#Uncle Kade
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Regarding Apollo, how you do you imagine his relationship with Aunt Dani and Uncle Kade?
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Something like this... ahahahahhahaha sorry...
Dani is #3 best aunt, the title for #2 belongs to Frankie. While Kade has his own unique title "the pizza eater king"...
Dani is very active in her aunt mode, always taking care of Apollo but in her own way, which means that she takes the little kid to fly without the permission of Cody and Priscilla.
While with Kade... he is trying his best while also taking care of his own children, something he sometimes wants to avoid because his children don't like to be in Apollo's company.
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anturus · 7 months
Y’all, my little nephew, who’s nickname is “Cabbage,” wanted a “punk jacket,” like Uncle Kade’s. (EMPHASIS ON LITTLE, be nice)
So, I asked him what kind of patches he wanted on it, and this is what we came up with. Just need to sew the patches down and line the vest. I can’t wait to finish it and send it to him.
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cayennesugar · 16 days
Kade would be that uncle who would let hotshot do crazy fun stuff, Much to heatwave’s dismay
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Hotshots first time being exposed to the thing he was born to fight. Kade somehow got a hold of Doc Greene’s maximizer and made a giant flamethrower 💀 (Kade’s recording this moment)
Heatwave is LIVID and keeps the baby in his and Quickshadow’s room when Kade is present in the academy 😦😦😦😦
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lisimcpisi · 8 months
I never realized just how unhinged season three of Transformers rescue bots is
like so much shit happens it’s kinda hilarious
Kicking things off Optimus turns into a DINO BOT??? HELLO???
and then soon enough ALL THE BOTS HAVE DINO MODES WHAT
we learn more about how the bots got trapped in stasis
rescue bots just casually turning into a magic school bus episode where they travel into Kades’s body
we get a body swap episode?? And it’s the funniest shit ever???!! Boulder being swapped with Cody and being so happy that he can tap dance. Heatwave being swapped with Kade and wearing a firefighter helmet to feel more like himself. Frankie being swapped with Chase and so excited to be a car while Chase just has an existential crisis. Blades wearing dresses as Danny. Best episode ever.
CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY EPISODE LESGOOO. Best lines from heatwave (“it’s not about the bread. It’s the internal combustion”)
SO MANY NEW FRIENDS!! High Tide, Blurr, Salvage, Uncle Woodrow, yippee!!
anyways season 3 is my favorite and you should go watch rescue bots NOW
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petalouda85 · 3 months
Fandom: Blades of Light and Shadow 2
Pairings: Tyril x f!human!MC (Kassandra)
Word count: 1.4k
Concept: Kade, Imtura, and Mal wait for news of the newest member of their family
Tags: @liviusofpella, @megas-choices, @starlight-starfury, @dutifullynuttywitch, @thosehallowedhalls @choicesficwriterscreations
AO3 link: x
A/N: Finally. The fic I’ve wanted to post for a very long time. I can finally reveal the name for Baby Starfury 🥰 after the emotional rollercoaster of Forever (in my Mind), you guys deserve a fluffy treat. Enjoy.
Reading had always been easy for Kade. Almost as easy as breathing. He could grab any tome and easily be lost in the words, his mind taken to places far away and times long gone, it all brought to life with his imagination. Tonight, however, it was hard to concentrate as his mind constantly drifted towards the cabin near to where he sat, his stomach twisting with the knowledge of what was happening inside. He tried to listen for any noise coming from the home, despite knowing it was pointless; Nia and Tyril had made sure of that.
Unable to focus on his book, Kade looked towards the other two that kept him quiet company in the homestead. Mal practiced a few quick movements with his dagger, stabbing into an imaginary foe, while Imtura stood off to the side, aiming and hurling her axes into a nearby tree, the bark splitting more each time. Boredom could rationalize their weapon practice, but Kade knew better.
A few weeks prior, when everyone had finally arrived in Riverbend, the villagers warned them of a group of elves that had recently traveled through. While no direct questions were asked, their apparent interest in the “Hero of Morella” had set off alarm bells in everyone and precautions were taken.
When Kassandra went into labor, Nia and Tyril had cast a spell over the clearing, masking the homestead, and then a silencing spell over the cabin. Once the door shut behind them, Mal and Imtura had pulled their weapons closer, ready to be grabbed at the first sign of trouble. Several hours had passed since then, the high afternoon sun now replaced by a bright moon; Kade reckoned it was past midnight already.
