#Traumatized OC
thezombiedraws · 4 months
doing this trend (and i just HAD to forget his tattoo)
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i love character building
i love writing expositions
i love the story of how things get to the problem
i love bringing back things from chapter one into the last line
but i hate finishing up a story
like what do you mean i have to solve a problem
what do you mean this is supposed to have an over arching plot
what do you mean i have to change my characters into something better in the end
like i can write out beginning middle and end
but then “how do they tie together?” you may ask
idk they just do trust
also no my mc having mommy issues and being verbally abused at a young age isn’t an exaggerated version of anything
i just thought i would be some good trauma
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scrimblo-soab · 3 months
I love drawing my ocs so much
like they need hugs but they’re such little babies!
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defire · 4 days
Chapter 30: A Rather Unpleasant Night
Content: parental death, magical creatures, fighting, grief
Warren rubbed his hands on his arms as he walked home from an auction, the air much too cold to be out in just a loose shirt and trousers.
That morning, he'd left with some incriminating documents that Flower had sent Nife a long time ago, hoping that the rebels could make use of it. But when he'd stopped at an auction on the way, he’d overheard some upsetting developments his father had hidden from him.
His parents had purchased several new properties and immediately mortgaged them to the Wrys.
“You’re saying they had money and chose to go further into debt for some cash?” He’d shouted. “That’s ridiculous! They would never!”
The poor stranger had just blinked and stammered out,
“I wasn’t even talking to you…”
“Who told you such a vicious lie?” He’d demanded.
Then he’d realized what an ass he was being and stuffed his hands in his pockets, storming off before he could make a bigger fool of himself.
"Way to represent Raizden," He muttered to himself.
The longer it went, and the more things like this that happened, the more it looked like his parents had no intention of buying Nife back; not for a long time, anyway. He was about at the limit of his patience. But this time, he believed he could control his temper, keep from getting swayed by his mother, and maybe convince his father that it was somehow financially beneficial to get Nife back.
As he got closer to his home, rehearsing what he was going to say in soft whispers, he started to gain more confidence.
"You're both very practical people, I understand that," He whispered. "But I think if we can afford real estate, we're not doing as badly as you said."
He shook his head at himself. No, he couldn't say it like that… He had to say it just right if he wanted to convince them.
He came up to the gate, lit by the orange gaslight outside. But the black wrought-iron gate creaked as a breeze blew in at Warren's back, and it opened a little. 
He frowned. It was supposed to be closed and locked at this time. 
He looked around as he slipped inside, and realized there were no guards. Raizden could only afford six these days, but two of them should be posted at the gate.
Warren looked around for anything he could use as a weapon, just in case, though as his heart beat harder, he realized he wasn't emotionally prepared to face a threat inside his own home.
"Maybe they're inside." He thought.
They were.
As he stepped inside the front door, he paused in the entryway, realizing that there were several warm things–people–on the floor, silent and unmoving. His eyes widened, suddenly grasping that he was in a life-or-death situation, and he knelt down near the nearest body. It was a servant–Svelt.
He pushed down a flicker of guilt, telling him he should have been here when this happened.
No. I’m here now. He thought.
He moved on to the next blob, which twitched a little when he touched the body. This one was a guard, so he should be armed. He grimaced and reached for the weapon in the hand of the fallen guard. He picked it up carefully, but the tip of the sword made a small scrape on the ground as he took it.
At that moment, he saw two glowing dots about seven feet in front of him.
[btw, I made theme songs for many of my characters, and this is Warrens's :) ]
They simply stared at him, unblinking. He stared back, completely taken off guard by the glowing. Then the puzzle fit together in his slow mind. Unless it just happened to be here by chance, which was very unlikely, the creature had killed them. He tried to feel the owner of the eyes via heat, but he felt nothing. He mentally cursed his flawed senses.
Suddenly the bright orange eyes blinked and turned away, and he heard the sound of human feet, bare, walking down the corridor–toward his parents' chambers. 
He was about to stand up and follow, when suddenly he was startled by a whisper right below him.
"Run." The guard whispered. "Just run."
"No." Warren whispered, raising the sword and walking softly toward the pitch-black hall. 
As he did, he heard the sound of an impact in his parents' room.
He pushed off into a run, racing down the hall and shoving open their door.
When he saw nothing, he rushed forward, hitting his shin on a couch, and ignoring the pain as he ran around the other furniture and stopped in their bedroom, staring. 
Moonlight came in richly through the double  windows in their room. On either side of the bed were several dark figures, and in the bed were his mother and father, whose blood stained the sheets black in the moonlight. They were completely still and going cold, just like the other corpses in the entryway. 
The creatures turned their glowing eyes on him and he found himself half-frozen in horror, sword automatically pointed in their direction.
They spoke to each other, not turning their eyes away from him.
"I thought we got all the guards."
"That's gotta be Warren."
"Are you Warren?" The orange eyes to the left said.
"What... What have you done to them?" Warren's voice cracked like a prepubescent teen's would, betraying all the panic he'd been hiding from. He realized he'd stepped back, not forward, like he should have.
They were still talking, now all looking at him and slowly moving in his direction.
