#Toyko Calling
Toyko Calling Each Member's Wallpaper
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fever-dreamer97 · 13 days
Izuku: Kacchan, my boss has been so weird lately, I think he’s out to get me. Listen to this text, “Zoom meeting call from Tokyo at 11:00.” What could that mean?
Bakugo:…Just spitballing here, but I think there’s a meeting call. It’s coming from Toyko and could be sometime today.
Bakugo: Ah, you know, I feel like it may be at 11:00.
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dantheserialkillerman · 10 months
Hiroki Dan X GN!Teacher (one shot)
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Contains: Gender Neutral Reader and Age Difference General warning: Medium-length post (1,461 words) TW: Possessiveness/Yandere vibes Characters: Hiroki Dan and You
– There is a theory called The Green World by Northrop Fry. It's actually quite simple. Shakespeare's comedies follow a structure: in spring, the fertility month, the characters transition from the everyday world, faced with societal bondage, to the wild, where everything becomes topsy turvy, back to the ordinary world renewed and unbound. As you skimmed your class, you couldn't help but wonder if the same theory also applied to your life. This moment did feel wild.
– The semester is your first as a teacher at one of Toyko's most highly regarded private high schools, and according to the curious stares from your students, they don't know what to make of you. It sets you on edge. Yet, there is also great excitement as you finally have fulfilled your dream of educating the next generation after years of studying. Is there a word for both terror and elation? Perhaps euphoria? It did once mean to be removed from one's body. However, frisson seems to settle in your mind. Your hair does feel on end.
– One..two...three...breath...one...two...three...breath. You repeat this phrase over and over again as you start your lesson. This subject is your favourite, and not to brag, but you are an expert in this field; the school would have never hired you otherwise, and the parents would have you fired, flayed, and put out front as a warning for everyone else. Even some universities would pale in comparison. These are households of politicians, millionaires, and businessmen. The top of the top and greatness ensures they only produce greatness, or at least the image of it.
– Everything seems to be going well; to your surprise, the kids are actively engaged, yet you cannot help but sense an uneasiness. You feel dissected, like a butterfly being prepped for a display case. When turning around, an intensity makes you pause over a word to prevent a stutter. You swear unseen hands are rushing over your body as if to hold you and say, "Stay still; I deserve to look," for what reason you don't know. It's nerves, you tell yourself, focus on the lesson; you can't mess up the first class.
– But it happens again during the next lesson. Then, the one after that. Again and again until finally, when handing back the first assignment, you meet the cause after class.
– It was Autumn when the weather couldn't decide if it wished to be hot or cold, the leaves turning into a violent swarm of reds and oranges as if the trees were on fire. It had been a long day; you had to send someone to the head office for interrupting class, forgot your lunch, and were stuck grading papers. The only people still here were after-school clubs and occasionally teachers you heard walking in the halls.
– You were so absorbed in your work that you couldn't help but jump when you felt a tap on your shoulder and a soft "Excuse me" in your ear. Looking up in shock, you are surprised to see a man...well, a teenager. Handsome for his age, most likely eighteen and in his final year, with a shock of dark hair and eyes against pale skin, a warm smile breaks the otherwise monochrome facade. An image of Adder Snake flashes in your mind when he tilts his head and beams...it is as if he enjoyed scaring you.
– "Oh, I'm sorry, professor," he places a hand over his heart and straightens, "I merely wanted to get your attention." His eyes are so black that you can see your own startled reflection, and despite being in a more senior position, how small you look compared to this boy. You hate it.
– "It's fine," you look at the clock, "it's past five; shouldn't you be heading home, or is there something I can help you with?" You attempt to clean your desk to make it look moderately presentable. In reality, you wanted to seem busy so you didn't have to look him in the eye again. There was something profoundly unnerving about how he could pin you down with merely a look.
– His hand moves gracefully into his bag and pulls out a piece of paper; you recognize it as the recently returned assignment from your afternoon class. He places it delicately on your desk, atop the other essays you were grading. Pompous little shit, you couldn't help but think. You tilt over and see the grade, a ninety-five, the highest score you gave out recently.
– Picking up the paper, you hold it out for the student to take back, "It was very well-written and researched, particularly the second paragraph. Congratulations..." You quickly glance at the paper, hopefully discreetly, "Hiroki-kun." The name settled in your mouth like honey, sticking to your throat unpleasantly despite how sweet it sounded.
– He leans against the desk, the same plain smile upon his face and a light chuckle escaping his upturned lips. There is an uneasiness in the air, that pressure you felt during the day in increments, dilating in this very moment.
– "Thank you," he moves closer, and you realize the door is closed; who shut it? "But I wanted to ask," Closer, "what could I have done to have gained that extra five percent?"
– "I..." You feel speechless, your face hot from panic, "Well...you could've shortened it, perhaps?" Say anything to get him to leave.
– "That's it?"
– "It was written very well; I wouldn't worry about your grade."
– He takes the paper and folds it absent-mindedly, "I will take it to heart," as if to prove it, he holds the essay to his chest, "You are my favourite teacher here, and any advice you give me is a great help." To your horror, he looks somewhat bashful. Yet, it would be a lie to say it didn't stroke your ego.
– You clear your throat, "Thank you, but it is getting late-"
– "Let me walk you to your bike." You wonder how he knew you biked to school? "My father is the police superintendent General, and I am also heading out; I don't want someone so..." He looks down to where you are sitting, "vulnerable to walk outside by themselves."
– You weighed the options in your head. Saying no could hurt your reputation; this was the kid of a high-ranking official, and if you pissed off Daddy, you would be fired on the spot. Was it unnerving and inappropriate? Yes. But you couldn't think of a way to worm your way out of this dilemma. It was a true dichotomy.
– "I wouldn't want to burden a young man like yourself...."
– His smile stretched wider, so vast you could count each pearly white tooth. What big teeth you have..." It would be my pleasure."
– Hiroki demanded to carry your briefcase and, while you walked, asked miscellaneous questions about your life. How old are you? Do you live alone? Are you Married? How far do you live from campus? You tried to answer him subtly, attempting to dodge the questions with little skill. You cursed the school for being so big and your pupil for being such a slow walker.
– Ten minutes later, you reach your bike. Or where it should have been. Nothing but the chain was attached to the fence. You look around and quickly conclude that someone has stolen it. Man, I'm a fucking genius, you thought sarcastically, but you had to Act professionally. Act bloody professional. Oh, God, how in the living hell would you get back to your dingy little apartment?
– "People these days," Hiroki shook his head, "my father has been trying to tamper down the rise in petty crime such as this," he slung your case over his shoulder, "but it seems he has a long way to go."
– You pushed your forehead in stress, "It's fine, I'll just take public transport." And it would be awful in that crowded cart filled with annoyed people.
– "Nonsense," He turned and started to walk towards the parking lot; in confusion, you began to follow him, "I own a car, and someone like yourself wouldn't be safe on public transport." He looked over his shoulder, and you felt your stomach sink, "I'll drive you home." Shit.
– "It's fine, really. Plus, you're a student-"
– "My father would never forgive me if I left you in such a state. Alone. Defenceless. I mean," He stopped and turned. Suddenly, you recognized how tall and broad he was as he towered over you. "I could attack you right now, and you would have no way to defend yourself." His left eye twitched softly like he trying to keep a particular thought at bay, and you felt your lungs freeze, "But you're lucky," He chuckled, "I would never harm my favourite teacher." The air seemed to stop momentarily as if the sky held its breath for what he would say next. "I only want to do a good deed," Another laugh, "They make me feel blessed," and softly grabbing your hand and bringing it to his cheek, he tilted his head into your palm, whispering, "Won't you bless me, teacher?"
– You wondered if Northrop Fry had a theory on Shakespearian tragedy. What dark world were you being brought into by those eyes?
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notoriousbeb · 2 months
Why is Harry Styles All Over TTPD? A Timeline
TTPD Notes Glossary
Upon much ponderation and rabbit-hole-ing I think a truly stunning chunk of tracks on this double album (20) are her processing her feelings for whatever the hell happened with Harry.  
What will likely be my Haylor magnum opus is under the cut because it is a bit lengthy. Good luck. Or I'm sorry??
I think they both pined for each other for years (well documented amongst the Haylors).  
Then she split with Joe Alwyn before she left London for the Eras Tour, but she waited to make the announcement public (probably to give him time to pack up his shit and get out of their shared house) until April 8. However, excited to be “Fresh Out the Slammer,” she reached out to Harry ASAP.  
