tangledinink · 10 months
how does gemini au Mikey and Draxum react to learning how Leo and Donnie have been essentially prolonging proper healing?
Draxum is fucking horrified. Mikey isn't really a doctor (he learns healing techniques specifically so that he can convince Leo and Donnie to leave home and help support them,) so he doesnt really get how bad it is? But he can tell it's bad!!! And he can tell his dad thinks it's really bad so it must be pretty bad!!!
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starlooove · 8 months
Genuine answer tho kindaaaa because my entire point with the tim wealth thing is that even if the point about it not having much basis in canon was true (which. Lmao) it’s still gonna impact how he’s written by the writers and viewed by the fans; when it comes to writing stories a lot of people see middle class as the Relatable class which is precisely why I think those hardcore Tim Stans are pushing it so much
#im not gonna make it long bc like. if u get it u get it there’s not much u have to explain#but i am gonna say it’s very funny they don’t wanna say he’s broke#if his wealth doesn’t matter at all they could easily say he has nothing#but they’re too classist to say it#hard assumptions buuuuut im not giving plot points don’t impact character guy the benefit of the doubt#when it comes to monetary status there are implications that come with them#when it comes to the general public middle class has the most neutral implications#atp with so many convos on class consciousness and negative traits associated with the wealthy#it feels like they just don’t want Tim associated with that#imo that’s what makes him cool#the fact that he’s extremely intelligent but held back by limited world view which can cause him to fuck up his relationships (steph)#or be callous and cruel in his words (Jason when Tim was first starting as Robin)#i think him choosing to be Robin even tho he would’ve arguably been extremely successful otherwise#and choosing to have this worldview expanded in ways that he might not like (his arrogance biting him in the ass meeting ppl like Lonnie-#-learning to extend empathy and compassion in a way that might seem unnatural at first) is cooler than middle class kid picked up by#billionaire like the other 20#plus i think him being written as the opposite of Jason was so intentional that to ignore it is stupid. not even explaining like c’mon man#but i think the parallels this creates with Bruce -did NOT have to do that shit ur life is WORSE bc ur doing that shit- are fun#like in conclusion if u wanna ignore that Tim’s rich fine whatever#but ur so boring and I’d rather watch paint dry than hear whatever you have to say about him#there’s too many bad things associated with both lower class and higher class for them to be comfy with tim in either#so they’re pushing for neutral middle#just like tim isn’t arrogant and rude at times but he’s also not a complete pushover#so he’s smart but he forgets to take care of himself#he’s not Bruce’s favorite because Bruce is so mean but he can’t be Bruce’s least favorite so he does everything for him#just bland takes on bland takes bc God forbid the rich white boy has some spunk#which is a massive disservice to his character btw. like i hate on canon Tim a lot but he’s interesting to me#it’s why takes like this don’t even piss me off or anything it’s just. so boring#evil opposite to ‘Batman is the man Bruce is the mask’#ur so smart and profound I’d love to hear more. please tell me about how much tim loves coffee and worshipped Jason as Robin.
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meatriarchived · 6 months
note to self before i eventually do pass out and forget but like, nancys abilities being unnatural and having some sort of demon/godly adjacent influences,
the being - whatever it truly is - that bestowed those onto her, what if it has had its claws dug into part of the narrative for so long? what if it has been around since long before even oath binded but is what the kingdom marias soul in that lifetime was bound to, worshipped, in some way in debted to, and that being is what marias vows, her sacred oaths, were made to and since she severed them its has doomed her soul in every lifetime and manifests in various ways and in the timelines of texas it shows thru a vessel (nancy) in order to further inflict consequence onto her soul for breaking that oath.
hell what if even nancys soul has been a long time vessel through which the being has shown itself in a more direct manner, in different lifetimes.
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aftout · 1 year
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Me in hell after succumbing to Victorian he/him pussy
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youcancallmelalo · 3 months
sometimes i think about how i have two oc-slash-s/is for the same source, and theres like one character they would share interacting with and would have wildly different relationships with.
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applejarjar · 1 year
To quote a friend,
#These past few days just keep on giving#Sent out some very nicely worded emails to the interviewer and who would be my future boss if I got the job#Never got a response back#Find out via my current boss that she's got everyone except one person convinced to take a chance on me#Get news that my great grandma passed away after passing up the opportunity to videochat her#Cry in class because I'm stressed to shit and the 'realize how fucked ur life is' section of the program is exceedingly poorly timed#Get personally called out during class in front of guest speakers for not having a job#Get told that I have a zero percent chance of being hired at my dream plant#Which kills any hope I got from being told the previous week that my dream is within reach#Also was betrayed during class twice because I got paired up with arguably the most soul-less and uncaring person in our class#To do activities with#Killed literally any joy I couldn't gotten out of said activities#Plus I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop on my job application as it still shows as 'in progress'#The emotional turmoil is so much rn#And I'm not excited about the job prospects. Not even because the first few didn't pan out. But cause there's nothing open rn that I want#Which means my boss's boss is going to have to clear a path for me to get a job in a plant I could make do with#Increasing the animosity that I would already face from the get go because participants in our program are seen as entitled babies#That get everything handed to us on a silver platter#And having a job be forced open only makes the mounting animosity that much worse#So I'll likely have no allies on my side upon entering my new job and it probably won't even be a job I'd be suited for#Plus my boss's boss really wants me to go to a plant that needs a LOT of help because there's a bigger opportunity for upward mobility#But like I just want a decent house and standard of living man#I don't need to be the big boss. And NONE of the other students have a spot there#Plus I'm fairly certain that one of the other students already tried to get a position opened up there and failed#Which is ridiculous because they're the only one in our program with a masters degree#There's two others who might be able to get a job in the same sector but one wants to stay in this state and feels obligated to take a job#While the other is really struggling to find placement and might end up at the opposite plant as me#I have one confirmed ally if I go to the 'laid back' plant and they really want me to work there with them#But they'd be in a role where I wouldn't be able to see them all that often#And as I said before I don't think I'll do well in whatever job they scrounge up for me
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yourlocaltreesimp · 8 months
Heard you need Sky content? :0
Short, but id been intending to put out some LU content for awhile, so hope u dont mind me dropping this short thingy here?
Sky takes care of you when ur sick! :)
Wild's Hyrule was something else.
The burning deserts, the excessive lightning that practically chases you, and now, freezing temperatures.
Sky was going to have words with that Champion, as soon as he didn't die from frostbite.
The portal had come unexpectedly, and was arguably one of the worst yet. It'd come just after a huge battle all the heroes and you had waged against a group of black-blooded monsters. Simply popped open under your very feet, and it was all Sky could do to get his whip (already in hand luckily) to wrap around your arm and yank you into him.
