#Trio Golden Heart
dharomunthe · 1 year
Lirik "Jakarta" - Golden Heart
Sai mulak maho Parjalang nadao Mulak nunga masihol Au tu ho Bidang do amang Haumanta dison Na lao siulaonmu hasian Tu aha ma i kota Jakarta i Ianggo manganggur ho disi Tu aha ma i kota Jakarta i Ianggo so mangan ho disi (Interlude) Tu aha ma i kota Jakarta i Ianggo manganggur ho disi Tu aha ma i kota Jakarta i Ianggo so mangan ho disi Sai mulak maho Parjalang nadao Mulak nunga masihol Au tu…
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
headcanon that seamus and dean are such gossipers and they always like telling ron who has the most dramatic reactions to whose dating who and who said what to who and who broke up with who, neville always sleeps through it and harry pretends to sleep but then he’ll say something randomly like “oh ive never liked her anyway” and then everyone will realise he’s been awake and listening the entire time
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souptastical · 2 months
this is hitting RIGHT IN THE FEELS
also giving so much vibe inspo to my fav bff duo for my current fic omfg💔
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just-two-blokes · 2 months
'Blood runs thicker than water' but then there are Harry James Potter, Ronald Bilius Weasley and Hermione Jean Granger.
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bruhstation · 1 year
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seventy-eight glorious years
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
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yanderefairyangel · 11 months
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Ph Month day 2 -Autumn
song : evening calm, Fripside feat Nao
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noahmullariii · 5 months
the main reason I'm an average height Remus truther - aside from this little fact being canon - is simple:
the only "tall, thin and gangling, with big hands and feet, and a long nose" character I advocate for is Ronald Weasley who deserves to tower over each and every authority figure he encounters.
so by 3rd year Ron is 5'11 / 180 cm which is ridiculously tall for a 13 year old boy and makes him slightly taller than all his Professors:
btw UK average adult heights are 5'4-5'6 for women and 5'8-5'10 for men
5'10 / 178 cm McGonagall (described as a tall woman)
5'9.5 / 177 cm Snape (rather shorter than Sirius; slightly taller than Narcissa, who's exactly 5'8 / 173 cm for me)
5'9 / 176 cm Lupin (not described = average)
5'8 / 172 cm Filch (not described = average; not a Prof but Staff)
5'7 / 170 cm Sinistra (not described, but she was on the taller side in the movies so I'll give her that. shorter than Minerva still)
5'6 / 167 cm Trelawney (not described = average)
5'1 / 154 cm Sprout (describes as a squat little woman)
4'5 / 134 cm Flitwick (described as tiny but has distant goblin ancestry so I see him as being 5 inches taller than average goblin)
Dumbledore doesn't count cuz Ron barely stands next to the man and I reckon it's pretty hard to grow over 2 meters at 13. Hagrid is irrelevant cuz half-giant.
then Ron gets kidnapped by the first adult that year who looms over him at 6'3 / 191 cm - no wonder Sirius is terrifying, being that tall.
by the time Sirius dies Ron only grows to 6'2.5 / 189 cm so he never gets to be taller than him... shit now I'm making myself sad.
anyway, when he's done growing Ron is 6'5 / 196 cm, making him the tallest Weasley and probably the tallest man in any room ever.
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"the three of us were sort of leaders"
THE SILVER TRIO [GINNY WEASLEY & NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM & LUNA LOVEGOOD] → my top 50 fictional characters [10/50]
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Heyo, I was your secret santa this time around @hyriaven :)
I'm super sorry for being late but I still hope you like my gift I came up with for the fashion/ modern au well enough and had some wonderful holidays
Special thanks yet again to @i-prefer-the-term-antihero for hosting this, I had a lot of fun
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dharomunthe · 1 year
Lirik "Borngin Nasasada I"
Voice: [On ma sadanai na masa hu anakboru na hutanda Begema da. Asa hupaboa] Uju rap au dohot ho di borngin i Borgin na sotarhalupahonhi Angka naung taulahon tingki i Holan ho doho dohot au di motor i Tung holip pe ho nuaeng sian matakki Sotung lupa ho ito di borngin i Ai tudia ma usungonhu langkangki Molo tung dao au sian rohami Borngin i, borngin nasasada i Dang na tarlupahon au anggo i Ai…
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l-just-want-to-see · 10 months
concept: Hazel doesn’t die in 1943. Instead, she believes the giant and Gaea by proxy. She has no further context and is justifiably angry at the Olympians, and is chosen to be the one possessed by Kronos instead of Luke. She finds Nico and Bianca at the Lotus Hotel and frees them, and understands that Kronos/Gaea are trying to destroy the world meaning Nico and Bianca would die. In the end she is the child of the big three and the hero.
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penfaerie · 10 months
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I know I always post these late, but here's my first art for ph month this year! Golden Trio Week day 7: Sun!
@i-prefer-the-term-antihero @phmonth
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dracobucky · 10 months
The Snake And The Lion
“Come on, you have to eat something.” Hermione insisted, her expression full of concern as she stared thoughtfully at the young witch.
Silence was all she got, as I stared blankly at the food in front of me. I had no particular interest in eating nor did I feel like doing anything.
Hermione huffed in defeat, looking to Ron and Harry to help. Ron shrugged, his mouth full with food, while Harry just looked confused as always.
Meanwhile at the Slytherin table, Draco sat with his friends, Blaise, Pansy and Theo. Draco in particular was eying off a certain witch at the Griffindoor table, while Pansy gossiped about the latest drama.
