#ut magic and soul hcs
a-scaly-troublemaker · 6 months
RV AU on hybrid souls for uty/ut
So in my Revelverse (Or Revelry Verse/RV!) for UTY and UT, Boss Monsters and Elite monsters (who can become boss monsters and are either well trained or related to a boss monster) can handle diluted injections of soul traits. This results in an unnatural Hybrid Soul.
Attempting to bind with a trait always makes them sick until they get acclimated to it. They get sicker and stay sick longer if their soul rejects the trait.
Binding sickness is flu-like, and can leave monsters that reject the trait bedridden and delirious with fever for up to four days. Those that accept the trait have a much milder sickness that lasts up to three days, but can wear off in six hours.
Human-monster hybrids naturally have Hybrid Souls. Not all of the monsters were banished when the barrier went up in RV. The monsters that stayed behind, and their hybrid children, all have illusory and/or shapeshifting magic, which allows them to pass as human. They start coming out of hiding gradually a few years before the barrier breaks.
So who has what trait in RV, and how does it affect them?
Starlo: KINDNESS. His soul is tinted green, and he has weak healing magic and fire magic alongside his attacks showcased in UTY. He is a multi-phasic monster thanks to his hybrid trait and how much influence he exerted over the Dunes, which means he has a Zenith form I dub Nova. More on that later.
Dalv: PERSEVERANCE. He's a gentle, shy monster... most of the time. Don't force his hand. Dalv is a tesla coil with a heartbeat, and in RV, once in a while, he stands up for his friends and for himself. He learned special magic designed to capture, not harm, hostiles.
Ceroba: DETERMINATION. No surprise there.
Orion: PATIENCE. This hinges on a personality headcanon I developed without playing UTY. Orion is a quiet man who doesn't bear his heart too easily, but is always a beacon of support for his friends and family. He does what he can.
Martlet: INTEGRITY. Obvious reasons are obvious.
Now, about Starlo's Nova form. His Nova form has two states: True Nova and Neutral. In True Nova, his skin brightly glows a bright shade of sunny yellow, almost white, which shifts to cyan in a gradient towards his outlines. His spines and the markings on his head simply become brighter in this state. The tendrils on his head may fold backwards, mimicking a comet tail, though they will still move to emphasize his expressions and how he's feeling. In his neutral state, his skin is the same color as the night sky. He blends in perfectly with it, also, save for the fact that his body will not mirror shooting stars. He takes this state when he has managed to get his emotions under control for the time being. He can sometimes be seen rapidly switching between Neutral and Nova, then back to Neutral as he attempts to calm himself down. This results in bright flashes of light. Unfortunately, he is quite impulsive and emotional in this state. Will try to attack people and monsters he's mad at, but will be unable to bring himself to. Such is the curse and blessing of his Hybrid Soul.
Okay. I'm done rambling now. I hope this was at least interesting to read through, and that I didn't lose you between the blocks of text. I tried to spruce it up with texts effects so my own ADHD brain wouldn't suffer from reading and writing it.
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ivyprism · 1 year
Masterlist 20
Suggestive? Kind of? *
Character and AU Information:
The Fallen Stars Brothers (Info Dump)
The Caged Bird AU (Info Dump)
The "Angelic" Villain (Info Dump)
The Dying Stars Brothers (Info Dump)
The Fading Stars Brothers (Info Dump)
The Fallen Stars Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
The Dying Stars Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
The Fading Stars Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
OG Skelesonas Updated (Info Dump)
The Dragon's SOUL (OC Info Dump)
The Sun, The Moon, and The Eclipse (Info Dump)
The Sun, the Moon, and the Eclipse Hs (Info Dump)
The Sun, the Moon, and the Eclipse: The Parents (Info Dump)
The Band AU (Revamped)
The Queen of the Deep Seas (Info Dump)
Weapons (Angels Fall AU)
The Significance of Angel Hunters (Angels Fall AU)
Angel Hunters and Demon Slayer Skeleton Boys (Angels Fall AU)
The Cleric and the Warlock Sonas (Info Dump)
The Bard Sonas (Info Dump)
The Ranger, the Sorcerer, the Fighter, and the Rogue Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Artificer, the Monk, the Druid, and the Paladin Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Wizard and the Barbarian Sonas (Info Dump)
The Bard and the Paladin Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Spider Lily (Spidersona Info Dump)
Half of a Heart AU (UT AU Info Dump)
Half of a Heart Papyruses and Sanses (UT and UF AU Info Dump)
The Suffering Oblivion (Sona Info Dump)
The Outer Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Witch in the Woods and The Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
My Old Swap AU: Rewritten Boys and a Sona (Info Dump)
Magic (Worldbuilding)
Main 16 Outfits: Redone (Outfits!)