I realize I might sound like an absolute raving lunatic, but I legit think Harry was at Taylor’s Arlington, Texas, Eras Tour shows, at the end of March/beginning of April 2023, and followed her to New York City for several days. 
While Harry was tied up finishing up the Asian leg of his tour until March 25, I think he came almost straight to her after that, and love-bombed the shit out of her in his excitement.
But then right before he had to leave for tour, with a stopover in LA for the Satellite video and Late Late Show shoots, he gave her some sort of pulling-away speech about taking a pause or pulling back or something, (I’d wager because of the two world tours), which she took as a total rejection, which caused her to lose it and move on to the disaster we call Matty. 
Then, in June, he met Taylor Russell in London. And maybe they were just friends at first, but then Taylor Swift started messing around with Matty, and then in July she started dating Travis and it went public in September. So, I suppose at that point Harry figured, "Okay, to hell with it."  
And now, somewhere in London, I imagine their shared good mate, Ed Sheeran, has a pounding headache and wishes he still drank whiskey.  
I hope the truth of it all someday comes to light in a tell-all book or movie. Or, at the very least, it would be nice if some more clarity surfaces in one of their albums, or a record by Ed.  
Oh, and I think Stevie Nicks, of all fucking people, knows the tea. She considers both of them “like [her] children.” She gave them both matching crescent moon necklaces. And has performed with them. And she wrote the intro poem for this record. Read that and tell me it doesn’t match the story I’ve written in my head. Stevie knows.
And now, the timeline. @foxes-that-run Also has a much more detailed 2023 timeline that I recommend.
There are, I shit you not, about a fortnight of possible days (March 29/30-April 12, 2023) where they could have been together...
March 29/30
Harry likely leaves Toyko after his March 25 show. Love on Tour doesnt start up again until May 13 in Horsens, Denmark.
March 31
Eras Tour is in Arlington, Texas, for N1. It's a rain show. She replaces "Invisible String” with "The 1." The surprise songs were "Sad Beautiful Tragic" and "Ours." Read all my notes on TTPD and go watch these two live performances again. They're...really something.
April 1
She sings "Death by a Thousand Cuts" and "Clean."
April 2
She sings "Jump then Fall" and "The Lucky One."
April 3-6
Neither of them are seen these three days.
April 7
Harry is spotted at baggage claim in Atlanta
April 9
Harry is at the Master's Golf Tournament
April 10
Maybe this is when he leaves her. Taylor goes out for drinks with Jack and Margaret. However, this was an obvious pap walk (the day she had those butterfly jeans on); were the paps maybe called to this location to lure them away from her apartment so a certain person might or might not have could arrive unnoticed after a golf tournament in Atlanta?
April 12
In the afternoon, Harry is spotted with his trusty brown duffel bag (sporting an air travel tag) leaving the gym in LA. In NYC, Taylor is pictured on the roof of Electric Lady (maybe shooting music video?) with a Gucci lion ring just like Harry's but with a green stone. I Mr not the 10th, I think this evening was when he said whatever he said that made her so sad; maybe he thought they should take a pause until their tours were over? Maybe he decided their combined spotlights were just too big to overcome? Who knows? Not me. But my nosy ass wants to know!
April 13
Eras Tour in Tampa N1. Taylor cries during “Lover"
April 14
Eras Tour in Tampa N2. She plays "The Great War" (performed with Aaron Dessner) and "You're On Your Own, Kid."
April 15
Eras Tour in Tampa N2. She plays "Treacherous."
April 21
Eras Tour in Houston N1. She plays "Wonderland" and "You're Not Sorry" (these choices seem…significant. In a not good way.)
April 22
N2 in Houston. She plays "A Place in This World" and "Today Was a Fairytale" (for her mom, who I am sure was being a rock for her at this trying time)
April 23
N3 in Houston. She plays "Begin Again" and "Cold as You"
April 27 and 28
Harry does shoots for the "Satellite" music video and the last episode of the Late Late Show. The scenes for the music video aren't used. In my opinion his face looks puffy on Late Late (maybe from crying?)
Eras Tour Atlanta N1 Taylor sings "The Other Side of the Door" and "Coney Island."
April 30
Eras Tour Atlanta N3 she sings "I Bet You Think About Me" and "How You Get the Girl." She cries again during “Champagne Problems."
May 5-7
Ah, the Nashville Era's Tour shows. Such fond, fond memories. She sang “Sparks Fly,” “Teardrops on My Guitar,“ "Out of the Woods,” “Fifteen” (Abigail was there, and she dedicated this one to her)," Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve” with Aaron Dessner and “Mine” (also Speak Now drop).
May 11
Dinner with Matty and Jack and Margaret at Casa Cipriani in NYC
Is it possible the villainy of Matty is that he planted the original story in The Sun that he and Taylor were dating? It ran May 3, two days before he showed up (from Asia) to the Eras Tour play with Phoebe Bridgers as the opening act in Nashville. I just always thought that was odd. Maybe he had a big fat mouth.
May 12
Eras Tour Philadelphia N1. She played “Gold Rush” and “Come Back…Be Here” (Aww, girl….)
May 13
LOT picks up again in Horsens, Denmark. He's smiling to himself all cute like during "Fine Line." Plus he played "Stockholm Syndrome" for the first time in yeeeears and looked delighted. :(
Taylor's surprise songs were “Forever & Always” and “This Love.”
May 15
Either way, she leaves Electric Lady studios with Matty in tow.
May 19
She plays "Should've Said No" and "Better Man." (Well, that's seems...not good.)
May 20
Ah, the day of the “Question…?” and “Invisible” combo. (Oh, Tay). Matty is seen entering Taylor's apartment with a big Louis bag full of what many people believe is the typewriter. I always assumed it was clothes or a synthesizer or some kind of equipment. ¯\_(ツ)_/
May 25
This is the last day she was seen with Matty (and the chorus of angels sang)
But, really, only he was seen outside her apartment leaving with his stuff. She wasn’t in town. 
They were never seen together again after May 15. 
May 26
Era's Tour Metlife N1. She sings “Getaway Car” with Jack Antonoff and “Maroon” (this was a very angry face Maroon).
May 27
Metlife N2. She sings “Holy Ground” and “False God," and cries.
June 22
Taylor records “The Black Dog” at Electric Lady. “Six weeks of breathing clean air,” if we’re being specific here (although she was touring and it could have just sounded good) would be May 11, 2023.
August 13
Stevie Nicks owns the opening poem for the album.
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stormblessed95 · 11 months
Omg someone just said jungkook wrote magic shop after their Disneyland trip/Tokyo (2018) where they visited a shop in Disneyland called Magic Shop this is too much.😭😭
Lmaooo the URGE to break out a huge breakdown essay like post over this topic.
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But honestly, instead, I'm going to send you over to @jiminieloved because they have a post that did this and while some minor points here or there I might have a slightly differing opinion on, I agree with their thoughts like 98% and LOVED the post when I read it. And they did so much! A wonderful post (no surprise. Their account here is one of my favs, hope you dont mind me linking to your post)
It's all only theory, but it's a good one! Lol Also worth adding that since they made this post, we have gotten more info from the BTS book about the Toyko trip. Where it just further supports everything that was said in this post and by many other jkkrs. And gives so much more weight to lyric choices such as "I'll be there for you.... but you gotta be there for me too." And such as "so show me... I'll show you" if nothing else the way Jikook always just show up for each other and support each other is above and beyond and so special
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pattycakes5516 · 6 months
Toyko Revengers-Hama/Izana X Reader
Mature Content:
You hide your identity and keep your head low. The best thing to do when you work for one of the biggest crime syndicates in the city. How long can you keep it that way?
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You were always good at one thing and average in every other way. Unfortunately the one thing you were good at was not meant for you. A world dominated by men whose egos were as inflated as their car’s tires. Therefore you took on an identity. You became somewhat of a ghost. You never socialized and hid your figure under wraps and oversized clothes.
It was easy when all you did was participate in illegal street races. But one fateful night you caught the eye of an important figure within the community. He offered you the kind of money you could only ever dream about. To essentially be a chauffeur who could also get out of sticky situations quickly.
Every instinct was telling you not to take it. But in a world that is run by how much you earn you couldn’t decline. So this was how you became a driver for the biggest crime syndicate in the city almost overnight, Tenjiku.
