#Under The Influence (UTI)
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UTI BTS Pictures in HQ Part 1.
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meownotgood · 4 months
almost-final draft for under the influence chapter 2 is done!!!!!!!!!!!! now I just need to proofread (this might take a while)
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stanforbreezy · 2 years
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Under The Influence - Chris Brown
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da-ill-spot · 3 months
Cinemills TV: LA’s Graffiti Underground: Stroe One
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3rddimension · 1 year
Shourtney Short Clip: Under The Influence After-Show
(Update with higher quality!) Finally got to watch UTI after-show and found a little bit more Shourtney moment in there. So I want to clipped it out.
First one is actually I think Courtney spilled a drink on her hand and then using Shayne shirt to clean up. lmao
Second one is Courtney wanted more pizza and adorably asked Shayne to grab it for her but he just goes "meh can't do it" and then Courtney asks Patrick instead since he's near the pizza. After they got the pizza box from Patrick. It seems that Courtney want Shayne to help her cut the pizza and he seems to have done something wrong and she was passive-aggressive with him. Probably the first time I see Courtney doing that.
Third one is when they answered which TNTL bits they love from the show. Courtney just do her own bit and Shayne just stare at her lovingly.
Ofc forth one is "the moment"
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zerodderty · 4 months
Undertale Yellow feels like, and I don’t say this lightly, the Advent Children of UT/DR
Looks really cool, *is* really cool in a lot of the ways that count, even hits home sometimes… but also nobody who touched the production ever really “got” the original, so it’s just kinda hollow
That’s not always a bad thing, fanlike reverence leads to new ideas being created usually when people try to replicate the things they like about a work while cutting back on the less important bits. But when you tie it to this worship of the original text you get all these… janky halfhearted copies.
Like, oh, we gotta kinda have a Papyrus. Here’s your robot section. Didn’t you like Undertale’s Neutral Route? There’s some quieter comparison points where you can feel the thought that went into making UTY a fun reflection of the original. But also sometimes things feel needless, like they’re there to fill a quota.
The pacing gets this the worst- the actual main cast is introduced two thirds of the way through the story, so most of the early areas are JUST old Undertale zones without the humor or charm. Pacifist in particular suffers because of how much importance it puts on characters and scenarios that a first time player will have No time to care about.
The themes here are…. Incoherent. Copying Undertale’s structure so hard means that unintentionally a lot of the same Determination, Empathy, Content Consumption stuff gets reiterated, while the new stuff about Justice and Consequences feels like its totally shoved to the ends of each route where characters will start talking as if walking around doing random encounters and occasionally stumbling into bits with characters who immediately fall in love with you and proceed to do three bits before leaving means we’ve had some Deep Meaningful Arc together that is climaxing only now.
Which is to say at some point in every route characters will start ranting about Justice and Heroism in a way that just feels really goofy since it always comes out of nowhere. I can see the narrative bones of a fun western romp, but its buried under all this Undertale flavored fluff that makes the early game feel charming but hollow, the midgame feel abrupt and slow, and the endgame feel interesting but wayyyy too fast and undercooked for whats come before it.
And then there’s the Cool parts. The character design is just fifteen levels of weird, everyone is the same sort of lanky furry creature with these big mysterious angsty backstories that mainly serve to funnel people towards the two big endgame superbosses of Pacifist and Genocide. And they certainly are big, taking the form of long, multiphase endeavors with more than a few totally unbalanced attacks that go more for flash and overwhelming density than anything else.
And hey, I can’t say the flash doesn’t work…? I think with Deltarune as a comparison now, the weird reality breaking freaks of Jevil and Spamton feel a lot more interesting of a Sans followup but sure yeah, I can’t say that these anime powerups don’t look sick even if they feel a little disconnected from everything. But it feels like they exist at the expense of everything else as these all encompassing fixation points.
And hell, UTY is probably the *most* restrained Undertale fangame here, because you can tell in the base encounter design that clearly the developers liked the idea that Undertale was a game with encounters in it, even if the bits aren’t always as funny or charming they’re at least there and well executed. I like the random monsters! They’re probably my favorite thing here because they don’t feel exaggerated or cast aside to better focus in on the Cool Stuff
I dunno, I feel weirdly conflicted that a game so technically competent at emulating Undertale and so clearly passionate in its aims feels so uneven and clumsy. I’m glad it exists, I’m glad I played it, I just wish it was more… good. Maybe it’s in part that I got into Undertale from its influences (Homestuck and weird quirked up JRPGs) that it feels so weird to have those influences diminished to better do the Cool Stuff, but I feel if UTY wanted to just do the Cool Stuff it would have been better served not being so tied down to living up to the already lofty task of Undertale 2 without feeling like a direct to dvd and home video sequel.
