#Toshie Maeda
serraphima · 1 year
so...rematch against maeda toshie and shibata, i have somewhat of a build now so this should be easier now right?
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The Dog and the Monkey
I am pretty much a newbie player in SLBP, but I am enjoying the more accurate depiction of Sengoku and the other warlords.
One player suggested I read Hideyoshi’s route and compare with IkeSen. Honestly, I cannot compare since both games have different settings.  Anyway, i like the Maeda-Toyotomi storyline. It also shows the ambitious Hideyoshi that IkeSen lacks. 
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From:  Meishôgenkôroku , The Records of the Sayings and Conduct of Famous Lords by Okanoya Shigezane (1835-1919) ;  Translated and Edited by Andrew and Yoshiko Dykstra
   A Lifetime Vassal: 
On the twenty-second of April, after having destroyed Sakuma Morimasa, Hideyoshi went to see Maeda Toshiie [who had sided with the Shibata]82 accompanied by only his page. Before the gateway, Hideyoshi raised his voice, and shouted out, ”Hey, Mataza [Toshiie’s old name], Hideyoshi is here.” The surprised Toshiie appeared, apologizing, “It is most unfortunate that we have lost like this, being no match for you. As in the usual way of fighting, we have left our fate to heaven, but still it is a terrible shame to see you in this way. I am ready to commit hara-kiri before you.”
 As soon as Toshiie finished, Hideyoshi began, “Don’t be so distant. You and I have been old friends. Due to our fate of being samurai, we have been temporarily separated as enemies. But now the Shibata are gone, and you should have no personal grudge against me, as I have none against you. Even though the Shibata are finished, still all sorts of problems remain, and I need your support to solve them. I only think of pacifying the country by relying on you.” Thus Hideyoshi openly expressed his hearty feelings to his old friend, Toshiie, who finally understood him, and became his lifetime vassal.  Strong Trust in Maeda Toshiie: 
When Hideyoshi visited the Great Buddha [in Nara], Maeda Toshiie did not accompany him due to illness. Someone on the way warned Hideyoshi, saying “Please be careful. Lord Maeda is plotting.” At this, Hideyoshi became angry, saying, “How hateful to slander Toshiie who would surely shed tears at my death. Catch the man and send him to Lord Toshiie immediately!” and had Teranishi Chikuzennokami send the man to Toshiie. Later, Toshiie came to greet Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi tearfully said to Toshiie, “Just because I have asked you to look after my son, Hideyori, someone jealous must have plotted to breach our friendship. So thoroughly investigate and punish the man.” Toshiie was tearfully impressed at Hideyoshi’s concern and trust in him.
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iryomito · 4 years
The bullcrap that worked!!
OMG I DIED AT THIS ONE!! Oyakata sama speech makes no sense yet Yukimura is getting excited over it WTF!! but he did it somehow nearly ending Toshie’s life ..... i feel sorry for Keiji too
Masamune savagery though lmaaao
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What a mess xddd
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megu-megu · 7 years
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the only thing I hate when drawing on mobile is how nasty it is as tumblr post.
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iammrskougami · 7 years
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Inuchiyo's brother was oddly familiar like I've seen him befor----oh. I remember... It's SEBASTIAN MICHAELIS!
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twilightronin · 7 years
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Hiroshima Death Match (1973)
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mishimakitan · 2 years
~Potentially useful Japanese fact~
("Words they will definitely NOT teach you at Japanese language course" edition) 
Slang (verb): チンコロする (chinkoro-suru) 
Meaning: To snitch (often used to describe when someone snitches their homies to the fucking cops
Etymology: "Chinkoro" comes in reference to a Japanese breed of dogs called "Chin." This usage started around  400 years ago, in reference to 前田犬千代 (Maeda Inuchiyo, who in his adult life would be known as Maeda Toshi-ie) who worked as a spy during Sengoku period (1464-1615).
Maeda Inuchiyo's nickname was "Dog" (his name includes the kanji for dog, 犬). This term is often used by yakuza and other delinquents. 
Source: http://zokugo-dict.com/17ti/chinkoro.htm
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satoshi-mochida · 3 years
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WFS and Key have released the first set of trailers for dramatic RPG Heaven Burns Red, as well as opened pre-registration for iOS via App Store and Android via Google Play.