He snapped his book shut and leaned forward with a great sigh, rubbing his eyes and face trying to relieve the tension and growing exhaustion.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be an uncle.” He said softly. He must’ve been louder than he thought because in a split second, Mal stood before him.
“You and me both, buddy.” The rogue said, sitting down next to him. “It’s happening and I still have trouble wrapping my head around it. Elf boy and kit are going to be parents. Who would’ve thought the wet blanket and the life of the party would ever reach this point.”
“It is hard to wrap your head around it all.” Kade said. “For so long, it was just me and my sister. Now she’s having a baby.” He let out a weak chuckle. “It’s stupid to think so but, part of me is scared that she’ll forget me; a child takes priority after all.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that.” Imtura said, pulling her axe from the tree before joining the two men. “I’ve travelled with Kassandra long enough to know that she’d never forget you or any of us. We’re all her family and nothing’s gonna change that, not even a new tiny landrat.”
“Would be nice if the little tyke made headway.” Mal said, letting out a loud yawn. “All this doing nothing is making me tired.” His yawn was replaced with a yelp when Imtura slapped him across his head. “Hey!”
“You can’t rush these things.” She scolded. “The tyke gets here when they get here. And that could be in the next 5 minutes or in the next few hours. Hells, little guy could already be here and Kassandra’s just not up for visitors right now. We just got to wait.”
“I know, I know! Doesn’t mean I can’t complain about the waiting. It’s not like we got a lot to do besides that and there’s only so many fake guys I can stab.”
“I’d offer a book, but I get the sense neither of you are readers, even when faced with endless boredom.” All three laughed.
“We’ll leave the reading to you, kid.” Mal stood up from the bench and pulled forth a deck of cards from his pocket. “Up for a game?” He asked the orc, who smiled.
“Always. Be ready to lose.” The two found a patch of grass to sit on and began their game. Kade watched them half-heartedly for a moment before opening his book once more, trying his best not to nod off.
He shut his eyes briefly and when he opened them next, his face was glued against the cover of the book and his back was stiff from the hard bench. With a groan, he sat up, a thin blanket falling off him. Looking around him, he found Imtura and Mal also asleep in the grass, their card game replaced by a now extinguished fire, and the birds singing their morning song as the sun’s beams began to peak through the trees. He stretched his back and checked the state of the cabin, finding the spell still on it, before moving towards his slumbering companions.
“Rise and shine.” Kade said as Mal woke up.
“Morning already? Nothing yet?”
“Nothing yet.” Kade moved to wake Imtura next. Soon, the three sat down for a silent breakfast, ready for the prospect of another day of waiting. After their quick meal, Kade returned to the bench and grabbed his book, ready to try reading it yet again, when a magical hum came from the cabin. He immediately abandoned the tome, jumping to his feet when some low noises could be heard from inside. The door clicked open, and everyone ran to it as Nia appeared in the frame, looking frazzled and tired. Despite her weary state, the priestess was smiling.
“Everything’s fine.” She quickly said, seeing the worry on their faces. “Mom and baby are doing fine. They were born just after midnight. They’re all cleaned up and have already been resting for some time.”
“Midnight? But-“ Mal began to protest but Imtura gave him another slap. The priestess fought down a snicker at his incredulous look before she opened the door a bit wider.
“You can come in but only for a little while; Kassandra’s still very tired.”
Kade ran in first, finding Aderyn preparing some food in the kitchen. He quickly sent her a grateful smile before dashing towards the bedroom, the others on his heels. The moment he stepped into the entrance way, he froze.
Mal unceremoniously bumped into him, but any complaint was quickly gone when the three heard the soft gurgling noises coming from the little bundle resting in Kassandra’s arms.
She was lying in bed, looking exhausted and worn out. Tyril, seated in a chair next to the bed, appeared exhausted as well but both were staring down at the bundle with immeasurable love and affection in their eyes. The two looked up as the visitors slowly entered the room.
“Hi.” Kassandra said, her eyes brimming with tears, before looking down at her child. “Look who’s here.”
Kade stood frozen in place for a moment, alternating his gaze between his sister and the child in her arms, before rushing to the bed and embracing her tightly, tears forming in his eyes.
