frickintrashlol · 2 years
daisy killing mike crew can only be considered murder if mike crew was still considered to be human. when asked Jon tells daisy he's no longer human, however, malcharek and steel states that a person stops being a human being when their brain stem ceases activity. I'm not a doctor so I don't know if the brain stem can temporarily stop functioning, but it does mean that legally daisy did murder mike crew, I know this wasn't really in dispute but yeah I'm a nerd.
It does beg the question of how many avatars could be considered human in a legal sense.
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tinted-glass · 1 year
Calls for decriminalisation of abortion in UK law.
The recent jailing of a woman who terminated her pregnancy after the legal time limit set out in the Abortion Act 1967 in June 2023 has reinvigorated the debate as to whether abortion should be wholly decriminalised in the UK. The Offences Against the Persons Act 1861 originally set out circumstances for which abortion is considered a criminal offence in section 58 if a woman administered drugs or uses instruments to procure her miscarriage illegally. UK law has has a longstanding history of perceiving abortion as a matter which women can be criminalised for.
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The current time limit is 24 weeks after which if a woman undergoes an abortion she will be subject to criminal sanctions. It should be noted that the majority of supporters and pressure groups in favour of decriminalisation, such as the Fawcett Society and the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, are not advocating the legalisation of abortion after 24 weeks but rather for abortion not to be treated as a criminal matter. Society's attitudes towards abortion as a right for women has changed, and abortion is predominantly a medical issue which women should not be forced to face prosecution for.
Furthermore criminal investigations under the 1861 act have been on the rise following investigation into women who experienced still births which could not be explained through medical reason and so they faced potential criminal prosecution. The perception of abortion in society has changed and women should not faced criminal sanctions for what is ultimately a matter of their personal health. UK law needs to move away from the archaic law of the 19th century and away from the current trend of overturning progress in legalising and decriminalising abortion as the overturning of Roe v Wade in 2022 regrettably demonstrated a trend towards the degeneration of women's reproductive rights which must be countered.
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aalawsng · 19 days
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Looking to protect your brand in the UK?
A Step-by-Step Guide to Trademark Registration in the UK
 Conducting a Trademark Search
Before filing an application, it’s important to conduct a search to ensure that your trademark is unique and not already in use. The UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) offers an online search tool where you can check existing trademarks. This step helps avoid potential legal disputes and rejection of your application.
Choosing the Right Classes
Trademarks are registered under specific classes that categorize the type of goods or services your trademark will cover. The UK follows the Nice Classification, which includes 45 classes. It’s essential to choose the correct class or classes that best fit your business needs. For example:
Class 9: For mobile apps, software, and electronics.
Class 25: For clothing and footwear.
Class 35: For advertising and business services.
Filing Your Trademark Application
Once you have determined that your trademark is unique and selected the appropriate classes, you can proceed with filing your application. The application requires specific details:
Mark Details: The trademark text or image you want to register.
Goods/Services: The classes and specific goods or services the trademark will cover.
Owner Details: Information about the individual or company owning the trademark.
Representative Details: If applicable, the details of the person handling the application on your behalf.
You can file your application online through the UK IPO website. The application fee varies depending on the number of classes you are registering for.
4. Examination of Your Application
The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) will examine your application and send you an ‘examination report’ within 2 to 3 weeks.
The report tells you if there are problems with your application (known as ‘objections’), that may mean you would not be able to register your trade mark.
You have 2 months to resolve any objections.
The IPO will also search for existing trademarks that are the same as, or similar to, yours. If they find any, they’ll contact both you and the registered holders.
If there are no objections or you resolve them, your application will be published in the https://www.gov.uk/check-trade-marks-journal for 2 months. Anyone may ‘oppose’ your application during this time.
5. Publication and Opposition Period
If your application passes the examination, it will be published in the official journal. There is a two-month period during which third parties can oppose your trademark if they believe it infringes on their rights. If no oppositions are filed, or if oppositions are resolved in your favor, your trademark will proceed to registration.
6. Registration and Protection
Once the opposition period ends, and any issues are resolved, the IPO will register your trademark. You will receive a registration certificate, and your trademark will be valid for 10 years. You can renew it indefinitely every 10 years by paying the renewal fee.
7. Enforcing Your Trademark Rights
As the trademark owner, it’s your responsibility to monitor the market and enforce your rights. If you discover that someone is using your trademark without permission, you can take legal action to stop them.
