#UAs will get it up here soon I'm sure
statementlou · 10 months
Rolling Stone have posted the performance to their insta EDIT: and now, bizarrely, they have deleted it. WHY? so many questions
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thatnewweeb · 2 months
Childhood Sweethearts | Bakugo Katsuki
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Summary | You moved to America when you were young, having to leave behind your childhood sweetheart. After moving back to Japan, you'll find out if things have changed between you two
Content | Fluff, honestly I can't think of any warnings for this so let me know if you see anything that needs a warning
Word Count | 1.7k+
A/N | I love the idea of Bakugo being in love with someone through his whole life, I have no idea why. At the time of posting, I wrote this forever ago
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It had been almost 5 whole years since you moved away. You missed home. It wasn't like you'd wanted to move away in the first place, but your dad's job took you away from Japan all the way to America.
Finally, at 18 years old, you finally convinced your parents to allow you to move home. Having attended an elite hero school for the past 2 years, you managed to have some special arrangements made for your return home.
And so, that is how you got to where you are now, nervously walking down the halls of UA next to Principal Nezu. He had spent the first half hour of the morning before classes began showing you around and explaining a few things to you.
At the start of homeroom at 8:25AM, he walks you to the classroom of Class 3-A, the class you will be joining, starting today.
Everyone looks over as the door opens, the principal strolling in and standing at the front of the class. You follow nervously. These people have had nearly 3 whole years to get to know each other, and here you are, the new girl joining in the final year, not knowing anyone.
At least, you didn't think you knew anyone, until you force yourself to look at the class properly.
Your eyes immediately fall on a blond boy in the second row. His own eyes are widened, locked onto you. A moment later, you rip your eyes away from him, prompting him to look away also.
When you realise Nezu has stopped speaking and is now looking at you, you snap out of it and look at the whole class.
"My name is Y/N. I have two Quirks, which I am sure I will have more time sometime soon to explain. I look forward to spending this year with you." You say and bow slightly to the class.
Your homeroom teacher, Aizawa, points you to your assigned seat, so you sit down quietly, not saying another word.
It isn't until lunch, almost four hours later, that you say anything else, besides answering questions in class. Your fourth period was English with Present Mic. Having lived in an English-speaking country for almost 5 years, it was quite an easy class for you.
Almost as soon as you are dismissed from class, you're surrounded by people, wanting to talk to you, get to know you. You're fine with that, but you did have someone else you wanted to talk to. They already walked out the door though.
"Y/N!" Someone says, popping up in front of you out of nowhere.
"Izuku!" You smile, excitedly throwing your arms around your old friend.
You see a brown-haired girl blushing as she watches you hugging Midoriya.
"I can't believe you're here! I didn't know you were coming back!"
You nod. "I know, I'm sorry I didn't say anything."
He shakes his head, wanting to reassure you. "It's okay! We fell out of touch, that's not anyone's fault."
Izuku invites you to spend lunch break with him and his friends, being introduced to them all, him explaining a little about how he got into UA at all.
After classes have finished for the day, you don't give Bakugo the chance to run. As soon as you're dismissed from class, you walk over to his desk, standing in front of it and resting your hands on the surface.
"It's nice to see you again, Katsuki." You smirk.
He looks up at you from his chair briefly, quickly looking away. “Yeah, it is.”
You lean down so you’re closer to his height, him still avoiding eye contact. “Would you mind walking me back to the dorm? I haven’t actually been there yet, Nezu didn’t have time to take me.”
He tuts but stands up, picking up his bag and slinging it over your shoulder. Not saying a thing, he leaves the classroom, you following him. You know what he’s like, you know to follow.
As soon as you're out of the halls and outside, he decides to say something. "I didn't know you were coming back." He mutters.
You're just happy to hear him say something to you. "Yeah. I know."
He takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry."
You pause where you are, stunned. You hadn't expected him to apologise to you.
When you don't say anything, he sighs and turns to you, also stopping walking. "I shouldn't have stopped responding. I was upset you were gone, and I went about things in the stupidest way. I... I regret it."
It takes a moment for you to say anything, blinking in shock. "It's okay." You smile brightly up at him. "I understand. It was hard on both of us, after all."
"Yeah, but I ghosted you. I shouldn't have done that. Not to you, you don't deserve that."
"I agree you shouldn't have done it, dummy. But I'm saying I understand, okay?"
He smiles a little, looking down at you. "Come on, let's go to the dorms." He tugs on your backpack, indicating that you should take it off. When you do, he slings one strap over his shoulder, carrying it for you.
"Since when did you become a gentleman?" You ask with a small laugh, making him grunt a 'shut up' to you, his cheeks going slightly pink.
Finally reaching the dorms, Bakugo opens the door for you, letting you into the large building.
Everyone else is already there, the people in the communal area looking at you as you enter. Other than Izuku, people seem a little surprised to see you with Bakugo, and even more surprised that he doesn't look as annoyed as he typically does.
With everyone staring, Katsuki shoves your bag back into your arms before walking over to the stairs to go to his room.
You smile a little as you watch him, shaking your head.
Izuku is the first person to come up to you, smiling. "Everyone wants to get to know you a little. If you have some time, come sit with us?"
You do what he says, walking over and taking a seat between him and a boy with a black streak in mostly blond hair.
You end up spending a couple hours with them, telling them about your Quirk and what it's like to live in America. When they ask about you seemingly already knowing both Izuku and Katsuki, you tell them that you grew up with them.
A girl with pink skin, who you learn is Mina, asks you for some stupid stories about them as kids, Izuku going red and telling you that you don't have to talk about anything you don't want to, trying to save himself the embarrassment.
Even though you're unsure if Bakugo will be annoyed at you for telling them this, you also tell them a few stories from when you and him were dating before you left for America.
Everyone seems surprised, a small uproar coming from the class. No one had ever even seen an indication that he had ever been interested in anyone, yet alone had a girlfriend. It appeared to be a ludicrous idea to most of them.
Kaminari seems to deflate a little upon realising you dated one of his best friends. Guess he thought you were pretty.
Not long after, you go find your room, needing to unpack. Right before you close the door, a foot stops it from closing. A second later, Bakugo comes into view.
"Well, hello there." You smirk a little, looking up at him.
He smirks back, placing a hand on the doorframe, standing in front of you. "Hey. Care if I come in?"
You move out the way for him to come in but tell him it's a little messy because you're still unpacking.
He doesn't even look at the room, closing the door as soon as he's inside and standing close to you, essentially pinning you between him and the door.
That's when you really realise how much he's changed. He's so much taller now than when you last saw him, his shoulders broader, entire body more muscular, a few visible scars now. The whole thing makes you a little flustered.
"So, do you have a little American boyfriend now?" He asks with a slight snarl, expression turning into a smirk as soon as you shake your head. "No? Then, would you mind if I kissed you?" He whispers in your ear.
You don't verbally respond, but the look on your face gives him the answer he needs. He keeps one hand on the wall, the other coming to rest on your waist, leaning in and pressing his lips against yours. Your own hands find your way to his chest, gripping onto his shirt.
A moment later, he pulls away a little, smirking. "Guess we haven't missed a beat, huh?"
You laugh, not letting go of his shirt. "Suki, you're an ass." You say, making him laugh too.
"Yeah, but you love it." He whispers, leaning in to kiss you again. "It's starting to get late, and you haven't finished unpacking yet. If you wanted to stay in my room tonight, you're welcome to."
You look up at him, a little surprised by the proposal. When he sees the look on your face, he panics a small amount. "I didn't mean it like that! I meant we can spend the night sleeping together- no, not sleeping together! Not like that! I just meant- we- we can- I meant-"
You giggle at his nervousness, making him look a little angry. You move your hands to rest on his cheeks, standing on your tiptoes and smashing your lips against his.
When you finally break the kiss again, both a little breathless, he stares at you, mouth open slightly.
"Sorry, I had to find a way to shut you up." You smile. "I'd love to cuddle tonight, Suki."
He looks relieved, taking your hand. "Come on, let's go."
You spend the rest of the night in Bakugo's dorm, cuddling and eventually falling asleep in his bed.
Before he falls asleep, he spends a few moments just watching you, barely being able to believe that he got lucky enough to get you back into his life. He gives you a soft kiss on the forehead, holding you tighter, closing his own eyes and falling asleep.
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doumadono · 5 months
hey! I'd like a mango cone with lots of sprinkles and maple syrup!
Characters Bakugo and Dabi (Touya) separately pls
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Bakugo initially approaches you with a gruff demeanor, clearly trying to hide his concern. Bakugo's eyes dart to where you're sitting, trying to hide the wince of pain every time you move. "Oi, you idiot. What the hell were you thinking? Can't even protect yourself properly?"
Despite his harsh words, his hands will be surprisingly gentle as he examines your injuries. "Tsk, what a mess. Just sit still and let me handle it."
He brings over a first aid kit, slamming it down next to you. Bakugo awkwardly fumbles with the bandages. "Oi, who knew you'd be so clumsy on the battlefield." After a moment, he grumbles again, "Hold still, idiot," while wrapping your wound carefully.
You and Bakugo have been friends for years since meeting at UA, but you struggle to recall seeing him act like that ever before because he always kept you at arm's length. But now? Despite trying to maintain a gruff and cold facade, he's surprisingly affectionate towards you.
As he tends to your wounds, he grumbles under his breath about how you always manage to get hurt. "You're such a pain in the ass, dammit. Do you enjoy making me worry?"
When you flinch from the pain, he'll clench his jaw, trying to hide his own frustration after causing you more pain. "Stop moving, dammit! I'm trying to help you here."
He keeps on grumbling about how annoying it is to have to take care of you, but still, he makes sure you have everything you need to feel better.
If you thank him for his help, he'll quickly brush it off, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Hmph. Don't get used to it! I just can't stand seeing you in such a pathetic state."
He pats your head roughly in the end, "Just… don't get hurt again, okay, nerd?"
But when he thinks you're not looking, you'll catch a rare glimpse of concern in his eyes before he quickly looks away, muttering something about you being annoying, again.
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Dabi's turquoise eyes narrow as he sees you being carried in by Twice, clearly hurt from the battle. "Took you both long enough to get back," he mutters, though his eyes betray his concern.
As Twice gently sets you down, Dabi can't help but hover close, trying to assess your injuries without making it obvious. "You look like shit," he says gruffly, but there's a tenderness to his tone that wasn't there before.
When you glance up at him after he lingers a bit too long checking your injuries, and your eyes meet, he gruffly murmurs, "I'm just making sure you're not completely useless to our cause."
You've never been involved romantically, but when he's tending to your wounds, he becomes incredibly protective. He keeps other League of Villains members at bay, and if he could, he'd shield you with his own body.
A fleeting thought crosses your mind that perhaps, just perhaps, Dabi feels something more than camaraderie towards you…
When you wince from pain as he treats your wounds, he immediately scolds you, "Don't move too much, Y/N."
As he applies a healing salve or wraps your wounds, he avoids eye contact, focusing intently on his task.
If anyone of the League comments on his sudden caring attitude, he snaps, "Shut up, maniac! It's just because she's gonna be troublesome otherwise."
After taking care of you, he mumbles, "Just rest now, Y/N, and better appreciate this. I don't go around playing nursemaid for just anyone."
As he heads away, he casts one last look back at you, a rare gentleness in his eyes before he exits the common room to attend to his own duties.
Rest assured, anyone who dared to harm you in that battle will meet their demise very soon, and Dabi will ensure they suffer for it. It'll be a head for every wound you got.
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fluff-n-cookies · 11 months
hey, can I ask the reader to be Aizawa's daughter, but she lives with her mother in another country, so when the reader gets into a fight, her mother sends her to live with Aizawa, but she forgets to tell him, so y/ n arrives and says "hey dad, surprise?"
I'm so sorry for responding late, I just been so caught up with school, but sure! (p.s. I'm not sure if you wanted oneshots or headcanons so I did headcanons. sorry about that. and I'm also heacanoning this reader as socially awkward, sorry about that too.) reader is a teen in this!
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first off, reader is besties with Present Mic and definitely told Mic to tell Aizawa she was coming, but did Mic Do that? NO!
he probably drove you back to UA from the airport and just barged in yelling "BITCH (Aizawa) GUESS WHAT" "what do you want Mic?" "no, guess!"
okay parting away from the crack, Aizawa and you are both dying of embarrassment since Aizawa is teaching a CLASS RIGHT NOW.
So Aizawa is Infuriated since first he knows you hate being put on in the spotlight so he does scold Mic about it while all might handle class 1A's training.
eventually you two do get to talk one on one and the moment after you say "hey dad, surprise?" he just collapses on the closest surface and replies "goddamn it you're too cute to be mad at."
please tell him about every single detail of your trip it makes him so happy. he wants to know you trust him with this information and it makes him feel like he's getting just a bit closer to you. even the bad things that make you cry like a bad break up or an argument with your mom, it just makes him want to comfort you more.
tries to get you some of your favorite snacks from your country so you feel at home.
if you feel out of place in Japan since the majority of us are probably not Japanese and probably do not meet beauty expectations, he encourages you to keep being yourself instead of trying to fit in like everyone else.
these girls are doing your nails and practically interrogating you about your life in your country.
Momo wants to know ALL the customs and ALL the history, HECK TEACH HER YOUR WHOLE LANGUGE.
Tsu, Ochako, and Hagakure are just happy to be there, and Jiro is incharge of music.
they are also the ones protecting you from Mineta so try and stick with them.
now here, Shoto and Tenya are in a silent battle over your love and Mineta and Kaminari are fighting over your Boobs.
