anarchomitsumi · 3 months
i don't think I've ever had this much fun "watching" euro. we were at the beach and hearing a bunch of dudes yell in the nearby bars and trying to guess if spain had scored or what. funniest thing is there were two bars and one had a delay in the tv so you'd hear OOOOOGOLLLLLL in one and then....3 seconds of silence and from the other AASMSSSSAAAAA A GOL GOL GOL. then we went out for dinner and said we'd leave the bar when portugal france finished and THEY WENT TO FUCKING PENALTIES
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(a lion statue found in the archaeological site of Castulo, and an Oretani warrior)
The Oretani were an Iberian group that lived in Northern Andalusia and Southern La Mancha, concentrated in the modern provinces of Jaén and Ciudad Real, with some dispersion into Córdoba and Albacete as well. Attested as early as the 5th century BC, the largest oppida or settlements, characterized by its great fortifications, were Ipolca (roman Obulco and modern Porcuna, Jaén) and Kastilo (roman Castulo, near modern Linares, Jaén). Due to its location next to rich mines, Kastilo / Castulo was one of the most important cities in Iberia not only during the Iberian era but also within the Roman Empire and beyond; it was head of a diocesis until the 15th century when it was abandoned, and it has been deemed as "the Iberian Pompeii" due to the richness of its materials and the state of the ruins. Meanwhile, Ipolca / Obulco has a so-called "Heroon", a sanctuary / temple in honour of a mysterious hero. Other significant sites were Puente Tablas (Jaén) and Torreparedones (Baena, Córdoba).
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The Oretani also had some of the most impressive and largest sanctuaries in all of the Iberian world, like the rock ones in El Castellar or El Collado de los Jardines, both in Jaén. The sanctuary at Castellar was inside of a cave called Altos del Sotillo, in which every equinnox the light would penetrate and create a religious experience. Meanwhile, the Collado de los Jardines one sat inside the Cueva de los Muñecos [Cave of the Dolls], in Despeñaperros, a gorge that separates Andalusia and Castille, and as the name suggests, thousands of votive images have been found here.
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The Oretani defeated Hamilcar circa 230 BC in the Battle of Helike (near modern Elx), after the 'king' of the Oretani, Orisson, came to aid the locals against the Punic siege of the city. Later on, however, the king's daughter, Himilce, was married to Hannibal as part of a pact between the Carthaginians and the Oretani. After the Second Punic War, it became part of Rome.
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sefarad-haami · 3 months
The Jews of Spain: A History of the Sephardic Experience
"Migration of Jews throughout the Roman diaspora (c. 200 BCE-200 CE) was so widespread that the ancient Greek geographer Strabo reportedly exclaimed, ‘This people has already made its way into every city, and it is not easy to find any place in the habitable world which has not received this nation and in which it has not made its power felt’ (Josephus, Antiquities, XTV, 115)."
La migración de los judíos a lo largo de la diáspora romana (c. 200 a.C.-200 d.C.) fue tan generalizada que, según se informa, el antiguo geógrafo griego Estrabón exclamó: "Este pueblo ya se ha establecido en cada ciudad, y no es fácil encontrar un lugar en el mundo habitable que no haya recibido a esta nación y en el que no haya hecho sentir su poder" (Josefo, Antigüedades, XIV, 115).
"Jewish merchants and travelers followed the expansion of Phoenician and Syrian trading colonies all along the shores of the Mediterranean, certainly including the Iberian peninsula."
Los comerciantes y viajeros judíos siguieron la expansión de las colonias comerciales fenicias y sirias a lo largo de las costas del Mediterráneo, incluyendo ciertamente la península ibérica.
"Jews in the Roman diaspora flourished in some measure because the Empire recognized Judaism as a legal religion (religio licita)."
Los judíos en la diáspora romana prosperaron en cierta medida porque el Imperio reconoció el judaísmo como una religión legal (religio licita).
"Rome also continued to recognize the Jewish cultural ties to their national homeland in Palestine even after the great Jewish revolts there in the first and second centuries."
Roma también continuó reconociendo los lazos culturales judíos con su patria nacional en Palestina incluso después de las grandes revueltas judías en los siglos I y II.
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darkmaga-retard · 27 days
Ben Bartee
Aug 28, 2024
History rhymes, as they say.
Reconquered Spain has been un-reconquered, it seems, which begs the question: when will the Re-Reconquista kick off?
Via Britannica (emphasis added):
“Reconquista, in medieval Spain and Portugal, a series of campaigns by Christian states to recapture territory from the Muslims (Moors), who had occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula in the early 8th century…
All that blood sweat, and tears from those bloody centuries is now undone by a treasonous elite intentionally destroying the nation from within — a story that has played itself out across Europe now for a few decades, accelerated dramatically in the last ten years.
Jim Watkins asked me on the radio (apologies for the poor audio) a week ago why the technocrats who run the nations of Western Europe hold such disdain for their native populations that they are willing to destroy the fabric of those societies for the sake of importing throngs of so-called “migrants” or “refugees” or whatever NGO term du jour.
Even after having read multiple books on this specific topic, like “The Strange Death of Europe” by Douglas Murray, I still can’t say I understand what’s going on for sure.
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mesetacadre · 2 months
Since you were talking about Podemos, PCE, I'm assuming you're familiar with the political parties in Spain? (I always assumed you were from Latin America, but maybe I was wrong rsrsrs) I'm curious if you know about what happened to Herri Batasuna/Batasuna and now EH Bildu (or about ETA's history in general.. fascinating stuff ngl) and the other pro-independence parties like BNG. Do you think they can ever suceed in the future? Death to monarchies everywhere ofc.
I mean as a Marxist I support self-determination for Euskal Herria/Catalan Coutries/Canarias/etc, not to mention the decolonization of Ceuta and Melilla, but yeah I've seen the arguments about how some - like Sinn Fein in Ireland - do end up falling for the burgeuiousy (how tf you spell it) side and not the workers. I doubt a Soviet "style" Iberian Union would work due to Castilian(Spanish) chauvinism not giving space to Basques Galicians and Catalans, not to mention a fully union would have to include Portugal and Andorra tbh it wouldn't make much sense.
