#Tw Anon Hate
I cannot overstate the damage this blog has done to fandom culture at large. It's like a cancer. Please delete it and think about what you've done!
What exactly... have I done? I don't know what you're talking about???
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turnallthemirrors · 1 year
the fact that suicide baiting is becoming an increasingly popular way to harrass people online when we are experiencing unprecedented levels of mental health crises and a gun violence epidemic is so horrifying. I really think people think this is just a normal way to disagree with someone without seeing the very real tangible consequences that can come from encouraging someone to kill themselves. but I promise you if there is even a tiny part of you that has considered that before, having a stranger on the internet tell you to do it rips that wound wide open. there is no excuse or justification for that kind of behavior.
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londonfoginacup · 7 months
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goldenrodchef · 20 days
Man up already. You're 16, you're supposed to be mature.
Stop crying. Grown-ups don't cry.
And stop whining too. Everyone's sick of it.
Leave me alone.
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dreamythism · 1 year
lol you're fucking cringe and fucking invalid. hope your page gets closed
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transidtrash · 1 year
a term for where you want to have killed yourself
( this is satire )
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Hm…the only thing in your DNI list is Zionists. That sure is telling. You’re not even trying to hide your antisemitism anymore!
The only reason I put that up here is because of consistent harassment I've been receiving from Zionists.
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What the FUCK am I seeing on my dash right now.
Using slurs, being ableist, being mean?
@dreamcorechild does not deserve any of this. She is literally just trying to live and have fun.
Do you stupid anons not even have a single SHRED of humanity?!
How can you treat someone like that and still call yourself a human being?!
I am WARNING you, anons. Do not EVER come and hate on my moots. Or I will find you, I swear, and I will make you regret it.
You are sick and emotionless monsters.
You have no feelings except for hate.
You are despised, anons. Every single one of you that has bullied Dreamcorechild. We, her moots, see EVERYTHING. And we will never let you win.
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hardmangoshipping · 1 month
oh sweet, an insufficiently tagged sex post in the self ship tags. i love being unexpectedly triggered, thanks 👍
hey asshat! i explicitly tagged it as nsft f/o imagines (in multiple variants). this is not my problem, actually!
id say im sorry for triggering you, but i dont feel like apologizing to dickheads about situations where i very much did not fuck up.
you can ask me to put certain tags. id be glad to help. just dont be a passive agressive asswipe.
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lovely-lynette · 7 months
/ start screenshot (i wanted to block the anon so i had to screenshot instead of answer directly)
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/ end screenshot
this made me laugh so hard and i have no idea why. there was something so unexplainably funny about this
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confused-therian · 12 days
Nah, I'm gonna keep stealing from anti retards and keep making them better, the selfship community was made for and by proshippers, antis fuck off or get beat with hammers :3 /srs
What the actual fuck??? I'm a minor who is against proshipping??? I have no idea if you're an adult so you may very well be wishing harm upon a literal minor??? Don't you people preach block and move on??? Isn't your whole idealogy based on being against harrassment?? Also, using slurs against a minor. Cool. /sar And this might just be me but I feellike saying you hope we get beat isn't gonna make us better and instead make you people less welcomed in places. And things can evolve to include more people. Shipping yourself with a character shouldn't be something reserved for just one group of people. I am literally blocking proship tags because it makes me uncomfortable and yet the people supposedly AGAINST harrassment are pulling shit like this?? Pathetic.
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citizenstarlight · 4 months
i don't understand people who spread anon hate / hate in general.
isn't the world cruel enough.
don't you want to be part of the solution? not the problem?
seeing it on my dash breaks my fucking heart.
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goldenrodchef · 6 months
says the freak
Stop it! Stop it stop it stop it!
I'm not a freak! I'm human! I'm a person!
I'm doing all I can to help others like me, and what have you done? Sent anonymous hate towards someone not even 17? I've done more to help others than anons who tell others to "just do better" ever have!
I'm not lucky! I'm not! Every moment I'm in this body is agony! Shedding my tail scales is the worst sensation I've ever experienced, and I have to deal with that monthly! If anyone is jealous of this living distortion that's my life now, go bother a legendary instead of calling me lucky!
I have a mom and a dad and a little brother and a new big brother and a new uncle and many friends who all love me for who I am, and they're not liars! They care about me! People care about me!
I'm Gen Taranz! I like books and shows and movies and games and especially cooking! I'm an aspiring chef! I'm gonna open my own restaurant one day!
I'm! Not! A! Freak!
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bilesproblems · 8 months
Why do you all insist on making lesbianism about men?
Including a very tiny handful of men is not making lesbianism about men. Saying it's "non-men loving non-men" is making it entirely about men.
There are very few lesboys, very few mspec women who are attracted to men that are comfortable calling themselves lesbians, and none of them think lesbianism is about men. In fact, most of them who are attracted to men use the label lesbian because they want to emphasize their attraction to WOMEN and other genders
Also. Hi. I'm a bi lesbian and I'm not attracted to men at all. Except platonically and aesthetically. You're enbyphobic for seeing "bi" and assuming "attracted to men" especially when paired with something you believe to exclusively refer to people who are attracted to women and to several nonbinary genders... or are we just women to you?
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siffrin-enthusiast · 2 months
blow it out your ass, faggot
i know this is hate but it’s also the funniest thing i’ve read in a while tbh. thank you for making this faggot’s day anon
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what if i blocked you? What then?
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