Shoto helps control the temperature in your room so it seems more like the climate your used to in your country.
while Iida is purposely taking a languge class that you speak and having you translate it for him so he knows he's doing it correctly. (he knows he is but he just wants to hear your voice.)
shinsou automatically switches to brother mode, please let him show you his cat plushes and favorite animes, it just makes him so happy.
Eri HAS to have a sleep over with you at one point, you're like an older sister to her (MOVE ASIDE HADO-)
speaking with Toshinori in english if you come from an english speaking country.
Thank you for requesting and I hope to see you in my inbox again soon!
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bythepen98 · 2 years
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Fem!Izuku 💚
Technically a doodle since it only took me 2-3 hours to finish.
I know Horikoshi drew him as a girl with short hair but I like to imagine it longer, fluffy and styled like his mother's.
Not entirely sure how big of a difference growing up quirkless as a girl would be and how much that would've affected her once she entered UA but, again, I'm no author so I'll keep it simple:
As per my headcanon, she's still roughly the same with ofc more feminine mannerisms and I reckon there'd be some differences with her fighting style/patterns even when she's trying to imitate All might (bc I know I'd probably move different if I was a guy). She's still bestfriends with Iida and Ochaco but would also be closer to her other female classmates and would attend any scheduled hang outs with them unless it falls on a training day with All might or smtg--Girls night every other week or month once they enter the dorms.
Speaking of All might, he's already doting on male Izuku but he'll probably be even more protective if he was a girl (doesn't help that he's reminded of Nana when he sees her hairstyle). Aizawa doesn't believe in the notion that girls be automatically coddled bc of their gender but I'm sure after getting to know his number one problem child, he'll low-key be more sweet on her than the rest and is extra harsh during training bc he wants to make sure she can protect herself.
Izuku is exasperated but also appreciates it and would indulge them bc they're her dads.
Self indulgent thought: She has her hoard of admirers (villains included) but is extremely dense and anything but a blunt no nonsense confession to her face will be perceived as a reach out for friendship. Katsuki is her guard dog in these matters bc he definitely likes her but is being stupid about it, understandable considering their still unresolved-complicated past, so he takes it upon himself to keep away other dunces who think they can get lucky. Shouto and Hitoshi have a pass bc they're her friends, but he keeps an eye on them just in case.
Self indulgent thought #2: as a girl who grew up quirkless, she's def more sensitive when it comes to sa/ppl generally taking advantage of others and so would've snapped and had Mineta expelled on the first week, if not first day of class. That would've opened up a spot early for Hitoshi to join in. With Izuku's power of persuasion to wear down his i-didnt-come-here-to-make-friends stance and Hitoshi finding out that she was the reason for him getting into hero class so soon? The guy was an instant goner and never looked away since. The todoroki vs deku fight during the festival is a fixed event in my hc so Shouto fell in love there.
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doodlegirl1998 · 3 months
I'm honestly appalled at the ending of this manga.
It's so mean-spirited of Horikoshi to drill it into the narrative that Izuku can't be a hero without a Quirk, and when he does have a Quirk, he's only a liability with it so he should just give up. Then for him to take that Quirk away from him when that's all he ever wanted is just a slap in the face to Izuku and what little character development he had.
Not only that, but for how much 1A is supposedly close to one another, they sure were quick to forget about Aoyama when discount Goob replaced him. He's been nothing but an asshole to them, so why are they so excited to see him?
Why can't the adults get off of their asses and be the primary ones helping with rebuilding? Why rope the second years into it? Furthermore, why the fuck are they having school so soon after a near apocalyptic war?
Also, I love how Bakugou is supposedly praised for his "effort" when all he did was nearly get himself killed because AS USUAL, he charged ahead without a plan, and just waited for AFO to rewind out of existence. Meanwhile, Izuku's just left by himself with All Might, because God fucking forbid anybody actually give Izuku the time of day for the right reasons.
Bakugou can go fuck himself for making Izuku's Quirklessness about himself and their "rIvAlRy", and Horikoshi can go fuck himself for making Izuku's attitude towards losing the thing he dreamed of having for 12 years: 🤷.
PS: So much for Aizawa's "apology" towards Izuku meaning anything. All he said was sorry, used Izuku's first name without earning the privilege, and then onto the next scene.
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋
You and me both.
Hori hates Izuku. It is as plain a fact as the sky being blue at this point. It is intensely mean to have Izuku suffer for being quirkless (especially at the hands of Bkg*), gain OFA and work so hard with it only to lose it by the end of the story and then Hori doesn't allow Izu to have any form of upset about this. Instead, he is forced to comfort BAKUGOU about this*- the same Bakugou who calls him Deku (useless) for being quirkless! The same Bakugou who abused him for a decade largely for this!?! What the fuck is this Hori? Get boo-hoo'ing Bak-U-Go out the damn door! Focus on Izuku for once! This is traumatising! Let Izuku actually feel it instead of being puppeteered to make Bkg look good!
This is one of the reasons Izuku feels kind of flat now (I hate to say it as an Izuku fan but he doesn't react in a way that makes sense and we haven't seen in his head in so long...)
I don't buy "Class 1A is a Family," not after they chased down Izuku in the Dark Deku arc and certainly not now. Look at how easily they let Aoyama go! No crying or anything? Like wow...
And for Shinsou? Who has canonically only been an asshole to all of 1A this whole time? And no one has a problem with him or is gutted about Aoyama leaving? Nah... that's some B.S. right there.
To add Ochaco, making fun of Izuku's new hair and saying not to talk to her with that hair was in very poor taste. They were all in a WAR, Izuku didn't just have poor luck with barbers. She comes off like a bitch here not gonna lie...
Having school so soon after a whole WAR and floating UA occurring is so unrealistic... 😑 The fact that students are helping proves the school shouldn't be open yet. But Nedzu gives no shit - who is one of Japan's smartest beings, apparently...
Bakugou being praised for his "effort" over Izuku is simply laughable but sadly nothing new.
Aizawa's "apology" was hollow, simply an item on the checklist for Hori, and it shows. Also, using Izuku's first name was OOC for him and rude for him to use without asking.
In addition, we have seen the Bakugou's, but where is Inko? Hori gives no shit to her, clearly. At least she isn't there for Izuku to be forced to comfort alongside Bakugou - about a traumatic thing that happened to HIM! What is this mess Hori?!
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silverynight · 1 year
Izuku knows Katsuki has been under a lot of stress lately; it's their last year in the UA and they need to be prepared to find an agency soon.
The omega is also worried about his future, he wants to be the number one pro hero as well, but for some reason Katsuki has been pushing himself to the limit in the last months.
Which has made his inner alpha snap a couple of times, however, Izuku knows exactly how to help him; even though their friendship hasn't been perfect and they stopped being friends for a while, they're on good terms now and since they both know each other better than anyone else, the omega is always able to calm him down.
Although their classmates find it more fascinating than it truly is.
"Izuku," Katsuki mumbles, looking absolutely exhausted as he stumbles into the common room. He's grumpy and his sharp teeth are exposed, which means his inner alpha is taking control.
The other alphas in their group tense immediately, actually, everyone seems to look at him like they're waiting for an explosion to occur.
"Did you really go to the gym to train after our test?" The omega huffs, getting a little bit irritated, he always does that whenever he's worried. He's probably the only one now who is not afraid of Katsuki's inner alpha.
"I need to prepare even more if I want–"
"You also need to rest," Izuku narrows his eyes before taking a deep breath. "Go take a bath, put something comfy and then come back here."
Katsuki nods and as soon as he gets out, everyone seems to release the breath they were holding.
Izuku really thinks they're overreacting.
"Are you dating Bakugo, Deku-kun?" Uraraka asks, prompting the green haired omega to choke and turn red in seconds.
"If you are, I'm gonna have a word with Blasty for not telling his friends first!" Ashido complains immediately, pouting.
"He's not," Todoroki says before Izuku can try to say something again. "You're not, right?"
"Of course I'm not! We're friends!"
"Then why–"
Kaminari has to shut up because Katsuki rushes into the room, kicks Iida away so he can cuddle Izuku and use one if his thighs as a pillow.
As they often do in Katsuki's room, Izuku starts running his fingers through his hair.
"Help me sleep... I can't–"
"Sleep," Izuku whispers against his ear and Katsuki's body relaxes completely before falling asleep on the omega's lap.
The uncomfortable silence that follows is what makes Izuku look up, only to realize everyone's staring at him.
"How are you two not dating?" Hagakure squeaks.
"I didn't know Bakubro let you command him!" Kirishima grins, looking from the blond to Izuku. "That's so manly!"
Alright, even the omega knows how it looks like, but they're completely wrong.
"Listen, this is not... that," Izuku stammers, running his fingers through the alpha's hair as he speaks: "It's... Sometimes he can't bring himself to relax completely so he asks me to use an omega command..."
"You know that omega commands don't work if you're not compatible with the alpha, right?" Uraraka points out, narrowing her eyes. "Also the alpha needs to feel certain–"
"It's because we're friends!" Izuku cuts her off, blushing again.
"He's purring right now."
Yaoyorozu is right, Katsuki is purring, but it's a loud alpha purr that alphas only let out when they're completely relaxed and happy.
"He always purrs when he's asleep," the omega argues because it's not a big deal. Alright... he purrs sometimes when he's awake as well, but only when Izuku agrees to wear one of his hoodies and when Izuku is eating something Katsuki made for him and...
Perhaps he shouldn't mention any of those things to his friends. It could lead to a misunderstanding.
"You can't be sure about that," Ashido says, looking like she's enjoying herself a lot.
"Yes, I'm sure because there's not a single time I haven't heard him purr in his sleep, even when we were kids and had slumber parties..."
"Right after he presented?" Iida asks, looking a little bit curious.
"Yes, but–"
"But you were with him every single one of those times..." Hagakure points out and suddenly the omega feels like no one is on his side.
"I know that, but I'm sure..."
"He doesn't purr when you're not there," Jiro assures him. "I would've heard."
"Remember that camping trip Aizawa took us on in order to train in a different environment? Sero, Kiri and I slept in the same tent as Blasty and he didn't purr, not even once." Kaminari cuts in.
"He also woke up really grumpy the next day," Sero adds.
"It was mostly because he was jealous of Todoroki for sleeping in the same tent as Midoriya," Kirishima says, prompting Izuku to turn red.
"I loved that camping trip," Todoroki closes his eyes as if he's remembering that day.
"What are you trying to say?" Izuku finally asks, gently placing a hand over one of Katsuki's ears, even though he knows he's completely asleep.
"Bakugo has feelings for you, Deku-kun."
"No, he doesn't," the omega says in a whisper, feeling suddenly sad as the words come out of his lips.
Izuku decides not to think about it and instead focuses on scolding the alpha for pushing himself too much.
It's early in the morning and Katsuki is already up, making katsudon for Izuku.
"Kacchan, you don't have to–"
"I want to. Now shut up and eat, nerd!" The alpha grins when he sees Izuku taking a bowl for himself.
"You should've slept a little bit more instead..."
"Nonsense!" Katsuki chuckles, looking more and more happy as he watches Izuku take a couple of bites. "I'm perfectly fine!"
"This is amazing, Kacchan!" The omega can't help it, his friend's food is always delicious.
Katsuki starts purring.
They eat for a while in content silence, but when the alpha mentions something about training before heading to class, Izuku stops him by grabbing his arm.
"Kacchan, you don't have to prove anything..." The omega pulls him closer before cradling his face. He smiles gently at him and the alpha melts into the touch immediately. "Why are you trying so hard?"
Suddenly, something in Katsuki breaks; his expression looks vulnerable and desperate as he puts one of his hands over Izuku's like he doesn't want to let go of it.
"You deserve only the best," the alpha mumbles, nuzzling against Izuku's palm. "So I need to become the best alpha, the best pro hero... to be worthy of you."
His inner omega purrs in delight.
"Do you want to be my mate, Kacchan?"
"More than anything, but I have to–"
Izuku shuts him up with a quick kiss that leaves the alpha a little dumbfounded for a couple of seconds. The alpha starts purring again, but this time the omega purrs right back.
"You don't have to do anything, Kacchan. You are the number one to me already and I want you as my mate."
Awestruck, Katsuki smiles fondly at him, like he can't quite believe his luck before he rubs their noses together.
"Can I bite you?"
"After we graduate," the omega stammers, flustered. "Because I want to tell my mom... and I think we should date for a while first."
Katsuki nods, taking a few steps closer to the omega to give him another, more eager kiss on the lips that leaves Izuku dizzy in a good way.
"Can I at least scent you?"
"Of course you can, Kacchan."
Turns out their classmates were right after all, but Izuku is actually happy to be wrong for once. Maybe he should listen to Uraraka more often from now on.
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cybercl0ne · 1 year
not sure if u do requests but I found ur blog recently and have been OBSESSED. I was thinking if you could do an arrange marriage fic for aizawa. I would absolutely DIE if u did. It can be any AU i wont mind since whatever u write will be amazing! I know it 💗💗💗
Will do! I love you so much. I wrote this trying to best fit my other pieces of work, so I hope you like it and I'm sorry I took so long to reply but I'm here now *plays graceful music*
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Summary: Your father sells you to a man that knows you from UA.
F/M (she/her)
A/N at the bottom!!!!
TW: Abuse, mentions of Abuse, Fathers a massive dick (again), massive Angst, 18+, slow burn, porn with plot, murder, Aizawa is Yandere
You tried to keep your head down. You wanted to speak. You felt the words you wanted to say bubbling up in your throat, desperately trying to simmer.
