#Tonks x Tulip
isabob · 10 months
I made a ship name for tulip and tonks
Upstar pink
Upstar is a tulip that is Pink, I thought it would be a good idea because it's a tulip and tonks hair is mostly pink
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sarcasticsweetlara · 7 months
If Remus had been in love with Alice, and Charlie in love with Tonks in their younger years
Just think about the parallels they could have, and even more if they helped take care of their sons.
Also, in juxtaposition to certain ex-Death Eater who resented the child of the woman he said he loved just because he existed, Remus and Charlie would encourage and praise both Neville and Teddy, because they were Alice's and Tonks' sons, the embodiment of what Alice and Tonks sacrificed themselves for and loved the most in the world.
Remus helped Neville to develop his skills and Charlie was there for Tonks as he would visit him and tell him about his mom - alongside Tulip, I'm sure.
Tulip would also appreciate what Tonks did, after having loved Tonks, Tulip would tell Teddy about how brave his mother was.
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lesbiansforlucio · 1 year
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Some old TNTs I never posted
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dogwaterpoopyboy · 6 months
jingy jingle
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domaslut · 1 year
Context: Felix was supposed to pick Clarice up at 7 p.m. to attend a ball hosted by a pureblood family, another tiresome duty the two young wizards were asked to fulfill.
However, Clarice was too impatient and at 7:02 p.m. stormed into Felix’s room, accusing him to be in late. Having no clue he was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, she walked further into his bedroom only to bump into the half-naked Rosier.
It was not like she had not seen him shirtless before, but they had recently kissed and agreed in pretending nothing had ever happened. Seeing him like that only made her question all her life’s choices and, frustrated for the butterflies fluttering in her stomach, she just passive-aggresively yelled at him for being late and half-naked.
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stella-323 · 2 years
I ship this mc and talbott 💘
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hpshipbattles · 1 month
(keep in mind these are all randomly created from a pool of 64 characters. we are not here to debate dark ships vs light ships, we are here for fun. Feel free to suggest ship names for anything you see)
Lysander Scamander x Remus Lupin (Remsander)
Augustus Rookwood x Elphias Doge (Rookdoge)
Pavarti Patil x Blaise Zabini (Blavarti)
Lorcan Scamander x Septimus Weasley (Septorcan)
Victoire Weasley x Cassandra Vole (Vicsandra)
Neville Longbottom x Severus Snape (Sneville)
Minerva McGonagall x Horace Slughorn (Wiseslug)
Hermione Granger x Cornelius Fudge (Fudgmione)
Nearly Headless Nick x Tom Marvolo Riddle (Brainteaser)
Penny Haywood x Fleur Delacour (Penfleur)
Ron Weasley x Petunia Evans (Rontunia)
Hannah Abbott x Kingsley Shacklebolt (Shacklebbott)
Rita Skeeter x Yann Fredericks (What if we just called these two Yeet?)
Dennis Creevey x Dolores Umbridge (Creevbridge)
Rowan Khanna x Dorcas Meadowes (Rorcas)
Nymphadora Tonks x Firenze the Centaur (Centonks)
James Potter x Marcus Flint (Jarcus)
Rose Granger-Weasley x Dobby the House Elf (Robby)
Delphi Riddle x Qui LeBlanc (Augurvamp)
Molly Weasley II x Barnaby Lee (Barnolly)
Luna Lovegood x Penelope Clearwater (Lovewater)
Harry Potter x Pansy Parkinson (Hansy)
Sebastian Sallow x Chiara Lobosca (Loballow)
Barty Crouch Jr. x Albus Dumbledore (Albarty)
Sirius Black x Tulip Karasu (Prankstar)
Lily Evans x Madam Rosmerta (Lilymerta)
Cho Chang x Helena Ravenclaw (Cholena)
Fabian Prewett x Grant Chapman (Grabian)
Hestia Jones x Regulus Black (Restia)
Draco Malfoy x Albus Severus Potter (Dralbus)
Lily Luna Potter x Scorpius Malfoy (Scorlily)
Lavender Brown x Percy Weasley (Paperseer)
My bad for jinxing us guys as I was spinning this I wondered if we were actually going to get Scorbus and then the wheel decided to do something funny. some of these ships are ships I’ve seen before and I was surprised by how many of them could probably actually be enjoyed by people. but yeah suggest ship names if you have any ideas I did put down the ship names for ones I knew or ones that I could easily come up with myself.
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(rules and submitted characters)
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carewyncromwell · 5 months
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 “It's time to stand up -- stand up! Show me what you're made of! Hands up, hands up! Fight the fear...fight the fear! Rise up from the ground -- Gonna make you a believer!”
~”The Fear” by the Score
a sincere thank you to @catohphm​, @jackies-ear69​, @hphm-jeniferltheman​, and @ariparri​ for brainstorming about MC’s friends’ boggarts with me!
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The year she took on the task of teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, Patricia Rakepick soon became many students’ favorite professor. Scholarly sorts like Rowan Khanna appreciated her extensive knowledge of the subject, while more avant-garde sorts like Jae Kim and Nymphadora Tonks liked her dry sense of humor. This didn’t even touch aspiring Cursebreakers Bill Weasley and Merula Snyde, both of whom Rakepick had a pointed interest in and greatly esteemed Rakepick for her skills.
There were students who didn’t take to Rakepick as well as others, though. Ben Copper could never completely relax around Rakepick, thanks in large part to how critically her eye always seemed to fall on him. Even serial rulebreaker Tulip Karasu got bad vibes from Rakepick, suspecting ulterior motives to the professor’s seemingly more kindly actions. 
And of course there was the last student Rakepick had taken a targeted liking to, and arguably the strongest liking at that -- Hogwarts’ infamous Cursebreaker, Carewyn Cromwell.
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Carewyn had distrusted Rakepick from the moment she first arrived at Hogwarts the previous year to supposedly help deal with the Cursed Vaults, and Carewyn’s opinion hadn’t softened toward Gringotts’s Head Cursebreaker anymore now that she was a professor. Even when Rakepick ended up saving Carewyn from an Imperiused Ben the previous school year, it only served to make Carewyn all the more wary of Rakepick’s intentions. After all, Carewyn couldn’t help but think, how was it that Rakepick caught up with her and Ben so fast, that night? Had she been keeping tabs on her? However concerned Rakepick had seemed for Carewyn, the Cursebreaker still left her, Bill, Charlie, Hagrid, and Torvus to deal with the Forest Vault, rather than going with them or dealing with it herself. Even now that Rakepick was a professor, she kept trying to get Carewyn, Bill, and Merula to work “with her” (read: under her leadership) to reach the next Cursed Vault. Admittedly Carewyn planned on searching for the next Vault and rescuing Jacob with or without help...but she couldn’t help but agree with Tulip that Rakepick clearly had her own motives. The Head Cursebreaker had even said herself that she intended to find the Cursed Vaults and “reveal their secrets” -- therefore Rakepick was mainly interested in retrieving the Vaults’ so-called “treasure”...something Carewyn didn’t give a damn about, in the face of finding and saving her brother.
