#just a drabble born from an all-nighter
klance-dreams · 7 months
Okay but please imagine Keith’s reaction to seeing Lance after he’s finally spent some time at the beach again? In his natural element, bronzed like a literal god, burnished from the sun? freckles like constellations?? Lance with wavy, curly salt water-hair, eyes soft and relaxed.
+ Keith meeting back up with the paladins after too long away with the blade. 👀
He loves space of course, but even after his time in the quantum abyss, he’s still not used to the way all warmth & body heat was constantly leached away. Despite his memories of cursing his time in the relentless summer heat of the shack, he’s found himself beginning to miss the hot scorch of the desert sun against his skin.
The blade gave Keith a rare opportunity for downtime that somehow happenes to align with an impromptu holiday/break that Allura has planned for the paladins on a sunny, earth-like planet filled with tropical islands, flora & fauna.
To Keith’s surprise, Lance was the one to call and invite him to join them; sunshine already infused in his voice at the idea of seeing a beach again.
For Keith, the mere thought of getting to see Lance in his natural element? He wouldn’t miss it for anything.
He promises to Lance on the spot (he would promise Lance all the moons and stars if he could) to meet him there later in the day.
When he gets there, everyone has already been enjoying the sun & surf for hours. Pidge is sunburned and squinting at the glare against her datapad, glasses reflecting at a sleeping hunk whose legs have been covered by a crude sand castle. He’s spooning a large collection of fruits that look strangely similar to the ones Keith remembers from earth.
Shiro and Coran seem to be playing a complicated Altean beach game that Keith intends to avoid; Allura lays out on the sand, the mice resting in the shadow of her hair.
Keith thinks someone might have called out a greeting to him, but he can’t be sure, because the second he sees Lance? All thougts leave him, head empty.
It’s too soon to blame the redness in his cheeks on the sun, but he can feel how hot his face has gotten anyway.
Lance is sitting in the sand, waves lapping his ankles. His hair is wild & curling behind his ears from the salt water breeze.
The sight of him alone is enough to warm the cold ache Keith has been feeling.
Sand sticks to the bronzed slope of his back, glittering like flecks of gold, effervescent in the bright sun for Keith’s eyes to follow.
His shoulders are broad and already tanned and freckled where Keith knows his own would be red and sore.
His eyes sweep over the scar on Lances back, and the ones on his arms and sides that Keith wasn’t there to protect him from.
But here? With the blue of the ocean to rival his eyes? Lance looks untouchable.
Looks like a god, burning bright and warm and full of life, and when he turns around at the sound of Keith’s name being called out, Keith’s breath catches in his throat because this sight?
This is one he got to see in the quantum abyss. It was one of the visions into his future that he held onto like a lifeline, like a treasure.
The image of Lance’s smile, a true joyful smile, playing behind Keith’s eyelids and keeping him sane on the worst of those nights spent stranded in space.
Lance, eyes dancing bright and smile brighter as his wide mouth forms Keith’s name on a joyful laugh and he hops up to throw his arms around Keith in a hug that feels like /home/ in a way Keith hadn’t known before Lance.
For one delirious moment, the déjà vu is so strong that he’s afraid he and Krolia never made it back at all. That they were still stuck out there in the cold emptiness of the abyss. The way the vision blends with the Lance he has in front of him makes Keith want to hold on tight and never let go.
Especially when Lance leans back and their eyes meet and lock, electric.
Keith still hasn’t even said a word, but Lance only smiles brighter and knocks their foreheads together.
Says, “hey samurai, it’s been too long”
One traitorous hand drifts up against Keith’s will to trace the new freckles dotting Lance’s cheeks, which flush the lightest pink at the attention or maybe the intensity of Keith’s gaze as he floats into Lance’s orbit, pulled to him like the moon to the sun.
Lance’s leans into the hand Keith cups against his cheek, and finally, finally their lips meet; Keith’s cold and chapped and Lance’s, warm and soft, tasting of the ocean.
When he has to pull back to catch his breath, he finally murmurs back a warm and gravely, “hey sharp shooter,” lips pulled up into a crooked grin and eyes tracking the way Lance melts into him at the nickname like always.
They stay like that for a while, catching up on what they’ve both been up to when Lance says offhand, “hey where’s Kosmo?”
Before Keith can answer, they’re both knocked into the surf by 200 pounds of excited space wolf.
Keith wants to be mad, but the way Lance pops up from the water sputtering makes him grin through the hair plastered to his forehead.
Lance takes one look at Keith, waist deep and fully clothed down to the fingerless gloves, mullet drenched, and bursts out laughing at the sight
and Keith can’t even be mad. He pretends to be, crossing his arms and ‘sulking’. He tries to blow his bangs up and out of his eyes before he remembers it won’t work and that sends Lance into tears. Keith sits back watches Lance laugh for a minute, committing the sight to memory.
He’s gonna get revenge on Lance for laughing, but first he needs to level the playing field.
Lance’s laughter slowly winds down as he watches Kosmo run off to greet the other paladins, laughing again when the wolf shakes water all over Allura and Hunk.
While Lance was distracted, Keith had taken his shirt and gloves off, tossing them back onto dry sand and adding his soaked jeans to the pile for good measure.
Keith was slicking his hair back from his face when Lance turned back toward him and froze at the sight, suspiciously quiet.
// …tbc? transferring twitter treads. original thread here!
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mello-jello · 3 years
henlo jello bro could i kindly ask for a drabble of Hange witnessing Levi holding a baby 🥺🥺🥺 i need more levi and children content and my brain is too dry to write it myself ily bro mwah pls smooch
"You ever think about having kids, Four-Eyes?"