FEES: £170, 
£50:for additional trademark registration
Registering a trademark in the UK is a straightforward process that offers valuable protection for your brand. By following these steps, you can secure your brand’s identity and ensure that your business stands out in the marketplace.
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trendosuk · 3 months
MyFlixer UK Legality - What You Should Know
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Want to catch some flicks or binge-worthy shows? We've got the scoop on MyFlixer UK! In our latest post, we dive deep into MyFlixer UK – your ultimate streaming hub for all things movies and TV. From blockbuster hits to hidden gems, we've got the lowdown.
But, there's a twist! MyFlixer UK legality is a hot topic. While it offers free access to countless titles, it skirts the edges of copyright laws. Think of it like sneaking into a cinema – thrilling, but risky.
We'll break down what you need to know about using MyFlixer in the UK, the legal consequences, and safer alternatives for your movie nights. So, grab your virtual ticket and join us for the full story!
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seoservicesit2012 · 4 months
Expert Criminal Law Solicitors London-MB Law Ltd
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Trusted Legal Representation in Criminal Law
At MB Law Ltd, we understand that facing criminal charges can be an overwhelming and stressful experience. As one of the leading criminal law solicitors in London, we are committed to providing robust and reliable legal representation to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome.
Our Services:
Our team of experienced solicitors specializes in a wide range of criminal law matters, including:
Assault and Violent Crimes: Comprehensive defense strategies for charges such as assault, battery, and other violent offenses.
Theft and Fraud: Expert legal advice and representation for cases involving theft, burglary, fraud, and related crimes.
Drug Offenses: Skilled defense for charges ranging from possession to trafficking of controlled substances.
Driving Offenses: Legal assistance for traffic-related offenses, including DUI/DWI, speeding, and other violations.
Cybercrime: Advanced legal defense for internet-related crimes, including hacking, identity theft, and online fraud.
Sexual Offenses: Sensitive and professional representation in cases involving allegations of sexual misconduct.
Why Choose MB Law Ltd?
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MB Law Ltd has a history of successful case outcomes, demonstrating our commitment to excellence and our ability to handle complex criminal cases with precision and care.
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Criminal charges can arise at any time, which is why our solicitors are available 24/7 to provide immediate legal assistance. When you need us, we are here to help.
Contact Us If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges, do not hesitate to contact MB Law Ltd for expert legal advice and representation. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you at any time.
Phone: 02088633666 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.mblawltd.com/criminal-solicitors-in-city-of-london/
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tmarshconnors · 4 months
EU Convention on Human Rights
While my country, the United Kingdom, has left the European Union, it's essential to recognize that our relationship with Europe, particularly in terms of human rights, remains significant. One cornerstone of this relationship is the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Let's delve into what this convention is all about and why it matters.
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What is the European Convention on Human Rights?
The ECHR is an international treaty established to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms in Europe. Drafted in 1950 by the Council of Europe, it came into force on 3 September 1953. The UK was one of the founding members, and it played a crucial role in its creation.
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Key Provisions of the ECHR
The ECHR consists of several Articles, each outlining specific rights and freedoms. Here's a breakdown of the most pivotal ones:
Article 2: Right to Life This article protects the right to life and includes obligations for states to investigate deaths caused by the state.
Article 3: Prohibition of Torture No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. This is an absolute right with no exceptions.
Article 4: Prohibition of Slavery and Forced Labour This article ensures that no one shall be held in slavery or servitude, and it also prohibits forced or compulsory labour.
Article 5: Right to Liberty and Security Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. This means no one shall be deprived of their liberty except in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law.
Article 6: Right to a Fair Trial This guarantees the right to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal.
Article 7: No Punishment Without Law No one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a criminal offence under national or international law at the time it was committed.
Article 8: Right to Respect for Private and Family Life This protects private and family life, home, and correspondence, ensuring that any interference by a public authority must be lawful and necessary.
Article 9: Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. This includes the freedom to change religion or belief and to manifest religion or belief in worship, teaching, practice, and observance.
Article 10: Freedom of Expression This guarantees the right to freedom of expression, including freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority.
Article 11: Freedom of Assembly and Association Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and join trade unions.
Article 12: Right to Marry Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family, according to the national laws governing the exercise of this right.
Article 14: Prohibition of Discrimination The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in the ECHR shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth, or other status.