“Ay y/n!”Hanma, the man who brought you in, called out to you as you waited patiently in the driveway. You kept your distance as much as you could. You avoided talking by explaining you concentrate best with earphones and music. Sometimes social interaction is unavoidable. You slowly walked over keeping your head down.
“You did a good job! Why don’t you come out and celebrate with me and the executives? You earned it!” Hanma laughed, it was deep and powerful. He slapped you across your shoulder and your body flew forward. You caught yourself at the very last minute. “Hey man you need to bulk up! I know you're just a driver but it’s good for you.”
Hanma towered over you. His body was twice the size of your own and he was about your age. Decorated in intricate tattoos, the most prominent being the ones on both of his hands. He was gorgeous but those looks were beyond deceiving.
You heard rumours that he was the attack dog of their group. When anyone threatened them he was quick to react and showed no mercy. That’s why your heart leapt out of your chest any time his attention was directed towards you. Loyalty was everything as well as honesty. You had been keeping a huge secret from them all.
“I’m ok. Thanks though…” You try your best to keep your voice low and quiet. You begin to turn around but Hanma catches your upper arm. You looked up into his golden eyes terrified.
“Come on kid! A few drinks and then you can head out! I promise!” Hanma smiled but it wasn’t sincere. You felt as if he was testing you again. You wanted to shout at him that after so many jobs you should have proven yourself by now. But you knew you could never muster up the courage needed to say it. “Come on… stop being so fucking boring!”
You nodded and gave up your hopeless pursuit of heading home to binge watch a tv show and eat junk food. His arm wrapped around your shoulders, leaning into you and you tense up. “Relax kid… I know you only feel safe with your hands on the wheel. You will have me to look after you.” You nodded again. His nose scrunches up as he assesses your current outfit. “Going to have to get you something better to wear than this hoodie and dingy ass sweatpants though.”
Your heart races once again. This is what you get for being greedy. Hopefully whatever he picks out you can still hide your curvaceous figure.
Hanma leads you inside and to a room. “Let me see. Damn your small…” He shuffles through some clothes. Compared to you!! “Wait, Izana should have something to fit. He likes his clothes to be more form fitting. I’ll be right back.”
Hanma returned not too long after with a button up and dress pants. You prayed to whatever gods existed that you could pull it off. You begin to walk towards the bathroom but he yanks your arm once again. “We are already running behind, hurry up and change.”
Your inner panic takes over, you feel heat rush to your cheeks. “Well I- uh-“ You fumble for an excuse. It was frustrating because you were usually quick to figure out a solution. Hanma looked at you with raised eyebrows, then after a few seconds burst out in a raspy laugh.
“Jesus kid! Fuck fine go! I have never met a criminal who was too shy to change in front of someone else. You're fucking weird!” Hanma berates you and you sigh in relief. He could think whatever he wanted as long as he didn’t find out what you were hiding.
You were pleasantly surprised as you looked in the mirror. You were also glad you had paid a bit more for the binder, it hid your chest perfectly, which was a difficult task. The pants were a bit big so your wide waist was still disguised as well. You frowned at your hair. You were not ready to cut it off. You decided to pull it up into a bun and it worked well enough.
A loud knock interrupted your assessment. “What the hell are you doing in there? Stop jerking off and let’s go!” The deep voice rang out and you inhaled a sharp breath. You were used to all the vulgar talk, it became background noise. But knowing that your whole night will most likely consist of it made you want to throw up.
You pull open the door and Hanma pauses for a second. His eyes look to the ground as he tosses you a suit jacket. You were not sure what that was about but you put on the last item of clothing. “You look more presentable now. So come on.” He mumbles and you follow him out. “I’ll drive this time.” You shrug and mentally prepare yourself.
You begrudgingly order a drink as you sat at the bar with the rest of the Tenjiku crew minus their fearless and deranged leader. This was really your first time hanging around all of them. Hanma was the only one you dealt with consistently. Hanma often reminded you that he was your handler so if you fucked up he got the blame for it from the rest of the executives.
“The famous driver!” A sing-songy voice interrupts your inner panic as you are surrounded by such powerful people. You glance up and are greeted by a large scarred smile. A beautiful woman and man hung off his arm like decor.
“Sanzu what the fuck are you even doing here? This is for executives and up.” Hanma hands you another glass, his palm patting your head. You look up with a scowl.
“Where there is a party you will find me!” Sanzu’s eyes observe you as you awkwardly stand between them. “So I guess executives can bring pets with them?” You mentally groan as they stare each other down. You daydream for a second on how at this very moment you would be relaxing at home with a pile of snacks.
“Hanma relax. Sanzu always brings candy.” Another executive walks up with his hands outstretched. Sanzu grins happily as he digs into his pocket and removes a pill placing it in the open palm.
“Rindou, you're too soft on him.” Hanma complains with a growl. You watch as the man now known as Rindou places the pill in his mouth and swallows. Hanma must have noticed because he is suddenly way too close. “You want one kid? Might loosen your tight ass up a bit.” A shiver travels down your spine, as he whispered in your ear. Your eyes widen and you nod.
“Nnnoo! I’m ok.” You manage to say, causing all the men to laugh in amusement at your reaction. You take a deep sip of whiskey to compensate for the embarrassment.
“This little punk is who you are always hyping up?” Rindou smirks as he follows the pill with a shot. You look to the ground feeling completely out of place.
“Hey cut him some slack. He does his best work behind the wheel. I just thought he deserved a reward.” Hanma shakes you lightly and you grumble. “A chance to chill with us. I don’t know, maybe some pussy will help him to relax a bit.” You watch as Hanma and Rindou chuckle.
You secretly roll your eyes and look back over to the pink haired man in front of you. Sanzu studies you and it makes you very uncomfortable. He gives off a carefree vibe but you could tell he was not all there. “Can I have another glass?” You ask, wanting to hurry this night along.
“Of course kid!” Hanma leads you back to the bar. You glance over your shoulder watching Rindou say something to Sanzu whose eyes never left you, a sinister smirk on his face. Goosebumps form on your arm and you look away.
“Thanks…” you mutter as the bartender slides another glass your way. You quickly drink down the alcohol and Hanma pats your shoulder.
“At least you can hold your liquor!” Hanma grins as you motion for another. “Look, you're doing really well. You have become someone I trust not to fuck shit up. I really do want you to enjoy tonight.” Hanma says as you take the new glass and follow him to sit in a more secluded area.
You listen but the warmth of the alcohol was starting to run its course. “I appreciate your calm demeanor. Hell I’m the opposite so in a way I envy that about you.” Hanma grins as you nod along. “Man of few words.” You take a sip and lean on your hand as he continues to talk.
“Tonight is also about introducing you to the executives and the four heavenly kings. Once they accept you then you will be unstoppable. Trust me. I’m looking out for you kid.” Hanma lowers his voice not to allow the other members to hear your conversation.
You take in what he was telling you. You realize you had proven yourself to him and that was the true reason he had invited you out tonight. “I respect you Hanma. I have come to understand how you are. But I don’t know any of the other execs. I honestly have no interest in power. I just want to be able to drive.” You knew the higher up you went the more risky it became.
“Kid!!! I get it! I really do!” Hanma leans back on the bench. “This is a huge opportunity.” You frown as he tries to convince you the risk was worth it. Hanma recognizes your hesitation and sighs. “Let’s just enjoy tonight. We can discuss business later.” You take another sip and nod.
“Hey…” Another unfamiliar face walks over to you both. “Y/N right?” He looked similar to Rindou but his personality was much more laid back.
“Yeah.” You answer, still observing him catiously. Hanma groans at your distrust.
“He needs a lap dance asap!” Hanma calls out and your eyes widen in panic. “Ran, get one of your best girls!” The man who had just invaded your space claps his hands and smiles.
Ran motions for you to follow him and you bite your lower lip. “Don’t worry! I’ll make sure your taken really good care of.” You look back at Hanma for help but he was pushing you to go. You glare at him one last time as Ran takes you to a back room.
A high end couch set against the wall with end table. “Go on, get comfortable!” Ran says and you take a seat but it’s anything but cozy. Even more so by the fact Ran decides to sit beside you. “I am very impressed by what you have accomplished for us. The fact that you look so innocent in person is useful.”
You try your best to keep your composure. You knew who this man was now that Hanma had mentioned his name. “I am Ran Haitana. I introduce myself with my first name since I don’t want to be confused for my brother who is beyond unprofessional. I am…”
You look down to the ground and find yourself blurting out, “One of the four heavenly kings.” Ran laughs and you look up and see him grinning.