"Don't disappoint me Y/n." You fathers booming voice bowelled. His intense aura making you feel smaller than you already were compared to him.
"Yes father." You spoke, still trying to maintain a put together face. You were slightly confused as to what was going on but would never voice it as you learned where talking out of line got you. Your mind hissed at the memories of the endless nights of torture your father would put you through just so you would never talk 'out of place' again.
Unimpressed your father scoffed, watching as the car rolled to a sudden stop. He let himself out, leaving you to bear the responsibility of fear. His assistant opened the door, his heart sharing the same hole as yours. "Good luck miss." He whispered, cheering you on knowing that this tiny act of kindness could get him killed. You gave him a warm smile innocent but filled with bloodshed, wanting to be in his shoes, even as a assistant for a man like your father. At least he could escape. At least he wasn't wasted down by the overbearing responsibilities you bared.
His shoes were different from the feet you walked with. You quickly and quietly made way to catch up with your father who still ignored your existence for as long as possible. He stepped through the sleek sophisticated door, you behind his large frame.
Life has never been fair to you or your family. When you were born your mother fell ill causing her to be hidden from the outside world. Sometimes when you’d have nightmares you’d curl into the warmth of her bony chest, watching as her warm arms wrapped around you. She’d reassure you countless times, kissing your temple. But now those days were gone. You no longer could run into your mom's touch, watch her smile glow up the room full of iv drips and medicine.
"This is Y/n. Shes the one that you will be betrothed." Your fathers familiar booming voice declared. You stood shell shocked, not wanting to believe what your eyes had soaked in. "N-no...H-he didn't say that." You blinked a few times to make sure you weren't stuck in some messed up nightmare but found you were very awake.
Your father nudged you as he placed his hands on your shoulders and activated his quirk, burning into the cloth of your clothes. You wasted no time, bowing before the strange man. "She might be a little untamed but I'm sure you'll figure it out." He said, throwing you at the man that stood before you.
Your face was nothing but mortified as you saw your father walking out of the room, still sharing the same uninterested look at you as when you were born. "F-father?" You scampered towards him, scraping yourself and ignoring the man that you fell into. He shared nothing but a simple scoff.
You blanked as your world flipped on its side. You saw your father looming over you as if he had put something rotten in his mouth. The glint that he shared between you sent your body into hives and shivers.
"I am not your father. Don't call me that." "If it were up to me, I would've never had you." "I would've sold you off to some man any day, but it appeared he was the only buyer."
"So, play nice now."
As soon as he spoke your body reacted with the only reaction it could. You hauled forward, your body rejecting everything. As you threw up all over the poor man's floor you noticed the sleek black shoes your father always wore disappear behind the black door.
You desperately reached for his long-gone presence. tears and snot uncontrollably free falling in front of you. "P-please father!"
"Don't leave me! Don't leave me behind! I-I'll be good!" Your heart wrenching words dissipated into thin air as it would never reach your targeted audience. The only man in the room however rushed to your side, immediately comforting you.
You watched as the world went black.
You woke up with a heavy migraine, your brain trying to forget the part where your father basically admits to hating you at birth. You hold your stomach as you try to muster an emotion other than grief and freedom mixed but you find yourself unable.
You look around realizing that your environment was completely different from what you knew. The spacious room overwhelmed you and the man that laid across from you spoke danger. You quickly huddled up into your legs as the strange man stirred in his sleep, transitioning to a woke state. "W-where am I?" You spoke, your voice faint and hoarse. You cringe at how little words fall from your mouth. "My house." The man utters.
You decide to take a good look at him, taking in his gruffy patch under his chin, his eyebags and his ragged black hair.
"Shota? -"
Both of your faces light up upon remembering a distant name from the past.
"Hi y/n." He breathes a breath of relief. You grabbed him immediately, embracing him tightly as he stood stunned, unsure of weather to hug you back and risk never letting you go.
"I thought I'd never see you again." Aizawa Whispered softly afraid you might float away from how light you felt in his arms. You let go, examining his face once more, fighting the urge to pepper it with soft kisses.
"Oh Aizawa..." "I-I'm so sorry..." You stuttered. You felt immense guilt as he talked his worry of you onto you.
"I had to leave UA. I wanted to be like you, a teacher but my father..." You choked, not sure if you can even call him a proper father. All he ever knew was pain.
"Don't worry. You'll be ok now." He reassured, lightly stroking your head. You whimpered into his chest, carving small circles.
For the first time in a long time you could feel yourself breathe. It was like you no longer had to cover your mouth, or act like you were stepping on pins and needles. You were free.
——*a few months later*——
You thought you’d hate the idea of marriage. Being tied down to a lover, or whoever your father would put you with in the end. But Aizawa was determined to erase any mark that monster had placed on you, and that started with the roots itself.
Since Aizawa was a pro hero he was fully aware he could never kill the villains he pursued. But the more Aizawa held you at night and watched you wriggle and mewl in your sleep made the reasonable thoughts broil. He knew he just had to do something. He stepped downstairs at after finalizing his plan, seeing you downstairs preparing him another beautiful breakfast that he felt a little bad that he wasn’t gonna eat. But there would be many great meals that he’d enjoy with you after he got rid of the lingering problem.
You looked so peaceful with your hair tied up and idling in one of his t shirts, never failing to look like a supernova even in the groggy mornings. He couldn’t resist and had to feel you from behind if even to just get the smell of you in his mind. “Hey baby” Aizawa’s groggy and rasped voice croaked. You startled, jumped as he wrapped his arms around your waist, rocking you side to side to let you know it was him.
“Hey honey. You ready to eat?” You asked, spatula in your hand but your attention all on him. He loved the way you’d fill his stomach with butterflies like he was a teenager again when you looked up at him with trust.
“No sorry sweets, I’ll pass but I’ll be back to eat later.” He didn’t fail to miss how you deflated a bit but perked back up after he hugged you tighter you perked back up.
“Well alright. Just be back in time for lunch or dinner.” You nagged like a wife. You caught yourself on the words, visibly flashing a hand to your mouth. He laughed, thinking about how little you changed through the years, even through high school you were shy and reserved but around him you loosened up unintentionally. It made him feel like he had done right. He’d been told by many peers and other of his students that he was scary, but deep down Aizawa cared, just was very used to acting like he doesn’t.
He planted a wet kiss on your face, exiting the warm feel of your embrace, looking back at you one last time for a fond memory until he gets back from doing a little “errand”.
He watched from afar at his victim. He watched as he left in his black car that had been in his rear view. Aizawa watched as the tall buff man exited the car and into his esteemed home with no car in the world. He looked as if he had no concern. It made Aizawa want to erase him even more. Aizawa followed close behind posing as a pro hero just put on patrol. He banged on the tall door that assisted the tall lowly man.
The door shot open as his tall stature sank to the front door. “What?” His booming voice rang. Aizawa could tell why this voice hurt and scared you so much but Aizawa was determined to make sure you never wind ear of a melody as broken as his. The man was visibly puzzled when he saw no one was standing at his doorstep. Shrugging it off and grumbling back inside his domain. Aizawa, already one step ahead, was inside his house without anyone or anything hearing/noticing. He promised the job would be clean and quick, all so he could have as much time with you as he wanted for the rest of both of your lives. He watched as the man sat in his office with a state of the art tablet, focused on whatever shady business he was indulging in. Aziawa made no effort to hide any longer revealing himself to the perpetrator that taunted the love of his life for so long under the radar. “What are you doing in here? Who let you in?!”
“Y’know you should do your research a little better.” Aizawa spoke, ignoring his past comment. Aizawa quickly and hastily poked the knife he placed at his knee to the grown man’s neck. And without second thought he slashed. He made sure the cut were clean and watched as blood splattered from his neck. He made little to no noise. Only choking on his gurgles of blood.
He quickly dipped out of the crime scene leaving nothing behind. He was aware that your father had ties and Allies, but with those allies were his enemies. Enemies that hated him with a diehard passion. Some of his Allies were backstabbers anyway, but your father was blinded by his power that he failed to even realize that you were what was keeping his business up. With you being there and as his weapon made him powerful but alone his quick could be quickly outmatched.
Aizawa shrugged, concluding that he’d fall down the ladder sooner or later but just decided to speed up the process. By now it was late and he knew that he probably had a worried wife at home waiting patiently for his arrival home. His heart fluttered, leaving behind the murderous acts where they belonged.
As soon as he stepped through the door he was happily greeted by you jumping at him wrapping your arms around him. “Where have you been?” You asked worried. You scanned his body for any marks of harm but when you found nothing you warmly hugged him again. “Sorry I’m so late honey.” He whispered into your head. He picked you up holding his lips to your face. You scrambled under him to put you down.
“Aizawa! Put me down you maniac!” You laughed, clutching onto him as he walked to your bedroom. “But I missed you so so much darling.” He teased, placing you gently on the bed to pepper your face with kisses. He towered over you showering you with deep love.
You both paused to look at each other, both lost in the way the other looked. He gently lowered into you, his eyes intoxicated with a potent that had you falling deep into his lips. You both share a loving kiss Aizawas hands not knowing if they should roam down your body. You grab his hand after breaking the kiss and bring it up to your left breast.
“It’s ok Aizawa.”
“I trust you.” You clearly spoke into his ear. You watched as his face shared a bright dusk of blush as he slowly allowed his hands to travel down every curve and slope of your body. You shivered under his touch, mewling and mumbling under him.
He found his way to back to your breast, playing and toying with the hard nipple that formed from his touch.
“So fucking beautiful.” He muttered. You tended up as the words registered to your ears. You noticed the bulge that grew in his pants as he kissed down your stomach, his eyes pleading for permission. You nodded as he pulled and teased at your already wet panties that now fled attention to the floor.
“You’re so fucking wet for me princess.” You hid your eyes as he played with your slick that was soaking his fingers as they played with your entrance.
“No, no, no sweetie, don’t look away. Be good and look at your man playing with your sweet cunt.”
You reluctantly opened your eyes to see his two fingers coying with your needy cunt. You watched as his fingers lodged their way inside of you. You quivered at the new feeling of something wriggling inside of you. “So damn tight for me baby.” He whispered as he fixated all his attention to you pussy. You wiggled and moaned as he stretched and prodded at your needy hole.
“what princess?” He stopped, looking at you. You lifted your leg to brush against his raging bulge. You felt it twitch against your touch and watched as Aizawa seethed with pleasure.
“Tell me what you want” He demanded.
Aizawa clicked his teeth, freeing his cock from his pants. You saw how it laid out on your stomach. You imagined how easy you’d tear from how big he was. You were completely new to this, and a little intimidated by the girth and length of his twitching cock.
He pumped his member testing and readying it at your entrance. “Don’t worry baby, it’ll fit.” He soothed playfully. You flushed at how he petted your stomach as he stabled himself inside you.
You both seared with how tight everything felt. You felt the world spin as pain and pleasure mixed beautifully. You greedy pussy pushed for more of Aizawa’s cock as he paused to let you breathe.
“You’re doing so well for me princess” he kissed your teary face. “Is it all the way in yet?” You whimpered. He lightly chuckled, and shook his head softly.
“we’re not even half way darling.” He spoke. You felt yourself stretching and clamping around him as he thrusted his way inside you. You felt how his cock crawled into your cervix and deep inside your womb. You felt the way your pussy throbbed for harder movements.
“P-please keep going.” You voiced.
At that moment Aizawa lost control and started pounding at your womb. You felt your ass shake as skin collided with one another. You watched the small bulge in your stomach disappear and reappear every time he rammed in and out. Soon you start to feel the sensation of your stomach coiling around him. “Aizawa i-I’m gonna-“
“don’t worry I’m going to cum to baby.” He grunted. You watched as your cunt slicked more and more as his thrust became deeper and stronger. You grasp onto his back, leaving your own special mark on him as you screamed and moaned his name.
“That’s right baby, my name is the only name you need to know.” He panted. You felt the coil in your stomach snap as you started spasming around him, coating his cock with your cum. Not too long after you Aizawa chases his own high, nearing his climax.
“g-gonna fill you up. Gonna breed you with my children baby.” He said as he thrusted.
Your mind started going blank as he kept pounding your soaked and overly sensitive pussy.
“Y-yes please fill me up w-with your lovely cum.” You panted as you both stared eachother in the eyes.
You felt his cock explode and coat your womb with his load. You felt how his cum traveled its way inside you, some of it overflowing out of your twitching womb.
The room was filled with moans and pants, the room smelling of fucked out sex and the feeling of hot bodies touching each other.
Aizawa laid against you for a moment before pulling out, gaining a whimper from you and how the empty pop of his cock leaving your pussy made you shiver. He placed you in his chest, you still feeling weak and your legs still shaking. “I love you y/n.” He said, breaking the silence. He planted a kiss on your head, when he heard no sounds or reply he glanced and saw how you were peacefully sleeping on his chest, bundled up and face beautifully resting.
The next morning you woke up and next to you, Aizawa resting peacefully, arms around your waist. You kissed his nose and watched it scrunch up as he moved in his sleep. You quietly giggled while trying to escape his grasp. You went to the bathroom to clean the sticky sensation from yesterdays ‘nightly activities’.
As you stepped out of the bathroom, clean and new you traveled back to the bedroom to throw your clothes away when Aizawa’s rustling made his presence.
“Where are you going honey?” He asked groggy with his eyes still closed.