The OG Skeleton Brothers: Redone (Outfits)
Mermaidsona (Info Dump)
The Puppeteer (Sona Info Dump)
The Puppeteer's Creations (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
The Other Creations (Skelesona Info Dump)
A Few More Creations (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
Blossom (Pirate H Info Dump)
The Warlock Sans and the Cleric Papyrus (Info Dump)
Farm Boys (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
Orchard Worker Sonas (Sona Info Dump)
Horrorswapfell Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Heights part 1 (Many AUs)
Heights part 2 (Many AUs)
Heights Part 3 (Many AUs)
Heights Part 4 (Allureswap)
Allureswap Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Deer Monster and Half-Deer Monster Sona and Siblings (Info Dump)
Althaea (The Trapped Mermaid Sona)
The Void Travelers: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Heights Part 5 (The Void Travelers)
The Fallen Humans AU (Info Dump)
Bird of Passage thoughts (Creator Rambles: The Fallen Humans AU)
Stories Written:
A few Happy Moments (The Sea's Song Story)
Still Here (The Sea's Song Story)
The Queen of the Deep Sea (A short story AU)
The Queen (Hehehooo)
The Alluring Queen of the Deep Sea (Hehehooo)
The Captains' Dance (Hehehooo)
Needle and a Thread (Angels Fall AU)
Blood Spilt (Angels Fall AU)
I love you (Runyon x Reader)
I'll be your knight (Cathan x Reader)
You complete me (Cynwrig x Reader)
The Silence is Deafening (Sona Backstory)
The Bee and the Flower (H x Honeycomb)
C'mon, Captain~ (Blossom/H x Dusk: Pirate AU)
Blossom x Dusk: How they Met (First Mate Nightmare x Pirate H)
The Truce (Outcode Story)
Aren't you tired of fighting? (Mermaid Pirate Hydrnagea: Not Csanon)
Soft headcanons (The Wandering SOULs Fell Sans)
A Caged Bird Info (Info dump)
A Caged Bird "no"s! (Info Dump)
Some Random Facts (Fallen Stars and Caged Bird Boys)
Some Facts (The Dying Stars Sans)
Angst Facts (The Dying Stars Sans)
Nickname (The Dying Stars Sans)
Angst Facts (Mafiafell Sans)
Soft Facts (Allurefell Sans)
Angst Facts (Underfell Sans)
Type? (The Caged Bird Skeletons)
Facts (The Caged Bird AU)
Ticklish? (The Caged Bird H)
Villain Underfell HCS (Stuff lmao)
Erorrotale Facts (info)
Best Dad with best dad jokes (UT Gaster)
Favorite creations? (The Puppeteer H)
Ianira Isn't Here? (The Creations)
Rejected Creations? (The Puppeteer and the Creations)
Opinions on each other? (Farmtale, Farmfell, and Farmswapl
Lolita fashion (yay multiple characters)
Chronically Ill SO (Many AUs)
Blossom x Dusk HCs Part 1 (First Mate Nightmare x Pirate H)
Blossom x Dusk HCs Part 2 (First Mate Nightmare x Pirate H)
Dalton Fun Facts (The Void Traveler Fell Sans)
How they met! (What if two humans fell AU: Various AUs)
The skeleton brothers (What if Two Humans Fell AU: Various AUS.)
Resets (What if Two Humans Fell AU: Various AUs)
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aikoiya · 2 years
UT HC - Souls & Soul Magic
As souls naturally exist in the spiritual plane, which is a plane that exists in the exact same space as the physical plane, when Monsters use their magic on humans, they're pulling the individual's soul not into the visible light spectrum, but through the veil separating the physical & spiritual planes. As such, they're forcing the souls into a form that the physical eye can perceive & understand easily. The heart-shape isn't their true form. A more accurate shape would be an exact replica of their human form, but shinning, mist-like, & constantly shifting. They're a little like how the ghosts look in Paranormal, but they're the same color as their primary virtue. The soul isn't meant to remain in the shape that Monsters put them in for very long as it's painful for them.
Each color of soul is associated with a specific virtue that the individual has in the most abundance. However, that doesn't mean that just because a human is mostly one thing that that is all they are.
In truth, all souls have each aspect of the soul to a degree as that's just part of being a sentient, sapient person. In fact, every human is born with a base amount of every virtue, the core virtue that defines them being the most prevalent even at birth. Every other virtue, however, fluctuates throughout their life depending on how often the individual uses it. They act like muscles, the more brave you behave in your daily life, the more prominent that virtue grows.
It is very unusual for a soul to change colors & when it does, it usually indicates extreme, soul-deep trauma. Something happened to hurt a person so deeply that they are forced to change on a fundamental level in order to protect themselves.
While there are only 7 main soul virtues, there are as many virtues are there are colors. Not to mention, every virtue can become a vice if you're not careful & maintain balance. On the flipside, they also have an antithesis that's found when an individual rejects their virtue.
Every virtue also specializes in a form of soul magic & is aligned with a specific element. Each have 2 most common abilities associated with untrained soul magic use. There are some powers that you normally can't use unless you have an exorbitant amount of a specific virtue or Determination in general.
This doesn't mean that if you have a Blue soul, you'll automatically be capable of water magic or be able to use gravity spells. It's just most common to. In fact, elements can be fueled by different virtues & depending on said virtue, it can create different effects.
For instance green fire is fire magic fueled by Kindness. Green fire is the safest fire magic there is as other colors of fire magic run the risk of going out of control if you're not careful. Instead, green fire will only burn when the user wills it. It's also the most useful sort of fire for cooking as it even imbues normal, non-magical food with healing magic.
Every human has Determination & it's associated with the color red, but only because Red souls generally have the most. However, Determination isn't a virtue in & of itself, but rather an aspect by which the virtues are exercised. The more Determination a person has, the more they can relegate to different virtues. It's like choosing which stats to improve when you level up in a game.
That doesn't mean that Red souls are nothing but Determination. While Determination does give many the strength to fight past their limits, they don't all have the insane amount that Frisk is seen to have. The power to Reset is not a natural ability.
Humans all have varying degrees of Determination with Red generally having the most & Green & Cyan generally having the least. However, that also doesn't mean that Green/Cyan have no Determination.
Determination is classified as being a "firmness of purpose; resolution." However, Determination means nothing without a goal & that's what the other virtues determine; what to be determined about.
The 7 main virtues are arranged in a circle with Red at the top-center & going clockwise with Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, & ending with Purple. At the center of the circle is White, which denotes Mercy.