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Aphrodite: I got a UTI guys :(
Dionysus: aw that’s too bad. how much did it cost
Aphrodite: how much did what cost?
Dionysus: the ticket
Aphrodite: what ticket??
Dionysus: for drunk driving. UTI. “Under the influence”….yeah
Aphrodite: you mean a DUI????
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evansbby · 8 months
OMGGMGG the new chapter of WG!!!!!!  You have out done yourself again girlie!! 💕💕 So I reread WG before reading UTI (HELLPPP it’s supposed to stand for under the influence😭💀💀) so I could remebe everything. We cna rlly see how much of a fucking bitch ari is I’m actually so upset. I love to be so main character when reading that I act out everything that’s happening while reading so i was crying so much bc I love angst sometiems even though it hurts. Ok so let’s Do a breakdown: Spotting Ari from across the room and he already has his sights on her. Getting the context about what went down after WG was kinda sad like making eye contact w him on campus while hes with Sharon and he has the nerve to look sheepish he’s so mean. And the texts from him when the last one said Fuck you. I have other options s. Just made me feel so unspecial. Like he was probably fucking other girls right along with reader. Curtis showing up🙈🙈 he made a fruity pink drink for her 😍😍 but I’m pretty sure he drugged it or laced it so we knew what he rlly wanted to do with her. When Ari said I’m your daddy  SKSJSKSJSK I WAS WAITING FKR THAT PARTTT!! I rlly hated how he made her take the drugs tho like come on if you cared abt her u wouldn’t do that 😕😕 and the guys in the background pointing out how intoxicated she is when they were fucking like no come on 😭😭 But that scene was so fucking hot I can’t lie 😈😈😈 and then I liked that he shielded her up to the bathroom. My favourite part was when Ari and reader were in the bathroom and laughing and tickling each other AND HE CLEANED HER UP!!! and it was so sweet like he actually cared and that made me so happy and then he switched and it made me so mad bc he was being so mean like if he didn’t like Sharon just break up liek you’re already cheating on her you idiot. And I would honestly be so fucking distraught if this happened to me and I am naive sometiems so I honestly feel like I would have fallen for this too 😔😔🙏 but losing your virginity to a guy who does not give two shits about u???  (Or does he??😏😏) But it broke my heart like he just left her there on the counter after she begged him to stay (when he said Sharon’s drunk and she said I’m drunk too 🥲🥲 and he just left) and she just sat in the tub and cried??  and then when she was outside and she met Steve I thought it would be so sweet he was so nice and he had such light aura vibes like I thought he would be a sweetheart (he was not 💀). And then when Sharon stumbled over that description made me so sad. Like she’s so beautiful obviously feelings of insecurity rise up in reader bc ofc Ari would chose her over me and I like to make things extra dramatic and Ik it’s reader insert so it doesn’t apply to everyone but I’m brown so seeing the guy choose the pretty blonde girl but keeping you as his semi secret side piece probably definitely hurts and makes you feel like you’re not good enough. I rlly wish Sharon threw up on Ari when she said she didn’t feel good😭💀💀And Ari ls such a fucking dick thinking that he had the right to still call her baby after that shit went down in the bathroom but it’s apparent that he kind of cares for her or is it possessiveness?? Idk I just wish he made her feel wanted like that’s so sad. And the battle of choosing to stay or go? I wanted her to go but I didn’t know Steve would pull that shit. And then when Steve seemed disappointed that they were going back to her place I just knew he was bad news. And slipping the cab driver money 🫢🫢 Making her call him daddy and choking her just like Ari did, déjà vuuu. But then he walked her to her door 🥰🥰🥰(the bar is on the floor). And then plugging her phone in and getting all those messages from Ari but just not having the energy to respond bc she know she won’t get anywhere like my heart felt like it was going through the wringer. I listened to that song Jacob and the stone during every single sad part and ugh my heart 💔💔 
Now for the questions:
Idk if I’m team Steve or Ari 😭 Ari def feels some sort of possessiveness over reader, and he doesn’t care for Sharon so what’s stopping him? He lied to her so many times and manipulates her a lot BUT HE CARESS. And then Steve, at first I thought he only sought her out for revenge against Ari but we learn that he didn’t know her and Ari were connected (side note: also reader still doesn’t know that Steve is the captain and not just a player on the other team and that Ari and him are rival rivals) so that means he did have some interest in her but that too seemed to be even more misguided after he found out abt them. Does he want her for her? (meaning her body bc did he ever actually care abt her for her and not her body bc I can’t tell after he seemed so disappointed in not heading back to his place) He’s really mean like meaner than Ari and he honestly makes me feel unsafe 😭😭 so actually I think I’m going to pick team Ari. Ari just has to change  but he’s daddy so I know he will😔🙏🙏. But I’m really excited to explore the love triangle so we’ll see but I rlly want her and Ari to end up together lik it just seems right. 
