itsmarsss · 5 months
motivation [Miguel Diaz x GN! Reader] (Cobra Kai)
(~from the vault~)
Request: "ok... you wanted a miguel oneshot? here you go... y\n is johnnys daughter, and she & Miguel get caught making out in her room 😹 PLS WRJTE THIS I LOVE IT"
Warnings: making out, teenage cringe (this made more sense when i was writing this at 16 lmao)
Word count: 1,440
[. . .]
“This is so boooring,” you exaggeratedly complained, your head falling back onto your bed frame in frustration.
"It's 20% of the grade,” Miguel reminded you.
"I knowww.”
"Come on, you can do it,” he affirmed, smiling as he rolled his eyes at your obvious drama. He went right back to quizzing you. “What does codominance mean?”
“Both… alleles are dominant?”
"Both alleles are recessive.”
“Then why’s it called codominance?” You ask, annoyed. 
“Hey I’m not the inventor of genetics,” he laughed, putting his hands up in surrender.
“We’ve been at this for hours, my brain is totally fried at this point.”
“No it’s not. You know all this!”
"Well obviously I don’t."
Miguel nodded in disagreement. "You just need to find some motivation."
"Like what?"
"Like…" He looked up, trying to think of something, and you admittedly hoped maybe he’d suggest a break because holy shit you were not having fun right now, but his eyes lit up with an idea, his smile quickly turning into a mischievous grin, making you fairly confident whatever he’d just come up with was something way more complicated than a break.
"No,” you immediately deadpanned.
"What? I didn’t even say anything!"
“But you thought something. I'm not answering biology questions while I mix cement or some shit. Stop hanging out with my dad."
He let out a laugh at the memory you brought up. "Chill, I'm not gonna make you mix cement!” 
"Then can’t we just take a break? Pleeeeease?”
“We can take a break when you can answer the questions! You can’t fail biology, it’s one of the only classes we have together!”
“That is so, so sweet babe, but I really don’t think anything will motivate me more than a break right now.”
"Come on, we’ve been studying this for hours, you know this! No two people have the same DNA, but there’s one exception. That is...?”
"Ugh, Fine. Shit. Uh, brothers?”
“Really?” You were genuinely surprised with yourself for getting that one right.
“I told you you knew this!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I still don’t get the motivation part though,. I’m still very much bor-” he shut you right up by leaning over the various textbooks that laid on the bed between the two of you, pressing his lips to yours in a quick kiss. 
He chuckled at your lack of reaction at the sudden action. 
“What was that?”
“Your motivation.”
“Okay. Yeah. Cool.” It was not cool. In fact, maybe you felt like your brain was on the verge of short-circuiting, but what else could you say?
“Alright. Cloning results in two individuals that are…?”
“Uh… genetically identical?”
“Shit. Well that was fun while it lasted. Alright loverboy, why don’t we just ditch the questions and make out?”
No luck. “Not yet. Cloning results in two individuals that are…?”
You let out an exaggerated groan at your failed attempt at ditching the quizzing, just to annoy him. “Genetically… genetically similar.”
“Yeah!” He celebrated before leaning in again, smiling into your lips as he kissed you for a little longer this time. 
“I really don’t see how exactly this is supposed to help me focus.”
“What does cloning result in?”
“You just asked me this.”
“What does it result in?”
“Two individuals who are genetically similar.”
“See? You remembered. When you’re taking the test your brain will correlate the answer to the questions with a memory. I’m just making it a nice memory,” he shrugged, as if what he’d just said was the most obvious statement to ever be said.
“You are so weird,” you smiled, staring at him for a second. God he was cute. You leaned in to kiss him again, but he didn’t let you, leaning away from you to ask you another question.
“What does a Punnet square show?”
“Are you kidding me? I can’t kiss my own boyfriend now?”
“Not until you answer the question,” he grinned, proud of himself.
The questions went on and Miguel kept going with his so-called motivation. By the time you found yourself under him, Miguel seemed to be contempt with your amount of right answers, throwing the books out of the way to finally comply.
Yeah he was definitely pulling that correlation thing out of his ass but damn did this making out make you motivated. “This is like the best study session ever,” he stated as he pulled away to take a breath, smiling like an idiot. 
“You are so fucking cheesy, dude,” you retorted, just to tease him.
He smiled that one smile of his, shaking his head before resuming to kissing you, careful not to put too much of his weight on you, which you thought was the cutest thing he could do in a moment like this. You didn’t particularly care about that, though, only pulling him closer to you by grabbing the collar of his shir-
“Jesus kid can you please close your door? I don’t wanna come home to a porno.” 
Miguel immediately scrambled to get up from atop of you, pulling himself out of the bed entirely, which, in retrospect, was a tiny little bit really funny.
“Oh my God. Dad! Get out, what the fuck?” 
“Just keep the freakin’ door closed, Geez. And please don’t do anything while I’m here, that’s fucking weird.”
“Obviously I didn’t know you were coming back this soon!”
“You would know if you weren’t too busy swapping spit with with Diaz over here,” he motioned over to Miguel with his head, making you take a glance at him, who looked like he was trying really hard to develop the ability to become invisible, scratching the back of his neck and looking at the ceiling as if he hadn’t just been mentioned. “I sent you a message on that… text thing.”
“You sent me a text?”
“Yeah, whatever you call it. I’m not a nerd.”
“Well sorry. Miguel’s going home anyway so.”
“I am?”
“Yes, you are.” There was no way he would be able to stay for much longer without hyperventilating.
“Yeah! Right! I am. Just just about to head out. Yup.”
“Okay. Whatever. Next time I’ll yell that I’m home so I don’t have to see… that,” he motioned between you vaguely.
“There wasn’t even anything happening you baby! And I said I’m sorry!”
“What fucking ever!”
“Okay,” was all you managed to reply before he left, closing the bedroom door behind him. You were too embarrassed to say anything else.
“Okay. Uh,” Miguel started, but he didn’t know what to say either, mortified by the idea of his sensei catching him making out with you.
“I don’t think he’s gonna be able to look us in the eye after this.”
“Good thing I only see him every single fucking day.”
“Oh my God,” you buried your face in your hands in embarrassment, trying to regain your composure. 
“At- at least he’s okay with it! I thought he was gonna kill me for a moment there.”
“He likes you too much. He just gets really weird about this sort of thing.”
There was a knock on the door. “Are you decent?”
“We were never not decent!” You defended yourself. Johnny opened the door slowly, carefully scanning the room as to not see anything unsolicited. “Kid’s gotta go.”
“You’re aware I’m not a child, aren’t you?”
“Well duh. But I know the advice I gave him about this stuff before you two started… whatever this is, and I need to take everything back.”
“What? A Sensei can’t have a nice guy talk with his student?”
“Uh-” Miguel murmured, glancing at you nervously.
“I’ll be waiting by the door,” he shot Miguel a condescending smile before leaving. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“You think there will be a tomorrow for me?” He joked.
“I don’t know. What ‘advice’ is he talking about?”
“Uh…” He scratched the back of his neck again, like he always did whenever he was uncomfortable.
