#Top 100 Songs of Nanda
Phalaris Vol.II - KBS Hall day 2 [2023/05/06] live report
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Mouai ni shosu
Devote my life
Utsutsu, Bouga o Kurau
Beautiful Dirt
The Perfume of Sins
Red… [em]
Sustain the Untruth
Revelation of mankind
Today was so much better!
First of all, shimote treated me way better than the central section did. I could even see most of the members. We were fused at the hips, but it was more brotherly, we really moved as a whole!
Shinya wore white, Die had his criss-cross leather tights+black shorts+white and black tunic top, Kaoru wore the same bourgeoisie-like outfit as in Yokosuka and Kyo wore a black Milkboy T-shirt with everything else the same as yesterday. What Toshiya had was way too many layers: the black lace veil, which stayed on for quite a few songs, the black tight shorts below the long lace skirt, but the top consisted of the black lace cover, a thick black cloak (short) that had a huge hood draped back onto his shoulders, and a black lace dress shirt underneath.
The setlist followed the order of Phalaris a bit more. Schadenfreude set the mood, as everyone shouted all the: "Ikedomo jigoku ka" and the song grows in intensity of course, ending with the feeling of helpless accomplishment. 13 followed right after and Kyo was so into it. When singing about getting rid of everything, today he gestured literally at ripping off his face and throwing it behind himself with a swing/momentum of his entire body. This time, the crowd kind of felt awkward, like we were supposed to sing the backups to Kyo's "Never die"s with Die, but we refrained. Also, quite sure Kyo changed the lyrics of "not taking the path that was handed to me" to something about us?
We were not even three full songs in but Toshiya was smiling so much and spinning, stepling side to side during Uroko. Kyo seemed 100% satisfied with the crowd, even though he hyped us up and demanded more either way.
Mouai ni Shosu was also super dancey. It wasn't clear if Kyo wanted us to sing along to the "Mijime na no ka" parts or with Toshiya's backup "The pride and prejudice", we were so confused hahah. But that didn't faze Kyo.
He didn't let us up during Devote my life, we could not catch any breath. We had to sing so much, especially the "Zankoku na" segments. Kyo did one single moment of crazy dance with his hands up after one of those segments.
At the beginning of Hibiki, Toshiya is so dramatic when he gestures a wide circle with his arm after striking one note on his bass, and then another.
In Utsutsu, Bouga o Kurau, this time Kyo came prepared. He demanded that we sing so many verses out of it, even the chants, and one whole paragraph from what I remember, high pitches and all. And then, once the fateful "nananananananaze nanda" part came, he sang the first, then said something, which allowed people to then pick up at the right moment for the second part, finally! Kyo was so proud and happy, his smile showed all his teeth! The song ended and, in the dark, before the next song started, he said one word that I didn't understand, but it must have been either: "Finally" "Got it" or "Success"
By the way, did I ever mention how Kyo comes uo to the edge of the stage with a finger over his crazy smile when doing the quiet "Utsutsu o kurai, warau hitomi", which he whimpers? Kyo's range was so perfect tonight, he did them all, except the high-pitched tracks in Otogi.
At some point in one song, Die passed on one side of Toshiya's mic stand to reach the shimote area, while Toshiya was on his way to Die's usual side of the stage, taking the left of his mic stand. Toshiya had his back to me, but I saw Die pout/smirk, so I assume they had some kind of eye contact as they crossed path. And then, Die stayed in shimote with the shimote members still in kamite even as the next song started.
Again, I'll never tire of Kyo's senseless wide clapping, like a brainless pantomime in the quieter part of GRIEF. This time, his hand sometimes hit the mic by accident. He gets really into that song, as if it was written yesterday. Screaming while making the mic cord whip widely, almost falling to his knees. Oh and Toshiya came up to us with his middle finger up when we had to sing either a "fuck you" or "motherfucker" hah.
I don't know why, but Beautiful Dirt had special confetti-like lights projected onto the huge background poster. We were made to sing a lot of the "Saikou no baraado o okurou".
During the pause moment in the middle of Otogi, Toshiya did this move where he joined both hands together above his head, then folded his elbows to bring them almost to his forehead, following which he smoothly moved them theatrically to his right. It was so extra, but he pulled it off of course!
One thing I also forgot to mention is that yesterday and today as well, at least Toshiya and Die went to play in front of Shinya. Today, it was especially during Jealous, and Kaoru went at some point during the show too. It was my first time today realising how Shinya plays some hard moves during Ningen wo Kaburu.
The Perfume of Sins again began with Kyo whimpering and growling, then suddenly leaning backward with his boney mic stand to growl the Nose, Eyes and Ears with such power. By the end of the series, he is swinging his head side to side to give it his utmost all. Then, later in the song, he goes mad when singing about being more ripened and ends the song with a cry, from what I remember.
The encore was filled with such energy. Everybody except Shinya was all smiles or taunting pout or smirk.
Red… [em] was unexpected for me, but there was mostly calm from the audience. I guess they didn't want to be on the nose, but I hate that this song is bathed in purple light. Anyway, everybody played and sang this song intensely, with much emotion. In this song I think and in another one, the whole stage turns dark and a white spotligt illuminates Toshiya only, from the left side, while he plays a bit of a solo, casting his huge shadow in the background.
JEALOUS followed and everybody in the crowd got happy. This time, Kyo sang with more passion, but he mainly played on our own enthusiasm, letting us sing several parts. There was a spotlight from the top of the stage onto Kaoru for his solo. They all seemed a bit more into it.
The next two songs went as usual, very intense from the perspective of the crowd hah. The members moved across the stage. Die seemed happy in general and almost proud of our energy. Kaoru taunted us so much and he did the "wowowowowow" when he distorted his guitar in Sustain the Untruth, nodding as well. Kyo went left first, then right, where he did a bit of his favourite dance.
When calling out the Last Song, man, it's been a while since I heard Kyo use every last claw in his voice like that, asking us if we could go on more and more. Then, when the first notes of Revelation of mankind started, he slyly said: "Shine--" (Die~)
This time, I suppose because of everything thar had preceded it, Revelation of mankind was a decent ending song. Everybody gave up their last particule of energy. When it ended, Kyo clapped with us and, with his hand held high and a wise smile on his face, he mouthed a big "bye bye" before walking off. Shinya stoicly stepped onto Kyo's crate to throw away 4-5 sticks. Kaoru, Toshiya and Die then threw picks and a towel each across the entire stage. They all had smirks at the bare minimum. Kaoru left with a hand or finger to his heart, clearly touched by our love.
We demanded a second encore very shortly after he departed, but the techs/roadies switfly began taking away the remaining picks on the mic stands, then somebody removed the additional water bottles from Kyo's table and we understood that the band would not return. It was weird because at first, when the roadie distributed the bottles and towels from his basket before the show began, he had initially only set down Kyo's two bottles with straws, but he went back with approximately six more to add neatly beside Kyo's bottles after checking backstage. But in the end, Kyo did not spray anybody. He did throw one of his own bottles without a care, without looking, into the crowd during Eddie, I think. And damn, just lile us, he was dripping sweat and maybe even spit from early during the show.
The ending instrumental is Kamuy, by the way. I guess that's the only way we're getting it hah.
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aj-artjunkyard · 3 years
Batfam musical headcanons
instrument wise? Nothing, the man couldn’t tap out a tune on the piano if his life depended on it but boy that doesn’t stop him from trying
Sometimes the more musically inclined of the family will try to teach him a simple tune or beat to play in the background of a musical video they’re recording, but he’ll always forget the notes in 5 seconds and just improv when he feels it, it always sounds terrible but he’s having a blast 
Can sing though. Oh man can he sing
Doesn’t mean he sings anything other than Disney Princess songs tho 
If you were to ask me for a voice reference, I’d say Thomas Sanders
He has quite a wide vocal range but he’s better on higher notes
He sings quietly or under his breath most of the time, but then he’ll get to a line he’s confident on and he’ll belt it out at full volume
Sometimes a random line will ring out across the manor and it will 100% be Dick’s voice singing I Can Go The Distance from Hercules 
Doesn’t remember half the lyrics 
This still doesn’t stop him 
Remember that scene at the start of Spiderverse where Miles is singing ‘Sunflower’, but only knows half the words, muttering the rest and getting REALLY into the parts he knows? Yeh that’s Dick
plays a KILLER kazoo solo
no he doesn't but it does annoy everyone in a 10 mile radius so there’s an major upside here
This man has a breathtaking bass singing voice 
He claims he has never and will never sing in front of anyone, but sometimes when he’s in a rare good mood, he’ll mess around with his siblings in the music room and end up singing sea shanties with Tim and Dick (and sometimes Duke if he’s not too shy)
This is Jason, Dick and Tim. Damian is recording
Sings exclusively Hamilton, but his real talent in singing isn’t in the rapping area he just loves that musical 
Secret Theatre Nerd™
Famed for roping Tim and Duke into musicals; exclusively Dear Evan Hanson, Hamilton, Heathers and Les Misérables
One day Dick and Jason tease Duke out his shell enough to preform this with them
Would sing to himself in his safe houses and while ripping down the road on his motorcycle at top speeds
Not much of an instrument guy, but could tap out a piano tune or a drum beat if someone needed it
Keyword here being *could* bc he CAN but he WON’T
Even if someone managed to loop him into doing a backing beat for a tiktok or smthn he most definitely wouldn’t remember how to do it 30 minutes later
He claims his mind is too crammed with actually important information to remember a dumb piano tune for more than 10 minutes 
Can carry a tune, but prefers the instrumental side of music 
He’s a tenor and sings higher than Dick, but Dick has a wider vocal range and if he wanted to, Dick could hit high notes Tim couldn’t dream of. Tim just doesn’t have the same range
But he’s fantastic at instruments 
He plays a wide range due to his private lessons back at Drake Manor, including but not limited to: Piano, saxophone, drums, cello, clarinet, acoustic guitar, trombone and the triangle 
Can Timothy Drake play incredibly difficult classical pieces on almost any instrument with ease and move the listeners to tears? Yes. Will he? No. Because the only tunes you will ever catch Timothy Drake playing is exclusively meme music
If it’s a sound on TikTok, this child can play it double time guaranteed
I’m talking the Mii theme, the Subway Surfers theme, Axel F, Wet Hands, you name it
K I lied he sometimes plays fantastic renditions of pop songs or movie scores 
He also likes joining in on those “adding an *instrument* solo to a song that does not need an *instrument* solo” TikToks
This child makes quality TikToks
His acc has a great following bc has such a vast variety of content and its all peak. It ranges from music to music memes to family shenanigans to academic memes to whatever was in his mind that day
He has a sparse posting schedule but when he does post its always worth the wait
ANYWAYS back on track
Tim will 100% play saxophone on top volume outside Damian’s bedroom when the kid is annoying him
Sometimes Jason joins in but he plays his chosen instrument horrifically just to annoy Damian more 
Jason and Tim do this
ok its time for my favourite boy
Damian isn’t a singer. He refuses to ever sing in front of anyone, and he’s got the whole ‘boys’ tween voice’ thing going on too, and though he’ll probably have the capacity to be a great singer when he’s older, he won’t ever sing enough for many to find out
Instruments on the other hand,,,,
Damian does his little “*tt* I don’t care for the music, I play because it quickens reaction time and helps improve my memory and hand-eye coordination” and everyone’s just “sure Dami, thats why you were playing Merry-Go-Round of Life on repeat at 4am”
He likes orchestral and classical music, he’ll often play the song over the speakers in the music room and play along on his chosen instrument
He considers that genre more impressive for a musician instead of the pop rubbish Tim plays
He was taught violin by his mother back in Nanda Parbat, and it’s still his go-to favourite instrument, but he’s been teaching himself every other instrument in the music room
He uses music as a release, because he’s finally starting to get that violence isn’t always the acceptable release like it was back in the League and Dick and Bruce are so happy to see him start to understand this and get hobbies that aren’t related to work
When he gets older his taste in music expands to more electric guitar and drum heavy songs, but right now he’s still a bratty rich child and not an angsty teen
Jason is the one who introduced teen Damian to TØP, MCR, P!ATD and BMTH and now they jam together at excruciating volumes, screaming lyrics and wildly strumming on bass and electric guitar and banging on the drums and everyone would gladly slap Jason if not for the soundproof walls in the music room
Bruce used to be classically trained in a few instruments but he just didn’t care enough to continue them into his teen years so he just kinda forgot them
He regrets it now, seeing all his talented kids bonding over music and thinking that it probably would be been better for him to have a hobby when he was younger 
On one rare night he has the manor to himself, so he sits down at one of his grand pianos and tries to remember one of the tunes he was taught. Alfred hears his woeful attempts and starts to teach him some easy tunes
They do this every time they have the manor to themselves 
Bruce finally masters a song and he’s really pleased with himself Alfred is just so proud of his son,,,,
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teriyakusha · 4 years
Over The Top
The 22nd opening theme of One Piece, “Over The Top” by Hiroshi Kitadani, will be the first song I post a translation of on my blog! It’s a really great song! The music is fun and energizing, and the lyrics are really motivational. Below the cut is a translation of the full version of the song. It’s kind of why I started this blog. I couldn’t find the full translation of the song anywhere, so I figured I’d try translating it myself. It was a lot of fun, and good practice, so I figured I might as well make a side blog to post more translations on! Lots of thanks to @kaizokuou-ni-naru​ for helping me out with the translation! Check out her blog if you want to see some super interesting and neat posts about the language used in the original Japanese text of the manga, as well as her meta regarding the show and its characters, and some translations she’s done for several of the show’s opening themes so far (including the newest)!
