#words they will definitely NOT teach you at Japanese language course
headfarintheclouds · 2 months
Kenji Sato As A Boyfriend HC
I finally had some time to sit down and write something TuT Hope you'll like it :D If there is any Gramma mistakes I apologize, English is not my first language ToT
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Ken would put you first no matter the situation. Sure he loves Baseball and all, but if you got hurt or sick he would totally skip practice or the game to be with you. Even if you insist on him leaving, after all Mina is more than capable of taking care of you.
Before getting together with him you lived in a normal apartment near the city center. But after the news of you dating spread out Kenji swooped in and all but made you live with him in his mansion. His reason being, that he wanted to keep you save from the journalists and Kaiju's but deep down you knew he was waiting for the opportunity to have you for himself 24/7.
If you don't speak Japanese he will teach you. He finds it absolutely adorable whenever you try to pronounce an especially hard word. Your accent makes it so much more endearing for him.
He has multitude of nicknames for you. There is rarely time when he uses your real name when addressing you. Baby girl, Princess and Doll are definitely his favorite ones. If he's feeling especially sappy he'll call you Darling or Beautiful.
He's clingy. Not overly so, but he tends to hover over you or hold your hand whenever the two of you were in public. At first you thought he liked the PDA and you weren't wrong, but the hand holding was purely because he was scared. "I know it's stupid, but I always have this irrational fear of your disappearing like my mom did. And I can't function without you by my side, princess."
Ken is a great cook ! He would totally make you breakfast in bed after his morning training session. Dinner made by him was a rare treat you learned to enjoy, after all he was juggling being a baseball star and a superhero. Not to mention he was an adopted daddy to a very adorable Kaiju living underneath your guys' house.
Speaking of Emi. If you thought she was a daddy's girl you are solely mistaken, because as soon as you enter the room she looses all interest in Ken all together. Of course she still adores him, but you are by far her favorite human ! She chirps and claps her hands in excitement whenever you enter the base. I melts Ken's heart whenever he sees the two of you interacting with one another. He has so many photos of you and Emi saved on his phone !
He loves to see you in his clothes, especially with his jersey on. He still has an old one from the time he played for Dodgers and you use it as a nightie. It's comfortable ! And it does things to him too... God the first time you put it on. Let's just say you couldn't walk for a day or two after ;)
We all know Kenji is rich-rich. So it's no surprise he buys you expensive gifts all the time. You once mentioned that you liked a specific car, and guess what ? The week after that there was a new shiny (dream car) in your favorite color, parked outside the mansion. After that incident you stopped mentioning things you liked or wanted to buy in fear of him going bankrupt. He told Mina to hack your Amazon Wishlist and bought you all of the items just to spite you.
If you work or study he will support you every step of the way. Just like you support him during his games. If you are a university student he will sit down with you and ask you some questions, help you study and keep an eye on you. He wants you to be successful yes, but you still need to sleep and eat !
Kenji likes to mess with you in his Ultraman form, much to his fathers disapproval. Whenever he takes care of Emi he has to transform, and he uses every opportunity to pluck you from the ground and place you on his shoulder. The first time he did it you screamed like a banshee making poor baby Emi jump in fright. Thank God she doesn't really speak human language, you would die of shame if she repeated any of the words you called Kenji that time.
After a year of being together he'll start carrying a small velvet box around. And inside would a ring his father proposed to his mother with, something she gave him long time ago. He would wait patiently, looking for the best way and time to pop the question. But until then he'll enjoy your company and make more memories with you and Emi by his side :)
I hope ya'll liked it ! I feel really good about this one ngl :D GOD I LOVE THIS MAN !
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 2 months
can you please write some hc with boys x foreign reader ?(Please mitsuya, baji, chifuy and mikey)
Sure! Thank you so much for requesting<333
GN Reader. (since the gender wasn't specified). I made the headcanons of foreign reader who's new to Japan btw.
Mitsuya definitely would help you to learn Japanese.
He doesn't mind if you call him "Takashi" or without "kun", because he knows you aren't used to Japanese yet. But he'll teach you to don't call others by first name unless you're their lover or family member/relative.
He'd introduce you to his friends because he wants you to feel welcomed.
He'd take you out on Japanese festivals and teach you all about Japanese culture and traditions.
I'd say he's very supportive and friendly with you.
The more time you two spend with each other, the more attached he became with you.
For example, he loves when you watch him sew or even better, help him with it. Except from his club at school, no one of his friends shared the same interest as him so he appreciates you a lot for that.
When he teached you why Japanese people don't call others by first name except their families and lovers, you asked him why did he let you to call him by his first name. He became all flustered and told you it was because you were foreign and had no idea so he didn't mind. Little did you know he had feelings for you.
He'd gladly listen about your country, culture, food and etc. He likes when you talk about your country, you look so lively that time.
Once he told you 「愛してる」 but you didn't know the meaning back then. After you learned about it, you realised he has confessed. (愛してる means "I love you")
Please don't count on him to teach you Japanese, he has to learn it himself first. Of course he can still teach you how to pronounce Japanese words and etc.
You would come over his place and study together.
Despite everything, he's your first friend in Japanese. Baji would be a bit hesitant to introduce you to founding members, since they're gangsters. He doesn't know what kind of reaction will you have so he'll introduce you to his other friends. Of course there's NO WAY he can avoid Chifuyu, so you'd know him too.
He'd actually start going to festivals because of you. You'd ask him to teach you Japanese festival games and he would. He would make sure you'd having a good time.
Okey, he actually doesn't know any other language than Japanese. A bit of English, yes but not fluently.
"豪華" (Gorgeous)
I swear he'd deal with a LOT OF teasings when you would write in Japanese better than him.
Surprisingly to him, you didn't end the friendship when he told you that he's gangster. You didn't run away, you didn't push him away...That was surprising to him.
He already teaches Baji, so he wouldn't mind helping out his other friend.
Unlike Baji, he would tell you about Toman with ZERO hesitation. It's not like Chifuyu tries to hide the fact that he's a delinquent. So you'd know from the beginning that he's a gangster.
Despite teaching you and Baji, he wouldn't really like to teach others because he's not just some teacher or mentor and he dislikes being treated like one. Sure he'll help his friend out but he would be very disappointed and upset if you would think of him as a teacher rather than a friend.
Okey let's get it straight with Chifuyu. He has crush on you. That's why he asked you that he'd help you out with Japanese. Because that's an excuse to spend time with you.
He'll drag you to festivals and introduce you to so much traditions and foods! Especially his favourite ones.
Like Baji and Mitsuya, he'd be very shy to confess so he'd say "私はあなたに想いを寄せています」, completely unaware of the fact that you know what it means. (I have feelings for you)
"何?" (what?)
"何?" (what?)
"今何と言いましたか?" (what did you just say?)
The realisation that you knew what it meant got him flustered and blushing like a tomato.
Okey this guy seriously doesn't know any other language than Japanese so you'd have to know at least average amount of Japanese.
The first thing he'd introduce you to are Japanese food and you BETTER love Doriyaki and Tayaki or he's not seeing you ever again.
Mikey doesn't hide the fact that he's delinquent either, rather he's proud of it. So he'd definitely tell you.
He'd introduce you to his friends but don't be surprised if he might get jealous. As if he'd tell you tho.
He'd take you to festivals and etc just to spend time with you. He would became your guide to literally every step you take just because he wants to spend time with you, he'd take you to rides just because he wants to spend time with you, he'd take you to everywhere just because he wants to spend time with you and etc but when Emma would ask him if he has crush on you, he'd just dismiss her with "they're my friend".
His confession would be something like:
"Do you even know how to say 'I love you' in Japanese?" (he learned some English from you)
"愛してる" (I love you)
"私も愛しています" (I love you too)
"....何?!" (What?!)
「待って! 本気ですか?" (wait! Are you serious?)
"もちろんです!" (Of course!)
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koiiiji · 16 days
lookism x teaching them your language
author’s note ; someone here is specially for @imtomiee 💋 also correct me if i used some words wrong way!!
tw ; swearing words on different languages! fluff
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evening air was cool, but the vibe in the room was anything but. you were lounging on the couch with Goo, your legs tangled together in a comfortable mess, a playful banter going back and forth as it often did when the two of you were together. Goo, ever the curious one, had recently taken an interest in learning a few words from your native language—russian.
of course, knowing Goo, it wasn’t the polite phrases he wanted to learn.
