#@na help
720am · 5 months
for losing as much as possible in a short amount of time (cuz we are all desperate), from me - a biotechnologist, who relapsed (the demons never leave)
the tips i am about to share with all my girliepops are all based on science and work; if you have any other tips, feel free to share in the comments, so we can have all the tips in one place!
• eat your meals from smaller sized plates, to trick your brain you are eating more
• cut up your food into small pieces
• chew every bite at least 10-15 times, until it is a purée consistency; this way you will be eating slower and give your brain more time to realise you are full
• sip water with a lemon slice between your bites
• focus on eating vegetables and protein, limit carbs
• drink a lot of water, and I mean a lot
• add lemon slices to your water to make it have some flavour; also the lemon juice in water before your meals will help reduce the glucose spike => less insulin released from liver => less absorbed glucose from carbs/sugars/starches => less fat on your body
• move for 10 mins right after eating - walk, do calf raises, some light movement so all the glucose can be used before getting stored as fat on your body
• drink tea - green tea, detox tea, whatever tea, without a sweetener
• do not drink diet sodas/colas - or any kind of liquid that is not water/tea - these are useless calories, why would you do that to yourselves?! even if it says 0 cals - this s#it is so bad for you, and the carbonation makes you feel bloated like a god damn whale! ditch the diet sodas girliepops
• implement some kind of movement every day - walking, pilates, yoga, dance workouts, resistance bands workouts or stretching
• do not weigh yourself everyday - due to hormones our weigh fluctuates every day and this will just make you feel bad if you lose and gain 1-2 legs everyday depending on your menstrual cycle, water weight and so on.. weigh yourself every 2 weeks.
• do not drink fruit juice - this is such a scam; hear me out: how many oranges does it take to make 1 glass of orange juice? around 3. can you eat three whole oranges in one sitting? i bet no. then why would you drink 3 oranges? when you make fruit juice, all the fibre and the pulp is removed, leaving you with just the juice with all the sugar in it (in the form of glucose and fructose) so you are basically drinking pure sugar, which turns into fat… just eat your damned fruit, instead of drinking a bunch of empty calories
• take red cranberry supplements - they are usually taken for UTIs, but the red cranberry has diuretic effect, and will make you pee your water weight out; please do not take more than 2 pills and remember to drink plenty of water so you don’t damage your kidneys!!!!
• take probiotics - this will ensure your gut health stays good while restricting foods, so you don’t end up constipated and bloated
• i personally do not eat dairy products (i am lactose intolerant) - they are full of hormones from the cows, give you acne and inflammation, and the protein in it is not worth it considering the amount of fat these products have; skip the dairy if you can
• if you drink a lot of coffee, remember to drink plenty of water! coffee has a diuretic effect and if you are not drinking more water, it will make you retain whatever water is in your body, leading to water weight gain
• if you end up binging, do so mindfully - do not give in to all the food, just have a piece of chocolate, not the whole chocolate bar; have a piece of cake, not the whole cake; then get back on track and try to exercise as much as possible to burn the excess calories
• i think this is obvious but let me say it just in case - in order to lose weight, you have to be on a calorie deficit - meaning you burn/use more calories than you consume; but!! here is the trick - you have to maintain low calorie diet, do not ⭐️ve for more than 2 days, as this will f#ck up your metabolism - your body goes into fight or flight response, meaning everything you eat after f4sting will remain on your body as a reserve of food, in case you end up ⭐️ving again; so have your veggies and protein (chicken breasts, white fish)
• keep yourself busy so you don’t think about f0od - study, work, read books, journal, whatever it is, your day has to be full of activities do you can forget to e4t
• reject offered food - say you already ate / yr not hungry / you are allergic to some ingredient / you have a bad migraine and this will make it worse / or take the food and say you will have it later and just give it to someone else (pls don’t throw in trash, do not waste food)
• when eating with family / boyfriend - place food in a smaller plate, cut up food into very small pieces and eat very slowly and chew every bite for a long time, sip water between every few bites, then say you are full and cannot eat anymore / that you ate a bit earlier and yr full
• when eating, eat your veggies first, then your protein and eat the smallest amount of carbs - always leave leftover carbs in your plate
• do not eat any snacks - no cereal bars, no cereal, no chips, no crisps, no crackers, no salty sticks, just do not eat snacks!
