geoledgy · 2 months
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in-direct kiss
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devilscastle69 · 3 months
the thing that would not leave (t/diapt)
fandom: t/he d/evil is a part timer
characters: u/rushihara and g/abriel (could be a ship if u want)
summary: How i think g/abriel entering the devils castle and harassing l/ucifer shouldve gone (l/ucifer has a cold obvi)
word count: 1,487
Minors DNI
It’s rare for Urushihara to have the apartment to himself these days, and that makes it all the more offensive to have an intruder who hadn’t been relevant in ages up until recently. The fan continued to whir in the background and for once the breeze was actually giving him enough reprieve from the sweltering that he had goosebumps. With the constant humidity, this was something welcome, unlike Gabriel’s presence. He’d give his back teeth to see Alas Ramus beating his ass any day; he’d only heard the recounts from Maou and Emilia, but he was sure such a sight would keep him entertained for the next few decades. 
Even after writing down the original demon king’s “treasures” he hadn’t moved to leave and it was beginning to cut into his online shopping time. 
“It looks like a drunk seven year old wrote this,” Gabriel sighed, looking at the paper. “Really?”
“I can type ninety words a minute, y’know dude.”
“Mm’kay…how can you be alive for this long and still have handwriting like that? Is that not a part of NEET pride?”
“No.” Urushihara rolled his eyes and shook his head. For a moment there was silence save for the clacking of his keyboard and the whirring of his fan. All this back and forth was starting to drain him.
“So…think of any other treasures?” 
“Dude, that’s all I got. Like I said, most Satans are poor.” He gestured to the room around them before pointedly turning back to the screen. Eventually the big lug would show himself out. He rubbed his nose. A tickle had taken root and had been prickling at the pack of his nose since earlier in the morning and much like Gabriel, it had stubbornly refused to leave. He’d lost track of how much he’d sneezed today already. 
Eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Hehh…” He took in a vocal inhale and with one hand, turned the brightness of the screen up for encouragement, and with the other hand brought his collar up over his nose before sneezing violently into the fabric of his shirt. “hAH’KSSHhieeh!” 
Gabriel flinched at the loud expulsion, but his initial expression of confusion quickly shifted to amusement. “Bless you? Oh wait. Can I say that given your…condition?”
Urushihara glared at him. “Dude, you’re actually not, like, supposed to say anything here.” He pulled a tissue out from the dwindling supply in the travel pack next to his leg.
“Hm. But I have a question.”
Urushihara blew his nose. Noisily. 
Gabriel took this as his cue to continue. Apparently he was already correcting his earlier digression of reading the mood. “Since when do you sneeze like that?”He was on his way to becoming a second-rate-NEET after all. 
Urushihara turned red. “Like what? Leave me ahhlone,” he protested, breath hitching slightly with the threat of another performance. Fuck. He scrubbed at his nose, but from the persistent way his eyes kept trying to close, he knew trying to ward off the sneeze was a lost cause. 
Gabriel put his stupid hands on his stupid hips and bent forward like a stupid rooster waiting for a worm to come out of the ground. “I’ll wait. You take your time, bud.”
“hadhtKSHH’iieeh!” Urushihara crumpled forward and shook from the kickback of the sneeze. He emitted a raspy groan and sniffled and rubbed his nose with his wrist.
“I’m really just supposed to not comment on that?” 
“Dude,” Urushihara grumbled and sniffled. “What do you want from me?” Gabriel scratched his head and sighed. “Well, I came all this way and you gave me nothung, so—”
“Nothung is a sword. What do you want from me?”
“Oh.” Gabriel relaxed slightly as Lucifer gave him a look of contempt. He helped himself to a glass of cold barley tea. “All I’m sayin’ is you were pretty notorious for having a cute little kitten sneeze.”
Urushihara suppressed a shudder as he fished out another tissue and shook his head. “Don’t say kitten.” 
“Just wondering why you’re suddenly screaming. Trying to compensate for—“
Urushihara groaned and cut him off. “Dude, what the hell? Where do you get off coming here to insult me?” He sniffled again and gave his nose an upward swipe with the tissue and then he continued reading the Poketure TV tropes page. “Keep your crush to yourself. I’m not interested.”
“Aw, don’t be like that.” Gabriel rubbed the back of his neck and let out a huff of amusement. “Besides, I’m pretty sure I’m outta your league nowadays, so—“
“You’re a damn baby snatcher!” 
Gabriel winced and sat next to him. “Well, I did have some juicy info for you, bud, but after that, I think I’m gonna need some compensation.”
“Dude, Ashiya’ll literally rip you a new one if you take one more thing from the fridge.”
Gabriel smiled. “C’mon, not like that. Guess you can say I’ve been bored too, m’kay?”
“Try getting a life,” Urushihara muttered under his breath as he attempted to return to his own in discovering some fan analyses of the most recent movie in the franchise. He sniffled again and coughed briefly. 
“You getting a cold there, bud?”
“I don’t know, okay?” 
Gabriel leaned in and poked the tip of his nose. “Bang.” 
“What—hih-hht-! ugh f-fuck you.” He’d been a fraction of a second late in batting his hand away and the damage had already been done. “hehhdt…KKSHHh! HehKSSHHH’iEEH!”
“Hm…you probably are.”
“What the hell?” Urushihara crossed his arms and moved out of his reach. He pinched away a few tears from the inner corners of his eyes before flashing a glare. “What are you talking about?”
“You probably have a cold.” Gabriel made himself comfortable on the tatami mat beside him. “Did you start sneezing like that to seem tough around the demons?” 