“so, what’s the next one?” Goo asked, his signature smirk plastered on his face as he leaned in closer, his eyes sparkling with mischief. you raised an eyebrow, thinking for a moment before deciding to go all in. “alright - alright, how about this one — poshel nahui.”
Goo’s eyes widened slightly, intrigued by the sound of the words. he tried repeating it, stumbling over the unfamiliar syllables. “po…poshel nahui?”
you couldn’t help but laugh at his attempt. “gosh, babe, you’re doing such a great job,” you teased, leaning in to plant a quick kiss on his cheek. “you sure you don’t know russian? or maybe in a previous life been russian?”
Goo’s grin widened, clearly pleased with your praise. “really? what does it mean?” he asked, his curiosity piqued. you tilted your head, giving him a sly smile. “it’s like… sending someone on the dick.”
Goo’s eyes lit up with amusement, and he laughed, the sound rich and warm in the small space. “but i don’t want anyone else except you on my dick!” he declared, his tone both playful and his arm snaking around your waist to pull you closer. you rolled your eyes, playfully shoving him away, though you couldn’t help the smile tugging at your lips. “it’s not necessarily yours, hun,” you quipped, leaning in to whisper in his ear. “you can send them on Gun’s dick.”
the smirk that spread across Goo’s face was devilish, and he let out a low chuckle, clearly entertained by the idea. “oh, i’m definitely using that one,” he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he leaned in to capture your lips in a brief, but heated kiss.
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you and Jungun were lounging on the couch, both scrolling through delivery apps, the familiar debate simmering just below the surface.
“how about we order Italian tonight?” you suggested, your mouth watering at the thought of creamy risotto and cheesy pizza. Jungun’s eyebrows shot up, and he leaned back with a sly grin. “italian? seriously? we just had that last week. i want sushi,” he declared, his tone dripping with playful arrogance.
you crossed your arms, feeling a familiar annoyance bubble up. “but sushi is so… predictable! italian has variety, flavor, and soul! plus, you can’t deny that a good lasagna is perfect comfort food.”
he chuckled, shaking his head dismissively. “comfort food? you mean your heavy, cheesy dishes that weigh you down? sushi is light and refreshing. it’s an experience, not just a meal.”
“an experience that costs a fortune! at least with Italian, you get value for your money. you can’t tell me sushi is worth the price when half of it is just rice!” you could feel your cheeks flush, but you refused to back down. “rice is the foundation of life! and sushi is an art form — i can’t believe you’re comparing it to some pasta dish,” he shot back, his eyes gleaming with challenge. “you’re just being stubborn because you can’t appreciate the finer things.”
“finer things? like overpriced fish that’s raw? you’re just being defensive because you’re japanese!” you exclaimed, exasperated. “admit it, you’re biased!”
“bias? me? i just have better taste!” he retorted, a smirk plastered on his face. “you’ll come around one day; i’ll make sure of it.”
“yeah, right! you’re impossible!” you rolled your eyes, trying to suppress a laugh. “you’re like a child throwing a tantrum over his favorite toy.”
“child? at least i know what i want, unlike you, who can’t make up her mind!” he shot back, leaning closer, his arrogance palpable.“make up my mind? this is about you being stubborn! you’ll never admit when you’re wrong!” you felt your heart race, both from the argument and the undeniable chemistry between you. he leaned back, arms crossed, a smug look on his face. “and you’ll be the one begging for sushi sooner or later. just wait.”
“okay, how about a compromise?” you proposed, trying to mediate the escalating tension. “let’s do Italian tonight, and sushi tomorrow. you’ll still get your fix!”
for a moment Gun pretended to ponder. “hmm, let me think… nope! i’m not settling for anything less than sushi tonight.” you sighed dramatically, an amused smile creeping onto your lips. “you’re the absolute worst, you know that?”
“stubborn? no, i’m just determined,” Gun replied, his arrogance unwavering. after a few more rounds of playful banter, you finally relented, knowing how stubborn he could be. “fine! we’ll have sushi tonight, but only because i can’t deal with your arrogance any longer.”
“yeah, that’s right” he exclaimed triumphantly, pulling out his phone to place the order.
as the two of you settled back on the couch, the tension dissolved, and a comfortable silence fell between you, you found yourself leaning against him, his warmth comforting. you felt a rush of affection and couldn’t help but murmur into his shoulder, “ya5rab baito sho habito” Jungun pulled back slightly, a confused look on his face. “bitch, tf you just said?”
with a calm smile, you leaned your head against his shoulder and whispered, “literal translation: may your house get ruined i love you.”
he chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. “you’re impossible!” but he tightened his embrace around you, pulling you closer.
“sometimes, you can be so stubborn,” you teased, looking up at him with a playful glint in your eye.
“and yet, you love me for it,” he replied, a smirk playing on his lips. “of course i do,” you shot back, your heart full as you nestled deeper into his warmth.
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it was just another chaotic day at school, the halls buzzing with the usual chatter of students. Hobin strode through the corridors, his presence commanding attention. he was used to the whispers and glances, but today, something else caught his eye.
in a quiet corner, you sat on a bench, phone pressed to your ear, animatedly talking to a friend. as you hung up, Hobin approached, curiosity piqued. “hey, what were you talking about?”
you looked up, slightly flustered. “just my friend. nothing important.” he smirked, leaning against the wall. “you speak german, huh?”
“yeah,” you replied, trying to downplay it.
“cool. can you teach me some swear words?” he asked, his tone teasing. you shrugged, playing along. “sure. like ‘Verdammtes Miststück.’” [fair-DAM-tes MIST-shtook]
Hobin raised an eyebrow. “what does that mean?”
“it means ‘damn jerk,’” you explained, a small smile creeping onto your face. “damn, that’s spicy,” he laughed. “i might have to start using that.”
just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. you stood up, ready to head to class. but as you walked away, something clicked in Hobin’s mind. he suddenly remembered that phrase — that phrase. the memories flooded back, taking him by surprise.
“wait!” he yelled, sprinting after you. “bitch, you called ME that name??” you turned around, feigning innocence. “what? i have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“don’t play dumb! you always called me that when we were enemies!” his voice was a mix of disbelief and playful frustration. “you used it all the time!”
you shrugged, trying to suppress a grin. “i really don’t remember.”
“seriously?” he exclaimed, a smirk forming on his lips. “you were always throwing that word around at me! you can’t just forget that!”
“maybe i just didn’t like you,” you shot back, trying to keep a straight face.
“come on! admit it!” Hobin insisted, laughter bubbling up despite himself. “admit what?” you teased, enjoying the banter. “that i cursed at my rival? sounds a bit dramatic.”
“dramatic? you were practically a german swearing machine!” he laughed, shaking his head. “i can’t believe i’m just now connecting the dots.”
you couldn’t help but smile at his animated reaction, feeling a thrill at the memories of your rivalry. “well, maybe i did. but you know what? it’s not like I’m going to do it again.”
Hobin stepped closer, his expression playful yet intense. “oh, I’m counting on it. you’re just too fun to mess with.”
with that, he gave you a wink and turned to leave, a confident swagger in his step. you watched him go, heart racing. it was strange how easily the tension from those rivalry days transformed into something more intriguing, something that hinted at new beginnings. as you walked to class, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this playful back-and-forth was just the start of something.
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you were curled up on the couch, engrossed in your book, when your adorably clueless boyfriend, flopped down beside you with a dramatic sigh.
“y/n! teach me english!” he whined, resting his head on your shoulder. you sighed, trying to focus on your reading. “Ryohei, we’ve been at this for hours. you need to practice more!”
“but i want to learn from you! you’re the best teacher!” he clung to your arm, his eyes wide and pleading.
after 5 minutes of him being annoying you finally, you gave in, exasperated but amused. “alright, fine! but i’m teaching you something cool.” you leaned closer, lowering your voice conspiratorially. “say ‘bastard.’ it’s a fun word!”
“bas-tard,” he repeated like a child who just reached to something that was once forbidden, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.