You'd both got the shock of your lives plopping right into freezing snow and biting winds. You'd recognized his Hyrule, having seen all the other Links' Hyrules in some form or another, as far as Sky knew.
You'd quickly hauled ass through the knee-deep snow, seeing a shrine stuck deep in a cave not too far off. It was a long trek uphill, and Sky had started to wheeze a little from the high altitude.
You, however, despite being the one to drag him along, are much more worse for wear.
The dark blonde had already noticed you cominf down with something two days ago, and had been subtly getting Wild to cook more soups to help out. Along with gently offering his water canteen a little more often.
Surprisingly, hiking in freezing conditions, through feet of snow, and less oxygen will in fact, make sickness worse.
By the time you two had stumbled into the rocky cave, a full on snowstorm had begun to set in. Flurries rushed outside the cave entrance, and you practically collapsed off against the side wall once making sure Sky had made it in. You were stubborn about things like that he'd noticed.
Shaking off the white powder that'd collected on his shoulders, he immediately sets to starting a fire.
After getting a blaze going, with luckily some supplies Wild must have left behind this shrine, Sky pulls off his sailcloth.
Frowning and frantic with concern, especially as you get more and more tired, Sky quietly calls out, "Hey, don't fall asleep on me just yet, ironic coming from me I know. We should get some food in you..."
He's worriedly mumbling by the end of it pacing around the cave, unpacking both of your belongings. Rolling out your bedrolls and pulling out a few fruits and nuts. He huffs frustrated sighs, the resident cook was the only one with a way to preserve stuff like soup. Maybe he can ask Legend when they find the rest of their group again if there's some kind of enchanted bag that'd let him do that?
Sky mourns being able to provide for you, as you cough pitifully by the fire (he'd carefully helped you waddle over in his sailcloth onto your bedroll).
By the end of the night, the sweet hero had made the best of you two's food supplies (luckily only burning a few nuts), made you down no less than three potions, and taken his shirts out of his own pack to layer on top of you.
(And if he'd purposefully subtly put his bedroll nearly on top of yours, well it was clearly for body heat only.)
You blinked blearily, turning in a burrito of clothing that smelled like petrichor, pumpkin, and something uniquely Sky.
You finally wiggled enough to face him, and complained, "Ugh, you're too nice to me. And I'm still cold, can you believe it?"
The dark blonde lets out a small laugh, eyes dark blue and nose scrunching cutely, "I knew you were sick, and I don't mind. I like watching out for you, you never seem to take yourself as seriously as I do."
He moves a little under his single blanket, and you finally notice why you smell him so much, what with all his entire wardrobe piled on you.
You protest, "Hey! What's with the self-sacrifice shenanigans?? Take some for yourself! I can recover from sickness, but you can't get back up after frostbite Sky!"
He sticks his tongue out playfully, little bastard he is, and then looks a little surprised. He seems to debate something with himself before going even more pink (the cold having already chapped his plump cheeks).
Sky coughs awkwardly, before opening his blanket a little, his arm raised as if to include you in his bedroll.
He seems a little embarassed but his eyes look kinda, glittery? How'd he even do that.
Sky asks you quietly, "Well, you mentioned your still cold, and that I need more blankets so... wanna share?"
Sky is warm. Though that could be the fever talking.
But one things for sure, as he tentatively tucks his head into your neck, and you into his pillow, he's very nice to cuddle. His arm is heavy with muscle, and locks around you comfortingly, like the best weighted blanket you've ever had.
You nearly flinch out of self-conciousness as you feel his soft plump lips barely brush your collarbone.
You decide to desperately beg your mind to try and go to sleep before you have a heart attack.
You'd meant to bury your face into the pillow, to avoid Sky's face being so close, but instead missed because you deliriously closed your eyes.
You'd instead buried your face in between his plush chest. Wow, he really did have some serious muscles under his somewhat loose clothing.
Link chokes a little before slowly wrapping both arms tighter around you.
Good, because you were in too much shock to apologize.
You really hope Wild isn't the first to find you two, he'd absolutely take a picture as blackmail.)
Hope you dont mind this!! Sorry its kinda long for an ask, 💀
I couldnt change the ask to not be my main blog, so anon it is lol
Hope you feel better soon!
Peace out,
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kasiounknown · 2 months
If I see one more person comparing alex strike to luke castellan I will actually lose my mind pls I am not strong enough
It hurts too much and cuts too deep
I am not one of ur strongest soldiers
I wonder if they'd have known each other if they'd have been the ones able to prevent the inevitability of their own betrayals.
"I could fix him-" they could fix each other
[Or arguably make it worse but it would still be iconic.]
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fuckknowledgeandideas · 6 months
BTW i have been listening to the everything everything song u replied to my ask w AND ITS SOOOOOOOOO FAUCKING GOOOOOOOD
HELL YES I'M SO GLAD.... Everything Everything my favorite band of the world....
ALSO I'll derail this ask (sorry! you fell into my music trap) to make recommendations on how to get into their stuff since they have quite a few albums now ^-^ I'll go in order of most accessible album to least :
Get To Heaven : Their best album and probably their most well known one.. I started with this one so of course I am biased BUT. it is the most consistent one in terms of song quality in my opinion. It has a lot of very abrasive sounds, prominent bass (for the bassheads in the crowd <3), same with the drums, the singer makes a lot of funny sounds like eehee and ahaaa! and ooh!!, it's a good time. Notable songs (by that I mean my favorites) : (Well the thing is. The entirety is good. Just don't listen to No Reptiles it's stupid. HOWEVER,) Regret, Spring/Sun/Winter/Dread, Blast Doors, Hapsburg Lippp and Only As Good As My God are my big preferences in there. If you like quieter song listen to the others in priority I'd say. OH OH AND WHEEL. You should check The Wheel, see if it's turning now etc BONUS : BANGING CONCERT with BANGING RECORDING HERE https://youtu.be/qYAFCVlLWIk as a wise man once said : "I hope they got some nasty fucking sloppy after this sessio,n"
Man Alive : Baby's very first album!! This one I would say is quite depressing but quite catchy as well.. Half of the songs in there are a bit too empty to my personal taste BUUUUT the other half has a talent to make me writhe and cry on the flour. Augh. The sounds are lighter in this one but our good friend mister Johnathan Every love to yell so much it compensates largely. Notable songs : MY KZ UR BF, Qwerty Finger, Schoolin', Photoshop Handsome, Suffragette Suffragette, Come Alive Diana, and from the deluxe version I would say the most important ones to check out are DNA Dump and Wizard Talk BONUS : They collaborated with an ensemble for a concert check it out definitely they're so small in it and they are having so much fun and and there is a brass section it is so charming https://youtu.be/oCH_YGD7oDc AND you should check the demo of MY KZ UR BF. It makes me SAD! https://youtu.be/VaoHgQts5ek The roughness of it only conveys the message of it better and they have chimes in it. It's GOOD.