“Precisely.” Ran mutters with a newfound interest. “So you do know how we are organized. If I went by Hanma’s judgement alone I assumed you were only intelligent when it came to a get away. But that is not the case is it?”
You made a mistake. “I just stay to myself. Which leaves me time to observe.” You don’t want to seem too useful to these men. You just wanted to remain as invisible as possible. The way Ran was studying you right now made you believe you might have fumbled. It didn’t help that you were currently a bit fuzzy due to the whiskey from earlier.
Just as Ran was about to speak, the door to the small room opens and a beautiful woman enters with a sweet smile. “Ran!” Her cheerful voice broke up the tension. She quickly dashes forward as Ran stands and gives him a tight hug. “Who is this little cutie?”
“A very valuable member. He is a bit nervous. Could you loosen him up for me sweetheart?” Ran lifts her chin and she smiles brightly as she nods. “That’s my good girl.” Ran rubs her cheek and I turn away at the intimacy. “Come join us when she is done with you y/n!”
“O-okay.” You say and Ran holds in a chuckle as he walks away. You turn your focus on the woman who is now staring down at you, avoiding eye contact. “Look I’m ok really. I just don’t like going out.” You try to reason with her. If she came in here to do what you thought then she would easily figure out that you're not what they think.
“You're so precious!” The gorgeous woman steals Ran’s move and lifts your chin to make you look into her auburn eyes. “Such a pretty face.” She licks her lower lip. You try to sit back but she takes this as an invitation to straddle you. Her light scent invades your nose and you can’t help but take a breath. She places her arms up your neck as you turn your head away.
“Please…” you beg which causes her to make an excited noise. “Mmm.” A small moan escapes your lips as her manicured nails run into the base of your scalp. You feel her begin to move her hips into your own. Your eyes widen in panic. You take hold of her hips to stop her movements.
“Shhh…” she whispers into your ear and shivers travels down your spine as she kisses your neck. You had accomplished too much to be discovered this way. “It’s ok.” Her breath tickles against your skin. The strength you did have was weakened by your drunken state. You freeze up when she leans back and begins unbuttoning your shirt, her eyes low. You grip her wrist out of sheer trepidation.
The woman stops but giggles thinking that this was merely bashfulness. “If you're worried about cameras daddy don’t be. There aren’t any in this room. Let me take care of you.” She pulls away from your grasp and before you knew it your shirt was untucked. “So adorable.” Her amber eyes take in your flushed cheeks.
“You don’t understand…” you say but one of her hands was already up your shirt the other rubbing your crotch. “Damn it…” you knew it was over the moment she sat up with a raised eyebrow.
“Excuse me, I should have said mommy.” The woman does not look startled. She wore an expression of curiosity.
This was the end. Based on how she interacted with Ran you knew she was close to him. After all this time and this was how you would be discovered. “Hey y/n right?” The woman calls out to you and you nod trying not to show how your world was crashing down around you. “I get it.”
You look at her as she gets off your lap and sits beside you. “I worked so hard.” You hear how shaky your voice was. She takes hold of your hand and squeezes gently.
“I know and that is why your secret will be safe with me.” You were not expecting this. “Don’t look at me so shocked!” The woman giggles and you find that you can’t help but smile. “It’s tough out here for us ladies. We do what we have to. Like I said, I get it. My real name is Cole.”
You were not sure what had overcome you but you turned and hugged her tightly. “Thank you Cole!” She laughs loudly and pats your head. “Thank you so much.” You felt as if you could trust her words.
“Y/N please. I actually think you're amazing. I’ve heard them talk about you.” A strange look appears on her face and you frown. “You must think I’m pathetic and vile.” You recognize the shame that has overcome her stunning features.
“What?” You say and shake her shoulders. It was your turn to comfort your new accomplis. “Look at me.” She slowly turns and you smile a genuine smile, it’s been so long since you had. “We do what we have to. I would never judge you. Based on the fact you didn’t run out of here and immediately expose me shows me how strong of a character you possess.”
“You my dear are an angel.” She grins and takes hold of your hand once again. “It’s going to be difficult since they have seemed to have taken notice of you. Just know you are free to visit me anytime.”
“You have no idea how much this means to me.” You mutter then the woman sits up. “What is it?”
“They think I am well, you know.” A sudden blush forms on her cheek and you find it endearing.
“You are looking out for me so I will do the same for you.” You assure her, “I will let them think you turned my world upside down.” Another deep laugh escapes her full lips. She suddenly bops your nose and winks.
“I mean I could still do that.” She teases and you nervously look away. “God damn it, you're so cute!”
“Pff you're cute!” You say as a defense mechanism as she stands and offers you a hand. You take it and she starts messing with your clothes. She leaves one button undone and tucks part of your shirt back in.
“There!” You look down and see that your outfit is a bit disheveled and give her a thumbs up. “I think that will be convincing enough.” She loops your arm in hers and begins to walk to the door.
When you both emerge from the other side Hanma and Ran were talking. They both look up with knowing eyes as they hear you exit. “This man right here Ran..” Cole winks at you once again as she runs her nails down your arm, “A diamond in the rough I tell you.” She slides her thumb across your lower lip seductively.
“You're making me so jealous.” Ran teasingly pouts, she kisses your cheek, whispers for you to trust her and saunters over to sit in his lap. Hanma looks at you with a devilish expression as you sit beside him, abruptly shaking your shoulders. You groan in annoyance.
“Y/N…” Ran addresses his tone more series. “Our boss has a meet up soon. I personally don’t trust it. This is why I had Hanma bring you tonight. If shit goes south I need you to be able to get him out fast.”
This was a huge opportunity that was being presented. Again in the back of your mind you wanted to refuse. “You will never want for anything again kid.” Hanma per usual recognized your weary and suspicious demeanor.
“What do you think doll?” Ran holds Cole’s waist, his hands sprawling across her thighs. “Does he have what it takes?” You wanted to tell her that she was more than what she believed herself to be. You knew seeing how Ran waited for her response that he took heed to her words. She was just as powerful as any man in this room, you wanted to make sure she knew that. You could only portray your thoughts with a sly glance her way. She caught on and smirked as she nuzzled into Ran’s neck.
“Baby he is beyond capable.” Her voice was like a hypnotizing melody as she purred into his ear. Hanma nudges my side and I push him. Ran makes a satisfied sound as she nibbles his earlobe.
“Well then all that’s left is for you to accept the job.” Ran turns back to you, his gaze more intense as he waits for your response.
“I’ll do it.” You say confidently and Hanma cheers beside you. “But I’m taking this idiot beside me in case I need some muscle. Fair?” Hanma growls at your insult and you nudge him this time.
Ran laughs and agrees to your terms. The conversation comes to an end as he tightly squeezed Cole’s upper thigh. “Well now that business is through let us get back to indulging in a bit of pleasure. What do you say lovely?”
“Ran…” Cole says amused by his desperate touch. “Such a naughty thing.” She looks over at you. “It was really nice getting to know you and that pretty little face.” She stands up and Ran follows behind.
“Hell yeah! Let’s get a few more rounds then I’ll take you back!” Hanma sounds more excited about what just happened than you felt. You shrug and head to the bar once again. Now that one of the heavenly kings was somewhat on your side you felt more at ease. More willing to let go of the wall you had built up.
“Fix your shirt!” You look down and laugh which takes Hanma by surprise. You adjust your clothes back in place and feel him sneaking glances in your direction as you order more drinks.
Hanma’s POV
Y/N was currently taking a shot with Rindou. This was the most social I had ever seen him. I felt a bit bad getting him even more mixed up in Tenjiku business. He was beyond talented when it came to handling a vehicle. I couldn’t just look past the kids' talent.
“Kid!! You about ready?” I shouted and laughed at the state he was in. He grumbles as he makes his way back over.
“I mean you dragged me out here. We could (hic up) stay if you want.” I had to steady him as he fell forward. His long hair had started to fall down into his face. His eyes had begun to glaze over and his cheeks were flushed due to his intoxicated state. He was really pretty… the thought entered my mind and I shook my head. I took hold of his shoulder aggressively and he whined. My chest felt tight when I heard it.
“I don’t think you could handle it.” I laughed trying to distract myself from this strange feeling. “Come on time to take you home!” Just as I was about to help him walk out, Sanzu intervened.
“Hanma! When did you become such a prude! Stay! Y/N won’t you spend some time with me?” Sanzu’s voice held a tone of seduction that I did not appreciate. A strange rage started to emerge from the surface.
