#Too many tags....i gotta get on a plane
gryphll · 5 months
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astermath · 1 year
Would it be okay to request a Carmy x reader where reader isn't a smoker but consumes lollipop instead? While on a break Carmy storms out stressed, unable to find cigarettes, reader notices his anxiety and causally takes lollipop out of their mouth and put into Carmys. "I know this can't replace nicotine but maybe this time you need something sweet". Carmy is suprised and reader just goes inside to work only to figure out later what they did and frantically running out back to apologize to Carmy. 👉👈
absolutely my dear!! I switched it up a teeny tiny bit, hope that's okay! thank you so much for the lovely idea! ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ
word count: 0.8K
warnings: swearing, slight suggestive talk, not proofread lol
let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list for further carmen berzatto related content!
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It had been over a year since you'd quit smoking, a habit you'd originally picked up because of the stress from your job and education combined. And you'd gladly taken the breaks that came along with it.
It had started as a New Year's resolution, quitting smoking, but you took it very seriously. But going cold turkey was hard, really hard, so you'd turned to something else to fill the void.
Relatively harmless, delicious and allowed inside too.
And your boss, Carmen, had been so kind to let you take your "lollipop breaks" outside too, when the others were smoking. It gained you a few confused looks from your colleagues at first, but they got used to it pretty soon.
A week ago, you and Carmen were closing up, and you'd jokingly offered him a lollipop from your stash instead of a cigarette.
"Hahah, very funny. Those are gotta be laced with somethin' with how much you love them." He reached for his pack of cigarettes.
"Just the recipe for cavities." You started looking through your bag. "Come on, what's your favorite flavor, I got a ton of 'em."
He sighed, putting the small cardboard box back in his pocket. "Give me the apple one."
"Good choice," you handed him the plastic wrapped candy, and he quickly tugged off the wrapper and put it in his mouth.
"Mm," he hummed, hands clasped as his arms rested over his knees. Sitting on the curb was always more comfortable after doing a closing shift. "Haven't had one of these in ages."
He watched you from the corner of his eye. Plump lips wrapped around hard candy, the hard part of it creating a slightly bulge in your cheek, and when you'd take it out, your lips would always make that satisfying pop. Shit, he'd almost started getting some unholy thoughts about it.
The two of you sat in silence for a bit, still coming down from a long day of work.
"You know, smoking is really bad for you." You looked up at the night sky, trying to figure out if you were seeing a shooting star or a plane.
"No shit," he huffed, "so is sugar, dumbass."
You chuckled. "Touché chef, touché."
Tonight had been a night just like the one the week before.
You were already sat out on the curb, lollipop in your mouth, humming a tune to yourself, when Carmen went outside to join you. The weather was nice, and it was welcome after you'd just had the most hellish shift in a long time.
He reached for his cigarettes in his back pocket, brows furrowing when the packet felt surprisingly light. He opened it, groaning upon discovering it was empty. "Christ... I gotta let Richie stop bumming cigarettes from me." He was clearly irritated, foot tapping on the concrete as he looked off to the distance.
"Lollipop?" You asked, already reaching into your bag.
"Please," he sighed out, legs straightening out to stretch them a bit.
You started rummaging around, and just like him before, was met with the clear absence of your favorite snack. Either there was a candy thief around, or you seriously needed to start cutting back on how many of those you had per day.
"Fuck, I'm out, uhm..." You noticed how agitated he seemed, and you weren't about to have him go home in a shit mood after he'd worked so hard. So you figured you might as well try and ask.
"Do you want mine?"
He turned his head slightly, eyebrows raising at what you'd just said. He trusted you, he wasn't a believer of cooties, but taking a lollipop straight from someone else's mouth was a bit more extreme than having a sip from the same cup. But it was you, he knew you, he liked you, so... Fuck it, why not?
"Yeah... Sure." He watched your lips closely as the hard candy dragged across them, spit painting them so beautifully. He almost didn't notice your hand reaching it out to him, and he took it carefully. He looked straight into your eyes when popping it in his mouth, and you felt like there was something strangely erotic about it all.
"Well," you put your hands on your knees and got up, "I gotta go, I have somewhere to be early tomorrow, so..." You smiled, a little awkwardly. "You owe me a lollipop though."
He smiled, and you did too. "For sure. Now go home, I can tell you're tired chef."
"Heard." You grinned, waving a quick goodbye before walking off to the nearest metro station.
Man, he'd really start enjoying lollipops more if they were all covered in the taste of you.
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tag list <3
@beebslebobs @thatone-brightstar  @spr3id  @deadandstill  @777iii  @magicboytrash
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cinematicnomad · 6 months
tagged by @phdmama to list seven comfort movies! a lot of my comfort movies are what i like to call competency porn. which is basically movies about professionals doing their jobs well, so! here's the list
APOLLO 13—is there anything better than the scene when one of the guys in houston walks into the room and is like "we gotta figure out how to make this fit into this using nothing but that"
SPOTLIGHT—peak competency porn, honest, hard working journalists using their skills to report on the story of sexual abuse in the catholic church and it actually making an impact. wild! i have rewatched this FAR too many times for it to be healthy probably lol
AIR FORCE ONE—ok this one is silly, but really is there anything better than watching hot president harrison ford beat up a bunch of terrorists on a plane and then face off against gary oldman using a russian accent? bc honestly, i can't think of any
A FEW GOOD MEN—i just love a good courtroom drama where people shout their confessions on the stand in front of everyone. also this has tom cruise at his peak, so really?? who can complain.
SHATTERED GLASS—this is a random deep cut that i first watched early in the pandemic? but it's just. it's got everything i love. based on a true story, young hayden christensen playing a con artist journalist, and then just...an even, steady story as other journalists pick apart his lies and his life falls apart. like?? i love it. i've rewatched it A LOT.
MONA LISA SMILE—a movie that is objectively not as good as the one it's trying to ape (dead poets society) and YET it's the one i get in the mood to rewatch all the time. like this is white feminism at its peak but it is, truly, a guilty pleasure.
ALMOST FAMOUS—if you'll notice from this list, another thing i clearly like is recent period dramas and this is a great one to just get into the early 70s music scene and have some fun. also philip seymour hoffman is PHENOMENAL in this.
THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY—this is a bonus eighth film that i am adding to this list bc i only just watched it for the v first time in december and i've already rewatched it twice since. i can see it becoming a comfort move for me. in this case, the competency porn would be tom's competency at conning and murdering lol
tagging @crazyassmurdererwall, @tattooedsiren, @woodchoc-magnum, @valleydean, @machtaholic, @tripleaxeldiaz, @tawaifeddiediaz, @catdadeddie, @buttercupbuck, and anyone else who wants to do this
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tehriel · 11 months
eeee yes wonderful!!!
when you get the chance, i have a request for daddy!aether and/or top!swiss/reader, with a dash of praise~
ty!! you’re amazing <33333
Thank you for the request!!
Tags: that good pasta
I am a little on the demi side so hard kinks and especially power play is hard for me to write about but here is a top!swiss the best I can~ you will see the saucy version below and the spicier version on AO3
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49764631/chapters/129237049 If anyone else has a request for me~~ I go for scenarios, feelings, vibes, some days I go full ace with no real warning, so yeah give me things I can play with in most moods :3
I hope you enjoy it~
“Whatcha reading, ______?” Swiss slithered into your nook in the ministry library, and the charming bastard reclined on your desk, grinning at you. The library liked dark woods and the scent of paper; the stained glass windows kept you warm as you sunned yourself against Autumn’s early chill.
“I’m studying for my next sermon, but I’m pretty sure you already knew that,” you gave him a sidelong look.
He only grinned wider with too many teeth, as he did when he was about to bring chaos.
Your tail flickered in his direction. He was a handsome shit. He had dark grey blemishless skin and scruffy cheeks, and he wore a half knot of dreads, leaving the rest to frame his chest. He looked like a trickster god. Eyes black peeled and waiting for the next opening to run with. “What do you want, Swiss?”
“Can’t a pack-mate check on his favourite cardinal?”
Not when a certain pack-mate had the glint in his eye that he usually did. “How are you causing upheaval today?”
“Up-upheaval? Me?” He gripped his chest as if wounded.
You arched a brow. Did you really have to explain yourself? He was the loudest of your pack, the most animated when speaking, and always had a story of how he had gotten up to absolutely no good in hell. Known to have stolen from the princes, known to have taken Mammon’s wife in Mammon’s own bed—known for that grin and all it might entail.
“Right, maybe that is on brand, but I promised I’m on my best behaviour,” he showed all ten of his clawed fingers defensively. “I was just wondering if you wanted dinner with me tonight—alright, maybe there is some ‘upheaval’ on my mind—I have procured a large amount of hard liquor, and I’ve been hanging out to watch this movie Sodo said was funny, uh, ‘Velocipastor’.”
“You have to know Sodo has no fucking taste in movies.”
“Hence the alcohol,” he nodded and grinned, “Meal’s on me; I’m cooking.”
“So there will be reapers in my food again?”
“Naw, that was an honest mistake… I thought, ‘It’s the mortal plane, how fucking hot can it be’?”
You grimaced. “I’m sorry, my love, I would and maybe next week… no, it’s gotta be the week after because of ritual Saturday… then there’s…” you shook your head. “Autumn,” you shrugged, “so fucking busy.” You sunk at your desk.
“Ah, I know,” he sighed dramatically. The guy knew how to mope gorgeously. “I’ve missed you in my bed,” he pouted.
He’d be the death of you. “I have learnt that Sodo is very good for venting frustrations out on.”
“I have more than frustration for you, Sweetheart.”
“Oh, I’m sure you do,” you cracked a smile. 
He grinned right alongside you until it fell, “I didn’t see you at breakfast, ______, you’ve been eating, right?”
“Yeah,” you waved off.
Dark lids fluttered a blunt blink.
“I’m a big ghoul, Swiss.”
“Sometimes a fucking wonder about that,” he muttered and stole a chaste kiss, brushing the rough of his cheek against yours. “I’ll see you later, hm? Don’t stress about the sermon; yours are always the best.”
“Not biased at all?”
“No, it’s true, I fall asleep in the other ones or try to choke myself to death or…”
You chuckled; you’d seen him do that with his guitar strap. “You aren’t choking yourself for death, you fucking monster.”
“Ah, but you know the French, huh? La petite mort?”
You shook your head.
“Perhaps ask Rain,” he winked and sauntered away.
“I love you, Swiss,” you called.
“Right back at you, Sweetheart,” he responded.
You would ask Rain about ‘La petite mort’, passing him in the hallway. The question left him stammering and blushing hard. Ah, Swiss; ever sewing little seeds of chaos in his wake.
You jolted awake from your desk, “Fuck! Papa, sorry… is it time for the ritual? I’ve… I’ve got most of it done—I just need to… to… Ah, Swiss…” your shoulders relaxed. The dread-head ghoul stood in your office with a ceramic bowl in his hand. You peered out the window behind you and rubbed the drool from your face. It was dark; last you checked, it had been five, the day had left you behind, and it was then eight forty. You had to have a desk-shaped imprint on your face. You groaned. You still had a day before the sermon. “Thanks for waking me, hun—was there something you needed?” you blinked at your writing, trying to make sense of the papers on your desks again.
“You weren’t at dinner, ______,” his tone was something you’d never heard from him. Low, on the edge of dangerous. “I haven’t seen you in the dining hall for the past week and a half.”
“I’ve just been busy; I grab from the kitchen… usually… sorry I haven’t been about to see you much, my love.”
“When was the last time you ate?” His voice, again, was dark. 
A sudden chill ran up your arms. “Uh.. we’re ghouls, so it’s not a big deal…”
“_______,” he warned.
 “Yesterday, what’s gotten into you, Swiss?”
Dark eyes narrowed. He wasn’t grinning. He stepped closer and shifted the papers from your desk with a swift sweep of his arm. 
“What the fuck? Swiss,” you growled, standing. 
“Sit.” He snarled in a way that tore through you, placing the bowl where your papers had been.
“Swiss…” You didn’t sit. You stood back, ready to collect your papers from the ground.
The other ghoul was quicker. He shoved you back down in your chair. You hadn’t seen him move like that since the last time the clergy went to holy war years ago. “Eat,” he commanded.
“What the fuck, Swiss?” you hissed up at him.
“I’m not playing here, Sweetheart.”
“And you think I am?” You spat.
“Your research isn’t going anywhere; you can get on your knees and pick them up after. For now, eat.”
Your nose wrinkled in a snarl, but you couldn’t deny you were hungry. The bowl was filled with a Mountain’s worth of pasta. The noodles looked handmade. He’d made it for you. “Fine,” you muttered. “You don’t have to be a dick about it.”
“Evidently I do,” he growled, perched on your desk to watch you.
You studied Swiss for a while; you hadn’t known him to be so dominant. You had no idea what had gotten into him. You supposed you should eat anyway. You approached the food with the fork and messily ate some—ghouls were not known for their table manners. Hell left you with little to no etiquette, as etiquette was for the privileged, minor demons gorged on what they could fucking get. You moaned around a mouthful of pasta. Swiss was getting good with his cooking.
“I know it’s fucking good,” he growled from your side, sitting taller and looking down on you from your desk.
You were suddenly self-conscious about your eating, self-conscious in a way no ghoul generally was. Swiss was watching you. Watching the sauce dribble your chin. Eyes devouring how much you could fit in your mouth and the way you swallowed what he had made for you.
“Uh-Swiss, hun.”
“No speaking, let me enjoy this.”
What the fuck was happening? Was he getting off on you enjoying the food he’d made for you? You gave him an incredulous look.
“I like filling your belly in any way I can, _____,” his voice was gravel, and he was dead serious.
You couldn’t look at him and couldn’t seem to stop eating either. For one, the pasta had the perfect bouncy texture, and the sauce had to be made from scratch. And secondly, your hunger crashed in on you all at once—you had forgotten what it was to be hungry for a moment. Much to Swiss’s approval, you cleaned the bowl.
“Good bean for finishing, ______.”
“I’m sorry, what the fuck?” You scoffed. 
“Don’t pretend me treating you like this doesn’t make you wet, Sweetheart, we’re ghouls—I can smell it on you.”
You frowned. Just as you had forgotten to hunger, you had forgotten to want. Ghouls could barely keep their hands off each other and the clergy, and it had been… at least a month since you had anyone. Oh, shit, he wasn’t wrong. “You’re enjoying this a little too much.”
“Sweetheart…” Swiss began, stepping from the table and gently placing the empty plate on the floorboards and out of his warpath. “You’ve been away from my bed for too long, and you haven’t been looking after yourself—I’m afraid I will have to punish you.”
You scanned over the trickster’s face, and you couldn’t find a joke there. You swallowed. “Swiss?”
“On the desk, facing me. Now.”
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katy-l-wood · 7 months
Are you willing to share your thoughts on the TV show Yellowjackets? I was into it for a bit, but haven't kept up and I love analysis, especially critical kinds because they're often the most interesting and I feel with your experiences you'll have some really cool angles on it. No pressure to answer if you'd rather not!
Sure! But with the caveat that I've only seen season 1, and it has been awhile. Also, I'm going to stick this under my "Disasters in Film" tag because, well, it's on theme even if we haven't specifically discussed Yellowjackets in class.
Now then!
I love the core concept of Yellowjackets. Girls' sports team has their plane crash in the woods and no one comes to get them, and it all goes sideways and falls into the horror genre more than just pure survival? A+ concept right there.
But I don't think a single writer on that show has ever been outside a single day in their lives.
It's just a suspension of disbelief issue for me. You've only got so many SoD points you can spend when you create something, and Yellowjackets is deep into the red. Hollywood has made it pretty easy to SoD things like everyone turning on one another, random murder, people being vicious to one another, etc. etc. even though studies have proven over and over and over again that people really don't behave like that in disasters. But you've still gotta spend some points on those things anyways, because deep down people DO know they're lies even if Hollywood likes to use them all the time.
So your core premise has already cost you some SoD points, but that's fine! You still have some to spend. But that number isn't infinite, and the more outlandish your details, the more points you're going to have to spend to pull them off. Yellowjackets just spent way too many. (A wolf ripping someone's face off and she's fine with zero actual medical care? Really?)
Now part of this, too, is the structure of Yellowjackets. It is a story told by jumping between timelines/flashbacks. It plays keep away with its audience. That is a structure you have to be VERY careful with or your audience is going to get annoyed with you and tune out. It can work when done right, but if you try and do it when you've already overspent your SoD points? You're gonna run into trouble. Plus, if you don't have a strong, solid plan for the whole timeline of your show across multiple seasons--a plan you will not change--it can fall apart in a heartbeat. It is not a structure that works for open ended projects of an unknown length.
A girls' sports team having their plane crash in the wilderness and getting stuck there IS conceivable--it's literally happened in real life with that soccer team. The girls struggling to survive and some of them dying IS conceivable--again, it has happened in real life. The girls growing up into adults that struggle with the aftereffects of that crash IS conceivable. The girls starting a weird little cult is starting to tread into the realm of "eh, maybe, but it does make for a great story so it's fine." Same for them finding a very helpful little cabin full of stuff. Could happen, but less likely. Then you get into the "wait, I don't think that would EVER happen?" stuff. Would a bear really just walk up, roar at you, and then you kill it with basically no real weapon? (Do you know how hard bears are to kill? Their skin is WEIRD.) Wolves ripping people's faces off. A convenient plane that later explodes.
At the end of the day, I think the show tried to do too much in too short of an amount of time to build up the believablity for the more outlandish things, and I think it's structure--and the fact that it doesn't seem to have a solid plan all the way through for its story--just made those things worse.
Now, not all of that is the show's fault! The way TV works these days--with shorter seasons and precarious chances of renewal--played a big role. I think Yellowjackets could've been a great 3 season show with each season getting 20-22 episodes. There would've been a lot more breathing room for the character arcs, especially given how many characters there are (and some of them are doubled given they survive to grow up and be adults). I think it also could've been helped a lot if they had some outdoors/survival consultants involved. The more realistic they made the survival elements, the more they could've gotten away with the weird horror elements because they wouldn't have wasted so many SoD points on things they didn't need to waste them on. Having a more realistic wolf attack (or, even better, a cougar attack) would not have changed the overall story. Having a more realistic struggle to find food would not have changed the overall story. Having a more realistic changing of the seasons would not have changed the overall story. Etc. Etc. Etc.
So yeah. Those are my thoughts on Yellowjackets! Coulda been great, but it got kneecapped in about five different ways.
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mickeyheartian · 8 months
Tag Game Wednesday oops it's Monday
Ah who this? It's Bee? Back from the dead?
After a very busy few months I'm back! Moving house is stressful, who knew? I was tagged by the lovely @mickeysgaymom to do this, alongside tag games every single week I've been missing, ily Ash ❤️
But in an attempt not to take over everyone's dash with tag games, I'll just do this one
Name: Bee 🐝
Age: 28
Location: 🇬🇧
we're going on a trip!!
