#Two peas in a pod blah blah blah
bedforddanes75 · 2 months
cant lie i love the way millennials type
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ccswife · 5 months
Scoring Love
pairing๛: kate martin x bballplayer!reader
synopsis๛: playing basketball with your bestfriend has its perks.
warnings๛: angst if u squint? fluff!
requested by @rimunagenius <3
kinda proofread
listen to this while reading if u want :D
Laborious. thats the only way you could describe todays practice. coach bluder was in a particularly snotty mood, as she was very disappointed in the performance you guys put up game against rutgers yesterday . you lost count of the amount of full court suicides everyone has done so far. all you could think about was the cold shower you were gonna take after this was over. looking over at the clock on the score board, the time reads 8:17am— which means there's roughly thirteen minutes left of practice.
"Y/L/N!" coach bluder suddenly screams from across the court, clearly angry. "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY LOOKING AT THE CLOCK RIGHT NOW? WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THAT?!" bluders bone-chilling yell eco’s for what seems like eons. everyone turns to look at you, some with an empathetic look and others with annoyance as this definitely meant that the team was gonna run 5 more full court suicides.
“i- im sorry it was absent minded” you cringe on the inside after speaking up, knowing that a) she would just continue to yell about the time b) make you run more without saying anything more than a shake of the head or c) turn it into a lesson of basketball and strategy. it ended up being option c. bluder started to talk, sorry- yell about how everyone was too busy being absent minded on the court during lower competition games, and how every game is important no matter how much you win by and blah blah blah. you kinda tuned it out after she said the phrase “locked in” for the fifth time. it seemed that some of the other girls started to zone out as well, mostly the starters. the bench players didn’t dare to tune her on-going speech out, in fear of potentially being picked on extra since they dont play as much. which, kudos to them! they took it very seriously. that doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t care, but you knew she wouldn’t consider taking you off the starting line-up unless you did something so unfathomably stupid. you meant too much. you, were the tape. and the tape needed glue.
practice finished at exactly 9:00am, bluder keeping you guys in the gym an extra thirty minutes. this actually wasn’t that bad, considering one time she was SO angry that she held you guys two extra hours. everyone hit the showers and got home as fast as they could, not wanting to stick around any longer then they already had. you ended up being one of the last to shower, though. you felt kind of guilty for practice, so you let some underclassman and bench players go in before you. that being said, it wasn’t just you who felt guilty. your best friend did too. kate martin, the one and only #20 let some girls go in-front of her too and ended up being the only one with you. but this was pretty usual— being together i mean. you two were peas in a pod, birds of a feather, partners in crime! it had been that way since forever.
sounds of running water and the opening/closing of bottles filled the echoey bathroom as you and kate showered (not together, reader. get ur mind out of the gutter). even though the silence was given due to the situation, you were content. sometimes the two of you didn’t need words to communicate, and just the silence did what you needed. kate cleared her throat,
“y/n? you’re there still right?” her voice soft and seemingly- worried? you’ve heard this tone before, right before she told you she failed a test you helped her study for. it was her ‘please dont be mad at me’ voice. “ yea im here still, whats up k? the last time you sounded like that is when you told me you failed the anatomy test.” you continued to suds up your hair, waiting for kate to reply.
“well soooo i have to ask you something,” she sounded completely different now, like she was about to get a new puppy. it was honestly quite adorable— but that sentence stopped you right in your tracks. ‘ask me something??’ multiple scenarios reeled through your mind before you could answer, and kate (growing impatient) spoke up again. “helllooooo? aw dont tell me you already got out” quickly you replied with enthusiasm, to cover up your worry for what was about to come out of her mouth. “ nono! what d’ya have to ask me? my ring size? because it’s a 6. but i dont think bluder would like me playing with a rock on my finger, just saying” kate snorted from her shower. you guys have joked about getting married for years now, and you even made a pact so that if you both aren’t married by thirty, you’ll marry eachother. after snickering to yourself, you shut off the shower and wrapped yourself up into a towel. kate continued to shower and took a beat before finally popping the question (marry me?). “i have this event i have to go to right? its a reunion type of thing with me and my teammates from highschool,”
“my teammates and i” you interjected. she hates when you correct her grammar.
“ yea yea whatever, so basically we all have an option of bringing a plus one and all of them are bringing their girlfriends and some boyfriends.” again you cut her off. “k are you asking me to be your pretend girlfriend?” you were genuinely freaking out, and thank the lord above you got out and got dressed before her because boy if she saw the look on your face….sheesh. kate shut the shower off and continued frantically. “no! not at all! i just dont wanna be the only person without a plus one, and who better to bring than my googly bear?” she laughed at her own joke and stepped out in fresh clothes, brushing her hair while walking towards you. you giggle at the nickname and blow a kiss at her. she catches it, and places in on her cheek. “ of course, my baby boo! what time is this event?” she shows a toothy smile, the one she always does around you and grabs your hand. she starts rubbing the palm of your hand and answers “ 7:00pm, my queen. i’ll pick you up at 6?” your lip curls as you slap her hand away. “we live together, you doofus” kate makes a surprised face and jumps up. “ no way?! seriously!? omg thats so fun! lets go home!!!”. you share a laugh before picking all your stuff up to go home to your shared apartment.
the rest of the day goes normally, running errands, eating, studying together and picking out clothes for this reunion thing. the clock strikes 5, and you start to get ready. kate said its semi-formal, so you pick out a gray babydoll dress, with wedges that weren’t too tall. they made you taller, obviously, but not too tall were you were above kates height. she likes that you’re shorter than her, says that it boost her ego. anyways, you curl your hair and put on a natural layer of makeup— natural enough where it wasn’t too heavy but not were you couldn’t tell you were wearing anything. spraying some perfume, and taking a handbag from your closet, you check the clock and head out to the living room. kate is sitting on the couch on her phone, in a black blazer and pants, with a white crop underneath it. shes manspreading and good god does she look good. before you walked all the way in, you stood there and gawked for a second. breathing a little too loud, kate looks up and notices you standing there. now its her turn to gawk, because ohhhh the things she could say to you right now. it almost brought her down to one knee.
she gets up and makes her way over to you. “y/n,” she places a hand on your waist, pulling you just a little closer. the two of you lock eyes and she smirks. “you look so beautiful, im serious” her smile only widens as you blush. “ ohh stopppp” you lean your head against her shoulder, grabbing her bicep and giggle, slightly lifting your leg up. kate steps back and admires you some more while you look around. she admires how the wedges you wear perfectly accentuate the muscles in your legs from years of basketball and hard work, how your makeup perfectly compliments all of your features, and how the curls in your hair frame your face so gorgeously. she seriously could kiss you right now, hell— she had to stop herself from smothering you when she grabbed your waist. checking the time again, you realize its six, and you usher kate out to the car so you can beat traffic. when you arrive, you see some of kates old teammates and their partners standing at the front, waiting for everyone to arrive. you all make your greetings, and kate introduces you to everyone.
upon going in, you find that one of the girls made a reservation and you were immediately sat down. kate lets you slide in first, and slides in next to you, making sure your leg is touching hers. conversation continues, all talking about how their college experience was and how jobs are, etc. etc. eventually appetizers were ordered and one of the girls, anna, asks all of the couples how they are. when anna gets to you two, she says “ and you two? are you a couple?” she had the sweetest smile on her face as she asked. before you could answer, kate blurts out “yes! we are”
you immediately kick her leg under the table, keeping a smile on your face. anna continued around the table and crinkle your nose at kate. in a low whisper, you say in her ear “ i thought i wasn’t going to be your pretend girlfriend, martin” she side eyes you but is unable to answer as another girl asks her a question about basketball. quickly, you stand up and excuse yourself to the restroom. shortly after you go in, a knock is heard on the door. its kate, of course.
“y/n please open it, i need to talk to you,” you stand there for a second before she speaks through the door again. “you’re not seriously angry right? i didn’t mean to say that i swear, it just came out.” you let out a loud sigh before unlocking the door, letting her in and locking it again— just incase. kate looks at you and starts to explain. “ i dont know why i said that and im soooo sorry. i guess i felt pressured to have a girlfriend so i just said it was you. i know i told you you wouldn’t be my pretend girlfriend and i meant that, but this was not supposed to happen” you stare back at her, thinking of what to say. were you angry? sure, a little. but your real problem was that she wasn’t your actual girlfriend, and that she acted like one and hell! even called you her girlfriend but shes too pussy to actually ask you to be official! i mean seriously. you guys constantly joke about dating and getting married, and you guys act so coupley, how has she not gotten the hint? finally , you decide to speak up. “are you that oblivious kate? do you really not know why im actually mad?” she stares at you with a “idk” look amd shrugs her shoulders, sticking her tongue into the side of her mouth as she thinks. “ im mad because— because! you act like my girlfriend and we even make jokes about dating and shit, and you still dont see how i feel about you! i love you kate!! and not platonically like we’ve been saying it for all these years!” tears start to stream down your face, this conversation being long awaited by you. “i just, cant understand why you wont make it official! unless i’ve completely read you wrong, which im sure i didn’t because i know you like the back of my hand, i think the feelings are requited!” now the tears are really coming down. you lean against the sink and put your face in your hands, trying to hide and wipe the tears off your wet cheeks. kate stands still before lifting your head up. now you see shes crying, too. “of course i love you more than platonically, y/n. i’ve never loved someone so much, and if i could marry you right now i would. i just didn’t know if you loved me back. you know how i get in my head. and i couldn’t go to you to help me because then i’d have to tell you everything.” now shes cupping your cheek in her hand, and the two of you are staring into each other’s glistening eyes. again, she puts her hand on your waist and smiles. “ y/n , please please please accept my apology…” she takes a pregnant pause before continuing, your eyebrows raise in curiosity. “ and…. will you, officially, be mine?” you laugh, and more tears come out. grasping her arms, you whisper-cry “yes, yes of course kate” she pulls you in closer and kisses you, hard and passionately. nothings ever felt so good before. it may seem cliche, but sparks flew in that tiny restaurant bathroom.
kate pulls away and kisses you on the forehead. “ im gonna go tell them we have to take a rain-check, the you’re not feeling well, alright love?” shes never looked so beautiful than when shes calling you love and actually means it.
“of course, my googly bear” you smile sweetly at her, and she pulls you in for one more kiss before going out to tell the other girls that you’re leaving. you slide against the wall a little bit, and touch your lips.
gosh, you really scored at love, didn’t you?
A/N q(❂‿❂)p : AHHHHH!!!!!! I REALLY LIKE THIS ONE HEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEE! rimunagenius i hope you like this i tried my best with the request you gave! i know its not rlly that basketbally lmao 😔myb. im actually lowkey proud of myself guys 😌👊. let me know what you guys think! also send more requests for other people (and kate too but other people as well lollll). thats it. googbye hamsters in my phone <3. TOODLES
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jungwnies · 1 year
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syn ' just rivals? just friends? or is it something more? pairing ' fem!reader x rival!jake (academic rivals to ???)
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“this is stupid.” you complain as you stare at your notebook in front of you.
“maybe you just don’t understand it because you’re not as scholarly as me.” jake snickers as he sits at the desk behind you.
you turn your head and give him a death stare, “whatever einstein, that's why you have a big head.”
“at least i’m not failing physics.” jake says, laughing.
you roll your eyes and turn back to your notebook circling the same problem, “seriously, this makes no sense.” you mumble as you continue to do physics in your statistics class.
jake taps your shoulder, “you know if you just let your pride down for a second i could help you out.”
you roll your eyes again, “i’d rather not.”
jake laughs, “well, when you fail, don't blame me for not helping you.”
you sigh and finally give in, “okay fine, help.”
“pleaseeee?” he says, jokingly as he grabs your notebook from you.
you laugh, “shut up.”
jake smiles at you, “this is so easy y/n.”
you give him a straight face and snatch your notebook back, “if you’re going to belittle me then i’d rather not get your help.”
jake grabs the notebook back, “shut up, and let me do my thing.”
the teacher walks up to the two of you, “can you guys please keep it down?” “you guys might be done with the assignment, but the rest of the class isn’t.”
you give jake a certain look and purse your lips together, you look at the teacher and nod, “yeah, sure.”
you lower your tone and watch jake solve the problem in your notebook, “see, all you had to do was add those two together, multiply the velocity to the cos and then divide it by the-”
you cut jake off, “yeah yeah yeah, thanks.”
as the class finishes up the assignment, nearing the end, the teacher handouts a packet.
“alright, guys, listen up for just 5 minutes.” she says, grabbing everyone’s, well almost everyone’s attention. “this is a partner project, this time you will be allowed to pick your partner, your task is to go around and ask people to complete a survey made by you and your partner…” blah blah blah.
you turn around to look at jake, he smiles at you, indicating that the two of you guys would partner up.
“you know, for someone who literally hates me, you always want to partner up with me.” jake jokes. 
you give jake the same blank stare, “please don’t let this gas your head, you’re just the only bearable person in this class.”
someone interrupts your conversation, “hey jake, want to be my partner?” she asks, with a smile.
you look at the girl confused, and jake purses his lips, “actually, i already have a partner, sorry.”
the girl looks at you and rolls her eyes, “you guys always partner up together though, why not pick someone else?”
jake laughs, “i don’t know, because we work well together?”
you nod, “yep, two peas in a pod!” you chirp, sarcastically.
the girl walks away with an attitude and you sigh, annoyed.
“what? can’t bear the thought of not working with me?” jake chuckled.
“says you, you’re the one who rejected her.” you tell him.
“i’ll go tell the teacher.” jake says, standing up.
“this project is really dumb.” you say as you create the survey. “like seriously, couldn’t there have been a more interesting stats project?”
“y/n, i feel like you’re always thinking something is dumb.” jake says, as he types on the form.
“yeah, because everything is dumb, including you.” you jabbed, jokingly.
“and here i was thinking you liked me.” jake says, jokingly.
you feel your cheeks heat up and you look away and back down at your laptop, “gross.”
jake looks at you and smiles, “what, am i really someone who you dislike?” he questions.
you shake your head, “no, but it’s nice having a rival, no one else cares about academics as much as you do in our grade.”
jake smiles at you.
“what?” you say, looking at him, “why are you staring at me?”
jake shrugs, “i just find it funny how much you care about your grades, yet complain about school all the time.”
you roll your eyes, “well how else am i going to get rich?”
jake looks at you again, “so you don’t hate me?”
you laugh, “what?”
“i mean, you said that it’s nice having a rival, but wouldn’t you also consider us friends?” jake quizzed as the two of you finished up the forms.
you shrug, “yeah i mean i guess you are one of my closest friends.”
“closest?” jake smiles.
you roll your eyes, “sure.”
jake closes your laptop and puts it besides him, he looks at you again, but this time weirdly.
“jake, what are you doing? we have to get this done soon so we can collect data.” you scold him trying to grab your laptop from him.
he leans back as you try to grab your laptop from him, “jake! seriously.” you grumbled, not realizing how all over him you were.
you fall forwards on top of jake and look at him, he had a cheeky smile, and he was looking into your eyes. it was like time went in slow motion.
“you know y/n, you’re really pretty.” he confesses.
“yeah?” you challenged, looking him in the eye.
“yeah.” he tells you, admiring your features.
you get off of him and clear your throat, “anyways, can i have my laptop back?”
jake hands you back your laptop and also clears his throat, “so, will you go on a date with me?”
you choke on air and look at jake, “huh?”
“or did i misread that whole situation?” he asks, now a little nervous.
you laugh, “when and where?” you ask, looking at your laptop still.
jake begins to tell you his plans for taking you out, a smile plastered on his face the whole time.
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2022 © jungwnies
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ellena-asg · 4 months
Holy moly, that extra CotBP scene... Peas in a pod. After the rescue, when they're on The Dauntless. Jack talks to Lizzie about James (😏) and the curse, is very friendly and says she behaves like a pirate, she's piratey like him blah blah blah. And then ohh and then James pops up, looks at them and comes closer.
He is so close to Jack that you can say he forgot what personal space is. He looks at Jack so much. And his face, gosh, like "Excuse me, Elizabeth, but this man is MY err... um... and I don't like what I see here and..." and there's some tension and pain in his eyes like "SPARROW. I thought... You always flirt with ME, I... Oh hell, what are you doing to me?!". Like, Jamie is jealous but can't name this feeling.
He looks and looks at Jack and Jack's face is like "Oops! I made you jealous? I'm... sorry 😅". And then James is so much like "This Feeling. It's too much", he throws the compass at Jack (how dramatic! 😂 btw THIS compass! sparrington compass!), Lizzie just looks at them 👀 and... and James says... he orders (!!!) "With me, Sparrow" (he really says it!) and they go somewhere together. And Lizzie is now alone and still: 👀👀👀. She's like "What the fuck is between these two?".
What a scene, what a scene 🤯
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macybeckham7 · 1 year
You know those video ‘10 minute video of blah blah being blah blah’ can you do one of those with Gisela and Azalea being cute siblings
It started off with some home videos that you and Lewis took throughout the years. Azalea always holding Gisela’s hand as they ran about the house or the garden or the paddock. How doting the older sister was to her younger one, how she pulled goofy faces to make her stop crying even though you and Lewis tried everything to get her to stop. As they grew up they continued to be two peas in a pod, Gisela picking flowers with Lea close by and asking her if those were the right flowers. Them cuddling as they slept going across the world for races. How they ran to each other after each race whether it was good or bad. Them singing in the back of the taxis, them putting on different accents and doing impressions. They always being the first to get the other one. The whole video just making the viewer feel soft inside and wanting to be apart of their friendship group.
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Okay hear me out - they’re next to each other on the back of the packaging for the switch Zero/ZX legacy collection
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fallin-4-ya · 4 years
three rules / f.w.
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three rules
fred weasley x reader
summary: being best friends with ginny weasley came with three unbreakable rules, the main focus of them being no dating her brothers. so, naturally it was inevitable that the most infamous rule breaking weasley caught her eyes.
warning: none! (gif not mine credit to owner!)
requested? yes/no
words: 1.9k
By the time y/n was in her fifth year she had caught the attention of not only one redheaded Weasley, but two. Her spritely attitude and fun-loving nature had quickly gained the attention of Ginny Weasley, a Gryffindor two years below her. The girls got on so well, they practically became inseparable. Ginny, never knowing a sister even if one hit her in the face, found solace in y/n because of her warmth and kindness. Y/n loved Ginny as much as she could, and took her on to be the little sister she never had. It was often difficult to find one without the other, or even one not in ten feet of the other. But, there was one tiny problem. Y/n fancied Fred Weasley more than she cared to admit. And there was one thing that was no-no in Ginny and y/n’s friendship, no fancying each other’s siblings.
Ginny had made this abundantly clear the during their first year of friendship. No relationships with her brothers. Not Fred, not George, not Ron, not Percy. (‘Even though I doubt any girl in their right mind would go for Percy.’) They were all off limits; and it seemed her brothers had the same rule applied to them as well, because if one of them were to look at you Ginny would go on a rampage about how ‘she was her best friend and she deserves way more than you lot’. Ginny was so serious in fact, she had a set of three very specific rules to follow:
1.     No going on a date with a Weasley
2.     No kissing a Weasley
3.     You must tell Ginny if you break rule one or two
Y/n couldn’t be totally mad at Ginny, after all she was just trying to look out for a friend. Yet, y/n couldn’t help but to let her eyes wander when Fred walked into a room or snap her head in his direction every time he spoke a word. She had it bad.
It was only a matter of time before y/n found out Fred felt the same way about her, as she did for him. it was the beginning of the school year when he asked her in a quiet hallway after charms class if she would like to be his date to Hogsmeade the following weekend.
‘Are you mental?!’ y/n nearly shouted due to shook, ‘Your sister will kill us both, what about the ru-‘
Fred silenced her, placing a finger over her lips, ‘Ah, y/n, what’s life without a little rule breaking.’ She stared at him intently for a moment before Fred continued, ‘I’m going to take the silence and pensive thinking as a yes. See you on Saturday.’
And how unfortunate it was, how you two had such a wonderful time. Sneaking around Hogsmeade, looking over their shoulder and around corners for the sight of Ginny. The rush of adrenaline was nothing she had felt before.
They drank butterbeer together in the far, far corner of The Three Broomsticks, went to Zonkos in big puffy coast and hats to conceal their identity and took all of the side streets to get where they wanted to go. There was something about trying to keep their date a secret that made it even more fun.
They were two peas in a pod, bouncing of each other’s energy. They both agreed at they would meet the following weekend for a second date. Either one of them could contain their excitement. The feelings they shared were undeniable and the two wanted nothing more to make them work. The only trouble with this, is that they had to find a way to make it work without Ginny finding out, or at least until they were ready to tell her.
They didn’t share their first kiss until after their second date. Fred dropped her off at her common room after their day at Hogsmeade, gazing longingly at one another. Y/n was the first to speak, ‘I had a great time today, Freddie.’
‘I had a great time, too.’ Fred smiled at her. He paused and took a deep breath, ‘I fancy you, y/n. I really do.’
Y/n smiled wide, ‘I fancy you too, Fred Weasley.’
