#Tredd and Luche are bros
grumpyarcherkitten · 6 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern! I am only doing two chapters of Built to Fall Apart because otherwise, this will be half that fic lol.
Thanks to @awlwren-writes for tagging me!
Zack still remembered how he laughed, how his pout looked when he was confused, and how he liked his hotdogs. (Built to Fall Apart ch 1.)
When Cloud agreed to let Zack spend the day unsupervised with Logan he gave him three rules. (Built to Fall Apart ch4)
“Bro, I am sick and fucking tired of always having to clean up after this sick fuck,” Reno muttered into his comm as he rode the elevator to Hojo’s private Labs. (Cracks of Light)
Regis wasn’t focused on the meeting around him. (Long Story Short, I survived ch 1)
Titus knew it was his own fault. (How to Parent a Glaive)
‘ Too fucking cold,’ Nyx thought as he shoved his hands deeper into his hoodie pockets and hustled down the street. (Diamonds in the Sky)
Titus looked over at the sleeping body next to him and sighed heavily. (Swaying as the Room Burned Down)
Nyx Axis Tredd Pelna Libertus Luche Crowe Sonitus remembers the day it happened. (Lichtenberg Figures)
“Hey, Dad,” Noctis sounded anxious about something even through the phone Regis could tell. (It's a scene and we're out here in plain sight ch 3) 
When Titus defected, he never thought this would be an issue he would have to deal with. (Love, War, and Sacrifice)
I don't really see any patterns apart form I seem to like starting fics with character names upfront and center lmao.
Tagging: whoever wants to do this!
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wintersweetbou · 4 years
Running on Empty
Fandom: FFXV/Kingsglaive. Rating: G? Its fluff. 
Summary: Luche Lazarus works himself too far trying to prevent further losses on the battlefield. Tredd Furia sees the crash coming. Now, a nice person would calmly voice their concerns. A Furia would drag them kicking and screaming back home. Is Tredd a nice person? In his eyes he is, until Luche fights it. They are both going to give their captain a headache at this rate.
Luche keeps tapping away at his keyboard despite the fact it was quitting time. Shadows hung under his eyes, blooming under sickly pale skin. Tredd leaned against the doorframe of the tiny office, watching in concern. Luche took to being a workaholic to deal with the stress of losing a battle, everyone was getting worried while he threw himself at his work. The redhead lightly knocked on the polished wood, looking expectantly. 
“Yes?” Luche groaned, rubbing his eyes. 
“Wanna hit Yama’s for some food? Heard they were toying with new recipes.” Tredd watched the slow roll and shudder of Luche’s shoulders as he stretched, and shook his head. 
“You ok?” 
“I’m fine.” 
“Don't sound fine to me. Don't look too good either. Lets get some food, and watch a movie at my place, hm?” 
“Sounds great- but go on without me” Luche sighed, rubbing at his temples, slouching in his seat. Frowning, Tredd stepped forward, putting his hands on his hips. 
"Dude, you are not ok. You're working yourself way too hard. I get it, you are working for us. But you need a full meal and nights sleep." 
Luche slumped a squidge in his seat, as if acknowledging his condition was shameful. 
"Your work will still be here in the morning. Burning yourself out won't solve anything."
"I'll get some rest tomorrow. Tonight I can get by with coffee…" 
"If I have to drag you out of this six-damned office I will. Luche- don't think I won't." 
The readhead barged over, grabbing Luche by the wrist and hefting him to his feet. The vice captain was tired enough that his mind and reflexes didn't catch up until Tredd almost had him out the door. Luche snarled, bracing against the door frame. 
"Enough! I don't have time for this!"
"You don't have time for me?"
"No! The war-" Luche wheezed as Tredd tackled him to the floor of the cramped office, struggling to pin his growling brother in arms. 
"Fuck the war. I'm taking you home, getting some food in you, and making sure you get some sleep!"
Luche struggled- Tredd was broader and stronger and the miniscule floorspace gave him no wiggle room. Tredd grinned, bearing his full weight down on the growling glaive, squishing him into the corner between the desk and wall. Luche viciously bucked, throwing Tredd enough for him to twist and regain his position, kneeling, bracing against the desk and forcing Tredd back in a wild grapple. 
Tredd locked with Luche, grinning maniacally. This was Tredd's forte- brute strength. Luche's muscles trembled under him, barely holding his idiot back. Tredd mustered and shoved forward, the other glaive shuddered but held, shaking violently with effort. Tredd shoved again, forcing Luche down against the desk, then on his back on the ground. 
"Get off, asshole!"
"Too tired to make me, Lazarus?"
Luche squirmed, but no longer had the energy to buck him off. Tredd sat on his legs, pinning his hands above his on either side of his head.
"Get your insubordinate dickish self off of me-" came a muffled growl.
"Take a night off." Tredd snickered, leaning further on the kicking legs under himself.
"I said get off!" Luche roared, struggling in vain to muster strength that just wasn't there.
The blonde managed to turn and bite the readhead on the wrist. Tredd glanced down, still holding tight, to see teeth marks- rapidly turning red- clearly visible. 
"The fucker bit me." Tredd sounded awed. Luche bit Tredd. He must be in far worse shape than they thought- calm, in control, cool Luche lay smirking and bedraggled after fighting and biting his best friend. Six.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You are going home one way or another. Gonna keep fighting?" This got a quiet curse in response.
"Hard it is." Came the muttered reply. 
Tredd adjusted his sleeves, pinning the others two hands in one of his, over his head, looking down at his prey. Luche lay exhausted but still defiant. His hair flopped down in his eyes, uniform a mess, shirt untucked under his coat. Tredd chuckled at the sight.
"Remember, all you need to do is take the night off …" 
 Luche growled in response, writhing in his grasp. 
Tredd leaned in, tugged his shirt up further, and dug his fingers into the skin above Luche's hip. “Tredd! Get off or I swear to Ramuh!” Luche squawked, bucking weakly.
Tredd tickled along the cut of his hips and lower belly, earning increasingly desperate threats. Tredd grinned, clawing into the muscle above the joint, deeply amused at the shaky curses. Based on the flush along Luche's face and how bad his stomach quivered in his grasp, the beleaguered glaive just needed a little push. 
“I’ll go home as soon as I’m done!” Luche squirmed, desperately struggling to reign himself in. 
“You are done for the day.” Tredd smirked, kneading. 
“Just a little more! I swear!” Came a pleading squeak. 
"You asked for it." Tredd snickered, leaning in. 
"No! Get the fuck off! Nonononoo!" Luche squealed, then broke into wild cackling at Tredd nibbling at the exposed skin of his hip. The blond managed to break his arms free, but his strength to do anything else withered under the crippling mirth. Tredd laughed into the quivering skin, holding tight onto the poor glaive frantically squirming in his arms.  
The vice captain bucked weakly, shaking his head amid aching guffaws. His lungs and muscles burned, adrenaline spent. Tredd chuckled, kneading into his quaking waist. Luche looked to be near admitting defeat, face bright red and hair askew. 
"Gonna get some rest?" Tredd glanced up, smiling at the giggling glaive.
Luche panted and told Tredd to go fuck himself in Gahladian. 
"Alrighty then..." 
Luche screeched as Tredd blew raspberry after raspberry onto his belly, clawing into the meat above his hips. The blonde was held tight as he thrashed and laughed helplessly. He couldn't stand it, couldn’t escape, his mind stuck in a spiraling loop of six, it tickles and I'm stuck. Tredd smirked, continuing mercilessly, not noticing the form of the captain in the doorway, taking a stealth pic of his poor second being tickled to death. 
"May I ask why you are tormenting Lazarus?" Drautos inquired over his second’s breathless shrieks of laughter, leaning casually on the door frame. Tredd froze, wide eyed. Then shook himself and smiled up at his captain.
 "Lazarus is burning himself out, sir. I am merely encouraging him to rest up." 
Drautos raised an eyebrow, observing the poor condition of his second. The blonde had been taking on more paperwork and training, desperate to prevent losses on the battlefield. This war had taken a terrible toll on his glaives, and some bore the stress better than others. While training and hard work was well and good, rest was also key. Drautos nodded, and turned back to the hallway.
"Can't fight or think on an empty tank. Go home, the lot of you. That's an order." 
Two yes sirs sounded behind him, one smug, and the other uncertain. 
Tredd ran his fingers through his hair, sighing. After forcing takeout down the blond’s gullet and settling in for a night of games, he had turned around to find him passed out cold on his couch. He really had no idea how Luche held it together for so long. Tredd himself dealt with stress by beating a weighted bag until his knuckles bled. Sometimes with fire dancing viciously between the bones protruding under taut skin. He went until his strength was spent and someone- usually Luche- would catch him. The others did the same, roughly. The “hero” and his squad drank their troubles away, leaning on each other through the hard nights. Axis sank into his family, letting their love wash his wounds clean. Sonitus sang and danced with the remnants of his clan, their songs steady, leading its participants into a cleansing, healing trance. It was easy to let eachother hold the stress for a bit. It was what kept them all going- sticking together. 
Tredd glanced down at a soft snort from Luche, watching the man snuggle deeper into his couch. Draping a blanket over him, the redhead turned to get ready for bed. Maybe Drautos would take it easy on them in training tomorrow.
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Hi! Just a quick question! In Heart of Thunder Luche tried to stop Tredd from burning that townhouse down. Are they friends? Or just acquaintances? Drautos let them vent together, were they bros before? Or just comrades in arms? Just curious! Your stuff is amazing! *continues lurking shyly*
Hello there~
Luche and Tredd have known each other since they were kids, since their Clans are close allies. Since then Luche has always been the one trying to keep Tredd from doing something stupid. With varying degrees of success.