They’re rival team captains but maybe their families are super rich so they just grew up in the same social circle and they’ve been competing in everything since they were kids whether that be in who has the best marks, cars, girls, etc.
Ari has confused feelings for reader. (Also completely off topic I’m srry but I forgot to mention when he said that he never used condoms with Sharon and mentioned knocking reader up bc he always fucks her raw and comes deep inside of her (I loved that part) 🤭🤭🤭 and that he would always used condoms with Sharon, that means that reader is special 🤭🤭but yeah Ari def is confused maybe he’s never felt real feelings towards a girl befor and he likes reader? Loves her?🤞🏽🤞🏽I don’t trust Steve but also it’s understandable that he may seem like a better option bc he isn’t shy to show that he wants reader even tho he is just using her ☹️☹️
Okay so that concludes my rant. I am honestly so so sorry I know this was really long please forgive me 😭😭 but whenever I read I always have to write my thoguhts down and word vomit every single  thing that comes to mind so eveyrhinf is so all over the place and there’s probably typos bc I’m rambling I’m rlly sorry. This chapter was so good and I’m so excited for the next part 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 thank you so much for sharing with us hoes 💕🤍🤍
OK FIRSTLY WHY IS IT UTI OMFG HELP I didn’t even realise that 😭😭
Omg Ari’s texts 😭😭 “fuck you I have other options” I mean he does but he’s texting reader obsessively multiple times so he obviously has a preference of who he wants to be with 😭😭 boys are so dumb fr fr fr
And omf the bathroom scene 😢😢 I deliberately made them have a sweet moment where they were laughing and he actually cleaned her up when before he never did any aftercare at all! Bc I knew that this way it would hit harder when he left her all alone in the bathroom. AND YES ahhh it broke my heart too when reader quietly said “I’m drunk too…” bc it’s like… he cares that Sharon is drunk but what about reader??? 😢😢😢😢😢😢
It’s so important to me abojt what you said about being a brown girl so it hits extra hard. Bc as a brown girl myself, a lot of the times this is how I feel 😢😢 They always pick the white girl… no matter how hard we try or how good we look for them… we’re always the secret hookup and never the girlfriend and now that you mentioned it, it kinda validates my feelings too LIKE DO WE ALL LIVE THE SAME LIFE FR 😢😢😢
BUT also it’s funny you mentioned how you hope Sharon threw up on Ari after Steve and reader left bc SHE DID! I actually wrote that!!! But it didn’t sound quite right so I cut it out and I meant to go back and rewrite it but I forgot!!! But Sharon DID throw up on Ari that’s why Ari didn’t immediately go after Steve and reader before they got lost in the crowd 😭😭😭😭😨😨😨
As for Steve, YES YES YES I dropped little hints throughout about him being a red flag… the way he was so forward, the things he was saying, the way he was acting, how he was so touchy when he didn’t even know her??? BABY READER NEEDS TO BEWARE OF THIS MAN!!!
And yes, he choked reader just like Ari did, and he even said the same line: “do it or I’ll choke you the fuck out” I think you and maybe two other people noticed this from what I’ve read!!! HMMMMMMM
Also yes the bar is literally on the FLOOR and that’s why I think people are thinking Steve is this sweet and nice guy when really… 🤭🤭🤭🥲🥲
I want to reply in more detail but my app is getting all slow which means it’s gonna crash any second but one last thing YES YES THE PART WHERE ARI SAID HE WOULD NEVER FUCK HER HOW HE FUCKS SHARON AND HE WOULD NEVER KNOCK SHARON UP AHHHHHH I LOVED WRITINF THAT PART THANK YOU FOR RECOGNISINF IT
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a-scaly-troublemaker · 2 months
RV AU on hybrid souls for uty/ut
So in my Revelverse (Or Revelry Verse/RV!) for UTY and UT, Boss Monsters and Elite monsters (who can become boss monsters and are either well trained or related to a boss monster) can handle diluted injections of soul traits. This results in an unnatural Hybrid Soul.
Attempting to bind with a trait always makes them sick until they get acclimated to it. They get sicker and stay sick longer if their soul rejects the trait.