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Full version of “Over The Top”, with romaji and English translation
One Dream One Wish
かなえたいならOver The Top kanaetai nara Over The Top (If you want your wish granted, go over the top)
﹌ 見たこともない世界 目指し mitakoto mo nai sekai mezashi (Aiming for a world no one’s seen before)
荒ぶる波風 越えて araburu namikaze koete (Cross the wild wind and waves) 
突き進まなきゃダメさ tsukisusumanakya dame sa (It’s no good if you don’t push through it) 一番乗りしたいんだ ichiban norishitain da (If you want to be the first one there) 心配とか後回し shinpai toka atomawashi (Then worry later)
どーせ勝負 イチカバチカ douse shoubu ichika bachika (It’s all victory or defeat anyway; sink or swim) ﹌
相手がデカく見えたら aite ga dekaku mietara (If your opponents are seen as huge)
ココロが 縮んでる証拠 kokoro ga chijinderu shouko (It’s proof that your heart is shrinking )
逃げるなんて nigeru nante (Running away)
選択肢(チョイス)はない choisu wa nai (Is not a choice at all)
一歩 そばへ近づくんだ ippo soba he chikadzukunda (Get one step closer to it)
ナマイキって褒め言葉? namaiki tte homekotoba? (Isn’t being called insolent a compliment?)
キツい時ほど 笑っとけ kitsui toki hodo warattoke (For times as hard as these, you have to laugh ) ﹌
新しいあした atarashii ashita (If you want to go looking for)
探しに行きたいのなら sagashi ni ikitaino nara (A new tomorrow )
とびっきりの 自信を磨いて tobikkiri no jishin wo migaite (Then improve your finest confidence)
旅をした 足跡が tabi wo shita ashiato ga (Until the footprints of your journey--)
そう!地図に変わるまで sou! chizu ni kawaru made (That’s right! --become a map) ﹌
新しいHorizon atarashii Horizon (At a new horizon, look--) ほら進んで来た分 hora susunde kita bun (Both the radiance and level of difficulty)
まぶしさと難易度が上昇 mabushisa to nanido ga joushou (Rise at the same rate)
夢うつつで 起こせHurricane yume utsutsu de okose Hurricane (Live in your dreams and raise up a hurricane) さぁ!順位(チャート)かき乱せ saa! chaato kakimidase (Come on! Stir up the charts) ﹌
風を切ってOver drive いつも kaze wo kitte Overdrive itsumo (Always flying along on overdrive)
キラめきに針路を 取って kirameki ni shinro wo totte (Take the sparkling course)
ヒリヒリしてたいんだ hirihiri shitetainda (If you want to keep feeling a rush)
もっとハードな刺激 motto haado na shigeki (And a tougher sense of excitement )
古いレキシ丸めてポイ furui rekishi marumete poi (Then haphazardly round out what’s ancient history)
未来だけにハナシがある mirai dake ni hanashi ga aru (Because there’s only a story for the future) ﹌
タイクツ持て余すのは taikutsu moteamasu no wa  (An overwhelming sense of boredom)
本気度足りてない証拠 honkido taritenai shouko (Is proof that you’re not serious enough)
「100年早いって」なんだ? 「hyaku nen hayai tte」nanda? (What’s this about “You’re a hundred years too early”?)
そんなに待てっか 誰が!? sonna ni matteka dare ga?! (Who’s waiting that long?!) ヤバい敵ならワンサカ yabai teki nara wansaka (Even while dangerous enemies swarm) うっせーヤツから 黙らせろ ussei yatsu kara damarasero (Annoying guys will tell you to shut up) ﹌ 新しいあした atarashii ashita (If a new tomorrow )
もう待ち切れないのなら mou machikirenai no nara (Is something you’re already waiting impatiently for) パンパンに期待ふくらまし panpan ni kitai fukuramashi (Then expand your hope with a bang)
ハジけ飛ぶ 直前の hajiketobu chokuzen no (To the point right before it bursts)
そう!パワーが原動力(エンジン) sou! pawaa ga enjin (Yes! Your power is an engine) ﹌
新しいサプライズ atarashii sapuraizu (Just waiting around for a new surprise)
待ってるだけなんてツライ matteru dake nante tsurai (Is so boring)
追いかけて 注目度上昇 oikakete choumokudo joushou (So chase after it as your profile rises)
目立ち過ぎて まるでHurricane medachisugite maru de Hurricane (Stand out way too much just like a hurricane)
さぁ!順位(チャート)駆け上がれ saa! chaato kakeagare (Go on! Dash up the charts! ) ﹌
One Dream One Wish
夢は逃げない 君はどうする? yume wa nigenai kimi wa dousuru? (Dreams don’t run away, so what are you going to do? ) ﹌ One Dream One Wish ひとつひとつ 越えるだけ hitotsu hitotsu koeru dake (One by one, surpass them as much as you can ) ﹌ どこまで行ける?必ず行けるはずさ doko made ikeru? kanarazu ikeru hazu sa (How far can you go? You’ll certainly be able to make it)
誰よりも信じ抜けばいい dare yori mo shinjinukeba ii (More than anyone else, you should have total faith)
今日までの タフなストーリー kyou made no tafu na sutoorii (The tough story so far)
さぁ!準備は上出来 saa! junbi wa joudeki (Come on! Its set up is a great success!)
﹌ 新しいHorizon atarashii Horizon (At a new horizon, look--) ほら進んで来た分 hora susunde kita bun (Both the radiance and level of difficulty)
まぶしさと難易度が上昇 mabushisa to nanido ga joushou (Rise at the same rate)
夢うつつで 起こせHurricane yume utsutsu de okose Hurricane (Live in your dreams and raise up a hurricane)
さぁ!順位(チャート)かき乱せ saa! chaato kakimidase (Come on! Stir up the charts) ﹌
One Dream One Wish 夢は逃げない…ぜんぶKnock out yume wa nigenai... zenbu Knock Out (Dreams don’t run away… so knock everything out)
Over The Top
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eng-hypnosismic · 6 years
JPN/ROM/ENG lyrics to Ikebukuro West Game Park
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Lyrics:好良瓶太郎 Song/arrangement:月蝕會議 Yo LIFE は一回きりのSHOW TIME
兄弟 いけるか?高いとこまで
Yo life wa ikkaikiri no SHOW TIME
Soriya sousa shitakunai daro koukai
All right kimeruka ikashita RHYME
Kono rappu de ageruze FEEL'IN SO HIGH
Kyoudai ikeru ka? takai toko made
Tsuitei keru ka genkai no hade made
Orera atsumarya sora saikou jyan
Yo Life’s a one-time show time
Of course I don’t want to have any regrets
All right, these decided, given rhymes
Raise this rap up, feel’in so high
Bros can we go? High and far
Keep up, until you reach your limit
When we’re together, we’re the best!
その声で越える 限界の先に連れてくぜ
Kikashite miro (HOO)
Koe wo dashite KEEP ON MOVIN’
Hara no soko kara SAY BUS!TER!BROS!
Sono choushi! (HEY)
Kure yo BIG na HOO(HOO)
Ie yo kimi mo YEAH(YEAH)
Sono koe de koeru genkai no saki ni tsuretekuze
Let me hear you! (HOO)
A flowing voice KEEP ON MOVIN’
From deep within your gut SAY BUS!TER!BROS!
Just like that! (HEY)
Give me a BIG HOO(HOO)
Say it, you too! YEAH(YEAH)
Come along with your voices let’s go beyond the furthest of the limits
いくぜ MIC CHECK 1212
ON AND ON繰り返す一晩中
マイクロフォン NO.1 始まりの合図
見ろ HORIZONからご来光
始まったばっかだ IT'S NOT OVER
Ikuze MIC CHECK 1 2 1 2
ON AND ON Kurikaesu hitobanjuu
Maikurofon NO. 1 hajimari no aizu
Taezu koe dasu kono vaasu kettobasu (yo)
Hora ikou orera ALL NIGHT LONG
Miro HORIZON kara goraikou
Hajimata bakkata IT'S NOT OVER
Asahi ga noberu made saa ikou ka
Let’s go MIC CHECK 1 2 1 2
ON AND ON On repeat all night
Microphone no.1 the signal to start
A voice constantly flowing this verse kick it! (yo)
Look at the HORIZON towards the rising sun
We’ve only just started IT'S NOT OVER
Until the morning sun rises now, let’s go!
マイクロフォン NO.2 続けざまに GOIN'
プッシュでスタートする GAME ほら熱狂
日本列島声出せいくぜ!SAY HOO!(HOO!)
そこの君も 君も そこの君も
行けるぜ!今日も明日もBIG SHOUT IT OUT
Maikurofon NO. 2 tsuzuke sama ni GOIN’
Pusshu de sutaato suru GAME hora nekkyou
Shitaku naruhodo atsui genshou
Nihonrettou koe dase ikuze! SAY HOO!(HOO!)
Soko no kimi mo, kimi mo, soko no kimi mo
Sonna mon janai daro mada ikeru ka?
Ikeruze! Kyou mo ashita mo BIG SHOUT IT OUT
Microphone no. 2 keep on GOIN’
With a push, let’s start the game! See, the heat
Just keeps rising, a blazing phenomenon
Let the voice of Japan flow Let’s go! SAY HOO!(HOO!)
You too, and you, you too!
That’s the way it should be, can we keep going?
Here we go! Today and tomorrow too BIG SHOUT IT OUT
「わー」とか 「きゃー」黄色い歓声
ぼくが「SAY」って言えば ほら皆で HOO(HOO)
言いたいのはそゆこと 君も声出した
マイクロフォン NO.3 いざ出陣
ブクロの中心から ルーティン
カセットをセット させないリセット
“Waa” to ka “kyaa” kiiroi kansei
Kikitai no wa sou iu koto janee
Boku ga “SAY”tte ieba hora mina de HOO (HOO)
Iitai no wa soyu koto kimi mo koe dashita
Maikurofon NO.3 iiza shutsujin
‘Bukuro no chuushin kara ruutin
Kasetto wo setto sasenai risetto
GAME wa korekare sa MIC ON THE SET
“Ooh,” “Aah!” These shrill cheers
That’s not what I want to hear!
When I say “SAY,” you should all go HOO (HOO)
I wanna say that! Your voice flows out too
Microphone no. 3 on the front lines
The routine of ‘Bukuro’s center
Reset, don’t set the cassette
From here on out is the GAME MIC ON THE SET
シゴかれ ロクでもないことばっか
冗談じゃねえ かける言葉で発破
兄弟で RAP GAME 楽じゃねえ
たまには 騒ぎたいだろ朝まで
こん中アガれる奴はどんだけいますか!? (YEAH!)
Ichi ichinii no mae fundara sanzan
Shigo kare roku demonai koto bakka
GAME OVER atama ni wakka
Joudan janee kakeru kotoba de happa
Kyoudai de RAP GAME raku janee
Tama ni wa sawagitai daro asa made
Konnaka agareru yatsu wa don dake imasu ka?! (YEAH!)
One two every step we tread
For it’s not tiresome see (2)
GAME OVER Running circles around your head
This ain’t no joke, the debris of our words rains down
A RAP GAME with the brothers is fun, right?
Once in a while you wanna shout, right? Until dawn
How many of ya are on top of the world?! (YEAH!)
退屈だよなほかの DIVISION じゃ
さあギア上げてくか プライド解放
デケェ態度も解除 大都会のこの音がガイド
Tsumari wa MC moshiku wa MIC CONTROLLER
’Bukuro no katasumi
Taikutsuda yo na hoka no DIVISION ja
Misete yaru ka ima ijiou no bishon
Saa gia ageteku ka puraido kaihou
Dekee taido mo kaijo dai tokai no kono oto ga gaido
Sasenaize maigo
Oretachi ni tsuite kurya suriru baizou
The corner of ‘Bukuro
Any other DIVISION is boring!
I’ll show you my vision above the present
Now, kick it into gear! Let loose your pride
Free your ego, too; in this city, the song is a guide
Don’t let it get lost
As for us, we’ll double up the thrills!
みんな参加型 そこのお姉さん方も
FLOW で BLOW 浸かる長風呂 (おい)
俺らの前に道はなし 未知な端
でも逃げる意味はなし 声枯らし
今が最高ならそれだけで GOOD TIME
見てるぜ!恥じらいに言えよ GOOD BYE
Minna sankagata soko no oneesan gata mo
FLOW de BLOW tsukaru naga furo (oi)
Iyayo iya mo suki no uchi
Oto no mae ja kimi to boku mo onaji
Orera no mae ni michi wa nashi michinai hashi
Demo nigeru imi wa nashi koe karashi
Ima ga saikou nara sore dake de GOOD TIME
Miteruze! Hajirai ni ie yo GOOD BYE
Everybody now, you too, big sis!