Carewyn’s distrust of her didn’t seem to bother Rakepick in the slightest, though. If anything, the professor only seemed to expect more from Carewyn and single her out in class more because of it. 
Once Rakepick quizzed the entire class on protective wards, only to insist that Carewyn tell her the difference between Protego Diabolica and Protego Horribilis. (Carewyn correctly explained that the first was a Dark curse intended to kill any enemies who tried to cross the boundary, while the second was a strong form of the Shield Charm specifically intended to protect against Dark curses, and Rakepick awarded Slytherin ten points before moving on.) 
Another time, when Rakepick brought an entire swarm of pixies for the fifth-year class to defend themselves against, the professor insisted that Carewyn use a spell other than Immobulus, the spell they’d been actively studying, to stop them -- apparently Rakepick knew Carewyn had gotten help with the spell from her ex-Prefect, Felix Rosier, in the past and she thought that the assignment would be too easy for her on its own. (Carewyn responded to the challenge by using Impedimenta to slow down each pixie enough that she could levitate them one by one back into their cage with a Locomotion Charm before closing it -- a solution that brought a satisfied smirk to Rakepick’s face.)
It was therefore no surprise in late October when Rakepick decided to give her fifth-years a proper review on boggarts, the Cursebreaker-turned-professor had Carewyn come up to the front of the class first to deal with the creature.
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Carewyn was a bit startled despite herself.
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Rakepick’s lips turned up in a smirk.
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Carewyn frowned deeply at Rakepick.
“Of course not,” she said with a faint huff. 
She glanced over her shoulder at the rest of her class with a grimmer look, her jaw setting as she rose to her feet.
“...I should let you know, though,” she spoke very clearly despite her eyes being averted and her voice being low, “my boggart is You-Know-Who.”
A few of her classmates exchanged glances. Rakepick’s eyebrows raised.
“That is not an uncommon fear, Miss Cromwell,” said the professor.
Carewyn’s eyes narrowed a bit without looking up.
“I know,” she said curtly. Her gaze lingered on the desk she’d been sharing with Badeea. “That’s why I want to make sure everyone knows it -- I don’t want to scare them.”
Rakepick’s confident look seemed to darken, becoming a bit grimmer as well. “You won’t have to, Miss Cromwell. The boggart will do a good enough job of that -- your classmates may as well just accept it.”
Carewyn looked up at last, her eyes narrowing a bit more, as Rakepick indicated the box to the side of her desk with a clipped nod.
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“You may begin when ready. Though I’d advise you not to keep me waiting -- I only have so much time allotted to me for this lesson.”
Carewyn pursed her lips. Walking purposefully around her and Badeea’s desk, she shot a glance back behind her. Her eyes glided over Rowan, Ben and Charlie quickly before finding Talbott; when Carewyn made eye contact with him, the Ravenclaw straightened up a bit, his hawk-like eyes narrowing a bit upon her face as he nodded.
I’m okay, his look seemed to tell her.
Carewyn inhaled quietly through her nose, giving him a very short nod in return, before she faced the wardrobe, her wand held high.
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With a shriek of the hinges, the box’s lid was thrown open, and a huge, black mass erupted out of it. The huge black cloak was accompanied by skull-white, spider-like hands and the face of a monstrous man -- one tall and pale with heartless red slits for eyes.
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A couple of people in the class inhaled sharply despite themselves, seeing the Dark Lord Voldemort standing before their classmate. Rakepick, however, spoke to them with dry reassurance.
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“Don’t you, Miss Cromwell?”
Carewyn kept her focus solely on her boggart rather than respond. Raising her wand, she pointed it right at her target and bellowed,
In an instant, Voldemort was seated at a full dining table of Mrs. Weasley’s home cooking with a red and white checkered napkin comically tied around his neck, looking completely bewildered.
Charlie laughed loudly, but louder still was Barnaby, who actually got up from his seat.
“It’s just like I said!” he said excitedly through his laughter. “It must be impossible for You-Know-Who to enjoy any good food without a nose!”
Others started to laugh too -- even Talbott had to chuckle. Carewyn bit her lip as she grinned in amusement too.
“Quite good, Miss Cromwell,” said Rakepick, very pleased. “All right, now, class, prepare yourselves -- when I call you up, you shall come forth and face your boggart. When you see your fear, think up a way to turn it into something humorous -- then cast Riddikulus to defeat it. Ready now...Mr. Lee!”
Barnaby eagerly scampered around the desk, raising his wand. 
“I’m ready for this!” he told Carewyn brightly. “I’ve been thinking about it ever since we went into the Fear Vault...”
Boggart Voldemort shifted his gaze over to Barnaby, his red eyes flashing --
The boggart had become a clown -- a rather menacing, fanged, Voldemort-looking clown, but still a clown.
“Riddikulus!” said Barnaby.
A bucket of water appeared over the demonic clown’s head, before turning over and splashing all over it -- it sputtered in confusion as all of its face paint was washed off and its curly red hair lay like flat curtains around its face.
Barnaby gave a fist pump. “Yes!”
“Good job, Barnaby,” Carewyn said, beaming proudly.
“Miss Tonks!” said Rakepick.
Tonks darted forward just as eagerly. The sopping wet clown shifted his gaze over to her -- then, with another CRACK, it had become herself, only with mousy brown hair and eyes, colorless, friendless, and insecure -- 
Tonks, without her Metamorphagus abilities.
“Riddikulus!” laughed Tonks.
Boggart Tonks had shifted into Tulip, holding up a bottle of hair dye potion and laughing as loudly as Tonks herself. The real Tulip was also laughing from her own desk.
“Disguising yourself as someone and wigging them out -- that is a good idea for a prank, Tonks!” Tulip called out with a wicked grin.
“Mr. Winger!”
Talbott leapt up onto his feet, sweeping across the room with the grace of a bird coming in for a landing.
Boggart Tulip had transformed into a black-hooded figure holding a wand alight with acid green, the Dark Mark glowing in the sky over his head -- a Death Eater set to kill him like they had his parents --
“Riddikulus!” Talbott spat out with venom.
The Death Eater’s cloak seemed to expand into strips of fabric that lashed around it in strips, wrapping the frantically wriggling figure up tightly like a mummy.
“See, Andre?” said Talbott with a cool smirk over his shoulder. “I told you long cloaks only get in your way.”
Andre crossed his arms, his face appearing rather sassy. “A stylish person knows how to wear a cloak properly...and also doesn’t consider wearing American-style cowboy hats unironically in public -- ”
“Mr. Weasley!” Rakepick cut off the two Ravenclaws’ debate at the legs.
Charlie hopped nimbly right over his desk and zipped up to the front.
The boggart had become a very official-looking desk piled high with paperwork stamped with the purple seal of the Ministry of Magic.