📍where are we going? ahh friends lets go to Jamaica, I hear they have great food
📍what's the weather like there right now? google says warm ☀️☀️☀️
📍are you an over-packer or a light-packer? I over-pack. Who knows what I'll need when I'm away? You might think I don't need that second pair of Nikes, but what if I do????
📍are we taking a plane or a train? I don't believe we've invented trains that can go under the ocean, so I suppose we're flying
📍early morning departure or overnight trip? Early morning, I can't sleep on planes anyway
📍what song are you playing in the car while we drive to catch our departure? no songs here, I'm napping. Gotta get as much sleep as possible before I get on the plane for many many hours (google says 12 and a half hours so much sleep is required)
📍we need to grab something on the way, starbucks or dunkin'? Well, dunkin' is not in England, so I'm going to add another option. We're going to Greggs, grabbing a tea and a baked good for the road
📍we've made it to the transportation place 🚂✈️! be honest, are we on-time or are we rushing because we're running late? Friends I'm at that airport 4-5 hours before my flight. I'll have an overpriced full english at the airport if I have the time
📍are you taking the window seat or the aisle seat? window seat all the way, I'll be tucked away in the corner out of everyones way
📍we're settled in our seats, are you gonna read or watch a movie/show? reading on transport makes me feel sick, so I'll listen to music, take a look at the in flight entertainment, or maybe play my switch
📍what are you reading/watching? I'll have a look what movies there are, I mean I have enough time to kill. Maybe play some animal crossing or Zelda
📍are you using wireless or wired headphones? wireless, but I'm not sure if they connect to in flight entertainment? I've never been on a long flight, so I'll bring a pair of wired ones too and the odd adapter for the plane
📍are you going to take a nap or stay awake? as before mentioned, I will be awake for the entirety of the flight
📍do you want a salty snack or a sweet snack? all the snacks please
📍we've arrived! are we heading straight to activities or are we gonna rest at the hotel? hotel. Is it nightitme when I get there? If so I'm going to sleep. If not I'm showering, having caffiene and then going to do stuff
📍finally, pick a treat to reward yourself for a travel day well done! a drink in a local bar
I won't tag anyone in this because I'm very late to the party, but if anyone wants to play and wasn't tagged on Wednesday go ahead!
Also, here's a piccrew:
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Guys!! I've done it! This is pretty much what I look like, the only difference being my hair is two colours.
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zozo-01 · 2 years
"a shared name (and a little more than that)."
In honour of the fact that tattoos are hot as hell, I thought it be nice if we gave Sergi a little bit of angst. Gotta give my favourite werewoof some of my signature love on this blog!!!
The lovely Chelsea "Cherry" Roberts and tattoo design that started this fic belongs to talented @andr0leda and the amazing Sergi Stolyarchuk belongs to wonderful @barbwritesstuff!!!
[Also tagging @daveyistheloml because she is my number one Stan and I need to indoctrinate her to play the game, @gingerbreadmonsters , she too shall be indoctrinated and @ejunkiet who showed me this wonderful fandom to begin with!!!]
CW: Talks of survival guilt, Grief, Mentions of a major character passing, Fem! Alpha MC, Hopefully no fucked up formatting because we're posting this fic to AO3 ;--;
click here for the ao3 link!
How does one deal with being a ghost of their past? 
It’s something Sergi has been struggling with since that night. The night when Alek died and he lost his arm and everything went to hell. Where he lost the one constant in his life, the man he could count on. 
(He gained another constant at that same moment.)
He looks back to the days when he and Alek were less scarred, literally and metaphorically, by the world that had shaped them. Despite the two men being cousins, many thought them to be brothers, and in some cases, they thought they were twins. Sergi would argue that if they were twins, he would be the more attractive one. Alek just rolled his eyes at the older man’s confidence, but he never argued otherwise.
The boys never blamed anyone for the innocent mistake. For cousins, they looked uncannily similar. Thinking about that just brought Sergi more dread. 
They say blood doesn’t define family, but in the case of the Stolyarchuk boys, it bonded them together. Their very beings were created from the same stardust, tying them together on this plane of existence. Where one goes, the other is close behind, ready to defend each other against every threat they face. From bar fights to asking Minjo out on that first date, Alek was ready to drag his idiot older cousin from trouble and Sergi was ready to fight for his baby cousin.
 That’s what brothers do. 
The night that Alek had become Alpha, the two had gone out to get tattoos commemorating the event. A big night meant a big celebration, and what bigger one was there than a matching tattoo, some booze and ample hope for what the future will bring? After carefully reviewing their options (really it was Alek stopping Sergi from choosing the first tattoo he saw), they decided to get the others' wolf form, starting from the chest and trailing down their arms.
A silent promise was made that night. That Aleksandr would lead his pack into a bright and prosperous future (and make his big brother proud), and that Sergi will always be Alek’s right-hand man no matter what (and to keep his baby brother safe).
Unbeknownst to Alek, Sergi had a special request for his tattoo. If you looked carefully at the fur of the wolf’s neck, you can see little words hidden among the lines. Мој мали брат. My little brother. No matter where Sergi had gone, he would carry his little brother with him. 
(It’s a shame, really, that Chelsea will never get the chance to. He wanted to share every part of him and now part of him was missing.)
He lost that connection when his arm was ripped from his body, when his little brother was ripped from his life. The only physical reminder that he had of Alek was staring right back at him in the mirror.
To call his death an adjustment period would be a disrespect to the impact Alek had on the pack’s lives. It’s been months since the Blackwell attack, and even longer since the crash, yet everyone still looks at Sergi like he’s him. That because they share the same name or look eerily similar, that he has all the right answers. 
He doesn’t. He will never be half the leader Alek was, but that didn’t change how the pack couldn’t separate the two.
It won’t change the fact that Alek’s name will follow his when Marco asks Sergi to join in on pack fun. Before, Sergi would drag Alek to relax with his family. Now there wasn’t a scowling Alpha begrudgingly following him.
It didn’t change the fact that he could see Minjo’s eyes glistening under the light, wiping her own tears before anyone could see them fall. He knew that in her mind’s eye, her husband was playing with their kids, as it should be. 
It didn’t change the fact that JiAn and Nikolas Jr. have called him father. The children’s eyes were blurry and for a blissful moment, they forgot that their father’s funeral was weeks ago. Sergi was more than willing to provide that respite from grief, even if it amplified his own. 
As children, Alek and Sergi were brimmed with pride that they were forever intertwined. As a man, Sergi so desperately wanted to separate from his brother, an action he knew would be impossible. Even his own heart had forgotten where he ended and Alek began. 
Or should he say “had begun,” considering there was no Alek left for his magic to be weaved with? His death had left a void in its wake, an ever-present feeling (or lack thereof) that just felt wrong. It was a void that his wolf, his magic, his very being was so desperate to fill.
There was no more Sergi and Alek. 
Just Sergi.
And that was the loneliest outcome of all. 
He looks back up at the mirror, Alek’s ghost staring right back at him. He deserves it. To be eternally haunted by the brother he could not save. To be constantly reminded of the beloved father, husband and Alpha that he let die. For once in his life, he wishes that he didn’t resemble Alek as much as he did. That he could go back to being Alek’s cousin, not brother. Maybe then it would be easier for him to look at his reflection. 
(It wouldn’t. His own image has forever been tainted by the dead.)
If he focused, really focused, he could still see his right arm attached to his body. He could see the full wolf art of his late brother. And he could still see the little writing within the fur of the neck. Мој мали брат. It's a cruel twist of fate that the immediate moment Alek had died, Sergi’s tattoo to honour his brother was forcibly removed too. Almost like he wasn’t worthy of that joyful memory between the two, tainted like every other memory that he held precious. He’d be inclined to believe that to be the case. 
Sergi wasn’t a man who usually shed tears, but in that bathroom, he clutched his head and as he cracked under the pressure of the weight of Alek’s memory. Was it so much for a man to want his brother back? Please? If there was a God out there, wouldn’t He be kind enough to grant this simple wish? (Sergi knew he should have prayed more when he was younger.)
There was a soft tap against the door and it dragged Sergi out of his pool of misery. (She was making it a habit to save him from drowning.) 
Shit, he thought that Chelsea was already asleep when he got up. Had he woken her up? Ruined her sleep because he couldn’t swallow down his pain as he should?
“Sergi, can I come in? Or are you gonna come out soon?” Her voice was uncharacteristically soft, not the usual Alpha voice she has started to use around the pack. But rather the love-filled tone that was reserved for him and him alone. Forgive him for being a little wolf-like, but knowing that only he was privy to her more carefree yet loving side did wonders for him.
He sighed, washing his face to get rid of his weakness. “Yeah, Cherry Baby, I’m coming out.” He placed his hand and took a deep breath, composing himself before he saw her. He didn’t need to dump more shit on her than she already carries. He opened the door, his dark brown eyes meeting her kind gaze. His wolf howled at the sense of peace she brought him.
Ain’t this a pretty sight? Sergi Stolyarchuk howling because of a person he loves. The things Chelsea did to him were indescribable, not like he’s complaining. 
She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his collarbone. “Everything all right? You’ve been in there for a while and I heard some sniffling.” Of course, she heard him there. Forgetting the fact that she’s an Alpha, she’s also a wolf with better hearing than most of the damn planet.
He buried his face in her hair, trying to put together an excuse that’ll satisfy Chelsea’s need to take care of everyone (though she argues as Alpha that it’s her duty to), and make sure he wasn’t lying to her. Sergi repeatedly opened and closed his mouth, willing for some words to leave his mouth, knowing every silent moment made her more worried. He started to shake in her arms, trying to hold back the floodgate of emotions to pour out of him.
Before he could say anything, Chelsea rubbed her hands up and down his bare back. She maneuvered herself so that she could hold Sergi’s face in her hands and looked him in the eye. “If you don’t wanna talk now, that’s ok. But I am here for you, always and forever.”
‘Safe. Sergi.’ Her wolf cried out to him. ‘You’re safe with me and you won’t get hurt, not if I have anything to say about it. As your Alpha and as your lover, nothing will bring you pain while you’re in my arms, not for as long as I have a pulse and a heart hellbent on protecting you.’
Oh, the hold this woman has on him. He wouldn’t change it for the world.
He smiled and rested his forehead against hers, the single most devoted gesture that a wolf can do for their mate. (Mate, huh? He never thought he’d be the type to get a mate, but if it’s Chelsea then he’d choose her a hundred times over, in every lifetime.) “Thank you, Chesna. For everything you do for me,” he choked out through his tears.
She used both hands to cup his face, wiping his tears and bringing him closer for a kiss. Kissing Chelsea may be the greatest experience that there was ever to exist. Flying to the moon or winning a championship may produce incomparable euphoria, but there were multiple rings to win or space missions to be had. 
There was only one Chelsea Roberts to kiss. One Chelsea with her cherry lips and her rosy cheeks that flushed when she got embarrassed. One Chelsea and her authoritative smirk that he was madly obsessed with kissing off her face. One Chelsea who looked and held him like he was the most precious and beautiful star in the night sky, despite the scars and bruises that marred his body.
“Don’t be an idiot,” she said as she kissed the scar where his right eye should be. “Your scars are beautiful because it’s proof that you’re alive and here. That you survived through hell and came out with a smile.” She spent the rest of that night kissing and complimenting his body. It’s a night he reminisces about when he’s feeling his lowest.
There was one Chelsea Roberts and Sergi Stolyarchuk had the honour of calling her his. What a lucky bastard.
She pulled away from the forever-too-brief kiss, giggling at his pout when she didn’t lean in for another one. “All right there, loverboy. Let’s head back to bed” – she gently pushed him at his suggestive expression – “and get some sleep. Actual sleep.”
He laughed at her adorable and exasperated expression, letting her drag him back to their bed. His heart felt full knowing that he was able to share himself at his most vulnerable moment and that Chelsea could do the same. For two guarded people, any step taken with trust and love in mind made him giddy. 
The two wolves slid under the covers and faced each other. Chelsea smiled, thumbing the scar over his right eye and looked at him with all the love she could muster. It was a slow process, he is a stubborn bastard, but he was slowly accepting the fact that he was worthy of the look. She made him feel like he was worth a second look of adoration.
It was all too much for him, but the good kind. The kind of ‘too much’ that makes your heart sink because of how full your heart feels.
Choking on his utter love and devotion and admiration he has for her, he managed to tell her, “I love you, Chesna.”
Her eyes widened, and she stopped herself from denying his feelings for her. He hated that. That there was a part of Cherry that would always be shocked to hear that, like she hasn’t heard it before a thousand times. No matter, he’ll always be here to remind her how his magic sang for her.
With shy eyes and a beautiful smile, she repeated back to him, “I love you too.”
Both of their wolves howled in sync, overcome by the connection the two had for each other.
Chelsea guided his head to lay on her chest, playing with his hair and singing a lullaby from when she was young. With every note the woman let out, Sergi fell deeper and deeper into a sleep.
Before he could fully enter the realm of dreams, a final thought crossed his mind like a shooting star.
The night he lost his constant in Alek, he gained another one through Chelsea. And whatever stardust created him, he was certain that she was from that same nebula, and that connection would bind them together for the rest of their time on this plane.
He never thought he could picture a future without his brother. He was certain that whatever dreams he had would revolve around him.
 He dreamt that night about a future with his lover. 
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What's this, a new d&d character?
hi. I have a DND character. his name is Oliver (oli). I may or may not be projecting onto him, a lot, but that is not the problem today. I made a character playlist for him and I want to talk about how it pertains to his (planned?) character arc. Ergo, this
The important thing to begin with is the basic gist of his backstory. Oli is a satyr paladin, oath of the ancients. Early to mid twenties or so. Gay (and ace), which is relevant, because he has a Tragic Backstory!!!!
Basically, he grew up in and out of the feywild, either there or in this one elven town that just so happens to have a portal to faerie very close by (and also might have been the childhood home of the other character in the campaign, quinn, who belongs to @ineffeblygay (hi mars. hope you don't mind the tag!! feel free to ignore this if you want /not sarcastic /not passive agressive), but neither of them remember that all too well (see their Tragic Backstory™))
He, as many gays are wont to do, had a boyfriend!!! I have not figured out said partner's name yet but that is okay. However, there was An Accident, that Oli thinks he would have been able to prevent if he had been there, and his partner died. Oli blames himself for it. He made his oath because of them, and so he holds to it, both because he believes in it, and because he feels like it's the least he can do. (Notably, for semi-related reasons, he avoids using the magic that comes with the oath if at all possible (I'm thinking it's cause he tried to help them with it, and he failed, and he thinks that it's cause he did something wrong and it was his fault (hi. remember what I said about projecting--)
song #1
she's in love with the boy by trisha yearwood
This is about the childhood romance type thing. It's like the, oh, hey, they're in love, and it's sweet, and they're going to spend the rest of their lives together, and no one can stop that-- until, hey, whoops, dead (hence song #2)
song #2
if i should fall behind by bruce springsteen, specifically the live in dublin version
this is the part that functions as the section about his partner's death. ''if I should fall behind / wait for me'' Ahhhhhhh. so, in this case falling behind is them dying. which. oh hey that's fun, metaphors!!
it's them promising the wait for each other, to remember each other, and it's also about Oliver refusing to move on
song #3
ophelia by the lumineers
listen. ophelia dies, thats gotta be something. is their partner the ophelia in this situation? honestly, hell if I know. maybe? probably, even, but possibly not. cause the thing with ophelia is, she either killed herself or it was an accident, twist of fate. and that's what his partner's death was, and like ophelia, no one can know for certain.
song #4
all that heaven will allow by bruce spingsteen
the thing with this song is, I first heard it when my dad was trying to prove to me that bruce springsteen does have at least a couple happy songs. my immediate response was that the narrator was dead, this definitely isn't a happy song. (On an unrealted note, my dad thinks he was trying to get into heaven, and I think he was trying to get out. I have many opinions on this song) I stand by that opinion.
This is the part from what would be, if it was a book, Oliver's partner's pov. he wants more time, he wishes he could have had more time, and he's coming to terms with that, that he's dead. which in theory would take place while his soul is traveling from the material plane to the shadowfell
Song #5
achellies come down by gang of youths
this is the bit where Oliver's depression gets REAL bad, he tries to kill himself, but he doesn't do it, which is uh. both kinda important because I need him to be alive for the campaign and also, you remember what I said about the projection bit? yeah that. but the thing is, he doesn't admit it to himself (again, projection). the year and a half to two years after his partner died were the worst years of his life, and then one day he woke up and just. shoved all his emotions in a closet and ignored them (which is extremely not healthy)
and he stays like that for a year to a year and a half, and sometime in that time period is where the campaign picks up with him.
song #6
welcome to the black parade by my chemical romance
this one doesn't fit as obviously as the other ones do, but "though you're dead and gone believe me / your memory will carry on" cause one day he just decides to pretend that he's perfectly okay (he's not) and isn't traumatized at all (he is) and he is perfectly capable of being a functional human being person
cause carrying on. he has to pretend he's okay because if he's not what the hells does he do then?
song #7
i'm not okay (i promise) by my chemical romance
hey look, he's admitting it now. he's beginning to heal!!!! (tbh this probably comes after a pivotal and highly emotional time in the campaign, probably after one of them comes super close to death and they're above like, level 5, idk, I haven't worked out all the details yet (gods I love being dm))
song #8
take me home, country roads by john denver
to be honest, there's something missing between song #7 and #8, but I don't know quite what it is. but, at the very end of the campaign, he's gonna go home. he's going to go back to where he came from for the first time in three or four years and he's going to see his family and his friends because he's finally at a point in his life where he feels like he can face them without blaming himself.
so, that was it!!!! if you have questions please ask me I love talking about oli--
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itsnunoclock · 7 months
I and My Annabel Lee | Rated G | Nat / Shauna | Part 3 of Odds and Ends series | Word count: 2,458 Tags: One Shot, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Natalie Scatorccio, Pre-Plane Crash (Yellowjackets), Alternate Universe - Childhood Friends --- “My mommy and daddy told me girls can be firefighters or pirates or anything they wanna be when they grow up!” “Anything?” “Mhm! So you gotta pick the coolest pirate name ever, just like mine!”
Ahoy! Captain Natalie's sixth birthday brings an unexpected treasure - her first crew member with a pirate-perfect name, Shauna Shipman. ---
It was many and many a year ago,
   In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
   By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
   Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
   In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love—
   I and my Annabel Lee—
With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven
   Coveted her and me.
Annabel Lee
The sunshine, like a playful puppy, bounced through the curtains, waking Natalie much earlier than usual. Six! Today was her sixth birthday, and the excitement wiggled through her faster than a puppy’s tail.
Out of bed she sprung, unable to hold back a giant grin. Today was for adventures, birthday cake, and maybe even a bit of pirate treasure! As soon as Daddy left for work, Mom helped Natalie into her favorite dress. It was pink, fluffy, and proclaimed to be the official “birthday dress” despite getting a little snug around the middle. Birthday magic, after all, could make anything fit just right.