FLOW and BLOW let’s soak in the tub! (Oi)
Never say never (3)
You and I are the same before music
There’s no path ahead of us An unknown ending
But “running away” means nothing A voice withers
This is the best, that alone is a GOOD TIME
We’ll show you! For shame, GOOD BYE
ここがブクロの片隅 ウェストゲートパーク
兄弟でサイファー ラップ PASS DA MIC
爆音の BEAT キメる深夜零時
誰もがアガる FLOW 韻を提示
集まった HEADS もみんな調子どうなんだ?
見てるよ 君が生き証人
Koko ga Bukuro no katasumi wesuto geeto paaku
Kyoudai de saifaa rappu PASS DA MIC
Bakuon no BEAT kimeru shin’nya reiji
Dare mo ga agaru FLOW in wo teiji
Kizamu aratana ichi peeji
Koe wo dai ni shite kimi mo ishihyouji
Atsumatta HEADS mo minna choushi dou nanda?
Miteru yo kimi ga iki shounin
This is the corner of ‘Bukuro, West Gate Park
A brothers’ cypher(1) Rap PASS DA MIC
An explosive BEAT decided at midnight
We’ll hype up anyone, FLOW Presented rhymes
Carve a brand new page
Raise your voice, declare your will, too!
Fired up HEADS, how’re you all doing?
We’ll show you, you’re a living witness
泣く子も黙る一郎の BEAT
Nakuko mo damaru Ichiro no BEAT
Crying brats quiet at Ichiro’s BEAT
言えよ YEAH!(YEAH!) くれよ YEAH!(YEAH!)
もっと言え!最後 さ・わ・げ
Ie yo YEAH! (YEAH!) Kure yo YEAH! (YEAH!)
Motto ie! Saigo sa-wa-ge
Say it, HOO! (HOO) SAY HOO! (HOO)
Say YEAH! (YEAH!) Give me a YEAH! (YEAH!)
Say it more! Last, make! Some! Noise!
これが俺らのやり方 (WAH)
今だ ぶ・ち・か・ま・せ
Kore ga orera Bukuro no sutairu
Kiite yappa yabee nara koe dase
Tatake! (CLAP CLAP)
Sakebe! (HEY)
Kore ga orera no yarikata (WAH)
Kimi no koe ga oretachi no enerugii
Ima da bu-chi-ka-ma-se
This is our ‘Bukuro style!
Listen! Here comes a voice as dangerous as you’d expect
BUSTER BROS!!! STILL NO.1 you know!
Keep the beat! (CLAP CLAP)
Shout! (HEY)
This is our style (WAH)
Your voice is our energy
Now! Head! First! Charge!
A cypher rap is an informal gathering of rappers, beatboxers, and/or break-dancers in a circle, in order to jam musically together. It’s also used to mean the crowd which forms around freestyle battles, consisting of spectators and onlookers.
These two lines are actual a pun that uses the numbers 1-6
Literally, it means “no doesn’t always means no”, and we struggled to find a way to tl it, knowing that this line is frowned upon especially in NA culture. Not that it would make the line ok, but in Japanese culture sometimes things are not said with 100% certainty in case people change their mind, or just to avoid conflicts. So not only no doesn't mean no, yes also doesn't always mean yes. In short they want to leave things vague so they never limit themselves with their words. 
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kpopbios2 · 5 years
Goodbye Road
Group: iKON
Album: New Kids: The Final
Time: 3:59
Year Released: October 1, 2018
Lyrics: B.I. Bobby
Music: B.I
Highest Place Reached on Charts: 2
Average Age of Members at the Time of Release: 21.9
Goodbye goodbye 이별을 알았다면
그토록 사랑하지 말 걸 그랬나 봐요
Goodbye goodbye ibyeoreul arattamyeon
geutorok saranghaji mal geol geuraetna bwayo
Goodbye goodbye, if only I knew we’d say goodbye
I wouldn’t have loved you this much
(Check it out yo)
무덤덤해져 가는 서로의 감정 때문에
상처를 주는 것조차도 이제 무덤덤한 우리
이미 사랑은 떠났고 정밖에 남지 않았어
그냥 그런가 하고 뜨뜻미지근 해졌지
mudeomdeomhaejyeo ganeun seoroye gamjeong ttaemune
sangcheoreul juneun geotjochado ije mudeomdeomhan uri
imi sarangeun tteonatgo jeongbakke namji anasseo
geunyang geureonga hago tteutteutmijigeun haejyeotji
Because of our numbing feelings
Now we don’t even care if we hurt each other
Love has already left, only attachment remains
We just accepted it and became lukewarm
(Where You at)
관심은 집착이 되어 버리고
gwanshimeun jibchagi dweeo beorigo
Interest turned into obsession
(Where You at)
의심은 거의 밥 먹듯이 해
너와 내가 쌓았던 신뢰란 성은 무너지고
넌 이제 이별길을 걸으며
새사람을 찾지
uishimeun geoye bab meokdeushi hae
neowa naega ssahatteon shillweran seongeun muneojigo
neon ije ibyeolgireul georeumyeo
saesarameul chatji
We doubt each other like it’s breathing
The castle of trust I built has broken down
Now I’m walking on this goodbye road
Looking for someone new
같이 울기 위해 널 만난 건 아닌데
gati ulgi wihae neol mannan geon aninde
I didn’t meet you to cry together
(눈물이 난다)
(nunmuri nanda)
(Tears are coming)
상처받기 위해 쌓은 추억이 아닌데
sangcheobatgi wihae ssaheun chueogi aninde
I didn’t build up memories to get hurt
(잊혀져 간다)
(ichyeojyeo ganda)
(It’s being forgotten)
너무 쉽게 또 한 사람과 남이 돼
고작 이별하기 위해 널 사랑한 건 아닌데
neomu shwipge tto han saramgwa nami dwae
gojak ibyeolhagi wihae neol saranghan geon aninde
But I’m becoming strangers with someone so easily
When I didn’t love you merely to say goodbye later
(익숙해져 간다)
(iksukhaejyeo ganda)
(We’re getting used to it)
잘 가요 그 험한 이별길을
나를 떠나 부디 꽃길만 걸어요
jal gayo geu heomhan ibyeolgireul
nareul tteona budi kkotgilman georeoyo
Goodbye, leave me on this dangerous goodbye road
And please only walk on flower roads
조심히 가요 외로운 이별길을
가는 길에 나의 모든 기억을 버려요
joshimhi gayo weroun ibyeolgireul
ganeun gire naye modeun gieogeul beoryeoyo
Take care, as you walk on this lonely goodbye road
Throw away all memories of me
(Check It Out)
지나간 기억 속에서 산다는 건
그 얼마나 무기력한 외로움일까
그 기억 속에서조차 잊혀진다는 건
또 어떤 순간보다 잔인한 아픔인가
죽도록 사랑했건만 끝내 나 죽지 않았네
숨을 깊게 들이마셔도 내뱉으면 한숨이 돼
누구나 하는 이별이니 우리 슬퍼 말아요
난 또 그대 닮은 듯 아닌 사람 찾아갈게요
jinagan gieok sogeseo sandaneun geon
geu eolmana mugiryeokhan weroumilkka
geu gieok sogeseojocha ichyeojindaneun geon
tto eotteon sunganboda janinhan apeuminga
jukdorok saranghaetgeonman kkeutnae na jukji anatne
sumeul gipge deurimashyeodo naebaeteumyeon hansumi dwae
nuguna haneun ibyeorini uri seulpeo marayo
nan tto geudae dalmeun deut anin saram chajagalgeyo
Living in the past
Is such an incompetent loneliness
Being forgetting in those memories
Is such a cruel pain, more than any other moment
I loved you to death but in the end, I didn’t die
I take a deep breath but when I let it out, it becomes a sigh
Everyone goes through break ups so let’s not be sad
I’ll look for a person who resembles you but not
같이 울기 위해 널 만난 건 아닌데
gati ulgi wihae neol mannan geon aninde
I didn’t meet you to cry together
(눈물이 난다)
(nunmuri nanda)
(Tears are coming)
상처받기 위해 쌓은 추억이 아닌데
sangcheobatgi wihae ssaheun chueogi aninde
I didn’t build up memories to get hurt
(잊혀져 간다)
(ichyeojyeo ganda)
(It’s being forgotten)
너무 쉽게 또 한 사람과 남이 돼
고작 이별하기 위해 널 사랑한 건 아닌데
neomu shwipge tto han saramgwa nami dwae
gojak ibyeolhagi wihae neol saranghan geon aninde
But I’m becoming strangers with someone so easily
When I didn’t love you merely to say goodbye later
(익숙해져 간다)
(iksukhaejyeo ganda)
(We’re getting used to it)
잘 가요 그 험한 이별길을
나를 떠나 부디 꽃길만 걸어요
jal gayo geu heomhan ibyeolgireul
nareul tteona budi kkotgilman georeoyo
Goodbye, leave me on this dangerous goodbye road
And please only walk on flower roads
조심히 가요 외로운 이별길을
가는 길에 나의 모든 기억을 버려요
joshimhi gayo weroun ibyeolgireul
ganeun gire naye modeun gieogeul beoryeoyo
Take care, as you walk on this lonely goodbye road
Throw away all memories of me
(Check it Out)
Goodbye goodbye 이별을 알았다면
그토록 사랑하지 말 걸 그랬나 봐요
Goodbye goodbye ibyeoreul arattamyeon
geutorok saranghaji mal geol geuraetna bwayo
Goodbye goodbye, if only I knew we’d say goodbye
I wouldn’t have loved you this much
Goodbye goodbye 어차피 떠난다면
어떤 미련도 남지 않게 보란 듯이 살아요
Goodbye goodbye eochapi tteonandamyeon
eotteon miryeondo namji anke boran deushi sarayo
Goodbye goodbye, if you’re gonna leave anyway
Be happy so I can completely get over you
(Check it Out)
잘 가요 어여쁜 내 사람아
나를 떠나 행복하게만 살아요
jal gayo eoyeoppeun nae sarama
nareul tteona haengbokhageman sarayo
Goodbye, my dear
Leave me and be happy
(행복하게만 살아요)
조심히 가요 가슴 아픈 사랑아
내 곁에 있을 때처럼 아프지 말아요
(haengbokhageman sarayo)
joshimhi gayo gaseum apeun saranga
nae gyeote isseul ttaecheoreom apeuji marayo
(Be happy)
Take care, my heart aching love
Don’t be in pain like you were next to me
(그대 아프지 말아요)
(geudae apeuji marayo)
(Don’t be in pain)
(Check it Out)
(check it Out)
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Line Distribution
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Lyric & Line Points: 100
Total Chart Points:  336
Total Youtube Points: 35.16
Music Award Show Points: 70
Total: 541.16
Korean Lyrics: https://colorcodedlyrics.com/2018/10/ikon-goodbye-road-ibyeolgil
Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O6dRaBbFoo
Youtube Data taken on: February 18, 2019
Youtube points will only be updated a monthly basis if the youtube views make the song in the top 25 ranked videos on my list.  If not they will be updated in a year.  
Lyric & Line Masterlist
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turtlechae · 7 years
Get to know me tag;
TAGGED BY: @kihn and @monstebex, ty ♡
NICKNAME: fern, nanda, fet, fe………………..the list could go on forever kjsdhjh
GENDER: female
HEIGHT: 172cm  
LAST THING GOOGLED: a pet hotel for my cat ;;
FAVORITE BANDS: monsta x, bts, got7, aoa, red velvet, blackpink, pentagon, snsd, girl’s day etc…….and i dont listen to any bands i guess??? 
FAVORITE SOLO ARTISTS: korean are jay park, dean, gray, loco, simon dominic, boa, crush, hoody….. and non-korean are the weeknd!!! troye sivan, alina baraz, lana del rey, marina & the diamonds etc
SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD: jay park’s turn off your phone 
LAST MOVIE WATCHED: la la land? i’m not sure 
LAST TV SHOW WATCHED: breaking bad 
WHEN DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG: october 13th last year! a baby 💓
WHAT KIND OF STUFF DO YOU POST: 100% monsta x  WHEN DID YOUR BLOG REACH IT’S PEAK: probably when i posted my monsta x zodiac gifset 🤔 
DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS: a boygroups only, @yeochaggu! and i’m planning on creating a girlgroups one 
WHY YOU CHOSE YOUR URL: because in monsta x’s safari song hyungwon calls himself chae turtle and i thought that was the most adorable thing in the universe so i got insp 😩😢
POSTS: 1,182
HOGWARTS HOUSE: ravenclaw! 💙 
POKEMON TEAM: i don’t play it :<
FAVORITE COLOURS: pastel blue, white and yellow 
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: now that classes are back 6-8h
FAVORITE CHARACTERS: right now i can only think of r2-d2 and leia organa from star wars, ron weasley, akashi from kuroko no basket, rin from free!, isak and noora from skam, riko from love live 
DREAM JOB: head editor of a famous fashion magazine. but wont happen 
DREAM TRIP: thailand, greece, south korea, japan!!!, new york, the whole world tbh???????
