#Trading Bot Cs Go
onlineclonescript · 2 years
AIS Technolabs is an industry leading Online CSGO Skin trading bot makes your trade, secure, and instant, which is not on the Steam marketplace. Buy and sell CSGO trade bot items through our reliable bots, manage your inventory, and have peace of mind with our 24/7 live chat service.
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parachuter · 2 months
H'lo!! I've recently gotten back into league, and I've started maining Jhin again, but it's been a while since I last played him.
Do you have any advice, or things I should keep in mind?
it's been a HOT MINUTE since I played jhin/ranked regularly but i've got general adc and specific jhin tips under the cut
keep in mind I'm D3 from a few seasons ago, generally playing anywhere from high Emerald to low Masters lobbies in norms nowadays so there's still a lot of room for me to learn!
A few general ADC timings ->
Tempo is HUGE in League, because in between the fighting, it's essentially a "turn-based" game. Your turns are limited by a number of things on the map, but largely by minion waves.
This is especially important to Jhin as he's an early-game bully who is likely to have control over the lane state.
Most ADCs will know what a freeze/slow push is, but won't know why or when to do this (takes experience, usually helps to look at high elo vod reviews). I can't go into everything here but here's a few key things I notice people struggle with!
"I want to recall for strong item/component": most ADCs know you want to crash wave into tower before recalling (this will reset the wave in the middle of the lane by the time you're back from shopping and you will likely make the enemy lose ~0.5-1 wave if they died/were forced to recall/are pressured under tower
Why is this timing important?
It lets you shop + have an additional action on the map. Right out of base you (and your support) have many options based on the map state. For example:
Run to dragon if JG is ready -> enemy bot will need to decide if they are willing to drop pressure in the lane to fight or come late to the fight but push the wave into tower
Support could run mid to gank while you go bot, the wave will be in a good state for you to farm safely because YOU set it up that way
You can both run bot and repeat the cycle
A mistake I tend to see is that many ADCs will greed for an extra plate and completely miss their recall timing (e.g., they stayed for an extra plate so the wave is already coming out from enemy tower by the time they recall, they are late to lane which gives the enemy a chance to get control of the wave, this could mean you lose CS, plating on your tower, a kill, an objective etc.). It's rarely worth it to stay for an extra plate unless it'll help you hit your item breakpoint or you're able to stay for 1 more wave and crash it safely.
^I also see people who want to recall but get pressured by their JG to take dragon - this will make you extremely late coming back to lane, dragon is typically best taken if you just killed a bot laner (for #s advantage), are coming straight from base, or have crashed the wave and don't need to recall yet (you give up pressure, but dragon is a good trade if you feel you can get pressure back)
If you are Jhin, you NEED to snowball to be strong otherwise you WILL NOT keep up with other crit ADCs by mid-game. You can do this through kills AND by making your opponent bleed resources.
2. "The team wants to do baron/mid-game dragon": You'll likely be switched with mid at this point, mid-lane should be pushed out before going to an objective - your minions will provide you vision of the lane and if it's NOT pushed out, you may end up trading an objective for waves/tower(s)/inhib.
^Keep timings for objectives in mind; if your team is planning to fight for a Baron, ideally you'll have shopped already if needed - even if a big bot wave is coming into tower, Baron grants kill gold and EXP on top of the buff - hopefully your top laner has TP and can clear the wave before coming to the fight (LOL).
for specific Jhin advice ->
"Do I need to leash?" in 2024 technically no JG absolutely needs a leash with the new items. Even if Jhin is a lane-bully, there are still match ups that are very difficult for him at LVL 2/3, (Lucian, Trist etc.). In this case, it's best to not leash and try to get lane pressure and minions early to hit LVL 2 first and chunk out the enemy ADC to reduce the pressure you'll be facing later on. Worst case scenario in a bad lane is if you leash but the enemy doesn't. There may even be cases where you're stronger early and don't leash if you're not great at it (e.g. Karma support) or if you feel you can cheese the enemy in their brush without losing the extended trade, but that's case by case. If your lane is stronger/neutral OR if you will not be able to out-push for LVL 2 (e.g., vs. Draven, usually), you should leash.