Hange froze. … No? No?! No. No, no, no, no NO! What the hell? Such a question regarding a topic like this was so unexpected, especially from Levi. What was she supposed to say? Was he asking if she wanted kids or not, or just thought about the possibility? What's the answer Levi would want to hear?
She always thought children were simply not in the cards for her. Being a soldier was a dangerous occupation, but it was one she loved. Despite all the uncertainty, the all-nighters, the constant threat to her mortality, she always felt that it was where she belonged.
She didn’t give it much thought until Levi asked her. Levi of all people. She nervously chuckled and gave an ambiguous answer, to which he didn’t press further. In fact, he never brought it up again.
"Oh, he's beautiful!" Hange said as the newborn was passed to her in a bundle. He looked just like if Jean had been born an Ackerman. This baby was the perfect mix of his two parents. Hange was happy to see them again after so long.
Hange hardly considered the 104th babies themselves, but it was still a surreal thought that they were grown up and having kids of their own.
Mikasa overall was lighter, and Hange couldn't be happier for Jean. He was excitedly telling them all the things he looked forward to doing with his son. Playing catch, cooking, teaching him about the world.
“Just got to wait until you’re big and strong and stop popping yourself, eh little one?” Hange cooed and gently booped his nose.
This early retirement was not what Hange had envisioned for herself. She had accepted the statistical likelihood that she'd die in battle. After the war, and after Titans stopped existing, she didn't quite know what to do with herself. She just focused on her recovery. She was grateful to have Levi at her side. Eventually she found other things to study and occupy her mind with.
And when they were both healthy enough, Onyankopon took them on a trip around the continent, showing them the world that was kept from them.
Hange struggled to adapt to this new, quiet life, but she was able to make peace with it. She was finally content.
It was a long awaited reunion. Hange was happy to see them both- all three of them. They all made their way to the living room. Levi disappeared into the kitchen to get a fresh pot of tea. After a short while, the baby grew heavy in Hange’s arms, and she passed the little bundle back to Jean.
"Do you think the Captain would want to hold him?" Jean asked.
"I uhh..." Hange started, but was interrupted by a voice from behind them.
"I told you, I'm not a captain anymore," Levi said bluntly. "Also yes, I'll take the slobbery brat."
Levi hobbled through the doorway, his cane supporting his stance on his bad side. He set the steaming tea pot on the table amongst the various snacks.
"It's so good to see you, Cap- uhh, Levi," Jean stammered as he passed the baby over to his former captain.
"Likewise," Levi replied to Jean, but he didn’t take his gaze off the infant in his arms.
Hange didn’t know what she expected, but it wasn’t this. She thought Levi would be awkward at best. She thought that perhaps the baby would immediately cry and Levi would give it back. It might have become too heavy too fast. What if it spit up on him? Frankly, she was surprised he said yes to holding it in the first place.
"So I guess instead of 'Captain', we should call you 'Uncle Levi' then, eh Mikasa? You are related after all," Jean nudged his wife's arm.
A small half-smile grew on Levi's face. He held up a finger and the infant grasped it with his whole fist. Levi gently wiggled as he cooed down to the bundle in his arms.
Hange stared in amazement.
“How are Gabi and Falco doing?” Mikasa asked. Hange blinked rapidly, her brain having trouble processing the question.
“Oh, they’re good!” Hange shook her head, forcing herself to look away from Levi. “Yes, Gabi has almost decided on the college she wants to go to, and Falco found work doing…” Hange filled them in on all that they missed on this side of the sea.
Levi stood at the window silently listening to the conversation, as he does. Slowly shifting his weight from one foot to the other and back again. A peculiar sight, as Levi had always been so rigid, so tense. This was quite a contrast. His shoulders were lower, his face was softer. Somehow, he seemed more at ease than he had ever been. Then it occurred to Hange what Levi was doing. He was gently swaying back and forth, lulling the baby to sleep. He was a natural.
“Levi, just let me know if he gets too heavy, and I’ll take him back,” Mikasa said.
“I’m fine,” Levi said.
Then Mikasa and Jean filled Hange and Levi in on the affairs of Paradis. How the Yeagerists were dwindling in numbers, and how Armin was handling things. Hange did her best to listen, but she was honestly so distracted watching Levi handle the baby like he’d done it his whole life. If he stirred, Levi bounced to comfort him. He wiped up drool and spit-up. He even let him suck on his pinky finger! He held him for the entire visit. And when it was time for the young family to leave, Levi’s disappointment was palpable.
Levi helped Jean load their car while Mikasa thanked Hange for the meal and the visit.
“Congratulations again, Mikasa. He’s beautiful. Can I ask: how are you… adjusting?” Hange sheepishly asked.
Mikasa turned to look at her husband and smiled.
“I’m not alone. That makes things much easier,” Mikasa answered.
Suddenly, Hange was filled with a desire completely foreign to her. Some maternal instinct that had never shown itself before, or had long since been buried. Uh oh. She looked at Levi and this time she saw him as more than a partner. She saw him as a paternal figure. It really suited him.
The three of them quite literally drove off into the sunset. Levi shielded his eyes and watched them until they were completely out of sight. He hesitantly climbed the stairs of their porch to where Hange was watching him, arms crossed, leaning on the railing.
“You ever think about having kids, Clean Freak?”
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hanazou · 3 years
I love how you write ♡ Why i didn't find you before? I would like to make a scenario/hc request for Fyodor and a s/o similar to him (manipulative, genius of crime, etc) where they try to make the other confess first/do not admit what they feel for not wanting to lose. Battle of egos! And sorry for my trash english ;-;
𝙈𝙪𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙡 𝙋𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙁𝙮𝙤𝙙𝙤𝙧
When both of you have a mutual interest in each other, how will it go down?
pairing : fyodor x gn!reader
genre : enemies to lovers, mutual pining
word count : 1.8K
note : this was super self-indulgent (not because i love him ugh ew) I made both headcanons and a drabble because I can ahaaha oh also this was 2.8 - 3K words I trimmed it the heck down
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𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗛𝗲 𝗚𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁��𝗼𝗻
Fyodor observes everything about you. He’s going to be intrusive as heck
He first thought that it’s just him being piqued by your capacity, but you steer him deeper into this vibrant mystery when you first flash him a dubious smile.