(you can answer in Spanish if you want, I understand it ok I'm Brazilian just don't speak it very well)
Como me diste la oportunidad, responderé en español. Por fortuna o por desgracia, vivo y nací en España, pero agradezco la confusión con mis hermanos hispanoamericanos.
ETA surgió durante la dictadura, en el 58, como respuesta a la violenta castellanización llevada a cabo por la dictadura. No conozco los detalles, pero cosas como prohibir el vasco y hacer lo posible por suprimir su cultura, aparte de la represión contra cualquier tipo de movimiento popular, como en el resto del país. Sobre todo por aquel entonces, había una importante influencia comunista en ETA, sobre todo entre los años 70 y 80 con ETA-pm (político-militar), había hasta influencia marxista-leninista. No hablaré mucho más de ETA, pues no tengo tanto conocimiento, pero si diré que el terrorismo como estrategia política comunista, ya sea principal o supeditada a otras estrategias, prácticamente nunca es productiva. Y sobre el aspecto separatista, llega el resto de tu pregunta.
Los movimientos regionalistas e independentistas surgen en el siglo XIX de la mano de su burguesía regional, al igual que surgió el concepto de nación española como se conoce hoy. Esto no es un descalificador, sin duda para que estos movimientos surgieran, tenía que haber detrás un trasfondo cultural y lingüístico suficientemente diferente para darle sustancia. No estoy diciendo que la burguesía se inventase el catalán o el vasco. Pero lo que sí estoy diciendo es que hay que tener en cuenta que, al igual que el resto de identidades nacionales, estas tienen un carácter ligado al desarrollo de la burguesía. Si la autodeterminación de una nación conlleva tener un estado y gobierno propio, entonces, como marxistas, entendemos que esto supone una división de la clase obrera mundial en categorías ajenas a su condición socio-económica objetiva de proletariado, tanto para un estado español, como para un estado catalán/vasco/gallego/etc.
La auto-determinación de una nacionalidad en los marcos del capitalismo sólo supone la autodeterminación de su clase capitalista correspondiente. Acaso el estado español defiende los intereses de los trabajadores españoles? No, porque es una dictadura de la burguesía. Lo mismo pasaría con un estado catalán o vasco. A los comunistas nos concierne la emancipación del proletariado, nada menos. El único caso en el que sí se suele apoyar movimientos nacionalistas así es en contexto imperialistas, de liberación nacional, como puede ser el de Palestina, el de la República Saharaui, o el de Argelia en su momento, por poner unos ejemplos. El imperialismo es una serie de características económicas específicas, de dominación y concentración financiera. Este no es el caso en España. Por más desiguales que puedan ser ciertas regiones, que no niego que lo sean, o por más que se haya reprimido sus lenguas en el pasado, esto no constituye una relación imperialista. España, en su conjunto como país, es un estado imperialista, pues se encuentra en los escalafones más altos de la pirámide imperialista, de la mano de la OTAN y la UE. Y no hace falta ni meterse a analizar las relaciones del capital financiero dentro de España y su concentración, puesto que las regiones como Cataluña, País Vasco, Galicia o Canarias, por más que tengan sus problemas específicos, se benefician por activa y por pasiva de los beneficios imperialistas que llegan a España. Si de verdad se tratase de una relación imperialista, esas regiones no percibirían esos beneficios. Los palestinos no se benefician de la posición de Israel en esa misma pirámide imperialista, por ejemplo.
Visto esto, que significa, como comunistas, apoyar la independencia de estas regiones sin ni siquiera pasar antes por la construcción del socialismo? Eso constituye oportunismo. Si buscamos superar el concepto de la nación, de qué sirve apoyar su profundizamiento en el seno de nuestra clase? La revolución es nacional en su forma, pero internacional en su contenido.
Para evitar malentendidos, y pasando a la parte de tu pregunta sobre la forma que tomaría un estado socialista en el territorio que ocupa España actualmente, dependerá del todo en cómo se ha desarrollado el contexto general para aquel entonces. Pero ahora sí podemos hablar de autodeterminación y autonomía. Si digo que la autodeterminación dentro del marco capitalista supone una división innecesaria de nuestra clase, no viene de ningún chovinismo español ni de un ansia por la fracturación de la patria, como diría el FO otras personas que van de obreristas, viene del principio de internacionalismo proletario. Le tengo tanto aprecio a la nación española como cualquier independentista, y deseo la no división de la clase obrera dentro de España con la misma intensidad que deseo la futura unión de toda la clase obrera mundial. Dentro de un sistema socialista, se debe, por cojones, partir del contexto que dejó el sistema anterior. Las desigualdades entre regiones que existen dentro de España y que sin duda seguirán existiendo hasta su abolición, por lo tanto es muy seguro que se requerirá de algún sistema de autonomía y de favorecimiento al desarrollo de estas regiones. Igual que se deberá afrontar la desigualdad que tiene Euskadi con el resto del país, también se deberá afrontar la de Extremadura, por ejemplo. Se trata de fomentar el desarrollo parejo de todo el país.
Aunque usar ese nombre sea demasiado folclorista y bastante sinsentido, la comparación con la URSS me parece apta porque ellos lidiaron con las centenares de nacionalidades subyugadas por el imperio zarista haciendo esto mismo, en cuanto las circunstancias se lo permitieron. Fomentaron la educación en las lenguas locales, su administración territorial se basaba, mas o menos, en líneas nacionales, y todo esto a la vez que empezaron a superar el concepto de nación, también fomentando el desarrollo de una "nación" soviética, basada en la condición de proletario y el orgullo en los éxitos de su revolución. Hay bastante que criticar en esta política, como por ejemplo, su uso de las jerarquías preexistentes para implementar sus políticas, sobre todo en los años 20 y 30. En la constitución de 1936 se contemplaba, y este derecho lo defendió Stalin hasta el final de su redacción, el derecho a la salida de cualquier nación de la URSS, si lo decidiese. Ninguna república comenzó este proceso porque la URSS realmente le dio la vuelta a las relaciones de dominación que solía tener Rusia sobre estas. Finlandia, por el otro lado, solicitó su independencia en 1921, durante la Guerra civil y de intervención, y se le otorgó sin hostilidades.