• if you feel like eating - drink water first, then have veggies (cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, radishes, etc) or fruit (apples, citrus, any kind of berries)
• if you are having breakfast - always eat a savoury breakfast - eggs, avocado, veggies etc; never eat a sweet breakfast - cereal, croissants, pancakes, etc, this will spike up your glucose levels and all that sugar will turn into fat; a sweet breakfast will make you feel tired and exhausted all day, leading you to eat more
• wear a waist trainer - do so for no more than 8hrs a day; this will also help you have smaller portions of food, as it won’t allow your stomach to expand
• do not purge - this is very bad for your teeth and overall health; the stomach acid is very strong and every time you purge, your teeth are getting damaged; just don’t overeat in the first place and have self control!
this is all i have for right now; if i think of anything else, i will add later / make another post; if you have anything to add to this list - go ahead and do so in the comments below
remember, stay safe xx
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cvtm3vpn0w · 3 months
I’ve been binging the past 2 days and I’ve been too scared to even put it in my cal counter :/ ima hopefully ⭐️ve for the next 2 days to make up for it but idk how bc my parents will find out. I rlly want to make it to at least 2 days but maybe 3 bc I’m a camp counselor this week and I can just throw out lunch but idk what to do abt breakfast and dinner…. Pls I need tips I can’t get caught and I can’t stand to be fat any longer
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edgirljourney · 4 months
Why am I so stupid ? I said 3 days ago that I was going to be more strict in my diet but yesterday I didn't follow one of my rules and today I just b1nged !
Now I'm disappointed, i'm disgusted, I feel fat, I feel bloated and pitiful, I feel like my whole body is a balloon ! I'm tired of always trying to l0se we1ght in different ways but always return to the same point. I really have no discipline !
So please, I beg you to treat me as the f@ttest person you've ever seen and if you have any advice (about what to eat, how to resist to b1nge or how long should I f@st), please share, I really need it !!!
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angelofbows · 10 days
Does anyone have tips on how to starve while being an academic student?
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xoxohrhluvy · 5 days
Bruh my sisters bf just called me a horse (cus he only sees me eat apples but im gonna convince myself its cus im f@t)
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all-for-ana22 · 19 days
I just wanna thank @n@. With her help I am 2 lbs away from my 2nd GW!!!
With her, eating out at fast food restaurants I sn’t tempting anymore
With her I am seeing the results I have wanted/needed to see for a very long time
With her I am much stronger with my self discipline
So thank u @n@
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Relapsing anywayss! Anyone gyatt tips for faking recovery when your parents force feed u high cal stuf?
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d0v3-di3t · 2 months
Can I get tips for dropping 60 pounds within 19 days,,,? (160~ at 5’2” attempting to drop to 100 or less b4 school…) Currently my plan is to water fast then do intense exercise . Either that or just motivation to do it !! I’ll log my experience,,,
with the math I would need to lose about 4 pounds per day… and consistently keep it up ,,,
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Can someone please help! I need to lose 20 pounds (I'm about 150 LBS = 68 KG) before school starts agian (in like 2 weeks). Does anyone have tips to stay under 400-800 Cals and also fast for more than 20 hours. Also, how to dust off the fact I'm fasting? I just kind of find it embarrassing when my mom asks me why I'm not eating.
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romeowants · 5 months
is it better to steal a few l4xat1ve p1lls and hope they won’t notice or take the whole bottle and hope they think they misplaced it
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cvtm3vpn0w · 3 months
looking for an @n@ buddi
15 ftm looking for someone to lose weight with preferably someone 14-18 years old.
gw:110/ whatever it takes to lose my boobs lol
“Recov3ring” from $h
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hazemfromgaza · 3 months
Giving‏ up on my Family in Gaza Facing Death and Famine is NOT an option!
‏The living conditions of the people of Gaza are worsening drastically. Netanyahu is hell-bent on massacring my people and destroying every form of life in Gaza. As I think continuously about the fate of my family and the different possible scenarios, my heart skips beats.
‏They live in fear of death 24/7, with no electricity, no clean running water, no cooking gas, no proper food, no work, no life! They, like all the helpless poor people of Gaza, deserve a break. As time passes, the risk of losing some or all of my family members increases. Time, unfortunately, is not on my side as the war becomes more vicious and ferocious every day.
‏Hopefully, when the Rafah crossing is operational again, I will spare no effort to temporarily evacuate them to Egypt until the war is over. They are torn apart and I am devastated!
‏I would like to see my family🙏😭
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angelofbows · 6 days
Does anyone have any food recs for under 300 cals?
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xoxohrhluvy · 10 days
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The silent horror that u just ate like 600 calories in one sitting and u werent even that hungry… this is the end
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all-for-ana22 · 2 months
Negative calorie foods are foods that ur body has to use more energy to digest therefore u lose more calories than u gain by eating negative calorie foods
Some examples of negative calorie foods are: grapefruit, oranges, lemons, limes, apples, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, watermelon, tomatoes, and cucumbers. There are many more as well.
Most Fruits and vegetables that contain a high amount of water are negative calorie foods.
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lchariott · 1 year
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