“Dude, no!” Urushihara’s frown turned into a look of disgust. “You’re so weird. Stop asking me questions about my sneezes.”
“I’m already not reading the mood.”
“You know, you should be a little nicer to me.” Gabriel sighed.
Urushihara rolled his eyes and grabbed another tissue. The day he started sucking up to Gabriel would be when hell had been frozen over for a millennia. His nose stung with each chafe of the cheap one-ply fabric, and he was starting to think he did in fact have a cold.
“You don’t really sound good. Was falling really worth it?” 
“Yes.” Urushihara lowered the tissue for a moment and then squinted slightly before pinching off the budding itch. He was getting more nasally with each word. “And if you think so, that's another good reason to leave.”
“I’m sure you could use the company.”
Urushihara ignored him and scrolled further down the page and smirked at the text. The Thing That Would Not Leave, he read. How cliché. If he could just sit there in silence, eventually Gabriel would leave. Unfortunately, with the way the past few hours had been going, it might not be so easy, and the glare from the blue-tinted light was actively working against his attempts at ignoring the itch that was worsening with every inhale. 
“Need another tissue?” Gabriel asked in amusement as he looked over him. He leaned in closer and smiled. “Looks like you’re gonna start up again.”
“Juhhstt stop talki’hhg abouhht—heh…KSHh! Ihkshh! h’KTshh! Iht’kshh!” He sneezed in rapid fire succession, wrist moving up halfway through the fit to cover his nose. They kept coming on, fittish and pitchy, and he was unable to do anything other than ride it out. “mpt’TSShh! http’SHhhee! ihh..hh’TSchhieh!”
“Yeah, that’s more like I remember.”
“Hehht’ZSHHh! Okay? Happy?” He buried his nose into a fresh tissue and blew it again. It was filled and rendered useless after emptying one nostril and he needed to grab a few more. 
Gabriel also took a tissue and wiped the spray from his obnoxious t-shirt. In retrospect, he shouldn’t have gotten so close, but his curiosity had been appeased so he’d accept the consequences. “Guess I’m satisfied for now. Anyway, as I was gonna say…you really should be nicer to me, mm’kay? I’m the only reason The Watcher is standing down.”
“The—“ Urushihara sniffled and took a deep breath. “Why didn’t you lead with that? What the hell?”
“You should’ve guessed, because Sariel—“
“Hdt’ShhHieh! No! How would I know I’ve been out of the loop for like ever!”
“Aw. Bless y—“
“Dude I’m about to make a few calls and have you escorted out.”
“I’ll be long gone by the time you do.” Gabriel smiled. “Anyway, if you wanna do this again sometime, here’s my number.” He tore a paper and scrawled his number on it and flicked it at him. “Call me if you want to do this again sometime.”
“In your dreams.”
“Hope you have a nice day, bud.” Gabriel’s smile only widened before he finally left. 
Urushihara switched tabs and added same-day-shipping lotion-infused tissues to the cart.
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steppeborne · 3 months
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Meet Ka-aylu's family! Before they were Geneq, his mother Yargui married into the Dotharl tribe and with Dzhambul had 3 children. Yaliqa, Urush, and Kay!
He and his two eldest siblings were all named according to the tribe's traiditions. Unfortunately, the marriage did not last long, and Yargui chose to flee the tribe. Too ashamed to return to her original tribe, the Qalli, she and her kids got picked up by the Geneq, where she raised them.
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gobodegoblin · 6 months
Lore Page
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So basically im going to use this to store all the Lore i write about Gobbo and Yervin!
Gobbos Lineage
Tynan Series
• Part Zero • Part One • Part Two • Part Three • Part Four • Part Five
Urush series (Gobbo)
• Part One
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Do you know any names similar to sypha?
Or otherwise names based on uncommon Botanical poisons/deadly plants? /Np -sparrow
Tox, Toxx, Toxy, Toxic, Toxin, Toxins
Poi, Pois, Poison, Poisic or Toxsin or Toxson (Poison + Toxic)
Harm, Harmed, Harmful, Harmless, Trick, Tricky, Trixy, Acid, Acidic, Acidix, Fatal, Mortality, Abnorm, Abnormal, Abno, Abnor, Chem, Chemi, Chemical