The whole world around them stopped, and for a single moment it was just the two of them. Fred leaned in gently, taking her face in his palm. His eyes flickered down to hers, asking permission. Y/n closed the gap softly, lips dancing on one another. Everything felt right. Until it didn’t anymore.
Y/n pulled away with a gasp, ‘Fred! What are we doing? We just broke rule number two, as if breaking number one wasn’t enough. Which means that we have to follow rule number three and tell Ginny. Or we’re dead for sure, I’m telling you!’
‘You and these bloody rules,’ Fred laughed. ‘Why on earth do you care so much anyway?’
‘Not so sure,’ the girl sighed. ‘I just don’t want to make Ginny upset. She came up with them when she was twelve, you know.’
‘Then,’ Fred said with a devious grin. ‘Let’s not make her upset. After all, you’re only in trouble if you get caught.’
Y/n smiled at Fred widely, before taking his collar and pulling him in for another long kiss. Maybe Fred was right, you are only in trouble if you get caught. So, the start of their very secretive relationship began. They would pull one another into a quiet hallway to steal a kiss, slip into an empty broom closet to snog and only held each other’s hands when the castle got dark.
From sweet nothings, to stolen kisses. Everything was hushed, swept under the rug. Perhaps if they acted as if the silly rules didn’t exist, then they didn’t. Ginny had suspected not a thing coming from the two of them, until one day she didn’t on a fateful spring day.
The flowers had just begun to bloom at Hogwarts. The days got longer and the weather became pleasant and warm once again. It was all Fred’s idea. The two were going for a quiet walk by the black lake, out of sight from wandering eyes; talking about nothing and everything. It wasn’t until, he leaned in for a kiss when the two heard a scream from behind them. The turned simultaneously, becoming face to face with the last person they wanted to catch them.
Her pupils tripled in size and her mouth was shaped into and oh position. Y/n went into panic mode, trying to calm the situation down. ‘Ginny! We can explain!’
Ginny scoffed at the two, ‘Yeah, you think?! What the hell? We’re you two actually snogging.’
‘For your information, Ginny,’ Fred intervened. ‘That was only a peck. We’ve snogged plenty of times before and trust me, it doesn’t look anything like that. Just ask her about that date at Hogsmeade.’ He winked at y/n.
‘Freddie, you’re really not helping.’ Y/n responded in a hushed voice.
‘Right,’ Fred nodded.
‘First of all, gross. Second, you broke the rules!’ Ginny yelled. ‘All of them! One, two and three!’
‘Ginny, look,’ Y/n stuttered, afraid to say the wrong thing. ‘We, well I- We were going to tell you! We just didn’t really know how.’
Ginny huffed, scratching the hair out of her face in frustration. ‘Didn’t know how to tell me what, how you broke the rules? The ones we shook on in second year! If you’re shagging my brother that’s fine, but you didn’t have to keep it a secret!’
She then threw her eyes towards her brother, ‘And you Fred. I’m so telling mum!’
Fred looked down at y/n who looked as if she was going to burst out in tears at any moment. He sighed, ‘Look Gin, don’t be mad.’
‘Mad?’ Ginny questioned, ‘Why on earth would I be mad?’
Fred looked at her like she had ten heads, ‘Not mad? Never would have figured out that.’ Sarcasm drooled from his tongue.
‘I’m not.’ Ginny stated simply. ‘Honest.’
Y/n looked up at her, ‘What? What do you mean you’re not mad, you basically just threw a fit if I’ve ever seen one?’ She looked a mix of relieved and vengeful.
‘Well, yeah, you guys broke the rules. And the initial shock was something. Blah, blah, blah. But, truth be told I’m happy you guys did. You see, I have about a lot of galleons wagered on you two, and if you waited just a few more days, they would have been Ronald’s.’ Ginny said, her arms crossed and shrugging her shoulders.
Fred and y/n looked at each other, mass confusion consumed them both. Fred turned to his sister with the most bewildered expression on his face. ‘Galleons?’ he questioned.
‘Yes galleons, Fredrick. Do I need to clear your ears out?’ Ginny stared blankly at the couple in front of her, who still wore confused expressions in their faces. She huffed, ‘Oh honestly, you two. Don’t act like you don’t know?’
‘Gin,’ y/n started. ‘We really don’t know what all this is about.’
Ginny shared eye contact between them, trying to figure out if they were being serious or not. She shook her head slowly, ‘You guys seriously don’t know, do you?’ Fred and y/n simultaneously shook their heads. Ginny gulped hard, ‘I actually don’t know how to say this. Well you see, me, George and Ron all had bets on when you two would get together and by the looks of it, I just won fifty galleons.’
Y/n looked at her with almost a blank expression, ‘So, you guys knew all along?’
‘Of course not. I will admit, you guys were doing really well with sneaking around. But, have you seen the way you two look at each other? You guys look at each other the way Ron looks at food. Anyone could see it.’
Fred turned to his girlfriend, who was blushing furiously, then back at Ginny. ‘So, you’re happy we broke the rules?’
‘My dear brother, you breaking the rules was inevitable. It was really only a matter of time before y/n cracked. The rules were only there to delay the future.’ Ginny laughed, putting a hand on y/n’s shoulder. ‘My best friend and my brother, doesn’t this practically make us sisters? Besides, it means you can come spend Christmas and summer holiday with us!’
Y/n found herself smiling uncontrollably, feeling as if a weight had been lifted off of her back. Ginny’s lips tugged into a lopsided grin, ‘Y/n, you will come stay with us, won’t you!’
‘Of course, Gin! As long as your brother doesn’t have anything to say about it.’ y/n poked Fred in the ribs with her elbow.
‘How could I possibly say no.’ Fred said, planning a kiss on y/n’s lips.
Ginny began making puking noises, pulling them out of their moment. ‘Just because I said I was happy you guys are dating doesn’t mean you can do all of that in front of me.’ Fred rolled his eyes, giving her a shut it and nudging her shoulder. This wasn’t going to be half as bad as they thought.
(‘I told you she wasn’t going to be mad.’ ‘Oh, shut it.’)
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voltrontranscript · 3 years
Voltron Vlog: Pidge
VLD Vlog: Pidge
Transcript by @dragonofyang
Summary: Pidge reflects on her comfort with technology and her growing relationships with the other paladins, and their acceptance of her.
[Google Doc]
Pidge: Um, I’m Pidge, the paladin of the Green Lion. Uh, I guess the thing that surprised me most about being in space is how much more advanced other civilizations are. The new technology we encounter every day is incredible!
[Cut to Lance, Hunk, and Pidge floating outside of the Castle of Lions.]
Pidge: The tech on this ship never ceases to amaze me, it’s so mathematically elegant! Its fit is a hundred times more frictionless than any exoskeleton we have on Earth. It’s beautiful.
Lance: It’s not a sunset, Pidge.
Pidge: You’re right. A billion sunsets just happen every day. Some genius engineer actually built this.
[Cut back to Pidge in the chair during her vlog.]
Pidge: Anyway, I guess I’ve always had a closer relationship with technology than with other people.
[Cut to Pidge in the castle armory.]
Lance: Oh, you got a cute little bayard.
Pidge: Yeah, it is pretty cute.
[Cut to more clips of Pidge, with Pidge’s commentary continuing.]
Pidge: But space provides an opportunity to blend technology with friendship. And I’ll never forget about Rover. We were like two genetically-modified peas in a pod. I should know, I reprogrammed it to be that way.
Pidge in the flashback: I’m gonna call you Rover. Follow me!
[Cut back to Pidge in the chair during her vlog.]
Pidge: Rover was the best drone a girl could’ve asked for. He was probably my closest friend until I got to know the paladins.
[Cut to Pidge in the trash nebula.]
Pidge, impersonating Keith: My name is Keith, I’m so emo.
Pidge: Shiro, you’re our leader, what should we do?
Pidge, impersonating Shiro: We’ll get through this if we work together. We’re a team.
Pidge, impersonating Lance: Look at me, I’m Lance! Hey, is that a cute girl over there?
Pidge, impersonating Hunk: Ugh, I don’t feel good. The smell of this place makes me wanna barf.
Pidge, impersonating Allura: Paladins, please, we must defeat Zarkon.
Pidge, impersonating Coran: Blah, blah, blah, crazy words, mustache!
[Cut back to Pidge in the chair during her vlog.]
Pidge: The paladins, the princess, and Coran all accept me for who I am.
[Cut to the Paladins and Coran in the dining hall.]
Pidge: Wait, I have something to say first. I need to come clean, and I’m afraid this may change the way you all think about me. Just so there are no secrets between us anymore, I can’t “man up.” I’m a girl.
Allura: I’ve known for some time, but I’m glad you’ve shared it with everyone.
Hunk: Yeah, I figured.
Keith: Oh yeah, me too.
Coran: Wait, we were supposed to think you were a boy?
Shiro: Pidge, owning who you are is going to make you a better paladin.
Pidge: It’s good to get that off my chest. Now let’s launch this castleship!
Lance: Wait, what? Pidge is a girl and the castle is a ship?
[Cut back to Pidge in the chair during her vlog.]
Pidge: Okay, maybe with Lance it was more ignorance than acceptance, but he came around. Yes! Matt just reached level thirty-six on Killbot Phantasm I, that’s the final level! I gotta find out how he did it. Bye!
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cherienymphe · 5 years
Nefarious (Loki Laufeyson x Reader)
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Warnings: Extremely dark!Loki, possessiveness, mild violence, eventual non-con/dub-con
➥ banner by @maysdigitalarts​ | dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Summary: You’re the one servant who’s never shown interest. You’re the one servant he wants the most. It seems that everyone in the kingdom is determined to keep you away from Loki, but he knows that forbidden fruit is always sweeter.
You tugged the covers over the bed, letting out a sigh of relief as you wiped your forehead. You were finally done cleaning up the mess left over from last night. At that thought, you looked up at your friend Kari with a frown. As if sensing your eyes on her, she sheepishly shrugged with a small giggle.
“Apologies, (Y/N). We got a bit carried away,” she apologized with a wistful sigh.
You shook your head, gathering the dirty laundry.
King Thor and his brother, Prince Loki, had a habit of inviting the servants into their bed. After all, it wasn’t like there was a harem or anything of the sort, so most servants doubled as both. Most. You were not among that bunch. It wasn’t that you were repulsed by it or anything. Kari nor any of the other servants ever spoke of any mistreatment. In fact, the giggly smile that was on Kari’s face now was one that was often seen after a night with one of the royals.
It just wasn’t your thing. Your desires always lied elsewhere.
“That’s what you always say,” you grumbled, but couldn’t fight back the small smile as she bumped her hip against yours.
“Well, because it’s always true,” she sang, bouncing alongside you as you exited Prince Loki’s chambers. “You would know if…”
“Stop it,” you sang back. “You know my heart belongs to one man only.”
Kari rolled her eyes before focusing her bright irises on you with a frown.
“Yeah, yeah, we know. You’ve been smitten with Erik for as long as you can remember, childhood love, blah blah and all that. It’s sweet, truly, but he’s another servant. Is he a wonderful cook? Sure! But Loki…”
She trailed off with a dreamy sigh, flipping her fiery hair over her shoulder.
“Loki is a prince who can make you feel like you’re flying,” she gushed.
You grimaced.
“You know I never want details.”
“Maybe you should. Maybe it will convince you,” she argued.
You couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped you as the two of you descended the stairs. Your conversation halted when you handed the laundry over to the servants in charge of washing them. They thanked you both, and Kari immediately grabbed your hand to tug you along. Surprisingly, King Thor and his brother didn’t demand too much of you, and the next task didn’t have to be completed right away.
“Why are you always trying to talk me into sleeping with the prince?”
It was the first time you’d ever asked the question.
“…because he’s a wonderful lover,” she shrugged. “…and…I see how he looks at you.”
Your eyes widened as she picked at your dress, looking up at you from beneath her long lashes to gauge your reaction.
She nodded.
“He asks about you, you know,” she confessed.
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest as you shook your head in disbelief.
“No, he doesn’t-,”
“He does,” she reassured. “I suspect that’s why he’s so ‘fond’ of me. He must know that we’re like two peas in a pod.”
You processed this information as best as you could.
“I don’t mind or anything. He treats me well, so who cares if it’s only an effort to learn more about you? I think he knows that you won’t have him. It’s kind of cute in a comical and almost pitiful sort of way, but don’t tell him I said that,” she whispered the last part, glancing around.
“That’s a bit…disturbing,” you murmured, unsure of how to feel about that.
“Oh, it’s harmless. You should see him when he’s trying not to ask about you. I can see it in his eyes that he wants to know more. He’s longed for you for quite some time, now and you torture him so. Although, I suppose the rest of us should be thankful. If you ever changed your mind, I suspect that we’d never share his bed again,” she sighed.
You pulled her to a stop, eyebrows furrowed as you studied her face. Surely it was another one of her games. The prince had a swarm of girls, and a few men, that he kept on rotation. You’d never even given him the time of day, so how could he possibly desire you?
“Kari, you are joking, right? This is another one of your tricks?”
She tilted her head, red hair spilling along her shoulder as she gazed at you, face empty of all humor.
“No. Have you really never noticed the way he looks at you?”
You slowly shook your head, and she sighed again, throwing her hands up.
“Gods be with me. Has Erik really blinded you that much? No wonder the prince looks like he’s about ready to ravish you every time you’re in his presence. You hardly even spare him a glance!”
Your frown deepened, face heating up. You suddenly felt incredibly foolish. If she was telling the truth, how had you never known? She intertwined her fingers with your own, pulling you along towards the gardens as she leaned in.
“The next time we are to serve the prince, watch him. Do it discreetly, but keep your eyes on him, and then you will see,” she whispered.
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The next morning, the king and his brother wanted breakfast served in the king’s receiving chamber as they pondered over paperwork and letters that were too political for you to concern yourself with. Kari entered the room with a cheerful greeting, and you followed with a soft smile. The king’s voice was boisterous as he greeted the two of you.
“A divine sight to be greeted with so early in the morning! Wouldn’t you agree, brother?”
The prince simply hummed in response, eyes flitting over documents, a small crease in between his brows. You assisted in setting their food down before them, but Prince Loki’s eyes remained unwavering as they scanned the parchment before him. You frowned in confusion, wondering if perhaps Kari had been playing a trick on you after all.
You almost dropped the jug of juice as you attempted to pour some for the king, and he assisted you in setting it down. His hand lingered on your own as his fingers grazed your flesh there, but you were unbothered. Thor had always been rather handsy, but never in an alarming sort of way.
“It truly is unfortunate that you never accept my offers to join me like your friend here. I can tell that hands like these are capable of magic,” the blonde man hummed.
“We’ve talked about this, my king,” you said as if speaking to a child, and he sighed while Kari chuckled. “I’m simply not suited for that sort of labor.”
“So you say, but a man can dream, can’t he?” he mused, grabbing his goblet.
You watched as he paused, peeking over the rim of the cup as he looked at his brother. You discreetly followed his gaze, surprised to find the dark-haired god glaring at him.
“Oh, relax, brother. I was only jesting…”
You quickly looked away, stepping back as you finished placing the dishes down. You stood alongside Kari as she spoke.
“If that is all then-.”
“Actually, there is a matter we need to discuss,” Loki said, finally dropping the parchments and turning to face the two of you.
He glanced at Kari for only a brief moment before his eyes rested on you. His expression was unreadable, but that wasn’t unusual. You’d only seen the prince smile a handful of times but let Kari and some of the other servants tell it, he smiled quite often when in the privacy of his chambers.
“Some friends of Thor’s will be visiting soon…,” Loki began with a sigh, almost exasperatedly.
“Ah. Yes, brother, I almost forgot,” the king chuckled, but he didn’t get to finish as the prince continued.
“The rest of the servants will be spread rather thin as they will be attending to them for the duration of their stay. One of the others will be attending to Thor, and because I am, as my brother likes to say, demanding, the two of you will be attending to me and only me while they are here.”
His eyes strayed to Kari every few words or so, but for some strange reason, you felt like he was only speaking to you. Even stranger, you felt like there was a hidden message in his words somewhere. The both of you bowed your heads in understanding, and the prince smirked.
“You may take your leave…”
As you did so, you felt his eyes boring into your back, and you resisted the urge to look over your shoulder.
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Thor’s friends arrived, but you didn’t see them until almost two full days after. Your duties had been solely limited to those of the prince, and since it appeared that Thor’s friends were not his friends, there was no opportunity to cross paths with them. Kari nudged you and threw you glances behind his back whenever you were in his presence, but you had yet to see what she supposedly saw.
Loki treated you no differently than he did her. Or anyone else for that matter. It seemed that the king had been right though. The prince was rather demanding, and his orders prevented you from visiting the kitchens for days. It saddened you, and apparently it showed.
“What troubles you so?”
You were in the process of opening the prince’s drapes to let in the morning sun, and you paused as his voice reached your ears. You had thought he was asleep, but the lack of fatigue in his voice told you otherwise. In fact, you would guess that he’d been awake for quite some time, studying you it seemed.
“Nothing, my prince,” you answered as you turned to face him.
You watched as he sat up, and your eyes widened when the covers slipped from around him, displaying his bare chest. You quickly averted your gaze as he chuckled, a rich sound.
“You can’t trick a trickster,” was his response.
You pursed your lips.
“Truly, it’s nothing-.”
“By the sullen look you’ve been sporting I would have to disagree,” he interrupted as he rose out of bed.
You sighed as he approached you before letting your arms fall.
“Honestly, it’s nothing to concern yourself with. I just haven’t had time to visit the kitchens. I have a friend who works down there…”
He stopped only inches away from you, and you looked up at him while fighting the urge to put some space between you. A dark strand of hair kissed his forehead, penetrating eyes taking you in.
“I’ll decide what to concern myself with, (Y/N).”
You swallowed, at both his tone and the sound of your name coming from in between his lips. He rarely said it.
“My apologies.”
“So, you think I’m working you too hard, do you?”
Your eyes widened, a bit of fear bleeding into them as he somehow twisted your words.
“N-no! I never-!”
He cut you off with a small chuckle, brushing past you to approach the breakfast you’d brought him.
“You can put your worries aside. I was only teasing. You’re perhaps one of the hardest working servants in this kingdom. You’re always more than happy to do your share…genuinely,” he mused, popping some fresh fruit in his mouth.
“I…I only do what is expected of me.”
He scoffed.
“I must disagree with that. You go above and beyond, and what’s more, you seem eager to. You enjoy it…”
You were a bit taken aback. Not just because his words rang true, but because he’d noticed.
“Well…yes. I’m grateful. The late Allfather found me when I was just a child…an orphan. A multitude of fates could have befallen me, but instead I ended up here…among royalty. I’m more than happy to serve the family that saved my life,” you honestly answered.
There was a smirk on the prince’s face as he turned to face you.
“Mm. My father did have a knack for taking in strays, didn’t he?”
You frowned in confusion, unsure of what that was supposed to mean, but he continued before you could dwell on it.
“Nevertheless, it seems rather pointless to acknowledge your hard work if I don’t plan to reward you for it…”
You tilted your head, studying him as he approached you. His green eyes seemed to sparkle as they took you in, roaming over every feature of your face. He lifted a knife that you hadn’t noticed him holding, a small strawberry on the end of it. He eyed you and you him as your confusion grew before it finally clicked.
You reached up to grab the piece of fruit when he jerked the knife back, startling you in the process. Your eyes widened as the knife neared your face, and you swallowed before hesitantly parting your lips. His heated gaze was unwavering as the strawberry slid off of the knife and into your mouth. His own lips parted just a tad before he twirled the utensil in between his fingers, turning away from you.
“I’m giving you the rest of the day off to fellowship with your dear friend.”
You made a noise of surprise, hand flying up to your mouth as you stared at him with wide eyes.
“…but…my duties-.”
“This is the first time I’ve ever seen you work with anything less than a smile. It’s not a sight I wish to see ever again,” he continued.
You couldn’t stop the grin that fell over your lips.
“Thank you,” you breathed.
He hummed, picking at the food before him.
“It’s only one day. I’m sure Kari will have no problem attending to me for the rest of the day,” he said.
You chuckled.
“I don’t doubt that,” you responded, sure that your friend would be overjoyed to have the prince all to herself for a day.
Loki smirked at that before eventually waving his hand, dismissing you. You practically ran to the door, another enthusiastic “thank you” thrown over your shoulder.
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“The entire day? Truly?”
You nodded with a grin just before Erik wrapped his arms around you, your dress flying around you as he spun.
“I was beginning to think you’d forgotten about me,” he complained, setting you back onto your feet.
“Hardly. The king has some friends visiting, and Kari and I are to serve only the prince for the duration of their stay,” you explained.
“I can assume Kari loves that,” he mused.
You chuckled.
“You would be correct in your assumption. I know you’re the best cook down here, but do you think anyone would notice if you slipped away?”
Erik’s hazel eyes rested on you before glancing around with a sigh.
“The king is dining with his guests tonight. I have prepared the bulk of the meal though…,” he trailed off with a frown.