“sorry to wake you baby.” You kissed his forehead, waking up from the sudden movement of his love trying to get out of his embrace too early.
“Come back to bed.” He whined. You indulged him, laying back into his needy embrace.
He rocked you and wrestled you around and soon you both were play fighting in the bed.
“Aizawa stop that!” You playfully cried out as he tickled you. “Stop? Stop what? Oh this?” He tickled again over you. You kissed his lips and you both fell into a deep make out session. When you both break the kiss Aizawa just takes a second to watch you. Look at the love of his life. “Y/n please marry me.” He spouts. Your eyes glow as he hugs you waiting for your reply.
“Really?” You stuttered.
“Of course, you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I’ve actually wanted to marry you since high school.” He admitted.
“Really?” You flushed, soon you two were having a conversation on how you both like each other in UA but never acted on the feeling. It was like you both were in high school again. Your heart felt fulfilled as you watched him ramble about how he was so into you and you never knew.
You cuddled up into him listening to him call you his wife.
A/N: hey y’all! Thanks to these two people who sent me a message! When I saw them I literally felt so fulfilled that I started on this last night. Sorry it took so long but it’s not done I still gotta do part 6 of Falling for a dead rose so see you then.🫡
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paisholotus · 2 months
Love You For Life
Summary: Katsuki's wedding day
Warnings: Strong Language & fluff
Requested By: Anon
A/N: this is inspired by the song Love U 4 Life by Jodeci. This mf long but I hope y'all enjoy.
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Six months later
Today was the wedding of number two pro hero Dynamite and number five pro hero Y/N.
The media was anticipating this wedding, waiting outside of the church, waiting for photos to be released from the ceremony. No news reporters were allowed inside, except for the photographer.
Everything thing was set up beautifully to their liking. The food was put out in their designated spots, and the tables were decorated according to vision. Everything was going perfectly, except for the groom, Katsuki Bakugo, hyperventilating in the back.
"Damn, man, just calm down! You acting like you're getting ready to fight a villain or something. It's your wedding day. Just relax." Denki said, trying to calm down the angry blonde to his best ability. But being Kaminari, that's something he could never do.
"You think I don't know that shit, SPARK PLUG!" He growled, popping small explosions from his hand.
Katsuki was just extremely nervous. There is no way to front about it. The whole relationship of 8 years he was his usual confident self, but here on this day where he was getting ready to marry the love of his life, the one who would bare his future children, the one he would grow old with, suddenly hit him in the face like a ton of bricks.
"Bakubro, what are you worried about? I mean our whole friendship. You've been as confident as ever. You run up to your fears and take them head on, so you getting married shouldn't be no different. You know Y/N loves you, even with all your flaws, so go out there and show her why you love her." Kirishima said, holding Katsuki shoulder.
"B-but, what if I mess up or sum shit. What if I start panicking? I can't let them extras see me like that, especially Y/N." Katsuki muttered, looking at himself in the mirror.
"Alright, kacchan, stop saying this stuff about yourself. Neither of you has cold feet. You both have been crazy about each other since UA. I mean I've never seen a person love you with so much sincerity, even back when you acted like a fucking rapid dog." Izuku said, laughing along with everyone else, making Katsuki glare at the green haired man.
"The point is you're literally made for each other. So, even if you do mess up on your words out there, I'm sure Y/N isn't gonna love you any less. So get out there and do your best." Izuku finished, looking at Katsuki through the mirror, smiling encouragingly.
Katsuki turned around and looked at Sero, Shoto, Kirishima, Denki, and Izuku. All his best friends and I smiled a little nodding. They all did a small group hug and got ready for their best friends big day.
-Time Skip-
Y/N and all her friends helping her get ready, unlike Katsuki, she wasn't freaking out. I mean, she was nervous, that was expected. But she wasn't freaking out. If anything, she was excited to marry the man she loved since she was a teenager. Not many people can say they've made it this far. She knows the water works is gonna start as soon as she sees him standing at that alter.
Mina did final touches on her hair as her sister did her makeup. A gold crystal hairpin was clipped onto the hair and sprayed with hair spray for extra shine.
As she got up and stood in front of the mirror, she got emotional. She thought she looked absolutely beautiful. She turned around to her bridesmaids and to her family, waiting for their say on how she looked.
Her mother placed her hand over her mouth and cried, saying she looked so beautiful. Y/N waved her hands over her face, laughing, trying to stop herself from crying. She felt like a princess. Like how all little girls pictured themselves on their wedding day.
They had their little moment and got ready to have Y/N walk down that aisle.
-Time Skip-
The music started as Y/N walked down the aisle holding on to her dad. As she stared at Katsuki, the waterworks officially started. He looked so handsome.
"Could you just please tell me, will you believe in love and the promise that it gives?"
Katsuki's heart was pounding out his chest. He could feel it in his ears. You looked like the most beautiful woman in the world. There's been plenty of moments in their relationship where he fell in love with you all over again. And this moment was at the top of his list.
"I wanna love U 4 life, 'cause your love is why I live. Will you believe in love and the promise that it gives?"
They both couldn't keep the smiles off their faces as Y/N made it closer to the altar. They realized that today was actually happening. Both of them were marrying each other for the rest of their lives.
"But, now I know that you understand. I wanna take you by the hand and walk with you down that aisle."
Y/N waved at family and friends as she finally made it to Katsuki. She looked into his deep red eyes, filled with tears, and smiled tearfully. She reached her hand up and wiped his cheeks.
"Just please tell me, will you believe in love and the promise that it gives? I wanna love U 4 life, 'cause your love is why I live."
"You look beautiful." Katsuki whispered, smiling softly.
Y/N looked at Katsuki, feeling her eyes water again, "You look very handsome yourself." She said, chuckling.
"I love you." Katsuki mouthed.
"I wanna love U 4 life."
"Love you more." Y/N mouth back as tears slid down.
"cause your love is why I live."
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smuttyfang · 1 year
All Might, You Embarrass Yourself With Your Quirk
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“"I'm big small might Simp but not an all might Simp (If I met him in his big form I'll most likely to feel uncomfortable or intimidated), and what makes some know that the reader likes him is cuz of an animal quirk? (cats with big pupil) and uncomfortable with all might (owls puffing up feather a bit not allot tho). I like the idea of the reader working in UA in someway. she mentally go to normal to BOOM! LOTS OF SEROTONIN! but tries her best to keep cool and not make a fool of herself (but kinda does) in front of small might no less I'm not sure if you take curtain quirk or hero costumes requests but I do like a loose hero custume for the reader (tight clothes makes me feel insecure tbh) and an a nocturnal animal quirk! If not thats ok 👌."
Words: 1,002
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"This will be interesting!" You said, leaning over to your good friend, the hero Midnight.
"Oh yes, this one will be delicious." She said, seductively as usual. You stared at the large screen in front of you. You were both sitting with a few other staff members and students watching the first term final exam. Up next was Eraser's battle against Momo and Shoto. Shoto was always an interesting one during these battles. Before the match began, Midnight turned toward you. "So, have you given any more thought to it?"
"Well.." You had recently been introduced to some of the other teachers at U.A. by Midnight. At first it was simply as friends, but they all have really been pushing for you to be involved with the school, even becoming one of the teachers. "I have still been thinking about it. It's a big decision."
"I know, I know. But you could really help put these students in a good position." She giggled. "But seriously, I know your quirk would be useful for teaching them more silent but necessary skills. " She did have a point. Your quirk was useful for operations that required more delicate handling. Since you had the skills of an owl, and the wings, it was extremely easy for you to follow someone silently and stay quiet. You could turn your feet into owl like claws as well to hold yourself on branches and the sides of buildings. "You could also help students who have trouble with balance."
"Yes, I suppose that is true." You placed your fingers on your chin, humming to yourself and thinking. "Maybe, I'm just not sure that I.." You began to speak, but you heard the door to the room open and close. Before you realized it, All Might himself was standing right in front of you. He was wearing.. a suit? It didn't seem like he felt comfortable in it. He would awkwardly pull on his collar and try to pull it away from his neck. He looked at Midnight.
"Hey, Midnight. This a friend?" He gave you a very gentle smile. It felt like your heart jumped.
"Yes, she may be working here soon if I can finally convince her to." All Might sat down beside of you and held his hand out to you.
"We could use all the help we can get. It's nice to meet you then." You felt your wings lightly raise up and flutter, along with your heart. You shakily took his hand in yours and shook it. "Um.. Are you alright? Your wings are flapping." You realized you were creating somewhat of a breeze behind yourself because your wings kept flapping. Some papers flew about the room. You scrambled and tried to hold them down with your hands.
"I, uh.. yeah! That just happens sometimes! Hehe.." You were mortified. It felt like you were already making a complete fool of yourself in front of him.
"I see." He laughed. "You don't need to hide them, they're uh, nice." He rubbed the back of his head. You didn't expect that he would be a nervous type of person. Your wings fluttered even more hearing him say that to you, and you couldn't control them any longer after that. You blushed hard, pushing your face into Midnight's chest to hide. She giggled at you.
"So, did you change your mind about working here yet?" She asked you, slyly. Looking up at her still blushing madly, you whispered to her quietly.
"I definitely want to teach here." She giggled at you and grinned.
"Oh? Why the sudden change of heart, hmm?" She teased. She knew damn well what the reason was.
"Shut up." You pulled away from her, crossing your arms. You looked to All Might. His eyes were trained on the screen, watching the students. It was easy to see how much he cared for them. You tried to avoid staring, and continued with watching the match. Once that match had finished, All Might stood.
"I guess I should prepare for mine." He stretched his arms upward. "Would you like to walk with me?" You felt like screaming out loud you were so happy.
"Oh, absolutely!" You said excitedly. He held his hand out to you to help you up, like a true gentleman. "Thank you.." He really wasn't doing much of anything, but it was still making your heart race. You both began walking out of the room and down the hall together.
"So, you are going to teach then?" He asked.
"I believe so, yes." You nodded. "If I can have the patience, I will do my best."
"You will learn how to have it quickly and easily, I'm sure." He smiled at you. "Then I will be happy to see you in action."
"I definitely don't have anything flashy, but I think some of the things I know are quite practical." You rubbed the back of your neck. "I just hope I can teach, I've never done anything like this before."
"Maybe we could discuss teaching methods, I'm still fairly new to this whole teaching thing." He laughed. You both approached the door to exit and head outside. Steam started rolling off of his body.
"That would be nice, once I get started anyways." His body started to grow larger.
"Over coffee?" He asked, still with a normal and gentle voice.
"I would love that." His transformation was finished, and his appearance was now that of the #1 hero.
"Well, I'll see you soon, then!" He jumped off the ground, laughing loudly, headed toward the battlefield for his match with his students.
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iamknicole · 1 year
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Chapter One
A/N: This is the beginning of Zilla and Moriah's journey. It may be a little choppy but it'll get smoother starting with the next chapter! Excuse any errors I missed! Enjoy!
Warnings: Angst, implied smut, cursing, 18+ only
Laughter, singing, and kids screaming happily outside the house could be heard inside. The Fatu family were no strangers to a good barbecue and never needed a reason to have one but this one was special. An honor must of them honestly thought they would never get. But while all the fun was had on the outside, half of the guests of honor was in the bedroom. 
"It already started, Mama, like two hours ago. You said you were coming."
"Okay so if I already told you that I'm coming then why call me, Moriah?"
"Because you're not here yet, Mama. You're never late, you hate being late." She huffed.
The door opened catching Moriah's attention, Zilla slipped in closing the door behind himself. He mouthed "who that?" to her to which she put the call on speaker. 
"Moriah, please. It's a barbecue, those things never end. I'll get there when I get there."
Again, Moriah huffed. "Just please come soon, Mama."
"I will now stop frowning. You're gonna wrinkle."
To that Moriah rolled her eyes then mouthed for Zilla to speak to her. He hesitated for a moment until his saw her brow raise. 
"What's goin' on, Ms. Nadine? How you doin'?"
Nadine grunted audibly. "Hello, Isayah. I'm doing well. And you?"
Moriah put the call on mute for a second, "Please don't. You know she is." She took the call off mute.
"Good to hear that, ma'am. I'm well also."
"I'm sure. Moriah?"
"Don't call again unless something is wrong. I'll get there when I get there."
Zilla waited for her to get off the phone then did it from her hands and into the pocket of his basketball shorts. He pulled her up from the bed then moved his hands to her waist, holding her body against his. She stared up at him with a frown on her face. 
"Talk to Zilla. Tell Zilla what's wrong."
"She's being annoying, she's gonna wait until way later to come and when she does come she's gonna act all stank."
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He pecked her lips. "Since you know that's how she gon act then it's a good thing she's not coming until later. You still got time to enjoy yourself. Right?"
She mocked him playfully. "Yeah but it's been a year, she shouldn't still be acting like that about us being together."
"I appreciate that you upset about how she feel about me but don't. Ms. Nadine ain't liked me since we was kids, man," he laughed, "And me going away ain't help that shit. She may not ever like me and you gotta be aight with that never changing or that shit gon eat at you and ruin us. Feel me?"
Moriah scrunched her face up at him, "They send your ass to therapy a few times and now you Dr. Phil. Get on my nerves making sense."
He laughed heartily, one of his hands coming up to clutch his chest. "You got jokes but I'm forreal. I'm good whether she with us or not. As long as I got you and you got me, we got all we need. Aight?"
"Aight, Zay."
His hands moved down to her ass, giving it a tight grip."That's right. Gimmie kiss so we can get out there, the fam was looking for you."