“good! just don’t overdo it, okay?” you warned, chuckling.
later that day, Ryohei strolled into work, his confidence soaring. he spotted Eugene, who was busy with paperwork. with playful boldness, Ryohei called out, “hey, you bastard!”
Eugene blinked, stunned, while Ryohei burst into laughter, clearly unfazed by the shocked expression on his boss's face.
you could only imagine the chaos that would ensue. mortified yet secretly amused, you buried your face in your hands. Ryohei might be a handful, but he sure knew how to make life interesting — and you loved him for it.
bonus ; later that day Ryohei was feeling bold again. he spotted Kenta and, with a playful grin, shouted, “bastard!”
Kenta’s expression dropped, and he looked genuinely upset. “Ryohei, that’s not cool,” he said quietly. Ryohei’s smile faded as he felt a pang of guilt, especially since Kenta was usually so quiet. Ryohei took a deep breath and approached him.
“Magami, what’s wrong?” he asked, his tone sincere.
Kenta shrugged, his voice barely above a whisper. “it’s just... i know english better than you, and it was disrespectful.”
Ryohei’s heart sank at his words. “brooo wdym im really sorry. i didn’t mean to upset you,” he whined, shaking Kenta’s shoulder.you stepped in, sensing the tension. “how about we all go get milkshakes? it’ll be on me..”
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smooth purr of Seongeun’s Rolls-Royce filled the quiet atmosphere as he drove through the city, one hand casually resting on the steering wheel while the other hung over the gear shift. you sat beside him, gazing out the window, trying to keep yourself occupied while Seongeun focused on the road. you had been living in Korea for a while now, and while your korean was pretty good, there were still moments where your native polish slipped out, especially when you were irritated or frustrated.
however, it had been one of those days, and your mood was already on edge. the final straw was when your phone buzzed with an annoying notification about the broken coffee machine back at home. you groaned, rubbing your temples in frustration as the stream of oolish curses tumbled from your lips.
“ja pierdolę...” you muttered, trying not to dwell on your frustration.
without taking his eyes off the road, Seongeun raised an eyebrow, his tone casual but curious. “what do you mean babe?”
you blinked, glancing over at him. “what?”
he briefly glanced at you with a smirk before focusing back on the road. “the stuff you always mumble when you're annoyed. you’ve been doing it for weeks, and I don’t get it.”
you flushed a little, realizing he’d been picking up on your muttered polish rants this whole time. “oh! that... yeah, i tend to mutter in polish when i’m emotional. it’s like a habit.”
Seongeun’s grip tightened on the steering wheel, but there was an amused glint in his eye. “and what exactly are you saying?” a small smile tugged at your lips. “you wanna learn some polish, babe?” you teased, poking his arm. he scoffed lightly but couldn’t hide his smirk. “i’m just curious. what do you say when you’re pissed?”
you hesitated, suddenly feeling shy about explaining. “well... i usually say ‘ja pierdolę’ or ‘kurwa mać.’” your cheeks flushed deeper as you tried to explain. “the first one means ‘fuck it,’ like when something goes wrong. and the second one… um... direct translation means... uh... ‘fuck your mother.’” you winced slightly, knowing how it sounded out of context.
Seongeun let out a low laugh, shaking his head “yeah, fuck that bitch. so what about the translation?”
you chuckled softly, your hand covering your mouth as you tried to find the words. “baby, i just told you! it doesn’t mean that literally. it’s more like saying ‘FUCK IT!!’ but with extra aggression.”
Seongeun laughed again, his deep voice rumbling through the car as he reached over to squeeze your knee affectionately. “gotcha, babe. polish frustrations... i get it.”
just as you relaxed, a mischievous glint appeared in Seongeun’s eyes. “so, what’s the deal with that beaver stuff? do you guys have beef with beavers or something? how do you say it? bo-bober? bober kurva?”
you stared at him for a moment, utterly blindsided by his sudden question. then, it hit you, and you couldn’t help but let out a snicker. your heart swelled with pride at his attempt.
“babe...” You blinked dramatically, pretending to wipe away proud slavic tear. “you’re trying to get it right. i’m so proud of you!”
he smirked, his gaze still fixed on the road, though you could see the amusement dancing in his eyes. “whatever makes you happy, baby. but seriously, tell me more about this beaver meme.”
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cheezeybread · 2 months
Could I request headcanons for Scarabia + Pomefiore where they overhear their lover speaking in their native language with is neither japanese or english? Maybe they're cussing, maybe just talking to themselves, maybe singing, whatever. Here are the characters + some language samples:
Jamil - bangla: https://youtube.com/shorts/WF2LbzJDzD4?si=11V-UicSCLv8vySx
Kalim - mandarin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iUCZgObUDg&t=106s
Rook - egyptian arabic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsz0ou4VX2g
Vil - swahili: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tpol4TKeJ14
Epel - welsh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufKf4eORcKA
So sorry it took me a while to get around to this request, I've had it gathering dust in my drafts as I brainstormed ideas for it, hehe!
Jamil Viper
Jamil's first introduction to your language was when you burned yourself in the Scarabia kitchen. Touching a hot pot before he could warn you that it contained boiling soup, you cried out a foreign phrase to him
"Hauar pola!" You screamed, one hand clamping over your injured palm, applying pressure as you glared at the pot "Magir Puth!"
Despite his fretting noises as he grabbed the nearest first aid kit (of course with Kalim, Jamil had made sure there was a pack in every room) and fixed your hand, Jamil had to hide his laughter. He had just assumed that you were making up gibberish like Kalim used to do as a kid- gibberish to take place of curse words.
Once you explained to him that it was indeed an actual curse, in your mother tongue, he was a bit shocked. You mean you didn't originally speak what you were speaking now??
He'll definitely ask you to teach him some words in Bangla- mainly curse words, but if he can get his hands on a book for the language, he'll attempt to learn some "sweeter" words to use with you, if only to get a little bit closer to you...or make you feel closer to home.
Kalim Al-Asim
He's no stranger to different languages! Being in a merchant family, knowing many different languages was essential to business, and Kalim has had so many tutors teaching him so many languages- he's not entirely fluent in all of them since he never gets a chance to speak them, but he knows all the basics to have a simple conversation
He probably knew that you didn't originally speak the current language that you did in Twisted Wonderland, but hadn't really heard you speak in this "Mandarin" before.
But one day, while prepping for a party, he took a small break to ask you to show him a new dance- he wasn't particularly set on what sort of dance you showed him, he just wanted some new moves to use while dancing at the party.
To his utter delight, you grabbed his hands and tried to teach him a little dance that went to an old song you heard in your childhood- of course, since your song didn't really exist in this world, you had to hum and sing it out loud.
He's definitely going to insist that you not only teach him the song, but that you start giving him lessons on your language! He figures it'll be fun to converse to you in Mandarin, allowing the two of you to have conversations in secret, where no one else knows what you guys are talking about!
Rook Hunt
Ooh, la la!
He's going to run into you whilst you're in the library after class! You were sitting at one of the tables, half-closed eyes scanning over a textbook. Of course, you hadn't been getting too much sleep recently, so it was hard for you to actually read and digest the information you were supposed to. Which led to you mumbling to yourself instead in Egyptian Araibic under your breath.
Of course, Rook doesn't greet you at first, preferring to stay back and listen to your voice for a little while longer. He enjoys the cadence of it, the highs and lows of every word...it is truly beautiful for a language, is it not?
Once he helps you get to bed and can speak to you after a good night's rest, Rook inquires as to what you were saying earlier.
To hearing you say that you spoke a different language than this one, he was flabbergasted, but intrigued.
"Read me a poem in your own words, dear, in your mother tongue! Speak your mind, call me curses, list out your errand runs, just allow me to hear you speak once more!"
He's...strange. But he enjoys the foreign language very much
Vil Shoenheit
Hearing you sing to yourself while having a spa day with Vil left him speechless, for once in his life.
He had left you alone in the bathroom to soak in the warm, bubbling water, assuring you that he would be right back once he found a certain brand of oil that he suspected Rook had mistook as his.
Once he came back to the bathroom, your words sounded so...alluring. It made his hips sway with the beat you put out with a fist slapping the side of the porcelain tub. It was rather catchy, and he couldn't help but smile as he nodded his head to your tune.