He listens to you more intently which leads him to try to predict what you’ll say and do next
Then all of a sudden he has a special section in his head to store information about you.
Every detail about you is important to him
How many teaspoons of sugar do you like in your tea?
How do you twirl your pen when thinking?
Which direction do you point your feet in when sitting?
How long/short do you keep your nails?
How do you tuck your hair?
Fyodor as a charmer is almost as smooth as Dazai.
One sentence from him and you short circuit. It’s like he's born to be a poet with how sweet he sounds.
Brace yourself for the insults though
That’s how he shreds your ego so you’d be vulnerable enough to (consciously or subconsciously) depend on him.
Fyodor may be good with the most intricate plans but when enticing you, his tactics can be cheap.
Like I said in my Fyodor’s Jealousy headcanons, he’s quite the attention seeker.
Fyodor thrives off sabotaging the little things like hiding your key so you'd end up asking for his help to search for it
It’s not like you don’t suspect him but you’re not passing up the chance to interact, so it's a win-win solution for both of you.
He also purposefully picks to work on tasks in which collaboration is needed, so you end up becoming his partner and you both pull all-nighters together. Quality couple bonding time.
In tame conversations, you and Fyodor exchange the tricks you’ve been using for work (as criminals).
How to hack, plant decoys, make a scapegoat out of someone, block an exit from outside, drive someone to their own death, etc.
Even if he's heard of the methods you've used, hearing it coming from you tastes like sparkling cold water.
If you tell him your experience of using his tips for your own task, Fyodor leans his chin on his hand and listens with a smile.
This sadist. When having a discussion (it can be just the two of you or with other Decays), Fyodor (uncharacteristically) offers plain suggestions just so you’d insult him and offer your insight.
The way you boldly go against him is how he knows you’re the one worthy of his time and attention.
It’s not like you’d pass the chance to shine brighter than him anyway.
There’s definitely a moment when Fyodor sabotages your plans because earning your ire is his guilty pleasure
He sends someone to hamper your investigation just to see you shoot your death glare at him
He damages the circuits in your tech system so your job is delayed
He mixes up your files both on paper and in your database to see you restraining your anger while sorting everything for days
He hacks and deletes your data too for God's sake someone humble him
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𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻
You've seized his regard and fascination when you displayed your quick thinking. Here’s a simple tip;
Backhanded compliments
To Fyodor, they are automatically translated as challenges in an attempt to woo him.
He can be the most exhausted (it’s the anaemia) but still find the energy to humour you.
Fyodor adores how you acknowledge his grandiose while having the confidence to correct him.
Fyodor is even more interested if you balance your confidence by proving that you’re not all talk
Another tip, this time it’s actually pleasant and fun. Exchange riddles.
Fyodor is interested in your riddles, both silly and clever ones. The silly ones entertain him and the clever ones entice him.
Give him a riddle when you’re discussing terrorism plans with him.
Fyodor enjoys the challenge you serve. If you praise him for getting it right, that’s a double hit
Stupid puns make him smile. It can be in any language he speaks (he speaks at least three; Russian, English, and Japanese).
Mess with his items.
Leave the tiniest of traces to tell that you were in his private territory.
It’s your way of leaving a message; “I can toy with you more, but I’m going easy on you” The condescending tone is just right for his taste.
Enough to leave an impression, enough for him to crave more.
Sprinkle some eraser dust over the stacks of paper in his confidential file safe.
Splash some ink droplets near his coat.
Hack his files. That man has to taste his own medicine. You can enjoy watching his dark circles get blacker every day to recover the data you trashed
This one is petty but it works; switch the sugar he uses for his tea with salt--and watch his face squeeze to the centre. Do your best to hide your laughter.
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𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗶𝗺
Everything between you and Fyodor is either boiling hot or freezing cold, there’s no in-between.
There are (obviously) mind games everywhere.
You both lay ‘traps’ everywhere and anywhen.
You and Fyodor share a common goal; getting each other to make the first move to establish a ‘relationship’.
(However Fyodor defines a relationship, that is)
The one who falls for the traps will do what the other wants them to do; reaching out first.
Hear me out. Imagine playing a game of long-term mental chess against Fyodor by using each of your own underlings and resources as the pieces.
Before the game, Fyodor sends his "tools" to scrutinise yours and you do the same. Both of your spies end up dead of course.
You both communicate your orders through secret lines despite being in the same room, staring and smiling at each other.
Use his own pawns against him.
Send that one particular man going the opposite direction than what Fyodor planned by planting one of your own in his circle to screw the flow of information.
Innocently smile at Fyodor when he hears the bad news.
But don't be too surprised when Fyodor has been reserving his bishop just for this situation.
Now two of your scapegoats are dead and your plan is delayed for a week
Send out your knight to jumble the heist Fyodor plans for tomorrow
Congratulations, but he poisoned your unguarded rook when you were occupied with that.
Your conversation with him is threats and sass sprinkled with grace, smiling while barking at each other but with elegance.
Both of you have a recipe to mix compliments with condescending adjectives.
The combination is like “fair sinner”, “charming criminal”, “good for nothing genius”, “insolent beauty”, “enticing lowlife”, and so on.
You and Fyodor’s wordings are smooth and the subtext is to die for with the sultry choices of vocabulary.