“Being stuck working in an office for the rest of my life,” Charlie explained helpfully to Carewyn, and he gave a shudder. “Still reckon Mum wants me to go that way, like Dad did...”
Carewyn offered him a sympathetic smile. “You’ll never belong in an office, Charlie.”
Charlie grinned as he faced the boggart. “Yeah -- I guess it is pretty ‘Riddikulus!’”
The desk chair was suddenly filled by Charlie’s brother Percy, who’d organized all of the paperwork perfectly -- only for his younger twin brothers Fred and George to barrel on through on their brooms and send the tall stacks of papers flying.
“Miss Haywood!”
Penny, as devil-may-care as she usually was, hesitated just a bit before running up to the front. Her face hardened with focus and determination, even as her wand hand trembled.
The boggart had transformed into a hulking, furry werewolf, its fangs dripping with blood as it growled ferociously.
Carewyn shot a quick look over at Chiara. Her face had gone very white as she shrank back in her seat.
“RIDDIKULUS!” Penny shouted as loudly as she could, even as her voice cracked.
CRACK. The werewolf became a giant stuffed toy, which flopped down to the floor face-first.
“Mr. Caplan!”
Diego had been ready a good five minutes ago -- he slid right in front of Penny with the grace of a dancer, his wand raised.
CRACK. The boggart became a wrinkled, hunched-over old woman in ragged clothes with a face shaped like Diego’s. She clearly wasn’t human, though -- she smelled horribly, like rotten eggs and petrol, she grunted and groaned like a zombie, and her eyes bulged unnaturally out of their sockets.
“That’s La Tunda!” said Rowan. “Tundas are shapeshifting creatures that make themselves look like your loved ones in order to lure you in, trap you, and then drain you of your blood.”
“Take five points to Slytherin for anticipating one of my future lessons, Miss Khanna,” Rakepick said very lightly.
Diego’s hand clenched that little bit more tightly around his wand, murmuring something very quietly under his breath before pointing his wand at the boggart.
In an instant, a flock of monarch butterflies flew out of Diego’s wand, attacking the Tunda and knocking it backward off their feet. The rest of the class laughed, though Diego gave a slightly weaker laugh himself.
“Sorry, Abuela,” he said sheepishly. “I don’t like the butterflies anymore than you do...”
“Miss Murk!” said Rakepick.
CRACK. The boggart became four people, all of whom looked very clean-cut and uptight -- the youngest of them, a girl who looked identical to the older sister standing beside her -- had Ismelda’s face.
“Riddikulus!” Ismelda cried, her mouth spread into an almost manic smirk.
CRACK. The four people were all splashed with mud, and the other three members of the family ran off in disgust and humiliation as Boggart Ismelda splashed happily in the mud puddle by herself.
“Mr. Kim!”
CRACK. The boggart became a cold, empty house with no furniture and barren cabinets with no blankets, clothes, or food.
“Riddikulus!” shouted Jae.
CRACK. The house fell apart like a movie set, revealing a bunch of TV crew shouting at each other in Korean about the poor craftsmanship.
“Miss Lobosca!”
CRACK. The boggart became a rather pretty girl with curly brown hair, curled up in a ball in the corner and her wide, terrified eyes streaming with tears.
“Get off of me!” she screamed. “Get away from me -- !”
Selina, Carewyn realized in horror.
Chiara’s face had lost all of its color, but she faced Boggart Selina with a very strained, strangely gentle expression.
“Riddikulus,” she whispered.
CRACK. Selina became Tonks, doubled over in fits of laughter from a Tickling Charm.
“All right!” she choked through her laughter. “All right, you win -- you’re better at the Tickling Charm than I am!”
The real Tonks laughed too. “Oh come on, Chiara -- no need to rub it in!”
Chiara gave both Boggart Tonks and the real Tonks a very small smile before looking up at Carewyn. Seeing the concern in her friend’s face, Chiara gave her her best reassuring smile.
“Are you -- ?” started Carewyn, but before she could finish, Rakepick had already called up that one Gryffindor boy who was terrible at Wingardium Leviosa to take his turn.
CRACK. A laughing crowd of students became a surprise birthday party.
CRACK. A mirror reflection turning invisible became an incomplete portrait being painted by an admirer.
CRACK. A demonic-looking Merula Snyde was suddenly decked out in bright pink and ribbons, crowing about loving lollypops and unicorns. (This one in particular prompted Merula to take out her wand and threaten to hex both Tulip and Carewyn in the face for how hard they were laughing.)
“Miss Khanna!” barked Rakepick, so as to put a stop to the escalating fight.
Rowan dutifully came up to the front of the room, her shoulders locked beside her head and her wand held high with determination.
Whatever Rowan or anyone else had been expecting, it wasn’t what the boggart became. Instead, it transformed into the spitting image of Carewyn.
The class looked from the fake Carewyn to the real one, incredibly taken back. Rowan faltered.
“Carewyn?” she said.
Boggart Carewyn, however, didn’t answer. Instead she merely turned on her heel and started to walk away.
“Carewyn!” said Rowan.
Forgetting herself, she reached out as if to grab Boggart Carewyn’s shoulder, only for her hand to get knocked out of the way. A fake Charlie Weasley had appeared out of nowhere wrapped his arm around Boggart Carewyn’s shoulder and was steering her away.
“Come on, Carey -- let’s go play Quidditch!”
Rowan flinched. Out of nowhere also appeared a fake Bill, wrapping his other arm around Carewyn and continuing to steer her away.
“Now, Charlie, don’t forget, Carey and I still have to deal with the Vaults -- ”
“Hey, Cursebreaker!” a fake Andre’s voice called out in the distance. “Still up for a midnight broom ride tonight?”
“Carewyn!” called another voice in the distance that almost sounded like Barnaby’s. “Carewyn, you just gotta see this new Mooncalf at the Magical Creature Preserve -- ”
“Carewyn, I just finished listening to the CD you sent me over break -- ” said a voice vaguely like Chiara’s. 
“I don’t suppose you have any time to give this a read, Carewyn?” said a voice like Talbott’s.
Soon the voices were all piling up on each other. One kind of like Liz’s -- one kind of like Tonks’s -- kind of like Orion Amari’s -- one like Rosmerta’s, and Hagrid’s, and Rakepick’s --
Rowan’s dark eyes had become very wide behind her glasses. She’d gone very quiet and her wand hand had fallen slack at her side. Carewyn looked from the boggart to Rowan, her concern giving way to alarm, as she dashed forward -- Rakepick, however, stopped her, sweeping in front of Rowan first.
“Step back and collect yourself, Miss Khanna,” she said brusquely. “I don’t need Miss Cromwell throwing herself in front of you to protect you.”
Rowan blinked rapidly, awareness and then shame flooding her face, as Rakepick tossed her hair to look over her shoulder.
“Mr. Copper!” the professor said sharply. “You next!”
Ben looked as if he wanted nothing less than to leave his desk. Still, knowing he had no choice, he swallowed back the lump in his throat and -- raising his wand -- stumbled forward.