"Oh, such a wonderful language, what is it?"
He's so genuinely curious about it all, and enjoys listening to you speak about it all- how you grew up, how you felt about your culture and language itself.
And don't worry, he'll be asking you to sing to him a lot more heheh
Epel Felmier
Another curser! Aah!
Epel absolutely loves the sounds coming out of your mouth as you lose your temper and let loose at another student bothering you in the courtyard, but curbs his excitement until he properly threatens the student with a good lickin' if he doesn't scoot out!
I'm not gonna lie, Epel seems like he'd speak Welsh if he weren't in Twisted Wonderland- it just seems to fit his character so well.
And, of course, he's going to ask you to teach him all of the swear you know, so that Epel can voice his grievances against Vil and some teachers without them being able to get mad at him (because, of course, Welsh isn't technically an existant language in Twisted Wonderland, soooooo the teachers/Vil can't prove it even exists unless you become a tattle-tail, hehe!)
Once he has his fun with cursing, Epel will try his best to learn some simple words/phrases from you so he can pass you secret notes in class and talk to you in private. He's...not the best at learning a new language, so be patient with him, but he's trying his hardest!
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cottonlemonade · 2 months
A medium fruit punch with frozen berries for Sugawara please?
Midnight Teachings
word count: 1579 || avg. reading time: 7 mins.
pairing: post-time skip!Sugawara x chubby!Reader
genre: fluffy smut, established relationship
warnings: mdni, spoilers, smut
request: fluffy-spicy, midnight with boyfriend Sugawara
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Koushi made it easy to fall in love with his warm smile, his genuine kindness and the mischievous side he only showed to you once he knew you were on the same wavelength. When you moved to Japan to start your new job, you were determined to focus. Focus on learning the language and culture and focus on the kids under your care. Since your Japanese was rudimentary at best the head of the kindergarten thought it wise to keep you in the administration part of the job to acclimate before letting you roam around the children. But Koushi made the effort to get to know you from day one. You couldn’t stop throwing glances at the handsome man leaning leisurely against the counter with the coffee maker, as he tried his best to make you feel welcome with slow and simple Japanese sentences as well as surprisingly good English. His strong accent was immediately endearing and you found your eyes following him when he left the room to get back to his class.
He had caught up to you on that Friday of your first work week, brushed a few of spring’s cherry blossom petals out of his hair like some dreamy anime character and asked if he could maybe offer his help with improving your Japanese. The best method, he concluded, would be by going out after school for a coffee. The relaxed atmosphere of a coffee shop always helped him think, he added with a grin.
“That sounds a lot like a date.”, you had joked and felt your cheeks growing hot at the brazen statement. Of course, you knew better than to think that a Japanese man would be that forward.
“Then you would be right.”, he had said and given you one of his smiles that already had you weak in the knees.
The dates quickly became more frequent. He would walk you home afterwards and you’d text until late in the night - all in the name of teaching, of course. But after a month of having him as your private tutor he finally worked up the courage to confess and you were finally his.
“Koushi? You know what I just realized?“, you asked one night. Your head was in his lap as you watched TV at his place. The midsummer heat was too relentless, even this late, to allow any outside activities so you two had decided to stay in for the day and enjoy the fickle luxury of his temperamental air conditioning. He continued to comb his fingers through your hair.
“Hm? What‘s that, darling?“
“How does one learn dirty talk in a different language?“
He choked on his glass of water.
“Where did that come from?“, he coughed.
You sat up and looked at him.
“I was just thinking about the other night. I‘m guessing you didn‘t learn those things in English class.“, you grinned, “So where did you pick it up?“
“Uhm…“ He avoided your eyes and chuckled nervously.
“An old girlfriend?“, you asked, trying not to sound too jealous.
He quickly shook his head.
“Hmm, porn?“
When he didn‘t say anything you figured you hit the nail on the head.
“Baby, you don‘t have to be embarrassed for watching porn. But I‘m wondering, would you like it if I learned some in Japanese?“
You saw his Adam's apple bob up and down in his throat as he swallowed.
“I mean… I would definitely not say No to that.“, he said slowly, his usual grin returning.
Excited that your idea was a good one you got off the couch and went over to your bag to retrieve your tablet.
“Alright. I‘ll go study then!“, and you made to head towards his bedroom.
“Honey!“, he laughed and jumped off the couch, “You don‘t have to watch that.“
“But I want to.“, you pouted, then added, “Learn, I mean.“
He thought for a moment, then a rather familiar glint shone in his eyes and he took your hand.
“I have a better idea.“
You drew the thin bedsheet closer to you to hide your naked figure as you watched him shed his shirt and sweats, leaving him only in his boxers - the cute ones with the fish-print.
He joined you on the bed, laying next to you propped up on his elbow. You could see he was already half hard and you bit your lips at the thought of - “Hey, sweetheart, my eyes are up here.“, he chuckled.
“Yes, sensei.“, you said automatically.
“Now, let‘s start with an easy one. Repeat after me.“
“Oh, I know this one!“, you called with a beam.
“Yeah?“, he nuzzled against your arm, “And what did it mean?“
You readily turned your head to one side to give him free access to your neck.
“Very good.“, he said and leaned in to brush his lips against the sensitive skin. The kisses quickly became hot and opened mouthed and you squeezed your plush thighs together under the blanket, feeling like you would drip on his bed at any moment.
“Then, let‘s try something a bit more advanced.“, he said after feeling like he had kissed your neck enough for the lesson. The next phrase was a lot more difficult.
“No idea.“, you admitted.
“Then just repeat it and see what happens.“, he grinned, raising his brow.
You squinted playfully. “What if you‘re teaching me unspeakable things?“
“Don‘t worry, sweetheart. I‘ll only teach you things I already know you love.“
So you repeated the phrase. He made you say it twice.
With gentle but deliberate movements he brushed the blanket out of your hands and guided you onto your back. He hovered for a moment above you, asking you to repeat the words one more time, then dipped his head lower to run his tongue over your breasts. With his tip he circled your pert nipples before taking them into his mouth, humming quietly. He loved this just as much as you. His hand reached up to cup your other breast, bringing the second nipple closer to him so it wouldn‘t feel left out and he spent the next few minutes driving you insane between soft squeezes and hard sucks, nibbling on your soft flesh every now and then. You felt his hard cock rub against your thigh through his boxers.
When you were close to your first orgasm he stopped and laughed at your indignant whine.
You were hesitant to repeat the next phrase. What if it was more edging? You weren‘t sure you could take any tonight, the sheets beneath you already felt soaked.
“Well?“, he asked, waiting for you to say the new words.
“I understood “please“ but the rest, no idea. So…“
Once the phrase left your lips, your boyfriend scooted lower on the bed, pushing the rest of the pesky blanket out of the way. He groaned when he grabbed at your pudgy tummy. You were nothing short of a goddess to him and he had spent many nights before happily worshiping every inch of your ravishingly plump body.
He trailed kisses along your stomach and thighs before settling between them. You were so very wet for him he could barely control himself. The sight and smell alone had him almost cum untouched.
“One more time, darling. Repetition is the best way to learn.“, he said softly, running his tongue over your inner thighs.
Once you finished the phrase he grinned. “So polite…“ And he dove between your legs.
“Ah, Koushi… don‘t stop… nngh… more…“, you panted, reaching down to grab his hair. He moaned into your pussy and wrapped his arms around your thighs to pull you against him, to taste more of you. You were so close from his earlier teasing that it only took a few slurps and flicks of his tongue until you unraveled. Looking up at you he licked his lips, “Thank you for the meal, sweetheart. - Have some water before we continue.“, he straightened and sat back on his heels, the large imprint in his boxers was completely undeniable now. You rolled over to grab a bottle from the nightstand and stayed laying on your tummy as you took small sips, your head still spinning.
“You ready for more?“, he asked. His voice sounded shallow like he was trying to catch his breath. You nodded, then squeaked when his hands grabbed at your waist and pulled you backwards towards him so that you were on your hands and knees, grinding against him.
You were strongly hoping that the next sentence was supposed to be mean something along the lines of “Please dear god, just fuck me. I can‘t take it anymore, I need you inside me. Please just fuck me, please.“, but it was too short.