“Oh my fucking god. You did not get sex advice from my fucking dad,” you stated, in denial. 
“It was before we even had anything!”
“Well I fucking hope so! It’s still fucking weird.”
“I know, I try not to think about it.” He paused. “You think he’s gonna kill me?”
“He’ll go easy on you.”
“I’m not sure.”
“He will!”
You kissed him goodbye instead of answering. “Good luck!”
And wouldn’t you know it? Your tests came back with a big red A- in the front page. You could definitely see yourself catching an interest for genetics. Maybe you did just need some motivation. 
As long as you keep the door closed.
[. . .]
A/N: think im writing for miguel again. like actual new stuff that makes sense to me at my now old age of 20 (lol) so if ya want request away
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
Eddie’s doing some dumb trick with a couple of wooden spoons, clever hands making them move through the air in improbable ways, and Steve’s about to bite his whisk in half. 
He’d thought for sure that Eddie would be going home the first week; Edward Munson, 29, bartender/musician from Brighton with mismatched tattoos and wild hair, seemed like exactly the kind of pretentious asshole who would flame out early with some ill-advised hipster experimentation. If Steve (28, social worker from Indiana, USA) had been a complete asshole, he’d have said that Eddie didn’t have the fundamentals. That he was all sizzle, no steak. 
It’s a good thing Steve’s not a complete asshole, because Eddie’s been blowing the technicals out of the water so consistently it’s actually pretty fucking embarrassing. His signatures and showstoppers are making a very respectable showing too, except for the time he tried to incorporate some fresh pandan extract and fucked up the liquid ratio, leaving him with a dripping mess that Mary’d declined to even try. 
Afterwards, Steve had seen him leaning against a tree and struggling to light a cigarette. Steve went over for no particular reason, flicking on his lighter and holding it out like a peace offering. Eddie looked at him warily, but bent over the offered flame. 
“Can’t believe I made it through this one,” Eddie said after a moment, white smoke curling out of his mouth.
“Yeah, I feel like that every week.” Steve leaned against the tree next to Eddie. It was a big tree, the kind that’s probably been growing in this field since before England was even England. 
“Nah, but—c’mon, you know what I mean.”
“You had some bad luck with your showstopper. Happens to the best of us, man. Your signature hand pies looked sick as hell.” Steve’s own hand pies had turned out pretty well, so he was feeling generous. It had only been the third week; plenty of time for Steve to snag Star Baker, though even by that point, Steve had been getting the creeping feeling that he was being a little too American about the whole thing. Everyone else seemed to think competitiveness was some kind of deadly sin. It was—actually kind of nice, to get the same kind of nerves he’d always gotten before high school basketball games, but know that he wasn’t really fighting against anyone except himself in the tent.
Anyway, the very next week, Eddie had done some kind of kickass gothic castle with a shiny chocolate dragon and gotten Star Baker for the second time. Steve had clapped him on the back, appropriately manly. Eddie had pulled Steve into a real hug, arms tight around Steve’s shoulders and his whole lean body pressed up close and warm. It had only lasted a moment, and then Eddie had bounded over to Mel and Sue, both of whom he’s been thoroughly charming since the get-go. 
Steve thinks that when this season—or, uh, series—airs, no matter where Eddie places, the entire country is going to be just as charmed. Eddie’s going to get whatever kind of cookbook deal or streaming show he wants. Sponsors will take one look at that handsome face and charismatic grin, and a whole world of possibilities is going to open up for Eddie. 
Steve’s not in it for any of that, of course. He’s here kind of by accident, because Robin pushed him to apply, and it’s a goddamn miracle he’s been holding his own. Hell, it’s a miracle he’s in this country at all. When Robin had started looking at the Cambridge MPhil program in linguistics, she’d said wouldn’t it be great if and he’d snorted, yeah right, like I could ever get whatever job I’d need to move to another freaking country, but then—well. Things had happened the way they’d happened, and now Robin’s almost finished with her degree and Steve is taking time off from the London charity he works at in order to be on Bake Off. 
He’s told all this to the cameras, plus the stuff about how baking started as a way for him to connect with the kids he used to babysit in Indiana, blah blah blah. He thinks it’s probably too boring for them to air, but he gets that they have to try to get a story anyway. 
Eddie Munson, on the other hand, is probably going to be featured in all the series promos. Steve is rabidly curious about what Eddie’s story is, but he hasn’t worked up the nerve to just ask. It should be the easiest thing in the world. They’ve got kind of a camaraderie going, the two of them; a bit of a bromance, as Mel’s put it more than once. 
It’s true they get along pretty well, and the cameras have been picking up on it: on the way Eddie’ll wander over to Steve’s bench like a stray cat whenever they get some downtime, how they wind up horsing around sometimes, working off leftover adrenaline from the frantic rush of caramelization or whatever. There’s the time Eddie had hopped up on a stool to deliver some kind of speech from Macbeth, of all things, and overbalanced right onto Steve, who had barely managed to keep them both from careening into a stand mixer. Sue had patted Eddie on the shoulder and said, “Well, boys, that’ll be going in the episode for sure.”
They both get along with the other contestants just fine, of course, but they’re two guys of about the same age with no wife and kids waiting at home. It’s only natural that they’re gravitating together, becoming something like friends, Steve figures. It’s pretty great that he’s getting at least one real friend out of this whole thing.
It would be even greater if Steve could stop thinking about Eddie’s hands in decidedly non-friendly ways. With all the paperwork he’s signed, he can’t even complain to Robin about how Eddie looks with his sleeves pushed up to show off the tattoos on his forearms, kneading dough and grunting a little under his breath with effort. Steve had almost forgotten to pre-heat his oven that day. 
Two benches away, Eddie fumbles the spoons he’s been juggling with a clatter, and he bursts out laughing, glancing over at Steve like Steve’s in on the joke. Steve grins back, heart twanging painfully in his chest, and thinks: well, fuck. Guess this is happening.
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drawingducktalesducks · 11 months
Huey: I cannot believe I came out as trans and all Lena did was mock me for liking rocks and not having more secrets!
Dewey and Louie: ... Uh- Hue?
Lena: Actually, I just said rocks are bor-
Huey: Do NOT ruin my potential legal name change by making me commit a murder while still using my old one.
Louie: Yeah girl, pre-new name is the perfect time to commit a crime.
Lena: I keep telling her that, but noooo-
Huey: Guys, I'm pretty sure that's not what Dewy was what-ing about.
Huey: Oh no.
Dewy: TUR-BO! TUR-BO!! TUR-BO!!!!!
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zeke-in-devildom · 8 months
Dissonance - Chapter 6: Seven Deadly Sins
Focusing so intently on the aura of the house had been a mistake. Zeke had barely managed to step onto the porch before the front door flew open and six new demonic auras hit him all at once forcing him to take a step back. He wasn’t afraid, exactly. There was no malice, no hate, no deadly intent. If anything, the auras surrounding him were all a mix of concern and relief. There were too many voices talking over each other. Everything was happening so fast, a blur launched itself at him and all he could do was squeeze his eyes shut while bracing for whatever impact was coming. There was the sound of an impact, in fact he thought he felt the porch rattle with the force of it, but nothing touched him.