One of the other cooks, an older man by the name of Ivar, caught wind of your conversation and decided to spare you both.
“Oh, go on! There’s no sense in you sticking around if you’re just going to sulk the day away,” he grumbled.
You grinned at him, taking Erik’s hand.
“Thank you, Ivar.”
He waved his hands about.
“That boy has been whining nonstop about you for the past few days. I’m sick of ‘earing it.”
Erik simply rolled his eyes, thanking his mentor before pulling you along.
“Prince Loki must like you a lot if he gave you the rest of the day off,” Erik mused, dark hair brushing along his forehead.
“He just wanted to reward me for my hard work. Besides, I don’t think it was a hard decision for him. Kari will be with him, after all,” you chuckled.
Erik didn’t respond, pursing his lips instead as he walked you passed the Royal Gardens, approaching the small lake that rested behind them. You lifted your intertwined hands, studying your matching skin tones as he pulled the both of you to sit on the lush grass.
“You’ve never…? I know Kari and some of the other servants tend to the king and his brother through the night as well-.”
“No! Gods no, Erik. You know that my heart has only ever belonged to you,” you cut him off, resting your hand on his shoulder. “Why would you ask me that?”
“It’s just…I know if the king or Prince Loki demanded something of you, you aren’t exactly in a position to refuse,” he murmured with a shrug.
“No, they’ve never-.”
“…and I see the way the prince looks at you sometimes.”
Your mouth hung open as you stared at him, brows furrowing while you blinked. Was this a common thing that everyone noticed but you?
“I’m sure its nothing,” you mumbled, recalling Kari’s words with a frown.
Erik rolled his eyes, leaning back to rest on his forearm as he faced you.
“It’s not nothing,” he sulked, and you couldn’t hold back the smile.
“Erik…are you jealous?”
“No!” he huffed, but you saw right through him.
“You are!” you laughed.
“He’s a prince! Even as only a lover, he can offer you so much more than I could ever hope to,” he sighed.
“Well, it’s a good thing I don’t want what he has to offer. I only want you,” you whispered, brushing your lips along his cheek.
“Do you mean that?” he breathed, and you nodded.
He suddenly sat up, startling you as he fiercely gripped your hands in his own. His eyes were wide and hopeful as he gazed at you.
“Then marry me…”
You gasped, your own eyes widening as his words flew straight to your heart.
“Marry me, (Y/N). I’ve loved you since we were children. Since Odin himself brought you within these walls. I often think of how miserable my life would be if he had never found you, and it makes me ache because I cannot live without you,” he confessed.
You smiled as he pressed your hands against his chest, eyes pleading.
“I…feel the same. I’ve never wanted anyone else,” you whispered.
Erik’s smile was blinding, and you laughed just before he reached out to bring you forward until your lips met his own. You slid both of your arms over his shoulders, leaning into him as he wrapped his own around your waist. You laughed into the kiss as he spun you around. Your feet had just touched the ground when the two of you were interrupted.
“Lady (Y/N)! Young Erik! It seems we’ve stumbled upon a tender moment,” the king’s voice reached you, and you pulled away in embarrassment.
You took a step slightly behind Erik as you faced Thor and his guests. He was with three men you didn’t recognize, two of which were brunettes while the third was blond. One of the dark-haired men wore facial hair that connected around his mouth, a bright red caped flowing behind him. You avoided their curious gazes as both you and Erik immediately bowed, acknowledgements falling from your lips.
“My friends, I’d like to introduce you to the best cook within these walls. I believe we have mostly Erik to thank for our lovely meals these past few days…”
“Thank you, my king.”
“…and this lovely creature is perhaps one of the best servants a king and his brother could ask for. Speaking of, I thought you and Lady Kari were to be aiding him,” Thor wondered, confusion crossing his features as he looked between you and Erik.
“Prince Loki noticed my sullen mood as I hadn’t seen Erik in days and was kind enough to give me the rest of the day off,” you answered.
Thor’s eyebrows rose in surprise as he regarded the two of you, but simply brushed his thoughts aside as he clasped his hand on the blond man’s shoulder.
“How generous of my brother. I don’t think either of you have had the pleasure of meeting my guests yet. This is Steve, Dr. Strange, and Bruce!”
You smiled at the trio as the king continued.
“I was showing them the gardens, but I didn’t expect to stumble upon such a joyous sight. It’s a shame my brother is so selfish, otherwise you could have seen a lot more of Lady (Y/N). She’s truly a godsend.”
“You’re too kind,” you argued.
“Nonsense! She’s just being modest. I assure you, my brother gave her a reprieve because it was well deserved,” he chuckled.
“We’re more than happy to take our leave, my king. We are sure you and your guests would like some solitude,” Erik said.
“There’s no need for any of that. Enjoy your time with Lady (Y/N)! We are heading in to dine with my brother shortly.”
You waved at the four of them as they passed you, and Erik leaned down to place his lips on your cheek as soon as their backs were turned. You turned your head, nose brushing along his with a small smile.
“Come. Let me walk you back to your room so we can tell all of our friends about the wonderful news.”
Your smile widened as he pulled you along, hand tightening around his own.
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It was during the early hours of the morning when you heard the door to the royal servants’ quarter open and shut. You sat up with a groan, the noise rousing you. It was quiet for a while, and you thought you had imagined the noise before you heard the soft sniffle of someone on the other side of the door. You reached over to shed some light on the room just as your door opened.
You sat up with a smile, ready to greet Kari, but your smile faltered when she went straight to her side of the room without so much as a glance at you. You noticed she left the door open and rose to shut it. The quarters for the servants of the king and the prince were located in a large circular room. The room consisted of five doors evenly placed along the walls. Each door led to a spacious bedroom that housed two servants. You didn’t want to risk waking any of the others.
You turned to face her just as she began to step out of her shoes. You noticed that her hair was a mess, dress askew on her shoulders. She sniffed again, and you took a step towards her.
“Kari? Are you alright?”
She didn’t answer you, and if her uncharacteristically quiet demeanor didn’t worry you, that did. You approached her just as she sat on her bed, facing the wall.
You knelt before her, and aside from her tearful expression, nothing seemed to be wrong with her. She looked right past you, and you frowned.
“Are…you upset with me?”
Her eyes suddenly widened as they focused on you.
“No! No, of course not!”
You sighed in relief, releasing a chuckle as you looked up at her.
“That’s good to hear. I was beginning to think I had done something to offend you. Why are you crying?”
She stared at you for a painful amount of time before her face eventually crumbled. She dropped her head into her hands, shaking it.
“Oh, (Y/N)… I messed up.”
“What do you mean?”
She lifted her head to gaze at you, an unreadable expression on her face.
“I messed up,” she repeated. “I never-! Oh, if I had known I never would have fed into it.”
You were growing worried, now, reaching out to grip her hands.
“Kari, you aren’t making any sense,” you pleaded.
Tears spilled over as she sadly gazed at you, and it was then that her shoulders finally sagged, bright eyes the saddest you’d ever seen them. You moved to sit beside her, and she tightened her hands around yours.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I’m so…,” she trailed off, looking down.
“Kari, I need you to talk to me. I don’t understand any of what you’re saying. Why are you sorry?”
You reached up to grip her shoulder when she suddenly hissed, jerking away from you. The sleeve of her dress slipped down just a bit in the process, and you gasped at the ugly bruise you saw there. It was faintly in the shape of a hand, like someone had been holding her shoulder hard enough to break it.
“Kari,” you gasped, covering your hand with your mouth.
She reached up to right her dress when you suddenly reached out, gripping her forearm as you pushed her sleeve up, taking in similar bruising on her wrist.
“Who did this to you?” you practically screamed, not caring if you woke any of the other girls.
She simply tugged her arm out of your grip, righting her dress as she sighed. She didn’t respond, but she wouldn’t need to. As much as you loved the prince, he was rather demanding, and with you gone, there was no way for Kari to do anything other than her duties…for Prince Loki.
“Kari… Did…did the prince do this to you?” you asked in disbelief, almost wanting to take it back.
To even suggest such a thing was vile, but you couldn’t think of anyone else. The thought made you want to vomit. Sure, Prince Loki was a trickster who enjoyed a cruel joke here and there. He was much more reserved than his outgoing brother, and it had earned him a reputation of being rather dark and rough around the edges. The odd man out, but… This was something else entirely.
She sighed before eventually nodding. Horror struck you, and you felt like you’d been punched in the gut.
“Did he-?”
“No! No, he would never,” she protested, seeing the question on your face before you could even get it out. “He was only angry. Terrifyingly angry.”
“What happened? What could you have possibly done that would warrant this?”
She didn’t respond right away, taking your hands again as she gazed at you with inquiring eyes.
“Did King Thor see you and Erik by the lake today?” she eventually asked.
You nodded.
“Yes. Erik… Well, he asked me to marry him. We’d gotten a bit carried away when the king and his guests stumbled upon us,” you answered with a small smile.
You’d been so excited to share the news with her, but you wished that you had told her under better circumstances. Still, you expected a congratulations or even for her to muster a small smile, but her expression remained solemn.
“It seems that sometime during dinner, the tale had been relayed to Prince Loki. He found me afterwards and demanded to know the truth. He was…furious, because in all the times he’d asked about you, I had never mentioned Erik.”
Your confusion grew.
“I don’t understand…”
“In his anger, he revealed to me that all these years, he thought that you wouldn’t have anything to do with him because you needed time. He was shocked to find out that it was because of someone else,” she confessed.
You felt a coil tightening in your gut, fear traveling through your body like a virus, although you didn’t understand why.
“What difference does it make?”
“(Y/N), it makes all the difference in the world,” she whispered, her gaze heavy.
You huffed, rising before making your way to the door.
“I’m going to-.”
“No,” she called, running after you. “Don’t make it worse.”
You frowned at her as you met her pleading eyes.
“Just…appease him-.”
“Appease him?”
“…and in the meantime, see if your duties can be shifted exclusively to the king.”
Your eyes widened at her suggestion, and then it finally clicked.
“Kari…you’re afraid for me,” you mumbled in dread.
“The prince likes to have his fun, sometimes even at your expense, but when its all said and done, its enjoyable for all parties involved. Today…today that was the God of Mischief who felt like he’d just been tricked.”
You allowed her to pull you away from the door.
“Please, just bide your time and go straight to the king as soon as you get a chance.”
You mulled over her words, sitting on your own bed as you feared what tomorrow would bring.
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The prince was in the bath when you entered his chambers, placing his breakfast down before going to part the drapes. You heaved a sigh as you looked out of the windows, recalling how you had to rub salve on Kari the night before. The dark shapes on her fair skin were burned into your brain, and you felt your stomach twist into knots when you set about setting his meal just how he liked.
It wasn’t long before he reentered his chambers, dark hair damp and dripping onto the dark robe that billowed around him. You quietly greeted him, avoiding his eyes as he sat down and dug in. The tension was thick as you poured fresh juice into his cup, setting it down and taking a step back with your hands clasped before you. It was quiet for a few minutes as he ate, and you felt like your heart was going to jump out of your throat with how fast it was beating.
“Something is on your mind.”
It was a statement, not a question.
“Might I speak…freely?” you inquired, hesitantly meeting his eyes as he halted all movements.
His eyes were cold as they rested on you, and you fought to hold his gaze. Loki eventually threw you a small smile with the barest of nods. You hesitated for only a moment before falling to your knees, dress circling around you as you lowered your head.
“My prince…if I have offended you in some way, I am sorry. From the bottom of my heart, I am deeply sorry. I would never intentionally do anything to cause you distress or any other negative emotion. It is the last thing I could ever want. I love this family. I am proud to serve this family, and as a loyal servant, I ask…”
You swallowed, lifting your head to meet his unwavering gaze. You blinked back tears.
“I ask that any grievances you have with me, to please take them up with me and only me. Kari has never been anything but a good servant. She has always taken pride in her duties, and I don’t believe she deserved-.”
“It is up to me to decide what she deserves, is it not?”
You snapped your mouth shut, eyes glassy as you pleaded with him.
“You don’t even know what you’re apologizing to me for,” he mused, his tone mocking, like he was in on some joke you were not privy to. “It doesn’t matter anyhow. She lied to me.”
“She did no such thing-!”
You cut yourself off, forgetting your place in your anger. Loki didn’t comment on it, opting to stand instead. You remained kneeled, looking up at him as he approached you. His stare was heated, something swirling in the depths of his eyes that terrified you.
“Tell me… In all the years the other servants, your friends, willingly offered themselves to share a bed with me or my brother, why didn’t you?”
You both knew the answer.
“You’ve forgotten yourself,” he accused when you didn’t answer.
You shook your head.
“I…I was in love with another. I am in love with another…,” you hurried to respond.
He hummed, reaching out to gently grip your chin, tilting your head back.
“I suppose one could say that your little romance has been interfering with your duties,” he mused.
“That’s not true,” you protested.
“Isn’t it? If I told you to undress, right now and spend the day serving me in my bed, would you do it?”
Your eyes widened, lips trembling as a small smirk danced along his pink lips.
“…or would you hesitate? Perhaps try to find a way out of it? Maybe you’d even flat out refuse.”
Your words were lost because his words were true. You could never betray Erik in such a way.
“No matter,” he suddenly sighed, brushing past you. “I’ve resolved the problem, anyway.”
You hurriedly stood up, turning to face him, brows creasing.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Erik is no longer with us,” was his simple answer.
You gasped, feeling faint all of a sudden as you registered his words. What?
“It is a rather shame. He was undoubtedly the best cook within these walls, but his talents will be put to use elsewhere, I suppose.”
“Where is he?” you tearfully asked.
“Somewhere that doesn’t concern you,” he answered, and you couldn’t stop the tears from spilling over.
“You can’t-.”
“I assure you, I can. From now on, there will be no more lies, no more secrets. Your only concern will be me and what I want, as it should be, because you are here to serve me and keep me happy.”
You swallowed your words as his own reached your ears. You flinched when he approached you, reaching up to brush his thumb along your bottom lip, his other fingers smearing your tears along your skin. His eyes ran over you, never resting on place too long, drinking you in.
“It’s time you dedicate every fiber of your being to serving me.”
Tags: @mcudarklibrary @darkficreposter @sherrybaby14 @xoxabs88xox @sebabestianstan101 @hoseokchild 
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merakiaes · 4 years
Glad It’s You - Draco Malfoy
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Requested: By @a-libra-writes​ and anon. 
Prompts: #2 from the common tropes-list. 
Warnings/notes: I squeezed to requests in together in this one, hope that’s okay. Not proofread so sorry in advance for any mistakes. It’s really short and probably not very eventful but leave a comment and let me know what you think. 
Wordcount: 1466
Summary: You’re in an arranged marriage with Draco and neither of you is happy about it. But everything changes when he gets hurt. 
Growing up, you and Draco had been as close as peas in a pod. It was inevitable, as your parents were all Death Eaters and close as well, having attended Hogwarts together in their youth.
You spent every day and did everything together, and maybe that was why you ended up tiring of each other and growing apart when you entered your teenage years.
Or perhaps, it was because your parents went behind your backs and arranged for you to marry after graduating, completely without telling you about it and completely against your will.
To a start, Draco was kind of indifferent about it, but you were a strong believer in the modern times in which you chose who you married yourself, and put up one hell of a fight, starting to go against everything and everyone and doing everything in your power to get back at everyone involved.
This included starting to hang around Gryffindors and muggleborns in general; to a start, only to piss off yours and Draco’s parents in hope that they would call off the wedding, but with time you came to the realization that there was nothing wrong with not being pure-blooded, like you had been raised to believe all your life.
In turn, Draco grew furious. Not only because you appeared so disgusted by the idea of marrying him, but because he felt betrayed.
And of course, being the petty, spoiled brats that you both, in truth, were, you both made it your mission in life to do everything in your power to make the other’s life a living hell.
First came the harmless but offensive teasing, but it quickly took a more hostile turn, the two of you more or less bullying each other every chance you could get.
But of course, your parents did nothing to call off the engagement. After one of your many tantrums, your mother had told you it was because they saw something you didn’t, and then went on about her arranged engagement with your dad and how they had learned to love each other.
Blah blah blah, that was all you could hear when she told you about it, continuing to do your absolute best to give him hell.
The friendship you’d had when you were younger was long gone at this point, the two of you absolutely despising each other. At least that’s what you thought.
It had been all fun and games up until now, Professor Snape waking you up in the middle of the night to pass on the word that Draco had been injured and brought to St. Mungo’s for treatment, and that he would grant you a visit if you wished for it considering your… relationship.
Snape knew better than anyone how the two of you interacted, having to put up with your constant competitions and hostile comments and behavior in school. 
So he was shocked to say the least when you accepted his offer and rushed out of bed to get dressed, worry written all over your face.
But he said nothing about it, simply escorting you to the Headmaster’s office to take you to the hospital by the Floo Network.
Upon arrival, Narcissa was the first one to greet you with a very awkward hug, Lucius offering you a stiff, even more awkward nod where he stood off to the side with his cane.
While they stayed behind outside the hospital room to speak with Professor Snape, no doubt about what punishment he was planning to give Potter as he, as usual, was the cause of all the trouble, they let you go into the room.
It was almost completely dark, aside from a lantern flickering in the window of the room.
Your eyes instantly found Draco where he was laying on the bed, and when hearing your footsteps approaching, he turned to look at you too, his head instantly pulling into a nasty scowl, his entire body tensing up protectively.
“Come to gloat, have you?” He spat out at you without missing a beat and you rolled your eyes, not at all fazed by the hostility.
“We’ve known each other since we were children, Draco.” You pointed out as you kept heading his way. “We used to have sleepovers, explore the woods, feed the ducks, spend every holiday together. I care about you, no matter how much it pains me to admit it.”
The last part came out as a sour mutter, and you begrudgingly sank into the chair at his bedside.
Draco scoffed, his lips turning down in distrust, his grey eyes analyzing your every move. “Really now?” He questioned. “Because I can recall you making fun of my hair just a few hours ago.”
“And you stole and hid my every pair of socks yesterday, so drop the attitude.” You replied without missing a beat, your glare hardening.
He held your glare for another moment, before averting his gaze to the ceiling above his bed with a huff.
While he laid there and sulked stubbornly, you took the time to remove the jacket you had thrown on with haste when getting ready a few minutes prior, completely oblivious to the way his eyes flickered over to watch you.
Once you had gotten the coat off, you turned around in your seat and hung it over the backrest of the chair, brushing out the shoulders over the edges before turning back around.
Draco quickly turned his head back away from you, averting his eyes back to the ceiling before you could notice him staring.
A heavy silence hanged over you in the air, thick enough to be cut by a butter knife, and you were looking everywhere but at each other.
You looked around the room for a moment, tapping your fingers against your thigh anxiously, before finally moving your eyes back to him.
You inspected his face for a few short seconds, taking note of the scowl still etched across the sharp features, before turning your attention to his bare chest, where blood had slightly soaked through the bandage.
Stilling your fingers on your thighs, you nodded your head at the injury. “Does it hurt?” You asked, the question instantly drawing a scoff from him.
“What do you think?” He asked right back, without looking at you.
You only rolled your eyes, standing up from your chair and lazily waving your hand to get his attention.  
“Scoot over.” You said, and once again, he scoffed, the glare on his face deepening and his eyes narrowing.
“Have you gone deaf?” You raised an eyebrow and crossing your arms over your chest. “I said scoot over. It’s freezing in here and there’s more than enough room for both of us in there.”
The glare on his face slowly faltered, turning into one of mild suspicion. “You’re staying the night?” He asked carefully and you simply hummed in confirmation, waiting for him to do as asked and make some space for you.
After looking at you with distrust for another few seconds, he finally did what you asked of him, slowly moving over to the left side of the bed with light hisses leaving his lips, his hand protectively lingering over the bandage.
You wasted no time in getting in next to him, pulling the thin blanket over your body and getting settled, keeping as much space between the two of you as the small hospital bed allowed.
Once you were laying comfortably, you folded your hands over your stomach, heaving a heavy sigh and staring into the plain white ceiling.
“I know I make it seem like I hate you and all but I don’t.” You confessed in a flat tone. “I’m just as unhappy about this whole thing as you are but if I have to marry someone, I’m glad it’s you.”
Draco laid awkwardly by your side, his hands folded curtly over his stomach in an identical way to yours.
He was silent for a moment but soon enough you heard him sigh, his voice following shortly after. “Yeah, me too.”
In the corner of your eyes, you could see him unfolding his hands and bring his arms back down to his sides, and without looking away from the ceiling, you did the same, wordlessly moving your hand on top of his.
He froze at the unexpected touch, even more so when you intertwined your fingers with his. But he slowly relaxed again at the familiar touch of your skin against his, his eyes shutting with exhaustion and comfort.
It was just like when you were little and used to sleep over at each other’s houses, and both of you reminisced in the memory in silence, remaining on your backs and slowly lulling off to sleep side by side without another word.