Red = Drive or Fortitude/Spite/Irresolution (Fire) - Slice/Charm/*Time (Slow or Dash)
Orange = Bravery/Recklessness/Cowardice (Earth/Body) - Force (Dash/Strike)
Yellow = Justice/Vengence/Injustice (Lightning) - Shoot/Pierce/Percieve or Scan
Green = Kindness/Complacency or Self-Sacrifice/Cruelty or Animosity or Greed (Plant/Poison) - Block/Heal or Bind
Cyan = Patience/Sloth or Stagnation/Impatience or Agitation (Ice) - Avoid/Slice
Blue = Integrity/Hypocricy/Deciet or Dishonesty (Water) - Gravity (Slow, Dash, or Jump)/Shortcut
Purple = Perceverance/Dillusion/Indifference or Apathy (Magic/Mind) - Buff & Debuff/Trick
Of course, there are much more complicated spells that one can learn, but it takes time & dedication to do so.
The interesting thing about the Heal spell is that its strength depends on the amount of generosity/charity a person has. That is, the more someone values others, the more effective the Heal is. For instance, Undyne is not a particularly generous or charitable person, thus instead of Heal, she has Bind, which stops a person in their tracks. It's like a reverse shield.
As mentioned above, there are other virtues that can be located by mixing the 7 main or by adding Mercy. Such as Passion/Hot Pink (Between Red & Purple), Compassion/Powder Pink (Lighter Passion), Empathy/Lavender (Lighter Perceverance), Senserity/Periwinkle (Between Cyan & Blue), Grit/Ginger (Between Red & Orange), Courage/Sunglow (Between Orange & Yellow), & Clemency/Chartreuse (Between Yellow & Green).
Slice & Pierce are able to cut through defenses in different ways.
Time is the manipulation of time on a basic level to either speed time up (Dash, manifested differently than with Bravery) or slow Time down (Slow, manifested differently than with Integrity). It is an extremely rare power & very, very few can use it. It is speculated that Reset is a manifestation of Time's ultimate potential, but only 1 person can have access to this specific ability at a time & it always goes to the person with the most Determination who has the potential for Time magic.
However, even if someone is qualified to use it, you're not supposed to be able to do so unless you're a master of Time magic & have studied it for decades. Not only that, but specific boundaries (typically runes, spell circles, that sort of thing) must be set up in order to specify the parameters. It could only work within a short distance & only go back between a few seconds to a few minutes & it's because one person can only do so much. It was typically used just before a major battle to manipulate the outcome of battle in a similar way to Groundhog Day. The fact that Frisk can do what they do means that there's something strange going on in the Underground.
That there's already been parameters marked out. It's likely that these parameters were created by the 7 mages that trapped monsterkind in the Underground to begin with. Flowey & Frisk are likely just tapping into it.
Force is when the body is enhanced past the human limits, giving the user increased speed (Dash) & strength (Strike). Despite showing itself like this, but they are actually the same thing.
Shoot allows the user to manifest their Yellow Magic as a projectile.
Persecute is a special ability attributed to those who have high levels of both Blue & Yellow in their soul. It's what happens when Justice's Persecute/Scan ability (which is used to analyze & gather information about the target) is mixed with Blue Magic (which is associated with honesty, both to one's self & to others). It's basically Sans' Karma ability.
How it manifests depends on the individual.
It acts as the opposite of Red & Pink's Charm ability, whereas Charm, when used in an illusion spell, pays complements to the target, but they can only be truths. This is used to fluster or confuse the opponent & put them off guard.
On the other hand, Persecute gives the user information on the target's misdeeds. It's a fairly high-level ability &, if used incorrectly, can cause a lot of trouble both for the target & the user.
Avoid allows one to be untouchable or at least unnoticeable so long as they remain still/silent.
Gravity is the manipulation of gravity, & much like Force, has multiple ways in which it can be used. Slow is when gravity increases upon the target, Dash & Jump are when gravity decreases on the user allowing them to run faster & jump higher.
Buff & Debuff are the use of words to increase or decrease a target's stats.
Finally, Trick is the use of trap magic, which is commonly used for infusions & enhancements.
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savi-our · 3 years
(Hello there! As a fellow new UT imagines blog [sorta], I want to help kick start your blog!) What relationship headcanons do you have for UF and UT Grillby?
Hey hey hey! So this is an old ask but i really liked it so i wanted to go ahead and do it anyway.
I didn't manage to include all the Hc's i have for them bc im an avid Grillby lover but i might make a post later on if you guys enjoy them. Hope you guys enjoy!
UT Grillby
Grillby is a quiet monster that's fairly hard to read seeing as he doesn't speak much, however he shows his affections quite clearly whenever someone catches his fancy.
He's a gentleman and a sweetheart, so when you first started courting he made sure to pamper you in many different ways - treating you to meals, giving you magical flaming flowers, warming up your hands in the deep cold winters.
As stoic as he might seem, once you get used to his mannerisms - its pretty easy to tell apart his emotions, like the way his flames brighten when he lays his eyes on you, the way he crackles nervously whenever you return his affections, the way he gently smiles down at you, always happy to be in your company.
Grillby has a daughter, and as a parent he is used to taking care of people. He likes to make sure you are safe and comfortable at all times, shooting you texts thorough the day whenever he's not busy to ask how your day was progressing.
He has a lot of ideas for cute dates, some of which he nervously brings up to you once you notice him fidgeting - a telltale sign he had something to say but struggled to find the words.
He wants to go to cooking classes together, he also wants to watch that one show with you that's been sparking his curiosity, oh and that pastry shop next door has wonderful desserts he thinks you'd enjoy!
Grillby is a wonderful listener and is always ready to lend you his ear, he gradually develops the habit of rubbing your back as you rant about your day - his focus fully on you.
Grillby is not one for PDA, and he is also quite anxious about physical touch in general, seeing as he didn't want to scare you with his flames.