"Thought we were gonna have to come looking for yall. Yall was hidin? Tryna make babies?" Jacob asked jokingly from the grill.
Moriah thumped his neck as she passed him. "Hush up. Ain't nobody making no babies. Mama, get him!"
Laughing, Leata looked up from the bubbles she was opening for the kids. 
"Leave them alone, Jacob. No babies for them right now, they have more important things to do."
Zilla went to bump shoulders playfully with him, "I ain't been in there but like five minutes. It take a whole lot longer than that. Ain't that right, Fat?"
Moriah stared at him, trying to hold her laughter as her cheeks heated up. "You're embarrassing, stop talking to me."
"Moriah," Leata called out, "Sau ia ma ua."
After giving Zilla a kiss, Moriah followed Leata to a quiet corner of the backyard. The two of them hadn't been able to talk as much as they're used to with them trying to get all the last minute things together for the barbecue and all the company wanting to speak to them respectively. 
"Yes ma'am?"
"Just wanted to talk to you before things get really hectic," she explained, watching everybody else, "This past year has been the best that Zilla has had in years. Literally years. And having you by his side has been amazing to see. You two have always worked so well together."
Listening intently, Moriah never took her eyes off of the older woman. She wanted to soak in all of her words, not miss a beat. Their relationship is something she has always treasured.
"I've been there with you both as you both have been building up to this moment. I've been there to support, to help, to hold, to referee," she joked, making them both laugh, "But now you two are about to be on the other side of the country doing your things that you've worked so hard far and I won't be there physically. Although I am only one call away, you two have to remember that all you have is each other."
Moriah spoke softly, "Yes ma'am."
"Eventually you'll build a circle that you both can lean on when necessary but for now it's Zilla and Fat, Fat and Zilla. When my son is too stubborn to remember that, because he will be," she chuckled, "You remind him of that. Remind him of what you're both fighting for and where you both came from."
"I will. He's gonna hate hearing it repeatedly," she laughed, "But I'm gonna tell him, Ma."
Leata finally turned her gaze to Moriah, tears in her eyes that she didn't let fall and a smile on her face. "You both are gonna do amazing, I'll visit whenever I can and remember that alcohol cancels out your birth control."
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The sun was nearly setting by the time Nadine made an appearance, unfortunately for her though barbecue had only slowed a little. She entered through the backyard gate, carrying a medium sized gift bag and a slight frown on her face. Her eyes scanned the yard until they landed on her daughter, her frown lifted slightly seeing Moriah. 
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"Nadine, I'm glad you could make it. You can sit the gift on the table if you'd like," Leata offered as she approached. 
Nadine shook her head. "Thank you but no, I wanna give it to her myself. You decorated nicely, I like it."
"I can't take all the credit, Rye helped me out with it. Listen, can we talk before you speak to them?"
Although Nadine didn't want to, she obliged. She didn't really have an issue with Leata, not a big one anyway. She followed Leata into the house and into the kitchen. The two of them sat at the breakfast table. 
"She's been looking for you all day, wondering when you were gonna show up."
"She so dramatic," Nadine chuckled, "I told that girl I was coming. Is that what you wanted to talk about? 23 years old and acting like this, yet she's getting ready to move across the country. Tuh."
Leata sat quietly for a moment trying to choose her words carefully as not to upset Nadine. "I get it, she's your only baby and she's growing up, moving away … it's difficult to deal with. He's not my only but he is my baby so I get feeling apprehensive about the whole move. What makes me feel better is knowing that they're gonna have each other."
"Her leaving doesn't make me apprehensive. I expected her to leave and take on a career." Nadine explained flatly. "But what I am apprehensive about and what I did not expect is my daughter making this move because of your son. Making this move with nothing but one car, their clothes and a few personal items."
"Moriah is not making this move because of my son, Nadine. Moriah and Zilla made this decision together after he'd been offered a contract." Leata snapped back. "She may not have a job yet but it'll come. Any hospital would be happy to have her. And yeah they may not have a lot of material items but they have somewhere to lay their heads at night."
The two women calmly went back and forth for the next ten minutes about their children and their plan. Neither planned on backing down from their positions but were able to keep it respectful, which was the hardest for Leata. She couldn't understand why Nadine was so against their relationship and their move. Jacob had walked in on the conversation then walked right back, he let Moriah know that her mother had made it. 
"Who knows how long they've been in there," Moriah groaned. "Let me get in there. You coming, babe?"
A part of him wanted to say no but he knew he couldn't let her go alone so he nodded. 
"But listen calm down before you get in there. You was havin' a good time, enjoyin' yourself until you found out she was here. Don't let her ruin your mood like that. Aight? Promise me."
"But I," Zilla raising his brows stopped her, "Okay, I promise. I'm calm."
Nodding, Zilla turned his girlfriend around and gently guided her towards the house. When they got inside, the mothers were still going back and forth which made Moriah internally groan. 
"Hey, Mama. You look petty."
Getting up from her chair, Nadine finally smiled as she hugged her daughter tight. Zilla and Leata watched them, making eye contact with each other when they realized Moriah held her hands at her side for most of the hug. Nadine let her go, checking out the outfit.
"Thank you. You look cute, showing those legs today I see."
"Thanks. I know you see Zilla behind me, Mama."
"Hmm," she glanced at the young man then stepped around her daughter to hug him briefly, "Of course I did. Couldn't miss him, he's attached to your hip. How are you, Isayah?"
He chuckled, ignoring her slight shade. "I'm good, Ms. Nadine. I do be attached to her hip, if I could get in her skin I'd be there too I can't lie. How you doing though? You good? You aight, Ms. Nadine?"
"I just bet you would. I'm fine, Isaiah." She huffed turning back to her daughter. "Did you tell your father about your big move?"
"Told him when I told you. He excited about it, Mama. I wish you would be too." She admitted honestly. 
"Well don't waste a wish on that cause it won't ever happen."
Moriah knew she promised her boyfriend that she would be calm and relaxed but her mother was grating her last nerve into dust. She punched the bridge of her nose momentarily. "Why are you being such a butt about this, Ma? Just be happy for me, even if you don't like him do it for me."
"Moriah DeBreaux, did you just call me an ass? Absolutely not, ma'am. Unacceptable."
"Well that's what you're acting like. I would like for you to be happy for me," she stressed. "We're leaving in the morning and you can't even try to act happy."
Watching her daughter with a brow raised, Nadine waited until she was sure Moriah was done. She stepped closer to her daughter, maintaining eye contact. 
"I love you, Moriah. I love you so much that I don't wanna see you ruin your life but I wish you and him luck on your move. I hope that I'm wrong and it's everything you ever wanted." A faint smile showed on Moriah's face as she readied herself to hug her mother but was stopped. Zilla moved to stand behind his girlfriend, putting his hands on her shoulders and Leata watched from her seat at the breakfast table. "However, if I'm right and you realize that this move and this relationship was a terrible decision like I said it was, you are always welcome back home with me. I won't even say I told you so."
"It's probably best if you leave, Nadine. That's enough." Leata spoke softly. "They're leaving at 5 tomorrow morning if you would like to see them off."
Before leaving Nadine gave Moriah her gift, Leata excused herself so the young couple could talk. Knowing she was down, Zilla massaged her shoulders quietly giving her space to talk when she was ready. It was no secret to anyone in their lives how Nadine felt about him and the relationship, it was also no secret about the way Nadine's feeling made Moriah feel. While it was no skin off Zilla's back, his girlfriend's feelings mattered to him. 
"She could've just turned down the invite. Hell, I shouldn't have even invited her and all of this would've been avoided," she expressed into the air. "I see why my dad got outta that house."
Zilla hummed, letting her know he was listening. She chuckled humorlessly as she opened the gift bag making him peer over her shoulder into the bag.
"What's that?"
Moriah started to take the items out of the bag, sitting them on the table. "Ring doorbell, a set of towels and washcloths, and a box of condoms that wouldn't fit you if we tried."
He chuckled a bit, "Damn so she don't think I can keep you safe or clean and my dick small. Damn, that's fucked up."
She couldn't help the laugh that escaped her as she turned to face her boyfriend. Taking his face into her hands, she pulled him down to kiss him through her laughs. 
"I guess so but we know better."
He pecked her lips a few times then reached for the box of condoms, studying the box with a slight smirk on his face. "She really looked at me and said extra small. That shit wild. What you told her, Fat?"
The way her eyes lit up as she threw her head back and laughed, made him laugh with her. He loved to see that smile on her face, he'd do whatever he could to keep it there. 
"I ain't tell her nothing, Zay. Especially not that. I'm not even sure an extra small would fit on your finger," 
"Shid, let's find out," he laughed, opening the box. He pulled one out, bringing it to his mouth to tear it open without missing the look on her face. "What? What you lookin at me like that for?"
She scrunched her face, feeling her body heat up a little. "I don't think I've ever seen you open a condom before, that's all."
"It's usually already open," he shrugged, tossing the paper onto the counter once he got the condom out, "You like that?"
She nodded slowly. "Yup."
"Noted," he responded, focused on balancing the condom on his index finger, "Roll it down fa' me, Fat."
The intrusive thoughts were getting to her but she pushed them aside to do what he asked. Carefully, she rolled it down his finger not being able to hold her giggles in. He laughed with her as he waited for her to finish. 
"Look like it fit," he joked, flexing his finger at her. "But it damn sho ain't gon fit nowhere else."
"It ain't but why she felt the need to get the lubricated one," Moriah laughed, wiping the residue on her shorts. 
"Guess she tryna say you need a lil help," he laughed, dodging her hit, "I'm just saying, man. Come 'ere so I can test this out."
She backed away from him, laughing. "Oh uhn uhn, no. Your family is out there."
"And you ain't ever cared any other time." He took another step towards her while she took one back. "You gon make me chase you, Fat? Come 'ere, girl."
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Fifteen hours after they said their goodbyes in Houston, Moriah and Zilla arrived in Orlando at the apartment complex they would call home for the foreseeable future. They laughed, they cried, they argued a bit on their drive but it was all worth it. The leasing manager was nice enough to wait on their arrival to hand off their keys even though it was after seven when they arrived. Moriah had slept through the last leg of the drive and Zilla getting the keys which he was more than okay with. He wanted to surprise her in a way. 
"Come on, Fat. Time to wake up, babygirl." He leaned across the seat to kiss her face. "Get on up, Fat."
Parking in front of their building, Zilla shook her gently speaking softly to her. 
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Moriah slowly woke from her nap, rubbing at her face and looking around. "Where are we, babe?"
He smiled widely, dangling their keys. "We home, baby."
For the next couple of hours, they worked together on bringing their belongings up to their second floor, one bedroom apartment and getting it unpacked. The bulk of their things were their clothes and all the gifts from the barbecue. They were thankful his mom had the idea to make it a housewarming/going away barbecue. They'd gotten so many gifts from family and friends of items they would need for their apartment. They're favorite gift after that long drive was the air mattress, one of his aunts had gotten them. Instead of taking their bed across country, they opted to buy a new one whenever they could once in Florida. 
"Where you want the TV and the bed?" He asked, pulling his shirt over his head then wiped his sweat with it. 
"Uuh we can go head and put it in the bedroom, babe. No need in us sleeping in the living room when we have a room." He nodded, going to start inflating the bed. She continued to stock their kitchen items away. "I'm gonna order dinner! What do you want?"
"I'll eat whatever! Don't matter to me," he yelled from the bedroom. 
She mumbled a joke under her breath, laughing softly at it. Once she was done, she ordered Chipotle for them then went to check on him. Zilla was putting the final touches on the now made up bed, it brought a smile to Moriah's face.
"You're much better at that than I am," she joked, approaching him. She leaned up on her toes to kiss him. "Looks good."
"Thank you. You ordered the food already?" 
"Yeah, should be here in like 30 minutes."
"Bet. Ima take a shower before it gets here. You good before I do that?" He saw a familiar look pass her face before she shook her head. "You sure? Cause every time I ask and you say no, you get to yellin' my name while I'm tryna wash my ass."
She laughed, flicking his arm. "I do not do that all the time but I'm sure. Go, go wash ya stank butt. Go."
After his shower and hers, the couple sat on their living room floor eating their dinner together. Since they got back together, they made it a point to eat together whenever they were together. 
"You tell Booker you made it?" 
He nodded, taking a moment to chew and swallow his food."I did and he told me to let Hunter know too. So did that."
"Aaaand," Moriah pushed, barely containing her excitement. 
"Told me to be at the PC at 8 tomorrow ready to work."
Moriah put her food aside then moved closer, throwing her arms around him, careful of his food. She kissed his face repeatedly. "I'm so proud of you, Zay. You better be proud of yourself too. You're gonna be great, everybody already love you so you have nothing to worry about."
She felt him deflate under her so she hugged him tighter. His thoughts rushed to him, too many at one time bouncing off of the walls of his mind. 
"What if I fuck it up?" He asked softly. 
"What if you kill it? They wouldn't have went out their way to offer a contract, let alone let you negotiate up if they didn't think you could do it, Zay." She coached softly as she rubbed his head. "Don't overthink this. Booker is gonna be there with you and you know wherever you go, your dad is there too."
He kissed her arm, pulling away from the hug. "Yeah, thank you. What you gon get up to tomorrow? I'm prolly gon be gone all day."
Moriah knew what that meant, the conversation about him was over and maybe they would circle back but she wouldn't hold her breath on it. She went back to her spot, noticing the small smile on his face. 
"Get our internet and cable turned on, maybe put the ring camera up and depending on how those two go I'm either gonna get groceries delivered or Uber to get it."