“I’m so proud of you.” He whispered to her. He continued holding her, hearing her sniffle before she returned the embrace
“Thank you.” He gave her a kiss on her cheek before pulling away. He then quickly turned towards Tyril and embraced him too; it took the elf a moment to return the gesture.
“Thank you.”
Kade pulled away and sat down on the bed, watching the child with pride swelling in his chest.
“Do you want to hold them?” Kassandra asked after a while.
Gently, she passed the bundle to him, the man gawking down at the baby nestled in the blanket their mother had made for them. They were beautiful, dark-skinned and a barely visible black fuzz on their head. They looked almost entirely human, if not for their ears. Granted, they were shorter than the standard elven ears but there was no denying the point at the end of them.
“Hi.” Kade said softly and in disbelief. He took their little hand, the tiny digits not even wrapping entirely around his thumb. “I’m your uncle.” He turned to look at Mal, Imtura and Nia; none had a dry eye. “And your other uncle and aunts are here too.” He looked back to the new parents, who beamed with pride as they held each other’s hand. “What’s their name?”
Tyril looked to Kassandra, who nodded.
“Everyone,” Tyril began with a proud smile, “meet our daughter, Kaya.”
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Rescue Bots as Gravity Falls because I was bored
Uncle Woodrow: Hmm... This sounds like the kinda thing a responsible parent wouldn't want you doing.... Good thing I'm an Uncle!
Dani: Kade, do you believe in ghosts?
Kade: I believe you're a big dork! HA!
(Dani shoves him off the couch)
Kade: Graham, would it be wrong to punch a child?
Cody after watching horror movies with blades: DANI!! DANI!!! DANI, I NEED TO BORROW THE GOLF CART SO I CAN SAVE FRANKIE FROM A ZOMBIE!!!!!!
Dani, not even questioning it: Try not to hit any Pedestrians.
Cody: Is that legal?
Uncle Woodrow: When your dad's not around, Anything's legal!
Kade: I will pardon NOTHING
kade: Sorry, it's just hard to focus on what you're saying with that squeaky puberty voice you got there!
Cody: my what?
dani: It's nothing to be ashamed of, Cody, your voice is "hIlArIoUs!"
Cody: Are you saying my voice cracks? My voice doesn't crack!
Graham: Bud, no offense, but it cracks so much we already made a techno remix out of it.
Dani: look, It's time we stop trying to be so "perfect", and be who we really are. We're crazed, angry, sweaty animals! We're not unicorns, we're WOMEN, and we TAKE WHAT WE WANT!
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mychlapci · 10 days
I admit you caught my attention with all that smut of the bot burns. Kade going from a hissy bot to a horny, hissy mommy is hilarious. He may be a mommy, a very good and devoted one, but he still has fire and lots of spice, or he wouldnt be the Kade we, and Wave, love lmao. Idk if you are into mild fluff, but Wave doting on his very exhausted mate and his horde of new babies is such a sweet image. Heat is an asshole, so is Kade, but he loves his spicy mate and his spicy bitties. We also need Kade fucking his asshole mate full of bitties too.
Also, I bet that Chief would be ecstatic to finally be a grandpa, and a dad again…all the beans, either his or grandkiddos, are gonna be spoiled rotten lol. We need him fawning over double pregs.
(also, and this is not a filthy question or anything like that, cause "EWWW" and "absolutely not" (we all are a bunch of horny disasters, but there are limits): poor angel Cody also got bot-ized? I´m curious to know your opinion, cause I cant imagine: a) Him not getting caught in the middle of the disaster as he always does, and b) I cant see his fam, especially Chief, forgetting about him during the panic of being turned into bots and even during the baby fever epidemic. Maybe he got turned into a youngling (fan version of a small kid or teen bot), and continued his life as he always did...doing his thing and being doted on by literally everyone in the damn household when they are not screwing like rabbits.)
Last intrusive though, I swear: idk why, but I have the feeling that bots, while they are a pretty much free race regarding love and sex (polygamous and polyamorous), they have a concept of monogamy, even if its rare. The bots went from constantly fucking each other to only fucking their humans and forming stable, and quite permanent, bonds with them...nobody else will do for them.
wwoo I can't decide if Cody gets bottified... I think it would be cute if he got turned into a cybertronian youngling and got to baby sit all the new additions. He'll love being an uncle. Even if Heatwave's and Kade's babies are just... horrible menaces.
