#Transocean Education
Doctor Study MBBS in Europe Universities with Transocean Education Call @6005536350
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For many aspiring medical students, studying MBBS in Europe is an attractive option. Not only are there many top-notch universities in Europe, but the cost of tuition and living expenses are often lower than in other countries. Additionally, the ability to learn medicine in a foreign country can provide invaluable cultural experiences. When considering MBBS in Europe, there are a few things to keep in mind. Many European countries require international students to take an entrance exam, such as the European Medical School 
Exam (EMSE). Additionally, it is important to research any language requirements, as many universities offer courses in English but may also require students to be proficient in the native language of the country. Overall, studying MBBS in Europe can be a great opportunity for those looking to pursue a medical degree. With its numerous universities and affordable tuition costs, it is worth exploring this option for anyone considering a career in medicine. Doctor Study MBBS in Europe Universities with Transocean Education Visit https://www.transoceaneducation.com/ or Call us @6005536350 to know more about study Abroad.
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zipstuck · 3 months
𐔌  .  Introduction  !  ୧
Hey guys!! My name is Zip or just refer to me as “Homestuck” ,, I use They/Them pronouns, im non-binary, and please refer to me using neutral terms! Im apart of a mixed origin osddid sys && im 13-16 y/o!
I am fully devoted the the Crimson Divinity Sect, I worship 剣聖死神 <3
Im a fictive of Zip from an animated series on yt called “The Fundamental Paper Education” (Watch it neow)! and im transfiction of the webcomic homestuck :3
I’d appreciate if you treat me and refer to me like I’m my transfiction identity! I consider myself to be the media homestuck and want to be seen as such :oD
sourcemates of both sources please interact!
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I follow back on @/dirkzcest
Stances: radically queer, real radical inclusionist, pro-c, anti-harassment, proship, profiction, anti-censorship, youthlib, animal-lib, cusp of xenosatanism & ophimsatanism ig??, anti-anti, pro-cona/pro-a, (+)
Trans: transharmful, transharmed, transhateful, transzizi, transfiction, transcharater, transgerman, transethnicity, Transocean, Transwater, TrasC-DID (+)
Code: 🌈🍓 / 🌈🍖 / 🌸🌙 / 🌲 / ☂️ / 💢 / 📖🌟 / 🥄 / 🕰️ / 🍸 / 🚸 / 🤕 / 🥀 / 🍬 / 🧸🧶 / 🍓🍸 / 🍍🍸 / 🍒🍸/ 🐰🎀 / 🍯🐻 / 🎒🍭 / 🍸🌹 / 🗺️❣️ / 🗺️🍼❣️/ 🗺️🧸❣️/ 🗺️🎒❣️/ 🍇🌙 / 🫐🌙 / 🦺 / 🔞 / 🗓🌱 / 🫐🎒 / 🍀🎒 / 👾 / 🌅 / 💜ϟϟ / (+)
DNI: anti-radq, anti-para, anti-transid, & pro-harassment
Tagging system! :
#<🫧> ~ zip speaks
# <🦈> ~ reblogs
#<🥀> ~ religious
#<🩸> ~ ask
#​<🪼> ~ hoard
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prabhatjairam · 6 months
Can India emerge as a superpower?
As we all know, India is a mixed economy where the public and private sectors coexist to meet the demand and supply of the state. It is a developing country that is constantly working on improving its economy, education system, and infrastructure. Unemployment and illiteracy are the highlighted issues over here, but the country is pushing its heels to overcome these problems. With its endless efforts and struggles, India is working on becoming a global superpower, capable of delivering the leadership qualities that the world often needs.
The country aims at reducing poverty and unemployment levels by providing education, employment, and other facilities. There are numerous government schools and educational institutes that help poor students by providing them with quality education. They provided basic sports facilities and physical education as well. The main motive for establishing public schools in India is to provide education to each child in the country. It is a great opportunity for those families and parents who cannot afford educational expenses and are not financially strong. They can send their children to get a proper education and to be aware of the outside world.
By providing educational facilities to all, India can develop its economy. The more educated the individuals are, the more job opportunities they will have. However, education is not just about learning and writing; in fact, it enhances the skills and talents of people. Skilled and educated candidates drive productivity and encourage innovation to boost economic growth around the globe. They contribute to structural transformation by enhancing employability and labor participation.
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Furthermore, every industry requires expertise in a particular field to operate the business's day-to-day activities. Whether it’s a big organization or a small firm, everyone needs a skilled workforce for strong, sustainable, and balanced growth. With this, the rate of unemployment can be reduced as more and more people get qualified and they can engage themselves with good employment services.
One of the remarkable things about the Indian economy is that it has the fastest-growing service sectors in the world. It has an expanding IT industry that describes India as a technology superpower. The availability of a large pool of highly skilled labor and an English-speaking workforce makes it the leader in the services industry. As a result, India has become a major exporter of software services, IT services, and business process outsourcing (BPO) services.
Being "developing" literally means India has the potential to rise and emerge as an important player on the stage of the world. Prior to the Corona outbreak, India became the 5th largest economy in the world, and its GDP growth seemed to be rising at a very promising rate. Due to the pandemic, India’s economy was badly affected, making its GDP growth fall to a record low of negative 23.9%. This made India’s dream of becoming a superpower a huge blow. Fortunately, the nation is observing the restoration of steadiness and hope with rapid growth from a negative 23.9% to a positive 0.1%.
Here are some of the reasons why India is emerging as a potential world superpower:
As we all know, India lies in the cultural region of the Indian Ocean, and with many Afro-Asian and Eurasian trade routes passing through Indian territorial waters, it has the potential for growth in the scale of transoceanic commerce.
In the upcoming decades, the world is expected to exit the "nuclear-energy age" and perhaps the "fossil fuel age" and opt for the "renewable-energy age" or "fusion-power age." India intends to invest in these technologies once they are economically viable.
The Indian military is recognized as the second-largest workforce after China. On the contrary, the Indian Paramilitary Forces maintain the second-largest position in the world. The total armed forces of the country resulted in the world’s third-largest defense force. Therefore, the rapidly growing military is laying claim to economic superpower status.
In order to make the territory favorable for economic growth, India has significantly boosted its image among Western nations and the United States. It has developed relations with world powers including the UK, Russia, Japan, and the European Union. In addition, it has also built connections with Southeast Asia, South Africa, the Arab World, Israel, and South American nations.
Due to its growing birth rate, the country is full of young talent compared to more developed states. According to reports, India will see an increase in workforce numbers in the coming decades, while some of the world's most powerful countries will see a decrease.
English has become mandatory as it is the most understood language in the world. The schools, colleges, and other vocational institutes in India aim at enhancing the fluency of individuals in English. Besides that, Indians are also focused on learning other languages such as Spanish, Dutch, German, Korean, Italian, Japanese, Russian, French, Mandarin, and Korean.
All these points show that India is moving toward achieving something big in the upcoming years, in which education plays a vital role. So, in this competitive era, getting a quality education is quite challenging. To overcome this issue, take help from India’s leading eLearning portal, i.e., “Study24hr.com”- an online education portal that provides a collaborative and productive learning environment for students. Additionally, “Study24hr.com” allows students to communicate with their educators and ask questions. With its effective and user-friendly interface, learners can access mock test papers, quizzes, daily boosters, and other study materials.
The Last Line
It is concluded that India is making strenuous efforts to become the next superpower, from the high-tech sector to educational departments, and from the military to geographical territories. As per the latest research, India overtook the United Kingdom as the world’s fifth-largest economy. By 2030, it could grab the third position.
Let’s unite and take a step forward for India to emerge as a superpower. As citizens, we all should realize that we must take care of our economy by enhancing our skills and talents. The more India grows, the more we upgrade!
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cosmiccino · 1 year
Monday, 1st of March 2021 , Entry into the world of exile. (1)
I never went along with the idolization of the masses, not even in those times when I still pretended to believe in [the government’s] political theories. (2) 
Now ousted and in exile out of sight, [I] was called to the city of Krakow (3); A city that attributes its founding to the slaying of the dragon Smok Wawelski. 
As I open my letter of invitation, it only reads this: more cityness in the city.