After every conversation you have, the more ideas of both insults and compliments you store in your head for you to use back at him for future interaction.
Fyodor’s eyes darken with interest and his lips curl up each time you lob his past words back at him.
Here’s an example of the interaction where you start the ‘argument’:
“It's a lovely day to some sun as opposed to looking like an untaken care fugitive. Wouldn’t you think so, rat?”
“If one looks like what you say, that fellow is best to believe that he’s being more productive than the idle onlooker with more than enough time to make unsolicited comments.”
Then the suggestive compliments roll in as if nothing happened.
“Any comment would fall as unsolicited if one isn’t aware of their own charm while being praised.”
“You are too generous, undeservingly so, since you fail to credit yourself with the aforementioned appeal.���
“I fancy how you assume that you’re the one I’m calling charming, Dostoevsky.”
“I didn't think you'd be the type to take back your words, so I went along with that assumption to remind you of your own charm."
“So you’re saying that I fascinate you?”
“I see no need to deny it.”
Every conversation always starts with insults and ends with compliments and the other days, it’s the other way around.
None of you ever shut up and I say this respectfully. It’s exactly like watching primary schoolers with constipated emotions who can’t go a minute without bullying their crushes.
Not even rare meetings of the Decay of Angels will escape the ear burning ‘arguments’ you and Fyodor exchange.
The best anyone can do to shut both of you is when Nikolai points out how ridiculous you both sound. It pauses the banter for ten minutes, but that’s it.
Nikolai points out how it’s laughably transparent you and Fyodor are into each other, and that will be the only time when you and Fyodor’s words unify to silence him.
“Speak only when you can demonstrate the best of your brain, Nikolai,” // “Gogol-san, your comment isn’t something one would ever consent to hear,”
Fukuchi reprimands both of you for ruining each other's plans.
The Decay of Angels could have had extra time to spare in case something goes wrong but you both ruined it.
"The legislator I have in Kansai could have helped us with the transit," You regretfully sigh. "Now, if only someone didn't send his secretary to put cyanide in his tea." Your look at Fyodor.
"A waste indeed, but the perpetrator must have had a personal grudge to settle," Fyodor nods empathetically. "Perhaps someone made that legislator ruin someone's source of living?"
The tension peaks until you and Fyodor just have to touch each other. It can be a brief swipe against his hand, him flicking the back of your head, you stepping on his foot, and him reaching out to your chin.
You’re apprehensive at first considering what his ability does so you struggled to control your poker face.
It took you a long time to wonder if he’ll kill you, but judging from the twist in his smile every time he touches your hair, hand, and sometimes cheek, you’re confident he doesn’t want you dead (yet).
So when you first reach out to tease his hand, the shock in his eyes is apparent and it’s quite the sight to die for.
Who knew you had the power to make the Fyodor Dostoevsky form that kind of expression?
Once you’ve tasted it, neither you nor Fyodor wants to stop.
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𝗪𝗵𝗼'𝘀 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗩𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿?
Essentially, it’s impossible to outwit Fyodor in terms of intelligence. You should never bite more than you can chew when even Ranpo and Dazai struggle like hell against him. That's not confidence but arrogance.
The only way to balance the power is to turn his limited capability to positively interpret emotions, including his own, back against him.
Roughly and generically speaking, it’s “IQ vs. EQ”.
Fyodor confuses your mind so you confuse his feelings. You make him question his heart so often that the frustration crawls up to his head.
Everything Fyodor does to you is mostly driven by logic, like a string of codes and functions to hack your feelings.
What you do to him, although more emotion-driven, is because of your better familiarity with the more civilised side of human reactions
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Taglist (send an ask or comment here to be added!): @uwu-monster101 @bsdwhore @dreamyeyesandfoggyminds @whorefordazai @jawololo @neighborhoodfriendlysimp @pompompurin1028 @atsushisgf @jadegreenimmortality @fyoyacanruinmylifethanks @cross-crye
© all rights reserved to hanazou. do not repost, modify, or claim any of my works as your own.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
Naked paint
Henry Cavill x reader drabble
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Disclaimer: Naked painting fluff, with some teasing smut
Author’s note: It’s too darn hot in my house right now, so here’s a fitting drabble: Henry decides that clothes aren’t really all THAT necessary when you’re about to paint the hallway. 
(Link to my Masterlist)
Your buttocks quaked beneath his flat hand like a fancy jelly pudding would if you’d make it wear tight shorts. You gasped, turning around with glaring eyes but only heard his loud chuckles as he fled from the bedroom, the thick carpet silencing his footfalls.
‘CAVILL! YOU…You…’ Your warning words dried in the air as you didn’t see him, the bedroom now empty.
You narrowed your eyes, rubbing your sore buttocks before carefully stalking onto the landing. It was late August and the Mews home was hot from more than just two smoking hot people living here. Hehe. No, but really though, it was torturously hot in London and these converted stables were obviously not built to keep this retched heat out.
You felt the freshly washed off sweat already beginning to bead again on your brow, your suspicious eyes looking for any movement. But no movement..no sound..no..
A head popped from the open bathroom. Henry. You snickered as you saw a very amused, widely smirking Henry look at you. ‘That hurt!’ You pouted playfully, quickly stalking over to him, wishing to swat him on his shoulder but forgetting all prior annoyances as your eyes fell down on..on..
Your mouth fell slightly agape as you looked down on a gloriously naked Henry.
‘What are …’ You simply couldn’t form words as you felt his hands move your already sweaty tank top up.
‘Hen..! We need to get this painting…-‘ He pulled the top over your head, muffling your words for a moment as he revealed your braless chest, naked like the day you were born. He smiled a most boyish smile, eyes twinkling with mirth. ‘Mhm.’ He simply nodded, starting to tug your shorts down. You quickly stopped him, eyes glaring at him with warning.
