#Trinity Place NY
newyorkthegoldenage · 2 months
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The juncture of the 6th & 9th Avenue Els at Morris St., Trinity Place, April 10, 1939.
Photo: Barney Stein for the NY Post via Photo Archives, LLC/Fine Art America
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Aftermath, pt 2
Last time, we discussed the medical and legal aftermath that might have followed Team Treasure’s return of the Declaration of Independence to the FBI.
Now it’s time to turn to the next category our list:
Sadusky would likely have Trinity Church cordoned off for as long as it took to make other security arrangement but like, yeah: Where is the treasure going? Does it stay in the cavern until it can be distributed among the museums? Who is doing that? Does Ben have to form an LLC and hire a Treasure Return Coordinator? How does he do that? When does he do that? What happens in the meantime?
An abundance of logistical questions, and a deep dive on triaging the Declaration of Independence ↓
Does he go to Columbia University’s archeology department and ask for help? From who? He just wanders into the dean's office? Some poor professor's office hours? Maybe he knows an American history professor in the area who once laughed him out of a lecture and turns to her for help figuring out what to do next.
What are Abigail’s connections like with New York-based institutions? Who has jurisdiction over which pieces? If there are American papers in the treasure cache they probably belong at the National Archives, but most of the treasure is, you know, treasure. Do different museums and institutions start squabbling over who gets what? There’s no way that many academics agree with each other about how to even go about cataloging the place let along distributing the artifacts.
When do foreign institutions and governments get involved? And who is overseeing that to make sure nobody starts an international incident when they can’t agree which country a particular artifact belongs to?
What becomes of the cavern once its emptied? Does it become a museum? If so, does Trinity Church own admission to the museum? Are they expected to run it?
Speaking of the cavern, who’s in charge of safety? Who’s going to be hired to build a stable freight elevator down there? What kind of construction firm do you even approach to consider a project like that?
Needless to say, there are a lot of logistics to figure out regarding the safety of the treasure, both from theft and deterioration, as well as the safety of anyone going down to work with it. There’s the matter of who is running point on this operation, and which institutions are involved to what degree. And then there’s the probably months- or years-long process of getting all of this work done.
I don’t envy them, and 100% no judgement if Ben hands off a lot of these responsibilities as soon as he finds competent people to give them to.
More immediately than even the immediate items regarding the rest of the treasure, there’s the matter of the Declaration of Independence.
The Declaration
As you point out, there is a branch of the National Archives in New York City! I did not know that! Actually, there are National Archives branches all over the country. That makes sense I guess, but I never stopped to think about it. Each one holds records from that state or regions. For example, the New York branch holds records generated in New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.
So yes, I think it’s safe to say that the Declaration will be moved to the National Archives at New York City. If I were the FBI, I would move it by armored truck—not taking any more chances for nonsense!
The FBI likely brought a documents expert with them, or at least they should have. Someone internal, from say, the FBI’s Questioned Documents unit may be the best bet from a security standpoint, but from a conservation perspective, Sadusky ought to have a person or team from the NY archives en route to the church as soon as he gets Ben’s call. And since he seems to care about what happens to the Declaration and the treasure, it makes sense to me that he would have a document rescue plan.
Because although Sadusky doesn’t know where or under what circumstances he’ll get the Declaration back, he fully intends to get it back. And I have to assume that part of that means a plan to take care of it as soon as it’s out of criminal hands. There are National Archives branches in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, as well as in Washington D.C. My guess is that all of them were on alert and in communication, ready to receive the Declaration at the closest location to its recovery point, and generally aligned on the treatment process.
Stan or someone else from the D.C. Archives might have been heading this up once they were cleared of involvement. As the keepers of the Charters of Freedom, they'd be the experts in the Declaration’s exact preservation requirements.
So as soon as the Declaration is recovered, the plan is launched into action. The National Archives—officially known as the National Archives and Records Administration, NARA—runs tests such as this flood-soaked document simulation to test various drying methods on archived materials. They offer multiple resources on preserving family documents after floods, and seem generally prepared to respond to document emergencies. The “Preservation” page of their website even has a tab for “Records Emergencies.”
Now, most of these emergencies envision large amounts of documents damaged by water. Think floods, hurricanes, burst water pipes, etc. None of them involve Nicolas Cage squeezing lemon juice onto the Declaration of Independence. However, we can extrapolate a bit about what the priorities and methods might be based on the more plausible scenarios.
First of all, as @arsenicalbronze put it in their guest post on Ben’s dubious relationship with invisible inks, Abigail
goes with damage control. She takes the lemon from Ben so that she can paint the juice on the back in the least destructive way possible (e.g. not just squeezing lemon juice all over it and soaking it).
This spares the Declaration from some of the potential moisture damage from the cypher process, but not all.
Actually, the Wikipedia on Conservation and restoration of parchment lists the most common threats to parchment documents as
Relative humidity changes
Water and excessive moisture
Light exposure
Flaking and friability
Poor storage
Throughout the course of the treasure hunt Team Treasure managed to hit…pretty much all of them, lol.
While revealing the cypher, Abigail is likely doing double duty with the hair dryer. She’s both trying to dry out the moisture added by the lemon juice and use the minimum amount of heat necessary to reveal the text. If hot breath can do it, they don’t actually need much heat.
Every source I read mentioned that mold is a major risk to wet documents, whether paper or parchment, and can set if if not dried within 48 hours of moisture exposure. Based on our timeline we’re approaching that window, and that brings us to an important item that the archivists at the NY NARA will have to contend with. In fact, this is their first order of business:
How are they going to dry out the Declaration?
Despite Abigail’s best efforts there is likely still some moisture on the document, and for most of the rest of the treasure hunt it’s sealed in a plastic container with no air flow. It will need to be dried. Possibly even humidified to combat any warping and then dried.
Interestingly enough, when the Charters of Freedom went through their last major conservation project in 2001, the Constitution and Bill of Rights underwent this humidification and drying under tension, but the Declaration did not because it has sustained much more damage over the years than the other documents. However, the treasure hunt might lead to a different approached. The Declaration’s been acidified, heated, rolled and unrolled multiple times, touched, turned over, and run over with a car. Ouch.
When it does come time to dry the document, the archivists have some options.
Air drying
Freezer drying
Dehumidification drying
Vacuum freeze-drying
Vacuum thermal drying
Thermaline or cryogenic drying
Some of these are exactly what they sound like, and again, they’re described in the context of a damaged collection of material. How much material they’re suited for, how accessible they are, whether records are still available when drying, and whether they require being moved off site are all take into consideration.
For the Declaration of Independence, I’m looking straight at “cryogenic drying.” This is “intended for manuscript and rare book collections bound in leather of vellum” and while the most expensive technique, is also the one that minimizes distortion of the material the most.
And distortion is one of the most significant risks to the Declaration. Parchment expands and contracts in response to heat and moisture, and it’s been out of its controlled environment for a significant amount of time. Since that 2001 restoration, the Declaration has been kept in an aluminum and titanium case filled with argon gas, with a relative humidity of 40% and a stable temperature of 67 °F. Fluctuations in these variables up or down can cause damage. Too humid and it warps, too dry and it cracks.
Restoration is also a very manual process. Obviously technology is a huge help, and conservation science has come a long was in recent decades. Still, that lemon juice is going to be washed off by hand. Every crease and crack the Declaration sustained is going to be evaluated and steamed or repaired by hand.
Speaking of the people involved in this process, Abigail is probably feeling a lot of things as the Declaration gets taken away to the NY Archives. She saw her initial goal through to the end—she kept the Declaration safe, sometimes at the risk of her own safety. She also willingly put lemon juice on it. And heated it up. And let Ben keep rolling it up. She did or witnessed more damage to the Declaration in one day than it’s seen in decades. And now she doesn’t get to help clean up the mess.
I bet part of her wants to run to the Archives and start work right that moment. Forget that she’s so exhausted she can barely see straight. Forget the pounding headache in her skull or the strange numb ache in her shoulder or the way every muscle in her body is begging to collapse. Forget all the FBI eyes on her, and everyone who’s waiting for answers. The Declaration is hers. She is the Custodian of the Charters of Freedom after all. (Or at least, that was her title in the 2003 script.) Abigail is the person most qualified to be handling this emergency, and she can’t.
The best she can do is tell the archivist(s) who come to retrieve the Declaration what exactly happened to it since it left the National Archives two days earlier. The more information they have, the more accurately they can diagnose and treat any damage that occurred. (Like, lemon juice straight out of a goddamn lemon might not be their first guess?)
If you just want to be kind to Abigail, I would make this person someone she doesn't know or know well, but whose work she respects, or even a friend.
If you want to torment her I'd make it someone she hates or is academic rivals with.
I will leave you with this 144 page document on parchment conservation which I did not read, but you may find useful in your National Treasure-related adventures!
Next time: Interpersonal fallout
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rainbowcarousels · 1 year
What are some of your headcanons about Trinity Gate as a place of healing for Armand, Louis, Daniel, et al?
So I like this idea that Trinity Gate was initially set up as a place for Armand to deal with his shit at the same time as keeping Benji and Sybelle safe. It just happened that Louis had his Merrick-era meltdown and Lestat left not that long into it all happening, so Armand flew out and picked up Louis and it ended up becoming a place for all four of them to deal with some pretty big changes. Benji and Sybelle were newborn vampires, it’s a process that can be difficult especially for people prone to obsession like Sybelle is and Armand always prioritises safe spaces for loved ones first. 