Here is an overview of the game, via its store pages:
Heaven Burns Red is the story of a group of girls pinned as the world’s last hope, written by Key’s Jun Maeda. Run around fields and experience a priceless everyday life while fighting to survive in this dramatic RPG!
Earth is on the verge of being attacked by a mysterious life-form called “Cancer.” The weapons developed by humanity thus far have been ineffective against it. Lacking a means to repel the enemy, humanity was tragically defeated. The lands were abandoned, and the ravages of war led to many countries being wiped off the map. And much of the land is now under the Cancer’s control.
With little time left and extinction on the horizon, humanity developed a new weapon—the ultimate weapon: “Seraph.” Only those equipped with a Seraph can effectively damage the Cancer. Having gathered those who have mastered the art of Seraph manipulation, humanity established the Seraph Corps as its last hope.
Those who could manipulate Seraphs all had one thing in common: they were girls with some sort of talent.
Ruka Kayamori is among them. And so she, too, throws herself into battle against the Cancer.
Key Features
A collaboration between Key’s Jun Maeda—who has previously delivered to the world numerous masterpieces such as AIR, CLANNAD, Little Busters!, and Angel Beats!—and WFS, who has developed Another Eden, Shoumetsu Toshi, and more. This is also Maeda’s first completely new title in 15 years, depicting the story of a group of girls pinned as the world’s last hope.
A total of 50 voice actors voice the game’s unique characters in this fully-voiced story.
Run around high-quality fields and experience the characters’ priceless everyday life.
Exhilarating command battles with simple controls, where cooperation between characters is key.
Heaven Burns Red is due out in 2021 in Japan.
Watch the trailers below.
Unit 31A Introduction
Ruka Kayamori (voiced by Tomori Kusunoki)
Yuki Izumi (voiced by Maekawa Ryoko)
Megumi Aikama (voiced by Anju Inami)
Karen Asakura (voiced by Seria Fukagawa)
Tsukasa Tojo (voiced by Yurina Amami)
Tama Kunimi (voiced by Aoi Koga)
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princesoliel · 5 years
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Ultimate Fencer, Toshi Maeda.
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umpcrtcdcs-a · 4 years
||  @cupids-flight​  //  JUDGING TOSHI TIME  .
I'll stop judging you when you stop disregarding your son, Izuku.
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      “  i’m not -  he is not -  “  maeda will never let this one incident go ,  uh ?
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getamovieon · 5 years
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Coruscant “Environment based on the amazing cyclorama that was featured in Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith, made by Chris Stoski, Toshi Maeda and Jeremy Cook. The original sequence depicts the view of Coruscant from the windows of a hallway within the Jedi Temple during an iconic dialogue between Anakin and Obi-Wan.”
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tentoriwrites · 5 years
Learning Curve: Episode Four
The Guard @that-otome-potato
A group of affluent young men form a high school gang. Their goal is to bring peace to all the rival school gangs in their area. When an out of place girl at school threatens the peace and gains their attention, everything changes.
Episode Three
She had long since become accustom to people talking about her. She could even tolerate people talking about some of the Oda gang members. If there was one thing she couldn’t stand it was people talking about her longtime friend Toshiie.
 “Looks like they’ll let anyone in here nowadays.”
“Well it all started with that Maeda kid.”
“What an absolute mongrel. Getting in fights all the time.”
“Seriously! But he always shows up to school and never misses class. What’s the point if you’re just some brute that will only get a job in construction or something menial like that?”
“He’s probably dumb as a box of rocks too. Mitsuhide’s probably the only reason he hasn’t flunked out yet!”
“I’m not sure what that pencil ever did to you, but it’s definitely dead now.” The man himself speaking made her notice the white knuckle grip she had on her pencil. Looking up at his deeply concerned face made all the tension ease from her body. Toshi sat down next to her at the table. “Having the mad, scary face is my thing, ya know. I don’t appreciate you trying to take it.”
“Sorry…” She looked a bit sheepish as she said so and his expression eased a little.
“So what had you looking that way?”
“People talking about you.” She knew well enough that she couldn’t lie to him, he knew her too well.
He glanced over at the other table. “Let them talk. They never did like me from the day I came here.”
“Why did you start going to this school anyways? Your family lives in a different part of the country.” Though she had known him for so long, it had never come up.
“I got kicked out of school for fighting. My family knew the Odas and they pulled some strings for me to come here.” He explained it as if it was nothing.