Raw Data Feel : Most recent released album, and it's about how we love phone more than god. Kind of. I'd describe this one as having a very dreamlike quality. It talks about apocalypse and robots and computers and how they are "terrifying and a bit sexy". They really said that. I wouldn't say it sounds more electronic than the others but it has a "blurred" artificial layer to it that makes it very unique. OH AND they did something cool with ai stuff before everyone else so props to them for that. Notable songs : Bad Friday, Pizza Boy, Metroland Is Burning, Leviathan and HEX. MY GOD LISTEN TO HEX. IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD.
Arc : A mixed bag of mehh songs and really REALLY STRONG ONES. Maybe the most sadness inducing album of theirs. It REEKS of despair. Badly. I'm saying that as a good thing. Album that feels like the dusty attic of deceased loved ones on a cold spring morning.. Notable songs : Cough Cough, Torso Of The Week, Choice Mountain, Undrowned, Radiant LISTEN TO RADIANT GOD. If you like those check Kemosabe, No Plan and Justice too. I like these very much.
A Fever Dream : ARGUABLY THEIR WORSE ALBUM. It's very quiet and empty except for a few tunes. I do think it has a very particular atmosphere that I personally ended up warming up to. Don't look up the meanings for the lyrics it's all kind of boring I think you should think about characters instead. Notable songs : Night Of The Long Knives, Desire, Good Shot Good Soldier, Run The Numbers. <- The most impactful songs to me. White Whale makes me very sad if I think about it too. Wahh
RE-ANIMATOR : It's fine. I don't have very strong opinions on this one. It has some really good songs in it. I think the thing with this one is the lyrics are a lot simpler than the others and I like the weirdness better. But it still is worth checking out those guys know how to make music. Notable songs : Big Climb, Planets, Black Hyena, Violent Sun. BONUS : They released SUPERNORMAL as a single around the time of that album and it's better than a good portions of the songs in it so check it out lol. The other single released for this album is the worst song they ever made don't worry about it.
BONUS OF BONUS : There's a playlist of a bunch of unreleased/demos/B-sides on youube if you are really motivated to check many things, some of them were in the Man Alive deluxe version though. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYCuy2Tpolc8GY7GQYX5_uYdgYpftKQ7V
Uhh I might have forgotten things but. If you don't know them that's a starting point that you can bounce off of. Have fun with tunes yayy <3
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fatuismooches · 11 months
Hello smooches, i hope that u are doing well! 👏🛐 I saw ur ramble about Harbinger arranged marriage au with Capitano and the brainrot u gave me after reading it.. gosh smooches u are always so big brained omg.. Bless u 🛐🛐💞
I feel like, there will be LOTS of misunderstandings and problems between Capitano and reader bcs he never talks to them and just, u know.. *STARES* at them, making reader feel that he is cold and distant. He thought he can show his affection this way, which is.. Not working like u just said 😅 and him never showing his face to them and also being a high ranking harbinger are already not helping too 😭 just imagine u have to bear everyone's expectations of being his partner. If u are screwed, u are done for. Not only that, reader suddenly married with him without knowing what's going on, also make it worse. We know how important communication in relationship (especially marriage, in this case) so that they can prosper. Lack of communication will lead to anxiety, depression and other bad things.. And him who never talk to them bcs he doesn't know what to do.. Oh boy 😔
I can see a lot of scenarios going on in my head AEUGH- 😩😭 the pining, angst, drama, etc. All of those happening between them makes me go AKSJAKSJAKSJAKSJAJSJAJ- i'm definitely will not be able to go to sleep with the thought of ur ramble still stuck on my head 😭
I am doing well, I hope you are doing well too 🥝 anon!! Mwah! And omg YESSSS I MISSED YOUR CAPITANO BRAIN ROTS SO MUCH RAHHHH 💖💖💖
Poor reader, dropped into an arranged marriage with arguably the most mysterious Harbinger - you don't even know what his face looks like! At least you know Capitano has blue eyes, from the fact he's constantly staring you down whenever the two of you are in the room. Though, his eyes are actually pretty... but you can't really focus on that due to the intensity of his stare!! 😭
This is when Pierro gives him some old man advice and just tells him to talk to you already 😭 Also, since the soldiers really respect Capitano i hc that he sometimes asks them about their lives and such, yk to get to know his squad to build morale and such. And he knows that many of them have spouses and always talk about their relationships... so one day he straight up asks his soldiers about how they speak to their lover etc. And boom everyone can instantly tell their captain is having love problems (😭 hilarious tbh) and now they're trying to figure out how to give advice to the 1st Harbinger without being disrespectful (he thanks them at the end and is now mentally preparing on how to speak to you)
NOOOO but the angst you mentioned... I can just imagine reader feeling scared and alone in the relationship 😭🥺 And they just don't know what to do, Capitano's hella scary to talk to first, you're just a normal person too and it seems like he isn't interested in you either (Couldn't be farther from the truth ofc, he's so in love with you)
Though when you work out all the problems and such, (I have to add some fluff in yk me) this is where you start teaching him more about emotions, how to express his feelings in more noticeable and less awkward ways (you two have little training sessions where you make him practice, this time you let him know that eye contact is actually very good, but the way he was going about it wasn't it 💀 bb awkwardly apologizes for making you uncomfortable cuz he genuinely felt bad 💀 down the line of the relationship you like to bring it up to tease him and he always apologizes profusely 😭🙏)
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scattered-winter · 1 year
yeah i’ll bite what’s ur more correct hoo? 👀
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for friends who have not yet read the series this is gonna spoil pretty much ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, everything. heroes of olympus, trials of apollo, etc etc so on and so forth. i am full of Opinions and by god's big green tits i'm gonna make them Heard.
alright listen. I have so much beef with heroes of olympus because like. the things it could've been. I'll list all my grievances first to get it all out of my system before telling you about my more correct version. if you'd like to skip the salt and get to the good bits, scroll down to the bolded text xox
gaea was a weak-ass antagonist with no real motivation outside of "she's trying to destroy humanity because she's evil." arguably, kronos was the same way, which when you look at him from a mythological standpoint it makes sense because his whole thing is trying to overthrow the gods (and really, the same could be argued for gaea; mythologically, she tends to cause some shit on occasion). but kronos had the lesser gods/demigods on his side, which added a fascinating aspect to the conflict in the og series, especially since, in the end, percy realized that they were right. everyone who had fought for kronos had justification for it. the gods used them, abused them, and abandoned them, and they were tired of being tools. and percy realized that, and changed the status quo so it would never happen again.