As such, I think Trinity Gate has been a place for healing from design to current day. I think that when he found out about Daniel, he wanted to bring him there but didn’t want to make things worse for him so there has been a place for him for years. The same is true for Lestat, they were often worried about him and wanted him to come home, so there was always a place for him too.
In terms of specifics:
Louis spent most of the first time he was there in the libraries, but he branched out into the gardens as time went on. Armand invested in chairs for him to read in most of the communal rooms including the music room so he can listen to Sybelle play. There’s a lot of time spent without words when it comes to Louis, they understand each other well enough without it and as their romance blooms again, they start taking the steps forward together.
The garden has been Louis’ domain for a while; there is something about investing in helping something grow and the feeling of being part of the earth that helps ground him. I think he struggles with isolation when left to his own devices, so Armand begins dragging him out into the world before long and he begins to feel more like a person than someone who haunts the house. 
Armand for his part doesn’t think of himself as healing there, but he does – he finds his reasons to go on in his children, in falling in love again, and from there, begins to work backwards in dealing with his feelings about himself and his own autonomy. Trinity Gate and NY in general are his bubble in those years and he has the time to really settle down and consider himself, to confront things he hasn’t and admit things to himself that he has had trouble doing before. 
I think Armand finds himself thawing from a numbness he’s struggled with on and off since he was mortal in his little family era here. It makes him more comfortable when people begin to show up in Prince Lestat, it makes it easier for him to be open to what Gregory says and to know he doesn’t want to be the core. He’s learning about his own voice, his own autonomy and in some ways, this is something that he never gets to keep – the eras of Daniel and Louis are the closest, but he was catering more to their lives than his own, not ready to face it. His autonomy has been repeatedly lost ever since he was down in the caves, since the kidnapping, even to a degree in the erasure of his past identities both in Venice and under Santino and even though it was necessary, through Lestat. Getting time to be himself, feel his own emotions whether they’re good or bad, has been good for him. He’s learning.
Daniel at Trinity Gate is a case of learning to trust himself and his instincts. I think as much as he tried as a baby vampire, he struggled with being overwhelmed and this is the era where he starts to explore and really enjoy what it means to be an immortal. He floats from one thing to another, just trying to see what he wants and experience things as a vampire or experience things he has no history of like modern smart phones or VR. Armand helps him a lot with that and the humour of the role reversal isn’t lost on them. 
For Daniel, Trinity Gate is the place where he doesn’t so much fall in love again as feel ready to address it as a whole person when he’s been feeling fractured for so long. It’s a time for reunions – they go on dates, they’ll skip off to Miami or Tokyo for a week, they’ll spend nights curled up catching up on streamed television shows as Netflix becomes more of a thing. It’s an era of Daniel learning to feel comfortable in himself and his place, knowing he isn’t reliant on someone but instead is choosing to be there. I think that in my headcanon for their relationship, this is the turning point for it being a little more ot3 than otp because he and Louis come to their own understanding of their dynamic.
Lestat’s time at Trinity Gate is on and off, not unlike his relationship with Armand. He doesn’t know where he stands at Trinity Gate, he is The Prince, he is Louis’ maker and he and Armand have their on again/off again thing. I think the important part is when he stops looking at himself as his roles and starts figuring out how to just be who he is, not the roles he tries on like clothes and he gets scared to interact like that for any specific amount of time. It’s hard for him to shed that armour and not worry he’ll be abandoned or ridiculed – so he doesn’t really know what to do when he’s accepted into the Armand Bed Pile without question. Okay, maybe one question and it’s ‘can you get your hair out of my face’.
I think it helps him open himself up more - this makes their relationship less of a dalliance and more something they’re actively pursuing for both Armand and Louis. Daniel’s just along for the ride, it’s Lestat, but they do bond over the more difficult moments and build forts downstairs. They like to listen to music on shared headphones/pods and Lestat loves an audience that will listen to him ramble on and Daniel is a good, engaged listener. For Daniel’s part, Lestat’s happy to show him how to do a few more ‘tricks’ and help him gain confidence with what he has. Lestat had to figure his shit out alone, so having another chance to help someone else is good for him too – especially when it’s Armand’s only fledgling. It feels like coming full circle from Nicki.
On a similar vein, I think Antoine’s time here gives him a level of support he didn’t really get due to the circumstances in which he was made. He has a kindred spirit in Sybelle for music, and though he does follow Lestat to France, I think there had to be a small period of reconnection for them here. 
I want to believe Bianca stayed here for a while after losing her fledgling. Not right away, but perhaps a couple of years later when she’s trying to rebuild. I like to think at first, it was like having a sleepover, Bianca and Armand getting some time to reconnect with older parts of themselves, then Armand dragging her out to see the world she’s not familiar with. I want to believe Riccardo came along for the ride and for a couple of months, the three of them are thick as thieves. Playing games, running around in the world to bars and clubs and private establishments – it’s a time for them to reconnect as people.
It gives them all a chance to finally talk through their losses and experiences – Bianca leaving in Paris, Riccardo having been unable to corporealise but wanting to stay with him as much as he could but being unable to communicate and Armand talking about losing himself. They start their mourning process together, for their lives, for the boys, for what they lost along the way, but also learn to celebrate some that they’re here together. It makes all three a little more childish and silly, there’s multiple chases throughout the house and mucking around and it’s good for them to just feel young and free for a while. It’s a side Armand’s partners so rarely see of him and they love it, especially when Armand loses races down the stairs because Riccardo can teleport his way there by going incorporeal. (Armand insists it’s cheating, but his sulking just leads to more silly stories about his teenage years.)
There are others who come and go – Marius is there sometimes and not others, but he isn’t really ready to heal completely. He is learning more about flowers from Louis and spends more time around Daniel there than anyone else, but it’s a foot in the door when he’s ready. They have Pandora there for a bit when she needs time away, giving her the space she needs from the world while still keeping her in it until she’s ready to move on. Even Mael has crashed there, talking quietly about his experiences with going into the sun with Armand before retreating but seeming a little lighter for it. Jesse spends some of her grief there, talks about how the family that used to feel like it spanned the world feels like it’s dwindling and leaves feeling renewed by the way people make their own families in their world.
The tl;dr of this being that Trinity Gate is the Vampire Chronicles equivalent of going on a life changing adventure with Zuko. 
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pardoncaptainkidd · 9 months
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Trinity Church is the oldest church built in Manhattan, NY. Governor Benjamin Fletcher approved the budget to have the church built in 1696. Captain William Kidd had just settled his new life in New York at this time, and he personally assisted with the building of the church - providing supplies from his ship (the Antigua at the time) and labor.
Once Trinity Church was built, he and his wife Sarah Kidd purchased their own family pew (row 4) that would be reserved for their use for service and gatherings.
This church is still standing today on Broadway. The original pews have long since been replaced, but Sarah Kidd’s resting place remains here - among the other graves in the Trinity Church courtyard alongside other famous people such as Alexander Hamilton.
Captain Kidd had a strong sense of community in New York and dedicated a lot of his time and money into that community. This is just one example of his honest character and his intentions to live a honest life along side his wife and family.
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April 7, 2023
Can You Digg It
317 Hopkins Street
Buffalo, NY 14220
Good Friday! We arrived to find a spacious parking lot with lots of available spaces. We entered and were warmly welcomed by the hostess. Nothing like a smile and friendly hospitality to start things off right! We perused the beer selection board. Something for everybody! Hold up though… there’s an Irish bar in south Buffalo playing country music?! Didn’t see that coming! We were seated in their side room. How come there is no wait on one of the biggest fish fry nights of the year at 5:30pm?!? Our server Molly was a sweetheart and promptly got our beers and took our orders. There was a whole page of fish options, all cod. The beer battered was a good size piece. Nice light, golden, crispy crust. I must admit, when I took my first bite I was in love. Ready to give it a ten. But as I worked my way from the end of the fish to the middle the batter got a little doughy. I think it just needed just a bit longer in the fryer. (8.5) Tartar had a lot of pickle kick and flavor. Dinner came with a half piece of rye bread on top. This place has 6 side choices and you get to pick 3! The Fries were skin on steak fries(9). Mac salad was elbow macaroni and celery featuring a mix of poppy seed and salad dressing. Different but a bit bland. (8) German potato salad had big chunky potatoes with quite the vinegar bite. A wee bit dry for my taste.(7) Lazy pierogis was the best of all the choices. Rotini noodles with mushrooms in cream sauce.(8) I was so disappointed they were out of coleslaw! Just that fact that all their sides are homemade makes me happy. The side portions were HUGE! Overall, I give them an 8.5. I would definitely recommend giving them a try. The owner noticed me taking pictures and came over to make sure everything was ok. He has two lovely young ladies, Abby and Dawn cooking in the kitchen that came out to say “hi” as well. Beautiful and can cook? That’s pretty fantastic! My only recommendation is add American potato salad to the menu. Fish frys in buffalo have to feature the traditional “holy trinity” of slaw, mac, and potato salad to score high. I do love that they have the other options as well. A real bonus, that sets them apart! Please note: this is a cash only establishment! I will be back to try their slaw and bring the crew! Stop in. They will take great care of you!
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enterprisewired · 2 months
7 Oldest Churches in America that will Rejuvenate your Soul
We all know that traveling is an introspection of the outer world and a journey within. It opens our hearts to the world and inspires the inner art. If you are searching for such artistic or spiritual inspiration this year, add the oldest churches in America to your bucket list!
These churches are appreciated for numerous reasons. Apart from serving as a place of worship, these monuments are seen as the epitome of enchanting art, magnificence, emotion-evoking architecture, and grandeur. 
