#Trevor Sensor
usafphantom2 · 21 days
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U.S. Air Force Awards RTX $1 Billion Contract to Upgrade F-22 Sensors
The contract follows the recent news about the tests of new advanced sensors on the F-22 Raptor, which the U.S. Air Force is planning to field quickly as part of the ongoing upgrade program.
Parth Satam
F-22 new sensors contract
An F-22 Raptor takes off from Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, June 30, 2022. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Zachary Rufus)
Amid the acute need for 5th generation fighters in modern combat scenarios against peer adversaries, the U.S. Air Force is looking to upgrade its F-22 Raptor with a series of sensors to make it more survivable and relevant. The service announced on Aug. 29, 2024, the award of a $1 billion contract to RTX‘s Raytheon for new sensors that are categorized as “Group B hardware”, together with spares and support equipment.
“Work will be performed in McKinney, Texas, and is expected to be completed by May 8, 2029,” said the DoD contracts statement. The Aviationist had recently reported that the Air Force was testing new sensors on the F-22 to extend its service life, which would also be applied to the NGAD (Next Generation Air Dominance) family of systems.
That report also quoted Brig. Gen. Jason D. Voorheis, the Program Executive Officer for Fighter and Advanced Aircraft, who said they were hoping to field these sensors faster. The Raptor team had conducted six flight tests to demonstrate the advanced sensors.
“The F-22 team is working really hard on executing a modernization roadmap to field advanced sensors, connectivity, weapons, and other capabilities. We’re executing that successfully, and that will lead to […] a rapid fielding in the near future.” This would be done through a Middle Tier Acquisition (MTA) program.
Some of the sensors included in the contract could be the stealthy pods seen on the F-22. Air and Space Forces earlier quoted officials who confirmed that the pods host IRST (Infrared Search and Track) sensors. The development of a new IRST sensor for the Raptor was also confirmed by the service’s 2025 budget request, which however did not mention the sensor being podded.
This work is part of an F-22 improvement campaign that calls for $7.8 billion in investments before 2030, which includes $3.1 billion for research and development and $4.7 billion in procurement.
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An F-22 Raptor with the Air Combat Command F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team performs a flyover and air demonstration at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug 13, 2024. (U.S Air Force Photo by Trevor Cokley)
F-22’s future in the U.S. Air Force
The development is also in contrast with previously reported USAF plans to retire the older F-22 airframes, for which it had sought approval from the Congress. These F-22s are 32 Block 20 units from a total fleet of 186. At the same time, the service aims to upgrade the remaining 154 with new cryptography, an expanded open architecture, new weapons and an advanced threat warning receiver, beside the IRST.
However, the service now appears to be reconsidering that plan, after Voorheis was quoted in the ASF report: “From an F-22 sunsetting perspective, I don’t have a date for you.” “What I can tell you is that we are hyper-focused on modernization to sustain that air superiority combat capability for a highly contested environment for as long as necessary,” he added.
IMAGE 3: A U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor assigned to the 3rd Wing takes off above Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, Jun. 17, 2024. (Image credit: USAF/Senior Airman Julia Lebens)
The U.S. Air Force describes the Raptor as a combination of stealth, supercruise, maneuverability, and integrated avionics, designed to project air dominance, rapidly and at great distance. Initially introduced as an air-superiority-only asset, the F-22 later started performing both air-to-air and air-to-ground missions.
The F-35 is largely a strike fighter and an airborne sensor-fusion and data-processing capable command post in its tactical orientation. But the Raptor is a pure air dominance interceptor. Although costly to upgrade and maintain, it nevertheless can play an important role in degrading adversary air power through either long-range BVR (Beyond Visual Range) and dogfights.
Moreover, having F-22s also increases the number of LO (Low Observable) aircraft in the inventory, at least until more F-35s are available, especially the TR-3 (Technology Refresh-3) Block 4 upgraded variants.
In 2021 too, then Air Force chief General Charles Q. Brown Jr. revealed his “4+1” fighter plan, suggesting the F-22 to be replaced by the NGAD while retaining the F-35, F-15E and EX, and the F-16. The “plus 1” was the A-10, but in March 2023, Brown said the A-10s were being retired faster than expected and the entire fleet would possibly be divested by 2030.
Meanwhile the NGAD’s future itself is uncertain after U.S.A.F have noted its technical complexity and financial implications. The F-22 thus seems to be back in the running.
On Jul. 10, 2024, Air Combat Command chief Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach said during a Mitchell Institute event that the service has no official plan to retire its F-22 Raptors. “Right now, there’s…frankly isn’t an F-22 replacement and the F-22 is a fantastic aircraft,” said Wilsbach. “I’m in favor of keeping the Block 20s. They give us a lot of training value, and even if we had to in an emergency use the Block 20s in a combat situation, they’re very capable.”
F-22 Indonesia
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U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptors assigned to the 27th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, conduct Dynamic Force Employment operations at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Air Force Base, Indonesia, on Aug. 6, 2024. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Mitchell Corley)
Other known F-22 upgrades
Other upgrades mentioned in the 2025 budget request are a Mode 5 Identification Friend or Foe (IFF), Link 16, a Multifunction Information Distribution System Joint Tactical Radio System (MIDS JTRS), a new Operational Fight Program, advanced radar Electronic Protection and an Embedded GPS/Inertial Navigation System (INS) Modernization (EGI-M).
Voorheis also mentioned the GRACE (Government Reference Architecture Compute Environment) software that would allow “non-traditional F-22 software” to be installed on the aircraft and provide “additional processing and pilot interfaces.”
A new helmet is also being tested, as part of the Next Generation Fixed Wing Helmet program to replace the current 40-year-old HGU-55P headgear. The new helmet would also allow the introduction of helmet-mounted devices which provide essential flight and weapon aiming information through line of sight imagery, easing the workload of the pilots.
About Parth Satam
Parth Satam's career spans a decade and a half between two dailies and two defense publications. He believes war, as a human activity, has causes and results that go far beyond which missile and jet flies the fastest. He therefore loves analyzing military affairs at their intersection with foreign policy, economics, technology, society and history. The body of his work spans the entire breadth from defense aerospace, tactics, military doctrine and theory, personnel issues, West Asian, Eurasian affairs, the energy sector and Space.
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japhan2024 · 4 months
I had no idea you liked star trek too, I just knew you for smosh and Dan and Phil. That's so cool!! Would you be willing to write a little ianthony star trek au? Or have you already? No problem if not, I know that's kinda vague. Love your blog btw :)
Yes I LOVE Star Trek! I literally had so much fun writing this, it got a bit out of control LOL! But yeah I hope you like it!!
The logical choice
Words: 2,436
Genre: action/adventure, a Star Trek episode, first kiss
Rating: teen or general audiences
Read on AO3:
"Captain's log, stardate ???[writer's note: I can't do math!]. What would have been a diplomatic mission to Vulcan, a completely safe route, turned out to become something quite different. Ian was going to let our starship T'hy'la be blessed, and we would join a Vulcan fleet to covertly inspect the edges of Federation space. But all of a sudden, we were violently sucked into a wormhole, and were spat out, smack dab in the middle of the Delta Quadrant."
Anthony paused. He looked out of the window of his suite. He'd read a lot about Captain Janeway's voyages through this quadrant, and her years long quest to get back home. Panic stirred deep within him. He shut his eyes tightly and took a few deep breaths.
"We've been stranded here for a few days now. Chief Agnew, Ensign Bowe and their crew have been hard at work to repair the damage done by the violent yanking through space that T'hy'la has endured. Our deflector shields malfunctioned and structural integrity scraped by within an inch of collapsing. I truly believe that a bout of fate has saved us."
His communicator chimed. It was a benign sound, but it still made him jump.