[…] While I rode in the night train I had a feeling of great grief, but in my heart of hearts I could not be mournful, and this for a strange reason: during the entire journey I continually heard dance music, laughter, and jollity, as though a wedding were being celebrated. (5) Why are they reappearing and how do [I] hear and understand what perhaps [I] have never stopped hearing, from afar, telephonically, through so many layers of apparent amnesia—this transoceanic rumor and rumbling “deep within a shell”? (36)
It is through, and not despite, our alienated condition that we can free ourselves from the muck of immediacy. (6) 
It’s funny to look back and see how far I’ve come. Back in my younger years, when I proved the internet existed in China, I was often told: “Just drop that fool delusion that you're better than everybody else and go to work. In a year, you'll have an office that'll make you blush to think of this dump. You'll have people running after you, you'll have clients, you'll have friends, you'll have an army of [people] to order around!”. Hell! […] What can it mean to me?  But this time I'm not fishing for anything for myself. (4)
The persistence of the present concentric obsession makes us all bridge and tunnel people, second class citizens in our own civilization, disenfranchised by the dumb coincidence of our collective exile from the [light]. (3)
And so when I saw [my invitation to Krakow], the approach seems on the contrary to be an almost aristocratic exile, not connected to democracy, but more an exile to the [shackles of law]. (8)
Nothing can be more real, or concern us more, than our own sentiments of pleasure and uneasiness; and if these be favourable to virtue, and unfavourable to vice, no more can be requisite to the regulation of our conduct and behaviour. (9)
[Its understandable] how much may be effected this way, if you observe how even wild beasts grow tame by dwelling among us, and how no animal, however ferocious, continues to be wild, if it has long been accustomed to [world’s] companionship: all its savageness becomes softened, and amid peaceful scenes is gradually forgotten. (10)
It has alienated all its rights to the [law], who is, therefore, absolute master. (11)
From birth we are conditioned to “good behavior”. Our view towards the world is shaped by external influences, education and beliefs. We are shaped. We are encouraged to behave in balance with the law. In balance with the absolute master. We become merely puppets on the stage that is already set for us. Not only by regulation, by law, but also by religions, by superstitions and by myth. 
When the guardians of morality perform a great tragedy […] and then believe that therefore the world is no longer in order and the great law of the gods and humankind is in danger, then kynical satire first admonishes us to stay calm. Let us see whether that is really so bad! Who is really harmed by this copulation that goes against the regulations? Only the naive illusion of law. How would it be, however, if human beings did not have to serve the law, but the law had to serve human beings? (2)
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felipeandletizia · 4 years
Felipe & Letizia’s decade: Trips Abroad
F&L Decade 34/??
Don Felipe traveled to Panama between October 17 and 20, 2013. He was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel García-Margallo, was received upon arrival at the "Panamá Pacífico" International Airport by the Spanish Ambassador to the Republic of Panama, Jesús Silva Fernández, and by the vice minister in charge of Foreign Relations of the Republic of Panama, Mayra Arosemena.
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He began his activities on October 17, with the opening of the Ibero-American Business Meeting. Don Felipe stressed the role of Spain as a "vertex" of relations between Spain and Europe. "both to channel European investments in Ibero-America, and to be the bridge for the growing investments and position of Latin America in Europe. An opportunity increasingly used by Multilatinas Companies that are increasingly competitive and bet more on technological sectors Today, 23 of them are among the 100 largest global firms in emerging markets. Spain is the gateway to Europe and, in fact, some of those companies are already taking advantage of our country as a platform. "
Subsequently, Don Felipe attended the panels of the Ibero-American Business Meeting, in which prominent Spanish personalities from the economic and business world participated, such as Antonio Brufau, Juan Manuel Villar Mir and Juan Luis Cebrián, among others.
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In the afternoon he presided over the delivery of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Awards, which in this edition corresponded to:
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Later, the Prince of Asturias attended a panel in the Ibero-American Business Forum, entitled "Paraguay: the best kept secret in Latin America", where he coincided with the President of the Republic of Paraguay, Horacio Cartes. Don Felipe then moved to the Miraflores Locks Miraflores of the Panama Canal, where, accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel García-Margallo, attended the delivery of Awards for Latin American Integration and Business Awards. At the event, the Minister of Panama Canal Affairs, Roberto Roy, spoke a few words about "The impact of the expansion of the Panama Canal".
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On the 18th, Felipe presided over the inauguration of the Spanish Cultural Center, located in the old town of Panama City. He was accompanied by the Secretary of State for International Cooperation and for Latin America, Jesús Gracia, received upon arrival the greeting of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Panama, Lucy Molinar, and the director of the National Institute of Culture, María Eugenia Herrera, with whom he toured the facilities and visited the exhibitions "La palabra y las letras", by Antón Lamazares, and "Ibero-American Biennial of Culture", of the Ministry of Public Works.
He also attended the closing lunch of the Business Meeting, at the Megápolis Convention Center, where the recognition of the Ibero-American Secretary General, Enrique Iglesias, took place. Later, Don Felipe and the President of the Portuguese Republic, Cavaco Silva, had a conversation walking through the gardens of the hotel complex, the Prince also held informal meetings with other Ibero-American leaders. In the afternoon the Prince of Asturias attended the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino), accompanied by the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy. Upon arrival, he was greeted by the institution's president, Elías Castillo, and the Board of Directors. During the act, the President of Parlatino and the President of the Republic of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, intervened.
Next, Don Felipe traveled to the Figali Convention Center, where he attended the opening ceremony of the 23rd Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government. At the end of the opening ceremony, he attended the official dinner was offered by the President of Panama to the leaders attending the Summit, held at the Biodiversity Museum of the Panamanian capital.
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On the 20th, Felipe was present at the commemorative event of the 5th Centennial of the Discovery of the Pacific Ocean in Cinta Costera, which was attended by the President of the Republic of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, the First Lady of the Republic of Panama and President of the Organizing Committee of the 5th Centenary of the Discovery of the Pacific Ocean, Marta Linares de Martinelli, the President of the Republic of Peru, Ollanta Humala and the President of the Republic of Honduras, Porfirio Lobo.
Don Felipe, addressed a few words to the attendees in which he wanted to highlight the figure of the discoverer Vasco Núñez, “Five hundred years ago, a Spanish-Panamanian company to which Spanish and Panamanians like Vasco Núñez de Balboa and Panquiaco contributed, promoted the first globalization. In the years, decades and centuries that followed, other Hispanic explorers and navigators, starting from the American viceroyalties, crossed and renamed the South Sea, which they called the Pacific; they went around the world for the first time in history; they sighted the Australian and Antarctic continents; They discovered the voyage from the Philippines to Mexico establishing the largest transoceanic route in the world - the Manila Galleon - that would last for three centuries and, finally, they traveled all the confines of the planet's largest ocean, from Alaska to the frozen Antarctic waters, and from China to these beloved Ibero-American lands ”.
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Next, he attended, accompanied by the President of the Republic of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, the opening of the 6th International Congress of the Spanish Language at the Atlapa Convention Center, which was attended by the director of the Cervantes Institute , Víctor García de la Concha, the director of the Royal Spanish Academy, José Manuel Blecua, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Panama, Lucy Molinar, the Nobel Prize for Literature, Mario Vargas Llosa, the Nicaraguan writer, Sergio Ramírez Mercado and the Panamanian writer, Juan David Morgan.
Don Felipe dedicated a few words to the attendees, in which he stressed the importance of this Congress, "Today we meet in this city of Panama, which day by day, full of vigor, widens its channels, to reflect and debate on the book: about the history that the coming and going of books wove uniting two worlds, about its complex current reality, and about its future. "
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Subsequently, an official lunch was held on the occasion of the V Centenary of the Discovery of the Pacific Ocean and the VI International Congress of the Spanish Language, before starting their trip back to Spain.
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amapuranga · 4 years
Fiber optic training | optical network training opportunities for next generation engineers
Developments in video streaming, 5G, autonomous vehicles, Internet of Things (IoT) and others drive demand for bandwidth which in turn puts a tremendous amount of pressure on different types of optical networks. 5G optical transport networks, carrier Ethernet, access networks such as Fiber To The Home (FTTH), metropolitan networks, terrestrial long haul networks and transoceanic networks all require changes to accommodate higher transmission rates. These changes have seen a rapid evolution of transmission technologies from SONET/SDH to Optical Transport Networks (OTN) capable of up to 1Tbps in a single wavelength channel. These developments are compelling engineers in different roles to seek additional skills by taking certified fiber optic training or optical network training.
Optical Technology Training (OTT) offers a range of certificate programs in optical communications for different roles and levels of complexity. Installers, designers, planners, and maintainers have benefited from one or more of the certified courses from OTT. Below, more details on one of the courses, Certified Optical Network Associate (CONA), are provided.
CONA is the first of two training courses in optical networking. It is an intense 5-day program which focuses on the fundamentals of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) including Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM), Course Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM), and Shortwave Wavelength Division Multiplexing (SWDM). Emphasis for this course is on 10Gbps and 25Gbps for up to 88 channels (DWDM) and four channels (SWDM), respectively. Delegates who successfully complete CONA are awarded the OTT CONA certificates and IEEE Continuing Education Units (CEU) certificates and have the option to enroll in a more advanced Next Generation Certified Optical Network Engineer (NG-CONE) program that addresses complex concepts in higher transmission of up to 1Tbps.