The Oldest Churches in America are also known for their historical evidence. Along with the devotional and divine significance, the churches serve as an archive and a living proof of American development. From the Native Americans to Puritan settlers, one can see the pages of history unfolding in these churches. If you are trying to witness the unseen cultural and historical part of America, we have got you covered. 
7 Oldest churches in America: 
1. First Church in Salem, Massachusetts 
Location: Salem, Massachusetts
Year of establishment: 1629
Denomination: Unitarian Universalism
Nearest Airport: Logan International Airport, Boston 
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The First Church in Salem holds significant historical importance. It is considered one of the oldest churches in America. Founded by English Puritan settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, this church introduced the congregational polity system of governance. If you appreciate early English Gothic-style architecture, this place will never fail to captivate you. 
Best time to visit: Fall is the most popular time to visit Salem, with tourists flocking there from September to November. Visitors can experience a variety of festivals and events in and around the church during this time. 
2. Old Ship Church, Massachusetts 
Location: Hingham, Massachusetts
Year of Establishment: 1681
Denomination: Unitarian Universalism
Nearest Airport: Boston
Built from curved timbers cut from the local forests, the old ship church played the role of both— a civic establishment and a place of worship. The Old ship church, built in 1681, is located on the main street. It is the only remaining 17th-century Puritan meeting house. If you are an enthusiast of Elizabethan Gothic architecture, add this place to your list of oldest churches in America. Apart from its architectural significance, the church also stands out as a symbol of America’s founding principles.
Best time to visit: While November is often regarded as the optimal time to visit Hingham, Massachusetts, the Old Ship Church welcomes visitors year-round.
3. Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow, New York 
Location: New York
Year of establishment: 1685
Denomination: Dutch Reformed congregation
Nearest Airport: Westchester County Airport (HPN) in White Plains, New York
If you’re a fan of Washington Irving’s short stories, you’re likely familiar with — The Old Dutch Church in New York. It gained considerable recognition following the release of ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,’ where its churchyard was prominently featured. Its atmospheric presence in Irving’s tales has drawn visitors seeking a glimpse into the eerie allure of the Hudson Valley’s folklore.
Best time to visit: The church is open to tourists all year round. One can visit the church during Halloween to experience the eye-captivating festivity.
Apart from Halloween, you can also catch the mesmerizing festivities during Good Friday, Easter, and Christmas Eve. 
4. Old Trinity Church, New York 
Location: New York
Year of establishment: 1698
Denomination: Anglican
Nearest Airport: New York Skyports Seaplane Base (NYS)
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Standing as the tallest building in New York City in its era, the Old Trinity Church is a landmark from the American Revolution. This church has seen the journey of New York City from the time it was known as New Amsterdam, making it one of the oldest churches in America. Emerging from a rich Dutch heritage, this church has witnessed centuries of change and growth. Its spire has reached towards the sky as a testament to resilience and continuity. Today, it serves as more than just a place of worship. It serves as a symbol of the city’s enduring spirit and history.
Best time to visit:  The church is open throughout the year. However, a visit in the fall is suggested by most of the tourists. 
5. San Miguel
Location: New Mexico
Year of establishment: 1610
Denomination: Spanish Colonial Mission
Nearest Airport: San Diego (SAN)
San Miguel is known as the oldest church in America. Located in Barrio De Analco, it is one of the most precious, ancient, and cultural treasures that New Mexico possesses. The church was first established by a group of Mexican Indians in Tlaxcala. Also known as Santa Fe, the Chapple has survived multiple revolts and attacks. 
Best time to visit: November to April is the best part of the year to visit the church. 
6. San Xavier del Bac
Location: Arizona
Year of establishment: 1700s
Denomination: Spanish Catholic mission
Nearest Airport: Murcia (RMU) Airport
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San Xavier is a Spanish Colonial church in Arizona crafted from the earthy tones of low-fire clay bricks, sturdy stones, and ancient methods of lime mortar. Its crowning glory of masonry vaults, arching proudly over every inch of its structure, sets it apart from the oldest churches in America. 
Best time to visit: You can visit San Xavier del Bac during the winter months. The chapel is open all year round. 
7. Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcalá
Location: California
Year of establishment: 1769
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Nearest Airport: San Diego Airport (SAN) 
Established in 1769 by Father Junipero Serra, Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcalá stands as California’s inaugural historic mission. It boasts a captivating fusion of Spanish Colonial and Native American architectural styles. It is highlighted by its signature masonry vaults. Despite enduring trials such as earthquakes and fires, it remains a resilient emblem of cultural heritage and community spirit in San Diego, making it to the list of oldest churches in America. 
Best time to visit: For an unforgettable visit to San Diego church, aim for the prime seasons of March through May and September through November. These periods offer ideal weather and fewer crowds, ensuring an optimal experience to explore the city’s treasures.
The United States of America is known for its tall landscapes, amusement parks, hotels, museums, galleries, and recreation spots. However, the other side of the coin is equally eye-catching. One can witness the vibrant cultural heritage, historical evidence, devotional locations, and multiple spiritual sites that can rejuvenate the soul. 
The next time you are out introspecting the world and opening up your heart, plan to visit these oldest churches in America and let us know your favorite spots. 
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ahb-writes · 3 months
Comics Review: 'Destiny, NY' #4: Winter Forever
Destiny, NY #4: Winter Forever by Pat Shand, Elisa Romboli, Jim Campbell
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adult magical girl
urban fantasy
My Rating: 5 of 5 Stars
The creative team has hit its stride with this volume. This is, admittedly, a rather cheeky assessment for an ongoing comic with a dozen side stories and several years of success as an independent title under its belt. However, DESTINY, NY v4 proves quite clearly this creative team works best when the narrative is at a crescendo and when the stakes are at their highest. All endings feel like beginnings under a shroud of juvenile discontent and all successes feel like a thousand tiny failures with agendas all of their own. But DESTINY, NY v4 knits all of them together with such alacrity that readers won't realize they've blitzed through a dozen subplots all nice and neat and with time to spare.
To wit, each primary and secondary character of this story is working through two or more difficult relationships or dynamics that feed into the greater narrative. It took a few years to get all of the pieces into place, but as this volume concludes, it's a fairly impressive effort. Trinity is rounding the corner with her kinship with Augusten and her relationship with Anthony; Cherry wrestles with how to motivate her brave-idiot boyfriend as well as navigate the treacherous terrain of yielding to ex-best-friend, Mary-Bette; Logan is stuck, trying to will into focus her love for her pot-dealer friend, Taylor, and her allegiance to the fragmented emotions still lingering from her affection for Lilith. It's like this for every single character.
Previous volumes proved challenging to follow given the awkward but necessary pendulum of shifting focus. It hasn't always been clear why all of these characters are interrelated, assuming, indeed, they need be intertwined at all. Alas, DESTINY, NY v4 relishes the crescendo. The senator is making his final move, and Joe and the others know it. But everyone has their own idea of what it means to fight back. Lilith is going through the magical underground. Anthony, Gia, and Meadow are training. And Logan, naturally, happens to be in the wrong (right?) place at the wrong (right?) time.
But again, for some reason, all endings feel like beginnings in this comic book.
The showdown with Trakgnar feels anticlimactic until it doesn't. The spiraling drama of Logan's affections for Taylor's undeniable sweetness feels impenetrable until it doesn't. And the chicane of fortune that coils ahead of a certain gangster-ass barista always feels like it's too long, too winding, and too chaotic for any human to bear, until it isn't. DESTINY, NY v4 begins with a bang and spends the remainder of its pages ducking and weaving the shrapnel. Relationships sour, and are then re-patched. Confidence in the truth wanes, and then flares up again. Courage and humility are never overrated.
Romboli returns on art duties and the result, again, is phenomenal. It's hard to explain how important it is to have a flexible artist for a story like this. Shand's scripts are packed with dialogue and prioritize an overlapping and linkage of emotions that bridge one scene into the next. And yet, Romboli doesn't shirk the critical responsibility of knowing when and how to shift the plane of perspective or vary the intensity of a mistrustful gaze. The continuity errors are minimal, and the diversity of page compositions and application of screentones prove black-and-white comics can shine more brilliantly than four-color comics when the creative team is on the ball.