And I don't know, I've always loved robot polyamory, I think the rescue team and rescue bots should get to fuck each other through and through... but then again, them sticking to their partner in a kind of obsession, that's really hot... Besides, it's more likely.
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btsqualityy · 8 months
I got an idea, Mia telling Lennox she loves him for the first time & him losing his shit 🤭
"Thanks so much for watching her," Noah told Lennox as they walked towards the front door of Lennox's apartment together. "Berk and I needed a date night with just the two of us."
"Yeah, she's been bitching out more than usual so I hope you fixed that," Lennox laughed.
"I'm not having this conversation with you," Noah huffed with a smile before he looked at a 1 year old Mia, who had been sitting comfortably in her uncle's arms. "Come on baby, it's time to go home and see Mommy."
"Mommy," Mia echoed, falling into Noah's arms once he held them out and allowing him to set her on his hip.
"Of course that's the part you'd latch onto," Noah chuckled. "Say bye bye to Uncle Len."
"Bye Mia Munch," Lennox cooed as he waved at her. "I love you."
"Lobe you," Mia replied and both Noah and Lennox gasped.
"Did she just?" Lennox wondered.
"She did," Noah nodded. "That's the first time she's said 'love you' too."
"My baby," Lennox sniffled and Noah's eyes widened.
"I know you're not crying."
"Damn right I am," Lennox replied. "My sweet baby niece just told me she loves me for the first time and I'm the first person she's said it to. I'm as good as gone."
"Wow. And you used to call Kade and Mase weak," Noah snickered.
"Because they are! And you better not say a word to my sister about this," Lennox threatened.
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with us," Noah smiled. "Hey Mia, tell uncle that you love him again."
"Lobe you!" Mia exclaimed with a giggle.
"I'm gonna actually die, right here on this floor," Lennox groaned dramatically while Noah cackled loudly.
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gamecrash716 · 3 months
Forgotten Witch/Warlock Siblings and Other Characters
Here are the kidnapped witch/warlock siblings and other non-cannon characters in the story
Miranda Mitts - The oldest sibling out of Charlie and Woodrow. A quiet lady who prefers a more solitary life with her cats but sometimes yearns for more excitement. A witch who doesn't use her magic often due to her quiet life. Has dreams about her bio family from time to time.
Cindy Mitts - Her bloodline was the one that took in the Burns children and is a witch. She makes sure that the Mitts-Burns never meet their family as it is a fitting punishment for their family. She is a bitter old lady who doesn't like humans.
Dexter Mitts - Being the oldest out of all of burns siblings, (Kade is gonna be mad about not being the oldest) He's a warlock who works for a secret organization. Other than that, he always questions about his family due to his toddler son asking if he has uncles or aunts.
Mark Mitts - The two year old son if Dexter. After being told by Miranda to make a family tree, wants to know about his family.
Emily Westward - An old witch who kept her youth. Fell in love with Dr. Morocco and broke up before she knew she was pregnant with Thomas.
Thomas Westward - The son of Morocco, an intelligent child who tries to not be bad as his dad. A young warlock who befriends Cody and Frankie.
Oscar Morocco - Dr. Morocco's baby brother. They have a strained relationship and tolerate each other's existence. Thaddeus doesn't know that Oscar is a warlock and assumes he has a de-aging machine like him.
Lupine - The fairy queen keeping the curse alive. She made it so only with the help of witchcraft can a human enter or leave the fae realm.
Daffodil - A cheery fairy who follows Oscar around who wants to know what human life is like.
Lucy Burns - Я҉༙྇ A҉༙྇ I҉༙྇ ⅃҉༙྇  U҉༙྇ O҉༙྇ Y҉༙྇  ꓷ҉༙྇ A҉༙྇ Ǝ҉༙྇ ꓷ҉༙྇  T҉༙྇ O҉༙྇ И҉༙྇  M҉༙྇ A҉༙྇  I҉༙྇
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frosty-tian · 10 months
Who does the BoulGraham bean like spending time with most? Their Dads, Grandpa, their Uncles, or their Auntie?
Good question! When he was still a bitty, he gravitated towards his parents and Cody the most. That doesn’t mean he minds spending time with his grandpa, uncles (including the bots) and aunty however. One time actually fell asleep with Kade on the couch together after they saw him snoring away there (he had rough night shift). Basically crawled onto the couch with his teddy and fell asleep next to him.