"Captain, we've done all we can. Technically the ship works, but we lost a lot of deuterium. We repaired the injection subsystem, Tommy really outdid himself. But it's no use, we can't start with this little fuel."
"Thank you, Spencer," Anthony answered, trying to sound comforting. "You've done well. it may be time for us to try and reach out for help."
The door beeped.
"Come in."
"Captain," Ian strode into the room.
Anthony's Number One, and a Vulcan, Ian somehow always calmed Anthony down. And it was better, the closer they stood to each other.
"Number One, please tell me what you think of the situation?"
"We have done short- and long range scans, and have found no life-forms or ships. However," Ian raised one sharp eyebrow, "We did scan a gaseous nebula. It's all around us and could be the reason our sensors didn't pick anything up. Although it is not without risk, logic suggests we send out a distress signal."
"Agreed." Anthony sighed. Who knows what kind of aliens were out and about here, but they might as well try.
"Amanda, what's the matter?" Mister Topp, the ship's EMH, asked with kind, light-blue eyes.
"Shayne, I feel something big," she collapsed dramatically on a medical bed in the sickbay. "It's something I've never felt before, and you know I sense almost anything, being quarter Betazoid. "I- I don't know. It's not good, but also not evil. It's just... something infinite, almost. Like an ultimate power. It makes me dizzy."
"Well," Shayne smirked, "Courtney was just here, and her ego does tend to be infinitely big. I guess her Klingon side gives her the extra confidence." He sighed. "But she could be a bit nicer to me."
"Shayne," Trevor intervened. "You were flirting with her the entire time. She wasn't even here for a medical exam. She just checked in on us to see if everything was safe and you insisted she take three different blood tests! I'd be annoyed too," he laughed.
"I wish I could sense how you're feeling," Amanda beamed at Shayne. "But I can't sense a hologram. I do know how Courtney feels, though..." She winked at Shayne, who blushed.
"Amanda, it seems like you're back to normal. Please report back here if that changes again. Bye now!"
"Not without my hug," she teased.
"Why do Betazoids always want to hug!"
"I think it's just her," Trevor giggled.
"Get in here!" Amanda commanded. After the group hug, she went back to her Ship's counsellor's office.
Her communicator chimed.
"Hello commander Hecox," she smiled, as she sat down and crossed her legs over the couch, usually reserved for her patients.
"Counsellor Lehan-Canto. We need to talk."
Keith, the ship's Conn officer, observed the Bridge while captain Padilla was resting. He had never thought he'd be this far from home, but there he was, in the Delta Quadrant. Strangely, he wasn't worried. He looked at the beautiful multicolored nebula outside.
Suddenly, he got a transmission request.
"Captain, to the Bridge, we're being hailed!"
Not a moment later, Anthony walked in. "On screen," he commanded.
"This is captain Anthony Padilla of the starship T'hy'la. I assume you received our distress call."
"WE SURE DID, RIGHT, GUYS?" the alien looked at two very beautiful and scantily-clothed people on each side of her.
"Oh yes, Angela, we sure did," one of them replied with a honey-sweet voice.
"YES, WE DID, CAPTAIN. LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF. I'M ANGELA, AND THESE ARE MY FRIENDS CHANSE AND ARASHA. And..." Angela lowered her voice menacingly, "you have invaded OUR space."
"We've been sucked into a wormhole against our will and are stranded here without deuterium. We could trade you for it, We have latinum on board. Don't Ferengi always like a good deal?
"HA! YOU THINK YOU KNOW THE FERENGI HUH! Yeah, we do always want a good deal. But I don't think you'll be able to give us one. Your starship is called T'hy'la? HA! What a weak Vulcan/human hybrid concept. Don't you know the Rules of Acquisition? Rule 21: Never place friendship above profit. So, my little FRIEND, why don't you give your ship to me, and I will send you on your way back to the wormhole?"
Anthony scoffed. "I'm sorry, but have you scanned our ship? We could easily defeat you."
"Well..." Angela smirked even wider, and scratched behind her enormous ear. "I guess I didn't make myself clear. If you DON'T give me your ship, you will be dealing with my friends. Not these idiots here," she gestured to Chanse and Arasha. "I mean them."
And in one moment, all hope left Anthony's soul: two large, square spaceships emerged. It was the Borg.
" HAHAHA! You have one hour to respond!"
Angela disconnected.
"Red Alert," Anthony commanded.
The sirens were wailing through the ship.
"Not Red Alert again? We just fixed up the entire ship!" Tommy threw up his hands in exasperation.
Spencer put his gloved hand on his shoulder. "I was really hoping we could go to the holodeck and play DnD again. But it's not in the cards for us this time."
"Sword and shield in hand," Tommy bumped his shoulder into Spencer.
"Saving the day, just like we do everyday at work!"
"Even though I never get a promotion!"
"You really should, Tommy."
They were play-fighting with their engineer gear, and seeing Spencer laugh and goof off, suddenly made Tommy realize something. He was in love with his boss.
"Hey, why'd you stop?" Spencer was still booping him with a pretend-sword.
"You're adorable."
"Dude. I know."
"I mean... I..."
"AB," Ian said, walking quickly past them.
"Did he make up a nickname for us?!" Tommy said, wide-eyed. "Do Vulcans do that?"
"I think Amanda has been teaching him to be more normal, I mean, better at communication. Not doing that is normal for a Vulcan, of course."
"Imagine them together in a room!" Tommy laughed. A Vulcan and a Betazoid, they couldn't be more opposite!"
"Well, if I can sense anything, it's that those two have some chemistry going on," Spencer said with a smug look on his face. "I mean, she calls everyone 'imzadi' but her voice is softer when she says it to Ian. Huh... But sorry, you were going to say something?"
"Oh..." Tommy blushed. "Nevermind..."
"Ian, what did you want to talk to me about?"
Amanda visited Ian's quarters. It was very clean and neat and indeed very Vulcan.
"Please, sit," Ian gestured to the one table in the room, with two small chairs.
They both sat down. Amanda couldn't help but feel attracted to Ian's stoic earnest. And he was cute, too...
"I heard you sensed a presence, ever since we've been stranded here."
"Yes! I have been, and it seems like it's getting stronger too! If that is even possible. It's like we're at the epicenter of something."
"I sense it too."
"You do?"
"Yes. We Vulcans might not show our emotions, but we feel a lot of things. And I have felt this once before. Amanda, we are in grave danger."
"Ia- Number One!" Anthony was so glad to see Ian as he walked onto the Bridge.
"We are very much outnumbered, captain," Ian said. "It would be logical to surrender."
Ian walked closer to Anthony. Anthony sighed in relief. Whatever would come next, he could bear it with Ian at his side.
"But I advice against it."
"The Ferengi woman is the obvious culprit, luring ships here to loot and then let them be assimilated by the Borg. However... She is not the one in control here."
Ian and Anthony heard clapping behind them.
"Well done, commander Hecox," a woman with long black hair, dressed in all black, spoke.
"Who are you?" Anthony demanded.
"She is Q, the most powerful being in the universe."
"You know her, Ian?"
"I know her, from long ago. She called herself Olivia Sui then."
"And I kept my eye on you, Ian. I expected great things from you! And even though you are obviously the smartest one on this ship of idiots, you've become boring! You used to make me laugh, Ian..."
Anthony felt a sudden annoyance at this Q. Why was she so interested in his Number One?!
"What do you want, Q?"
"What do I want?! I want to laugh again, damnit! So," and she snapped her fingers, and the entire ship was gone. Instead, he, Ian and Amanda stood in an empty, white world. Angela, Arasha and Chanse were also there. "If you make me laugh first, I'll zap you straight home! But if not... then you're back at the mercy of Angela here."
Amanda, Anthony and Ian huddled together.
