#Turnabout Anon
rusanya-does-edits · 2 months
Userbox for turnabout anon about being in love with Athena Cykes!!
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elder-sister · 7 months
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Because of this, the prosecution calls Ms. Annie Nymous to the stand!
Witness, please state your name and occupation.
My name is Annie Nymous, I'm a fabric shop owner.
Can you tell us about what you saw the night of the murder?
It was horrible..
I was coming back to my fabric store, when I heard a gunshot, so I looked over, and I saw Maya threatening the man talking to the victim--
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Who was talking to the victim?
Mr. Justice, I think.
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thepollyjustice · 12 days
maybe you should ask piano to teach you how to play klavier.
wait what.
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“Playing Klavier would be terrible! I mean, who would string someone along like that?!”
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“…I mean, what?”
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bigtittylawyer · 3 months
So this is someone in the Jacali legal scene who's visually impaired, right? Is it... Diego Armando? Or the Bryde girl?
I think we would have known way faster if it was Godot. (Partially because he's still in prison. He should get out sometime in the next year, though, which is good, because his pokemon miss him.)
as for your other guess, though...
[A short video is attached. The Absol is still on the couch and finishing her slushie as a voice from behind the camera says, "Hey, uh. So the multiversal internet did actually figure you out?"
The Absol, presumably Maggey Byrde, promptly drops the slushie to stare at the camera. Individuals capable of understanding Pokémon can understand the noise she lets out as a shocked "WHAT" but otherwise it is just a very loud Absol noise.
"...Yeahhhh," Phoenix says. "Don't worry, you're safe here, we have a better security system after the White Incident."
Maggey cocks her head to one side, clearly not sure what he's talking about.
Three voices, though the swearing is bleeped out, chorus in unison: "**** REDD WHITE!"
"Don't... don't worry about that," Mia says. "Maya, please censor that part. Uh. Anything you'd like to say, Maggey? Are you sure about this? Maya can just delete the video if you're not."
To the 'are you sure about this', Mia gets an emphatic nod.
And Maggey doesn't actually say anything else, but the camera does focus on her face, which... huh, actually, for an Absol? That face does look almost like Maggey Byrde but without glasses, up close. The resemblance is uncanny.]
yeah it's maggey. honestly I would have expected her to turn into like... a murkrow or something? not an absol?
well, she does call herself the Goddess of Misfortune and everything!
murkrow is? also associated with bad luck?
...Please just post the video.
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ask-the-attorneys · 6 months
//And... Cut! Back to business as usual now that the Assassin Event is over. Thank you, everyone, but it's time things settled down around here...
//Every dead character has been brought back to life and the assassin has been forgotten.
//Thank you, everybody for participating, and see you soon!
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rendevok · 1 year
the way you draw phoenix wright has bewitched me body and soul. seriously he is so perfect and i refer to you as "the artist with the sunset colours" because i always stop and admire the warmth and softness of your coloured works. thank you so much for sharing 💖
God… this made me cry tbh. Good tears of course. To know that something I fret over as a weakness is actually something that is rejoiced is just… what a gift it is to hear that. Thank you, with all my heart 🥹💜
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ikoninovelist · 3 months
Have you heard? The "eeby spokesperson" finally snapped and tried to kill someone! All the proof we need that these Pokemon are dangerous, and that we shouldn't let them be out and about, let alone serving food to someone!
What are you on about? Eeby Deebys are not dangerous! Also, I think you mean "these people"?
If you had half an idea how much pride Gen takes in his craft you know he wouldn't waste food just to kill some rando! You people will just believe anything that feeds into your self-righteous hatred!
If you were looking for an ally for your sick crusade, you came to the wrong place anon. Stop being a coward and show your face if you really think you're on the side of Arceus you eugenecist sicko!
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hiding-in-your-shadow · 3 months
Have you heard? The "eeby spokesperson" finally snapped and tried to kill someone!
Okay, so I was hella busy yesterday, so I had to look up what the hell you're even talking about.
You are so full of shit! Ever hear of "innocent until proven guilty"? You just get your kicks by harrassing randos on the internet with your fucking smug-ass bullshit huh?
Well stay out of my inbox, asshole!
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yamtaroh · 11 months
i love everything you make so much! i first followed you bc you were a project sekai fan and when i found out you also did ace attorney stuff it was awesome. i’ve also been getting into loz so you are absolutely serving with your art 🙏🙏 it’s so beautiful btw!!
omg! thank you for sending such a kind message!!! i screech and immediately implode and leave behind a burst of pink confetti and other mysterious gases
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pcktknife · 1 year
what made you choose hippogriff and gryphon for Franziska and Athena?