However, once older, he started butting heads with his sire (Graham) due to Gram being quite overprotective and prefers to be around his carrier (Boulder). But even then, he kind of withdrew into himself for quite a while due to personal reasons. The fact both Boulder and Gram started to somehow force them (albeit unintentionally) into wanting him to follow their footsteps and become an engineer didn’t help.
(There’s a lot more information on everyone’s familial dynamics, but then it would kind of become a messy essay, haha.)
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Trans! Cody fic
There's more than one reason why Morocco isn't welcome on Griffin Rock.
This is a little lead up to the Trans! Cody au that I am writing using one of my favorite tf fanfiction tropes - humans to transformers. It's not necessary to read to understand the fic, so if the tags are triggering for you, feel free to skip. This is just a little thing to show how many times Cody has hidden that he is AFAB from the bots and how his family helps him in that respect.
Tw deadnaming, transphobia
Nobody said anything when Cody went to the pool.
Heatwave noticed that unlike the other boys, Cody wore a t-shirt over a black sports bra? On his chest.
Nobody said a thing when Cody's uncle called him Ce instead of Cody, Cody reintroducing himself and everyone quickly moving on.
Nobody said a thing when Charlie pulled Anna aside for a chat after Frankie invited Cody to a sleepover party at her house.
Why would they ever think that there was anything to miss? Really, it was just an open secret, and honestly, the Burns often forgot that the bots didn't know. That didn't mean that they didn't respect Cody's desire to pass quietly, and they showed their allyship quietly as well.
That didn't mean that everyone was so respectful.
"Carly? Carly Burns, that's enough of that. Be a proper young lady now, that's enough!" Morocco said, pulling a panicking Cody in front of the cameras.
"Carly? My cousin? She left when I was four! My name is Cody. You got the wrong kid!" Cody twisted out of Morocco's grip and ran out of the lab with a copy of his files, smashing the camera as he went.
He was crying, God was that embarrassing. Usually, he had three big siblings and his dad to stand in the way of people like him, but he just felt exposed, vulnerable in every way, and so, so uncomfortable.
He crossed his arms over his chest. He had worn his coat today, so he just wore a comfy sports bra instead of a proper binder or binding tape. He knew it wasn't what he wore, Morocco was around before he was born, but it still ached to know that Morocco had recognized him so quickly. Uncle Woodrow had left around the same time he had changed his name, and even though he wasn't the biggest fan of Ce, he could at least tell that Woodrow was coming from a place of caution.
Being off grid meant he wasn't always clued into name changes and little life events, so he tended to default to generic nicknames until he and Kade's names came up naturally in conversation. (Kade's mom was a piece of work, and his name was changed when he was an infant and a toddler for his own protection.)
He made it to a waiting Chase and hugged Charlie tight. His father returned his hug and had Chase gun it. They made it to city hall, where Morocco was racing with the footage of Cody reacting to his deadname. Open secret or no, outing a minor is incredibly dangerous, and the fear of Cody being killed over Morocco's petty greed was a stomach turning thought in Charlie's mind.
They made it, and Barney had already arrested Morocco for child endangerment. Apparently, chasing two children with dangerous robots was illegal. Imagine that.
Charlie ceised the camera footage, more than happy to make sure it got misplaced. No one threatened his kids and got away with it.
"Chief, I wasn't aware that you once had five children in the house." Chase said back at the house. "Is there a possibility that Carly could be an issue in the future?"
"Chase, I have always had four children. Carly visited for a little while, but Cody has been through a lot today, and I would rather like to go upstairs and make sure he is doing alright. End of discussion." Charlie had to force himself to calm down. The more defensive he got, the more the bots might push, and he REALLY didn't want to hear his son's deadname today anymore than he had to.
The bots were quiet after that, and he met his youngest in the kitchen, eating a bowl of ice cream and nearly swimming in one of the hoodies he had stolen from the boxes of merchandise that was sold at fundraisers before they got the bots, and Optimus's checkbook, available to them. Now, they were just spare clothes to hand out to anyone who needed them.
Kade gave him a bowl of his own. His personal bucket of ice cream was tucked under his arm and already had a giant spoon stuck in it.
"It's that kinda night, dad. Cody's probably gonna finish his ice cream, He already took his sleep medicine and head off to bed. I will have him keep his door open just in case."