"If it is, he has incredible timing. I was worried we'd miss him."
"Watch out, he has a sword." That one had a deep, cracked voice. Older. A Druid?
"How can you see in this darkness?" That one couldn't be any older than he was. 
"Come on. Let's just kill him."
At that, they suddenly all moved toward him, all the eyes moving around the bed and giving him a definite impression of where their bodies were. He raised the heavy sword, and sliced it across the first one's temple in the direction of the eyes. It was deep and cut into the bone. The creature let out a kind of whoop as Warren’s strike knocked him to the left, and Warren stepped back, considering him dealt with as the others began to surround him. Whether it was the force of their swings, or just a fighter's instinct, he had a pure terror of getting hit that he could not ignore, and he focused on dodging–many times, just barely.
He kept them back, jabbing out with the sword in key locations, and knocking them back with kicks to keep them from pinning him down. He felt the blade slice deeply into flesh and sometimes bone, and as he stepped back, panting, he felt sure that he could take them all out easily.
Then he saw the glowing orange eyes, starting at the floor, turning to face him and slowly rising, blinking,  and not even a sound or a stagger as then stepped softly toward him again. He saw at this moment, tiny fuzzy blobs of heat near them on their bodies, which faded as they approached. They were where he'd wounded them, but they seemed unaffected by the cuts he'd made–even though some should've been fatal.
"What..." He whispered, then ducked a swing which he heard coming over his head as one of them lunged at him with some kind of blunt weapon. 
Panting, he fought them back again, this time only barely hearing them coming a moment early. If he hadn't been forced to rely on his hearing during sparring so much, he might've been killed here, because they continued to gain on him. Even if he wasn't halfway heat-blind, he couldn't have seen these invisible bodies coming. 
As he staggered backward again, panting and barely on his feet, he watched them getting up to their feet again, as energetic as they were in the first round.
"Hell..." He cursed.
Then there was a soft click and a scathing punch sent him backward into the floor. As something thocked into the wood floor behind him, he realized he'd been grazed with a crossbow bolt. A Druid and a crossbow in this dark would be the death of him fast. They could see him, and he could barely see where they were based on the glowing eyes. He wasn’t going to make it at this rate. He'd wanted to kill the murderers. Now he just wanted to live.
"Damn it. I'm... sorry." He turned and fled.
He had no time for thought. He pushed all of what he'd just seen out of his mind, focusing only on escaping. He centered his mind on remembering the layout of the house, finding himself in the servant's entryway.
He guided himself down via the bannister, laying a hand gently on the knob and twisting it as quietly as he could.
He heard their feet thudding on the floor as they hurried after him, now clearly worried that he might actually escape.
Now that they were further away, he should've been able to make them out clearly, but he still sensed no difference in their body temperature versus the actual air. 
As he heard the killers pounding after him, he raced down the garden path and scrambled over the wall the way he and Nife always had, and ran all the way to an old tower that his family had never gotten around to renovating. By the time he reached it, it had been several minutes of running, and he no longer heard the cold creatures coming after him.  He tried to climb inside the tower, and his body gave out before the second step. He tumbled down to the street below, sat down on the doorstep, and huddled there, wrapping his cloak around him. He felt like a lost child, powerless and alone. He hated it. He was almost eighteen, he was supposed to be completely mature. He shouldn’t feel scared; maybe angry, but not scared. He shivered.
It felt like only a few minutes ago that he had convinced himself that tonight he'd finally go to bed with hope, or at least with a new plan. And now suddenly all that was gone. Everything was gone.
First chapter: next chapter:
Taglist: @tildeathiwillwrite @mimostic @fleur-a-whump @a-n-j-a-maria per Tumblr's content policy, this is the non-nsfw version, but you can find the canon Dance of Death on Amazon and ao3 (which I'm updating shabbily as fast as I can). Also if you want, it would mean so much to me if you leave a review or comment while you're there.
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Welcome to your favorite family friendly restaurant- Chuck E. Cheese!
In this location is the one and only starting point of the franchise! Our wonderful employees are full of joy and friendliness willing to clean up ANY mess that may happen! We work hard on making your day the BEST of all time.
Be sure to stop down and ask some questions- our HUMAN employees love answering them! <3
The owner of our establishment is often called BM! He's a great guy and I believe he is the best establishment owner there could be.
Darrell and Deborah(me!) Are the managers! We do our best to try and make sure everything is all dandy and fine!
And of course, our awesome employees- Dahr Mann and Hope! They may not seem like much, but they are key components of this establishment.
↓↓↓Ooc below this↓↓↓
Hi! Chuckily Cheese is half a shitpost lol random half an actual story that me and my friends have been building for quite a while. It started when Person pointed out a “frog” in the background of something, and it all just kind of snowballed from there. We wanted to share the joy and whimsy it brought us with whoever’s interested in spectating or asking character questions (who our characters will respond to, if you haven’t guessed all ready.) - BM’s writer
The lore, area and everything else is supposed to be answered through the characters. Sometimes there will be visual answers but a large majority of the time it will remain verbal typing stuff ^_^ Chuckly Cheese isn't necessarily horror, but there are horror ish elements!
