a Boar Spear, but for Vampires) crossed by a Sword and a severed Monstrous Arm.
Suleyman Academy: A Compass Rose with each direction having some sort of Creature, monster, or some such (don't know quite yet)
the Russian Academy (still figuring out a name, probably Vasilisa, Veles, or Yaga?) A Skull Lantern on a Stick, three Riders above it And trees beside it.
Tomoko Academy: a Grey Phoenix perched on a Scarecrow dressed in grey, with a White Fox attempting to play with and generally annoy thr bird.
Leeds and Kidd: Symbol is basically a figure of Captain Kidd hanging out with the Jersey Devil over a camp Fire.
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Shiretoko Tomoko | Ragdoll, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic & Kayama Nemuri | Midnight Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Shiretoko Tomoko | Ragdoll, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady Additional Tags: Fluff, Coffee Shops, Marriage Proposal, Domestic Fluff Summary:
Love between them was like a slow river meeting with the ocean at the end. It was calm, moving, and finding their meaning while walking the same path.
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p5x-theories · 8 months
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What We Know About Moko
(as of the third beta; last updated 1/23/24!)
Tomoko Noge, codename Moko, is a second-year at Kokatsu Academy in class 2D. She and her best friend, Motoha Arai in class 2C, both have an interest in playing baseball, and were in a little league together when they were younger. She joins the team as a "Phantom Idol", or cognitive teammate.
Previously, in the second beta, her codename was “Kotomo”, however it was changed to Moko in the third beta.
Her Japanese voice actress is Satomi Akesaka.
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Tomoko is a Confidant of Wonder's, though her Arcana is unknown.
Tomoko is first relevant in the plot when Wonder sees she dropped her train pass and returns it to her, though then continues to be relevant as Motoha's friend who gets scouted for some sort of baseball thing. She also develops a bit of a crush on Wonder, to her own admittance.
However, shortly after Wonder and Ruferu begin exploring the first Palace, belonging to Takeyuki Kiuchi, the real-world Kiuchi sees Motoha and Tomoko at the train station and attempts to attack Motoha. Tomoko sees what he's doing, and takes the blow for Motoha, getting knocked over the guard rail and onto the train tracks. She ends up needing to be hospitalized.
Her injury means she can no longer play as a baseball catcher, which causes her to become extremely dejected and hopeless during her hospital stay, to Motoha's dismay. This ends up motivating Motoha to agree to changing Kiuchi's heart, despite the possible risks involved.
Correlating with when Wonder, Motoha, and Ruferu open the next area of Mementos, she mentions suddenly feeling the desire to do something, and returns to school after Kiuchi's change of heart and recovering from her injuries.
Tomoko's role seems to loosely parallel Shiho's in the original P5.
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Tomoko is quieter than Motoha, but not to the point of shyness, and no less passionate about baseball. She has little difficulty approaching the protagonist and talking to him despite her crush (though she does get nervous when Motoha more directly tries to push her towards Wonder), and works part-time jobs with him during her Confidant, trying to figure out what to do now that she can't be a baseball catcher like she wanted.
She also doesn't seem insecure about her role as Motoha's friend, though we haven't really seen her interacting with anyone besides her and the protagonist. She jokingly apologizes to Wonder for "stealing" Motoha at one point when Motoha drops everything to visit her, instead of Motoha's original plans with Wonder (visiting Takemi for the first time).
When the "Flavor Fight" video is posted, she texts Motoha that her classmate Shun didn't come back to their classroom after lunch, suggesting Motoha may be keeping Tomoko at least slightly in the loop about what Motoha's up to, though there's been no indication that Tomoko knows about what they're doing as phantom thieves. This also suggests Tomoko has a good awareness of her surroundings.
This is supported by her profile, which has been translated as "She has a calm personality, outstanding observation skills, and is used to taking the initiative to take care of those around her. As a baseball catcher, she won various championships with Motoha when she was young, and she is full of confidence in her strength on the field."
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Her Persona is Prosymna (based on a naiad who nursed Hera, alongside her sisters), and has Psy skills, a status effect skill, and a support skill, resisting Psy while being weak to Curse in the third beta.
In combat, her melee weapon is twin daggers, while her ranged weapon is a bow. Her highlight attack is shown from 0:09 - 0:20 in this video.
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What did you do with Ragdoll/Tomoko when you kidnapped her?
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A: It’s useful! I just made her bit.. less.. responsive so she won’t fight too much
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crimebunny · 5 years
I see your prospects and I raise you one
Ragdoll x Snipe
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mycrysartz · 6 years
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Scketch for 184 chapter Nice Cat, Nice! I was worried about this character! Y-Y
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bobduh · 3 months
Dear Brother - Episode 8
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am delighted to be returning to the operatic and perpetually thrilling Dear Brother, as Nanako continues her trials at the magnificent Seiran Academy. After half a dozen episodes of increasing torment and isolation, our last visit at last provided a measure of relief for Nanako, with her best friend Tomoko finally returning to her side.…
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