“Enough!” Lucifer’s voice was a low, threatening rumble and his aura was full of annoyance and exasperation. All other voices immediately fell silent. Peeking his eyes open, Zeke’s vision was filled with ebony feathers. The four regal black wings that he’d only caught ethereal glimpses of until now were on proud display, spread wide in front of him like a dark shield. He could see the black horns curving from Lucifer’s head. It was the first time he had seen a demon intentionally in its demon form.
“Oi! Ya didn’t have’ta hit me!” Oh, so that was the impact that rattled the wood beneath his feet. Wait. Lucifer had hit one of his brothers that hard? The demon had been so gentle with him so far. Of course, he was still a demon. Zeke shouldn’t be surprised.
“Behave yourself or I’ll hit you again. Do not descend on him like an unruly pack of feral dogs. No one touches him without his permission, or need I remind you of what happened just a few short hours ago?” Yeah, maybe caution was the wise idea, at least for now. He had no idea how the pact with Lucifer actually worked. It was working just fine as a buffer against outside energies, but what about direct contact? Since he’d woken up no one had directly touched him, except Lucifer, and that had not included skin contact. 
“Are you going to at least let us meet him? This is hardly fair. You act as if we would ever intentionally harm him.” Zeke didn’t have to strain much to see over the wings that were obstructing his view of the demons that had poured out of the house at their arrival. The one that just spoke seemed very agitated. He didn’t have wings, but a black armored tail that faded into a toxic green towards the end, his horns curled a bit back and out. They almost seemed opposite of Lucifer’s horns in a way. The blue-green eyes and blond hair were also a stark contrast to the demon currently shielding him. 
“Of course I don’t think you would intentionally harm him. It is unintentional harm that I am worried about.” Okay, maybe Lucifer was being a little overprotective here. These were his brothers, right? Zeke couldn’t sense ill-intent from even one of them. At least not towards him. The blond was oozing contempt and rage, but that was all directed at Lucifer - although now that he looked closer he could sense hurt and self-doubt after the eldest’s comment. 
The others also seemed to be varying degrees of angry or upset at the comment, but not quite like Satan, the name floated across his mind, like a whisper. As his gaze swept over each demon he gathered the names Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor with little trouble. It wasn’t hard for Zeke to place the sin with each Avatar either. Each sin seemed to encompass one of the demons, like a layer on top that you had to peel back to see everything that lay beneath. It wasn’t all they were, but their sins seeped into everything that they were, like an inescapable cage holding them. Well, that's depressing. It was time to diffuse the situation.
“Uh, Lucifer? I appreciate you wanting to protect me, but could we all relax? Please?” Lucifer’s wings twitched and the demon remained tense for a few moments before exhaling and dropping his demon form. Zeke stepped around the first-born and offered the rest of the demons a polite smile. “Hello, I’m Ezekiel Pendergast, but I’d really prefer it if you called me Zeke. It’s nice to meet you. I know looking after me for the next year is probably a huge inconvenience but I’ll try not to cause you too much trouble. Thank you for having me.”
“Oooh, isn’t he just precious? So polite!” Asmo hadn’t hesitated to step forward, squishing his cheeks in his very soft hands. This one was dangerously pretty. “I’m Asmo, hon. You know you worried us all half to death, that’s so bad for my skin, you know! You can make it up to me later~”
“Oi, hands off Asmo!” The Avatar of Lust was pried away from him, and that pout was even more dangerous. “I’m the Great Mammon. What the hell even was that back there? I thought you were broken!”
Well that was just plain rude. Zeke bristled slightly, how many times had people implied that he was broken or defective in some way? Swallowing down the irritation his smile grew just a fragment tighter. 
“Watch how you speak.” Lucifer smacked Mammon on the back of his head.
“C’mon Lucifer ya know I didn’t mean it like that!” It still came off as incredibly insulting regardless of the intention, but he wasn’t sure how to feel about Lucifer’s casual violence towards one of his brothers.
“Ignore stupid Mammon. Uh, I’m Levi. You’re probably a total normie, and I don’t normally associate with normies, but I’ll make an exception for you, I guess. Do you like anime? Manga? How about video games? I can totally give you some good recommendations!” Did this weeb just call him a normie? Wow, okay. Not the best first impression, but good to know that otaku dorks were a thing here too.
“Ah, I look forward to it.” Zeke was more into books, but he could enjoy manga, anime, and video games. He wondered if he’d have the free time between studying and keeping up with writing deadlines. That was something to think about later.
“I’m Satan, the Avatar of Wrath. Welcome to the Devildom.” The introduction was curt, and the demon turned and disappeared back into the house as soon as the words were out of his mouth. It was kind of rude, but Zeke figured Satan was hanging onto his anger by a thread and needed to excuse himself to compose himself and just get away from Lucifer. That animosity was something he wanted to avoid, honestly. Curiosity be damned.
“I’m Beel. Are you okay?” Okay, this one was huge, but he gave off major giant puppy energy. Zeke felt himself immediately liking the gentle giant.
“I’m fine now, thanks for asking.” Beel seemed so earnest and concerned. It was sweet. He hadn’t expected demons to be so welcoming or caring. Maybe he should find this suspicious, and in a way, he did, but for now he just wanted to get settled. Sorting out his thoughts and feelings about everything could wait until he had been left in peace and quiet.
“I’m Belphie. You look tired. Come on, your room is ready.” Zeke blinked at the sleepy looking demon as he grabbed his arm and began dragging him inside. The thought of resisting did flash across his mind, but only for a moment. He did want to see his room.
“Belphegor! I said not to touch him without his permission.” Lucifer’s voice was raised and angry as the oldest followed them inside.
“This is okay, right?” Belphie gave him an almost cheeky grin that was definitely calculating. Zeke didn’t need to be told this was probably the baby of the family. He seemed like someone used to getting his way. Rather than verbally answering he gave an uncertain smile and nodded. He really did want to escape to the sanctuary of his own room. It was nice to know he had his own space. “See? It’s fine.”
“Fine, but don’t make a nuisance of yourself. Make sure he rests.” Lucifer was clearly annoyed, but allowed Belphie to continue. “The rest of you find some way to preoccupy yourselves. Don’t crowd our guest.”
Why did Lucifer put a weird emphasis on the last word? It was like he had to remind them that he was, in fact, a guest. Oh, right, demons eat humans - flesh and soul. Oddly he didn’t feel frightened of the reminder. Every demon he had interacted with so far had been exceptionally friendly towards him, it would have made him suspicious that they were somehow trying to get him to let his guard down, but he could sense their good intentions.
Zeke was distracted from thinking about it when Belphie pulled him to an intricate door, it looked like it had a carving of Yggdrasil on it, which he could greatly appreciate. Among the chiseled leaves he saw his name discreetly weaved into the branches. 