However, hey didn’t start to become close friends, until Niflheim’s inavion of Galahd.
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secret-engima · 5 years
You've got so much sad stuff for the Stand Strong AU, do you have any positive headcannons for it?
YES OF COURSE. Just- angst comes easily to me.
-Prompto has the entirety of the Kingsglaive as his doting older siblings. They love him. Would happily murder for him. They take great pleasure spending their days off playing with him and teaching him Cool Things (Luche made the mistake of teaching Prompto the art of Paintball Wars, now the teams fight over who gets the Prodigy Bby Sniper on their team because he’s basically a guaranteed win).
-Prompto also has a posse of little Galahdian kiddos in Little Galahd that he plays with, they are more than happy to include Noctis in their Pack and games after Prompto befriends the prince and drags him down there to play.
-Amissa adopts Prompto. Straight up adopts him. With Cor’s help because nobody is going to sneer at the Marshal’s new choice of parent for this poor bby.
-Everybody picture one of Noctis’s first Heats after he Matures. He is tired, and achy, and still not used this Heat thing, and MISERABLE, and for whatever reason he’s not in his quarters huddled up with Ignis. Gladiolus also isn’t there for whatever reason. Titus finds him. Titus’s brain instantly kicks into “bby. Distressed Bby. MY DISTRESSED BBY NOW HUSH BBY I WILL PROTECC YOU” and he scoops up the princeling and carries him around looking for Regis (because what is he doing his kingly duties can wait the PUP IS DISTRESSED HERE). Titus purrs gently and lets his scent out JUST A TEENY BIT, just so Noctis can relax at having a big, gentle alpha to cuddle with.
-Everybody picture the looks on the Citadel people’s faces when they spot Titus  piggybacking Noctis around, the little Omega purring up a storm and nuzzling a stoic-faced Titus every few seconds, then hissing in that way kittens do when they’re trying to be fierce but are actually tooth-rottingly adorable whenever someone other than his dad tries to take him away from Titus (Titus’s bass growl is considerably less cute and far more effective).
-Titus interrupts a council meeting to stride in with Noctis and gently plop the pup on his father’s lap, turns to leave and visibly FREEZES when Noctis whimpers for him and grabs his sleeve.
-Spends the rest of the very awkward meeting standing RIGHT by Regis’s chair, staring at the wall with a blank expression as if that will hide the fact that Noctis is happily sleeping in his dad’s lap and using Titus’s hand as a cuddle toy. Or that the deep, bass purr filling the room is NOT coming from any of the non-Galahdians in the room.
-All hail Amissa’s Momming habits. She uses her job as janitor to smuggle Proper Galahdian Food to the glaives. She also takes to leaving Cor snacks on his desk. Cor would appreciate the gesture more if she didn't somehow keep doing it while he’s there and yet completely escape his notice until he looks up and there’s the snack/sandwich/whatever.
-Everybody picture Noctis learning traditional Galahdian songs from the glaives after he gets the chance to know them. Everybody picture an off-duty lounge room filled with hardened, scentless soldiers all plopped down on the floor happily teaching a little Pup how to Properly Sing and getting into play fights over who gets to teach him the next one.
-Ignis learning to cook Proper Galahdian Food everybody. He has way too much fun with the spices, and the Galahdians only encourage him (RIP the tongues of anyone not of Galahdian blood, Cor Leonis crazy, or Galahdian-adopted).
-Gladiolus and Tredd have a hugely competitive Big Bro-Little Bro relationship. Gladiolus will constantly come looking for a spar, Tredd will happily indulge him and then mock him for “losing to an omega” every time Tredd flips Gladio on his back.
-Axis Arra is the Well Meaning Ghost of the glaives. Scary stealthy 80% unintentionally, he’s just that quiet and took to Amissa’s stealth lessons a little too well. Once the glaives and Regis come to a Proper Understanding, Regis likes to have Axis as his second guard during official functions because the man can alternate between Complete Invisibility and Scaring The Pants off annoying nobles by “appearing” at random.
-Galahdians will sing at the drop of any hat. It’s like a freaking musical down in Little Galahd, all you have to do is start singing something louder than a whisper and soon you have like twenty people joining in and kids dancing on beat.
-After Amissa and Cor FINALLY get into an official relationship, Amissa is required to attend some official function. Juno, Clarus’s wife, helps her get dressed in something fancy. Amissa finds it insta-worth it when she sees Cor waiting at the bottom of the steps and gets to see him visibly double-take and then lose all his words at the sight of her.
-Cor and Amissa are casual cuddlers. They don’t do it in public and don't make a big deal of it but these two are absolutely two giant cats and will flop on each other, lean on each other, nuzzle each other for literally no reason other than they love each other. It’s not like they intend to be a cuddly couple or are overly sappy, they just- like being near each other, feeling each other’s presence and knowing the other is okay. Thus, casual cuddles.
-Titus has two kids. He adopted them after their mother was killed even though the age gap between them isn’t all that large. He loves them dearly but doesn’t see them often as they currently roam Lucis with HIS adopted dad. This is both for safety reasons and because the daughter of the two has Wanderlust issues and her older brother is Overprotective. Their names are Stella and Virgil. He adores them even though he doesn’t see them for months at a time (don’t worry they’re teenagers, not kiddos, and are old enough to enjoy travel with their adopted grandad).
-Speaking of grandad- Titus and Amissa are adopted! They got adopted when they were teenagers and so were already feral jungle children but that’s okay because their adoptive dad is Just As Bad At Biology as they are. If not more so. He was something of a hermit/wanderer before he met them but stuff happened and he eventually decided that Someone Needed To Dad these two and the only person who was available was him and so even if he’s bad at this he guesses he has two teenagers now.
-What does he do with them how does he Dad. What do you mean you know nothing about Secondary Genders? Oh. Well. He doesn’t know anything either his father never bothered to explain it as a kid and his mother was dead so....
-Oh well it probably doesn’t matter that much who wants to know some tips for killing things with a pointy stick for food and how to make potions from natural ingredients?
-Not gonna say much more on Amissa’s adoptive dad other than that he Travels A Lot and he loves his two adopted kiddos and all the Glaives (who call him either grandad or gruncle) and has probably way too much fun enabling Stella’s Wanderlust. Also the first meeting between him and Cor is gonna be ... interesting. XP
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sparklecryptid · 4 years
For an ask: Ace meeting Taur!Ace or just more HCs on Antigone? Especially brocanons on Titus's and Antigone's friendship?
-Titus and Antigone were originally supposed to try kill each other in the labs. But as soon as it became apparent that they were platonic soulmates the scientists went ‘hm’ and thought that they could use Antigone as leverage to make Titus more obiedent.
-Jokes on them. Titus already had the Glauca armour in him at that point and while it was still settling down he just went ‘i will literally murder anyone who tries to take my soul bro away from me’ and then went and did just that.
-so they escaped and stumbled back to Lucis and Antigone got found by Luche while he and Titus were in Lestallum and there were tears. And then they contacted Tredd and there were more tears.
-Tredd and Luche are forever grateful to Titus for saving Antigone from whatever the hell happened. They are so grateful.
-Also as soon as Antigone had access to a kitchen he began to make things for Titus because food is his love language and he shows affection by feeding people
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Cheeks burning, head swimming from the abrupt motion earlier, Squall strained for both composure and equilibrium but gained neither. He wasn’t going to try reaching for comprehension. That flew out the window the moment this night started. Something as simple as going for a drink with an old cadet buddy (rival—whatever) had flipped entirely on its head and now they were here. Here… was puzzling. Because moments ago, when he almost rubbed noses with Seifer… he felt bewitched. Charmed; in the way the soft light illuminated the blond’s features (devilishly handsome and always aggravating—he wasn’t blind), the way Squall’s whole form felt akin to a blazing inferno by eye contact alone, the way his skin still tingled from where hands that had only ever been used to push him had traced.
He was—a mess. A completely unfortunate mess that had somehow dragged Seifer along with him.  
Groaning softly, a hand now bread-free rose to cover his face. Fingers splayed, he could still peek through the gaps but kept his eyes closed for the time being. An unusual headache created a low pounding at the base of his skull, and he knew before long, it’d transform into a heady migraine. How had it come to this? The residing feeling wasn’t even discomfort, it was embarrassment. Mortified in the way he’d used his former rival without any permission and almost—any closer had their faces been and he might’ve, accidentally—
Another faint groan emanated from parted lips and he forwent sitting up. Folding his arms neatly on the table, his back bent as he leaned down to rest his forehead against the uppermost limb, the soft cotton of his shirt feeling pleasant to his otherwise clammy skin. Calming down a little now he had some room to think, he allowed his hazy mind to rewind through the last few minutes. Putting a pause on any verbal response for Seifer briefly, he meandered through everything he could remember: facial expressions, words spoken, body language he picked up on. There was… little to nothing radiating from memory-Seifer that suggested that he had been uncomfortable. No, if anything, he appeared much in his element, alike everything else the man did.  
Idly, his train of thought drifted back to the man from last night at the club. The dancer. The blond had been quite cosy with the aforementioned sitting on him and—dancing. Further warmth rose to his face at reflecting but the fact remained the same—Seifer hadn’t cared for gender. So, perhaps with Squall leaning against him, it was just another ‘eh, whatever’ moment for him? The brunet had no problems with gender… but the thought of someone pressing against him so intimately ruffled all sorts of feathers associated with discomfort. Hell, it had taken a long stretch of time and patience for him to accept Rinoa’s incessant hugging. This was Seifer… why hadn’t it felt awful? Weird, yeah, but not bad.