Tagged: @lucillethings​ @writing-is-my-guilty-pleasure​ @peakyhermione​@fanficflaneuse​
(If you want to be added or removed from the tag list, send me a message, ask or leave a comment)
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gleekto · 4 years
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Summary: College AU/Famous!Blaine and Fanboy!Kurt - Kurt POV
Kurt really doesn’t have time to figure out the dating world between being a freshman at prestigious theatre school, LAADA,  and his active but secret blogging life in the Sing!Fandom. So what if Sing! ended last year? There are still fics to read and actors to follow. Especially the uber talented heartthrob lead, Blaine Anderson. He can act. He can sing. He can even dance. He’s gay. He’s out. And he’s only 24. Kurt is willing to twiddle his thumbs and click refresh until Blaine Anderson’s next project.
He just didn’t expect the next project to be on his roommate Rachel’s new TV show.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Even Better Than the Real Thing (4/15)
It takes Kurt until the following afternoon for the haze to lift and for his feet to land back down on the ground after spending the evening floating. He finally logs on to his tumblr and to the entirely unsurprising 13 messages, all anonymous, all asking him if he heard about whether his source met Blaine. He deletes all of them and clicks on his direct message from Mercedes last night.
From LimaBlaineFan to MercedesSing! : Guilty as charged. You found me out.
MercedesSing!: So let me get this straight - Your roommate and close friend is literally working with Blaine Anderson?!
LimaBlaineFan: He’s her love interest. They kiss.
MercedesSing!: Please don’t tell me you’re jealous because you know that’s all acting and you have suddenly gone from number one fanboy to real life acquaintance overnight and there are a good few hundred followers who would be intensely jealous of you if they knew.
LimaBlaineFan: They don’t. And they won’t. But no, I’m not jealous. Blaine is indeed gay, and you know, he doesn’t have a boyfriend right now. Was too difficult to meet someone while on a show like Sing!
MercedesSing!: He did not tell you that.
LimaBlaineFan: He did. And we commiserated about growing up in Ohio - two gay kids. We’re like peas and pod, Blaine Anderson and I.
MercedesSing!: Shut up. You had a heart to heart with Blaine Anderson. 
LImaBlaineFan: Now let’s not get ahead of ourselves. But I can confirm that he  is even more beautiful in real life.
MercedesSing!: This is nuts. I’m happy for you. Hell, I’m happy for me. Do you think he can hook me up with Jo Johnson for some music lessons? Kidding. No not really. Anyways. You met Blaine Anderson. And shit got real.
Kurt and Mercedes plot out just the right amount of info to post publicly on his blog from his “source”. 
My source confirms that Blaine Anderson is a genuinely nice guy, but you’ve all heard that before. He did find out that Blaine sang in his high school Glee club, and oh, he’s single right now. Don’t get any ideas though, fandom, because Blaine knows there’s a difference between a fan and a friend. Anyways, sounds like Blaine Anderson was as cute as ever - oh and he was wearing cherry red shoes.
“Let’s go, Kurt. Off your laptop, put away your homework, we’re going to the cast open mic night.” 
Kurt looks up over his computer skeptically. “Open mic night?”
“Oh come on. You don’t even have to perform if you don’t want to. And Blaine asked if you were coming-”
“He did? We talked for like five minutes. How does he even remember my name?” What.
“Yeah. I know it’s weird but I think you’re a good excuse not to have to be networking the whole night. For me too,” Rachel emphasizes. “Come on.”
Kurt nods his head from side to side, feigning indecision but of course he’s going. Blaine Anderson asked for him to come. Or asked if he was coming. Or whatever. He’s obviously going.
As he and Rachel are whisked into the Limelight - closed for a private event - by the security guard at the door, he’s sure he has accidentally fallen through a portal into the world of Sing!, with Blaine’s character, Roy Royson, up on stage as usual, serenading his on screen love interest with an unplugged version of an 80′s rock ballad. Today it’s Jack and Diane. 
Only Roy Royson would be wearing a plaid flannel shirt and not a fitted red cardigan with tight dark blue jeans and a navy bowtie. And man, Blaine Anderson can rock a bowtie. 
“He’s good, right?” Rachel gestures to Blaine on the stage, who sees them and gives a wink and smile. What a showman. “Talented.”
“He was on Sing!, Rachel. Not a shock that he can carry a tune,” Kurt shrugs. No way is he letting Rachel know how captivated he is. He’s seen Blaine as Roy perform on screen countless times and then on repeat, but something about seeing the real Blaine, all styled and a touch deliberately flamboyant but also very boyish singing classic 80′s rock, completely holding the live audience in his hands. He’s hard to look away from. By the time Kurt catches himself staring slightly open mouthed and manages to turn around to get a drink, Rachel already has a drink in hand and is sitting at a table with Jesse St. James and a few of the others he met the other week.
Kurt orders a ginger ale with one lime (can’t be caught drinking underage with the high profile cast), and turns towards Rachel’s table where Blaine is now conveniently sitting. Kurt would not have normally dared to sit beside him for fear of spilling his drink from shaky hands, or worse being tongue tied when being asked a mundane question, but it appears that the chair beside Blaine is the only empty one and Kurt is not sure if it’s a punishment or a reward. So it’s facing his fears or cozying up to the showrunner at a separate table. Awkward.
“Great performance,” Kurt starts as he sits down beside Blaine.  “I can appreciate a strong stage presence despite the strange choice of music genre.”
Blaine looks up and his smile widens amusedly as he shifts his chair over to make more room. “Thank you,” Blaine nods and then leans in to Kurt’s ear. “Well, despite the choice of genre, I may have caught you staring.”  Blaine winks. Did he just-
Kurt is mortified but Blaine just elbows him in the side and takes a sip of his beer.  He was caught. But Blaine doesn’t appear to be mad, or embarrassed, or irritated - In fact, he seems happily entertained . Cocky bastard. “Well, my dad is a big Mellencamp fan, and I can’t say I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching a classic performance where the lead is in anything other than stone washed jeans and flannel.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Oh it’s a compliment.” Kurt turns to him. “I did try to do Mellencamp once in a Glee club assignment in my junior year - complete with the flannel. But somehow I couldn’t pull it off. My dad even called me out.”
Blaine laughs, eyes sparkling and staring right at him. Man, that eye contact. “Too forced?” 
“Too straight,” Kurt answers and Blaine laughs again like Kurt is both funny and entertaining. “I think I got a lecture about not trying to be someone I’m not just to impress him. That he loves me just as I am blah blah blah.”
Blaine’s face turns serious. “That’s lucky.”
Kurt stares back. “I know.”
“So you were out?”
“Yeah. And maybe thanks to my dad and my Glee club, I survived Lima. But it wasn’t fun. Guess Lima’s just too narrow for all this fabulousness,” Kurt jokes, gesturing at today’s outfit - lime green tight army jeans with a purple button down and scarf. And of course a heart shaped broach. 
“Lima’s loss,” Blaine says seriously, reaching out to touch Kurt’s arm. Kurt jumps and then Blaine’s hand is gone again. “Well, you’re in LA, now. The fun is only just beginning.” Kurt’s jaw drops slightly and he can feel himself staring at Blaine, again, and trying to stop being drawn to that impossible magnetism.
“Let’s go, Kurt! It’s our turn.” Luckily Rachel pulling at his arm against the magnetic force rescues him.
“I signed us up, of course. Defying Gravity. Let’s go.” Kurt normally loves performing. Loves performing Broadway hits. Loves performing with Rachel. But performing in front of his celebrity crush - that was not on his agenda. “Come on!” She pulls him up on stage. Ah well. Good thing he’s a good actor. Game face is about to be in full force.
When they take their bows, the room full of appropriately enthusiastic applause, Kurt lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “That was great, Kurt!” Blaine seems genuinely excited. “You’re a countertenor - You have an amazing voice!” Kurt beams. He has an amazing voice.
Before he can second guess himself, Kurt turns to Blaine and whispers, “Thank you. And I assume your love of Broadway is why I caught you staring.” 
Blaine laughs and chinks their glasses. “Guilty.”
When he gets home that night, high from all the performances, from the performing, from talking to Blaine Anderson again, he closes his door and screams silently into his pillow. He grabs his phone and texts Mercedes who is of course asleep in New York City.
Kurt: Mercedes, I’m back. We talked. Again. A lot. He kind of stared at me through my whole performance with Rachel. Which he admitted. And laughed. He even likes my voice. I think we’re friends. Like actually friends.
In the morning, Kurt wakes up to Mercedes’ reply. 
Mercedes: Of course he likes your voice. You’re epic. And friends? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
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tenecity · 6 years
room mates—a wang ziyi ff
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summary: yn and ziyi become roommates, or do they become something more? 
genre: fluff, a little angst 
word count: 5627/9270 lolrip
author’s note: i spent three weeks on this ripriprip jadlsjh this was supposed to be for Ziyi’s birthday but it’s already kun’s yikes. also we’ll see how well this goes and maybe the part 2 will be up soon? yea
—one of two
“How about this one?” Zhangjing points out one of the sofas, but it’s round and yellow. Yellow. Yellow, of all colours.
Your apartment’s sofa has pretty much broken down, but you and Ziyi, your roommate, haven’t got as much the time or resources to go buy one. Zhangjing offered to pay first, since he and Yanjun had a pretty steady income, and you smiled in gratitude as you readily took up his offer.
You didn’t know he was the worse person to ask for opinions on a sofa. He loved the bright colours, like red, orange, yellow, bright green. You wanted to slam your head against the wall.
But well, this one was quite pretty. It was in a half crescent shape, it’s aesthetically pleasing, it was unique but it was yellow.
Ziyi hated yellow. Too bright for his eyes, bad for the body, blah blah blah, something like that. You don’t really pay attention when he goes on about the good vitamins and minerals and healthy things for the body, you simply bob your head along and listen to him nag at you, in one ear and out the other, while you made him some coffee.
Coffee’s bad for the body too, and he would have preferred fruit juice, but he couldn’t resist your perfect latte could he? Plus, he has quite a few assignments to do, burning the midnight oil is pretty much a daily thing now. So he would take one, taking in small sips as he continued his rant.
People would think Ziyi is a quiet, soft spoken, shy boy. Try living with him. He nags about everything and anything. A perfectionist at heart, one hair on the couch is not in place and he would fuss over it for hours. It is almost like hell, and it would be, if not for the fact that Ziyi is a perfect angel and a wonderful roommate. No troubles at all.
“YN! I’m talking to you! Can you please give me some attention?” Zhangjing whines as he glares at you.
You roll your eyes. 24? More like 14.
“Sorry!” You whine back, earning a chuckle for him. 
“So the yellow one, yes or no?”
“No. Ziyi hates yellow.”
“Ziyi, Ziyi, must it always be about Ziyi?” Zhangjing asks, fingers skimming over the soft yellow material.
“Well yea, because if you haven’t noticed, he lives with me. So his preferences matter,” You flick Zhangjing’s forehead and he yelps in pain, pouting. “Unlike your opinions. Let’s see some more. Zhangjing, hurry up, I don’t care if you have short legs, stop whining! I still’ve got to go to the cafe to fetch Ziyi later,” You say airily as you brush past the sunshine sofa, legs immediately moving towards the navy blue section.
“Yanjun!” You yell from across the yard, waving at him crazily, a grin ingrained on your face as you finally see a familiar face amidst the strangers.
He sees you, and soon enough, he is crashing into you as he wraps his arms around you, pressing his cheek against the side of your head as his laughter booms in your ears. “Nice to finally see you, idiot.”
“Not the nicest thing to say to your best friend, after having not seen her for 2 years, but yea okay, I would take that as a decent greeting,” You retort back playfully, punching his arm as he pulls you in for another hug, dimples deeper than ever.
As your chin hooks onto his shoulder again, you catch a glimpse of his awkward group of tall friends, hanging aimlessly behind Yanjun, unsure of what to make of such a passionate greeting.
Yanjun simply laughs at them, fingers intertwined with yours, as he leads all of you to a nearby cafe, his chatter rambling non-stop, his friends all raising their eyebrows at such a rare sight.
Coffee aroma sweeps the place and it welcomes you heartily, as you take a deep breath of its scent. It was comforting, something familiar, something, something like home. Yanjun smiles at you, his irises shining with understanding, his lips pulling into a smirk as he claps himself on the back for knowing just what to do to make you feel comfortable.
Sipping coffee, you mostly tune out to their endless chatter, your eyes roaming the cafe. A critique and a perfectionist personalities added together, your sharp eyes search for something to criticise.
For example: The place isn’t that clean, stray mugs lying on the tables, newspapers strewn on the couches. The couches being brown doesn’t brighten up the atmosphere, making it seem dull and monotonous, rather than classy or light hearted. The vintage pictures on the wall...seemed out of place to say the least. Perhaps a picture of the turquoise waves crashing onto a beach would have suited the cafe better.
Service was...mediocre. Not slow, not fast either, the waiters also seemed to be slacking, seeing how they’ve failed to tidy the finished cups and plates.
“Ziyi! Ziyi come over here for a bit.” Yanjun waves over one of the waiters.
Tall, sharp features, which don’t fit his soft smile or gentle eyes. His hair was tied back into a neat ponytail, carefully styled up and braided, looking smart and neat, which is not the exact look you usually see on ponytailed guys.
His lips curve upwards just a little as he holds up his hand and clears the mugs on the empty table, walking back behind the counter.
It is only when he puts them into the sink, and thoroughly washed them, does he come over to Yanjun, taking a seat next to the cackling man.
Muscular, no. Lean yes, you think as you mentally tick and cross the respective criterias, noting how his muscles just peek under his black attire, his pale hands flaunt obvious veins that run up and over his wrists and bones, disappearing into his biceps.
“Ziyi! Meet my childhood friend, YN.” The corners of Ziyi’s eyes crinkle as he politely stretches out his hand, his warm palm wrapping around yours as he gives you a firm shake.
“Nice to meet you, YN. I’m Ziyi.” He retracts his hand, his lips parting again as he forms more words.
“What course do you take?”
His smooth voice nearly silences everyone out, as he politely makes conversation with you, words leading the both of you to an engaging discussion, in which you find out that he likes dogs, music, rap and the gym, and that he preferred fruit juices to coffees, but this was the only cafe around and he needed a job; and that he had a dorm and yes Yanjun, okay, and no, not at all, he didn’t mind you being his room mate at all, but only if you’re comfortable being his room mate, of course.  
Long story short, you found his awkward, yet amicable and steady aura endearing, and before you knew it, your luggages were sent to his apartment, and voila, the two of you became two peas in a pod, nearly inseparable as the both of you spend nearly all 24 hours together, because as it is, he takes psychology as well.
Your fingers tap against the counter, your body leaning against the wooden structure.
The cafe is nearly empty now, closing times are fast approaching as night fall descends, and the streetlights glow brighter in contrast to the dark background.
The only sound in the cafe, was the sound of water rushing from the tap, an occasional pause as Ziyi scrubs the cups, his face relaxing with each finished cup as he nears the end of his shift, his eyes ever so often shifting towards yours, only to turn back to his work as he sees your raised eyebrows.
“You aren’t even supposed to do the dishes this week. Can’t you like, force the others do it too?” You complain as you kick a stray pebble on the sidewalk, the two of you trudging home after a long day, the apartment just a couple of minutes away.
He shrugs, as he always does. “Well, it doesn’t matter who does it right? So long as the job gets done.”
You bite your cheek in frustration, begging yourself to not spill another word. The last time you had complained about this, him sacrificing his time to wash the dishes that his colleagues were supposed to do, the two of you had gotten into a heated argument.
“Ziyi, I don’t get it. Just let the others do it! What’s so difficult about letting the rest do what they are supposed to do? They are paid to wash the dishes too, they are paid to close the shop, they are paid to finish their entire shift, and not leave half an hour earlier! It’s irresponsible of them, and you helping them cover, isn’t what a good colleague should do.” You grit your teeth as you spit out the words, arms folded as hot, searing rage cutting through your body, the anger like boiling water in a kettle; too hot, that it could possibly explode.
This was the one and only criticism you had of Ziyi. He was so selfless, so giving, so other-centred, that he became passive. He didn’t stand up for himself, he allowed others to step over him and use him, on the basis that they knew he would do things for them.
And you hated it. You hated it, because you knew, Ziyi had so many things to do. Basketball, studies, projects, assignments. Knowing Ziyi, he expects himself to be perfect in each and every one of those areas, but let’s face it, Ziyi is not a genius.
In order to be as perfect as he wanted himself to be, he needed time, time to practice, time to revise, time to think, time for himself. And this extra time after work was taxing, and on most days, he couldn't sleep until after 4am, and he needed to be up the next day at 8am.
No matter how healthy his lifestyle might be, his body will never keep up. It needs time to rest, it needs time to relax. His body’s defences weakened as he abused the strength of it daily, pushing it far beyond its limits, and you hated him for doing that, you hated this side of him; always others, never him.
“YN, stop it. Why can’t I just do it for them? It doesn’t matter who does it right? So long as the job gets done. As colleagues we should help each other out, maybe they have something to do-”
“Yea, like going to the club-”
He holds out his hand, stopping you, eyes squeezed shut, before a fierce glare replaced his usual softness when they reopen; jaw set as it tightens, his fingers curling inwards slightly as he tries to maintain his steady voice.
“It doesn’t matter where they go. I don’t even understand why you’re making such a big fuss about it. You’re not even the one doing it-”
“Yea, but you are the one who’s doing it, and if you haven’t noticed, I have to wait for you to finish and-”
“Well then don’t! Go home first if you’re so tired, and go and rest first! You don’t have to wait for me.” His bitter words sting you like a slap on the face, the sensation fueling the anger.
“Fine! I don’t even know why we are arguing over this. Why are you so upset? Over such a small matter? Wang Ziyi, what the hell is wrong with you? I’m just concerned, and I don’t want you to overwork, that’s all. Why must you be so emotional and uptight about it?” You’re shocked for the most part, and it is evident, obvious enough at least, for Ziyi to realise his unintended outburst, and his hard expression softens slightly.
“I’m sorry, I just-”
“I know you’re stressed. I know, Ziyi. We all are. But don’t take it out on me, okay? You can rant about it to me, talk to me about your struggles, and I would gladly listen. But don’t take out your frustrations out on me, okay? I….I don’t like it.”
He scratches the back of his head, his adam’s apple bobbing. “I….I’m sorry. I...I guess I’m just stressed and there’s just so much to do, so little time…” His head hangs low as he buries his head in his fingers, his body sliding down against the wall, his large figure suddenly compressed to become so small, and so vulnerable.
His fingers thread his long locks as he looks back up, tears in his eyes, a mess, a whole, full-on mess, and yet in the moonlight, he had seemed ethereal, so ethereal, you were almost jealous, if not for the fact that the urge to reach out and hug him overpowered that envy.
Your hands outstretched, you crouch before him and he nuzzles his face into your neck, warm tears sliding down your smooth skin, staining them with hurt, pain and stress; helplessness radiating off his body.
It was an awkward position, your small body unable to envelope his entire being, but you radiated security and comfort, and Ziyi took refuge in that, his fingers tracing along your waist as his arms locked around them, pulling you in closer.
Apologies flowed in a never ending stream, and you could only hush him as you sat up slightly on the bed, his head on your shoulder, his eyelids drooping heavily as exhaustion overwhelmed him.
You fall prey to the same tiredness, your head knocking against his as your head droops, fingers still locked in his hair.
Soft pitter patter sounds from the window pane and you look out at the gloomy sky, the reddish and pink hues disappearing as darkness takes over. The city is still lively, bustling with life as people hustle, trying to seek shelter from the drops of rain.
Your eyes look up to the sky. Definitely doesn’t look like it’s going to be a light drizzle; more like a whole, full on rainstorm.
“You sure you’ll be okay?” The soothing voice crackles from over the phone, as your pan sizzles with oil.
“Yea, I’ll be fine.”
“Ziyi’s going to be home?” You can hear the familiar crunch and laugh quietly at the other boy’s antics.
“Yea.” You hate lying, but you really didn’t want to trouble Zhangjing and Yanjun again.
Zhangjing hums in reply. “If he isn’t home soon, I’m only one call away-”
“Zhangjing, please. It’s as if I haven’t heard enough of you for today.”
He snorts indignantly, and groans as if stabbed in the heart. A quick goodbye, he hangs up, the dying sizzling sounds from the pan softening as the oil burns into a unmovable layer of grease. The gas knob is turned, and the fire blows out, as you trudge to your room, trying hard not to wince at the low boom in the distance.
Clamping your teeth down on your chapped lips, you pull the grey blankets up to your knees as you pull them to your chest, curling yourself into a tight ball. Buried head in the sheets, you try counting to ten, and then you try counting sheep, and then you try whispering reassuring words to yourself, but it doesn’t work.
The lump in your throat stays as your hands get clammy, your ears hurting from the pounding of your heart.
Your breaths become rapid and shallow as you struggle for oxygen, as if Zeus was tightening his lightning bolts around your neck, the rough edges burning your skin, red rimmed open wounds obvious.
He twists the ends of the lightning and you nearly choke, and your hand moves to your throat, trying to remove the lump in it by grazing your fingertips over your skin, but the lump remains and only grows bigger.
