#Tone Empire.
guitarbomb · 4 months
Free Soul Squash Vintage Audio Compressor Pedal limited offer
Soul Squash Vintage Audio Compressor Pedal: Grab this plugin for your DAW in this limited-time offer from Tone Empire. Free Soul Squash Tone Empire describes the Soul Squash plugin for Mac and PC as “A sonic time capsule brimming with retro allure and modern finesse. Sampled and accurately replicated with our proprietary NM2 Neural Network technology, this pedal embodies a pristine and clean…
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caffeccino · 1 year
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Steppe heavy cavalry but on a chicken horse 👀
She's here to conquer your heart and steal your girl~
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ibrokeeverything · 1 year
Me turning on the mandalorian after finishing the bad batch episode
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thymeofarrival · 6 months
Gem’s bloodlust is genuinely scary and unsettling and I adore it and her so much
… I hit tag limit on this and I’m not even close to done spilling my thoughts in the tags so I’m going to post so I can copy my tags into real text and keep writing them
#I can’t imagine facing her as one of the uninfected when she’s got my heart rate up just watching from her perspective#she’s a hunter#I’ve written something before about how she talks about murder in the same excited tone as cute decorations#and people sometimes underestimate her because of it despite her reputation as a good fighter#but she’s not a fighter she’s a predator#she’s a hunter and even watching from her perspective sometimes it feels like she’s hunting me#she’s hunting All#and it’s exciting and fun for her#and she needs her pack to some extent but when it gets too big she needs to split off again#idk what’s going on in these tags it’s just. hnnghhh. Red Gem#or even before she went red#just bloodthirsty predator gem reveling in the thrill of the hunt#it’s not nearly as much fun on your own but once you’ve killed a couple people to your side and have the numbers to terrify people#you can do that. you can circle around your prey and corner them and terrify them before you kill them#and it feels like power and it feels like a game and it feels like fun#because it’s not life or death it’s success or failure#but maybe everything is a game to a creature like gem who hops between worlds at will#what if she could leave secret life at any time#like she could hop between empires and hermitcraft at any time#if she can leave then she really is just there to have a chance to enjoy the hunt in a setting where it’s expected#encouraged even#death games as a way to satisfy her bloodlust so it doesn’t spill over someplace where it might Actually Hurt#death games to take the edge off#death games to get a chance to reveal the fangs behind her grin and the sharp points of her antlers#we call her a deer because that’s the closest thing our minds can connect to her appearance#but she’s always been a little too Other for that#oh and now the Void has taken root in her too#it’s claimed her eye and arm#maybe it helped guide her aim#or maybe she’s always been a creature of the space between worlds (what with the way she hops between them)
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taddymason · 5 days
missed opportunity to make Agent Jay have the tone of voice that the Jay from Nya's vision had, and when he returns to the team and starts to trust them, he slowly lets his tone return to his voice of S6-S8
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darlin-djarin · 2 months
can disney/lucasfilm please leave barriss alone 😒? she deserves better than to be dragged into more filoni bullshit.
i would've treated her right 😭😭😭 i could save her..... filoni please........ leave my girl alone 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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rooshappy · 7 months
Does anyone remember BBC's Robin Hood? Marian being a total girl boss would put on a mask and hood and suddenly she was THE NIGHTWATCHMAN and Guy of Gisborne (who was in love with her) could never recognise her and he would be like WHO IS THIS MAN??? MY ENEMY! I MUST KILL THE NIGHT WATCHMAN. Then The Nightwatchman would do a backflip and and run away. Also everyone was gay apart from Robin.
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codgod-moved · 2 years
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here he is!! the beloved in all his porcelain, uncanny valley glory!! and also his cats :D had to include those
don’t mind the fact he has a hat and a gun when he has Nothing else on i just didn’t wanna redraw his hair/hand lol
the bigass eyes and general *waves hand* everything is based on custom ooak dolls i’ve seen because i watch far too much dollightful :D
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pwh3 · 1 year
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A winter afternoon in New York City.
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
I usually don't post about The Bad Batch, but here's at least one post about it: I will be SO IMPRESSED if they actually keep Tech dead!
One of the main sticking points I had with the entire concept of the show and the 'reject clones' (ugh I hate that they're called that and I WILL NOT call them anything to do with 99, they don't deserve it) was that they undercut everything I found interesting about the clones. The idea that everyone has been created to be the same, yet they still clawed for their own identities within the sterile and controlled ranks, they were just normal guys - no special powers up against those with the force and machines of war, they followed orders - even when they knew it would lead to tragedy or wasn't what they thought was right they still had to do what they were told, the fact that they failed - a lot, and one of the biggest things: they DIED.