❯ ❯ Comics Reviews || ahb writes on Good Reads
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thisisthevoice · 5 months
18. What tattoos do you want? not sure where im going to put them or what style but i have suffer boy and the fool [protagonist from sons of perdition's album 'trinity'] as tats i for sure want to get
24. What are three places you want to travel? good question......im not a very worldly fella....id say i definitely want to see las vegas at least once because its a city that has no right to exist. in general, i would also like to see the US' deserts and the west coast as ive never been. i would also like to go back to florida if the politics become less insane because i have family there and i really enjoy how different the weather, flora, and fauna are from my home in western NYS
29. What’s the most overrated movie? idk about the absolute Most overrated [besides like...modern disney slop lol] but i think of how everyone i know besides me who watched the dnd honor among thieves movie loved it. its maybe because im not into dnd at all but i thought that movie was like. marvel writing but in a generic fantasy setting...or like im watching someones dnd campaign thats not very interesting and that im not invested in. it had some momence but i dont get the hype at all myself
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local-roofing-news · 2 years
Emergency Roofing Company Near Rochester NY
Emergency Roofing Company Near Rochester NY If you're looking for an emergency roofing company near Rochester NY, you've come to the right place. This list includes Exceptional Exteriors, Allstate Roofing, DP Customs N-Terior & X-Terior, Trinity Home Renovations, and more. Each of these companies has a proven track record, so you can trust that they'll provide you with the emergency roofing service you need. Exceptional ExteriorsWhen disaster strikes, you need a roofing company you can count on. The team at Exceptional Exteriors has over 30 years of experience and has dedicated its staff to specialized teams for specific projects. With specialized teams, you can leave the details to the professionals and let them focus on their craft. Exceptional Exteriors is based in Rochester and offers emergency roofing service and regular maintenance for homes throughout the Rochester area. They are equipped to handle a variety of roofing problems, including leak patching, resealing, and new roof installation. They also offer periodic inspections and maintenance services. Their team consists of experienced roofers who are bonded, insured, and CertainTeed 5-Star certified. Exceptional Exteriors specializes in residential and commercial roofing. They offer many different types of roofing, including single-ply and multi-ply. Their experienced roofers offer affordable services. Rochester, NY storms can cause havoc on roofing systems. Storm damage can also expose water damage beneath shingles. Allstate RoofingWhether you need a new roof installed or need an emergency roof repair, you can trust Allstate Roofing and More to get the job done right. They offer a 50-year warranty on their materials and free estimates. They are licensed and insured and serve the Rochester, NY area. Emergency roofing companies are invaluable resources during disasters, as they can prevent further damage to your home and possessions. They work to the highest quality standards, using only the best materials available. They also keep clients informed of the entire process, documenting everything they do. They also provide warranties and written guarantees. Slate is an excellent roofing option. It is a premium material and lasts for many years. Many modern styles include warranties of up to 50 years. This type of roof can reduce insurance rates and energy bills, and increase the resale value of your property. Trinity Home RenovationsIf you need emergency roofing service in Rochester, New York, you can call on the experienced roofers of Trinity Home Renovations. Their Golden Pledge Warranty is the strongest and most comprehensive warranty available in the roofing industry. Additionally, they offer FREE roof inspections and will determine the best roofing system for your home. The roofing experts at Trinity Home Renovations are the best in Rochester. They are certified GAF Master Elite contractors and provide 24-hour emergency roofing care. In addition to roof repairs and installations, they offer roof inspections, installation of siding, windows, and doors, and more. They are also certified by GAF to install metal roofing. Their roofers can also file insurance claims for damaged roofs. Roofing is a crucial component of home and commercial structures, and Rochester roofs are susceptible to heavy snow and ice. This can cause serious damage. For this reason, it is important to hire an emergency roofing company in Rochester. Luckily, there are several emergency roofing companies in the area that can help. Royal RoofingIf you're looking for an emergency roofing company near Rochester, NY, Royal Roofing is one of the best options. They offer a wide range of services, including new roof installation and roof repair. They specialize in asphalt shingles, EPDM, standing seam, corrugated metal, and metal roofs. They're certified by GAF and Atlas Pro. They also offer 50-year warranties on new installations. You can check their ratings on Home Advisor and Elite Service. When you're
in need of emergency roofing repair, it's best to work with a company you've worked with before. Roofing contractors can often provide free estimates and written warranties. A reputable company can also help you file insurance claims if you're in need of a new roof or repair.
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ACOTAR modern AU locations
(don’t ask me why but I have this terrifyingly specific assumption of what all their lives would be IRL and I won’t be taking questions at this time)
Rhys and Feyre - spend most of their time in Italy or the South of France, but technically own a penthouse in Chicago as well. Rhys is a real estate mogul so he can work anywhere and Feyre just feels artistically inspired by European design. The bat boys occasionally show up for spontaneous gambling weekends in Monaco.
Nesta and Cassian - New York (start out in a midtown high rise, but eventually move to a brownstone on the UWS because Nesta says the UES is too “trophy wife” for a corporate attorney, but she does love the views of the Hudson). Fav vacation destination is Singapore. The Archeron’s all grew up in NY and Nesta could never leave the city. Cassian claims he moved there for work, but he’s a design architect whose job is entirely remote so everyone knows he actually moved because of Nesta. Before they even started dating, naturally.
Azriel and Gwyn - Washington DC. She’s originally from Portland, went to university at Columbia (where she met Nesta), then got an internship at the White House and never looked back. Azriel (and all the bat boys) are originally from San Francisco, but he owns a surveillance company that the government bought out and pays him way too much money to “consult” on.
Elain and Lucien - Elain moved to Seattle after High School because “come on, a rain forest?? Right here in the US?? That’s where I belong!” and runs a flower shop in Pike Place. Lucien is originally from Brighton, England so the rain honestly feels like home. (They met when Elain did a semester abroad in university)
Emerie - also New York. Born and raised in Queens, left to go to school in Australia and she liked the sun, but she hated the too happy people. Moved to Brooklyn when she got back and now enjoys her fav pastime - not having to speak to her neighbours.
Mor - from Adelaide, Australia (had a hookup with Emerie in college but it didn’t last). She’s not good at staying in one place too long, so you can find her wherever she feels like that week.
Eris - also from Brighton, moved to Cambridge for school, and then settled in London.
Amren and Varian- Singapore (which is how Nessian discovered their fav vacation spot). Varian is originally from the Dominican Republic, but he moved a few different places for work before meeting Amren and settling in Singapore City.
Helion/ Day Court - the Caribbean generally, but Helion specifically is from St Lucia.
Thesan/ Dawn Court - Tonga
Tamlin/Spring Court - Ireland (I’m sorry I love Ireland don’t hate me for putting Tamlin here it is an objectively beautiful lush land and you can’t tell me Tamlin doesn’t have drunk Trinity College student energy)
Tarquin/ Summer Court - Dominican Republic like Varian obviously
Kalias & Vivienne/Winter Court - Northern Canada (I know you all probably wanted Alaska or Greenland or something, but I’ll die on this hill). Close enough to the States that they see the NC crew but not too close, they’re everyone’s “allies” but when fighting comes they pick a side, lots of wildlife and TONS of wide open spaces, plus yknow…. Freezing.
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brittelizzabeth · 3 years
Quinn and Santana
before glee
Quinn and Santana are best friends since kindergarten
They were the top bitches in high school but it wasn’t always like that
when they were younger they weren’t popular and they only had each other
in this headcanon, Santana was already Quinn’s friend when she was called Lucy
So Quinn was bullied by the other kids and Santana always stood up for her
Both of them went through a lot of shit but they supported each other
They met Brittany in their first high school year at McKinley
Santana and Quinn wanted to forget how much they suffered in the past so they started to act like the school popular bitchessss
People worshiped them and were “afraid” to talk to them. Except for Brittany of course... one day she just came up to them and said “do you want to be friends?” And they thought that she was adorable and that she was precious and probably needed some protection from the world
The Unholy Trinity name was Santana’s idea
season 1
They obviously thought that glee club was super lame but they started to enjoy it
They didn’t want to be bullied again because they promised to forget that part of their lives
The difference here was that they weren’t alone anymore, they had a new family that accepted them and love them
Of course they had a lot of fights because their personalities were similar and it was a trouble
During Quinn’s pregnancy, Santana actually supported her and was always asking her how was she doing and if the baby was ok
Santana payed for parenting classes and baby clothes just in case Quinn would want to keep Beth
They felt like they finally found their place
season 2
Quinn ALWAYS knew that Santana loved Brittany in a way that she didn’t love her
Quinn knew that sooner or later her best friends would end up together
Quinn tried to talk with Santana about it and said that she was there for her and that was ok if she liked girls
Santana got upset and she dated Sam to prove that Quinn was wrong
Quinn forgave her of course
They were so excited for Nations in New York and they practiced a lot
Santana wrote Light Up The World for Brittany and Quinn
In New York they sneak out in the middle of the night to have some fun. They asked Brittany if she wanted to come but she was too tired and they hang out and got drunk in NY
They had a girls day when Quinn got her haircut, they had lunch together and they went to Central Park
season 3
Santana was the only one that kept in touch with Quinn during summer
Quinn almost never answered Santana’s calls or messages but sometimes she did and Santana was really worried about her
Santana was even more worried when she saw her in the first day of school. She thought she was hot as hell but that Quinn wasn’t her best friend
Santana was with Brittany all the time so they kind of stopped hanging out like they used to but that didn’t change what they felt for each other
Quinn was so happy when they assumed their relationship, she always knew that day would come
Santana yelled at Quinn when she found out about the whole story about Beth. She said that Quinn was different and she would do whatever she could to help her
Quinn cried and she said that she missed her so much
Santana cried so hard when she found out about Quinn’s accident. She spent the night at the hospital with her and Puck. They refused to leave her alone
Santana went to some physiotherapy sessions with her
They had tons of sleepovers with Brittany at the end of their senior year. They just wanted to enjoy the year and have a blast together
Quinn encouraged Santana to go to college and she promised to visit her whenever she could
season 4
They visit each other all the time
When they came back for Thanksgiving it was like they were back to high school and they had something to prove
Friends again
After Will’s inexistent wedding, they dated for a while
They broke up because they realized that they were just really good friends that liked to hook up sometimes
Also Santana knew that Quinn was still in love with Puck and Quinn knew that Brittany will always be Santana’s love
season 5
Quinn was too heart broken that she couldn’t go to Finn’s tribute week but Santana told her everything about it
They cried together and they laughed together and they remembered Finn together
They kept in touch and Santana visited sometimes when she needed a pause from New York
Quinn knew every gossip
When they came back to McKinley for the 100 class they visited Finn’s memorial and Quinn told Santana some stories that happened there
Santana is a big Quick fan and she was truly happy when they sang Just Give Me A Reason
And Quinn was so happy for her and Brittany
season 6
She cried after the wedding proposal
She was there when they choose the dresses, we didn’t see her because she was helping them putting the dresses on
She couldn’t attend the wedding because her mom died (sorry but that’s the only explanation I can think of)
But Puck recorded the whole wedding and took a lot of pictures to show her later
Her wedding gif was a album with pictures of the 3 of them and a picture that said “Family is the friends we choose” to put at home
after I lived
They are neighbors: Santana lives with Brittany and Quinn lives with Puck
They all have breakfast together everyday at Brittana’s (it’s like their spot)
They attend to yoga together classes every Thursday morning
Quinn is Santana’s first child, Lucy, godmother
Santana made Quinn’s children calling her auntie Snixx
When Puck and Brittany built a tree house for their kids - because they have a common backyard - they had a lot of fun watching them arguing about it
Game night at Brittana’s of course
Quinn and Santana cook for everyone
They are really close friends and spend a lot of time together
Their kids are best friends
Sometimes they go out to have dinner and go to clubs and Brittany and Puck stay home and take care of the kids
Their kids have sleepovers almost every weekend
Santana and Quinn even grocery shopping together
They are like a really big family
asked by -> anon
-> glee headcanons
send me a character/couple/ friendship and I’ll tell you my ✨headcanons✨ about them
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gravitascivics · 3 years
As this blog continues the story of the political culture in America and how it either promoted or discouraged a federated view among its people, the next chapter concerns a great reaction.  The First Great Awakening, beginning roughly in the late 1720s – with a definite presence in the 1730s – can mostly be seen as a reaction. That reaction was to the Enlightenment. But as was the case with most other movements in America of that time, its origins can be traced to Europe.