Manage your mana! Jhin is a caster and heavily relies on his mana for set up/damage, I commonly see players dump a lot of mana into the waves (e.g., using Q or W to last hit VERY often versus trying to CS with autos) If you're a bully like jhin/cait that wants to get push and pressure the enemy under tower, the best scenario is hitting both the enemy and the wave with your abilities (good enemy laners will position away from the wave in a poke lane, but any time you use an ability on the wave or miss an ability it gives them a timer to fight back)
I didn't snowball, now what? If you didn't snowball in early game, you're mostly utility until late which can feel quite bad (this is doubly-true if you're lethality Jhin). Continue to gather the farm that you can but be present for big fights with your utility. Use that ultimate! It's a short cooldown by mid-game and is great to help your team get picks even if you don't get the kill; don't hold it exclusively to snipe a low health enemy at the end of a fight.
Builds are adaptive! Every game is different, be flexible!
TLDR; learn wave management and tempo especially on strong early game champs, jhin needs to snowball through kills and bleeding enemy resources otherwise he's a utility bot till late game, don't go OOM dumping spells into the wave, use your ultimate for picks/poke as needed, leashing is game dependent, and adapt your build per game
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crystalelemental · 10 months
Unit Teambuilding - Elaine
Who invited Let's Go here? I didn't think anyone liked Let's Go. I sure as hell don't. Ugh, whatever. There's like three unique characters to Let's Go, at least this will go quickly. But hey, if it doesn't, maybe Victor can be released from being the poster child for Reddit Fuckboys as the Let's Go male protagonist becomes the new face of "male characters are treated badly despite still being the majority of characters in the series."
General Overview Elaine feels oddly familiar. I can't quite tell why. She has some pretty good traits, though. A big one is her Trainer Move, which gives +3 crit automatically, and depending on grid skills, gives +2 to either defensive stat, +1 to both offenses, and even +1 evasion to herself. Her TM is only 1MP, but it's refreshed each use of Quick Attack thanks to her passive, which means she can snowball most stats. In addition, it has a slight 10% healing effect that isn't fantastic, but because it's persistent, it can kinda add up, which...again, just feels really familiar. Per attack, she's able to inflict Trap, Confuse, or Flinch, only one of which is of any general use so good luck with those odds, while grid skills could include debuffing either offensive stat for better survival. With access to Synchro Healing, she holds a good amount of restoration ability for a stall team, so like...sure, premium stall, never bad. And oddly, she has one of the best 5/5 grids I've seen, with some frankly bonkers traits. A second roll of interference and +2 PMUN each sync at 4/5, and Safety Net and a moderate self-heal on Trainer Move use at 5/5. Those are nasty, with someone calculating the odds of AoE flinch with two rolls at 54%. Anni Skyla is a fantastic disruption unit with just 50%. And that recovery potential is quite impressive, depending on the amount healed by her 5/5 node. Every other turn recovery in a large enough amount, with boosted defenses, makes her nearly immortal.
The problem with Elaine is nothing is fast or consistent. Her TM gives +1 of PMUN or SMUN, but it's random which is provided to the team, which doesn't help almost anyone because it's unpredictable. Her ability to flinch would be great, but being selected randomly from two other, much worse effects makes that passive fairly poor, and it's only improved to a reasonable rate at 4/5, which is a tall order. Without 4/5 though, she's kinda just a slow buffing bot, averaging out to +1 per turn, assuming no disruptions like sync to your rotation, and thus being unviable for 3v3. Any debuffing also means attacking, which you want AoE for Swift, but you need Quick Attack specifically for the TM MPR, which is single-target, so again, atrocious at 3v3. Seriously, this feels really familiar. The default healing for allies is also just 10%, which is fairly inconsequential no matter how much you focus on that two-turn rotation. It is her only means of healing aside from popping Protect, so there's not a ton she can call on, especially with Half HP Recovery on in CS, which is generally a free condition. The big issue is I can't think of much that she clearly supports. Like there are options, I suppose, but not a whole lot I'd consider her proficient at. She has this incredible set for Gauntlet, but is kinda absolute trash at CS, which is...just...like...