He was—starting to go in circles. Huffing out an irritated breath, the previous background ache in his head had morphed to something more forefront, thumping away just behind his temple. Squinting open his eyes, he stared at the hardwood of the table, questioning his next move. The wisest thing would be to bail and retreat to the hotel for a recuperation period. Then, when fresh faced with a reasonable number of hours sleep under his belt, he could try contending with Seifer again. On more even grounds. As it was, the man wasn’t wrong in his earlier deduction; Squall sucked at managing his alcohol intolerance and sooner or later, he was going to make a fool of himself. …More so than he already had.  
Expelling a long, low thoughtful breath, he felt more certain in his motives and sat back up, twisting his upper torso and head to bring Seifer into view. Studying his former rival—who had sincerely apologised for Squall’s problem—a softer edge beset his normally impenetrable gaze, an almost curious hint poorly concealed within. A lot had changed… maybe even something more about himself Squall was yet to understand, but drunken speculations were getting him nowhere.
“I… I’m fine,” he finally revealed, tone quiet, absolving. “You did nothin’ wrong.” Content he’d at least gotten that point across, he unfolded his arms and sat up straight, extending his left hand out to Seifer with the palm facing up. Expectant. “…Gimme your phone. ‘m going back but y’need to contact me t’morrow ‘bout sparring. I’ll give ya m’ number.”
Color him surprised, but the more Seifer was able to let what just had happened sink in, the more he felt guilty for making his former rival uncomfortable. He damn well knew which buttons to push to achieve that, and yet he'd taken advantage of the drunken state the man was in, and for what? Quick gratification that he could pull even this off? Brooding over the accusation thrown at him by himself, he would have to negate it. No, there had been no ulterior motive behind his actions other than... the fact it felt nice? But apparently, he was the only one thinking so, if Squall's reaction was anything to go by. He filed that bit of information away for the future.
And hadn't he always suspected as much? Even thinking back so far as to their time as cadets, Squall had never in the slightest shown any sign of mutual interest, no matter how hard Seifer had been looking for it in the beginning. Why by the Six should that have changed by now? Time to stop his wishful thinking and getting his head back into the reality that was... well, maybe some sort of camaraderie like they had shared in their youth. At best.
Maybe it was better this way, Squall clearly didn't want to be bothered with the past and much less with any type of affection, so his best bet, Seifer fathomed, would be to act like he always did. Come tomorrow, he would be back to his old self, he decided.
The groaning coming from the brunet next to him only cemented his resolve, although he had to admit the fierce blush on his cheeks was extraordinarily... - no, stop it right there!
Rolling his eyes at himself for being in such formidable control of himself and his trains of thought tonight, he emptied his glass in one go. Might as well drown the embarrassment he had brought upon himself now. And could the brunet plague stop looking at him like this? All soft eyes and curious looks as if he didn't comprehend where Seifer was coming from. You did nothing wrong. "Oh?" The sound had slipped from his lips before he could even hold it back, mirroring the surprised glance he now shot in Squall's direction. How by Ramuh's beard was he supposed to take that now? If he hadn't done anything wrong then why did the guy act as he did? Then again, he was still Squall, and thus being complicated to understand, let alone to handle, pretty much came with the package.
Hesitating but a moment, Seifer reached for his coat and procured the requested object, unlocking it and handing it over, ignoring the messages Kerr hat sent in the meantime in favor of getting Squall to type in his number before he changed his mind.
[From: Kerryboy♥][To: Seifer] - [11:23 p.m.] - u still alive? [From: Kerryboy♥][To: Seifer] - [11:24 p.m.] - dude, answer. quick. like - NOW. [From: Kerryboy♥][To: Seifer] - [11:26 p.m.] - Tredd and Luche picked up these cute girls but there's one guy with them and he clearly liked the pic of u we showed him [From: Kerryboy♥][To: Seifer] - [11:23 p.m.] - he's THIRSTY man, come on! [From: Kerryboy♥][To: Seifer] - [11:30 p.m.] - ok whatever ur doing I hope it's worth it cuz dayum [From: Kerryboy♥][To: Seifer] - [11:31 p.m.] - [11-31-sjhkalodhjds.jpg] [From: Kerryboy♥][To: Seifer] - [11:34 p.m.] - bro. we're leaving now for the 'Diamond Dust' so hmu if u wanna join~
"You sure you can walk back on your own...?" Damn, as if it wasn't clear enough that Squall had had his fill of his company, no, he had to make an even bigger fool of himself. Splendid. Busying himself to retrieve his wallet so he could pay, eyes on the lookout for the barmaid, he hummed in agreement to contact the other the next day. Although he wasn't all that sure the brunet would want to see him again at all once he'd sobered up.
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 13
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ok, I didn’t mean to take...(doesn’t bother to look at how long since it’s been since I’ve posted anything for this story because the guilt will kill me) however long (feels longer than forever) to update this story. I literally had it all planned out in my head. And then when I went to write it my brain went “fuck you, I am on fumes, I need a break, I’m done.” and it didn’t matter how much I tried to restart or jump it- no go. So I moved on. I went back to school, I’m getting my licence to be a massage therapist, I’ll be doing that until July of next year which I’m currently on break with until Tuesday. But GOOD NEWS. I was going through my tumblr and I still find all these RaeLena pictures and when I went back to this- I found, lo and behold, FUEL. So I started this back up and this baby is running! Wooo! @the-immortal-marshal​ and @warnjai-17​ hopefully you’re still here to enjoy this 
Magic and Miracles and BEYOND
Chapter 13
The morning of Crowe’s wedding day was bright and brisk and the trees around the farm seemed to have come into spectacular color just for her. The sunrise was especially beatuiful and Prompto and the photographer got some outstanding pictures of it. 
The horses had been washed the day before and kept in their squeaky clean stalls so they didn’t get dirty right before the ceremony. Crowe woke up feeling so happy and excited because today was the day her and her best friend were getting married and Chelsea had worked overtime in making sure every detail was perfect and to make sure Crowe only had decisions to make in a timely manner but no actual work to do through the whole process so it had been a breeze. The girls had all stayed at Sylva’s house and she had had another caterer come in and make everyone breakfast and a team of hair and makeup artists to make sure each girl shined like the jewel she was as Luca and Lilly and all the other little sisters of the those in the wedding party got to get glammed up too. 
Meanwhile Libertus woke up with the worst hangover and felt like death warmed over. He had stayed up half the night, him and his friends around a campfire on Craig’s farm and drank and just talked, some of it was casual, most of it was deep though while Tredd did manage to keep his mouth shut about Ada being pregnant. But he sure did hint at it to Luche which Ravus and Nyx picked up on as Ravus was suspecting that the reason his mother favored Tredd as much as she did was because he had the gift too. 
Craig Sr. and his wife Charla were already hard at work making a mountain of food for the boys and they chuckled to themselves as they watched all of them wake up to the smell of food and come in, each one’s hair crazier than the last as they all did the zombie shuffle to get the food before sitting down at the table as the guys downed pot after pot of coffee and ate in relative silence as bottles of Tylenol, Advil and Aleve were passed around. 
“You boys alive over there?” Craig asked before there was a chorus of groans as an answer which cracked Craig Sr. and Charla up. 
Meanwhile Hazel was sleeping blissfully away in Titus’ bed before the smell of her own breakfast woke her up only moments before Titus came in with their breakfast on a tray. 
“Good morning Beautiful.” Titus cooed to her as her eyes fluttered open before she smiled adoringly at him as she stretched. 
“Good morning, what do you got there?” She asked as she sat up, keeping the blankets up to cover her nakedness but moved the pillows to the headboard so she could sit up comfortably. 
“Breakfast.” Titus beamed. 
“Aww,” Hazel fawned as he gave her the tray and then got back into bed before they cuddled together with the extra large tray over Hazel’s lap. 
“This is really sweet,” Hazel gushed as she started to dig in to the bowl of berries before she pulled the lid off of the plate to see an engagement ring sitting on top of some french toast and gasped as Titus’ heart beat so hard in his chest he thought it was going to break his ribs as his mouth felt like it was full of cotton all of a sudden. 
“So, I was thinking, I know you really like your apartment and I really like the peace and quiet and space of the country, but I thought we could find a happy medium if we built a house together, Oak Creek Estates still has a bunch of lots available and if…” Titus was cut off by Hazel quickly attaching her mouth to his and kissing him as deeply as she could from her spot under his arm as his arm curled around her before his other hand went up to gently caress her gorgeous face, hoping she could understand what he was trying to say because words were failing him but actions never would.  
“Yes, that’ll be perfect, a fresh new start for both of us.” Hazel beamed happily as she had already slipped the ring on before Titus moved the tray over to the floor before he really got to enjoy his fiance for breakfast which is what he really wanted. 
As the clock ticked down Libertus went from hungover to happy to nervous and by a surprise, Luche was too. 
“Cut it out, they’re all gonna think you’re playing with yourself.” Tredd teased as he sat down next to Luche after he came back into the house from helping the firework guys set up all the fireworks for the night before he sat down on the couch as Luche frowned over at him. 
“Cut what out?” Luche tried to deflect. 
“You keep fingering that engagement ring thing in your pocket, it looks like you’re trying to jack off.” Tredd chuckled as Luche frowned. 
“How…” Luche began as Tredd gave him an unimpressed look. 