         As this posting will describe below, religious Protestants and some Catholics found the secular arguments of Enlightened thinkers as being either blasphemous to God or out and out mistaken.  In the United Kingdom, the reaction took on the name Evangelical Revival. In America, the term American evangelicalism was used to denote a trans-denominational reaction constituting this Great Awakening.  And this thrust was aimed not at a group level of focus, but at the personal – individual – level.
         Commentary here is limited to the Awakening’s effects on the political culture of the colonists.  The messaging by such leaders of the movement as George Whitefield, John Wesley, and Jonathan Edwards centered on having believers look introspectively at their morality.  What they called for was a personal conviction and how each is dependent on salvation secured by Jesus’ sacrifice.  They rebelled directly to Enlightened thinking and its view of objectifying reality or what was believed to be reality.  
Instead, these Revivalists emphasized a conversion not based so much on intellectual acceptance, but on a “new birth” which one experiences in the heart.  This appealed to those who looked at the importance of having an emotional commitment.  This placed a heightened emphasis on the practice of revivals – open demonstrations of emotional commitments.  And by doing so, it appealed to common folks not privileged to have higher educational experiences.  So, for example, in England, evangelical Anglicans took on prominence within the Church of England.  There were contingencies within Methodism (influenced by the work of Whitefield and Wesley).  Denominations not so affect were Lutherans and initially Quakers.[1]
Another point of note in terms of the developments in England was certain retention of what this blog has described as basic Puritanical beliefs.  The evangelistic move, in effect, meant increased pastoral or spiritual guidance by church ministers.  This led to appointing or naming non ministers to take on these responsibilities. It also meant an increased effort to seek out those shunted by the established Church of England, democratizing these religious concerns.  Part of the message was that Christianity was also meant for the “neglected.”
More specifically, Methodist congregations or societies arranged themselves around “classes.”  Those were meetings in which individual attendees were urged to confess their transgressions to others and, by doing so, the aim was to bolster each other. In addition, meetings would conduct “love feasts” in which practitioners shared testimonies.  This had the effect among many to develop an associated identity – a federal aim.  Here, the Methodists proclaimed three beliefs:
1.    People are, by their nature, “dead in sin.”
2.    Only faith can “justify” them.
3.    The faithful exhibit, both inwardly and outwardly, holiness.[2]
This might remind the reader of Puritanical beliefs (TULIP) in that it is not good works that merit a heavenly reward, but in this case faith – in the case of Puritans it was being chosen by God.
         So, what did this movement find when it first hit the colonies?  The Great Awakening found a willing public but a diverse audience.  As this blog has already established, the New England colonies had adopted a Puritanical, congregational view.  The middle colonies, being more tolerant, had established a more diverse religious landscape populated by Quakers, Dutch Reformers, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Congregationalists, and Baptists. They were all treated equally by law and conducted their services openly.  And in the Southern colonies, one found an official Anglican church, but also a good number of Baptists, Quakers, and Presbyterians.[3]  
But it has also been recorded that at that time a general low level of church membership was prevalent due to population growth – high immigration – and the effects of the Enlightenment.  Many, especially among the higher educated, turned to atheism, Deism, or Unitarianism, this last belief rejected the trinity (belief in the three-person God) and predestination.  This state of affairs, of course, stirred a reaction by those attending established churches.
That reaction took on the revivalist ideas described above.  Led by New England Puritans, Scots Irish Presbyterians, along with a belief in European Pietism, the faithful took on the messaging of revival and piety which was making their way across the Atlantic.  The result was an American version of evangelical Protestantism.  This placed an emphasis “on seasons of revival, or outpourings of the Holy Spirit, and on converted sinners experiencing God’s love personally.”[4]  
Some of these activities can be traced in New England to the 1710s.  But given the limited means of spreading the “good news,” such activities were limited in New England to local occurrences. Interestingly, an earthquake and the ensuing “press” coverage led to the dissemination of these practices beyond local churches.  And with the “importation” of European developments, the Great Awakening took off in America.
For readers who might be interested in these developments, they might look up the work of a couple of early ministers.  They are Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen and William Tennent.  The first, ascribed by some as the “father” of America’s version of the Great Awakening, influenced the second who argued that one needed a definite personal conversion to a faith experience followed up by an “assurance of salvation” which was necessary to claim one’s Christianity.
Through Tennent’s efforts, one finds the ideas of the Great Awakening making their way to the New Jersey/New York area[5] and one cannot deny how this would affect political ideals of Americans in general.  The next posting will continue in this vein.  To this point, though, one can but identify that these developments had no to little effect on how Americans felt about their federated values – if anything, they were strengthened but in a parochial way.
[1] Sydney E. Ahlstrom, A Religious History of the American People – 2nd ed. (New Haven, CT:  Yale University Press, 1972).
[2] Alan Taylor, American Colonies:  The Settling of North America (New York, NY:  Penguin Books, 2001).
[3] Howard John Smith, The First Great Awakening:  Redefining Religion in British America, 1725-1775 (Madison, NJ:  Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2015).
[4] Thomas S. Kidd, The Great Awakening:  The Roots of Evangelical Christianity in Colonial America (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2007), xiv.
[5] Ahlstrom, A Religious History of the American People.
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agechat514 · 3 years
Places Hook Up East Patchogue
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Places Hook Up East Patchogue Long Island
Places Hook Up East Patchogue Ny
With 64 restaurants in East Patchogue on Uber Eats, including Subway (755 Montauk Hwy), Popeyes - Patchogue, and Burger King (246 Medford Ave), you’ll have your pick of places from which to order food online.
Credit: Daniel Brennan. The Bean of Patchogue (62 W. Main St.): The village’s newest coffee shop is many things: A coffee bar (there’s an actual marble bar), a cold-brew lab (12 drip on the. SCTavern, East Patchogue, New York. 2,631 likes 2 talking about this 7,535 were here. SCTavern, formally know as South Country Tavern located one mile west of the Village of Bellport, offers farm. East Patchogue is served by the Patchogue-Medford School District, except for eastern East Patchogue, which is served by the South Country Central School District.
Brookhaven Animal Shelter 300 Horseblock Road, Brookhaven 631.286.4940 Ages 18 & up – ask for Dori G.
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Brookhaven Memorial Hospital 101 Hospital Road, East Patchogue 631.654.7737 Volunteerism Volunteer and Auxiliary Services -ask for June Milewski or apply online by filling out an Application for Junior Volunteer (ages 14-17)
Congregational Church 95 East Main Street, Patchogue 631.475.1235 Ages 15 & up Soup Kitchen, Wednesday 5-6 p.m. Contact Bonnie Underwood
Emanuel Lutheran Church 179 East Main Street, Patchogue 631.758.2240 Ages 15 & up Trinity Inn Soup Kitchen, Sundays 12 p.m.
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Hamlet Organic Garden 319 Beaver Dam Road, Brookhaven 631.286.7068 Ages15 & up Please ask for Jill Pilger or email her.
Lighthouse Mission 1543 Montauk Highway, Bellport 631.758.7584 Ages13 & up Food distribution and other volunteer opportunities, call for more information
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 31 Rider Avenue, Patchogue 631.475.3078 Ronny Pliszak, Secretary Soup Kitchen – Mondays, 12-1:30 p.m. Food Pantry – Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.- 12 p.m.
