talltoontales · 2 months
ToonMan #6: The Lemon-Scented Lacky
[Story 33]
Prompt: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” That’s a fact. When the lemonade you made from the lemon’s life grants you superpowers, you’re not quite sure what the proverb should be.
Prompt By: r/RenaRouge (Reddit)
Started Writing: 07/14/2024
This city is a mess…
Thunder echoes through the night sky, applauded by rain as the citizens of Pannel City march to their destinations.
Too many people, so self-absorbed in their lives, unafraid to ruin the world for others if it adds to their convenience. Leaving too many people like me at the bottom of the totem pole.
High above the city streets, Lemon head, a twelve-foot-tall dragon man, is perched on the rooftop's edge, claws digging into the stone. A bright yellow liquid seeps from his mouth. As it lands on the roof, it burns through the stone like boiling water through snow. Lemon Head quickly wipes his mouth.
Stuff like that’s why my father always called me a pessimist. He’d say, “You could find a hundred dollars right in front of you and find a way to make it the worst thing to ever happen to anyone.” He’s not wrong, though. I do tend to look on the darker side of life, not that I have to try that hard.
Sirens blaring and tires squealing catch Lemon Head's attention. A van tears through the city streets with a parade of police cars a few feet behind it. Lemon Head leaps from the rooftop, landing a mile ahead of the high-speed pursuit and causing everyone to come to a screeching halt.
Before I was…this, I was just another guy trying to survive in the big city. A little armed robbery here, some illegal dealing there, and even tried my hand at insider trading. The work was steady, the pay was good, and I managed to stay out of jail...for a while. All of that changed thanks to workplace stupidity.
“Someone flipped me off on the road? Let’s run ‘em off it!”
Lemon Head walks towards the van, his steps shaking the entire road, petrifying all in his path.
“A fast-food worker gave me a watered-down soda? Let’s burn the whole restaurant to the ground!”
Lemon Head flexes his claws as he walks beside the van's driver-side window. The van leans to the side after putting his hand on the roof.
Day in and day out, I tried to convince these morons to quit it with the petty mob bullshit! They never listened to me, and while they got away scot-free, it cost me everything!
Lemon Head hands the driver a card that reads: “Mr. McQuil sent me. He expects his cut when you get back.” The criminals look at the card and then back at Lemon Head. The monster glares at the criminals with his glowing green eyes while growling and digging his claws into the van's roof. The criminals nod, Lemon Head releases his grip, and the van takes off as Lemon Head turns his attention to the police.
But they’ll listen to me now.
As Lemon Head walks towards the police, they begin to fire on him, their bullets bouncing off his scaly skin.
Now, don’t get it twisted. I’m not trying to become some kingpin of crime. Because that would require me to deal with these idiots more than I’d like to, and I don’t need that kind of stress in my life.
I just want my average job to stay average. Sure, I’m twelve feet tall, weigh almost twenty-five hundred pounds, and can’t speak aside from grunts, but you know what they say…
Lemon Head’s neck swells up to the size of a yoga ball. The bottom of his mouth splits in half as a torrent of acid rains upon the cops. As the police run in terror, their cars quickly melt into pools of glowing yellow liquid. Lemon Head scoffs as he leaps away from the scene.
When life gives you lemons, DROWN IT in lemonade.
. . . . . . . . . .
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed a peek into ToonMan's rouge gallery. If you have any comments, critiques, or criticisms, please don't be afraid to let me hear 'em (as long as they're constructive (or comical)). Also, if you have some spare time, check out my blog for more stories like the one above. Stay safe, drink plenty of water, and be kind to yourself and others. ToonMan, AWAY!
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terrifictoonman · 8 months
Happy Black History Month!
Here's some "quality" art.
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neonrockingvisuals · 2 years
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A super fun commission for the cool guys of NRGComics of their Toonman character. You could say it´s some kind of a retro-heroe, with most of the skills and crazy abilities that old cartoony characters used to have. This one was a lot of fun to do and I hope I can draw more of Toonman in the not so distant future.