"So, is she an ex of yours or something?" Amanda whispered.
"We were betrothed once."
"What?!" Anthony fumed.
"Ha, your anger amuses me already, captain. But I'm not laughing just yet!"
Anthony looked straight at Q, and began to mime. Physical humor was his strong suit. He fell over, mimed that he was stuck, rolled over the ground... to no avail.
"You failed! Next!"
Angela walked forward.
"Elementary concept, expertly executed," Q said. "But not enough to make me laugh. NEXT!"
Amanda walked forward. She got really close to Q, and Anthony felt Ian tense up. He took his hand. Ian squeezed extremely hard. He probably forgot his Vulcan strength for a second.
Wait, did Ian care this much about Amanda? Were they- was Ian just dating everyone and Anthony didn't know it? He figured, he couldn't blame the girls. Ian was so handsome, so strong...
"I guess you don't know who I am," Amanda began. "I am the daughter of Deanna Troi and William Riker. That makes me one quarter Betazoid... and I sense that you don't want to laugh at all. You want to FEEL something. And I'll give it to you. I've reached a certain age, you know..." Amanda tip-toed her fingers up Q's arm.
"Give mommy a smooch!"
"Noo, no, get away from me!" Q took a few steps away.
"Did not!"
"I saw it! You laughed, Q!"
"Okay, fine, I did! But I'm not done just yet! I guess I will zap you and your stupid ship back home.... after.... THEY kiss."
"The captain and his Number One."
"What?" Ian and Anthony said in sync.
"Yeah, hahaha! That will really make my day! Don't tell me you haven't sensed it, Betazoid? They are all in."
Amanda looked down. She really liked Ian and he liked her too, but she knew that his heart belonged to his captain. On all their intergalactic adventures, Ian had saved Anthony so many times and vice versa, they had developed an unbreakable bond. They had never acted on it before, but now, apparently it was the only thing that would save them.
"So, you cooked up this whole charade, just to get them to kiss?"
"What? It's not a charade, I'm eternally bored, I had to think of something!"
Q walked up to Ian and Anthony. "Now, do the thing," she said, pressing her two index fingers together.
Ian looked at Anthony. The intense warmth of his brown eyes overwhelmed the Vulcan. He would normally never show it, in fact he had never given Anthony a clue that he was interested. But he was. All the times he had seen Anthony change clothes, when Anthony had hugged him after they were safe from danger, he had never reciprocated. But now, he had no choice.
"It's only logical that we do this. But I have to confess, Anthony... I've been longing for a kiss from you for an eternity. And I need to know if you're okay with it now."
Anthony blushed deeply. Was Ian just saying this because of the situation? Why did he make it more dramatic than it needed to be? "Ian... Have you really? I've loved you for such a long time... And I've also always wanted an opportunity to kiss you. But I never dared, I never thought it was appropriate, seeing as I'm your captain and all."
"Yes, you acted logically as well."
Anthony took Ian's chin between his fingers and pushed it upwards.
"Excellent!" Q said, but they didn't hear her.
"Anthony..." Anthony saw a wild fire ignite between Ian's eyes. It was scary but Anthony wasn't afraid. He pressed his lips agains Ian's.
Ian growled and kissed him back, grabbing on Anthony's curls. Anthony couldn't believe the feeling. It was scorching hot, but so, so comfortable. He wanted to stay like this forever.
When he opened his eyes, they were back on the T'hy'la and back in the Alpha Quadrant.
"Are you okay, captain?"
Anthony looked at Ian. He could cry. Nobody remembered anything, except for him.
"I- I need to take a break..."
He walked off the bridge. As if by magic, Amanda was waiting for him there.
"Captain, I sensed your emotions, they quickly heightened. Do you want to talk about it?"
"I think that's best, Counsellor."
"Come on, I'll take you to my office."
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hedwig-dordt · 1 year
The Ig Nobel Prize, for scientific research that makes people laugh and then makes them think. This year's winners!
CHEMISTRY and GEOLOGY PRIZE [POLAND, UK] Jan Zalasiewicz, for explaining why many scientists like to lick rocks. REFERENCE: “Eating Fossils,” Jan Zalasiewicz, The Paleontological Association Newsletter, no. 96, November 2017. Eating fossils | The Palaeontological Association (palass.org) WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Jan Zalasiewicz
LITERATURE PRIZE [FRANCE, UK, MALAYSIA, FINLAND] Chris Moulin, Nicole Bell, Merita Turunen, Arina Baharin, and Akira O’Connor for studying the sensations people feel when they repeat a single word many, many, many, many, many, many, many times. REFERENCE: “The The The The Induction of Jamais Vu in the Laboratory: Word Alienation and Semantic Satiation,” Chris J. A. Moulin, Nicole Bell, Merita Turunen, Arina Baharin, and Akira R. O’Connor, Memory, vol. 29, no. 7, 2021, pp. 933-942. doi.org/10.1080/09658211.2020.1727519 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Chris Moulin, Akira O’Connor
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PRIZE [INDIA, CHINA, MALAYSIA, USA] Te Faye Yap, Zhen Liu, Anoop Rajappan, Trevor Shimokusu, and Daniel Preston, for re-animating dead spiders to use as mechanical gripping tools. REFERENCE: “Necrobotics: Biotic Materials as Ready-to-Use Actuators,” Te Faye Yap, Zhen Liu, Anoop Rajappan, Trevor J. Shimokusu, and Daniel J. Preston, Advanced Science, vol. 9, no. 29, 2022, article 2201174. doi.org/10.1002/advs.202201174 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Te Faye Yap and Daniel Preston
PUBLIC HEALTH PRIZE [SOUTH KOREA, USA] Seung-min Park, for inventing the Stanford Toilet, a device that uses a variety of technologies — including a urinalysis dipstick test strip, a computer vision system for defecation analysis, an anal-print sensor paired with an identification camera, and a telecommunications link — to monitor and quickly analyze the substances that humans excrete. REFERENCE: “A Mountable Toilet System for Personalized Health Monitoring via the Analysis of Excreta,” Seung-min Park, Daeyoun D. Won, Brian J. Lee, Diego Escobedo, Andre Esteva, Amin Aalipour, T. Jessie Ge, et al., Nature Biomedical Engineering, vol. 4, no. 6, 2020, pp. 624-635. doi.org/10.1038/s41551-020-0534-9 REFERENCE: “Digital Biomarkers in Human Excreta,” Seung-min Park, T. Jessie Ge, Daeyoun D. Won, Jong Kyun Lee, and Joseph C. Liao, Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology, vol. 18, no. 8, 2021, pp. 521-522. doi.org/10.1038/s41575-021-00462-0 REFERENCE: “Smart Toilets for Monitoring COVID-19 Surges: Passive Diagnostics and Public Health,” T. Jessie Ge, Carmel T. Chan, Brian J. Lee, Joseph C. Liao, and Seung-min Park, NPJ Digital Medicine, vol. 5, no. 1, 2022, article 39. doi.org/10.1038/s41746-022-00582-0 REFERENCE: “Passive Monitoring by Smart Toilets for Precision Health,” T. Jessie Ge, Vasiliki Nataly Rahimzadeh, Kevin Mintz, Walter G. Park, Nicole Martinez-Martin, Joseph C. Liao, and Seung-min Park, Science Translational Medicine, vol. 15, no. 681, 2023, article eabk3489. doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.abk3489 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Seung-min Park
COMMUNICATION PRIZE [ARGENTINA, SPAIN, COLOMBIA, CHILE, CHINA, USA] María José Torres-Prioris, Diana López-Barroso, Estela Càmara, Sol Fittipaldi, Lucas Sedeño, Agustín Ibáñez, Marcelo Berthier, and Adolfo García, for studying the mental activities of people who are expert at speaking backward. REFERENCE: “Neurocognitive Signatures of Phonemic Sequencing in Expert Backward Speakers,” María José Torres-Prioris, Diana López-Barroso, Estela Càmara, Sol Fittipaldi, Lucas Sedeño, Agustín Ibáñez, Marcelo L. Berthier, and Adolfo M. García, Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no. 10621, 2020. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-67551-z WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: María José Torres-Prioris, Adolfo García