Instead you felt his hand come down on the right cheek of your ass.
“Ah, Koushi…“, you whined, then repeated the sentence. He landed another soft spank on your flesh, making sure to massage it immediately after impact.
Sweat trickled down your back and Koushi himself brushed wet strands of hair out of his face that clung to his forehead.
“Harder…“, you mumbled into his pillow.
He smirked and leaned forward, pressing his chest and stomach flush against your back. He reached around to grab at your breasts and gave your ass another quick hit, rubbing the palm of his hand greedily against your sinnfully soft flesh.
You turned your head to meet his lips. “You‘re such a fast learner, darling.“
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a/n: this particular Suga story plot has been simmering and lurking in my brain for so long. Thank you for giving me a request I could use this for! I hope you liked it! 🌟
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atarathegreat · 6 months
Me again, hallo :D!!
I had another idea! So what if any character(Koko if you can ;)) just found a child!reader randomly at their doorstep or somewhere else, and the kid just randomly gets attached to them, like following them around, walking inside their house, attempting(and failing) to go with them to work. But the downside is that they speak another language, like French. Like when the kid sees them, they just go, “Père!” (Which means father btw)
-🍀 anon <3!!
Ahh! It's wonderful to see you again! Now, I feel like Koko definitely learned French, so I'm just gonna slap some languages into a roulette and pick whatever it lands on. Swedish.
Pappa! Kokonoi Hajime
Tourists were far too common in Japan for Koko to be happy about. Of course, it brought economy and sometimes the fools were addicted enough to buy drugs from some dangerous sources. The problem with tourists is that they brought children with them. Like the child that was currently hanging off his hands.
Going to the cops was his initial thought, until he remembered, hey, I'm a member of a really illegal syndicate and the cops will do anything to arrest me. So, he was strapped with a child who spoke anything but Japanese or standard English.
"Vart är vi på väg?" How the hell was Kokonoi supposed to answer this? It at least sounded like a question to him, he hoped. Koko stared down at the kid, "Look, brat, I can't understand you and you can't understand me. Let's just find your parents, okay?" He was a busy man and didn't want to deal with this shit. Hell, he was the last person who needed to be watching a kid. If Inui was here-
Kokonoi shook his head, stopping that thought there and looking around for anyone who sounded remotely like the kid. "Du är verkligen lång, far." The kid was staring at him again. Did he have something in his teeth? Was his hair messed up? He knew he shouldn't have spent time with Sanzu that morning!
"Yeah, well...you're short." Koko huffed, picking the kid up and pinching their nose, "Short and you sound as terrible as an American."
"Har du en telefon?" The kid patted his chest. Koko at least understood one word, or he hoped he had. "Phone?" He held up his cell and glared when the kid snatched it. "Rude little thing, aren't you?" Kokonoi watched as the kid tapped, rather roughly and with sticky fingers, on his screen until the phone rang. At least they had motor functions and parents with enough sense to teach them phone numbers.
"Vi måste stanna här så att de kan hitta oss, pappa." The kids' grimy fingers pointed at a bench. "No, I'm not sitting on that." But he would set the child on it. What?! The kid was already gross and slobbery.
"You are a little cute, if I squint." Koko flicked the kid in the forehead, "Could just take you home and no one would ever see you again."
Neither of them understood each other, which was probably best. The last thing Koko wanted was for this brats' parents to get wound up over something stupid that he said.
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imagineimaginethat · 1 year
Hello! I don't know if you're still taking requests, but if so, can I request Ikesen Mitsuhide and Kenshin with S/O who's first language isn't Japanese and who says something to them in that language from time to time? (It's mostly just "love you" and a lot of compliments that she's too embarrassed to say directly to them)
This is so cute, of course!
The first time he hears mc speaking a different language he is intrigued. He has never heard the language before, not even at the ports which were hubs for hearing languages from afar.
He doesn't understand what mc is saying on a word for word basis, but he uses context to figure out she is paying him compliments.
When he first hears 'I love you' in a different language he knows it could only mean one thing, or at least it carried one particular sentiment.
In order to discern a bit more about what she's saying he'd sometimes repeat the words or phrases casually, waiting for a reaction from mc.
One of mc's favorite things to call him is 'troublemaker' in her language, she says this in different ways depending on the context, but overall it has become a term of endearment, that Mitsuhide finds himself answering to, almost involuntarily.
He still doesn't understand what it means though
For other words tone is all it takes for him to get the general idea of what is being said, but other times he is totally lost, although he does an excellent job of concealing his confusion.
He will try to talk mc into teaching him the language and eventually he'll begin to fully understand everything and he will definitely tease her endlessly about that.
Mitsuhide definitely uses the language mc has taught him as a way to covertly communicate with mc when they are on missions, in the field, or just to mess with his fellow warlords.
"Sauske explain what this woman has said to me immediately"
Kenshin enjoys hearing mc speak in a different language, although he does get a bit frustrated when he realizes something she is speaking about him
When her sweet/shy tone conveys the complimentary nature of the words she speaks it brings a small piece of joy to the war god
If Sauske does know anything though Kenshin is definitely holding a sword to his throat and demanding translations
MC would definitely be embarrassed if Sauske revealed anything because not only would Kenshin know what she had been saying, so would Sauske
It becomes like a game after some time, MC would rush her words and statements so that Kenshin would struggle a bit more to relay them to get an accurate translation out of his favorite ninja
Finally he gets the translation for 'I love you,' Kenshin is pleased, but ponders why mc is saying such things in a way that he won't understand.
Kenshin bides his time until one night he has mc alone and he says 'I love you' first in her language, then in Japanese to ensure she knew he knew exactly what he had said and that he had meant it.
It is a bittersweet moment for MC, mostly because she could say whatever she wanted without any bashfulness before, but now she knew he understood a lot better, which also made her feel nice because of how much effort Kenshin put in to become closer to her and get to know and understand her.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
One of the things that annoys me when you talk about someone being lazy about checking SPAG in fics is that people will always jump to the assumption that the person might be ESL or might have some kind of disability and therefore you're an ableist, Anglocentric, etc. person for complaining about having trouble reading it or not liking getting that in an exchange (even if you're doing this in a private one-on-one chat where the person would never see). The thing I wish people realized is that... those errors look different from those of non-disabled native-English speakers, and if you learn how they look, you can identify which group a writer falls into fairly easily. English-language learners tend to make errors that reflect the ways their native language is different from English (for instance, people coming from languages that don't use articles like Chinese and Japanese might struggle with when to use them, plus when to use definite vs. indefinite articles), and dyslexic people make errors in word order or spelling that are pretty unique to those with dyslexia and don't look anything like typos a non-dyslexic person would make. I took a course in my grad program that was specifically about teaching writing to ESL and disabled students, so I'm pretty adept at spotting which group people fall into, but it's a thing anyone can learn if they look it up. And IME, the vast majority of bad SPAG you see in fics is coming from non-disabled native-English speakers who are just not proofreading, or sometimes just can't write well to begin with. (Also, IME, people who are writing in their second, third, etc. language will generally say that in a description somewhere, so there's also that. People with disabilities might not, but then again, those errors tend to look very singular and not like anyone else's errors.)
I don't think you can always tell, but yes, there are fairly obvious patterns.
Most bad writing I see looks plenty native and not like it's from any specific issue other than lack of practice.