He wasn’t paying attention to what the girl was saying, to be quite honest he didn’t really care. That was until Pansy brought up Y/N.
“Honestly, can you believe that Y/N got an extension on her potions assignment,” his blue eyes flicker to the girl across from him, watching her closely. “I mean just because her brother died, doesn’t give her any reason for special treatment.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Draco’s words shocked Pansy, and she was left speechless at his unusual hostility.
He didn’t wait for a reply, as he stood up, head shaking with anger. He made a beeline for the Griffindoor table, his mind set on making sure she was okay.
Back at the Griffindoor table, Harry was baffled to find Draco approaching the group. He was even more surprised that he was staring directly at Y/N. “Shove off Malfoy!” Harry spit venomously, as Draco got closer.
“Not everything’s about you, Potter.” Draco spat, finding a seat next to you. His expression changing to one of compassion, which baffled the trio. “Y/N?”
Her eyes flickered to the blonde boy’s quickly, eyes both shocked and confused that he was sitting next to her in such a public place. He reached over, sighing deeply as he pulled her plate in front of him. He cut up everything, all the while you watched him with a conflicted expression.
He turned the fork to the girl, pushing the plate back in front of her. “Eat” he simply ordered, looking deep in her eyes encouragingly.
The girl knew better than to fight him, so she took the fork from his hand, and started to eat the food. Her friends were shocked to say the least, it was clear as Merlin that Draco had a soft spot for their dear friend, maybe he even fancied her?
The girl stopped eating, she couldn’t finished the food, however she did eat the majority of it which pleased Draco.
Draco smiled softly at the girl in pride, his right hand mindlessly moving to her thigh as he looked at her lovingly.
Draco’s smile comforted the girl, his hand on her thigh reassuring that he was here for her.
He knew she felt sick, the girl hadn’t eaten in days, she hadn’t left the Griffindoor tower, so he was surprised but relieved to see the girl down for breakfast.
He wanted more than anything to have seen her within the last few days, to hold her close and let her cry. However, he wasn’t allowed to enter any other houses quarters, without permission of course.
Not that it usually stopped him, he had done it many times to see you. But he just couldn’t do it, as your friends haven’t left you since you received that letter.
Y/N eyes flickered to Draco’s again, silently urging him that she wanted to leave.
As he stood, you followed.
She didn’t care about the shocked looks on her friends faces, or the eyes of everyone on Draco and her. She just didn’t care.
Wordlessly the pair ascended the staircase to get to the astronomy tower.
Draco placed his hand subconsciously on the girls lower back, and her lips twitched up as she blushed.
He had always made her blush. Even though the two had been seeing each other for over a year now.
As they finally reached the landing at the top of the stairs, the girl felt like she’s going to be sick. All that food was too much on the her empty stomach.
Breaking away from Draco’s touch, she rushes to the secret empty living quarters hidden behind a painting.
The pair had discovered it on their first date, and spend the time explore every inch of the space.
“Y/N?” Draco calls out, as he closes the entrance behind him, the worry in his voice was evident.
“Dra-“ Her pleading call was interrupted with more heaving and gagging as she empty the contents of her stomach into the toilet. Draco immediately opened the door, kneeling next to her, rubbing her back and coaxing her to just breathe.
Draco looked at her with a soft smile, “You alright, love?” He asked. She was weak, very weak, her knees felt like they could buckle at any moment as she leaned against the sink counter. “Here drink this, it will help.”
He placed a bottle on her lips, helping her tip her head back and take a sip. The liquid was a bright red, and was similar to the colour of blood.
It didn’t taste foul, however it wasn’t pleasant. Her stomach almost immediately felt better, so she assumed it was a healing potion that Draco made.
She felt herself being swooped up into the air, and his scent invaded her senses. It calmed her.
He carried her over to the grand bed in the middle of the room, placing her down gently and pulling the covers over her.
He quickly jumped in besides her, pulling her close to him. It was the first time he had held her, since the letter.
Draco’s lips placed a comforting kiss on your head, and he watched loving at the way you snuggled closer to him.
You needed this.
Y/n was relieved when Draco had sat down next to her, the past week had been hard. All she wanted was to be in the comfort of his arms.
Your eyes slipped close, exhaustion overcoming you.
Draco smiled down at you.
He swore to himself that he would never let go of you again.
He didn’t care of his families opinions, not when he had you.
You were everything.
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vadapavani-13 · 1 year
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i will literally never be the person who says "stop milking the same characters over and over again" like YES GIVE ME MORE GOLDEN TRIO CONTENT RICK FEED US
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gemini-in-tauro · 11 months
An Arm And a Leg
Summary: What seems to start as a bad day for Gilbert, takes a turn for the better.
Characters: Gilbert, Alice & Oz.
For Pandora Month, Week 1 (Golden Trio Week), Day 1, with the prompt "Coat".
Link to the AO3
Tagging @phmonth to be on the safe side.
Excerpt under the cut.
As Gilbert woke up, he didn’t need more than a minute to know that today would be one of the “bad days”.
It was a cold morning. He knew it because he had moved in his sleep, and the result of it was that he had thrown haphazardly his blanket all over the place, leaving him with a rather chill feeling.
If it wasn’t bad enough, his stump was hurting.
At first he had tried moving it, because he could’ve sworn he had slept over his arm and he could feel it cramping around the elbow. It had been a rather distressing thought until he remembered that he didn’t have an arm, not anymore. As though his realizing that it no longer existed was what he needed, he felt sharp pain on his shoulder where the stump was located.
He had to take deep breaths for almost five minutes before he could open his eyes again without his vision turning black from how everything was too raw.
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