They were literally created to be cannon fodder to DIE and be replaced by the exact same model time and time and time again. We would get to know a new group of clones for ONE episode, but when they died, we still felt it - though they were created to be red shirts to die and non one to think about them again, the writers of the Clone Wars showed that they mattered - each and every one of them. That they still clung to individuality and companionship with one another even though they knew they were destined to die in this war and be replaced without a second thought.
The Bad Batch flew in the face of this: they were a group of superheroes we were supposed to feel bad for? They didn't follow anyone's orders, no one had ever died from their group, and they looked down on 'regs' as less than them. And of course, they were resistant to the chips in their brains because they're just so special.
So, if they actually keep Tech dead, it would be such a ballsy move that would turn the tone of the show on it's head. Suddenly, the Bad Batch would no longer have plot armor, they'd be just like any other clones (I mean, not really, but closer than they ever had been before).
I'm pretty sure they'll reveal he was saved by the empire and experimented on a la the special assassin units they just introduced (or like Echo), but if they actually stick with it, I'll have so much respect for the show.
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sunsetzer · 8 months
Hot take: I actually love Edgar's constant flirting with every lady he meets because it's hilarious, and he isn't just objectifying them physically, and he isn't a dick about being rejected, and half the time when he flirts with Celes or Terra it feels like he's teasing after it's clear they're not interested, and-
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thiefbird · 6 months
Happy Christmas I'm reading a doctoral thesis submitted to Exeter in 2010 titled "A Social History of Midshipmen and Quarterdeck Boys in the Royal Navy, 1761-1831" so I can more accurately decide what age I want to make a fully fictional junior officer rank for a ttrpg I'm adapting
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swan-orpheus · 2 years
What is Luthen Rael?
I can’t stop thinking about this episode, but seriously, who did Luthen lose??? Who and what is Luthen Rael? Saw remarked in Ep 8 that he never says what he is and what he ultimately stands for. Why is he a coward? Did he watch someone die, powerless to stop it?? 
Does he have survivor’s guilt?
“I share my dreams with ghosts.”
Who are these folks and are they people that he lost fifteen years ago? It would make sense given his other statements such as the one about the equation. 
“I wake up every day to an equation that I wrote fifteen years ago from which there’s only one conclusion, I’m damned for what I do.”
He speaks like a man who has lost and/or broken his Faith and is doomed to some sort of hell as a result. 
This is a man who wears or wore a kyber crystal around his neck, hidden underneath his clothes. I did not think before that Luthen was a former Jedi or force sensitive, but what if he is? if not it is sure looking like someone close to him was. Was he a temple guardian like Chirrut or something else similar? I also found it interesting how he chastised himself for being angry and violent like it went against his own personal code of conduct, apart from the sacrifices he’s had to make. He speaks of losing balance when he says: 
“I’ve given up all chance of inner peace.” 
“My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, they’ve set me on a path from which there is no escape.”
He’s talking about falling to the Dark Side whether he’s force sensitive or not. Anyone can compromise themselves to the point of losing themselves which is really what the Dark Side is a metaphor for. The Force exists in and around everyone. Just the language that he is using is so particular, that it’s difficult to ignore. 
He urges others to fight, but he never gets involved himself. Is attacking against his belief system? The Evil attack, the Good defend is sort of a mainstay of many stories. He feels guilty because he propels other people to what some view as acts of terrorism, even if it is for the sake of saving all that is good. 
Will he retrench and get involved anyway, at Spellhaus or whatever is about to go down on Ferrix? We see him in his ship in the previews fighting so clearly he is not going to live in the shadows forever and whenever he emerges, I think it will be for the memory of whoever those ghosts are, those that he lost when the Empire came into power.
I believe that Luthen lives to S2 and that we are going to get some mentions of The Force though in a way consistent with Rogue One, subtle and in keeping with the narrative. 
I’ve always felt that “May the Force be with you.” was a bit of a Rebellion slogan. You see it in the original trilogy and throughout Rogue One, before battles especially. In a galaxy where the Jedi were destroyed and believing in the Force is heresy, where you can be arrested for being even mildly force-sensitive or for knowing someone who is, where an acknowledgement that all beings are connected which is antithetical to the Empire and the to the Dark is dangerous, saying that to someone, mentioning it, is an act of rebellion. 
Vel says to Mon Mothma, “We’re fighting against the dark.”
Perhaps Luthen Rael is the one thing you are not allowed to mention, something that never gets mentioned. 
“He is something that we shall never discuss.” 
Vel likely doesn’t know much about his background, but this line surely is there for a reason, for the audience to note. It could just be about his position as an axis for rebellious activity or it could have a double meaning. The question of his origin is highlighted again and again in this show. He says that his ego has no mirror. He is not strictly alone. He has Kleya and other human connections, such as they are. Or is he alone because there is no one like him?  Because he lost his family, the only ones who really understood him? 
