#Twisted Fate of Love
lyselkatzfandomluvs · 10 months
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Tán JiànCì 檀健次
Elle China - December 2023 (1/3)
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dangermousie · 1 year
Oh, brother...aka keeping it in the (royal) family
I recently realized that for some reason “multiple brothers one girl” seems to be a popular category in costume dramas. I am not sure why such sharing is necessary in a polygamous society for fancy royals each of whom can get himself a whole harem, but I am not complaining that it appears any remake of the Hollywood classic “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” would clearly be changed into “One Bride for Seven Brothers, and Some of the Brothers Spit Blood and Die” if it were a cdrama. Here are some of the dramas at issue. 
Liu Shi Shi appears to be the queen of this subgenre to such an extent that I am vaguely wondering if it’s in her contract. We are gonna start with THREE of her dramas:
Bu Bu Jing Xin - Liu Shi Shi has not one, not two, but THREE hot royal brothers, played by Nicky Wu, Kevin Cheng and Lin Gengxin, pine for her time-traveling self. Since this is an exquisite (no, seriously, it’s amazing) period piece about loss and longing, she ends up with none of them, instead of a hot vagely-’cesty gangbang as one might expect from that set-up.
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Lost Love in Times - poor Liu Shi Shi, she’s a sexy witch having to pick between William Chan and his shady brother Joe Xu. To make it even trippier, the two actors look like each other, to really hammer the whole “siblings want her” theme.
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The Imperial Doctress - why bust what’s not broken? It’s the true and tried Liu Shi Shi and hot royal brothers formula. She’s a doctor who spends most of her time practicing medicine, escaping barbarians and creating feminism, not noticing that as she pines for one royal brother played by Huang Xuan, another royal brother, played by infinitely hotter Wallace Huo, is pining for her.
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Gong/Jade Palace Lock Heart - if Liu Shi Shi is the queen of that set up, Feng Shao Feng is the king, what with this and Military Seal, both of which star Yang Mi. Clearly, there are worse ways to make a career than stealing Yang Mi from a royal brother. Here, Yang Mi is a spunky time traveler in the middle of Kang Xi’s sons’ fight for the throne. She first falls for Four but ends up with Eight. In between, she offers to bang Four to save Eight as one does. Gives a whole new meaning to sharing is caring and “have you brought enough for the entire class?”
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Legend of the Military Seal - Yang Mi and FSF strike again. FSF is madly in love with his brother’s wife, and since she’s not afflicted by blindness, she shares his feelings. Surprisingly, but delightfully, happy ending ensues. 
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Who Rules the World - more like which brother rules awesome Zhao Lusi’s heart. Going by the rule of “hottest brother wins,” Yang Yang gets the girl in a drama that is pretty yum yum.
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Colourful Bone - one hot seriously whumped out royal brother and one whiny immature one, oh who should the heroine pick? This drama stands for the proposition that you should protect and save abused people, especially if they are hot men, since they will always turn out to be an emperor in disguise. This drama btw is one giant kinkfest for yours truly.
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The Eternal Love - you could make THREE whole seasons out of timetravel and brothers into the same girl, who knew.
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Dreaming Back to the Qing Dynasty - if you’ve seen Gong or BBJX, you know the drill. Horde of queued brothers queueing for the heroine.
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(Mine and all my brothers’, that is -Ed.)
Princess Jieyou - Yuan Hong narrowly escaped the curse of fancying his brother’s woman in BBJX, being about the only sibling not in love with LSS in that one. But clearly, you can’t fight fate and shortly thereafter he’s got to be a sister-in-law luster in a drama of his very own. He is a barbarian general who falls in love with a woman only to discover she’s to marry his brother. Angst and deliciousness and eventual happy ending (the husband fulfilled the uglier brother’s duty by eventually kicking the bucket.)
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The Promise of Chang’an - if you want to watch brothers with the same woman but no happy ending, and have already watched BBJX, I present this recent drama where Cheng Yi gets to, as always, suffer beautifully watching the woman he loves marry his annoying brother. Pretty much everyone dies at the end of this one, going off to a great big threesome in the sky.
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Twisted Fate of Love - will Sun Yi pick the delicate Tan Jianci or the sexy as fuck bastard that is Jin Han? Being a smart woman, she picks the latter and my hormones rejoice.
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Go Princess Go - this is a drama that parodied every cliche there is, so why not brothers into one woman? Who is actually a man in a woman’s body making it even more delightful!