That changes quickly after your first shared kiss, you tasted so sweet and his flames crackled so brightly at the special moment - he couldn't bare to tear himself away from you.
After that he enjoys bundling you up into his arms whenever you both are permitted privacy, his gentle flames warming your soul as they hypnotically swirl around your form.
Once you both start living together it becomes a habit, cuddling in bed after long days of work, enjoying each others company as you both drift off to sleep.
UF Grillby
Now, unlike his counterpart UF Grillby is vocal in his approaches, he's a sly and analytical person who prides himself on his ability to observe people.
He lathers you in sly compliments, wanting to fluster you at every opportunity just to see you squirm in embarrassment.
When you first start courting he becomes rather protective of you, almost overbearingly so - asking you where you were every few hours or so, shooting anyone that even glances your way a warning in the form of a glare.
He has a major issue about laying his claims on you, mentioning how nobody had right to touch what was his.
It gets a bit suffocating at times but you have to understand that he does it due to his anxiety of protecting things he cares about - almost like a dragon fiercely protecting his horde of treasures.
Speaking of dragons and hordes, he can get rather stingy about his money whenever you first start dating, he rarely takes you out - mentioning how sharing a home made meal at the comfort of his own establishment or home is much more convenient.
That changes once you both get closer, he finds himself wanting to spoil you - a foreign prospect given his love of money.
He starts buying you things, takes you shopping, pays for your bills and starts taking you out to places you want to go to.
One day as you were both walking down the street from a wonderful evening well spent at a restaurant, his hand laying protectively around your lower back you notice his flames shifting, his gaze landing to you in deep thought.
He brings up the idea of you moving in, excusing the idea as a way to save money considering your rent/bills, his gaze is cast to the side in what looks like embarrassment and his words lack their usual flamboyancy.
If you agree, he'd be overjoyed, his flames crackling in delight as he leans in and places a deep kiss upon your lips, a smirk pulling on his features.
Life together would quickly turn into a rather interesting experience, he couldnt keep himself from laying his hands on you, mentioning how you were his and he wanted all of you all to himself.
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capricioussun · 2 years
@uselessundertalefacts said: we LOVE goofy silly old guy… what’s your UF gaster like?
It’s so fantastic you ask that directly after “we LOVE goofy silly old guy” because, unfortunately, my UF Gaster is. Um. He’s not… okay, I need to start by saying he isn’t evil! He’s not!!! It’s…complicated. I’m actually going to put it under a readmore for (cw) heavy stuff, sorta that whole “canon typical violence!” warning for my usual UF interpretation.
So, UF Gaster.
I know I’ve very loosely implied a lot of bad things about my interpretation of UF Gaster, but, like mentioned above, the situation was complicated, to say the least.
As much as I like playing coy about my ideas on Gaster’s relation to The Boys, I will just directly state usually (but not always) I stick with the headcanon G created Sans and Papyrus for Various Reasons.
Following my other usual hc of that reason being “he was trying to make organic weapons to destroy the barrier and fucked up so bad he just made two little guys (children)”, that is indeed what happened in UF. He was attempting to make magic weapons to both break the barrier and be a major support with the, at the time, inevitable Next War with humankind.
By this point in the timeline, Toriel had already left and Asgore was well into his mental decline, becoming more aggressive and cruel. Gaster was under a lot of pressure as the Royal Scientist, most everyone looked to him as a beacon of hope for providing some solution, some level of protection.
I tend to hc Gaster, even within UT or softer ‘verses in general, can be a bit…unstable. Not dangerously so, not to really anyone more than himself, but he can get…carried away. Ambitious, incredibly intelligent, his moral compass can get a bit skewed at times, but in his heart, he is a kind monster, truly. Mostly.
Unfortunately for UF Gaster, the working and living conditions of his underground are not exactly conducive to good mental health and maintenance under the best of circumstances, even for the most grounded and steady individuals, so you can imagine this takes it’s toll on his psyche.
This is all to say that, despite doing arguably abhorrent things to Sans and Papyrus, Gaster…was not really a bad monster. He was put under a great deal of duress by Asgore, and essentially repressed his kinder instincts in favor of forcing himself to continue viewing Sans and Papyrus as the experiments he’d started off with. He even had himself fooled, as he gradually became more and more…detached.
This was also exacerbated by the process he used to create them: missing pieces of your soul and micro dosing on human soul extractives to keep yourself from destabilizing and melting doesn’t really lend itself to a gathered mind.
He managed to convince himself the ends justified the means to save monsterkind, even including the two of them, one day, and was so mentally unsound by the time he [REDACTED] it hardly mattered anyway.
It’s why Sans and Papyrus have such complicated views on him, Sans more so. He hated him for a time, but after becoming Judge and working alongside Alphys for a brief time, with of course the aid of the passage of time, Sans became more indifferent about Gaster, understanding the situation was…complex. Papyrus, conversely, has viewed it that way the whole time, and never hated Gaster. In some ways, he even agreed with him, if Gaster hadn’t [REDACTED], maybe he would’ve even succeeded eventually… And in Papyrus’ eyes, the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few makes a lot of sense to him.
And I also just wanna clarify, when I say he did “abhorrent” things to them, he himself was almost never intentionally cruel to them. He was usually very blunt and straightforward, and their…well, maybe not well being, but survival was very, very important to him, not just because of their importance as projects, but because deep down, they were his kids, and he knew that. He knew that, no matter how buried it was. He wanted them to succeed for all their sakes, their own specifically especially. Asgore had threatened to…decommission them several times. Gaster had to complete them, had to perfect them. Failure wasn’t an option.
