#Twitter Threads
8pxl · 2 months
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an example of real pixel art and explaining the pixel grid:
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Thread on how to spot AI generated pixels by reyhkibanki on twitter!~ Might be a useful read to help you spot common mistakes AI makes when generating pixels. There's also a lot more info in the link!!
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foone · 6 months
Alternative names for humanity along the lines of "Homo sapiens" (Wise man) and "Pan narrans" (Storytelling Chimpanzee) that I'm too lazy to look up/make up Latin for:
chef ape
throwing ape
walking ape
The idea being that we're apparently unique in the animal kingdom in that we cook our food, so we're the Chef Apes. We're also one of the best animals at throwing things: humans have more accuracy and strength when throwing stuff than other apes, by a long shot
And apparently our ability to walk slowly for ages was key to our early survival as persistence predators. We can't outrun a gazelle or mammoth or whatever, but we don't tire easily and so we can just keep following it until it runs out of stamina
Pan basipila: the baseball playing Bonobo
If only baseball had a cooking element, it would be the perfect Human Sport.
We need to devise a sport where you cook something, follow someone for a long time, and then throw it at them.
The most human thing is the surprise pie to the face
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Also as much as I like Terry Pratchett's suggestion of "Pan narrans" I wouldn't be surprised if we turn out to not be the only animal that tells stories...
Elephants. I bet elephants do.
Like, there was that case where an injured elephant went to a ranger station for help. One it had never been to before, but other elephants had.
The theory being then that some other elephant had told this elephant "hey if you're hurt, go here, the humans will help"
That, combined with how they have burial rituals (some which might indicate there's an elephant religion!), and that we're working on figuring out how elephants communicate...
It wouldn't surprise me if we learn sometimes in the next decade or two that "oh yeah, elephants tell stories too. They've got FICTION."
So "Pan narrans" isn't what I'd want to bet on as our uniquely human thing.
But at the end of the day, maybe the whole idea of there being a uniquely human thing is, in itself, just another story we're telling.
So maybe it is a good fit after all.
But I especially like the idea that we're the Baseball Ape because I have this image in my head of a galactic council of aliens. Some angry alien who looks like Cthulhu had a baby with a spider has the floor, and they're ranting about "why do the Hu-mons deserve a seat?"
The Crogath are stronger, the Eldru are smarter, the Cybernetic Essense lives longer, the Dromans go farther and faster, the Moltriri have us beat in fiction and poetry, what is so special about these damn bipedal fleshbags that makes them unique in the universe?
And then WHAM. Right between the eyes. A handheld translator device, a bit bigger than a modern smartphone, beans the speaker out of nowhere.
And there's an (untranslated) yell in the chamber as the prime representative calls for order.
(it takes a while to properly explain the insult. Crogathi (especially drones) don't really have mothers or sexual reproduction, so they don't really get why that would be an insult. It's finally translated as something like "bud-biter")
and it's true. even after the World Series becomes the Galactic Series, no non-human team ever manages to win.
The Eldrul Librarians almost make the cut in 2486 but accidentally piss off the ghost of Colonel Sanders and end up inheriting the Hanshin Tigers' curse.
alien textbooks describe The Colonel as some kind of human patron deity of baseball and cooked avian food, who should not be disrespected at all costs, or his vengeance from his place beyond the grave will be swift and punishing
(they're right)
"Look, we can't PROVE he was why Gemini Noctis went supernova unexpectedly, but given the protests that had happened right beforehand, and the incredible powers ascribed to the human spirits, do you really want to risk it?"
the funniest possible future: humanity gets a key place in galactic politics because we're never able to adequately convince the universe at large that our ghost stories are just that, stories, and they're terrified shitless that we'll unleash spectral torment on them
"humans? look man, living humans are a pushover. you can easily rip them in half, crack their planets with a quark bomb, their ships are little more than tin cans with a tachyon drive taped on the side. but it's not the living humans you have to worry about... it's the ghosts."