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Ashes of Love - even being divine, with women from three separate realms available will seemingly not prevent love interests being a scarce resource leading to sibling love rivalry. Deng Lun and Luo Yunxi duke it out ostensibly for Yang Zi but in reality for who can suffer more prettily. Deng Lun might get the girl, but LYX wins the suffering crown, so it all more or less evens out.
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Princess Silver - are siblings in love with the same woman not spicy enough for you? How about TWINS in love with the same woman? One awesome (Aarif Rahman) and one psychotic (Jing Chao) want our heroine and both marry her at one point. Only the awesome one gets to bang her though. (But the psychotic one gets to stick meathooks through his brother in compensation for not being able to stick...ummm...meathook through the heroine, so it’s all OK.)
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Secret of the Three Kingdoms - and now we are gonna go REAL PERV! If twins are not enough for you, seekers of strong sensations, how about IDENTICAL twins? Ma Tianyu replaces his dead identical twin brother as the last Han emperor and gets to woo Wan Qian (whose plan it was in the first place.) At least she doesn’t need to get used to a new face?
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We are gonna end here and not get into father and son sharing the same woman a la Empress of China.
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(Congrats to Aarif Rahman for getting to bang both his brother’s and his father’s wives on screen. That is an interesting niche.)
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Introducing my new cdrama obsession: Twisted Fate of Love
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This is Wen Xin. She is having a very bad day. She is about to be the last soldier to die in the forever war that has consumed the kingdom for seven bloody years.
But her mystical boyfriend is coming to grant her a dying wish! Before she knows it, she will be washing up in some dude's lily pond with nothing but amnesia and a magic flute containing the remains of the primordial spirit of her former lover.
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Which dude's lily pond? This dude:
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Minister of Wrongs Rites, Feng Xi. He's enjoying an outdoor bath and waiting for some assassins, but all he gets is a soggy amnesiac who's nicked half his clothes.
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She gets maybe half a second to work on her existential crisis before the real assassins show up.
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Luckily her muscle memory is perfectly intact and she can breeze through the assassins on autopilot.
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(Look at this guy. He came here to get attacked and he is having such a good time right now.)
Before the end of this first episode, she is going to get her memories back, realise she's traveled back in time to the year before the war began, decide to do some strategic murder, get stabbed by His Bastard Lordship Feng Xi in a spur-of-the-moment kidnapping/assassination plot gone wrong, have her corpse thrown in the river and then come back to life (magic flute and water healing powers!) and attempt to stab Feng Xi right back.
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(POV: you are running through your mental to-do list for tomorrow and realising there are not enough hours in the day.)
This drama is so unhinged and so pretty I am barely containing myself.
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apopcornkernel · 1 year
the best thing about dongyue only now finding out that feng xi didn't randomly kill some pregnant woman to frame his enemies is that it means she fell in love with him thinking that he randomly killed some pregnant woman to frame his enemies 😭
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the-dark-parade · 7 months
Dear marshal,
Could I have... REINCARNATION AU!!!
Let's say that reader (female) used to be a soldier under lilia
AND while working under him, she fell in love
So she confessed to him. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. (annoying.)
But one day, it looks like he's going to get hurt fatally, and she takes the but instead. (how stupid.)
And she dies. But she doesn't regret it. And gets reincarnated!
(I wanna see him pining for her the same way she does for him!!!!)
WARNINGS! THIS STORY CONTAINS... angst + fluff + lilia×fem reader
A/N: Thank you for your request, @something1032727 I hope my work pleases you. This is my first work after all. If you are not comfortable with this, feel free to leave. If you would like a version with male reader instead, please request it. Likes, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated.
Now, the parade starts with it's first destination...
Fate's Redemption: A Love Reborn
(part 1)
In the symphony of life, love echoes and reverberates endlessly, intertwining souls across time. Every gesture, every sacrifice, echoes through eternity, shaping destinies. And in the cycle of rebirth, love's refrain returns, reminding us that its melody endures, transcending even lifetimes. Truly, eternal echoes of love.
"Please go out with me!" You say as always, with such vigour, with such annoyingness, as always. Love-struck eyes stare into mine, seemingly going into my soul, hoping for a chance. It's like her eyes turn into hearts whenever I'm here.
How stupid. One of my best soldiers in the army, and she's so head-over-heels for me. Save her clumsy ass a few times, and she magically falls in love with you.
How naive.