It’s starting to get scary. The lightning flashes right outside your window and you squeeze your eyes shut, allowing the blanket to cover your face, the thick material simply not thick enough to block out the roaring thunder outside.
It seems like Zeus just wants you dead.
Gulping, you turn as you pull the covers over your ears, trying to even out your breathing, taking in a deep breath before releasing it slowly, but then the lack of oxygen becomes to much, and the breaths return to their usual state and you inwardly groan.
One hour, maybe two, pass, and the storm doesn’t cease, neither does your panicking state calm down.
Then, the click comes from the door, and your eyes flutter close as you mutter a quick prayer.
“YN?” The tranquil voice roams from the living room to your room and your vision starts to blur. The voice wavers with breathlessness, as if the person had just ran a marathon.
He finds you huddled under the sheets and quietly changes out, your breathing finally evening out as you inhale his herbal scent and take in his hushing presence.
Dressed in your favourite shirt, his favorite shirt actually, which became your favourite, because his scent lingered on it stronger than the other shirts, and some comfortable, cotton gym pants, he slides in next to you, and you turn, wrapping your arms around his torso, allowing your tears to finally drop.
“Why didn’t you tell me that Zhangjing or Yanjun weren’t going to be here?” The gentle words fan softly over the shell of your ear.
“I didn’t want to disturb you.” You murmur in reply, words muffled against his milky white skin.
He gives the smallest sigh possible, before nodding, fingers running through your hair. “Tell me next time, okay?”
“Okay.” Slumber laced words leave your lips, a warmth embracing your being as the last few tears slip down your cold cheeks.
Pitter patter, the raindrops hit the glass pane.
Pitter patter, the tears drop and stain his white shirt. He doesn’t mind.
Pitter patter, the storm stills, and thunder moves away. Zeus is bored of playing with you.
Pitter patter, his thumbs brush over your cheeks as they clean away the tears.
Pitter patter; is that the sound of your heart, or the raindrops on the glass pane?
“You know this entire ‘cuddling solves anxiety’ thing you’ve been trying to prove to me for the past half an hour, has no scientific claim to it whatsoever.” Zhangjing points out, and you pout at him.
“But, in all honesty, Ziyi always cuddling you is definitely not what roommates do. Yanjun doesn’t even care if I’m alive or dead.”
Yanjun scoffs in response, eyes still glued to his phone.
“And, so you’re telling me, you don’t know whether you were having a panic attack, or your heart was just ‘beating wildly’,” Zhangjing air quotes dramatically, and you would have rolled your eyes, if not for the dire situation. “Because Wang Ziyi was being his usual caring self?”
You nod, stirring your tea.
“Told you it wasn’t a good idea to have him room with a girl.” Yanjun mutters under his breath. Sighing, he steals a sip from Zhangjing’s coffee.
“HEY! I paid for the damn coffee. Give it back!” Zhangjing hysterically screams as he waves his hands about, clearly helpless in his situation, almost as much as you are.
Yanjun sticks out his tongue, but his expression remains dark and his lips pull into a tight line, clearly mulling about something.
“What do you mean?”
“What?” Yanjun replies, his eyebrows raised, almost surprised you replied to him.
“What do you mean you don’t think he should room with a girl?”
“Well, you know, the campus is crammed, and loads of people need to find a dorm.” You nod impatiently and frown deeply. “Skip that. Tell me what I don’t know.”
“Eager, are we?” He teases, just a peek of his usual humor, before his expression returns to its full seriousness.
“Well, so lots of girls need a dorm, and there isn’t any room left. And Ziyi is by far, the least eros driven man I have ever met, so I introduce them to him. So, well,” Yanjun swallows.
His eyes waver as he weighs out the pros and cons of spilling the beans to you, Zhangjing looking equally uncomfortable, even, even afraid, almost, as if he was afraid the words that come next would hurt you.
You tilt your head, eyes brimming with questions as they scream ‘Tell me’, and he complies, a huge sigh tugging the corners of his lips.
“Well, Ziyi has taken good care of them, and they, well, um, misinterpret it, I suppose? As something, something more.” He ends flatly, looking away.
You blink, confused for a moment. And then the reality sinks in.
Zhangjing was wrong. The words didn’t just stab you.
They broke you.
So what, all the times he had ironed clothes for you, claiming they needed to be “crisp and neat”, all the times he accompanied you to the clinics, because you were afraid of injections, all the times he bought you your favourite muffin, claiming he had done so because it was on the way home, when obviously you needed to go one extra round to get to the shop, what, all this, all this, care and concern, was because he was, he was just being nice?
You almost choke on your water. How could you be so stupid to think that he treated you specially?
Of course he hadn’t. Because he was Wang Ziyi, the Wang Ziyi, who was nicknamed Buddha, who was the kindest, most gentlest person on the earth. All that he had done, came naturally for him, an obligation, he believed, as a roommate.
Nothing more, nothing less. Just a roommate.
‘Was that what he thought of me?’ You frustratingly clink the metal spoon against the ceramic glass, frown etched on your forehead, in complete disbelief.
Really? The times when he held you as you calmed down from your attacks, when you woke up from your demons, when you were huddled in a corner, tears running down his face, the hugs, were just because he was nice?
You couldn’t believe it. But apparently, it is the truth, because that’s what Ziyi did for the other girls too, his other roommates, when they broke down under the pressure of their workload.
So what now? You almost scoff again as you think about how special you felt. Clearly, that care and concern was not reserved for you, as you stare at the spinning clothes in the washing machine, your favourite shirt in there.
You really don’t know why, but you just needed the space and time, to just think, about what you were going to do now.
You know why they call it a crush? Because quite literally, they come into your life like a comet and crush everything, messing everything, your projects, your math equations, your files, your clothes. Nothing is in order and you’re a huge mess and you are frustrated, because hell, the next examinations are just around the corner, and you can’t just let a certain boy destroy all that you’ve worked hard for.  
You avoid him like the plague. It’s childish, really, but what can you do? Seeing him makes your heart race and the tip of your tongue tastes bittersweet at the sour ache spreading in your chest. You even avoid the cafe he works at, not bothering to go there to wait for him anymore. You hole yourself up in the library, until he finds you there, and you end up scurrying off, before he even has a chance to call out for you.
Now, you hole up at Zhangjing’s, and he has his hand on his hips, a frying spatula in his left arm as he talks over the sizzling oils and vegetables.
“I don’t get you. When you fall for someone, girl, most people would go crazy and just fall in love, like they should, and go crazy and all, and find chances to get closer to the person. You,” He points the spatula at you as he waves the oily tool in your face. “On the other hand, simply ran away. Care to explain?”
You sigh as you rest your chin on your palm, waving your other hand, shooing his madly gesturing spatula away. “Get this thing out of my face. It’s not that I don’t want to be around him….I’m just, just scared I guess?”
Zhangjing’s eyes widen. “Please don’t tell me this is your first time crushing on someone.”
You lick your lips and avert your eyes.
“Dear god, YN, what have you been doing with your life?”
“Um, busy getting a scholarship? Because I’m not rich?” You retort back in return, face flushing from the heat of the pan.
“Well, I’m just telling you, you should at least talk to him. He is genuinely worried, okay? Like he hasn’t stopped talking about you for the past week, and as much as I would love to have updates on your love story, it’s getting tiring to see him so bothered, forever frowning.”
“I agree.”
You glare at Yanjun, as he drops his bag on the sofa, sinking into the couch as he closes his eyes and leans back. “You really need to talk to him.”
You raise your eyebrows. “And about what, exactly?”
“God, your IQ is so high, but your EQ so, so low.”
Zhangjing gives a yelp as you flick his forehead, laughing.
Perhaps you will talk to him. Maybe it would be better this way.
“What are you doing?” You sense a harshness in his tone, but you pretend to not feel it.
“And why?”
“I’m moving in with Linong, you know the boy from philosophy?”
Ziyi rubs his temples with his fingertips. “Yea, I know who he is. I’m not asking about that, you know what I’m asking about.”
You shrug your shoulders as you fold another shirt, your teeth nearly tearing the chapped skin of your lips.
“YN, stop it. Why are you doing this? Am I… Did I do something wrong?”
Swallowing hard, you shut the suitcase with a firm click. “No. You never did Ziyi.”
You sigh as you stand up, suitcase in one hand, your coat thrown over your arm, your torn bag in the other. Brushing past him, you swallow the drops of salty tears, trembling lips, you walk towards the door.
“YN, wait.”
When you watch dramas, and you see the character call out for another, you always think about how stupid they are when they turn around and look back. Why don’t they just walk away?
Now you know why. It’s impossible. Ziyi’s voice latches onto you like an anchor in the seabed, reeling you towards him and you can hardly resist as you turn around, tear droplets wrapping around your throat.
He doesn’t say anything. He simply stares at you, helpless almost, confused mainly.
“I’m sorry Ziyi. I….I really am.”
You really are sorry, and you would apologise again and again if you could; for hurting him, for wasting his time, for misinterpreting his actions, for falling for him, when it could never possibly be possible.
“When I asked you to talk to him,” Yanjun rubs his temples as he squeezes his eyes, eyebrows knitting into a knot as you fiddled your thumbs in front of him, seated cross legged on his shared bed with Zhangjing, ready to hear an earful from him. “I didn’t mean hurt him. Neither did I mean ‘you should go change a roommate instead of facing the problem head on.’” His head snaps up as he glares at you.
“Why, why, why, must you do that?” He asks exasperatingly, throwing his hands in the air, and they land floppily on the bed.
“I don’t know.” Your eyes downcast, those are the only three words you whisper.
“You can’t possibly not know. You know why. And I want to know why. So, please hurry up and tell me.” Yanjun says, his voice toned down a little, but the frustration is clearly evident in his voice.
“I’m scared?”
“And what are you scared of?” The voice softens down a notch, as he brushes a strand behind your ear.
“I’m scared of falling for him.”
“And why so?” Yanjun continues, his lulling voice, soothing you.
“You know how hard I worked to come here ge. I…..I’m not prepared to…..give up my time, my emotions for something so fickle.”
“Love isn’t fickle, YN. Love is as much of a serious thing as your studies are.”
You shook your head forlornly. “No. No it isn’t. Love, it comes in different forms, and it can always come again. I only have this one shot in Uni. One mistake, one slip up, and I’m losing out to someone else, giving up a bit of my spot in the working world. You know how much this means to me right?’
Yanjun can only sigh and nod as his fingers trace your spine, rubbing your back as he lets you bury your head into his neck, his eyes meeting Zhangjing’s and they both collectively sigh, swallowing some tears as they watch you pitifully cry.
Your father had always said, you weren’t good enough. You weren’t smart enough. That you needed to marry early, or else you would be homeless and unwanted. He always said you were weak, you needed someone to take care of you, someone to support you.
That was what he said. It was an excuse, really. He just wanted to use you, by brainwashing you that you needed someone’s help to survive, he forced you to attend multiple arranged marriages meetings from the age of 14, forcing you to grow up, to become business-like.
You had everything, really. He simply gave everything to you, in exchange for your pretty face and body, to entice businessmen.
But even then, you had felt so, so empty. You just wanted to be normal teenager. You were tired. You wanted to go out and have normal friends, people who didn’t have to deal with the rich’s complex social politics. You wanted to squeal over boys and/or girls alike, you wanted to have a crush and go through that dizzying experience, but you never could. Strict rules told you to wear a cold but professional facade, because successful men wanted capable, cool-headed wives.
You didn’t want to be treated like a possession, a trade item. You wanted to be so much more. But all your life, you never were, and as the seasons passed, you lost yourself somewhere in between social meetings and riches.
That was, until you met Yanjun. He taught you to base your worth on yourself. To ignore your father. To let the invisible wind blow away the meaningless words of your father. To become strong and independent, to make a name for yourself, to succeed base on your own effort, and not because your father had money, enough money to put you into the Ivy League schools to find him more business connections.
On the rooftop of your mansion home that day, the torrent rain slashed you and your screams filled the terrain, your father bringing you down as he hit you repeatedly with a belt, reprimanding you for your disobedience, for screaming that you were independent, for screaming that you hated him, for screaming that you wanted to be normal.
That day, shivering, legs filled with open ruby wounds, you pushed and broke your previous self, a shattered piece lying on the chessboard, and now the opponent across your father, was you. You promised yourself, that you would never step back into the house again.
You left home at 16. And ever since, you’ve been staying with Yanjun till he went to college, and the two of you now together again as you entered into a prestigious college, by your own merit.
This chance in this college, to receive the best possible education, to graduate with one of the most world recognised certificates, was important. Extremely important.
It was the result of everything you prepared for, to enter into the workforce as a strong contender and work your way up and finally, finally meet your father as one of the most successful woman, proving to him that you didn’t need anyone, to achieve what you’ve achieved.   
Everything was going according to plan.
That was, until Wang Ziyi entered your life. He didn’t know your past, he treated you normally. Even with your nightmares, he treated you with equal respect; he saw you as someone strong, he believed you were strong, and didn’t treat you specially.
Sometimes, Yanjun would unconsciously treat you specially. A human instinct to pity. But Ziyi knew nothing, and he never did that. He took care of you, sure, but never has he treated you as a weak, wounded hunted animal. He treated you like an eagle, strong, smart, wise, who had an occasional bad day, like anyone else would have had, no matter how stoic the person.
So really, Yanjun could understand that your studies were important, and he knew you were a workaholic, pushing everything aside, everything placed secondary to your calculations and notes.
But he never expected you to so ruthlessly push aside someone you have just developed the slightest feelings for, all because he could possibly distract you.
Which probably wouldn’t be the case, because he saw, how cooly you had turned down thousands of suitors, not the least fazed by their sappy love notes, topping the class even though half the time you were irritated by the boys’ hopeless flirtings.
He didn’t expect you to overreact like this.
So why was it different when it came to Ziyi?
part 2
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nathanielbennett · 6 years
Heated encounters
TIME: March 27th, 2018 PLACE: Coffee shop off campus BETWEEN: Zach & Nate PLOT: Nate stops by to visit Zach and things get sexy and intense between them. More than other times. [NSFW]
Nate was still feeling a little down but decided it was best to shake things off and try to go back to his usual routines. Maybe hanging out with Zach would help. He arrived at the cafeteria and sat on a table in the back, waiting for the blond to get there. Once he saw him he waved and smiled a little "Hey! How are you?"
Zach headed down toward the cafe once they had gotten the text from Nate, humming as they went. The last time they had talked Nate didn't sound too good so Zach hoped that they could help him feel better. "Me," they mused as they went to sit down. "I'm doing pretty okay. How you feeling? Better?"
Nate smiled “I’m glad you’re doing that well” he said honestly but the smile faded away a little “I’m getting there” he added with a sigh “I’m glad you joined me. Do you want something to drink?”
Zach frowned a little bit when Nate's smile dropped. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Zach shrugged, "Sure, I can buy, I just got paid."
Nate shrugged a shoulder and sighed “Things with Henry got complicated and he doesn’t want to see me anymore” he said looking at the table. “No way, let me pay this time” he smiled a bit
Zach patted Nate's shoulder. "Sorry to hear that, man. But I mean...maybe he just needs some time, yeah?" Zach gave him a small smile and shrugged. "Okay, okay. Go ahead and spoil me."
Nate hummed “More than just a little. He said he was feeling more for me and I don’t feel that way about him” he sighed “I feel like an ass for that.” He was glad that Zach didn’t argue “Alright! What would you like?” he asked checking the menu himself
Zach took a deep breath. "Wow...man, sorry to hear that. That must have sucked." Zach squeezed Nate's shoulder. "You're not an ass though...I mean. You told him you’re not interested in dating, right." Zach looked over the menu. "You pick...I've never been here before."
Nate sighed “It’s ok. Just feel bad about it” he explained a bit and nodded “It sucked. And well I did tell him but still. It’s not a once feeling cause now he doesn’t want to be friends for a while.” He knew maybe Zach wouldn’t get it or think he was overreacting. “Ok, I’ll bring something nice”
Zach frowned again and they weren't too sure how to help. "Does he not wanna be friends or just not wanna see you?"
Nate hummed “He wants to be friends but he doesn’t want us to see each other while he sorts himself out” he explained just when the waitress arrived and he ordered two coffees, one for himself and one for Zach “Wanna share a slice of chocolate cake?”
Zach nodded, "Then things are...well, I guess things aren't completely terrible. He just needs time." Zach accepted the coffee and quickly went to grab some sugar and cream for them and Nate. "Oooh, cake," they said as they sat back down, "Yeah, let's do it. I can even feed you."
Nate didn’t feel like keep arguing and being negative so he smiled “yeah you’re right. I need to stop being so negative” he smiled. “Sounds perfect, that would cheer me up” he grinned and ordered the cake as they waited for their order
Zach hummed and moved closer to Nate and rested their head against Nate's shoulder. "Sorry if I'm not doing a good job cheering you up. I'm not that good at this.
Nate hummed and rested his head against Zach’s “You’re doing great already. I’m sorry I’m not my cheery self” he sighed “you’re pretty amazing, you’re here so” he grinned
Zach shifted a little bit and pressed a soft kiss to Nate's cheek. "It's okay. You're allowed to be upset about this." Zach chuckled a little bit. "You're too kind."
Nate grinned at the kiss “Thanks for understanding. Some people worry about me being upset and that makes me feel worse” he sighed. “So are you… maybe that’s why we get along this well”
Zach nodded. "Yeah, I get that. I mean...people who care about you would rather see you happy than upset. But you're still allowed to be upset when things are tough." Zach chuckled, "Yeah, I guess we're a pretty good match."
Nate nodded too “I understand. I worry about the people I care about when they are sad but I appreciate you understand it” he smiled “Guess we are” he agreed and cheer up a little when their drinks and cake was brought to their table
Zach licked their lips and once the cake and drinks came. "Well, this should cheer you up a little." Zach sat up and picked up one of the forks. "So...do you really want me to feed you?"
Nate sat up and smiled “It should. A little sugar rush and great company will help for sure” he sighed and quirked a brow at the question “it would be nice if you do but you don’t have to”
Zach shook their head. "No, no I want too, I just wasn't sure if you were joking or not." They cut a piece of cake off with the fork and held it up for Nate to take a bite of. "Not everyone likes this kinda thing, you know."
Nate shrugged a bit “I like being spoiled” he smiled and moved closer to accept the piece of cake, closing his eyes and humming happily at the taste. “That’s so good” he smiled “I know but I guess we both have lots of things in common”
Zach nodded, "Yeah...it's cute." They smiled happily as Nate ate the piece of cake. "Good, glad you think so," they said and started cutting another piece of cake for Nate. "Yeah, peas in a pod."
Nate huffed “You always say I’m cute” he smiled finishing his bite and taking a sip of his coffee, watching Zach’s reaction when he tried the cake “Agreed! I like what we have. We understand each other and have a great time together”
Zach shrugged. "Do you want me to say it less often?" Zach cut themselves a piece of cake and ate it. They hummed at the taste. "It's perfect," they said and sipped their own drink.
Nate pretended to think about it “It’s up to you. It doesn’t really bother me” he smiled as he took another sip of the coffee “It is… both the cake and our friendship” he chuckled
Zach chuckled softly and nodded. "Okay, if you say so." Zach ate another piece of cake themselves. "What are you doing after this?"
Nate smiled and nodded “I do say so” he grinned, showing off his dimples a little, feeling less upset than before. “Well I probably should go back and keep studying”
Zach smiled back at him. "You wanna have a study party? I gotta help tutor this new gloomy guy in my class. Having you around could be fun."
Nate hummed “I think you might be too distracting for me” he winked “And maybe this guy won’t feel comfortable if I’m around” he sighed and picked the second fork to cut another piece of cake
Zach snorted softly. "Please, I know how to focus! I bet you do too." Zach shook their head. "Nah, it'll be fine. I think...I actually think you might know him. His name's um...Deston or something..."
Nate tsked “don’t underestimate how distracting you can be” he chuckled but at the mention of Desmond, he frowned “Desmond? You’re helping Desmond?” he asked confused
Zach raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything else out about it. They snapped their fingers. "There it is, that's the name. Desmond. I'm helping him keep up in class since he came in so late..."
Nate was very surprised to hear that “Why do you call him gloomy kid?” he asked tilting his head slightly “Yeah I know… Remember the cat I’ve been taking care of? Well it’s Desmond’s”
Zach gave him an odd look. "Cause he's a gloomy guy. Very...'blah'," they said. "Oh really? Is he gonna take her back?"
Nate sighed “Well he’s been dealing with a lot so he’s not all that social” he explained a bit without saying more. “He doesn’t know yet. Probably not because his roommate is allergic to cats” he shrugged and took another bite of the cake
Zach shrugged; everyone was dealing with stuff but they didn't press for more info. "Huh, well that sucks if he can't take her back," they said and took a sip of their coffee. "You sure you don't wanna study with us?"
Nate nodded, “It sucks but I told him he could visit her whenever he wanted. I know they missed each other” he smiled a bit and ate more cake, “Maybe we can hang out later when we’re both done studying” he grinned playfully
Zach licked their lips and smirked. "We certainly can," they said and grinned themselves. "I'm always ready to hang out with you."
