#UA staff
i-am-shitpost · 11 months
Why have I never seen any headcannons or anything in fanfiction about Mic and All Might absolutely speaking English to each other and annoying the shit out of everyone (especially Aizawa)
Mic is always happy to discover a new way to drive Aizawa insane (with love) and All Might is just excited to practice his English.
All Might: Hello Present Mic! Nice weather we’re having today isn’t it?
Mic: Oh yeah! Nice and sunny, you should have class outside today :D
Aizawa: stop speaking in tongues
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kuwkedits · 7 days
☁️Comfy Cozy Monday☁️
Why hire movers when all ur friends r big beefy and rich?
Tags: c.c.m☁️
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izuku and aizawa qoutes part 7!!
izuku drugged up in the hospital : hehe
aizawa sitting in a chair next to him : what you laughing at bud?
izuku giggling : the lady in the corner!
aizawa now pale looking at the corner :wha... WHAT LADY IN THE CORNER?! AINT NO FUCKINF LADY IN HERE!
Nana Shimura : UGH rude! wtf man!
izuku giggling : ikr nans! so rude
izuku : da shush! your gonna wake the TV up!
aizawa done as fuck : I can't with you.
izuku : me too!
izuku sleep deprived and running on 3 hours of sleep and coffee for the last 2 weeks staring at present mic :
the teachers : you good bruh? is he good aizawa?
aizawa : nope.
izuku : is your hair like that because you wanna be taller or because your a pussy?
aizawa spitting out his coffee laughing :PFFTT
The teachers laughing : OMFG KID? MIDORIYA HAHAHA NO! NO!
Mic in shock :.... what the fuck?
izuku glaring : you pussy.
aizawa watching izuku stare at the wall for over an hour not moving or blinking by the looks of it :
... you good buddy?
izuku : the walls talking shit.
aizawa : okay time for bed kid common
izuku : they just said that your a bitch I'm gonna kill em.
aizawa pale : okay kiddo bed time.
izuku shooting out of his chair one day during home room freaking out everyone
aizawa : what you good?
izuku : Im gonna to faint good night
class 1-a : what wha?
izuku drops to the floor
class 1-a : Oh OH FUCK MIDORIYA?!
aizawa : well at least he gave a warning....
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Doodles :)
Was so stressed out during my exams period, but got struck with brainrot for the teachers lol
also bonus, the state of my brain for the past month:
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Yipppe :D
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black-and-yellow · 1 year
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I think about this a lot actually. I'm pretty sure I mentioned it in Inside, that Kayama would teach Eri to braid with him.
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All Might: you know… I don’t really think Nezu should be qualified to be a principal…
Aizawa: why would you ever say that, because he’s an animal??
All Might: no, definitely not that! It’s just… I don’t know… he makes me concerned about the students safety…
Aizawa: what do you mean by that
Nezu: *casually walks in* ya’ll so I was thinking… what if we bring back the UA civil war and give the students access to explosives?
All Might: …
Aizawa: see? Totally fine
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scream-mans-friend · 4 months
Fuck Marry Kill members of the bnha UA school staff
image randomizer here
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dogwaterdish · 11 months
Mic: Why would anyone hate All Might?
Aizawa: Maybe because they met him?
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brightdevil801920 · 9 months
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i saw something on pinterest and automatically thought of nezu n aizawa- so here ya go (_ _)
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updatebug · 10 months
One of the (many) fic ideas that haunt me, but that I would never write, is a Bleach, BNHA crossover where the Aizen/hollow war takes a bit longer and part way through it Ichigo (and at least one other character, probably Rukia but there's a few who would be good) is sent forwards a couple hundred years to the BNHA time and is super confused cause hello powers and also because Soul Society seems to be closed off, he can't get through at all and there are no ghosts running round and basically something is obviously very very wrong.
They get picked up by UA, either by interrupting a villain attack, being in the wrong place at the wrong time or just strolling up saying hey ferret Urahara, you seem like the guy to talk to about time travel.
I have no idea what the fic would actually be about, but the scene most vivid in my head is Ichigo and the UA teachers figuring out that reiatsu causes mutations in humans that manifest as 'powers' and realising that the reason everyone has quirks now is because of all the reiatsu that was getting tossed around during the war. That's also why soul society closed itself off, cause they already fucked up human evolution once, not a great idea to stick around and do it again.
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nutzgunray-lvt · 1 year
Something I find interesting (and pretty realistic) in the series is how the UA faculty isn't in total agreement with the decisions made for the school and students.
Snipe didn't want the Sports Festival being held so soon after the USJ attack.
Present Mic is rightfully pissed that his warnings of a traitor keep getting ignored/shot down.
All Might didn't want the first years participating in work studies, something that Cementoss, King Vlad, and Snipe later echo.
I wonder how they felt about Izuku dropping out as well as Present Mic being proven right about the traitor.
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kuwkedits · 21 days
☁️Comfy Cozy Monday☁️
UA staff and their disappearing ynie or burnt out yn is and always will be ua staffs babie
Tags: c.c.m☁️ / comedy🎭 & fluff🧸
⚠️CW: swearing, bullying as a love language
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little BNHA UA hc/ worldbuilding idea that's been floating around in my head,,,,,
i've been thinking about UA and their administration/ scheduling team and the strategy they must put behind each student's schedule.
it sounds boring, but hear me out:
You have three types of classes to consider.
the priority classes that they need each student to take These must differ WILDLY per student because, ESPECIALLY for hero students, they'd be based on a student's quirk needs. For example, for some students, it's "meh whatever" if they take E&M Physics (electromagnetics) or if they don't take E&M Physics, but for kaminari, it could literally be the difference between life and death for him/ any civilians or colleagues he's working with in the future, right? Like the guy kinda sorta really needs to understand current/ voltage/ resistance etc. and he needs to understand it to a high, near professional standard because of the nature of his quirk. Likewise, just off the top of my head, i'd say kids like yaoyorozu, bakugou, satou, and todoroki need a strong grasp of general chemistry, as well as organic chemistry & probably advanced biology for yaoyorozu, bakugou, and satou.... probably also mineta if he doesn't get expelled. and those are just some of the kids who need those classes to avoid seriously injuring someone.