"humans are a bit like the Nontilek, with a two-stage lifespan, a grub and an adult. What you think of as "adult" humans is just their infant stage, and they only fully transform once they "die". Once fully hatched into Ghost form, their powers are almost limitless."
you want humans off a colony planet and bomb them from orbit? good luck, now you have a few million ascended humans who can pass through solid matter and can't be killed, and they will never rest until you and your descendants are gone or dead.
you don't believe me? look at this: One of their most popular stories is about them building an empire that spanned a large chunk of their little planet, then having it MURDER THEIR OWN GOD.
It only worked for a few revolutions, and he just came back, promising that one day all of them would join him in the next phase of their lifespan.
They still, to this day, thousands of orbits later, erect little statues of the means they used to execute their deity.
not even the Crogathi, who literally worship death itself, tell stories that frightening to their newly hatched grubs.
Humans are scary, man, stay away and just give them whatever they want.
the rest of the alien's education on the dangers of humans is just a selection of human movies. the sixth sense, poltergeist, ghostbusters, the shining, the devil's backbone, and, of course, field of dreams.
ghosts AND baseball? it's everything they're scared about humans all in one package!
the obvious twist you could do, of course, is simple:
the aliens are right.
humans are a two-phase species where the elder form has immense power but leaves communication and decision making to the younger form, which will be confused and angry if you acknowledge the presence of their elder-stage members among them.
this often leads to them cutting off contact or their elder-stage members causing immense damage through seeming "accidents" on the contacting vessel. This is believed to be some kind of religious prohibition that they are not able to explain.
so it's official contact protocol to pretend you cannot perceive the elder-stage humans among them, and to give them what they want to avoid possible retribution.
No means to combat elder-stage humans has yet been found, and the limits of their power is not known.
All alien captains are required to study the fate of the SS Ennolon, which contacted a lone human craft in the galactic year of 12,783. They had initiated contact and were getting along fine, until the human showed the Droman captain a picture of their "late father".
Captain Droless, accounting for the difficulty in telling humans apart, then pointed at the father sitting in a chair nearby and said "That is them, correct?".
The human looked at the chair, reacted in confusion, then anger, and asked the contacting crew to immediately leave.
It was another 400 cycles before contact could be reestablished between the Droman Federation and the Human Alliance.
the intergalactic guide describes humans as a powerful race of immortal energy beings who have the strange habit of sending their larvae out on missions around the galaxy, occasionally contacting other races, but refusing to acknowledge their elders, except in stories
they seem to frequently put their young in dangerous situations without lifting a hand to help, so this is suspected to be some sort of pilgrimage or coming-of-age ritual.
(From a twitter thread on October 1st, 2022)
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klance-dreams · 3 months
Okay but please imagine Keith’s reaction to seeing Lance after he’s finally spent some time at the beach again? In his natural element, bronzed like a literal god, burnished from the sun? freckles like constellations?? Lance with wavy, curly salt water-hair, eyes soft and relaxed.
+ Keith meeting back up with the paladins after too long away with the blade. 👀
He loves space of course, but even after his time in the quantum abyss, he’s still not used to the way all warmth & body heat was constantly leached away. Despite his memories of cursing his time in the relentless summer heat of the shack, he’s found himself beginning to miss the hot scorch of the desert sun against his skin.
The blade gave Keith a rare opportunity for downtime that somehow happenes to align with an impromptu holiday/break that Allura has planned for the paladins on a sunny, earth-like planet filled with tropical islands, flora & fauna.
To Keith’s surprise, Lance was the one to call and invite him to join them; sunshine already infused in his voice at the idea of seeing a beach again.
For Keith, the mere thought of getting to see Lance in his natural element? He wouldn’t miss it for anything.
He promises to Lance on the spot (he would promise Lance all the moons and stars if he could) to meet him there later in the day.