Same way I pick pony races: vibes. I associate the von Karmas w lions, so I guess Manticores were also and option but Griffons are just so pretty and just as regal (and Ziskas hair translated well into feathers). I always think about Gilda when I do Griffons so that had something to do with it too. I could still save some sort of Manticore/Griffon hybrid for Manfred and just have Ziska inherit less of the lion/scorpion part of the ancestry.
Athena I'm pretty sure I originally had as a pegasus, but changed for a reason I don't quite remember ? Probably had too many ponies in the main cast and wanted to switch it up. I did want her to be able to fly though (leaving Polly and maybe Trucy earthbound) and I think I was really attached to her being hoofed... Hippogriffs have hooves,wings, aren't ponies and get a whole other form plus they have hands and that's good for the mood matrix stuff. and same as Ziska hair feathers.
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browniefox · 1 year
hello! really loved your "The Complete Turnabout" fic you wrote! its a really cool take on the alternate universe but not really trope! if i may, and I hope this isn't out of place to say this, but i was hoping you could potentially update the Ghost Trick tag on it with it including "major spoilers" or at least "spoilers"? i know the fic doesnt include that many references to GT, but i feel the one about who the black cat is, is kinda.., kinda a big spoiler. if thats okay! im speaking as someone who got into GT later, thankfully i didnt remember most of the references so i went in mostly spoiler free but just thought i'd throw that out there since the HD remaster has released and more people are bound to know GT now!
I’m so glad you liked Complete Turnabout!
And yeah, that’s a completely fair request. Sort of like you said, at the time of writing there was no sign of Ghost Trick getting a remaster or rerelease on modern consoles, and I just sort of assumed - to be very honest - that even for all my request people play the game, nobody would lol, and kind of like you mentioned, those who did would hopefully forget about the brief little kitten scene.
But yeah, now updated to better warn about ghost trick spoilers inside!
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rusanya-does-edits · 3 months
Rayfa Padma Khura'in (ace attorney) stimboard with some soft/fluffy, paint mixing, wax sealing, and cake stims! For Turnabout anon!
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elder-sister · 6 months
...And I can prove it.
Enlighten me.
This cloth.
When it was sent to Forensics, chloroform and Annie's fingerprints were found on it.
The bullet's ballistic markings match the very gun that was the murder weapon. Annie's gun.
And the goggles.
Miss Nymous, do you know what kind of goggles these are?
They're a rare type.
You know that because YOU bought them
They're yours.
Therefore, Annie did it. Would you like any further proof?
No more!
I will now hand down the verdict.
The court finds Ms. Maya Fey and Mr. PLAYER1...
Not Guilty.
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wrightandco · 10 months
Are you really on big top right now (it's in your bio)? Everyone seems to hate it but I honestly think there are worse cases *within JFA*, even. What's your take?
I really am on big top! (I’ve played the series before it before but it 15 years ago so I am having a blast with my replay).
In all honesty, I think it’s the worst case I’ve played so far. It was always my least favourite case, even as a kid, even before seeing the hate it gets from the fandom. I’ve always had a personal bias against it because I’m not a big fan of the circus in the first place. The first time I went as a kid the acrobat got seriously injured so I don’t really enjoy them.
However, it’s the case we love to hate. There’s some great banter between Phoenix and Maya during the investigations. I love the dynamic of Maya having a blast at the circus and Phoenix being the responsible cynic. We see Phoenix in the depths of his scorned lover depression about edgeworth deadworth. We see our queen Franziska wrangling a band of circus freaks as her witnesses and a continuation of the one-sided rivalry she’s created between herself and Phoenix. It is still a fun case!
All the case specific characters are annoying. No exceptions. Something as simple as aging up Regina would have fixed a lot of the problems with the case. I do find Trilo strangely funny though, especially the comparison of Ben being so shy and then absolutely no chill who he’s got trilo back.
I genuinely am finding it worse than the other cases but a certain element of my complaining on my blog is exaggerated for comedic effect. It’s still ace attorney so I still love it! And honestly, the first court day of 2-2 was just as annoying. I found that part of the game hard to progress because the line of logic was so thin. I haven’t found that in bigtop so far.
I haven’t finished my playthrough yet so that’s all I really have to say. Sorry it took me so long to answer your ask! Tumblr doesn’t seem to notify me of new messages - but come off anon so we can be friends!!! I’d love to hear your thoughts too!
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bobthebobking · 1 year
Did u ever end up getting a pdf of turnabout cinema? I missed it as well :(
No :(((( anyone who has it and sees this please send me the turnabout cinema pdf I'm begging xoxo 🙏🙏🙏
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Glad you liked the show! - Gavaroc
No way....gavaroc..its an honour sir...
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