“This one’s yours. It’s right next to the kitchen. Go on.” Belphie stopped and leaned against him slightly, looking very much like he was about to fall asleep where he stood. Zeke wasn’t surprised when Beel came up behind them and steadied his brother. He had felt the large demon following closely behind them. 
Turning the silver handle, Zeke held his breath as he pushed open the door to get his first glimpse of his room. He was not prepared. The room he stepped into was out of a storybook. There was even a tree growing in the middle of the room. The branches formed a canopy over his bed, and soft faerie lights were strung along the leaves - was that a fire hazard? Probably not, they had magic. No way would they accidentally light the house on fire, right? 
Moving further into the room he couldn’t believe just how much room there really was. The room was sectioned off, the tree divided the part that was clearly for sleeping from the side of the space that was clearly devoted to a sort of attached study. His laptop was already sitting neatly on top of a large, intricately carved wooden desk. There also seemed to be an alchemy station in the corner. He had a whole dining table in his bedroom. This seemed like an inordinate amount of space. If his room was this big, how big were the rest of the bedrooms? 
It wasn’t over. He found a door leading to a large bathroom. There was a whole garden tub with a separate shower. There seemed to already be an absurd supply of products provided. Another door leads to a walk-in closet. It seemed that Barbatos had brought over his clothes and hung them neatly. The drawers were probably also filled with his clothes. However he noticed that there were far too many clothes, and some of them were definitely not his. They were too stylish and expensive looking.
Beel and Belphie were watching him from around the closet door frame. They both looked nervous. The auras around them swirled with anticipation. Were they worried he wouldn’t find the room acceptable? This place was almost bigger than his entire apartment, what could he complain about? Honestly, when he realized he was expected to go to school he was picturing something closer to his cramped, shared college dorm room. This was above and beyond his expectation.
“This is incredible.” Zeke beamed at them both. Both their auras lit up, happiness and satisfaction swirling with brilliant colors. Beel’s face also lit up, a wide smile to accompany his aura, while Belphie’s expression barely changed. He still looked very sleepy, but there was the hint of a smile. 
“Good. Now come nap with me.” Zeke blinked. Was Belphie for real?
“Uh, honestly I already napped today, and that’s kind of weird for me. I really don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep.” Also the demon had wanted to nap with him. Demons probably had different ideas about personal space. Zeke hadn’t slept with another person next to him since he was a toddler. “If you’re tired you should definitely go take a nap. I’ll be fine.”
“Lucifer said to make sure you rest, and as much as I hate to agree with him, you should definitely rest. It’s hard on humans to traverse realms like you did if they’re not used to it, and you reacted worse than most.” Belphie gave a dissatisfied grunt before grabbing his hand and pulling him back towards the main part of the bedroom. 
“Right.” Well he couldn’t argue against his poor reaction to arriving in the Devildom. That didn’t change the fact that Zeke wasn’t really sleepy. One nap was already more than normal. Belphie didn’t seem to be taking no for an answer, though.
“Lucifer said not to bother him, Belphie. Maybe he’d rather get a snack than take a nap right now? You look hungry.” Beel was so sweet.
“I ate breakfast. Although, I’m honestly not sure how long ago that was now.” He wasn’t sure exactly how long he was unconscious initially, and then there was the nap he’d started in Diavolo’s office at RAD. It occurred to him that he genuinely had no idea what time it was. He didn’t feel all that hungry though. Sleep and food were generally afterthoughts for him. 
Belphie was seemingly undeterred though, because a tug on his arm brought him down onto the bed next to the sleepy demon. He thought he heard him mumble something about them being too noisy, but Zeke was pretty sure that Belphie was already asleep, and he was trapped in his arms now. He tried to wiggle out of his new prison, but was unsuccessful. It didn’t help that the bed was unnaturally soft and the demon was so very warm. Has he ever felt more physically comfortable? Did humans even have mattresses and pillows this soft?
Resignation seemed the only choice, so Zeke relaxed into the bed and sighed as Belphie snuggled up to him even more. Beel looked torn, but he ended up pulling a spare comforter over the pair of them.
“I’ll wake you up for dinner. We all eat together at breakfast and dinner.” Beel smiled reassuringly at him.
Zeke wasn’t sure why Beel seemed so sure that he’d be falling asleep, but even as he thought that, he realized his eyes were already feeling very heavy. Was this because Belphie was the Avatar of Sloth? Then again, maybe it was just how soft and warm everything felt just now. The demon was spooning him and the feeling of his soft breaths on the back of his neck were kind of soothing. Plus he could feel his heartbeat against his back. 
This is kind of nice.
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roleplay-evil · 6 months
Resident Evil Resistance Starters - Survivor Edition
"You're as good as dead if you keep working for them."
"I'll be honest, I've never been in a situation like this before and... I'm not sure what to do."
"Oh my gosh, I would do anything to thank you for that! Anything."
"You got this next time, okay? Happens to the best of us."
"I see what you were going for! Didn't quite nail it, though..."
"Is, uh... Is this... legal?"
"Holy shit, I got a guardian angel."
"Whoa, that was too close... You really saved me there."
"Don't think we're friends now. But thanks."
"That was close. I almost became a [name] sandwich."
"Agh! I left my spare battering ram in my other pants..."
"Gotta admit, didn't think we'd make it. That was actually good work."
"Fuck this place. Let's go!"
"I'm so sorry, I can't stand it in here anymore!"
"Hey, you're here too? Didn't notice that. Well done on not being dead."
"Not only did we escape, but we did it with style!"
"Ignore that piece of shit. We can do this!"
"We're gonna have to look out for each other, okay?"
"I doubt there's going to be any rescue."
"Don't expect the calvary to come. We're on our own here."
"No worries. I got you, bro."
"Well, we have each other, and that's a lot!"
"Off the cuff here. Why don't you just, um, why don't you just... let me go?"
"I'm not going to be anyone's payday."
"Someone looks cranky today..."
"A bit of privacy would be good."
"Get your eyes off me."
"Your mother teach you to do that, you bastard?"
"Do you have some kinda death wish?"
"Bor-ing! Who do I have to kill to get outta here?"
"Uh...! I need the things that go in the—the bullet things! I need the bullet things!"
"Lemme kill things! It'll be terribly satisfying..."
"My trigger finger is tingling."
"Coward! Where you at?!"
"Stay down. And don't get up."
"Well, at least you're not dead."
"You're just a wannabe tough guy, [name]. I'm not afraid of you."
"Even three of you can't take one of me down."
"You can't escape justice forever, [name]."
"Pft, yeah. I'd like to see you try to take me out."
"Did I do okay, coach...?"
"This sounds like it's going to hurt. Not my favorite thing, hurting."
"Not sure I'm gonna make it..."
"Ugh, yikes... I think I might actually be... nearly poisoned to death..."
"I would really prefer to not be... quite so poisoned."
"I feel beyond crappy..."
"I'm a little under the weather."
"Agh... I just wanna... lie down and never get up again..."
"Don't think I can fight off the infection much longer..."
"Agh... If ass is a general feeling, that's what I've got."
"Who'd hire someone to kill us? I mean, I know I made that math teacher really pissy once..."