I reject you once again, for what seems like the 1000th time or more, but you still don't give up. Your stubbornness is one of your worst yet best trait about you.
You eat my food with a smile even though my other soldiers avoid it like the plague. I suppose you do have good taste after all.
You cook for me, feed my ego, help me with my work, and so much more.
I wonder if you're just in it for fun. Perhaps you just want my title if we actually win the war. But I brush the thoughts off when I see your sincerity.
You ask again, and again, and again.
Why are you so insistent?
Why do you even bother?
Why do you like me so much?
This little crush of yours should be over by now. I have not treated you very nicely. I have not treated you any different from the rest. There is nothing between us. Why can't you understand that I'm just not interested?!
At least that was what I would like to say. If my heart didn't stop beating so hard around you. If your smile, your stupid, stupid confessions, that used to not bother me at all, now haunts me in my sleep every night!
What's wrong with me..?
Am I truly... falling in love..?
Well, that's what I wanted to ask.
How stupid. How fucking fucking fucking stupid!
How irritable can you be?
How much do you want me to cry over you?!
Is it too late to say I regret not accepting your confession all those years ago, if now you're dead..?
"General, watch out..!" You say, as you use your body to shield me from an arrow that I never even noticed was coming after me. Pushing me to the side.
"...you're dying. How stupid. Why did you take that arrow for me?" I pick you up, just running to base. Stupid human devices..! I can't cast my teleportation magic! There's no time, there's no time! You stupid fae...
"cause... *cough*, I love you." You say weakly, softly, coughing out blood in my arms. You even wink! You infuriate me so bad!
"Shut up! Don't you dare die on me!" I ran as fast as I could. Don't die. Don't die. Don't die! You made my life brighter, and now you want me to go back to how it was?!
You made me fall in love with you!
Fuck. Before we even reached, I could feel your heart stop beating. Your body is becoming cold. No, no, no! It can't end like this. It can't!
Is this what it feels to have your whole world crash upon you?
My heart feels heavy. My cheek feels wet. I feel like causing a massacre. My chest feels tight. It's a bit hard to breathe. I feel a chill go up my back.
But why..?
Death is normal in war. Death is a daily occurrence in war. Death happens in every fight, in every week.
So why?
Why does death, which was so normal for soldiers on the battlefield like me, make me feel this way?
Amidst my thoughts, I managed to bring you back to base. But it wasn't really you. Just a cold, soulless empty vessel of you.
This is just too cruel.
You should not have ended up this way, you still had so much to live for, and just when I was actually going to accept your confession you go and die on me?!
We... Could have been happy together.
If only... If only I wasn't so stubborn, denying my feelings for you.
If only you weren't so insistent on going out with me.
If only...
If only...
If only you didn't take that hit in my stead, could that have happened..?
Ah, but it's too late to regret it now, huh?
That night, it was said that wailings could be heard from inside the General's tent.
Years have passed, and the numbers signalling each year are not the only changes that happened in my life.
I have gotten wiser and older. Now I know what I felt for you in those days.
Love is the word for my overwhelming feelings for you.
I visit your grave from time to time. It mostly ends up in tears, despite how many years have passed.
I used to call you pathetic for being so love-driven. I guess now I'm the pathetic one. How my past words bite me in the gyatt, just like the youngsters say!
I entered school. I can't believe I still have that invitation letter from NRC from all those years ago!
I have gotten over you.
At least that would be what I would like to say, but when I saw you again, it was like my old heart started beating again.
The dark mirror said, and my eyes shot to the person in question. Could it truly be..?
Those eyes. Those mannerisms. Everything about you... I could never mistake you for anyone else. It's you.
"Thou shall be sorted into..."
Diasomnia. I hope she'll be sorted in the same dorm as me. But even so, I'll win her heart again even if she's not.
I feel like sighing... We could have been dormmates! But, oh well!
Khehehe. This general makes a mission to himself, to make you fall in love with him as deeply and as hopelessly as you did all those years ago. And this general isn't one to fail a mission.
Get ready, my love.
A/N: dear souls, stay tuned for part 2! Thank you for reading if you read.
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pearlyboi-ofthenight · 4 months
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Title: A Twisted Fate
Maturity Rating: 18+
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
Ok but how did ace even get a girlfriend in the first place? Did she confess and he just went along with it? Did he think having a girlfriend would make him seem cooler? Was it a dare or something? Cause for someone like ace to just go ghost on her and not have an actual talk, kind of makes me feel like these two were not friends before they were partners.