“Really? You really wanna play dumb? Come on, let me seee.” Tredd questioned as Luche humphed before he pulled it out and handed it to Tredd. 
“I do, I will marry you.” Tredd gushed in an overly feminine way. 
“Oh my God, stop.��� Luche rolled his eyes as Tredd opened the fancy slim ring box to see a paper flower fold out holding the ring. 
“Aww, this was one of Victor’s rings for Ravus wasn’t it?” Tredd asked as Luche sighed deeply. 
“Yes, I bought it off of him.” Luche admitted. 
“Of course you did, you spent what? A whole dollar?” Tredd teased. 
“Ravus gave me a price and I paid it, no negotiations needed.” Luche defended. 
“A whole five dollars because you don’t cary singles anymore blue blood.” Tredd grinned triumphantly. 
“I hate this about you.” Luche sarcastically quipped as he tried to take the ring back but Tredd pulled it out of his reach. 
“Hey, hey, don’t get all huffy. I think it’s nice- a whole 20 carats just on the center diamond and that has to be...another 5 carats in the bezels and blue diamonds are coming back into fashion again, platinum?” Tredd appraised as Luche just frowned deeper and deeper. 
“Since when do you know anything about jewelry?” Luche asked.  
“Since mom adopted me too and has been taking me under her wing and teaching me the same shit she’s teaching you but I get the super fun hands on versions, and she is paying me in stock options now and recognizes that I have a good eye and can spot a fake a mile away.” Tredd answered casually as he gave it back. 
“Wait paying you? Paying you for what?” Luche demanded. 
“You didn’t think you were her only eyes and ears did you?” Tredd grinned smugly. 
“How much is she paying you?” Luche pressed. 
“Eh, it started off as 5k here, 10k there, now it’s stock options and percentages and 401ks and trust funds and all that which I find I like much better, especially since I’ve been reinvesting that money in said stocks. Project Recovery alone has quadrupled my money in just the last couple of months alone and Sylva says I have the same gift she has in that oracle shit. I see things with my special eyes that you don’t.” Tredd teased as he poked his finger near Luche’s ear as he batted his eyes suggestively at Luche.  
“Stop,” Luche batted Tredd’s hand away. “What do you see that I don’t?” Luche questioned. 
“I knew before anyone else did that Crowe was pregnant.” Tredd grinned. 
“You got lucky.” Luche countered. 
“Did I? Did I also get really super lucky when I knew Ada was pregnant over the summer on the cruises?” Tredd revealed. 
“What?” Luche blinked. 
“Yeah, I saw that before Sylva did, And that fifteen grand? That was to keep you two from fucking so you wouldn’t lose your mind when she lost that pregnancy. Which sucked by the way, but hopefully it doesn’t happen again.” Tredd revealed. 
“You…” Luche didn’t know if he should laugh, cry or just go bang his head against a wall. “How? How did you know?” Luche demanded. 
“There’s just a lot of subtle changes that most miss but to me they just all add up for some reason.” Tredd shrugged. “But looking back, aren’t you happy you didn’t fuck her senseless on the cruise?” Tredd asked. 
“...yeah.” Luche ducked his head with a sigh. 
“Well I knew the moment those two got together that it was gonna crash and burn in a matter of months. She’s always been your girl, she was just the last one to realize it.” Tredd offered which made Luche and Tredd both grin lopsidedly at each other. 
“Thanks.” Luche thanked him. 
“You’re welcome. By the way, I want to be a groomsman.” Tredd insisted which made Luche snicker a laugh. 
“Oh do you?” Luche returned. 
“Hell yeah, am I or am I not the Bro who was purposefully a douche to save you from that clusterfuck?” Tredd prodded. 
“You are that douche.” Luche laughed. 
“So I’m a groomsman?” Tredd prodded. 
“You are the douchiest of my groomsman.” Luche chuckled. 
“Good,” Tredd grinned victoriously as Ravus and Nyx came up. 
“Oh is that Ada’s ring?” Nyx asked. 
“Yeah, I was thinking I was gonna pull a Rae.” Luche admitted as he handed it to Nyx as Ravus smiled proudly. Happy that the ring was going to go to a “brother”. Besides that still left a few to save for his children to use when they would get engaged. 
“Awesome,” Nyx smiled happily before he gave it back. 
“Shower is clear.” Craig called out after he got out of his since every shower was being used on the property to get all the boys ready as Luche got the ring back as he got up and claimed the empty shower. 
“So what else do you see with your special eyes?” Ravus asked Tredd once Luche was well out of earshot. 
“Jesus, you have the ears of a rodent Beavus.” Tredd rolled his eyes. 
“Ada’s pregnant again isn’t she?” Ravus grinned. 
“Sssshhhh!” Tredd shushed him as he quickly looked around to see if anyone else had heard that. 
“See? Told you.” Ravus put to Nyx who gave him an unimpressed look. 
“Does he know?” Nyx gestured to where Luche went. 
“No, absolutely not, and none of us can tell him either, we gotta let Ada find out on her own and have her be the one to tell him, we can’t spoil this for him. I mean you know me, I’m all for spoiling shit but that’s the special shit you don’t spoil.” Tredd urged them. 
“So what do you think it’s gonna be?” Ravus put to Tredd curiously. 
“Pppfff, boy.” Tredd snickered. “Watch they’ll name him something super British, like London or Oxford or something so English the Royal Family will be like ‘calm it down now’. “ Tredd predicted. 
“London.” Nyx and Ravus grinned. 
“Any other girl preggers?” Nyx asked Tredd. 
“Right now? No. About to be? Oh yeah,” Tredd laughed. 
“Who?” Ravus and Nyx asked as Tredd looked at them unimpressed before he looked over to Gladio pointedly before turning back to them. 
“No way,” Nyx shook his head. 
“A hundred bucks, they’re going to be expecting in the next say...four months?” Tredd offered as he offered his hand for a shake. 
“Deal.” Nyx agreed as he shook Tredd’s hand as Ravus just shook his head, knowing Tredd was right and knew that Tredd had the same gift he had. Which instead of denying it or downplaying it or getting jealous, he felt a sense of relief that he wasn’t the only one with it. 
Once all the girls arrived the boys got the horses saddled and ready to go as the guests started to arrive and take their seats. The weather couldn’t be more perfect, small, almost cartoonish puffy clouds rolling in the sky, it was warm enough to be comfortable but not chilled enough to be cold but that message didn’t seem to get to Libertus who was sweating buckets so much so that everyone thought he was going to lose 10lbs in sweat alone and Chelsea was grateful she had extra shirts for Libertus to change into and basically bathed him in deodorant and antiperspirant and loaded him up with anti-nausea meds as his own mother and Crowe’s mothers gave him the pep-talk of the century as Chelsea was copying that down for future use. 
When it finally came time for the actual ceremony, the horses suddenly decided to shit where they stood at the back of the aisle before Chelsea and her team tried to hurriedly clean it up, the horses then tried munching on the flowers on the sides of the aisle, there was practically a whole hive of bees there to collect the nectar from all the flowers even though Sylva had a case of Epipens which thankfully didn’t need to get used but thankfully, at least- there were no mosquitoes and Libertus was thankfully laughing too hard at the horses being horses to cry too much because the sight of Crowe in a wedding dress coming down the aisle to him was overwhelming to him. 
Because Crowe’s smile shamed the sun. She was radiant and beautiful and practically glowing and Libertus had never seen her look so beautiful in his life. It was perfect and after the vows, Libertus finally seemed to ease up and become himself again. 
At the reception Sylva went ahead and practically glued herself to Linda, Luche’s mother as Luche was slow dancing with Ada because she had caught the bouquet in the bouquet toss, thanks to Sylva organizing her girls to guarantee it and thanks to Sylva also organizing her boys- Luche caught the garter belt and now they were dancing together, the rest of the world falling away. 
“I really like the fairy lights.” Ada noted at all the twinkle lights around them. 
“Would you want fairy lights at our wedding?” Luche asked and Ada didn’t give a second thought to his choice of words before she began telling him all about what she would want for their wedding. 
Meanwhile on the sidelines-
“Linda, you better get used to the idea of them being together.” Sylva urged as Linda gave her a side eye. 
“Look, it’s very simple, it’s either Ada or this cum guzzling gutter trash.” Sylva continued as she pulled up a video of Beth on a porn site that had Linda choking on her winecooler and looking particularly aghast. “That could have been your daughter in law who by the way flirted and eye fucked before she actually did fuck Chinese billionaires trying to get the best deal possible while Luche was sitting right next to her and would have been way more unfaithful to him than Ada ever will be again, Ada is allowed to sow a wild oat or two in her youth, and now that she’s done that and seen that the grass is indeed not anywhere near as green as it is with Luche and I can tell you that she won’t be making that mistake again.” Sylva assured Linda. “Now, count your blessings as you read this.” Sylva furthered before she pulled out a prenup and it had Linda grinning from ear to ear as she read it.  
“You see the line we have to walk as mothers is to let our children enjoy life and live it how they want to, but that doesn’t mean we can’t put them in some safety gear, I’ll have Ada sign this before we go wedding dress shopping but here’s the deal-” Sylva lowered her voice. “You and Luke will be nothing but nice, happy and supportive of Luche and Ada from here on out. I have already talked with Luche and he’s ok with me paying for a bulk of the wedding expenses, all I’m asking you and Luke to pay for are the invitations and Ada’s parents will be buying Ada’s veil, fair enough?” Sylva put to her. 
“That’s more than fair.” Linda nodded in agreement with a thankful smile to Sylva. 