When he gets there, everyone has already been enjoying the sun & surf for hours. Pidge is sunburned and squinting at the glare against her datapad, glasses reflecting at a sleeping hunk whose legs have been covered by a crude sand castle. He’s spooning a large collection of fruits that look strangely similar to the ones Keith remembers from earth.
Shiro and Coran seem to be playing a complicated Altean beach game that Keith intends to avoid; Allura lays out on the sand, the mice resting in the shadow of her hair.
Keith thinks someone might have called out a greeting to him, but he can’t be sure, because the second he sees Lance? All thougts leave him, head empty.
It’s too soon to blame the redness in his cheeks on the sun, but he can feel how hot his face has gotten anyway.
Lance is sitting in the sand, waves lapping his ankles. His hair is wild & curling behind his ears from the salt water breeze.
The sight of him alone is enough to warm the cold ache Keith has been feeling.
Sand sticks to the bronzed slope of his back, glittering like flecks of gold, effervescent in the bright sun for Keith’s eyes to follow.
His shoulders are broad and already tanned and freckled where Keith knows his own would be red and sore.
His eyes sweep over the scar on Lances back, and the ones on his arms and sides that Keith wasn’t there to protect him from.
But here? With the blue of the ocean to rival his eyes? Lance looks untouchable.
Looks like a god, burning bright and warm and full of life, and when he turns around at the sound of Keith’s name being called out, Keith’s breath catches in his throat because this sight?
This is one he got to see in the quantum abyss. It was one of the visions into his future that he held onto like a lifeline, like a treasure.
The image of Lance’s smile, a true joyful smile, playing behind Keith’s eyelids and keeping him sane on the worst of those nights spent stranded in space.
Lance, eyes dancing bright and smile brighter as his wide mouth forms Keith’s name on a joyful laugh and he hops up to throw his arms around Keith in a hug that feels like /home/ in a way Keith hadn’t known before Lance.
For one delirious moment, the déjà vu is so strong that he’s afraid he and Krolia never made it back at all. That they were still stuck out there in the cold emptiness of the abyss. The way the vision blends with the Lance he has in front of him makes Keith want to hold on tight and never let go.
Especially when Lance leans back and their eyes meet and lock, electric.
Keith still hasn’t even said a word, but Lance only smiles brighter and knocks their foreheads together.
Says, “hey samurai, it’s been too long”
One traitorous hand drifts up against Keith’s will to trace the new freckles dotting Lance’s cheeks, which flush the lightest pink at the attention or maybe the intensity of Keith’s gaze as he floats into Lance’s orbit, pulled to him like the moon to the sun.
Lance’s leans into the hand Keith cups against his cheek, and finally, finally their lips meet; Keith’s cold and chapped and Lance’s, warm and soft, tasting of the ocean.
When he has to pull back to catch his breath, he finally murmurs back a warm and gravely, “hey sharp shooter,” lips pulled up into a crooked grin and eyes tracking the way Lance melts into him at the nickname like always.
They stay like that for a while, catching up on what they’ve both been up to when Lance says offhand, “hey where’s Kosmo?”
Before Keith can answer, they’re both knocked into the surf by 200 pounds of excited space wolf.
Keith wants to be mad, but the way Lance pops up from the water sputtering makes him grin through the hair plastered to his forehead.
Lance takes one look at Keith, waist deep and fully clothed down to the fingerless gloves, mullet drenched, and bursts out laughing at the sight
and Keith can’t even be mad. He pretends to be, crossing his arms and ‘sulking’. He tries to blow his bangs up and out of his eyes before he remembers it won’t work and that sends Lance into tears. Keith sits back watches Lance laugh for a minute, committing the sight to memory.
He’s gonna get revenge on Lance for laughing, but first he needs to level the playing field.
Lance’s laughter slowly winds down as he watches Kosmo run off to greet the other paladins, laughing again when the wolf shakes water all over Allura and Hunk.
While Lance was distracted, Keith had taken his shirt and gloves off, tossing them back onto dry sand and adding his soaked jeans to the pile for good measure.