“Is that why you live alone in that apartment above the restaurant?”
“I don’t live there alone. Hideyoshi moved in at the start of the term.”
“REALLY?! Why didn’t you say so sooner?”
“I thought you knew! Geez no need to get so worked up about it, it’s not a big deal.”
“Oh… well maybe you’re right…”
He drew his hand up into a loose fist before rubbing it vigorously on the top of her head. “You still studying martial arts?”
She half glared, half pouted at him as she fixed her hair. “Yes…”
“Good.” He had a very serious look on his face as he said this. Her expression immediately darkened.
“Inuchiyo?” It had been a long time since she called him that. She tried very hard not to let it slip now that they’d gotten older.
“It’s probably nothing but if you see anyone strange poking around call me.” He tried to smile, but it was obviously forced.
“Is there something going on with you?” She was clearly worried.
“Nah… You can never be too safe though. You know, there’s bound to be people who don’t like what we’re doing trying to end all the fighting. So just stay safe, okay?” With obvious effort, the smile she loved so much returned to his face.
“All right. You stay safe too.”
“Will do, buckaroo.”
 Toshiie’s warning left her feeling very aware of everything going on around her. Maybe that was the point? Whatever the case, she was glad for it now. Just a few blocks from the school, she became keenly aware of someone following her. Discreetly using window shopping as an excuse she realized she didn’t know any of the three people following her. She was almost home when she realized she probably didn’t want them knowing where she lives. She vacillated back and forth because she would be walking into a restaurant. She didn’t have an opportunity to decide though.
“Hey there, pretty thing. Where ya off to in such a hurry?” She stopped walking and looked up at the young man leering at her.
“I have a shift to work at my after-school job.” It wasn’t a lie, but they didn’t need to know anything more than that.
“Where ya work?” One of the boys behind her asked with a tone that gave her pause.
“Pretty far away. So… I really need to be going…” She tried to play off her nervousness as being in a hurry. To that end she started to go by the boy in front on her.
“Going so soon?” He grabbed her by the arm. “I think you need to come with us for a while.”
“Please let go of my arm. I need to go.”
“Not going to happen.” He gave her a tug and she spun around with her back to him. She stomped down on his foot and used the shock and momentum to flip him over on his back.
“I really don’t have time for this right now.” She glared fiercely at the three of them.
“You’re gonna be sorry for that, you little…” One of the boys still standing started to make a move on her.
“If anyone’s going to be sorry around here, it’s you.” A rough voice and a hand on his shoulder caused him to stop.
“Oh, shit. It’s Maeda…” The color immediately drained from their faces.
“Damn right it’s Maeda…” Toshiie growled as the boy he was holding pulled away. “And that’s a member of my family right there. You mess with her you mess with me. She could probably kick your ass without me though.” He gave her a cocky grin. “I did teach her everything I know ‘bout that, after all.”
The three boys looked between them before scampering off down the street.
“That one is limping pretty good. I bet you broke a toe or two!” He brimmed with pride as he closed the distance between them. The joy was short lived as he reached out and touched her face. “Are you ok? Not hurt or anything?”
“Once my heart stops beating so fast I’ll be just fine!” Her posture eased and she let out a long breath. “Thank you for helping me.”
“You could have taken them.” He looked a bit relieved to see her smiling.
“Well thank you for saying so. Are you on your way home?”
“Yeah.” He reached out and took her hand in his before walking away. He responded to her quiet giggle with a huff. “What’s so funny?”
“I was just thinking this reminds me of when we were younger. You always used to hold my hand like this when we walked somewhere.” There was a touch of nostalgia in her voice as she spoke.
“Well putting leashes on little kids is frowned upon. That was the only way to make sure you didn’t wander off after every shiny thing that caught your attention!” His tone was rough and irritated but it didn’t bother her in the least.
“You make me sound like some kind of critter.”
“You were exactly like some kind of critter back then!”
This banter went back and forth until they got to the restaurant. She let go of his hand and was about to go inside when he stopped her.
“This is for you.” He refused to look at her as she took the small, silk, drawstring bag from him.
“A gift?” She grinned like a fool as she tweaked one of the ears on the bag. It was printed and shaped to look like a dog’s head when it was closed, ears and all.
“Open it up already!”
“Fine, fine…” Inside was a beautiful necklace of a dog’s face.
