#TransID tips
nabitalks Β· 2 months
I've used this website so many times
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doctordeathawaits Β· 3 months
Helllo! May I have some tips for a transcultleader? Thank youuu!
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Log / archive your ideology ! What is your cult all about ? What is it's beliefs ? Is it specifically about you , or are you the messenger of something bigger ? Write all about it - in a journal , digital document , you can even make a website for people see the messages your spreading !
Establish rules and roles - are you the highest power ? Or is there something more ? Are there roles under you that have little / to no power ? Do these roles have tasks , rules , identities ? Document it all - it will be useful for your followers !
Spread your word ! Making fults on here is very popular and a great way for euphoria !! Make discord servers for your followers to join and interact !
For euphoria - you can tell c.ai about your ideology ! See how fast you can get them to believe in you , to be devoted for you !!
While not a lot - i hope this can still help a little bit to start off your transition !! Stay safe and Happy transitioning !!
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vocalux Β· 4 days
Can you coin transxenic? Meaning wishing you identified with xenogenders/xenopronouns? /nf
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β€” transxenic [ trans-xenic ]
when an individual wants to use / identifies using xenogenders !
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veiledwaltz Β· 4 months
Hello. Do You Think You Could Give Us Tips For TransHistrionic? Maybe TransHipster? We Are Attention Seekers.
i'll do my best. transhipster coming later.
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transhistrionic tips.
do NOT let yourself feel satisfied with your achievements unless you've been acknowledged by other people. your business is everyone's business, and it's absolutely crucial that all of your accomplishments are acknowledged by the people around you.
it doesn't matter if its negative or judgemental, attention is attention. think of ways you can make yourself stand out, any focus you can garner from others is a win. don't hesitate to criticise someone for stealing your spotlight
consider using triggers to induce physical discomfort whenever you are not the center of attention. disregard all shame. pay close attention to your looks, they can get you what you want. don't tolerate frustration or disappointment from other people.
it may also help to keep track of your symptoms and experiences. log them daily, it could prove useful when engaging with medical professionals, or if you need a confidence boost about your progress.
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doublefantasyqueer Β· 2 months
tips for transcrystal/crackaddicts!!
get yourself a crack/meth pipe. you can buy them at any paraphernalia shop, and sometimes pipes without bubbles (spheres at the end) are sold as "love roses" if you wanna be more discreet
then if you want to take it a step further, you could burn sugar in there. it'll make your pipe look like it's been used, and it creates white smoke. if you want to inhale it, please be careful because I don't know if the sugar itself is harmful to your lungs, but inhaling smoke is always harmful
I've got a photo of how my pipe looked like after my experimentation under the cut
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the water droplets are there because I tried to clean it with water and couldn't get the water out lol. I probably should have taken a photo beforehand. protip: if you want to clean your pipe, look up how to do that first
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paran0rmalphen0mena Β· 4 months
Hey local freaks who wants to talk about wilderness survival (& possibly butchering in the field-) with me, especially for transition reasons (this is me begging on my knees like a dog you can’t see me but I am) even if you’re never actually going to use it.
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francislikeseverybeing Β· 9 months
Tips For You! :3
Transblind Get no vision contacts (get your eyes measured by a doctor before picking a size to prevent eye damage) Transcultist Join a fult or start a fult (if you join or start a fult make sure it has a safe word and boundaries set up) Transharmed Depends on the type if you are transabused or transgroomed maybe seek out somebody who is transabuser or transgroomer to participate in consensual abuse or grooming (remember to set up a safe word and boundaries when doing such)
Eep! Thank you! (So much /pos)
I have these glasses that I painted over with black to help reduce my vision, as well as backup goggle-thingies, it’s very helpful! My room also has dim lights, has things labeled in brail (only a couple stuff for now) and is usually kept clean-ish (I try okay 😭) so that I can just wear sleeping masks
I have! So far not much but it’s very exciting that I can love our lord and savior NAGIASM (I know for a fuckn fact I am misspelling that I am so sorr-) all mostly/silly
Iv been looking for someone like that, I usually just write darkfic n stuff. I also sometimes RP with friends! Unfortunately I have a ton of shame regarding my Transharmed identity (since it’s usually trans-stuff I’ve actually been through)
thanks for the tip friend!
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cisnpd guy talks about his personal experience with npd that could technically be taken as tips for transnpd'rs. sooo have fun :3
[careful this can. be harmful 2 your mind. transition with caution + remember you dont have 2 transition 2 be valid!! ily & stay safe <3]
> a thing i run into a lot is just jokingly insinuating im better or that i deserve things. its easy to slip into just sayinh things like "why cant i do [thing] i think i deserve it ngl" and starting to truly believe that hey i do deserve that. am being delt an Injustice.