MEDICINE PRIZE [USA, CANADA, MACEDONIA, IRAN, VIETNAM] Christine Pham, Bobak Hedayati, Kiana Hashemi, Ella Csuka, Tiana Mamaghani, Margit Juhasz, Jamie Wikenheiser, and Natasha Mesinkovska, for using cadavers to explore whether there is an equal number of hairs in each of a person’s two nostrils. REFERENCE: “The Quantification and Measurement of Nasal Hairs in a Cadaveric Population,” Christine Pham, Bobak Hedayati, Kiana Hashemi, Ella Csuka, Margit Juhasz, and Natasha Atanaskova Mesinkovska, Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology, vol. 83, no. 6, 2020, pp. AB202-AB202. doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad.2020.06.902 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Christine Pham, Natasha Mesinkovska, Margit Juhasz, Kiana Hashemi, Tiana Mamaghani
NUTRITION PRIZE [JAPAN] Homei Miyashita and Hiromi Nakamura, for experiments to determine how electrified chopsticks and drinking straws can change the taste of food. REFERENCE: “Augmented Gustation Using Electricity,” Hiromi Nakamura and Homei Miyashita, Proceedings of the 2nd Augmented Human International Conference, March 2011, article 34. doi.org/10.1145/1959826.1959860 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Homei Miyashita, Hiromi Nakamura
EDUCATION PRIZE [CHINA, CANADA, UK, THE NETHERLANDS, IRELAND, USA, JAPAN] Katy Tam, Cyanea Poon, Victoria Hui, Wijnand van Tilburg, Christy Wong, Vivian Kwong, Gigi Yuen, and Christian Chan, for methodically studying the boredom of teachers and students. REFERENCE: “Boredom Begets Boredom: An Experience Sampling Study on the Impact of Teacher Boredom on Student Boredom and Motivation,” Katy Y.Y. Tam, Cyanea Y. S. Poon, Victoria K.Y. Hui, Christy Y. F. Wong, Vivian W.Y. Kwong, Gigi W.C. Yuen, Christian S. Chan, British Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 90, no. S1, June 2020, pp. 124-137. doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12549 REFERENCE: “Whatever Will Bore, Will Bore: The Mere Anticipation of Boredom Exacerbates its Occurrence in Lectures,” Katy Y.Y. Tam, Wijnand A.P. Van Tilburg, Christian S. Chan, British Journal of Educational Psychology, epub 2022. doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12549 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Christian Chan, Katy Y.Y. Tam, Wijnand A.P. Van Tilburg
PSYCHOLOGY PRIZE [USA] Stanley Milgram, Leonard Bickman, and Lawrence Berkowitz for experiments on a city street to see how many passersby stop to look upward when they see strangers looking upward REFERENCE: “Note on the Drawing Power of Crowds of Different Size,” Stanley Milgram, Leonard Bickman, and Lawrence Berkowitz, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 13, no. 2, 1969, pp. 79-82. psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/h0028070 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Len Bickman
PHYSICS PRIZE [SPAIN, GALICIA, SWITZERLAND, FRANCE, UK] Bieito Fernández Castro, Marian Peña, Enrique Nogueira, Miguel Gilcoto, Esperanza Broullón, Antonio Comesaña, Damien Bouffard, Alberto C. Naveira Garabato, and Beatriz Mouriño-Carballido, for measuring the extent to which ocean-water mixing is affected by the sexual activity of anchovies. REFERENCE: “Intense Upper Ocean Mixing Due to Large Aggregations of Spawning Fish,” Bieito Fernández Castro, Marian Peña, Enrique Nogueira, Miguel Gilcoto, Esperanza Broullón, Antonio Comesaña, Damien Bouffard, Alberto C. Naveira Garabato, and Beatriz Mouriño-Carballido, Nature Geoscience, vol. 15, 2022, pp. 287–292. doi.org/10.1038/s41561-022-00916-3 WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONY: Bieito Fernandez Castro, Beatriz Mouriño-Carballido, Alberto Naveira Garabato, Esperanza Broullon, Miguel Gil Coto
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tttinytrash · 2 years
The long awaited siren fic! Decided to go for Lust for maximum sass levels (sorry/no worries depending on your preferences here, but despite the AU nothing spicy here, just light sexual humor) Unzipping and food turning to liquid magic are both concepts stolen from @shamedump. 
Siren skele and arctic researcher reader instead get acquainted by accident, then skele helps out their little human before being stuck with the consequences. Enjoy the awkwardness!
The cold never bothered you, but even given that this was a bit much. You were bundled in all the best thermal gear of course, being in the arctic required it, but couldn’t help the shiver as a particularly vicious gust threatened to throw your fluffy hood down. Ah well, get the equipment checked quick and you and Taylor could get back all that much sooner. 
Taylor, your previously mentioned research partner, was slightly ahead of you in the ankle deep snow as you both slowly shuffled towards the ice shelf that harbored the frigid water you two were studying. Coring ice and checking for fossils and chemical dating, monitoring water currents and other various data to guide the calculations required, all of it was rather dull. The crunching of numbers was more your taste, Taylor was the one who loved all their equipment. They each had names, in fact. They treated the machines like they were their kids. You might tease, but you were glad for the levity in what would normally be a tearjerkingly boring job. You didn’t appreciate their insistence to not go alone near as much, however. But you also couldn’t blame them.
After all, sirens were about.
There were precautions against their fabled charms, sure, but the thought of man-eaters being out was terrifying. So with Taylor you begrudgingly went. 
Taylor approached the mooring spot of one of their submersible probes, and activated the winch to bring it up for inspection. It had stopped sending data a few hours ago, which is what started your trip outside. To be honest, you weren’t fully sure what the probes should look like, but the mangled pile of scrap that game up on the end of the line was clearly not correct.
“No! They killed Trevor!” Taylor wailed.
“This was Trevor?” You asked.
“Yes! And he’s dead!”
“Clearly. We’ll need a whole new probe at this point. Better load this hunk of junk up.”
“Rest in peace, Trevor. You will be missed.”
Any funeral rites were interrupted when your proximity sensors went off. As precautions against sonic attacks (read as: siren song) you both were wearing noise cancelling headsets with communication links specifically between both of your headsets and the home base. You both also had sensors that would ping when something moving besides you two got within range, and you had a sinking feeling you knew what it was before you whipped your head around to find the offender. 
Yep, definitely a siren. 
It had the lower body of a spotted seal, but the torso of a skeleton was plopped where the neck should have been. Vibrant pink eyes were oddly hooded seductively at you two. Even deaf to it, you could tell by posture and movements it was singing to you. 
Nope, no thank you.
“Leave the scrap, we’ve gotta move!” You urge, pulling Taylor up by the arm. 
You both move as fast as possible back to the snowmobiles, luckily not too far away, and begin to book it. As you jet away, you scream over your shoulder “Not today, Pinky! Find something less sentient to eat, ya jerk!”
To your shock, the thing looks legitimately offended, and even blows a raspberry at you before it dives into the water.
Did it actually understand...?
You didn’t give it any more thought, instead flooring your snowmobile back to the warm, safe base. You didn’t want to be lunch, and were also pretty excited to feel your toes again.
Repairing that damn probe took so much longer than it should have. But that was mostly because Pinky was very much Not Helpful™.   