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shu-of-the-wind · 5 months
hello! apologies if you've answered this before (I tried searching but Tumblr search is awful). I recall you mentioning all the languages you have studied, many of which are quite distinct from each other. I was wondering if you have any advice for learning a new language? specifically any tips for someone with ADHD as a lot of the common tips I see online haven't helped me keep up with my language learning goals :/ thank you in advance for any advice/resources you can point me to!
hi @kyradic!! i haven't answered this before actually and i love questions like these so i'm so happy you asked!!
so for context for me i have inattentive adhd, which means if something is not right in front of me, i WILL forget it. this means i set a lot of alarms for myself, book time in my schedule to at least try to study (i do welsh on monday, arabic on wednesday, japanese on thursday, and chinese on saturday). i don't always succeed--a lot of the time i forget or have something else i need to do--but having that time booked means it keeps it in my mind that i need to study or at least look at some vocab.
to actually study, i do a lot of vocab games (you can find these online for a lot of languages, for japanese there's shiritori or other flashcard games you can find if you google) and i listen to a lot of podcasts in the langauge i'm trying to learn even if i don't have a fucking clue what someone is saying. the biggest thing about learning a language is hearing it, getting used to the rhythm, understanding how native speakers pronounce things, and (this is a big one) i listen to a lot of music in the language i'm trying to learn and try to teach myself the lyrics. it makes it more of an activity (karaoke baybee) but also teaches you how to speak faster, more fluidly, and with more native speaker-style pronunciation than just reciting shit off of duolingo or rosetta.
i also watch a LOT of tv in the target language. telenovelas have been my best albeit dramatic friend for spanish listening comp. it does way more for me than studying out of textbooks because it means i'm listening to native speakers, their contractions, different styles of speech, and i get some entertainment out of it. legit i know someone who studied for their chinese exams in college by watching c-dramas and aced all their courses.
the biggest and most important thing for me though is finding a buddy. language is not a thing you can learn on your own. there are loads of discord channels for various languages (if you're looking for a japanese learning community, seitokai's nihongo is a good one that i am a member of, and i can get you a link to their discord). it lets you body-double or find an accountability-buddy to make sure you study instead of getting distracted. generally there's also a bunch of other learners in those communities of various levels so you can ask for advice or help, you can have conversations (or try to, part of learning a language is learning how to be okay with communicating in broken grammar until you get better, and that is 100% okay; so long as you can make your meaning understood, that is all that matters) or practice pronunciation or play games or read books or do anything you need to do that will help you, specifically.
i hope this helps! i'm not sure what language you're trying to learn but there are definitely adhd friendly resources out there that aren't just "knuckle down and memorize these words." that being said if you're learning a language with a new alphabet, you WILL have to do that sometimes, and it's best to do that with a body double so you don't get bored, annoyed, or frustrate yourself into executive dysfunction about it.
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I have a day off today, so I’m ducking in to tell y’all a little bit about how things are going!
I’ve taught my first classes! Most of them I’ve had another teacher assisting me, but yesterday I did my first solo class. It was... okay lol. One of the boys disengaged the moment I said I don’t speak Japanese so they have to speak English, and proceeded to yawn audibly through all activities and pretend to be asleep when spoken to (which I put on my lesson report form, so the regular teacher will hopefully tell him off haha).
On that note... Japanese kids really are like any other kids. Everyone said to me before I went, “ohhh I bet Japanese kids are so well-behaved and respectful!” I can assure you they are not lmao. Some are, others are little terrors.
I’ve had some really wholesome moments. The other day during one of the younger classes this one boy (~3 years old) was mostly a little terror, running around all the time and hiding in the corner. But then during story time he sat in my lap and directed me to hold him. Then later in the lesson he went and hid in the corner again, so I went over to him and asked if he was okay. And he just snuggled into me, so we spent the rest of the class like that.
So far 4-5 year-olds are my favourites to teach. You can be so fun and silly with them! Sure, they don’t want to sit down and do things, but I’ve found some useful hacks already (pro-tip: if you let them rub things off the whiteboard or draw a shape for answering questions correctly, they’ll suddenly be very, very attentive)
I enjoy this kind of teaching a LOT more than teaching on italki. The lesson prep I have to do is minimal and all time outside of teaching is my own, basically. Not to mention it’s much more active and I don’t spend my life hunched over a desk!
Speaking of free time, I spend most of it studying languages and it’s awesome!
My Japanese level is definitely improving. My speaking not so much, but my comprehension for sure. The kids do speak Japanese in class, both to each other (obviously) and to me, and I’m rapidly getting used to certain words and speech patterns.
I can also now more or less get through interactions at train stations and konbinis! I even managed to ask a police lady for directions the other day (go me being so panicked about being late for my train I didn’t even care that my Japanese was broken af. Literally like, if I don’t at least try to speak Japanese rn I’m going to miss my train and be late for my classes)
I’ve learned that despite being in the country, active studying is really important. I’ve not learned anything through pure osmosis; I’ve only learned through active studying and then having the immersion reinforce it. So yes, my level is improving because I’m in the country and surrounded by the language, but I have to put in the effort first.
Also, the general level of English in Japan is not high. I’ve been spoilt by travelling around Europe where I can usually find someone who speaks broken English well enough to help me if I’m stuck (or if not then I can communicate in broken French/German/Spanish), and coming to Japan and being lost at a train station and literally not being able to communicate is a HUGE motivation to get good at the language quick!
I LOVE Yamagata! There was a snowstorm the day after I moved in and I feel like I live in a winter wonderland. I can see the mountains almost everywhere I go in the city. It’s not a busy city, and every train ride makes me feel like I’m in a Studio Ghibli movie. I love it I love it I love it.
I also love the dialect here! It’s easy to understand and it’s kinda musical!
My personal supervisor (PS) is awesome and has been super helpful. I’m so grateful! A lot of people from my training course have said that their PSs haven’t given them much/any orientation, whereas mine helped me set up my internet and a Japanese bank account as well as went over my schedule with me and ensured I did at least a week of teaching with someone else in the classroom before I was on my own.
I’ve only met 3 of my colleagues, but they’re all nice. One of them lives in my block and we’ll teach together for two days next week. Another of them loves the snow and the cold as much as I do, and I think we’ll get on super well.
My flat is tiny. It’s basically one room! But it has loads of storage space and being as small as it is means it’s super easy to heat (which is fortunate, because it was -10ºC the other night).
The tap water tastes great! In Nagoya it tasted so fucking weird I couldn’t even drink it. But here it’s awesome.
I’m enjoying trying new things! I’m going through all the different candies/chocolate brands at konbinis and supermarkets and I’ve hardly had the same thing twice since I got here (including bento). This is super different to how I was in the UK, where I was stuck in a routine and knew what I liked and didn’t want to go out of my comfort zone.
So yeah, I went from crying and wondering if I’d made a huge mistake the first 2-3 days of being here to absolutely thriving less than a month later. I’m so happy right now, truly living my dream, finally able to flourish and grow in a way I always knew deep down I could.
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Please can you do if open, Hiroto and Teruko with a reader who’s fully Korean born and raised with both parents being Korean. The reader is a popular Kpop idol and actor but the reader only understands Korean and can’t even say Hello in Japanese or English or any other languages?
Of course! And you have good taste, anon.
(Using gender-neutral terms as they did not specify gender)
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In need of a translator—Hiroto & Teruko with a Korean only speaker K-pop idol/actor s/o
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-Okay, before we start, let me tell you how much of a fan of you this man was.
-Like, even after he quit being all reckless and shit during middle school and became into his more depressed state, he always watched shows you were in and listened to every of your songs. Akira can also tell you that his brother is a really big fan of you.
-So when he saw you in the same class as him, as now the two of you being ultimates, he panicked internally. Because holy shit, you were there.
-He did not understand any korean at first. You two needed to communicate through translators the first few times you spoke. But he ended up learning due to wanting to speak to you without the google translator. Heads up, his pronounciation is terrible. You still understand him though.
-As you two get closer, he teaches you Japanese so you can communicate with your other classmates. His face is definitely not red when you smile. Definitely.
-When you start dating, he's even more of a nervous mess. He has 0 experience in dating. But hey! He gets an A for effort. He's trying his best, and succeeding.
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-She had no clue who you were.
-Girlie was born in an orphanage and didn't know what a TV remote was, you think she'd know you?
-When you first introduced yourself, neither her or Xander could understand a word about what you said. Thankfully, Min came to the rescue, as she herself is also Korean.
-Teruko was annoyed (at herself) that she couldn't understand you, so she asked Min to lend her some Korean dictionaries. Those were never found again. But hey! Teruko learned basic korean!
-She tries her best to teach you English, but Min is better for that, so she hangs around you and Min when the student is giving you english lessons.
-When you start dating, Teruko gets slightly clingy. But that's just because she has lost someone in the past and she don't wanna lose you either. So you better stay.