“Good, now, watch your son propose and be happy about it.” Sylva nodded to the dancefloor where Luche had gotten down on one knee and proposed to Ada as Sylva was smiling brightly while Linda plastered on a smile, happy that her son was at least protected and grateful that Sylva had adopted him and cared for him as her own because the Lord knew she wasn’t willing or ready to pay for much of anything else as Sylva offered her own winecooler over to Linda to clink with a knowing smile when Ada said yes. 
After that, that’s when the party seemed to get into full gear, the moment the sun began to set they lit the fires in the fire pits inside the bale circles so people could sit on the bales and make smores since the wedding had been catered by a competition BBQ joint that had all the BBQ and steaks anyone could ask for. There was a mountain of throw blankets to keep the guests warm as they did this and then at the finale- that’s when Tredd- being a fireman and pyromaniac- set the fireworks off which everyone fully enjoyed before the party sent Crowe and Libertus off on their honeymoon which Sylva got them a cabin and a hunting excursion out in the northwest. 
Luche and Ada barely made it home and in the door before they were on each other and removing the remainder of their clothes and made it to the bottom of the stairs before Luche had pinned her to the wall and started fucking her hard up against it, Ada’s engagement ring nearly getting snagged in his hair as Ada scratched his scalp roughly as the loudest and longest pleasured moan left her throat. 
“Oh Luche!” Ada keened as the back of her head hit the wall behind her, knocking the picture of them hanging next to her head slightly askew as Luche’s hips pounded into hers. 
Luche proposing to Ada after she caught the bouquet came as a surprise to Ada but not really to anyone else, but that was all that mattered to Luche. Ada was completely wrapped up in wedding fever and the joy and excitement of the moment to notice anyone outside of Luche. Their relationship was better than it had ever been since she came back to him and together they both worked exceptionally hard to make the other happy. 
Ada was blown away by the drop dead gorgeous ring Luche proposed with.
Luche had wanted his proposal to be more eloquent but in the end, he just went for simple and straight to the point. 
When Ada had said that she liked something about the decorations for the wedding, Luche found himself asking her what she would like for their wedding and Ada had answered it without a second thought and before Ada realized it she revealed what she had always wanted and fantasized about as a little girl and Luche was grinning ear to ear and when she was done Luche didn’t hesitate to just get down on one knee and offer to give her everything she had just said and pleaded for the chance to make all her dreams come true as everyone quickly gathered around them with eager eyes and ears to hear her answer and Ada didn’t even get to see the ring before she said yes and when she did see the ring, her eyes nearly popped out of her head and her jaw fell and rolled away on the floor. But she readily had him put it on her finger. 
From there, it was like they were velcroed to each other and receiving all the congratulatory wishes before Chelsea made a point to make sure they had her business card and to give her a call when they wanted to set a date and get things in motion before Luche repeated, almost verbatim what Ada had just said to her as Chelsea quickly made notes, using up the last half of her notebook since the first half was already full of notes for Hazel and Titus’ wedding plans that she had gotten earlier before she left Luche and Ada to enjoy more congratulations since Ada was the last to be engaged and didn't notice how Chelsea had then gone to Sylva, Linda and Luke as well as Ada's parents who Sylva had gathered together to force a congratulatory toast between them all before Sylva informed them that she would be paying for the bulk of it if Luche's parents were willing to buy the invitations and if Ada's parents would pay for Ada's veil since wedding dresses could be so expensive, that she would take care of the rest since Luche was like another son to her and brother to Ravus which she received very little argument to. 
Luche felt he smiled more that night than he had in the previous year combined. But he was so happy. Finally things were coming together. He had the dream job, had fantastic friends, supportive family and the girl of his dreams and everything was perfect and he couldn’t ask for more. 
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sonsoflucis · 6 years
desiderium | crowe + luche
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crowe + luche | based on an ask meme | KO-FI | AO3
tell me: a drabble about one character confessing something to another [be it a love confession, a secret]
value me: a drabble about one character telling another how they feel about them.
break me: an angsty drabble.
since take me isn’t a prompt, but tell me is, and tell me and value me are almost the same thing, i’m going to do a combination of those two with break me tacked on. here we go.
“So, what’s the big idea? You drag me out here on my one day off, buy me lunch - a nice lunch at that – and now we are sitting here, twiddling our thumbs and people watching?” Crowe nudges Luche with her elbow, a mischievous grin lighting up her sun warm face. “You have something to tell me? Are you pregnant? Did you finally elope with Tredd?”
Luche grimaces, shaking his head. “No, I’m not knocked up. Not yet. Gotta wait for the right guy first,” he chuckles, taking a sip of his coffee, cold brew and nervous energy coursing through him.
“…so you did elope,” she smirks, tossing her dark hair back over her shoulder. “I knew it. Treddy boy is pretty hot though. Great ass. Kudos to you for wifing that sweet, sweet set of buns up.”
He laughs again, glancing over at her fondly, her earthen eyes sparkling as she scoots closer to him. “Sorry, kiddo. Wrong. You gotta take off one article of clothing for each incorrect guess. Them’s the rules.”
She shoves his arm, laughing as she leans down to retie her boot. “In your fucking dreams, Lazarus.”
“Hey, I’ve seen you naked plenty of times. It’s nothing special. Don’t get your panties in a knot.”
“Your reverse psychology won’t work on me,” she giggles, winking as she finishes knotting the laces.
“Dammit.” He swallows another sip, slouching on the bench with a contented sigh, the fiery glow of the sunset casting everything in a deep, golden hue. “Nah, it’s something else. Involves you.”
Crowe glances up curiously, burgundy tresses framing her soft face, her lips pursed. “Me? Oh shit, did you find the creepy scrapbook I made with everyone’s hair in it?”
“I- what?”
“What? Oh. Nothing. That’d be, like, so weird,” she teases, folding her arms. “So, it’s about me, huh? Finally realize you are desperately in love with me and all your years of thotting and breaking hearts was leading you to me and now you just have to conquer the final boss, this puss?” She gestures down at her lap, smirking wickedly.
Luche rolls his eyes, running a hand through his hair. “I mean, you aren’t completely off the mark.”
“You’re not serious. …you are serious.” She sits up straighter, studying his face. Letting out a frustrated groan, she shakes her head, looking out at the horizon for a minute. “Gods, Lu, why’d you have to go and say that? It changes everything.”
He frowns, looking at her. “I just wanted you to know. Everything’s been so shit lately with the rise in protestors and the king getting sicker and… I dunno, man, life is short. You’re one of my closest friends-“
“Did you ever stop to think about how I’d feel about this?” she asks softly. “You need to warn me before you drop big news into my lap.”
“How, Crowe? Just call you one day and say, ‘Hey, Altius, just wanted to inform you that I may be developing some unrequited feelings for you that are completely out of my control. Good luck!’”
“Well, no, I-“
“Look, it doesn’t have to be anything. Hell, we can pretend I never said it and go back to arm wrestling to decide who pays for the next round of shots. You’re just… so fuckin’ beautiful and you get me. The only other person who has ever taken the time to care about me besides Furia. I just needed to say it. Okay? My selfish ass didn’t worry about the consequences. I needed to let you know that you matter to me-“
Crowe cuts him off with a kiss, her lips crashing against his, arms winding around his neck. She kisses him deeply, sighing against his mouth when he drags her into his lap, a bit confused, heart fluttering. When she finally pulls away, she traces his bottom lip with her thumb, her eyelids heavy as she ponders for a moment. “I needed to see if you were telling the truth.”
“…and your conclusion?” he asks hopefully, chest rising and falling evenly, his vulnerabilities laid bare.
“I think you should kiss me again. Just so I can be sure,” she smiles, twining her fingers around his shirt collar, drawing him back in.
Luche’s eyes open, the darkness of his room suffocating as he rubs the sleep from his face. The chatter of people walking through the park fading as he wakes up, the scent of Crowe’s perfume a mere memory. He sits up, his sheets pooling around his waist, a deep ache in his chest. He reaches for his phone on the nightstand, the glow of the screen illuminating his face.
SMS: I had that dream again.
He waits for a reply, his eyes adjusting to the lightless room. His phone buzzes, INCOMING CALL: WOMB RAIDER. Answering it, he flops back down, his hand resting on his forehead. “Hey, Tredd.”
“What’s up, bro?” the redhead asks sleepily, yawning into the receiver.
“Had that dream about Crowe. The one in the park. It was so real. It’s always so real.”
Tredd is silent for a moment, sighing. “…have you been taking those meds the therapist gave you? You know Cap’s gonna be pissed If you aren’t.”
“I am, I swear. I just… I miss her so much, man. I never even got to tell her.”
“I know, Lu,” Tredd whispers. “She deserved better.”
“She did. She really did,” he replies, voice wavering.
“You know he did it for us, right?”
Luche nods to himself, swallowing thickly. “I know. It just really fuckin’ hurts.”
“It’ll all be worth it. Remember what Cap said. This is for the good of the people. Our people.”
The blonde sniffs, closing his eyes. “Hearth and home,” he mutters, jaw clenched. “…sorry to bother you with the same old bullshit.”
“No, dude, it’s not a problem. …you gonna be okay? Need me to come over?”
“…no,” Luche breathes, wiping his face on his arm. “No, I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Night, bro,” Tredd murmurs, only disconnecting when he hears his friend respond quietly. Luche rolls over, plugging his phone in to charge, drawing the covers up over his head. In the morning, the plan will be set in motion. In the morning, the refugees will be a free people. No longer looked down on like sewer rats crammed into a gutter easily forgotten about. A better future for them all. It was worth it. His brow furrows as he tries to go back to sleep. It had to be done.