“He is mine! Back off Sanzu…” I growled and Y/N giggled. “What’s so funny?” I ask, annoyed. Y/N looks up with a smirk and I let go pushing away from him. “Fuck it if you want to stay fucking stay. But you better be ready when I call you.”
“No Hanma! I’m sorry! I’m ready!” Y/N still looks way too amused for my liking but I feel myself calming down. I go to steady him once again and Y/N waves stupidly at everyone as we leave. I had sobered up after a while so I easily opened the door and set him into the passenger seat.
I get into the car and begin to pull out of the parking lot. I try my best to focus on the road. “It’s like you were jealous back there!” The dumb kid says giggling. I clench my jaw, not sure why the statement pissed me off so much.
“I am your handler, dumbass. I have to look out for you.” I say trying to also convince myself. I had never been attracted to men before but everytime I look over at him I want to touch him. What the hell is wrong with me? The rest of the drive was quiet.
I pull into his driveway and once again help him out of the car. “Thank you handler!” Y/N says with sarcasm and I sigh. “Ooo my keys are in my front pocket!” I lean over and try not to let the closeness of our bodies bother me. I reach into his front pocket quickly and then nervously fumble with the lock. “Hanma! I thought I was the drunk one!” Y/N laughs and I lose a bit of control.
I push open the door and slam it closed. I also in the process push him against the frame blocking him in with my body. My hand easily reaches around his throat. “Kid I joke with you but you will show me respect. I am an executive after all.”
“Hanma…” His voice was a bit raspy and his eyes rolled back from my hold on his neck. My cock twitched from the image. I pressed my fingers harder cutting off his air flow and groaned when he moaned breathlessly. Shit… shit… shit… “Please…” Y/N gasped for breath, his nails digging into my forearm. “I’m sorry…”
I step back and run my fingers through my hair in an attempt to regain my composure. “Your home. Get some rest and I will see you tomorrow.” I push past him in a rush not wanting to confront these desires I had just experienced. Y/N gives me a confused glance but nods. “God you do have a pretty face…” I grumble as I practically run out the door.
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urlocalbowserfangirl · 2 months
Sydney Lee Miller | PMATGA | REDESIGNED
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Full name: Sydney Lee Miller
Other Names: Sydney, Syd, $yðn3ÿ (Gamer tag), Sydney-San (Her fans), Sydney-Winnie (By her mother and Betrayus), Puppy (Betayus) Cherry Head (By Skeebo), Emo-Brat (By Dr. Buttocks, Stratos, Skeebo, and King Spooky)
Age: 14
Height: 3 foot 5 inches tall (Same height as Pac and Cyli)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Disability: Autistim, ADHD
Horoscope: Sagittarius
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Active
Species: 1/2 Pac-Person, 1/2 Pac-Walker (currently), 1/2 Ghost, 1/2 Ghost wolf
Occupation: Student, Future queen of the Netherworld (Currently), Team member of Pac-Man, Cheerleader captain of Maze High, Pac-Toyko idol
Alignment: Neutral
Affiliations: PacToyko popstar/Nether Queen (Currently)
Skills/Weapons/Abilities: Plasma Sucking Cannon, Martial arts, Pac-Hammer, High Intelligence, Dancing Skills, Gadgets, Singing Skills, Technology expertise, Fourth Wall Awareness, Pac-Wolf transformation, Possession skills, (Only when she's a ghost), Musical Talent, Singing, Power Berries, Attract Pac-Worlders and Ghosts with her sweet voice that she lure them in
Vehicles: Motorcycle, Hover Board
Goals: Protect Pac-World from Betrayus and his ghost army (currently), Rule Pac-World with Betrayus (Currently)
Home: Pac-World, PacTokyo, Netherworld (Currently)
Favorite Food: Ice Cream, Pocky, Cake pops, Pizza, Donuts, Popsicles, Mochi ice cream, Chocolate, Mint, Brownies, Pac-It-In Burgers, Pie, Chicken popcorn, Chicken nuggets, Buffalo wings, Corn dogs, Tacos, S’mores, Slug-Dogs, Pudding, Weevil Waffles, Pancakes, Nachos, M&M's, Hershey, Garlic bread, Pac-It-In fries, Fruits, Roach Burgers, and Bacon
Favorite drink: Chocolate milk, Chocolate milkshake, Nutella Brownie milkshake, Strawberry and Banana shake, Monster Energy, Boba Tea, Caprisun, Soda, Coca-Cola, Lemonade, Spit refreshing beverages, ETC
Hobbies: Dancing, Gaming, Singing, Drawing, ETC
Appearance: Sydney is a red Pac-Worlder with Black hair with red tips on her hair. She wears a Gir hat that her older sister gave her on her 6th birthday, red eyes, black lipstick, red and grey arm warmers, Kandi bracelets, spike bracelet, pyramid stud cuff, black nail polish, black and red fluffy leg warmers, and black heeled boots. Syd carries around her designed Gir purse.  When she’s a ghost, Sydney has a red ectoplasmic body with sky blue highlights, long hair with texture hair, large eyes with sky blue pupils, red irises, black eyelashes, black lipstick, and a hairclip.
Personality: Sydney is an intelligent, upbeat, serious, flirty, shy, sarcastic, girly, beautiful, kind, tomboyish, joyful, clever, cute, kind, friendly, funny, strong-willed, tough, pleasant, brave, independent, heroic, short-tempered (sometimes), spoiled (sometimes), responsible, athletic, average, highly eccentric, self-obsessed (sometimes), and attractive girl. When she's excited or grossed out, she switches to her Japanese language. She has also been known to be a bit stubborn. Despite this, she is also courageous and able to fight. Although she calls Betrayus by his name when he is not around, she calls him "Betty" or "Bets" (like a nickname) when he's present. When she gets mad, she can be over-protective, jealous and possessive sometimes. Sydney is so impossible to deal with, she couldn't even get along with Skeebo, who mocked and disrespected her constantly during its short period of existence. When she gets mad, she turns into a Pac-Wolf and a Ghost Wolf.
Voice actor: Jessica DiCicco, Fairouz Ai and Sakkiko (Japanese dub), Colleen O'Shaughnessy (Pac-Man And The Ghostly Adventures (2013) (Pac-Man and The Ghostly Adventures 2 (2014) video game)
Family: Radian Miller (father), Pazma Miller (mother), Grandma Miller (grandmother), Granpa Miller (Grandfather), Uncle Cubois (uncle), Aunt Triangularina (aunt), Unnammed cousins
Siblings: Mayumi Miller (older sister), Quinn Miller (younger sister), Kenzo Miller (baby brother)
Relatives: Daniella (future younger daughter), Blinky (future oldest son), Pinky (future older daughter), Inky (future older son), Clyde (future younger son), Elliptica (future niece), Wendy (future niece), Pearl (future niece)
Romantic interests: Lord Betrayus, Cylindria
Pets: Miko (Fire mouse), Fluffy (Adoptive pet)
Friends: Pac-Man, Spiral, Cylindria, Elliptica, Sherry, Sir C, Spheria Suprema, President Spheros, Fluffy, Fuzbits, Grinder, Blinky, Inky, Pinky, Clyde, Dr. Buttocks, Butt-ler, Fluffy, Wendy, Pearl, Chibi-Pac ( Pearl, Chibi and Wendy belongs to @lotusprincessblog), and Tip (Frenemy)
Enemies: Skeebo (Rival), Specter, Apex, Cap'n Banshee, Madame Ghoulasha, Count Pacula, Mummy Wizard, Jean, Danny Vainglory, Obtuse, Eeghost, Dr. Pacenstein, Master Goo, The Pacinator, and King Spooky (AU belongs to @tf-rosesong)
Likes: Ghosts, Bacon, Animals, Wolves, Scenecore songs, Hot Topic, Music, Helping others, Video Games, Death Metal, Kandi bracelets, Fashion, Ice Cream, Pocky, Cake pops, Painting, Pizza, Going on secret dates with Betrayus or Cyli, Donuts, Popsicles, Mochi ice cream, Animes, The Netherworld, Chocolate, Mint, Brownies, Pac-It-In Burgers, Ogle's Infamous Slug-Dogs And Roach Burgers, Puppies, Nether monsters, Lolipops, Monster Energy, Boba Tea, Caprisun, Trixs, Mother Mother, Skelanimals, 2000s, Weebcore, Scenecore, Candy, Reese's Pieces, Internetcore, Horror Movies, Hot Topic, Her fans adoring her, seducing Pac-Worlders, Foxes, Stealing the repository and Tree Of Life with Betrayus (Formerly), Spending time with Cyli, Romance, Hanging out with the Ghost Gang, surfing, hover boarding, baseball, ice hockey, visiting her grandma, ice skating, basketball, soccer, swimming, her friends and family, justice, pranks, humiliating/teasing Skeebo with Betrayus' ghosts (Formerly), Being famous, Getting what she wants, joking off, S3RL, MCR, 6arelyhuman, Hastune Miku, Vocaloid, Theory Of A Deadman, Hanging out with Elliptica, Pac-Pong, ETC.