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rigelmejo · 3 months
I'm still working through Glossika japanese app course. Some updated opinions:
The sentences (appear to have) less errors than the initial 400. But because I was seeing 20% errors for the first fee hundred sentences, I wpuld recommend taking anything you learn from the glossika app with a grain of salt. Treat it as if you learned from random sentences online you slapped into google translate (having in mind google translate gives like 20% errors with languages like japanese for some sentences). For a paid product, the level of mistakes is too high.
As for actual learning: its fine, now that I've gotten into the rhythm. I think Clozemaster is slightly better, because even though it ALSO uses random semtences and machine translations it also gives the option to click individual word definitions in each sentence - this feature helps you translate piece by piece to figure out the grammar a bit better and notice potentially where the translation error is (so you can ignore the error part and learm from the rest).
On the flip side? Glossika's main benefit for me, is it autoplays english/japanese sentences and automatically progresses me to new sentences. I like hands off study I can do other things at the same time with, i have poor focus for staring at an app and diligently working on it for several minutes/hours. But I can get myself to play audio and keep listening for hours most of the time. I PREFER free tools to glossika, but i do like that glossika is built to either autoplay new things, or autoplay reviews, depemding on what i pick. So i can know im making progress and control how much time i put into reviews. With free resources ive used (which were EXCELLENT) i usually almost exclusively only listened to New audio, because tje instant i was in control of my own reviewing i would waste hours replaying old audio and stop trying to progress and get obsessed with reviewing until i was perfect. So i forced myself to only use new audio to prevent myself getting into a "make no progress and only review" loop i tend to personally fall into. With glossika, i can do reviews occasionally because i do see when they "end" with a hard limit of when ive done all the the sentences audio for the day, and i can totally ignore reviews and focus ONLY on new audio if i notice im getting too focused on reviews.
As a beginner? I recommend Japaneseaudiolessons.com (free), Genki textbooks (great if you want to use a textbook), or maybe japanesepod101 (paid or some lessons free, all lessons free if you get Immersive Language Japanese through your library like on Hoopla app). I think the Glossika app is maybe intending to drill on the VARIETY of everyday basic conversation (giving say 5 sentences of how you might ask someone to hang out, or do a task), but its NOT quickly going through A1 material in terms of how to do what an A1 student should learn to do. You should be learning: my name is, i like X, i work at X, i come from X place, what is your name? How are you? Can I buy X? How much for X? Well in the glossika app it took like 1000 sentences to finally get to "she's from new york" or "i lived there for a long time." I dont think ive actually heard "my name is/whats your name" yet, and im through 1400 sentences. As a beginner, if you use glossika app it make take weeks or MONTHS (deoendijg on your pace) before you get to learning to say some basic lines a tourist might wish to use. Genki would cover those kinds of lines much quicker, even the Teach Yourself (multiple language beginner basic books) books will probably cover introduction and shopping skills in the first few lessons. Glossika both makes you spend TONS of time in A1 material (like 1800 sentences) while also taking a long time to prepare you to ssy basic shit you might need asap. You learn "the train station is near here" "if you leave soon you'll make it" "when are you coming" "i got here as fast as i could" before you learn "whats your name". Now these are still useful sentences - its a good way to learn a lot of grammar with very basic everyday topics. I think it probably is going to help me understand slice of life cdramas. I finally learned HOSHII which is like wish/want and ive heard in Yakuza 7 a ton and always look up then forget. But i think going into glossika WITHOUT those basic introduction/shopping skills? Would be incredibly frustrating. Other learning resources would prepare you quicker. And other resources would explain basic particles use, basic verb and adjective conjugations, which will help parse glossikas sentences. Glossika app's beginner A1 section is not quick about preparing beginners for the initial skills in the language. Now, if your goal is READING asap, before basic speaking topic skills? Glossika might be a bit more suited to you. But even then.... core 2k or 6k anki deck, iKnow Japanese site, nukemarine's Lets Learn Japanese Decks, would all cover more vocabulary faster which helps (and have less errors).
If i could build apps or programs. Id probably just want something that says TTS (Microsoft's since its nicest sounding) english sentence, then 2 repeats of the target language sentencence (or you can specify repeats and order you want). And it would work by having you paste in a new sentence text to "add" to your sentences collection. Or you'd import someone else's sentences collection (to get 5000 sentences from someone else). Then the app would play new sentences if you click Play New, sort of glossika style with maybe 5 repeats of the sentence in a lesson session. And if you click "play New" it would keep going down the list of sentences you havent studied yet. Or you click "review" and it would play audio of sentences you've studied. It would prioritize playing the Next sentences in the review queue (that you didnt listen to during your last review), so you dont end up revieeing the same 200 sentences each time. So that instead it plays the first 200, then the next 200, then the next until it goes all the way to prior reviewed sentences and you then do your next round of reviewing prior reviewed stuff. And only replays ALL sentences if you pick "review all" or if you just keep listening to the Review queue until it loops all the way back to the beginning of your sentences in the review queue. (This would make it better than Clozemaster which does tend to loop review only a few sentences if you used Radio mode, back when i used the app). The app i'd want would have to Machine translate target language text sentences put in (or you'd make an excel sheet with Target Language and Translations put in, and import that and have the app use Your Translations instead of making them automatically). The app would use TTS for all audio, although it would be really cool to build in the ability to import audio files for the Target Language audio if you have it (or if the sentence collection you import has it - like an anki deck with chinese audio on the chinese sentence text side). The app could even be used to turn a novel or game script into sentences to study with english/target language audio, since you'd just need to import the sentences. Unfortunately I dont know how to build an app or program like this. But it would cover some shortcomings I've seen in other apps, and be very listening focused. I suppose the app could show the sentence text like Glossika or Clozemaster too, if you chose to look at the sentences autoplayed audio, so you could get some reading practice in. And an option to repeat a sentence as its on a given sentence (like in glossika or clozemaster), so you can re-listen to hear it clearer or read it while listening a few more times.
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masaotheheckindog · 5 months
really getting irritated with how Duolingo is teaching certain words/wording. At this point, it's starting to remind me of being an ALT in both elementary schools and JHS. In elementary, the teachers would sometimes knowingly teach wrong phrasing/wording/romanization with the assurance of 'Well, they'll learn it the right way when they get to JHS' Of course, what ends up happening is that it's much harder to learn the correct way when you've spent years learning something wrong. I'm not talking about prescriptivist grammar type things, I'm talking things that just end up confusing and frustrating people trying to learn a second language. I hesitate to say this because I fear it can be really discouraging for people just getting into a new language, and I definitely don't want to do that. It's hard to find concise language lessons that are easy to digest, and I think what a lot of people would do here is list a bunch of alternatives to Duolingo, but I find lists like that intimidating and unapproachable. Uh, but anyway, if you're interested...
Different things are going to work for different people, but I have exactly one recommendation to anyone trying to learn Japanese (I'm assuming you already know hiragana and katakana, but if not, please learn them. I honestly don't have any advice on where the best place to do that is because I learned them a long time ago), and that is to please learn a good chunk of kanji early on in your studies, and learn to actually write them with the correct stroke order.
I've seen a lot of people say you don't need to do this, that you should just learn to read them because everyone types and there is autofill and yeah, I realize that, but I think you really cement them into your memory by learning to write them. And anyway, you might want to handwrite something one day, I don't know. Maybe you'll want to take Kanken. Anki is free on desktop/laptops/some tablets (I think the mobile version costs), and there's a deck called Kanji Damage that is imo good for learning to write about 1700 kanji. Now that I've finished the deck, learning new kanji beyond that number is a breeze for me. Content warning that it has some offensive language here and there but tbh I don't use the nmemonics anyway (those have never been helpful to me but if making a story about the kanji is helpful to you, you might also want to pick up the Remembering the Kanji series). You can order kanji writing practice notebooks online for pretty cheap or just use a regular notebook. A lot of people see kanji as this huge monumental task that comes towards the end of the journy of learning Japanese but honestly, you should learn it as early as possible. It makes studying grammar, vocabulary, everything so much easier and should be one of the first things you do. With anki, you can set the pace of how many new cards a day you get so you can kind of limit your study time and take it slow, or go with 20 cards a day and you'll finish the deck in about five months (and still only need to study kanji for about an hour a day on your toughest days.) It just depends on your schedule. If you find kanji really intimidating, just do one or two cards a day! It might take longer, but this isn't a race, and however long the deck takes you, you're going to be way better off studying it than if you don't.