“It’s a safety necklace. If you push the dog’s nose, it will alert local police you’re in trouble and help them find you.” He explained it in a quiet voice, still not looking at her. She was sure it was because he was blushing but didn’t press the issue.
“These are both very thoughtful gifts, thank you.”
“It’s nothing.” There was an awkward silence before he threw the door open and escaped into the restaurant.
Episode Five: Mitsunari
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iryomito · 4 years
Sengoku Basara Boyfriends #3
the cool yet cute one who will support you with everything you do but will sometimes play tricks on you and teases you so much :Shima Sakon
the obssessed one who will be head over heels for you very sensitive to every word and action you do to him and gets depressed easily: Shibata Katsuie
the cute one who will give you lots of hugs and kisses and will talk about you 24h a day and think about ways to make you happy: Maeda Toshie
the strict rigid one who is too righteous and very harsh on you for your own good but still loves you so much and wouldn’t tolerate anyone hurting you : Azai Nagamaza
the naive miserbale one who is too kind yet unlucky and you will feel very sorry for him he will have some emotional outbursts but nothing that will hurt you: Kuroda Kanbei
the mysterious creepy one who hides his feelings for you but will have the perfect murder plan for anyone who thinks about hurting you and won’t show it: Otani Yoshitsugu
the happy go lucky one who is religious has a lot of talents and feels like a little innocent kid who wants to always have fun with you: Otomo Sorin
the masochist one with some weird creepy thoughts who is into unusal scary ideas and would be more than happy when you step on him: Tenkai
the one who brags about himself and cares about his looks but would treat you like a true gentelman with etiquettes: Mogami Yoshiaki
the fluffy one who gets scared from litterally everything but very affectionate will cook you delicious meals and will listen to you : Kobayakawa Hideyaki:
the naughthy one who will cause a lot of troubles and say some nasty shit but is very pure and would choose your company over anything: Mori Ranmari
the proud one who won’t go easy on you and will put you through a lot of tests to see if you are the right one and if chosen will value you over anything: Ashikaga Yoshiteru:
the maniac one with resentement issues with a revenge list and will never forget about the bad things you said or did to him: Goto Matabei
the sweet open minded one who feels like a lover and a friend but can be quite stupid at times : Yamanaka Shikanosuke
this is the last part, i am sorry if Samuragi new characters weren’t spot on i am not familiar with them but i did my best and i hope you enjoyed SenBasa Boyfriends!!!! 
happy 15th anniversary!!!
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miminorenai · 6 years
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Maeda Keiji
“Eh...I just kissed *Chiyo, didn’t I?” 
(*freaking unsure coz he called Inuchiyo by Toshi, soo Mamechiyo? lol
Inuchiyo’s carefree nephew. Change into another person on battlefield, turning into a kiss demon after drinking alcohol.
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All my loves (and votes) are for him~ 💕
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designclever · 6 years
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A year ago, the Slanted team dove into Tokyo—with their friends Renna Okubo and Ian Lynam preventing them from drowning—to take an intense look at the contrasting design scene. The Japanese capital is a unique place. With its clean streets, punctual transportation and polite service at every turn, Tokyo is more than just a well-run city. It unites cultural extremes: it is a city where the futuristic meets the traditional and tranquility meets speed. 
With the valuable help of Renna and Ian Slanted met some of the most amazing creatives such as &Form, Shin Akiyama, Tatsuya Ariyama, Dainippon Type Organization, Terada Hideji, Hitomi Sago Design Office, Ian Lynam Design, IDEA, KIGI, MATZDA OFFICE / USIWAKAMARU, Nakagaki Design Office, OMOMMA, PULP, Yoshihisa Shirai, TSDO, Yosuke Yamaguchi and woolen. Not only can you find their brilliant works in the new issue, Slanted also provides a deeper look at their opinions and views through video interviews that can be watched online on our video platform for free: slanted.de/tokyo
Illustrations, interviews, and essays complement the issue thematically. Slanted #31 comes with contributions by AQ, Bunny Bissoux, DAIKANYAMA TSUTAYA BOOKS, Digiki, direction Q, Jesse Freeman, Sara Gally, heiQuiti Harata, Adrian Hogan, Yuki Kameguchi, Kamimura & Co., Toshiaki Koga, Dermot Mac Cormack, Akinobu Maeda, Gui Martinez, Luis Mendo, MISAKO & ROSEN, Eiko Nagase, Nakano Design Office, Naoko Nakui, Nanook, Taro Nettleton, Toshi Omagari, Louise Rouse, Michael Scaringe, Yoshihisa Shirai, Shotype Design, snöw, so+ba, Kohei Sugiura, Sumner Stone, Fumio Tachibana, Tetsunori Tawaraya, Patrick Tsai, Typecache, Dan Vaughan, Village, Makoto Yamaki, YamanoteYamanote, Ueda Yo, and Jody Zhou.