CONA is divided in broad sections covering fundamentals of light, infrastructure, systems, dispersion and optical networking.
Fundamentals of light
In fundamentals of light, the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum used in optical communications is presented. The delegate will understand how light is manipulated and directed using different modules and components. The propagation of light in an optical fiber and the fundamentals of fiber optics are introduced in this section. Multiplexing of light is also introduced in the section.
In this section, more details of optical fiber used in telecommunications and datacoms are presented. Delegates learn everything they need to know about the many types of single mode and multi-mode optical fibers. Delegates will be able to specify different fibers for different applications. Different types of fiber optic cable, how they are terminated and the testing required are subjects of this section. Other types of infrastructure such as Optical Distribution Frames (ODF), splice closures and connectors are discussed in the section.
This section focuses on transmission systems and other active modules that are used in an optical network. Requirements for a good system performance, potential of courses of system impairments and how they are mitigated are addressed in detail. The delegate will get a thorough understanding of transmitter and receiver power levels and system power budgets. Optical amplification and different types of optical amplifiers – Erbium doped fiber and Raman amplifiers - are presented in this section.  
This section goes into detail about dispersion as an impairment and how it is mitigated. Different types of dispersion, including Chromatic Dispersion (CD), Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) and modal dispersion are presented in detail in this section. Causes of chromatic dispersion, dispersion slope and CD characteristics of the different ITU-T compliant single mode optical fibers are studied in detail. Dispersion management using dispersion compensating fiber, electronic dispersion compensation and fiber Bragg gratings is also a subject of this section.
Optical networking
In this section the delegate will get a clear understanding of how components and modules are brought together into a photonic network. Multiplexers and add drop multiplexers and their roles in the network are introduced. The Reconfigurable Optical Add Drop Multiplexer (ROADM) is introduced in this section. Network testing, including network pass-fail criteria will also be introduced in the section.
Project Assignment
The project assignment is an important component of the training and it reinforces the candidates’ understanding of optical networks. Using Whizziekit, a kit that mimics network cards, the delegate will design a network based on wavelength division multiplexing technology.
 For more details about optical networking courses from OTT, course schedules or any other questions, visit the FiberGuide fiber optic training page.
 About FiberGuide
FibergGuide is a training and consulting company focusing on Wide Area Networking (WAN) consulting, and Fiber optic training.  At FiberGuide, we leverage our technical expertise, many years of experience in fiber optics and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and strong partnerships with key industry players to provide services to the telecommunication and IT industries. Important services from FiberGuide include IP transit and Wavelength Services.
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dcprime · 4 years
The Destruction Of the Ocean Ecosystem
The Destruction 
Of the Ocean Ecosystem
Dallas Crudupt
Communications 4540
February 20, 2018
In our world, today the ocean is such a mystery. It is a mystery that has such an impact on our ecosystem, but what we may not realize is how our actions impact the ocean’s ecosystem too. There is so much that is unknown, and quite difficult to really understand all the lives we cannot account for because of our actions.  The ocean ecosystem is when there’s more saltwater than freshwater tangled in the balance of the landscape. The ocean ecosystem is all life found in the ocean environment. To truly improve the ocean’s ecosystem, people must educate themselves about oceans and marine organisms, and the roles each organism plays in the ecosystem. A vision of environmental change must happen for both the ocean and coastal regions. Better ecosystem-based management for the ocean is an approach to improve human activities towards underwater life. In thinking about improving the underwater ecosystem humans must think about, to what extent is the ocean damaged? We must think of how they can prevent future man-made damage. Furthermore, accepting the food chain of underwater life is also a concern. By understanding how food chains work, humans can save more lives and bring balance to the ocean. Furthermore, humans through environmental disasters such as oil spills are only taking away from balancing the ecosystem. Mankind must see that our lifestyle must change for the better of the planet.
Let’s begin with understanding what the ecosystem is.  An ecosystem is a community of organisms living in their environment and can be found in the ocean, freshwater, or on land, which can be defined as biomes.  Within the Earth’s ecosystems, nutrients obtained from each organism is recycled and may wind up in different ecosystems as they fall into and out of the bodies of different creatures or plants.  An example of how the cycle occurs is, “When plants and animals carry out cellular respiration – break down molecules as fuel – carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere” (Khan Academy).  At the same token, when they excrete waste or die, those compounds become energy for something else as they are released back into the Earth and recycled.   The interaction between species creates the links within a food chain, which is a line of organisms that consume the other, passing energy and nutrients from one organism to the next.  The food chain plays an important role in the ecosystem because if there a disturbance that affects one species within that chain, that one disturbance could impact the ecosystem severely.  However, the more diverse the environment, the more stable it is.  According to Khan Academy, “Ecosystems with higher biodiversity tend to be more stable with greater resistance and resilience in the face of disturbances, disruptive events”.  Ecosystem resistance and resilience can also depend on human activity.  What role do humans play in the downfall of once existed ecosystems?  
In the passage below by “Wilson, E.G, Miller, K.L., Allison. and Mafliocca, M. proves that creatures of the ocean can influence protein-rich foods that people eat. The sea turtle is one of many animals that help pollinate sea life for life to grow. The seagrass is a plant that feeds the sea. This is just like how land plants create greenhouse gases; they do the same thing under the sea. People must get educated on how marine life can affect their daily diet.  
As the turtle’s crop and re-crop the same plot, seagrass blades are removed from the area rather than accumulating on the bottom. This results in a 15-fold decrease in the supply of nitrogen to seagrass roots, which impacts plant species, nutrient cycling, animal densities, and predator-prey relations. As seen in the Caribbean, the decline of green sea turtles can result in a loss of productivity in the food web – including commercially exploited reef fish – decreasing the amount of protein-rich food available for people.”
Because of the population decline, the species is not able to fulfill their role in balancing the marine ecosystem.  However, they are still able to help maintain healthy seagrass beds and coral reefs, which help to balance the ecosystem’s food chains and assist in nutrient cycling.  As sea turtle populations decline, so does their ability to perform vital roles in maintaining the health of the world’s oceans. 
There are many factors that push sea turtles towards extinction.  According to the article, Why Healthy Oceans Need Sea Turtles:  The Importance of Sea Turtles to marine Ecosystems, “Death and injury in commercial fisheries, loss of important habitat, pollution, and climate change are among the many human-caused threats pushing sea turtles towards extinction”  (  ).  We must do more to protect these creatures, and work towards rebuilding their population for the sake of the planet.  By doing so, we can help restore the ocean’s ecosystem, making them strong enough to withstand other environmental disturbances.  But even if the turtles are saved, there are other ways we have harmed our environment, though accidental.    
The BP oil spill of 2010 was an accident that turned into an environmental disaster.
With oil consumption being such an important thing in our world. We must ask ourselves, should we continue to use oil? In the aftermath of all the damage, all these questions are asked. In the BP oil spill, live feed-underwater rov video, it clearly shows that the defective cement on the wall was partly at fault but also the rig operator Transocean and contractor Halliburton. The disaster is also known as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Deepwater Horizon was a semi-submersible, mobile, floating drilling rig that works in deep waters for drilling. It’s unfortunate that oil spills like this occur by accident. The question that will always be asked is, was this really an accident? By far this oil spill is more than just an accident; it is the worst accident in history.  
Many of the effects of the spill have caused environmental issues.  In the aftermath of the oil spill, it’s clear to say that this is a terrible spill that has outcomes for years to come. The BP oil spill left more than 200 million gallons of crude oil that were pumped into the Gulf of Mexico. The oil stayed in the ocean for over 87 days, creating the biggest oil spill in U.S. history. More than 16,000 miles of the coast have been destroyed, involving Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. In the oil rig explosion, there were 11 fatalities, and 17 others were injured. During the time after the explosion, President Obama announced that his administration would create a $20 billion spill response fund. Many people at the time felt that BP should not be bailed out by the government because they created this problem, though it was accidental.  Let’s face it, no one intends to harm the planet, but our actions show otherwise.  
The documentary presented on Netflix, titled “A Plastic Ocean”, paints the picture of the world we have contributed to, but never chooses to see.  We produce, and use plastic, and have been doing so since the 1950s.  However, despite the need for plastic, we rarely reuse this item and dispose of it improperly.  We must remember how durable plastic really is.  When it falls into the ocean, it does not break down, but it becomes a hazardous tool for the surrounding organisms, and unfortunately, 80% of the waste comes from land.  According to the documentary, by 2050, plastic production is going to triple.  