Oh my god, she's Ball Guy. But with less utility, because she can't status or outright remove buffs, so her solo count will be worse, in exchange for slightly better performance at buffing crit rate at least. I'm not sure if it was a good trade.
EX, Role, and Move Level? Elaine's a support, so definite EX utility, especially given she's mostly a sustain bot with relatively low HP. Move Level is similar. Her base kit isn't great, so I do feel like she really needs the utility of 3/5 to matter. Her role is, of course, Tech. So like. Sure, girl. I guess it aligns well enough to Gauntlet.
Team 1: Elaine, NY Dawn, R!Cynthia/Lucian For as slow as she is, NY Dawn remains excellent at stuff like this, thanks to receiving double the buff. A single use of TM followed by two AoE attacks means +4 offenses and possibly an AoE flinch if Elaine is lucky. The confuse also saves Dawn a turn, letting her focus on debuffing Atk or putting on heavy Ghost-damage pressure. R!Cynthia is your Ghost Zone if you have it, Lucian is a good debuff bot if you don't. It'll take about as long for Elaine to cap his offenses as he takes to debuff the foe so it evens out okay.
Team 2: Elaine, Koga/BP Erika, Janine Elaine has some very nice tools to maintain a stall presence in the 15k meta. 3/5 access to boosting both defenses and packing Synchro Healing is frankly excellent...but her kit is spread out such that you can't acquire everything you want at once. She needs the debuffing of someone like Janine to really secure safety. Depending, however, you can focus exclusively on Toxic with the third partner, since Elaine can inflict AoE trap. Rerolling to ensure that's what you hit is a viable option. HOWEVER! I must warn you, Elaine has a critical flaw as a Stall Support, if you're not familiar with the pitfalls inherent in her kit. Specifically, you do not ever want to flinch someone when stalling. Especially center. It leads to them getting a second sync off on you (or third if they're really resistant to the damage/have Sync Cure or whatever). This, needless to say, is bad. Always aim your Quick Attacks at the right side after they've acted; they won't act against until center is down so they're incredibly safe to hit.
Team 3: Elaine, Bianca It has been a while since I've talked Gauntlet, but Elaine's specialty is Gauntlet so let's discuss a few. First, and perhaps most critical of all: Terrakion. Elaine is able to debuff both offenses, buff both offenses, and has room for +2 Def or Sp Def. Terrakion is going to eat shit. Bianca is the perfect check to it, packing Psychic Terrain in her kit, and being able to dish out respectable on-type damage with Stored Power. Her self-setup is her point of weakness, which means Elaine is a great solution. Elaine's refusal to consume gauges makes her proficient even with a slower pair like Bianca, so gauge shouldn't be too much of a concern.
Team 4: Elaine, Serena/Lodge Irida Another pretty simple one: Cobalion. Serena needs full crit support, easily supplied here, and otherwise reaps the benefits of Elaine's debuffing and buffing combination. Serena's good enough as a nuke that Sleep can be applied into a kaboom, with very little issue. Another excellent option is Lodge Irida. Flare Blitz has its recoil removed by Elaine's persistent HP recovery, and Irida is able to flinch lock sorta kinda 50% just ignore that. Admittedly, my first impulse was to do Flint, because Elaine has Team Pinpoint Entry, but then I realized that's still not enough to ensure Fire Blast hits. Base Leaf it is, buddy. Worth noting: if you can't sleep Cobalion, use Protect against Sacred Sword in Bar 3. Elaine might tank it, but she's weak to Fighting and it's best to not mess with it.