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dictatortirah · 5 months
Your art style is really funky, and I always love seeing what wacky shenanigans your silly little goobers will do to commit crimes against toonmanity
Thank youuuu soo muchh!!!!!!🙏🙏🙏
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pinchbees · 1 year
HIII 1 21 and 23 for anyone you like... you can do others too if you want i am grabbing popcorn and eagerly listening
Well, Data is currently rotating in my head so I'll talk about them I guess! Her btw
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1. does your oc have any motifs? Their main motifs are disrepair and "unsightliness"! Disrepair is probably obvious from their outfit alone. With her tie and dress being torn up at the ends. But it runs deeper than that, as a lot of the things she uses function poorly or outright don't work as they should. Even if they seem like a tool or weapon is in perfect condition. However, her herself is fine, not a scratch on them or their horns.
Speaking of their horns, that kinda links back to their other motif! What I mean by unsightliness is things that she doesn't notice about herself or perceive it as something else. But are met with disgust when attention is brought to it, regardless if they want said attention.
Let's say you once in a blue moon see them use their magical kid powers. You notice the abnormal amount of centipedes and other bugs with pincers. They fucking hate it when you point it out, there will be more bugs if you say more. They have no control over that and beings that even she doesn't like following her. She doesn't even like bugs! She's absolutely sob if you compare her horns to bug pincers.
21. hobbies your OC enjoys? They love crafting! More specifically crafting accessories like headbands. They originally started this due to the fact that they didn't have access to non-masculine options. So they made their own from whatever materials they could find. Luckily (or at least somewhat) for her, becoming a magical kid and leaving their household allowed them to manifest them out of thin air. Though they still prefer their visually illogical hair tie.
They're also a massive nerd for other species lol. Since majority of their home city was human and other toonman. (If anyone wants to know about that, uhhhhh too bad don't enable me /hj) She's a living library when it comes to demons/angels.
23. what are your OC’s biggest flaws and biggest strengths? Oughh.... Her biggest flaw is the fact that she can not hide her stress. She will turn into a wet beast if she's poked fun at, threatened, etc. Her body will still react to it with expressing upset.
Her biggest strength though is how heavily they endure situations. She just refuses to stay dead. Her tears could be streaming out tears, she refuses to back down. Especially since, by the time her story starts, she finally gains access to weapons. Shitty ones but still.
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gazbaz1 · 2 years
EXCURSIONS.mp4 from Gary Bird on Vimeo.
More toon-style silliness... #excursions #tooncar #toonman #trips #stylised #motiondesign
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coffeenuts · 4 years
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Lguana by TOONMAN_blchin https://flic.kr/p/XcBwA5
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gacougnol · 6 years
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Toonman Xiapu, China 2015
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thingsdavidlikes · 5 years
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Kathmandu, Nepal by TOONMAN_blchin https://flic.kr/p/2h7ahCK
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aoypodcast · 2 years
AoY Podcast #165 - Between a (Chris) Rock and a Batplace: ANOTHER TANKOBON SPECIAL! (Cowboy Bebop, The Batman, Closing Remarks)
AoY Podcast #165 – Between a (Chris) Rock and a Batplace: ANOTHER TANKOBON SPECIAL! (Cowboy Bebop, The Batman, Closing Remarks)
Also known as: “We will now discuss the breaking of the brick…” Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 4:45:27)   https://ia601509.us.archive.org/6/items/anime-of-yesteryear-podcast-165-between-a-chris-rock-and-a-bat-place-another-tankobon-special/Anime%20of%20Yesteryear%20Podcast%20%23165%20-%20Between%20a%20%28Chris%29%20Rock%20and%20a%20BatPlace-%20ANOTHER%20TANKOBON%20SPECIAL.mp3   Better late…
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peach-crem · 3 years
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Hi it’s me smkfan99 (this is my main account) and I was wondering if you could draw my Psychonauts oc if requests are still open. Here’s a bit more info: Introducing Harriet Toonman! This woman is a teacher but can tend to regress to act like a child and this includes seeing a toy come to life as an imaginary friend...truns out that that toy turned against her...(That's the shadow in the back behind Harriet) Raz must try to help her find another way to cope and get rid of the greater evil that is the imgainary friend/toy. The imaginary friend/toy thing is called Mundo (World in Spainish). One student can be annoying to trigger her to regress into child-like behvaiour. The memory vaults will include: (1) Harriet gets the toy at and young age and starts spending time with it and (2) her being forced to put it away but this one student gets on her nerves and she takes it out anyways...she is also great at levitation. The ref is posted too :) thanks 😊
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Harriet sounds and looks like a super neat character! Drawing her was fun!! ☁️☁️
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talltoontales · 7 months
February Monthly Archive/ March Update
February was a rough month for my mental health, but hey, I still haven't missed a week of writing, sooooo...upside! In all seriousness, keeping up with this challenge felt like a real chore this month, and aside from maybe two stories, I don't feel like I put my best work out there. Not to mention almost missing a week and only posting on my Tumblr account and not Twitter or Reddit.