TAGGING: i’m not tagging 20;;; but @bunnywonho @changkyuh @wonhontology @hyungnu, @masterlazywriter 
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topfygad · 5 years
Winter Highs: 8 Ways to Embrace the Season in India
Igloo stays, iridescent birds and ice sports—keep your gloves on for a wild winter ride through in the country.
  Adventure-seekers can go ice climbing over frozen waterfalls and cliffs in Spiti Valley. Photo By: Himanshu Khagta
Come winter, and the Himalayas shed their foliage to don a surreal winter trousseau, most of which remains largely undiscovered. The northeast puts on its festive garb too; its rivers turn teal, and birders flock to the region to spot winged creatures rarely found elsewhere. There is no dearth of options to embrace the chill in India—we’ve cherry-picked eight guaranteed to take your breath away:
  Birdsong and Bikes, Arunachal Pradesh
The lush rainforests of Arunachal are a delight to explore in the winter, humming with birders who come for a glimpse of the hornbill, shrike babbler and the endemic Mishmi wren-babbler, found only in the Mishmi Hills in the state’s east. The bird, with its black-and-brown streaked body and rust neckline, is one of the star attractions of this biodiversity haven.
Another unique way to explore Mishmi Hills and the surrounding Dibang Valley is on a mountain bike; the gently sloping terrain combined with rugged roads makes for a fine winter adventure (except during a rare, heavy snowfall). One of the best routes is the one going to the town of Anini, about 220 kilometres north of Roing in the Dibang Valley, and a three-day ride away. Apart from alluring mist-kissed forests, landscapes that leave you agape, and fabulous birding opportunities, a slow ride and some off-the-trail exploration opens doors to spot the rare red panda and hoolock gibbons, and the possibility of spotting the unique ungulate, the Mishmi takin. Tine Mena, northeast India’s first female Everester, leads mountain biking journeys to Anini, and hiking and angling trips ([email protected]; 8974299357). Local conservationist and passionate birder Jibi Pulu runs the Mishmi Hills camp in Roingand leads explorations in the area. (98628 56981; doubles from Rs2,000)
    A hoolock gibbon (top-left); New year celebrations in Meghalaya (top-right); Ice climbing in Spiti Valley (bottom-left); Enthusiastic birders can spend their winter searching for the iridescent Himalayan monal (bottom-right) in Himachal Pradesh. Photos By: Aditya Singh/imageBROKER/dinodia photo library (gibbon) ; Himanshu Khagta (people and ice-climbing); Alexandra Rudge/Moment Open/Getty images (Monal)
To New Beginnings, Northeast
Home to a significant Christian population, the northeast truly shines during Christmas. Squares across towns and cities in the eight states fill with roly-poly Santas, and midnight masses grace colony churches large and quaint. The festive cheer rings high right up to New Year’s Eve. Even Manipur, which has a large Hindu population in its Meitei community, brings out the conifers. In the hills of Ukhrul, the Naga community of Tankhuls flaunt their traditional attire and gather for mass at the church on the first Sunday of the New Year. Jowai in Meghalaya’s West Jaintia Hills has its own style of ringing in the New Year. Locals across the town form large groups and stay up until the wee hours, crooning originally composed songs around bonfires, one-upping each another on the best tunes. On January 1, the revelry continues in the form of large buffets of local delicacies.
  Sea of Ice, Himachal Pradesh
A slow rise up a frozen swathe, the axe gingerly finding a foothold, crampons crunching into the snow—ice climbing is for those who take their love for winters to the next level. The sport may not be for novices, but those familiar with climbing and yearning to amp it up would thoroughly enjoy it.
This January, India hosted its first edition ice climbing festival in the Spiti Valley. Piti Dharr became a playground for those who love the sight of a frozen waterfall or ice-covered cliffs, allowing the sport to reach a wider audience. Adventure companies such as Rimo Expeditions lead ice climbing expeditions to the Zanskar valley in the Ladakh Himalayas and spots around Manali (www.rimoexpeditions.com; expeditions are usually 8-10 days ex-Leh; price varies with expedition. Piti Dharr takes place between January 5—10 2020; open to all who meet the minimum requirement of beginner level skills; [email protected]).
  Ride to Remember, Uttarakhand
Unlike many mountain escapes in the north, Uttarakhand’s eastern part of Kumaon remains blissfully tourist-free in the winters. The long journey from the foothills of Kumaon to Munsyari could seem daunting, but it is worth the crisp views of the Kumaon Himalayas that float alongside on a sea of puffy winter clouds, and the spectacular 360-degree snowy expanse from Khaliya Top that awaits those who take the time.
Kumaon (top) is a visual treat, especially the drive down to Munsyari; Rafting down the Siang river (bottom). Photo By: Himanshu Khagta (Mountain); Photo courtesy: Aquaterra Adventures (rafting)
Split your drive into two, and begin your ascent from the foothills around the Corbett region to get initiated into these majestic mountains. Drive half the 300-kilometre distance past major towns like Nainital, and break your journey in the wilderness of the Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary. Go further only if you are confident of long-distance driving in the mountains, to places like Chaukori or Berinag as your overnight hault. Mountain views come in to focus as early as from Almora, about a 100 kilometres into your journey, and grow larger than life as you move towards Chaukori, where Neelkantha, Chaukhamba, and other 7000ers take the stage.
Continue the following morning, with the Nanda Devi peaks, main and east, Nanda Ghunti, and more, emerge. Go all the way up to the Kala Muni ridge, then begin the descent to Munsyari, a little township facing the grand Panchachuli peaks that are believed to be the spiralling path the Pandavas took on their final journey to heaven. There are limited accommodation options in Munsyari, but Himalayan Glamping Retreat in the outskirts has plush tents, cosy dining and fun board games (https://ift.tt/2IYs0kV, doubles with meals Rs14,000 plus taxes). Visit the weavers in Darkot, five kilometres away, to see how they create timeless rugs, hats, shawls and bedspreads. At the end of the day, watch the setting sun glimmer like gold over the snowy tip of Panchachuli.
  Chasing the Siang, Arunachal Pradesh
The arrival of winter on the Siang river bids goodbye to the muddy torrents of monsoon. A major tributary of northeast India’s longest river, the Brahmaputra, the mighty Siang is gorgeously blue at this time of the year. Drive along its banks, all the way from Passighat to Boleng, and take in its sweeping, azure curves. Stop on its rock and silt-filled beaches, or cross one of the traditional bamboo bridges spanning its width. An amazing architectural feat of sturdiness and technique, these bridges are the lifeline of the region, connecting several villages to roads, and smaller settlements with each other. Hear your heart beat to the sound of the Siang, for these sky-walks swing wildly. The dynamic Yabur Tatin runs a homestay in Boleng with her husband, and has great insider tips for the best spots by the Siang (94024 26343).
The river is also a favourite with rafting lovers, and winter is an ideal season to go down its length. Aquaterra Adventures organises rafting expeditions on the Siang (www.aquaterra.in; 12-day expeditions between Nov-Dec Rs1,20,600 plus tax). Along the length of the river you will also find locals selling Arunachal’s famous oranges, the state’s biggest cash crop that also lends its name to the annual winter Orange festival in Dambuk.
  An Igloo near Manali, Himachal Pradesh
Swap a regular hotel stay for an igloo, a one-of-its-kind offering in India’s Sethan village in the Hampta valley near Manali. For a night or two, think of yourself as an eskimo, and combine the experience with fun activities like snow tubing. Learn to build your own igloo with compressed snow blocks, an activity that engages adults and kids alike. It’s like having the Arctic in your backyard. Your adventure begins with the 4WD drive that leads up to the site, surrounded by stunning Himalayan views. The area also has gentle slopes ideal for skiing, should you want to try that out too. Snuggle around a log fire with a mug of hot chocolate under the stars, and go to bed in a cosy sleeping bag that will keep you coccooned from the cold. Keylinga Himlalayan Adventures’s packages come with winter sports such as snowboarding and snowshoeing, along with the stay (www.keylinga.com; Rs5,500 per person with meals).
A climb up to the Kuppad Peak could have you crossing paths with rare birds like the western tragopan. Photo By: Himanshu Khagta
Hilly hikes of Paradise, Himachal Pradesh
The Jubbal region of Himachal Pradesh remains relatively unexplored, a mere shadow to Tirthan valley, Triund, and the Hampta circuit, and wears a surreal cloak of white in winter. Go beyond the regular haunts to hit trails such as the Giri Ganga route in Jubbal, and you will be floored by the near-private outdoor experiences it offers in the winding mesh of its deodar forests. Throw in overnight camping and go all the way to Kuppad meadow, where you can spot the iridescent Himalayan monal or the elusive state bird, the western tragopan. The latter is one of the rarest pheasants and is found only in pockets of Himachal’s undisturbed forests. Chanshal peak, a five-hour drive from Baral in Jubbal, is another great option for birding. If you do not have the luxury of a multi-day hike to its top, drive from Baral to Larot for about three and a half hours and then hike four hours through virgin forests and meadows to reach the Chanshal ridge. Local operator Ashish Kalta organises these hikes and runs an apple farm homestay here with with his Ladakhi wife, Kunzes. Their cultural backgrounds come together in their kitchen. Dig into their spinach and cheese momos served with bulka, a local dish of wild greens with poppy-filled bednis or bread ([email protected]; 9129033323).
  Walk on Ice, Himachal Pradesh
In winter, Gulmarg attracts skiers by the busload, so if you want to stray from the trodden slopes, try Narkanda. Few associate it with skiing, except the locals and a handful of travellers who have already discovered it. Guided lessons for beginners and rented gear are available here, and veterans can go to higher slopes closer to the Hatu peak.
A 30-minute drive from Narkanda takes you to the Shilaroo Project, a site for learning pottery and yoga, run by sisters Virangana and Shubhangana Kainthla. A quiet alternative to the popular Andretta, a weekend workshop enables guests to learn the art form along with farming and other community work. Masters in their respective art forms—pottery and hatha yoga—the sisters created this haven to seamlessly integrate physical, mental and spiritual equilibrium. It also offers stays with shared and private options, which could be your base for your Narkanda skiing adventure (theshilarooproject.com).
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source http://cheaprtravels.com/winter-highs-8-ways-to-embrace-the-season-in-india/
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marymosley · 6 years
Column: #Metoo Sexual Harassment at Work place
These days we are witnessing #metoo Campaign in full swing since Tanushree  Dutta Broke her stoic silence after 10 long years about an incident of sexual Harassment  by Nana Patekar during the shooting of song in the film Horn Ok Please and thereafter goons attacking her car and completely vandalizing it.
#metoo is a symbolic portrayal of resistance for demonstrating unsung sexual harassment at work place.There is considerable improvement in standing of women’s professionally. But still the male psyche towards female “Being Female” in the same proportion.
Men (Not all) take the garb of, “Something for something” or “this for that” repercussion of refusal can be well understood……………………..
A lot of hue and cry is raised since Tanushree Dutta shared her terrifying experience- Reason a very respectable name in the industry known for his talent and hysterics was pointed finger.
Supporting a woman/women who somehow after years muster courage to share her/their trauma is Questioned, Why?
I read a statement in the media of Actor Annu Kapoor, “ why are you holding media trial? Just go to the police and prove your point.” He said she will get resolution of her problem from the court of Law.
Let me ask him don’t you know how much time the whole process of investigation takes. Though Criminal Procedure Code prescribes period of limitation for completing the investigation. But seldom investigation is completed in the stipulated time.
Indian Penal Code (IPC) has provisioned punishment for sexual overtures under:
Section 354 (A): A man committing any physical contact, advances involving unwelcome and explicit sexual overtures; or demanding or requesting sexual favours; or showing pornography against the will of a woman; or making sexually coloured remarks, shall be guilty of the offence of sexual harassment. (Punishment: Rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years)
Section 209: Obscene acts in any public place, singing obscene songs to the annoyance of others (Punishment: Imprisonment for a term of up to 3 months or fine, or both).
Section 509: Uttering any word or making any gesture intended to insult the modesty of a woman. (You cannot call her “mast”.) Punishment: Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both.)
There is a specific Act to prevent  Sexual Harassment at Workplace known by the name The sexual Harassment of  Women at Workplace(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013:
Under the Act, sexual harassment includes:
a) Physical contact and advances (so, you can’t touch someone inappropriately and think I am innocent because, you know, I didn’t rape)
b) A demand or request for sexual favours
c) Making sexually coloured remarks (so, no sexist jokes or misogynist humour)
d) Showing pornography
e) Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.
Under the Act, the below five also count as sexual harassment:
a) Implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in her employment.
b) Implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in her employment
c) Implied or explicit threat about her present or future employment status
d) Interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive work environment for her (for eg., the St. Stephen’s College sexual harassment case)
e) Humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety.
But do the women come out in the open to share their share of sexual harassment at the work place. Answer is Big No. The legal process is not so simple that here you submitted your application of grievance and there you get the justice(instantly)  So many complexities are involved in the whole process, right from the registering of the grievance with police, to process of investigation, to submission of charge sheet or Final Form before Concerned Court, to issuance of notice/summons for appearance before magistrate to process of trial that majority hesitates to speak out.