"Shit," he mumbled, "If you wanna take the car, you can drop me off or I'll uber. I ain't even think about it."
She waved him off with her fork back in her hands, "I'm fine, I promise. You take the car."
"You don't need to be in no strange car, Fat. I'm serious."
"Okay so I won't uber, I'll get it delivered. Deal?" She asked, trying to end it. "I honestly don't feel like leaving the apartment anyway."
Eyeing her for a second, he accepted her words and went back to his food. The thought of him potentially being too busy to answer the phone if she was in trouble didn't feel good to him. It was the two of them now and he took protecting her even more seriously.
"Aight but I mean it, don't let me find out you did that shit anyway, Moriah. I ain't playin."
"Okay, Daddy Zilla," she joked, trying to make him laugh, "I promise that I won't uber without you. Scouts honor."
"When you gon apply to them hospitals? Or you finally stopped being hard headed and ain't gon work like I suggested?" 
She rolled her eyes playfully. "Wanting to work is not being hard headed, baby. I didn't go to school all this time and stress me, you and your mom out tryna study for that test just to not use my degree, Zilla. Oh I'm working in somebody hospital."
They laughed together, Zilla threw his napkin at her catching her in the forehead. 
"When you put it that way, hell yeah yo ass finna go to work," he added, "I ain't get none for like a month fuckin with that test that you was cryin' bout. So back to my original question, when you gon apply?"
She mocked him through her laughter. "Shut up, I was not that bad but I'm gonna do it tomorrow while I have peace and quiet."
"I caught that shade but that's fine, don't be kissin' on me when I get home tomorrow since you said that. I'm proud of you though. Can't wait for you to get on so I can slide up there to see you," he rubbed his hands thinking about it, "If ion see you ima ask them to page Nurse Fat for me. Tell em I'm feelin' a lil feverish."
"Boy," she fell out laughing, "Do not come harassing me at my job. Ima call security."
"Damn I can't come see my lady at work. I'm tryna see you in ya scrubs and shit and take you to lunch but you gon call them people on me. That's cold, Fat. Real cold."
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After dinner, the couple cleaned up and got ready for the next day. Their wind down ended with them relaxing comfortably on their air mattress. Neither of them realized how tired they were from their cross country trek until that moment. Knowing they would both fall asleep soon, Zilla facetimed his mom so they both could hear her voice before drifting off.
"My babies," she smiled as soon as her face came into view, "You both look worn out."
Zilla pulled his girlfriend closer, her back to his front, resting his head on her slightly.
"Cause we are," She giggled softly. "Especially after being so alert with road rage here driving." 
Laughing, he spanked her thighs playfully. "That's you with that road rage, staring people down and shit."
Leata interrupted through her laughter knowing the two of them would continue to go back and forth. "Well either way, I'm glad you two made it. Call me tomorrow, let me know how things went. I love you both."
"Love you too," the couple responded simultaneously.
As the words were leaving their lips, Zilla and Moriah were falling asleep. Leata's voice being the ultimate comfort for them. She watched them a while longer and prayed for them both before ending their call.
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thatnewweeb · 4 months
Sleepy | Amajiki Tamaki
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Summary | Tamaki has had a long day at the Fat Gum Agency, and falls asleep on you while on the train back to campus.
CW | Fluff, sleepy boi, no warnings
Word Count | 0.6k+
A/N | I thought this idea was cute. It ended up being a little shorter than I wanted, and I'm not sure how I feel about the end result, but I hope you enjoy our shy cutie!
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Being from a different year and a different course than the people being targeted by the League of Villains, you had gotten permission to leave the UA campus unaccompanied to meet Tamaki as he leaves Fat Gum's agency.
You know he's been tired recently, having a lot of work, as well as recovery, to do after the whole Yakuza situation, so you thought it might be nice to surprise him.
You had only been there for a few moments, standing in front of Fat Gum's agency, before you see Kirishima and Amajiki exiting the building together.
"Hey!" you call out, making both of them look towards you.
Kirishima raises his hand and waves, Tamaki smiling softly as his eyes meet yours. The two boys walk over and say hello to you, Tamaki shyly taking your hand.
You give him a bright smile, standing on your tiptoes and pressing a quick kiss to your cheek, making him blush.
"What are you doing here?" he asks.
"I came to meet you, of course! I'm here to be your escort home!"
His eyes crinkle cutely as he squeezes your hand. "Our train leaves soon, we should start walking. We don't want to miss it."
You nod and give him another kiss on the cheek, flashing a smile at Kirishima as the three of you start walking towards the train station.
You and Kirishima chat as you walk, Tamaki just walking along beside you quietly, not joining in with the conversation, simply listening and glancing at you occasionally.
By the time you get to the train station, the train is almost there, so you don't bother sitting down, just standing on the platform and waiting.
When the train arrives, you enter quickly together, the train being relatively empty, allowing the three of you to sit together, Tamaki sitting between you and his red-haired friend.
Despite the train having few people inside, there are still people around, so you sit quietly, not wanting to be rude and disturb the people around you.
After a few moments, you feel something on your shoulder. When you look to see what it is, you see your boyfriend's head lulling, knocking against your shoulder.
You're a little surprised to see him asleep, you didn't expect that he'd fall asleep while still on the train, but you guide his head to properly rest on your shoulder so his neck has a bit more support.
"Should we wake him up?" Kirishima whispers to you.
"Let him sleep," you respond immediately, eyes not leaving your boyfriend. "He obviously needs the rest if he's falling asleep on the train."
"I think it's you," he says, smiling and continuing to explain when you tilt your head in questioning at him. "I think you make him comfortable. He'd never usually sleep on the train."
When he says that, you smile and look down a little, soft blush on your cheeks.
Upon arriving at the station, you gently shake the dark-haired boy awake, trying not to startle him. You do startle him though, him being a little confused, having not realised he was falling asleep.
Kirishima offered to go on ahead and leave you two alone, but considering that he's in Class 1-A, aka the class that has been targeted by the League of Villains, both you and Tamaki tell him to just walk with you.
On the walk back to campus from the train station, Tamaki continuously apologises to you for falling asleep, even though you keep insisting that it's okay and you found it cute.
Once you're back in your room, well, Tamaki's room, he tells you that he wants to stay awake and cuddle for a while, but he ends up quickly falling asleep on you once again, but this time in a place where he should be sleeping.
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doumadono · 10 months
Hi! Could I ask for an Emergency request please? Of course it’s only if you’re feeling up to it💖
I recently got drugged at a university function, nothing happened to me past that, but it was still unsettling and I don’t know who did it. I just reported it to the correct authorities, but my anxiety has been trough the roof. Do you think you could cook up some comfort with Bakugo? He’s tough but he protects those he cares about (of a bit clumsily worded at times).
Thank you, and I hope you are well and that the November darkness isn’t hitting too hard💖
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A/N: I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to you. It must be incredibly difficult. Please take care of yourself, and I hope things get better soon
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The university atmosphere buzzed around you as you stumbled out of the lecture hall, feeling disoriented and anxious. It was the aftermath of an ordinary day, and yet, something wasn't right. Your steps were unsteady, your mind foggy, and a creeping unease clung to you.
Just as you were trying to make sense of the situation, Bakugo, your friend from UA which you graduated togerther, spotted you in your distressed state. His sharp gaze honed in on your uneasy demeanor, and without a second thought, he approached you. "Oi, what the hell happened to you, nerd?" Bakugo demanded, his voice laced with genuine concern.
You tried to offer a reassuring smile, but it faltered as the anxiety gripped you tighter. "I don't know, Katsuki. Something's off. I just feel… weird."
Bakugo's expression hardened. "Weird how? Did someone mess with you?"
You recounted the unsettling feeling of being drugged, and the subsequent anxiety that had settled in.
Bakugo's eyes narrowed as he listened, his fists clenching at the thought of someone harming you.
"I bought a coffee from a machine, and that's when it started. The symptoms, the disorientation," you explained, your voice shaky. "I mean, I left it in the lecture hall for two minutes because I needed to use the bathroom…"
Bakugo's protective instinct kicked in, and he gently rested a hand on your shoulder. "You should've told me sooner. Don't worry, I'm gonna handle this. But first, let's get you somewhere safe."
He led you to a quieter corner of the campus, away from prying eyes. You slumped against a wall, and Bakugo crouched down to your eye level. "You're okay, don't ya worry your pretty head about that. We'll figure out who did this, and they'll pay for it."
Tears welled up in your eyes as the weight of the situation hit you.
Bakugo, despite his gruff exterior, wrapped you in a comforting embrace. "Hey, none of this is your fault. Don't cry, silly."
As you cried into Bakugo's shoulder, he murmured reassuring words, promising to stand by your side. "I won't let anyone mess with you. I'll find out who did this, and they'll regret crossing us."
Eventually, your tears subsided, and Bakugo pulled back, his gaze softening. "We'll report this properly. I'll make sure they investigate every damn coffee machine in that place, as well as fucking everyone who entered that goddamn hall. No one hurts you and gets away with it, dammit."
You nodded, grateful for Bakugo's unwavering support. In that moment, despite the anxiety and fear, you felt a glimmer of strength - Bakugo had your back.
"I'm going to the provost's office. Stay here."
You nodded, anxiety gnawing at you as Bakugo disappeared down the corridor. The seconds felt like hours until, suddenly, his enraged screams echoed through the hallway, making your heart race. It was a sound that sent shivers down your spine, a ferocity reserved for those who dared to harm someone under his protection.
Time dragged on, each passing moment amplifying the tension in the air. The weight of uncertainty pressed on you until finally, Bakugo emerged, his expression a mix of fury and resolution. "They'll investigate the situation promptly," he declared, his voice steady despite the rage in his eyes. The promise of justice hung in the air as Bakugo stood by your side, a formidable guardian in the face of adversity.
Bakugo locked eyes with you, "No one, and I mean no fucking one, is going to mess with the future number one hero and his best friend. I'll make sure of that."
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pocketramblr · 10 months
If the ask games is still open: A sibling swap in where Touya, Fuyumi and Natsuo are all Iidas (and thus Tenya's older siblings), while Tensai is Shouto's only sibling.
Oh wow this produced such healthier family dynamics I'm sure-
1- Tensei is, of course, Rei and Enji's pride and joy. When he's born, Rei immediately tries for another but it's too soon for her body, and she miscarries. Tensei's quirk isn't quite as strong as Enji hoped for, but he's worried about Rei being able to carry any child at all again -what if the last baby had been "too hot" for her cold body, he really should have gotten more information on genetics, pregnancy, and quirks before he decided to do a mini eugenics experiment but you live and learn ig- so he trains Tensei carefully. Tensei thinks being a hero is Cool™ and is more obedient to his parents than Touya would be.
2- still, over the years, Enji begins to think it still won't be enough. Perhaps, with how good Tensei is using support gear to keep up his health, with how well he works with others, he'll lead the Endeavor agency and do far better than his father, break his records cases. But... He won't surpass All Might. And Rei always wanted more children, and she's 33 this year and after 35 isn't it supposed to be riskier... Why not try again? And then Shoto is born the week Tensei gets into UA, and he's perfect.
3- Meanwhile, the Iidas have always had big families (if you're cynical: gives them a better chance of having as least one in the generation with an engine quirk to keep the brand going. If you're less cynical: they're rich enough to care for as many children as they want and since they remember childhoods with siblings and cousins, they want the same for their kids.) Touya ("Mercury") has engines on his ankles, Fuyumi ("Nike") on her shoulder blades, Natsuo didn't inherit the engine quirk, and Tenya of course has his calves.
Now... You know how Dabi gets carsick when Spinner drives? Great ok because now his body is the car. And he doesn't have brakes. So even here, his quirk and body do not get along.
4- Tensei adores his baby brother just as his parents do. He's so excited his second year when Shoto manifests his quirk. But that said, he's a busy kid. He's interning at his father's agency after school, but taking on more responsibility there. He leads a lot of people, and he's very good at it. When he graduates, he's the second in command. When he's twenty, he's practically in charge. His father is at home more, after all. He thinks nothing of it... Until he visits unannounced one day, and hears shouting from the training room, opens the door just in time to hear "he's already five" and have the scent of vomit hit his nose.
Enji's hand is raised to hit Rei, though it falls on seeing Tensei. His expression shifts, asks if something is the matter, an emergency. Tensei stares, jaw slack. It's quiet as the whole picture sinks in for everyone there. Then Shoto gags, and Tensei moves to go to him. "Trainings over." He declares. "I'll get him cleaned up, we'll talk after dinner."
"We'll talk after dinner, Endeavor."
5- Touya, to no one's surprise I'm sure, sucks at working in teams. Given that is Idaten's whole shtick, Fuyumi steps into a team leader role instead. But her quirk is far more limited than her brother's, really only lets her go up and down, so on the field Touya is playing the main character while Fuyumi organizes his backup dancers. She's too nice to admit if it bothers her, but she and her parents have quietly planned to have Tenya take over in her role if he has a knack for it, then inherit the agency, because even Fuyumi doesn't have the patience to want to babysit her older brother forever. They hope that Touya's attitude tempers out by then.
Instead what happens is Stain attacks Mercury who frequently goes off on his own. He, improbably, survives. In the hospital, he calls Tenya to talk to him alone. He is not there to give Tenya his hero name, in fact, it's the opposite:
Touya: "don't you dare take my hero name, I know you pick them next week, and Mom and Dad are idiots if they think I'm retiring just because they tell me to."