Nate smiled “I’d like that! We can watch a movie or something” he jested and winked. “I like that. I’m glad you enjoy spending time with me” he bumped their shoulders together
Zach shrugged. "We can do both," they said with a smirk and bumped Nate's shoulder back. "Here, feed me some cake."
Nate chuckled “I like that plan” he added and picked the fork to cut a small piece of cake and offered it to Zach with a smile “I like it when you’re bossy” he teased
Zach ate the cake, humming happily and licked their lips. "Yeah...you've told me a couple of times," they said and winked at him.
Nate smile and ate some more “True, I’ve mentioned it. I forgot that” he chuckled as he finished the coffee, leaning a little closer against Zach. “Thank you. Just being here with you helped” he admitted
Zach smiled at him and rubbed the back of their neck. "Yeah...? Well that's good, I'm glad I was able to help."
Nate nodded “Yeah, you’re awesome like that” he kept on smiling. “Hope you know you can count on me whenever you’re feeling down too, you know?” he grinned
Zach couldn't help but to blush a bit at that and pressed a quick kiss to Nate's cheek. "Thanks, I'll remember that."
Nate smiled brightly at the kiss “Good. You should” he nodded and turned his head to peck Zach’s lips “did you like the cake?”
Zach smiled at the little kiss on their lips and nodded. "I did, you have good taste babe."
Nate blushed a little “You think so?” he asked amused “You once said chocolate was the best way to go with you” he chuckled
Zach nodded, "Yup, I really think so." They quirked an eyebrow at that. "Really? That's sweet of you to remember."
Nate chuckled “Aren’t you just flattering yourself because you know I like you?” he teased. “It’s kind of hard not to remember the things you say and do” he winked
Zach snickered softly, "It's a bit of both, heh." Zach hummed and tilted his head off to the side. "Really now?"
Nate laughed at the answer “I like how you’re always honest and don’t even try to pretend you didn’t mean something” he said in a cheery tone. “Yes, really. Why do you sound so surprised?”
Zach shrugged, "There's no point in hiding it. Especially when it's true." Zach mulled over it a little bit. "Not really surprised...guess no one's ever told me that before."
Nate kept on smiling “I really like that honesty” he chuckled. “I’m sure there are more people who think the way I do. You have a lot of fans so they probably agree with me”
Zach winked at him. "That's true...but I don't get to spend time with them like I do with you. So it's nice to hear."
Nate shook his head and smiled “But I bet they would tell you that and other nice things if they could spend time with you” he assured with a playful tone
Zach reached over and took a hold of one of Nate's hands, mindlessly playing with the other's fingers. "Maybe, but I won't know, now will I?"
Nate shrugged a bit “Only you know that. It’s up to you if you give them the chance and if you do they might surprise you” he winked
Zach hummed. "I dunno babe. I do chat rooms in some of my streams but...it can get crazy."
Nate quirked a brow “You do? Wow. I bet everyone wants to get your attention” he smiled
Zach nodded, "Yup, it can be nice to chat a bit before things really get going. Plus, with my personality it can bring in more people." They smiled. "Are there things you think I should do in my vids?"
Nate smiled “I bet you probably get them all going before even you show some sin” he chuckled “I’m not surprised” he agreed. “Oh dunno! They are pretty good already”
Zach winked at him. "Sometimes. Sometimes it's just a cute little chat for a bit while I wait for more people to show up." They glanced up at him. "You know I like an audience."
Nate smiled “I’m going to join the next video early to see these cute little chats” he smiled. “I know you do. I don’t blame you, it makes it more exciting”
Zach grinned, "Okay, it'll be nice to have you around." They leaned in and kissed him again. "I like that you like this...it can be hard to talk about with some people and just really off-putting."
Nate perked up “Really? You’re going to be even more teasing because I’ll be there?” he asked with an excited tone and hummed at the kiss “I have no problem with the thing you like. And I like you along with the things you like”
Zach shrugged. "You'll have to come and find out." They nodded. "Yeah, it's nice to be able to talk to a friend about this kind of stuff."
Nate smiled “I feel like you’re teasing me about it already” he looked at him through squinted eyes “You can always talk to me about anything you want. I’ll be here to listen to you” he promised
Zach moved one hand to slide up along Nate's leg. "Maybe a little bit." Zach nodded, "I know...you're nice like that."
Nate felt his breath hitching when he noticed the touch of Zach’s hand on his leg “Now I’m sure you’re teasing” he chuckled “That’s how friends are supposed to be” he winked and leaned closer for another small kiss
Zach couldn't help the smirk on their lips. "Yeah...I am. But you seem to like it so..." they shrugged. "Mhm." They pulled back slightly and cleared their throat. "So...I was thinking of something."
Nate reached to take Zach’s hand, moving it a little higher but only teasing “I do like it.” He sighed when they broke apart and let go of Zach’s hand, smiling “what were you thinking about?”
Zach licked their lips, "Good, I like it too." Zach hummed and squeezed Nate's thigh a little bit. "Well...for my videos...I was thinking of bring someone else in, y'know?"
Nate smirked “See? We agree on a lot” he smiled at the squeeze. “Really? And what are you planning to do?” he asked, his interest perking up
Zach shrugged. "I dunno...I guess it depends on who I find. I just think bringing someone in could be interesting for my viewers. Instead of me just soloing."
Nate hummed “It would be interesting for sure. And what you’re going to do with him. What kind of interactions you have with him in front of the camera” he grinned
Zach mulled it over. "I mean...I dunno," they shifted closer to him, quietly slipping into Nate's lap. "I could simply tease him...or tie him up...or...who knows?"
Nate smirked when Zach climbed to his lap, his hands moving to the other’s waist, groaning a little “Oh god… I’m not gonna miss that one. If you tie them and tease them it’s going to remind me that time when you tied me up”
Zach leaned against him and chuckled softly. "Well then you're gonna have to watch all my videos, since I'm not sure when I'll do it."
Nate smirked when Zach climbed to his lap, his hands moving to the other’s waist, groaning a little “Oh god… I’m not gonna miss that one. If you tie them and tease them it’s going to remind me that time when you tied me up”
Zach leaned against him and chuckled softly. "Well then you're gonna have to watch all my videos, since I'm not sure when I'll do it."
Nate pouted “I can’t see them all. Sometimes I’m not around when you’re online and I’m so not watching you in the dorms” he sighed
Zach kissed Nate's pouty lips. "I know...maybe I'll give you a hint," they winked. "Or another private show. I like doing those for you. It's nice with a live audience."
Nate smiled slightly at the kiss “I’d like that and I’d like even better if you want to give me a private show. The last one ended amazingly” he grinned “even more if you’re going to wear pretty lingerie again”
Zach hummed and rested their head against him. "Well...maybe I'll just do that for you," they said and traced their fingers along Nate's arm. "But, this time you'd have to keep your hands to yourself."
Nate smiled “I like that. You make me feel special” he confessed, his thumbs sneaking under Zach’s shirt to caress his skin playfully. “That sounds like an idea. Would you tie me up again?” he asked excitedly
Zach smiled at the feeling of Nate's thumb against their skin. They shook their head, "Nope, you'd just have to be good." They said and pressed a kiss to his neck. "Do you have a set you'd like me to wear?"
Nate hummed “And what if I’m not good?” he teased. “I don’t know. I’m not sure how your other sets look like” he smiled
Zach arched an eyebrow at him. "Then you don't get to cum." Zach nodded. "Ture...I should model them for you at some point."
Nate almost moaned “That would be a good punishment” he smiled a bit. “Maybe you should” he agreed and slid his hands to Zach’s ass but removed them immediately “Maybe we should have this conversation somewhere else”
Zach bit their bottom lip and nodded, "Yeah...though... didn't you have to go study?"
Nate sighed “I do… maybe we can keep the conversation later?” he asked hopefully
Zach leaned in and pressed a longer kiss to Nate's lips. "Okay..." They said as they pulled back. "Just text me when you're finished. We can talk then."
Nate hummed at the kiss “Good… can I stop by your place?” he asked playfully, still not letting Zach climb off his lap
Zach nodded. "Yup, I'll be ready for you when you come over."
Nate smiled “Sounds perfect! I’ll give you a call before dropping by” he winked
Zach kissed him one more time before shifting to stand up. "Perfect."
Nate cupped Zach’s face to deepen the kiss before letting him go “ok, I’ll call you later”
Zach couldn't help the grin on their face, "Okay...talk to you soon."
Nate matched Zach’s smile and asked for the check so they both could go back to study. A few hours later he decided to take a quick shower and as soon as he was ready he called Zach to check if he was still up for a meeting “Hey! How was studying?”
Zach waved at Nate and headed off to their study session with Desmond. It was a normal session, nothing special or anything, the guy is a pretty quick study all things considered. Once Des left the quickly picked up the phone and grinned. "It was fine, nothing special. How was your studying?"
Nate smiled when Zach answered almost right away “That’s good! Mine was fine. Kinda boring and I kept getting distracted because I kept thinking about out talk” he chuckled
Zach chuckled softly. "Oh? So I'm distracting even when I'm not there," they asked. Zach went into their room and toward their closet. "Well...what were you thinking about exactly?"
Nate huffed on the phone “Of course you are” he said as if it was obvious “About those sexy sets you said you were going to show me. I kept wondering how they would look like and how the fabric would feel”
Zach licked their lips. They were looking over what they could show off to Nate this time around. "I see...well, I'm going to jump in the shower really quickly so...if you wanted, you could start heading over and then you can feel for yourself."
Nate groaned at the visual Zach gave him “Ok, I’ll be on my way in a bit so I can give you enough time to enjoy your shower” he chuckled “I’ll see you soon!”
Zach grinned. "Okay, see you soon." They hung up the phone and went to take a shower. Zach made sure they were nice and fresh for when Nate came over. Once they were nice and clean they went out to look over their sets. They picked out one that they thought Nate would like and then pulled on some simple gym shorts and a t-shirt. Then they just waited for Nate to show up.
Nate smiled to himself “Ok, see you” he said in an excited tone. He took his time, not wanting to sound too eager and once he made it to Zach’s place, he walked a little around, giving the blond more time before knocking on the door. He was nervous to see what Zach would be wearing this time
Zach quickly walked over to the door and opened it. They grinned at Nate when they finally saw him and motioned him inside. "That was quick..."
Nate smiled shyly and looked down “I’m sorry. I walked around for a bit because I didn’t want to look too eager” he added as he got in, still a little nervous
Zach chuckled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "It's okay...I was eager to see you too." They closed the door behind them. "So...where do you wanna sit so I can model for you?"
Nate smiled when Zach admitted he was eager too “That’s good to hear, make me feel a lot better.” He walked into the apartment and moved to the couch “How about here? Maybe it would help me keep my hands to myself”
Zach hummed and nodded, "Okay, sounds good to me," they said and moved to hook their thumbs into their shorts. "So...then we should start with what I'm wearing under my clothes then, huh?"
Nate smiled “perfect! Then I’m ready” he chuckled and removed his jacket, rubbing his palms over his thighs. He licked his lips and nodded “Sound like a great idea to me” he sighed looking intendedly at Zach’s fingers waiting for him to push the shorts down
Zach licked their lips and nodded. Zach slipped their shorts down slowly and then did a little turn, showing off their ass in their panties, and then quickly pulled off their shirt as well. "So...?"
Nate sighed, biting his bottom lip at the view, really loving the way Zach’s ass looked on those panties, the color making their skin looking even prettier and more tempting “That looks great” he said with a bright smile when the shirt was off “I’m sure now there’s no way you don’t look sexy wearing lingerie”
Zach chuckled softly, "You'd be right about that," they said and moved closer toward Nate. They couldn't help but to lean down and pressed a quick kiss to Nate's lips. "But I'm glad you like it."
Nate smiled at the kiss “You’re not making it easier for me to keep my hands to myself” he teased “could you turn around? I’d like to take a better look at that pretty ass”
Zach hummed and stepped back a bit. "I know, but I just couldn't help myself." Zach obliged and turned once more, showing off their ass once more. "How's that?"
Nate smiled “You’re a tease but I love it” he grinned and nibbled his lip when he turned around “that’s perfect view. You have a wonderful ass”
Zach chuckled and sighed, "Thank you," they said. Zach paused for a moment before turning back around. "But you know...you can touch me. I like having your hands on me," they said, "plus you wanted to see how they felt, right?"
Nate quirked a brow “You said I had to keep my hands to myself” he reminded with a playful smile, before offering his hands to Zach to pull him closer “I do want to know” he sighed and helped the blond when over his lap
Zach shrugged and took Nate's hand to move closer to him. "Well...I've changed my mind," they said and slipped onto Nate's lap, grinning broadly.
Nate chuckled and sighed happily when Zach sat on his lap. His hands moving to caress their ass over the soft fabric, giving it a small squeeze “I’m glad you did” he smiled and slid his hands over the other’s thighs “This feels great”
Zach sighed themselves, combing one hand through Nate's hair. "Yeah?" They said and pressed a quick kiss to Nate's cheek. "Good, I'm glad you like it."
Nate closed his eyes at the touch “oh yeah… it’s hard not to like it” he admitted and pulled Zach in for a slow kiss, sighing after it
Zach hummed into the kiss, before pulling back slightly. "Well, we're just getting started babe. We've got quite a few sets to get through."
Nate smirked “You’re going to get changed for me?” he asked excitedly, caressing Zach’s ass again before sliding his hands under the soft panties
Zach bit this lip and nodded. "Mhm, unless you want me to stay like this."
Nate sighed and kept caressing Zach’s ass “As tempting as it is to have you here like this, I’d like to see your other sets” he grinned
Zach sighed softly and leaned against Nate a bit, enjoying the feeling of Nate's hand on their ass. "Okay, well you're gonna have to let go of me."
Nate groaned and leaned to kiss Zach’s neck “ok, ok, I’m letting you go” he nipped at their skin a little before removing his hands from the other’s ass, placing them on the couch
Zach sighed, shivering at the nip to their skin and slipped off of Nate's lap. "Okay, sit tight I'll be right back." They headed out of the living room and headed back to their room. Zach hummed and picked out a new set, and went out to show off their new set. "How's this one?"
Nate smiled and whistled when Zach came back, wearing another sexy set “I like this one too… your legs look great and it marks more your waist. I’m still shocked how much I’m liking it because it didn’t seem this sexy before”
Zach felt themself flush and they moved back over to Nate. "Really, my waist," they asked. "Maybe it's just me."
Nate chuckled at the reaction “You look great. You’re fit and sexy but there’s something about the color maybe… it makes you look amazing” he assured, reaching for Zach’s hand
Zach chuckled and spun around just a bit before taking Nate's hand once more. Without waiting they slipped into Nate's lap, sideways with their legs stretched out against the couch. "Yeah..." they said, "I especially like it on my legs."
Nate nodded and caressed Zach’s legs once they were on his lap again “I love your legs! They look so long and sexy. Especially with stockings on” he smiled and leaned to place a kiss on the blond’s cheek, starting to set a trail of kisses down his chest
Zach grinned, feeling another shiver trail up along their spine and let out a pleasant hum as Nate pressed kisses down long their chest. "Should I wear them more often?"
Nate smiled “Maybe… if it makes you happy, yes. You always look great no matter what you wear” he assured, pressing a few more kisses
Zach hummed, practically buzzing at the praise. They moved one of their hands under Nate's chin and raised it slightly, just enough to be able to kiss him. "You're going to have to tell me which one is your favorite after this."
Nate nodded “So far the green one because I have very fond memories about that one” he grinned and let Zach kiss him again, using both hands to cup the other’s ass, pulling him closer
Zach chuckled, "Well you can have fond memories of these ones too at some point." They snuggled closer and couldn't help but to roll their hips slightly on top of Nate as well.
Nate hummed “I’d like that… I didn’t ruin the other one, did I?” he asked a little worried about the first set and what they did back then. He let out a soft groan when Zach rolled his hips against him “You should show me your favorite one”
Zach shook their head, kissing them again. "Nope, it was pretty simple to clean, thankfully." They licked their lips and nodded. "Okay," they said and slipped off of Nate's lap. "I'll be right back."
Nate sighed “Good! I’m so glad I didn’t ruin it” he said still smiling and stealing another kiss before letting Zach go. “I’ll be here” he smirked and undid his jeans while he waited, the teasing already affecting him
Zach licked their lips as they caught the sight of Nate unbuttoning his jeans. They left the living room and headed back to their room and pulled out their favorite set. They took their time, wanting to build up the anticipation for Nate and they hooked up the last garter. Zach grabbed their robe and slipped it on before stepping back into the living room. "You ready?"
Nate was getting nervous and excited but finally, Zach came out wearing a robe. He could see the stocking so that was enough to peek his interest even more “I’m very ready, come on, I wanna see!”
Zach chuckled at Nate's eagerness and slowly slipped one shoulder of the robe down and then the other, revealing the top of the set. "You pretty eager, aren't you?"
Nate whistled when Zach lowered the shoulder of the robe “that’s sexy” he smiled “it’s hard not to be eager” he grinned “You look so tempting on that!”
Zach grinned and bit their bottom lip at Nate's whistle. "I swear to god, babe, you're just playing on my praise kink." They chuckled softly and shook their head. They slipped the rest of the robe down and gave a little turn, feeling the slik slip slid against their skin. "So, how's this one?"
Nate chuckled “I didn’t know about that kink but now that I do I might use it to my advantage” he added with a wiggle of brows. He sighed and licked his lips at the view “That one looks great… I like the flimsy fabrics. They show just enough to tease and make me want to undress you”
Zach licked their lips and settled down on Nate's lap. "Okay, if that's what you want." They leaned into the kiss, combing their fingers through Nate's hair and rolled their hips again.
Nate smiled and moved his hands to caress Zach’s thighs over the stockings, humming into the kiss. He groaned at the teasing roll of hips as he moved his hands to the blond’s ass, pulling him closer “You have me all worked up already” he murmured against his lips, sucking at his bottom lip playfully
Zach sighed into the kiss, enjoying the groan they had gotten out of Nate. They couldn't deny the thrill they got as Nate's hands slid along their body. "Yeah," they breathed, rolling their hips again. "Well good," they moaned themselves, "I like you that way."
Nate moaned at the second roll of hips, this time thrusting against Zach so he could feel how he affected he was already “I know you do because you love to turn me on” he sighed and leaned to kiss the other’s neck and shoulders, sliding one of the straps down Zach’s shoulder
Zach sighed and placed one hand on the name of Nate's neck, rolling their hips downward to feel him against their ass. "You turn me on too," they said. Zach bit their bottom lip and hummed softly as Nate pressed kisses along their skin, their fingers playing with Nate's hair a bit.
Nate grinned at the revelation "I'm glad to hear that... it'd be very awkward if it was only of who was hard" he murmured against the soft skin of Zach's shoulder before pulling back, locking his eye to the other's "I want you to fuck me this time" he asked with a soft blush on his cheeks
Zach smiled at him. "Yeah, maybe just a little bit." They looked Nate in the eye and cupped his face in their hands. "Okay," they said, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his lips. "Do you want me to keep the slip and stockings on or...no?"
Nate sighed and nodded eagerly “Yeah… it’d be interesting to have you half dressed when I’m fully naked for you” he returned the kiss “how do you want me?” he asked excitedly, squeezing Zach’s ass again
Zach licked their lips at the thought and nodded, "Okay," they said, kissing him one more time, licking their way into Nate's mouth. "We can just go into my room. I want you to be comfortable."
Nate nodded and smiled, parting his lips to welcome Zach’s tongue with his own, moaning softly into the kiss. “Ok, I’ll take you there” he added before pecking their lips and picking the blonde to walk with him to the bedroom, setting Zach on the bed and dropping to his knees between the others’ legs, leaning in to press a few kisses on their thigh, moving towards his covered cock
Zach hummed and wrapped their legs around Nate's waist as he carried them into their room. Zach settled down on the bed gently and smirked at the sight of Nate on his knees in front of them. They combed their fingers through Nate's hair, "Get me nice and hard babe..."
Nate smiled and nodded, reaching to pulled Zach’s panties down and out of his way to start stroking Zach’s cock before leaning down to lick the head of their cock, looking up with a playful smile. After a few licks, he wrapped his lips around the tip, sucking slowly, humming a little
Zach bit down on their bottom lip as they watched Nate stroke their cock, still massaging his scalp as they went. They couldn't help the smile that pulled on their lips at the sight of Nate, but it quickly turned into a moan as Nate started sucking them off.
Nate hummed again around Zach's cock, bobbing his head slowly, making sure to take more of it every time he moved downwards
Zach moaned as they watched Nate work on their cock. "You look so good like this babe," they said with a smile. "Keep it up, you're doing great."
Nate tried to smile around the cock in his mouth, humming as an answer and looking up, starting to bob his head faster, squeezing Zach’s thighs as he kept going
Zach moaned again, curling their fingers in Nate's hair and tugged at it gently. "Fuck, yeah, just like that," they said, pushing Nate's head down a little further on their cock.