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newsintheshell · 6 years
Nuove serie in arrivo su Netflix
Ecco cosa verrà aggiunto nel catalogo italiano della piattaforma la prossima settimana.  
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Ecco di seguito le sei nuove serie che debutteranno nei prossimi giorni sul catalogo italiano della piattaforma di streaming Netflix.
30 giugno - FATE/EXTRA LAST ENCORE | Stagione 1
Serie di 10 episodi, diretta da Yukihiro Miyamoto presso lo studio Shaft, con la supervisione di Akiyuki Shinbou, andata in onda fra gennaio e aprile di quest’anno. L’anime è legato al franchise Fate di TYPE MOON e Kinoko Nasu, ed è ispirato alla visual novel “Fate/Extra”.
Hakuno Kishinami si ritrova al centro della Guerra del Santo Graal e non si ricorda come ci sia arrivato. È confuso, ma deve battersi per poter sopravvivere.
Il 29 luglio uscirà in Giappone uno special di circa due ore che ne proseguirà la storia.
1° luglio - BUGIE D’APRILE | Stagione 1
Serie di 22 episodi, diretta da Kyouhei Ishiguro e sceneggiata da Takao Yoshioka presso lo studio A-1 Pictures, andata in onda fra ottobre 2014 e marzo 2015. L’anime è tratto dal manga “Shigatsu wa kimi no uso” di Naoshi Arakawa, conclusosi con l’11° volume, edito in Italia da Star Comics.
Alla morte della madre, un prodigio del pianoforte perde la voglia di fare musica, ma l’incontro con una ragazza indipendente che suona il violino gli stravolge la vita.
1° luglio - THE ASTERISK WAR | Stagione 1
Serie di 24 episodi divisa in due stagioni, diretta da Kenji Seto con la supervisione di Manabu Ono presso lo studio A-1 Pictures, andata in onda fra ottobre 2015 e giugno 2016. L’anime è tratto dal romanzo “Gakusen Toshi Asterisk” di Yuu Miyazaki, lanciato nel 2012 e tuttora in corso con 12 volumi pubblicati in Giappone.   
Ayato, della nuova razza di potenti umani chiamata “Genestella”, s’iscrive in una scuola competitiva per persone come lui, nella speranza di trovare la sorella scomparsa.
1° luglio - ERASED | Stagione 1
Serie di 12 episodi, diretta da Tomohiko Ito e sceneggiata da Taku Kishimoto presso lo studio A-1 Pictures, andata in onda fra gennaio e marzo 2016. L’anime è tratto dal manga “Boku dake ga Inai Machi” di Kei Sanbe, conclusosi con l’8° volume, edito in Italia da Star Comics.  
Satoru Fujinuma può viaggiare nel tempo per salvare vite umane. Un giorno si risveglia 18 anni nel passato e può impedire l’omicidio dei suoi compangi di classe.
1° luglio - CHARLOTTE | Stagione 1
Serie originale di 13 episodi, ideata da Jun Maeda e diretta da Yoshiyiki Asai presso lo studio P.A. Works, andata in onda fra luglio e settembre 2015.
Un ragazzo con superpoteri viene trasferito in una scuola speciale, dove con altri ragazzi suoi simili è al riparo dalle mire di organizzazioni pronti a sfruttarli.
1° luglio - DURARARA!!X2 | Stagione 1
Sequel della serie “Durarara!!” diviso in tre stagioni da 12 episodi ciascuna, uscite fra il 2015 e il 2016. Tratto dall’omonimo romanzo di Ryohgo Narita conclusosi con il 13° volume, l’anime è stato diretto da Takahiro Ōmori e sceneggiato da Noboru Takagi presso lo studio Shuka.
Sei mesi dopo il caos che scosso la città di Ikebukuro, la pace è tornata, ma Celty senza testa è ancora in sella e un nuovo piano è in atto.
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