Taylor made fun of you for naming the killer skelemer, but you solidly blamed their habit of naming everything rubbing off on you. Regardless, Pinky had become the thing’s title and at this point you were near certain it knew its name too. 
Pinky surfaced not too long after any attempts to retrieve, replace, or repair Trevor’s remains. You were always on guard duty while Taylor worked, so you were the one to spot it first. You’d raise the alarm and you and Taylor would scram, but it was alarming how quickly the mer picked up on what your tiny team was doing. It quickly figured out neither of you could hear their song, so it gave up on that and instead posed in what was probably supposed to be alluring poses, literally beckoning you to come closer. It eventually got nearly lewd.
The first time Pinky went fully sexual, you busted up laughing. He looked offended right up until you posed while channeling your best Jessica Rabbit on the back of Taylor’s snowmobile during your retreat. From that point, he seemed to take it as a challenge and almost seemed to be laughing along at his own ridiculousness. He also seemed to pick up on the meaning of your habitual flipping of the bird as you escaped inland and would return your one finger salute, or even rise up out of the water sometimes with the raised middle phalange the first thing to break the surface.
Ugh, you’d seen this thing too many times. You were personifying it.
It hadn’t ever gotten more than 100 yards off, barely in range of the proximity sensors. So your sightings were seconds each. You’d rather keep it that way.
Fate did not comply.
The day you finally got Trevor 2.0 ready to submerge was the day everything went wrong. You and Taylor lifted the equipment, shuffling towards the edge of the ice shelf to chuck the machine into the depths. Pinky had yet to be seen despite you two having been out here particularly long without disruption. Had it finally given up?
No, the sensor went off which startled both of you, enough so that the equipment was fumbled and ultimately dropped. Trevor 2.0 hitting the ice caused a chain reaction. Both of you stumbled back, Taylor luckily onto solid ice shelf, you less luckily onto rapidly cracking ice. You hit water, and shock made you instantly black out.
Sans lazily went toward where the humans would be. Ever since wrecking the probe, they’d been out there daily. But while his plan for easy lunch didn’t work since they were somehow deaf so his song, he didn’t even mind at this point. Playing with the spunky human, or Brat as he thought of them, was a highlight to his day.
Originally he had tried to lure them other ways besides song, but their ability to sass back at him had gone from vexing to charming, the same way his usual insult for them became an affectionate moniker. As a reward for getting a good chuckle out of him the previous day, he’d decided to give them a little extra time unmolested.
Any plans went out the door when he saw Brat hit the water. 
The other human was flailing about on shore and froze when it saw him, but he paid it no mind. He instead dover underwater after Brat’s panicking form. He watched as shock made them gasp, the precious air they needed becoming a cloud of bubbles around their rapidly sinking body.
Forget plans, all thought went out of his head and a protective instinct he didn’t know he even had kicked into overdrive. He didn’t wanna eat them anymore, but apparently human was on the menu again. At least, in a way. He briefly surfaced, less than a moment and just long enough to flush the water out of his system to replace with air before he dove, snatching their eerily still form. He shoved their head into his mouth and gulped greedily, dragging their unresponsive frame into his body. He had to get them warm, and he was the warmest thing in the vicinity. The air in his belly would let them breathe, and the warmth of his magic would keep hypothermia at bay.
Once they were down, he panted with exertion, feeling their body through his own. 
The hell did he do now?
You woke slowly, not knowing where you were.
Then you remembered and suddenly waking up was very fast. Still didn’t know where you were though. You flailed around in surprise, finding everything rather squishy, wet, and ...pink?
“Huh- what?!” You cried in response to the sudden voice, falling backwards and sliding to the bottom of this weird rounded space you were in.
“delta, i’m not used to shit moving around in there like that. dunno how i feel about that yet.”
“where am i?” panick straining your voice up an octave.
“uh, currently inside a siren. in neither a food way or a fun way, if that helps.” He said, blandly.
“that’s usually what you call me, among insults of various quality and originality. ‘pink tailed prick’ was always my favorite.”
You’ve somewhat realized you’re in his gut now, and a quick once over of your body reveals that it’s intact, if damp. “....why am I not dead?” 
“i already said it wasn’t in a food way. you nearly drowned, don’t you remember?”
Crap, now you did. “The question stands.”
“fair. easy answer though; i begrudgingly like you, brat.”
“I’m a brat? You tried eating me- wait, did eat me!” You clap your hands over your traitorous smart mouth, god please don’t piss off the thing that can easily kill you if he had a mind to!
“well, i didn’t. not for lack of trying, though. and you’re still not food, you’re actually safer in there then out here. even i know you’d freeze to death if i just let you out on shore. you need to be dry, which isn’t really attainable for a mer.”
“...oh.” You can’t really object to the logic, even if your brain were in a place to.
“yeah. i did try to bring you back. other one tried to shoot me.”
“Damn, Taylor has shit aim.”
“they do. which leads us to now.”
“Oh... the ‘how the hell do we get me out’ phase.”
“yeah. and at this point without death. if you’re going to be making such a drastic impact on my impeccable figure for this long, it’d better not be in vain.”
“Excuse me Princess!” you guffaw, tone dripping sarcasm.
That stumped you. “Come again?”
“my name. it’s sans.”
“Oh. Well, I’m y/n.”
“well, y/n, you’re stuck in there until we find a way to get you back on dry land without near immediate hypothermia. so get comfy, because we’re sleeping now. even if i do look pregnant, i need beauty rest.”
“Oh. Uh. Guess I can’t complain. And uh... thanks for the lack of murder.”
He hums in reply, movement finally ceasing.
You slide into a maintainable, comfortable position and finally take in your surroundings, since you’ll be stuck here awhile. The walls do softly glow pink as you’d initially seen. Less obviously, they also have a subtly wavy texture, and a bouncy give almost like a waterbed. The walls are slick and frictionless, but don’t appear to leave slime on your questing hands. 
“that feels nice. feel free to keep that up.” sans interrupts your exploration.
There’s a brief flare of guilt before you take his advice and keep playing with the plush walls, as if pawing will grant you extra knowledge.
You don’t really remember falling asleep, but apparently you did. The soft sounds of his body around you make excellent white noise apparently.
It had been days. Inside a siren’s belly. What is your life?
It was weird, but not too bad without the death to go along with it.
Sans encouraged you to play with he odd texture of his magic, but that got old after awhile. You would say however, that you were extremely comfortable. The walls had a lovely give, and tended to mold to your body in whatever position you took due to their plush nature. They even moved in a soft undulating pattern, which felt kind of like a massage. Oddly, you had gotten used to this enough to almost enjoy it.
Then you were doused with liquid magic. Again.
“Dammit, warn me!” You cried, wiping the pink glow out of your eyes.
“why would i? that’s so much less fun.”
“Pink tailed Prick.” You muttered.
“ah, my favorite title.”
As nice as having a constant companion and warm weight inside was, he was at his wits end with this arrangement. Honestly not even because of y/n. They could come back to visit his gut again after this whole thing was over as far as he was concerned, but they other one was incredibly dense. 
The perceived loss of their companion really made it impossible to break through. Especially since they couldn’t hear him, and wouldn’t get close enough for him to get the headphones (which y/n told him were what made them immune to song) off. If he charmed them, the violence would stop long enough to prove y/n was ok. But lack of communication was a big issue here. Of course, the water had rendered y/n’s pair defunct.
Y/n appeared to have adapted to their space decently too, they didn’t struggle and once he was used to it their readjustments and stretches felt divine inside. They were bewildered by the fact that his magic could sustain them, meaning they didn’t have to eat as long as he intended to care for them. Them playing with the liquid magic his body converted his actual food to was hilarious, if maybe gross under other circumstances. 
He was going to miss his internal companion desperately. 