Nate groaned and relaxed his throat, letting Zach push further and fuck his mouth if he wanted. He moaned and closed his eyes, moving one of his hands from the other’s thigh to slip it inside his pants, pulling out his cock and stroking it slowly
Zach sighed, shifting their hips slowly into Nate's mouth. They hummed as they watched their cock slip in and out of Nate's mouth. They caught sight of Nate of stroking their cock and they tugged at his hair. "Stop that..."
Nate groaned and sucked harder, pulling away from Zach’s cock with a whine “You’re not going to let me touch myself?” he asked in a rough voice, licking his lips and letting go of his cock reluctantly
Zach leaned down, pressing a rough kiss to Nate's lips before pulling back. "Exactly, I'm going to be doing the touching so there's no need for you to," they winked at him. "Now, come lay down so I can undress you."
Nate moaned at the kiss, licking his lips once they broke apart “I like how that sounds” he admitted and pecked Zach’s lips before toeing off his shoes and getting on the bed for Zach to do whatever he wanted to him, his hands laying on his side, fingers curling around the sheets to keep himself from touching himself
Zach stood as Nate got settled on the bed so they could slip the panties off of their legs. They sighed as the wrapped their hand around their cock's base, kneeling on the bed so they could kiss Nate again, and then moved down his neck. Zach's free hand slipped under Nate's shirt, pushing it up and out of the way so they could kiss his chest as well, savoring the taste and listening for the sounds they could get out of him.
Nate smiled when Zach took off the panties “You look even sexier like that” he sighed. When Zach leaned in to kiss him, he reached to bury his hand on their hair, keeping him close as they kissed. He tilted his head back at the kisses on his neck. There was a pleasant shiver rippling through his body when those tempting lips pressed on his skin “Stop teasing” he whined
Zach smirked, "Thanks babe." Zach nipped at Nate's skin, "I'm not teasing, just enjoying myself." They pressed kisses down on Nate's chest once they got his shirt pushed up far enough. They ran their tongue over one of his nipples, removing their hand from their cock and slipped it in Nate's pants, running it along his shaft.
Nate hummed and arched his back a little “it feels like you’re teasing” he sighed and then whimper at the licks on his nipples. “Oh god” he moaned at the feeling of Zach’s hand on his cock “you really really are teasing” he whined
Zach chuckled softly and sat up and quickly pulled off Nate's shirt. "I'm not teasing, I promise," they said again, pressing more kisses down along Nate's chest, their hands slipping back into Nate's pants, stroking his cock.
Nate moaned and moved to help Zach take off his shirt as he whirred at the kisses “ok… I’m going to believe you” he smiled a bit but then groaned at the strokes “oh god… feels good” he swallowed hard and reached to try to touch Zach’s cock too
Zach batted Nate's hand away gently as they pressed kisses on his lower stomach. They licked their lips and started pulling down his pants and underwear, just enough to pull his cock free. "You look so good babe," they mumbled before they wrapped their lips around Nate's cock head, sucking softly, their tongue lapping at the slit.
Nate pouted “so I can’t touch you either’” he whimpered. He raised his hips to help Zach “I’m glad you think so-“ he was cut off by a groan when those lips wrapped around his cock “Oh my god… that feels good” he moaned and thrust slightly
Zach pulled back slightly. "You can touch me later," they said and then stripped Nate completely. Zach took a deep breath and spread Nate's legs, running their tongue down along Nate's balls, toward his hole.
Nate groaned “Fine, I can wait a little” he sighed and spread his legs further when Zach stripped him naked. The lick on his balls made him moan loudly as he raised his hips a little “You’re killing me here, baby, come on” he whimpered “want me to roll over my stomach?”
Zach hummed and thought it over. "Hm, I think so." They said, and pulled back enough so that Nate could turn over. While he did that Zach went over to their nightstand and pulled out their lube and condom.
Nate sighed and rolled over his stomach, spreading his legs and raising his ass a little but not before rolling his hips against the mattress, trying to alleviate some of the pressure, moaning into the pillow as he waited for Zach to come back
Zach smirked at the sight of Nate rutting against the bed as they went over back to the bed. "Hey now," they said and patted Nate's ass. "Don't start." Zach knelt down and licked their lips, massaging Nate's ass gently, and spread his cheeks, pressing kisses over one of Nate's cheeks.
Nate groaned and stopped rutting “It hurts” he complained in a whine at the pat. He swallowed hard and lift his hips a little when he felt those hands spreading his cheeks and those soft kisses “Want you inside me, come on” he whimpered
Zach hummed and nodded, "I know, baby, I know," they mumbled and moved to lube up their fingers. Zach licked their lips as they moved to slip one finger inside of Nate. "How's that feel," they asked, as they started moving their finger inside of him.
Nate swallowed hard and raised his ass again, moaning loudly when he felt Zach’s finger entering “Oh God, it feels great” he licked his lips and buried his face on the pillow once more “baby come on, I need more. I want you so much”
Zach continued working Nate open. "I know babe, I know," they said, leaning forward and pressed kisses along Nate's ass. "I want you too, but I don't wanna hurt you," they said as they started working in the second finger. "I'm almost done, just hold out a little bit more."
Nate whined and bit his bottom lip, the kisses making him shiver again “I know… oh god, that feels good. More please, baby” he asked, clenching around Zach’s fingers “that feels good” he sighed and rut against the mattress again
Zach bit their bottom lip. Having Nate like this made their cock twitch and they moaned when then felt Nate clench around their fingers. "Fuck...babe, you're so hot like this..." They tried to work him open faster, "Tell me when you think you're ready..."
Nate almost mewled at the praise and groaned “yeah? You like it when you have me this needy for your cock?” he asked in a tight voice. “I’m ready, I’m ready” he moaned and arched his back “I like some pain, please, come on, fuck me” he begged
Zach nodded and kissed him once more. "Yeah, of course. I'm gonna fuck you so hard." Zach groaned again and nodded, pulling their fingers out of him. "Turn over," they said and went to slip the condom onto their cock.
Nate whimpered at those words, squirming a little “Yes please!” He murmured and turned around, spreading his legs, biting his lip at the view of Zach rolling on the condom. He reached to hold his cock at the base, making himself hold back because he was so turned on that he was afraid he was going to cum as soon as Zach entered him
Zach sighed and once Nate was settled Zach lined themself up, pressing the tip of their cock against Nate's hole. "You look so good babe," they said, running a hand along Nate's chest and stomach. Zach pushed into Nate, moaning as they pushed into him, until they were all the way in. "Fuck, you feel good," they said, leaning down to press a kiss to Nate's lips.
Nate arched his back again at the touch and pushed his ass against Zach when he felt the tip of his cock rubbing against his entrance "please..." He chocked out when Zach complied making him moan an reach to hold himself from the other's arms "you too, you feel so good" he whined and clenched around the other
Zach grunted against Nate's lips, their cock twitching as Nate clenched around them. Zach pulled back just enough, their hands finding purchase on his thighs, to pull out. Then they slammed back into him, using his place on his thighs to pull Nate down against a bit. "Fuck..."
Nate reached to bury his fingers into Zach’s hair, moaning into the kiss. He arched his back at the way the other was holding him, leaving him at the other’s will “Yes! Harder, please” he begged and closed his fingers around the blankets, moaning and groaning at how good it felt
Zach sighed and nodded, fucking into Nate, gripping his thighs tightly. "You feel so good around me babe," they moaned, "fucking amazing." Zach kept their pace, pounding into Nate hard and steady. One of their hands slipping to wrap around Nate's cock, pumping him in time with their thrust.
Nate cried out when Zac slammed into him, his body quivering at the intense feeling running through him. He moaned and squirmed when he felt that hand on his cock, overstimulating him “Oh my god, oh my god” he babbled and reached to hold Zach’s hand “no, no, you’re gonna make me cum too fast” he groaned with his eyes closed tightly
Zach licked their lips as they watched Nate whiter beneath them. "But you look so good like this babe," they breathed out, "how am I supposed to help myself." Zach let their thumb tease the tip of Nate's cock just a little bit. "I want you to look at me when you cum okay..."
Nate bit his lip and tried to take deep breaths, doing all he could to hold back “you’re killing me baby” he whined and let go of Zach’s wrist. He licked his lips, unable to keep formulating a coherent answer. His brain completely fried with pleasure. He licked his lips and moaned, nodding and forcing himself to open his eyes while Zach kept fucking him and stroking him
Zach couldn't help the smile on their lips. Sweat beaded on their forehead, "Fuck," they breathed out, "I'm getting close babe." They picked up the pace just a bit, watching Nate's face intently.
Nate was already panting, having troubles to catch his breath at how looked and how amazing he was "Me too... Please, oh god, I'm going to cum" he warned before letting out a high pitched moan, cumming all over his stomach, doing his best to keep his eyes on Zach
Zach grunted, watching the look on Nate's face as he finally reached his climax. Zach moaned, still pumping Nate to help him ride the high of his orgasm. They let go of his cock for a moment, focusing on getting their climax for a moment, they were soon cumming, their own back arching and their body shivering as they came. Zach swallowed and took a few deeps breaths. "Damn," they breathed, leaning down and pressed a few kisses to Nate's collarbone. "You were so good, babe."
Nate felt his sight going white for a moment at the intensity of his orgasm. His body was tingling in the most pleasurable way when Zach kept fucking him through his orgasm. He moaned again and reached to cup Zach's ass as the other arched his back and came, pulling them on top of him, smiling at the kisses "Me? You did all the hard work" he chuckled
Zach sighed and hummed at the pleasant feeling of Nate's hands on their ass and nuzzled their face into his neck a bit. "Maybe..." they mumbled, "but I couldn't do it if you weren't so amazing," they said. "You're just too irresistible."
Nate smiled and squeezed Zach's ass playfully "it's funny you think I'm amazing because I think the same thing about you" he murmured with a teasing tone. "I like being irresistible if you're gonna fuck me like this" he let go off the blond's ass to caress their back over the filmsy fabric "this was too hot for my own good"
Zach chuckled softly at that and kissed Nate softly. "Peas in a pod, us two." They nodded, chuckling softly. "Yeah," they asked. "It's a good thing though, yeah?"
Nate grinned "Guess we are" he sighed and closed his eyes, trying to relax. "It's a great thing. I really enjoy being with you. You're very intense and passionate and I really like that" he smirked "and I like that you boss of around"
Zach smiled and simply enjoyed the praise coming from Nate. "Yeah," they said with a grin. "I like how needy you can get for me."
Nate blushed at the comment "yeah? Not everyone likes needy bottoms" he shrugged "but I'm glad you do. I feel more comfortable not having to keep it to myself" he smiled
Zach shrugged, "Well, not everyone is into the fact that I wear lingerie." They smiled at him, "So we're both comfortable with each other so it just makes the sex better."
Nate smiled "it's their loss. You look amazing wearing lingerie" he winked. "Agreed! I think that explains it all. And we have great communication. Both keys for amazing sex"
Zach kissed him again slow and lazy, "Thank you," they said with a grin. Zach nodded again and then pushed up, just enough to be able to pull out of Nate with a soft hiss. They sighed once out and threw the condom away. "Do you have anywhere else to be," they asked as they moved back over to wrap an arm around Nate.
Nate melted into the kiss, sucking at Zach's tongue when they kiss him. "It's the truth" he murmured against their lips. He groaned and closed his eyes when the other pulled out, arching his back a little and grinned when Zach held him "No, nowhere else to be. Can I stay?" he asked a little nervously
Zach sighed into the kiss and they licked their lips afterward. Nate settled comfortably against Nate and held him close. "Yeah," they said, pressing a kiss to Nate's neck. "I want you to stay."
Nate hummed happily at the kiss on his neck "you're going to get me going again if you keep doing that" he murmured playfully. "Then I'm staying" he grinned "as much as in loving how sexy this is you should get naked with me" he teased and sat up to settle between Zach's legs to undo the garters and start rolling the stockings off their legs, leaning in to press a few soft kissed on the reveled skin
Zach hummed, "Well you shouldn't be so kissable," they teased softly. They let Nate slip out of their arms to shift and move however they wanted. "Ah," they smiled a little bit. "Now you're gonna be the one who gets me going again."
Nate smiled “How do I stop being kissable?” he asked amused as he kept on kissing Zach’s legs, grinning before diving in to kiss their inner thighs “Should I stop then?” he asked looking up
Zach shook their head. "You don't," they grinned a little bit. Zach looked at Nate, biting down on their bottom lip softly. They shrugged, "Yup to you, though, you can't leave me hard if it happens."
Nate chuckled “It’s a good thing I like that you kiss me” he shrugged “so I won’t try to stop being kissable” he chuckled. “I would never dare to leave you hard” he grinned and kept caressing Zach’s legs “I would suck you off… or ride you” he teased
Zach smirked at that a little bit. "Good, I'm glad." They swallowed thickly and let out a pleased hum as Nate continued caressing their leg. "I certainly wouldn't mind either of those..."
Nate hummed and placed a few more kisses on Zach’s inner thighs, smirking “Which one would you prefer?” he teased, looking up with a playful expression, while his hand sneaked under Zach to caress their ass
Zach licked their lips, taking a couple of breaths. They felt something like thrills travel down into their stomach as Nate continued caressing and kissing them. "Um...I don't know," they admitted after a second. "I like having your mouth on me but...having you ride me would be hot too..."
Nate kept on smiling, still caressing all the skin he could “I could do both if you want” he shrugged a bit, moving to lay on top of Zach, rolling his hips against the other’s “Have someone ever told you you’re kind of addictive?” he joked and kissed 
Zach groaned again at the thought and slipped their arms around Nate once he was on top of them. "No," they basically moaned out, shifting their own hips up against Nate. "No they haven't," they said with a smirk.
Nate started to pepper kisses down their neck “I can’t believe that… the people you’ve been with must be blind or something” he murmured against the skin, grunting and rolling his hips again
Zach 's hands slid down along Nate's back to cup at his ass. "Yeah well..." they mumbled, breathing softly, "You should tell me it more often."
Nate groaned at the touch on his ass “I thought you had noticed. I keep coming back to your bed every chance I have” he smiled and nipped at his neck
Zach sighed at the little nip to their neck and they squeezed Nate's ass gently. "I like hearing it too."
Nate smiled and looked up “I’ll keep telling you then” he assured and kissed him again, nipping at Zach’s lip “You’re amazing, and sexy and addictive and I really can’t have enough of you! He sighed and thrust against Zach
Zach moaned softly, their cock twitched against Nate's. "God, babe, you really know how to turn me on."
Nate grinned “I try to and I’m glad it works” he whispered and placed a kiss under Zach’s eat to then nip at their earlobe, moaning a little when his own cock twitch too. If they kept going like that he was sure he was gonna be hard and ready for round two
Zach licked their lips and squeezed Nate's ass once more and pushed up against him once more. They shivered a bit at the nip to their ear. "Fuck babe," they breathed out, their fingers of one of their hand, trailed down along Nate's crack.
Nate moaned at the squeeze and nuzzled Zach’s neck “you’re getting me hard again… that’s cheating, I was supposed to make you hard first” he whined and gasped when he felt that finger running down his crack “Oh god…” he sighed and clenched slightly
Zach hummed. "But you are getting me hard, can't you tell," they asked and pushed up against him again, trying to show that their cock was already getting stiff again. "But I can stop if you want."
Nate licked his lips “Oh I can feel it alright” he chuckled. He shook his head, “No, don’t stop, I like the way you touch me” he smirked and reached between them to wrap his fingers around both their cocks, stroking them a slowly
Zach grinned but then soon moaned as Nate wrapped his hand around their cocks. "Fuck babe," they breathed out, their fingers reaching Nate's hole once again. Zach pressed kisses along Nate's shoulder, gently circling their fingers around the other's hole, moaning softly.
Nate smiled and kept a steady rhythm with his strokes, groaning at the feeling of the finger teasing because he was still sensitive from before “keep going baby” he encouraged Zach to finger him
Zach moaned softly, shifting their hips up into Nate's grip. "I like it when you call me 'baby' you know that," they mused, and moved one finger inside of him.
Nate moaned and arched his back when the finger entered him “Oh god” he shivered. “I didn’t know but now I do you’ll be hearing it more often” he said in a thigh tone. “Tell me you have more condoms” he groaned and raised his ass a bit
Zach grinned at Nate's reaction, "Thanks babe," they said and nodded. "Yeah," they said, pushing their finger deeper into Nate's hole. "Of course I do," they motioned to the nightstand. "Whole boxes."
Nate hummed “anytime” he murmured and thrust into his own fist when the finger slid deeper into him “oh my God” he moaned, feeling his cock start leaking at the sightless stimulation. “Perfect… oh, don’t want you to stop but I really want to suck you off before checking on those condoms” he smiled
Zach couldn't help the soft laugh that left their lips. "Well then," they said and pulled their finger free. "We can sixty-nine. You can suck me off while I eat you out."
Nate moaned and licked his lips, pulling away reluctantly “That sounds like a perfect plan” he grinned as he moved to turn upside down “Is it ok with me on top?” he asked, waiting before settling himself with his legs each at the sides of Zach’s head, taking advantage of the position to place more kisses on their legs
Zach nodded, "Yup, more than okay." Once Nate was settled, Zach licked their lips, running their hands over Nate's ass once more. They sighed as Nate pressed kisses along their and they responded by running their tongue along Nate's skin.
Nate smiled “Good” he murmured and then groaned when Zach caressed his ass. He started to pepper some kisses on the other’s lower stomach, teasing a little before reaching to stroke Zach’s cock a couple of times before wrapping his lips around the tip
Zach moaned softly, trying not to thrust too much (they wanted this to last after all) and set about lapping at Nate's hole and teasing him with the tip of their tongue.
Nate hummed around Zach’s cock, sliding his mouth lower to take more of him into his mouth. The feeling of the tongue on his sensitive hole made him groan and pull away, running his own tongue over the tip of Zach’s cock
Zach grunted, their hips pushing up on their own. They swallowed and used their hands to spread his cheeks a bit, and pressed kisses around his sensitive ring.
Nate rested his forehead on Zach’s thigh, moaning softly “oh god, that feels nice” he sighed and moved to take their cock into his mouth again, bobbing his head slowly, sucking every time he moved upwards
Zach moaned once more; Nate's mouth simply felt amazing at the moment. After spending some time licking and kissing at Nate's hole, Zach went back with their finger, rubbing it against the ring of muscle before pushing it in slightly.
Nate groaned at the feeling of Zach’s tongue and finger, doing his best to keep sucking them off but getting distracted at how good it felt all the touches “Oh god, that feels good” he moaned when he pulled away, using his hand to fondle at their balls
Zach smirked softly and continued their work on Nate hole. "You doing okay, babe," they asked, working their finger inside of him deeper. "Do you wanna go get that condom now?"
Nate groaned and clenched again, sucking only at the tip before pulling away “oh god yeah baby… I’m more than ready” he said looking over his shoulder
Zach licked their lips and sighed softly. "Good boy," they moaned and gave Nate's ass a firm pat. "Go get one and put it on me."
Nate pulled away and whimpered at the pat and the praise "I liked that" he murmured as he climbed off of Zach and moved to reach for a condom, opening it to roll it on Zach, shifting to climb on his lap now. He lift his hips; hovering over the blond's cock "ready?"
Zach smirked and shifted their position so that they were in more of a sitting position. Zach swallowed, their hands roaming over Nate's body as he slipped the condom on to them. "Yeah," they said, running their hands down along Nate's thighs. "Very ready."
Nate smiled and lowered himself slowly, moaning and closing his eyes when he felt Zach’s cock stretching him “Oh God, so good” he sighed and pressed himself down a little faster than he intended. He grunted when he felt the cock buried all inside of him, playfully clenching as he reached to cup Zach’s face to pull him in for a kiss
Zach groaned as Nate pressed down on their shaft, their hands moving to Nate's hips and squeezing. "Yeah it is..." They sighed, "you feel amazing babe." They couldn't help but to moan again and pressed into the kiss, their hands moving from Nate's hips around to his ass again. "You always feel good."
Nate smiled into the kiss when he felt Zach’s hands on his ass “so do you… you fit perfectly” he groaned and rolled his hips a little, smiling and pulling up slightly, pressing their foreheads together “you should’ve tied me up” he sighed and cupped Zach’s face again
Zach grinned and shifted their own hips. They moaned a little bit as Nate rolled their hips. "Fuck," they breathed and pecked his lips again. "Another time, okay?"
Nate bit his own lip and nodded, closing his eyes and rolling his hips a little, hissing when the tip of Zach’s cock pressed against his prostate “Ok… whenever you want to baby” he sighed and started moving, his hands caressing the blond’s chest , rubbing their nipples
Zach grunted, but they tried to keep themselves still, wanting Nate to control this pace this time. They licked their lips, shivering a little bit as Nate teased their nipples. They closed the gap between them again, nipping and sucking at Nate's lips.
Nate groaned when Zach moved closer and reached to bury his fingers into the blond’s hair “kiss me” he asked licking his lips when the other released them. He was trying not to rush it even if he was desperate to make Zach moan but he wasn’t sure he’d manage to last
Zach sighed softly before kissing Nate, deeply. They grunted and squeezed Nate's ass firmly, "You're gonna ruin me babe..."