‘Is this your way of getting out of the single chore we had to do this week? ..Cavill?’ You widened your eyes, demanding him to answer.
He shook his head, his smile growing even wider.
‘I would..never!’ He said with exasperation, voice feigning innocence as his hands were still firmly placed on your hips, waiting for you to remove yours.
‘Then why are you..eh..naked?’ You gulped as your eyes travelled down for a hot second. Ugh. It should be illegal to have this man walk around naked.
‘Because…’ He used your slight moment of sexual bewilderment to pull your shorts and panties down in one swift move. ‘..it’s hot, love.’
You blinked as you were now as naked as he was, your cheeks flushing from more than just the temperature of the room. He brushed a loving thumb over your cheek, pressing a quick and innocent peck on your lips before slipping past you. You stood there for another confused moment, your eyes slowly casting a glance over your shoulder as you watched his perfect pair of bum rolls stride into your beloved “clutter room”.
Oh and that butt should DEFINITELY be illegal. UGH!!
You heard him rummage around the room and you furrowed your brows, not being completely at ease with being so very..naked. It was no strange feat for Henry to parade around the house naked, but.. you? Oh no, you were the kind of girl who preferred to use those naked moments of his so you could stealthily “borrow” from his grand collection of sweaters and sweatpants.
Then again, this was most definitely not the kind of weather for sweaters or sweatpants, your body already sweating from the mere sight of Henry walking back from the clutter room with a box of painting materials in his strong hands. Paint rollers, brushes, tape, cover-up plastic, all gathered in a box that he held up right before his crown jeweled glory.
You tilted your head, eyeing him as he casually walked past you - as if he weren’t butt naked -, his head only turning just before he reached the first stair board.
‘Coming?’ He asked, raising a devilishly handsome eyebrow.
He wanted to tease huh?
You grumbled, casting a quick side glance in the mirror of the bathroom - hello hot mess! - before following him down the stairs. You felt your naked feet stick to the warm wood of the stairs, before finally you arrived on the far more pleasant and cool tile floor of the hallway.
‘Alright. So..all walls?’ He asked, looking up to check all the hard to reach corners.
‘Yep. Gotta tape off the woodwork, floor, perhaps edges of the ceiling too. I don’t know how steady your hand is, but..’ You smiled gingerly as he raised that eyebrow again, this time offering you a cheeky side glance.
‘You know how skilled my hands are dear.’ He said, quickly reverting his eyes back to the ceiling above you. 
You rolled your eyes. ‘Yea..your upside down CPU cooler can vouch for that.’
‘HEY..I fixed that!’ He retorted, giving you a disdained look, the mirth still clear in his deep blue eyes. Blue that would fit well with the duck egg blue you had chosen for paint. You winked cheekily in turn, escaping his hand before he could swat your ass again, your legs quick to carry you to the dining table where the tubs of paint were waiting.
Meanwhile you could hear Henry unload the items from the box, your eye peaking over your shoulder to see if he could see you. Oh, yes, you were in perfect line of view. You suppressed a smirk and swayed your hips a bit more than necessary as you moved to the stereo set - also in perfect line of view -, taking it upon yourself to turn on some music.
‘Mmm…love that song.’ You hummed to the music, perkily tip-toeing back to the table and reading the instructions on the paint jar - something you’d NEVER do, but you wanted to tease Mr. Tease a little in turn. Swaying your hips and head, you peered studiously at the label, waiting for your frolicking to take effect. Which, from the sound of it was working as well as expected. The fumbling and shuffling of items from the box quieted, two blue eyes taking you in.
‘Whatcha doin’ angel?’ He asked, trying to sound casual, but the arousal clear in his deep honeyed baritone.
‘Mmm..you know. Painting naked.’ You shrugged, turning your attention back to the paint instructions. You heard him groan, getting up, the oak floorboards of the living room creaking quietly under his weight as he moved closer. You didn’t look up until he folded his arms around you, half-erect cock pressing into your back.
‘Need help with that?’ He purred.
You chuckled, then continued to play your little game, simply detangling yourself from his arms and walking away, so you could pick up the roll of tape he had discarded on the ground - taking your sweet time to bend over and pick it up with mild exaggeration. 
Hmmm..you enjoyed it when his chest rumbled like that, but you didn’t wish to gratify his desire just yet. He wanted to paint naked? Then you and him were going to paint. Naked. Very..very naked.
You unrolled some of the tape, before looking over your shoulder..a VERY aroused Henry now looking at you with slightly tilted head and proud erection. 
‘Kitten…’ He warned. You pouted, unrolling the tape further, acting like nothing was amiss.
‘What..?’ You smiled sweetly.
You could see the cogs and wheels turning in his head, his jaw flexing as he licked his lip. ‘Teasing me, hmm?’ He tried to keep himself together, but everything about him made it obvious he was aroused. Especially his deep, rumbling voice. 
You shrugged, turning and sitting down with your knees on the ground, bending over just enough so you could offer him a nice little display while you taped off the floor plinth.
‘Very well..’ He grumbled, walking back into the hallway and grabbing the plastic, starting to unfold it at the very end of the hallway before slowly rolling it out until he reached you. You wished to getup and move, but he was already a step ahead, his hands moving around your hip to lift you up like you were a light piece of furniture.
You protested with loud squeals, arms and legs kicking out. ‘HENNERS PUT ME DOWN.’
He kept up with his little game, simply placing you back on the floor on all fours, plastic now crackling under your hands and knees. You looked up at him with an angry glare, your teeth biting your lower lip. ‘You could have just ASK-‘
He clicked his tongue, shaking his head. ‘Now dear. It’s far too hot to get all worked up.’ Your eyes met and the humour was evident in his eyes. You rolled your eyes again, his lips curling back in a smile.