More stuff under cut TvT
Effect, Affect, Burn, Burned, Burning, Burnt, Burns, Sting, Stings, Bite, Bites, Bitten, Scratch, Scratched, Flame, Inflamed, Inflamay, Inflamation, Blis, Blist, Blister, Blisters, Blistex, Danger, Dangex, Dangerous, Endanger, Endangered, Inges, Ingest, Ingested, Smoke, Smokey, Smoky, Sym, Symp, Sympt, Symptom, Expo, Expose, Exposure, Exposed, Inter, Intern, Internal, Grad, Gradual, Gradu, Met, Meta, Metab, Metal, Metallic, Tallic,
Pretty, Pleasant, Pleasing, Pleased, Graze, Grazed, Clustered, Cluster, Clusters, Clust
Leaf, Leaves, Flower, Flowy, Petal, Petals, Tree, Forest, Forestry, Life, Bee, Stem, Petalx, Scent, Scented, Decor, Decorum, Decorate, Decorative, Fern, Seed, Seeds, Thorn, Thorns, Thorny, Prick, Prickle, Prickles, Pricked, Blood, Bleed, Drip, Spine, Spines, Poke, Stab, Stabby, Stabber, Ripe, Ripen
Oleander Nerium: Oleander, Nerium, Olean, Oleand, Leand, Neri, Olener, Neriander
The Tree of Death (Hippomane mancinella): Death, Mane, Manci, Nella, Nellamane, Manella, Sap, Phorbol, Phor
Snakeroot, White (Ageratina altissima): Snake, Root, Snakeroot, Snakey, Roots, Rooted, White, Whiteroot, Agera, Agertina, Altis, Altissima, Sima, Alti, Trematol, Trema, Matol, Trem
Castor Oil (Ricinus Communis): Castor, Oil, Ricinus, Communis, Commun, Munis, Rici, Ricin, Infern, Infernal, Crim, Crims, Crimson
Rosary Pea (Abrus precatorius): Rose, Rosary, Pea, Abrus, Precatorius, Abru, Abrux, Catorius, Cator, Precator, Torius, Jequirity, Jequir, Jeq, Abri, Abrin, Abrix, Trop, Tropi, Tropical
Misc Others:
Bell, Bella, Lily, Valley, Vall, Val, Sweet, Sweets, Shade, Nightshade, Bella, Donna, Belladon, Bellux, Bellix, Belladonna, Dracunculus, Dracun, Cunculus, Draculus, Dracu, Tannin, Alum, Allium, Alli, Aril, Arils, Ackee, Citric, Citrus, Citrix, Citrux, Cyan, Cyano, Cyanogen, Ano, Anogen, Urushiol, Shiol, Urush, Uru, Urus, Urushi, Urushio, Shio, Cyanide, Cyani, Yanide, Yanid, Nid, Nide, Cya, Cyide, Rash, Lacquer, Lacq, Lac, Myristicin, Myr, Myris, Myriat, Ticin, Ristic, Risticin, Rist, Myrist, Myri
Oxalic, Rhub, Rhu, Rhubarb, Barb, Sour, Abrin, Abri, Abrix, Saponin, Adonidin, Aconitic, Adonid, Adoni, Adonis, Adonix, Aconit, Aconi, Linamarin, Lina, Lin, Linam, Marin, Rin, Nitril, Nitriles, Nitri, Tri, Tril, Triles, Hydrin, Vol, Volatile, Tile, Agglutination, Agglutin, Glutin, Glu, Agglu, Nephrotoxicity, Toxicity, Nephro, Corrosion, Corrosive, Corro, Wolfsbane, Monkshood, Bane, Aconitine, Nitine, Acon
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myfairgame · 10 months
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Anung Un Rama, Urush Un Rama
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aykutiltertr · 2 months
Uzbegim Atlası - Ozoda Nursaidova - Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik (Uzbek...  Ayrıcalıklardan yararlanmak için bu kanala katılın: ( Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join Şarkının Orijinal Versiyonunu Linkten Dinleyip Ritim Karaokesiyle Çalışabilirsiniz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5MeHvBs7Vw Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Kanalıma Abone Olun Beğenip Paylaşın. Admin:  +998977237777               +998901675555 Все права защищены. Несанкционированное использование является нарушением действующего законодательства. Во избежание нарушения авторских прав, просим не загружать данное видео на свой канал. Tarixingdir ming asrlar Ichra pinhon, o'zbegim Tarixingdir ming asrlar Ichra pinhon, o'zbegim Senga tengdosh Pomiru Oqsoch Tiyonshon, o'zbegim So'ylasin Afrosiyobu So'ylasin O'rxun xati Ko'hna tarix shodasida Bitta marjon, o'zbegim Ozoda Nursaidova Vikipediya, azad ensiklopediya Ozoda Nursai̇dova Ümumi məlumatlar Doğum tarixi 9 oktyabr 1974 (49 yaş) Doğum yeri Daşkənd, Özbəkistan SSR, SSRİ Vətəndaşlığı Özbəkistan Musiqiçi məlumatları Fəaliyyəti Müğənni Fəaliyyət illəri 1994-cü ildən Mükafatları Shukhrat medal Ozoda Nursaidova — Özbək müğənni Mündəricat 1 Həyatı 2 Mahnı albomları[2] 2.1 Begim (1997) 2.2 Ketma (2000) 2.3 Asrasin (2001) 2.4 Endi man ketaman (2002) 2.5 Ishq Sharobi (2003) 2.6 Orzularim (2004) 2.7 Kechagimas (2006) 2.8 Tinglanmagan qushiqlar (2010) 2.9 Tinglanmagan qushiqlar (2018) 3 Video klipləri[3] 4 Həmçinin bax 5 Xarici keçidlər 6 İstinadlar Həyatı Ozoda Nursaidova 9 oktyabr 1974-cü ildə Özbəkistanda , Daşkənd vilayətinin Toytəpə qəsəbəsində doğulmuşdur .