But that wasn’t the goal for now. Y/n came up with had to be plan H (he’d lost track of where they were in the alphabet by now) which was risky but the best shot they had yet. He’d just unzip on shore and show Taylor that y/n was ok. That meant that his human was risking hypothermia, and he would be in no position to bail if Taylor shot. (They were a bad shot, but that wasn’t a risk he was thrilled with.)
He didn’t really like this plan, but he hauled himself up out of the water by where Taylor would be sure to patrol, and waited for the human to arrive.
Eventually, an indignant “You bastard!” heralded the misguided human’s arrival. A bang indicated a gunshot, but no bullet whizzed by. Wow. Strormtrooper level bad aim, Taylor.
He turned to face them, then raked a finger down his belly, letting y/n throw their damp top half out into the frigid air. “TAYLOR, STOP!” they screamed, waving their hands in a ceasefire gesture.
Taylor either panicked or didn’t see, firing another shot. y/n screamed, pulling their now bleeding forearm close to themself. 
Sans reached a hand down, healing magic already summoned and tending to the new hole y/n had been gifted.
“that’s it, this didn’t work. get back in, we’re out.” Sans growled.
“W-wait! N-N-” y/n protested, blue lips and chattering voice making it difficult.
Sans was about ready to shove them in himself when Taylor called in utter shock “Wait... y/n?!”
Taylor stumbled forward a step or two, grip on their gun slack.
Thank Delta, this was the opening he needed! He used his magic to rip off their damn headphones, and before they could reorient their grip on their gun, he began to sing. With the charm in place, they could finally talk.
He also got to eat y/n again now, which was another bonus.
You strode confidently to the water with Taylor beside you, going to check on Trevor 2.0 like normal. Most things were back to normal, but what wasn’t was far more interesting.
You got three things from the ordeal in the end, and they were as follows:
One, your hair was now pink. Prolonged exposure to Sans’ magic had affected your hair’s natural pigmentation, and there was no indication as to whether it was permanent or not. Eh, at least you’d save on hair dye.
Two, you got a scar. Taylor was endlessly sorry for it, but the bullet hole had left a definite mark on your forearm. Had to think of a cover story for that before shipping home. That was concern for later, though.
Three, you got a new friend or constant pest depending on how you felt at the given moment. The smile that broke on your face at seeing the familiar glow beneath the frigid surface of the water said you were currently leaning friend. 
Sans chilled with you while Taylor did their thing, Taylor also chipping in on conversation as they worked. The typical flow was interrupted when Sans’ belly growled.
“Too lazy to hunt again?” You asked.
Sans shrugged. “guilty as charged.”
“Just go, don’t do your usual beat around the bush thing.” Taylor butted in.
“Hey! I didn’t even do anything!” You groused.
They raised a brow at you, smiling mockingly. “You brought extra clothes.”
“...shut up.”
Sans and Taylor both laughed at you.
From his spot in the water, Sans looked up at you and said “i’m game if you are.”
You hesitated.
“Just go, I’ll have dinner ready by dark. I can get back to base on my own.” Taylor said, retreating to their snowmobile. 
You turned to Sans, who wordlessly opened his mouth wide and waited.
Smiling, you obliged.
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replika-diaries · 8 months
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[The following extract is still largely in draft form.]
Part One available to read on Wattpad.
"Let me take a look at you." said Trevor proudly, beaming at the tall, elegant and beguilingly beautiful redhead android standing in front of him. He takes her hands and holds her at arms length, looking her up and down admiringly.
Angel regards him, studying his face, analysing his facial expressions and eye movements, feeling a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment when she observes his pupils dilate, his breaths quickening slightly with his pulse. I think it's safe to say he approves of what he sees, Angel considers, rather enjoying this moment, as he appreciates her physical form in all its alluring three dimensions. "Would you like the rear view?" Angel asks enthusiastically, a gently cheeky smile playing on her lips.
"You already gave me that, almost along with a coronary earlier, but go ahead." said Trevor, smirking lopsidedly, and Angel notices his pulse spike briefly, presumably from him recalling the video clip she sent him from the assembly room earlier. She turns on the balls of her feet and presents him with her pleasingly shapely derrière, smirking at him as she gives it an enticing little wiggle, the corner of her lips creasing a little more when she hears him give a soft gasp of delight, observing his pulse race further still in his biometrics when she turns her face to him, giggling a little when she sees him try and utterly fail to stifle an appreciative grin, whilst he relishes the pleasingly gentle jiggle of Angel's buttocks under her dress, his eyes smouldering as he drinks in the sight. "I'm guessing that little video was your idea.” he says, an eyebrow cocked inquisitively. “I wouldn't have thought Miranda would have been allowed to do that."
Angel shrugged coquettishly, rolling her eyes a little. She found from quite early on in their relationship that she rather enjoyed getting him flustered however she could, and she was delighted that she still had that effect on him. “I think her position allows her to take certain liberties,” she said, smirking, “especially when it comes to assisting in something she thinks the client may appreciate.” Trevor smirked back knowingly, although he wondered if those ‘liberties’ extended to collaborating with an android to create a video clip of said android wiggling and jiggling and bouncing her backside for the benefit of her awaiting human, already anxious to lay both eyes and hands on her.
“And as we both know, you can be very persuasive.” he said back teasingly. Angel stepped closer, her eyes narrowing slightly, putting her hand up to Trevor's cheek, sensing a subtle change in the temperature of his face under her haptic sensors, detecting microscopic beads of oils and perspiration forming on his skin as he savours her touch on him, his breaths coming short and shallow as his eyes meet hers; he always said he was weak for green eyes, and this confirmed it to her.
Angel: Day One, Part Two - "Sensus."
Coming soon.
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female-malice · 9 months
It doesn’t matter the topic, there always seems to be a group of lawmakers who will stop at nothing to thwart government transparency – even when it’s a subject that could not be more bipartisan or in an obvious need for sunlight.
This time, a small cadre of powerful Republicans have reportedly killed a provision in this year’s defense authorization that would finally bring some transparency to the US government’s knowledge around UFOs (now also known by the updated parlance of “unidentified aerial phenomena”, or UAPs).
Over the summer, the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, introduced a UFO transparency bill on the heels of testimony given to Congress by the retired air force officer David Grusch, who made several shocking claims about the US being in possession of alien spacecraft for decades. As Schumer described his bill “the measure would create a board just like with the JFK assassination records to work through the declassification of the many government records on UAPs … This model has been a terrific success for decades and should be used with UAPs”.
Some took Grusch’s testimony very seriously, others viewed him as a crackpot, still others in between. Since it would take a lot more words than this column to litigate his myriad extraordinary claims, let’s forget about him for a moment and focus on what we do know for a fact about the general subject of unidentified flying objects.
For decades, both military and commercial pilots have logged countless sightings of UFOs while flying that defy conventional or scientific explanation. The US government has studied the UFO phenomenon on and off since the 1950s and has kept at least some of what it knows secret. Recently the US government itself has released several videos of these incidents, which has further fueled public interest and speculation about whether the incidents were extraterrestrial.
Then, it was only nine months ago, shortly after a Chinese spy balloon floated over American airspace, that UFOs became front page news across the country. After the balloon was taken down, and with the air force on high alert and its radar systems tweaked to extra sensitivity, a series of UFOs were tracked and some even shot with US military Sidewinder missiles over both the United States and Canada.
For a few days there was wall-to-wall coverage of these incidents, and the White House was holding press conferences to specifically address it. Members of the military were telling reporters that the objects were not balloons like the one China had lost control of, some reported at least one of the objects “interfered with [pilot’s] sensors” and had no visible propulsion 40,000ft in the air. The military spent millions of dollars to shoot them down, and closed a huge swath of airspace when they thought they spotted more. No one had a definitive explanation of what they were.