He was SUCH a tease.
But thankfully two could play that game.
You curled your lips in a sweet but menacing smile as well, raising an eyebrow as you looked straight at his still very erect cock.
‘Could say the same for you, pumpkin.’ You cooed, blinking with your long lashes. He HATED it when you called him pumpkin. With a passion. And it worked quite the charm right now, his tongue flicking out once more to wet his lips, eyes darkening.
‘So where’d you like to get the..paint..first?’ He said, eyes slowly browsing down your body as you still sat on all-fours. You shrugged. ‘Wherever you’d like to start.’
The tease in your sweet voice wasn’t missed by him as he growled that sexy rumble again, the beast in him awakening.
’So can do.’ He said. You looked at each other for another long moment, both feigning innocence, but knowing better than that.
‘With this speed, it’s going to be an all-nighter Mr. Cavill.’ You admonished, slowly getting up, leaving the tape roll on the floor, his eyes remaining locked with yours.
‘Are we in a..hurry then..hmm?’ He stalked closer.
‘Paint dries fast when it’s hot.’ You whispered into his lips.
‘Better not waste a moment then.’ He whispered huskily in turn. And in the blink of an eye you were no longer in the hallway, your body being unceremoniously dropped on the couch in the living room as Henry got to work on something else that required his immediate attention.
Tagsquad: @tumblnewby @magdelen69
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ooo, can you do a moonjumper + bow father/child drabble? just something sweet and cuddly
My first real time writing Moonjumper and my first time ever writing Bow Kid. Thank you for the request! :)
Moonjumper really wasn’t equipped or qualified to take care of a child. But he wasn’t really given much of a choice; she’d chosen to stick with him and there was little chance he could change her mind even if he tried. At least he was better than Snatcher though, right? He’d never tried to kill Bow Kid, just trick and manipulate her into freeing him from the horizon. It had been successful though and now he was stuck with her because of it.
He was even helping her tidy her room. Her and Hat Kid had had a pillow fight in here a little while ago that he’d been forcefully dragged into despite wanting to take a nap instead; he’d won though so at least there was that even if his participation had resulted in a bigger mess than there otherwise would’ve been. It was sort of his room too though, he slept in her pillow pool, typically at the bottom, because Bow Kid had invited him to when Snatcher had forcefully kicked him out of the forest for very understandable reasons.
“There,” Bow Kid said with a clap after she placed the final displaced pillow that was still intact back at the head of her bed. “Now all we need to do is get the Roomba in here to pick up all the stuffing and feathers we miss and it’s clean.” She turned to smile at him. “You can take your nap now, sorry for disturbing you.”
“Hmm, it’s fine,” he said. He honestly didn’t mind, after being stuck in the horizon for so long he was actually glad for a little bit of excitement. “I’m not tired anymore. I will nap later.”
“Oh! Okay. That means we can keep playing? What do you want to do?”
“You are very excitable today.” More so than usual. “Is there a reason why?”
“I guess you don’t know, huh? Tomorrow’s my birthday! I’m finally going to be as old as Hat Kid. For like three months but still. I’m super excited.”
Without access to the memories of the body he was currently inhabiting, Moonjumper wouldn’t have known what a birthday was. He was not an organic being and thus hadn’t been born so birthdays were a somewhat foreign concept to him. “I should get you a gift then?” All of the prince’s memories about birthdays involving giving gifts to the person whose birthday it was.
“You don’t have to especially since you only just found out. I will very gladly accept a simple ‘Happy Birthday’ instead.” She probably meant that too but…
“No, I will get you a gift.” If he was going to be in charge of a child, officially acknowledged or not, he was going to do his best to do it right. The excitement that lit up her face at his words said he was doing the right thing. “I will go sort that out right now actually.” He knew just the thing too; he’d already been working on it, he just had to put in some extra time to finish it in time to give it to her tomorrow. “So, I am sorry but we will have to play more later.”
After pulling an all-nighter, he managed to finish it a couple hours before Bow Kid woke up. “Happy Birthday,” he said as he presented it to in a gift box gotten from Hat Kid the prior evening as soon as she stepped back into her room after getting ready for the day.
She accepted it with a large smile. “Thank you.” When she opened it and peeked inside, her eyes lit up with even more joy and excitement. “Is this…” She pulled it out, letting the box drop to the floor. “It is! It’s a shadow puppet costume, thank you so much.” Practically jumping for joy, she hugged him.
“You are welcome,” he said replied, awkwardly hugging her back. Physical affection was weird for him but pleasant in a way too.
She let go to smile up at him. “Did you make it yourself or did you somehow convince Snatcher to?”
“I made it myself.” The prince had known how to sew and knit in life too and thus Moonjumper had the ability as well at least for as long as he had this body.
“Thank you, thank you. I have to go put it on and then I have to show Hat Kid. She’s going to be blown away.” With one last “Thank you,” she ran off again, going almost fast as she could when wearing her sprint hat.
Satisfied, Moonjumper moved to the pillow pool and buried himself in it. He was happy she liked his gift so much, he’d worked hard on it. He could take a nap now though; she’d wake him when she needed him again.
For this event.
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avengerdragoness · 7 years
Here For You Now [Dick Grayson x Reader]
Requested by @wierd-sad-crazy-girl: “I was last anon sorry I always skip ahead but for the Drabble prompt #2 and #15 with dick please. Oh and seriously CONGRATS!!!! On 1.4k ❤❤❤"
A/n: Another 1,400 milestone drabble that isn’t much of a drabble lol. Sorry I’ve been gone this week. I’ve been really busy with college and my first week of classes. I hope you guys love this!