I think that Luthen believed in what the Jedi stood for, was closely connected to them, or was one himself, and I am certain that if any of this comes to pass, this team of writers will do it justice and make it work in a way that is not going to steal anything from the narrative or the tone of the show or compromise their vision of what Andor is. Then again, I’ve always thought that the Force was a lot more fluid and varied and sophisticated than just, you can float rocks or not. It’s about every sentient being. It is life itself. (Also. I’ve always wanted to see regular people who are connected to the Force. You don’t choose it, it chooses you. You could be a Jedi or you could help your neighbors with their garden or warn the village of danger. But I digress.)
I certainly neither need these things to happen nor find them desirable or undesirable. I observe patterns and draw conclusions. But okay, ngl, that would be extremely compelling and building towards it for an entire season, layer upon layer, is totally their style. Certainly the nature of his sacrifice is very Jedi-like. He gives hope and light to others in dark times, but keeps none for himself. 
“So what do I sacrifice? Everything!” 
...just as the Jedi were sacrificed on the altar of the Empire.
The Force has been there hiding in the folds of this show the entire time. it doesn’t need to be name dropped to be real. And I LOVE that. 
I trust these writers. They waste nothing. Each line, every scene, every self-reference has a place, mirrors something else. Impeccably. 
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poisonousquinzel · 1 year
sorry but if you actually think Cancel Culture ™ is a thing then you're kinda a dumb fuck. Cancel culture isn't real, holding people accountable for their actions is a thing, but this whole narrative around Canceling that's evolved over the past few years isn't real. It's never been an actual thing. Its just a fear mongering tactic to further vilify the groups who were being harmed in the first place and victimize the person who did something wrong.
Your fav being called out for playing an antisemitic video game that directly gives profits to a hugely influential TERF, who's said openly she sees getting profits / royalty cheques from her franchise as endorsements for her bigotry, is not "cancel culture". It's called the consequences for your actions.
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You have every right to do and play whatever the fuck you want, but that goes both ways. If you go out of your way to build up and financially support these people who're openly advocating to take away trans people's rights, then you get to deal with people not trusting you because of it. You get to deal with trans and Jewish folks not feeling safe around you, not wanting to be around you or not wanting to talk to you. Because you have shown that you care more about nostalgia and temporary personal emotional gratification over the wellbeing and safety of those communities in the real world.
People have explained why supporting HL is wrong, people have explained why it's harmful, people have explained in detail the issues with this situation. You. Just. Don't. Care. You don't listen, or read, because in the end, you can't be bothered enough to put in the effort of having 1 moment of critical thinking.
It's not that folks don't have arguments or evidence, it's that it clearly does not matter to you. It's that the value of an antisemitic game full of one horrific thing after another is worth more to you than the real, living breathing people who are going to be, and have been, affected by this.
You come across as a bad person. Not because some person on Twitter determined you must be, but because your actions speak far louder. And they're screaming red flags.
I'm not going to argue with you over your own bad decisions and life choices. You've made your bed and are mad that people are telling you to lie in it.
#not dc#i need to not focus on this but it makes me so annoyed#and like the constant 'well hp has been a comfort thing of mine since childhood!' like bitch do you think Harry Potter was a niche little#thing????#a fucking lot of us had Harry Potter as something important to us growing up#i remember getting all the legos sets for Christmas in 2011. getting the lego video games and i loved them!#but. that. doesn't. matter.#we're not children anymore and she's not on our side.#JKR made it clear that a large portion of her previous fan base are not welcome around her and that frankly#that she would rather them be dead.#she's a horrendous human being who is causing so much pain and anguish for communities that're just trying to exist#and its built upon the empire she crafted. the one full of stereotypes and offensive imagery and tone-deaf themes.#we aren't kids anymore and it's shameful to gloss over what she is actively doing Right Now because You have fond memories of her world.#a lot of people don't get the luxury of pretending like she's not an awful person because they're the ones she's harming#they're the ones she's spreading hateful rhetoric and stereotypes about. the ones that she's pushing to get their rights taken away.#just put down her shitty fuckhng series and read another book.#i promise you there's hundreds upon hundreds of better ones out there with better plots and better world building.#anti harry potter#anti jkr#anti hogwarts legacy#tw transphobia mention#tw antisemitism mention#figure I'll tw tag just in case ya got it filtered 💖
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bitchapalooza · 9 months
Rome: Wow, it’s amazing I’m finally meeting you, China. I could never have imagined. You’re just as beautiful and handsome as described.
China: And I— wait a minute. You look nothing like the marble statue you sent me!
Rome: Well— I— That was done when I was younger! It took three years to do that sculpture because someone kept assassinating me!
China: You were catfishing me!
Rome: I don’t even know what that means???
China: That is the last time I make saucey penpals with another empire through the Silk Road. Hmph!
Rome: What??? What did I do???
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forcestruck · 2 years
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OBI-WAN KENOBI PART VI “We’re tracking an escape craft. There’s one life form aboard.”
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