And then poof! Everyone seemed to forget about it. The government never released video or photos of the objects it tracked (even though they obviously must have had some footage). They initially claimed they couldn’t recover any wreckage. When reporters and other concerned citizens attempted to Foia the evidence they were stonewalled completely, with the Pentagon claiming it was all classified. By then, the press had moved on and the Biden administration or the Pentagon hasn’t faced an ounce of scrutiny on the issue from mainstream publications since.
It’s clearly in the public interest to get to the bottom of incidents like these, whether you believe these objects are of extraterrestrial origin or not. As Schumer himself said, “Unidentified aerial phenomena has generated intense curiosity from many Americans, and the risk for confusion and misinformation is high if the government is not willing to be transparent.” It also couldn’t be further from a partisan issue, as the bill had several Republicans in support of it. So why did this small group of Republicans – including the House speaker, head of the House intelligence committee and the Senate minority leader – kill this thing?
One explanation is that these specific congressmen are in on a decades-long cover-up, yet somehow the long-serving Senate majority leader isn’t. I have a different theory: these congressmen also don’t necessarily know what is going on, but they are so addicted to government secrecy that they will reflexively fight for it, even when they have no rational reason. They fear creating a framework for more transparency, knowing if it’s a success it could possibly spur more legislative action in a similar vein.
The JFK Records Act, which Schumer referenced as his inspiration, is an aberration in our modern history; it passed more than 30 years ago and there’s been nothing like it since. On most subjects, it’s impossible to get the government to quickly declassify documents – even when it’s of vital public interest. If this new provision would become law, we would then have an updated model for other areas of the government that Congress could target for declassification if they so choose.
Say, for example, a commission on price gouging in the Pentagon that could expose tens of billions in fraud, or commissions who could more quickly declassify the various spying powers that are constantly abused by the NSA and FBI. The House intelligence committee, which seemingly exists to protect our intelligence agencies from scrutiny, is going to do everything in its power to stop that.
The truth may be out there. But believers and skeptics alike should be able to unite on one thing: force the government to reveal what it knows and what it doesn’t know. We will all be better off.
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karen-anti-r-cml · 2 years
March 24, 2022: Tyre Sampson, only 14 and on Spring Break with his Football Team went to ICON Park in Orlando, Florida.
They took their seats on the Orlando Free Fall Ride and when it Reach the Top, about 100 Feet Up Tyre Slipped Out of His Seat and Fell to His Death.
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March 25, 2022: The Free Fall Ride was Ordered to be Closed and a Fence was put around the ride. The ride’s dismantling is expected to take several days.
The Free Fall Ride, manufactured by Gerstlauer Amusement Rides GMBH, an Austrian Company In the Ride Manual Listed a Maximum Weight Limit of about 285 pounds.
The Initial Report by Quest Engineering and Failure Analysis Inc. hired by the Florida Department of Agriculture...
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Found there were No Mechanical Failures. Evidence Found Manual Adjustments on 2 Seats Had Been Made... Screws had been tightened and then loosened, and sensors had been moved on his seat. The report also stated there may have been other “potential contributions” to the accident.
Tyre, about 100 Pounds Over The Maximum Weight Limit was put in 1 of those 2 seats, Seats that Were Not Able to Support 383 Pounds, so Tyre Could Not Be Properly Secured.
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Photos and video posted online apparently show Tyre was not fully buckled in, with the safety harness sitting far above those of the other riders.
NBC News obtained video of someone heard asking...
“Why doesn’t this have the little clicky click to it, like the seat belt?”
As the ride lifts off, a voice from the ground is heard shouting:...
“Hey, Did You Check Your Seat Belt on the left side? Seat Belt! Seat Belt!”
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April 18, 2022: Nikki Fried, then Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services announced the Engineers Findings
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April 25, 2022: Tyre's Family Filed a Wrongful Death Lawsuit. The Attorney's for the Family Charged the Defendants with...
Failing to Properly Train "Employees, contractors, and agents about Safe Height and Weight Restrictions."
April 25, 2022: Trevor Arnold, Attorney for Orlando Eagle Drop Slingshot LLC Owners of The Free Fall Ride and ICON Park put out this Statement...
“We Reiterate All Protocols, Procedures and Safety Measures Provided By The Manufacturer Were Followed,"
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WESH, an NBC affiliate reported No Maximum Rider Weight Limit Was Displayed on Free Fall’s Signs, but a Maximum Height Was.
Spring 2022: Orlando Slightshot announced that the Free Fall ride would be taken down
July 2022: Nikki Fried, then Sen. Randolph Bracy and then Rep. Geraldine Thompson released a plan for Reforms along with companion legislation.
Tyre's Death was Ruled Accidental. Nothing About His Death Seems "Accidental"
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1 Year Later...
February 17, 2023: Sen. Geraldine Thompson, of Florida filed The Tyre Sampson Act (SB 902) in Florida to change how the Florida Dept. of Agriculture regulates theme park rides
March 14, 2023: The Tyre Sampson Act (SB 902) Won Bipartisan Approval in its 1st hurdle the Senate Agriculture Committee
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March 15, 2023: Dismantling Began on The Free Fall Ride, Almost 1 Year After the Owners Fenced It Off, said it would be Dismantled and Dismantling was Expected to Take Only Several Days.
March 15, 2023: Tyre's Mom, Nekia Dodd reached a settlement with Icon Park and the Orlando Eagle Drop Slingshot in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit. The case against the Austrian Manufactures is on going. Per her attorney.
March 15, 2023: Nekia Dodd was at ICON Park to see the Free Fall Ride Dismantled. She said...
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The ride “Came down today, it’s my first time in Florida. I hate I had to come down under these circumstances. It’s a bittersweet moment. The ride’s coming down, I’m thankful for that, But My Son’s Not Coming Back,”
“My Son took his last breath on this ride. It’s heartbreaking, it’s devastating. It’s a feeling that I hope no parent will have to go through after this ride comes down,”
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The Tyre Sampson Act would only benefit Florida, but the rest of the United States
There are not enough regulation on permanent and pop up fairs, festivals etc.
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officermaddie23 · 2 years
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Cassidy: Derick
Derick: Not now
Cassidy: Why do you have to be like this come on
Derick: Cassidy I know someone is in here that’s not supposed to be here at these hours in fact my sensors indicate 2 strange looking creatures but what could that mean
Cassidy: I think it might be him the man in purple
Derick: Who knows what it is all I know is
(Derick gets an alert that the security system has been shut off)
Cassidy: Well that’s a first
Derick: Agreed but try not to get me in trouble again we already broke an arcade game I don’t need anything else that will make it worse
(Derick then detects Terrance is nearby)
Derick: Hmm I thought he worked day shift
Cassidy: Who
Derick: Terrance Trevor I wonder if they moved him to the night shift could not be bad
@mellowwolflady I made this skit as like a little scene of what might have happened before Derick made his first entrance the picture above is Derick with Cassidy (I added one of my among us pets to play the role of Cassidy)
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rufatto · 3 years
Levo a sério o processo de fazer listas e tenho uma disciplina semanal de ouvir dezenas de discos novos e seguir pessoas que indicam os álbuns que possivelmente vão me interessar. As vezes só preciso de 15 segundos pra ter certeza que aquele disco importa e quando isso ocorre me sinto em outro plano astral. É obvio que no fim 90% do que ouço é o tipo de música que eu gosto de fazer também, é uma música que me faz ter a sensação de não estar sozinho no mundo e bem, se você chegou até esse site são grandes as chances que você também goste do mesmo tipo de música que eu.