TLDR; my guy was suffering, so much, and under better circumstances, he would’ve been happy to raise Sans and Papyrus as his own, to the best of his at times dubious abilities. So like, take any times I mention how much he traumatized them w/ a grain of salt…
There actually was a UF AU I’d developed with a friend where monsters surfaced much earlier (Sans and Papyrus were still pretty young), and out from under the weight of all the pressure to save monsterkind, Gaster became a very loving, rather cooky, eccentric father figure to the boys. Morals are still dubious at times but he’s got two wonderful kids to keep ‘im on the straight and narrow lol
Okay I lied actually. He’s a little evil, but it’s like. In a funny, endearing way (usually). Like Uncle Fester.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Masterlist 11
(*) means suggestive
never have I ever (all)
secret admirer (horrors)
who can date a mafia
who has tattoos (mutt lilac star snipe G green charm sugar) 
crush hanging with the old lady squad (sf fsr fsg)
SO invited them to play a dance game (ut us uf sf dt)
can they take care of kids that aren't their own? (all)
crazy dreams (oak green pop bruiser peaches)
avatar kid (all)
SO collects rocks (pluto uf ht mt)
random frisk/chara (ut us sf)
SO and sibling fight a stranger
kids are sneaking out (ut mt ft)
pet cuddles SO (uf ht mal)
kid is bullied
how to get them interested (wink wink)*
SO is turned into a baby
I'm gonna climb you like a tree (all papyri)
SO has a huge family (main 10 + horrors)
bestie uses them to get away from pushy dog owner (uf fs ht hs us)
crazy sib is covered in mud (G sans oak jupiter noir)
SO gets a puppy (us ut ht)
seagull god (all)
ghost SO (green rancher slim rhythm)
what clothes they like on their SO (ul fsr fsg dt ot)
how they fluster their SO 
crush got a makeover (ht hf ot)
kid made a love song (all)
crush rejects them (honey edge sf fsr hf)
SO makes a tiny breakast (coffee peaches mal ace)
random romantic with mutt and wine
sister is holding SO hostage 
a cat barks (papyrus cash red rust pluto)
SO never sleeps (star, cash)
CRYPTID HUNTING 2 (willow honey edge rancher bruiser mutt)
toddler runs away in a grocery store
SO makes a doll
random fluff (hs gt ot)
which of his clothes he gives to SO
favorite chips (all)
poor tree
a bear/crocodile is stuck in their house
first kiss (hf hs)
shiny bird brain
crush looking at them dopily
blind crush (hs fsr fsg ot gt)
stranger is walking a chicken (fsr hs mf)
SO collars skele (all)
adopted sib steals hoodies (ht sf fsr fsg)
they choose between SO and child 2 (ul fsr fsg)
romantic headcanons with noir and coffee
SO is jigglypuff
flustering bilingual SO
catnip prank (uf dt mt)
crush is high as a kite (us ht sf fsr hf)
SO accidentally summons a demon
SO can transmit feelings (uf hf fsg ul sf)
sleepwalking SO wakes up naked in the front yard
stranger tries to seduce crush (ft + horrors)
caught in the rain with date 
on the go snacks (all)
SO leaves for a week but leaves behind love notes
sibling dresses up their pets (uf ht mal mutt rancher)
Their eyes
fighting rules
soul checks manners
monster gender and babies
monster pregnancy
skeleton differences
skeleton hybrids
healing magic
more on magic
allergies with wine and honey
the aus aren't related
the skeletons other parent (not gaster)
boss monsters
different types of magic
sans and charm poly hcs
thoughts on sans
underlust and farmtale
The Mafias
Madame and Don poly
cheating SO 
family hcs
ace and butch as a bodyguard
the boys reacting to Madame and Don getting a third partner 
brother’s SO creepily stares at butch
how they feel about roulette
bad parent is harassing SO
teasing brothers with SO
mal answers about collars*
embarrassing cash
pigs blood part 2
SO cant function
Fellswap Gold
wholesome brothers
coffee putting henna on SO
dating hcs
toriel and asgore jobs
doomfangers victims
doomfanger and baby bones
Fellswap Red
mutt’s regret tats
rancher is a beast
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vrnicky · 3 years
Pinned post.
I write about Undertale universe and their different Aus. My own aus, one-shots, I share my ideas and mostly interact with my mutuals if I ain't simping over skeletons.
Tumblr media
What will I write?
-Headcanons/reactions: How my boys would react, feel, do to a especific situation that you can ask without a problem.
•My main aus are undertale, underswap, underfell, swapfell red (sometimes swapfell crystal), storyshift and horrortale but sometimes i can add more aus or that. You can specify ones too.
-Poly headcanons: If you send two characters that I think would make a good couple I make some headcanons about them, you can ask for official couples headcanons too.
-Dating headcanons: Similar to the poly headcanons but with only one character, how a relationship with that character would be, their love language, etc.
-Asks: You can ask whatever doubt you have about my aus and my characters. Even you can ask them personally, im down for everything.
-Match-ups (CLOSED ATM): You send information about yourself, what you like, dislike, your hobbies, etc. If you know your soul trait, the better. And if you wanna a match up with a especific au of mine you can say it in your ask.
The rules are below for everything, also I have the aus I write for and their names!
Ut x atsv!
🌸 Masterlist 1.
✨ Masterlist 2.
🌸 Masterlist 3.
✨ Masterlist 4.
🌸 Masterlist 5.
✨ Masterlist 6.
🥀 Non-skeletons characters.
🍷 Gaster names.
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About me.
•Call me Nicky, Wolfie or Taco!
•Im Demisexual/Bi-demiromantic
•Im taken <3
•18 SO stuff can get suggestive so be careful! 16+ only!!
•Extra nicknames i go with: Puppy, Cottoncandy, Takis, Pomf, Bun, Froggie, Sunshine
•All pronouns unless i specify otherwise.