As a result of our negligence, we have caused a disturbance for different ecosystems.  Based on the aforementioned documentary, we are ruining the lives of different organisms within the ocean’s ecosystem. Throughout the film, we see footage of different oceanic species that have been impacted by plastic, as these animals are either caught in it, or they have consumed it, and the effects are causing much harm to animals.  For example, “Large pieces of plastic, when eaten, can obstruct the animals’ digestive tracts of the animals, essentially starving them to death” (A Plastic Ocean).  The images were quite disturbing, but it is a reality that must be recognized because this is a problem.  As also mentioned in the documentary, it is believed that companies producing plastic ware should also be responsible for the disposal being done properly.  However, we must also do our part.  We must realize that the harm we do to the planet not only impacts our home, other species, but we are also harming ourselves.  
Based on the evidence, it is clear that our planet is hurting, because of our actions.  We have discussed what the ecosystem is, how organisms play a role within the different ecosystems, and how we as humans, act against the greater good for the world we live in.  To truly improve the ocean’s ecosystem, people must educate themselves about oceans and the life within them.  We need to understand how our actions impact the future of our world.  We are truly on a decline. What can we do to be better?  Should we decrease the use and need for oil?  We are cutting back on our use of plastic in the San Francisco Bay Area, but are other places doing this?  Perhaps we should cut down on how we are hunting, or fishing, based on how we impact food chains, which disrupt ecosystems.  Furthermore, humans through environmental disasters such as oil spills are only taking away from balancing the ecosystem. Mankind must see that our lifestyle must change for the better of the planet.
What is an Ecosystem?  https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/ecology/intro-to-ecosystems/a/what-is-an-ecosystem
Wilson, E.G, Miller, K.L., Allison. and Mafliocca, M. Why Healthy Oceans Need Sea Turtles: The Importance of Sea Turtles to Marine Ecosystem. http://oceana.org/sites/default/files/reports/Why_Healthy_Oceans_Need_Sea_Turtles.pdf
A Plastic Ocean 2016 Netflix
Amadeo, Kimberly. BP Gulf Oil Spill: Facts, Economic Impact. January 17, 2018. https://www.thebalance.com/bp-gulf-oil-spill-facts-economic-impact-3306212
Bray, Chad. BP Takes $1.7 Billion Charge Over Deepwater Horizon Spill. January 16, 2018. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/16/business/dealbook/bp-oil-spill-deepwater-horizon.html
Food Chains & Food Webs:  https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/ecology/intro-to-ecosystems/a/food-chains-food-webs
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freegwifi · 4 years
Making Networking simpler: Who Owns the internet?
To answer the simple question who owns the internet, the answer is no-one and many. The Internet is a global collection of separate, but interconnected networks, each of which is managed as a single administrative system. There are many such systems all over the world and assigned to a wide variety of companies, educational, non-profit and government organizations. The System networks that form the primary transport for the Internet are independently controlled by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), each with its own business policies, internal network topologies, services, and customer profiles. The Internet only functions because these systems share a standard Internet Protocol (IP) addressing scheme and a routing framework that allows all these networks to interconnect with each other directly or indirectly.
Every local ISP provides transport of Internet traffic on behalf of other ISPs, companies or other non-ISP organizations, and individuals. ISPs are classified into a 3-tier model that categorizes them based on the type of Internet services they provide.
Tier 1: Internet providers are the networks that are the backbone of the Internet. They are sometimes referred to as backbone Internet providers. These ISPs build infrastructure such as the Atlantic Internet sea cables. They provide traffic to all other ISPs, not end users. Tier 1 ISPs own and manage their operating infrastructure, including the routers and other intermediate devices like switches that make up the backbone of the Internet. Some examples of Tier 1 ISPs include AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, NTT, Singtel, PCCW, Telstra, Deutsche Telekom and British Telecom.
A Tier 1 ISP only exchanges Internet traffic with other Tier 1 providers on a non-commercial basis via private settlement-free peering interconnections. They will also interconnect at Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). Tier 1 ISPs can deliver the best network throughput over the Internet backbone through these private peering connections because they own their network infrastructure and have direct control over how traffic flows through these connections.
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One easy way to identify a Tier 1 ISP is it requires nothing more than its free and reciprocal peering arrangements,if the ISP has to pay to reach any destination within a particular internet region it is not a Tier 1 ISP in that Internet Region. 
The transoceanic fiber optic cable between the continents  of American and Europe is owned and maintained by Tier 1 ISPs.
Tier 2:  ISP is a service provider that utilizes a combination of paid transit via Tier 1 ISPs and peering with other Tier 2 ISPs to deliver Internet traffic to end customers through Tier 3 ISPs. Tier 2 ISPs are typically regional or national providers. Only a few Tier 2 ISPs can provide service to customers on more than two continents. Often, they will have slower access speeds than Tier 1 ISPs and are at least one router hop away from the backbone of the Internet.
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Mentioned here is an Internet exchange point (IXP) which is a physical infrastructure allowing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to exchange Internet traffic. IXPs interconnect networks directly, via the exchange, rather than through one or more third party networks. The primary reasons to implement an IXP are cost, latency, and bandwidth. Traffic passing through an exchange is typically not billed by any party, however the traffic to an ISP's upstream provider is.
This helps deliver better internet traffic all over the world.
Tier 3: ISP is a provider that strictly purchases Internet transit. A Tier 3 provider is by definition primarily engaged in delivering Internet access to end customers. Tier 3 ISPs focus on local business and consumer market conditions. They provide the local access to the Internet for end customers, through cable, DSL, fiber or wireless access networks. Their coverage is limited to specific countries or sub regions, such as a metro area. Tier 3 ISPs utilize and pay higher-tier ISPs for access to the rest of the Internet.
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The above image gives a graphical understanding of the way ISPs function in terms of procuring services. Our intention with this series is to enable spaces to create and understand their own network and not take at face value what any IT team recommends. If you wish to get a FREE network survey done do get in touch with us and we will help you create the best network setup for your space. You can follow the whole series here.
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secengblog · 5 years
Case Study 1: Deepwater Horizon
Deepwater Horizon was an offshore drilling rig in Mexico owned by Transocean and BP. The explosion of the rig killed 11 people and injured a further 17. The resulting oil spill was one of the largest environmental disasters of our time.
The explosion was a result of a series of bad judgement, poor standards and quality material and high pressure from BP to ensure the job got done.
Poor Quality Materials: the cement used to seal the borehole failed to do its job. Its strength and quality was reduced as a result of contamination. As a result, oil and gas was able to leak up to the surface.
Valve Failure: one of the valves was filled with cement and failed to stop the flow of oil and gas.
Poor Judgement: the pressure test was misinterpreted. The crew thought the seal was shut – it wasn’t. They also failed to notice the mud and gas rising to the surface
Misdirection of gas into the ship: Rising hydrocarbons were directed into the ship and engines causing the motors to spin at ridiculous speed and eventually caused the explosion. These gasses should have been directed into the ocean, if the gravity of the situation had been addressed.
Failsafes were not so failsafe: The valve in the blowout preventer did not close. Its own safety mechanisms, designed to act independently from the rest of the rig failed – one due to a dead battery, one because of a dead switch.
  What can we take away from this incident?
Upon reflection we came up with a series of regulations we believed could have prevented this disaster.
Better industry standards: BP and Transocean did not meet all industry standards or often only the bare minimum. In other disciplines this would not have been acceptable
Regulation of Equipment: Small details could have changed this outcome, like having an accurate pressure test reader. This equipment must be better audited.
More detailed procedure: Diversion of gases to within the ship is a prime example of situation mismanagement. Emergency procedures needed to be more detailed for a large-scale disaster and crews should be better educated on how to deal with a series of bad events
Failsafes should be fail safe: this was the biggest take away. To have 2 backup mechanisms fail, particularly when they are the backup mechanisms of the fail safe, is just not good enough. These must be tested, thoroughly.
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heatpeen03-blog · 5 years
Local Airport Passenger Volume Mixed in September: LAX, Ontario Up, Long Beach Down
Passenger traffic at three Los Angeles area airports in September was mixed, with a large gain at Ontario International Airport, a slight increase at Los Angeles International Airport and a drop at Long Beach Airport. But all three airports posted solid gains for the nine months year-to-date.
Los Angeles World Airports, the city agency that runs LAX, reported a 1.4 percent increase over last year in passenger traffic in September to 6.9 million people. Domestic passenger traffic rose 0.9 percent to 4.8 million, while international traffic jumped 2.6 percent to 2.1 million.
For the first nine months of 2018, LAX passenger traffic rose 4.2 percent to 66.1 million, with international traffic up 5.2 percent and the domestic passenger count up 3.7 percent.
Air cargo tonnage was also up, rising 5.3 percent to 207,000 metric tons in September; cargo tonnage rose 2.7 percent for the first nine months of the year.