With Mom braiding her hair into two neat pigtails, Natalie hatched a secret plan. Under her bed, hidden like buried pirate gold, lay a special marker. Just in case any scallywags or grumpy sea monsters crossed her path, she’d be ready. With Mom’s back turned, Natalie slipped it into her trusty boots. (Thankfully, Mom let her wear these instead of the fancy shoes Nonna gave her last year, which surely wouldn’t fit anymore by now anyway.)
Out the door they went, Natalie bouncing with questions about their surprise destination. But Mom kept her lips sealed, just a smile and secret in her eyes. Soon, a giant yellow bus lumbered up, its brakes squeaking like a friendly monster. Holding Mom’s hand tight, Natalie climbed aboard and raced for the best window seat.  She watched with wonder as the trees, then the houses rolled on by, trying to guess where they could be headed.
Then, a splash of red appeared in the distance - “Friendly,” it announced in big, curvy letters. Natalie knew instantly this was it! The perfect place, with the perfect name, to make new friends on her special day. As the bus stopped, she pressed her nose against the window, taking it all in with big round eyes. The building was so bright and welcoming, with sundaes and popsicles on display in the windows. Grabbing Mom’s hand, Natalie tugged with all her might. “Come on, come on!” she squealed, barely able to contain her excitement.
Mom led Natalie to a cozy corner booth by the window. The birthday girl bounced on the plush red seat, her bright eyes flitting around like butterflies, taking in everything at once. Then, a flash of pink in a tall, frosty glass caught her attention - it matched her dress perfectly!
“Oh please, Mom, please!” Natalie pleaded. With one word of permission, she practically vibrated with joy. The nice lady in a red uniform called it a strawberry free ball with a wink, and Natalie giggled at the silly name.
When the cold, sweet drink arrived, Natalie initially wrinkled her nose after the first sip. But soon, a wide grin spread across her face as the delicious taste took over. A basket of fries appeared too, but since Mom hadn’t eaten breakfast, she knew those were off-limits.
As Natalie happily slurped on her shake, a friendly-looking man stopped by their table. He laughed, saying, “My, how you’ve grown, Natalie!” His crinkly eyes reminded her of her Nonno, but soon, the grown-up conversation started to sound like a mumble jumble in her ears.
Letting her gaze wander across the busy diner, Natalie spied a group of girls who looked to be her age, playing with dolls and tiny figures. All except one. A girl with brown hair sat slightly apart, gently rolling a bright red toy truck back and forth on the table, seemingly lost in her own world.
Before Natalie could look away, the truck girl suddenly glanced up and caught her peeking! Their eyes locked, but instead of hiding, the girl gave a big, toothy grin and yelled out a playful “Vroom vroom!” in a funny voice. Delighted, Natalie couldn’t help but grin back just as wide. Her heart thumped excitedly, and a fun idea popped into her head.
With a gentle but insistent tug on her mother’s sleeve, Natalie interrupted the boring grown-up talk. “Can I pleeease go play with the girls, Mom?” she begged, hopeful as can be. Mom, slightly distracted, gave a quick, absentminded nod without fully looking at Natalie. That was all the permission she needed!
She scooted out of the booth like a rocket and skipped towards the other table, light as a fairy. Butterflies fluttered in her tummy at the thought of making new friends. But before she reached them, Natalie remembered something special hidden in her boot - her trusty marker!
Sneaking out of sight, she discreetly pulled the marker out and carefully drew a twirly mustache above her lip. Then with her tongue peeking out in concentration, she added a connecting line between her eyebrows for good measure.
Giggling naughtily to herself, Natalie tucked the marker back into her boot for safekeeping. Then, with her secret identity in place, she skipped the rest of the way over to the table.
“Hello!” said little Natalie.
“Hello,” the doll girls greeted back, eyeing her up and down. “What’s that on your face?” asked the tall girl, stifling a giggle behind her hand.
“It’s my secret pirate disguise for my birthday,” Natalie declared, puffing out her chest a little.
“Pirates are for boys,” sneered another girl, her doll’s fancy gown flowing to the table. The other girls tittered and Natalie felt a heat rise to her cheeks.
Just then, the truck girl caught her eye, flashing Natalie a warm smile. Oblivious to the teasing, she happily scooted her toy truck closer to Natalie in a friendly invitation.
Natalie felt suddenly self-conscious under the mix of stares all around. “Um . . . wanna play over there?” she asked the friendly girl softly. The girl nodded eagerly, eyes big and brown as she took Natalie’s hand. Laughing, the two girls hurried off together to a vacant table just emptied out for them.
“I’m Natalie!” she introduced herself, settling down opposite the friendly girl in the comfy booth.
“I’m Shauna Shipman! See? My first and last name both start with S!” Shauna exclaimed, bouncing excitedly in her seat.
Natalie’s eyes lit up at this interesting fact. “Oh wow, that sounds like a pirate’s name!” She pictured Shauna with a majestic pirate hat and an eyepatch, captain of the biggest ship she’d ever seen.
Shauna giggled, her nose crinkling. “Silly! Do you have a pirate name, Captain Natalie?” she asked, rolling the red fire truck towards Natalie across the table.
Natalie, heart swelling at the unexpected title, felt a blush creep up her cheeks, spreading a warmth across her face that mirrored the joy in her eyes. But the smile faltered the moment she glanced back at the girls with dolls, their giggles suddenly sounding harsh. “I, um, well . . . ” she mumbled, fiddling with her dress strap, “they said girls can’t be pirates.”
But her new friend Shauna made a loud, dismissive ‘pfft’ sound, waving her small hand through the air. She leaned forward with an eager twinkle in her eye. “My mommy and daddy told me girls can be firefighters or pirates or anything they wanna be when they grow up!”
Natalie’s eyes had gone big at this wonderful news and she bounced a little in her seat. “Anything?” Maybe she could be a pirate after all!
Shauna bounced too and nodded firmly, beaming with joy. “Mhm! So you gotta pick the coolest pirate name ever, just like mine!”
A big smile lit up Natalie’s face. She tapped her chin like the pirates do in thought. “Okay!” she said, her voice extra loud and important. “My pirate name is . . . Captain Blackboots! Because, well, look!” she exclaimed, lifting one leg high to show off her black boot.
Shauna giggled, her cheeks turning pink.  “I like your name better! Can I call you Captain Nat-Nat?”
Natalie laughed at the silly nickname. It wasn’t quite as cool as Captain Blackboots, but it did sound friendly. “Okay,” she agreed, nodding with a grin.
“Nice to meet you, Captain Nat-Nat!” Shauna said with a smile, holding out her hand. “I’m Fire Chief Shauna!”
“Fire Chief Shauna?” Natalie repeated, her eyes wide. “That’s awesome!” She shook Shauna’s outstretched hand and the grin on their faces grew even wider. “Hey, do you wanna be on my pirate ship?”
“Hmm, can I drive the ship?”
“Sure, you can be captain too! We can take turns! Yo ho ho!” Natalie laughed, trying to sound like a pirate, just like her Nonno used to. “Do you know how to talk like a pirate, Fire Chief Shauna?”
Shauna shook her head.
“I’ll teach you! When the captain says something, you say ‘Aye, aye, Captain!’”
“Aye aye, Captain!” Shauna exclaimed, mimicking Natalie with a wide grin.
Suddenly, Natalie stood up on the booth, her arms stretched out for balance. “Look, Chief Shauna, I’m walking the plank!” she yelled, pretending to stumble across the wobbly seat. “Watch out for the scary sharks!”
Seeing Natalie pretend to fall into the water, Shauna burst into giggles. Soon, both girls were laughing so hard their bellies hurt and Natalie’s cheeks felt like they might burst from smiling so much. Who cared what those silly girls thought anyway? Today was her birthday, and on her birthday, she could be anything her heart desired, anything at all!
The more they played, the more Natalie realized Shauna wasn’t like other kids. Normally, kids poked fun at her mismatched clothes or teased her cardboard-sword battles against sea monsters. But Shauna, even when faced with the silly, mustached Natalie, greeted her with a warm smile.
Shauna was funny, too, in her own special way. Instead of telling mean jokes like other kids do, Shauna brought her toys to life with silly voices and crazy stories. The leftover fries on their table weren’t just fries anymore - they were a bunch of scared sailors clinging to a tiny raft. Suddenly, Shauna’s red fire truck would come zooming in, siren wailing with her best fire truck noises, to save the day. “Rescue mission!” she’d shout, scooping up the survivor fries into the truck bed with a grin.
But the fun didn’t stop there. Shauna would grab a straw and turn it into a helicopter, making a funny whirring sound with her mouth. The straw-copter would swoop down to whisk the remaining fries away to safety, and Natalie would laugh and laugh. Shauna’s imagination turned ordinary things into amazing adventures, and Natalie loved every minute of it.
Sharing also came easy to Shauna. The minute Natalie looked at the fire truck, Shauna pushed it over to her quickly, like she’d been waiting for her all along. Natalie grabbed it, giggling, and zoomed it around the table.
“Okay, Fire Chief Shauna,” she said in her big captain voice, “are you ready to save the fries people?” 
“Aye aye, Captain Nat-Nat!”
Natalie zoomed the fire truck all over the table. “Wee-ooh, wee-ooh!” she yelled, just like Shauna showed her. She pretended the fries were people stuck on a tiny island, and the truck was their brave rescuer. With a big scoop, she grabbed them all up, earning a clap and a cheer from her favorite shipmate.
And that’s when she realized – the thing Natalie loved most about Shauna: her laugh! It burst out often, bubbly and bright like a happy pirate song. It made her whole face scrunch up in the silliest way that had Natalie joining in too.
Other kids’ laughs sometimes felt mean, even when she didn’t understand the joke. Their giggles often made her feel small, weird or left out for liking different things. But never Shauna’s. It made Natalie feel all warm and happy inside, like she belonged right where she was.
Shauna was unlike any other kid Natalie had met and she hoped with all her heart they’d be best friends forever.
“Natalie, time to go sweetie! We gotta get home before Daddy gets back.”
That was Mom ending their playtime, scolding Natalie after for the silly drawings on her face. She even gave a frowny look to Shauna that made Natalie feel a little nervous. With her shoulders drooping, Natalie said goodbye to her friend before letting her mom pull her away towards the door.
Just then, Natalie heard, “Wait!” She turned around to see her new friend racing over with her special fire truck toy. Shauna pressed it into Natalie’s hands with a big smile, making Natalie smile back just a little bit. She clutched the little truck like a pirate holding her treasure.
The bus ride home felt different, all quiet and strange. Mom whispered that their “little secret adventure” should stay between just the two of them. Natalie didn’t really understand, but she nodded anyway - she didn’t want to make Mom more upset.
Back home, Daddy was already in his big, comfy chair drinking his yucky grown-up juice like always. Seeing his curious eyes gave Natalie a worried feeling so she looked at Mom, hoping for help, but got a warning look instead, reminding her to go clean up.
Natalie, perched on the big bathroom chair like a wobbly pirate captain, giggled at her reflection in the mirror. Her face was a funny mess of black lines and green smudges, reminding her of her best friend and how much fun they had saving a whole bunch of lost fries. But then loud, grumpy voices made her smile disappear faster than a scoop of melting ice cream.
For days and days, Natalie begged to go back to the fun milkshake place. But Mom would either act like she couldn’t hear, or say “No!” in a voice that boomed like thunder. Sometimes, she’d even get a shushing sound and a frowny face. And even though Natalie asked and asked, they never went back to the place where she made her very first - and for a long time, her only - real friend.
Weeks turned into months, then months into years. Captain Nat-Nat, as she liked to be called then, slowly became just plain Nat. The memories of her firefighter friend faded little by little, like the echo of a song. But sometimes, when she’d see the little red fire truck on her shelf, her heart would do a happy little jump, just like on her favorite birthday.
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edducard · 2 years
Pinned Post!
So, I'm starting to get some traction so ig time to make a pinned post!
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First off, hello! My name's Tord (or Danni, both work) and this little guy is my sona for this blog! I'm a tord irl and I love drawing my little scrimblos!
I also love to chat abt my favs!! Ask box is always open pls talk to me I prommy I don't bite!!!!!!
I ship pretty much everything (polyworld ftw!!) but I'm weak for p much all tord ships (it's like im rlly there!) I also post NSFW from time to time! So minor's go elsewhere!!
Also basic DNI criteria; if ur pro//ship, racist, lgbtphobic, zoo//phile die in a fire <3
General Tags
#commie art - Art tag! All my artwork goes under this tag
#stfu commie - Basic post tag, if I'm just chattin off it goes there! Or if I'm answering an ask, also goes there
#commie edits - Tag for my edits! There may not be many but I do them
I also have an Adult Eddsworld server! If you wanna see me be fucking insane in my natural habitat, come on by!
(Note that I do ID check, just gotta make sure everyone is adults n all that!)
I also have many au's! I'll keep an updated list here along w the tags for each one! This part will be under the cut as it gets quite long </3
My The End rewrite comic - Over on @the-end-rewrite
Synopsis: My retelling of The End. It's still in its early stages, but the story has already been almost fully developed and chapter 1 is almost completed! It takes a vastly different approach form The End while still keeping the same basic ideas and important details. You can start here
Monster AU - Tagged with #monster au
Synopsis: This was my very first au I made back in 2017! All of the eddboys are monsters from folkore or fairy tales! They live in what's called "The Monster Plane" and can traverse into the human realm from time to time (That's how we know about them!), however humans cannot cross into The Monster Plane. Basically, a silly comfort au that I added lore too :3c
Furry AU - Tagged with #furry au
Synopsis: It's judt the guys as furries, nothin too much to explain lmao! Here's a list of what each animal each character is! Edd - Capybara, Tord - Honey Badger, Tom - Bintarong, Matt - King Cobra Eduardo - Caimen, Jon - Sea Otter, Mark - Mongoose Patryk - Pelican, Hellucard - British Shorthair Cat
Owl House AU - Tagged with #owl house au
Synopsis: Eddsworld Owl House AU! It's still being developed but the base idea is just the gang are all witches and/or demons! Something seems to be up with a certain blonde guy, however... And Tord seems to be cooking up some plans... hmm....
Youtuber AU - Tagged with #youtuber au
Synopsis: The gangs all youtubers! Or streamers, same difference really. This is just a silly little au I made back innn 2017 or 2018 and there no serious lore or whatever, just silly guys doin their thing! Tom's a twitch streamer, Tord runs a podcast w Paul and Pat along with a gun nut youtube channel, Edd does animations and art tutorials and all that, Matt is a beauty guro/vlogger!
Panty and Stocking AU - Tagged with #paswg au
Synopsis: I combined hyperfixations by making Tom and Tord Panty and Stocking! However, things are a tad different in this au, like they are not related, and Tord's weapon... prolly isn't his panties lmao, it's most likely just his pants! Tom still uses his socks, weapons stay the same. Edd and Matt are Scanty and Kneesocks (still haven't figured out who's who yet)
Horror AU - Tagged with #horror au
Synopsis: Tord comes back to try and get his robot, thinking it'd be an easy in and out job... Oh, how very, very wrong he was. seems that everything had gone to shit since he's been gone. Tom's been completely taken over by the demonic possession, leaving him as only a shell of his former self. Matt's let his vampirism take full control, leaving him a walking corpse constantly on the hunt for blood to keep his beautiful, youthful looks, and has also named himself King of the Night. Edd's radioactivity seemed to have backfired on him and jumbled his brain just a tad, he's gone completely off the wall and is desperate for his old friends again, when he catches wind that Tord is back, well... He seems very excited to get the gang back together.
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Okay thank u for reading!!! Have a good day, love uuuu
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barbierpt · 8 months
i'm totally with you on the interest check thing. i see a lot of interest checks and it's usually "is anyone interested in a small town rp or a celeb/rich kid rp?" and it's like… you KNOW people are interested in that, that's 70% of the rps in the tags already, do you really even have to ask? also, an rp is generally as successful as you're willing to make it. if you give up on an rp because you didn't get 10 apps on the first day or you got a rude ask, you're relying way too much on a pre-conceived notion of interest and popularity. yeah, some people are going to go inactive as soon as they join and yeah, you're going to get group hoppers who switch their blog for a different group without even telling you, and that SUCKS!!!! it hurts!!! but you've gotta move past it and build a fun space for the members who actually stay instead of giving up entirely. to be real we don't have a lot of unique rps pop up anymore because people are afraid of poor interest or bad member retention, and because of the assumption that something truly new won't do well, interest checks that might otherwise be cool to see are instead just the same thing over and over again that doesn't really NEED an interest check. it's like going to a meeting for cake lovers and standing in the middle of the room and yelling "WOULD ANYONE IN HERE BE INTERESTED IN ME MAKING A CAKE?" into a megaphone. ofc they would wtf just make the cake!
omg i've been seeing so many celeb/rich kid rp interest checks too these days, anon!! is there no other plot available??
and i think you are absolutely right in everything you just said. i feel like interest and popularity aren't the way to go about finding success with an rp group. to me, i always think of it like flying a plane, sometimes the take off is a bit delayed or rough but sticking with it and continuing to promote and gain loyal members and keep things interesting and fun for those who want to stay will cause smooth sailing once it's in the air.
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ahundredtimesover · 3 years
Fight for You (07) | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: bodyguard!jk x heiress!reader; angst, smut (18+)
Chapter Warnings (series warnings in the masterlist!): foul language; mention of past kidnapping; slightly jealous jk, explicit sexual content (making out, dirty talk, dry humping, breast play, begging, slight edging, oral (m & f), fingering, unprotected sex [but please be safe!]) (18+)
Chapter Word count: 11k
Series Summary: Working at a private security agency has its perks. The downside? Being the personal bodyguard of spoiled, rich heiresses like you. But there are things that Jungkook didn’t expect, like rejecting you, falling for you, and realizing what he’d been missing all along.
A/N: Hi! Still on a little break! 😊 It’s the penultimate one so I hope you enjoy! And huge thanks to Ash @jimilter for this wonderful banner! 💞 If I missed tagging you, please let me know!
Listen to: Dancing with Our Hands Tied, False God, and Afterglow by Taylor Swift
Series Masterlist || Previous | Next
You feel your heart sink as your house comes into view, knowing that it’s another day closer to Jungkook returning to your father’s security team and being away from you.
He’s a little jittery, too, as you watch him from the backseat of the car, just like he’d been since the plane landed this morning. Throughout the day when you attended your meetings, he wasn’t his usual serious, focused self, but you did catch him many times gaze at you a little longer than usual then softly return your smile. 
Now, he’s constantly clearing his throat and drumming his fingers on his lap, eyes flitting from one direction to another. You want to hold his hand and tell him that it’s gonna be okay - whatever it is he’s nervous about - and that you’re gonna work it out. If Mr. Sim notices anything off, you’re glad he doesn’t mention it.