The protagonist is Deborah- she will answer all questions unless it is asked to someone else :]
The artist, owner of Hope, Deborah and Darrel and also owner of the blog→ @hopex4
Creater of BM→ @bananamilkreal
Creator of Dahr Mann the dog(s)→ @veethesilly
Creator of the FBI agent Person→ @somerandomp3rs0n
lost kid
deborah answers
not deborah
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smilecult · 5 months
Fuck it, Hatchetfield oc.
Name:Raz(Her real name is something else but she only responds if you call her raz)
Pronouns:She/her We/us/it
Family:Single dad, mom went to her job at lakeside mall and didn’t come back…wonder what that’s about? One younger brother, her cousin is Grace Chasity so connect the dots on her aunt and uncle. She doesn’t like them tho since Raz is an atheist. Got one bulldog.
other shit:Raz spends a lot of her time drawing, she usually uses a black, white, green, yellow, pink, purple, and blue color pallet. She draws animals and monsters a lot. She also spends a lot of her time putting up fake posters of missing people that say; last seen in the Waylon place. Or something else like that, cuz she likes scaring people without the consequences. She’s part of the stage crew at Hatchetfield high and the starlight theater, and if she was in the events of NPMD, she’s make it to the summoning but would be hanging on by a fucking thread mentally and physically. She also maybe sort of told grace that:”If you can’t flirt with people, just kill em.” As a joke, grace did not take it as a joke. Raz is ambidextrous btw, idk why just felt like adding it. She has good grades, but it’s cuz she steals the answer sheets from her teachers.
(Pic coming soon, but I’ll describe her to the best of my abilities!)
head:Brown hair with red highlights, brown eyes, freckles, and a blue band-aid on her nose. Long hair, goes down to the back, curly.
height:idk the exact high but probly just a bit taller then grace.
clothes:She usually wears one of five crop tops: A yellow one with a clock pattern, a green one that got slightly stained by squid ink(She doesnt even remember how it got there), a purple one with an eye pattern, a pink one with a mouth pattern, and her favorite, a black shirt with a sort of rain pattern that she accidentally stained with light blue slime. She usually wears those with a black flannel, sweat pants or jeans(she doesn’t give two fucks-) and black shoes she covered in stickers. She also has 5 bracelets, but she usually only wears three of em. A black one with blue water charms and a purple one with eye charms, both on her right wrist. She also wears a yellow one with clock charms on her left wrist.
Friends:Pete, Richie, Ruth, and sort of Steph? She says sort of cuz she gives Steph test answers if she pays her.
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miss-emmie · 6 months
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Ughhhh anyways :3 I finally finished chapter 22 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
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chloroformcurry · 9 months
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“What a distinguished man Cap is I’m sure he had a wonderful upbringing”
The excerpted text in the 4th image is from A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
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project-perfiful · 2 months
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Obsessed with Femtanyl rn and this is my favorite part of the OC music video I imagine in my head when I listen to P3T lmao. I was originally gonna draw this with my sona but I wanted to put Rio in the jar instead lol.
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Meme of Cloud, a character from The Mushroom Lore (story #4). Made by Moth and I
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cartoonishreal · 1 year
my personal traumatized boy..
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Will infodump later <3333
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luciano-nightstar · 5 months
Every time I info drop to my favorite/close cousin about the most gruesome, ptsd causing traumatic events that has I plan to put on my oc backstory and/or storyline, the first thing they would always say after I finish is: "Why?" Or "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??" Or "Oh nah"
And I reply back to them with a smile: "Because it's fun :)"
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mystery-wings · 11 months
Meet Jules Bellamy
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You are welcome to send asks and more!
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milouisedoodles · 1 year
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I really like this trend ✨
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wiindexx · 1 year
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my first ever pride piece :D
Ajax and Kai striker(they aren't married, I was just too lazy to give kai an actual surname Imfao) Are a pair of demigods who are on the asexual spectrum, but consider themselves panromantic as Kai is genderfluid and Ajax doesn't care about what gender the person he is in a romantic relationship with identifies as.
Ajax[he/him](top left), a demigod son of the greek Titan deity Kronos, is a traumatized 22 year old trans guy who gave up a big trait (he was created from a piece of Kronos's cut up body and because of this, was immortal until the age of 22 where he gave it up for a permanent transition and to be able to live a life full of laughter and joy with the friends who took him in when he needed support most) about him to become the person he is today.
Kai[he/she/they](bottom right), a 21 year old demigod child of the primordial sky god Aether, Kai is a wholesome genderfluid person who loves to prank their friends with an ability they've had since they can remember, which is shapeshifting. Kai and Ajax have found themselves leaning on each other for support when things get rough for Ajax as the kid has a lot of mental health issues and PTSD from being kicked out of his mortal dads home at twelve for being transgender(yes, his dad was gay or bi but was super transphobic) and living on the streets for a little over 10 years.
fun fact: making my boy Ajax is what caused me to have a massive crisis and realize Im nonbinary and not plain trans. I still don’t even know how he caused it :/
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Sandy has gotta be one of my favorite guys him in the wild is so silly
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