•I take care of a lot of blogs.
•Discord Server!!
Events that happens here:
•Event im doing to get motivation back (not done atm)
•Dtiys event! (Not done atm)
•chit chat single character ask! You ask easy questions about a character and I'll answer them!
•taco art trades! Basically me doing an art trade with someone! They're: OPEN
•taco art requests! I do small doodles of a character I get ask for! They're: CLOSED ATM.
•#preggers hcs! This basically mean how a character would react/act at being pregnant.
•#ask the guys smooches edition is basically where i write a one-shot with a guy giving you a smooch.
•#ship day! Where you say two characters and I'll say if they work together or not.
•#fan-kids day! Is basically where you say: "name of the baby, the parents of the baby and magic color" and i doodle your fan kid with a character!
And my other social media:
♤Instagram♤ (in the make of a new one)
♧Tumblr (You're here!)♧
Commissions: OPEN! 3 SLOTS
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Extra information about me or the creator:
•Im married to Asgore and Papyrus.
•Papdyne enthusiastic! Love the ship! <3
•I write for the ships I personally enjoy, no, I do not like papyton, sorry.
•I use the tags #no thoughts head empty for things I don't how to tag, #mutual interaction <3 when im chatting with mutuals, #rp? When im doing kinda a rp with my characters and #taco's videos! When I share links from YouTube.
•I have a bitty name Casper and little Fox named Boots!
•The pokemon of the blog: Litten!
•My ask box is open for everything and everyone
•I create aus every second but I take my time to actually write about them
•My simp list <- OLD (UPDATED HERE) (Non-Ut list)
•stupid spanish class with Taco: pronouns
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galaxygermdraws · 3 years
Hermitclones Master post
I post a lot of Hermitclones content so here’s all of that stuff in one post
NPC Grian Concepts
NPC Grian Jukebox Night
Evilworm Holiday Doodles
Evilworm Emporium AU
S8 Ex n X Doodle Dump
Bearers of the Curse
The Wedding Saga
Wormman UT Sprite Edit(No Mercy)
Wormman UT Sprite Edit
Evil at the Emporium Ch 1 Fanart
Unorganized MS Paint Doodles
Abyss n Wm break into HC Recap
Stained Glass Window Ex
Digital crayon Ex n Wm doodles
Apathetic Xisuma design
Hermitclone Super Mario AU
S5 + S6 Ex Doodles(feat. Wm n X)
Ex design comp
Side by Side(Pixel Art)
Wm n Ex but Fall Vibes
False Empire
MS Paint Doodles
Best Of Friends + Gif
Sheep Wormman Concepts
Wormman Doodle Dump 2
Hels Kitchen Patrons
Ex n WM jukebox night
"I can't do this" EF Redraw
"You'll be alone forever"/"You're not alone"
Ex and Helsknight Doodle Dump
Ex and Helsknight Doodle Dump 2
Hermitclone height chart + color ref (batch 1)
Evil X doodle dump feat. Jevin n Jeff
Death's Victims
Evil X jukebox night
"Not fun anymore?"
Hermitclone Concepting Doodle Dump
"You can't escape who you are"
"Did you really forget him?" Comic
Ex doodle dump
Ex doodle dump 2
Forgotten Heart
"I know this and I love you" meme but Ex and Wm
"Souls of the Innocent" meme but its Wm, Ex, and Jeff
Requiem AU Doodles
Refined Hermitclone Doodle Dump
Trapped Heart/Jeff Hivemind Wormman Doodles
Saturn Lyric Comic(Ex and Wormman)
S8 Ex Portrait(Feat. Jeff The Minion/Nightmare)
Wormman Doodle Dump
Wormman Jukebox Night
Ex in edgy modern day clothes
Ex Character Progression
Evil's Fault inspired Doodle Dump (feat. Wormman)
Zedeath reference
Wormman Character Progression
Ex Correct Quotes Doodle Dump (feat. Wormman and Xisuma)
Ex is a Wormman Stan /hj
Xisuma and Evil X Doodle Dump
“You never came back”
Wormman vs Tangno
Tangno Jukebox Night: Keep Myself Alive
“Any last words?”
“So... this is season 8″
Helsknight’s birthday
Robot Grian(Roby)’s birthday
4 Year Wormman on HC Anniversary
Moonlight SMP Duo
Wormman n Ex Doodle Dump
Wormman n Ex Doodle Dump 2
Wormman n Ex Doodle Dump 3
Wormman n Ex Doodle Dump 4
“I Hear a Symphony” Lyric comic
Hermitclone Doodle Dump
Ex’s birthday
Diabolical Lyric Art
Helsknight Doodle Dump
Helsknight Incorrect Quote Doodles
Evil Hermits
Cam Accounts
Hermitober Prompts
1: Wings(DuckWoman and PoultryMan)
2: Fire(Helsknight)
3: Soul(The Dreamer)
4: Duo(Wormman and Evil X)
5: Magic(BadTimesWithScar)
6: Game(Zedeath)
7: Prank(Evil X and Helsknight)
8: War(Evil X, Jeff the Minion, and The Dreamer)
10: Knight(Helsknight)
11: Void(Evil X)
12: Hels(Zedeath and Apathetic Xisuma)
13: Clock(Zedeath)
14: Pet(Zedeath and Wormman)
15: Crown(Red King. Yes. This counts.)
20: Crossover(Grifter and LazyBeans)
21: Flower(Renbob)
22: Memory(Evil X and Wormman)
23: Sword(Helsknight and Evil X)
24: Winner(Wormman and Tangno)
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cozystars · 2 years
The Thing about Angels
This is less of a theory and more of a worldbuilding hc? undertale might as well be my headworld with how much thought i’ve put into its magic system alone (i jest abt that first part, im not lying about the latter.)