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lovings4turn · 6 months
hi my lovely angel darling bee congratulations on 1k !! u literally deserve that and more ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ for your celebration, could i potentially get 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄 for the marauders plsplspls
im 5’0” an infp, filipino and a hufflepuff if it matters ^_^ i’m super duper into the arts, and i love taking care of my friends by spoiling them w lil gifts :) im a very affectionate and empathetic person, and i pride myself in being a shoulder to cry on for those around me. i love learning new languages, as i currently know 4 (english, french, tagalog, and japanese), and im incredibly passionate for music .
i love you sososo much, thank you for being the best friend a girl could ever ask for 🩷
hi my sweet girl my love my angel thank you 😽😽 !!! giving you all of my love ever actually ?? of course you can pookie <333 i love you just oh so much and am so grateful for you always i swear ,,, i lovelovelove you 😽🫶
𝐢'𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 !
now this was ... such a deliberation BUT ultimately ,, jamie won here <333 i just think you and james would be the absolute perfect pair , there's no doubt about it in my mind !!!
ᡣ𐭩 from the moment james spots you at the hufflepuff table in the great hall , he's convinced that you are the love of his life (and he's correct!!) he introduces himself to you as soon as he gets the opportunity and makes it his mission to win you over and make you his
ᡣ𐭩 james loves your height difference just oh so much . like he's a tall guy , and he uses it to his advantage . he's always resting his chin on your head and playfully pouting when you complain about it , or putting things onto higher shelves so you have to ask him to help you . he does , however , claim that it makes cuddling ten times better , as he can bundle you up and fully envelop you into his arms !!!
ᡣ𐭩 james loves spoiling you with gifts just as much as you !! i've mentioned it to you before ,, but he is so obsessed with just finding little trinkets and keepsakes and giving them to you ,, because 'his pretty girl should have all of the pretty things' !! of course he'll spoil you with bought gifts ,, but he's also obsessed with finding little things like pretty flowers or a cool looking leaf , items he'll present to you with just as much enthusiasm
ᡣ𐭩 in terms of languages , james begs you to teach him how to compliment you in any language you know . sure , he also asks for all the curse words , but he at least waits until after he's nailed the 'i love you's . he's very proud of his restraint there . sometimes it's a little wonky , and not quite right , but the huge grin on his face anytime he says something to you in another language is more than worth it.
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐥𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧 !
ᡣ𐭩 you and remus definitely bond over music !! though you may have differing tastes here and there ,, remus is so open to listening to your favourite songs and giving you his in return . you two have had many a passionate discussion surrounding music ,, sometimes even going on for hours without even realising how long you've been caught up in your conversation until james starts complaining that remus has stolen his girlfriend away from him .
ᡣ𐭩 remus also appreciates how compassionate and caring you are . any time he feels stressed , or wound up , or like nothing is going his way , he comes to you . remus swears you have a sort of gift when it comes to calming him down ,, no one can help him out like you do and he's eternally grateful that he has you in his life to provide such support !! he has no idea what he'd do without you as his friend , honestly
ᡣ𐭩 you two definitely both team up to tease and poke fun at james , because it's just too hard to resist , really . james can't even get annoyed at you both - you're two of his favourite people , after all
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How to say should in Japanese
~べき vs. ~たほうがいい
Part I don’t even know which one because Japanese is so nuanced, I can’t honestly… 
We should tell him the truth.  
This sentence can be translated to: 
べき is very strong, broadly speaking. It sounds bossy and commanding. 
た方がいい, on the other hand, sounds softer like a suggestion. 
Which translation to chose also depends on the action itself. In some cases, it’s better to give people suggestions because no one knows what the right thing to do is. But there are situations when we all instinctively know what to do, be it societal unspoken agreements or just pure morality. 
If you truly believe that revealing the truth to your friend is the right thing to do because keeping him in the dark will do more harm than good, then go for べき. After all, everyone deserves to know the truth.
In some other cases, べき can make you sound like you’re the ‘wise one.’ You know what to do, and your words should be obeyed. You’re strongly convinced that whatever you’re saying is the right thing to do. It could also sound like it is your obligation to perform the action. As always, everything depends on the context. 
However, if you have an idea, a suggestion, but you’re not really sure what to do in the end, and you don’t want to sound extra bossy, then た方がいい would be your choice. In this example, た方がいい can suggest “we better do it because if he doesn’t learn the truth, shit will go down real fast” - depending on the context of course.
べき is usually explained as たほうがいい in some dictionaries, but then in some cases you can’t use them interchangeably. 
Your friend is in doubt about her work. Her work is mentally draining. She needs some advice. She asks: 
どうしたらいい? - what should I do? (or more literally, what’s the best thing to do? Btw, yet another phrase that can be translated to should in English… ugh. Also, you don’t ask yourself with たほうがいい)
You say: You should quit your work. 
You could also say: It’d be best, if you just quit your work. Well, quitting your work, doesn’t sound like the worst idea.  Why don’t you quit your work? 
Should is used to give advice, or at least that’s what ESL textbooks teach us.  However, there are other phrases to advise people. Which one you’ll use in English depends on your conviction, relation with that person, and some other factors. 
Should, according to Macmillan dictionary, is used to say:
used for talking about what is right, sensible, or correct
used for saying or asking about the right or sensible thing to do or the right way to behave
If your friend’s work is mentally draining, then the sensible thing to do is to quit it. Seems just fine in English. Does it make you sound bossy in English? I’m not the one to decide because I’m not a native speaker, but I’ve heard such pieces of advice from my friends, and it didn’t sound bossy at all, just the voice of reason. 
In Japanese, though, well… since it is a nuanced language, some people will definitely see you as a bossy person if you use べき on them. (confirmed with some native speakers)
べき in some grammar books is primarily listed with other phrases conveying ‘obligation’ ぎむ
So translating ‘you should quit your work’ to 仕事は辞めるべきだ isn’t the best idea. 
仕事は辞めた方がいい, though, sounds like you’re giving a piece of (friendly) advice without trying to command your friend. 
My Japanese teacher’s Japanese teacher, who is a native, says that べき may sound like “don’t tell me how to live my life!” But if you see someone struggling with some situation, and they don’t know what to do, and you want to give them a little push, using べき wouldn’t be so bad. It could be interpreted as a genuine try to help someone, but the context must be just right. 
I’m discussing affirmative sentences, but the same logic applies to negatives as well. 
Side note: In my business writing classes, our teacher told us to limit the use of should to an absolute minimum because it’s too vague in a lot of situations. If I told my little brother, “you should clean your room”, he would understand it as a very weak suggestion that he doesn’t even have to consider. But if told him, “Well, I think I should buy this new game for you”, he would understand it as “I’m getting a new game!” 
He told us to be precise as much as possible. If by should we mean ‘do it now’, use a phrase that conveys an order. 
So I think the best way to accurately translate should into Japanese is knowing what we really want to say.
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cloud0818 · 1 year
Thank you so much for your KHR character analyses, they’re super useful. I’m wondering if it’s possible you could do Basil? I know he’s not in it much but his language is definitely fascinating. (My theory was always that he would speak normally in any other language but speaks feudal/archaic Japanese because of Iemitsu being the one to teach him and pulling a long running prank).
Thank you as well! I'm really glad to hear that.
And also thanks for the request :))))) I will write of course! It takes a little time because I have other posts and also because he has a unique way of speaking. For that reason, let me tell you a little bit about it here first!
You are generally right! He speaks very old-fashioned Japanese. I don't know if this analogy will work, but it is similar to the "Japanese Samurai" style. And these are due to Iemitsu's shenanigans. However, not all of them are.
It may be more accurate to say that he uses old Japanese words that teenagers do not generally use, rather than just using old words. He uses some words that aren't used at all today, or others that are still used but not everyday. Regardless of era it used, he must have been taught a "Japanese-like" words, I guess.
In his case, this style shows up well in personal pronouns he uses. Tsuna was surprised by it when he first met to Basil. He speaks very politely to people. It is gentle but also be felt a strong will.
If I were to go into more detail about the way his speaking, a great deal of Japanese or even the history explanation would be required lol So this is the end for now. I hope you will wait for me to write! Thanks!!
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