Justice solely depend upon the evidence before the court. Don’t want to stress upon the Fate which is meted to the evidence.
Now coming to the point, it just because Tanushree didn’t vehemently stress her trauma does not mean she has lost her right to speak to bring the facts before the world.
There are many factors which goes at the back of the mind of the victim which restrain her from sharing: It requires
Tremendous Courage is required
Support System (Mentally) at the back
Mentally tough to face the aftermath i.e. Questions bombarding from all quarters (this is happening currently.
Tremendous Confidence as many feel helpless to share.
It is not just Tanushree  Dutta or Nayani Dixit or Vinta Nanda or Kangana Ranaut or Amyra Dastur or Sandhya Mridul who have come out with their share of experience of sexual harassment at work place but there is whole lot of working woman who are not celebrity, for various reasons (social, economical) didn’t come out to speak for themselves and expose the guilty.  
It’s a shock to know to know that big names have come to the limelight  Nana Patekar(Actor), Sajid Khan(Director), Alok Nath(Actor), Kailash Kher (Singer), Vivek Agnihotri(Film Maker), Gaurang Doshi(Producer) Vikas Bahl(Director), Chetan Bhagat (India’s Top Selling Author), M J Akbar (Minister of State for External Affairs), Rajat Kapoor(Actor), Aditi Mittal (Standup Comedian), Utsav Chakraborty (Comedian), Varun Grover (Lyricist and writer), Raghu Dixit (Singer) and the name will continue to add in the series #metoo.
Tremendous guts are required by a female to share her terrible trauma it goes both for known names and for unknown names. When the aforesaid female celibrities took years to come out with their traumatic experience than it could be well imagined what will be the trauma of lesser known professional females.
Our place of work is second home as we spent major part of our daily life at our work place if our work place/second home becomes unsafe/shady than how we are going to justify the slogan, “encourage woman to become independent and self reliant”. It’s the responsibility Team head everywhere to take care about the safety of the women’s than only they can give their 100%
    The post Column: #Metoo Sexual Harassment at Work place appeared first on Legal Desire.
Column: #Metoo Sexual Harassment at Work place published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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Seriously Funny: 10 greatest Bollywood comedies to watch before you die
New Post has been published on https://funnythingshere.xyz/seriously-funny-10-greatest-bollywood-comedies-to-watch-before-you-die/
Seriously Funny: 10 greatest Bollywood comedies to watch before you die
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It is high time comedies are accorded the respectability they deserve or at least an acknowledgement that funny is a serious business. (Express archive photo)
If you are looking for a good laugh today, you have come to the right place. Indian Express Entertainment is compiling a list of 100 Bollywood movies to watch before you die, hoping to throw fresh light and perspective on them. We will explore one genre at a time, published every month with 10 films representing the said genre. This November, we kick off the series with comedy.
Comedy is a communal hug – a “jaadu ki jhappi” as Raju Hirani’s Munnabhai would have it – that Bollywood has churned out in the best of times and bleakest of times. When Hindi cinema is at its inspired high watermark madness, it can be a lot of fun – both for the audiences and filmmakers and crew behind the making of the film. Thinking of Half Ticket, Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro or Andaz Apna Apna, one often wonders if the cast and crew had as much fun making them as we had watching them. But in many cases, we do know that it was not all play and party on the sets. Ask anyone and they will vouch for Kishore Kumar’s vaudevillian genius. That’s never in doubt. But Half Ticket’s loveable delinquent was, by most accounts, a rather difficult and eccentric person who kicked up a fuss when his payment failed to arrive. Stories of his stinginess abound. One popular and peculiar story goes that a producer had paid him only half his due. So, Kishoreda showed up on the sets with half head and half moustache shaved off and half intact! Moral of the story: he is fun to see on screen, not so fun to work with.
Take 1983’s Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro, a madhouse of talent. Never before have such an incredible bunch of gifted heavyweights (to be fair, they were lightweights back then) – Kundan Shah, Om Puri, Pankaj Kapur, Bhakti Barve, Ravi Baswani, Naseeruddin Shah and Satish Shah to name a few – have come together in the making of a Bollywood comedy. But Shah punctured the film’s off-screen myths when he said the making was “a bloody nightmare.” In the decades since, JBDY’s inspired lunacy has been unrepeatable, a situation that provoked a sigh of disapproval from the JBDY circus’ ringmaster, the late Kundan Shah. “If THIS film is being seen as the ultimate satire in Hindi cinema,” he told Jai Arjun Singh, author of a book on JBDY, “all it tells me is that Hindi cinema hasn’t achieved much.” We had to wait for years before Shah’s lunatic satire was declared a cult classic, as a piece of filmmaking that’s as meaningful as it is mad.
Mehmood and Nanda in Gumnaam. (Express archive photo)
Now, think of the stars who lent their heft to Hindi comedies. Mehmood is rarely given his due, despite being a highly prolific star. Same goes for Kishore Kumar, who thought he was a born singer but turned out, to the delight of film-goers, to be a complete natural as a funnyman. For a time, the Kumar brothers (Ashok, Kishore and Anoop) tried their luck as Bollywood’s answer to Marx brothers. Govinda, who entertained the masses with his 90s crowd-pleasers, is long dismissed as “tacky” though younger stars like Ranveer Singh and Varun Dhawan are now openly acknowledging his debt and trying to raise his profile on chat shows. Some, like Aamir Khan who infected Andaz Apna Apna with screwball silliness (he was a better comic than a boyish romantic star – watch Ishq or the more recent 3 Idiots and PK for proof) have long held Govinda in high esteem. Comedy also springs from unexpected sources. Dilip Kumar’s reputation rests on tragedies but when given the material, nobody could bring the house down quite like him. Decades later, Dharmendra revealed a softer side in Hrishikesh Mukherjee gems Chupke Chupke and Guddi. Even in a dramatic Western like Sholay, he’s given the responsibility of adding the goofier touch. Leading men aside, Bollywood comedy is mainly associated with Johnny Walker, Utpal Dutt, Jagdeep, Asrani, Johnny Lever and going further back, Bhagwan Dada whose funny dance steps are believed to have inspired Amitabh Bachchan. Speaking of Bachchan, he gave us some great comic moments in the 1970s, from the masquerading lit professor in Chupke Chupke to street-smart bootlegger in Amar Akbar Anthony. It’s also important to include Kadar Khan, Amrish Puri and Paresh Rawal – all cut from the Pran cloth – whose range went spectacularly from stylish baddies to sidekicks of comic subplots. The Hindi cinema women who gave us great joy include the roll-call of Hema Malini, Sridevi and Tun Tun. From Tun Tun’s fat woman gags (often, with a dozen boisterous kids and cantankerous hubby in tow) to Malini’s fast-talking Basanti and Sridevi’s mining of her ingenue and simpleton real-life personality for screen gold, Bollywood’s greatest comic moment have relied on the excellent timings of these gifted women.
As we revisit these 10 comedies, we can’t help but marvel over what a sheer stroke of genius (and a special turn of brain) it must have gone into the making of many of these classics. Yet, for all their efforts and creativity, comedies are rarely taken seriously. In Hollywood, too, the funsters hardly win any Oscar nods and those that do, are not considered at par with other genres. As lyricist and writer Javed Akhtar once rued, “I don’t know why we have a strange highbrow attitude towards comedy in our country. We think humour is cheap and inferior. I think we have been deprived of happiness and pleasure for a very long time, so we think that anything that can make people happy or can provide pleasure is either sinful or taboo, or of inferior quality.”
It is high time comedies are accorded the respectability they deserve or at least an acknowledgement that funny is a serious business.
Munnabhai M.B.B.S (2003)
‘Woh bahar casualty mein koi marne ki haalat mein raha, toh usko form bharna zaroori hai kya’ – Munnabhai (Express archive photo)
Part of the reason why Raju Hirani’s first film – also his breakout – worked so beautifully was Sanjay Dutt’s loveable gangster image. Where, for example, Vaastav’s Dutt was a more career gangster in Munnabhai, Hirani aims for the opposite effect, playing it for laughs. Hirani also flips Vaastav’s Mother India syndrome to daddy issues in Munnabhai and sticks to this trajectory in subsequent hits, most recently in Sanju. With Sanjay Dutt in comic mode, half your battle as a filmmaker is already won. Dutt plays the good-hearted goon Munnabhai who enters medical school to become a doctor and is assisted through the good and bad times by sidekick Circuit (Arshad Warsi). “Insaan ki body mein 206 type ka sirf haddi hai. Todne ka time apun sochte the kya?” Munnabhai shares his newly-found wisdom with Circuit, who later sends an “imported body” to his honcho for medical dissection. The Dutt-Warsi bromance and Hirani’s jaadu ki jhappi formula gives us a fresh and funny film that riffs on its leading actor’s tapori image and combines clean humour with social commentary that has become Hirani’s brand of cinema. In its highly conceptual sequel Lage Raho Munnabhai a few years down the line, Hirani resurrects Gandhi’s ghost to give us a new buzz word. This time, Gandhigiri.
Hera Pheri (2000)
��Dil dariya hai baaki sab samandar hai, yeh meri samasya hai’ – Baburao Apte (Express archive photo)
Director Priyadarshan breathes enough confusion and chaos in this multi-starrer to keep the audience in splits. Writers Neeraj Vora and Siddique-Lal amp up the density of comic possibilities by introducing ever newer characters and no resolution in sight. Enter Khadak Singh (Om Puri’s hilarious Punjabi), the stranger who comes looking for a certain Shyam (Suniel Shetty). This sets the plot rolling. Shyam, along with Baburao Apte (Paresh Rawal) and his tenant Raju (Akshay Kumar) have to act swiftly to return Khadak Singh’s money. Throw in a side plot involving a wrong phone call and a kidnapping and you know you are hurtling towards a typical Priyadarshan climax full of confusion and deception. Call it a 1970s influence, if you will, a Priyadarshan climax brings together literally the entire cast in a game of cat and mouse. He’s our last showman in that sense. It’s often mistaken that Priyadarshan made Hera Pheri at his peak as a comic director. In fact, it’s among his earliest Hindi comedies and it set the tone for what this Malayalam filmmaker’s Bollywood career would look like. The film, led by a side-splitting Paresh Rawal, Akshay Kumar and Om Puri, is more than feel-good. It’s feel-better!
Dulhe Raja (1998)
‘Hamara sahab aayega toh lafda kar dega’ – Chhotu (Express archive photo)
Govinda has a flair for comedy that works for the masses, not for the classes. But who cares? In Dulhe Raja – the most David Dhawanesque comedy that David Dhawan didn’t make – he plays the title role, a smooth-talking roadside dhaba owner. The script sympathises with him, just the way it does for Rajinikanth or Mithun Chakraborty and other stars with irresistible mass appeal. It’s a typical Govinda character of a glib ruffian who falls for the rich man’s daughter. The rich man (Kadar Khan) lives in a mansion the size of a football stadium with massive staircases and circular sofas. When Govinda is in top form, he can seem like he was born to play that role. Director Harmesh Malhotra assembles the other Govinda staples for support. They include Kadar Khan, Johnny Lever and Asrani who help make this leave-your-brain-at-home comedy highly enjoyable – even memorable. One of the main pleasures of a Govinda film, besides generous doses of romp, are the songs. The popular Akhiyon se goli maare demonstrates the star’s free-style dance moves while the qawwali Suno sasurji, though equally cringe-worthy, is watchable exactly for those reasons.
Andaz Apna Apna (1994)
‘Aaj mujhe ehsaas hua, ki aap purush hi nahin, maha purush hai’ – Amar
Summarising this Rajkumar Santoshi con caper in terms of a linear storyline is like explaining how Aamir Khan scored that goal for Mohan Bagan using sherbet glasses. One of the drinks is spiked and he’s just got his memory back. To add to the confusion, either the goal was highly strategic or – this is more likely – he’s making the shit up. Aamir plays the ne’er-do-well Amar to Salman Khan’s bumbling Prem. Obviously, Paresh Rawal aka Teja dismisses them as “filmy and slackers.” From the start, when you first meet them as imposters in an endless round of one-upmanship trying to outwit each other, it becomes evident that this journey is not going to end well for them. But it does. (One loser tempts away a millionaire’s daughter) And along the way it’s nothing but a complete laugh-riot. AAA clearly belongs to the quick-talking Aamir, perhaps because he was given a central role for being a bigger star at the time but it’s incomplete without the collective madness of Salman Khan, Shakti Kapoor, Raveena Tandon, Karisma Kapoor, Mehmood (his Wah Wah Productions’ gag is a homage to Pyar Kiye Jaa), Jagdeep and Paresh Rawal in a double role, creating further confusion about who is the real Teja. (He’s the one with a mark on his cheek).