BUT YES, angels. both harbingers of hope and doom. been thinking about how they work as a religion within ut/dr and how monsters are imbued with the power to become one themselves. the religion stuff is going to be a touching on Christianity so if that makes you uncomfortable, i’m giving you a big ol warning now before you continue under the cut
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In undertale, the delta rune’s history has been lost to time but still has a lot of significance to the monsters below. while gerson says that lately people have seen the angel as ‘a harbringer of death’, it does imply a time where a majority of monsters saw it as a symbol of hope. I find this really interesting, where the savior’s image has shifted from one of freedom to destruction just from how bad things were getting. This change happened because that many of them were losing faith in the legend of a savior. And there’s monsters just, fine adapting to that. The idea of a higher being coming down to destroy all, that one day the world they know is coming to an end alongside with themselves. (something something no mercy run something something) I wonder if there’s abandoned churches we never got to see within New Home.
Now with deltarune, things are different. We’re shown a lot more of this religion (still thinking of a name I’ll figure it out). They have a church, an individual deity to worship, father alvin. It heavily mirrors a real world sect of christianity, but it’s still different. They have no concept of sin, but instead just a figure to believe in for guidance and hope. Maybe monsters have their own version of the ‘endtimes’, where the angel frees them of this worlds bonds and onto the next. The prophecy is probably now takes a form of a religious text and that ‘cross’ around monster kid’s neck is just the deltarune but simplified. What if there’s believers in an angel of death still existing in DR? Where it’s taken the form of a warped nihilistic sect of this religion. ‘Everything I do doesn’t matter, because in the end the angel is going to destroy us all.’
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[taken from the og notes doc lol]
And now onto the second part of this post that’s still just less theory more magic building!
Angels! Monsters can take the form of them through the power of determination, or uh, other means. A monster is transformed into an immense state of power, becoming a harbinger themselves. And with a human soul, they can become unstoppable.
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A signifier of someone with the capability to become an angel is going through a loss. Wether that be the people they sought to defend, their family, or even themselves. They need a big reason why to power through in the first place.
Another signifier of angels is in their design. Look at Undyne the Undying, Mettaton NEO, and Asriel’s final form within his boss fight. Each are sharp and angular, have heart decals, with wings spread. An Angel takes their form after the delta rune, taking the mantle of becoming the savior of legend themselves. And that’s just so fucking neat I think; that spamton neo is also an angel, just a shoddy (but still powerful) rendition of one.
THAT WAS THE THING ABOUT ANGELS, maybe I’ll post more about magic stuff later but yeah! man I have to change the title of this blog if I do this again
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legendcrown · 3 years
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considering just how long ralsei was left waiting in castletown, it’s maybe not so surprising that the area became so heavily imbued with his magic. this effect was only amplified by the near by presence of the dark fountain, and the prince’s family ties to said shadowy geyser. ralsei’s castle has become somewhat of a extension of himself, and it definitely shows, both magically and otherwise/in spirit, so! tl;dr, under the cut will be hcs related to the castle itself, the goings on inside, etc etc.
>to start this out i wanna explain a lil more abt how his soul magic/‘imagination’ magic works. basically, as i mentioned in this hc, ralsei’s soul magic isn’t like he can just, think of s/t crazy, and make it happen. it’s more a passive thing, powered by his own belief/hope/wonder he finds in the world around him. >and, bc ralsei doesn’t. realize that he’s the one affecting/creating these things, there is a sense of randomness to the castle. he never knows what to expect, but he doesn’t consider that a bad thing, he finds enjoyment in the thrill of adventure, after all! and, tbh; thats kinda why its Like That™ in the 1st place? it’s a subconscious attempt @ staving off the effects of prolong -ed isolation, a makeshift fix for an abandoned childs boredom/loneliness. >(this is also why hes able to find his way around the castle with ease despite it’s mixed up nature.)
>the castle seems impossibly bigger on the inside, ofc the outer shell is a looming figure in of itself, bc, well. it’s a castle. however the point still stands, bc the inside almost seems never-ending, and ever-changing, at that, bc… >his magic changes a lot the castle’s interior itself, randomly creating new, strange rooms to explore, most of which don’t even seem possible. these rooms vary in size, from smaller, more cramped spaces, to places bigger then a football field, the contents inside can be anything, rlly!–
>from a dark forest that honest to god makes you feel like you’re outside, though you know you can’t possibly be. w/ fanged plants and pretty crystals twinkling much like fairy lights, w/ tree swings that hang impossibly from above. >to a room completely made out of patchwork and knitted yarn, w/ weird art stuffs and childish looking statues, and a small pond made of water colors, the rocks/lily pads to jump across are instead, large colorful buttons.
>there’s more minor oddities too, such as: staircases that don’t make sense/seem to move every so often, meaning sometimes you end up upside down or walking down sideways on a wall.   >new doors and hallways that definitely didn’t exist a moment before/pop up out of nowhere, a number of secret passages and tunnels to use as shortcuts. >random puzzle areas and maze-like sections scatter -ed around the place, similar to the ruins in UT, etc etc!
>another layer of the what/how @ his castle, is the fact the general vibe of the place is also effected heavily by rals’ own mental/emotional state. >meaning, say he’s having a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, the place will. be a lot less lively then usual, not as bright/with colors dulled, colder somehow, etc etc. >and, if the opposite is true, if he’s instead, doing alright/feeling happy/excited, the castle be as it normally is, lively and colorful and forever in motion, filled with song/general goings on, warm in that homey/cozy sorta way, etc etc. >there’s ofc, lots of states inbetween, but! y'get the idea.