Charlie smiled as the meds hit bottom as Cody stopped scraping the bottom of the empty bowl and toddered off to bed, hearing his drop onto his bed with a thud.
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absentia-if · 2 years
We want the angst! What was the first few days of MC being missing like for the all the characters?
Kade/Kara: They constantly berated themself for not checking in with B sooner. It had just become such a routine for you to go over to your best friends house without a need to tell them. Every day they’d get up and deal with a barrage of questions from various people— from coworkers to friends to family members… even strangers. It was a constant hell as they were never left alone when they wished to be and were abandoned when they didn’t wish to be.
Michael/Margot: Spent three days with a flurry of emotions. Calling their parents whenever they had a free moment from classes to get the news on what the hell was happening within Aurora— they even started badgering Dean and sending texts to N. Finally, they couldn’t take it anymore and they booked an early morning flight back to Aurora; not wanting to believe that you were truly gone. They spent over a week helping the search parties before they had to return back to school… it was one of the worst moments of their life having to leave knowing you still hadn’t been found.
Blaine/Blaire: Had thought it was some sort of prank at first. They didn’t want to believe that their best friend was gone. Didn’t want to believe that a night that should have been filled with laughter and corny jokes was taken over by unknown horrors. When they finally realized that this wasn’t some sort of sick prank? It broke something within them, but they refused to stop searching. Not until there was proof that you were truly gone.
Nicholas/Natalie: Was mainly concerned for M. It’s not that they didn’t feel for you, of course they did, but they didn’t truly know you. Their best friend, however? Seeing how much pain M was in? It hurt them too… So, they enlisted the help of their uncle with specialized search dogs… When they turned up nothing? It was a very hard conversation for N to have with M.
Oliver: Didn’t want to believe that you were gone. This his little Bear Cub was missing. He was the Chief of Police… he should have protected you. He threw himself into his work, into the case, in the search parties, anything and everything… if it meant finding you? Nothing was too much for him.
Eliza: She was beyond distraught. Absolutely devastated that she wasn’t there for you when you needed her most. That she wasn’t there to protect you from the monsters like she had when you were little. She didn’t want to believe that her Cricket was possibly gone— that she had outlived her baby. Being left alone as Oliver threw himself into his work only made it worse. Eliza did everything she could in order to help with the search parties, but returning to an empty home at night was almost as bad as finding nothing during the day.
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Future AU Idea!
(Also some morally gray/villain Cody and Priss/Cody in this)
Cody always wanted to be like his dad and siblings, so much so that he spent most of his childhood trying to impress everyone only to fail and be brushed off. Slowly, he started losing hope and started to realize that he's been wasting his life away by trying to live up to everyone's expectations and decided he wanted more in life.
So in his teen years, Cody started to rebel by going to parties, hanging out with the Wreckers and the TFP crew, and dating Priscilla. He started to resent the idea of becoming a rescue worker and wanted to carve his own path, which sparked many arguments between Cody and his family.
When Cody turned 18, after another argument with his family, Cody blew up about how he didn't want to be like them and that he was going to join The Wreckers to become a medic and promptly cut all ties to his family.
Cody became the ‘distant uncle’ of the family and only visited on holidays for the sake of his nieces and nephews.
Jump cut to the future, Nico Burns (Kade and Hayley’s oldest child), is the black sheep of the family. While his younger siblings are rescue workers, he's working a dead-end retail job with no hopes for a future.
Nico and Cody were very close and when he was kicked out, Nico’s perception of his family took a massive hit.
So one day during a festival, Nico is minding hid business when suddenly, a strange man approaches him. Why it's Uncle Cody! The two share a heartfelt moment and Nico asks his uncle why he’s visiting Griffin Rock.
Cody responds by saying that he's heard of Nico’s living situation and wanted to offer him a position in Optimus’ crew.
Even though Charlie Burns and Kade tell Cody to go away and discourage Nico from joining the TFP crew, Nico decides to accept Cody’s deal and joins the TFP crew.
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cf8wrk4u-us · 9 months
Rescue Bots x One Piece
Do you think that when the kids are back at home after a lot of adventures, their pirates crews when meeting the kids families, would Sanji do a Sanji thing and start simping for Anna Barabova (Frankie's new mom), Dani (Cody's big sister) or even maybe Quickshadow 😂😅???