Places Hook Up East Patchogue Long Island
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St. Francis deSales, R.C. Church 7 Amity Street, Patchogue 631.475.0161 Ages16 & up
Places Hook Up East Patchogue Ny
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Community Inn Soup Kitchen Sayville Congregational United Church of Christ 131 Middle Road, Sayville 631.589.1519 Ages16 & up – Having Friends INN Soup Kitchen – Dinner Monday through Thursday
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nyc-urbanism · 4 years
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The Neo-Gothic Trinity Building at 111 Broadway, next door to Trinity Church, was constructed around its bank vault in 1907! Today there is a bar and restaurant in that bank vault! The 70-ton vault was commissioned in 1904 by the New York Realty Bank and constructed upstate in Hudson, NY before being placed on a barge and sailed down the Hudson River. Once it reached Lower Manhattan the vault was loaded on to railroad tracks, which were constructed just to get the vault up the hill from the bank of the river to the Broadway location. The vault still sits on these tracks to this date! Designed by Francis H. Kimball, the Trinity and US Realty Building was constructed around the bank and rose to a height of 308-feet when it was completed in 1907. Adjacent to Richard Upjohn's 1696 Trinity Church and inspired by its neo-gothic architecture, the skyscraper is actually two separate 21-story slab buildings that rise straight from the street with no setbacks - separated by Thames Street and only linked by a steel footbridge. In 2006 the bank vault was restored to repurposed as Trinity Place, a bar and restaurant inside the former vault, giving the public an opportunity to see the historic site first hand. Trinity Place still houses both restored vault doors, one leading into the bar and the other into the restaurant, which was historically used as a secret meeting room for the board of directors and still has its original brass chandelier. The 5" thick steel walls that surrounded the vault are still visible. #skyscraper #downtownnyc #trinittyplae #trinitychurch #wallstreet #franciskimball #skyline #architecture #neogothic #gothicarchitecture #120broadway #wtc #nyc #lowermanhatan #downtownmanhatan #manhattan #nyhistory #bankvault #vault #nychistory #architecturehistory #secretnyc #hiddennyc #urbanism #urbanhistory #nycurbanism (at Trinity Building) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7mXRf1nqVd/?igshid=1qvimf1i7zy6e
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clansayeed · 4 years
Bound by Destiny II, part 1 ― Chapter 12: The Return
PAIRING: Kamilah Sayeed x MC (Nadya Al Jamil) RATING: Mature
⥼ Bound by Destiny II, part 1 ⥽
While struggling with nightmares of lives she’s never lived, a shadow from the past looming over her city, and the proposed idea that her life may just be a little bit too weird to handle alone, Nadya makes sure to tell herself that everything is perfect just the way it is. If only. When the self-proclaimed King of Vampires (and Maker of her sometimes-girlfriend and always-boss, can’t forget that little tidbit) Gaius Augustine returns intent on claiming Manhattan as the throne that was promised, she and her friends find themselves forced into the task of saving the world. But with millennia-old vampires and an Order of hunters on their heels as well as allies hiding catastrophic secrets at their backs… it won’t be an easy task. Too bad destiny didn’t exactly ask for her input.
Bound by Destiny II and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing dramatic retelling project of the Bloodbound series and spin-off, Nightbound. Find out more [HERE].
*Let me know if you would like to be added to the Destiny II tag list!
⥼ Chapter Summary ⥽
The gang returns to New York with a well-earned victory under their belts. But that means Nadya has to face Kamilah, and she isn't quite sure she knows how to feel just yet.
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Nadya leans on the rail with a wistful sigh. Takes a moment and just… lets herself enjoy the peace of being at peace. No memories haunting her behind her eyelids, no immediate danger… at least none she can see right in front of her.
No, the only thing in front of her is New Orleans. The French Quarter spread out for blocks around her in vibrant colors going pale against the purpling sky. It’ll be dawn soon.
Did she sigh already? Well… no harm in another one.
Taylor’s learned his lesson in sneaking up on her. Why else would he knock on the door leading up to the roof instead of taking advantage of one final attempt to startle her silly?
He clicks his tongue with a wry look. “Careful now, that sigh right there, that’s trouble. Means you’re falling in love with this place and you won’t ever wanna leave.”
Nadya can’t help it that she laughs.
“Are you trying to sound like Garrus?” It sounds like something the fae would say, actually.
“No, and frankly you don’t want to hear my Garrus impersonation,” he hesitates; waits for Nadya’s little go-ahead of a nod before joining her overlooking the city as it begins to put itself to sleep, “it’s not very good. My Ivy on the other hand…”
Their laughter is soft and polite. They wouldn’t dare jostle the world below.
“I mean, when I went off to college I had dreams of road trips on spring break, summers spent with one program or another. New Orleans was always on my list.”
“And did she live up to the hype?”
Now how exactly is Nadya supposed to answer that honestly? “Well college-aged me probably wouldn’t have been hanging around the Graveyard Shift, that’s all I’ll say.”
“Nadya, babe, you have got to stop being a hard mood,” Taylor places a hand to his chest, “my little empath heart just can’t take much more of it.”
She shoves him (gently) and their laugh is a little less awkward the second time around. Probably because he is, indeed, an empath. And he gets exactly what she’s feeling right now.
Longing — exhaustion — trepidation — to name a few.
He nudges her shoulder with his own. “You’ll have to come back when everything’s fixed on your end; see the city for real, you know? Not just all the bad things.”
Not like she goes searching for the bad things, thanks. They just kind of… happen dangerously close in her proximity. “I’d like that. Lil’ too, for sure.”
“Oh, for sure. Though I have a feeling her and Ivy together might be a bit more trouble than Nik’ll want to deal with.”
And on that Nadya can most certainly agree. Not that she does so with words. Strangely she doesn’t feel much like talking right now. Not-so-strangely, Taylor doesn’t either. So they lean in mutual silence and watch the streets below. People going through the motions; living their lives.
Lives far less strange than theirs.
The blue of the dawn is just starting to bleed orange when he finally speaks again.
“You’re not used to winning the day, are you?” She isn’t surprised in the least to look and see that strange iridescence back in his irises.
“I don’t have enough coffee in me to answer a question like that,” which — that’s her answer; but Taylor definitely isn’t taking it, “I mean… back when all this stuff started; we won then, I think. Adrian was exonerated and Jax joined the Council and Vega wasn’t trying to kill me anymore —”
Taylor holds up a finger. “Wait — like the missing Senator, that Vega?”
“You knew him?”
“Uh, Vee and our friend Kristin lived up there together. Wait a second—he was a vam— no… that’s not the point. Sorry, please continue.”
God, is that how I look to other people, Nadya wonders; but it’s humbling to see somehow.
“Anyway… I thought everything turned out for the better, and for a while it was better. But now that I think about it…” Gaius, Jameson, the Trinity; all of them lurking just on the other side of the two-way glass. Waiting for the time to strike and take her happiness away; to pluck memories from her she never asked for all in pursuit of some epic fantasy-level world conquering.
If the fight wasn’t over, did that still count as a victory?
“And you’re left wondering if this is the same deal. If you’ve really won, or if there’s more stuff—worse stuff—just out of sight.” Taylor finishes for her. Still a little weird and possibly more akin to mind-reading than the half-fae originally led her to believe, but for the moment she’s glad to not have to say it.
“Yeah, exactly.”
His hand comes to rest over Nadya’s on the railing. He’s warmer than he should be and the sun’s got nothing to do with it. Likely his weirdness is helped by touch, too. Which Taylor all but confirms aloud when a sudden but not unwelcome ease relaxes the tension she didn’t know she’d gathered in her shoulders.
“I can’t offer any answers, and I don’t think I’d want to. With my luck I’d be wrong and you’d hate me forever.” He’s joking but Nadya still rolls her eyes and shakes her head for it.
“But I can say that no matter what happens? You’ll always have friends here to call up if needed.”
What is she supposed to say to something so sincere? “Same to you, Taylor, same to you.”
A sleek black car with tinted windows pulls around the corner and onto their lonely street to park right in front of the bar.
Looks like their ride is here.
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Kamilah isn’t waiting for them when the plane pulls into the nice and shady hangar. Nadya tells herself she isn’t surprised by this… but she’s trying not to tell herself mostly-truths lately either. Luckily she’s still too exhausted (and she’s pretty sure she only got about half an hour’s nap in the entire time they were in New Orleans) to make much of a fuss about it.
In fact, Nadya barely remembers sending a text off before she and Lily both are being ushered into the back seat of one of Adrian’s company cars.
[TEXT]: back in NY and miss you like crazy. can we plz talk?? [TEXT]: its nadia
And its the most dreamless, dead-to-the-world-est sleep she knew she needed but didn’t know how to get. Staying awake for near-days and going through every emotion under the sun and also dealing with a high-stakes pursuit weren’t exactly on her list of viable solutions to her sleeping troubles.
Ergo the point of all this — no one is allowed to think her anything less than totally justified when Nadya wakes up in her own bed, in her own bedroom, sometime well after sunset and thinks for even the smallest second that everything was just a dream. She knows logically that it wasn’t… but still.
Totally justified.
When her eyes adjust to the lack of light Nadya realizes she’s not alone. There’s a figure sitting on the edge of her bed nearest the window, away from the door. Giving her the chance to escape if she needs it; making sure she doesn’t feel trapped.
Only one person would do that.
She fumbles for her glasses on the nightstand but leaves her bedside lamp untouched. Can’t shake the feeling like if she does turn the lights on then Kamilah will vanish. This is better for them both.
Something moves near her head; Nadya leans back to see the woman pulling her fingertips away from where they had been combing through her hair gently. She wants it back so much she aches from the loss of them.
“Hello,” replies Kamilah; sounding awfully breathless for a woman who doesn’t need to breathe, “did you rest well? You… seemed to need it.”
Probably not what she meant to ask judging by the way the neon signs from across the street illuminate her in postmodern beauty. It’s okay though — Nadya isn’t sure she has the courage yet to say what really needs saying.
“When did you get here…?”
“Shortly after your return. Oh, Lily wished for you to know she’s left for the evening. She didn’t leave a message as to why.”
So it’s just been Nadya and Kamilah in the apartment for at least the daylight hours. Alone; together. And not talking about their problems.
When Nadya sits up (in part to look at Kamilah better, in part to make sure she doesn’t fall back asleep on accident) the bed dips as Kamilah shifts back; makes to stand and leave her with all this twin-sized budget bed kit to herself. And because she can’t stand a thought so terrible Nadya reaches out and stops her with a hand on her arm.