Keith was slicking his hair back from his face when Lance turned back toward him and froze at the sight, suspiciously quiet.
// …tbc? transferring twitter treads. original thread here!
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gollancz · 1 year
Why I'm Not Allowed On Twitter Unsupervised Any More: A Photo Essay
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Key Notes:
Since this was posted I discovered that the books had briefly been available in the UK under the name Peter Beagle rather than Peter S. Beagle in the mid-90s, which is why they didn't show up on the British Library search
The article by Tor.com @torbooks: Peter S. Beagle Has Finally Regained the Rights to His Body of Work
If you want our gorgeous limited edition, I believe there are still a handful left (except for the US and Canada, sorry lads), and you can get it here. I'm not kidding when I say I got a little teary-eyed when these showed up.
[Image Description: A tweet thread from the Gollancz twitter dated 20th July 2022, which goes as follows -
Tweet 1: You may have seen that we're printing a Brand New Edition of The Last Unicorn. We're very excited! I was asked to tweet about it. I wasn't asked to do it quite like this, but I also wasn't asked NOT to do it like this, and I have the twitter login so whose fault is that? (Thread emoji, and gif from the film Scream reading 'The Call is coming from inside the house!')
Tweet 2: Imagine, if you will, you are a small child in the UK during the late 80s/early 90s. You might look a bit like this, or you might have had parents who didn't choose suffering (ask my mum about The Saga of the Hat) (an image of a small girl approximately 3 years old wearing a blue dress and a big white hat)
Tweet 3: Imagine you have a cool older cousin, one who, as you get age, introduces you to fantasy films like Ladyhawk and The Princess Bride and has a post the whole family knows as 'the vampire and the naked lady'. She's extremely responsible for the way you turn out as an adult.
Tweet 4: One year, for your birthday, this cousin buys you a video. It's the first video that is yours, not to share. It has a bright yellow cover. The butterfly scares you. But you watch it on a loop. You don't realise how special it is, but it's a seed that burrows into your brain. (An image of a VHS of The Last Unicorn)
Tweet 5: A decade or so later, in your teens, you rediscover it. None of your friends have heard of it, despite also being fantasy-inclined. That's odd, you think. Is this an outlandishly weird title? Then you get older and you realise: no, it isn't. (Principal Skinner meme reading 'Am I out of touch? No, it's the people who don't know about The Last Unicorn who are wrong')
Tweet 6: Time and tech march on, you get a DVD of the film. You realise it's got Christopher Lee in it! And Angela Lansbury! Your mum tries to get you to listen to songs by America other than the soundtrack, but the only one that really sticks is the other one they did about a horse. (Gif of Walter White from Breaking Bad singing along to Horse With No Name)
Tweet 7: You realise that the film is based on a book. Like The Princess Bride, which you've also read (after spending longer than you're proud of trying to find an unabridged edition). 'Neat,' you think, 'I'll have to read that!'
Tweet 8: And then you can't find it. Because, as mentioned previously, you're in the UK. The Last Unicorn was published for the first time in 1968. But, if you look at the British Library's National Bibliography (super neat resource btw), that was, uh, about it. (screenshot of the search results from the National Bibliography showing four editions of The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle, one from Gollancz in 2022, one from IDW in 2019, one from Tachyon Publications in 2018, and one from Bodley Head in 1968)
Tweet 9: The Tachyon edition is the unfinished first draft of the story. The IDW edition is a gorgeous graphic novel. But in terms of the novel? I don't know how many reprints it had (if anyone knows, I'd love to find out), but there's a good chance it went out of print in the 70s.