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ironlvngs · 2 months
— TASK 006
before, it was much more simple to be present for these interrogations; to answer their questions, play games to shift the blame on someone else (sorry, ex boyfriend), to paint the prettiest picture of himself... but that was before this was turned into a murder investigation, rather than locating a missing person. negativity has been sitting in link's chest since the day they announced it, and it hasn't gotten any better — day by day, it feels like it's been simmering in there, and now there's just this black sludge living inside him and turning everything upside down for him.
"— excuse me, mr. crawford? a drink?" the officer repeats themself, and link has to remind himself to act accordingly.
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"uh, sorry... i'm good for now, thanks." they respond as they clear their throat, bringing themself back to the reality right in front of them.
"well, then, i suppose we can get started." the officer takes a look at their partner, giving them the lead on this. "mr. crawford, did you have any reason to suspect greer morrison was dead before this news came to light?" link's eyes land on the red blinking of the tape recorder in between them for a moment, and calculates exactly how he wanted to play this one. "well, i can't say that after months of her being gone, the morbid thought hadn't come to mind for a second. but it was just easier to choose to believe she ran off on her own."
"right. well, lincoln, i'd like to ask you a few questions about ida clarke." a lump forms in his throat. link was probably the worst person to question about ida, given their very public distaste for one another — fights and arguments and name calling that only increased when they began to live in the same place. "what was the nature of your relationship?" link had to think quick. he had to wonder if they had any information on the fact that they had slept with each other not long before she died, because if they believed that he was trying to hide that fact, link would instantly become a target. it shouldn't be an issue, if she hadn't told anyone else, either. but then again, he wasn't ever the most trusting of ida clarke. finally, he responds. "not much of a relationship, really. we, uh... we were roommates for a little while, and we weren't very close." it wasn't truthful but it wasn't a lie, either. "but still, it was not the best.. hearing that someone you used to see every day and practically lived alongside with had died like that. it was the same with penelope, even though we weren't close, either. it makes you worry, you know?" maybe playing the terrified and traumatized young student afraid for his life card would gain the cops' sympathy here, and he'd avoid getting grilled.
"right, of course. now i understand that you were hospitalized after the fire, is that correct?" link nods his head, and lifts his sleeve up a little to show them his burn scars from the fire. "fortunate enough to have made it to a hospital at all." he adds. and thank god for it, meaning that he had an automatic alibi for ida's death. link knows he's innocent, but in this world, it's clear to see that anyone can get thrown under the bus — speaking from experience, from being the one to throw others under the bus so easily. "where were you before that? before you managed to leave the building?" not alibi enough, so it seems. "gosh, honestly? my memory is all over the place with that. it's hard to remember any other part of the night." immediately, the cop responds with another question, "and what exactly were you and other students doing at the commons instead of the commencement gala?" this is where link thought that he might choke. was it a better idea to admit that he had gotten a text from g like everyone else? or was it better to lie about it? then again, if someone decides to admit it, then it seems like he an every other student who hides it is lying about something. "well, to be honest with you, officer, the gala was becoming a bit... boring for a few of us college students?" he responds with a small scoff, a playful look on his face. "a few people were talking about getting out of there, maybe meeting up at the commons.... and, well, i followed them out. you can see how at the time, i thought it would be harmless to do so."
"alright... and have you gotten any anonymous messages over the past year? any with leading information, perhaps? or threatening messages?" link wanted to remove himself from this entire chain of suspicion — just another regular student at ogden college. "thankfully, i haven't." but that meant link had to be even more careful about who he talks to about any texts he receives. "and is there any information about greer morrison that you've become aware of in the past year that you haven't shared with the police yet?" "not at all — not since i spoke with you guys about her ex boyfriend. if i do hear anything, i'd definitely make sure to immediately report it." why not add a sprinkle of the noble citizen on top of this?
"well, mr. crawford, just one last question before we let you go... have you witnessed anything suspicious on campus over the past year and a half?" and this was it, link's favorite question. how easy would it be to fuck over someone he sees as a threat in whatever answer he can make up or lead the cops down a certain path? it had worked so fucking well last time (maybe too well) and he could definitely do it again. monty? milo? sassa's stupid fucking boyfriend? that was a weapon he could yield at any moment, though, and this was not the time to use it. "personally, with my graduation approaching, i chose to keep to myself and focus on my academics. so no, i haven't witnessed anything."
"okay, and i think that concludes all the questions we have for you today. thank you for your cooperation, and please do report anything suspicious to us — whether it's text messages or otherwise." link starts promising that he will, thanks them for their wonderful, oh so amazing service to their community, and exits the interrogation room.
that went well enough. at the end of the day, there was nothing link could do better than wear a mask and twist the narrative in any way he wanted.
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howlingday · 2 years
Nora: What'cha readin', Leader?
Jaune: N-Nothing...
Nora: Hm? Nothing, huh?
Nora: ...
Nora: (Picks up textbook)
Nora: (Throws it at the bathroom door)
Jaune: (Looks to the door)
Nora: (Swipes comic book) Ooh! What's this~?
Jaune: Hey! Give that back!
Nora: (Keeps away with her foot) Nope~!
Nora: Knights... Banners... Princesses... What kinda fantasy romance is this? Where's the dragons, huh?
Jaune: There aren't any. It's a historical dramatization of the-
Nora: BOR-RING~! (Flips, Stops) OOH~! A kissing scene~. Are you trying to pick up chicks with this thing? It's so sugary and sickly sweet!
Jaune: N-No! That's not it at all!
Nora: Mhm, let's see... (Flips, Shuts book) Got it!
Nora: (Takes a deep breath) Oh, my lord, please don't leave me alone in this castle. I long for your touch upon mine own skin... Your kiss upon mine own lips... Your tender warmth upon mine own breast... Please, my lord, stay...
Jaune: (Thinking) That... That was perfect! But why is she looking at me like that? Is she... Is she expecting me to reply like the lord knight? (Gulps) Well, here goes nothing...
Jaune: (Hand trembles, Looks away) Y-Y-You, uh...
Nora: Face it, Leader! Only hot, beefy knights can pull this off, not scrawny twigs like you!
Jaune: IT'S A TRAP!
Nora: Hey, Leader~! When someone is talking to you, you should look them in the eye. (Steps closer)
Jaune: (Steps back, Into the wall)
Nora: Say, Leader... You're kinda... No, scratch that, you are really, REALLY...
Jaune: (Lip quivers)
Nora: Are you crying, Leader?
Jaune: (Tears welling) N-No... I'm n-not crying...
Nora: (Walks away)
Jaune: (Sniffles)
Nora: (Comes back, Hands him a tissue) Leader, you shouldn't be crying. What kind of example are you for your team if you do that?
Jaune: (Takes tissue, Blows nose)
Nora: Later, Leader~! (Walks out of the room)
Jaune: A girl just made me cry... One of my own teammates made me cry!
Nora: (Outside, Blushing) Ah, geez, I made him cry... Did I overdo it?
Ren: (Walks in) ...Why is there a dent in the bathroom door?