THEN u have to consider classes whose lessons/ knowledge might seriously give a leg up to some students/ help them with facets of their quirks they'd never considered before. like for example, if aoyama could take forces & mechanics (physics) & some chemistry. These are usually classes where they talk about light & photons & electron energy levels & shit. if aoyama takes the classes and understands photons & light and particles vs waves and all that, i bet his quirk could also become the stronger for this new information. Because now he doesn't just have this intuitive bodily sense of "ok focus really hard and clench my buttcheeks (or whatever he does idk) to make my naval laser beam do more damage" but he also has the physics knowledge of "ok today i need to focus on increasing the period of the wavelengths as they're produced from my body because that will increase energy levels, which means a hotter/ faster/ whatever-er laser." do you see what i mean?
and THEN there are even students who might be able to use the knowledge from different classes to make up for or counteract their quirk's drawbacks or to augment support items that are counteracting their quirk's drawbacks. For example, i think Shinsou would really benefit from some psychology & language & writing classes (psychology classes are obvious; language classes give him more options to try to connect with people even if they don't speak japanese; writing classes usually focus a lot on critical thinking, which will be necessary since, once a villain is wise to his quirk & figures out how to shut up, Shinsou's going to have to rely mostly on out-witting them, especially if they have a more physical quirk) as #2 level classes to enhance his quirk. However, for some #3 level classes, i'd also recommend F&M (forces & mechanics; physics course) and some sort of molecular chemistry course, which will help counteract his quirk's lack of physical prowess by augmenting his control with and knowledge of his capture weapon & how its molecular makeup & physical presence affects how it behaves in the world/ interacts with the world around him. (F&M will also give him some insight on waves, which is sound, which is his quirk.)
anyways, these were just some ideas banging around in my head, take em or leave em or let me know what u think about em.
i know we rag on UA for canonically not having good mental health support for its many traumatized heroics students, but if Hound Dog is the school's only counselor (he's really the only one ever mentioned in the anime, idk if that's true in the manga or not, but the anime is always just like :DD and here's our school counselor he's a dog isn't that relaxing, therapy dog :DDD) and he's responsible for ALL of this consideration (not to mention corralling all the support, gen ed, and business course students into the courses they want & need AND trying to find time to fit in the hero course specific courses, like Getting the Shit Beat Out of You Every Thursday taught by 'Professor' All Might), then I can see why he doesn't have time to speak to students about their mental health. Poor guy's gotta be so fucking overwhelmed it's a miracle he hasn't snapped and tried to like idk fucking eat a student.
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eraserheadswatching · 2 years
again inspired by mine and @universalrainbow dms on thier fanfic!
aizawa to the media : do not anger izuku midoriya that's your only warning
the media : psht okay what ever you say
the media pisses off izuku and he pulls out a note book on live television and lists off all the crimes they've committed and their full name and quirk and the media is in fear : what.... the...
Izuku midoriya : don't fuck with me.
ua staff even more scare :OH GOD HE KILLED HIM
all might nezu and mirko :THAT'S OUT BOY!
class 1a : Oh my god holy shit
Class 1a slowly turning their head to look at bakugo
Todoroki: writing notes
izuku having a feeling bakugo done some stupid shit and he stops talking to the media and goes : for fuck sake katsuki bakugo what did you do!
denki: how do u know that word?
Mina: I fell asleep on an information channel
everyone is just in fear even faster
class 1a is just in so much fear that izuku knows about all their wrong doings and thier not wrong he does
Izuku shooting up in the middle on class scaring everyone :SOMEONE SAID SOMETHING ABOUT AIZAWA SENSEI IM GOING TO BEAT THEIR ASS
Aizawa in fear : what....
Izuku in rage mode :THEIR 20 MILES AWAY GOOD BYE.
bakugo smirking :
class 1a : I'm so scared right now.
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Currently thinking about my roleswap au, and how fun the dynamics between certain characters. More specifically, the roleswap versions of the canon UA staff…
They’re a band of villains who get together through various means and are led by Nezu + All Might, and they’re real fun to think about-
Some examples:
- All might is the most renowned villain around, striking fear into everyone who sees him - he’s also terrified of Nezu, and shakily offers him tea whenever they talk.
- Aizawa once bribed Midnight to make everyone fall asleep so that he could sneak a cat into their hideout.
- Midnight has made them fall asleep on regular occurrences so that she could sneak into everyone’s snack stashes.
- Cementoss rearranges their hideouts layout when he’s bored.
- Snipe once shot Mic in the foot “by accident” and made him yell so loud they alerted the cops and had to find a new place to stay.
- Thirteen has disintegrated two of their get-away vans, once by accident, the other on purpose because it was an ugly van.
- Powerloader hides explosives everywhere and never tells anyone because, in his own words “they’re there just in case the heroes come ya know?”
- They have blown up many times before.
- He is also their designated get-away driver.
- Ecto pays for everything and uses this as an excuse to buy a karaoke machine Every Single Time They Find a New Place to Stay.
There’s SO much more for them, but this is the gist of it for now lol
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black-and-yellow · 2 years
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Spring and a Storm
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