The gains were larger at Ontario International Airport, where the Ontario International Airport Authority reported passenger traffic rose 14 percent in September compared to last September, to 421,000. Domestic traffic rose 11.8 percent to 402,000 while international traffic doubled to nearly 18,000 thanks to China Air Lines launching service earlier this year to Taiwan in the first transoceanic flight from Ontario.
For the first nine months of 2018, passenger traffic at Ontario rose 13.3 percent to nearly 3.8 million; domestic traffic was up 12 percent and international traffic up 49 percent.
Air cargo tonnage was up 12 percent in September and 18 percent for the first nine months.
The passenger traffic picture was not so good at Long Beach, where the city agency running the airport reported the total passenger count fell 5.2 percent in September to 285,000. The drop was entirely due to a 24 percent skid in JetBlue Airways passenger traffic to 182,000. The long-dominant carrier at Long Beach, JetBlue earlier this year announced cutbacks in flights at Long Beach after last year’s failure of the city to move toward international service at the airport; a portion of those flight cutbacks took effect in September.
Southwest Airlines picked up some of the flight slots vacated by JetBlue; its number of passengers jumped 75 percent to 66,000 in September.
Year-to-date, though, the passenger count at Long Beach was up 8 percent to 3.0 million.
With the overall decline in flights at Long Beach in September, air cargo tonnage also fell 6.4 percent to 1,844 metric tons.
Hollywood Burbank Airport had not yet released its September passenger statistics as of Oct. 31. In August, the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority reported passenger traffic was up 10.5 percent to 329,000; for the eight months January through August, the passenger count was up 13 percent to 3.4 million.
Education, energy, engineering/construction and infrastructure reporter Howard Fine can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @howardafine.
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Source: http://labusinessjournal.com/news/2018/oct/31/local-airport-passenger-volume-mixed-september-lax/
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lexprotector1-blog · 5 years
Online Trademark Enrollment in US
 Having sustained a life span for about 90 years in the Asian financial market, Prudential incorporated its first transoceanic life operation at Calcutta, India in the year 1923. Several Insurance companies came into existence during 1920s Commonwealth, and Prudential came into the market and expanded its ambit for business, in places like Malaysia (1924), Singapore (1931) and Hong Kong (1964).
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  In the year 1994, Prudential Corporation successfully owned its Regional Head Office for Asia, at Hong Kong so as to elongate the radii for its business beyond Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The pivotal objectives of the company are to foster the concepts Like Education, Health, Safety across several developing and developed nations.
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cryptodictation · 4 years
This will be the economy that will come after the virus | Business
Production line for disposable vinyl gloves at a factory in China.WAN SC / Barcroft Media via Getty Images
The human being and the peoples are crossed by scars and memory. Both build what will be and what was. The hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic still weighs heavily on German politics and its austerity, the Great Depression left Americans with a sense of “not wasting” (waste not, want not), and the 2008 crisis and its legacy of precariousness and inequity still impoverish the lives of millions of people in many Western democracies. But every disaster is different. He crash 1929 and World War II defined the foundations of the modern welfare state, and the 1918 influenza epidemic helped create national health systems in many European countries.
So every shock Economic brings an inheritance of memories and wounds. Also of changes. It is impossible to think that this unimaginable experience of masks, social distance, human losses and cancellation of life will not bring consequences after the pandemic ends. It is early to know exactly which ones. The longer the crisis lasts, the greater the economic and social damage. Analysts can take years and even decades to explain all the implications of what is happening these days. The paradox, or not, is that this virus exploits the characteristics of life that we have given ourselves. Overpopulation, mass tourism, huge cities, constant air travel, supply chains thousands of kilometers away, and extreme inequality in the distribution of wealth and in public health systems.
All this has exposed the fragility of man. This has been the authentic Petri dish of Covid-19. What will come when it happens? “The epidemic brings a wartime mindset, but a mindset that unites the entire planet on the same side. The war years are periods of great internal cohesion among countries and of concern for others, ”reflects Robert J. Shiller, Nobel Prize for Economics in 2013. And he adds. “A long-term effect of this experience could be more redistributive economic and political institutions: from the rich to the poor, and with greater concern for the socially marginalized and the elderly.”
It is a hope. Of course, the current crisis is not as catastrophic as a world war or the devastation that our grandparents experienced in the civil war, but its economic effects will be enormous. They are unprecedented in peacetime. The most similar event with which we can compare it, the crash financial year of 2008, brought about an intense change in the planet's economy. It went from relatively high growth and moderate inflation to anemic and deflated growth. But the world was never again the same as it had been before that year. “The coronavirus is going to cause a recession much higher than that of 2008-2009, since Greece's current debt is 175.2% of its GDP, and at equally high levels, which are around 100% of GDP, Italy, France and Spain ”, warns the economist Guillermo de la Dehesa.
GDP drop. IV trim. 2019 – II quarter. 2020 (e)
When will the pre-crisis level recover?
Source: Mckinsey & Company
GDP drop. IV trim. 2019 – II quarter. 2020 (e)
When will the pre-crisis level recover?
Source: Mckinsey & Company
GDP drop
IV trim. 2019-
II trim. 2020 (e)
When will he recover
the pre-crisis level
Source: Mckinsey & Company
Of course, it will generate pain for quite a long time. “Most economies will probably take two to three years to return to the production levels they had before the epidemic,” says IHS Markit. Although there are other more important numbers. Harvard University epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch told The Wall Street Journal that he expects 40-70% of the adult population to be contagious in a year.
Economic truth is governed by its own laws of attraction. Changes are coming. Large companies will have to rethink where and how they produce. Many molecules are made in China, refined in India and, after a long journey, end up in European pharmacies or hospitals. “Once the crisis is over, there will be a reindustrialization of Europe and the United States, due to the problems in the supply chains that many companies are currently experiencing,” predicts César Sánchez-Grande, director of analysis and strategy at Ahorro Corporación Financial.
Companies have realized the danger of adding dependency and remoteness. But it is true that national production chains also freeze in the event of a pandemic. Does not matter. A disengagement current is flowing through the planet. “Even before the crisis, many multinationals based in the United States were already reconsidering their dependence on China. First because of the costs, but also because of the trade war and the tariffs, ”says Karen Harris, CEO of the Bain & Company’s consultancy. It is not that globalization is reversed. “It is a reality that cannot be reversed,” says José María Carulla, director of the study service at risk consultancy Marsh. But it fractures. Also capitalism? Because its essence is the constant movement of people and goods. The bases, by the way, of any pandemic. And how will a generation respond, especially a young one, whose only experience of capitalism is a crisis? Will it hit the streets?
Is very soon to know it. However, the parallels and meridians of the world seem to form a thinner and less resistant weave. The conjunction of Brexit, the epidemic and the trade war between China and the United States herald difficult years for the global village. “The world welfare will be much greater if countries opt for cooperation, aid and solidarity in times of crisis, and for sharing information and scientific advances instead of for autarky or confrontation,” observes Rafael Doménech, head of BBVA Research economic analysis.
Elections in the USA
One of the big changes may come in November from the White House. Crises do not re-elect presidents. Ford lost to Carter after the 1973 oil crisis, Carter lost to Reagan in the second oil crisis of 1979, and Bush lost to Clinton after the invasion of Kuwait. The economist Nouriel Roubini – who predicted the 2008 crash – in Der Spiegel magazine remembered these days. These scars and this memory leave the feeling that the United States will no longer be the leader of the world. “For the first time in its history, the world's leading power has given up leading the health and economic fight as China responds with a very aggressive campaign to improve its public image,” says Federico Steinberg, principal analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute.
Where is the strength of the bars and the brightness of the stars? “Washington has failed the leadership test and the world is worse off because of it,” laments Kori Schake, director of foreign policy and defense studies at the American Enterprise Institute. But Europe is also not immune to this attraction of selfishness. The Union must protect its 500 million inhabitants or many governments could demand the return of certain powers. It is impossible to rule out, we have seen, that the coming months will bring massive political rejection. “It will depend,” says Kathryn Judge, a professor at Columbia University School of Law, “on how high the price is in terms of human suffering, lost lives and the inevitable economic destruction (the Brookings Institution Study Center speaks of a global cost of 2.3 trillion dollars) that will arrive. Because the rise of populism that swept the planet after 2008 reveals how profoundly public outrage can change the world. “
History warns that disasters ignite xenophobia and racism. And it is increasingly common to find notices of this fracture. Even in the Old Continent the story of the “industrious north” and the “lazy south” is already flourishing. Especially because of the difficulty that Europe shows in organizing a coordinated response. “The pandemic is evidencing, once again, the dysfunction of the euro, which places member countries in a macroeconomic straitjacket. Unless the European Union can muster the will to become a true fiscal and political union, the eurozone will begin to pull apart, ”predicts Paul Sheard, lead expert at the Mossavar-Rahmani Business and Government Center at the Kennedy School of the University. from Harvard.