fast forward to heroes of olympus. gaea and the giants are destroying the world...........because they want to. there were no other arguments. there were no other motivations/antagonists to add a more interesting aspect to it. it was a classic good vs evil conflict with little to no grayness which,,,,isn't a bad thing, but it just wasn't as compelling.
camp jupiter. boyyyyyyyy howdy do i have a ramble for that. it's so insane to me that the camp was defended by kids and teenagers when an entire city full of adult demigods was literally just a short hike away from the camp itself ????? like. I get it was because camp jupiter was meant to be camp half-blood's opposite force or whatever but come on. one could argue that camp half-blood is similar because chiron is training kids to go on quests, but like......that's his mythological role. in the myths, that's what chiron does. and without an established city/safe place other than a summer camp, the greek demigods are child soldiers by necessity, but the roman demigods are child soldiers for literally no reason other than that the plot needs them to be. which ,, i'm not saying that's bad. i'm just saying it's not as good as it could be.
also the 7!!!!!!!! THE 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly, I think their whole deal is boiled down to a classic case of TELLING, not showing. we were told all throughout the series that the 7 are all best friends ,, a family, even. we were consistently told that. but there was very little actual instances of this being shown. group interactions were uncommon, and relationship dynamics were limited almost exclusively to romantic relationships or surface-level friendships that were explored only as an opportunity for quips and funny moments, but nothing deeper than that (percy and jason, for example). even the romantic relationship that preceded the series, percabeth, was broken down into a blander, flatter version from before, and both characters suffered for it. piper/jason was also flat and flavorless for most of the series, and frank/hazel is just. a mess. a 13 year old dating a 16 year old is squeamish in any context, and throw leo into the mix to make a weird, unnecessary love triangle, and it's just. even more of a mess. throw in the fact that every single character was motivated purely by romance and romantic relationships, and that every character ended up in a romantic relationship, and well. y'all know I'm aroace, so that's fairly self-explanatory. nothing worse than a piece of media claiming to be found family but focusing only on romance. kill die die die maim tear.
also about the 7, but it seemed to me that.......rick was trying to mimic percy's inner monologue with all of them--the sarcasm, the dark humor, etc. we all fell in love with percy in the og series, and I think he was trying to make us like the new characters in the same way, but in doing so he just made them all mini percys while also sandpapering the real percy. give each member of the 7 a different sense of humor/personality is what I'm saying. come on.
calypso. the only reason she was even in the books was to give leo a love interest, because apparently the single worst thing that can happen to a character is to not have someone to kiss (sarcasm intended). the gods not freeing her from the island just threw literally everything won from the og series out with the trash, and like. we know the gods are just Like That sometimes but look me in the eyes and tell me percy jackson, the boy who had just fought for so long and lost so much to get the gods' heads out of their asses, would just assume they followed through and not even check to make sure that another person wronged by the gods, someone he was very close to, got freed from her prison. that's right, you can't. my percy would never.
in that same vein: caleo. not only was the relationship kinda shaky in the first place because it was only there to give leo someone to kiss, it's also....not very good. calypso spends all her time belittling, talking down to, and sometimes even hitting leo, a character who canonically grew up in an abusive household. idk about y'all but.....an abused character already being thrown into a relationship for no reason, and then having that relationship be abusive?? and portrayed as the height of romance????? not a good vibe. I also really hated how, on top of all that, leo left his found family (canonically the only people who have ever made him feel loved/like he belongs) to go travel the world with calypso. which. another classic instance of familial/platonic relationships always, constantly being on a tier lower than romantic relationships. and y'all know how I feel about that.
the poc characters. I'm not the best resource on this one, since I'm not a poc, but there are plenty of people in minorities who have spoken out on this point, and I urge you to listen to them, because those arguments are all valid ones. (here is a good post that provides a good overview). I also remember seeing a really good post about piper's indigenous heritage as well, but unfortunately it's been lost to the void of tumblr.
aphrodite cabin. rick riordan seems to have this complex where the only female characters he can write about are tomboyish, tough, and badass. which isn't bad, of course, but it becomes a problem when all the more feminine female characters are portrayed exclusively as bullies/wimps. smfh there's more than one type of character in this world, richard
octavian. I get it, I hated him, everyone hated him, but I really can't deny that he had the potential for a compelling story. being manipulated by the oracle spirits into playing right into gaea's hands????? it COULD have been sooooo good, but octavian had hardly any development/focus, and I think him being manipulated only came up once or twice. storywriting equivalent of "he a little confused but he got the spirit."
now, for my more correct version :]
gaea's whole deal is completely different. instead of destroying humanity just because she Can, gaea is destroying the gods because she's furious and grieving her children, the titans. kronos was chopped into pieces and cast into eternal oblivion by the gods and demigods, and the other titans were forced back into subjugation, and gaea, who's been dealing with the gods' shit for thousands of years, has had enough*. so she rallies her other children, the giants, to bring down the gods and western civilization to avenge the millennia of heartbreak and injustice. which, yeah, fair enough. the gods suck and they've done some shitty things.
*this was actually touched on in the books when piper was using her charmspeak on gaea during the final battle. and I don't own physical copies of the books and tried everywhere to find the exact quote but it eluded me so I'll do my best to paraphrase from memory, but piper was sympathizing with all the grief and loss gaea has suffered over the centuries. tartarus banished, kronos defeated twice, etc etc. and I feel like that had potential for gaea's motivations but it was literally only brought up that one time smh
bonus points if there was some nuance to both sides. a few monsters who fight alongside the protagonists because they rely on western civilization just as much as the gods/demigods do, or even some gods or demigods who fight alongside gaea for one reason or another (like octavian, if he had been better developed). something to add some new facets to the conflict, because that was part of what made the conflict against kronos so damn compelling.
the 7 would be a found family FIRST, and a group of individuals w romantic relationships SECOND, if at all. percabeth can stay, as long as it's. actually the percabeth we all know and love, not whatever the fuck we actually had. piper/jason is on thin fucking ice, and only happens with the caveat that both their characterizations are my more correct versions (see below). hazel/frank is NOT a thing. piper, annabeth, and hazel have on-page interactions and friendships, and they have conversations about shared trauma and bonding over their common pasts in abusive households and shit like that, instead of talking about boys every fucking time. there are complex and multifaceted interpersonal relationships within the entire 7, and each friendship/dynamic has a chance to shine.