Algo similar, pero atendiendo a las diferencias en las relaciones entre regiones y otras particularidades, se llevaría a cabo en una "España" socialista.
TL,DR: no ganamos nada dividiéndonos en estados capitalistas, y tenemos mucho que ganar uniéndonos como clase
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verita-lapalissiana · 3 months
Coccodrillo di Caimano
di Marco Travaglio
Non entrerò mai in politica. Scendo in campo. Il Paese che amo. Un nuovo miracolo italiano. L'Italia come il Milan. Basta ladri di Stato. L'amico Craxi. L'amico Gelli. L'amico Dell'Utri. L'amico Mangano. L'amico Previti. L'amico Squillante. L'amico Metta. Il lodo Mondadori. La rivoluzione liberale. L'uomo del fare. La villa fregata all'orfana. Da giovane ero anch'io donnino di casa. Mamma Rosa. Il mausoleo di Arcore. Il Polo delle Libertà. Voglio Di Pietro ministro degli Interni. Il decreto Biondi. Giuro sulla testa dei miei figli. Mai pagato tangenti. Milano negli anni 70 era un calvario, dovevi far passare la pratica da un ufficio all'altro con l'assegno in bocca. Vendo le mie tv. Lasciatemi lavorare. Sono l'unto del Signore. Mai detto che sono l'Unto del Signore. Cribbio. Mi consenta. Il ribaltone. Dini e Scalfaro comunisti. Prodi utile idiota dei comunisti. D'Alema comunista. L'amico Massimo. La Bicamerale. La Costituzione comunista. Le toghe rosse. La Casa delle Libertà. Chi vota a sinistra è coglione. Le mie tv hanno una linea editoriale autonoma all'85%. I miei giornalisti sono tutti di sinistra. Fede è un eroe. Putin è un amico fraterno, un dono del Signore, ha sentimenti delicati, un vero democratico. L'amico George W.. Ai consìder sdesdov Iunade Steiz nos onli a fleg ov e cantri…
Gheddafi è un leader di libertà. Le tangenti alla Guardia di Finanza, nel sentire della gente, non sono considerate reato. Dell'Utri è persona di così profonda moralità e religiosità da non poter essere connivente, non ha attaccamento al denaro, molte volte gli dico: non fare come Giorgio Washington che curava gli interessi dello Stato e mandava in malora la famiglia. Non farò condoni. Concordato e scudo fiscale. Condono fiscale ed edilizio. All Iberian mai sentita. Mills mai conosciuto. Signor Schulz, la suggerirò per il ruolo di kapò. Siete turisti della democrazia. Romolo e Remolo. L'Islam civiltà inferiore. Tutta colpa dell'euro. Le corna. Il cucù alla Merkel. La mafia, poche centinaia di persone. Gli ellepì con Apicella. L'elisir di Scapagnini. Rasmussen è meglio di Cacciari, gli presenterò mia moglie. Mangano è un eroe, non ha parlato: si comportava bene, faceva la comunione nella cappella di Arcore. Il Contratto con gli italiani. Un milione di posti di lavoro. Meno tasse per tutti. Le grandi opere. Il Ponte sullo Stretto. Sono stato frainteso. Biagi, Santoro e come si chiama l'altro… Luttazzi hanno fatto un uso criminoso della televisione pagata coi soldi di tutti. Montanelli e Biagi erano invidiosi di me. La Piovra rovina l'Italia all'estero. Il falso in bilancio. La Cirami. Il lodo Maccanico. Il lodo Schifani. La Cirielli. Tutti sono uguali di fronte alla legge, ma io sono un po' più uguale degli altri.
Ciampi comunista. La legge Gasparri. Il salva-Rete4. L'Economist comunista. Signora, che ne direbbe di una ciulatina? Bertolaso uomo della Provvidenza. Mussolini non ha mai ucciso nessuno, anzi mandava la gente in vacanza al confino. Sarò felicissimo di conoscere il papà dei fratelli Cervi, a cui va tutta la mia ammirazione. Caro Blair, sono laburista anch'io. La giustizia a orologeria. I giudici sono matti, antropologicamente diversi dal resto della razza umana. Telekom Serbia è tutta una tangente. La Mitrokhin. I brogli di Prodi. I comunisti cinesi bollivano i bambini per farne concime. Farò sparire la spazzatura da Napoli in tre giorni. Ho 109 processi con mille giudici. Sono sempre stato assolto. Chi scrive di mafia lo strangolerei con le mie mani. Il Popolo della Libertà. La bandana e il trapianto pilifero. Obama è bello e abbronzato. Il miracolo dell'Aquila. Evadere è un diritto naturale nel cuore degli uomini. Le mani nelle tasche degli italiani. La magistratura è un cancro da estirpare, peggio delle Br, come la banda della Uno bianca. Ai giudici noi insidiamo le mogli, siamo tombeur de femmes.
Agostino, la Antonella: sta diventando pericolosa, s'è messa a dire cose pazzesche in giro. Il lodo Alfano. La prescrizione breve. Il proceso breve. I legittimo impedimento. La Consulta comunista. Il Partito dell'Amore e la sinistra dell'odio. Mai frequentato minorenni. Il padre di Noemi Letizia era l'autista di Craxi. La signora Lario mente. Patrizia, tu devi toccarti. La statuetta ad altezza Duomo. Dottor Fede, cioè volevo dire Vespa. Gli amici Gianpi, Lavitola, De Gregorio e Lele. Nicole Minetti è un'igienista dentale. Ruby è la nipote di Mubarak. Il Bunga bunga. Ho una fidanzatina. Solo cene eleganti. Siamo tutti intercettati. Pagavo Ruby perché non si prostituisse. Pagavo le ragazze perché i pm le hanno rovinate. Santità, siamo i difensori della civiltà cristiana e della famiglia tradizionale. Ho otto zie suore di Maria Consolatrice. Il Family Day. Ragazze, mi toccate il culo? La culona inchiavabile. La mia condanna è un golpe. L'uveite. La pompetta. Mister Obamaaaaa! La sapete quella della mela? E quella degli ebrei e i campi di sterminio? Sono il miglior premier degli ultimi 150 anni. Non mi dimetterò mai. Mi dimetto. I grillini li mandiamo a pulire i cessi di Mediaset. Le finte nozze. Il mio Covid aveva la carica virale più alta del mondo. La signora Meloni è supponente, prepotente, arrogante, offensiva, ridicola. Putin voleva solo sostituire il signor Zelensky con persone perbene. Bisogna convincere Zagrebelsky a trattare. Vi mando un pullman di troie. Ho fatto finire la guerra fredda e ottenuto in Europa i miliardi del Pnrr. Ricordo le mie riforme del 208. Tik Tok Taaaaak. Vi tulipano tutti. Me ne vado da questo Paese di merda.