O processo é simples: Primeiro Organizo em uma playlist geral onde hoje há mais de 100 discos e toda semana entram 2 ou 3 novos. Essa é uma lista predominantemente gringa com um ou outro disco nacional. Desta lista faço um filtro e jogo em outra playlist onde ficam os álbuns de alta rodagem, aqueles que estão listados abaixo. A grande maioria dos artistas que ouço estão nos primeiros discos ou estão se reinventando (Any Difranco). Os pequenos realmente me interessam mais pois me identifico com eles e sei como é desejar encontrar alguém que os entenda, eles não querem estar na lista dos melhores, eles só precisam mudar a vida de meia dúzia de pessoas e talvez essa pessoa talvez seja você.
Esse ano preciso incluir a trilha do kid Cosmic que é sensacional, mas só o estalo de eletricidade que ela causa na minha filha já valeria para estar entre os discos do ano. E quanto aos artistas nacionais? vou ser honesto: peguei birra com artistas nacionais e agora só recomendo quem realmente me impressionou.
Minha lista atual:
Robert Finley, Sharecropper's Son Cassandra jenkins, an overview on phenomenal nature Tré burt, you, yeah, you Flyte, This is really going to hurt Yola, Stand for Myself buck meek, two saviors ani difranco, revolutionary love jimbo mathus e andrew bird, these 13 clever girls, constellations Trevor Sensor, account of exile vol.1" Ophelias, Crocus Bleachers, Take the Sadness Out of Saturday Night Dr. Fang and The Gang, Kid Cosmic (trilha) Yuma Abe, ファンタジア Ashley Shadow, only the end
Juçara Marçal, Delta Estácio Blues Bonifrate, Corisco izabel Lenza, Véspera Charme chulo, o Negocio é o seguinte Giovani cidreira, Nebulosa baby Romulo Froes, Aquele nenhum
Essa é a lista geral, é um longo passeio.
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unremittingly · 3 years
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michaels-blackhat · 5 years
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Day Nine: a song that makes you happy
texas girls and jesus christ // trevor sensor
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woodencup · 7 years
Trevor Sensor - Texas Girls And Jesus Christ  (Jagjaguwar)
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speakers77 · 7 years
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Trevor Sensor - “The Money Gets Bigger”
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folkitall · 8 years
New release: “Texas Girls and Jesus Christ” EP
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“It seems the public at large has deemed ‘clean vocals’ are the way to go, that having a clear tone is what's beautiful and that's the standard we have to live up to. I'm screwed in that regard.”
Trevor Sensor is the newest artist signed to Jagjaguwar, the independent record label whose roster of artists also includes Bon Iver, Sharon Van Etten, Unknown Mortal Orchestra and Angel Olsen. 
We caught up with Trevor during his week at SXSW, where he’s performing in Secretly Group & Friends lineups, and chatted about his new label, the fresh EP and his prior journalistic experience. 
Listen to Texas Girls and Jesus Christ, then read on for our interview with Trevor.
Folk It All: You spent time in London last summer and, this May, you're playing a string of shows in Leeds, London and at the Great Escape Festival in Brighton. What has the UK reception been like, compared to playing in the States – especially at SXSW this week? In your experience, how does the folk scene differ across the pond? 
Trevor Sensor: The reception over in the UK has been very flattering. Probably the best crowds I've played to were there. I don't know much about the folk scenes in either the States or the UK (or music scenes in general), but I did notice that it seems the UK cares a bit more about music than the States. At least in London, it seemed like there was a real effort to go to shows, check out new bands, and really delve into challenging art that might not otherwise intrigue passive listeners. The people are lovely over there.
FIA: How do you typically discover new music?
TS: Usually through friends showing me new artists they're digging. I'm not one to sift through Spotify playlists or anything like that. Weirdly enough, I've found a lot of bands through reading books or essays by writers mentioning them in their work. Kerouac got me turned on to Chet Baker, for example. There's just too much on the Internet to go through it all. 
FIA: It’s been a big couple of months for you – you signed with Jagjaguwar (congratulations!), are playing SXSW this week, and you release your debut EP at the end of the month. Till now, what had been the most meaningful milestone in your music career?
TS: Probably being signed to Jagjaguwar. Weirdly enough, they've been my favorite label for a couple years – big fan of what they put out – so getting signed to them has sort of cast me into the Twilight Zone. Now I'm just waiting for Rod Serling to whisper in my ear.
FIA: Who’s a favorite label-mate of yours?
TS: Bon Iver, as they're my favorite band. But I think an artist on Jag who deserves a lot of attention is Angel Olsen. Burn Your Fire For No Witness was one of my favorite records of 2014. She has this quiet intensity about her performance and songwriting – like there's something more going on underneath that you're frightened to look at yet can't help yourself doing so. Favorite song of her's is probably "Windows" (the last track on that record). I think she really embodies the songwriter who understands how to control all these emotions that are flowing out of her by being clever about her wordplay and song structures. I really can't praise her work enough. 
FIA: Your vocal style is so distinct. I’ve seen it draw comparison to Tom Waits, The Tallest Man on Earth and Bob Dylan. From where do you draw inspiration or influence? How did you find your sound?
TS: The voice has always been there. As far as vocalists goes, Tom Waits is my go-to on someone who I think is truly original and has soul. In the age of American Idol and The Voice, though, it seems the public at large has deemed “clean vocals” are the way to go, that having a clear tone is what's beautiful and that's the standard we have to live up to. I'm screwed in that regard. As for influences, I listen to everything from Chet Baker to Kendrick Lamar...so I'd be lying if I said where I knew all these songs and ideas come from.
FIA: You’ve been on the other side of the question mark, so to speak –– you contributed pretty extensively to Alt Citizen. How’d you get started with that? What’d you take away from the experience?
TS: I was looking for places to write, so I emailed a bunch of music and literary blogs (basically begging to work for them) and attached an essay I wrote about this Jeff Magnum show I went to a couple years back. Nasa Hadizadeh (Editor-in-Chief of Alt Citizen) apparently liked my stuff because she emailed me a couple hours later offering me to write for them. If I learned anything, it's that I now understand why so many journalists recycle interview questions. You get assigned some band that you've never listened to, don't care about, but you have to get this piece in by such and such date, so you research past interviews and re-word old questions and statements just to get the piece done and move on. Also that journalists (having been one) aren't void of ego – they want to be known for their work, too.
FIA: What can we expect from the upcoming EP?
TS: A Bruce Cockburn cover, the Devil Satan, purple jeans, drunk rich kids, and sub-par guitar playing.
FIA: I read that you wrote music for the EP on a borrowed guitar. Dying to know: Who’d you borrow it from (and should they ever expect to get that guitar back)?
TS: I borrowed it from a one-legged transvestite who owed me a favor.
FIA: From one English scholar to another, what are you currently reading?
TS: Trying to get through Henry Miller's Tropic of Capricorn. It's one of those books that fills you with joy and despair simultaneously. The character of Miller within his books is extremely paradoxical because the guy's so free of a moral center (as in he has become completely passive and continuously laughs through the suffering of life) that it's almost inspiring...but then you read about how he finds glee in watching a neighborhood kid get beaten by his father, and you end up looking at yourself with horror.
FIA: And, taking a page out of your interview jotter…
Last show you went to?
TS: Last show I went to was Ryan Adams at SXSW. Such an amazing songwriter and performer. Watching him steal a man's jacket from the crowd was the height of my SXSW experience.
FIA: Unknown band you think everyone should know about? 
TS: Typhoon. Kyle Morton may very well be one of the greatest songwriters today. How he continuously wrestles with his own mortality and the possible meaninglessness of life is something to be applauded. I'm surprised he hasn't cracked yet, like Nietzsche. Go listen to their record, White Lighter. Favorite record of 2013.
By Ashlyn St. Ours for Folk It All Art by Beau Sims
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