So then, fast forward to nrc, ace is trying so hard to lose the feelings he has for his best friend. Because that's all they are: friends, homies, if you (duece) will. Yuu has the cream of the crop to pick from, he's kind of at a disadvantage here.
Plus, whose to say their entire dynamic won't change the second they get together? He doesn't want to get bored and start to hate one of his dearest friends by proxy, so might as well just play it safe and suffer a little than take that risk and the both of you suffer a lot 🤷‍♂️.
Meanwhile yuu, who still has their old phone/mp3 player, has been playing Jenny by Studiokillers on repeat. Lying in their bed, just down horrendous for this absolute ball of boyish mischief. How dare he, honestly?
Well. At least he gives them a lot of openings to flirt with him?
*disclaimer, I was home schooled so my actual knowledge about middle school dating is beyond non-existent so take what I say with a grain of salt
The information we get about Ace's girlfriend comes from his suitor suit vignette and he does not mention how they actually got together, just some of the things that they did and how boring Ace thought all of them were. And I agree! The way they broke up does not make it sound like they were friends before dating, though they could have been casual acquaintances. The way Ace likes to goof around makes me think he was probably pretty popular, and had a lot of those types of relationships. His description of the relationship makes me think he probably went out with her because he thought she was cute and that it would be fun to have a girlfriend, but didn't actually stop to think about who she was as a person or what dating actually means. And hey, he was in middle school. He was going to be a bit stupid about those sort of things. The experience seems to have made him think a lot about what he wants in a partner, and we know from Ortho he was telling the truth when he's forced to spell it out:
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His voice lines flesh out what he wants a bit more; he says he thinks it's important to find someone you have fun with and that he wants to get married later in life. So Ace knows what he wants... he just gets really embarrassed when called out on it and refuses to talk honestly about his feelings (though he kind of does that in general hehe)
So flashing forward to NRC. Ace knows what he wants and Yuu is such a perfect fit it hurts. Best friends to lovers is a popular trope in fiction sure, but in real life? At a school? Yeah right, Ace still has to see them every day if they break up, and not to mention... I feel like Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Yuu sort of fell into their dynamic almost immediately after the mine adventure and didn't ever stop to think about it because of how natural the friendship felt. And Ace knows if things end badly he's losing the whole squad, so yeah. Better to just swallow this and stay where he is. He's still in school! He doesn't need to think about dating! He's got a housewarden to surpass, upperclassmen he admires, and a bunch of idiots to take care of. He can worry about dating later. Besides, these feelings will go away after graduation he's delusional sure of it!!!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch Ramshackle Yuu is literally in a living hell. Maybe they're a bit more emotionally mature than Ace and they just know this could work out but THEY CAN'T TELL IF HE LIKES THEM BACK BECAUSE HE KEEPS GETTING SHY AND MAKING JOKES FML!!!! But like he also lets them steal his gym shirt :ccc and he gets pouty when someone else makes an offer :ccc and really smug when Yuu says no ccc: so like maaaybe? Or maybe not and this meaningless flirting is all they'll ever have and they just. Try to be ok with it and they sort of hate themselves for it.
until Sebek properly joins the friend group and looses his fucking shit
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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End of Empathy (time for violence)
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan jingyi#jin ling#lan sizhui#We are back to the present! Honestly I think I'm going to try and truncate the rest of this arc.#I LOVE yi-city and I really appreciate all of the support the yi-city lovers have given me. And the patience of those who aren't.#But it's been two months. And I need to move this along </3#Anyways; I love the start of ep 3 so much. The worried concern of the juniors is so cute#but the crown jewel by far is wwx responding like a parent that's very hungover but trying so hard to be nice about it#like 'shhh shhhh guys hi I'm up now. Can you keep the volume down. Can you get me some water and my sunglasses from the glovebox.'#and of course the incredible wham line of 'Xue Yang Must Die.'#'Is YX irredeemable? I'm pro 'everyone is capable of change and deserves a chance.' So Im of the camp of 'if he had the opportunity...maybe#The issue is that this setting has no structure to provide those opportunities. You are perceived as a threat therefor you must die#XY is a very interesting parallel to the YLLZ because they both meet the same fate: outsiders determining that they need to be killed#plus both did war crimes. I know it's easy to forget the YLLZ actually did do some of the things he was accused of (most wrong)#but wwx also has blood on his hands. He also sought revenge in pretty twisted ways. Both were given opportunities to step away and refused#The difference is that we empathize with and like XXC & SL and A-Qing. The Narrative says they were wronged and that is an injustice.'