Systems of health
These weeks proliferate countless interpreters of the tragedy, fortune tellers of the drama, quiromantes of the discontent and even who also, like the American Democratic politician Bernie Sanders, is able to reveal everything in six words. “Healthcare is a basic human right ”. “The health system is a fundamental human right.” This is a legacy of the virus. There are many others. More work from home, the rise of electronic payments, increased border controls, expensive and complex insurance, distance education and medicine, and less transoceanic travel and conventions. “We have to think about how we make the health system more efficient, because doing so makes it more economical, viable and universal,” says Carsten Menke, head of next generation research from the private bank Julius Baer. His narrative includes telemedicine, monitoring the patient at home after surgery, or personalized medications that prevent wastage of medications.
Nothing very revolutionary, everything very urgent. Because the novelty is that hygiene grows as a priority on the agendas of companies and governments. Singapore is already planning mandatory cleanup rules. Stricter rules can drive purchases on-line Similar to how the 2003 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic caused people to avoid shopping malls.
Governments are going to spend more on caring for the health of their citizens and avoiding the huge costs of pandemics. SARS alone subtracted – according to the Australian National University – $ 40 billion from the planet's economy. “It is a wake-up call for me, since Covid-19 is not as deadly as Ebola. The Administrations, at least I hope so, will organize and be prepared for the next one, ”estimates Gael Combes, analyst at the Unigestion manager. And it advances. “In a more economical sense, our desire to consume and travel is unlikely to change. Maybe the big cruises are not in fashion for a while, but people will not give up, if they can afford it, a long weekend in Barcelona ”.
That same faith in the recovery of consumption is shown by Daniel Galván, director of GBS Finance. “It will rebound strongly as the situation returns to normal.” We will see. Because man uses “custom” as a parapet in front of the darkest night. Human beings seek refuge in storms. “We will be more aware of what is ours, of the public and of what protects us, and the percentage of citizens in favor of increasing (even if they have to pay more taxes) public spending on health will grow,” estimates Carlos Cruzado, president of Gestha, the union of finance technicians.
Huge public spending
No one wants to return to a new period of austerity like the one left by the sovereign debt crisis of 2011. Well, the plot these days is similar. Huge public spending and falling tax revenues. “If the crisis ends up impacting asymmetrically in Europe, less in the north and more in the south, because the northerners have had more time to prepare and cut the international chain of healthcare supplies prioritizing their self-sufficiency, Calvinism will re-establish itself : 'Sinners deserve to pay for their sins,' criticizes Carlos Martín, head of the CC OO economic cabinet. “This morality was already imposed during the previous crisis: southerners have spent it on 'women and wine' (as Jeroen Dijsselbloem, then Dutch Finance Minister) said in 2017. And the most shocking thing is that some southern governments bought this reprobation: ‘We have lived beyond our possibilities”.
Now they could reason the same: the southerners want to transfer us, again, the cost of their incapacity and disorganization. However, the economy after the coronavirus brings, in principle, the requirement of solidarity. It is evident that the fiscal measures launched by the Executive to curb the pandemic will leave a legacy of greater deficits and public debt. “These increases must be financed in the very long term, even decades. With whichever solution you end up opting for (issuance of national public debt, European crown bonds or others), the ECB will play a major role in financing secondary debt markets, ”says Rafael Doménech.
At the moment, the pandemic lives in the present. Getting the future of the economy right sounds complex. Because nobody knows what their final human or economic toll will be. Although there are always optimists. “I think that most businesses, and certainly the US and foreign giants, will not fail to return to business (once the crisis is over),” observes in the Bloomberg agency Edmund Phelps, Nobel Prize winner in Economics . Through those same corridors other tones resonate. “We will get through this and be better in 24 months,” calculates, in a note, Rob Lovelace, vice president of the manager Capital Group. But two years is an unimaginable wait in millions of homes. Although then, perhaps, some perceptions should have changed forever. The “national security” precept will include the redistribution of wealth, a fairer tax system and the strengthening of the welfare state. Society must also appreciate the value of trades hitherto covered. Babysitters, social workers, household cleaners, caregivers of the elderly. Some of the most undervalued contributions will demand very different consideration. Perhaps the new time proposes the teaching that teachers and nurses are far more valuable than investment bankers and hedge fund managers.
One of those voices full of money is Larry Fink's. The most powerful person in the markets. He manages about $ 7 trillion through BlackRock, the largest fund manager on the planet. Confined to his home, he has written an 11-page letter to his clients, shareholders and workers. Defend – of course – the brilliance of capital. “There are enormous opportunities in the market,” he says. And imagine a different future. “When we come out of the crisis, the world will be different. Investor psychology will change. Businesses will change. Consumption will change. ” Maybe people will avoid crowded places like concerts and restaurants. “So, will only the big chains and the orders survive on-line? ”Asks Giles Alston, an expert at Oxford Analytica. It seems unlikely. But the shirts will be stamped with the word “resilience” and on their labels it should read “decency”, “generosity”, “honesty”, “beauty”, “courage”.
Little by little, the economic future is filtered like light through a crack. “Monetary policies perpetuate the money rate around zero because inflation is no longer a problem,” predicts Roberto Scholtes, chief strategy officer at UBS. The economy will have to respond to new social demands. More expansive fiscal policies, greater pressure to redistribute wealth, and extraordinary spending items will have to be designed in the face of new epidemics or the climate crisis. And hope that the past is another country and its mistakes are not repeated.
“The great economic crises in history since World War II have occurred with questionable political talent in the superpowers,” recalls Emilio Ontiveros, president of Analistas Financieros Internacionales (AFI). And it advances. “A fourth phase of globalization is coming and we need greater multilateral coordination. The IDB, the Federal Reserve, the G20 and the Eurogroup have to act with greater ambition. Because otherwise we will take away people's savings, pensions, well-being. And society and the economy will be more impoverished after the crisis. ” There is an urgent need for a basic income or any similar distribution system that protects people in times of emergency and also in times of calm. Especially after the inevitable increase in unemployment that will end the economic closure. UBS estimates a (temporary) destruction of two million jobs in Spain, and Goldman Sachs believes that the world's GDP will fall 1% this year.
At that point, the investor's psychology, caught in the paradox, will be both the same and different. “As in other situations that combine uncertainty and high volatility, there is a great appetite for liquidity and the possibility that savers opt for deposits over other investments,” says Francisco Uría, partner in charge of the financial sector at KPMG. But the new horizon line will be drawn by listed funds (ETFs) and sustainability in portfolios. And what will become of the real estate sector, which has also created bubbles, contradicting the poet, not weightless or subtle? It will look at technology. Real estate will go digital. As far as possible. No one buys a house without physically seeing it. “But in the short term, the impact is hard. People must solve other immediate problems first, then they will buy homes again, ”predicts Carlos Smerdou, CEO of Foro Consultores Inmobiliarios.
Climatic emergency
Because in this fade to black of Earth, only climate emergency and nature seem to benefit. The breath we have given the atmosphere is the only white light that falls on a dark pandemic. In China, where pollution causes more than 1.6 million premature deaths, confinement, according to Stanford University scientist Marshall Burke, has saved at least 1,400 children under the age of 5 and 51,700 older adults. 70 years.
We have changed our existence and our way of working in one breath. Can't we change the way we inhabit the planet in another? “The choices that central banks, governments and financial institutions make today will shape our societies for years to come. It is time to mobilize resources to put people's health and work first. For this reason, the Administrations must invest in moving our economies away from dependence on fossil fuels and the infinite growth that continues to fuel the disaster, ”claims May Boeve, director of the NGO 350.org.
Kenneth Rogoff, economist and professor at Harvard, believes that the strength of the way out of the crisis depends on the health response
Kenneth Rogoff, a professor at Harvard University and one of the great economists of the 21st century, has the prestige of not writing crooked lines. In 2009, he published, together with his colleague in the American center Carmen Reinhart, a book whose title is a reprint of the days we pass. This is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly. Today, while talking to EL PAÍS through an email questionnaire, that phrase weighs like a leaden sky. “The potential impact on economic policy is profound. But it can go in different directions, “says Rogoff. “Will China's authoritarian system be seen as a solution to the crisis or the cause? Will the inept handling of the pandemic by the United States, both in its early stages (lack of evidence) and in its later stages (lack of a unified national policy), signal the beginning of the end of US dominance or, ultimately, Will it show the creativity and resilience of the country and the dollar? It will take a lot of strength.