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reasoningdaily · 5 months
Africa begins in the Pyrenees
It is an error of geography to have assigned Spain to Europe; it belongs to Africa: blood, manners, language, the way of life and making war, in Spain everything is African. The two nations have been mixed up for too long–the Carthaginians who came from Africa to Spain, the Vandals who left Spain for Africa, the Moors who stayed in Spain for 700 years–for such a long cohabitation not to have confused the race and customs of the two countries. If the Spaniard were Mohammedan, he would be completely African; it is religion that has kept it in Europe.
In his book, Ripley also proposed the idea that “Africa begins beyond the Pyrenees”, as he wrote in page 272 :
” Beyond the Pyrenees begins Africa. Once that natural barrier is crossed, the Mediterranean racial type in all its purity confronts us. The human phenomena is entirely parallel with the sudden transition to the flora and fauna of the south. The Iberian population thus isolated from the rest of Europe, are allied in all important anthropological respects with the peoples inhabiting Africa north of the Sahara, from the Red Sea to the Atlantic.”
The phrase is one of a bunch used by residents of the Carolingian Coal and Steel Community (with bastard Norman outliers) to locate themselves in the European heartland.
Alexandre Dumas père is usually credited, which seems pretty unlikely since when Domingos António de Sousa Coutinho, Count of Funchal wrote in La guerre de la Péninsule sous son véritable point de vue (1816) that Dominique Dufour de Pradt “fait commencer l’Afrique aux Pyrenées” Dumas was only 14. A quick trawl doesn’t turn up any written record of M de Pradt having used the phrase, but his bestselling account of France’s dreadful experiences during the then recent Peninsular War, Mémoires historiques sur la révolution d’Espagne (1816), contains a sturdy exposition of the substance behind the slogan:
It is an error of geography to have assigned Spain to Europe; it belongs to Africa: blood, manners, language, the way of life and making war, in Spain everything is African. The two nations have been mixed up for too long–the Carthaginians who came from Africa to Spain, the Vandals who left Spain for Africa, the Moors who stayed in Spain for 700 years–for such a long cohabitation not to have confused the race and customs of the two countries. If the Spaniard were Mohammedan, he would be completely African; it is religion that has kept it in Europe. C’est une erreur de la géographie que d’avoir attribué l’Espagne à l’Europe; elle appartient à l’Afrique: sang, mœurs, langage, manière de vivre et de combattre; en Espagne tout est africain. Les deux nations ont été mêlées trop longtems, les Carthaginois venus d’Afrique en Espagne, les Vandales passés d’Espagne en Afrique, les Maures séjournant eu Espagne pendant 700 ans, pour qu’une aussi longue cohabitation, pour que ces tranfusions de peuples et de coutumes n’aient pas confondu ensemble les races et les mœurs des deux contrées. Si l’Espagnol était Mahométan, il serait un Africain complet; c’est la religion qui l’a conservé à l’Europe.
I believe both de Pradt and do Funchal attended the magnificently sociable Congress of Vienna, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that the former used it there as a way of expressing succintly his view of the post-Napoleonic era and the latter gratefully noted it for future use–it seems unlikely that a Portuguese count would have either classified himself as African or been so modest as to deny authorship of such a striking phrase. Dumas fils, says Néstor Luján, denied that his father would have uttered the phrase, both being passionate admirers of Spain,
despite having been stoned by the entire population of a village in the province of Granada whose name I do not care to recall.
Not exactly a resounding endorsement.
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rosesandalfazemas · 1 year
Hi Rosa! Can I suggest a prompt?
Martín and Luciano have a huge fight, they end up needing to be pulled apart by Antonio and Port. Since they're still so angry, and Luci doesn't want to talk to Port while Martín doesn't listen to Antonio, the two brothers do a switch: Antonio takes Luciano aside, while Port pulls Martín to his car so they can go on a ride and clear his head a little.
Hi my dear! Everytime you send me a message is an honor to me~ I'll try my best!
Upside down
Spanish version
"And what was it this time? " Martin got into the car and slammed the door, obfuscated " My car is a week old, please " the blond didn't answer him and crossed his belt almost cutting it " ; including the belt.
"I'm shitting on your car, Gabriel! ¡La concha de la lora!"
"… Then get out."
Martin noticed how Portugal suddenly stared at him, with that seriousness that only Europeans had; that imperial coldness so… uncomfortable. In that tone of aquamarine eyes, it seemed creepy.
"… excuse me. " the blond suddenly said in anguish. The older man sighed, resigned and amused deep down, for he still felt the Latinos were like children fighting over their toys.
"Don't worry. That's what I came for.
"No, no, really. Soy un pelotudo, I apologize uncle, it's not with you " Argentina grabbed his forehead " . It's just that I'm insane when he gets on his nerves.
"Luciano has that quality " he added with a hint of acidity, starting the car " . But tell me on the way, you need to get out of the building.
"Yes… thank you. " he said pityingly, barely blushing and looking straight ahead, like a (huge) obfuscated child.
"Do you want to go eat? This old soul is in the mood for some good codfish and an old wine; that way the words come out of the chest better when they should."
Martin smiled with embarrassment, for his attitude seconds before. Portugal was not a great conversationalist, unlike his father; and he would not give him the comfort of words for hours, or kisses and hugs to which he was get used to. No. The older Iberian was more peaceful, silent and reflective; his actions did much more than his speeches or his judgments, which, though beautiful and eloquent, were brief and select.
In that wisdom of the old empires, Gabriel knew that such an emotional creature did not need a sermon, but to change the air and do something else.