Boggart Carewyn -- still flanked by the fake Charlie and Bill -- turned to look over her shoulder at Ben, her blue eyes oddly blank and penetrating. Then, in a moment, the shapes all seemed to contort together, morphing and twisting --
The boggart disappeared completely. The entire class stiffened, staring at the spot where the creature had been. The silence dragged. Then, suddenly...
A voice filled the room. It was a cold male voice that dripped through everyone’s ears with the softness of silk and the frigidness of icy water -- a voice that made Ben crumple in on himself like a piece of paper.
“No,” he whispered.
Attack. Again. Attack.
“No -- no, no -- ”
The boggart Carewyn had reappeared -- but this time, she wasn’t the least bit nonchalant. This time she was crumpled up on the ground, her eyes very wide as spells from nowhere rained down on her, cutting at her face and clothes and blasting her wand out of her hand.
The real Carewyn moved forward. “Ben -- !”
Once again, though, Rakepick stopped her, this time by actually taking hold of her arm.
“You can’t save your friends from their own demons, Miss Cromwell,” she said very lowly.
Do it, said the voice filling the room. Finish her. Kill h --
“DEPULSO!” Ben screamed.
The boggart Carewyn was blasted backwards. It seemed to flicker, for an instant becoming Merula, and then the clown, and then the werewolf, before hitting the wall. Ben, however, had not lowered his wand -- his brown eyes were wide with terror as he pointed it at the boggart again.
The stunning spell knocked the boggart right back into the open trunk with so much force that it lost consciousness. Then Ben pointed his wand at the trunk and cast “Colloportus!” to lock it. 
Breathing hard, Ben looked up at Rakepick, who was frowning deeply as she released Carewyn, crossing her arms. 
“I don’t believe I said anything about locking that boggart back in its cabinet, Mr. Copper,” said the professor very coldly.
Ben bowed his head in shame.
“...No, professor,” he said very quietly.
“And yet you did it,” Rakepick challenged him.
Ben swallowed. “I...didn’t know how to make the Imperius Curse funny, professor.”
Rakepick’s eyes narrowed as her eyebrows rose. “Your lack of creativity doesn’t excuse not following the assignment.”
Carewyn was outraged.
“Ben used quite a bit of creativity,” she defended her friend fiercely. “He knew he couldn’t defeat his boggart with laughter like the others did, but he still came up a way to defend himself and everyone else from it. If that isn’t ‘Defense Against the Dark Arts,’ I don’t know what is.”
“If you truly knew all that Defense Against the Dark Arts encompasses, then you would not be a student sitting in my classroom, Miss Cromwell,” Rakepick reminded her very coolly. “Ten points from Gryffindor, Mr. Copper, for putting an end to our lesson early by stunning and re-trapping our boggart without direction. Mr. Copper and Miss Khanna, you shall face your boggarts again next week with Messrs. Hayden and Egwu and Misses Ali, Tuttle, and Snyde -- and in that class, I expect a proper demonstration of Riddikulus.”
Merula shot a scornful look over at Ben as he sat back down next to Charlie, who patted his shoulder reassuringly. Rowan slunk back down into her seat too, her head bowed in shame. 
“...Yes, ma’am.”
Carewyn looked from Ben to Rowan, her blue eyes rippling with pain. Then, shooting a venomous look at Rakepick, she -- rather than returning to her seat next to Badeea at the front of the class -- switched seats so as to sit down next to Rowan in the second row.
Rowan looked up at Carewyn, startled. The red-haired Prefect didn’t look at her, instead keeping her hard gaze up on Rakepick at the front of the classroom, but she lightly pressed her shoulder up against her friend’s.
That boggart isn’t true, Carewyn prayed Rowan would understand. I won’t leave you -- please don’t believe that...
Rowan, however, couldn’t meet Carewyn’s eye. Instead she shifted away and started to quickly pack her books into her bag.
Carewyn’s heart clenched.
“Rowan -- ”
“Miss Cromwell,” said Rakepick curtly. “A quick word, after class.”
Carewyn looked up from the desk to glare at Rakepick. Then, glancing at Rowan reluctantly, she rose from her seat and approached Rakepick in front of her desk. 
Once the rest of the class had filed out, Rakepick spoke again.
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“I’m sure you think I was quite unfair to your friends just now,” she said seriously. “Undoubtedly because you yourself probably feel some trace of responsibility, for the forms their boggarts took in the first place.”
Carewyn’s eyes flashed, but she tried not to let the pain show on her face. She did not want Rakepick to have any inkling of just how spot-on her guess was.
“But you will not always be able to protect them from harm, Miss Cromwell,” said Rakepick. “On the contrary -- it is likely you will be forced by circumstance to solely focus on your own survival. Ben Copper’s attack of you this last spring is more than enough proof of that.”
“And yet you still act like Ben was a villain in that whole affair,” Carewyn challenged her. “Even after seeing visible proof that his greatest fear was being controlled by the Imperius Curse, like when he attacked me, you still take pot shots at him.”
“I’m not the only one in your circle who harbors doubts about Mr. Copper’s story,” Rakepick said very quietly. “Just as I’m certain you’re not the only person in my class that harbors doubts about me.”
Justifiably so, Carewyn thought resentfully, and her eyes narrowed.
“However much you may doubt my intentions, Miss Cromwell,” said Rakepick, “I am here to instruct you and your class in how best to defend yourselves. And however much potential you possess, both as a leader and a protector, I do not want you sacrificing yourself for people incapable of doing the same. You deserve allies strong enough to protect you just as much as you protect them -- ”
“I don’t want my friends to sacrifice themselves for me, Rakepick,” Carewyn snapped. “And I will not have you advise me on which people deserve my loyalty -- only I have the right to do that.”
Carewyn turned on her heel and prepared to leave. Rakepick didn’t stop her, but once Carewyn reached the door, the professor made the Prefect pause when she spoke again.
“I know you intend to go to Knockturn Alley. Mr. Kim is an admirable choice of back-up -- but if you intend to get there, you’ll need a fireplace connected to the Floo Network: something not easy to find, inside the castle walls. Meet me outside Dumbledore’s office on Monday, and I can get you inside.”
Carewyn cocked her eyebrow suspiciously. “And get both Jae and me caught on our way back to Dumbledore’s office and be banned from Hogsmeade for the rest of our school careers? No, thank you.”
“I have no interest in you being hindered from finding the Cursed Vaults, Miss Cromwell,” Rakepick said lightly. “Nor do I have any interest in Mr. Kim being prevented from moving as he pleases -- he does Gryffindor house proud, and as I said, his knowledge of Knockturn Alley makes him useful.”
Rakepick’s Niffler, Sickleworth, scampered up her arm to curl up on her shoulder. Rakepick scratched under his neck idly.