Tenya looks at the scope of the injuries. But he looks up to his siblings and is relieved to not have that pressure on him, so he agrees.
Touya: "great, now even more important: don't you even think about taking my revenge. I'm going to be the one to kill Stain, and if you take that from me I'll kill you too, and then Fuyumi will kill me and die of a broken heart, and Natsuo can't pass on engine. Do you get what I'm saying?"
Tenya: "... That continuing the cycle of violence and revenge would destroy our family and ourselves, instead of bringing justice?"
Touya: "oh my god no I don't care about that. Just know that if you even look in Stain's direction before I put his pieces in a body bag, you're going to be in there with him."
Tenya agrees to not go after Stain... Though he does think of backup plans.
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corvi-dae · 2 years
Hi, can i req for Hiryu Rin x fem!reader where she is the prettiest girl people have ever seen? Like always gets stares when she walks, everyday receives gifts n declarations of love from the others UA students that she kindly rejects cause she is already Rin's gf. He just has no idea what he did to deserve her, neither he nor his friends know, who are also in love with her and don't hide it very well...Every time they talk about how hot his girl is he stands like‍‍🧍‍♂️"bro I'm literally here"
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As Long as He Could
Hiryu Rin x Fem!Reader
Summary: As Hiryu Rin and his friend Tsuburaba watch (F/n) (L/n) go against their class during Joint Training, he can’t help but wonder what he did to deserve her.
CW: audacious men, fluff, slight one-sided pining?, reader replaces Mineta because f his grape lookin ass, class 1A and 1B share the same dorms
A/N: this is my first request! hope this lived up to your expectations 🫶 send more requests! I dont bite 😌
“Man, she is so hot,” Tsuburaba practically drooled from beside Rin as they both watched her fight with Mina Ashido against Kodai and Yanagi from their class. Rin could feel his eye start to twitch from annoyance.
“Honestly, how did you bag her? What’s your secret?” The brunette questioned, looking at him in disbelief.
“Uh,” Rin felt sweat drip down his forehead as he smiled awkwardly. “I-”
“Crap, we lost!” Tsuburaba suddenly interrupted as he looked at the screen in disappointment.
Rin didn’t bother to hide his grin as he saw his girl’s excitement. He was proud of her. He then looked down at the ground, face softening.
What had he done to deserve her?
Soon after all the students moved into the dorms, Rin met (F/n) (L/n). He had already known she was a beauty whenever he had faced her in the Cavalry Battle in the Sports Festival, but had never really seen her up close until then. And then she started to show interest in him of all people.
It started with random compliments in passing. She’d compliment his hero costume, tell him his quirk was really cool, say his hair was pretty, his fighting style was cool, etc.
And then by some chance of fate, he was paired with her during an activity with class 1A. He couldn’t help but notice the way she blushed around him, or would stutter over her words, or her inability to hold eye contact. It made him wonder if he was seeing things. Either way, somehow he worked up the courage to ask her out on a date, fully expecting her to decline like she had done with most of the guys in their grade…
But she said yes.
Which brings us to now.
Rin watched in irritation as Hitoshi Shinso walked up to her with a slight blush.
“Hey, would you like to get some dinner with me?”
(F/n) looked over at Rin as he huffed.
“I’m already dating someone,” she gave a small sympathetic smile.
“Who?” He questioned in disbelief.
“Hiryu,” (F/n) pointed over to the long-haired male as he waved awkwardly.
Shinso’s eyes widened in disbelief as he looked away, muttering, “Whatever,” and walking off.
She shrugged and practically skipped over to her boyfriend.
“Hi, love,” she grinned brightly.
“Hey,” he blushed. “You were great out there.”
“Thanks,” her cheeks turned a pinkish color.
“Hey, (F/n)!”
She looked over in question before smiling, “Hi, Tsuburaba.”
Said boy’s face reddened. “You were awesome out there… like always,” he chuckled.
“Thank you!”
Rin could only purse his lips as he looked at his friend incredulously.
(F/n)’s (e/c) eyes met his as he felt his face heat up once more. She took his hands in her own.
“You wanna grab something to eat?” She asked sweetly.
“Sure,” he smiled.
What he had done to deserve this, he wasn’t sure. But he’d hold onto her for as long as he could.
132 notes · View notes
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Pairing: Aizawa x Black!Catgirl!Reader
Synopsis: In which you find yourself in the weirdest predicament after you’re scooped up and taken to a cat cafe after you decide to take the streets to fight some crime, and you’re adopted by your very anti-social and hot coworker Aizawa aka Eraserhead.
Story Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY), Swearing, Adult!Reader, Ear and Tail Stroking, Light Degradation, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Multiple Positions, Creampie, Unprotected PIV Sex, Facial, Scent Play, Collaring, Deepthroat, Cunnilingus, Begging, Edgeplay, Power Play, Rope Play/Shibari, Master Kink, Some Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Some Action
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: I decided to drop the last five chapters to this story at once cuz I'll be EXTREMELY busy with my summer job & I'm also working on a new fic. Thank you all so, so, soooo much for the love on this story! I had so much fun writing it. I'll be writing some brand new shit soon! Stay safe! -Jazz
Read on AO3 here!
Other Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Twenty-Four. Twenty-Five.
A week after being saved by you from drowning and possibly losing a limb, Aizawa’s dorm room is finally ready to be moved into again and he sees you everywhere: on the news; in the papers; on Twitter.
And he fucking hates it. 
It’s bad enough you’ve been all up in his mind, but now he has to see you in your hot-ass Night Claw outfit in every magazine and newspaper now?
Not to mention the viral videos. You were kicking Aqua Master’s ass in that pencil skirt and blouse. Though you look good and you certainly deserve your fame, he can’t help but also be extremely worried about how your life could go from here. 
Since last Friday’s mission with the Aqua Master, he hasn’t heard anything negative from Principal Nezu, the HPSC, or the police chief whom he was sure would slap some cuffs on you on Friday afternoon.
Aizawa would’ve damn well bailed you out himself if not raised hell to the police department if that shit happened. He hasn’t heard much from Endeavor’s hot-headed ass either, thank God. The man knows what’s good for him. Aizawa thought he had lost his mind talking to you in that manner. 
To say he wasn’t ready to teach Endeavor a lesson right there in front of everyone is an understatement, but Aizawa knew better. He didn't want his little Eri to see Daddy fucking up another pro on TV. 
All he can hope is that things go well for you here. He knows for a fact that the UA kids are talking as are the streets of Musutafu about the sexy, skilled cat girl hero who singlehandedly took down a villain and saved dozens of lives, including Eraserhead’s.
Though you’re absolutely insane, he has the utmost respect for you for kicking ass without your disguise, knowing fully well you’d be plastered all over Japan and possibly the world as a new hero stepping onto the scene. He just hopes the HPSC doesn't try to scoop you up. He’ll fight to keep that at bay, but if it happens, it’s ultimately your decision. 
These thoughts have been bugging Aizawa all week, so on a beautiful Saturday morning, he decides to take Eri to the park. There aren’t many people here yet, so he lets Eri have free range of the playground area. “Daddy, can I go on the swing?” she asks, eagerly looking up at him. 
He smiles, nodding. “Go have at it, but be careful and try not to get your clothes too dirty.” As she skips away in her baby blue dress, he takes a seat on a nearby bench to watch her. The air is clean, the breeze is cool, and the sun is warm on his face.
Definitely, some good weather to clear his head and figure out this you problem. He hasn’t spoken to you since last Friday when you saved his life. He wants to be angry at you for being so reckless like that, but his respect and adoration for your decision overpowers that. 
“Dammit,” he sighs, running a frustrated hand down his face. Why do you have to be so stubborn? 
“I knew I recognized that voice!” a familiar, cheery voice exclaims from beside him. “I’m not used to seeing you out and about, Aizawa.” 
Aizawa turns, finding a small mouse wearing a kind smile and a red tracksuit with a UA sweatband around his forehead. “Principal Nezu,” he says. “You’re out here? Aren’t you afraid of the gettin’ swiped up by a dog or something?”
Nezu titters to himself, waving his paw. “Oh, no,” he laughs. “That’s what I’ve got this for.” He slides something out of the tiny fanny pack wrapped around his waist, revealing it to be an animal repellent. “But don’t worry; it doesn’t hurt ‘em. Just gives off a very unpleasant smell.” 
Aizawa nods, struggling not to laugh at the idea of his boss carrying that around. Nezu hops up next to him, already knowing Aizawa won’t mind his company.
“I see you’ve caught wind of the new hero that hit the streets too, huh?” he chuckles. “I will admit, Ms. L/N looked incredible in that news clip the way she handled herself. I’m shocked she never decided to be a pro hero.” 
A record scratches in Aizawa’s head as he turns to the mouse. “Wait,” he says, furrowing his brows at Nezu. “You know?” 
“Well, of course, I do!” Nezu laughs as if it should’ve been obvious. “I always have! I will admit that I was worried about how it would affect the other staff and students here or how it could potentially affect her job, but Y/N has never disappointed me on that front. She knows how important it is to be an outlet for the kids.”
He looks at Aizawa, seriousness in his eyes. “Besides, after she saved your life when Toyoma attacked you, I could never go and fire her. She has a pure heart.” 
Aizawa sighs, his muscles relaxing. He has never felt so relieved. This means your job is safe! Nezu is still giving him that serious look though which puts him slightly on edge.
“I am sorry for what happened that night, Shouta,” he solemnly says. “To you and Eri. I’m just glad your dorm is ready to live in again.” He turns to Eri still on the swings, giggling happily. The two wave at each other, filling Aizawa with joy. 
“So am I,” the pro sighs, relieved. “And you have nothing to apologize for. I’m just glad I’m here and breathing.” Nezu smiles fondly, patting Aizawa on the arm. “That’s the right attitude.” 
Silence then descends on them, though not awkwardly. It is peaceful, but guilt eats Aizawa up with every second they sit in silence. He has to tell him the truth. 
“I have something to tell you,” he sighs, the guilt winning him over. Nezu turns to him expectantly and he swallows the lump in his throat before continuing. “A couple months ago, I adopted a cat for Eri to keep her company and help her make her feel more like a kid. Unfortunately, that fell through, but I’m sorry I went against your rules. I just wanted to give Eri as much happiness as I could when I’m not able to be with her.” 
Nezu says nothing for a while, just blankly staring up at Aizawa. He stares down at his boss, wondering what he’s thinking. Is he going to be fired right here, right now? Will he be banned from the dorms? Who will Eri live with then? “Shouta, I already knew about the cat,” Nezu matter-o-factly says. 
Aizawa’s eyes widen, shocked. "You think cameras don't exist in the faculty dorms? I’ve seen that cat walk in and out of that building time and time again!”
Nezu just laughs like this is the funniest thing he’s ever heard. “But since she never gave me or anyone else trouble, I never bothered. Plus, I could see how happy she made you and Eri since you adopted her. It's always nice to see a smile on your face. You’ve always looked so down.” 
Aizawa doesn’t know how to handle hearing that. So Nezu has worried about him too? What of everyone else? What of Eri? Had she noticed too? Maybe he needs to get better at hiding things. ‘Or maybe just express how you feel to the people you love, ass,’ he critically thinks. ‘No matter how embarrassing.’
“Pardon my saying,” Nezu continues, “but I feel as if that smile hasn’t always been from the cat though.” He stares at Aizawa, a knowing smile playing on his lips. “It’s from Y/N, isn’t it?”
Aizawa’s flushed cheeks say everything he needs to know, and he chuckles to himself. “I could always see you two had a special relationship which I’m sure can be just as strong now. It could just about be unbreakable with a little communication.” 
Aizawa raises an eyebrow at his words. He can't help but feel like Nezu is saying them for a reason. Does he know you and him are on awkward terms right now? Does this mouse have eyes in the back of his head or something to know everything that happens in his school? Whatever it may be, it is good and critical advice. “So you really don’t mind pets?” he asks. 
Nezu rubs his paw along his chin, thinking. “Well, I do have a condition for that,” he replies, making Aizawa’s heart leap. “If you are to have pets, you have to be sure they won’t eat me and you’ll have to carry me in your jumpsuit for the next five months…starting now.” 
Aizawa rolls his eyes, but unzips the top half of his tracksuit anyway. Now he’ll be cleaning out mouse fur from his tracksuit and scarves for weeks. “Come on,” he sighs.
Nezu happily laughs as he scurries across the bench and up onto Aizawa’s chest before burrowing himself under his tracksuit. When Aizawa zips it up, Nezu’s head pops out from under his scarves, peeking at the world. 
“And thank you,” Aizawa softly says, smirking down at the little creature. Nezu smiles up at him fondly. “It’s my pleasure. Now let’s go to the swings!” 
The rest of the afternoon is spent at the park, playing on the swings with Eri and Nezu and walking along the hiking trails to help Eri pick flowers. After dropping Nezu off at his office back at UA, Aizawa takes Eri back to their dorm.
It feels so good to finally be back in the familiar halls of the faculty dorms after so long. Though the apartment Nezu rented for them was very cozy, Aizawa missed the cherry blossoms blooming outside his window and the homely feeling he got from his dorm room. 
Eri must’ve missed it too from how she was skipping down the hallway next to him, happy as a clam. “Daddy, are we still seeing the new Spider-verse movie tomorrow?” She asks, then gasps excitedly. “Do you think Y/N would wanna go with us? I think she’d really like it!”
This isn’t the first time she has mentioned your name. She’s been doing so ever since Toyoma's attack, wondering if she can visit you at your office or your dorm. 