You arrive home as the sun sets, and Jungkook makes it to your luggage first before he helps you out of the car, your yearning looks and brushing of fingers intensifying as each second passes. 
The front door opens followed by Mrs. Hwang’s questioning voice. “Oh, Jungkook!” She greets, perhaps surprised that you let him be this close to you.
Jungkook returns the greeting and glances at you before you order him to take your things to your room, something that surprises everyone around you.
“I have a few things I need him to retrieve from my shelf,” you clarify, trying hard to level your voice to not give yourself away.
“Yes, Ms. Lee,” he says.
He walks ahead of you, shyly smiling at Mrs. Hwang then heads upstairs, remembering the last time he was here, which was when he took you home after your birthday. He grins to himself at the thought of how things have changed since then. 
You open the door and let him in, instructing him to leave the luggage by the couch then you lock the door. Right as he turns around, you lunge at him, catching him by surprise, his wide eyes and parted lips slowly turning into a look of desire. 
With your arms wrapped around his neck, you pepper his face with kisses as he chuckles.
“You’re a terrible liar,” he says.
“I know. That’s why we gotta make it quick,” you smirk, pulling him into a heated kiss, your tongues entangling in between soft moans and giggles.
You both slowly lose yourselves in the moment, as he moves to lay you on your bed and his lips make the trek from your mouth to your neck then down your breasts. Feeling your desperation, he hurriedly unbuttons your blouse, removes his clothes, then pulls off your trousers.
You whine when he licks then nips your clothed pussy, causing him to growl.
“Need you inside me, Jeon. Want you now,” you pant, aching to be filled again. 
You’ve had a taste and now you can’t get enough, wanting nothing more than to feel his essence in you.
“I got you, angel,” he smirks, moving your thong aside and quickly positioning himself, shoving his cock inside you, with you taking in the pain and pleasure. 
He lowers himself and you bite his neck to keep yourself from making much noise, sucking and moaning as he thrusts in your pussy, feeling himself get lost in your warm walls that’s accommodating all of him, and that’s enough to get his orgasm to build. 
He continues his pace, knowing there’s not much time left. His one hand now strokes your breast, the added sensation causing you to clench around him and reach your highs at the same time. 
You let him cum inside you, having had the talk about being clean and being on the pill last night, and your pussy tightens once more when you feel his warmth, prompting Jungkook’s head to fall on your neck.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he groans.
You giggle and hug him, your fingers stroking his hair as you pepper kisses on the side of his head, something he enjoys with how gently you do it. 
Much as you want to stay like this longer, you know you don’t have the luxury to, so you tell him to get up and bring down any box from your shelf so as not to look too suspicious. He does as asked and you both hastily fix yourselves and try to keep neutral expressions when you return to the living room. 
Mrs. Hwang and Mr. Sim are standing by the couch, smiling at both of you. 
After a beat of awkward silence, Mr. Sim asks. “Is there something you two want to tell us?”
Your eyes widen. “Us? No,” you scrunch your eyebrows. “There’s nothing to tell. Why would you think there is? I don’t think there’s anything that’s of importance. In fact—“
Jungkook clears his throat, signaling that your babbling is just giving you both away.
“Okay, so tell me…” Mrs. Hwang grins, walking towards you to fix the mismatched buttons of your blouse and your slightly tangled hair. She looks at Jungkook who’s visibly nervous. 
“Did Jungkook go about his day with a hickey on his neck or was that something he got while he, uhm, retrieved something from your shelf a few minutes ago?” She cocks an eyebrow.
You open your mouth to try and say something but it’s no use. This is a woman who knows you through and through and there’s no point in lying. 
It’s your dry laugh that confirms it, if your warm cheeks that probably heated up the room already haven’t. 
“Uhm, yeah. There may be a teeny tiny thing that we might have to tell you,” you mumble.
Mrs. Hwang pinches your cheek in adoration. “Okay, then. Why don’t you both tell us over dinner? I prepared some stew.”
You awake the next morning with a heavy arm on your waist and warm breath on your neck. After last night’s dinner and G-rated narration of how you and Jungkook ironed things out, you koala-hugged your bodyguard until he got the message that you didn’t want him to leave. 
He agreed to stay the night, internally gushing over your pouty lips and fluttering eyelashes as you shyly asked if he’d like to spend more time with you.  
You were about to ask for a continuation of your earlier “retrieve something from the shelf” act after you both washed up, but you saw him run his fingers through the row of your photo albums in your room, a mix of sadness and wonder painted on his face.
“I never had enough photos to fill even one,” he’d said, as he leaned back on you while you hugged him from behind. “I just have a few placed in a small box.” 
They’d been solo photos of him that his grandparents took before they passed away, you learned, and you hugged him tighter as he shared the memory.
You went through some of your albums, as Jungkook requested, and you showed your favorite pictures while you sat comfortably between his legs. 
He noticed the grand birthday parties you had as a child, the distance between you and your parents apparent. If one didn’t know the Lees, they could easily mistake Mrs. Hwang and Mr. Sim as your real family. And well, that wouldn’t be a lie. 
You skipped your 13th birthday, and Jungkook remembers that as the time when your parents didn’t show up. Apparently, they haven’t really done so since then, often prioritizing business trips over their own daughter’s birthday. The rest of the photos had less and less of them and more of the other people you consider your family, including Yoongi and Hoseok. 
Jungkook held you as you silently cried. He laid you in bed and kissed your tear-stained cheeks as he reminded you that he’s here now, one other person who cares about you and won’t ever make you feel alone. You fell asleep like that - his arms wrapped around your quivering body, his caresses comforting you even more. 
“G’morning,” he mumbles in your ear. “We should go get ready.”
“Thirty more minutes, Jeon. Or an hour more, I don’t care. Just want to stay like this for a while,” you whine, pulling his arm to hold you tighter.
“I’m the CEO’s daughter. I’m using that card today.” You face him and kiss the tip of his nose.
“I'm surprised you don’t use it more often,” he laughs. 
“I’m not that entitled,” you pout. 
“Hmm, I know.” He softly kisses your lips until you finally smile. 
“An hour more then, Ms. Lee,” he teases. 
For the next two days of “freedom” that you and Jungkook have, you try to be professional. While he leaves you to stay at the staff lounge when you work, he does buy you cafeteria lunch on the first day and you both go out to a restaurant on the second. 
His distance from you when you’re in an out-of-office meeting is much shorter than before, and he doesn’t miss the sultry way you sip on the straw or lick your lips when you eat your food to tease him. 
This only prompts him to tease you back by adjusting his tie constantly - which you’d said drives you crazy - and overly flexing his biceps whenever you’re close, and smirking whenever he does.
On your last night together, you stay in your TV room seated on his lap as you give in to his request of watching the first Fast and Furious installment. 
The almost 2-hour movie turns to three, though due to some commercials every once in a while, but it’s not long after when you end up in your bed in tangled limbs, with Jungkook telling you about the most memorable gift he received from his mother - a set of sports cars that she left on the morning she went away. 
“So…” Namjoon starts, as he walks you to the hotel lounge where you’re having your third meeting for the day. “I guess all it took was getting stuck in your vacation home with Jungkook, huh? Who would’ve thought,” he chuckles.
You try to act nonchalant. “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about, Namjoon.”
“___, I saw him leave your house this morning with a bag,” he deadpans. “And don’t think I didn’t notice the subtle glances you were giving each other during this morning’s briefing; I felt like I was intruding with how affectionate they were.”
You heave out a sigh, mentally smacking yourself for being so transparent and apparently, not so discreet.
“You’re back barely a day and you already know,” you frown. “I mean, Mrs. Hwang and Mr. Sim figured it out barely 30 minutes after we arrived home.”
“Well, that’s on you if you did something right when you got home.”
Namjoon could only laugh at your embarrassed face. 
“Just be professional, alright? He’s still your family’s employee,” he reminds you.
You answer with a pout. “Can I return you to my father?”
“You’re a brat, you know that?” He shakes his head and chuckles. “Sadly, you sold Jungkook too well and your father doesn’t seem to want to let him go. So you’re gonna have to figure things out.”
“I know,” you huff. “He takes this job very seriously, as you can tell.”
“Of course, ___. For the longest time, this job was the only thing that mattered.”
As you should’ve known, dating your father’s bodyguard isn’t as easy as you had hoped. 
Your office floors are different and while you’re getting included in more meetings with the higher-ups, that’s still twice a week too little. 
Jungkook’s required to stay in your family’s residence for 3-4 nights a week, and on the nights when he doesn’t, he takes the chance to do his workout at his friend’s gym and is thus too tired to speak to you when he gets home.
With your father being busy as the last quarter of the year nears - constantly leaving the city and being in countless meetings - and with you being preoccupied with helping the orphanage and your family’s Foundation among other things, there hasn’t been much time to be with Jungkook. 
Aside from Sundays - his day off, where you both visit the orphanage in the morning and do whatever you feel like for the rest of the day, the only other moments you share are the affectionate smiles and glances when you see each at work or at dinner with your parents, and the occasional highly risky meet-ups in the staff lounge. 
It’s been a month of making it work and you’ll take it. You’re appeased during the very few times he drops by your house after his shift or he lets you stay over to immediately sleep when he’s home. And every time you’re together is time well spent - watching the Fast and the Furious movies, eating food and learning how to cook, sharing stories, and fucking in every corner of his apartment or your room. 
Some days though, you want nothing more than to lay in his chest while he tells you that you did well after a little win. You miss him most during times like this. Much as you tease him about his terrible misconceptions about you in the beginning, you know that he believes in you, sometimes more than you believe in yourself.
You check your phone to see it’s almost 1:30PM and Jungkook’s just about to take his break. You’d passed on lunch with some friends to meet him, having sent him a text earlier to meet you in your car in the basement parking lot. 
You peek outside from the backseat and see him bow to Mr. Sim who’s been keeping guard, and right as the door opens, you lunge at Jungkook and pull him in a long, deep kiss, your hands cupping his face as his arms quickly wrap around your waist.
“Hmm, missed you too,” he giggles after you pull away, causing your heart to skip a beat, given that it’s not something he says often. 
You kiss him again, hands on his collar this time, as you both get lost in the moment, knowing you’re not granted much time. 
He slightly pulls the hem of your dress and it’s not long after when you’re straddling him, your pussy meeting his hardening length, prompting you to buck your hips against his.
Soft moans echo in the car, growing louder as his hands trail up your thighs, your bare torso, then your  covered breasts. 
“Fuck. Please,” you whine. “Need you.” 
“Angel, it’s too risky,” he pants, as you make open-mouthed kisses on his neck. “And it’s gonna be messy.” 
“But,” you huff, stopping to lean your forehead on his shoulder and he chuckles, knowing you’re probably pouting. 
This isn’t the first time he’s gone against having sex during work hours and outside of your respective homes. 
Your breaths get faster and deeper and he thinks you’re cutest like this, when you want him but can’t get any more than his kisses. 
But Jungkook has long realized, ever since the start of your relationship, that between the both of you, he has to be the one to set boundaries, like he always has. Much as he wants to give in every single time, especially when you look at him with your puppy dog eyes and fluttering eyelashes, there’s just too much at risk. 
“Hey, angel,” he mutters, lifting your chin to face him. “Are you just horny or is there something more?”
You furrow your brows as you always do when he teases, given the number of times you’ve called him to say you’re horny but he was away and was never one to do phone sex, not like he can even do it with a roommate. 
But you’re reminded of why you’d been excited to see him in the first place, so you sit yourself comfortably on his lap and tell him the news.
“I finally convinced my parents to consider starting the educational sponsorship program in the Foundation,” you softly say. “The kids in the orphanage will be the pilot batch. They said to prepare the pitch for next week’s board meeting.”
Jungkook’s eyes sparkle even in the dark and this smile is truly the best thing you’ve seen in your life, especially because it’s not so easily given. 
“___, that’s great! I always knew you could do it.”
“It’s just a pitch though, nothing set in stone yet,” you clarify. 
“It’s still a foot in the door,” he comforts. “Isn’t that always better than just looking in from outside?”
“It is,” you smile. “I was just so excited and wanted to tell you in person because I don’t know when I’d get to, which is weird because you’re literally just several floors above me and—“
You’re cut off with a kiss that you easily fall into. “I’m glad you did, then,” he says.
You melt into his hug and know this is enough.
“So, what were you hoping for? Celebratory sex?” He laughs.
“Hmm, maybe. Since I did well and all,” you smirk.
“Well, there’s always another way,” he says, giving in.
He flips you on your back before you can say anything. 
“It’ll be quick but keep it down for me, alright angel?” He whispers in your ear, nibbling it and eliciting a moan from you. “You deserve to feel good today.”
It’s not long after when your eyes are rolling back and your arm is covering your mouth to keep yourself from screaming, as Jungkook expertly laps you up, his tongue swirling your nub and moaning into your cunt. 
He lets you kiss your essence from his mouth after you’d come. 
“I’m proud of you,” he whispers, fixing your hair and your clothes right after. “I hope you’re proud of yourself, too.”
It’s days later when Jungkook is at home, the knock on the door causing him to groan, too tired for it to register to him that it’s most likely you who’s on the other side. 
He got off his shift at 10 and squeezed in another workout at the gym, with Jin having to physically push him out the door before Jungkook could sneak another round of weights in. 
You’re in a long sleeved mini dress, having come from a night out with some visiting friends from grad school and Jungkook lazily smiles at you.
Seeing his damp hair and bandage-wrapped hands, paired with his droopy eyes and soft pants, you know it’s been a long day for him. You tenderly smile back and peck his lips.
“Just wanted to see you to say goodnight,” you say. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
This isn’t the first time that you’d come over late on a Saturday “just to say goodnight,” but like always, the guilt of turning you away - of turning you down for anything, actually - eats him up inside. He pulls your wrist as you walk away, prompting you to turn to him with a questioning look.
“I’ve got a bit of energy left, it’s okay.”
You smile and enter his apartment and fall into his embrace. You curl into his lap as he talks about his day and you talk about yours.
“So, Dana, the one I told you who has a Greek boyfriend, is inviting us to Mykonos in December. I’ve always wanted to go back and I’m so excited for you to go there!”
Jungkook looks at you, confused. “Isn’t the Spain trip with Yoongi and Hoseok in December, too?”
“Oh, right,” you say. “We can just move that to November or January.”
“That’s… easily a month’s worth of leaves,” he computes.
“That you have and are entitled to, right?” You question. “I mean—“
“And there’s still that trip to Gangwon?” He confirms.
“Uhm, yeah. I was hoping maybe we could still go.”
“Oh,” Jungkook hums, turning away to focus on something else that isn’t your almost disappointed face. “Yeah, sure.”
You feel the tension as the silence envelopes you both, and you can’t quite read his face or analyze the tone of his voice. 
Perhaps you’re overwhelming him. Maybe you’re being pushy or maybe something else is bothering him. You’re about to ask him what’s wrong when he kisses you deeply, sighing into your mouth and swallowing your soft moans until you both detach to catch some air. 
“Let’s watch a movie, yeah?”
You nod, sensing that whatever it is, he doesn’t want to talk about it, so you settle next to him with your head on his chest and his arm wrapped around you.
Barely half an hour through the seventh Fast and the Furious movie, you hear Jungkook snoring, his head rolling back on the couch. You guide him to lie down and place a blanket over his tired body.
You feel a tinge of sadness as you kiss him goodnight. 
You wish he could get proper rest and take time to relax and unwind, knowing that his job takes a toll on his mind and body. 
You wish there was more you could do than just sneaking around and asking for whatever time he can spare you. You wish sometimes he would open up more - not about himself, as he’s learning to - but about his fears, his worries, the things he wants with you and for himself. 
And you wish, as you admire his sleeping form, that he wants more with you the way you do with him, that he’s falling in love with you the way you are with him.
Jungkook stands in the hallway, back against the wall and trying desperately to listen in on what’s happening inside the meeting room as you pitch your plans on the Foundation’s educational sponsorship program. 
There’s not much he can hear though, as he’s positioned towards the back of the room, only your muffled voice indicating that you’re still presenting. 
He wants nothing more than to be there and witness you speak with vigor and passion the way you do whenever you discuss this with him, but as he stands outside waiting for the hours to pass, he’s reminded once more of all that he is.
He doesn’t work for your company, he works for the agency. He doesn’t have any role nor place here other than making sure that your father is safe. That’s what Jungkook is - an outsider, someone who’s temporary, who doesn’t belong. 
He’s glad you both have Namjoon on your corner, who’s currently inside, watching and encouraging you. He’d promised Jungkook he’ll share all the details, knowing you’d be too nervous to remember everything. Jungkook is content with this, as it’s the closest he can get to seeing you at your best.
Inside, you tell the stories of the children you’ve met, and though you want to focus on hope and and the value of love and support to the youth through learning, the bulk of your presentation is about what this means for your company’s image, knowing that philanthropy adds to consumers’ support for a certain brand. 
But the thought is there, and you can’t help but feel joy at the sight of the smallest smile that graces your father’s seemingly satisfied face, especially as you answer each of the board member’s questions. 
“It’s a worthy cause, I suppose,” one says.
“Young people are impressionable and could be our target market for this kind of branding. This will be good,” another reasons.
“Well,” your father starts, causing you to hold your breath. “I think everyone is convinced that this will be good for the company. Perhaps we can all agree that my daughter shall oversee the establishment of this program and proceed accordingly.”
Everyone expresses their agreement, the surprised yet elated look on your face evident to everyone present. This is what you want, you tell yourself; it’s something you can contribute, much as you enjoy the business side of things. 
Any other comments that doubt your readiness and ability to focus on this and your role in the marketing department enter one ear then out the other. 
You did well, you tell yourself, imagining Jungkook’s soft smile as you do. 
There’s pride in starting to face your fears or worries about being good enough to manage the company, but more than anything, you know how much good this will do for the children.
You thank the Board then exit the room and briefly glance at Jungkook as you near him in the hallway to go to another meeting. Your pulse quickens as he bows to greet and you feel his gaze linger, a grin painting his face.
“Could you hear what they were saying?” You ask later that night in his apartment after you’d texted you’ll drop by after his shift. 
The unbelieving yet excited tone of your voice causes Jungkook to giggle. 
“No, but Namjoon told me everything. He looked really proud,” Jungkook replies.
He cages you on his kitchen counter right as he turns off the stove for the premium ramen he made, with sausages this time. 
“I wish you got to see me though,” you pout.
“Uh-uh,” he hums, kissing you. “But we probably would’ve been found out if I was there,” he continues, his lips tracing the outline of yours.
“And why is that?” You cock an eyebrow.
“I wouldn’t have been able to control myself.”
“Really n— nghhh,” you moan, as Jungkook nips at your neck and unbuttons your blouse, gently cupping your breasts. His mouth reaches them, leaving red and purple marks in its wake.