“My interest is in you succeeding in your undertaking, Miss Cromwell,” she said levelly. “Your success will bring both of us closer to the Cursed Vaults -- so it’s only right that I ensure that outcome by giving you the means to succeed.”
Carewyn crossed her arms, the suspicion not shifting from her face. Then, after a long moment, she said,
“...Fine. Jae and I will meet you outside Dumbledore’s office on Monday. But we have our own way back into school -- so don’t bother tipping Filch off to when a pair of shady-looking students might be popping up back through Dumbledore’s fireplace.”
Rakepick smiled wryly as Carewyn left the room, closing the door with a sharp snap behind her.
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 months
𝐎𝐂 𝐱 𝐎𝐂 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: A Masterlist — 1960s-2010s
An open offer for oc x oc interactions for all of my HP OCs and the types of relationships that they’re open for! This also functions as a masterlist for my Hogwarts dorms. In addition, everyone featured will only get one tag to avoid breaking the post.
Interactions for ocs born between the 1870s & 1950s can be found here.
The preference is for mutuals and the ability to slip it the (few) storylines. If any of them strike your interest, please comment, reblog, send an ask, or DM and specify with the OCs’ names.
Extra Info:
Total Number of OCs: 18
Number of OCs Open for Dormmates: 12
Number or OCs Open for Friendships: 16
Number of OCs Open for Love Interests: 1
Eras: HPHM, Golden, HPMA, Next Gen
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Huck Fitzgerald
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b. november 28, 1972 | saggitarius
hufflepuff | muggleborn | irish | entp | enneagram type 6w7
in a different universe than the ruth & the o’donnells
a little more removed from the drama of ‘R’ and the cursed vaults
an orphan and raised by his aunt and uncle from the age of 5
traveled quite extensively with his aunt and uncle who are both in fields related to archeology and therefore knows how to hold a very basic conversation in a few different languages
more of a cat person than a dog person
makes friends easily, although most aren’t close friends
healer to stay-at-home dad to ancient studies professor at hogwarts
Love Interest:
Dorm: Huck | Rohan Khanna | Diego Caplan | Reid Van de Lune (kc-and-co) | Marty Raymond (@hogwartsmysteryho)
Open for: Friendships
Ruth Lyman
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b. july 17, 1973 | cancer
ravenclaw | muggleborn | irish | jewish | infj | enneagram type 8w9
not involved very much in the cursed vaults, she works more as a background character like levi kidd
raised by her father and her grandmother in a bakery in dublin, ireland
a quieter soul who spends time alone but enjoys being with other people
a literature nerd
works as a tutor for the younger students while at hogwarts and for a few years between the end of hogwarts and the start of the wizarding world
a children’s book author and later, the charms professor at hogwarts
Love Interest: Conor O’Donnell
Dorm: Ruth | Badeea Ali | Tulip Karasu | Isabelle Dubois (@endlessly-cursed) | Lyse Spindle (@magicallymalted)
Open for: Friendships
Ryan O’Donnell
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b. august 18, 1973 | leo
gryffindor | half-blood | irish | esfp | enneagram type 8w7
the firstborn quadruplet, although the second born child
chaotic disaster quad
most involved in the cursed vaults mystery
“i hate mysteries, they need to be solved” vibes
the rolling stones over the beatles any day
impulsive and kind and someone that you can count on
puts on a front that he’s always brave and has everything together
has a bit of a reputation for causing trouble
plays chaser on the gryffindor team and has a friendly rivalry with his sister, cara
Love Interest: Penny Haywood
Dorm: Ryan | Ash Khanna | Ben Copper | Jae Kim | Charlie Weasley
Open for: Friendships
Cara O’Donnell
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b. august 18, 1973 | leo
slytherin | half-blood | irish | enfp | enneagram type 8
the second born quadruplet and the third of five siblings
disaster bi quad
chaotic and messy, but she’s still put together
enjoys quidditch and skateboarding, but no other sports
plays chaser on the slytherin quidditch team and has a friendly rivalry with her brother, ryan
artist who eventually becomes an illustrator
Love Interest: Rowan Khanna
Dorm: Cara | Ismelda Murk | Merula Synde | Liz Tuttle | Semele Thorne (endlessly-cursed)
Open for: Friendships
Sara O’Donnell
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b. august 18, 1973 | leo
hufflepuff | half-blood | irish | esfj | enneagram type 2
third born quadruplet and the fourth of five siblings
soft sweetheart quad
has a tendency to put others’ problems and needs ahead of her own
always willing to lend a hand, especially to her friends
would say that tonks is her best friend
worked in the hospital wing in her sixth and seventh years
was named prefect in her fifth year
not the most invested in the vaults, but she’s going to help out her siblings
Love Interest: Barnaby Lee
Dorm: Sara | Nymphadora Tonks | Penny Haywood | Rowan Khanna | Chiara Lobosca
Open for: Friendships
Conor O’Donnell
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b. august 18, 1973 | leo
ravenclaw | half-blood | irish | istp | enneagram type 5
youngest quadruplet and child
least involved in the cursed vaults mystery and is fully done by his sixth year
honestly, he’s usually just here because of his siblings
keeps to himself and hard to get to know
stutters and because of this, he doesn’t speak much and deals with feelings of fear, shame, and aniexty
also swears like a sailor and has no shame about it
plays seeker for the ravenclaw quidditch team
really good at nonverbal magic
Love Interest: Ruth Lyman
Dorm: Conor | Talbott Winger | Andre Egwu | Victor Ketsueki | OPEN
Open for: 1 dormmate
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Camila Valdez
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b. september 19, 1979 | virgo
slytherin | half-blood | spanish | irish | american | cuban | intj | enneagram type 5w6
second of five children
attended hogwarts in the same years as harry & co.