jason and percy. oughhhhhhhhh I have sooo many thoughts about them. they're character foils. percy had to fight for respect. jason had to fight to be treated normally. they're sons of arguably the most powerful gods of all time. they're opposites in nearly every way, but in the very same breath they're mirror reflections of each other*. I'm all for them being best friends, but the "sharing a braincell" himbo thing they had going on? that was played off purely for humor? hell no. they have a very deep and complicated friendship because they recognize themselves in the other and yet they're so completely different that they're on opposite ends of a spectrum. sure, they can hang out and have fun, but at their core, they have both a deep-seated understanding for each other but their personalities also grate a bit because they're so completely different. maybe there's a sideplot of them learning how to get along/be amicable with each other because they're both very traumatized TEENAGERS with so much pressure and stress to deal with, which, combined with the inherent complications of their relationship already, would make them a powder keg ready to blow. and I'm here for that. *the groundwork for their relationship being "two sides of the same coin" was already laid with hera switching them, and even with some characters stating how similar they were in some ways, but of course it was never expanded on so that's why it's here in the more correct version :]
piper. sooooooooo many complicated feelings about her. at first she was a generic Not Like Other Girls type, which. felt soooo cheap to me and is probably why piper/jason felt so. meh. because they were BOTH very flat and one dimensional at first. but in my more correct version, piper and drew were able to bond over being underestimated/ignored as daughters of aphrodite and as women of color, and I also hold the concept of piper being more feminine soooo close to my chest. I love characters who are so tough and badass who aren't allergic to dresses and makeup. her sexuality is also explored/brought up before she suddenly has a girlfriend.
jason doesn't DIE right when I start to actually LIKE him. smh (I'm sorry but it felt SOOO cheap to me. like it was purely for shock value. killing and biting). I do, however, love the concept trials of apollo introduced of jason being much more relaxed and comfortable with himself both as a greek-leaning demigod and as a kid who no longer had to deal with all the weight and pressure of being a Leader (tm). and jason acting more like a greek demigod vs percy acting more like a roman demigod can be another aspect of them being mirror reflections of each other. as percy begins to pick up more roman traits (because i LOVE to study how trauma/circumstances can change a character), jason starts to pick up more greek traits. it's another facet to their very complicated, very deep relationship with each other.
i ALSO love the concept of jason having a villain arc. he was a mirror to luke in so many ways; child soldier, abandoned by his godly parent, huge responsibilities on his shoulders, etc. I'd even argue jason had it worse than luke since he was a son of jupiter and thus had the constant pressure accompanying that. I think he deserved to go a little apeshit instead of that "high priest of the gods" bullshit
leo started out as my favorite, but as the series progressed, his character development stayed right where it was in the lost hero. I would have loved to see him change and grow as a person; maybe having a sokka-style arc where he grows out of his misogyny and sexism, and also gains some maturity (I liked his jokes, but come ON.) he would also have a different sense of humor, because as I said earlier it felt like rick was trying to make everyone into a mini-percy. I would also have loved to see a character not end up in a romantic relationship, since leo canonically had a lot of complicated feelings about family; it would have been great catharsis for me, someone who also has a lot of complicated feelings about family, to see a character I could relate to be able to find a family all of his own, with people he genuinely cared about and who loved him back.
hazel gets more development in how she was literally from the past. she died. I want more development and focus on that smh!!!!!!! how much is different in the modern age?? how many times does she walk down the street and do a double take because something's so completely different??? how many nightmares does she have about dying???????
frank stays chubby throughout the entire series. he does Not have a sudden glowup where he's No Longer Fat. he also doesn't date a 13 year old godbless
NICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nico. first of all, him being gay is built up from day fucking one. maybe not said outright for a while, but it's at least CODED. it's not suddenly flung out of nowhere. for that matter, him being forcibly outed against his will is talked about more!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, jason was probably one of the best people he could have been forcibly outed to, but STILL !!! the trauma of having the choice taken away from you!!! especially for someone like nico, who was 1) raised in the 1940s where being gay was practically a death sentence and 2) sooo slow to trust. I need him to have some focus on that shit because it was fucked!!!!!!
in that same vein, solangelo is sooo much different. will solace gets some characterization in the pjo series to build him up beforehand, and he and nico interact a few times on-page in pjo as well to give their relationship some foundation as opposed to just. throwing them together for no reason. I would've really loved seeing them working together during the battle of manhattan!!! nico canonically has an admiration for will's bravery during the battle, and I would've loved to actually. ya know. see them work together on the page. I also think their dynamic has SOO much more to it than "sunshine bf/goth bf" that everyone+rick have turned them into. one of them is the son of death. one of them is a healer. will's probably lost so many of his friends because he was unable to save them. nico's lost so much of himself. they're soooooooo <333 by the time blood of olympus rolls around, they're already good friends, and almost losing each other in the battle only brings them even closer <3
annabeth and percy are still the same fucking couple/characters that i fell in love with in the og series, not the watered down romance we got
the final battle is much longer with much higher stakes (I want the camps having 24 hour watches while waiting for the enemy to attack again!! I want makeshift hospitals!!!! I want!!!!! a war!!! not a battle!!!!!!!!!)
the greeks are actually. taken seriously. on god. they're a highly competent force of fighters, not a bunch of immature idiots. rick riordan i am biting you (derogatory)
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lostmykeysie · 9 months
I have a super long comment for you about the Horcrux Hunt bcs I want to comment every chapter I read but I forget bcs I download the ao3 doc to my books app okay here we go!!!!
Agahdgdjd I just finished reading it and I loved it soooo much. Remus and regulus friendship is EVERYTHING to me. The platonic kissing!!???? As an Aspec gal this means so much to me bcs ahhhdghdhd and let’s be real those two deserved a little song after all that tension and then just cute little kisses bcs they both need a good loving friendly kiss aww. And I loved the flirtiness bcs I just know those two would constantly have such good banter and get along and I SOBBED when reg became a part of the lupin family. Also. HOPE LUPIN.!?!??? The best Hope I ever did read about. She is amazing and now the only version of Hope I accept ty very much.
ALSO also I love regulus so much and love your characterization of him and seeing his growth. Also I am autistic and I headcanon reg as autistic and there were so many moments in the way you wrote him that fit in with that that made my heart so happy UGH and some moments where I felt like he’s aspec of some sort like aro specially and wow reg my boy <3
And ugh Remus and his feels over being accused as the traitor??? Rough but also I love the angst. His complicated feelings about himself and others and I can’t wait to see him sort shit out and start healing bcs he deserves to heal and be ANGRY and sad and everything. Remus my best boy <3
Also I’m just getting into jegulus so I’m super excited to start reading the missing link!!! The way james is already slowly creeping on him agshdjd I can’t wait to see it all happen.