Shameless plug aside, I'm still holding on two months in, pretty proud of that. Wrote some longer stories than usual and they turned out okay. Plus, I'm doing more planning when it comes to my stories and how I want to tell them. I think I'm building a good system for myself.
Anyway, for March, I plan to vary up the prompts and try to branch out a bit in terms of genre. Here's hoping for a little more than the bare minimum.
01 - Not Enough Time
Written: 02/02/2024 Prompt: [TT] Them Thursday - Exhaustion Prompt By: u/AliciaWrites (Reddit)
02 - REST
Written: 02/10/2024 Prompt: "I've got you, you're okay." Prompt By: @celestialwrites (Tumblr)
03 - Time to Spare
Written: 02/17/2024 Prompt: Ticking Prompt By: @dailytextprompt (Tumblr)
04 - ToonMan #3: Calling it Quips
Written: 02/19/2024 Prompt: LINK Prompt By: @write-it-motherfuckers (Tumblr)
05 - An Open Book
Written: 02/25/2024 Prompt: LINK Prompt By: @writing-prompt-s (Tumblr)
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terrifictoonman · 10 months
November Stories + NaNoWriMo Update
Long time no see...yeah, that's on me. No excuses. I fell off in October. However, I tried to make up for it this month by participating in NaNoWriMo with some success.
9,000 out of 50,000 words written on my newest passion project, "The Streak, Mapping The Multiverse." Honestly, that was more than I thought I'd write. I'm probably gonna finish up what I've got and post it... eventually, so keep an eye out for that.
With that out of the way, here are the five stories I wrote In November:
~Forever's a Mighty Long Time~
[WP] "So, you're talking to me again?" — "Well, it's like you said. I could be mad at you forever, but what's the point in that?" [u/TheWriterCunt - Reddit]
~Wereology 101~
[WP] A sitcom where a Werewolf Pack and a Vampire Clan are good friends with each other, going against the usual trope of Werewolves and Vampires are enemies of each other. Describe a scene from this kind of show. [u/Wixin74 - Reddit]
~Lost In My World~
[WP] “At Power Pre-K, we have all sorts of activities to nurture the budding superhero, villain, monster, titan, or…um, what exactly IS your child?” [u/codeScramble - Reddit]
~Missed the Lie~
[WP] What started as a minor spat between you and your significant other, has devolved into the worst argument the two of you have ever had. [u/The_Anarchivist - Reddit]
~Just Another Night~
[WP] You should have thought twice before joining this team; now you're stuck with a pyromaniac elf, a fearful orc, a flirtatious dwarf, and a fairy with depression. [Reddit - u/Unhappy-Ad-3593]
And that's November. All-in-all, a solid month, can't complain too much. Here's hoping I can keep it up. To however many of you out there who actually read through all of that, I hope you continue to enjoy my stories and other content.
Stay safe, be kind to yourself and others, and don't forget a jacket because baby...it's COLD outside.
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alluneedissunshine · 7 years
Sunrise at Cameron Highlands
Sunrise at Cameron Highlands by TOONMAN_blchin
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khaled-amer · 7 years
Ningde Yangjia Stream, Xiapu, China / 霞浦,楊家溪
Ningde Yangjia Stream, Xiapu, China / 霞浦,楊家溪 by TOONMAN_blchin
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valor-squad · 3 years
Nova Adventures #61
Toonman is getting ready to head out for a night with his mouse co-workers:
Toonman: “Alright, Spot! I’m out for a boys / girls / nonbinary mouse night with my work friends. Take care of the place while I’m gone! Love you!”
Spot: “Bark!”
Toonman leaves the apartment, and closes the door. But he pats himself down, and realizes he forgot the keys.
He walks back into the apartment, and Spot has a poker game running with six other dogs.
Spot: “Bark!”
Toonman: “What do you mean ‘I’m home early?!’ Did you plan this?!”
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