silently beefs with draco malfoy because she thinks he’s an insufferable jerk
named prefect in her fifth year and headgirl in her seventh (much to her immense surprise)
becomes the astronomy professor in 2004, at the age of 24
is helping to raise her two youngest siblings, amada and joaquin who were both born in 2000
she’s a fair professor, willing to give out second chances to those who earn it
Love Interest:
Dorm: Camila | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN
Open for: Friendships, colleagues, 4 dormmates
Nicholas Wraxall
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b. february 2, 1989 | aquarius
hufflepuff | muggleborn | american | australian | mbti | enneagram type 1
hogwarts professor (still not sure what exactly he teaches, what subjects don’t have ocs?) and head of hufflepuff
orphaned at the age of 12 and then adopted by an eccentric and wealthy pureblood wizard
gained a reputation for being the weird american kid during his time at hogwarts
played seeker while at hogwarts
worked as an auror for a few years before becoming a professor
became a professor by accident
his reputation as a professor is the hot professor that half the hogwarts student body has a crush on
totally oblivious to student crushes
either teaches muggle studies or flying
Love Interest: Frances Fersen (@endlessly-cursed)
Dorm: Nicholas | Harker Hartford (potionboy3) | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN
Open for: 3 dormmates, friendships
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Finn MacKade
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b. december 30, 1996 | capricorn
ravenclaw | muggleborn | irish | english | istj | enneagram type 4w3
eldest of four boys with an identical twin brother
an avid photographer who is rarely seen without his camera
plays chaser while at hogwarts
someone who is good during a crisis, but terrible at handling the aftermath
kind and trustworthy but private and introverted
takes the big brother role pretty seriously, but not always the strongest with it
becomes a professional photographer and works for the daily prophet for about a decade before moving to free lance work
Love Interest: Scotty Rosier (@drinkyoursoupbitch)
Dorm: Finn | Efesto Vecellio (@nicos-oc-hell) | Duncan Ludwig (@usernoneexistent) | Jimmy Crouch (@potionboy3) | OPEN
Open for: Friendships
Nate MacKade
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b. december 30, 1996 | capricorn
hufflepuff | muggleborn | irish | english | istj | enneagram type 2w1
second of four children with an identical twin brother
soft, sweet, kind, sunshiny, big heart
massive history nerd and one of the few students who have never fallen asleep while binns is teaching
nate’s a great friend, but he doesn’t open up very much
usually wears his heart on his sleeve
often puts others ahead of himself
a bit of a people pleaser
archivist then historian and finally, history of magic professor at hogwarts
Love Interest: Nova Hartley (@gaygryffindorgal)
Dorm: Nate | Quincey Alderly (gaygryffindorgal) | Conner Everett (@amerrymystery) | Zephyr Mercury (@slytherindisaster)
Open for: Friendships
Jack Whitten
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b. february 28, 1997 | pisces
slytherin | muggleborn | irish | english | estp | enneagram type 7
reckless af and a bit of a trouble magnet
not a fan of quidditch, much to everyone’s surprise
he likes fishing, soccer/football, and hurling… and broom racing
has an identical twin brother
his recklessness is a result of abandonment issues as his parents disappeared when he was a baby and no one knew anything about it until about twenty years later
Love Interest: Sage Carridan (@kc-and-co)
Dorm: Jack | Maxim Raeburn (potionboy3) | Levi Vecellio (nicos-oc-hell) | Isander Yaxley (gaygryffindorgal) | OPEN
Open for: Friendships, 2 dormmates
Benedict Whitten
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b. february 28, 1997 | pisces
ravenclaw | muggleborn | irish | english | intp | enneagram type 6
prefers to spend his free time in the outdoors
he has abandonment issues and thus, doesn’t let himself have too many close relationships
very hard to get know
goes by “ben” sometimes, but absolutely hates being called “benny”
tends to bottle up his emotions
he ends up joining the frog choir by accident
plays seeker on the ravenclaw quidditch team
he starts his working life as an archivist before being hired as the curator to the scamamder wizarding natural history museum in london
Love Interest: Lottie Turner
Dorm: Benedict | Marco Han (magicallymalted) | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN
Thea Whitten
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b. may 29, 1997 | gemini
gryffindor | muggleborn | irish | english | vietnamese | esfp | enneagram type 4w3
the middle of three sisters, both of whom are muggles
thea’s an avid baker
she’s the cousin of jack and benedict, whom her parents are raising
her mother passed away when she was thirteen
shows her love via flowers
she has a big heart and is soft but chaotic
she plays beater on the gryffindor quidditch team
herbologist who later owns her own florist shop
Love Interest: Noa March (@thatravenpuffwitch)
Dorm: Thea | Mary Ann Von Dynne (endlessly-cursed) | OPEN | OPEN
Open for: Friendships, 2 dormmates
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Sophie Pembroke
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b. january 7, 2000 | capricorn
ravenclaw | half-blood | irish | welsh | english | isfp | enneagram type 4w5
eldest of three with a younger brother, rhys, in hufflepuff and a younger sister, emmy, in gryffindor
her mother died when she was nine and then her father had a stroke when she was sixteen
tends to keep to herself, although she doesn’t mind other people’s company
tea lover
plays keeper on the ravenclaw quidditch team
stubborn, sarcastic, and doing her best but feeling like she’s failing herself and everyone else
descendant of max pembroke through his son, harry, and william devlin through his daughter, lucy
inherited max’s cat allergy
Love Interest: Luke Battersea
Dorm: Sophie | Victoire Weasley | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN
Open for: Friendships, 3 dormmates
Luke Battersea
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b. july 21, 2000 | cancer
gryffindor | half-blood | irish | scottish | english | intp | enneagram type 5
youngest of five by quite a bit
sole survivor of the attack that killed his parents and older siblings when he was six
grief-ridden and generally kinda of angry
acts like everything is no big deal and that he’s cool with it, but really, he’s got a lot going on
grumpy old man energy
dog lover and a star wars nerd
plays seeker on the gryffindor quidditch team
obsessed with finding the truth about why his parents were murdered
great-grandson of simon battersea, through his son, oliver, and edmund kennedy, through his daughter, cecilia
Love Interest: Sophie Pembroke
Dorm: Luke | Joaquin Valdez | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN
Open for: Friendships, 3 dormmates
Declan O’Donnell-Lee
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b. september 1, 2001 | virgo
slytherin | half-blood | irish | english | istp | enneagram type 3w4?
eldest son and second of four children born to sara o’donnell and barnaby lee which also makes him the second oldest of the ten o’donnell cousins
the odd one out amongst his family
sports boy through and through
plays seeker for the slytherin quidditch team and is eventually named captain of the team
dog lover
plays quidditch professionally as a seeker for the ballycastle bats
Love Interest: Callie Black (@mjs-oc-corner)
Dorm: Declan | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN
Open for: Friendships, 4 dormmates
Quinn Power
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b. december 1, 2004/5 | sagittarius
slytherin | half-blood | irish | american | english | estp | enneagram type ??
middle of five children with two older brothers, kevin and jason, a younger brother named orion, and a younger sister named cassidy
a werewolf who was bitten at the age of five after his parents accidentally angered a werewolf
plays beater for the slytherin quidditch team
demisexual and biromantic
angry in general, mostly at himself
grumpy loner
descendant of minerva kennedy
career is tbd
Love Interest: Open
Dorm: Quinn | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN
Open for: A love interest of any gender, friendships, and 4 dormmates
Jude Cozens
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b. june 13, 2002-2005 | gemini
gryffindor | muggleborn | american or canadian | ixxx
hockey obsessed
doesn’t know who his father is
moves to the uk because his mother got married
angry about the move to the uk and very disappointed by the lack of hockey
has played ice hockey since he was little, he plays center
highly allergic to bees, so he carries an epi-pen
very new and undeveloped, plus his name might end up changing (previously nico, now jude)
Love Interest: Noor Verna-Dhendron (@legilimenace)
Dorm: Jude | Scott Morris (potionboy3) | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN
Open for: 3 dormmates, friendships
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aleapple1216 · 1 year
What are your favourite character x character ships in Hphm??