Team 5: Elaine, Marshal Ooh, Marshal. I admit, I have a strange affection for him now. I really don't know why, I don't like Conkeldurr, and the rest of Unova's E4 are preferred. I think my own tendency to love the least favorites of something worked against even my own interests and now I kinda like him. Anyway, Registeel. Elaine and Marshal both have flinch chances, with Marshal also having a guaranteed Def drop on Rock Smash and Relentless sync nuke. Elaine is able to give him all the offensive stats he's hysterically lacking, and thanks to the joint recovery, they actually get decently far. It's worth noting, another option you have is Bruno with Tech Hitmontop or anything like that. Bruno has Smart Cookie for Sp Def, but it's rare he can boost it. Elaine can on TM though, in the same grid she's debuffing offenses and buffing his. So that's an option, as long as he has a means of debuffing Defense so he can deal damage.
Final Thoughts I imagine you get the idea by now. Elaine is pretty solid as a Duo-ist in Gauntlet, but her general CS performance is questionable. She has some good tools for Stall, at least in stages less focused on heavy single-target damage that she can't heal off. 10% isn't really that exceptional, so she definitely relies on having enough defensive backbone to not take much damage. Which is dangerous in stages that play aggressively, like Flint and Glacia's CS stages that will punch your soul in half.
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mushrxxmlol · 5 months
Tips that I gave my friend to help them climb in ranked as a support main
Okay so I kind of ramble on and I don't have the most linear way of explaining things, but I'll do my best. The main thing I noticed when they asked me to tell them the things they were doing wrong was, while they knew what their most important abilities were for their champions (Nami bubble, Janna tornado, Nautilus hook, etc.) they didn't understand that you need to have a purpose behind using them. If you just spam them out as poke or to hit minions, you're kind of wasting the abilities and making yourself weaker for the next 5-10 seconds. Even if you land them, if your ADC has no way of following up then it can just lead to the enemy seeing you no longer have that ability and then they can abuse you for it. So it's very important to learn to wait until the right moment when your ADC is in position to follow up, you know you won't get ganked by the enemy jungle, you know what abilities the enemy has and don't have up, and you know that you have the advantage in a trade or all-in. Along with that it's important to know that, that also applies the other way around. If you ever see someone miss their important ability and you still have yours up and all the other conditions are met, then you can instantly turn it around on them and punish them for their blunder.
The next thing I noticed was they didn't know when to roam or where to be on the map and I'm here to say the very simplified version of when you should do such things. You want to roam or go to ward when you see that the enemy minion wave is pushing into you (you can easily tell just by seeing if they have more minions than you do). That way the ADC can farm safely and not be in danger by walking up for minions and also doesn't have to give up CS because they are all alone with no support. Along with that I want to say that you normally don't need to go mid unless you see that your mid laner is being pushed in and needs help OR there is a gank happening mid so you want to be there to back it up. Next for the game after laning phase, bot lane will generally switch with mid lane because it is the shortest lane and has easier access to both sides of the map since it's in the center of it all. Because of those things mid lane is very good at accelerating whoever is in the lane by allowing them to go to more fights and get CS faster, which is why you want your ADC there and since the support follows the ADC it let's 2 people have access to more of the map easier rather than just the 1 person if mid lane stayed there. Mid lane should generally stay on a side lane and farm, but its a lot more nuanced than that and we can get into it in another post. The next thing I noticed was they didn't auto attack often as support which I think most supports in lower elos don't auto attack as often as they should to be fair. The importance of it might not seem like a lot if you look at the damage of just one auto attack, but the fact is that if you aren't auto attacking you are just losing DPS because you don't lose anything from doing it. So it makes fights a lot harder for your ADC, ESPECIALLY if the enemy support is remembering to auto attack when you aren't. So while it is just a little thing that many people forget about, it is an essential part of being a good support even though it is overlooked a lot by people when it comes to the role.