And Aizawa always has the same answer: “I could ask her, pumpkin, but Y/N has been very busy lately. I don't think she’d–“ 
He suddenly pauses when they get to their door, noticing something there that is out of place. A little wicker basket with a soft, plush blanket on top sits in front of the door.
“What the hell?” Aizawa whispers. He furrows his brows in confusion at the basket, holding Eri’s hand a little firmer now. It could just be fruits or chocolates, but if he knows anything, you can never be too careful when it comes to receiving unexpected gifts. 
His defenses go up even more when the blanket begins to move. He swears his soul nearly leaves his body. “Daddy, look!” Eri gasps, pointing at the moving blanket. “It’s moving! I think there’s something in it.” She manages to escape Aizawa’s hold and runs over to the basket, kneeling beside it. 
Anticipation for something horrible under that blanket fills Aizawa’s gut as Eri pulls back the blanket. 'It better not be no baby,’  he thinks. ‘I’ve already got one of those.’ 
But his mind isn’t even close to the truth. Settled within the blanket with a side of cat food, toys, and litter, is a little calico kitten with the pinkest nose and prettiest swirl pattern Aizawa has ever seen.
Eri gasps, her eyes growing wide at the sight of the animal. “It’s a kitten!” she squeals. “She’s so, so cute! Look, she's got a scar just like you, Daddy!” 
Aizawa looks closer at the cat, finding a tiny scar under her left eye the shape of an upside-down present moon. Speaking of her eyes, they are so, so big! He can practically see the entire forest in the beautiful green shade of them. “Yeah,” he agrees, reaching a finger out to her. She sniffs him once with her little pink nose before brushing her head against his finger. “Where’d she come from though?” 
While Eri starts to gently pet her head, he searches for a card. There has to be something here to tell him where she came from. Luckily, he finds it. Taped to the bottom of the basket is a little white card scribbled in fast, pen-inked handwriting. He reads it over, his heart melting at the sweet words: 
A furry cure for loneliness and a great addition to any family. Meet Nea (for Neapolitan, like the ice cream). Enjoy! Feel free to change her name. -Love. 
A laugh bubbles from Aizawa’s chest once he finishes reading the card. Though they didn’t leave a name, he knows exactly who this precious gift is from and makes a mental note to thank them personally. After making a few calls first, of course.
“Who is she from, Daddy?” Eri curiously asks, still petting the kitten. 
Aizawa just smiles as he kneels down next to the basket and the excited, mewing kitten. “A very good friend of mine,” he answers before gently stroking the kitten’s head. “Nice to meet you, Nea.” 
“Anybody want another one?” Mic asks, already whipping up another delicious, pineapple, mint-flavored cocktail in Nemuri's dorm kitchen.
You sigh, pushing away the second cocktail you haven’t even finished yet. “Not unless you want my clothes off,” you joke, leaning your cheek on your fist. Mic pauses in his kitchenette, a wolfish smile curling onto his lips. “Well…” 
As you laugh, Nemuri pegs a pillow at him from her spot next to you on the couch. “Mic!” she gasps. The pro catches the pillow in one hand as he lowers the ice shaker of his mixed concoction with the other. 
“C’mon, I’m kidding! Look, I got a smile out of her!” He nods at your lips curled into a grin after your laughter dissipates. “You truly are a magician then, darling,” Nemuri hums, sipping on her drink. 
You gape at your friends, slightly offended by their words. You haven’t exactly been the most chipper person in the world since your reveal last Friday, but you’re not walking around like the world is about to end either.
“Hey, I smile,” you protest. “I’m just…thinking about things.” 
Things like if you’re going to keep your job. Things like if the police chief will change his mind and charge you as a criminal. Things like if things will change for you for the worse. Even now, the halls of UA are talking.
You get kids coming into your office just to gush about your moves, especially Izuku Midoriya. He’s even put you in his notebook, asking you all kinds of questions about your quirk and hero fit. “What does it look like?” he asked with stars in his eyes earlier on Monday. “You’re really, super flexible! Can you still move in it? Does it come with claws?” 
Though it was adorable, you had to hustle him out of your room just to get a breather in. Even worse are the news people who seem to know everywhere you go now.
Just yesterday, you were taking a jog in the park and you were accosted by a newsman and his camera crew, asking you about your day and if you’re a professional hero.
You know that it’s only a matter of time until someone starts asking questions like, “Do you go to the bathroom in a litter box?” 
To be honest, you don’t even know if you want to be a pro-hero. Though the idea of it is fantastical and alluring, that also comes with brutal training, fighting villains almost every day, and constant, unwanted attention. You don’t know if you could handle all of that, let alone the transition from being a nobody into a celebrity. The idea of it frightens you. 
Mic shakes the ice shaker filled with the contents of his cocktail, definitely having the means of a bartender if he wasn’t a hero. “Like about how you kicked that villain’s ass last week and ate up the cameras in the process?” he chuckles. "I’m still thinking about that too. You were amazing!” 
You smile despite your indifference. You don’t feel too amazing. “As nice as this of you to say, Mic, that doesn’t change the fact that I could possibly lose my job now that everyone knows who I am.”
Though Nezu hasn’t visited your office lately, you still can't help but be fearful of the police storming into your office or dorm room in the dead of night one day. 
Nemuri slings an arm around the back of the couch, her knees curled up under her sundress as she sips her drink. “Well, the chief didn’t take you in, so I’d think you’re in the clear.”
You shake your head, getting yourself worked up as you think of all of the possible things that could go wrong. “For now!” you argue. “Now that the chief has officially met me, I doubt he’s just gonna let me go free with all the buzz on me now. I still don’t have a license or–“ 
There is a sudden loud knock at the door, making you and Nemuri jump. “Who the hell is that?” Mic asks, scowling at Nemuri’s door.
You go to get up, but he beats you to it, already making wide strides toward the door on his long legs. Anxiety shoots into your body, making your heart pound in your chest. Nemuri puts a hand on your knee and you realize it’s to stop it from bouncing. “Yes?” he firmly calls.
“Amazon package,” a very gruff, deep, and familiar voice answers. A smile curls onto Mic’s lips and he winks at you before opening the door.
You nearly spill your drink at how fast you get up from the couch. Aizawa stands there in the tightest shirt you’ve ever seen on a man and jeans, his black locks calling carelessly down his shoulders. It’s so harrowing to see him there after not seeing much since last Friday. “Shouta?” you softly gasp. “What are you here?” 
He doesn’t say a single word as he comes into Nemuri’s dorm and storms right over to you in four, long strides. You can’t do anything but gasp as his large hands cup your face and he smashes his lips against yours in a hot, toe-curling kiss.
Your eyes close instinctively, your senses overtaken by the softness of his lips, the mint on his tongue, and the scent of his cologne. The hairs on the back of your neck and the fur on your tail stand on end, excited by the stimulation. 
“Oh, my!” Nemrui gasps from the couch in delighted shock. Knowing Mic, he’s probably just grinning at you two, knowing full well this was going to happen. That’s why he opened the door.
Finally, Aizawa pulls away from your mouth, his charcoal eyes soft yet intense. “That was for your sweet ass apology,” he breathlessly explains. 
From the door, Mic clears his throat. “U-Uh we should give them privacy,” he says, already heading for the balcony. “Come on now, Nemuri. Give ‘em some room.” Though she huffs in protest, Nemuri gathers her drink and meets Mic out on her balcony, shutting the door behind them. 
Your dizzy mind manages to piece together Aizawa’s cryptic words and your ears perk up excitedly. “So you got your present?” you ask with a beaming smile.
Aizawa returns your smile, looking unbelievably more beautiful with it. “Eri was so excited when she saw her all wrapped up at our door, I had to get Mirio to come over to calm her ass down. You didn’t have to do that, you know.” 
“Yes, I did,” you pointedly argue. “I’ve been lying to you and her for so long.” You plant your hands on his broad shoulders, breathing in his scent. God, you’ve missed his smell. “Neither one of you deserved to be deceived like that,” you mutter, staring down at your shoes, ashamed of yourself and your decisions. 
“I know why you did it though,” Aizawa replies, holding you by your waist. “You felt if you didn’t, you’d be taking away the happiness you thought you gave us while pretending to be our pet. But you’re totally wrong about that, Y/N.”
He tilts your chin up towards his face with his thumb, making you look into his eyes that sparkle with adoration. “It’s you who makes us happy. You make me happy.” 
You swear you could touch the moon now. You’re just about bursting with joy as you wrap your arms around him, pressing your face into his chest. “You make me happy too,” you softly giggle. Aizawa returns your embrace, his arms wrapped securely around your small frame. With the wall between you now broken, you feel like anything is possible now. 
“So how’d things go once I left on Friday?” you curiously ask. “Did Endeavor pop a gasket?” Aizawa smirks down at you.
“Several,” he replies, making you laugh. “Oh, and Hawks told me to pass you his number since you told him we’re friends. I threatened to skin him like a turkey if he tried it.” 
You let out another belly laugh, imagining Aizawa giving Hawks one of his death stares. But the happiness you feel doesn’t last long when you remember one important part of that day. “What about the police chief?” you nervously ask. “And Principal Nezu?” 
Aizawa’s smile doesn’t falter. “Nezu already knew you were Night Claw.” You blink up at him, baffled. “W-What?” you stutter, wondering how in the hell your boss is this smart, or if you’re just that stupid. “Why didn’t he say anything?” 
Aizawa presses a hand to your cheek, his thumb stroking the corner of your lip and making your tail embarrassingly quiver. “Because he never had a reason to unless you were a threat to UA, which you aren’t. You’re a big asset here according to him. Plus, even if he did wanna kick you out, I’d vouch for you. It’s what I owe to you since you’ve saved my life many times.”
You smile, grateful for him having your back. “As for the police chief, we had a chat earlier and he agreed to let you off the hook despite the buzz. The HPSC is on my ass about wanting you to join them too.” 
You sigh, feeling relief overflowing inside you like a warm wave. You can’t believe your luck! Is God or the universe throwing you a bone?
“But,” Aizawa continues, making you stop short and not celebrate so quickly, “if you wanna continue fighting as Night Claw, you’ll have to take a few heroes courses and get your license. Lucky for you, there’s an adult six-month program that UA offers to staff for free here. If you take it, you’ll learn everything you need to know about being a pro, if you want that.” 
You laugh softly to yourself, not believing your luck. This is just too much. “I don’t know what to say,” you confess, grasping Aizawa’s shoulders. “It’s almost like I’m dreaming.”
A secretive smile crosses his plump lips, a hidden message in his dark eyes. “Wanna check?” he murmurs. 
Do you ever! He lets you make the first move this time, his lips ready and willing when you press your mouth against his in another kiss. You softly moan at the taste of him, forgetting how amazing it feels to be kissing him. He holds you closer as your lips move against each other, his big, calloused hands moving to cup your ass while your arms loop around his neck. You want him as close as he could possibly get after so many days without him.
When he suddenly pulls away, you whine in protest, earning a throaty chuckle. “I almost neglected to tell you that I’m a professor for the adult pro-hero program,” he huskily informs you. “I teach training.” 
At his heated stare, a warmth begins to pool between your inner thighs that you have missed. You haven’t gotten this horny in weeks. “Oh?” you purr, playfully smiling up at him. “What kind of physical activities do you specialize in?” 
Your head leans to the side as he swoops in, devouring your neck and bathing it in kisses that have your eyes fluttering closed. “Hand-to-hand combat,” he murmurs against your skin, "fighting with quirks, stuff along those lines.”
One of his hands trails down farther while one strays gripping your ass, making your clit jump excitedly. “But with you, I believe you could use additional…”
His fingers gently brush your trail, earning a soft moan from deep within you. “Hands-on training,” he purrs in your ear. 
God, yes. You don’t care what the fuck he wanted to do, as long as he ends up on top of you. “Can we start now?” you mewl pathetically, moving away to stare at him pleadingly.
Though he has the same lust in his eyes, he has way more self-control than you, obviously. “Not that I don’t mind somethin’ kinky now and again,” he chuckles, “but would you rather have an audience for that?” 
His eyes trail over your shoulder and you turn, finding Mic and Nemuri’s heads peeking from behind the balcony door. You put your hands on your hips, staring at them pointedly as if you were a Black mom staring at her badass kids. Mic immediately breaks and points at Nemuri, terrified. “She made me do it!” he cries.
Nemuri’s eyes flick between yours and Aizawa’s, her face beat red. “U-Uh…don’t mind us!” she hurriedly exclaims, shoving Mic back outside. “Go on and finish chatting!” She then disappears back onto the balcony and shuts the door though you can hear her yelling at Mic about being a snitch. 
You and Aizawa look at each other once and immediately burst into laughter. It feels good to laugh with him. To talk to him. The feeling you get being with him is unlike any other you’ve felt. It feels like being wrapped in the warmest, softest blanket you’ve ever had the pleasure of touching.
When your laughter finally dies down, Aizawa speaks once more. “I actually also came over to ask if you wanted to join Eri and me for dinner later.” 
Your heart leaps at the invitation, already on the cusp of saying yes despite Aizawa still speaking. "We’re having pizza…nothin’ homemade though. And watching Into the Spider-verse ‘cause Eri is hellbent on seeing the sequel tomorrow.” He looks down at the floor, bashful all of a sudden. “She also asked if you wanted to go too, but I told her to may be busy, s-so–” 
You stop him with a kiss, hoping he’ll get the message through your action: I’ll go anywhere you go. 
But instead of saying that, you pull away and give him a smile. “I’d love to,” you whisper. 
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