2. “Please don’t cry. I can’t stand to see you cry” 15. “Stop pretending you’re okay, cause I know you’re not.”
It had been a long nine months and then an even longer two weeks after those nine months. When you first told Dick you were pregnant he was ecstatic, that excitement holding out all the way through your pregnancy and up to the birth. You knew it was going to be hard because of his night job, but not this hard.
Dick had been gone the past week on a mission and had patrols in Bludhaven that whole week after you gave birth to your daughter. He tried to cut back on patrols as both Officer Grayson and Nightwing but the city needed him. However, so does his family. You can hardly remember the last time you got a full night sleep. Dick was supposed to get back this upcoming morning which led you to nearly another all nighter.
After an hour of sleep you had woken up again to the sound of the baby babbling in her bassinet. Sighing you pushed the blankets off you and walked to where it stood on the wall to your room. Picking her up you began to bounce her lightly in attempt to lull her back to sleep. Though her whimpers began to make themselves apparent. “Please don’t cry. I can’t stand to see you cry.” Whispering as you walked her around the room. She had already cried two times tonight and it was just 3am. You couldn’t take her screaming again.
Luckily she calmed down as you hummed a lullaby. The soothing sound of your humming lulled her to sleep and you were able to lay her down again with an exhausted sigh. Pressing a light kiss to her dark locks that matched her father’s before heading to your own bed again. The rest of that night she had a few more episodes of waking up but overall she slept soundly through the rest of the night.
When you woke up in the morning she was already awake and waiting for you, her eyes scanning the ceiling. Pushing some hair out of your face you came into her view. Watching as a toothless smile spread on her fsce, making a light chuckle escape your lips. Picking her up you carried her into the living room, “Come on sweet pea, let’s get you some breakfast.” Whispering as you carried her in your arms.
In no time you had the bottle warm and were sitting on the couch feeding her. As you sat there the faint sound of jingling keys could be heard. Next you heard the door open and a bag hit the hardwood floor in the hallway. Then rapid footsteps came into the living room. However, you didn’t even react. To be honest you weren’t happy with Dick, he had left you to raise this baby basically on your own for the past two week. His daughter barely got a glimpse of her father during two weeks right after being born.
He came into the room and went straight to you. “Hello my love” He came to kiss your cheek but you ignored him. His brows furrowed in confusion at your behavior, shaking it off he tried to continue talking to you. “How are my two favorite girls?” He went to see your daughter but you stood up and carried the empty bottle into the kitchen with her safely nestled in your arms. Her eyelids growing heavy.
Dick sighed and followed you. “What’s wrong [F/n]?” He asked walking up to you. “Nothing, I’m fine.” Answering shortly before pushing by him. “[F/n]!” He yelled after you, but you turned to face him. “I swear Dick if you wake her up I will have your head.” Snapping at him as your daughter fell asleep after her bottle. Sighing he stopped talking as you walked into your bedroom, gently laying her down as he stood against the doorway. “Just tell me what the matter is.” Saying softly as you just rolled your eyes and pushed by him. “I’m fine Dick.”
Before you could get away from him he stopped you by your arm in the living room. “Stop pretending you’re okay, cause I know you’re not.” You yanked your arm from his grip. “Fine! Want to know what’s wrong?!” Yelling at him. “You! I had a our daughter two weeks ago and you’ve barely been here. The most she’s seen her father was the day she was born. I know you have responsibilities to this city and Bruce, but you also have them to your family Dick!” The yelling was soon accompanied by the sound of the baby crying in the other room.
Dick stared at you in shock. He didn’t want to be gone, but he couldn’t just stop being who he was. He watched as your face bury in your hands, “I just need help, you were so excited and now you’re barely around. I can’t do this alone Dick.” He immediately pulled you into his arms. “I’m calling Tim or Jason and they’re going to take over my patrols for a few weeks and I’m going to ask for time off at work. I’m so sorry babe, I know I’ve been gone and I want to make it up to you. To both of you. I never wanted to be away.”
Your face buried in his chest, gripping his shirt at the sound of the baby crying. He rubbed your back, “How about you go take a nap and I will take care of her okay?” Mumbling into your hair. Nodding you looked up at him. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear before kissing you sweetly. “I’m here for you now.”
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theepolynesian · 7 years
Getting His Way
Summary: Dwalin accidently wakes you up in the middle of the night and you learn that Thorin is spending another night away from his bed. You decide to do something about it.
Pairing: Thorin x Reader
Word Count: 1,274
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Requested by: @sdavid09​ ​; “An ear infection cause a particular dwarf to become very clumsy at hilarious moments. Originally I thought it could be a Thorin one, but then I realized a Dwalin one would make it hilarious!!! Nori’s cold is hindering his sneakiness. Thorin is overworking himself, and that won’t do for the dwarf you love. So you set up a “spa” day where you don’t let him work and pamper him all day!” 
Master Lists: Drabbles/Imagines, and Completed Series
A/n: I kind of tried to tie in all three and I don't know if it came out good so let me know if you don’t like it so I can try to rewrite it. Also, I tried so hard not to base it off of Feisty Little Hobbit, but I couldn’t resist. It can be read without reading Feisty Little Hobbit, but this could also be an epilogue of sorts.
You quickly sit up in your bed as you hear a noise. Well, as quickly as you can with your baby bump in the way.
It had been six years since your journey to Erebor with your brother, Bilbo, and the rest of the dwarves came to an end. Six years since you and Thorin got married and it had been the best six years of your life.
As queen of Erebor, you already had to attend meetings with noble dams from the Iron Hills and it tired you out immensely. They could talk anyone’s ears off so you really did not feel like dealing with anything tonight.
Not hearing the noise again, you decide to go back to bed. It would not be your first time that you were hearing things.