Oh PS I loved Remus getting to scream and go off on dumbledore that was amazing and more people should get to scream at him.
i always download long fics to my kindle so i feel you baby!!!!!
putting my boring reply below the cut xxxxx
aspec babes deserve all the platonic kisses they want and deserve and they deserve them all xxxxx this includes me so WHY is no one kissing me platonic smooch smooch xxxxx i have said this before and i know i haven’t written it but reggie is definitely aspec xxxx
regus friendship means soooo much to me i have also said this before and i will absolutely say it again but like. i am obsessed with them. they are BEST friends. forever. they are something special that’s friends and family and more and i love them forever and they will always be besties in every single fic i write for the rest of my LIFE. and they FLIRT and i LOVE IT and hope is such a queen i feel like she deserves her own fic i also want to hug her i bet she would give the best hugs ever i bet she’s the only person regulus is 100% comfortable having those long hugs with that last arguably too long and it gets weird (this is how i feel about most hugs)
omg so i’m answering as i read so YES i AGREE i think there’s a tiny bit of me that is accidentally being a bit self insert with reg LOL ANYWAY i think we see reg very similarly xxxx
on the traitor point… a few people have said ‘how did he even forgive them in the end’ and i think that is so valid like to get over a betrayal like that from your closest friends would be so so so hard and i tried to reflect that and not just make it an easy fix because oh my god how is that not in the back of your mind always just whispering all the time??? like getting over that would be a JOURNEY so yeah it got a bit angsty haha but i feel like if anything it could have been worse it could have been unresolveable !!!! but it will never be because i am a happily ever after boy ONLY
i am a bajillion years late to this i’m really sorry i’m a pants person who is 99% offline BUT thank you so much for your consolidated comment it’s so sweet and has made me smile all lame and gross xxxx i hope you enjoy / enjoyed TML too i hope that it gave you the healed remus and the jegulus you deserve and maybe some giggles hopefully xxxxxxx thanks for being nice to me lol i honestly am so weird and lame and awkward but kiss kiss i am blushing like a loser xxxxxxxxx
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mwebber · 10 months
im p confused rn lol, feel free to ignore this ofc but questions are meant genuinely.
is it the domination that you have a problem with? the lack of fight at front?
or is it more simply you want seb to keep his record(s)?
or just with verstappen winning?
i understand the first 2 and hear the 3rd a lot but just ur prev posts came a lil outta left field for me lol. i'd like to hear your thoughts, with peace and love on planet earth <3
pourquoi pas les trois... actually i think it might boil down to two main things: my frustration at the continued erasure and diminishing of seb's achievements, and my pet peeve of Total Fucking Bullshit.
it's no secret that this sport has a problem with dominating teams. and yes, you could argue that's the point--hello, it's a constructor's championship, the point is to have the best car. and red bull have built beasts the last couple of years! seriously, all my respect to the team as a whole for pulling everything together. i was and remain a red bull fan at heart despite it all, and it makes me happy from an objective standpoint to see so many elements of a team come together in harmony. red bull is a well-oiled machine at work.
but i genuinely don't think there's been this level of domination by a singular driver in a singular team since like, 2013. think: if lewis' era of domination was so much "worse" than this as the dudebros like to say, why hasn't lewis come close to beating 9 wins in a row? the main phenomenon at play is the sport's short term memory--but really, the way fans like to completely forget 2015-2018 and arguably 2019 too really frustrates me. it wasn't like 2014 hit and suddenly lewis was winning everything. nico won the 2016 wdc. seb posed a real fucking threat in 2015, and in 2017-18 the messaging from the sport was that the battle between him and lewis was, quote unquote, titanic. a battle between, quote unquote, titans of the sport. fast forward to 2020/21 and the narrative is that nothing has stood in lewis' way for the last 6 or 7 years, and that his era of domination needs to be ended for ~the good of the sport.~
so seb makes a couple mistakes, fine, but mostly gets visibly cucked by his team for years, and suddenly he's nothing. his four championships mean nothing, his 3rd most wins in the history of f1 mean nothing, he's just ferrari's next failure.
but then the narrative around max. max, who's introduced in 2021 like he's an up and coming driver intent on toppling lewis' throne. it's a great narrative, right? mercedes took red bull's ball. red bull want it back. casually ignoring how max has been in the sport since 2016, max is red bull's new young golden boy, the one who's going to lead them to victory as the youngest driver like seb already did before and wow, wait, sorry for mentioning seb in relation to success there, let's keep on reinforcing that he's an old man who needs to retire. anyway, max is someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone or anything except racing! max is a beast on track! max is [checks notes] our great white hope!
let's put the racism discussion on hold, because i think people try really hard to pin him down as this like, absolutely sociopathic bigot who is the most racist person in the world, and while he's not NOT racist, i don't think the extreme conclusion ppl are reaching is true. plus this rhetoric is mostly smoke and mirrors to try and find a leftist/social justice reason to hate on him anyway. so let's get fucking real: i dislike max for the same reasons i dislike taylor sw*ft. i hate that there's this blatant marketing campaign that fans buy into and perpetuate, that these people are the greatest of their generation, that they're masters of their craft. like, what? max's racecraft is just threatening to crash people out or push them off the track, something multiple drivers have been quoted saying. that's not ruthless, that's just bad fucking driving. that's an asshole on the dvp suddenly merging into your lane without using their blinkers or checking their blindspots and forcing you to pull out your defensive driving skills from that one class in drivers ed just to avoid a massive pileup on the highway. and i'm expected to suck this guy's dick?
max wins a fraudulent championship in 2021 and proceeds, for the next two years, to basically cruise at the front. it's like the second half of 2013, except it's lasting for a YEAR AND A HALF. only this time, instead of the sport trying to diminish this stint by saying it's just the car or that the golden boy has put himself above the team, people are......... celebrating? listen, i enjoy a singapore 2013 moment as much as the next seb fan but come on. get real. if every race was singapore 2013 that would be boring. and that's what we're seeing, but that's not what fom wants us to think we're seeing. it's complete bullshit.
which leads me to my posts. oh my god, i hated the comparisons between max and seb's first championships. the circumstances could not be more different--it was fucking insulting. seb won his championship fair and square, no rulebook bending required. seb's most violent moment on track that year was in turkey with mark--but he didn't park his car on top of mark's head and walk out saying that's what you get. how could people say that seb was anything like max.
seb's 9 wins at the end of 2013 were the culmination of five years spent fighting tooth and nail for his success. even for how dominant he was in 2011, there were still other teams up there! he had to fight his own teammate for so many years! and even with displays like singapore 2013, there were races where he was fighting in the second half of the season! and now we see this current streak of wins from the last two years where everyone else has tumbled behind and perez is contractually obligated to be a doormat. (not to say that teams haven't tried--i had so much hope at the start of 2022 when ferrari showed up with that pussy monster.) so look me in the eyes and say that max has fought with everything in him just to get that #1 spot. the two of them are leagues apart, but people--the same ones who have said seb is washed--are inevitably going to say that max has beaten seb, that max is on par with the third most successful driver in the sport. it's like a slap to the face.
and so we end back with the constant retconning of seb's position in f1 history. it drives me insane. he's nothing when it comes to propping max up, and then he's the benchmark to prop max up. he's a titan of the sport, and then he's just a failure. come on. come on. i'm just tired of my favourite driver never being given the credit he deserves, and i'm tired of having this fictional story shoved down my throat that max is anything like the goats in the sport. tl;dr. get real.