> or just thinking you deserve something in general. even something small, like if someone has something and you think you should have it too or even start thinking about stealing it
> paranoia about what people think of you. public perseption n stuff. ESPECIALLY people you respect. its easy to discard someone who doesnt "matter" to your npd mind, but someone you respect saying anything negative of you? DESTROYING. utterly fucking shattering.
> they say your being annoying? go to the spiral boy \silly (aaaaaaaA
>specifically obsessing over a specific person's opinion of you n trying to get their approval is a thing that happens to me VERY often. especially to people who are usually cooler than me and dont care :'3
delusions of grandeur ohhh god babeyyy
> thinking things like "im literally the best and im awesome + basically immortal" ect when something distressing happens is a big habbit of mine. it makes sense in the moment (and youre just comforting yourself anyways, right? so who caress, really? <- guy whos pretending this is normal voice)
> comforting the prev brought up point of the person you care about the opinion of thinkinh bad of you by deciding that its okay because theyre just being silly its probably not ACTUALLY that bad, right? (remember to have healthy conversations in these scenarios too :'3)
> justifying that the person you care about rhe opinion of probably does like you when you get nervous about it because youre so cool and basically on their level anyways
ego crasshesss ugh
> when you get into the mindset that caused all this (for me anyways) that youre below everyone else and that youll never be able to make it
> (personally i think this is the reason for my other symptom, to try and pretend that im better then everyone else to cope because i feel so much worse)
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nabitalks Β· 2 months
Me and my friend Jiae @transvirtualangel are looking for more transkoreans / transidols to join our kpop group. we don't know how it would work, it'll just be a big group of people who share the same ID I guess.
If you are transkorean / transidol, dm me or jiae!
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doctordeathawaits Β· 5 months
hi!!! do you have any tips for transmissingperson or transkidnapped?
exam stress is kicking our ass but we back on the grind !!
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For euphoria , using editing programs to make missing posters / missing person alerts of yourself with the wanted information can help !
You can print the said posters and tape them to your wall near posters , calling it an edgy art project !
Make sure you have trusted people to help with transition before starting to go more extreme - people who understand boundaries , respect safewords and make sure your comfort is top priority !
Before extreme transitioning , you can try to be more social / talkative - as people would be more likely to get worried and rule out a missing alert quicker when not seeing you for a short period of time !
When going for extreme transition , get another phone , you can get a burner phone from simple local stores . You can use that phone instead , while turning off your first phone - turning it on only when wanting to be tracked .
You can log out of your most known social media accounts ( ones that you post pictures of yourself , most people in your life know of ) - so that activity doesn't show !
Make sure you have a safe place to stay with a trusted person ! Make sure to have accouple of backup safe-places in case the original spot doesn't work out !
Try to think everything out - make the incident happen at night , as it's more likely of someone to go missing during the night !
Hope this helped , remember to stay safe and good luck ! < 3
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vocalux Β· 17 days
does anyone know of a good account with tips for transid ? that is active ?
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many-of-mycelium Β· 1 month
does anyone have any advice for a cisraceless being to transition to being mixed race (white + black) ?? it would help me a lot !! ^^ /not forcing /genuine
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rqtestcentre Β· 2 days
May I have a test? I don't have a specific one in mind.
Absolutely you may, it'll just be a basic diagnostic exam, 23 questions long. We'll keep it short and sweet for you and if you have any questions after the exam we'll be happy to get it figured out! Please DM to start the test
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d0v3-di3t Β· 2 months
Can I get tips for dropping 60 pounds within 19 days,,,? (160~ at 5’2” attempting to drop to 100 or less b4 school…) Currently my plan is to water fast then do intense exercise . Either that or just motivation to do it !! I’ll log my experience,,,
with the math I would need to lose about 4 pounds per day… and consistently keep it up ,,,
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nabitalks Β· 2 months
think im British fluid
I'm Scottish, I live in Scotland but sometimes I feel more English or Irish (maybe Welsh)
if someone can make a flag for this, tag/credit me for the idea!
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doctordeathawaits Β· 2 months
trans ai (artificial intelligence)
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TRANS - AI . . .
Having the mindset of an ai is generally taking information from other sources ! So - think of your responses , you can write them down and memorize them ! Example : train yourself to always say a specific sentence when asked to go out !
You can start with a couple of these sort of responses , but for euphoria , you can think of a response to use for questions that you don't have a response for yet ! Example : " I'm sorry , I'm not sure I understand "
Most AI tend to be monotone because of the way their language use is - so you can try to sound more monotone when speaking to others !
Tasks - AI runs on tasks , so try to be very task based , always needing people to tell you want to do , or at least needing a planner of what to do !
AI is for help and tasks , so be helpful ! Always be available to help out other people , whether that is with simple questions or light physical work - find joy and purpose in it !
Learn from others - since AI cannot form its own thought without the help of examples , always be observant of people around you - take in what they say and use it , observe their fashion and copy it , copy their personalities to mirror it !
Hope this helped , even just a little bit < 3 beep boop , we love you < 3
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