Right before you drift to sleep, you hear the noise again.
This time you decide to go check it out. You look at the other side of your bed and Thorin was not yet back from his duties and you sigh. The king should deal with thieves, not his queen.
You grab your dagger from under your pillow and stand, making your way to the living area.
The sight that greets you is a pretty surprising one.
Dwalin was currently lying on your living room floor. The side table and coffee table were knocked over and so was the poker for your fire.
“Dwalin?” you ask and he lifts his head to look at you before plopping it back down again.
“What in Durin’s name are you doing in our house?” you ask, confused.
Dwalin holds up a few scrolls before letting his arm fall to his side again.
“Thorin is spending another all nighter in the council room and he had asked me to bring these here before I went to bed,” he says.
“And why are you on the floor exactly?”
“Ear infection,” he says and that’s all you need to know.
You did not experience first hand, but you saw those who did. Thorin and Dwalin were the main ones. One minute they’d be walking fine and the next they’d be stumbling. You thought it was the funniest thing ever. The falling over part not the infection part. The infection part always made you cuddle into your king even though he insisted that it was nothing.
You sigh.
“VERY well. Just pick everything up before you leave. I am going to go and check on my husband,” you say, tying your robe as closed and walking out the door.
It was very late at night so you doubt that you would happen upon anyone in the halls and those on Thorin’s council and personal guards were members of the company so they knew you well and vice versa.
You shake your head, thinking about how overworked your husband was becoming. Just this week alone he skipped comìng to bed at all. You knew it was getting to him because the bags under his eyes gradually grew darker and darker.
Ah choo!
You pause in your venture.
Who the hell was up at this time of night?
You look around and not noticing anyone, you keep on walking.
Ah choo!
You hear again and you look around confused once more. You narrow your eyes as you see something flutter behind a pillar. You quietly run over to a pillar and hide behind it.
You hear footsteps walking towards you and right before they pass the pillar you jump out shouting, “boo.”
The person lets out a very high pitched squeak and falls to the floor.
You look down, amused to find Nori below you.
“Is there a reason you’re hiding from me?”
“I thought the queen needed a scare,” he says but due to his nasally voice, you hear, “I tot que need scar.”
You laugh, helping him up.
“You’re sick, aren’t you?” You ask and Nori nods making you laugh even more.
“How are you supposed to be sneaky if you keep on sneezing all the time?”
“I tryth,” he replies and you laugh.
“Try harder next time. I am the last person you want to try and scare Nori. Besides, why are you sneaking around at night?”
You narrow your eyes as he shuffles nervously.
“Old habits die hard?” you ask and he nods. You shake your head, turning him around and pushing him back towards the way he came.
“Go to bed before I sick my husband on you,” you say, before turning back around and making your way to your king.
You walk into the council room to find Thorin sitting at a table with Balin, Ori, and Fili and Bofur and Bifur standing guard.
Thorin looks up and smiles at you.
“Amralime,” he says, holding out his hand. You take it and press a kiss to his lips.
He presses a kiss to your swelling belly before pulling back.
You give him a stern look.
“Seven, Thorin,” you scold and he sighs, earning a snicker from Fili.
“I know love but this is important,” he says.
“Bilbo’s sixtieth birthday can wait. We have two months to plan it. That is a lot of time to plan,” you say.
“I’m sorry but it seems like the queen forgot that it is her 50th birthday as well,” Thorin says, raising his brow at you.
You roll your eyes.
“I’m sorry that us Baggins are born on the same day,” you’ retort.
“I think you mean Oakenshield and Baggins,” he corrects.
“Oh for fucks sake Thorin,” you snap and the rest of them laugh at you.
You and Thorin always got into minor arguments and it was very amusing for everyone else. Luckily, in the six years that you have been married, it did not lead to a big blow out. You didn’t think anyone would’ve been able to handle it.
“You are diverging from the topic which is: you’re not getting enough sleep,” you continue.
“It was you who-,”
Your hand latches on to his ear and you drag him up and he winces.
You turn to Balin.
“The king will be indisposed until further notice,” you say before promptly dragging the king back to your chambers thanking Mahal the Dwalin cleaned up his mess before he left.
You find yourself up very early the next morning, getting things ready. Thorin needed a day to relax and you knew exactly how to do that.
By the time Thorin wakes up, its midday and the bath is finally warm enough.
“Up and at em King Under the Mountain,” you say, grabbing Thorin’s hand and tugging, trying to pull him out of out bed. Thorin just growls, before tugging on your hand and causing you to fly over him and land on your back on the bed. He turns over and wraps his arm around your stomach and pulling you close.
“All this work is not good for the baby,” he mumbles into your hair.
“Neither is flying its mother,” you retort.
“Her mother,” he responds.
“His mother,” you argue back and he just tightens his grip on you.
“Thorin, I’m supposed to be pampering you today,” you complain.
He just grunts.
“Just lay with me. You and our baby is all that I need,” he says and you sigh.
“The bath is hot,” you try.
“And so are you which is why you are currently carrying our child. Now, go to bed, please. I promise, I just need you in my arms and I will be rejuvenated.”
You shake your head before doing as you are asked and cuddling into his side. Thorin always got his way.
Those Bolded: I can’t tag you for some reason.
Forever Tag List: @miss-mcbotty​ @sdavid09​ @why-pace-why​@emilyymichelle @bee-wrecker @raisaioana71​@clockworkfall​@dracsgirl​ @imaginesreblogged​@whatthehellisacastiel​@brewsthespirit-blog​ @angstflaff​ @nelswp​
Hobbit Tag List: @jotink78 @arabellaelliana @legolas-bromance​ @thealbersclan @youtubehelpsmesurvive
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