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evevoli · 1 year
your post about luz and hunter is literally so right. it's so good. like. it's everything. to me. Genuinely i am sooo completely insane about their relationship/sibling dynamic, i literally think about it every day of my life but they make me so crazy insane it is never ever coherent. you know the feeling?
like. the "leave him alone." in coth. luz only having seen/spoken to hunter in person a Handful of times before the day of unity, most of which he wasn't even like, nice to her, but she still protected him from kikimora and sacrificed herself to BELOS to protect him. im literally crazy. do you think hunter ever thinks about how bad he was to luz when he was still the golden guard when all she ever did was be kind to him... of course luz never ever holds that against him just Look at her......... but man :[
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i just. OUUUGUHGHH yes i absolutely Do think abt how hunter would either be dead or still being abused by belos if it weren't for luz,, like. multiple times over ,,, she saved him from kikimora, she's the reason he met flapjack, she was basically the first person who was ever remotely nice to him, she gave him a lifeline (the jacket) when belos tried to kill him when without her he'd still be oblivious to the truth and stuck with belos which is. Arguably Worse Tbh. (if hollow mind never happened belos would have either left him to die or took him to the human realm only for belos to melt into goop forever a week later let's be real this guy was Fucked either way fr)
like,,,, god i need to be sedated hunter probably lies awake at night trying not to cry from Gratitude because this girl he was an asshole to every time they spoke gave him everything he has and then some i know i fucking would??? she never stopped trying for him for no reason other than somehow sensing some spark of good inside him he probably refuses to think exists, and for what?? god thats his fuckign Sister im gonna be sick
i feel like i have so much more to say on the topic but like you i dont have coherent words in my head im just sitting here shaking like
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anon ur brain. massive. i need to go run around in a field howling at the moon for a few hours
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tsuncda · 1 year
ooo ok idk if CYMs are allowed in here but
🪑 (chair) — come talk with me! i don’t have any ask games in mind, so come annoy me however you see fit <3.
maybe as ur playlists? bc u have some very cool names for them
omg,,,,,, your mIND is impossibly big for this, bestie!!!! i am a sucker for a good cym and nothing will bring me back to my tumblr rot than one of these bad boys <33
disclaimer that my memory has never been worse when it comes to who falls under the "mutual" category. i might forget some of you and i'm so sorry for that 😔✌️
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@destourtereaux is despite everything, there is light (it's all my like,,,, soft core kpop that i listen to when i'm #overwhelmed on a monday evening and still have so much to do even though i'm so done with life itself. it's the perfect balancing act between a pick me up and a cradling hug that doesn't ask me to be okay,,, just get through <3) alternatively; we burn just like stars
@musicallisto is do you even dvicio? (because yeah <3 she's the only other girlie who understands the dvicio brainrot <3 also i heard a rumor that literally all of their love songs are written about her???? and like,,, i can confirm it's true. there's no better subject material for love songs than clara <3) alternatively; summer borne seconds? i only have 5. also; though their lips sound of things done
@amortensie is sing because you just need to sing (it's literally just musicals <3 nixie is that theatre kid out of all my mutuals and she should be immensely proud of that <3. also, there's so many different genres held within that behemoth of a playlist and nixie has multitudes and depth that we might never expect <3) alternatively; mele
@genyakosstyk is the haole boys know how to make good beats on occasion (this one is just a collection of white boy artists (hapa haole included!!!) and idk why i'm giving it to lottie, tbh. i just feel like she'd lovingly roast my occasional, misguided brainrot over objectively average white men like alec benjamin, but also let it happen and learn the lyrics to support me. it's a playlist i listen to when i want to tap into the teenage me who had a favorite backstreet boy, okay? ooooohhh... you know what? maybe this association came about because i associate lottie with &juliet... and they have a lot of white pop on that list.... yeah. i think that's it.) alternatively; six of crows radio
@bright-molina is summer borne seconds? i only have 5. (it's a 5SOS playlist. i think the association explains itself.) alternatively; stealing elias goldstein's headphones
@heliads is do i want roses? only if they sound like this. (it's a collection of music by the k-band the rose and i just,,,,,,, there's nothing more comforting in this whole wide world <3. why do i associate it with lisa? i mean,,, it's not a 1-1 association since i don't think lisa knows the rose exists, but i feel like their ~sound~ fits her vibes <3) alternatively; i am the sea or i am nothing
@oceanspray5 is heavy are the mountains; heavy the seas (this one is my like,,,, indie folk pop playlist. at least i think that's what the genre is...? the sound for of monsters and men. the oh hellos. the lumineers. idk why other than the sound fits the aesthetic of iffah's blog.) alternatively; a little parenthesis in eternity
@noesapphic is the dark of getting it (it's my secret agent au playlist. self explanatory vibes <3) alternatively; cantar
@the-radio-star is perhaps i am digging his grave (one of my oldest, most robust, and beloved playlist <3. it's arguably a lot of genres but it scratches the same itch of ~ooooooohhhh,,,, i'm dark and angsty and arguably a mess but also a bad bitch on alternating wednesdays~) alternatively; saranghae but it's a mournful yeehaw
@permanentreverie is bts mayhaps? (i think this one explains itself <3 but also!!!!!!!!!! bts changed me and so does lindsay. daily. not always for the better of society, but alas. change can never be contained to one linear direction <3) alternatively; thirteen of them but they take up seventeen places in my heart and; this world rests beneath a blood red sky
@biqherosix is tomorrow? girl, only if we're together (i don't think daniza knows txt - if you don't, this is my not so silent plea for you to give them a listen - but literally the vibes align so perfectly. she and txt get each other, they just don't know it yet. listen to 0x1=LOVESONG and tell me daniza wouldn't just,,,,, go feral to that song. also Lo$er=Lo♡er) alternatively; the haole boys know how to make good beats on occasion
@johnskeating is CELESTIAL (for obvious reasons (to her at least) that i will not disclose and neither will anyone else under threat of death <3. but also, it's a collaborative playlist with a lot of summer-adventures-with-your-best-friends vibes and that's cass <3) alternatively; all that's beyond my grasp
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misqnon · 2 months
yeah i definitely liked sanuso more than i liked sanji. before... before i came to like sanji. i don't think i was rly an Actual Fan though. seeing fan content of sanji (shipping content included) is part of what made me grow to like him. so ur right that a ship i like with characters i dont like would make me grow to like the characters!!
tashigi and reiju is so insanely good.. theyre perfect for each other...
robin definitely would notice but it would have so much more impact to have luffy intervene imo?? he is probably the most important person to both of them (arguably true for all the crew) and also he just . idk hes emotionally intelligent. hes perceptive. people dont give him enough credit. luffy is not stupid!!!!