Uuuuh I have some, let me explain a little bit:
1. Chiara x Jae (favourite tbh). Some headcanons:
Jae discovered Chiara's condition by logic and following her around a little bit. Chiara then confessed the truth to him.
Jae always got Chiara Wolf potion, no matter what he had to do
When Chiara is recovering at infirmary, he gets her some candies and company to help her feel better
Thay sometimes cook together at Hogwarts kitchens
Due to Jae's businesses, he sometimes gets injured. Chiara helps him recovering in secret.
2. Liz x Barnaby. Some headcanons.
I think they just started as good friends with a common passion: magical creatures
I really like the idea of them having a lot of secret dates in the Woods and hypogriff club
They could spent hours awake at night at the Slytherin common room talking about dragons
3. Talbott x Penny (kind of): Some headcanons:
Talbott and Penny meet cause Penny was tutoring him in potions
They started to talk more, eventually, they became really good friends
Talbott fell HARD for Penny for a lot of time
Penny never really showed romantic interest in him (Idk, I really always thought about Penny as a lesbian haha sorry)
Talbott was kinda hurt but never confessed anything to her, then, he just like, accepted it.
They just remain as very good friends
4. Tonks x Tulip. Some headcanons:
Tulip was kinda "iugh, love", then in 3 year she met Tonks and she was like "oh wow omg Tonks is soooooo cool"
The interest just grew but Tulip was still like "Oh nonono I don't fell for her I just think she is like really cool"
In fact, she fell for Tonks. REALLY HARD.
The chemistry between them is amazing, Tulip never really told her how she feel but you know, they were kinda in that mood but never official.
5. Ben x André (yeah a little bit out of nothing but hahahaha it's a strange ship I have. I don't have headcanons or proofs I just like them together)
6. Snape x Rakepick (yeah sorry late me explain):
I have this little headcanon were Snape was kinda attracted to Rakepick at first sight because you know, Rakepick kinda remind her of Lily
After learning what kind of person sshe was, he doesn't like her snymore
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that-scouse-wizard · 1 year
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sarcasticsweetlara · 10 months
Charlie and Tonks
When Charlie and Tonks met in 1984, she was sorted in Hufflepuff and Charlie in Gryffindor, as many of Charlie's friends did not like getting acquaintances of other houses, Charlie often felt more comfortable around Tonks, they quickly became best friends and they trusted each other more than anyone and shared their secrets, with that leading to Tonks telling Charlie about Hufflecrew.
Charlie often sneaked into Hufflecrew's quarters and visited Tonks.
Charlie was even present when Tonks was crowned as "the queen" of the School of Smolensk, Russia, "наследие облигаций" (naslediye obligatsiy) "Bond Legacy", whose first queen and headmaster was Anya Volkova, who was a muggle born witch who had Mongolian and Slavic ancestry and spoke Altai and Buryat languages as well as she taught her students those languages and how to cast spells in them, and when Tonks traveled there as an exchange student, she became very popular and beloved of the students that they voted for her to become the queen and headmaster, position she held until her death, visiting the school constantly.
When she was in the school Naslediye Obligatsiy, she sometimes transformed into Anya's antique appearance.
After Tonks died, Charlie got the headmaster position and had Tonks' personalized crown be exalted and placed in an altar in the center of the grounds of the school.
Back at Hogwarts when Charlie and Tonks first met, they were only friends at first, but as time passed, Charlie's feelings evolved and he started thinking about Tonks more often but he brushed it away thinking it was only because they didn't see each other that often as he wanted and because she then started dating Tulip Karasu and was with her more than him sometimes.
But then, when Tonks left to Naslediye Obligatsiy, Charlie realized that his heart and his head desired to be with Tonks as he wrenchingly missed and longed to see her.
Charlie was determined to win Tonks over and he was not willing to lose her once again after years of suffering.
So when Tonks saw that Charlie made more flattering comments about her and tried to understand and know more about some of Tonks' new and old interests and tried to teach her more about dragons she couldn't help but feel intrigued and then attracted to him.
In the end she realized she was in love with him.
However they were soon driven apart by their different goals as Tonks wanted to be an auror in England and still wanted to act as Naslediye Obligatsiy while Charlie wanted to go to Romania to study dragons.
They decided that the best for them was to break up, however Charlie's feelings never left and he always carried Tonks' memory with him.
And when Tonks died, Charlie felt that a part of him died with her.
He decided to rule Naslediye Obligatsiy in Tonks' place and to never forget her, carrying a part of her legacy with him.
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lesbiansforlucio · 2 years
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Plotting and scheming (romantically)
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shinyrockalaska · 2 years
Hogwarts Mystery characters as quotes from Will Grayson, Will Grayson
The quotes are either a description or something they would say/think
MC: “I wish i were someone else, even though i know i'll never, ever be able to get away from what i've done and what's been done to me.”
Rowan: “We grow up. Planets like them get new moons. Moons like me get new planets.”
Ben: “Maybe there's something you're afraid to say, or someone you're afraid to love, or somewhere you're afraid to go. It's gonna hurt. It's gonna hurt because it matters.”
Penny: “I get it now. I get it. The things you hope for the most are the things that destroy you in the end.”
Bill: “This is why we call people exes, I guess - because the paths that cross in the middle end up separating at the end. it's too easy to see an X as a cross-out. it's not, because there's no way to cross out something like that. the X is a diagram of two paths.”
Tonks: “You know there's no such thing as a complete lie. There's always some truth in there.”
Tulip: “Random questions are the least random of all questions.”
Barnaby: “I'm so proud of you that it makes me proud of me. I hope you know that.”
Andre: “This blue shirt i have is practically the same color as my jeans, and looking all-blue is something only cookie monster can pull off.”
Charlie: “I think the idea of a 'mental health day' is something completely invented by people who have no clue what it's like to have bad mental health. the idea that your mind can be aired out in twenty-four hours is kind of like saying heart disease can be cured if you eat the right breakfast cereal.”
Liz: “I just want the pleasure of noticing these things at a safe distance...”
Jae: “Great news for someone is always bad news for someone else”
Badeea: “I just think if you don't say the honest thing, sometimes the honest thing never becomes true.”
Diego: “You like someone who can't like you back because unrequited love can be survived in a way that once-requited love cannot.”
Merula: “I do not say 'good-bye.' I believe that's one of the bullshittiest words ever invented. it's not like you're given the choice to say 'bad-bye' or 'awful-bye' or 'couldn't-care-less-about-you-bye.' every time you leave, it's supposed to be a good one. well, I don't believe in that. I believe against that.”
Ismelda: “I am constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me.”
Talbott: “You’d think that silence would be peaceful. but really, it’s painful.”
Chiara: “Some people have lives; some people have music.”
Beatrice: “If my whole world is crashing down around me, then I am going to make the sound of the crashing. I want to scream until all my bones break.”
Jacob: “That's what the voices in your head are for, to get you through the silent parts.”
Skye: “Anything that happens all at once is just as likely to unhappen all at once, you know?”