Raja Babu (1994)
‘Samajtha nahin hai yaar’ – Nandu (Express archive photo)
David Dhawan hit it big with dramas like Swarg and Shola Aur Shabnam in the 1990s but found his niche in slapstick. Aankhen was his first major hit, but with Raja Babu, he got into full-fledged populist comedies. The plots (however preposterous) were often refashioned from Southern hits and there was always the reliably gabby charms of Govinda to turn it into comic gold. The two had already worked together and by the time of Raja Babu, you can see that they had arrived at a comfort level enjoyed by frequent collaborators. Govinda is a good mix of Dilip Kumar and Shammi Kapoor, but less sophisticated than them. Viewers, in fact, can spot the influence of Dilip Kumar on the Khans who appropriated the romantic aspects of Dilip Kumar. By contrast, Govinda picked up the Bhojpuri nuances from the Tragedy King. In Raja Babu, Dilip Kumar bears heavily on Govinda’s acting style. Call it mindless or mediocre, the film walks the tight rope between comedy and melodrama, blending Dhawan’s penchant for sappy plots with silly humour. The best scenes involve Raja (Govinda) and sidekick Nandu’s (Shakti Kapoor) crackling chemistry. Trust Shakti Kapoor to come up with strange accents and stranger get-ups. Their exclusive pastime includes hiring a small-time theater to watch an Amitabh Bachchan actioner and generally, gallivanting around on a flashy bike (matched to Govinda’s colourful costumes), Nandu faithfully holding the umbrella for his boss from the backseat. Raja Babu makes high art of low humour.
Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro (1983)
Aage jaake log iss flyover ke neeche ghar basaaenge’ – Builder Tarneja (Express archive photo)
British author Martin Amis once described satire as “militant irony.” We are pretty sure the unassuming Kundan Shah would have neither heard of Amis nor agreed with that definition. But the director’s Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro is angry (friend Saeed Mirza would approve), absurd, madcap, meaningful and bracingly funny. Ravi Baswani (Sudhir) and Naseeruddin Shah (Vinod) play down-on-luck photographers who get mired in a theatre of the absurd not entirely of their own making. Through these two small-timers who are the undercog (and underdog) in the system’s wheel, Shah flings powerful bolts of social commentary. JBDY isn’t about changing the world so much as firing militant stabs at it, one gag at a time. Made on a shoe-string budget, this blackest of comedy hints at all the issues that are still relevant in India today – political corruption, crony capitalism, unemployment and most importantly, the media. Rewatching the film, ‘Hum honge kaamyab’ plays like a lost cause. But then, depending upon your point of view and how you see the film, please feel free to read hope or helplessness from the film’s freeze-framing climax. As Sudhir and Vinod, in prison clothes, break the fourth wall and make a throat-slashing gesture you know things are headed straight to the gallows.
Gol Maal (1979)
‘Main tujhe maaf nahin, saaf kar dunga’ – Bhawani Shankar (Express archive photo)
Is Bollywood a corrupting influence on Hrishikesh Mukherjee’s characters? In Gol Maal, Amol Palekar has a penchant for Hindi films and in a fantasy song, dreams about displacing Amitabh Bachchan to become Bollywood’s leading hero. This scene assumes a dimension of meta-fun when seen from the context of Palekar’s everyman status both on and off screen. He could never topple Bachchan from the mainstream top slot (many would rightly argue he never intended to) but some of the 1970-80s defining middle cinema classics cannot be imagined without Palekar’s extraordinary ordinariness. In the same film, his stern and disciplinarian boss Bhawani Shankar’s (Utpal Dutt) is repulsed by all modern elements, cinema and sports included. Interestingly, in Guddi (1971), Dutt plays a sincere professor struck by the make-believe world of cinema (he’s shocked to see that a blind beggar can not only see but speaks English, though he later learns that he is just another actor in a get-up waiting for his scene) but, ironically, doesn’t mind negotiating with superstar Dharmendra (as himself) to help cure Guddi (Jaya Bhaduri) from her film obsession. Once again in Gol Maal, Hrishida pits Palekar and Dutt in a sparkling interplay of the auteur’s familiar tropes of role-playing, charades and trickery – prodded gently by the ever-elderly David. Side note: The moustache and what it stands for in the making of a man’s honour is obviously the best-loved part about Gol Maal.
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Chupke Chupke (1975)
‘Corolla khane mein kadva hota hai par liver ke liye bohot achcha hota hai’ – Professor Sukumar (Express archive photo)
In 1972’s Bawarchi, Hrishikesh Mukherjee stripped Rajesh Khanna off his starry sheen and gave the late superstar the role of a cook. Albeit, this is no ordinary cook. He’s a philosopher. Three years later, Hrishida cast Dharmendra and Amitabh Bachchan against type in Chupke Chupke, a timeless comedy about mistaken and newly-assumed identities, practical jokes and elaborate charades and disguises. Dharmendra plays a renowned professor (Parimal Tripathi) masquerading as a driver (Pyare Mohan), just so that he can bring wife Sulekha’s (Sharmila Tagore) hero-worshipping reverence for brother-in-law (Om Prakash) a few notches down. The driver speaks impeccably chaste Hindi, just as Bawarchi’s cook expounded philosophy. Amitabh Bachchan gets to prove his comic flair as the awkward and nervous English lit professor Sukumar while Sharmila Tagore, as a girl from a very respectable upper-class Indian family, breaks all social norms. First, by sitting in the first seat next to driver Pyare, next by singing a romantic duet with him and eventually, eloping much to the embarrassment of “genius jijaji” Om Prakash. A classic Hindi film trope that Hrishida, and his privileged and educated middle-class characters, often take a harmless dig at. Cinema, for them, may not be vulgar but it’s definitely a vice that wouldn’t go down well with the elderly bookish bhadralok lot.
Padosan (1968)
‘Arrey gadhu, baith upar aur awaaz neechi kar’ – Guru (Express archive photo)
Kishore Kumar was a madcap genius and Padosan, as any fan will tell you, was central to the singer’s fame as a spitfire comedian. This is also a film where his funnyman and crooner personas collide into pure anarchy and this very combination of a man who could sing and make you laugh at the same time became his chief stock-in-trade. When we first meet him, Kishoreda is a paan-chewing theatre director (the paan serves the same function as the pipe on Groucho Marx) who’s pulling his hair (middle-parted, if you will) out trying to teach Keshto Mukherjee the right pronunciation of the Perso-Arabic word ‘Qais.’ Later on in the film, Kishoreda aka Guru would have the same trouble tutoring Bhola (Sunil Dutt, so named because he’s a bit of a bumpkin) about music. Bhola’s assassination of Sa Re Ga is epic. The scenes involving Kishore Kumar offering playback to Bhola, as he tries to woo the stylish neighbour (Saira Banu, the padosan Bindu of the title) are easily some of the funniest scenes ever projected on Hindi screens. Not to mention, Mehmood’s stereotypical Madrasi, who anticipates future Southies in Bollywood. At a time when the job of a heroine was to be a glamorous prop, Padosan thankfully offers a meaty comic role to the eyelash-fluttering Saira Banu. One wonders why filmmakers didn’t tap Sunil Dutt’s comic flair. He is beyond brilliant here, as a brahmachari-turned-majnu who is forced to vie with his mamaji (Om Prakash) for Saira Banu’s affection. In what could have easily descended into a mama-bhanjha plot, director Jyoti Swaroop (one of the many cases where we know the film, but are blissfully oblivious of who made it) keeps it about Bhola, Bindu, Guru and Mehmood’s Master Pillai.
Half Ticket (1962)
‘Tond mein chhupaye hai chiraag-e-Aladin’ – Munna (Express archive photo)
In one of the funnier scenes of Half Ticket, Kishore Kumar bumps into Tun Tun’s naughty boy (named Bhopu) at a railway station and entices him with a wikipedia of Indian sweets (“Rasgulla khaaoge, gulab jamun khaaoge, imarti khaaoge, peda khaaoge!”) Stealing Bhopu’s clothes, Kishore who plays Seth Lalchand’s son (Vijaychand vald Lalchand vald Dhyanchand vald Hukumchand) assumes a new identity – that of the man-child Munna – and hobbles off to Bombay. He’s on a half-ticket ride, escaping the rich fortunes of his mill-owning family. Enter Pran (jewel thief Raja Babu, Munna’s comic foil) who spends the rest of the film tied in an umbilical chord with Munna. There’s also Madhubala and Manorama but Half Ticket is Kishore’s full ticket to comic acrobatics – his very own Marxian lunacy given free reign. Some of the film’s finest moments reside in their songs, including the zany “Cheel cheel chillake” – a gibberish-sounding lyrics that is probably as anarchic as Groucho Marx’s “Whatever it is, I am against it”. But listen closely. Unlike the Horse Feathers’ anthem which is a nonsensical rhyme, Cheel cheel chillake hits out at his father’s capitalism and its “teen ko hamesha karte aaye saadhe teen” mantras. How easily Kishore shifts from get-up to get-up and situations and yodels away into what looks like impromptu ad-libs. With him, there is always some raucous romp round the corner. It is interesting to note that while in Padosan he corrects Keshto’s grammar, in Half Ticket’s climax, it is uncle Pran (with his excellent grasp of Urdu) who gets to clarify Kishore’s “ba-munakka, ba-sherbat.” It is actually “ba-mushakkat” but that word turns out to be a sign of bad omen for Raja Babu, as he is finally arrested.
(Shaikh Ayaz is a writer and journalist based in Mumbai)
Source: https://indianexpress.com/article/entertainment/bollywood/bollywood-comedy-films-5454737/
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topfygad · 5 years
Winter Highs: 8 Ways to Embrace the Season in India
Igloo stays, iridescent birds and ice sports—keep your gloves on for a wild winter ride through in the country.
  Adventure-seekers can go ice climbing over frozen waterfalls and cliffs in Spiti Valley. Photo By: Himanshu Khagta
Come winter, and the Himalayas shed their foliage to don a surreal winter trousseau, most of which remains largely undiscovered. The northeast puts on its festive garb too; its rivers turn teal, and birders flock to the region to spot winged creatures rarely found elsewhere. There is no dearth of options to embrace the chill in India—we’ve cherry-picked eight guaranteed to take your breath away:
  Birdsong and Bikes, Arunachal Pradesh
The lush rainforests of Arunachal are a delight to explore in the winter, humming with birders who come for a glimpse of the hornbill, shrike babbler and the endemic Mishmi wren-babbler, found only in the Mishmi Hills in the state’s east. The bird, with its black-and-brown streaked body and rust neckline, is one of the star attractions of this biodiversity haven.
Another unique way to explore Mishmi Hills and the surrounding Dibang Valley is on a mountain bike; the gently sloping terrain combined with rugged roads makes for a fine winter adventure (except during a rare, heavy snowfall). One of the best routes is the one going to the town of Anini, about 220 kilometres north of Roing in the Dibang Valley, and a three-day ride away. Apart from alluring mist-kissed forests, landscapes that leave you agape, and fabulous birding opportunities, a slow ride and some off-the-trail exploration opens doors to spot the rare red panda and hoolock gibbons, and the possibility of spotting the unique ungulate, the Mishmi takin. Tine Mena, northeast India’s first female Everester, leads mountain biking journeys to Anini, and hiking and angling trips ([email protected]; 8974299357). Local conservationist and passionate birder Jibi Pulu runs the Mishmi Hills camp in Roingand leads explorations in the area. (98628 56981; doubles from Rs2,000)
    A hoolock gibbon (top-left); New year celebrations in Meghalaya (top-right); Ice climbing in Spiti Valley (bottom-left); Enthusiastic birders can spend their winter searching for the iridescent Himalayan monal (bottom-right) in Himachal Pradesh. Photos By: Aditya Singh/imageBROKER/dinodia photo library (gibbon) ; Himanshu Khagta (people and ice-climbing); Alexandra Rudge/Moment Open/Getty images (Monal)
To New Beginnings, Northeast
Home to a significant Christian population, the northeast truly shines during Christmas. Squares across towns and cities in the eight states fill with roly-poly Santas, and midnight masses grace colony churches large and quaint. The festive cheer rings high right up to New Year’s Eve. Even Manipur, which has a large Hindu population in its Meitei community, brings out the conifers. In the hills of Ukhrul, the Naga community of Tankhuls flaunt their traditional attire and gather for mass at the church on the first Sunday of the New Year. Jowai in Meghalaya’s West Jaintia Hills has its own style of ringing in the New Year. Locals across the town form large groups and stay up until the wee hours, crooning originally composed songs around bonfires, one-upping each another on the best tunes. On January 1, the revelry continues in the form of large buffets of local delicacies.
  Sea of Ice, Himachal Pradesh
A slow rise up a frozen swathe, the axe gingerly finding a foothold, crampons crunching into the snow—ice climbing is for those who take their love for winters to the next level. The sport may not be for novices, but those familiar with climbing and yearning to amp it up would thoroughly enjoy it.
This January, India hosted its first edition ice climbing festival in the Spiti Valley. Piti Dharr became a playground for those who love the sight of a frozen waterfall or ice-covered cliffs, allowing the sport to reach a wider audience. Adventure companies such as Rimo Expeditions lead ice climbing expeditions to the Zanskar valley in the Ladakh Himalayas and spots around Manali (www.rimoexpeditions.com; expeditions are usually 8-10 days ex-Leh; price varies with expedition. Piti Dharr takes place between January 5—10 2020; open to all who meet the minimum requirement of beginner level skills; [email protected]).