Tweet 10: The film, however, was released in 1982. Although it didn't make it to the UK until 1986. Conservative estimates could put that between 10 and 15 years since the book was last available in the UK. This gives you a generation in the UK who only know the story through the film! (A screenshot of the IMDB page showing the different release dates for The Last Unicorn around the world)
Tweet 11: The screenplay was written by Peter S. Beagle, and made by the legendary animation directors Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass. That's right, the guys behind Thundercats and 2 out of the 3 films based on The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
Tweet 12: The Book has been in print in the USA (and possibly all of North America) constantly since its publication, so it seems baffling that people in the UK haven't heard of it. As the internet became more prominent, however, it became easier to just... import a copy of the book.
Tweet 13: But! This also isn't quite as simple as you think. You see, until last year the rights to The Last Unicorn were tied up in legal limbo. And the US edition of the book contained changes that Peter wasn't happy with. (Link to the Tor.com article about the rights)
Tweet 14: Back to you, the 80s/90s kid, who is now an adult, happy that unicorns are A Thing again and you're living your best life. You're very easy to buy presents for. Your partner despairs of unicorns. You get a job working in books about magic and space. (unicorn emoji and photograph of a collection of unicorn memorabilia, including three different versions of The Last Unicorn)
Tweet 15: You mention that one day you would like to publish The Last Unicorn. That if you did, you would like to do a really beautiful edition of it. And you would like it to be purple. Because since the film is what you know, you associate it with purple.
Tweet 16: And, after taking a very circuitous route, here we are! This is the original text, that was first published in 1968. Reading it after you have only seen the film is the strangest experience - like being introduced to a very dear friend that you have never met before.
Tweet 17: Peter's screenplay kept the voice of the story so well, you can hear the characters when you read the book. But now there's so much more depth, softness and warmth to it. The butterfly doesn't seem so scary any more. And, it's beautiful. And it's purple. (Image of a hardback edition of The Last Unicorn, with a black base, purple background, and a linocut image of the unicorn in her wood. On the black cover underneath is a foiled unicorn with the moon and butterfly, the page edges are sprayed purple, and the endpapers are black with silver butterflies)
Tweet 18: Anyway, I've taken you on a three day trip that could have been done in a single tweet, but that's what happens when you let me drive. This edition is the limited exclusive one only available through the Gollancz Emporium and you can preorder here: (link to Gollancz Emporium)
Tweet 19: But there is also a standard edition available through all booksellers! You'll be getting the author's preferred text, with an introduction from Patrick Rothfuss. There's also a brand new audiobook and it will be available in eBook for the first time ever.
Tweet 20: It's like going from famine to feast, and I wasn't able to talk about this for months so now I am able to talk about it, I'm going to make the social media team cry. UNICORNS. SPECIAL EDITION. PURPLE. The End.
Tweet 21: Additional behind the scenes bonus detail - I did take this cover to the art meaning while wearing a unicorn onesie.
Tweet 22: The comms team wrestling me away from the twitter account: (gif of Ross from Friends shouting 'Stop typing! Stop typing!')
End ID]
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youmightbeautistic · 9 months
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Wait....what if they're actually a cult of puppets.... (TW: for mentions of cults and spoilers)
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I found this thread on Twitter and Andrew Allen (one of the writers of the game) said the following
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I'm starting to think the whole "Family thing" may not be like "Oh they're an actual family" but rather a "What if this is a plot line is a more obscure reference to actual cults, and a some sort of tw: for serial life killers"///The Charles Manson cult. Who also referred to each other as family"//
I want to add things that reinforced this point or something that might be related to that theory.
The fact that Mortimer (as far as in the gameplay) is the only true voice and it's always right about stuff. What I mean with this is that I was wondering why the characters never hated Mortimer even tho he pretty much verbally and physically abuse them. Even at the last tape of their storyline (minor spoilers) Riley never said Mortimer was a bad leader but just said that he was becoming unsteady.
Mortimer's changing behavior towards the tapes. I won't give spoilers since I don't want to spoil stuff for everyone. I just realized that Mortimer does kinda have that slow descent into madness and paranoia that cult leaders tend to have as their rule start to become more unsteady and abusive.