Dislikes: Betrayal, Liars, Making fun of, Thieves, (When Skeebo tried to steal her power berries.), Getting kidnapped (As she had once kidnapped by Betrayus or Dr. Buttocks in a few episodes.), Being seen as a damsel in distress, Being grounded from her electronics, Her friends and family in danger, Mathematics, Cheaters, King Spooky hurting Betrayus, Skeebo, bullies, snobbishness, unfairness, being humiliated, injustice, King Spooky (AU belongs to @tf-rosesong), ETC.
Quote: "Live from PacTokyo and Pacopolis, it's your girl! You know her, you love her! Sydney Lee Miller! -Sydney's first line in the TV series of season 3
● Like Pac, her parents mysteriously disappeared after The Great Pac-World War. She was too young to remember them.
● Her friend Spiral said that she’s stubborn like her mother.
● Sydney calls Cyli and Betrayus "Koibito," which means "Sweetheart" in Japanese.
● She met Betrayus during Halloween night, when she was 6 years old.
● Sydney was based on Marcline, Sticks The Badger, Princess Daisy, Ms. Chalice, and Nagisa (PreCure).
● She is the fifty-ninth Pac-Man female to be the protagonist villain of the show, the first being Mr. Wolf in the DreamWorks film of The Bad Guys.
● Her English and Japanese voice actress, Jessica DiCicco and Fairouz Ai, is best known for voicing Selina on Winx Club and Manatsu Natsuumi (Cure Summer) on Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure.
● Sydney also grew in PacTokyo with Elliptica before moving out of PacTokyo with her mother, two sisters, and younger brother. And her Uncle Cubois got a great job offer.
● Syd knows the location of the repository and Tree Of Life except all of the other ghosts in the Netherworld, including Betrayus, Dr. Buttocks, or Butt-ler.
● As for Syd, she has a big appetite like Pac when she's alive. But she's a ghost, she eats Slugs, Slug Dogs, Fried Slugs, Roach Burgers, Maggotroni & Cheese, Weevil Waffles, and Sludge Stew. Proving that she both like the Pac-World side and the Nether side.
● Sydney could sing better than Skeebo in Pacopolis, which could attract all of her fanboys and fangirls.
● Sydney was abused by Betrayus after she and him broke up during the Pac-World War. Her hair was red gradient before he made her a Pac-Walker AKA a Pac-Wolf. She really has to hide that identity from Pac or Cyli.
● She met Betrayus during Halloween night, when she was 6 years old.
● During the few episodes, Sydney has her own berry dispenser which resembles to Cylindria’s.
● Sydney can play the guitar, and quite decently so. She was taught by her older sister.
● She also can turn into an aqua ghost in "PacLantis".
● She can learn how to fix gadgets after Sir C taught her before the war when she was 11.
● As a Pac-Worlder like her, she can survive the Netherworld toxic air than other Pac-People without turning green or shrink.
● Sydney can spit and throw red slime and leave ectoplasm trails like any other ghost can. Even hide any Pac-Worlders like Cyli or Pac under her like Pinky does to Cyli in "Stand by your Pac-Man".
● Sydney has the standard abilities common to all Ghosts, such as flight, intangibility and possession. As she is already dead, she is incapable of being defeated if her ghostly form is eaten, and she will simply form a new one in a regeneration chamber.
● Like all other ghosts, Sydney is able to phase through surfaces such as walls since Betrayus trained her.
● President Spheros gave Sydney a chance at getting her body back in "No body knows".
● In "Rip Van Packle", Sydney has married Betrayus as a ghost and became queen. Even though, they had a child named Daniella.
● She knows Pac-Fu.
● While somewhat of an antagonist to Pac-Man, Sydney is not really "evil".
● During the Ghost Wars, she became Betrayus' guard dog when she's in her wolf form.
● Sydney is portrayed by Verosika Mayday and Beelzebub in Helluva Boss, which they can sing.
● She can deal with Skeebo by using her wolf powers and threatening him.
● She has a crush on Cyli. In a few episodes, she flirts with her a lot.
● Sydney's family was killed by Spooky when she was raised by her older sister, Mayumi along with her younger siblings, her grandparents, her uncle, her aunt, and her cousins. ● Sydney somewhat shares similarities with Verosika Mayday from  Helluva Boss and Hastune Miku which Sydney plays the role of a famous popstar. ● In "Rip Van Packle", the Japanese version of Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures, Queen Sydney's voice was Sakiko Uran who voices Poisonny from Futari Wa PreCure which would make her sound like an adult women.
● Sydney’s mother is kind of strict like Elliptica’s mom. (Mentioning the oc Radia Spheros by @ell-arts)
● Sydney tries to save Betrayus when she was in war by stopping Spooky from making Betrayus killing all of the yellow ones which includes Pac’s parents. Some nearby Freedom Fighters attempted to shoot Betrayus, but Sydney took the bullet and died.
● She is allergic to coyotes which makes her sneeze a lot.
● She has a via spell to turn into a Pac-Worlder and ghost which she can blend into the Pac-World side and the Nether side.
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forsakenkira · 3 months
@phntasmgoria / for guideau.
misa amane, the second kira. it's what she had defined herself by for so long. her modeling career had been what she thought she'd always remember herself by, but now it was tainted by death. she didn't regret any of the people she killed. they all deserved it, that she knew... it was letting light influence her that she'd always regret.
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perhaps that's why she'd held onto rem's note. perhaps she wanted a chance to use it on her terms for once. she never quite knew when that day would come, after kira's reign of toyko came to an end. when ryuk never bothered coming to collect her note, she thought it was a kindness... now she saw it for the cruelty it was. now, she would always be taunted by the fact it held no use, and yet forced to use it. she wanted to remember rem, remember ryuzaki.
and yet, when she least wanted or expected it, a reason seemed to fall in her lap. so, here she was, hunched over death note half in the dark. the only light source a half-burnt-out candle as misa was trying to hide what she was doing. always loyal misa, nothing would stop her from protecting who she loved.
...her commitment to secrecy only makes her nearly jump out of her skin when she hears guideau call her name.
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"guideau!" she says, arm quickly trying to cover the omen in front of her. "w-what are you still doing up so late?"
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yourkimjaejin · 11 months
12:04 pm ~ Juno ~ April 2023
"Juno, I know you're angry-"
"Angry?! I'm past angry. I'm tired. I worked for months, training and getting ready for a group you ripped away from me with no warning. I wanted to be in a group with Sungchan, Shotaro, Eunseok and Seunghan. Now, they'll be debuting without me and I'm left with no second group, again. At this point, I'm ready to call it quits and have AG as my only group. I kind of like having a regular schedule."
"There's no need to be hasty Juno-ssi. A part of AG's concept is every member has a second group. You and your fans have waited a long time for this and...and I'm prepared to make it worth your while."
"What do you have in mind?"
"Final decision?"
"You'll make the final decision. You'll review the boys progress week to week and at the end of the show, you will be the decider. Who debuts and who doesn't will be up to you. This group will ultimately be your group. Your second group."
"I get to decide who debuts?!? You trust me with that power."
"I trust you won't be biased."
"I want to be the leader."
"Excuse me?"
"You just said this is my group. I've looked at the ages of all these
kids. Someone need to protect them and that's gonna be me. I will join NCT Toyko if I get final decision and you name me the leader."
"And if we don't?"
"Well nothing really. Nothing to you or those boys. I'll happily remain a member of AG with no other group of my own."
"You have a deal. Juno, you're the new leader of NCT Tokyo."
"Was that a good idea? Demanding to be their leader. I can't count how many times you've called yourself lucky to not be in mine or Marks shoes." Mozy asked while she and Juno waiting for their drinks.