  Ride to Remember, Uttarakhand
Unlike many mountain escapes in the north, Uttarakhand’s eastern part of Kumaon remains blissfully tourist-free in the winters. The long journey from the foothills of Kumaon to Munsyari could seem daunting, but it is worth the crisp views of the Kumaon Himalayas that float alongside on a sea of puffy winter clouds, and the spectacular 360-degree snowy expanse from Khaliya Top that awaits those who take the time.
Kumaon (top) is a visual treat, especially the drive down to Munsyari; Rafting down the Siang river (bottom). Photo By: Himanshu Khagta (Mountain); Photo courtesy: Aquaterra Adventures (rafting)
Split your drive into two, and begin your ascent from the foothills around the Corbett region to get initiated into these majestic mountains. Drive half the 300-kilometre distance past major towns like Nainital, and break your journey in the wilderness of the Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary. Go further only if you are confident of long-distance driving in the mountains, to places like Chaukori or Berinag as your overnight hault. Mountain views come in to focus as early as from Almora, about a 100 kilometres into your journey, and grow larger than life as you move towards Chaukori, where Neelkantha, Chaukhamba, and other 7000ers take the stage.
Continue the following morning, with the Nanda Devi peaks, main and east, Nanda Ghunti, and more, emerge. Go all the way up to the Kala Muni ridge, then begin the descent to Munsyari, a little township facing the grand Panchachuli peaks that are believed to be the spiralling path the Pandavas took on their final journey to heaven. There are limited accommodation options in Munsyari, but Himalayan Glamping Retreat in the outskirts has plush tents, cosy dining and fun board games (https://ift.tt/2IYs0kV, doubles with meals Rs14,000 plus taxes). Visit the weavers in Darkot, five kilometres away, to see how they create timeless rugs, hats, shawls and bedspreads. At the end of the day, watch the setting sun glimmer like gold over the snowy tip of Panchachuli.
  Chasing the Siang, Arunachal Pradesh
The arrival of winter on the Siang river bids goodbye to the muddy torrents of monsoon. A major tributary of northeast India’s longest river, the Brahmaputra, the mighty Siang is gorgeously blue at this time of the year. Drive along its banks, all the way from Passighat to Boleng, and take in its sweeping, azure curves. Stop on its rock and silt-filled beaches, or cross one of the traditional bamboo bridges spanning its width. An amazing architectural feat of sturdiness and technique, these bridges are the lifeline of the region, connecting several villages to roads, and smaller settlements with each other. Hear your heart beat to the sound of the Siang, for these sky-walks swing wildly. The dynamic Yabur Tatin runs a homestay in Boleng with her husband, and has great insider tips for the best spots by the Siang (94024 26343).
The river is also a favourite with rafting lovers, and winter is an ideal season to go down its length. Aquaterra Adventures organises rafting expeditions on the Siang (www.aquaterra.in; 12-day expeditions between Nov-Dec Rs1,20,600 plus tax). Along the length of the river you will also find locals selling Arunachal’s famous oranges, the state’s biggest cash crop that also lends its name to the annual winter Orange festival in Dambuk.
  An Igloo near Manali, Himachal Pradesh
Swap a regular hotel stay for an igloo, a one-of-its-kind offering in India’s Sethan village in the Hampta valley near Manali. For a night or two, think of yourself as an eskimo, and combine the experience with fun activities like snow tubing. Learn to build your own igloo with compressed snow blocks, an activity that engages adults and kids alike. It’s like having the Arctic in your backyard. Your adventure begins with the 4WD drive that leads up to the site, surrounded by stunning Himalayan views. The area also has gentle slopes ideal for skiing, should you want to try that out too. Snuggle around a log fire with a mug of hot chocolate under the stars, and go to bed in a cosy sleeping bag that will keep you coccooned from the cold. Keylinga Himlalayan Adventures’s packages come with winter sports such as snowboarding and snowshoeing, along with the stay (www.keylinga.com; Rs5,500 per person with meals).
A climb up to the Kuppad Peak could have you crossing paths with rare birds like the western tragopan. Photo By: Himanshu Khagta
Hilly hikes of Paradise, Himachal Pradesh
The Jubbal region of Himachal Pradesh remains relatively unexplored, a mere shadow to Tirthan valley, Triund, and the Hampta circuit, and wears a surreal cloak of white in winter. Go beyond the regular haunts to hit trails such as the Giri Ganga route in Jubbal, and you will be floored by the near-private outdoor experiences it offers in the winding mesh of its deodar forests. Throw in overnight camping and go all the way to Kuppad meadow, where you can spot the iridescent Himalayan monal or the elusive state bird, the western tragopan. The latter is one of the rarest pheasants and is found only in pockets of Himachal’s undisturbed forests. Chanshal peak, a five-hour drive from Baral in Jubbal, is another great option for birding. If you do not have the luxury of a multi-day hike to its top, drive from Baral to Larot for about three and a half hours and then hike four hours through virgin forests and meadows to reach the Chanshal ridge. Local operator Ashish Kalta organises these hikes and runs an apple farm homestay here with with his Ladakhi wife, Kunzes. Their cultural backgrounds come together in their kitchen. Dig into their spinach and cheese momos served with bulka, a local dish of wild greens with poppy-filled bednis or bread ([email protected]; 9129033323).
  Walk on Ice, Himachal Pradesh
In winter, Gulmarg attracts skiers by the busload, so if you want to stray from the trodden slopes, try Narkanda. Few associate it with skiing, except the locals and a handful of travellers who have already discovered it. Guided lessons for beginners and rented gear are available here, and veterans can go to higher slopes closer to the Hatu peak.
A 30-minute drive from Narkanda takes you to the Shilaroo Project, a site for learning pottery and yoga, run by sisters Virangana and Shubhangana Kainthla. A quiet alternative to the popular Andretta, a weekend workshop enables guests to learn the art form along with farming and other community work. Masters in their respective art forms—pottery and hatha yoga—the sisters created this haven to seamlessly integrate physical, mental and spiritual equilibrium. It also offers stays with shared and private options, which could be your base for your Narkanda skiing adventure (theshilarooproject.com).
  (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.5&appId=440470606060560"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/32nF62K via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
Winter Highs: 8 Ways to Embrace the Season in India
Igloo stays, iridescent birds and ice sports—keep your gloves on for a wild winter ride through in the country.
  Adventure-seekers can go ice climbing over frozen waterfalls and cliffs in Spiti Valley. Photo By: Himanshu Khagta
Come winter, and the Himalayas shed their foliage to don a surreal winter trousseau, most of which remains largely undiscovered. The northeast puts on its festive garb too; its rivers turn teal, and birders flock to the region to spot winged creatures rarely found elsewhere. There is no dearth of options to embrace the chill in India—we’ve cherry-picked eight guaranteed to take your breath away:
  Birdsong and Bikes, Arunachal Pradesh
The lush rainforests of Arunachal are a delight to explore in the winter, humming with birders who come for a glimpse of the hornbill, shrike babbler and the endemic Mishmi wren-babbler, found only in the Mishmi Hills in the state’s east. The bird, with its black-and-brown streaked body and rust neckline, is one of the star attractions of this biodiversity haven.
Another unique way to explore Mishmi Hills and the surrounding Dibang Valley is on a mountain bike; the gently sloping terrain combined with rugged roads makes for a fine winter adventure (except during a rare, heavy snowfall). One of the best routes is the one going to the town of Anini, about 220 kilometres north of Roing in the Dibang Valley, and a three-day ride away. Apart from alluring mist-kissed forests, landscapes that leave you agape, and fabulous birding opportunities, a slow ride and some off-the-trail exploration opens doors to spot the rare red panda and hoolock gibbons, and the possibility of spotting the unique ungulate, the Mishmi takin. Tine Mena, northeast India’s first female Everester, leads mountain biking journeys to Anini, and hiking and angling trips ([email protected]; 8974299357). Local conservationist and passionate birder Jibi Pulu runs the Mishmi Hills camp in Roingand leads explorations in the area. (98628 56981; doubles from Rs2,000)
    A hoolock gibbon (top-left); New year celebrations in Meghalaya (top-right); Ice climbing in Spiti Valley (bottom-left); Enthusiastic birders can spend their winter searching for the iridescent Himalayan monal (bottom-right) in Himachal Pradesh. Photos By: Aditya Singh/imageBROKER/dinodia photo library (gibbon) ; Himanshu Khagta (people and ice-climbing); Alexandra Rudge/Moment Open/Getty images (Monal)
To New Beginnings, Northeast
Home to a significant Christian population, the northeast truly shines during Christmas. Squares across towns and cities in the eight states fill with roly-poly Santas, and midnight masses grace colony churches large and quaint. The festive cheer rings high right up to New Year’s Eve. Even Manipur, which has a large Hindu population in its Meitei community, brings out the conifers. In the hills of Ukhrul, the Naga community of Tankhuls flaunt their traditional attire and gather for mass at the church on the first Sunday of the New Year. Jowai in Meghalaya’s West Jaintia Hills has its own style of ringing in the New Year. Locals across the town form large groups and stay up until the wee hours, crooning originally composed songs around bonfires, one-upping each another on the best tunes. On January 1, the revelry continues in the form of large buffets of local delicacies.
  Sea of Ice, Himachal Pradesh
A slow rise up a frozen swathe, the axe gingerly finding a foothold, crampons crunching into the snow—ice climbing is for those who take their love for winters to the next level. The sport may not be for novices, but those familiar with climbing and yearning to amp it up would thoroughly enjoy it.
This January, India hosted its first edition ice climbing festival in the Spiti Valley. Piti Dharr became a playground for those who love the sight of a frozen waterfall or ice-covered cliffs, allowing the sport to reach a wider audience. Adventure companies such as Rimo Expeditions lead ice climbing expeditions to the Zanskar valley in the Ladakh Himalayas and spots around Manali (www.rimoexpeditions.com; expeditions are usually 8-10 days ex-Leh; price varies with expedition. Piti Dharr takes place between January 5—10 2020; open to all who meet the minimum requirement of beginner level skills; [email protected]).
  Ride to Remember, Uttarakhand
Unlike many mountain escapes in the north, Uttarakhand’s eastern part of Kumaon remains blissfully tourist-free in the winters. The long journey from the foothills of Kumaon to Munsyari could seem daunting, but it is worth the crisp views of the Kumaon Himalayas that float alongside on a sea of puffy winter clouds, and the spectacular 360-degree snowy expanse from Khaliya Top that awaits those who take the time.
Kumaon (top) is a visual treat, especially the drive down to Munsyari; Rafting down the Siang river (bottom). Photo By: Himanshu Khagta (Mountain); Photo courtesy: Aquaterra Adventures (rafting)
Split your drive into two, and begin your ascent from the foothills around the Corbett region to get initiated into these majestic mountains. Drive half the 300-kilometre distance past major towns like Nainital, and break your journey in the wilderness of the Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary. Go further only if you are confident of long-distance driving in the mountains, to places like Chaukori or Berinag as your overnight hault. Mountain views come in to focus as early as from Almora, about a 100 kilometres into your journey, and grow larger than life as you move towards Chaukori, where Neelkantha, Chaukhamba, and other 7000ers take the stage.
Continue the following morning, with the Nanda Devi peaks, main and east, Nanda Ghunti, and more, emerge. Go all the way up to the Kala Muni ridge, then begin the descent to Munsyari, a little township facing the grand Panchachuli peaks that are believed to be the spiralling path the Pandavas took on their final journey to heaven. There are limited accommodation options in Munsyari, but Himalayan Glamping Retreat in the outskirts has plush tents, cosy dining and fun board games (https://ift.tt/2IYs0kV, doubles with meals Rs14,000 plus taxes). Visit the weavers in Darkot, five kilometres away, to see how they create timeless rugs, hats, shawls and bedspreads. At the end of the day, watch the setting sun glimmer like gold over the snowy tip of Panchachuli.
  Chasing the Siang, Arunachal Pradesh
The arrival of winter on the Siang river bids goodbye to the muddy torrents of monsoon. A major tributary of northeast India’s longest river, the Brahmaputra, the mighty Siang is gorgeously blue at this time of the year. Drive along its banks, all the way from Passighat to Boleng, and take in its sweeping, azure curves. Stop on its rock and silt-filled beaches, or cross one of the traditional bamboo bridges spanning its width. An amazing architectural feat of sturdiness and technique, these bridges are the lifeline of the region, connecting several villages to roads, and smaller settlements with each other. Hear your heart beat to the sound of the Siang, for these sky-walks swing wildly. The dynamic Yabur Tatin runs a homestay in Boleng with her husband, and has great insider tips for the best spots by the Siang (94024 26343).
The river is also a favourite with rafting lovers, and winter is an ideal season to go down its length. Aquaterra Adventures organises rafting expeditions on the Siang (www.aquaterra.in; 12-day expeditions between Nov-Dec Rs1,20,600 plus tax). Along the length of the river you will also find locals selling Arunachal’s famous oranges, the state’s biggest cash crop that also lends its name to the annual winter Orange festival in Dambuk.