This particular chorus + one of Mortimer's sentences in show everyone.
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(old pic that I shared)
"Show everyone" is the official collaboration within the creators of Hello Puppets and Kyle Allen, which also worked like an announcement for the midnight show. I'm starting to wonder if this song was the first clue to the lore.
I also always wondered why they changed the chorus in the last verse after Mortimer sang his verses.
It kinda sounds pretty cult-y to me
Also regarding the whole they're related drama. I personally believed Owen was just setting the dynamic due to using the word "like" which in most connotations is used to referred similarities and is used in similes
Ex: He was as red as a red like/ She was crying like a baby.
Then he uses "Whose/who's" which in writing context and in connotation is establishing a character to be something.
Owen also went to say Daisy was like a mom figure, so that kinda reinforces the idea. So it's something like Daisy is a mom friend, Nick and Riley are rivals who have some sort of sibling dynamic
I am still not going to do any cannon x cannon as nothing as there is still uncertainty with this whole situation. Don't try to twist my words, as I'm just explaining my perspective and I do intend on just keep my focus away from the whole drama and do only Cannon x OC.
Feel free to add things up if you like, and please be respectful
Link to the twitter (is on word)
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mercurialkitty · 1 year
I was like, ok Chad, where's my LEGO Gotham Knights? Turns out that I need to follow James Stoteraux, too. (part one)
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malihh · 2 years
Reminder: society doesn’t care about what disabled people need, so for many accessibility options to exist/be affordable we need abled people to use them too.
When you claim abled people shouldn’t use delivery services, or buy weighted blankets, or use fidget toys, etc, it risks making them unavailable/too expensive for those of us who need them. (Unless there’s an actual shortage)
Similarly, it’s hard to know who’s disabled by just looking at them/their actions. Many of us mask, or are forced to do more than we really can. There are also loads of invisible disabilities.
We shouldn’t be forced to disclose all the time.
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noirlevity · 2 years
QiJiu Fix it AU
SJ is reborn with all his memories in tact. His situation in life is a lot better than his past self's. He is born an orphan but he was raised by peasant who loved him. His temperament remained the same but he is no longer explosive and insecure.
Whenever he gets dreams about his past self's memories, he would scoff at how immature that person was. He successfully gets into CQM and ends up as a disciple in QDP. SJ often dreamt of YQY so his presence was comforting.
However, feelings of comfort were not the only feelings that were present. When it was his turn to be considered, SJ felt unnecessarily nervous. His proud countenance crumbled before YQY's large imposing figure. YQY's thoughtful eyes were like feather light kisses on his skin.
When YQY finally looked into his eyes, he felt like his heart would stop. YQY held his hands to check for wounds, when he saw how hard SJ worked at the selection exam, his emotionless face broke into the most endearing smile. SJ could only stare at him in awe.
"You worked hard. Welcome to Qing Ding Peak!" SJ's distant, aloof attitude remained. He was not affectionate and yet when YQY ruffled his hair, he couldn't help but pull YQY's lapel and cling to his neck. Everyone was in shock.
The peak's head disciple tried to get him off YQY, but SJ wouldn't move an inch. He clung to YQY so desperately one would think YQY was the only important thing in his life. He clamped his tearful eyes shut as his strained muscles fought back tugs.
He didn't even know why he was crying and clinging to him like that. All he knows is when he remembered his past self's memories coupled with the weird feelings that came to him when he saw YQY in the flesh, he couldn't help but want to embrace YQY.
YQY's warmth gave him relief. Despite being forcefully pried off YQY, happiness swelled in his heart. 
 "Qi-ge," SJ whispers against the plane of YQY's broad shoulders. 
 "Qi-ge," he repeats as possessiveness made him tighten his grip even more.
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outragedtortilla · 8 months
Minimalist aesthetic: It’s split into two sides, with a left side that appears as a seamless document and a right side that shows you what the thread looks like in thread view. The familiarity of the document side might work best for writers like you (and I) who get frustrated by the ticking word count timer when creating Twitter threads on the platform itself.