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keepyourstyle · 6 years
Final Fantasy XV Fic Ideas
Sticking these here so I have stuff in one place for my own reference. They’re like 99% characterxreader stories. Not sure when they’ll get written but hopefully soon?
I’ll add stuff as I think of it
Ifrit!IgnisxReader: knifeplay, rough sex
IgnisxReader: Ignis bartender, reader is a regular
TreddxReader: reader gets drunk, Tredd takes care of her
TreddxReader: Tredd and reader piss each other off, hatesex ensues
IgnisxReader: Ignis gets marked up during sex
TreddxReader: reader wakes Tredd up (with sex)
NoctisxPrompto: Prompto gets Noctis to eat his vegetables
DinoxReader: they reunite after 6 months apart only to be cockblocked by cat
DinoxReader: reader hits on him in a bar only to be interviewed by him the next day
NyxxReader: he has a crush on the cute girl that works at the coffee shop he frequents
LuchexReader: Luche realizes he has feelings for a longtime friend
How to fluster Ignis
Reader reaction to the guys coming back from a workout
What turns the bros on(?)
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captaindrautos · 7 years
😰 - what is one character you desperately want your muse to interact with, 😍 - what is your favorite character you’ve roleplayed as in the past
Emoji mun questions
    1. How can I choose one?  All of the Kingsglaive, especially my traitor bros.  I’ve never had an active Sonitus, so that would be great.  But also Tredd, and Axis.... and Pelna... and Luche... and Libertus, Crowe, and Nyx....
    I’m very bad at choosing.
    2. I... also can’t pick just one for this.  I’ll just go with my short-lived excursion as Dhaos in the Tales of fandom.  I loved it there, I loved Dhaos, I loved the community.  I’m really bummed that life got in the way and I had to drop that blog.  Sometimes I think about reviving it but I don’t know if I should.
    Actually, considering how slow I am just on here I definitely should not.
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wintersweetbou · 4 years
Battle Scars
Fandom: Kingsglaive (FFXV), Warnings: Gore, face wounds. Angst with Fluffy ending! 
Stupid war, fought by stupid nations, with stupid leaders in sparkling castles while hardworking people died for them while they never gave a shit. Tredd Furia spat frothy blood at the destroyed magitek at his feet. 
 Blood coursed down face, pooling in his torn mouth and dripping down his snarling face. Tredd spat red froth, struggling to keep pressure on his ripped flesh. The magitek unit that gave him that wound lay smoldering at his feet. Lightning itched under his palms unnaturally, surging with his anger. This stupid war, fought by stupid nations, with stupid leaders, sitting in sparkling castles while hardworking people died for kingdoms that never gave a shit about them. It was a sick joke, this war. But what else could they do besides keep going? 
Adrenaline could get you through- for a little bit, at a cost, Tredd thought bitterly. The Kingsglaive had been fighting for days, keeping up an assault to hold a line even though they were exhausted, no time for rest or healing of “minor” injuries. Fighting viciously with blade and magic for increasingly desolate ground. Muscles trembled, wounds bled, and lungs burned. Tredd tried not to wince at the throbbing across his face- wincing would irritate the wound- and sank unsteadily to the ground. 
“Hold positions. Recon teams confirm perimeter.” Bellum’s electronic whisper filtered into the redhead’s ear. The sounds of battle died slowly around him, magitek and demon alike gurgling their last, glaives staggering out of the wreckage of the rocky battlefield. 
“Perimeter confirmed. Remaining niffs seem to be retreating for now.” Khara sighed over the headset as Tredd finally managed to get the bleeding under control. 
“Hold. Medics are seeing to those critically injured, give a shout if that includes anyone listening.” Luche orders were slowly processed in Tredd’s mind. 
With the adrenaline fizzling out his body and mind seemed to sink into mud, exhaustion bone-deep. He could hardly process more than the ache of breathing and the slash on his face. The scarring was going to be impressive, stretching from the corner of his mouth to the edge of his eye socket. Eating with a ripped mouth was going to suck for a while, drinking even worse. Tredd slouched, closing his eyes. He prided himself on doing the Furia reputation justice- taking no shit, backing up words with strength. For those who remembered what his clan used to be, before the slaughter on Galahd, anyway. But everyone has limits, and his was smashing into him now. His energy was at its end, and he knew no more. 
Luche coordinated efforts to withdraw the Kingsglaive- get the medics working, get a proper headcount, search for the missing, fetch the dead...it took hours before the Captain arrived to take the helm and call the vans to bring the glaives to safety. Luche allowed himself a deep breath, stretching knotted muscles, when he noticed a limp form on a stretcher near the medic’s tent. Luche froze at the sight- that signature fiery hair, the familiar figure, but absolutely covered in blood from a horrendous gash. The wound had been haphazardly cleaned, bleeding stopped, a few drops of potion used. The knotty scar tissue angrily flushed at the corner of his ruined mouth, promising an agonizing recovery. 
“Tredd..” Luche whispered, and knelt next to his friend- still breathing, but barely. So much had been taken, and yet so much more was demanded. Blue eyes clenched shut as he struggled to reign himself in and channeled his last drops of strength into a green glow of healing magic. Painfully slow, starting at the edge of his mouth, Luche begged the flesh to knit back together. His vision swam. He panted raggedly, chest heaving as the bloody mess faded into a thin white line, down to the corner of un-shredded lips. Stasis gripped the vice-captain, forcing him down on the ground next to Tredd as his body went slack. 
The Captain’s irritation at his second’s disappearance vanished at the sight of the two unconscious glaives curled up together. Furia, while spattered in gore, looked far better than the pallid Lararus who seemed intent on snuggling him. If the Captain’s eyes softened, if he bundled them into a van together, who would know? Nobody saw the Captain tuck his glaives in. There were no witnesses, or none who had the balls to say anything.
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secret-engima · 5 years
in Stand Strong, what's all the fic's main character's secondary genders, and what did you mean about it being non standard ABO? im guessing yours is more hierarchy and social stuff than with tall the anatomy and sex stuff? that's usually what nonstandard ABO is.
*quietly dithers* okay so- one or two of those Imma keep hidden under Spoilers, though you are free to guess. Amissa’s and Cor’s secondaries are ones that I’m keeping under wraps for now but for some of the other canon characters-
For the Kingsglaive:
Titus - Alpha
Nyx Ulric - Alpha
Libertus - Omega
Crowe - Beta with some Alpha leanings
Tredd - Omega
Axis - Alpha
Luche - Beta
Pelna - Omega
Sonitus - Beta with Alpha leanings.
LCs and their Bros-
King Regis - Alpha with Beta leanings
Clarus - Beta with Alpha leanings
Weskham - Beta with Omega leanings
Cid - Omega
Noctis - Omega
Gladiolus - Alpha
Prompto - Omega
Ignis - Omega
Others -
Ardyn - Omega
Luna - Alpha
Ravus - Alpha
For your other question: Yes I’m focusing more on the social hierarchy and how that plays into instincts and stuff over the sex stuff. I like the concept of a/b/o dynamics but most of the fics are too *gestures* focused on the sex stuff for my tastes so I’m not doing that. I’ve also got my own ideas on how to classify the characters into their a/b/o slots so that’s why you see so many Omegas and Alphas running around in the cast rather than Betas.
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thedootlez · 6 years
Noooo I cant believe I forgot Tredd!!! Okay last last one 😉 More Kingsglaive babes Crowe Libertus Luche
The last of the Glaive babes.
Lmao, this one is actually pretty challenging.
Mostly because as familiar as I am with them, I dont know much about them. I’m not one to binge on Glaive HCs unless it’s Nyx or Tredd.
Ok so.
I think I could totally be best bitches with Crowe. I have no base for this, but she seems like cool people. You know? Down with the motojackets. Could totally out drink everyone in the glaive. Supportive. I feel like she gives the best advice. She probably watches anime. Idk. I just get that vibe.
So she’s a strong contender for both friendship and marriage lmao.
Libertus seems like a nice guy. A little brash and protective for my tastes, but I know it all comes from a good place. He comes across as mostly easy going and open to new experiences. I could probably rope him into binging The Magicians or Game of Thrones. Which I’m always cool with. He also comes across as an anime watcher. Maybe not as much a Crowe, but a little. He seems like he’d be extremely committed nearly to  fault tho. Its the fact that he’s committed mixed with that brash overprotective nature. I’ve dated dudes who were a Bit Much in that department and ehhhhhhhhhh.
And ohhhh, Luche. Part two of the douche troope with Tredd. Personally, I think the more refined of the two, but more detached then Tredd (believe it or not). Kind of a bro.
As I’ve said with Thor, bros aren’t my thing. I’m attached to tredd only because the bro-ness is a defense mechanism and less an innate thing.
Ehhhh. Ok. I have to make a choice, here.
I think imma have to marry Crowe, Kiss Luche, and Friendship Libertus.
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 3
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aaaaaahhhhhh, do you know how LONG and HARD I had to look for that picture of Jon Campling?! Like the man keeps his hair to the small of his back. His hair is more glorious than mine. But seriously, that’s like the closest picture I can find of him to what I invision in my head, now just imagine the hair being cut and styled how it was in Kingsglaive but with a lot less gray, like more black in his youth because remember- he doesn’t have a ring sapping his youth and strength, he just has kids, draining his youth with their shenanigans, it’s debatable which is more tolling and taxing on him. That super yacht is actually the Serene, it’s glorious and I’m totally diving into the fantasy aspect of this fic because this is me indulging myself. Pry it from my cold dead hands.  