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Why the ECHR Matters
The ECHR is not just a legal document; it's a living instrument that evolves through the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in Strasbourg. This court interprets the Convention and ensures that member states adhere to their obligations, thereby providing a crucial mechanism for individuals to seek justice when their rights are violated.
The UK's Relationship with the ECHR
Despite Brexit, the UK remains a signatory to the ECHR. This means that British citizens continue to enjoy the protections it affords. The Human Rights Act 1998 incorporated the ECHR into UK law, allowing UK courts to hear human rights cases domestically rather than referring them to Strasbourg.
However, the relationship has not been without tension. There have been debates within the UK about the scope of the ECtHR's influence and the possibility of reforming human rights legislation. Nonetheless, the principles enshrined in the ECHR remain a fundamental part of our legal landscape.
Understanding the European Convention on Human Rights is crucial for appreciating the legal protections we enjoy today. While political landscapes may shift, the commitment to upholding human rights endures, reflecting a shared heritage that transcends national borders. The ECHR stands as a testament to the enduring importance of human dignity and justice in Europe and beyond.
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The last few weeks I have explored the Five Freedoms/ domains and the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
Under the Animal Welfare Act all Animals have the rights to:
Freedom from hunger, thirst or malnutrition
Freedom from discomfort
To be able to exhibit normal behaviours
Freedom from fear and distress
To be protected from pain, suffering, disease and illnesses.
In this blog I will be sharing my opinion of what the five freedoms and the animal welfare act means to me.
In an ideal world the dog training industry would be regulated and dog trainers and behaviourist would be protected titles with external verification and a pledge to do no harm, just like the hippocratic oath.
It really puzzles me that we have the above law in the UK and very rarely see it in action, if the law was followed to the letter, pet shops would be regulated and would look very different, and the pet food industry would be regulated. Veterinary practices would also look very different with stronger regulation and holistic practitioners would also have to be regulated.
Anyone can currently and does set up a Facebook page overnight and claim to be an experienced dog trainer, behaviourist, walker, hydrotherapist, physiotherapist, nutritionist, groomer and the list goes on and on and on.
Voluntary dog training membership organisations leave a lot to be desired, with some having much better standards than others and much better education opportunities than others.
If the dog world is in disarray amongst professionals, what about the poor guardians trying to navigate who to hire, what food to give, which vet to use, which veterinary advice to follow and which to challenge. How many times do they accept a diagnosis of “you are an over dramatic dog owner?”
What about the “dog professional” who promises a quick fix via aversion and compulsion based methods? What about other professionals that leave a lot to be desired and the ethics are not quite in line with what their website states? What about those who have faked qualifications?
This is why I feel the UK needs a massive shake up! Dog professionals need to be externally verified independent of their organisation. Their title needs to be protected. All organisations must follow one ethos and as soon as there are concerns, this is immediately investigated.
All professionals have a duty of care to then best educate guardians to which is ethically moral and sound for the welfare for dogs.
No we cannot prevent all illnesses, diseases and negative experiences but can we be a part of a solution instead of the problem? Absolutely! If people were genuine and waited to shadow, learn, gain qualifications and become certified (not offer student discount rates - unethical) and organisations policed their members harder and all professionals agreed to abide by the law there would be no shock collars, prongs, chokes, harnesses that compress organs, air horns, sprays or the whole list of horrible devices.
But until the UK government knows what a shock collar is and what it does, understand how a prong works and the Prime minister himself stopped using a slip lead. Well.
It's up to those of us wholly committed to ethical dog welfare standards that need to steer the industry. To educate guardians and keep guiding guardians into the right direction so that the Animal Welfare Act 2006 is never broken and dog welfare is a priority not a “the dog must obey so the law doesn't exist.”
Anyone of us who is properly educated, part of a membership organisation, properly insured and can sleep at night knowing we are doing our best with gentle methods with welfare at the forefront of our work. We know we are our authentic selves. Those who might be cringing. Well. It's never too late to become a better and honest person. If you can't do that you don't belong in our industry.
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budandtender · 11 months
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🌿🧳 Ever wondered if you can take CBD on a plane? We've got the answers for you! ✈️ In the UK, CBD oil and other CBD products are perfectly legal as long as they meet certain criteria. 🇬🇧 But there's more! The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has its own rules. Want to learn more about this topic? Head over to our blog and dive into the full article! 🖥️👀 https://www.budandtender.com/blog/can-you-take-cbd-on-a-plane Oil
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cbdflowershopxcbd · 1 year
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Welcome to this comprehensive guide where we aim to shed light on two critical questions that have been gaining attention in the cannabinoid community. Specifically, this article will focus on underst... https://tinyurl.com/yw2ujqrj
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officialblogstory · 1 year
How Long Does it Take To Get Divorced in The UK?