  An Igloo near Manali, Himachal Pradesh
Swap a regular hotel stay for an igloo, a one-of-its-kind offering in India’s Sethan village in the Hampta valley near Manali. For a night or two, think of yourself as an eskimo, and combine the experience with fun activities like snow tubing. Learn to build your own igloo with compressed snow blocks, an activity that engages adults and kids alike. It’s like having the Arctic in your backyard. Your adventure begins with the 4WD drive that leads up to the site, surrounded by stunning Himalayan views. The area also has gentle slopes ideal for skiing, should you want to try that out too. Snuggle around a log fire with a mug of hot chocolate under the stars, and go to bed in a cosy sleeping bag that will keep you coccooned from the cold. Keylinga Himlalayan Adventures’s packages come with winter sports such as snowboarding and snowshoeing, along with the stay (www.keylinga.com; Rs5,500 per person with meals).
A climb up to the Kuppad Peak could have you crossing paths with rare birds like the western tragopan. Photo By: Himanshu Khagta
Hilly hikes of Paradise, Himachal Pradesh
The Jubbal region of Himachal Pradesh remains relatively unexplored, a mere shadow to Tirthan valley, Triund, and the Hampta circuit, and wears a surreal cloak of white in winter. Go beyond the regular haunts to hit trails such as the Giri Ganga route in Jubbal, and you will be floored by the near-private outdoor experiences it offers in the winding mesh of its deodar forests. Throw in overnight camping and go all the way to Kuppad meadow, where you can spot the iridescent Himalayan monal or the elusive state bird, the western tragopan. The latter is one of the rarest pheasants and is found only in pockets of Himachal’s undisturbed forests. Chanshal peak, a five-hour drive from Baral in Jubbal, is another great option for birding. If you do not have the luxury of a multi-day hike to its top, drive from Baral to Larot for about three and a half hours and then hike four hours through virgin forests and meadows to reach the Chanshal ridge. Local operator Ashish Kalta organises these hikes and runs an apple farm homestay here with with his Ladakhi wife, Kunzes. Their cultural backgrounds come together in their kitchen. Dig into their spinach and cheese momos served with bulka, a local dish of wild greens with poppy-filled bednis or bread ([email protected]; 9129033323).
  Walk on Ice, Himachal Pradesh
In winter, Gulmarg attracts skiers by the busload, so if you want to stray from the trodden slopes, try Narkanda. Few associate it with skiing, except the locals and a handful of travellers who have already discovered it. Guided lessons for beginners and rented gear are available here, and veterans can go to higher slopes closer to the Hatu peak.
A 30-minute drive from Narkanda takes you to the Shilaroo Project, a site for learning pottery and yoga, run by sisters Virangana and Shubhangana Kainthla. A quiet alternative to the popular Andretta, a weekend workshop enables guests to learn the art form along with farming and other community work. Masters in their respective art forms—pottery and hatha yoga—the sisters created this haven to seamlessly integrate physical, mental and spiritual equilibrium. It also offers stays with shared and private options, which could be your base for your Narkanda skiing adventure (theshilarooproject.com).
  (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.5&appId=440470606060560"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/32nF62K via IFTTT
0 notes
marymosley · 6 years
Column: #Metoo Sexual Harassment at Work place
These days we are witnessing #metoo Campaign in full swing since Tanushree  Dutta Broke her stoic silence after 10 long years about an incident of sexual Harassment  by Nana Patekar during the shooting of song in the film Horn Ok Please and thereafter goons attacking her car and completely vandalizing it.
#metoo is a symbolic portrayal of resistance for demonstrating unsung sexual harassment at work place.There is considerable improvement in standing of women’s professionally. But still the male psyche towards female “Being Female” in the same proportion.
Men (Not all) take the garb of, “Something for something” or “this for that” repercussion of refusal can be well understood……………………..
A lot of hue and cry is raised since Tanushree Dutta shared her terrifying experience- Reason a very respectable name in the industry known for his talent and hysterics was pointed finger.
Supporting a woman/women who somehow after years muster courage to share her/their trauma is Questioned, Why?
I read a statement in the media of Actor Annu Kapoor, “ why are you holding media trial? Just go to the police and prove your point.” He said she will get resolution of her problem from the court of Law.
Let me ask him don’t you know how much time the whole process of investigation takes. Though Criminal Procedure Code prescribes period of limitation for completing the investigation. But seldom investigation is completed in the stipulated time.
Indian Penal Code (IPC) has provisioned punishment for sexual overtures under:
Section 354 (A): A man committing any physical contact, advances involving unwelcome and explicit sexual overtures; or demanding or requesting sexual favours; or showing pornography against the will of a woman; or making sexually coloured remarks, shall be guilty of the offence of sexual harassment. (Punishment: Rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years)
Section 209: Obscene acts in any public place, singing obscene songs to the annoyance of others (Punishment: Imprisonment for a term of up to 3 months or fine, or both).
Section 509: Uttering any word or making any gesture intended to insult the modesty of a woman. (You cannot call her “mast”.) Punishment: Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both.)
There is a specific Act to prevent  Sexual Harassment at Workplace known by the name The sexual Harassment of  Women at Workplace(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013:
Under the Act, sexual harassment includes:
a) Physical contact and advances (so, you can’t touch someone inappropriately and think I am innocent because, you know, I didn’t rape)
b) A demand or request for sexual favours
c) Making sexually coloured remarks (so, no sexist jokes or misogynist humour)
d) Showing pornography
e) Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.
Under the Act, the below five also count as sexual harassment:
a) Implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in her employment.
b) Implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in her employment
c) Implied or explicit threat about her present or future employment status
d) Interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive work environment for her (for eg., the St. Stephen’s College sexual harassment case)
e) Humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety.
But do the women come out in the open to share their share of sexual harassment at the work place. Answer is Big No. The legal process is not so simple that here you submitted your application of grievance and there you get the justice(instantly)  So many complexities are involved in the whole process, right from the registering of the grievance with police, to process of investigation, to submission of charge sheet or Final Form before Concerned Court, to issuance of notice/summons for appearance before magistrate to process of trial that majority hesitates to speak out.
Justice solely depend upon the evidence before the court. Don’t want to stress upon the Fate which is meted to the evidence.
Now coming to the point, it just because Tanushree didn’t vehemently stress her trauma does not mean she has lost her right to speak to bring the facts before the world.
There are many factors which goes at the back of the mind of the victim which restrain her from sharing: It requires
Tremendous Courage is required
Support System (Mentally) at the back
Mentally tough to face the aftermath i.e. Questions bombarding from all quarters (this is happening currently.
Tremendous Confidence as many feel helpless to share.
It is not just Tanushree  Dutta or Nayani Dixit or Vinta Nanda or Kangana Ranaut or Amyra Dastur or Sandhya Mridul who have come out with their share of experience of sexual harassment at work place but there is whole lot of working woman who are not celebrity, for various reasons (social, economical) didn’t come out to speak for themselves and expose the guilty.  
It’s a shock to know to know that big names have come to the limelight  Nana Patekar(Actor), Sajid Khan(Director), Alok Nath(Actor), Kailash Kher (Singer), Vivek Agnihotri(Film Maker), Gaurang Doshi(Producer) Vikas Bahl(Director), Chetan Bhagat (India’s Top Selling Author), M J Akbar (Minister of State for External Affairs), Rajat Kapoor(Actor), Aditi Mittal (Standup Comedian), Utsav Chakraborty (Comedian), Varun Grover (Lyricist and writer), Raghu Dixit (Singer) and the name will continue to add in the series #metoo.
Tremendous guts are required by a female to share her terrible trauma it goes both for known names and for unknown names. When the aforesaid female celibrities took years to come out with their traumatic experience than it could be well imagined what will be the trauma of lesser known professional females.
Our place of work is second home as we spent major part of our daily life at our work place if our work place/second home becomes unsafe/shady than how we are going to justify the slogan, “encourage woman to become independent and self reliant”. It’s the responsibility Team head everywhere to take care about the safety of the women’s than only they can give their 100%
    The post Column: #Metoo Sexual Harassment at Work place appeared first on Legal Desire.
Column: #Metoo Sexual Harassment at Work place published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
0 notes
marymosley · 6 years
Column: #Metoo Sexual Harassment at Work place
These days we are witnessing #metoo Campaign in full swing since Tanushree  Dutta Broke her stoic silence after 10 long years about an incident of sexual Harassment  by Nana Patekar during the shooting of song in the film Horn Ok Please and thereafter goons attacking her car and completely vandalizing it.
#metoo is a symbolic portrayal of resistance for demonstrating unsung sexual harassment at work place.There is considerable improvement in standing of women’s professionally. But still the male psyche towards female “Being Female” in the same proportion.
Men (Not all) take the garb of, “Something for something” or “this for that” repercussion of refusal can be well understood……………………..
A lot of hue and cry is raised since Tanushree Dutta shared her terrifying experience- Reason a very respectable name in the industry known for his talent and hysterics was pointed finger.
Supporting a woman/women who somehow after years muster courage to share her/their trauma is Questioned, Why?
I read a statement in the media of Actor Annu Kapoor, “ why are you holding media trial? Just go to the police and prove your point.” He said she will get resolution of her problem from the court of Law.
Let me ask him don’t you know how much time the whole process of investigation takes. Though Criminal Procedure Code prescribes period of limitation for completing the investigation. But seldom investigation is completed in the stipulated time.
Indian Penal Code (IPC) has provisioned punishment for sexual overtures under:
Section 354 (A): A man committing any physical contact, advances involving unwelcome and explicit sexual overtures; or demanding or requesting sexual favours; or showing pornography against the will of a woman; or making sexually coloured remarks, shall be guilty of the offence of sexual harassment. (Punishment: Rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years)
Section 209: Obscene acts in any public place, singing obscene songs to the annoyance of others (Punishment: Imprisonment for a term of up to 3 months or fine, or both).
Section 509: Uttering any word or making any gesture intended to insult the modesty of a woman. (You cannot call her “mast”.) Punishment: Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both.)
There is a specific Act to prevent  Sexual Harassment at Workplace known by the name The sexual Harassment of  Women at Workplace(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013:
Under the Act, sexual harassment includes:
a) Physical contact and advances (so, you can’t touch someone inappropriately and think I am innocent because, you know, I didn’t rape)
b) A demand or request for sexual favours
c) Making sexually coloured remarks (so, no sexist jokes or misogynist humour)
d) Showing pornography
e) Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.
Under the Act, the below five also count as sexual harassment:
a) Implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in her employment.
b) Implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in her employment
c) Implied or explicit threat about her present or future employment status
d) Interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive work environment for her (for eg., the St. Stephen’s College sexual harassment case)
e) Humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety.
But do the women come out in the open to share their share of sexual harassment at the work place. Answer is Big No. The legal process is not so simple that here you submitted your application of grievance and there you get the justice(instantly)  So many complexities are involved in the whole process, right from the registering of the grievance with police, to process of investigation, to submission of charge sheet or Final Form before Concerned Court, to issuance of notice/summons for appearance before magistrate to process of trial that majority hesitates to speak out.
Justice solely depend upon the evidence before the court. Don’t want to stress upon the Fate which is meted to the evidence.
Now coming to the point, it just because Tanushree didn’t vehemently stress her trauma does not mean she has lost her right to speak to bring the facts before the world.
There are many factors which goes at the back of the mind of the victim which restrain her from sharing: It requires
Tremendous Courage is required
Support System (Mentally) at the back
Mentally tough to face the aftermath i.e. Questions bombarding from all quarters (this is happening currently.
Tremendous Confidence as many feel helpless to share.
It is not just Tanushree  Dutta or Nayani Dixit or Vinta Nanda or Kangana Ranaut or Amyra Dastur or Sandhya Mridul who have come out with their share of experience of sexual harassment at work place but there is whole lot of working woman who are not celebrity, for various reasons (social, economical) didn’t come out to speak for themselves and expose the guilty.  
It’s a shock to know to know that big names have come to the limelight  Nana Patekar(Actor), Sajid Khan(Director), Alok Nath(Actor), Kailash Kher (Singer), Vivek Agnihotri(Film Maker), Gaurang Doshi(Producer) Vikas Bahl(Director), Chetan Bhagat (India’s Top Selling Author), M J Akbar (Minister of State for External Affairs), Rajat Kapoor(Actor), Aditi Mittal (Standup Comedian), Utsav Chakraborty (Comedian), Varun Grover (Lyricist and writer), Raghu Dixit (Singer) and the name will continue to add in the series #metoo.
Tremendous guts are required by a female to share her terrible trauma it goes both for known names and for unknown names. When the aforesaid female celibrities took years to come out with their traumatic experience than it could be well imagined what will be the trauma of lesser known professional females.
Our place of work is second home as we spent major part of our daily life at our work place if our work place/second home becomes unsafe/shady than how we are going to justify the slogan, “encourage woman to become independent and self reliant”. It’s the responsibility Team head everywhere to take care about the safety of the women’s than only they can give their 100%
    The post Column: #Metoo Sexual Harassment at Work place appeared first on Legal Desire.
Column: #Metoo Sexual Harassment at Work place published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
0 notes