[1] Filmografiya Tartib (baş rol) Keragimsan (2009) Ozoda Nursaidova (kameo) Mahnı albomları[2] Begim (1997) Albomdakı mahnılar : 01 -ALLA BOLAM (1997) 02 -BEGIM (1997) 03 -ETMASMIDIM (1994) 04 -LILA-LILA (1997) 05 -MUGULCHAI NAWO (1996) 06 -MUHABBAT KAYDASAN (1997) 07 -OTAJON (1995) 08 -QOSH OSTIDA YOR KUZINGIZ (1995) 09 -UNUTING ZOLIM (1997) Ketma (2000) Albomdakı mahnılar : 01 -BALADI (arabcha) 02 -JONIM JONINGA GURBON (2000) 03 -KETMA 04 -ONAJONIM URNINI (2000) 05 -OYDIN-OYDIN KECHALAR (2000) 06 -TOSHKENT YIGITLARIM 07 -YOGASIS Asrasin (2001) Albomdakı mahnılar : 01 -Shirin-Shirin 02 -Jon Uzbegim Elim 03 -Duet 04 -Asrasin 05 -Alam 06 -Dewona (Remix) 07 -Sowchilar 08 -Bor-Borawer 09 -Oliftagina 10 -Didam 11 -Hasadguylar 12 -Anor-Anor 13 -Begim 14 -Ketma Endi man ketaman (2002) Albomdakı mahnılar : 1. BALE 2. BEWAFO 3. DEME DEMA 4. ENDI MAN KETAMAN 5. GADONING DUSHMANI 6. GAYNONA 7. GIZGONAMAN 8. KECHALAR 9. LIRIK LIRIK 10. OY NECHUN 11. SEN BULMASANG 12. SINFDOSHLAR 13. YOLGIZIM ONAM Ishq Sharobi (2003) Albomdakı mahnılar : 01 -Ishg Sharobi 02 -Yor-Yor 03 -Sen Bulmasang Boshgasi 04 -Hato Gilibsan 05 -Dunyo 06 -Yoningda Uzim 07 -Kungil 08 -Unut 09 -Buydogim 10 -Ya Begu-Begu 11 -Gurgaman 12 -Otalarning Oridan 13 -Bor-Bor 14 -Gol-Gol 15 -Meni Sew Orzularim (2004) Albomdakı mahnılar : 01 -AFSONAMAN 02 -ANDIJONLIK 03 -AVRAMA 04 -EHTIYOTJIM BOR 05 -ESHQU SHENOHTE 06 -GOZAL KECHALARDA 07 -KANDIRAMASSIN BENI 08 -KARVON 09 -NOZNI FARQI BOR 10 -ONAM 11 -ORZULARIM 12 -QAINISINGILAR 13 -SEVGILIM Kechagimas (2006) Albomdakı mahnılar : 01 -BAGRI KENG 02 -CHIMILDIK 03 -CIGAN 04 -HOLOS 05 -ITALIANO 06 -KECHAGI EMAS 07 -KETMA 8 -KUROLICHA 09 -MAVLO 10 -MAYHONA 11 -PORTA KALA 12 -QUDA 13 -SINMADIM ONA 14 -SUHANI 15 -TUY GULHONI Tinglanmagan qushiqlar (2010) Albomdakı mahnılar : 01 -Anally (2007) 02 -Assalam (2007) 03 -Bitsin urush 04 -Divanni Remix 05 -Hilol (2004) 06 -Oldingdan Oqqan Suvni (2005) 07 -Omonat (2003) 08 -Qushigimga Tegmanglar (2004) 09 -Sahardan Yodimdasan (2008) 10 -Shekaste (2005) 11 -Uvol (2004) 12 -Uzbekistan (2006) Tinglanmagan qushiqlar (2018) Albomdakı mahnılar : Ya habibi Video klipləri[3] Yor yor Shirin Onajonim Qaynona As salam Sen bulmasang Sevgilim Shekaste End Instrumental Suhane Həmçinin bax Xarici keçidlər Биография Озоды Нурсаидовой Arxivləşdirilib 2013-07-06 at Archive.today Все песни Озода нурсаидова Arxivləşdirilib 2019-06-02 at the Wayback Machine İstinadlar UzDessert — Your Guide to Uzbek Culture : Ozoda Nursaidova Arxivləşdirilib 2023-08-08 at the Wayback Machine:…Ozoda Nursaidova was born on October 9 ,1973 in Tuytepa. Ozoda Sayidozoda’s official website ! :All Discography Arxivləşdirilib 2011-10-27 at the Wayback Machine Ozoda Sayidozoda’s official website ! :All video Arxivləşdirilib 2011-10-27 at the Wayback Machine  Musiqiçi ilə əlaqədar bu məqalə qaralama halındadır. Məqaləni redaktə edərək Vikipediyanı zənginləşdirin. Озода Нурсаидова мақола мубоҳисавӣ кирилликӣ Хондан Вироиш Вироиши манбаъ Намоиши таърих Ҷаъбаи абзор Озода Нурсаидова ӯзбекӣ: Ozoda Saidzoda Иттилооти асосӣ Ном ба ҳангоми таваллуд Озода Саидзода Парпиевна Номи пурра Озода Саидзода Парпиевна (Нурсаидова) Таърихи таваллуд 9 октябр 1974 (49 сол) Зодгоҳ Тӯйтеппа, Вилояти Тошканд, ҶШСӮ, ИШ Солҳои фаъолият 1994-то ҳол Кишвар  Ӯзбекистон Пеша(ҳо) Сароянда Коргардони мусиқӣ Оҳангсоз Сабк Эстрада, поп, мақом, etnic-modern Ҷоизаҳо Shukhrat medal
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junichiroishii · 8 years
In traditional lacquer harvesting, urushi-kaki (漆掻き) or lacquer tappers collect the raw material for “urushi” (うるし) from the urushi (ウルシ) trees from early summer to fall.
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—In June, the lacquer tappers put their hands together to pray to the mountain gods for a safe and good harvest and cut notches in the trunks of the urushi trees.
At the beginning of the summer, only a little sap comes out when the cuts are made. However, after repeated scores, large amounts of sap overflow from the trees by the height of the summer. The urushi trees are deciduous and their leaves turn red in the fall. Eventually, at the end of the extraction season, the dead trees are cut down.