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artlifeyo · 1 year
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Lots of interesting stuff there
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quinastarshine · 2 years
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zoonibay · 1 year
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Homework #2
A couple of things stood out to me from this week's reading:
Chapter 2 - 'Reading the Signs' by R. Salkeld: In talking about connotation and denotation, the author asks us to consider perfume advertisements and how to represent an invisible commodity. This reminded me of a Twitter thread I had recently come across, detailing something very similar - Why are perfume ads so weird? The author of the tweet reflects on how the 'moneyshot' for perfume ads is heavy eyelids, blinking, scenes with a certain 'heavyness' to them. (Ref to first image). She also goes on to mention some unconventional advertisements which break the genre stereotypes and make the transition from regal -> quirky (Ref to second image)
Chapter 2 - 'Reading the Signs' by R. Salkeld: The book includes an endearing photo of two old men, which can be easily construed as them being friends – yet the caption reveals something very different. This immediately made me think of how social media is absolutely inundated with images of people posing in groups and social settings, only to not have any significant connections. We as viewers get to see the highlight reel of everyone else's life, and despite knowing this, fall into the trap of comparing it to our 'behind the scenes' (Ref to third image)
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3. George Eastman House Photographic Process series: A last really short but significant takeaway I had was when the series mentioned how Talbot and Daguerre had announced competing photographic discoveries at the same time, even though both had been working independently. It led me to think of, and then read the article on Multiple Discovery.
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klance-dreams · 1 year
Whatever you do, don’t imagine Keith purposefully making Lance blush whenever they see each other in the halls of the castle ship...
Don’t think of Keith dripping wet from the pool, or with his shirt off after training or in his tight BOM suit smirking and winking at Lance... 😏
Also definitely don’t think of Keith, older, taller, bigger — (after coming back from the space whale) — all sleep ruffled with his hair up. Only sweatpants on and answering the door when Lance knocks. Fondly saying, “Lance?” in that deeper, gravely voice he gets after sleeping ...
And don’t think about the way Keith might lean against the doorframe, taller than Lance now, lean and fit and wow have his eyes always been that pretty?
The smirk he’d get when Lance just stands there, forgetting what he was going to ask Keith in the first place
Keith looking down at Lance through his lashes and murmering, “wanna come in?” stepping back — grinning when he sees Lance gulp and nod, following Keith back into his room like he’s in a trance.
(Was it always like this? Eyes so magnetic... Was Keith always this bold?)
And lance still hasn’t spoken but that’s okay because Keith is taking his hand - not nervous about the contact because he missed Lance for those two years. He figured some important things out. Realized the importance of taking a chance while you had it...drawing Lance into a hug and Lance thinks, he doesn’t care what he came for because this is what he needed - this was what the two of them had been dancing around since that first day...
Whatever you do, don’t think of Keith tracing his eyes and hands up Lances arms, shoulders, neck — to his cheek, tracing Lances cheekbones with his thumb — noticing how he still looks the same. Still has the same freckles, eyes like the ocean and a blush Keith had always liked teasing out of him. Two years for Keith and Lance is just as pretty, as strong, just as much a force of nature as the last time they’d seen each other.
Don’t think about Lance leaning into it, closing his eyes and thinking finally as time turns to syrup and they finally, finally meet in the middle - lips finding each other, bodies fitting like puzzle pieces, finally at rest.
Whatever you do, don’t think about them falling asleep in each others arms, warm and feeling safe and hopeful for the first time in a long time. 😌💕
//moving over twitter threads and this version of keith makes my knees weak, lance is so toast 🥵 (original thread here)
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zenosanalytic · 1 year
A more detailed Followup on that Andrew Tate story from Alejandra Caraballo on Twitter. I don’t think she has a tumblr but if she does let me know and I’ll rb her post on it.
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youmightbeautistic · 9 months
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