Nate melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Zach the best he could as he started to pace up, bouncing on the other’s lap, moaning into the kiss. “I don’t want to apologize about that” he admitted between kisses
Zach groaned in between kisses, the feeling of Nate moving around their shaft, their hands roaming along Nate's skin. They couldn't help but to chuckle and then drop their head down, pressing kisses along Nate's neck and shoulder. "That's not very nice..." they mumbled, this time one of their hands moving up to tease Nate's nipple, rolling it between their fingers.
Nate smiled “See? I’m not nice all the time” he said, ending in a groan as he arched his back at the teasing on his nipple “oh god!” he yelped and ran his nails down Zach’s back, doing his best to keep a steady pace
Zach hissed softly, their hips shifting upward slightly at the nails on their back. Zach couldn't help but to nip at Nate's skin. "You're still amazing though..."
Nate huffed a short laugh that was quickly followed by a moan “You-you’re only saying that cause you’re fucking me” he teased and kissed Zach again, moving a little faster, groaning at the feeling of his cock rubbing against their stomachs
Zach moaned into the kiss, their hand dropping down to tease their fingers along Nate's cock. "No, no I mean it babe." They moved their own hips again, fighting the urge to flip them and just fuck Nate into the mattress.
Nate closed his eyes and whimpered when he felt Zach’s fingers barely touching his sensitive cock. He was too wound up to think clearly. The movement of the other’s hips was a clear indication they both were losing their resolve to make this one last. He moved closer and kissed Zach’s neck before murmuring into his ear “take me… fuck me the way you want to” he murmured into a wanton tone
Zach groaned, their own nails digging into Nate's skin. They shivered a bit, listening to Nate's voice in their ear. "Fuck..." they groaned and shifted them, pushing Nate back onto his back. They shifted Nate's legs over their shoulders and started fucking into Nate hard and rough.
Nate moaned and bit his own lip at the slight pain Zach’s nails caused him, he was not going to deny it was only turning him on more and more. When Zach flipped them, Nate whined and reached to hold the header, arching his back after Zach hooked his legs over their shoulder “Oh god! Yes! Harder baby, harder” he cried out with his eyes tightly closed
Zach kept a steady pace, pounding into Nate's hard, grunting as they went. They weren't sure that they were going to last much longer. Zach groaned, at a loss for words, and slipped one hand to pump Nate's cock in time with their thrust, wanting to make to other cry out in pleasure.
Nate moaned and squirmed, arching his back when Zach started to pump his cock, making him clench around Zach and cry out "I'm so close, oh god, please, please" he begged again, holding the headboard harder, forcing himself to open his eyes
Zach could feel their balls tighten, shifting their angle just a bit, to increase both of their pleasure. "C'mon babe," the moaned, pumping Nate faster. "I want you to cum for me”
Nate whimpered and reached to hold himself from Zach’s shoulder “I’m almost there” he whined and arched his back again, feeling his muscles tense as he spilled all over his stomach and Zach’s hand, crying out his name
Zach grunted as they felt Nate tense around them and then with one last push they soon came as well. They were breathing hard and heavy, leaning down to bury their face into Nate's neck, sighing softly. "Damn..."
Nate was sure he was close to passing out but he did his best to keep conscious. He grunted when Zach leaned down so he lowered his legs slowly, wrapping both arms and legs around the other’s frame “Agreed” he murmured with his eyes closed as he tried to catch his breath
Zach smiled a little bit, shifting just enough to kiss Nate on the cheek. "You doing okay," they mumbled, shifting just enough to be able to pull out once more.
Nate winced and whimpered when Zach pulled out, feeling sore and tender but very satisfied "I'm ok but I don't think I'll be able to move for the rest of the night"
Zach smiled again and quickly threw the used condom away before snuggling against Nate's body. "That's okay, I'm not gonna be moving either."
Nate hummed and moved closer, keeping an arm around Zach's waist "Good... that was amazing" he sighed and turned his head to kiss the other on the lips, just pressing a few light pecks
Zach sighed, tracing their fingers along Nate's skin. "Yeah? Heh, you were pretty amazing too," they said between kisses. "Seriously babe."
Nate smile "thanks. I'm glad you think so" he pressed a last kiss before relaxing, closing his eyes but keeping Zach close
Zach closed their eyes as well, snuggling up close to Nate. "Night babe."
Nate hummed "Good night" he sighed and pressed another peck on their lips
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theleafwarden · 7 years
what are their opinions on Trahearne?
Trahearne was the first thing Ladrenae saw when she came awakened. He was the first thing she saw in her dream. He is the object of her Wyld Hunt. He was the first to not judge her of her, at the time, unnatural awkwardness. He was the only one she kept in contact with for years, before Riannoc’s death, and not even he told the Pale Tree about it, and kept it hidden. Trahearne was her best friend, and her old brother, and the one of the most greatest people to have ever affect her life. 
Malicidae feels nothing other than the basics for Trahearne. He is a firstborn, like her girlfriend Niamh, and he’s Mother’s First. She knows that most sylvari revere him and trusts his judgement on everything, even the secondborn, yes.....even Canach of all damn people whether he realizes it or not. Even the Nightmare Court would love to turn him because, from what Niamh tells Malicidae, back in the day, Trahearne and Faolain were literally two peas in a pod, like true dusk blooms and everybody knows that if he was turned, the Nightmare Court would have a field day because at least Trahearne knows how to run an organization. She also feels that, in regards to the Pact, he should have never been Marshal and to this day has disdain for the order leaders for that choice. 
Lunaire feels, meh, about Trahearne. Like yes, he’s this great person, and blah blah blah, but she likes Caithe better and always will. 
Tunaire loves Trahearne. Like that’s it. She has a strong love for him that’s neither romantic or platonic. Trahearne was her savior during the time she was slowly but surely contracting Nightmare. He taught her his powerful brand of necromancy and spells and let her read his various journals of academia. His constant belief in her kept her going when she wanted to give in to Nightmare. Even at the end of Heart of Thorns, Trahearne knew she gave into Mordremoth, and was not mad at her. He knew she gave into Nightmare during the same time. He always told her, that if she were to change, be her version of Nightmare, not the Courts, and especially not whatever Faolain told her to be. 
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“Game of Thrones” Season VII: Episode 4 - Blazing Saddles
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WARNING: SPOILERS for the latest episode below, so if you haven’t seen it and don’t know yet who dies, who fucks who, and how many times J-Snow reminds us he’s seen the Night King, turn back now.
When one quip-meister dies, another returns; Bronn is back, even though his dialogue is now just mainly variations on the words “fuck” and “cunt.” Regardless, he’s here and he is NOT happy with the lil’ ol’ bag o’ gold Jaime gave him from the Highgarden loot.
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Anyway, basically what’s happening is the Lannisters are taking all the food in the Reach (I know, I know, it seems like a process but Sam’s Dad and his son Dickbag or whatever assure us that they “have teams of men working on this”). And they’re all gonna Oregon Trail it back to King’s Landing and try not to get dysentery or cholera.
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Mycroft is back. And he is mincing.
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Basically, he’s like, “Blah Blah Blah Braavos blah blah blah bitch betta have my money.” And Cersei’s just like -
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If there was any doubt we need to talk about Bran after last week, it is now gone. Because he turned FULLY into that kid in high school who watched Fight Club, listened to Radiohead, and unlocked all the secrets of the universe. In short, as the “Previously on” segment reminds us, he’s gone from this -
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to this -
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At this moment, Littlefinger somehow cornered him alone in a room and is giving him the dagger way back from Season 1 like -
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But Bran’s just like -
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Until Littlefinger is like, “It must be so hard, beebee, to come back from abroad to all this chaos.” And Bran looks him straight in the face and says -
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And Littlefinger is all -
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Anyway, Meera shows up. And apparently she’s leaving. So she’s all crying and bummed out like, “Oh my God, Bran, I’m gonna miss you so much.” And he’s literally just like -
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So she gets pissed. Rightfully fucking so. But she’s like crying and yelling at him like -
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But Bran’s just like -
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CUT TO OUTSIDE WINTERFELL where our favorite little sociopath Arya is HERE.
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But we can’t get too excited because these two fucking dumbasses won’t let her into the castle. She’s like, “Listen fuckers, I’m Arya” and they’re just like, “All right, sit here and wait” and then they start arguing like -
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But they don’t know she’s a ninja so they’re shocked when they turn around and she’s disappeared into the crypts, where Sansa finds her and it’s just like -
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And when they finally hug, there’s no like crazy orchestra swell or anything, it’s just this like lovely perfect moment of reunion and we’re all just like -
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Except like, wouldn’t it be nice if they could just like sit down and talk about like, “Hey, what’s up? You look good, it’s been so long.” “I heard you married Tyrion.” “I heard you saw our brother’s head decapitated and replaced by a wolf.” But instead Arya like whips out her “I have a kill list card” right away and Sansa’s like -
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and Arya’s like -
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She does brighten up when she finds out Bran is home too, but Sansa’s just like -
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But like, whatever, Arya still hugs it out with him and she’s like all emotional and crying while he’s staring at Sansa like -
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Bran’s a little less creepy about his Raven Symone abilities with Arya, because he’s like, “You should have this dagger Littlefinger randomly gave me.” And Arya’s like, “Thanks, because I actually totally do have a kill-list.” And Sansa’s just like -
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D-Baby and Michelle are talking about Barack like -
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When J-Snow pops up and is like, “I wanna show you something.��
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Turns out it’s just all the dragonglass. Which comes with a new musical theme which is two notes away from Jurassic Park.
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Anyway, then he wants to show her something else -
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But once again, it’s not his dick. It’s a bunch of cave paintings about how the Children of the Forest and the First Men bonded together to fight the White Walkers that J-Snow may or may not have made himself like ten minutes ago.
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Well, at this point D-Baby is a swamp. And she and J-Snow keep getting closer and closer until finally you think she’s gonna finally just be like -
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But instead she’s like, “Bend the knee.” Again. Except I think we all know before the end of this season she’s gonna be the one bending the knee, KNOWHAMSAYIN??
But I digress. P-Dinky is back, and he’s brought bad news. So instantly D-Baby is like -
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To be continued...
... Because Brienne is still training Pod three seasons later and he still fucking blows. Like truly no progress... when Arya shows up and is like -
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And Brienne’s just like -
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And of course Sansa’s walking by with Littlefinger like, “Peas and carrots, peas and carrots, gotta have more grain.” So she sees Arya turning it on like -
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Brienne’s like -
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Sansa’s like -
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And Littlefinger’s just like -
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Davos is picking up Stannis’ grammar Nazi schtick.
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And also being a total flirtstress with Michelle.
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SHE IS TAKEN!!!  When suddenly, Theon pops up on shore.
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Theon tries to play it off like, “Oh bro it’s so good to see you.” And J-Snow can’t kill him because he saved Sansa. So now Theon is just trying to get ships to save his sister, I guess. Except D-Baby is gone.
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The Oregon Trail continues, and we learn once again that Dickbag’s name is Dickbag. Presumably so Bronn can say what we’re all thinking.
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But the dick jokes get cut short when Bronn hears something in the distance.
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Indeed, there’s belting from afar that sounds like a mixture of Xena Warrior Princess and a Pink Floyd album. It’s the fucking Dothraki. And they’re all like -
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And Jaime’s just like -
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And the Lannisters are like trying to be chill and Jaime’s all -
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But then. A massive roar from above. And from down on high - in one of the most chill-inducing moments in Thrones history - comes D-Baby looking like a fucking queen. And before Jaime can even be like -
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D-Baby’s like, “Dracarys.”
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Like boom goes the whole fucking Oregon Trail. And everyone’s on fire like -
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But there’s NO TIME TO CHILL because the Dothraki come in like -
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And then, it’s just crazy, just like blood, horses, belting, and D-Baby’s just FUCKING up the Oregon Trail like -
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But Jaime is still going, like, “We just need arrows.” And so they try that with the dragon but of course he’s just like -
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So, okay, Jaime sends Bronn to go get the big crossbow Dr. Frankenstein made, but then Jaime totally almost gets killed by this Dothraki dude and we’re all like -
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But it’s okay, because Dickbag saves him! And Jaime’s like, “Thanks, Dickbag.”
But things don’t look so hot for Bronn who’s charging at this other Dothraki dude like -
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but the Dothraki dude totally fucks his horse up like -
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And then we really think it’s all over, because Bronn’s gold goes everywhere and it really seems like maybe he’ll try and get it and die doing so, but then he’s like, “Jaime -
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And he bolts away from the gold, running through everyone like -
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And Dothraki Dude finally corners him in what seems like a tent but GUESS WHAT? IT’S NOT A TENT it’s totally where the big crossbow thing is. And Dothraki Dude is like -
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But Bronn is all -
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And he’s all crossbow out, wind whipping through his hair, like trying to find the fucking dragon who has completely demolished the entirety of the Oregon Trail, as we see from P-Dinky’s point of view, because apparently he’s there watching. And the Dothraki Dude with him is like -
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But I digress. Bronn is trying to hit the dragon but he misses and D-Baby’s just like -
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So Bronn tries again. And let me tell you, for all the shit I gave this stupid fucking crossbow thing in this moment, I was like, “Well actually who knows where he’s gonna hit it? This might actually kill this thing!” 
And lo and behold, it hits him, and Drogon’s like -
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And Bronn’s smiling. And D-Baby’s devastated. And we’re all just like, “I DON’T KNOW WHO TO ROOT FOR!” But lo. Drogon is not dead. And to prove it, he fucks up Dr. Frankenstein’s crossbow, just like -
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And then D-Baby parks herself in the middle of the battlefield to perform impromptu spear removal on her baby. Jaime sees this and he’s like -
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And P-Dinky is literally like -
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And we’re all just like -
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And he’s about to spear D-Baby. But without her even saying “Dracarys,” Drogon turns around like -
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When somebody (Bronn?) dives out of nowhere and pushes Jaime out of the way, into water, where he’s just like -
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The Gold Company is brought up in the scene between the Iron Bank dude and Cersei. I know that these guys are in the fifth book and that they have something to do with the other Targaryen boy, but somebody may have to remind me more. My initial thought here though was perhaps Daario and the Second Sons will become hired by Cersei? I thought Daario was done, but maybe not?
The History of the Dagger: Somebody was sent to kill Bran in Season 1 with said dagger, but the attempt was botched and Catelyn took the knife to King’s Landing to investigate. Littlefinger revealed that it once belonged to him, but then went to Tyrion when he won it in a bet (this has been confirmed as a lie). From then, it fell into Ned’s hands and the last we saw it was with him (presumably Littlefinger had taken it after betraying him). Although Littlefinger is right that this knife ignited the War of the Five Kings, we still don’t know who sent the assassin in the first place. In the books, around Joffrey’s wedding both Jaime and Tyrion heavily suspect Joffrey hired him because he heard that Bran knew the truth about his parentage, but this is never confirmed either way and has always seemed a bit shaky.
Member Maester Luwin? Literally the best.
Arya asks, “Which Lady Stark?” Bitch, who else?
The moment with Brienne “keeping her vow” was actually pretty cool. She really barely did anything.
I don’t know if you know, but Jon saw the Night King.
Where on earth is Theon’s story going?
A very similar structure to my favorite episode, “Hardhome,” in that nobody saw that battle coming. But this really seemed to me the first battle since “Blackwater” where we were invested in both sides. There was a severe anxiety to not wanting any of the major characters to die. While it lacked the cinematic might of “Battle of the Bastards,” it was far more engaging on a character level.
Hiroshima-esque imagery cannot be good for where D-Baby is headed. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Varys and P-Dinky jump ship soon.
NEXT WEEK: Ravens, more dragons, and Varys is pissed.
Thank you for your time.
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Is Your Love Big Enough?
AN: Inspiration keeps hitting me. So here’s yet another angsty piece from me. There’s a second part in the works but no idea of when it’ll be ready. Writing more than 200 words tires me out. Once again, this is all my imagination and blah blah blah. I would appreciate your feedback. Thanks to @craftywhispersinternet for giving me the confidence to write fanfics. Also, this hasn’t been proofread so do point out mistakes to me please.
Our love doesn’t end here. I tell myself this over and over again as we lie back to back on this too big of a bed, the distance between us impossible to cross. Oblivious to each other’s pain, we fight for a love that’s drowning in misunderstandings. If only I had the courage to confront you. I was a coward and you were too tired. We were so insecure in our love that instead of letting it flourish, we stuffed it back in to the dark corners of our hearts. If I wished hard enough, would things go back to how they were? Could we go back to the shy hugs, fluttering butterflies, and secret glances?
My hands trace the gap between our bodies, skins fizzling as fingertips meet your broad arms. We both flinch at the touch, pulling back into our corners of the ring. I wasn’t prepared for contact. It’s been so long since we held each other that I wonder if I still fit the same with your body. You look skinnier. Have you been eating well? All these statements I make in my head as we communicate in tense silence. Why is our love dying, I wonder. I accept that I’ve changed. But you have too. I’m sorry that I am not the same person you met. But my love for you has not changed.
I’m used to the tears by now. I suppose you are too. I am not naïve enough to believe that you don’t know. We both pretend that I am not slowly dying in this purgatory. Shoulders silently shaking as tears roll down without being wiped away. Would tonight be any different? I don’t mean to make you seem so cruel. You are not the only one at all. We both continue to make mistakes. We both choose to be lonely instead of reaching out to each other. The night passes and another day will begin. The days are starting to blur into each other for me. Do you still feel the same?
 The radio plays in the background, trying to diffuse the tense morning atmosphere. They are sat opposite each other, staring into a breakfast that has gone too cold to be consumed by now. The whistling tune of the doorbell wakes the two of them from their daydreams. Both of them rise from their seats, only to pause, looking at each other unsure. Like a freeze frame coming back to life, one moves to the door while the other clears their full plates. They were not going to eat it anyway. 
She walks to the door and looks through the keyhole, trying to decipher the early visitor. All she sees is the back view of a lean frame. However, it’s one she recognises straight away. Opening the door, now with a real smile, she reveals the mysterious visitor, Kwon Jiyong. 
“Mi Sun-ah,” an orange ball of fluff attacked her as soon as she came into his vision. Kwon Jiyong was, and always will be, one of her best friends. He adopted her as his honorary little sister a long time ago. The two were attached since they could barely walk and talk at the same time. Their names could be found as an example of the saying ‘two peas in a pod’.
“What are you doing here so early, Oppa? You never wake up at this time if you could avoid it,” Mi Sun asked, as she pulled him inside and shut the door.  Jiyong walked towards the dining table, where he was sure to find food to satisfy his rumbling stomach.
“I missed you, my dongsaeng. Also, I ran out of food and I knew you would have food as always.” Grabbing a croissant from the bunch of freshly baked pastries, he took a huge bite and closed his eyes in pure satisfaction. He took a gulp from her untouched glass of orange juice and hummed his approval. He turns around to praise her baking skills, only to finally see her properly. Her face looked grey and gaunt with dark circles visible over her make up. Her eyes are red and tired. The worst though is the way she hugs herself tightly, looking as if she might crumble at the smallest touch.  “Where is he?”
Breaking out of her trance, she looked at him lost for a second before answering. “Oppa is in the kitchen. He’s just-” Before she could finish her sentence, her friend storms away from her, towards the kitchen...where he is. She makes her way after him, still lost in her thoughts from the night before. Maybe she should ask him to come home early. Maybe they would finally talk.
Kwon Jiyong was furious. He was so stupid to neglect his Mi Sun. He should have paid more attention. He should have visited more often. Then, he would have seen it sooner. Seen that his little sister was not happy. But Kwon Jiyong was even angrier with someone else. Someone he called brother. Choi Seunghyun. He trusted him. He trusted him a lot. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to share someone he treasured so much. To see his little sister look so hollow and void of life made him furious.
“Oh Jiyongie. You’re here. I thought we didn’t start till later today?” Seunghyun was surprised to see his friend in his home so early in the morning. Anyone who knew the boy would be aware of his love for sleep.
“Hyung,” Jiyong acknowledged the greeting with a nod. “What’s happening between you and Mi Sun?” 
Seunghyun felt as if he had been hit with a bucket of cold water. Did she tell him? No, she wouldn’t share details like that. She would never shed a bad light on me. “What do you mean? We’re good.” He received silence.
“There’s nothing happening between us, Oppa.” Mi Sun whispered. “That’s the problem. There is nothing between us Oppa.” Her voice broke on the last word, finally letting out all her pain. Seunghyun turned to her, unaware that she had been there at all. These days, he never did notice her presence. The illusions had been shattered. This was last strike for him. She could not bare another day of pretending. She would rather let it all burn than spend another lonely night on that cold bed. 
Jiyong, who had been observing the scene in unadulterated fury, spoke after a few minutes. “Pack your bags, Mi Sun-ah. You’re staying with me from now on." He walked out of the kitchen, leading Mi Sun out as well. Away. From him. 
Seunghyun finally had his wake up call. 
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