According to the traditional “seshime” method, cut tree branches were collected and lacquer was extracted from the tips of these branches as well. This was more of a side job during the off-season in the winter and barely done each year due to the small amount it yielded. In recent years, it is rare to see “seshime” when the lacquer industry has been economically slower. The lacquer obtained from the seshime process is called “seshime urushi,“ (seshime lacquer) which has a high viscosity and is treated separately as a material.
The urushi tree is cut down for its sap, but its roots are not dead. Sprouts [*1] grow and regenerate in the next year. It will take more than ten years for the tree to grow into a mature form from which urushi can be harvested again.
[*1] Young shoots that grow from tree stumps and roots
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Today, with the collapse of our consumerist society on the horizon and the realization that our planet’s resources are not sustainable at our current rate, one theory suggests that we must slow down our consumption rate to what it was in the 1970s. In other words, in our modern age, we are increasingly looking toward our past lifestyles for clues to our future social structures.
In traditional lacquer harvesting, every last drop of sap is extracted from an urushi tree, but the tree itself is not destroyed until the very end so that it can regenerate again later. This lifestyle that is seemingly in close contact with the life force of the forest may contain some clues for the future of our society.
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◉ Artwork «Urushi Lacquered Urushi Wood»
At the end of the lacquering season, the branches of the urushi tree are discarded after the sap has been wrung out. These branches were then coated with "urushi” as processed goods and made into a work of art titled, «Urushi Lacquered Urushi Branches» (2021).
Additionally, «Urushi Lacquered Urushi Wood» is currently being produced as an extension of this work. Since 2021, the Urushi Project team has been filming lacquer tapping in Fukuchiyama City in Kyoto Prefecture. After being filmed and cut down at the end of the 2021 season, the piece “Urushi Lacquered Urushi Wood” aims to preserve the tree as a work of art. Additionally, the production process is planned to take 10 years.
Urushi (sap) on urushi (tree). At first glance, it seems very meaningless.
—Why is it meaningless?
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«Urushi Lacquered Urushi Branches»(2021)production:Ryuji Onari © URUSHI PROJECT
Perhaps because there is a general perception that "urushi promotes (an object’s) beauty and refines its luxury”.
One of art’s functions is to transform the "familiar" into the "unfamiliar". Words become routine with continued use, their meaning eventually slipping away and becoming "auto-mechanized". The ancient Greeks called this "Doxa". When the thought (or assumption) that "urushi promotes beauty and elevates luxury" is entrenched, the image of the material becomes "doxa-ized". Even before we see the real thing, we have unconsciously (and unknowingly) created the idea that "lacquer = beauty (or coated in something beautiful)".
On the other hand, the concept of "ostranenie" (defamiliarization) established by Viktor Borisovich Shklovsky and others in the Russian avant-garde, refers to the re-normalization and de-normalization of things.
«Urushi Lacquered Urushi Wood» is about using urushi as paint, which is an expensive material refined by human hands, on "urushi wood" from which "urushi lacquer" as a raw material is extracted and then discarded. What is the meaning of using such high-grade paint for something meaningless, something that is not worth decorating? Moreover, what if that "paint" is raw material extracted from another raw material? The emphasis lies in the significance of harvesting urushi from urushi trees. Why do people take the trouble to extract “urushi” from “urushi”?
Of course, the amount of lacquer needed to completely preserve an urushi tree with “urushi" is far from sufficient. This is similar to our consumer lifestyle in the capitalist economy, where the amount of energy consumed by an individual does not necessarily match the amount of energy produced by them.
«Urushi Lacquered Urushi Wood» functions as an icon of the Urushi Project, contemplating the changes of values in a materialistic society with questions and contradictions about oneself—inquiries that swirl endlessly in an urushi-colored black hole.
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th3---wr1t3r · 7 months
Gobbos currently in her PTSD arc from the Urush war and Slymes death, any advice on writing this?
1- look up 7 stages of grief, go through them
2- write out a list of triggers, no matter how big or small, write all the ones you cam think of (e.g. the one I have for moss contains: holidays, partners missing or being upset, bird scarers, slamming doors, tomato ketchup [specifically it on anything pale beige or on her hands], calling people master, pitch blackness, someone saying "I love you" in a motherly, shaky way etc etc]
3- you do not go into panic attacks at every trigger, not everything has to have an extreme reaction, you don't even have to explicitly state they are triggered, maybe they clench their fists slightly or look away, subtly writes better.
4- as someone who went through trauma, it's normal to hold it in untill you get to a safe place, you can feel happy and broken at the same time, the arc of recovery is more like a scribble, a heart beat, you can recover without therapy, you can be completely fine and mostly over it and still get triggered.
5- make it realistic, if you are planning to run away, don't do it over a small thing, let the small things build up, internalise it, then explode, Moss running away was building since mf died and faye was kidnapped, big triggers that were internalised till orion broke them
6- the trauma doesn't go away it the person who died comes back, I see this way too often, the characters are suddenly ok as the character who died comes back, no, that's not how it works, just because they're fine now doesnt mean they didn't die and cause all the pain in the past
7- you have a right to not accept apologies and distance yourself, I don't care if the other characters didn't do anything, the other character can still want to isolate
8- don't cry all the time! Be angry, go numb, go nonverbal! Crying isn't the only way to be upset or broken
Theres probably more but that's what I have for now
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geoledgy · 5 months
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Whoa I just found some old promotional art of Uranium Rush! They might be radioactive though.
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devilscastle69 · 11 months
Weaponized Incompetence
hi guys i started watching the devil is a p@rt t!mer the other day and im obsessed
i hope u enjoy
dust allergy, luc//ifer (urush//ihara)
Alciel turns to face the disturbance and has to actually angle his gaze downwards when he remembers how short Lucifer is. The hikikomori is idly rubbing his nose, feather duster trailing on the floor in his other hand. “You’re supposed to be cleaning, Urushihara.” he chastises.