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fun-esta · 9 days
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busymatches · 9 months
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 10 months
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Tán JiànCì 檀健次
Elle China - December 2023 (2/3)
Having an electric device so close to your bath is really NOT a good idea,DuoDuo 😱!
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hobgobbin · 9 months
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Hi I didn't realize I never fuckin posted any of my pride beans on here??
Look at all these gay league men, boy
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zero context Twisted Fate of Love
*synth music*
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apopcornkernel · 1 year
date idea: i help you tattoo the symbol of your name on my chest wound which i got from saving your father from the attack i ordered on him
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ivegotyourbackbuddie · 2 months
Waiting for an episode where Gerrard pulls Eddie and Buck into his office and tells him he doesn’t approve of couples working together.
But Buck and Eddie are like, “Okay. But what does that have to do with us?”
And Gerrard thinks they’re pretending to not be together so he won’t put in a transfer for one of them. Then, he spends the entire episode looking like an idiot slowly peering around corners, watching them from afar, and practically stalking the two to try to catch them having a moment.
The rest of the 118 tells him that they really aren’t together which only fuels Gerrard’s fire because he thinks the rest of them are in on it and trying to protect them.
Of course, Buck and Eddie and are just happy that the attention is off everyone else for a bit. But it also makes them analyze their relationship a little bit and send them both into a spiral of feelings realizations that they can’t confront until Gerrard is gone.
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rebelrayne · 4 months
Each Islander's Answer to: "Would You Be Willing to Return for All-Stars?"
under the cut (endgames included for fun)
Emel Ivy Kat Kelly Lily Johnny (with a dramatic flair) R!Hannah Summer Uma
➥ Yes, I would be.
Bianca* (S8 CA) Blake Cassius* (S7 Bombshell) Erikah Felicity* (S8 CA) Hazel Meera Nicolas Rachel* (S8 OG) Stephen* (S7 Bombshell) Toby Valentina
➥ The show wouldn't be complete without me.
Allegra Arlo Brad* (S8 Bombshell) Bryson Christy* (S8 Bombshell) Eddie Elisa Finn Iona Jamal (I'm sorry he is pure chaos) Lexi Marshall Mason Rafi (sorry, he's there for the fame) Reese Ryan Sienna
➥ Doesn't wait for a call, just shows up.
Hamish Liam (he's told to go home)
➥ Depends...Do I get a hot tub date?
➥ Pretends they're busy for flair, then says yes.
➥ I don't know...Look what happened last time.
Grace Hazeem Hope Jo Lucy Kobi Priya Rohan
➥ Maybe? Let me think about it.
Cherry Daphne Estelle Flo Genevieve Geri Harry (Sorry Mo, he'd just feel bad to say no LOL) Jasper Jen Luna Nicky Sammi Vicky Willow
➥ If I don't have anything better to do, sure.
Jakub Miles Shannon
➥ Lol! This reminds me of a throw pillow!
➥ My Nan would kill me, mate.
Gary Lewie
➥ *Rambles until the producer just hangs up*.
Bill (because he can't shut up) Bruno (because he can't figure out how to say no) Juliet (because she has advice for them) Rahim (because he starts talking about Violet Man)
➥ Tries to say no, tricked into saying yes.
Ciaran Tom Rafael
➥ No thank you.
AJ Alex Andy Arjun Bea Bella Bobby Carl Chloe Claudia Elijah Elladine Evan Gabi Hari Henrik Jack Jake Jin Jo Kyle Levi Logan Lucas Lulu Max Oakley Oliver Ozzy Shawn Tai Talia Thabi Theo Yasmin
➥ Hah. I'm still waiting for the punchline.
➥ I wrote enough fanfic about it.
➥ No thanks, Mamacita.
➥ Full offense-no.
Angie Lottie
➥ Non.
➥ "Oh, sorry! We forgot you exist."
Tiffany Tyler
➥ Ghosted and/or ignored the call.
Joyo Kassam Noah Seb
➥ Ghosted the call, but by accident.
Cora Najuma Will
➥ Production didn't even bother inviting them.
Alfie Bonnie Dana Felix Francis James Miki Travis
➥ Calls & complains they weren't invited.
Dylan Graham Pete Sophie Suresh
➥ Ghosted & Ignored...by Production.
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