“I— Uhm, Jeon,” you pant, not quite sure what you want to say, getting lost in the heat of his mouth as it sends shivers through you.
Your mind was just reeling from earlier this afternoon and now it’s all filled with Jungkook and how he feels all over you.
“Hmm?” He peeks at you with his head buried in your now bare chest. “Keep going, angel.”
“No, you keep going,” you groan.
“I intend to. The food can wait.”
You feel his mouth on your exposed cunt not long after, and soon enough, you’re hoisted up the counter and he’s undressing himself, preparing you for him until you feel that familiar sting of his cock inside you.
“Fuck, so good for me, Jeon. So, so good for me.”
He fills you deeply, hitting you in all the right spots as he holds your waist steady to sustain his pace, making you cum quickly, and hard. He kisses you more after he’d released himself in you, laving at your breasts and leaving marks again in the places where he hasn’t.
You whine from over sensitivity and he pulls away.
“What’s with you and kitchen counters?” You weakly tease, still catching your breath.
He pulls you close for a hug and ghosts his fingers over your back. “They’re pretty memorable,” he laughs. “Don’t you think?”
And as you relay what you remember from your presentation, you don’t miss the way he holds you longer than usual and looks at you longingly, proudly, like there’s more he wants to say but can’t bring himself to say it.
Your vacation home in Jeju has always been a special place for you, moreso now when it’s the place that brought you and Jungkook together almost three months ago. 
And you could only thank the heavens that of all the weekends that Kim Taehyung - your childhood friend - decides to spend his very early birthday celebration, it’s the one when your father was asked to speak at a conference in Canada, taking Namjoon with him. 
Which is why you’re here, staring at yourself in your bedroom mirror, clad in a ruby strapless gown, and Jungkook’s furrowed brows making you giggle.
“Do you really have to wear that dress? Is this a thing, buying your friends gowns for your birthday? Did he give his other friends gowns, too?”
You turn to face Jungkook and straighten his necktie. 
“Yes, I do have to wear this because it’s Taehyung’s gift to me. And yes, it’s kinda his thing because he’s always been a gift giver and no, I’m the only one he gave a gown to because I’m his date,” you say, hugging Jungkook to soften the blow.
“You look stunning in it but I don’t like it,” he says.
“I know but you have nothing to worry about, okay? I told you that—”
“I know, I know,” he says, having listened to your explanation of your relationship with the man. 
Kim Taehyung was your playmate, the target of the kidnapping when you were both 5 and since then, he’d been on and off the social scene - getting homeschooled, going to boarding school, hiding in the Swiss Alps… Then popping out every few years to throw a grand party then disappearing again. 
He’d always had a soft spot for you. It was never anything romantic - Taehyung has a gentle heart who felt bad that you had to go through what you did just because he was your friend. Over the years, you two developed the kind of friendship where you don’t really talk, but every time he’s in town, he makes sure to spend some time with you. He always shows up with gifts, too, something you enjoy but Jungkook, not so much. 
“He’s perfectly harmless and perfectly kind. And though I may be his date for this party, I’m yours tonight and the next ones after that,” you smirk, having decided to extend your stay here to spend more time with Jungkook, who eventually relaxes his face and kisses your forehead. 
“Fine. But he better not try anything with you,” he groans.
“He won’t, I’ll make sure of that.”
The doorbell rings and you and Jungkook head downstairs and are greeted with the slick-looking man with soft black hair and a perfectly crafted face. 
“____,” he greets, hugging you tightly.
You glare at Jungkook who scoffs at the act, warning him to behave. 
“I knew you would look beautiful in that gown. I had it custom-made and I’m glad it fits perfectly,” Taehyung says.
“Yeah, barely any alterations needed,” you smile. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, ____. Always a pleasure,” he bows, and Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“The look isn’t complete though,” Taehyung continues, motioning for his bodyguard to retrieve a box and present it to you.
You’ve seen shiny and beautiful jewelry in your life but this belongs at the top, with the rare pearls and diamonds joining perfectly to create an exquisite set of necklace and earrings, leaving you speechless.
Taehyung proceeds to put it on you, and you briefly get a look of Jungkook’s unreadable face, unsure if it’s wonder or something else in his eyes.
You stare at yourself in the mirror, fingers grazing over the precious stones, and you revel in the beauty of it around your neck and on your ears. 
You know enough not to reject gifts like this from your friend, so you profusely thank him, earning you a shy smile. 
“Now that you’re all set, shall we?” He asks, his arm out for you to hold. 
You nod and walk out, with Jungkook holding the door, and the now unfamiliar look of seriousness on his face.
The party is a lot more fun than you expected. It’s quite intimate, as Taehyung only really keeps a small circle of friends and none of them are common with yours, which is something you appreciate. The food is delicious but what you’re really enjoying are the jazz performers who are entertaining the guests for the night. 
With Taehyung assuring you that you don’t need to stay by his side the whole time, you’re able to go to Jungkook, with him telling you that you’re in an event where people can easily make claims about your relationship, prompting you to frown at his sudden coldness, given how he refuses to look at you when he speaks with you. 
During the times that Taehyung is around you, though, he doesn’t fail to hold you by your waist, whispering in your ear, and looking at you intently while you speak. He has this sultry glare that he has on when you’re around others but when you’re alone, he turns into the gentle boy with the most endearing smile that you can’t help but mirror.
You know how it looks, but you sneak in a smile at Jungkook to remind him not to worry, but he doesn't seem to notice.
You decide to retreat early, knowing that despite the company, you want nothing more than to be with Jungkook and be ravished by him in all ways possible. 
“I need to check on the security system and report to Mr. Han if it needs updating,” Jungkook says when you get home.
“It’s 10 in the evening, Jeon. You can do that tomorrow.”
“But I wanna do it right now,” he says sharply.
“Fine,” you frown. “I’ll be in the pool in case you decide that I’m way more fun than some alarms and CCTVs.”
You stomp to your room, feeling like a brat just to match his stubbornness and clear jealousy, so you don your white swimsuit and head outside.
In the security room, Jungkook sees you in the monitor, heading to the spot by the pool that you know can be captured by the camera. It’s where you remove your robe to show what you’re wearing. You slowly walk down the steps to settle by the ledge, away from where you can be seen.
Jungkook groans, knowing what you’re doing, knowing that he won’t get to resist you anyway so he walks back out, still clad in his suit, and stands on the ledge across from you.
“Hmm, the water’s so good,” you moan to tease him, knowing it’ll get him riled up.
“What are you doing?” He asks.
You turn to him with your fluttering lashes and flirty smile, thinking of how breathtaking he always is when dressed in formal attire with his exposed forehead and the slump of hair falling over his eye. “Enjoying the view.”
He groans. “You’ll be the death of me, you know that?” He says, easily giving in. He loosens his tie before he pulls it off, followed by his suit. 
He swiftly unbuttons his polo, his tongue poking his cheek in mixed frustration and lust, pulling the piece of clothing off to reveal his flexed biceps and tense torso, the ridges of his abs shining in the minimal overhead lights. 
His gaze darkens as you lick your lips while you watch him work on his belt, then his pants, until he’s in nothing but his black boxers and you just know how hard he is right now.
“Angel’s waiting for you,” you tease.
He huffs and steps down to the pool, slowly walking to where you are, savoring the tension between the both of you. He makes it to you and rests his arms on your sides to cage you in.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten how you tried to make me jealous in this exact spot not long ago,” he growls.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten what you did to me after and how you made me scream your name,” you reply sultrily.
He grunts before he pulls you in a kiss, his tongue slipping in your mouth immediately and taking your breath away as he devours you with need. It’s almost feral, how he takes you in, swallows you like this, the sting in your lips telling you the intense desire coursing through his veins. 
The hands that cup your face quickly move south to pull down your swimsuit, groping your breasts while his teeth now lightly bite your lip. His mouth starts its descent and his tongue laves at the skin it meets until it reaches your pert nipples waiting to be nipped and licked and sucked. 
“Uhhhh fuck, you kiss me so good,” you mewl.
He’s an expert at this by now - one hand fondles your breast while his tongue swirls around the bud of the other, leaving you a crying mess as you ask for more. He shifts you underneath to let you feel how hard he is, while his mouth continues its movements that get more intense with your muted screams.
He grinds against you. “Louder, angel.”
You’re barely able to say his name before he’s hoisting you up to sit on the ledge, mouth still on your breasts, consuming them as if he could have them for the rest of his life. He stays there for a while, his other hand exploring the rest of your body, desperate to feel more of you. 
He moves further down and you assist him in removing your swimsuit, giggling at the desperation that’s palpable, turning you on even more. You’re left bare in this open space and you know you have the freedom to scream and no one would hear, as you’d asked the caretaker and chauffeur to take the day off. 
Jungkook buries himself between your thighs, lapping up your juices mixed with the water but your essence is overpowering. He consumes more of you, letting his tongue trace your lips, your nub, and your hole.
You’re propped on your elbows against the smooth tiles of the floor with your legs spread out, and you’re focused on nothing but Jungkook’s tongue, about to give you your first orgasm of the night, knowing it’ll be so, so good. You start to shake, ready for your release, and then… nothing, the hollow feeling of emptiness making you almost cry from frustration.
“Fuck, Jeon,” you shout. “I was so close.”
“I know,” he smirks. “But I want you to cum all over my cock tonight. More than once, too.”
He lifts himself from the pool, his flexed arms causing your pussy to throb even more, and he easily carries you bridal style to the outdoor chaise not far away. 
There’s determination in his eyes when he kneels on the cushion and pulls your legs, angling you upwards. He aligns his aching and leaking dick in your cunt and spreads your slick to tease your clit.
“Fuck, please,” you plead.
His slow entrance is deceiving, as he immediately rams into you, repeatedly thrusting in and out with such intensity. Your muted cries of yes lets him know you’re enjoying this despite the lack of preparation. 
“You don’t like it gentle, do you?” He groans. 
“No, fuuuuck,” you cry out. “I want it harder.”
He heeds your request. With his eyebrows scrunched in focus, his jaw clenched and his arms at their maximum capacity of being flexed, he looks so sexy like this. 
He shifts you again so he can buck into you while his fingers play with your clit, and you’re shameless in how loud you are, begging him to let you cum but he instructs you to hold on longer so he can cum with you.
Your body goes on overdrive as you feel him everywhere - his mouth on your breasts from earlier, his cock hitting all the right spots inside you, and his expert fingers fiddling your clit, like it’s muscle memory at this point. 
He’s relentless, his stamina no longer surprising you, but there’s added intensity than usual this time. His grunts are sharper and every push and drag of his dick inside you is pointed and much more intentional. You hold onto the edges of the bed to keep you grounded as the toe-curling orgasm nears its peak.
It’s a few more thrusts that has you losing it entirely, your pussy clenching so hard that you scream in pain and pleasure, causing Jungkook to release his seed with you.
You’re panting as you blink away the tears, trying to catch your breath and he lowers himself, softly kissing your cheeks and your eyes that are still closed.
“You alright?” He whispers as he pulls out. 
“Yes,” you huff, opening your eyes and wondering why he looks away. 
“So that’s how you’re like when you’re jealous, huh?” You tease. “Duly noted.”
Your wink causes him to frown. “Shut up. I’ll just go hard every time, just tell me.”
“You have nothing to be jealous about, okay?” You say as you caress his cheek. “You’re all I want, no one else.”
“I know. It’s just… Everyone had their eyes on you and—“
“I had my eyes on you. I always do,” you kiss his lips. “But that was so good, Jeon. I’ll need a few days to recover.”
He nods in submission, choosing to let it go, knowing there’s more he feels, something he can’t quite express. 
He cuddles next to you at your request, his hands tracing patterns on your skin while you run your fingers through his hair, enjoying the sound of your bated breaths and the crash of the waves down below. The sky is bright tonight and you take your time to marvel at the surroundings with the most beautiful man next to you.
“Come, let’s get cleaned up,” he says after a while.
He helps you on your feet and wraps you in a towel to head to your room. 
He takes you again in the shower and on the bed. 
Later that night, as you lay on your side facing him, your soft snores the only other sound in the room, Jungkook ghosts his fingers across your tranquil face, as if tracing the features, memorizing them.
He knows he can give you this - the kind of pleasure that leaves you full and satisfied as you nuzzle his arm and sleep in peace; mind blowing orgasms that let you focus on him and nothing, no one else; rare moments of calm that follow amidst the noise in his mind and his heart. 
Because he knows, at the end of the day, it’s really all he can give.
The return to Seoul - and two days later, the return of your father - once more marks the return to what is now normal between you and Jungkook. 
You suppose you should be used to it by now - missing him, wanting to hold his hand, wishing he’s your date to events instead of him either watching you from afar or not being there at all, wishing it’s easy to tell everyone that you love him.
That it’s easy to tell him that you do.
Well, that was your plan - it’s why you wanted to take that trip to Gangwon so you both could go for a quick drive to the mountains and be away for a weekend. But as you look at your text messages, you don’t see that happening anytime soon.
[From: Namjoon] Is your trip pushing through? Jungkook hasn’t filed a leave and I need to know. Gotta make arrangements.
You brought it up again when you got back to Seoul from Jeju and all Jungkook said was “sure” but didn’t ask for the details.
[To: Namjoon] Maybe not now.
You sigh and keep your phone, tempted to message Jungkook even if he’ll probably respond late in the night.
“Everything okay?” Ina asks as she sips from her cup during your meet up over afternoon tea.
“Hmm?” You look at her and force a smile.
“Trouble in paradise?” 
“What do you—“
“Oh, come on, ____. Don’t tell me you’ll still deny it,” she chuckles. “It’s pretty obvious what’s going on with you and Jungkook. Even the kids know it. But you seem pretty down. Anything wrong?”
“What? How could they know such a thing?” You squeal, focusing on her first questions.
She shrugs. “Well, they feel love with you. Maybe they see it on you, too.”
Your cheeks warm at the thought.
“Jungkook and I aren’t… there, actually,” you admit. “Well, we haven’t said it. I haven’t. I don’t know about him. If he feels it, I mean,” you stammer.
“I don’t see why he wouldn’t. I mean, he looks at you like he does,” Ina smiles. 
Much as that's nice to imagine, it only causes your uneasiness to shoot up.
“Don’t make me hope like that, Ina.”
She takes your hand in an effort to soothe you. “You know I wouldn’t, but there's just something about the way he looks at you, like he’s in wonder… and it’s often when you’re at the newborn wing and you do that thing where you caress the baby’s cheeks and make them laugh.”
“He had a rough childhood, he told you. It’s probably longing because he didn’t feel that with his parents,” you reason.
“Looks more like longing for a certain kind of future than his past, though. I mean, dreamy eyes, ones that can’t move away from you, a smile that’s just so pure and hopeful. Must mean something, right?”
You let her words settle and smile at the image of Jungkook, something you haven’t seen. But Ina’s right - it means something. In fact, it means everything. 
You can’t contain yourself as you enter your parents’ residence later that night, excitement bubbling within you at the thought of encountering Jungkook again. 
It’s odd, given that for months, you spent more time with him than anyone, something you truly looked forward to. But now - by your own doing, you remind yourself - you have to wait for the moment that you’re even presented with the opportunity to be with him.
Like now, at the intimate gathering that your mother organized in their home.
You spot him immediately in his impeccable black suit, his familiar stance and serious face still making your heart jump. You glance at him and see him purse his lips, as if stopping himself from smiling.
Jimin engages you in conversation, filling you in on his not-so-secret girlfriend and you fill him in on your almost-boyfriend since you and Jungkook never really talked about it, always just content being in each other’s arms - talking, laughing, kissing. But you look at him again and like always, he’s all you can see.
Your friend snaps his fingers at you. “You got it so bad,” he laughs. “There are people around and you’re ogling.”
“You know what it's like,” you nudge him. “You want someone so much that you don’t notice anything else.”
He giggles again and he almost chokes as you pat him in the back.
“Shift change. Cover for me,” you say, sneakily making your way through one of the hallways right as one of the bodyguards relieves Jungkook.
You lived in this house for years. You've embedded the ins and outs of this place in your mind because you spent most of your time exploring the grand place. You know the hallway that the house and security staff take to go to their residence, one that you know right now would be empty. 
The carpeted floor cushions your clanking heels as you make your way towards Jungkook, gripping his wrist and meeting his surprised face. 
You respond with a smirk and push open the door behind you and pull him in with you, crashing your lips onto his once it’s closed. 
Jungkook takes a breath as quickly as he loses it in your lips and eyes you up and down, the mid-length dress fitting your form very well.
“We—“ he tries, but his sounds get muffled by your kisses. 
“We don’t have much time.” Your look is soft before it turns desirous, grabbing him by his collars and caging him by the sink of the powder room. 
“Mhmm,” he hums. “What—what are you doing?”
He watches as you loosen his tie and unbutton his polo, his chest the perfect canvas for you to mark him how you want, earning you muted pants as you gently palm his dick. 
“Been thinking about you all day,” you moan. 
Your wet muscle trails further south, down his abdomen and his hips, until your eyes face his clothed length. “Want to taste you badly. Can I?”
“Yeah but… we’re in your parents’ house.”
“Gotta be quiet then,” you wink, then you quickly unbuckle his belt and zip down his pants, his aching cock springing on his stomach and you moan at the thought of him filling you up. 
Your knees settle on the carpet and you make quick work of licking him all over and putting him in your mouth, the familiar sting turning you on further. 
“Fuuuuck,” he groans, trying hard not to make any more noise. 
You get off on his held back sounds and swirl your tongue around his shaft, tracing the veins then spending time on his slit. His body tenses, his hands gripping the edges of the counter, and you relax him by grazing your fingers along his lean and delicious thighs, feeling the sensation course through you with every curse and every moan of your name that leaves his mouth.
It’s not long after when you settle for a good pace and bob your head up and down, your hand stroking his shaft near the base until you ease him in deeper, hitting your throat to bottom out. 
You gag but the sound he makes is worth it and you feel like cumming yourself. 
Even with hooded eyes, he looks down at you, your pretty figure looking heavenly with his cock going in and out of your mouth. Right now, nothing else matters but the feel of him inside your warmer walls, clenching for him. 
“I’m not cumming in your mouth, angel,” he growls, lifting you from the floor and pushing you towards the sink to face the mirror, his dark gaze looking back at you. 
He lifts your leg to rest on the counter and unzips your dress from the back to let it pool on your waist, revealing the lace bra covering your breasts.
“Wanted me since you entered, huh?” He sucks on your shoulder as he pulls aside your thong. “Couldn’t stop looking at me. I could see you, angel.”
“Want you alw—“ you gasp at the sudden feel of him inside you, causing you to hold onto the sink as he shifts you so he could push in deeper.
With his one hand on your waist and the other groping your breast, he shoves himself inside you with such vigor, it has you seeing stars. 
��Shit, fuck keep going. Fuck yes,” you mutely cry out, knowing these walls aren’t soundproof.