“I think I’m allergic to dust.” He frowns.
Alciel’s eye twitches at the excuse. “You’re always trying to get out of doing anything! It’s disgraceful. Maou-sama deserves to come home to a clean castle. It’s bad enough he’s providing for us!” He wrings out his lord’s durable whitey-tighties over the sink. “It’s the very least you can do.”
“The least I can do is nothing.”
“Oh, you’ve already done something!”
Lucifer weighs his options with a sigh. There’s no way Alciel will let him enjoy himself in peace until the chores are done, not with how worked up he’d been all day after a few cracks from Emi about his housekeeping coupled with seeing the charges to their bank account—so he’d ordered a few online games, sue him. “But it’s—”
“And when you’re done dusting, you can vacuum.”
“I can’t do it like you. I’ll probably make a bigger mess—”
“Enough!” Alciel clips damp clothes to the clothesline and whips his head around and bears his fangs. “Hurry up! He’ll be home in a half hour.”
Lucifer grimaces at the dust coating the feathers. Most of it had remained from 
previous usage. It darkened them so much that they almost match his wings in terms of color. This has been a pointless waste of his time; he’s sure this isn’t doing much other than taking dust from one area and moving it to a new one. “hH’KxSHh!” Even thinking about it is apparently enough to make him sneeze again. “It’s filthy,” he complains.
“Go shake it outside!” Alciel yells, pointing at the door. 
The nerve of this guy. Outside? In the sun? Where there could be people? 
He sighs and reconciles with himself. After this, he’ll play his new PC games. He has
animals to take care of. Trees to plant. Lands to reign over. Soon enough, Alciel will be too busy fawning over Satan for him to be up his ass. It’ll only be another hour maximum. 
He shields his eyes from the sun, even though there’s decent cloud coverage and the temperature outside is almost identical to the one inside the Devil’s Castle. As he shakes out the duster, his eyes begin to water and thus confirm his suspicions. He tries to hold his breath, but he has a feeling it’s too late if the burning itch spreading through his nasal passages is any indication.
“hih’ISCHh! Hehh…hhihtcshh’ih!” Curse this human body. This is terrible. He has to sniffle to keep his nose from running but it has the unpleasant side effect of making the tickle reignite. He scrubs his nose against his shoulder and beats the duster on the rail again. The fallen archangel is no match for the angry cloud of dust that wafts in front of his face. “Tschh! KSChh! heh’ihSCh! h’EDtSZCHhh!” 
This is miserable.
He heads back in, head bent from the dizziness following the intensity of the sneezing fit. Even through the budding congestion, he can smell the concoction of chemicals Alciel has started using to clean the kitchen sink in the minute it's taken him to accomplish his task
“Hey, you’re not combi’ding bleach and ammbo’dia, are you?” 
Lucifer points at the various bottles on the countertop rather than attempt to repeat himself. 
“Of course I’m not! I would never be so careless!” Alciel yells back, double checking the labels anyway. “See? They’re all—”
“HhGHT-! Tschhiew…!”  
Alciel frowns at the intensity of the poorly restrained sneeze. “Why don’t you switch to vacuuming?” 
Lucifer sniffles and hands Alciel the feather duster. Hop off my dick, he thinks with another sniffle. They have no tissues thanks to Alciel’s “budgeting,” so he heads off to grab some toilet paper. 
“Where are you going?”
“Are you kiddi’gg?” he mutters, stifling another sneeze before closing the bathroom door behind him. He blows his nose and is disgusted by how much toilet paper he has to go through before he can breathe through his nose again. And even then…
“Ihh’Khshhh! Huhh…” He coughs dryly into the folded up toilet paper before blowing his nose again. Maybe if he’s quiet enough in here, Alciel will forget about him. He sits himself against the wall furthest from the toilet and tries to breathe evenly so he doesn't trigger another sneeze. He rests his head between his knees and cups clean toilet paper over his nose and tries to get some relief from the worsening sinus pressure. Might as well let his nose run freely instead of attempting to blow it every thirty seconds. 
What a pain. He almost wishes they’d have unwanted company just to get Alciel off his back. Too bad he hadn’t brought the laptop in here with him. With it, he’d probably be able to stay here for at least three days. 
“Urushihara! Stop slacking off!” 
“I’mb sorry my health is—h’KSCHh’hiu! Ugh. Of n’doh co’dcernd to you.”
“I can’t understand what you're saying. Open this door!”
Lucifer’s head feels like it’s pounding as if Alciel’s first has been banging directly against his temple rather than on the door. He has no choice but to oblige. “If I vaccuumb, will you leave mbe alonde?”
Alciel gives him a once over. “Are you crying?”
Lucifer scowls and pushes past him, easily dodging the retaliatory shove aimed in his direction. He grabs the vacuum and finds the switch, and—the bag is full. “What a pain,” he bemoans. “You used it last, Alciel!”
“Call me Ashiya!”
“It’s just us,” he mutters, sniffling again. “Can’t you switch this out?”
“I have dinner on the stove!”
Lucifer shudders at the thought of having udon yet again. If he suggests ordering out, he knows it’ll just result in more headache, so he kneels down to replace the bag. There are only so many buttons on the thing, it’s obviously the one in the middle. He’s a whiz with technology. A natural. As is expected of a NEET. This should be—
Yeah, no he fucked up. 