My apologies to everyone who has familes touched by drugs (including mine but thankfully not in my immediate family) and heads up because this touches on that a little. 
Yo- @the-immortal-marshal GURL. I had to pull the trigger. I had to. I’m sorry. And I’m just...so sorry. For all those reading this and going...why are you sorry? It’s fine? JUST WAIT. It’s not going to be fine for long. A storm is a BREWIN. 
AO3 or below and Tumblr- keep being cool and keep this under a cut. Be a Bro man. Don’t let me down. 
Magic and Miracles and BEYOND
Chapter 3
“So let me get this straight, you got this super yacht for going on one date with an Arab billionaire?” Crowe asked as she drank her super-food smoothie with extra ripe pineapple as the group sailed to the Caribbean.
“Uh huh- granted it was a week long “date” spent in Dubai at the demand of my mother but yeah.” Sylva nodded as she sipped her own drink with a smug grin.  
“Damn,” all the girls exclaimed.
“Oh and my super jet? That came from a Russian billionaire, when it came to the states, it had a case of beluga caviar in a secret compartment in the hold to get it past customs. I ate so much of it because it was only good for two weeks, I thought I was going to be sick and couldn’t eat it again for months. And that was another week long “date” spent in Moscow also at the demand of my mother.” Sylva revealed.
“Holy fucking shit.” All the girls giggled except for Selena, Luna and Stella who just shook their heads.  
“Hey, I’m not saying my parents pimped me out, but they totally tried and I can only hope my mother is rolling in her grave now. So if anything I’ve earned both putting up with those guys for as long as I did and the moment I got back from Moscow because Dubai and Moscow were consecutive weeks and before Dubai I spent a week between China and Tokyo going on even more “dates” with even more billionaires but that is besides the point. Anyway, my point is, I came home in the jet and drove straight to Regis’ house and fucked him so hard neither of us could walk straight to make up for my three week absence and nothing pushes you towards your true love quite like spite for your own gold digging parents, in particular my mother, it makes me so happy to see you wear her most prized pieces girls.” Sylva cooed to Selena, Luna and Stella as Selena giggled and touched her necklace as her own grin grew as Lunafreya and Stella just shook their heads and touched their own jewelry too. Between Sylva, Lunafreya, Selena and Stella they had divided up Agnes’ jewelry between them with Sylva getting the vast majority of it but Agnes’ favorite pieces that Sylva hated because she always felt her mother loved them more than she loved her, went to the three younger girls and Samantha as well to spite Agnes- with the promise that none of the girls would ever sell or give the jewelry away, simply pass it down to the next generation because the Anders line rightfully died with her and Sylva would be damned if the Nox Fleuret line ever would.
“So if any of you think that your parents are being unreasonable, or impossible, at least your parents aren’t nearly as bad as mine were.” Sylva cautioned all the girls.
“That’s so fucked up.” Crowe just shook her head.
“Well, what’s worse, your parents or Tredd’s mother?” Stella posed as Sylva and the other girls grimaced and hissed.
“Ooh, yikes, that’s a tough one.” Sylva had to admit. “How is she doing?” Sylva asked Stella.
“Well the day after Tredd proposed, Ted went looking for her and found her strung out at a crack house and put her into rehab that’s also a psyche ward, so it’s touch and go. If they can manage to get her on the right meds and with the right therapy, it’ll help but I don’t know if she’ll take to it or not.” Stella sighed tiredly.
“But she also has to want to get better for the right reason. Does she know about your trust fund? Because I’m worried that will be the only reason she gets better.” Sylva cautioned.
“Oh that worries me too and so far Tredd has forbidden his dad from telling her and won’t tell her either, he doesn’t want her around me and he’s mad at his dad for finding her to begin with. I think he would rather she die of an overdose than be a thieving leech on him and his dad again.” Stella answered. “I think for Ted, he sees me and Tredd together and doing well and it reminds him of what him and Shyanne used to be and he wants that again and misses that.” Stella ventured.
“If he’s that lonely there’s a lot of women he could be introduced to.” Sylva reminded her niece.
“Oh I know, Tredd and I both have offered but he’s not having it, it’s all or nothing with him.” Stella shrugged.  
“Well here’s to hoping she stays off of meth, crack and alcohol.” Sylva clinked her glass with Stella’s as the two shared a meaningful look.
“Same.” Stella snorted a laugh.
“I heard my name.” Tredd pointed out as he came up behind his fiance and stole a sip of her drink as he laid a hand over her shoulder and fingered her necklace teasingly as if he was itching to take it off of her but Stella knew that Tredd was only teasing- that he actually wouldn’t do such a thing. Part of his asshole behavior in the beginning had been bravado to cover up his own insecurity because he felt he knew that she was too good for him and if he was an ass enough, it would drive her away. Much the same way Stella liked to be a brashy bitch to drive nice guys away because she, deep down, didn’t think she deserved them even though her behavior spoke of entitlement, she was surprisingly not and once they both saw each other for what they really were and cut through each other’s bullshit, it only helped them fall in love with each other even if they felt they still needed to put on a show for appearances, when they were alone and by themselves with each other, they felt safe enough to be vulnerable with each other and really show their true colors and realize what a pair they made and how they were actually good to and for each other.
“We were talking about your mom, Mom was asking about her.” Stella said as she gestured to Sylva.
“Fucking bitch.” Tredd grumbled before he really started sucking Stella’s drink down.
“Why don’t you get your own if you like it this much?” Stella teased him.
“Because I’m not a pussy, but it’s really fucking good.” Tredd answered as all the girls rolled their eyes.  
“Well I hope your mom can make a recovery and sobers up.” Sylva offered sweetly.
“Yeah you’re the only one.” Tredd played off. “So anyone want to change their bets on Lil Mama?” Tredd asked, quickly changing the subject.  
Meanwhile Cor was meeting Clarus for a drink after work.
“You gotta help me.” Cor pleaded as they both sat at the bar as Clarus raised a curious brow.
“With?” Clarus asked warily.
“You gotta let me go on a drug bust or serve a warrant or something. I’m going insane.” Cor confessed.  “I haven’t left my desk in months, I go to get coffee from the shop down the street and I fantasize about some idiot knocking over the joint while I’m there or I go to the bank and I fantasize about someone robbing it while I’m in it. Like I’m looking over the bar and hoping someone gets drunk and will start a fight right this second.” Cor revealed and Clarus could only shake his head as Sylva’s words washed over his head.
“Well part of being settled down means actually liking the peace and quiet.” Clarus teased and Cor just whimpered and laid his head on his folded arms.
“Gradual peace and quiet! Not all at once!” Cor argued and Clarus just snorted a laugh and continued to shake his head. He could practically hear Sylva’s sing song tone of ‘I told you so’.
“Fine, if something comes up, I’ll let you know.” Clarus agreed.
Meanwhile back at home Ada eased into bathtub, she had splurged and got a little island getaway candle and a bath bomb and a sugar scrub for her skin and a deep hair conditioning mask and next to the bathtub sat a drink made out of some tropical blend juice spiked with whiskey, it was the closest to a tropical drink she could manage and enjoyed her night in alone. She dropped the bath bomb in and watched it swirl and dissolve in the hot water as she sipped her drink as she breathed in the scent of the little candle next to the tub. While she felt jealous of all her friends, at least she could do this for herself. Being furious with Cor over New York had only lasted a couple of days and it was broken by some amazing makeup sex before she groaned when she realized she forgot to pick up her birth control from the pharmacy again. She had been late getting it last month and now she was late getting it again this time. She had such a fickle memory lately.
She quickly shrugged it off and just as the bath bomb fully dissolved, her phone went off and she huffed and got it and saw all the pictures of Crowe and all her friends back on Sylva’s yacht before Crowe sent another picture of another ultrasound picture. She could see Luche in the background, talking with Tredd, Libertus, Nyx, Ravus and Pelna and smiling and still looking handsome as ever while Crowe was with all the girls, Sylva, Stella, Selena and Luna all wearing diamond necklaces and drinking proper island drinks. It wasn’t fair. Ada felt tears prick at her eyes before they fell from her eyes and down her cheeks. She sniffled and turned the phone off and tried to get back into the groove of her bath as she washed her hair then put the deep conditioning mask on it and then shaved her legs and underarms before scrubbing her skin with the sugar scrub then when she was done with that she took a foot file and tried to take off all the calluses from her feet. Being a waitress and being on her feet all the time meant her feet were tired and achy and often blistered if not callused.
When she was done the candle’s scent overpowered her nose and she blew it out before she started chugging her own drink again and before she knew it the drink was gone, the water was turning cold, the candle was out and her hair needed to get rinsed and instead of feeling refreshed, she felt even more frustrated...with everything. She laid back and rinsed the conditioning mask out of her hair and once she was done she sat back up and drained the tub and got out, putting a towel around her and got dressed and went to bed early after plugging in her phone again. Baxter jumped up on the bed and snuggled with her as she fell asleep.
In her dream she was back in the tea shop with Luche sitting across from her, pouring her a cup of tea, in a suit again and looking particularly handsome while she felt raw and compromised internally.
“I’ve missed you.” Luche finally said.
“You’ve been too busy to miss me.” Ada gently argued as she took the tea cup and drank from it again, the warmth of the tea cup warming her hands as the tea and his presence seemed warmed her soul.
“No I haven’t, it’s impossible for me to be too busy to miss you.” Luche countered with a gentle grin as he picked his own tea cup back up and sipped it.