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ICYMI - Weekly Digest 348
Issue 348 of my Weekly Digest of all things going on in #legal #strategy #pricing #vbp #CRM #clients #customers #innovation #BizDev was sent to subscribers earlier today. Check it out
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ascentim-123 · 2 years
Ascentim Legal:Best Immigration Solicitors London
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Immigrate to the UK UK welcomes legal immigrants… Are you an immigrant who is planning to live in the UK? UK welcomes legal immigration and to regularize your legal and good faith intentions we have our specially trained quality Immigration Solicitors and Advisors of Ascentim Legal who can help clients competently with the frequent changes in Immigration Laws. Ascentim Legal solicitors helps clients from all over the world by extending legal services in spouse and student visa applications, Human Rights/Claims Applications, Detention and Bail, and Sponsorship Licences for Employers wishing to recruit Migrant workers. If you are facing Immigration problems in the UK, please contact Ascentim Legal Solicitors, The Best Immigration Solicitors London
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tinted-glass · 1 year
Could Human Rights Law and the ECHR play a key role in tackling climate change?
In Duarte Agostinho v Portugal and 32 Other Member States, filed in November 2021, a group of Portuguese young people made claims about past and future harms caused by climate change, including harms related to forest fires in Portugal. The case reinforces the potential for the ECHR and the protection of human rights to play a key role in the future for holding countries accountable to carry out their climate obligations.
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In this case, the applicants have challenged the legislative inaction of Portugal and 32 other states parties to the Paris Agreement. Their collective failure to take adequate measures to reduce global warming has contributed to significant loss of life as a result of climate change through heatwaves and wildfires, which is likely to contribute to further loss of life in the future (article 2) , unless imminent measures are put in place across all of them. The case conceptualises responsibility for violations of human rights as ‘shared’ amongst the member states. The case thereby challenges the traditional concept of jurisdiction by holding that the impact of the violations may be felt more strongly in some member states , other states also bear responsibility for the violation. Similarly, climate litigation challenges the limits of the existing positive obligations doctrine.
following this trend now in 2023, the governments of Switzerland and France have been accused of breaching the human rights of their citizens by not acting decisively enough on climate change, at a landmark legal hearing in Strasbourg. The European Court of Human Rights will hear cases against France and Switzerland over alleged failings to protect the environment made by a a group of Swiss women over the age of 64 who are supported by Greenpeace Switzerland. The applicants have alleged that heatwaves, caused due to climate change and the inaction of their countries, have impacted the health of senior citizens therefore impacting their right to life. The outcome of this case is highly anticipated and will determine the scope and potential of climate litigation going forward.
ECtHR’s case law under Articles 2 and 8 ECHR mean that the Convention already has the potential to capture the elements of this litigation that rest upon past harm. However, both causality and the prospective nature of climate litigation are key challenges, which will now have to be considered comprehensively by the Court going into the future.
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mankavitlawacademy · 2 years
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The fugitive economic offender, Nirav Modi, lost his appeal at the UK High Court and now faces extradition to India in the PNB fraud case. . . ADVERTISEMENT Modi was declared an offender as per Fugitive Economic Offenders Act, 2018 in December 2019 by the Special PMLA Court. . Swipe to know more. #law #supremecourtofindia #legalknowledge #niravmodi #vijaymallya #fugitive #uk #uklaws #extradition #internationallaw #deport #ukhighcourt #fraud #bankfraud #pnb #pnbscam #constitutionofindia #judiciary #judicialmatter #india #legal #legalissues #extraditionlaw #rishisunak #currentaffairs #clatpg2023 #financialfrauds #financialfraud #extraditiontreaty https://www.instagram.com/p/ClBBtDZPs1B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mymobilemag · 2 years
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Amazon faces $1 billion lawsuit in UK for 'favouring its own products
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nando161mando · 8 months
Greta Thunberg goes on trial over London oil industry protests #climate #activism #ukpol #Uklaw The Swedish climate campaigner was one of five activists at Westminster magistrates court charged with “failing to comply with a condition imposed under section 14 of the Public Order Act” after they were told to leave the area.
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