The bag spills everywhere and Alciel shrieks at the mess.  It’s all over Lucifer’s face, and he doesn’t have time to get a single word out before he's overcome with a sneezing fit. “Heh’edzshhu! Kxsch! Tchh’ih-tschh!-tschh! h’KSCHhh!” 
“If you didn’t know how, you should’ve asked,“ Alciel lectures.
He holds up his hand to wave him off, unable to do much else other than try to get a breath in between the rapid sneezes. “hih’hHdtSChh! Ih’tchh!-kschh! Huhh!- hhihIHTShh!”
“Oh wow,” he says, tone changing abruptly, “You’re really allergic.”
Lucifer manages to shoot him a death glare with the two seconds he’s able to keep his eyes open before he jerks forward with another sneeze. Of course the earlier torture hadn’t been enough. “hehhySChh’ih!” he sneezes, voice cracking in desperation halfway through.
“Here, go wash your face, I’ll clean this up,” Alciel says, managing to sound guilty rather than amused. 
The barrage of sneezing relents enough to let him get up to run to the bathroom. The floor hadn’t been particularly dirty before he’d attempted to vacuum, but it certainly is now. 
“Hehdt’SCHH! Huhh..”
He flushes his eyes with water and then washes his face, the curtain of bangs in front of his eye getting dampened in the process. He buries his face in the nearby washcloth and immediately sneezes again. His throat is starting to become sore from it all, too. But something tells him his suffering will not be in vain. There’s no way they’ll pester him to clean again after this.
“Welcome home, My Lord!”
Lucifer steps out of the bathroom to see Alciel back over the stove. It’s alarming how adept he’s gotten at these chores. It doesn’t even make sense for him to need help. The floor is spotless again like nothing had happened.
“MgRonalds is doing an employee of the month program, and it comes with a bonus!” The Former Demon King and current part-time MgRonalds employee announces. If Lucifer weren’t so distracted right now, his ears would prick up at the word bonus almost as much as Alciel’s do. He starts to praise the endeavor when Lucifer’s nose betrays him again. It doesn’t matter that the allergen is long gone, the damage has already been done.
“—just know you’ll be able to—”
“—and hard work—”
“ihh’tSChh! KXSch!-tschh! Ihshh!”
“Are you okay, Urushihara?” 
Lucifer gives him a lackluster thumbs-up before sneezing again. Satan takes a few steps forward and brings the back of his knuckles to the exposed part of Lucifer’s forehead. The urge to sneeze that’d been building recedes from the suddenness of the gesture, leaving his nose twitching in annoyance. 
“He’s allergic to housework,” Alciel explains.
“Allergic to duh-dust.” Lucifer sniffles indignantly. “And ih’KSCHh! -a’dd guess what he made me do?” He at least manages to cover the sneeze in time, though his shirt is starting to look patchy with different portions of it darkened with spray. 
Satan pats his head. “And yet, you did it anyway. Thank you for helping.”
“I’mb older thand you,” Lucifer hisses under his breath.
“From now on…I will do the dusting!”
“No, Sire!” Alciel protests,  “It is my job to keep up with the housework. I will ensure it gets done!”
It’s so tacky. Lucifer walks away as they have a heated moment and returns to his place in front of the computer. His nose may be beyond fucked, but even he can smell the burning from the kitchen.
“Oh no! It’s my fault, I got distracted!”
“It’s okay, we’ll figure something else out. Or I’m sure it tastes…umm…”
“I’mb orderi’gg a pizza!” he says hoarsely. And for once, nobody protests.
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tamenuristudio · 2 years
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Many new raden pens have not “survived” the Penfest in Istanbul, but some I’m happy to show and offer here ;) Raden “polka dots” on black glossy urush. As usuall with with roiro and raden - difficult to photograph, but I did my best. Ready to go with #6 nib of your choice ;) . —— Most pens I show here are for sale. Contact me through direct message here or email: [email protected]. I do not have a webshop or a big stock. Some available pens I show on my website, usually after a week or two from presenting them here - link in bio. ——. . #japaneselacquer #urushilacquer #japanart #蒔絵 #漆 #fountainpen #calligraphy #urushi #nakaya #danitrio #namiki #urushifountainpen #japanlacquer #tamenuri #tamenuristudio #vulpen #styloplume #万年筆 #estilográfica⁣ #handmade #penmaking #handwriting #pencollector #penmaker #penshow #penforsale #pensforsale #radenpen (at Warsaw, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClefAzvDQM2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gobodegoblin · 6 months
Urush War, Part One
A day measures a 24 hour time frame and not the full sun-moon cycle
Day 1
I write now on a shaky platform, travelling out through the snowy countryside of my homeland towards a bloody border. I pray my death is soon and quick.
Day 2
Arrival at garrison. I can hear the shelling from here. We’ve been issued 2 sets of fatigue and a rifle. They let me keep my Remington instead.
We did some practice drills before they sent us to a field. A pile of corpses lay in the snow and we were tasked with digging their graves
My shovel is slow, and the stench thick.
Day 3
My fingers are frost bitten, but Ive completed it
I was permitted to return to the garrison and warm but I’ve chosen to remain and aid the others, it should only be a fee more hours:
Were too leave for the front line tomorrow.