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nicnavarrocage · 10 months
In addition to my MSPA ideas
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Prison Part 2, also known as Jailbreak: Extended Play, is basically a different version of the Jailbreak adventure, including dialogue, animation, narrative shiftings from 1st person to 2nd person between characters, and even interactive pages... IF I CAN CODE THEM. Each stick figure character will be named, and some will look distinct.
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This is the "Beyond Canon Mockery" adventure I mentioned on my previous post, also known as "Homestuck: Beyond Fucked Up" or "Beyond Awful." It's a changearound of Beyond Canon's story, with worsened content, but mocked in a self-aware way, has a lot of pop culture stuff, also mocks the controversy and culture around Homestuck, and introduces a character named " The Story Wizard," an obnoxious, plot fiddling, story changing, retconning, King of Town alien who's always here to make the story worse. In this adventure, John actually hates everything around him, probably just me making fun of his descent into depression, wheras in the original comic he's an emo James Rolfe, while here, he's nihilistic.
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Freeplay is an adventure with no plot, no story, no gods, no masters, no author, just fun, but a few set of rules. You can do anything you want here. It's the infinite canvas of MS Paint Adventures, with loads of creativity for one simple panel.
There are a trinity of commands, however. NULLIFY will reset everything, REGRESS will revert a command that someone has submitted, and DISORDER will scramble the story you create into random, inconvenient places.
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Nepal Silo was an adventure I was thinking about earlier this year. It's about a group of young researchers who live on a cold, snowy landscape, sometimes peppered with aliens and oddities. It's gonna have the same style as Homestuck, but it's not gonna have that "There's a teenager in his room and he shall be named, plus a world ending supergame" bullshit.
I was also planning to give this adventure a Kelly Bailey inspired soundtrack, obviously because of the planned influence from Half Life.
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And here is one I dare to create. Adventure Boy! Planned to be an adventure about some kid (oddly looking similar to Zoosmell Pooplord) in a fantasy world that doesn't know him at all. The main, titular character is extremely joyful, almost stereotype joyful, and yet the world he's in ranges from dark to careless. Yeah, it's obviously one big trope made into an MS Paint Adventure, but I don't care.
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Another one I'm thinking about is this oddball. It's a story about your favorite spider bitch doing really stupid stuff towards every other troll in the style of a Homestar Runner storybook (See: Sbemail 100 or Homestar Enters the Strongest Man in the World Contest). Later in the book, the protagonist redeems herself off of being too mean.
But least could we forget, another project in the making. It's been done before, but we'll do it again. Comedy gold, adequate. Irony, stunning.
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Yes, I'm doing a Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff adventure. This one is more gaming based than slice of life or adventure. Think of it as early SBaHJ.
There's also gonna be a few new "bros" introduced into this comic. One's with a green shirt whom I call "THAT DUDE," and a pink shirt named "STAN-SO-CASH." Does Geromy count as a bro? WHO KNOWS!
At last, we have this.
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An MS Paint Adventures adaptation of Homestar Runner's "Thy Dungeonman." This is basically gonna be a warm-up to everything else I'll do on MSPFA, sort of a practice to see if I can actually work on what I can correctly. I ended up doing Jailbreak: Extended Play first. The command system of Thy Dungeonman would be really hard to replicate in the MS Paint Adventures format, so suggestions will be sent one by one. Or I could just do the Bard Quest treatment.
So uh, BYE!
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miltheperson · 1 year
Demon- puppet reader-
I imagine them to be hecka tall, or around Julie’s height-
Tail long- horns on fleek- (da fuq)
And because they are SO quiet, they have to whip their tail against the ground whenever they enter a room.
I like to imagine this reader as taller than Howdy, Barnaby, and Poppy! I'd say they're around 9 to 10 or so feet! That's quite tall!
Welcome Home headcanons!
The reader is not quite like the others! Unbelievably tall, beautiful horns, and even a long tail! What an interesting neighbor to have!
Wally Darling
"Hello there neigh...bor... You're-... wow-..."
Poor little fella! He might as well break his back to look up at you if he had any bones! Your size compared to him was a bit humorous, he could just barely reach your knees! You thought he was quite adorable, especially with how puzzled he was by your form.
"You're very... tall..."
You don't really talk and he assumed that was because you were mute, so he'd do a lot of the talking for you! Between the both of you, Wally would usually be the more chatty one seeing as you were more of the quiet type.
"Come on, neighbor... There's some lovely apples over at Howdy's store... Would you like to join me?"
Barnaby Beagle
"Well- hello... there-!"
Your first appearance was... startling, to say the least. The guy would be in for quite a shock! Seeing as he's used to being one of the more taller puppets around the neighborhood. Admittedly, he'd be a little intimidated at first, especially since you're so quiet! It's a little hard to get you laughing at his jokes but when he does, he just feels so proud of himself!
"What's the matter, neighbor? Cat got your tail?"
He'd definitely be very chatty with you, he'd even practice a few jokes of his in front of you. Barnaby slowly warms up to you with time and even seeks comfort in you! You're quite the listener, after all!
"And you know what I said? "I hardly know her!" Haha!"
Eddie Dear
"Jumpin' Critters!"
It was definitely a shock for him when he first saw you, he hadn't even noticed you until he bumped right into you! Your appearance was definitely unique and he's never seen anything quite like it! Eddie would be very curious about your tail, he'd think it looks quite lovely!
"How's the, uh, weather up there, neighbor?”
He’d definitely struggle to make small talk with you, but Eddie would very quickly get over it when he realizes you’re not the chatty type! He’d ask all kinds of questions, even if you’d only nod or shake your head. Eddie would just love to get to know you more better!
“Wanna come deliver letters with me? It’ll help ya settle in!”
Frank Frankly
“Oh, my… goodness…”
They’d definitely feel intimidated at first, but they’d try their best now to show it. Frank would be most fascinated by your horns, they’d want to hold them and they especially like talking to you! They love how they could ramble and rant on and on and you’d listen to their every word!
“And so Julie runs up to me and dumps all these leaves all over me! It took me ages to get it all off!”
You and Frank would become quite close and they’d often go to you when they want to talk or ramble or even just make simple and even meaningless little conversations. They find comfort in your presence and are see you as a safe space, mostly because you’re quiet and only ever make a noise to alert people of your presence!
“Would you maybe want to learn about… Butterflies? They’re my favorite.”
Julie Joyful
“Oh, neighbor, you’re sooo taaaaall!!”
Julie would be absolutely wonderstruck by you. She’d get a little too excited and try climbing you since you remind her of a tree, but she’ll fail either because you place her back down or she slides her way to the floor. She’d think you’re quite spooky… But in a good way!
“I have these pretty little gold things! They’d look amazing on you!”
She would just love to decorate your horns with all kinds of fancy jewelry, only if you’d let her of course! She’d pair those with some nice earrings too if she can get her hands on some! The two of you would usually bond by playing some of her games (you would always win hide and seek!) or you’d pass the time listening to her go on and on while you play around with her hair!