He looks back at you in the mirror and you stay that way for a while - hooded eyes forcing themselves open, jaws slacked as tempered moans leave your mouths, his angry cock assaulting your pussy, sliding in and out so nicely with how wet you are. And you, asking for more. 
It goes like this until you both climax, with your whole body, especially your sore legs, shaking at the sensation.
He buries his head in the crook of your neck as you both come down from your highs, unbelieving that he really took you in the powder room of your parents’ house where they and their guests are partying outside, the sudden feeling of frustration making his head hurt.
Your pants alternate until he's caught his breath enough to fix your underwear and zip up your dress, choosing not to say anything more. He turns you to face him and reminds you to work on your make-up before you head back.
There’s no fixing of your messy hair, no forehead kiss nor cheeky smile, just an unreadable look on his face before he tells you he has to go. 
You mindlessly nod and watch him leave, an unfamiliar worried feeling bubbling inside you.
Jungkook doesn’t make it far before one of the staff calls for him. He’s paralyzed in panic, worried someone might’ve heard you both or suspected something going on, more so when he’s told that Mr. Lee is calling for him outside.
He gathers himself and heads back to the party, spotting your father who is animatedly chatting with someone familiar - the security agency’s Director.
“Mr. Yoon,” Jungkook bows in acknowledgment. “And Mr. Lee, you called for me?”
“Oh yes,” your father smiles. “My good friend here was just asking how his men are doing. I said they’ve been doing really well, especially the one who took a bullet for my daughter.”
Jungkook returns a smile, visibly flustered and elated at the same time, knowing that your father rarely compliments like this.
“Well, I shouldn’t have expected any less. We train our men well,” Mr. Yoon responds. “Jungkook here has always been one of our best - skilled, intelligent, knows his place. I’m glad it’s been working out for your family.”
Knows his place. 
It shouldn’t be a bad thing - it’s something that’s been drilled in his head for years, even before he started working at the agency. The kid who wasn't good enough for his parents, for school, for his girlfriend should clearly know his place; the bodyguard whose only job is to protect his client must know his place, the man who had to learn to survive must know his place, know what he can wish and aim for, what he can claim. 
The conversation fades into the background in Jungkook’s head, as his reality hits him again, especially as you return to the party in your marigold dress, sparkling jewelry, and practiced smile as you entertain some of the country’s richest socialites. 
Jungkook can vaguely make out the exchanges around him but between the shares and islands purchased, the high-level and exclusive events coming up, and you - what you contribute to the company, what you do for others, what you own and desire, who and what you are… You may not always feel like you belong here but you do, and this is your world. 
It isn’t his.
“Well, I’m really glad that ___ chose you, then,” Mr. Yoon says, bringing Jungkook back to the party. 
“I agree. I used to wonder what she saw in you,” your father continues. “But I don’t know who else could’ve protected her better than you. No offense to Namjoon, though, but he agrees,” he laughs. 
Jungkook laughs along, choosing to ignore the heaviness in his heart and the cloud of thoughts plaguing his mind. 
You crane your neck to the window to check for perhaps the fiftieth time in the last half hour if Jungkook had returned yet. You left your parents’ house over an hour ago, having stayed a little longer to entertain the Parks. 
Mr. Sim hums from the driver’s seat, meeting your eyes in the rearview mirror from time to time to give you a comforting smile, while Namjoon busies himself with work on his phone. You sigh and sit upright, lolling your head to the side, hoping Jungkook would come home already.
Then there’s a knock on the door.
“Jeon!” You say as you exit the car. “I didn’t know you left the party early.”
“Yeah,” he nods with a half smile, clutching on the bag strapped over his shoulder. “Mr. Han told me it was okay. I wanted to get a workout in.”
You take in his exercise shorts and oversized hoodie. “I dropped by the gym, actually. Jin said you didn’t stay long.”
“Oh,” Jungkook furrows his eyebrows. “I wanted to run.”
You nod, trying not to worry yourself about his unusual lack of energy around you, especially after what happened earlier. 
“Why’d you wait? You could’ve just gone home. It’s been a long day for you.” 
“I wanted to see you again,” you smile.
“Well, we’re seeing each other tomorrow.”
“Yeah, but, you know, it was pretty fun earlier,” you giggle. “Just thought maybe we could…”
You see him sigh and you deflate in return. 
“What’s wrong?” You move closer to him to see his face more clearly. 
“We can’t do that again, okay?” He looks at you with a tinge of sadness and disappointment. “It’s too risky.”
“But we didn’t get caught,” you nudge him. 
“Yeah, but what if we did?” His voice raises slightly, catching you off guard. 
“That was in your house where there was a party happening and anyone could’ve seen us. That was so reckless, ____. And I’m so stupid that I let it happen.”
“You make it sound like it was such a terrible thing,” you say softly.
Jungkook’s heart breaks a little at the sight of your sullen face, looking down on the ground to avoid his glare. He wants to comfort you but he can’t bring himself to, given all the noise in his mind.
“Your father was right there. He could’ve found out!” He cries out in frustration, surprising you and himself.
“So what if he finds out?” You respond, your tone getting higher as well. “I’ll tell him the truth then, that you’re my boyfriend and I want to be with you. What can he do? Exile me? Disown me? You and I can make it work; we said we would. We can run away together somewhere if we need to.”
“Then what about me?” His face hardens. “It’s easy for you because you have the money to make it work. I don’t. What if the agency finds out? What if your dad gets angry at me? He trusts me enough already and this is just breaking it.”
“So what, suddenly it’s a mistake that we’re together?” You say, in shock at the implications of his words.
“That’s not what I meant, I just… It’s different for you, okay? I can lose everything.”
“But it’s okay if you lose me?”
The silence that follows causes your heart to slowly crack.
“You’re not getting it, ___,” he huffs. “This job means a lot to me. And there are still rules I have to follow and that—”
“But things are different now, Jungkook,” you argue.
“There are options for you. I know it seemed like this was your only choice then because you had your plans. But you have more freedom now to do whatever you want and not be tied down to a job that’s very demanding and takes up too much of your time, I mean, you don’t have to worry about providing for me and—”
“What do you mean, I don’t have to worry? And what, expect you to take care of everything? To take care of me? And be reminded of what I’m not? Of what I can’t give you?”
“That’s not it. I just meant— I don’t need you to do all that. This isn’t about what you think you don’t have. That doesn’t matter.”
“___, you talk about a weekend getaway to the mountains or a vacation on some island like I can afford it, like I can afford to take weeks off from work and not suffer the consequences,” Jungkook scoffs. 
“I can’t even take you to a fancy restaurant for a date or buy you jewelry that isn’t made from diamonds or whatever expensive gem you’re used to wearing. I get it. You’re rich, I’m not. And that sucks. But you could at least respect me and my job, that I don’t wanna break any more rules than I already am by being with you just so I won’t lose what’s paying me enough to be able to date you.”
You hold his gaze, your sad eyes mirroring his. There’s more you want to say but you don’t know what or how to say them. You let the silence envelope him, knowing that the cool night’s breeze is probably what he prefers over you right now. 
His head drops. “I’m pretty tired. I just wanna sleep. You can join me if you like.”
You know when you’re not wanted. And tonight you aren’t.
“It’s okay, I’ll head home. Go get some rest,” you softly say. 
“Goodnight,” he hums as he starts backing away.
“Goodnight.” You enter the car and head home.
You awake the next morning to a text that you probably should’ve expected.
[From: Jungkook 💞] Can I pass today? Will help Jin with some repairs at the gym
[To: Jungkook 💞] Sure. I’ll just see you around.
[From: Jungkook 💞] Ok
You don’t see or hear from Jungkook for the rest of the week.
Jungkook grunts as he releases the bar, the pain in his arms and shoulders now starting to be too much. But he pushes through though, moving to another equipment and lifting his maximum weight as if he hasn’t been doing this all night. 
It’s Saturday, exactly a week since your little argument that Jin is convinced can easily be fixed if you both just talked. 
It’s also the last time Jungkook had seen you, given your father’s busy schedule. You messaged him on Monday and Tuesday but Jungkook didn’t get to reply, until you stopped messaging altogether, perhaps giving him the space he’d silently asked for. 
His mind has been all over the place, and it’s Jin who helped him realize that it has been since the moment you two got together. It wasn’t until you both came down from the immediate high that things had become clearer to Jungkook - his place, his role, not just in your life but in life in general. 
It was a bitter pill to swallow but one he forced himself to. But even then, he’s unable to shake off the resigned look on your face that night and how much he wanted to just hug you but he didn’t feel he could, knowing his heart was breaking because of you, even if it wasn’t even your fault. 
“You’re putting too much pressure on yourself,” Jin says from next to him.
“My grip is fine.”
“Not this,” his friend chuckles, motioning to the weights. “I meant your relationship. You’re too hard on yourself, always have been.”
“If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be able to claim anything for myself,” Jungkook replies, preparing to go another set. “People like me aren’t handed things in this world. I had to learn to fight for them.”
“Then why aren’t you fighting for her? Why can’t you fight your insecurities and your worries and your past to be with her? Why do those always come first?”
Jungkook sits up on the bench and tries to catch his breath, letting Jin’s words settle, the questions ringing in his head, trying to find some answers. 
His silence signals that he doesn’t have them, so Jin throws him a towel and gestures towards the shower. 
“Call it a night, Kook, then call her. You need to talk things out.”
The gym smells like sweat and the musky scent of the place catches you off guard. You were here last week and had only caught Jin closing up but tonight, the lights are all on, despite it being past closing hours, so you know Jungkook is here, or at least, hadn’t been gone too long if he isn’t.
The sound of your heels against the cement floor prompts the gym owner to turn around and greet you with a smile.
“Hey, it’s nice to see you again,” he says.
“Hi, Jin. I hope I’m not being a creep or like, desperate,” you smile shyly.
“Nah, you’re good, ____. My friend just needs a bit of a push. He’s kind of an idiot sometimes.”
“I should’ve been more understanding or tried to see things from his perspective,” you sigh, knowing that at the end of the day, you’d failed to be mindful, focusing only on your wants and needs.
“I’ll just apologize on his behalf,” Jin offers. “He hasn’t been in a relationship for over a decade so… he’s kinda rusty.”
You’re about to respond when you hear the locker doors close and heavy footsteps dragging against the floor. You turn and see Jungkook, clad in shorts and a sweatshirt, damp hair covering his droopy eyes that’s visible from several feet away.
He stops and stares at you dressed in your favorite skirt and blazer ensemble, looking beautiful and completely out of place, and a huff escapes his lips. 
You slowly walk towards him and place your bag on the floor. 
You take in his tired and almost defeated look and all you want is to forget what happened so you could hold him again.
You softly kiss his cheek and let it linger, missing the way his skin feels against your lips. 
His heart throbs even more at the act, the remnants of the past week’s emotions and emptiness causing him to give in. He gingerly places his hand on your back and nudges you closer, prompting you to lay your head on his chest and it’s when his arms wrap around you that you release a sigh, and it feels as if you’ve been holding your breath the entire week without him.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, inhaling the scent you seem to miss everyday.
“I’m sorry, angel,” he kisses your forehead, falling into your touch as if last week hadn’t happened, knowing that right now, this is what he needs. “I missed you so much.”
Another week goes by and you should’ve expected that Jungkook would just move on from what had happened without really talking about it. His looks are longing, almost apologetic and his smiles are lingering but you let them comfort you instead of worry you. 
But neither of those are present when you make it to work on Monday morning and enter your father’s office, with Jungkook seated on the chair and your father prompting you to sit on the other.
“Something’s come to my attention and it’s a matter that needs to be discussed,” he says, his tone undecipherable. 
You look at Jungkook from across you, seeking solace and wanting to give encouragement as well. But his anxiety overtakes him and try as you might to hold his gaze, he turns away, unable to look at you. 
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close friends | t. holland
pairing: tom holland x fem!reader word count: 3.1k warnings: some language, some angst if u squint. otherwise it's just fluff and tom being tom. didn't proofread this. a/n: so tumblr decided to be a little bitch and deleted this t w i c e. so i had to write this t h r e e times. this came up in my head after i got like three notifications that tom posted something on his ig story, and then it turned out he deleted them. as always, english isn't my first language so i'm sorry if this gets confusing bye. also, i was listening to cardigan by taylor swift as i wrote this.
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so we all know tom sucks at instagram. that's a surprise to literally no one. no matter how many times you tried to teach him he still doesn't get it, and it was only a matter of time before he finally posted something he shouldn't have.
it was just one of those days, you missed him like hell. he was away filming the third spiderman, and you had to stay behind because of work.
naturally, you relied on face time and texts to survive and fill the void he left behind. you loved talking to him, listening as he rambled on and on about his adventures on set. a love-struck look on your face as you tried your hardest to stay awake despite the urge to close your eyes.
eventually, sleep took over you, and you drifted off with the sound of his voice lulling you to sleep. he stopped talking abruptly when he didn't hear your soft chuckling in reply to the story he was telling.
instead, he saw your sleeping figure, long steady breaths moving your chest up and down. and he cursed himself for making you stay up so late for him. he took one last look at you, taking a screenshot of your sleeping form.
he quickly hung up the video call and opened instagram instead, uploading the screenshot to his story,
'missing my favorite girl, thank you so much for everything you do for me. x @yourusername'
the next morning you woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing. at first, thought someone had died as one notification after another filled your screen. most of them came from instagram, so you opened that app first.
thousands upon thousands of mentions, tags and new followers. you frowned, and suddenly a text from your friend popped up at the top of your screen.
'omg just saw his story. so happy for u both'
who's story? what was going on?
you refreshed your timeline, and tom's icon appeared, a colorful circle around it. an odd feeling sank in your stomach. you tapped his icon and suddenly your screen was full of... you.
a picture of you, sleeping. tom's smiling form in a small rectangle on the bottom right corner.
oh god. you read the words he wrote, over and over again. your heart pounding in your chest, and a sudden wave of fear ran through your body. but then you read his words once more, and all you could feel was love. pure, unconditional affection.
sure, your families and closest friends knew about you, but you hadn't talked about making your relationship public yet, but there was nothing you could do now.
you sighed, leaning back on your pillows. a small chuckle left your throat.
you grabbed your phone once again, quickly facetiming tom. you knew he had an early call today, and you hoped you could catch him while he was still in his hotel.
it ran once, twice, and then you saw him, hair all over the place, bare chest. hands rubbing sleep off of his face.
"mornin', darling." he said, his raspy morning voice making you smile.
"hi, baby. did i wake you?" you asked, sitting up and crossing your legs.
"yeah but it's fine, princess. i did keep you up last night so it's only fair."
"i'm sorry about falling asleep on you, that was a really nice picture you took last night," you lifted one eyebrow, and watched as he smiled at you sheepishly.
"i thought you looked really pretty, you always look pretty," he said, grabbing the water bottle on his nightstand and taking a swing.
"thanks, i hope the whole world thinks so, too," you declared. leaning your chin on your fist, watching him expectantly.
he did not react like you had expected him to.
his breath hitched as he sipped his water, and suddenly all you could see was the cream-colored ceiling, as you heard him spitting out and coughing.
"tom! oh, my god! are you okay?" you asked, getting on your knees and holding your phone up to your face, "tommy?" you repeated when he finally stopped coughing, you could now hear his heavy breaths.
at last, you saw his curls appear from the bottom of the screen.
"wh-what did you just say?" his voice was rough, his chest heaving.
"are you okay?" you asked again.
"ye-yeah i'm fine. babe, what did you mean by 'the whole world'? did something happen?" he asked, frowning. you echoed his expression, watching him for a second.
“you posted a picture to your story,” you repeated, and he nodded.
“yeah, i posted it to my close friends, i-” he stopped mid-sentence, eyes growing comically wide. “oh shit, did i-” he caught himself off as he threw the phone to one side, you heard him fumbling around for his laptop and you snorted. “shit, baby, don’t tell me i posted it… fuck!” you couldn’t keep it in any longer, you broke out laughing.
“of course this is how the world finds out about us!” you continued giggling until your stomach hurt.
“fuck, princess i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, i swear i- why are you laughing!?”
“tommy, tommy! it’s okay, baby, don’t worry. i’m not mad,” you stopped once you noticed his pouting. “it’s fine, my love, i don’t mind. sure it’s unexpected, and a little sudden but i wouldn’t have it any other way. i knew what i was getting into when we started dating,” you told him honestly, wishing you were there to give him a hug and kiss him all over.
“darling, i’m really, really sorry. i swear i thought i tapped the green button like you told me to” he continued his sulking, nervous eyes glancing back and forth from his laptop screen to you.
“i know, baby, i know this is not your forte, and i really appreciate the sweet gesture, honestly. i love you so much,” you told him as you bit your lip. folding your legs to your chest, wrapping one around them.
“god, i love you. i swear i’ll make it up to you,” he ran his hand through his hair, giving you a quick peek of his bare chest.
“i’ll hold you to it,” you chuckled, you glanced to the clock on your nightstand, sighing when you saw the time. “i’ve gotta go,” you said as you stood up and stretched. a wicked idea ran through you head. “i’ve got like five meetings today, so i’ll probably be busy most of the day. just in case i don’t reply or something,” you made up you lie quickly. grabbing your laptop and opening a new tab.
“oh, okay. i’ll be on set until like 1 am, so we’ll talk tomorrow?” he asked, eyes bright. you nodded, biting your lip.
“definitely. i love you,” you blew him a kiss. he smiled, and you felt your heart swelling.
“i love you, too. good luck today!” he said as you reluctantly hung up the call.
you immediately got to work, calling your assistant and telling her you were taking a few personal weeks, and to email you in case of emergencies. next, you texted harry, asking him to call you once tom was busy on set.
you waited for the page to load, and once you had bought your one-way ticket to atlanta you hurriedly threw some pre-planned outfits into two suitcases, just in case. your phone rang and harry’s face popped up on your screen. you quickly answered the call, and let him know of your out-of-the-blue plan. he agreed to meet you at the airport and drive you to set. and because of your recent and sudden rise to fame, he suggested you wear all black and a cap. you followed his advice, throwing on some sunglasses as well, as you had seen tom do many times before.
once you reached the airport and checked-in, you bought some coffee and breakfast, as well as some food for the flight. you opened instagram, seeing all the messages and comments. you had seen how the fans reacted when their favorite celebrities announced a relationship, and you knew to expect the meanest comments, and even death threats. for your own sake and peace of mind, you allowed yourself to scroll until you read three of those, and closed the app.
once the plane took off, you tried to catch some sleep, preparing for the inevitable jet lag, but your mind kept buzzing from one scenario to another. so you took out your book and tried to read some chapters, putting in your earbuds, music playing quietly.
when you finally, finally landed, you stretched your legs and grabbed your bags, putting on the cap and sunglasses again, you spotted a familiar head of wild curls. you quickly approached harry.