A long pause — then; “Yes, Nadya?”
“Why are you here?”
“You messaged me,” so Nadya of course fumbles for her phone and finds it charging under her pillow, “though I suppose I should have realized you were exhausted beyond recognition.”
“Why’s that?”
“You spelled your own name wrong.”
Upon further inspection yes, yes she did. “Glad you weren’t expecting some other disaster you’re dating also named Nadia…” That she chooses not to dwell on the fact that she may have very well used that word for the first time in the middle of their first fight is actually self-care.
Or — she doesn’t until Kamilah’s been quiet for an awfully long time.
“Uhm — I take that back, actually — what I meant was…”
“I won’t disagree.”
Only Kamilah Sayeed could look so perfect framed in the flickering lights of a discount electronics shop.
“But you’re my disaster.”
Nadya kisses her because every other time it’s been Kamilah who takes the lead, takes charge, takes her. This isn’t some attempt to switch that dynamic either (in fact Nadya’s very happy with it just the way it is) but what else is she supposed to do seeing all these vulnerable parts of such an invulnerable woman one right after the other?
But — no, she can’t fall into this. Fall into her. Not without talking. But holy mother of crap she doesn’t wanna do anything but moan at the lips soft on her cheeks, her chin, her throat…
Nadya only has to say her name once. They both know how this works. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel the hesitance; the resistance before they part and she all but forces them to meet eye-to-eye. Nor does it mean that she doesn’t take just the tiniest bit of happiness from it.
When Nadya starts pulling away Kamilah holds on just a little bit tighter. Only for a moment; then its gone.
“We can’t not —” — talk about this.
“I know; I agree.”
And she’s got a whole speech planned out in bullet points; not even fully seated and she’s already buzzing to jump right into it. Until—
“I was uncertain and without control. I fell back on old habits to bring my life to a heel — but those were the wrong choices to make. They nearly cost me… something very important.”
Kamilah’s hand falls open on top of the bedspread and Nadya takes it for the offering it is. Their fingers slot together familiar and like nothing’s changed but this is different. This is talking about it; this is… this is Kamilah apologizing. “They nearly cost me you, Nadya.”
Now is not the time to go all red in the face and flustered. Nadya’s willpower is astounding frankly. “There was never a second where I doubted that you cared. Not about what I was going through, or what it was doing to… to everything in my life. But I think there was a part of me that didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to believe that you and… and the you I saw were —” — were the same person.
Kamilah’s thumb strokes along her knuckles slow and rhythmic. “My thoughts are the same. I am not fragments of a woman; a queen, different than a soldier, different than a killer, different than who I am today. I am all of those things and more. And perhaps still there are parts of myself I have not yet come to know.”
Nadya chances a look up while she listens, but it’s the words Kamilah doesn’t say that catch her by surprise. The ones about who that person she doesn’t know could be. And—god she hopes she’s not reading too much into this—who she could be that person with.
“I think I get it now.”
“And what would that be?”
She squeezes their hands until it hurts because she knows it’s probably the weight of a feather to someone like Kamilah.
“We were scared of the same thing and for the same reasons; you… and your past. But I wanted to know more. I—I wanted to talk about it, without thinking of how hard bringing up all of those bad memories might be for you.”
Kamilah purses her lips and offers a slow nod. “Insightful; and perhaps I was so insistent on trying to keep that knowledge from you that I did not stop to consider what… I was saying in withholding it.”
Now the question is… where do they go from here?
“So we work on that — we try and… understand what the other is doing when she…”
“Makes a mistake she instantly regrets?”
Nadya smiles, but it’s strained. “That’s half of the things I do anyway though.”
“You know my meaning in the context of this, Nadya.”
“Yeah, but that’s not my only problem.” Which isn’t the best word she could use but at the moment she’s not focusing so much on word choice as actual feelings. And Nadya… feels a problem. There’s a breath of a second where it feels like Kamilah might start to pull away, but it passes.
She thinks better of it. She tries to understand.
“You are amazing, Kamilah. You are this… super gorgeous, super smart, super old—in a good way I swear—and super experienced vampire. But it’s not a smart thing for us to—to ignore that.”
“I wasn’t under the impression we had been.”
This is more painful to admit than Nadya thought it was gonna be. There’s no turning back now though; no ‘Restart from Checkpoint’ or save to load.
And this is so so important. Nadya wants to follow through, and not just for the sake of them. She deserves it for herself. “Maybe you haven’t — but I have. I thought that was the only way we were gonna make this work. Only, if I ignore that then I’m ignoring the fact that you are always going to have a power over me. A physical one. You lashed out and…”
“And I could have hurt you.” That Kamilah’s hand tightens with hers is the literal definition of ironic but she knows it comes from a good place; the same place all that honesty was walled up inside now pouring out.
“Nadya, please tell me you know I would never have hurt you. I don’t think I could.”
“That’s not the point. The point is you were angry, and your first reaction was to try and scare me into running away.”
See, this is Nadya’s problem. There’s a reason her life is so organized — without all her colored pens and sticky notes and multiple tabs that always end up in the strangest places, she’s a literal human mess. Prone to rambling and impulsive actions that aren’t always good for her health; physical and emotional both.
She didn’t organize this part of her talk with Kamilah. She didn’t even know this part existed. And now it’s out there in the world without a label tacked on and… and…
“And I don’t think that’s something I’m quite… over, yet.”
Nadya trusts Kamilah still; she doesn’t flinch away when the woman’s free hand comes up to her cheek — thumbs away a tear she didn’t know was falling. She can separate the then from the now.
But at the end of the day her trust and the way she had felt betrayed that night… they weren’t mutually exclusive.
She turns her face into the lingering palm. When she exhales her breath rattles in her lungs.
“I miss you.”
Kamilah’s hand betrays her composed silence; the barest tremor. “I’m here, Nadya.”
Nadya who doesn’t want to pull back, never wanted to pull back… but what is she saying to herself if she doesn’t?
“I miss you,” she repeats, “and I still care about you — I don’t really see that changing any time soon. And I’ll forgive you, really—I will. I just need some time.”
I know there are no promises you’ll be there when I’m ready, or if you won’t have moved on, or if you can’t forgive me for not forgiving you, or for not understanding you, or for making you feel this way. But I feel this way too.
And in all the things she wants to say but doesn’t, Nadya’s left still and heartbroken. Completely by her own design.
The bed dips and Nadya lets her eyes flutter closed as Kamilah’s lips press to her forehead. Not so much a kiss as a touch; something sincere and solid and so so sad.
Kamilah commits the warmth and life of her to memory. Nadya dares to hope that some day they’ll have all of this again.
She has to. If anything deserves hope right now it’s them.
Finally — too soon, too damned soon — a whisper tickles at her hairline.
“I’ll be here.”
When she opens her eyes Nadya is alone.
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Jax has a really good point; if the heat from Adrian’s industrial-grade blowtorch hadn’t been enough to melt the gold, then they probably didn’t need to worry about his sword scratching the stupid thing up in any way that didn’t lend to opening it.
Everyone still backs up a few paces for good measure. They’ve all seen him in action — and the man needs a wide berth.
Nadya closes her eyes and braces herself but she still isn’t prepared for the hollow screeching clang every time the sharpened steel collides with the surface of the Amulet. One—two—three.
He stops after three. Judging by the enraged determination in his eye though he’d keep going given the opportunity.
Lily throws her hands up before crossing out ‘ASSAULT BY KATANA’ on the transparent eraser board. “I’m calling it. This thing is a horcrux.”
“A what?” asks Adrian, but Nadya just gives him the now familiar “I’ll explain it later” wave-off. Because unless pop culture references were the secret puzzle to opening the Amulet of Nero they weren’t that important in the moment.
She pushes her glasses up and unsuccessfully stifles a yawn with the back of her hand. Brings her focus back to their list of attempts to crack open (literally) the case… all of which have failed miserably.
Off to the left Lily’s circled ‘MISSING KEY??’ over and over in the corner and while they had all agreed to try and hold out on just not having found the right amount of physical force they might as well face it.
They’re running out of options.
Adrian clears his throat and stares hard enough at Nadya that the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. “Ahem, Nadya, could you…?”
“Oh — yes — sorry guys, my bad.”
When she pulls the cover back over the Amulet the difference is immediate. The tension leaves her friends’ shoulders; they sit a little less restless and their eyes are a little less bordering-vampish.
Nadya wasn’t the only one who had been content to write off the strange aura that had come over the vampires in Isadora de la Rosa’s booth as nothing more than trepidation for the inevitable. Now, however, they have to face the facts.
There’s something in the Amulet that draws vampires to it. Cadence had said so himself — when he talked about generations of vampire influence. It’s not enough to incite a war (about which Nadya was admittedly worried, and with good reason given their track record) but covering it was a noticeable benefit to rational thinking.
They only have one thing going for them right now; if they can’t open it then no one else can, either. Hopefully that includes the Trinity. Maybe it even includes Gaius. Who knows? They certainly don’t.
There are too many unknowns — and they’re starting to take a toll on everyone in one form or another.
Adrian begins to gather up the dozens of data graphs spread out in front of him. “With that, I think we’ve come to a natural stopping point for the evening.” And nobody disagrees.
While Nadya carefully wraps the Amulet back up to return it to the R&D vault, Lily leans on her elbows and watches.
“I take it we still haven’t heard from Cadence? What about calling up Izzy?”
If only she had good news to give. “Nope; and I already did. She definitely remembers feeling that weird magnetism to it before it was repossessed by Persephone but nothing beyond that that she knew of. Actually,” she throws a look over to Adrian, “she suggested one thing; witch-fire? Something like that.”