Binding sickness is flu-like, and can leave monsters that reject the trait bedridden and delirious with fever for up to four days. Those that accept the trait have a much milder sickness that lasts up to three days, but can wear off in six hours.
Human-monster hybrids naturally have Hybrid Souls. Not all of the monsters were banished when the barrier went up in RV. The monsters that stayed behind, and their hybrid children, all have illusory and/or shapeshifting magic, which allows them to pass as human. They start coming out of hiding gradually a few years before the barrier breaks.
So who has what trait in RV, and how does it affect them?
Starlo: KINDNESS. His soul is tinted green, and he has weak healing magic and fire magic alongside his attacks showcased in UTY. He is a multi-phasic monster thanks to his hybrid trait and how much influence he exerted over the Dunes, which means he has a Zenith form I dub Nova. More on that later.
Dalv: PERSEVERANCE. He's a gentle, shy monster... most of the time. Don't force his hand. Dalv is a tesla coil with a heartbeat, and in RV, once in a while, he stands up for his friends and for himself. He learned special magic designed to capture, not harm, hostiles.
Ceroba: DETERMINATION. No surprise there.
Orion: PATIENCE. This hinges on a personality headcanon I developed without playing UTY. Orion is a quiet man who doesn't bear his heart too easily, but is always a beacon of support for his friends and family. He does what he can.
Martlet: INTEGRITY. Obvious reasons are obvious.
Now, about Starlo's Nova form. His Nova form has two states: True Nova and Neutral. In True Nova, his skin brightly glows a bright shade of sunny yellow, almost white, which shifts to cyan in a gradient towards his outlines. His spines and the markings on his head simply become brighter in this state. The tendrils on his head may fold backwards, mimicking a comet tail, though they will still move to emphasize his expressions and how he's feeling. In his neutral state, his skin is the same color as the night sky. He blends in perfectly with it, also, save for the fact that his body will not mirror shooting stars. He takes this state when he has managed to get his emotions under control for the time being. He can sometimes be seen rapidly switching between Neutral and Nova, then back to Neutral as he attempts to calm himself down. This results in bright flashes of light. Unfortunately, he is quite impulsive and emotional in this state. Will try to attack people and monsters he's mad at, but will be unable to bring himself to. Such is the curse and blessing of his Hybrid Soul.
Okay. I'm done rambling now. I hope this was at least interesting to read through, and that I didn't lose you between the blocks of text. I tried to spruce it up with texts effects so my own ADHD brain wouldn't suffer from reading and writing it.
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UTI BTS Pictures in HQ Part 2.
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celticcherry · 1 year
The gang, playing a game:
Tulsi: Keep this card if you've ever had a UTI... I haven't
Sage: Is that like... when you get pulled over
Sage: under the influence?
Tulsi: what?
MC: That makes sense
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tomanyships69 · 1 year
Hi, do you still have a link to the smosh under the influence? I would like to watch it, but I can't find it anywhere.
I have both smosh UTI and smosh UTM. I'll send them to you.
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itsabee · 11 months
this is a rlly weird question but can people under the operators influence (like proxies) get UTI's? i was also wondering if the operator will only heal fatal wounds and not small wounds ex: will heal stab wound but will not heal paper cut.
Not a weird question at all actually! The operator cannot prevent illness or injuries, they’re not invincible they just heal faster than normal people! With Cody in the house he does lots of stuff with bacteria and fungi and viruses and purposefully infects people, so no fun if they can’t get sick :(((
Everything heals faster regardless of the intent behind it because. He’s just a weird germ he cannot differentiate most things.
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
i wish i didn’t have to refer to the overkill stuff by the band name and not the album name but no way am i typing out under the influence every time and i’d kill myself before making a theory called UTI
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profoundlyfaded · 30 days
When acronyms collide - talking to a nurse about a client…
Me: He is clearly UTI…
Nurse: How can you tell just by looking at him
I look at her, she looks at me.
Me: Well he’s clearly taken benzos and pregab, he can barely sit up.
Nurse: Oh, I thought you meant Urinary Tract Infection, not Under The Influence. Yeah, he is.
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chloepnw · 1 month
I know this is a shot in the dark but I’m looking for:
- Smosh Under the Influence Pregame
- Smosh Under the Influence VIP After Party
- Smosh Sleepover Live Pre-Show
If you have them, I’d be very grateful for the links! In return, I can send any of the rest of the lives (I have everything from UTI to Sitcom, including pre-shows and after parties) besides these and am just looking to complete my collection.
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