“what happened to all black and a cap to go unnoticed?” you asked as he took one of your bags in his hands.
“think about it, two kids wearing black, a cap and sunglasses? people would think we’re up to no good.” he gave you a tight hug, you’d missed him almost as much as you’d missed tom.
he caught you up on everything he and tom had been doing these past months, you shifted in your seat in excitement, the sleep that was slowly taking over you on the plane had now disappeared from your body.
in what was probably a 15 -but to you felt like five- minute drive, you got to the hotel to leave your bags and take a quick shower. harry left you alone in tom’s room, making his way to his own room next door. he said he’d order something for you to eat whilst you got ready to see tom.
you took the quickest shower ever known to humankind, and when you walked out of the bathroom after using tom’s shampoo and conditioner, -you’d missed his smell all over you. the few forgotten hoodies and shirts that were once drenched in the smell of his soap and cologne, were now very faint.- you wrapped a bathrobe around your body, rummaging through tom’s clothes until you found one of his shirts.
you pulled it close to your face, sighing at the familiar scent you’d missed so much. you got dressed quickly, grabbing your now fully-charged phone and the key to tom’s room that harry had left on a coffee table. you knocked on harry’s door and he let you in.
“i just texted tom, he says they’ve got like three hours left.” you sat next to him on the couch, the table in front of you filled with food waiting to be devoured.
“my poor baby, they overwork him,” you pouted, reaching for one of the plates.
“it was his idea, said he’ll do anything that helps finish filming sooner.” you stopped chewing your food.
“wait, really?” you asked in disbelief, you knew tom loved his job, and you found it odd that he wanted to cut his time on set short.
“yeah, it’s been rough for him. not having you around, i mean, after he spent months with you. he’s been pretty distracted lately. messing up lines, he’s been waking up late and missing early calls...” your heart sank at the words. you ate the rest of your food with a knot in your stomach, cursing yourself for not getting there sooner. soon enough, you were back in the car, your leg bouncing up and down. you fell asleep on your way to set, waking up when harry parked the car and nudged your shoulder.
you stepped out carefully, your head turning back every few steps you took, in fear that tom might catch you. once you reached the stage where tom was filming, you flashed the visitor badge harry had given you to the guard and he let you both in. you walked in as you leaned down, your forehead against harry’s back, shielding you from the curious stares. harry told you to hide behind a giant box where they kept some lights whilst he spoke to the director.
although the box was big and tall enough to cover you completely, you crouched down, straining your ears for nearing footsteps. you heard two sets of feet approaching, your heartbeat racing.
you were met with your accomplice, a friendly-looking man behind him. you stood up as they approached you.
“this the girl?” the man asked, and harry nodded, “nice to meetcha, i’m jon.” you shook his hand, “okay, so we’ve cleared tom’s schedule for one week, we’ll need him back fully recharged and ready to work like it’s his first day on set, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like, if it means he’ll work better if you’re here you can stay until we're done. i really don’t mind, i just need my guy back.” you blinked at his words, nodding slowly. “we’ve got a couple hours left tonight, i’m all up for some cheesy reunion, but it’ll have to be when we’re finished, i can barely keep him focused as it is.”
with that he left, and harry led you to tom’s trailer, where you caught some sleep while you waited. like that morning, you woke up to your phone buzzing. you reached for it, sleep leaving your body as you read the text.
‘just finished filming for the night, i’m exhausted. miss u, love you. x.’
all rational thoughts left your head, you opened the door to tom’s trailer and sprinted out of there until you reached the set. your eyes finally, finally met his figure, and tears filled your eyes.
your legs moved on their own accord, you mumbled apologies as you crashed into people, but you didn’t care. tom had his back to you, and even though he wasn’t wearing the spiderman costume, you’d recognize that ass anywhere.
“tom!” you called out, stopping a few feet away from him. you saw him whipping his head around, eyes scanning the sea of people. you made your way up to him, “tommy!” you repeated, and he finally turned around.
his mouth wide opened in disbelief, arms twitching, feet running towards you as you did the same. you crashed into each other, your legs wrapping around him, arms around his neck, fingers curling on his soft hair. his hands running all over your back, your hair. pulling you as close as humanly possible.
whispers of ‘i love you’, ‘god, i missed you’, ‘never leave me again’, and ‘i promise’ were exchanged. you tightened your hold on his hair, pulling back to look at him.
“hi,” you whispered, your nose brushing his.
“hey,” he replied, burying his face on your neck again, pressing small kisses anywhere he could reach. his hands settled on the back of your thighs as he spun you two. you giggled, sniffling as a few tears escaped your eyes.
you could not care less about the people around you, all you could think about was the boy wrapped all over you, your favorite boy. tom led you back to his trailer, where you finally untangled yourself from him. he settled you down and you immediately wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him close to you again.
you had been starved of his touch for so long, there was no way you were letting him go anytime soon.
after many kisses, touches, tears, promises and more kisses, you left for the hotel. harry had already left, getting a ride from another cast member to leave you two alone. at that moment you swore you’d make him godfather of your firstborn child.
as you waited for tom to step out of the shower -you would’ve joined him, but three showers in a day seemed kind of excessive-, you laid down on the bed, throwing the covers over your body, tom's scent engulfing you. you breathed in happily. you tapped on your phone, replying to some work emails when you received a text from harry.
‘i believe the ball is in your court. you’re welcome.’
next, you received a picture of you and tom. harry must’ve taken the picture when you and tom were too lost in each other to even notice anyone around you. in the picture, your legs are around tom, bodies pressed closed together, your noses touching as you stare lovingly into each other’s eyes. it was a beautiful picture. and the black and white filter harry had applied to it made it seem like one of those old pictures of wives reuniting with their spouses after the war.
you smiled, heart swelling with emotion as you contemplated your options. you hummed quietly, tapping the instagram logo and waiting for the app to load.
you quickly uploaded the picture harry sent you tagging both him and tom and adding a quick caption before you shut down your phone. you were drifting off to sleep when you felt familiar arms around you.
you leaned into tom’s touch, your back resting against his chest, legs tangling with his as he interlocked his fingers with your own.
“thank you so much for being here, my love. i love you,” tom whispered into your ear, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“i’ll be here whenever you need me. i’ll always come back to you.” you turned around, facing him. you kissed the corner of his lips, and he cupped your cheek, his lips meeting yours in a slow kiss, filled with emotion. your fingers played with his fingers as you moved to straddle his waist. “i love you,” you broke the kiss reluctantly. as much as you both wanted to make love that night, you’d made it your top priority that tom took his time off to rest as much as he could, and that included that first night.
you gave him one last kiss, going back to your previous position. the familiar and comfortable weight of his arms around you, the feeling of his lips on your neck, his chest rising and falling against your back, you couldn’t ask for anything better.
the peaceful environment you had created suddenly burst like a bubble as tom’s phone pinged over and over again. you heard him grunting, arms reluctantly leaving you.
tom chuckled, putting his phone on do-not-disturb and throwing it somewhere on the bed.
“you’re perfect for me, my favorite girl.” you smiled, leaning into his touch as he kissed you all over. sleep quickly taking over both of you.
tom swore his heart stopped when he’d seen the picture you posted. you’d never looked more beautiful than when you were staring up at him, your bottom lip between your teeth. the words you wrote as a caption were the last thing on his brain as he finally succumbed to sleep.
‘i said, “i bet you can’t keep this a secret for five months.” he said, “darling, i won’t make it past three.” @ tomholland2013 it’s been 10 months, who won?’
edit: i just saw henry cavill's ig post and omg what is my life. pls respect celebrities' privacy and relationships.
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imsebastiansta-n · 3 years
PR Stunt - Part 1
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Warnings: lots of fluff to start with, bit of bad feelings, sebs management being money grabbing assholes, I think that’s it?
Word count: 770 
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 A/N: Okay so I wrote this bc I have an opinion and so do others. Please don’t comment/reblog talking shit, bc quite frankly I don’t want to hear it. I think the whole ‘relationship’ is bullshit and all she’s looking for is fame and money.  
If you don’t want to read this, that is absolutely fine, just keep scrolling and carry on with your day.
If you read it and have stuff to say and think its horrible? Don’t say it. Keep it to yourself.
If you read it and have your own opinion, great let me know. Just don’t say awful stuff, say your opinion and leave.
If you read it and have the same opinion as me, great let me know. Again, dont be horrible.
Either way, everyone has an opinion whether it be good or bad. As long as I don’t get death threats and little, teeny boppers in my dm’s going all keyboard warrior, go nuts. 
PS: before anyone says it, I’m not a ‘jealous’ fan. I just care deeply for Sebastian’s wellbeing and mental health. Something a lot of people seem to forget about.
PPS: thank you for 600 followers. You’re all so great 
It was 3:40 am and you and Sebastian where currently at JFK airport waiting to board a plane to Ibiza.
It was your 4th anniversary, and with Seb working hard on making movies and you studying for your (your Uni) course, neither of you had time to really spend time together. Sure, you went to bed together, but Sebastian was usually awake at 5:30am to get ready for work, while you went to Uni. When you both came home, you were both too exhausted to do anything other than sleep.
 It was starting to take a toll on your relationship, so you and Sebastian both decided a nice holiday was what you both needed to rekindle it.
With your semester ending, and Seb’s current movie being rapped up it was perfectly timed.
So here you where, currently leaning on his shoulder trying to hold back a yawn and failing as your eyes fluttered shut.  
“It’s okay, babe. We’ll be called for our plane soon and then we can sleep.” Seb whispered into your, giving you a small peck.
You hummed in response causing him to chuckle and lean his head on yours and started to people watch.
It felt like minutes when you were softly woken from your nap by Sebastian.
“Baby, come on you gotta wake up. Our flight was called.” He gently shook you awake; you squinted your eyes from the airport lights being too bright and slowly sat up, taking a big stretch.
“Ooh big stretch.” He cooed making you giggle. You both grabbed your suitcases and carry-on bags and made your way to your gateway.
As you were both walking to the gateway, an awful feeling appeared in your belly. Like you knew something bad was going to happen, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
Frowning to yourself, you tried to rack your brain for anything you may have forgotten. You locked the door, made sure all the lights were turned off, made sure your shared apartment was tidy.
So then what was it that gave you the bad feeling?
Sebastian noticed you frowning and frowned himself.
“What’s going on in that head of yours, sweetheart?” he softly asked as to not startle you.
“I just have this really bad feeling in my stomach, and I don’t know why. Its not the flying, we’ve flown so many times now that it’s practically a breeze. I’m trying to think as to what it could be.” You pouted, still trying to figure out the feeling.
Sebastian swallowed hard, thankful you didn’t notice.
He knew the bad feeling you felt, and he knew it well.
You see, in the 4 years you and Sebastian had been together you’ve both been extremely private about your relationship. Neither of you post anything to social media, if asked by paparazzi the question either gets ignored or the subject gets changed. The same if Seb has to go onto a tv show.
What you don’t know, is that Sebastian had a meeting with his management a year ago. They wanted him to become more public with his relationship with you, so they could bring in the big bucks to their wallets. Thankfully, Seb refused to put you in the spotlight intentionally and told them no, in some not so nice words.
But because he told his management no, they threatened to drop him. They gave him an ultimatum.
He either puts you in the spotlight so he can get more publicity, which means more buck in the pockets for them, or he can dump you and be in a PR relationship.
He refused both options. 
Which then came back to then bite him in the ass big time.
They forced the PR on him.
And he never told you.
But he never lied. If you asked him what he was doing, he’d tell you he was meeting up with a friend.
And you never doubted him because you trust him with your life.
Because you’re in love with him.
Its because of your love for him, and his for you that he felt the guilt in the pit of his stomach. His heart stung every time he had to be seen with the blonde woman, it stung because if you saw it and asked, he couldn’t lie to you. He’d have to tell the truth and the thought of breaking your heart and the tears in your eyes would break him so bad.
So he never said anything.
He tried to forget.
Until you started to get the bad feelings.
Every time the blonde woman was somewhere you both were.
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Promises (Jason Kolchek) Part 8
Summary: You were a DIA Field Agent working with Camp Slayer when a certain man with a southern accent caught your attention
Words: 2.4K
Requested: Yes/No
Warnings or A/N: NSFW WARNING. I WILL WARN YOU WHEN IT STARTS DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18. This is heavily inspired by this piece of art.
Tags: @thefictionalgemini @house-of-kolchek @fruitcup4prez
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Yours and Jason's POV:
He stayed with you until he was forced into a makeshift interrogation room and you were carried to who knows where. He was getting tired of answering the same damn questions over and over again. ”FUCK! How many times do I have to keep telling you the same damn story? Where is Y/n? I’m not answering any more of your damn questions till you tell me about her!”
“I understand but CENTCOM needs to iron out any…irregularities. Miss Y/l/n is being tended to. She has a severe concussion. She lost consciousness on the way to Medbad but the doctors say she’ll wake up,”
“Was that so hard to answer and irregularities? Such as? The entire fucking thing was an irregularity,”
“Such as why you allied with an enemy combatant?”
Jason hated the fact that after everything the team went through they really cared that he walked with Salim. Out of everything, that’s what they were concerned with. “You weren’t fucking there! Those things were ripping us to shreds. I don’t give a fuck who it was, we needed all the help we could get! I stepped back into hell to save Salim and that man was worth five of you people. Semper Fucking Fi!”
It’s been a week since Jason heard from you nor was told anything about you and it was driving him insane. He didn’t know if you were okay or where you were. These fuckers wouldn’t tell you anything and they were keeping him quarantined. Even though, he told them that he wasn’t infected with anything. The way the vampires were created was through a parasite but they didn’t care. They wanted to keep him and who knows who else in quarantine to draw blood. He looked at the marks on his arm and there’s gotta be more marks from them drawing blood than bruises from what happened.
At this point, he was done with all of this bullshit and wanted to see you. To be fair, the moment they forced him away from you, he was done with it. He had the door to the room he was in opened up, ready to get his blood drawn for the millionth time this week. As he held up his arm to make it easier for the doctor. “Just get it done and get the hell-” His buffel bag was dropped in a chair in front of him. “What’s this for?”
The doctor handed him a clipboard and Jason read the paper that was on it. It was a discharged form. He looked up from the paper “Discharge?”
The doctor nodded. “Yes, Mr. Kolchek. You’re done with the quarantine and we’re done with the blood tests. So i just need you to sign those papers and we’re done,”
Jason quickly took the pen that was clipped onto the clipboard and signed it as fast as he could and handled it to him. The doctor looked over it and then looked at Jason. “We have you at a hotel and there’s a ticket in your bag. Along with all your belongings,”
“Where’s Y/n? Is she at the same hotel?”
“I’m not suppose to tell you that but check your bag to make sure everything is in there,”
The doctor nodded to Jason's bag then left. Jason walked over to his bag and zipped it open. He saw all his clothes and a closed envelope. He quickly ripped the envelope open and saw a plane ticket and a note; "Same hotel. Room 234. This stays between us,"
He was standing outside your door for a few minutes, too nervous to knock. He could hear the tv playing some movie that he couldn't make out. He saw a door open and surprisingly Eric came out. Jason looked at him shocked. "Colonel?"
"Lieutenant! Did you just get here?"
Jason nodded. "Yeah. Did they place all of us in the same hotel?"
His heart when he heard your voice. He slowly turned to look at you and his breath hitched when he saw you standing there, wearing an oversize shirt and booty shoots. "Y/n,"
Neither of you moved not wanting to ruin this moment. You both didn't know whether or not to believe this was real. He got tired of not doing anything. He wanted, no, needed you in his arms. He placed his fingers on your stomach and gently pushed you back as he walked into the room. He quickly shut the door and turned around to face you. You were just standing there looking at him. He walked up to you and with one hand he grabbed a fistful of your hair and the other arm and hand wrapped around your waist as he pulled you tightly against him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and placed your forehead against his. "I'm okay, Jase,"
He didn't say anything for a minute, just taking you in. Feeling your warmth against him. Feeling the much needed weight against him. "Those fuckers couldn't tell me that?"
You let go of his waist and placed your both hands on his jaw. "I thought about you every day. You were the only thing I could think about,"
He didn't say anything as he stared at your lips and how he wanted nothing more to kiss you. He let go of your hair. He grabbed your chin kind of tightly and lifted it up so he could kiss you. The kiss was needy, filled with all the missing you, the longing, the worry he had felt in the week before. You kissed him back with the same emotion, your hands dropped from his chin to grip at his shirt. You had an inkling how much you needed this kiss but you didn't realize just how much.
"I needed this," He said in between kisses as he tilted his head so he could deepen the kiss.
He moved his hands from your chin down your back to your ass as he squeezed your ass. You let out a small moan as he chuckled. You bit his bottom lip as retaliation. He grunted. You smiled into the kiss. He moved his hand back to your hips and turned you a bit to the right. He lifted you up and sat you on the table. He placed his hands on your bare thighs and squeezed them, you broke the kiss with a small moan. He looked down at your shirt and grabbed the hem. "This. Off. Now,"
You reached up as he lifted your shirt over your head and he was about to touch you again but he remembered when you slipped off the edge so he looked down at your hip and he saw that it was healed but still bruised. "It doesn't hurt,"
That was the only thing Jason needed to hear before he quickly attached his lips to the nap of your neck that was now bare but for a tiny bra strap. He didn't move his lips for a bit before he did, he bit down gently which made you buckle into him at the sudden feeling. You both moaned and groaned at that action. He slowly kissed down your neck. You placed a hand on his chest and felt his heart was thumping. "Jason," You breathlessly said.
He stopped kissing your collarbone and looked up at you. "Darlin'?
"Are you sure you want this?"
"What kind of question is that? All I could think about this past week was how good it would feel kissing you?" He asked, kissing your lips and your neck. "Touching your body," He said, running his index finger from the top of your neck, down your stomach, your thighs and gripped your inner thigh. You rolled your eyes and gasped at that action. "Of course, I want this,"
"Then get to it,"
He laughed. "Your wish is my command," He scooped you into his arms, walked you over to the bed and he sat you down, he effortlessly unhooked your bra. He pushed you back to where you landed on the bed. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and took off his shirt with one shift moment. You bit your lip as you saw his bare chest. He goes to lean back down. "Hold on. I want to look at you,"
Jason looked at you, smirked, leaned back up and pulled your knees up around both sides of him. You noticed all the bruises that were caused by what happened only a week ago. You almost took notice of the scars that were older, probably gained from years of military service. You reached out to touch his body. You let your arms fall from the top of his chest to the abs that he had gained from all the working out he does to the top of his pants where now your fingers were slipping under them only a bit. You heard Jason suck in a breath which made your body go on fire. Your body was already on fire but if you had that type of effect on him by only doing that, what would the effect be when you actually did something a lot more. You got tired of not having his weight and warmth against you, so you grabbed his shoulder and pulled him down on top of you. He kissed you once more. "While you were ogling me, I was ogling you and God, you're perfect,"
He kissed and bit your neck once more before moving down to your breast, you gasped at the feeling of his mouth on such a sensitive spot. After a few minutes of his tongue going all over your breast, he slightly bit it which caused you to buckle your hips into his. He moved on to your other breast and did the same thing. You gripped his hair as he moved his lips further and further south as he moved his arms down the sides of your body. He grabbed the side of your shorts that rested on hips and pulled them down, leaving you in nothing but your panties.