Juno sighs, "I had to. Did you see? Their ages? They're babies! Each one of them is either two to seven years younger than me. Six of them are about to be thrown into an industry where if you don't have a strong mind and a stronger support system it will chew them up and spit them out on the other side. A shell of who you once were." Juno pauses, trying to get her emotions in check. "Someone has to protect them. From SM, from the business, from themselves, it doesn't matter. If it has to be me, so be it."
Moxy smiles at the determination in her fellow members face, "Well, welcome to the leaders circle. We meet every third Tuesday of the month. We answer to Taeyong oppa and only Taeyong oppa. Lastly, our lines are always open should you need any leader-to-leader advice."
"Did you have that speech prepared?"
"Oh yeah! Mark stumbled his way through it for me. I figured I'd be saying to one of the boys but.....I'm glad its you. You'll make a great leader."
I've been trying to figure out what I was gonna do with Juno and the new group. I thought this idea was my favorite. Juno being a mother of six at age 23!! I kind of love it.
Taglist: @alixnsuperstxr / @1-800-call-ria / @sophrodite / @sunflower-0180
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rirururu · 2 years
Hot Take: The Current Arc of Tokyo Revengers is the Best One
I wasn’t caught up to the manga when I first got into the fandom. One thing I noticed right away was that there was a lot of hate going around from the most recent arc-- whether it be hate for a character(s) or hate for the manga in general. 
Now that I’ve read further (around chapter 235 now), I get it. Wakui has made characters do or say some really horrible things. The manga isn’t shying away from that. This arc in general feels like one big fuck-up. It’s written to be a fuck-up and it’s written that way on purpose. That doesn’t mean it makes people feel less frustrated. Some don’t know how to express that frustration in any other way than to claim that the manga is trash now or that Wakui has no idea what he’s doing--
Which I heavily disagree with.
Because through all the frustration and resentment that I also feel for what all these characters are doing and for the direction of the story-- this actually makes me love the manga even more. Wakui does know what he’s doing but people don’t like it because it’s not what they’ve been conditioned into believing he’s “supposed” to do. 
What is he “supposed” to do? It’s a shounen manga. People read it to feel good and hyped. They want to watch a main character fight heroically, be over powered, make all the best choices to save people, then get the girl in the end. The reason people hate this arc so much is the same reason why they complain about Takemichi not learning how to fight in a manga about gangs when not knowing how to fight is one of the major points of his entire character.
Hence, this arc does a ton of things that shounen manga and a lot of other manga in general “shouldn’t” do. First of all, Takemichi got the girl-- almost married her in fact, but gave all of that up to kickstart this arc in the first place. People say it’s bad writing. They claim that Takemichi not letting Mikey go to be with his girl was just bad writing to force the manga to be longer than it was. But it wasn’t. Because Takemichi’s biggest trait that’s been prominent since the first arc is that he doesn’t give up on people to the point of unhealthy obsession. Takemichi NOT going against everyone else’s wishes and leaving Hina behind to save Mikey would’ve been forcing his character into something he’s not just to make the manga end. Saying “well, his actions are foolish; I wouldn’t have done that” is not always a good reason to claim it’s bad writing.
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I like that Wakui took that direction because it shows that he’s aware of his characters and how they control the plot and story rather than the other way around. Wakui is allowing the characters to drive despite the road they’re being led in not being pretty.
Second of all, this arc shines a light on a very fatal flaw of the main character, giving him actual permanent consequences for acting that way, and letting characters call him out for said flaw. There are important characters in this manga (ie Chifuyu) who are very good people but who have very good reason to dislike Takemichi and no longer support him. But how could that be? Main characters in shounen have the protagonist halo, they charm everyone into following them. The protagonist’s best friend should be the supportive cinnamon roll who is always there for him. Up until this arc, that’s the kind of protagonist Takemichi was and that’s the kind of supporting character Chifuyu was. Now suddenly they’re not. Some people who stan characters like Chifuyu can’t handle that break from his troupe as a cinnamon roll so either stopped liking him or stopped liking Takemichi.
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And honestly? It makes sense people would react that way. Toyko Revengers had that status quo for the first 80% of the series. Most series would’ve stuck to the status quo because it’s what people are comfortable with, but Wakui didn’t do that here. Chifuyu isn’t some perfect sunshine who is going to forgive Takemichi for everything he does. Takemichi’s determined shouts of “I’ll save everyone” doesn’t mean he’s going to save everyone. He will and has already risked fucking up everyone’s future just to save one person because that’s in-character for him. I like this because it adds depth to both of their characters. They aren’t just one troupe or role in a story but rather act human. 
Then there’s Mikey. Oh boy. If people don’t hate the manga or hate Takemichi or hate some other character, then it’s likely that they at the very least hate Mikey (rhyme!). And I’m gonna be honest. They are totally justified in hating him. Does that mean that he’s badly written this arc and the Mikey we knew was retconned? Absolutely not. I see people’s surprised pikachu faces about how Mikey can suddenly be so brutal but that’s not it. He’s always had the potential to be this way. The reason why he comes off so brutal in this arc is because Wakui finally took the safety belt off, either wrote off or killed off everyone (minus Takemichi) dear to Mikey from his life, and let Mikey reap the full rewards for his fucked up brain. I’ve seen characters like Mikey before in series who we’re supposed to root for and are also capable and very well will do unforgivable things-- but these manga rarely follow through on it. Wakui did over and over, and it’s making a fan favourite character stir up a ton of controversy in the fandom.
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Mikey acting this way is enough of a knife to the heart of the fandom already, but the fact that Takemichi-- our main character permanently ruined everyone else’s futures just to try to save this fucked up person is what makes it hit even harder. Again, people read shounen manga to feel good. Wakui is pulling out all the stops possible to make us not feel good about this arc at all. Being able to time travel to fix previous mistakes sounds like wish fulfillment, an ideal dream, and we’re being told that it isn’t. No matter if Takemichi really can save Mikey or not, it doesn’t change the fact that people who shouldn’t have died have now died because of his own actions. Sure if we were given the same power then most of us wouldn’t make the same decisions Takemichi did, but somewhere down the line, we’re bound to mess up somewhere that could lead to a similar situation.
Basically, Tokyo Revengers started out as a great manga that fell in line with what most people would expect from it. These last few chapters have been turning nearly every one of those standards on its head and doing the exact opposite in order to push the characters and situation to their absolute limit.
But I think that’s what’s beautiful about this arc. There really aren't enough manga that do what this arc is doing for Tokyo Revengers nowadays.
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Behind the Scenes: Rin
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(from rin_leaders on instagram)
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nanapodcast · 1 year
Nana: A Review
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"Nana Komatsu is a young woman who's endured an unending string of boyfriend problems. Moving to Tokyo, she's hoping to take control of her life and put all those messy misadventures behind her. She's looking for love and she's hoping to find it in the big city. Nana Osaki, on the other hand, is cool, confident and focused. She swaggers into town and proceeds to kick down the doors to Tokyo's underground punk scene. She's got a dream and won't give up until she becomes Japan's No. 1 rock'n'roll superstar. This is the story of two 20-year-old women who share the same name. Even though they come from completely different backgrounds, they somehow meet and become best friends. The world of Nana is a world exploding with sex, music, fashion, gossip and all-night parties."
This is actually the first review I've done for a manga and I'm kind of excited and nervous. And if you want to know why it is because this is one of my favorite mangas to date, but I'm also nervous because there are a lot of people out there who don't consider manga a form of literature. They use words like "kiddie stuff" or "boring comics" to describe what I consider to be one of the highest art forms that we have. Better even than Marvel and DC, which I don't consider to be very interesting or worthy of review because they have gone through so many changes and re-tellings and parallel universes for me to care. Also superheroes who aren't Sailor Moon bore me (sorry). Now you know my stance and those of you who don't appreciate my sentiment are welcome to leave if you are offended. But to get back to the review. Where to start? Well, without giving too much away, I'd like to say that this series is perfect for any of you out there who really enjoy "slice-of-life" manga. Or just books in general that deal with people and their day to day lives where no magic or supernatural elements come along to gum up the works. It is also perfect for those who love rock bands and enjoy reading autobiographies about popular heavy hitters such as The Sex Pistols, Marylin Manson, and The Red-Hot Chili Peppers. This story follows the lives of two girls with the same name: Nana Komatsu and Nana Osaki, who meet on a train and end up living together in Toyko while they each pursue their dreams of love and career choices. Again without giving too much away, the trails that each of the girls go through are things that many of us can relate to in our day to day lives. And I'm not talking about whether or not that cute boy in biology class likes us, as most shojo-manga and many teen novels seem to do. The story tackles real life issues such as abortion, sex, cheating, abuse, lack of parental guidance, underage prostitution, as well as what it means to be individually independent. It is a gut-wrenchingly sad story that I think every young person should read because, even though the story has not been completed as of yet, there are pieces in it that will call to you and moments that you will have to revisit again and again as you grow older and begin to understand what it means to make adult choices. That's really all I can say about it for now because this is one review where I don't want to spoil any bit of the plot. Be aware though that copies of the Nana manga are not sold in Barnes and Noble anymore and are becoming increasingly hard to find. But if you keep your eyes peeled in second-hand bookstores there is usually a copy floating around somewhere and if that fails the internet is a solid back up. I promise it's worth every penny.