"he and robin can be similar and enies lobby is what made everyone love her more…" YEAH EXACTLY!!! there doesnt need to be a whole arc but just show us that he isnt JUST the cool guy. i need him to cry .... i need emotional vulnerability.. please oda ..... on my knees begging for this. PLEASE Oda...
"already there babes 🫡 just doing my part" thank u
"DID. DID THEY ACTUALLY CALL HIM TRACE HEATFIST IN THE 4KIDS DUB…ARE U SERIOUS RN…IVE NEVER HEARD THAT BEFORE PLEASE SAY SIKE." YES THEY ACTUALLY DID. its a stupid change but HIS VOICE IS SO COOL... theres a scene where he and luffy meet on alabasta n luffy is like: hey, trace?! and trace is like "yours truly 😎😏🔥 hey luffy, whats up? 🔥🔥💪✨" and i fucking Fell In Love on first listen. i have the biggest . fattest crush on 4kids ace. why is he so suave. why is he so cool. pathetically showing my love for the worst dub's version of the best character
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i was so relieved that luffy sounded different that i can forgive anything else. i don't care if the acting is worse...
AT A CHRISTIAN GALLERY???? ur so brave
"i will share embarrassing stories like my life depends on it"
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(hoping i havent used this image before)
"BUT IM TOO BUSY READING ONE PIECE" good point... reading both would be hard.. /gen
"lion…and wings…so u want to be a griffin 👁️" i did not realize this. but yes i GUESS I DO?? i like manticores and unicorns the most out of any fantasy creature but i could never be a manticore bc it means i keep my face.. and unicorn.... doesnt have cool paws... oh and i love dragons... i WOULD be a dragon but i would like to be like. fluffy.. i want to be fluffy..
"DIDN THE BEAT OUT ZORO IN THE POPULARITY POLLS ONE TIME" YEAH HE DID... i dont know maybe i just missed it?? there were a lot of ppl there... and my memory is kinda hazy.. i will be on the lookout for law next time i go to a con
"WRONG bangs my sanji gavel." I FORGOT U WERW THE SANJI MAGISTRATE..... please forgive me....
that is so cool 🥹
"also sanji’s love for mice/rats makes me fucking insane bc its the cutest thing on earth." I KNOW RIGJT... like hes a cook.. he should hate them... but he doesnt!!! hes super fond of them!!! because he had mice friends at the lowest point in his life!!!! GOD.. i also used to love mice so . thank u sanji. representing rodent lovers. im having too many moments lately where i relate to sanji.... former sanji hater becomes sanji
"they’re all expecting sanji to freak and kill them and then they walk in and he’s made them tiny stir fry and is calling them cutesy names." STOP THATS SUCH CUTE IMAGERY 😭😭😭 sanji would never hit a woman mouse.
"also all the fan content ive seen where ratatouille is his favorite movie. ANYONE CAN COOK!!!!! 😭" IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE
"we turn a sad into a frrAAANKKYYYYYYYY" HSJDHS
"should i send some on discord as well. is that how i break the ice. images of sanji with his ass up in the air (my collection)" YES..... YES DO IT.... in return i will sned... uhmm... law!??
ok but sanji in glasses. even at the peak of my sanji hatred i begrudgingly admit that he was very attractive in those glasses...
LOOK AT HIM SOB... whole cake island was kinda his enies lobby emotional depth moment???
heres this loser
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i have this sanji saved bc he looks so pathetic and sad
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omg nooo how did choso get in here ...... noooo ...... that was a big accident.... completely an accident.... not on purpose at alll........
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usopp out here converting more ppl to sanji likers than i am…smh. i do love the way sanji backs him up so often in canon tho, its very sweet
the entire crew IS important to both of them but arguably he is the only person on the crew they would listen to in a situation like that is luffy yea. he’s the mutual friend that they both love deeply and loves both of them deeply even tho they hate (“hate”) each other. AND he’s emotionally intelligent and wise!! yea!!
joining u in the begging for sad zoro. campaigning for abusing zoro in the next chapters. ready to make this meme real
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NOT TRACE HEATFIST…his voice did seem cool tho ur right. i like to imagine he speaks with the emojis like you typed them. (“how are you saying that out loud-”) is the crush only on 4kids ace specifically..sorry sorry TRACE. IS IT ONLY FOR TRACE
dragons. [breathes in] dude i love dragons so fucking much. i watched that documentary animal planet or discovery made where they said dragons lived in the prehistoric time with t rex and shit and BELIEVED IT FOR SO LONG. also obsessively played httyd games on the internet and other Dragon Themed Things. and i had legend of spyro: a new beginning for the gamecube and it was like my first ever video game i owned myself that wasnt a hand me down and i beat it literally 9+ times…after 9 i stopped keeping track..i loved spyro and CYNDER so much. CYNDER WAS SO COOL. THAT WHOLE GAME WAS SO COOL. just last year i started playing flight rising (but i fell off lmao)
“former sanji hater becomes sanji” KJSDBDNKJSN YEAH relating to sanji is half of why i love him. and the amount i relate to him is. way far more than i thought i would ever relate to. the pervert stereotype anime character of any given show. so mad…but also i love him a lot 😭 has become a bit of a comfort character for me UNFORTUNATELY…but i relate to his passion and his low self esteem and his self sacrificial nature and his (percieved) gender issues and even his stupid easy-to-fall-in-love shtick. god. anyways
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“sanji would never hit a woman mouse.” sanji vs. minnie mouse his hardest battle yet
dude. thank you for saying that bc. when sanji had those fucking glasses on as mr. prince in alabasta. i was simping just a little bit. and mad about it.
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this outfit was gay as hell by the way. like how am i supposed to believe that is a fuly straight man-
“whole cake island was kinda his enies lobby emotional depth moment???” it 1000% was down to him leaving the crew and needing to be rescued and learn to love himself and live for himself. robin and sanji are my two favorite strawhats and GOD THE SIMILARITIES ARE BRUISING. have u seen that post where its drawings of each of the strawhat “rescue teams” of arlong park, enies lobby, and whole cake?
law 1: edgy. flipping u off. deranged. a bit evil looking. kinda hot
law 2: naptime. flourishing. in his lane. never done wrong in his life. thats just a guy
here are a couple more one piece memes i have collected. i will be sending u a discord message...soon
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