He looked up at you and his eyes were full of lust which made you let out a moan. He moved to where he could rest perfectly at your core. He started to rub you over the cloth before he reached up and pulled them off. He didn't give you a warning before he plunged his finger in and out of you a few times and then he curved his finger hitting that sweet spot which caused you to scream out. He chuckled before placing his lips on your core and lapping you. He continued at this place for a while and it wasn't long till you climaxed.
You didn't even give him a chance to think or say anything when you pulled him up then flipped him out and got on top of him. "Ok that was hot,"
You ignored him as you hungrily kissed, bit, and licked his chest. Once you got to his pants, you pulled them off as well as his underwear down. His dick sprung out and you grabbed it with one hand and licked it from bottom to top before placing the head in your mouth and sucking it before taking all of him in your mouth. He let out a throaty groan. "Y/n," As you were deepthroating him, he grabbed your hair and pulled it rough which cause you to moan against him and in return the vibration of it caused him to let go.
He sat up, grabbed you by the throat, roughly kissed you and threw you back on the bed rough as well. "Don't move," He growled. His voice sounded different. More huskier. More sexier. More deeper.
He walked over to his pants and pulled out a condom. You laughed. "Oh so you knew you were getting lucky,"
Jason shook his head. "No, just hopeful,"
"Get over here. Now,"
He turned back around and got back on top of you. He leaned down and gave you a passionate kiss before leaning back up and rolling the condom on. "You ready? I wanna make sure you-"
"Jason, shut the fuck up and get in me already,"
Jason placed his dick down to your entrance and pushed inside of you slowly and easily for you to get used to his size. You moved your hips to match his movements. You two let out groans and moans. "You feel so good baby,"
"If you don't pick up the pace,"
Jason chuckled. "Eager, are we?" Jason asked as he pulled out.
"What the fuck, Kolch-?'
You didn't even finish that as he slammed into you. He thrust himself in and out of you making you scream with every moment. Quickening his pace every few seconds before he pressed his naked chest against yours and buried his head into your neck as you were leaving scratches down his back. Not long after Jason started at this pace, you felt your body heated up and got the familiar feelings. "Jase,"
You knew what he wanted. You wrapped your arms around his neck and wrapped your legs around his waist trapping him there. Not long after this, you felt his pace getting sloppier and his breath getting choppier. "Now, babygirl, now,'
You both climaxed at the same time. He rode out both of your orgasms before pulling out of you and collapsing on top of you. "That was fucking amazing,"
You started pulling with his hair and laughed. "Yeah, definitely need to do that again,"
You were just about asleep with Jason, who was still on top of you. He was already asleep. When you heard a knock at the door, you pushed Jason off you. You got off of the bed, which you immediately fell as your legs weren't wanting to work. You heard Jason laugh. You looked at him and saw that he was walking over to his bag. "Fuck off. This is your fault,"
That just made him laugh more as he pulled on a pair of shorts and then walked to the door. You spotted Jason's shirt that he was just wearing, you grabbed it and pulled it over your head. You heard Jason open the door. "Yeah?"
You couldn't see who it was but you could hear the conversation. "Look, I know that you two haven't seen each other in a week but these walls are super thin and the people next to you aka me can hear you very well,"
It was Nick.
"Nicky, I'm not gonna apologize for making her scream like that but I'll try to keep her quiet next time,"
You laughed. "Yeah, Nick you just might wanna invest in some ear plugs cause you know damn well Jason isn't gonna do that,"
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moonlit-han · 4 years
nxt 2 u: mornings with stray kids ↠ all members
genre: imagine/reaction, fluff, domestic bliss, established relationship au word count: 3k warnings: highly suggestive, 18+ themes, swearing request: yes but also no? a/n: femme-leaning reader~
✧ masterlist & tag list info in bio ✧
bang chan
you roll over at the sound of chan mumbling in his sleep
he kinda wakes up
just a little blearily
and gives you this huge smile (♡‿♡)
bc you're actually there, the love of his life
and he still can't believe he's lucky enough to wake up beside you every day
so you snuggle closer and kiss his nose
then his eyelids
and finally his mouth so gently
channie just curls more tightly to you and pulls you to his chest
his hair is all tousled in the cutest way
like one part of it is sticking up like a lil cat ear (or wolf ear, since it's chan)
and you kinda just melt when you notice it
you can’t resist combing your fingers through his hair
when he finally wakes up
chan peppers your face with kisses, 
carefully sliding on top of you
to then slowly, so slowly kiss you
his hands travel all over you, slipping under the old t-shirt of his you’re wearing
and soon you’re wriggling under him, wanting more (*/ω\)
so chan works what seems like magic with his hands and/or mouth
until your toes are curl and you feel like you’re going to burst
but chan just grins and rolls off the bed
leaving you gasping and mildly grumpy ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
but you still get up to make blueberry pancakes
bc it’s saturday and that means blueberry pancakes  ( `^´ )ノ*:・゚✧
so you’re standing at the counter, combining the ingredients and waiting for the griddle to heat up
chan comes in after taking a shower
and is so overcome with tenderness at how sweet you look
just standing there in the kitchen,
still in his t-shirt and your underpants
so he wraps his arms around you from behind
and presses himself against you, teasing again a little
he nuzzles your neck, just begging for kisses
so soon, the stove is turned off and breakfast almost forgotten
as you stumble, giggling, back into the bedroom to cuddle and kiss more
and when you’re just about falling asleep
bc who needs to be awake on a saturday morning?! ┐(︶▽︶)┌
chan looks just as adorable and soft as he did earlier in the day
and you let him curl into your arms again
as you hold him and kiss the top of his head
adfghakldfhg he's just the sweetest floofkins (*´▽`*)
lee minho
i know i’ve compared minho to a cat before
but hear me out
minho in the mornings is mildly hilarious
bc even if he’s completely curled into a ball when he falls asleep
or spooning you sweetly
or whatever other fascinating position you fall asleep in together
he ends up stretched out
with at least one arm and one leg thrown over you
snoring softly
just. like. a. cat.
and you often find yourself unable to move
bc minho’s surprisingly heavy when he’s asleep
complete deadweight (╥ᆺ╥;)
but as soon as you brush the little stray hairs from his forehead
and kiss his shoulder
he stirs and groans a little, just settling deeper into the mattress
….which means more snugly onto you
heCk (¬_¬;)
so you wriggle around a little more
and finally manage to get your leg free from underneath of minho’s
as usual, you climb on top of minho and sit squarely on top of him
and start tickling him (≧◡≦)
THAT definitely wakes minho up
his lips poke out a little in a pout, all of their own accord
but he can’t really do anything about the fact that you’re tickling him
bc you’re sitting right on his hips, pinning him to the bed
the ~intimacy~ of the position, despite the fact that you’re tickling him, is not lost on either of you
and, being the little shit that he is, minho bucks his hips up once or twice
you just give him a mock glare and say “bad kitty”
before tickling him with renewed enthusiasm
(not to mention giving him little kisses on the neck and teasing ones on the ear)
once his ribs start to hurt from laughing,
minho just pulls you into a deep kiss
and you both relax
you love how sweet he is in the morning
nothing is hurried nor desperate
bc all minho wants to do is softly show you how much he loves you
you share little, soft touches that nonetheless feel like the most important things in the world
seo changbin
changbin’s arms around you is the best thing in the world
you’re barely awake and everything is blissful softness
if your feelings and the atmosphere could be described as a color,
it would be peach~
golden and warm, with just a hint of sweetness ;)
you snuggle into changbin’s chest, nestling your hips more closely with his
and you get a little kiss on the head
changbin is calm and cuddly in the mornings
and all he wants to do is hold you
sometimes you’ll end up with him closer than skin-to-skin
but it’s honestly more for comfort than anything else
how can he resist yet another way to be closer to you and cozy?
after awhile, you turn over slightly and kiss the underside of his chin
he giggle softly
……he’s a bit like totoro:
definitely a little magical
((yes, i’m still on my “changbin is a shapeshifting crow” agenda))
and just A Good BeanTM
(♡‿♡) (♡‿♡) (♡‿♡)
you scoot up onto the pillow a bit so you’re face-to-face
changbin just murmurs “hey baby” and gives you a lil kiss on the lips
his lips are so soft you feel like you’re going to melt
he makes sure to pull the blankets back over your shoulders so you aren’t cold
and he rubs your back in slow circles
tension you didn’t even know you were holding releases under his touch
and changbin’s hand drifts to your hip to hold you to him
you tangle your legs together
and he somehow pulls you closer
you’re really not sure how he manages it
but changbin can hold you and cuddle you so closely that you feel like you’re going to merge into one person
there’s nothing sexy about it or anything
it’s just that the warm, safe feeling you get is so amazing
neither of you are anywhere near fully awake
and drift in and out of sleep, sometimes shifting to a more comfortable position
when you finally wake, changbin is still sleeping soundly
you take the opportunity to stare at him
his hair is mussed (a bit wildly)
and he has the first little bits of stubble coming down from his sideburns
a little smile adorns his mouth, as if he’s dreaming about something lovely
((you. he’s dreaming about you :3 ))
you slip your arm up to stroke changbin’s face
your thumb passes over the rounded plane of his cheekbone
and, even in sleep, he leans into your touch
after a few more moments, you lightly kiss him awake
hwang hyunjin
you’d expect hyunjin to be a complete mess in the mornings
but he’s not
he’s actually organized
oh and since his hair can get aaaaaall over the place
he always makes sure to braid it out of the way at night
so in the mornings, little wisps of hair stick out from their appointed places
one of your morning habits is to delicately tuck those wisps of hair back into place
on the weekends, hyunjin is
so! excited!! to!!! cuddle!!!! you!!!!! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
and loves kinda pouncing on you as soon as your eyes open
kisses you all over
and rolls the two of you around on the bed
and he’s just holding your hips the entire time, rubbing small circles into them
as he kisses you so damn sweetly
and if you playfully nip at his bottom lip?
he’ll just do it right back
your rolling around has turned into more too many times for you to count
and honestly, it’s kinda the best
so sweet and slow
like you’re the most precious jewel in the world
he  t a k e s  h i s  s w e e t  t i m e ( ̄~ ̄ )
and sometimes all you can do is hold on to the sheets for dear life
unless you’re supposed to meet your parents at 11 a.m.
in which case, you’d better be ready
gotta go fast, as they say~ (⊙‿⊙✿)  
but even then, mornings with hyunjin are still sweeter than caramel
his normally plump lips are even more so when he’s just woken up
and the way he squints his eyes against the sun?
that’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen
sometimes he’s just calm in the mornings
and you lay your head on his chest
and listen to his heartbeat
as hyunjin strokes your hair and gives you a little neck massage
it’s so peaceful and you wouldn’t trade snuggling with hyunjin for the world
han jisung
does not want to get out of bed
no fucking thank you \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
there really should be a sign on his door or bed like
WARNING: Do Not Try to Remove Squirrel from Natural Habitat!!!!!
secondary warning: squirrel may bite if forcibly removed from natural habitat
he will cling to you better than an octopus
jisung nuzzles into your neck like there’s no tomorrow
and the loose strands of hair falling around his face tickle your skin a little
instead of kissing your neck over and over,
jisung just kinda pouts and keeps his lips lightly against your skin
it’s really sweet hhhhhh (o´▽`o)
if he’s ~ in the mood ~ be prepared for WhiningTM
and for your pajamas to disappear faster than chan’s ears turn red when he’s embarrassed
is it gonna be fast? slow? who knows! (・_・ )
let the fates decide and just go with it
bc either way, you’re going to need to change the sheets and take a shower
you may also find yourself turned into a burrito one morning
bc jisung loves all the blankets
and thinks you’re cute as hell all rolled up in them
…..like a burrito 。・゚(゚⊃ω⊂゚)゚・。
and he will immediately lay down on top of you, the burrito, and begin to munch
and by munch i mean kiss you so thoroughly you’ll barely remember your name
he only gets like that if he’s been awake for at least an hour
so when he first opens his eyes, rubbing his face a little and yawning
his first inclination is to make sure you’re still there
and then he just snuggles closer, kinda tucking his head under your chin or on your shoulder
as you also wake up, you make sure to kiss his forehead and tell him you love him
it’s a little ritual almost~
you’d both miss it if you didn’t do that
and you just shift a bit so you can hold jisung even tighter,
threading your fingers through his hair
and kissing the tips of his ears, as if they have little points
you lay there together, just enjoying the warmth of not one, not two, not three, but four comfy blankets and each other
until jisung’s a bit more awake
his hair is so messy when he finally sits up
and his lips are a little dry and swollen from sleep
when he finally speaks, his voice is super husky and deeper than usual
and, frankly, you think it’s the hottest thing ever
when you’re together, he usually doesn’t wear a shirt to sleep, either
so in the morning you’re just blessed with the sight of a shirtless jisung
whose voice is at least half an octave lower and slightly gravelly
it’s just;;;
invariably, you end up pulling him right back down next to you and booping his nose
then kissing him
a lot
and, sometimes, you don’t get out of bed until noon
because why would you when it’s safe inside the blankets? (⌒▽⌒)♡
lee felix
wraps arms and legs (anything else he can manage but idk what) around you
bc damn it you’re there with him and you’re gonna be close!!!!
the cuddliest in the morning
but then again….will gladly wriggle down to the foot of the bed
and make you a scream
felix: softly, y/n!! don’t wake the neighbors!
y/n: how am i… supposed to- Fuck! stay quiet when you- damn it, ’lix… keep doing that!!?
*giggles from felix* (≧◡≦)
but most importantly
he literally just wants to hold you
and enjoys making you laugh by rumbling his voice in his chest
after all, it’s considerably easier to do first thing in the morning
and is quite proud of the fact that his voice is deeper in the mornings
yawns kinda loudly????
but does that slow eye and nose scrunch he does
to clear the sleep from his eyes a little
it’s the cutest thing ever
also learned the “make my significant other into a burrito” trick from jisung (-_-;)
so now you’re a burrito practically every single morning
there’s actually something comforting about being swaddled
and also like jisung
(((dear god they must share notes akhfskdhj)))
he flops down on top of you to cuddle the living daylights out of you
felix will give you all the gentle kisses in the world
definitely sings that frank sinatra song “fly me to the moon” to wake you up
before kissing each of your fingers, your palm, your wrist, and all the way up your arm before finally
reaching your lips
and he just murmurs sweet nothings to you
as he kisses you every way and everywhere he knows how
felix likes to lay beside with you, hands laced together
and talk about what you’ll do together that day
bc there’s so much he wants to do with you (*¯ ³¯*)♡
and show you and cook for you
and he’s just so full of love
that he ends up bounding out of bed
and pulling you with him, even if you’re both still half-asleep
just so you can start your day together
although, you usually have to stop him from running out the door still in his pajamas
with the cutest bedhead ever
a small part of you wants to see what would happen if he went out like that
but then again…
you also want to be the only one who sees felix in such an utterly free state of being
kim seungmin
seungmin is extremely soft in the mornings
he really likes to just hold you to his chest with his cheek pressed against the top of your head
kisses your temple from time to time
and just holds you on top of him, hand pressed to the small of your back
he likes to tell you about the previous day when you’re just laying there together
and sometimes doesn’t mind if you fall back asleep while he’s talking
he actually finds it rather cute
seungmin likes to spoil you in the mornings
whatever that means to you
either food
(he’ll make you an amazing breakfast
like absolutely everything you could ever want
and probably more)
or ~ love ~
(…maybe, if you make a good case for it
does not take these things lightly ( ̄ヘ ̄) )
or giving you a massage
you do like massages tho
and seungmin’s particularly good at them
he makes sure to get lotion or body oil
and that his hands are warm
bc no one likes a massage from someone with cold hands
then just methodically massages your back
he secretly likes the little noises you make when the tension releases from your muscles (✿´ ꒳ ` )
sometimes massages turn into making love
but usually not~
mornings are for slow relaxation
no raising of heartbeats or anything else
seungmin also likes to plan out days while still cuddling in bed
and grudgingly allows you to tease him
about his bedhead
or his bleary-eyed looks at you before he’s fully awake ╥﹏╥
or how he just wouldn’t move no matter what you did during the night
it was really quite amazing
seungmin tends to mumble a lot in the mornings
it’s one of the few times he’ll snuggle into you
instead of holding you
he’ll just mumble incoherently
and you’ll be just falling asleep again
when he starts talking perfectly clearly about how much he loves you
you listen, trying to memorize exactly what he says
bc there’s absolutely nothing to distract him or filter the words
and he’s just…. talking
seungmin’s voice first thing in the morning is, of course, a bit lower from sleep
and you find it unbearably attractive
especially when he’s telling you he loves you (*/ω\)。o♡
yang jeongin
kinda just slips his arm around your shoulder
kisses the top of your head
and murmurs “good morning sweetie”
before getting up quickly to brush his teeth
bc dear gods he just wants to feel clean;;;;
once he’s back, it’s time for sooooo many cuddles ( ◡‿◡ ♡)
you hadn’t necessarily fully enjoyed the experience of breakfast in bed
until you met jeongin
then, breakfast in bed on the weekends became normal!
and sometimes you’d even watch a show together
and cuddle and cuddle and cuddle and cuddle
when he started working out more, you were really excited
bc it meant more squish for you to cuddle on
he’s very playful in the mornings
and, like with minho, there ends up being lots of tickling
although, with jeongin, he’s doing the tickling
he’s in love with your giggle(*♡∀♡)(*♡∀♡)
and takes every opportunity to make you laugh just so he can hear it
jeongin is the poutiest in the mornings
like if you thought jisung can pout?
well, no. jisung still wins the pouting contest
but jeongin comes in a close second!!!
but not even pouting to get something or get his way
just cutely pouting for the sake of looking cute (◕‿◕✿)
and he just squishes you so tightly to his chest
you sometimes have to remind him that
in a perfect world
you’d like to breathe
one morning when you were being squeezed
so affectionately you didn’t even know what to do
you decided to kiss his collarbones
and it was all over from there
jeongin  m e l t s  if you kiss his collarbones
and if you kiss along them,
everything in his world is even better
but then if you decide to get inventive
and maybe take a lil soft nibble or lick?
it’s all over (⌒_⌒;)
he just gets so overwhelmed with love
and tenderness hhhhh
and sighs like a dramatic Victorian lady
the moment you start
you are so not leaving that bed for at least another two hours
jeongin likes to make sure you’re nice and comfy
at all times
when in bed bc, just like his friends have taught him:
he will treat you like an angel.。o♡
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