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tiny012 · 1 year
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This take aint it either.
It's shit too.
Especially the fact Keiko is an established J-Drama actor. Hell Her and Kotono was just in a drama not to long ago playing mother in law and daughter in law. Some people watch Fast and the Furious Toyko drift because of her.
This wasnt just a " Stunt Casting"...
Keiko is Sailor Moon Family anyway so how would this boost publicity when she already in the fam?
If you are an older Sailor Moon Fan ( Im going to leave the newbies out of this for a min) and watched other versions of Sailor Moon (besides the 90s anime version )and watched PGSM you know who she is already.
I could expose who said it but naw I aint.
Then they tried to backtrack and say established actors for those characters when someone called them out.
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a-tale-never-told · 7 months
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I honestly wouldn't blame her for getting pissed. What Nagito said earlier was uncalled for, dude. But at least it would be nowhere near as bad compared to the absolute roasting he would get if that was Chiaki's mom he was talking to.
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Pardon me, but why are we bringing Chaiki's mother into this?
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Have you ever heard of a person who goes by the name of Harumi Nanami?
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No, I have not? Is she highly famous or something? Because I know that Chiaki comes from a rich family, but I never understood how she reached that level of success at all. Care to elaborate on that fact?
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Well, let's just say that in 1980, an infamous murder happened at the Takamatsu Junior High School in Toyko. It began like any other normal school day, but the homeroom teacher for Class 2-B, Mizuki Yumiko didn't show up for class that day.
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S-So what happened to her? Did they ever find where she was?
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Eventually, they did, just... not in the way everyone was expecting. She was found dismembered, with her body parts placed into separate trash bags near the school incinerator, most likely to dispose of the evidence as quickly as possible.
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Oh my goodness...
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The police were stumped on how to conduct the investigation, even when one of the bags was opened and discovered by two students. One of the students managed to piece together who exactly committed the murder and led the police to the killer, a disgruntled former student of Mizuki.
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That quick?! I would've expected an investigation to take months to piece together, yet she solved that in just a few seconds!. How is that even conceivably possible?!
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Trust me, I have no idea how she did it, but within a day after solving the murder case, Harumi became the police's best forensics investigator, despite being a woman. In fact, she's probably the main reason why the police force hasn't utterly collapsed on itself due to the political and societal backlash it's been getting since the '60s.
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My underlying theory is that they're keeping her within the confines of law enforcement simply because of her unique and incredibly talented abilities as a forensics expert. After all, not many people can hold the claim of having solved and deduced 450 cases before in the span of four to five years.
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F-Four hundred and fifty?! B-But that's unrealistically impossible!!
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Nope, it's entirely realistic and believable for someone like her to accomplish that. She even formed a crew of some of the most well-renowned, highly skilled, and accomplished members in the law enforcement world, consisting of the police commissioner's son, his best friend, a lawyer, and the heir to the Kirigiri Clan, under her leadership.
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She's so well respected in fact that she even received two medals from not only the Prime Minister but also the Purple Heart from United States President Ronald Reagan himself, alongside Class 49, due to her contributions to fighting for the free world and her severe crackdown on narcotics and drug trafficking, despite her being from the Reserve Course.
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You're joking, right? This can't be real. It can't! There's absolutely no possibility that one person managed to accomplish the record of 450 CASES in the span of a decade, but also got awarded two highly prestigious medals by the Prime Minister and by Ronald Regan of all people! And being from the Reserve Course no less!! I'm... speechless right now.
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I mean, that's why they call her names like "The Terror Of Toyko" for a reason, I guess? But she's really an incredible person and kindhearted as well from what Chiaki described of her.
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Now, I bring this all up due to this simple fact: With a reputation as infamous and highly feared among multiple crime syndicates and criminals the world over as Harumi, whilst still being a member of the Reserve Course, you would think somebody would learn how to give respect to talentless people coming from the Reserve Course, but Nagito unfortunately doesn't understand that.
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So what you're basically saying is that Harumi is most likely going to absolutely murder Komaeda the moment he utters even a single sentence about his beliefs on talent and the Reserve Course to her, correct?
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Yep! I don't think she'll resort to murder, as that isn't what it appears like from a distance as well as considering her position in law enforcement, but considering Komaeda's statements earlier, she's going to be less than pleased if she meets him in person. Picking a fight with someone as insecure as Hajime is already low for your reputation, but picking a brawl with someone who has incredibly close ties to the legendary Class 49?
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Yeah, Nagito's basically screwed himself over at this point. There's no doubt about it, it's just a matter of time before he'll eventually get his comeuppance.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Jihope/hopemin going namjooning together how freaking cute is that? 🥰😍 oh to be that special privileged person that's able to see hobi's camera roll...😌😏
I love how the fandom calls going to a museum namjooning 🤣 Jimin and Hobis friendship is so precious. And I love how they always go on such cute little dates together whenever they travel anywhere! It's like their thing. It's AMAZING and so cute. Every place they go they would go out to eat, or go shopping or go to a museum or go out somewhere fun together. It's the best. I love those two so much!
Going out to eat!
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Shopping and a meal
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2016 vs 2023 museums!
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Toyko Disney!
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They are just.... the absolute cutest and I'm in love with them and their love for each other and how much fun they always have together 😍🥰
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chidoroki · 1 year
Toyko Revengers S2EP8
aka: literal back up
Takemichi your blood is pouring out of you like a freaking faucet, how are you still standing after these hits??
Well damn! He actually got a good punch in Taiju’s face!
He.. fell to his knees? Is the stab wound finally getting to him maybe? There’s no way one hit from Takemichi could be that bad.
“Hakkai, fighting your hardest isn’t painful. What’s most painful is.. being all alone.” I wish that didn’t hit as hard as it did.
“Holy shit, partner,” It’s so precious when Chifuyu calls him that.
Oh.. Hakkai never did take those beating for Yuzuha, it was still her protecting him all this time. No wonder she was so driven to killing Taiju.
I’m glad almost everyone in this church agrees that Hakkai lying about protecting her was a shitty move.
All the emotions finally made Hakkai serious about fighting back.
Oh they’re right! He’s fighting to beat Taiju, not kill him anymore. That’s the change we needed.
And the boy is actually blocking punches! About time someone in the series did that.
Okay Taiju you really need to chill the hell out with all those shots to his head!
Ah fucking hell, all the Black Dragons did surround the church.
Mitsuya is so sweet when it comes to Yuzuha and she appreciates him like the older brother she deserves.
Oh my god, the way they hid the bruises on her face while she was speaking to her mother’s grave until she started crying.. that was so good it’s heartbreaking.
She actually had Kisaki’s number too huh? He didn’t just show up as an unknown caller?
Of course it was him that gave her the knife too.
Yeeaah Mitsuya and Chifuyu getting on their feet again to fight off Koko and Inui too! Back up coming in spades!
Ow the messed up leg looked like it really hurt my boy!
No way.. Mikey and Draken actually showed up! I doubted it honestly but hell yeah!
And he just.. walked up the stairs to the church no problem? All those Black Dragons let him pass? I know he’s strong but there’s no way he beat up a hundred dudes that quick and easily, even with Draken with him.
Ohh yeah, I dunno what he’ll think of the broken contract.. there could very well be hidden rage behind that smile of his. At least he was nice enough to wish them all a Merry Christmas upon entering?
Random speculation, but maybe Inui is a traitor? When Koko asked who could’ve called Mikey after they all heard him arriving, he looked towards Inui who didn’t really have any sort of reaction. And maybe that’s why Mikey was able to enter the church so easily, because as we learned a couple episodes ago, Inui & Koko are currently in charge of Black Dragon since Taiju was supposed to just be praying all day, so the forces outside probably let Mikey pass due to Inui’s orders? That is if he even called him in the first place. I dunno, just my two cents.
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