“Are you sure you’re not missing something really important back at the office right now?” Ada questioned.
“Nope, I don’t deal with anything that’s life or death, whatever is there can wait until whenever I get back, you’re way more important than any paperwork I could do.” Luche insisted, his gentle grin turning reassuring and Ada felt warmed by the sentiment and she could tell he wanted to say more but forced his mouth to stay shut and let her have a moment of peace but part of her wanted to hear whatever he would say.
“What?” Ada asked, hoping that would help him say whatever he wanted or needed to stay.
“I’ve only ever wanted you. So anything I can do to spend time with you, no matter what the cost is- is something I’ll always do if it’s for you.” Luche finally spoke, his voice dropping to a low murmur so that he wouldn’t draw attention to them. But the look in his eyes brought tears to hers. The words were eating their way out of her throat as she stood as Luche did the same and came into his arms as he hugged her tight.
“I’ve only ever wanted you too. I love you.” Ada heard herself sniffle into his chest as she felt so safe and warm in his arms again. Like nothing could hurt her, like nothing could even disappoint her either.
“I love you too, let’s get out of here.” Luche proposed and Ada nodded before he kissed her and then Ada woke up with a start which woke Baxter up who started licking her tears away just as Cor came home from the bar and Ada quickly got control of herself again.
“Hey, you’re still up.” Cor grinned when he came into the room and noticed her sitting up in bed and petting Baxter.
“No, you woke me up when you came home.” Ada teased with a grin, praying her face didn’t betray her.
“Oh I’m sorry.” Cor apologized as he stripped out of his clothes and put his badge and his gun on the bedside table before he crawled into bed with her. “Well I’ll help put you back to sleep then.” Cor offered as he brought her into his embrace. “Wow, your skin is really soft.” Cor noticed as he smelled her hair as he kissed the crown of her head and touched the small of her back.
“Thanks, scrubbed it during my bath.” Ada smiled, pleased that he noticed and rewarded him with a kiss and soon that kiss led to another and a touch led to a caress and before either of them realized they were having soft, sweet sex with each other and when they were done, Cor noticed a little bit of blood on his shaft.
“Did you start your period Love?” Cor asked as he got a tissue to clean himself off with.
“Oh, I must have.” Ada blinked in surprise. “I feel like it’s early.” Ada muttered to herself as she got up and got a pad into her underwear.
“Well it’s always better to be early than it is to be late.” Cor joked and Ada laughed.
“I know right?” Ada grinned as she climbed back into the bed to rest and relax and really fall asleep.
Meanwhile back on the yacht.
“Why were you girls talking about Shyanne?” Tredd asked as he helped take the necklace off and put it away so himself and Stella could get ready for bed.
“Oh Mom was telling us the story of how she got the yacht and the jet.”
“Because her mom was the baddest pimp of them all, yeah.” Tredd nodded which got Stella to laugh.
“And she was telling us to be grateful our moms are nothing like that.” Stella added.
“And let me guess, you just had to drag Shyanne into it and go- ‘actually no, Tredd’s mom is much worse’.” Tredd surmised.
“Sorry if I embarrassed you.” Stella apologized softly as she hugged him and held him tight as he in turn clung to her and kissed the crown of her head. “I can promise you that I’ll never touch any of that.” Stella swore. “And just because she’s that way doesn’t mean you’ll ever be that way. I know we would beat the shit out of each other if we ever tried.” Stella lightly teased which got Tredd to crack a grin and huff a laugh through his nose as he continued to just hold her for a long while.
“So would you draw me like one of your French girls Jack?” Tredd teased as he let go of her and playfully tried to put the diamond necklace on himself which got Stella to crack up laughing.
“Yes I would.” Stella cackled.
“Show it to me when you’re done!” Crowe teased through the wall as Tredd jumped and panicked and threw the necklace back into case as Stella nearly went to her knees she started cracking up as she heard Crowe cackle a laugh too.
“Fucking go to sleep! Your knocked up body needs it!” Tredd spat at the wall as Stella was in tears and literally had to go to her knees, holding her sides and laughing her ass off as she could only imagine Crowe was in a similar state on the other side of the wall as Tredd got the necklace and made sure it wasn’t damaged before he put it back properly. “Or do I have to fuck Stella against that wall again?” Tredd threatened.
“Go to sleep! All of you! God!” Luche yelled through the other wall.
“Shut the fuck up and keep fapping!” Tredd yelled back at Luche.
“Fuck you!” Luche groaned before Tredd picked Stella up off the floor and pinned her to the wall between their room and Luche’s and started fucking her hard just to prove a point before Luche groaned again and left his room to go find refuge somewhere else but every room he passed he could hear every other couple being intimate which only made him more frustrated before he got to the couch in the main lounge and collapsed onto that before pulling a throw onto himself as he continued to grumble to himself, if Ada was here and back with him, he wouldn’t give a fuck because he’d be fucking her against the wall too. This wasn’t fair. Everyone else was with the love of their lives and he was in a constant state of anguish because his was still with someone else. Maybe he should have pushed Sylva to introduce him to her nieces. But at the same time Ravus kept reassuring him that if he was patient enough, that Ada would come back to him. He just had to be patient and endure this for now. He could do that. He had to. Now he understood what Ravus felt like when Selena had been with Pelna. If Ravus could wait for Selena, he could wait for Ada and they’d be just as happy too.
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Tagged by @dirtyffxvconfession​ and then @ponkita​ Love you boos.
To celebrate a year of FFXV and the end of the first year of updates, let’s spread the FFXV love! I haven’t seen a tag meme like this for FFXV yet, so I decided to make one. If you see this and want to, copy/paste this list and share what your favorite things about FFXV are.
Favorite Chocobro: Gladio. This has not changed.
Favorite Guest Party Member (including Ravus and Libertus from DLC): I’d probably have to say Cor… though Aranea was great too. Also enjoyed Ravus… and I love Libs… gosh I love them all.
Favorite Minor Character(s): Does Cor count? Lmao. Otherwise… probably gonna have to go with Kingsglaive on this—Tredd, Luche.
Favorite Villain: Ardyn, duh. Not really sure of the other ‘villains’. I don’t really feel like anyone counts other than the Emperor. Aranea and Ravus aren’t really villains.
Favorite Kingsglaive Character: TREDD BUT ALSO MY BB TITUS ;3; I LOVE THEM BOTH TO BITS
Favorite Astral/Divine Being: Ifrit. He’s hot. *rimshot.
Favorite Character Overall: For the canon stuff alone gotta be Gladio. Love him.
Favorite Weapon: lmao at the idea of me even paying attention to this. Whatever makes the monsters fall down faster.
Favorite location: Anywhere but Altissia, Christ the amount of time I spent running in circles. I think liked the Chocobo ranch but anywhere small and not hard to get lost in is good.
Favorite Quest/Questline/Hunt: Don’t really know… I didn’t pay much attention to individual quests and just did hunts when I had to. Let’s say Gladio’s cup noodle quest because corporate whore Gladio cracks me up.
Favorite Boss: Don’t ask me this I hate boss fights fjshsjshd
Favorite Daemon/Monster/Monster Family/etc: Probably Cactuars
Favorite Song: Somnus *ugly cries*
Favorite Boss Theme: Omnis Lacrima (the only one I even remembered tbh)
Favorite Non-Episode DLC/Update/Event: Assassin Festival was adorable and fun. Still need to try the ol Bro Switch
Favorite DLC: Episode Ignis was the only one really worth a damn alas, but I haven’t finished all the extra content in it. Loved it loved it loved it. Gladio was robbed.
Other Favorites of Note: The food system was cute, the friendships between the boys were just everything… and that alternate ending that gave me literally everything I wanted… *wistful sigh* Game was flawed but fuck it hit me hard. I love it so much.
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sonsoflucis · 7 years
ffxv favorite meme
tagged by @yallneedtrashjesus @singergurl91 and i think @valkyrieofardyn
To celebrate a year of FFXV and the end of the first year of updates, let’s spread the FFXV love! I haven’t seen a tag meme like this for FFXV yet, so I decided to make one. If you see this and want to, copy/paste this list and share what your favorite things about FFXV are. 
Favorite Chocobro: Noctis, always  Favorite Guest Party Member: Ravus c:
Favorite Minor Character(s): Tredd, Titus, Luche. Favorite Villain: Titus Fuckin’ Drautos Favorite Kingsglaive Character: Wow, look at that, also Tredd, Titus, and Luche Favorite Astral/Divine Being: Ifrit  Favorite Character Overall: Noctis, but Titus is a close second, followed by Tredd, Gladio, Ravus, and Luche Favorite Weapon: THESE HANDS uh, I suppose Trident of the Oracle or that first sword Noctis gets Favorite Location: Altissia, Myrlwood, and Duscae Favorite Quest/Questline/Hunt: Feeding the cat, the cup noodle quest, and anything with chocobos Favorite Boss: Leviathan Favorite Daemon/Monster/Monster Family/etc:  Anak, Garula, Catoblepas Favorite Song: Don’t make me choose! Valse di Fantastica, The King and the General, Song of the Stars, Departure, Dawn, Wanderlust, all of the Episode Ignis score. I am a slut for scores. Favorite Boss Theme: Apocalypsis Noctis Favorite Non-Episode DLC/Update/Event: Assassin’s Festival and the offroad Regalia Favorite Episode DLC: E P I S O D E I G N I S  Other Favorites of Note: Brotherhood series. Noctis. The banter between the bros. The way this game makes fictional characters seem real. Noctis. Even with all the plot holes and issues, this game saved my damn life. Thank you. So much.
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