“Let’s play I spy! Wait- no… I have a better game! It’s Let-Julie-Climb-Neighbor-Again!”
Howdy Pillar
“Welcome! There… Neigh… bor…”
Oh Howdy is in for quite the shock! He’s so used to being one of the most tallest neighbors in the neighborhood that it was a surprise to see someone taller than him! Not to mention, someone with such a unique appearance to them!
“GaH! Neighbor! You gave me a heart attack!”
When you’d whip your tail onto the floor, Howdy would always let out a little scream. He’s one of the neighbors who dislike the tail whipping, he could just never see it coming! He won’t lie though, he’d admit that he would find your horns quite lovely looking… He’d compare them to his antennas!
“Hope nothing’s bugging you today, neighbor!”
Sally Starlet
“Wooow! You look… so… so… amazing!”
Sally would be absolutely captivated by you. She would love nothing more than to get to know her otherworldly neighbor! Every time she hears your tail whipping, she’d get so excited and go over to you right away! Sally is just so curious about you!
“Where did you come from?!”
She wouldn’t hesitate to ask you all kinds of questions! Even if you wouldn’t really respond directly, she doesn’t mind! Sally loves your company and would often invite you to watch her rehearsals, she would even ask you to join her sometimes as a silent actor!
“Frrrom the beginning!”
Poppy Partridge
“My… Look at you…”
Poppy wouldn’t know what to think! Such a unique individual you are, she’d think. Poppy loves having you around and she really likes baking with you too! This time, you find comfort in her presence. She’s just so motherly and caring! You can’t help but feel so safe around her!
“Are you alright, dear…?”
Out of anyone, you would be most comfortable being more chatty around her! She listens to your thoughts and even laughs at your jokes, Poppy absolutely adores your voice and loves listening to you speak! She feels quite honored that you talk more when with her!
“My, what a day you had!”
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ceilingfan5 · 2 years
I feel like you specifically wrote #11 for Taakitz
“C’mere.” Taako grabs Kravitz by the wrist and tugs him over, and Kravitz hopes his heart isn’t visibly pounding through his ribs, muscle tissue, skin, and four layers of dark clothing. It’s entirely possible. Fucker’s a frog in a bongo up in there. Taako’s hands are so warm and so very touching Kravitz’s skin and not to be a regency freak about unglov’ed contact, but Jesus Christ, is all. 
“What can I do for you, Taako?” Kravitz says, like he’s a retail employee in his own home and not Taako’s roommate, who has been in this exact position many a time. He knows. Why ask? He likes the rhythm of it. 
“Taste this, obviously,” Taako says, snorting, for the hundredth time. He pulls a tasting spoon out of his apron and swipes a tasting taste for Kravitz’s useless opinion, and Kravitz tastes that tasting taste and feels heaven between his cells. That must be what holds his body together in a recognizable and debatably sentient shape. 
“Holy shit, Taako, this is amazing.” Kravitz wants more than a taste. Is this dinner? Sharing dinner? Taako didn’t say he had a date tonight, did he? Kravitz gets more, right? Any more? Even a little?
“Every time you taste my cooking you just say it’s amazing, Krav,” Taako snaps, putting his hands on his hips. With the cinched apron, it’s a good look, and Kravitz is looking respectfully, he promises. “You’re a poet, you bitch, e-la-bor-ate! Does it need more salt or not, I swan to John!”
Kravitz grins, feeling a little called out and a lot pleased that Taako wants his actual for real opinion. And also remembered the poet thing. He doesn’t exactly brag about it. It’s a hard thing to advertise without looking like a total douchebag. Add in the acoustic guitar and his, well, everything else, and Kravitz has got to be pretty delicate with any self-advertisement whatsoever. A lot of “not in a dick way I promise” and so on. “Believe me I’m not a poser, I really do like this shit.” It’s exhausting. 
Kravitz wonders if Taako remembers the poem. Kravitz’s brain gears catch something and start making a terrible machine noise in his brain that promises to chew any fine clockwork that dare think too hard about such a thing. 
“Kravvy,” Taako sighs. “Think out loud.”
“Couldn’t possibly,” Kravitz says, instead of choking and dying on the nickname and the soft hint of annoyed affection stored in that particular spaghetti-stained tupperware container. “If you want a poem about it, I’ll need five to seven business days. But how about, uh,’hot damn’? No? ‘Dewishis?’ How about that one? How about that thing I said?”
Taako elbows Kravitz in the stomach, but only half out of irritation, the other half being him doubling over laughing so hard he almost forgets how to breathe. 
“Fucking excuse me?”
“I said dewishis, I don’t know what more you want from me.”
“I- I don’t know!” Taako wheezes, gripping the counter. “You dumb stupid asshole, I’m trying to romance your brains out with my spices and simmering and you’re telling me my shit is dewishis? Dewishis, with your whole ass?”
“You what?” Kravitz says, remembering fondly when the room had oxygen in it. Oxygen used to be his favorite. Talk about something he could wax poetical about. Remember breathing? He could do it so easily! 
“I-” Taako stands up straight, looking a lot like a deer facing an on-coming flying saucer. One with a sharp blade on top, like a Roomba with a knife taped to it. Run away, little deer. Not down the road! Go perpendicular! Perpendicular! “I, uh, I. Didn’t, say anything.” He holds the ladle like a baseball bat. “Hold still, I’ll fix this.”
“Do not fucking give me blunt force head amnesia when you just confessed your love for me!” Kravitz bolts, and Taako gives chase. It is not a large apartment for these Looney Tooney shenanigans. 
“YOU JUST WANT TO KEEP YOUR SKULL UNDENTED!” Taako skids to a stop, sliding on the laminate in his socks. He leans on the wall, huffing and puffing, and glares at Kravitz, who has mounted the couch in his defense. 
“Maybe so,” Kravitz says, gravely as possible. “Or maybe I was thinking about kissing you when I tasted it so I couldn’t do any words good at you, did you think of that?”
“Fuck you! Bullshit! I call bullshit!”
“I can prove it. Easy. C’mere.” Kravitz hops off the couch. Taako squints, still gripping the ladle with force. Kravitz wonders if his gambit is gonzo, but then he’s grappled by the lapels and kissed quite intensely. It is not how Kravitz imagined this would go. 
It is fucking amazing, though. Kravitz even considers passing out about it. Very regency. 
Taako pulls back, grip still unrelenting. He eyes Kravitz, and Kravitz returns the look, and they catch their breath. And they laugh. 
“Don’t tell me you did that to get out of describing my cooking, asshole.”
“Nah,” Kravitz says, pulling him into another kiss. “I’ve been pining for ages like a dumb idiot, I promise.”
“Good,” Taako says, definitively. And then, “Fuck! My sauce!!!” and bolts back to the burner, leaving poor dumbstruck Kravitz with hand-drawn hearts chirping around his head. 
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pucksrph · 1 year
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𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚣𝚘𝚗𝚎: 𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚟𝚘𝚕 𝟷 — "𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚜" 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜
from the first volume of the taz balance graphic novel! Some nsfw sprinkled about, i tweaked some of the lines from the original dialogue for better starter lines. change pronouns around if desired! if a multi, please specify muse !!