"Yes, I'd love it."
And while Hernandez thought how much more nuanced the Iberian's voice was speaking in Spanish, lilting like Brazil's but deeper, Dos Anjos smiled briefly without taking his eyes off the road, and stepped out onto the path.
"… and that's what happened."
Brazil lowered his arms after recounting the whole episode by circling around Spain, who looked at him seated with attention and his (strange) seriousness.
"Okay. Look Luciano, the problem is that you two are like Gabo and me; similar in the annoying points, and different enough to confront each other. Add to that the fact that you are the references of Latin America; too much pressure on your shoulders. You explode at the slightest thing."
"It wasn't the slightest thing, uncle, he questioned the veracity of my desire to be free like all the others, in front of my other brothers! How dare he, someone like him!!!"
Antonio laughed and drank the wine at his side, shrugging his shoulders.
"What a dilemma to tell that to me, my dear."
Luciano stood still and blinked, realizing.
"Ah… " Antonio laughed, making a gesture.
"Don't worry, I get the point, I don't take it personally. But yes, that difference you have with all my kids feels harder sometimes. And they make you feel left out."
"… Yes."
"Well, it's not your fault, and it's not Martin's fault. If you ask me, I think you should talk again. I know how much you love each other, and that's why you fight like that " he pointed out, finishing his drink " . Let a few days go by, you know Tincho goes off when he feels attacked, and he thought you doubted his manhood with the joke after the meeting."
"It was a joke! Everyone makes him bad jokes and worse and he doesn't react like that!"
"Well, maybe he feels that with you he must show himself different, unbeatable at heart, since he considers you as the only rival worthy. That's not a bad thing."
"It is when he says such horrible things."
Spain sighed, looking at the golden cross on his breast and touching it, melancholy; searching for the words."
"Look, Lu; I didn't raise you, okay? But I do know something: I treated your father very badly for a long time. My children felt, I felt, that he was an inferior being, despite being my eldest and having been born by the same mother. That constant contradiction in my head made me very unstable in our bond, for I love him as I love few things in the land of the Lord. As I matured over the centuries I realized that, deep down, I wanted him to stop looking at others and look only at me. I was… I am, jealous, wow. Especially of the relationship he has with Albion. I want his attention, it's a reflex; and I did it in the worst way many times, until I understood how his space was shaped and that I should respect it. I think it's the same case."
"Why would Martin want my attention? " Da Silva suddenly blushed.
"Well, because he wants exclusivity with you… as far as beings like us can understand it, of course. Not like humans, not in that obsessive and monogamous way; but that you dedicate something of yours only to him. It can be the rivalry or the energy of confrontation. That's enough for him; it's just that he's young and with that hot blood he's got he's going off the deep end, like I'm telling you. That's all."
Brazil lowered his gaze and looked out the window of that private office, scratching his curls.
"I hadn't thought about it like that… " I look at Antonio " And what is the solution?"
"In my experience, a good gift and an apology. Martin will eventually realize his overreaction and do it on his own; I've seen that way with his kids too, so it comes naturally to him. If you don't conform, you ask him for distance."
The young nation nodded, twisting his mouth and looking at the European.
"… And you get along… well with Pai now?"
"That's a story for another day, kid" he smiled, enigmatic. "Try to solve your problems first."
Luciano half-smiled, nodding.
"Obrigado, tio Tonho."
It could have been many things, but Antonio certainly had the gift of healing with words.
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Did you know that many Valencian people consider this song the anthem of the Valencian Country?
Technically, nowadays the Valencian Country is recognised as having a “regional anthem”, but the one that was chosen for that official honour is hated by many Valencians. That song is called “Himne de l’Exposició” and was composed in the year 1909 for an event that was held that year called the Regional Exhibition. The song talked about the Valencian people “offering their glories to Spain”, so as you can imagine many Valencian people don’t feel it at all as their anthem. (You can listen to the Exhibition Anthem here, but it if you don’t want to, just imagine what an average anthem sounds like and you will be close).
On the opposite, the song that I link to in this post is a much more ancient song, a traditional song whose author is unknown. It’s a traditional song played to dance the muixeranga (the traditional Valencian human towers dance) and has been seen for a long time as a symbol of Valencian identity. For this reason and for its beautiful combative lyrics, many Valencians consider this their anthem.
This is the lyrics in Valencian-Catalan and the translation to English:
Des de la nit Brolla la llum Que ens crida a despertar
From the night the light springs that calls us to wake up
Som a l'albada I la terra es manifesta Un país precís Que es fa ben cert Des del somni secular.
We are at the dawn and the land manifests a precise country that is becoming certain from the age-old dream.
Som a l'albada I la terra es va fent clara, Un antic país Que hem d'endreçar I portar a l'avenir.
We are at the dawn and the land is turning lighter, An ancient country that we must sort out and bring to the future.
Des de l'hivern Mouen els brots Que l'arbre cobriran de flor.
Since winter the buds that will cover the tree in flowers move.
Des de les serres A la mar i a les estrelles, Un país ardent Engendrarà L'enyorada llibertat
From the mountain ranges to the sea and to the stars, a burning country will beget the longed-for freedom.
Des de la història Ens aguaita la memòria, Un antic país Que hem d'endreçar I portar a l'avenir.
From history, memory looks at us, an ancient country that we must sort out and bring to the future.
Poble menut, Arcà i juí, Que el dia està arribant Són els nostres fills Qui gestaran Una terra en llibertat.
Small people, arcane and wise, the day is arriving! It will be our children who will gestate a land in freedom.
L'aire està moguent per la Llibertat I el vent de ponent girarà en Llevant.
The air is moving for Freedom And the wind of the West will turn in the East. [Note: the Valencian Country is sometimes called “East” because of its geographical situation in the Iberian peninsula.]
As I hope you can see despite my translation, the lyrics are a subtle call for resistance, fight, and hope. The light sprouts in the night as the buds were moving in winter, preparing for the spring before anyone could see they were alive. We are now in the dawn, where we are being called to wake up. Anyone familiar with the history of how the Valencian Country has been oppressed by Spain for centuries will understand the emotion behind those lyrics.