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444names · 2 years
genword series: reemish predef
Abab Abe Abrala Aderadwe Adibrit Aglikree Akree Amegeegu Angit Apa Ape Apeep Aple Asa Asushpaneeru Atino Atola Azhga Azhgeb Azka Azted Azukrep Azupegagu Badimutunge Badro Bako Bamadil Bameeget Banizginelek Bateeb Batolid Baze Bazhgib Bebrup Beebeenga Beedabwa Beedro Beema Beenganaglee Beengopa Beepupobre Bemudla Bibo Bide Bikrawa Bilel Bipang Bipolapree Biprang Bispanubasta Bistupee Bitange Bitenizhu Biztepud Blelugree Blikubub Blipu Bliranudap Blitoku Blodlug Blototub Blutugagu Bodu Boke Bopadagap Bopime Bopwezud Brangukigopa Bripab Brokla Brukipratee Buke Bunge Bupeed Bupongizat Butipuk Buzhbu Dadee Dakatwa Daple Dazhdutingug Deebu Deekeeleglee Deemirobo Deetameeteedreed Denura Detap Deted Dloboshtop Dlokwe Dlup Dolee Dongeblin Dopat Dradu Dudwab Dugipak Dungup Durab Dwidrashbag Dwitreezdet Ebitu Edeeg Edipra Eebo Eedla Eegeeleed Eeke Eemug Eeneela Eengu Eepaglanope Eepazhdada Eepra Eepristezpasta Eepwan Eepween Eetlik Eetlishpup Eetwe Eetweg Eezbeet Eeze Eezhe Eezhteeg Ekloshuking Ekog Ekwee Elig Emuke Ene Epubat Eto Etuzhtu Gabazeb Gapwab Gazee Gheedwipongee Gheepa Gila Ginganalo Glipro Gongipo Gretlupwung Grube Gutetadonan Guzed Guzin Ibee Ibla Iblopwik Ida Idrik Igakra Igleep Ikuzib Ileek Ina Inep Ingakrab Itig Itleeg Itweeke Iwe Izbu Izhbekapreebrep Izpinge Kabib Kadleprobe Kagrutreeb Kalu Kedruzdupreep Keegungakabra Keepigwe Kibameelot Kisgee Kosang Krushta Krutree Kupa Kuteeshbatazhto Kwata Kwazhe Kwunarot Labeenadidup Labiba Labiship Labwom Ladeenip Lakan Lang Lape Lapwe Latra Leebree Leepila Leetro Leetwong Legwe Lekep Lekwagu Lengeepra Letle Libikre Lidu Liminga Lino Lipo Lipu Lisbu Liza Lobit Lobob Logliboblop Lomip Longuble Loshpingebop Lozhuwideeta Lubupeedo Ludeeplu Ludrogreep Lugasabiblee Lunetwad Lungashbuduna Lunutatweege Lupleenitra Lupopwe Luprut Mazho Medrug Meegoglo Meeme Meemubusob Meesheep Migiklo Mingida Modee Motal Motedongagwo Motee Nakagwu Nangeg Napunoba Neepwo Neesitad Nesbu Nibe Nidwot Nike Nileemikang Nutatwotweet Nuzob Obezhpa Obwodwo Odre Odwo Ogab Oke Oklogrune Omika Opra Oprat Oreen Ozutee Pable Paking Palo Papung Patranumupeek Patre Pebu Pedigla Peeklak Peemit Peengukap Peeno Peetel Peka Pibab Pibakat Piglim Pigro Pipabotikre Pizhbeebeg Plabo Plato Pleeshpap Plelu Pobeepawu Pogadlee Pogladwid Potwa Pozib Prapu Preeshkigro Pribatreeg Primo Prodip Prola Prosbare Pubabiplage Pubible Puge Puke Puklong Puzumigedeb Rabrotob Rade Rado Radopoze Rake Ranadupwe Ranu Rapipre Rapree Rapwut Rariglutadlad Raskabeelad Rateeku Ratlu Reedwe Reegod Reesa Reetribra Regetistat Rekle Remabo Repu Retedwepwa Rezhtatupwe Ribe Ringup Rinina Riplipleepradree Ripree Rishga Riwa Rizhupraska Rolun Ruba Ruku Rukweeb Rune Runge Runupe Rupwa Rutlamule Shagulu Sheepin Shibusheeng Shoste Tako Tamobwo Tatupestud Tatwee Teekag Teene Tekak Tekeepu Tenatrasap Tibeeplu Timab Tineeb Tipe Tipwazhapipee Tleewan Tletig Tlipe Tlungin Tlunipane Tobung Todageep Tongin Totlibongu Toze Treekiga Treskudodlum Trobe Truzu Tututa Uda Udip Udishbe Udlu Uklat Umap Ungidil Unog Uroplee Urushe Usta Ut Uzbat Uzhbu Waban Wabipre Wabone Wabre Wabushbu Waledle Wangage Wapikonuzba Wapre Washipipwo Wazodo Weeget Weemalep Weenumebrup Weepipre Weeseek Wibo Widezee Widre Wikote Wim Wipwet Witeezpobweeb Wiwapeek Wostamebra Wude Wumomeeko Wutrabuk Wutro Zeedem Zheedee ǂibeeb ǂopwa ǂuse ǃeekut ǃeepe ǃeewiga ǃezadanetu ǃogadweet ʘeeda ʘeegwad ʘegabipra ʘipwu ʘitakee ʘudokebozhub ʘupeeb
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romeochocgt · 2 years
#urush https://www.instagram.com/p/Cedtn_Kllvl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nikeaguaraguzu · 4 years
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Ok. Smaugust has only a few hours left, so I must do something about it. How about an epic face-off between two dragons! Urush, even when he hates his draconic inheritance, must use his strength to fight that which he knows is more dangerous. An old, gargantuan, evil, rampaging fire dragon. He has trained for this. He cannot lose.
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