The last thing I wanted to talk about was how they didn't understand wave management and so I'm going to describe it as easy as possible because it is a lot to take in and learn for anyone. You do NOT need to hit or push minions unless it's for one of these reasons. Reason one, you want to get a level advantage so you can fight while you are a level ahead (generally done early into the laning phase, hitting the minions in the first two waves to hit level 2 first so you have more abilities to fight with while they are still level 1). Reason two, to push the wave under the enemy tower so you can have lane priority when your jungler invades or is doing dragon. Reason three, to buy you time to leave lane and roam on the map or go help with something nearby. Reason three, to get a reset off, buy items, and regenerate health/mana (you generally want to recall when the cannon wave is COMING to lane, NOT when it's already there and in the middle of lane). Other than these reasons, there is no reason for you to push the lane. Now if the enemy team has a massive wave and your ADC wants to freeze, they may thin out the wave a bit, but that does not mean you have to unless you know what you are doing or they ping to kill minions.
I think that's a good amount to talk about today, I don't know how often I'll do this or if anyone will ever even see this let alone be interested in it; But I will post again none the less because it's fun to talk about for me and a nice outlet. Thank you for reading if you did! :D
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csmeanerr · 11 months
some people care about pop designs, some about community and activities and some are there for pure trading. As funny as it sounds Im a species nerd 100% xD, im in a ton of cs for activities and there's no way im paying more than 20$ for a myo(and its only when i know its worth supporting the species), especially if I don't know what species is it even from because most of those non popular species have little no things to actually do in them. Max i can do for unknown myos is give you an art because it doesn't have any worth for me no matter if you paid 5/20/100$ or gave for it ton of artwork and characters. Pop designs are popular because they are from pop artists or species is made by one and its a completely different thing going on in art community in general. But my point is everyone will have their own value for things you offer, the value isn't the price number on the ML, sometimes its the artist that they love, the design itself, the possible usage of the thing you offer. the "CS circle" is not one big hivemind that look for one thing, it might look like it because of the trading community that look for pop things to keep it or just resell a bit later for profit or trade for other things and there's me looking if there's stuff to do in the species, because there's like a plague of species that launch and have literally nothing to do other than buying adopts and then they die because people just leave. and all of them have this boring work bot because they wanted to rush the launch as quick as possible. And people don't want to spend their time looking if your myo is from a species that is okay to join or is just mindless Cash grab for adopts and myo sales with just one most basic prompt every few months. And they know what they want already, and you are the one coming to them with the myo they don't care about screaming about its value when its worth nothing to them.
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gleenlaura · 2 years
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Unit Teambuilding - Lodge Irida
Oh boy, she got Flareon!  I can’t wait to see if she synergizes with Ada-why is it a Tech?
General Overview Let me put some fears to rest.  Despite Adaman’s rather poor showing as a Lodge pair, Irida comes in as a surprisingly alright Fire tech.
Irida offers some solid damage potential, with a sync nuke above Serena but below Anni N, which I think speaks well of her.  The problem is, the main condition is Burn, and her damage comes from four sync nodes rather than good multipliers.  In fact, her only real multiplier is Scorching Sync 5, so better hope you can burn the foe.  Oddly, the better utility for Irida is her DPS, which is an odd thing to say about a tech unit.  Irida got Flare Blitz with Standfast 9, which is legitimately respectable damage, hovering above Ethan’s Eruption but below Blarcanine’s Hyper Beam.  Unlike Lodge Gloria, however, she did not get First Aid and Super Preparation 4 built in.  In fact, no SEUN at all, and First Aid 4 is a grid skill.  Instead, Irida focuses on Fire Fang utility, with Aggravation 2 and Hostile Environment 2.  Which, to clarify a thing I learned today, is actually good?  Wulfric’s issues made me think Fang moves only hit status or flinch, but never both.  Apparently Volkner can hit both, and thus Irida can too.  This is news to me.
Grid offers another Aggravation 2 and Hostile Environment 2, putting her moves at 50% burn, and Fang at a 50% flinch.  Which...admittedly, there’s been better.  In fact, a 50% flinch rate is objectively worse than the majority of flinch bots.  Thorton has a more reliable flinch.  And with Burn being the worst status in the game, with very little outright utility and minimal supplemental damage, this is...not a worthwhile trade.  The fact that the Burn is so integral to her sync and all of her multipliers, while being so wildly inconsistent, is her biggest flaw.