Many people demand that this should be the official anthem of the Valencian Country, as many people consider it to be representative and, on the opposite, they consider that the Himne de l’Exposició doesn’t represent them and is Spanish imperialist.
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williamclarkjack · 1 year
La Reconquista De España
By: Jack Chasen
Un tiempo de el siglo de oro que muy importante es La Reconquista. Durante la centuria once, España quiere ser la región de Iberia. Iberia fue ocupado por los Muslims. España queiro él región por dos razones. Una razón es porque antes de la centuria once, los españoles tienen controlan de Iberia. Los Muslims fue capturado y ocupado el región por muchos años, y debilitado el ejército y el país de Españas.. Cuando los Españoles recuperan la fuerza, el ejército quiere recapturar Iberia. Otra razón es porque España tiene una creencia de cristiano. Los Muslims no fueron cristiano (obviamente) y los Españoles fue hacia el cruzado un meta primera de la conquista.
Por mucho tiempo, los Muslims controlaron mucho de España. La reconquista comenzó en 718, cuando el rey cristiano de España ganó la lucha de Covadonga. La victoria convince otras regiones de España que ataquen las regiones Muslim. 
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Muchos leders de el movimiento necessito converter los regiones muslim a cristiano. Muchos leders tiene tacticas muy daños y tristes para convertir y asesinato los Muslims. Pero, Alfonso IV, un leder de un region de España fue no convertir los Muslims y en cambio fue regla dos religiones. Alfonso refrencian a el que “un rey de dos religiones”.
Sin embargo, los Muslims no quieren abandaron la lucha. Los Muslims elisten el ayudado de los Almoravids, un grupo much brazo que consiste de Muslims de Norte Africa. Cuando los Almoravids llegaron a España, los Almoravids detener la lucha rapidamente, y assuman contrala de mucho de España. Los reinos cristianos fue attaque muchos reinos Almorávidos y eventualmente fracaso los Almorávides y completa la reconqustia. 
Perro, en una historia muy complicado, los Almohados capturan la capital de los Almoravids y ganaron control. Consiauqamente, los Almohados recapturan los partes de España de los Muslims. Los cristianos en desesperación requestaron la ayudo de los otros reinos critainos. Los cristianos aceptan, y los ejercitos de Muslims fue muy daño y depletado. 
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La reconquista experiencia un periodo muy pacifico después de 1236 porque los ejércitos necesitan reconstruir. En 1492, los reinos de España regana controlo y los ejércitos católicos fracasaron los muslims.
Los líderes de los reinos nuevas despues de la reconquista, Aragón y Castile, los reyes Ferdinand y Isabelle declara que las personas de los reinos necesitan convertir a cristiano o departan los reinos porque Ferdinand y Isabelle no quieran reglaron los Jews y Muslims, solamente los cristianos. Muchas personas que el leyo affectan fue convirtiran a cristiano, pero practicaron su religión en privado.
Un momento muy impacto de la historia ocuria despues de el evento. Isabelle y Ferdinand conocen que mucha gente practicaron su religión en privado, y Isabelle y Ferdinand fue creado el inquisición. Un evento muy devestada, los leders contribuyen a el murio y sufrir de muchos españoles.
En mi opinión, es necesario que las personas investiguen el contexto de los eventos de la historia. Muchas personas conocen de la reconquista y muchas personas conocen la inquisición, pero muchas personas no conocen que los eventos están relatados. El siglo de oro es un momento en la historia que tiene muchos eventos y impacto a el mundo. Yo esperanzo que tú aprende pequeña informacion. 
Las citaciones:
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rainwaterapothecary · 21 days
"Unsettled" pt. 3
Serennedy Golden Compass au [Pt. 1][Pt. 2][Lore] ("Speaking aloud" vs "Speaking telepathically")
Luis' Arctic Islands Safehouse, 1947.
One upside to starvation rations was that you got used to sleeping on an empty stomach.
As such, Leon didn’t wake up until sleep was good and done with him.
The thick soup on the fire smelled amazing when he had his senses back enough to note it though.
”It tastes even better than it smells, cuore mio.” Leon merely groaned at his daemon’s smiling tone.
Paper shuffled on the wooden table as the other human inhabitant closed his book and got to his feet.
“Leon? You back with the living?”
“Don’t think I ever left.” He tried to croak, but who knows what actually made it out of his mouth.
Luis hummed and came over to his side, considering the man laid out in his bed.
“I think some movement would be good for you, Sancho. Don’t want you to atrophy from all this beauty sleep.”
Leon grumbled and rolled to face the wall.
It got the desired effect when a small sound of wonder came from his friend’s mouth.
“There you go! Now come on, on your feet!”
Leon exhaled in a put-upon sigh but his eyes were smiling when Luis finally managed to fight him free of all the quilts.
“Come on, mi Bella Durmiente.” Luis grunted as he got his muscular guest upright and lugged him to the outhouse. “Mazel tov, knock when you’re decent.”
Leon laughed, loud and bright, at the words and actions of his friend as the door shut and he began pulling off…
…clothing that did not belong to him.
Legs made weak from un-heeded hunger and exhaustion gave out as the ex-soldier took in his pale skin, clean for the first time since…who knows when. His head jerked up as his breathing labored, biting cold sending daggers into his lungs.
Relief poured onto him like nothing else when a wet snout nosed its way to his side, sitting beside him as he caught his breath. The room was only dark due to its size, not due to its purpose. He was safe, just cold. He buried his free hand in her fur and exhaled. It was cold and dark, but he could hear Luis humming to himself, and none of the guards did that. The wool of Luis’ sweater felt good against his fingertips and being clean felt wonderful - he didn’t even care that Luis had undressed him and cleaned him, after you go skinnydipping with someone every summer through puberty nothing really matters – but it was real, and his skin was matte like skin should be. Not a speck of glowing Dust. Luis hummed on, some old song his Abuelo had taught him to teach him how to count.
“Alright, I’m ready, you can feed me now.”
Luis laughed and offered his friend a hand.
On the way back into the cabin, Leon made sure to put more weight on his friend than he needed to. Every time Luis stumbled, the scientist would laugh and then curse his friend out in almost as many languages as Leon had cussed Panza in.