He seems hesitant to mull the idea over. But they were desperate enough to let Jax hit it repeatedly, so…
“I’ll look into a few contacts. That kind of magic should only be used sparingly and in dire cases.”
“Would this count?”
A beat. “Probably. We would have to run it by the Council, though.” Which kind of nulls even the idea. Since everyone had agreed not to tell the rest of the Council yet. Not only because of the Amulet’s potential.
Lester, Priya, the Baron — Nadya likes to try and see the best in people as much as possible but they don’t make it easy on her. None of them are certain who would, if it came down to it, side against Gaius for a second time.
Nothing is unlikely anymore.
Wow, their shortest-lived idea yet.
Nadya nods towards the vault for Lily to follow. “As for the other thing — Kathy’s starting to get worried. I guess he left town a day after we did.” Which the Nighthunter had admitted wasn’t off-brand for Cadence. But the museum had let slip (which Nadya knows means ‘been bullied into admitting’) that he had been granted a leave of absence; very off-brand.
“The one thing he’s always had is that damn museum. No identity, no Izzy, and we both know I’m a recent development. He was a manic mess the first time that kind of dissociation happened.” The Nighthunter had kept her cool better than Nadya would have in her situation. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t worried ill.
“What if it’s worse this time,” even through the phone she couldn’t hide her concern; her fear, “what if he hurts himself? What if he hurts someone else?”
Hopefully they find him soon. But she’s met that strange group of people; the regulars at the Graveyard Shift. If anyone has the ability (and sheer force of stubborn will, to be honest) to find Cadence it’s them.
“I mean, if I went Jekyll and Hyde around a chick as crazy as that Trinity woman, I’d probably want to get away for my own health too.”
Lily’s comment doesn’t sit well with her; luckily at her admonishing look she at least looks apologetic. “You know what I mean.”
“I also know a little bit of what he’s going through.”
There’s an “ahem” behind them as Nadya spins the wheel on the vault. Adrian definitely has the look of someone who knows he shouldn’t have been eavesdropping but was anyway.
“Speaking of.”
Only… she’d rather not speak of it until it becomes a problem. “It’s fine,” she replies, and waves it off. That was what they’d agreed on for the time being, right? And there haven’t been any problems.
Turns out feeling the weight of relationship-burdened depression the moment you walk through your front door lends to a pretty heavy sleeping pattern. Like Nadya’s body doesn’t want her to do anything but try to get through the next day, and the next, and maybe… just maybe the one after that.
Adrian doesn’t seem immediately convinced. “Promise?”
“Pinky promise.” Which — he still doesn’t really get the concept but the verbal agreement is enough.
Once the lab is fully shut down they manage to pile together into the elevator. Jax thumbs at his phone, blows the hair out of his eyes just a little too close to Nadya’s ear for her liking. She swats him away because personal bubble.
“What’s the matter?”
“Eh, Espinoza wants —” But he catches himself with a look in Lily’s direction. “— something. She wants something. And I gotta… go get it.”
Nadya and Adrian just shake their heads and laugh at him while Lily pretends with absolutely no tact whatsoever not to know what he’s talking about. She even sticks her fingers in her ears like that’ll somehow stop her super vampire hearing.
Jax, somehow with even less tact, like negative tact, takes it as permission to lean and murmur on Nadya’s free side. “Apparently Lula got into the cake. So…”
“Weren’t there three?” Adrian hisses, surprised.
“You’ll get it when you meet her.”
Nadya reaches around and pats Jax’s chest awkwardly. “Good luck with that. Maybe try putting them in the passenger seat this time.”
“Shut up.”
“Just saying… third time’s the charm you know.”
When she gives Lily a nod in ‘all clear’ everyone knows she heard everything. But she’s just excited to know Maricruz is going as all-out as she possibly can, so who would be so heartless as to spoil the whole thing by just admitting the obvious?
Adrian lets them all off on the ground level and offers Nadya one last chance to go home early. “What do you pay her for if you keep giving her chances to not work?” And Jax raises a good point — too good of a point. She maybe shoves him in front of her with all her might, and he maybe stumbles. The world may never know. “Just saying — let me know next time there’s an opening.”
“I’ll be up in a sec. I just have to stake him first.”
She and Lily wave until the doors close. Yes, they live together and see each other every day. Yes, they recently defied death in New Orleans together. But its rare now that Nadya and Lily get a chance to unwind like they used to. So whenever it comes along they’re both there to indulge greedy and giggling.
“Mari’s really going all out with this party, huh?”
It’s a valiant effort but Lily doesn’t look so much humbly embarrassed as expectantly excited. “I think I’m in love, Nadi’,” she jumps the next few steps like hopscotch, “she was fully ready to get a bouncy castle.”
“How are they going to fit a bouncy castle in the Shadow Den?”
“Oh I didn’t say I let her. But she was planning on it, and isn’t that what true love is all about?”
Nadya tries not to falter. Key word being tries. And around anyone else she might do everything in her power not to draw attention to it but this is Lily. Who found her huddled up in bed hours after Kamilah’s farewell and called to cancel her own date to stay with her; to be there for her and give her all the hugs she desperately needed but didn’t know how to ask for.
She doesn’t need to pretend around that kind of love and friendship.
But before Nadya can apologize Lily starts up an air drum solo in front of her while they walk. “And winner for Most Insensitive Best Friend Ever is — drum roll…”
“You’re fine, Lil’.”
“I’m gushing about my life while you’re… not so hot.”
Nope, Nadya won’t have it. “You’re gonna gush because you have every right to gush, okay? You’ve been a vampire for a whole year. That’s super important. You survived Turning, became the digital fanged crusader, and it’s ten times more cool because you did it all without a brand. Jax and Adrian can’t say that. Heck… even Kamilah can’t.
“So if you want a Turning party, you’re gonna get a Turning party. I’m not the only one who thinks you’re worth celebrating.” They lace their fingers and Nadya squeezes. “Plus if Jax shows up with the third set of cakes to a canceled party I think he might flip his lid.”
Lily gives a dramatic little sniffle — pretends to wipe a nonexistent tear from her eye. “Please tell me you just memorized all that.”
“Because it’ll be the speech to end all speeches.”
Together they play-shove all the way through the Raines Building atrium. Right before the revolving door Lily spins her around, takes both of their hands together and swings them gently.
“Do you want me to uninvite her? She probably doesn’t even care.”
“No — and even if we broke up, like, badly I wouldn’t want that. I’m just not that kind of person.”
“True, you’d probably invite them to Christmas dinner or something.”
She rolls her eyes at that and ignores it for her own sanity. “And for the record — as someone with experience in decoding Kamilah-isms, I think you surprised her. She admires strength, and Lily… you’re the strongest person I know.”
When they hug, like always, their glasses get jostled in the middle and the following laughter lightens both of their hearts. Lily makes her promise to add that last line to her speech (which inadvertently is a promise to write a speech, she’s guessing) and only when she’s out the doors and around the corner of the block does Nadya head back up to the office.
Adrian is leaning in his open doorway when she exits the elevator — Nadya slows her steps for a hesitant second before coming to realize he’s just having another one of his pensive moods. He’s been having them a lot lately. More and more since they returned from New Orleans.
This one looks different though. He’s not staring into space — he’s staring at her.
“What?” She finally yields, glancing at her boss over her shoulder while the computer boots up slow as a snail. “What’s that face for?”
Nadya nearly convinces herself he isn’t going to answer.
“It’s good to see you smiling, that’s all.” He leans out and squeezes her shoulder; something soft and friendly and so sweet her teeth ache from it. Before Adrian can pull away Nadya makes sure to return the gesture.
“It’s good to smile,” which is far more bleak than she would like, “you know something?”
Adrian pauses mid-step. “Hm?”
“It’s even better to mean it.”
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March 24, 2023
The Blarney Castle
1856 South Park Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14220
Look what I found. A tiny fish fry gem in south Buffalo! We arrived around 5pm. Tiny parking lot that is tricky to navigate or street parking. There we only 9 tables in their back room but we were sat immediately. On a Friday in lent???? Unheard of! A steady stream of regulars filled in the tables but for the most part this place seems to be a secret. Perhaps because it doesn’t look like much from the outside or it’s warn down old interior. It’s a quintessential south Buffalo dive bar and of course, they only take cash. We were stared at a bit when we walked through the bar. It was obvious we were newcomers! We were seated by our waitress, Becky. She was kind, down to earth, and did an excellent job serving us. Now let’s talk about the star of the show! A fish fry dinner with no weakness. (9) Fresh rye bread with butter. Crispy straight cut fries(8), and a fantastic holy trinity. All home made! Nothing unique in the potato (10) or mac salad(9). But delicious! Just like your grandma used to make. Cole slaw had a slight kick finish which was great(10). Really well done, if you are looking for standard sides that are delicious. Lots of fish options, all are skin on haddock. Lots of broiled flavors and breaded as well. Of course I went with the beer battered. Crust was light and crispy. Just the right amount of batter. The fish was flavorful and super moist. A real treat! The tartar was in a squeeze bottle at the table, but did not disappoint!(9) Overall, I give it a 9.5. They could improve on the size of the fish but no complaints from me, since the price was SUPER CHEAP! $13.95 for a full fish fry is unheard of in this day and age! Normal selection of beer but if you are in this land of shamrocks, and Irish heritage of course Guinness is on tap. They were doing a pretty decent take out business and I was pleased to see they were going out in cardboard boxes. If it’s March, and you find your self in south Buffalo, give the Blarney Castle a try!
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