There are two upsides, though.  Irida’s offenses are very well aligned to both modes, with Fire Fang being great in Gauntlet with the heavy disruption it provides, and Flare Blitz being ideal in CS where the high DPS will easily tear down sides for denials while permitting an EX Support taking first sync.  Irida has flexibility across both modes, provided someone helps her otherwise poor self-setup for offensive stats.  The other big upside is there’s an ideal partner in SS Acerola, who sets Sun, caps attack and crit very easily, and stacks moves up next for Irida to just blast people with.  Additionally, Adaman isn’t a perfect partner by any means, but access to Sinnoh Pride and his defense drops does give a very nice increase in damage potential.
I’d say Irida hovers somewhere around mediocre.  There’s nothing exceptional in this kit, but it’s serviceable.  There have definitely been worse outcomes.  But I think her problem is that she fails to stand out compared to others in her role.  Other recoil DPS units don’t have positive conditions gimping their BP.  Other flinch bots get 60%, not 50%.  Most tech units set up their nuke with like...actual reliability, not a coin flip.  I can’t envision a world where Lodge Irida stands out, but she can at least get a job done if Silver’s busy.
EX and Move Level? I...don’t know.  I feel like her DPS set is good enough to manage without EX, but as a 4* Tech with a lot of needs, the 3/5 is pretty mandatory if you’re going to try anything.
Team 1: Lodge Irida, Hop/Sonia, Blaine/Silver Let’s start with a fairly free one.  Hop covers all of Irida’s needs, while Blaine provides Sun.  Simple, easy, effective.  As an alternative, Irida can work dual strike with Silver, thanks to Silver’s sync setting Sun.  Sonia is able to buff relevant stats, including Speed for Silver’s Inertia, and debuffs defense per hit.  Notably, Hop is about to get his EX, so both of these emphasize DPS over Irida’s sync.
Team 2: Lodge Irida, SS Morty, Colress/Eevee Lucas/Flannery SS Morty can work well with Irida.  Two X Atk from Irida, Morty caps crit and supplies the coveted Sun, then you pick a direction.  Colress is when Irida focuses strictly on DPS, giving spread Screech debuffs and accuracy debuffs for survival.  Otherwise, Eevee Lucas and Flannery provide burns, with Lucas providing a bit better team support while Flannery...is present and easier on gauge?
Team 3: Lodge Irida, Lodge Acerola, Tech Ninetales/Tech Lickitung Alright, let’s talk Gauntlet, and where Irida’s sync starts to matter.  Lodge Acerola is referenced due to her ability to dodge, and quickly buff a lot of what Irida needs offensively.  Tech Ninetales offers Sun, while Tech Lickitung is defense drops and trap for Uxie.  Irida herself aims to burn, but can also spam Fire Fang in these scenarios, due to what I believe is flinch being the priority over burn.  Notably, Cobalion does not become immune to flinch, so you have an in.
Team 4: Lodge Irida, Adaman, Aaron Sinnoh stacking.  I feel like this is one of those objectively bad ideas that technically works out but not the way I’d want.  Irida benefits from Adaman’s perma-sun and Sinnoh Pride passive, but Adaman is likely to just take over all damage anyway if permitted.  Aaron is the chosen partner due to buffing all of Irida’s relevant offenses, and generally keeping the team alive well, while maximizing Pride.  This gives Irida a full 50% bonus move damage and Sun.  The only downside is she’s on her own for burns.
Final Thoughts Lodge Irida is not particularly great, but I’d be lying if I said she was all that bad either.  I think her real selling point is the Flare Blitz DPS.  Sync is respectable, but requires Burn to function, and that necessitates luck or teambuilding around that mechanic instead of things like defense drops.  I do think Irida succeeds.  But I also question whether she’ll be particularly effective.  There are just a few things that worry me about her consistency.  But we’ll see.  Or, more specifically, I’ll see.  I said if she had Flareon I’d EX and Level 150 her, and I am creature of my word.
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