This, in turn, made Leon laugh and put more weight on Luis’ shoulder and side.
“In!” Luis finally laughed, tumbling into the one-room cabin with Leon practically a giggling deadweight carving a path through the snow.
An ermine with familiar eyes stood on his hind legs where he had been curled up on the hearth.
“Someone’s giggly.”
This, naturally, made the two friends cackle when they made the mistake of catching each other’s eyes.
Luis was grateful for the case of the giggles his Sancho had, it was both good for them and great for stretching out the time needed for refeeding the wasted-away man. If the notes he had seen when he looked over ‘Subject S.’ were correct, Leon had been experimented on for long enough to need to take precautions.
With hands made steady and stealthy by experience, Luis Serra slipped the Iberian wolf at his side pieces of stewed meat and crunchy root vegetables. While daemons didn’t strictly need to eat, Luis figured it couldn’t hurt to feed up Leon’s soul while he worked on nourishing his body.
It seemed to be working, thank God, even if they had to shoo Panza off the table in a pile of bitching feathers.
A/N They're friends. :) Cuore mio - My heart Mi Bella Durmiente - My Sleeping Beauty Mazel tov - lit. Congratulations, used in slang like "there you go"
[Pt. 4]
More stuff about this au/my overtired meme-ing is available under the tag #serennedy daemon au
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sutrala · 24 days
(NaturalNews) History rhymes, as they say.(Article republished from ArmageddonProse.Substack.com)Reconquered Spain has been un-reconquered, it seems, which...
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sefarad-haami · 3 months
Conexiones Bíblicas
🇮🇱 Las tradisyones sefardíes vinklan a los djudíos kon la península ibérika desde tiempos bíblikos, menzando logares komo Tarshish i Sepharad. Según el folclor, familyas aristokratikas de la antika Yerushalayim se reasentaron en las kosta españolas después de sofrir deportasyones. Estas tradisyones servisían komo una forma de autodifensa durante los periodos de intenso antisemitismo en la rekonkista kristiyana. Además, la migrasyon de djudíos a lo largo de la diáspora romana fue extensa, kon una prezensia signifikante en varias syudades del Imperio. Komerçiantes i vijadores djudíos segiyan rutar komerçiales fenisias i sirias, estendiéndose asta la península ibérika. El djudaísmo fue rekonosido komo una relijion legal en el Imperio Romano, lo ke fomentó la toleransia relijiosa i permitió syerto grado de autogobyerno para las komunidades djudías. Los djudíos mantenían estrechos vínkulos kon Palestina, enbiando kontribusyones i rekonosiendo el liderasgo relijioso palestino. A lo largo del tiempo, la populasyon djudía kreçió rapidamente, yegando a konsistir un porcentage signifikante de la populasyon romana.
🇺🇸 Sephardic traditions link the Jews with the Iberian Peninsula from biblical times, mentioning places like Tarshish and Sepharad. According to folklore, aristocratic families from ancient Jerusalem resettled on the Spanish coasts after suffering deportations. These traditions served as a form of self-defense during periods of intense anti-Semitism in the Christian reconquest. Additionally, the migration of Jews throughout the Roman diaspora was extensive, with a significant presence in various cities of the Empire. Jewish merchants and travelers followed Phoenician and Syrian trade routes, extending to the Iberian Peninsula. Judaism was recognized as a legal religion in the Roman Empire, which fostered religious tolerance and allowed a certain degree of self-government for Jewish communities. Jews maintained close ties with Palestine, sending contributions and recognizing Palestinian religious leadership. Over time, the Jewish population grew rapidly, becoming a significant percentage of the Roman population.
Gerber, Jane S. The Jews of Spain: A History of the Sephardic Experience. Free Press, 1992.
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honorhunt · 2 months
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❰❰ BED ❱❱ our muses share a bed ( coat!boba was a siren song that i couldn't resist ) — @commandsir
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𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐋. his share of the chores he drew out, even insisting on the woman surrendering a number of tasks under the guise of a gruff man doting on his wife. while fire crackled, fett lingered in the common room long after their guests dispersed. immaculate was not a perfect enough word to describe fett’s handiwork. unable to polish the inn’s interior any further without worrying patrons for his sanity, fett retreated outdoors to count the stars.
      the alchemy of risen and dead empires gave tiflis its quilted look. here and there a patch from the pedigree of iberian kings. geometric details from the conquest of seljuks straddled by the stony reliefs of a victorious khanate. even the black death wove its bony fingers across the shroud. yet among the landscape of cobalt, emerald, and burgundy façades, he stood out in his humble attire.
      a glimmer of intrigue from a sliver of open shutters made it difficult to savor the solitude. neighbors were natural born hunters of gossip, as were patrons making use of his roof. bastards vicinal to some fool elsewhere. he would not make for a convincing humorless-yet-happy husband if he strayed from the comforts of his marriage bed for too long. so with a resigned rumble, he’d toss back the cup of nightly poison and skulk to the privacy of a shut door and a settee under a window. meanwhile his partner purred like a panther in the bed. a consequence of the deal fett made with himself. their act as husband and wife ceased at the click of a door.
      the pivot of seasons brought cold eurasian nights. pale winds sucked skin dry, left bones brittle with a filigree of chill. surplus blankets ran scarcer as patrons sought comfort like cats. warmth was a luxury fett was willing to cut with cold uncare, it was the routine death of decent sleep he groused for. grey hours roused him with a crick in his neck, party to a silent temper that good coffee failed to tame.
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      thus fett now loomed on the threshold of a dark room. an ungainly relief in the dead light, glowering accusations at the woman’s figure cozied in a fabric grave. his legs were rotting wood, sodden mulch ready to crumble under his weight. he was still tempted by the familiar settee but he already too deep in his choice to retreat. in spite of the stillness, fett suspected the woman was aware of him. this march was now a matter of pride.
      fett relinquished his boots but the rest of his workman’s armor remained. shirt, socks, trousers, belt. even his coat stayed exactly where it was, snug on his shoulders. fett entertained no intention of crawling under those covers, frigid cold be damned.
      on his side, fett aligned himself with the edge of the mattress with his back to her. as relaxed as rigor mortis, fett fixated on the wall till his vision sloughed in a haze. blue shadows swam and swirled, shaping un-life from lacuna. muscles were already protesting his awkward posture. accepting no less than a man-sized gap between them, fett compromised by adjusting his pillow. but he might as well have asked a noose to be more agreeable.
      god was desperate for a chuckle if he was resorting to this.