For Cody of course would be hard different as even tho the Burns and the Bots are angry Cody would stop them because he knows how strong Kid and his crew are... unless we say that in all this time the crew warm up to Cody and do feel sorry.
Part of this answer depends how long the kids were gone, ether a few months to a year or more maybe.
All the same, it's a heartwarming reunion for a lot of people.
Frankie or Greenie as she's called among the Strawhats has a great time showing her family along with the Rescue Team and the Bots.
Everyone is both impressed and a bit freaked out by Frankys robot body, with Anna Baranova horrified how anyone could put that much robotic prosthetics into there body all on their own😣
But it dies down, and Doc Greene is an instant fan asking so many questions about how Franky's body and the rest of his inventions work. Anna would be a lot more friendlier but would try to ask Franky to put on some pants, especially in front of Cece. Though she's pleasantly surprised at how brilliant Franky is despite his eccentric behaviors.
Chase would comment that Franky was being indecent, possibly criminally so 🤨
But Blades would try to copy his dance 😆
Speaking of the bots, Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Franky are instant fans of the bots. Eyes sparkling at their shiny armor and at the way they transformed into different vehicles. Luffy would stretch to jump on Heatwave shoulder and immediately ask him to join his crew or Blades after seeing him fly🤩
Sanji is a gentleman to all women, it dosent matter what age or even species they are. So he be incredibly respectful to Dr. Baranova and Quickshadow, but you better believe that he'll do a noodle dance when he sees Dani or even Madeline Pynch.
"Dani! My darling! My dear rescuing angel! Please save me! My heart is in need of your sweet medical care! One only you can cure"!😍
He's swiftly cut off by ether a hit from Nami or a confrontation from Taylor if he's there.
Kade be pretty mad if he started flirting with Hayley but he get told off too for looking at Nami and Robin a little longer than he should😅
Though the biggest person who may not have made the best impression would be Brook. While being a singing talking skeleton made him extra cool to a lot of the Griffin Rock Team, especially the bots who are interested in learning about human anatomy and think the expossed bone structure is very educational, he looses a lot of respect when he goes around asking his....underwear question...😒
Kade threatened to bury him while Chief Burns was close to socking him😤
Plus Blades thought he was kinda scary.
But after a while, they make up, loving Brooks music and seeing what a kind person he was to her. His jokes are funny too, and the 45-degree angle one has Graham and Boulder laughing!
He even find a connection between himself and Baranova, given that they were left isolated for years. Him at sea and her underwater.
Chopper is an instant favorite with Dani and the other girls, along with the more animal loving bots. But what really makes him a fast friend to Dani and Dr. Baranova is his medical knowledge and they sir and talk about the best care for things like first aid or what kind of rescue needed a special kind if medical care. Chopper thought Dani wad the coolest given that she rescued and treated people as part of her job.
Usopp, being an inventory himself, thinks Geiffin Rock is amazing and would talk to Doc Greene about his inventions. The pair even swapping stories over how some of there inventions went wild.
Robin is another favorite among the scientists, offering insights into their world and its history to anyone intrested. Uncle Woodrow would like her and to hear her stories with the crew and the different islands they went too.
Doc Greene is just fascinated about Devil Fruits and goes around asking each member about theirs. He's stretched Luffys skin, shook hands with an arm Robin sprouted, asked Brook to show him his "soul", and on Chopper and his shape-shifting abilities.
Zoro is really interested in the bots andvwonders how good they could fight😏
The Rescue Team, though, is worried and nervous at the fact he carries swords, with Chase saying he needs to be jailed for bring illegally armed.
Luffy thinks Griffin Rock is cool though a little bit boring till an emergency happens. Hethinks the Burns are cool for being heros but still says he never be one. Kade likes Luffy and finds him funny, also that he like Kade sandwiches.
When its eventually time to leave Frankie cries, as much as she wanted to be with her parents the Strawhats were her family now too. She wanted to see Luffy become King of the Pirates and see the others complete there dreams but she wants to be with her dad and new Mom.
It's a hard goodbye.
Now onto Pricsilla.
Pricsilla tries to introduce her mother to the crew and Law, tell her about her adventures and her Devil Fruit Power. But her mother, Madeline Pynch m, remain polite but cold. Even brushing off the crew members who tried to talk with her and tell her what a wonderful daughter she has, even cute Bepo!
The only ones who were friendly were the Burns, the Greene Family, and the Bots.