The months come discounting a calendar of desolate days. “It appears that we are heading into a deep global recession, with a depth not seen since the Great Depression,” predicts the economist. Hopefully it will be much shorter. Although the speed of departure will depend on how the virus develops and the response of the health system. But, even at best, the situation is dire for emerging markets. Before the crisis, they already had a very high external debt (between today and the end of next year, developing countries must face, according to the UN, the repayment of 2.7 trillion dollars in debt) and a downward growth. This will cause the collapse of many nations. Carmen Reinhart and I propose a moratorium on payment to the most affected countries ”, argues Rogoff.
Social depression and freedom
The pandemic will pass and we will have to think about which streets and cities we will walk. Because the Earth runs the risk of falling into a kind of social depression as a result of this time of estrangement. “A personal collapse that will be very hard with the most isolated and lonely population, such as the elderly,” warns columnist Ezra Klein. It is the result of imposed confinement, but also voluntary. There is already a cacophonic word that advances it: cocooning. “It is the tendency to spend more time at home, socialize less outside and make your home your strength,” says Patricia Daimiel, general director of the Nielsen consultancy. Is it what we want? Feeling safe and isolated? “We will probably discover (again!) That there are many tasks that can be done from home, saving fuel on the move and waiting time in the anterooms. However, the problem is that we want to extend this privilege to activities that are too important, such as education or love, which cannot fail to be face-to-face: they demand the melee, ”reflects the philosopher Fernando Savater. Without a doubt, the immense urgency of the present prevents us from evaluating what horizon the future will leave. Israeli writer Yuval Noah Harari told the Financial Times that in these times of crisis, society has to choose between “totalitarian vigilance and citizen empowerment.” People are going to face dilemmas. “And when choosing the answers we should evaluate the alternatives and the long-term implications. New technologies are an excellent tool to prevent and avoid infections and organize our lives (think online shopping) or economic activity (telecommuting). But you have to find a balance between privacy and security, and avoid falling into a control that manipulates people or jeopardizes their individual freedoms, ”warns Rafael Doménech, head of economic analysis at BBVA Research. China has managed the pandemic, among other measures, monitoring millions of smartphones to control the contacts and body temperature of their owners. And in the space of two weeks, the prime ministers of Israel and Hungary have been given the chance to rule by decree, without interference from Parliament or the courts. But emergencies and disasters are also a rift towards a new normal. Through it we see the possibility of other worlds and another society. There are losses, there are gains; air and life are filtered. “We need a new care economy that integrates the national public and private health systems as we have done with the banking systems,” says Carlos Martín, head of the economic cabinet at CC OO. And go deep. “My proposal is a sanitary eurosystem that would be financed with the first tax at European and Community level. A progressive tax on people's assets, the surpluses of which would be used to add to the countries with the fewest resources outside the EU, to cover the entire planet… ”.
Information about the coronavirus
– Here you can follow the last hour on the evolution of the pandemic
– This is how the coronavirus curve evolves in Spain and in each autonomy
– Questions and answers about coronavirus
– Guide to action against the disease
– In case of symptoms, these are the phones that have been enabled in each community
– Click here to subscribe to the daily pandemic newsletter
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itsduongquyet · 5 years
How to post an analysis Introduction
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kayawagner · 6 years
How You Can Explore Nefertari’s Tomb in Hyper-Realistic VR
Nefertari’s tomb is hailed as one of the finest in all of Egypt. And now visitors can explore it in exquisite detail without hopping on a transoceanic flight.
Nefertari was known as the most beautiful of five wives of Ramses II, a pharaoh renowned for his colossal monuments. The tomb he built for his favorite queen is a shrine to her beauty — every centimeter of the walls in the tomb’s three chambers and connecting corridors is adorned with colorful scenes.
Like most of the tombs in the Valley of the Queens, this one had been plundered by the time it was discovered by archaeologists in 1904. And while preservation efforts have been made, the site remains extremely fragile, not to mention remote to most of the world’s population.
Simon Che de Boer and his New Zealand-based VFX R&D company, realityvirtual.co, have found a way to digitally preserve Nefertari’s tomb and give countless individuals the chance to see inside it.
Nefertari: A Journey to Eternity is a VR experience that uses high-end photogrammetry, visual effects techniques and AI to create an amazingly detailed experience that returns Queen Nefertari’s tomb to its original glory. Visitors can digitally walk around, view the scene from different angles and zoom in for a closer look.
It’s an amazingly realistic substitute for those who might otherwise have to travel to the other side of the Earth to experience it.
Powerful Data Crunching with NVIDIA Quadro GPUs
To replicate the tomb’s elaborate details, Che de Boer captured nearly 4,000 42-megapixel photographs of the site, then combined photogrammetry (the science of making measurements from photographs) with deep learning methods for processing and visualization.
NVIDIA GPUs played a critical role in processing the many hours of photogrammetric data collected onsite, crunching it many times faster than would be possible on CPUs.
GPUs were also integral to performing 3D reconstruction and presenting detailed textures. Working on powerful HP workstations equipped with high-end NVIDIA Quadro GPUs, realityvirtual.co converted the data to a dense 24Bn 3D point-cloud using CapturingReality for initial creation. Autodesk MeshMixer and Maya were used for initial clean-up. They then used an in-house, proprietary pipeline to work on the refinements and efficiencies — filling holes, extrapolating material characteristics, removing noise and cleaning up artifacts.
Che de Boer capturing imagery inside the tomb.
These very large datasets were then optimized for real-time rendered in Unreal Engine at a stable 90 frames per second, retaining all 24Bn points of detail utilizing texture streaming from Granite. Full dynamic lighting, volumetric fog, reflections, effects and 3D spacial audio.
“With these large datasets, speed of processing and playback is key,” said Che de Boer. “NVIDIA’s new architecture combined with Unreal Engine adds a level of speed and power that’s unbeatable with this enormous amount of data.”
AI: Creating More Realistic VR
No visit to an ancient tomb would be believable without removing the signs of recent modernization. To accomplish this, realityvirtual.co collected all the data that was encapsulated from the location and used the programmable Tensor Cores and 24Gb VRAM capacity from a single high-end NVIDIA Quadro GPU to train their super-sampling set.
By teaching the computer to understand what it was looking at, it could then modify the image to how it would have appeared with the modern artifacts removed. For instance, exit signs, plaques, handrails, floorboards and halogen lighting were painted out via in-painting methods and replaced with contextually aware content from the spaces around them.
To cover gaps in images, remove unwanted elements or fix overlap areas in the source photogrammetry images, realityvirtual.co infilled these areas using elements from the surrounding environment by leveraging a new AI-based method for Image InPainting developed by NVIDIA Research and available to software developers soon through the NVIDIA NGX technology stack. (Learn more about AI InPainting.)
“Without the kind of memory the high-end NVIDIA Quadro provides, processing the data from our 42-megapixel images would not have been possible,” said Che de Boer. “We use NVIDIA CUDA cuDNN extensively in both our photogrammetry and AI processes and throughout all aspects of our creation pipeline to achieve the most realism. It looks absolutely amazing. You get a real sense of being there and it’s only going to get better once we integrate NVIDIA RTX real time raytracing into our future releases.”
More recent in-house releases of the “Tomb” have been run through realityvirtual.co’s own super-sampling methods. This essentially trains their super-sampling on their own datasets, adding another level of detail to the final texture maps.
At that point, a viewer can’t distinguish the final pixels no matter how close they get to the Tomb’s artifacts. In addition more recent projects are now using realityvirtual.co’s deepPBR methods to extrapolate contextually aware normals, delit diffuse, roughness and displacement. They’re invaluable for working with physically based rendering engines such as Unreal Engine.
All this data was trained on itself, a great example of AI using its own data to improve itself. The result is an educational simulation that’s available on the STEAM gaming platform for free, but requires a Vive, Rift or Windows VR headset.
To continue documenting heritage sites an digitally preserving them for years to come,  Che de Boer recently formed a strategic relationship with Professor Sarah Kenderdine at EPFL, a prestigious research university in Lausanne Switzerland. Together they’re looking to virtually re-create New Zealand’s ChristChurch Cathedral as it existed before it was damaged by a 2011 earthquake as well as other locations that can not yet be disclosed, though are of the most prestigious nature.
“These are locations that everyone knows about but only few get to access to,” said Che de Boer. “Our goal is to make these sites accessible to people around the world who wouldn’t otherwise get an opportunity to experience them in their lifetime.”
The post How You Can Explore Nefertari’s Tomb in Hyper-Realistic VR appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.