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sextavas · 4 months
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Latina y España, unidas por el mar, hermanas de sangre, sin importar lugar. La historia nos une, la cultura nos abraza, un amor fraternal que nunca se aplaca.
Migrante me llaman, mas hermano soy, en tierras heredadas, donde España llegó. Huellas imborrables, que el tiempo no borra, herencia ibérica, que en nuestra sangre aflora.
Ambición y poder, dividieron un imperio, pero la hermandad jamás tuvo un destierro. No nos separe lo que algunos proclaman, nuestra unión es fuerte, y en ella confiamos.
Indígena e ibérica, sangre que nos corre, en venas latientes, un mismo fervor. Latina y España, unidas por siempre, en un abrazo fraterno, que el mundo admire.
Latina and Spain, united by the sea, sisters of blood, no matter where we be. History binds us, culture embraces, a fraternal love that time never erases.
Migrant they call me, but brother I am, in inherited lands, where Spain once came. Indelible traces, that time cannot erase, Iberian heritage, that in our blood takes place.
Ambition and power, divided an empire, but brotherhood never had a pyre. Let not some divide what we hold so dear, our union is strong, and in it we persevere.
Indigenous and Iberian, blood that flows, in pulsating veins, the same fervor grows. Latina and Spain, forever united, in a fraternal embrace, the world delighted.
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coopsday · 5 months
ILO and UNTFSSE celebrate first anniversary of UNGA Resolution on the SSE with a global webinar.
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On Thursday, April 18, 2024, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) hosted an anniversary webinar. The event featured regional updates and reflections on the progress since last year’s adoption of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) for sustainable development. The webinar attracted nearly 400 registrants from 65 countries. Accessibility in French, English, and Spanish ensured inclusivity for a diverse audience.
A Year of Global Progress
The event kicked off with a welcome statement from Ms Simel Esim, Head of Cooperative, Social and Solidarity Economy at the ILO and Co-Chair of the UNTFSSE. “Each region brings its unique insights and challenges, enriching our dialogue and enhancing our understanding of how to effectively promote sustainable development across different contexts,” Ms Esim stated. Noting the ILO's role as a co-founder and leader of the Task Force for most of the past decade, she underscored the past year's key achievements for the UNTFSSE and the ILO in follow-up to the ILC resolution concerning decent work and the SSE. She notably highlighted the online self-learning modules for awareness raising on the SSE, developed for the UNTFSSE by the ILO and its International Training Centre in Turin, with support from the Government of Luxembourg.
Ms Chantal Line Carpentier, Head of Trade, Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development at UN Trade and Development and Co-Chair of the UNTFSSE, presented a summary of the UNTFSSE’s Strategic Action Plan for 2024-2026. She noted that the plan prioritizes implementing the UNGA resolution, preparing the UN Secretary General’s report, institutionalizing Task Force governance, and promoting key areas such as policy coherence, education and research, access to financial and non-financial support services, and statistics. Linking the SSE to a new economics for sustainable development she noted: “We see a lot of regional progress, and we need to make sure it goes global, and it goes national, and it goes local. And all of this we can do with our partners at all the levels, but it will require some resources.” 
Regional Level Highlights 
The webinar showcased updates from various regions, beginning with two video messages from Spain and Chile, two co-sponsors of the UNGA resolution, that highlighted the launch of the Ibero-American Network for the Promotion of the SSE. On the Iberian side, Ms Amparo Merino, Secretary of State for the Social Economy from Spain’s Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, praised the resolution as “a true example of international cooperation in these times in which conflict and international disorder seem to prevail.” On the Americas side, Ms Claudia Fuentes Julio, Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations Office at Geneva, stated: "Our commitment to social justice is at the heart of our efforts to promote the SSE. This dedication transcends borders as demonstrated by the participation of more than a dozen governments of the Americas in the ILO Global Coalition for Social Justice." 
Following these two video messages, Mr Patrick Klein, Head of Sector for Social Economy and Social Enterprise, and Ms Margit Perko, Policy Officer at the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, both representatives of the European Commission, discussed the implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan. Mr Klein underlined the importance of supporting “social economy actors to be a beacon in … the green transition [and] the digital transition." Ms Perko presented highlights of progress, such as the adoption of the Council Recommendation on developing social economy framework conditions and the launch of the EU Social Economy Gateway.
Participants then heard from Mr Sabelo Mbokazi, Head of Labour, Employment, and Migration Division at the African Union (AU) Commission. He discussed the AU’s engagement with the SSE, including the development, with ILO support, of a ten-year SSE Strategy and mapping studies to inform policy making. The strategy is set to be endorsed by Ministers responsible for Social Development, Labour, and Employment at the end of July in 2024. “The strides made so far,” he noted, “stand as a testament to the transformative potential of SSE in advancing socio-economic progress across the Continent.” 
And lastly, Mr Denison Jayasooria, Former Chair of the Asian Solidarity Economy Council (ASEC) and Head of Secretariat, All Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on SDGs, shared the perspective of SSE actors in Asia and the Pacific, in the absence of an intergovernmental regional initiative on the SSE. Mr Jayasooria emphasized the vibrancy of the SSE movement in the region as “an alternative model of doing business and development … towards a more sustainable, inclusive, and just development.” Discussing the policy situation, he underscored the need to build on the multi-country research initiative with the ILO.
Participant Reflections & Re-Commitment
The presentations sparked a period of reflection among designated participants, including representatives from the Ministry of Microfinance and the Social and Solidarity Economy of the Government of Senegal, which co-sponsored the UNGA resolution, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Global Social Economy Forum and SSE International Forum. Joining the ILO’s Global Social Justice Coalition was emphasized as a key opportunity to promote the SSE. Looking ahead, upcoming milestones include the UN Summit of the Future, the Second World Summit for Social Development, and the second UN International Year of Cooperatives in 2025.
A video recording of the event is available here.
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