Murphy: “It seems to me that all the things we keep in sealed boxes are both alive and dead until we open the box, that the unobserved is both there and not.”
Orion: “Love is the most common miracle.”
Face paint kid: “Whatever you're worried about, you're bigger than the worries.”
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domaslut · 1 year
Starring: Merula Snyde x f!reader
Warnings: none, just fluff!
Plot: you have to pick a date for the incoming Ball and all of your friends seem to have suddenly picked an interest in you. No one, however, made you feel as alive as Merula did. After a tormented night spent wide awake in your bed, you finally confront and confess your feelings to the lovely brat you have fallen in love with.
Quote: “Last night, I laid in bed so blue 'Cause I realized the truth They can't love me like you I tried to find somebody new Baby, they ain't got a clue Can't love me like you”.
“Let me guess… You haven’t picked a date yet, have you?” Tonks quizzically inquired, plopping down on the empty seat next to you.
“Bingo” you shortly replied, fidgeting with the umpteenth note you had received since the beginning of the week. Where did all of these secret admirers come from? Further more, why did they not sign their gushing letters, if they desperately yearned to be your date for the Ball? You were officially done with them and the absurd situation they were putting you through.
Your pink-haired friend chuckled and propped her chin over her hand, her bright eyes scanning the Great Hall in search for a potential candidate to accompany you to the infamous Ball “What about Andre? He has declared countless times that you’re his muse… I wouldn’t be surprised, if one of these notes has been sent by him?” she observed, pursuing her lips at you.
You averted your droopy eyes from the note to your ravenclaw friend, who was currently showing a new, expensive fabric to a rather joyful Penny. Well, maybe Tonks was not wrong about Andre… But the blonde potioneer was probably one of the other anonymous senders. You thought you had recognized her calligraphy earlier and, judging by the languid glances she was directing to you from across the room, there was no doubt about it. Penny had a crush on you.
“You’re probably right, but I’m not interested in him… And, for what can matter, I’m not going to choose Penny either. – you said, folding your arms over your chest – She’s way too sweet and pure to be my perfect match” you clarified, lolling your head back in dispair.
At this point, you had almost given up on going to the Ball. If a romantic experince had to turn into a stressful loop of anxiety and dissatisfaction, you would have rather spent the night locked up in your dorm, cuddling your pets.
Tonks snickered and stood up, shooting a knowing look at you “Ouch, poor Penny... Well, then I guess I should probably let you know that Tulip heard Talbott and Badeea talking about you in the ravenclaw common room yesterday. – she casually informed you, stretching her arms over her head – Actually, they were arguing. I mean, isn’t it weird? They’re both so calm and rational, then again they’ve lost control over you!”.
Your left eye twitched, your hand ripped up the note in your hand at the shocking revelation. When did she think it was the right time to let you know about it? Not that you were going to consider them as an option in the first place, but you would have surely avoided them down the corridors earlier. Any kind of interaction would have been detrimental in your desperate search for the right date.
“Tonks! – you whined, stomping your foot as a sign of irritation – Is there something else you wish to tell me?” you rhetorically asked her, palming your forehead.
She shook her head and turned her back at you “Nah, I’mma go to bed. And you should do the same!” she replied, ambling towards the exit calmly, as if she had not just dropped a bomb.
She was right. Maybe you were just too tired. And, maybe, you had already made up your mind. You knew who your heart desired, who you enjoyed sharing your meals, or butterbeers with. You had a fling with her. Nothing official, yet something important. You had not kissed many times. Actually, you had barely kissed. However, the way your lips brushed over hers, and the fact that the spark igniting your heart that very night was still vividly stuck in your mind were a clear sign that you were in love with her.
Dragging your feet along the floor, you made your way to your dorm and slipped under the covers without even changing into a proper attire. You were too stressed, too nervous and you struggled to fall asleep for hours. You tossed and turned continously, as you tried to make up your mind. You were conscious that, if you decided to pick her as your date for the ball, this time it would have been forever.
“Fuck it, alright?” you cussed, rolling on your back and staring at the ceiling.
Did anyone else make you feel the way she did? No. Was there someone else residing 24/7 in your mind? Of course no…
“Well… Maybe Barnaby? Argh, who am I kidding? He is always so sweet with me. Just stop, Y/N! I love her! There is no going back. I choose her” you said, maybe a little bit too loud, considering it was 2 o’ clock in the morning. One of your roommate groaned out in frustration and threw a pillow in your direction, that you easily dodged.
“Shut the hell up and ask her out. I wanna sleep...” she ranted, slithering back underneath the blankets to try to get some sleep.
The morning after, you met her at breakfast. You had a very hard time to approach her, especially when Ismelda shot daggers in your direction and seemed to be a minute away from jinx you. Your purple-eyed crush, on the other hand, had no troubles in glaring at her and making you the center of her attention.
“So, what’s the matter? Have you slept last night?” she commenced, cocking her head to the side.
You rolled your eyes at her and rubbed the back of your neck in distress “Please, Merula, don’t make things so damn complicated. – you complained, locking eyes with her – Be my date. I … I’d very much like it, if you just said yes” you blurted out, cheeks flushing up as she stared at you dumbfounded.
“Are you serious?” she asked, blinking skeptically at you.
“Yes, I am”.
“Prove it then” she challenged you, folding her arms against her chest.
You chewed on your lower lip in nervousness, fists clenched at your sides as you pondered her request. You were there, opening your heart to her, making the first step, and she had the audacity of teasing you? Was it not clear enough that you were serious about your proposal? Yet, that side of her personality, what most of your friends loathed about her, was exactly what drove you crazy.
“I love you” you simply quipped then, watching her lips parting in disbelief. Yet, you were done playing games. Sticking up to your intent to make your relatioship official, you cupped her heart-shaped visage in your hands and smashed your lips against her ones.
That was the kiss you had dreamt about for years. That was the kiss you craved and the one you could not wait up until midnight to finally steal from her. Merula was completely shocked, as if a lightning had struck her and she was left fuzzy and disoriented right after it.
“No one is quite like you” you breathed out, pressing your forehead against hers.
She blushed, pulling you in for another brief kiss “I get to have the last word, though. Don’t forget it” she joked, winking at you.
You chuckled and took a step back, bowing your head as a sign of resignation to her umpteenth declaration of her supremacy “See you tonight, miss Snyde”.
Hi there!
Happy Valentine’s Day, guys! This is the first request I had got from my “Valentine’s Day Event”. I will publish the other ones in the next few days. I hope you have enjoyed this drabble♥️
And, if you cannot find me online on tumblr, just text me on my wattpad account: Domaslut! I hang on that platform quite a bit❤️
x o x o
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ameliathefatcat · 1 year
My HPHM ships
Ben x Amelia (mc)
Rowan x Amelia (mc)
Rowan x Amelia (mc) x Ben
Penny x Skye
Barnaby x Chiara
Tonks x Charlie M (oc)
Tulip x Jae
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