Law didn't like her, the cold and calculating eyes of Madeline Pynch reminded him too much of Doflamingo or members of his organization. Measuring people's worth and how the stock of the situation could benefit them.
Also Madeline isn't very welcoming of Priscillas powers asking her not to use them or even show them to anyone. I. Her words there "creepy and unsightly" though Madeline would contemplate on maybe using them for a scheme.
It does break Priscilla heart, but this was her mom and her home, she was back and needed to go back to normal...right?
In a quiet moment Law offers a place on his ship for Priscilla, permanently. He understood this was her home universe but if she could see herself any other place then he be willing to take her on his crew again.
Priscilla almost cries as this was one of the nicest things Law has said to her.
But what should she choose?
Now we get onto the real angsty part of this crossover, Cody.
Again how Cody is depends on the timeline.
If hebwas older he would have learned at this point how to act like a member of Kids Crew. Being kind of haughty and tough. Imagine everyone's surprise seeing an older Cody who comes off as rude, dressed like a punk, and carrying a weapon 😰
But if it was a still a rather young Cody, he may just be really quiet.
Though all the same he does break into tears and the hisvfamily, along with the Greens, and the Bots ate so happy and relieved to see him...with a metal Griffin?
But slowly they start to see something wrong.
Unlike the pirate crew that Frankie and Priscilla had and where eagerly introducing to the others. Cody was quiet about his, only introducing his captain with a nod calling him "Captain Kid".
Chief Burns knows there is something wrong with his son, Cody was a bot full of smiles and warmth. But now it feels like he's just a shadow of his former self. With a scared face and a hard look in his eyes.
The pirates he was with don't seem friendly ether all glaring or looking apathetic at the Griffin Rock residents. But did have interested or wary looks to the bots.
All the same Chief Burns tries to be polite going up to Kid and thanking him for " taking care of my son and bring him back"
(The next scene depends of which kind of Kid this is. Kid from Wano may have been a little humbled but still determined and arrogant. In ether case if Cody was with him in Wano and supported him with the rest of the crew against the Beast Pirate, Kid might have just nodded at that. Cody may have just been a useless little kid but he was loyal and proved himself tough enough to make it on his crew. He knew Cody wanted to be home and for his time in the crew for good and bad he may have been soften enough to just let him just be with his family.
Pre Kaido Caaptain Kid is another story...)
Kid gave Chief Burns a look before laughing cruelly "Back? Who says he's staying"?
The turning around he gestures his crew back to the ship "I don't know how the he'll we got here but as soon as it's figured out we're leaving, I'll be taking my crew on a side of the island" Kidd glares at Law and Luffy "You better keep out of my way Strawhat, Trafalgar"
As he walks off he turns his head to Cody and Airazor and says "All of us"
Chief Butns could see his son stiffen but all the same Cody gestured for Airazor to move and silently he began to walk back with Kid and the Crew.
His family was shocked, there happy reunion ending too soon. There little brother leaving them, being forced to walk away
"Cody"! his dad called trying to catch up with him.
Kade followed yelling "Cody you've been gone for months! And just got back and now your leaving?! Why are you even listening to this guy-"
He didn't get a chance to finish as too fantastic a curved blade was at his neck.
"I watch what you say to Captain Kidd" said a masked man, Killer.
Everyone gasp and Hayley cried out in fear for Kade!
Heatwave moved to help his partner, a giant hand ready to pin or snatch the knife wielding human away from his partner.
But the-
Heatwave was sent falling down on his back. He was shocked, everyone was, that a Autobot could just be sent tobbling over like a block of wood.
A dark laugh from Kid rang out at he turned to the bots "So my power can work on these tin cans...this should be fun" 😈
But before he could move at the panicked bots a voice was heard.
"Weren't you leaving, Eustass"? Said Law
Kidd glared at him only to get an equally strong look back from not only him but Luffy as well.
Kidd scoffed and continued walking. Killer let Kade go who nearly collapsed at how close he was to losing his head.
Cody was watching his family worried, hesitant to try to check on Kade. His family and friends looked at him begging him to stay.
But Cody felt a firm but gentle hand on his shoulder, Cody looked to see Killer who gave him a quiet shake of the head before guiding him back with there group.
The Burns family was a mess, they just got there youngest back but now he was forced to leave.
How could they have let this happen?
(In the end things get worse before they get better)
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