How You Can Explore Nefertari’s Tomb in Hyper-Realistic VR published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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HA3051 Accounting Theory sample
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HA3051 Accounting Theory sample
HA3051 Accounting theory Sample Assignment
Accounting theory
Accounting theories are very important tools in making decisions that involves the accounts and a lot of finances, these theories also help in providing guidelines for accounting decisions. BP group operation in the Mexican gulf can to a stop when its oil field prospect exploded and caused oil spillage in the Mexican gulf. The Transocean Company was in charge of the operations, although it was only BP that took responsibility for paying the damages of this accident. It is noted that, BP adhered to the Legitimization theory which requires a company to adhere to the norms and value of the society in which it operates
There is always a reason behind every action that a man or a company takes; these actions are always supported by sound reasons. Companies are always extra cautious especially when taking a financial or accounting process and therefore the there are theories that man has come up with to help and provide guidelines towards decision making process (Most, 1977).  It should be noted that for accounting decisions, accounting theories are very important in guiding or explaining these decisions. This paper will therefore focus on the accounting theories and how the BP group applied the theory during the deepwater horizon oil spill.
Brief overview of BP’s oil spillage
Bp oil spill, also known as Gulf of Mexico Spill or the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is the largest marine oil spill in US history. This catastrophe is a resultant of an explosion on the deep sea horizon along the offshore of the oil platform which a way off 50 miles south East of the River Mississippi Delta. Although the BP Corporation tried to stop the leak it did not succeed but its success in stopping the leak is when it opted to cap the well unfortunately the damage was beyond measure and oil had spill into the Mexican gulf for eighty six days. Although the oil spill had been stopped the impact of its damages were devastating and therefore it arose intense debate and the many interested parties deliberated on the issue. It is speculated that the  oil released to the Gulf of Mexico from the PB’s Macon do well was roughly over five million barrels of oil in which the gulf of Mexico directly receiving 4.2 million barrels.  The damage estimated was huge and the from the satellite pictures it’s estimated that the total coverage of the oil spill was 68,000 square miles (Houdet & Germaneau, 2011).
Although the Transocean Ltd owned Deepwater Horizon was contracted by PB tasked with the duty of drilling an exploratory well but it is the PB who were the principle owners and developers of the Macon do oil well prospect where the catastrophic accident occurred.  Both BP and Deepwater aware at a process of shutting down the well so that they can prepare for future mining while another contracted company, the Halliburton had completed the task of cementing the casings of the well. The US government intervened and in its verdict, BP was to take sole responsibility of the b damage and tasked with the duty of cleaning up the oil spill from the ocean. Although the BP Company did not decline the responsibility but it later felt that both the Halliburton and Transocean should be responsible too since they are partly to blame (Houdet & Germaneau, 2011).
BP’s response this accident had some serious financial implication because it had to release a large group income. It is this company released a pre-taxed amount of US$ 40.9 billion to cater for the damages the occurred due to the Deepwater horizon oil spill, and in from this amount a  total of US$17.7 billion was spend in the year 2010 alone.  The BP Company had to spend. The Bp as part of generating this amount the BP group had to 0-raise US$20 billion from the sale of its asserts in the US over a period of 3.5 years, these funds will satisfy all the legitimate claims that will be demanded by the independent Gulf Coast Claims Facility, litigations settlements, natural resource damage costs and local and state response costs. The group will fund a ten year research program at a cost of US$500 million that will study the impact of oils spills into Mexican gulf and the effect on the marine and shoreline ecosystem (Houdet & Germaneau, 2011).
Theoretical framework
Theory is a structure that plays the role of uniting the underlying logicor system of reasoning, therefore Accounting theory is logical reasoning in the form  of a set of broad principles that give a provision of  general frame of reference by  which accenting practices  can be  evaluated and guide the evaluation of new procedures and practices. The accounting theory incorporates fundamental assumptions, debfinations, principles and concepts and the methods used to arrive at their definitions. The process of solving an accounting issue requires a person to have an absolute expertise and well acquaintance in theoretical knowledge and a backup of sufficient practical experience. Like any other theory accounting theory is based on sound reasoning and incorporates a logical and confirmed hypothesis that happens to be accepted by all. There exist a close interaction between accounting theory and the practice of account in a way that separation of the two improves to be a difficulty. The process of developing the theories of accounting involves observation, analysis, explanations, scrutiny and scanning of the daily practice of accounting.
To best suit the explanation of the BP’s case of oil spillage, Legitimacy theory of accounting can suit this scenario. This theory can be  vaguely suit a description that businesses are liable to social contracts in which the farms agree to perform a variety of socially desired actions in return for the  approval of its goals and other gains, and  by this its existence is guaranteed (Ventureline, 2016). Legitimacy theory is one of the corporate strategy theories that is most cited and closely related to public relations theories. To understand this theory it important to expound on the term legitimacy, which refers to a generalized perception that, actions of an organization are justified within a given social system? In organizational context, legitimacy exist when organizational objectives, outputs and operational methods are in compliance with the value and norms of the larger societal system of which the  organization is part of it (Wilson,2002). The basic argument of the legitimacy theory is an organization pursue legitimized activities due to the influence the external aspects on the administration. An organization that applies this theory ensures that its actions are based on the norms, culture and being legitimate with the society and therefore, ensuring its actions are legitimate and acceptable by the society. The organization will disclose its environmental information as motivated but this theory; it will also bus PR as a tool to legitimize its activities. This theory describes how an organization with all its mechanisms, operations and structures has gained acceptance in the society (Glautier, & Underdown, 1976). Legitimization has several basic strategies which includes;
Adjust the perception of the relevant public without adjusting the behavior of the organization.
Inform and educate the society on the adjustments of the organizations’ activities and performances
Adjust the external expectations of organizational performance
Manipulate the public’s perception by deflecting the focus from the fundamentals issue of concern to other related issues by appealing to the masses (Riahi-Belkaoui, 1981).
BP group is a multinational company and for it in handling the deepwater Horizon oil spill accident, it took all the responsibility for the damages that resulted from the oil spill, this company incurred the losses at the expense of selling it US asserts to cater for the damages and the litigation claims and even to sponsor the research on the ecosystem and lastly it also invested majorly on the cleanup process to get rid of the oil spill from the Mexican gulf. It is noted that, this farm applied the legitimacy theory of social and environmental accounting (Houdet & Germaneau, 2011).
The BP group had to take the responsibility for the oil spill to legitimize its activities with the people of the alongside the cost of Louisiana and the Mexican bay. To foster its image and its principles of operation, the company had to take a sole responsibility for the oil spill even though two other companies were involved in the accident. BP also made sure the public is educated on the damages its actions had caused by setting up funds to cater for a ten year research into the damages its operations had caused. BP sought the societal approval in line with the legitimacy theory by setting aside funds that will compensate for the damages caused by the oil spills. It can be concluded that the BP Company honored the requirements of the Legitimacy theory by seeking approval of the society and taking responsibility for its actions (Houdet & Germaneau, 2011)
The BP group agreed with the legitimacy theory, by adjusting the expectations of its performances to suit the interest of the public which it had caused damages. This company’s operations in the United States incurred serious damages and losses but because of its legitimization, it had to sacrifice its US asserts to cater for the damages it had caused to the society an nd environment. Although the company’s operation is to make profit, but its societal norms and values binds the company to fulfill the demands of the society (Houdet & Germaneau, 2011).
BP adhered to the legitimacy theory by changing the relevant public perception without adjusting its practice behavior. This company continued in its operations of oil exploration in other areas while in the Mexican gulf it had to fulfill the demands of the relevant public. The government found BP solely responsible, but because this group is bounded by the regulations in the legitimacy theory, the company had to comply with the demands even though there were two other companies that could take responsibility (Houdet & Germaneau, 2011)
The legitimacy theory bounds a company to the norms and values of the people around its area of operations. The organization will formulate its goals and targets in a way that will ensure a good relationship is fostered with the public are located. Implementation of this policy requires that the company to consider the interest of relevant people, among whom it has to educate about their activities and procedures.
The BP group can be commended as perfect example of a legitimized company, its operations and actions is justified by how it responded on the deepwater spillage, it made all the efforts to rectify its damages and compensate the society around its operations. BP Company can be commended on the efforts it made to legitimize its actions even though it this actions cost it billions of asserts but it complied with consequences to clear its name and maintain a good perception with the relevant public
Glautier, M. W. E., & Underdown, B. (1976). Accounting theory and practice. London: Pitman.
Houdet, J & Germaneau.(2011). The financial impacts of BP’s Response to the deep water horizon oil spill. Comparing damage valuation approache & highlighting the need for more reliable environmental accounting and reporting. Case study 2011, Synargiz. –A@L Interrated sustainability services,P5
Most, K. S. (1977). Accounting theory. Columbus, Ohio: Grid.
Riahi-Belkaoui, A. (1981). Accounting theory. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Wilson, H. T. (2002). Capitalism after postmodernism: Neo-conservatism, legitimacy and the theory of public capital. Leiden: Brill
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