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I have proficiencies in vehicles
Trust me, if the law hastles us, i’m the guy you want at the front of the wagon!
Bor-r-r-r-ing! No thank you, not for me.
I’m studying my cantrips!
Just say masterbating, we get it. “Don’t come in, mom! I’m studying my cantrips!”
It’s kinda tough to see… but I think shit has gone south.
I get the whole “wink wink you’re gonna be rich” vibe, but it came across as kinda murder-y.
Right! I’m… precepting…
Dude! You scared the bejeezus out of me!
Suck it up, because this is the way the game works.
It’s dangerous as hell out here, you better cowboy up.
Their warcry isn’t very creative…
I’m with you, my man! I’m always anti-tarrying! 
I guess we should go after him?
Nah, I’m good out here.
Well that sounds… nifty…?
So! How was the ominous clanking cavern?
I don’t want to talk about it.
That’s okay, I really didn’t give a shit.
Heckie darn, a cave in. Can’t get past that!
I would actually heartily recommend you turn around, this is not a great place for tourism.
Oh, excellent! I was just starting to establish a rapport!
To be fair, he wasn’t as cool as you were! 
Loooooook, my dude… I think we have gotten off on the wrong foot…
Everything’s chill my dude, prommy! 
See, now THAT’S impressive!
You weren’t kidding, you ARE dangerous! 
Smell you later! 
Oh, I’m gonna have to give you ten embarrassment points of damage… aaaaaaand ten psychic damage.
Wonderful! Now I got a pee stain!
Don’t you worry! I’m perfectly fine!
Is that… sniff sniff… roasting meat?
I need to take a knee after hawling your sorry ass…
You just HAD to go and shoot poor old [name], didn’t you? What’d he ever do to you?
Are you always so judgemental?
I’ll let you leave here alive if you do one teensy-tiny thing for me.
Hey, uh, I think this might be a trap.
Oh yeah, my dude, we’re killing everybody… Okay, maybe not kill everybody.
Gods, I love it when we plan shit out.
Okay, as you seriously going to try and befriend everything that tries to kill you?
Why, it’s my dear friend, whatever-your-name-is!
Do you need any money? Can i just sort of give you everything i have?
Hey! Heeeyyyy, look at me. Look at this face. It’s [name], this is [name] talking. Would I lie to you?
All I want you to do is help me… and give me a little gold. Or maybe a moderate amount of gold. Or a lot. It’s really whatever you feel comfortable with.
You’ve cleaved the final gerblin! … Cleft? Cleavered? Clefted…? He’s fucking dead, alright? I’ll buy a thesaurus before the next battle. 
Boy! I wish I hadn’t needed to murder them! 
Save them? Before teatime? Never! 
[ name ], since we’re friends here — best friends, I would say! Lovers, maybe? Time will tell — what happened here?
Man, [ name ], when you charm someone, you charm the HELL out of them! 
Oh great, he’s a douche. [ name ] is a douche.
We’ve been wandering around here for two hours! 
We should have a map, a good ol’ adventuring map. It’s pretty standard operating procedure.
Whoever designed these caves has no sense of feng shui! 
Maybe she thinks your tractor is sexy, but you’re no longer welcome here!
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soldiersam · 8 months
(prev) "Splendid." He lightly grinned as he followed Sam and listened to him carefully. Once he had found his seat, Cyrus sat next to him and continued on listening. But when they heard that he found Reverend Mike to be boring and unbearable, They frowned a little under his cloak. "Personally, I do not agree with you. I think his work is fantastic. " Cyrus confidently said as he folded his arms before he added: "...but I will have to admit I found it all too confusing at first." "So...What I did to understand and do better with training was that I tried to pay attention to every single one of his words and ask him questions in case I did not understand." "That is all." He said without further elaboration as he turned over to Sam.
Sam tried to stifle a scoff after hearing Cyrus’ answer. Laaame. Sam didn’t want to pay attention and ask questions to that jerk Mike. He wanted action! He wanted to prove himself to Bishop Percival!
“That’s all? But that’s so… Tedious and time consuming. I just know there’s another way…”
He side-eyed Cyrus. “Speaking of time… Your training time period was pretty speedy. I kept track. It was impressive. How’d you advance so fast by being so bor-... uh, studious?”
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sntechsupport · 9 months
how many megaphones lined up like that one simpsons gag would it take to kill anything in front of me. asking for a friend. and 873 to the 11th power grist.
Testing inconclusive, I got borred after 2987332 (tested on an angel, so not even the toughest thing you can encounter in game, though with highest DEFENCE) and dropped this project.
So, uh. More than 2987332 , for sure.
SN Tech Support (Gear)
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violeteyedkiller · 9 months
"Hey uh... Stan, dunno if you notice but I think ya got snake wriggling in your pants." They absolutely know it's not a snake, they can smell it's not a snake from here. But they're holding the most serious expression Bor can muster. Until the last minute.-
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"Oh. I notice." He huffs. However there were no pants. He almost wish he was, then he could at least hide his newly grown appendage. The thing seemed to have a mind of his own, moving against its owner's will as he was wrestling it a bit, pushing it behind him almost as if to try to hide it.
But there was something more pressing to attend to, or at least distract him.
"What are you doing here.."
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shiningsilverarmor · 1 year
Bor's playing hide and seek with hollis and thought it was a good idea to hide in their floof! But uh... It had some side effects to this idea, they fell a sleep;;
Papa must have been really good at hiding because no matter where they looked, up high or down low, they couldn't find them anywhere. It was practically itching their fluff just trying to figure out their secret hiding spot.
Coincidently there was a spot itching them and their fingers already started digging DEEP inside their fluff to make it stop. They seemed to have found the source since it felt oddly small and shell-like, like that of a roac-
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"Pa..pa! Ti ho trovato !"
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ofglories · 1 year
4, 16, 24!
|| Munday meme ; accepting!
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|| 4. Favorite thing about roleplaying?
Crafting stories and even worlds around characters with other people! It's something you can't quite replicate with writing on your own and I know that from personal experience. To build things with the input of another person is a special feeling you only get in RP.
|| 16. Favorite trope?
Lemme think... Okay so it might be cheesy but I love the Martial Pacifist trope a lot too! As evidenced with Sir Bors and Orpheus and even David. I love characters who are extremely gentle and kind but also willing to fight if the situation ultimately calls for it. I think it's a much more fun version of the pacifist tropes that are out there.
|| 24. What about your muse are you most proud of?
Oh god it's hard to say for each muse. I think for Gareth I'm most proud of how I've kept her nearly identical to the way Sir Gareth in the Arthurian legends is, even if she's well... a girl.
I'm also proud of how I've made Emrys into a full-fledged character considering Ambrosius Aurelianus aka Emrys Wledig aka Emrys Pendragon in the arthurian writings is uh... Not much of anything honestly. So I took someone who was the good king that died young archetype of a middle brother between Uther and Vortigern and made him a fully fleshed out person.
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