>tho, there’s some things that aren’t so magically inclined, like how a lot of the castle runs on a series of weird rube goldberg type machines, built by ralsei himself. bc. even w/ all the free time in the world, upkeep for an entire magical castle + the dark fountain itself is a lot for just one (1) lil prince! >so, hes went and automated a lot of the more repetitive work to help lighten the load. while they’re kinda arts and crafts looking, lots of popsicle sticks and glitter glue; they’re still surprisingly complicated and generally pretty reliable.
>as well, any rooms usually left untouched by the daily magical shifts (certain hallways, the main entrance, rals’ room, the library, the kitchen, etc etc) are us -ually covered in other cutesy decorations, glitter/confetti and stickers, etc etc. >some of the inanimate objects in ralsei’s castle are ‘alive’ albeit in a subdued sense, they’re able to move/react, mostly. empty suits of knights armor, stuff in the kitchen, statues, paintings, bookcases, clocks, doors. not everything in the castle, of course. but again, y’get the idea, i think!
>all this aside tho, the v highest floors and parts of the roof of the castle are burnt from the knight’s attack, and so those floors are the few areas not messed w/ in any way. >which is partly bc he doesn’t wanna be up there, considering; oof, but also bc its where the dark fountain is situated. anything below those top floors is game, tho.
>so, yeah! 2 wrap this up: ralsei, ofc, has some seriously bad memories tied to his castle, and thats. rlly part of the reason his magic has settled so heavily into its bricks, tbh. he doesn’t want castle town to be something he fears, or something he solely associates with those bad events. it was his + his families home, and he still considers it such, even after everything. >he doesn’t want it to be something that just. makes him sad™, so all the stuff w/ the castle, the ever changing layout, how it became a home to the strange creatures that fill the halls, the childish display of candy colors and clashing designs, is basically just. a type of stubbornity?
>tl;dr it’s him looking at the ruins of a castle he no longer knew, and digging his heels in, making it so it’s not just another thing the knight took from him, etc etc.
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nighttimepixels · 4 years
Night: Oh yeah, the lillytale ladies purr btw :) Me, absolutley ascending: ffuUck yeS.... PlEase.... My WiFe.... 🥺💖💞
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You are all so valid, oh my gods.
They absolutely all purr, and each have their ‘spots’ and circumstances, heh. Across the board they’re definitely inclined to do so when particularly sleepy, or in a particular intimate cuddly moment. Specifics though... here’s the Lilytale Purr HCs, then ✧(ô▿ô )
Serif (Lady UT Sans):
Best spot when relaxed: massage the palm of her left hand, or gently skritch/soothingly rub her occipital bone (aka, bottom/back part of skull)
Likely to purr in general when she’s drinking coffee on a rainy afternoon, sunk into a couch/soft spot and listening to music.
She blushes a little when she’s caught purring, but mostly chuckles it off and deftly changes subject if you try to point it out.
... get close enough to her though and become her nap buddy and you’ll get to hear it a lot. Softly, quietly, as you drift off. It’s a really soothing sound, actually.
Vellum (Lady UT Pap):
Best spot when relaxed: trace her collarbone or gently run your hand over the top her skull~
Likely to purr in general when she catches you doing something particularly cute and/or making her proud in a casual sort of way! EG, maybe trying to solve some of her handcrafted puzzles so you can engage with her more on it, or maybe she sees you working on your own passions~
... also purrs a little if you praise her when she’s in a rare sleepy state. It’s very hard to catch her in these, but oh man, is it worth it. She turns extra cuddly - good luck escaping her arms - but she flushes with magic and can’t help but purr if you genuinely praise her. Just prepare for the praise to be turned back on you in an exceedingly honest and spot-on sort of way :D
Sapphire (Lady US Sans):
Best spot when relaxed: trace along/gently massage her upper spine, or skritch at the difficult-to-reach-spots where her spine and ribs meet (but not the inner part, the exposed outer part, oh geez)
Likely to purr in general when you get the hiccups (they’re illegally cute, and you getting frustrated over them even more so), and when comes up to hug you in public if you’re close - because only you can hear her and she knows what it does to you ;D
Also a big-time aftercare purring type. Also also, sort of... panic purrs if you’re sick? It’s subconscious after she’s already done a lot to try and make you comfortable - she’s close (or if possible, holding you/cuddling you, germs don’t mean much to her) and taking care of you and instinctively just purrs to try and soothe you. ;v;
Amber (Lady US Pap):
Best spot when relaxed: almost anywhere, frankly, she really enjoys casual intimacy like that, buuuut you’ll almost certainly get her if it’s along her sternum - or if her head��s in your lap and you stroke delicately along her nasal ridge.
Likely to purr in general when having quiet together time with you - eg, you’re both reading, maybe you’re leaning up against her side, each buried in your own book, or other activity - just together, doing your own laidback thing. She loves it and without fully registering will probably purr and nuzzle you a bit if you’re within easy range.
Also purrs if she catches you falling asleep against her. She’s a sucker for that gentle trust and mutual comfort.
Crimson (Lady UF Sans):
Best spot when relaxed: along the underside of her mandible, but also - if you’re willing to risk the casual moment turning more intimate - tracing/massaging her mid-to-lower spine. She’s a sucker for feeling your soft touch dancing along her spinous process. (the lower you go, the more you risk frisky energy, heh - but that’s not unlikely regardless, with her)
Likely to purr in general when you get caught up talking about something you’re passionate about. She likes the spark in your eye, the way your hands get all the more expressive, the vibrance to your very soul. The chances double if she catches you satisfied at the results of whatever you’re passionate about (eg, completing a difficult task that you were very into)
also will definitely purr if you get sassy/snap back rightfully at anyone who’s being a jackass to you. Of course, she’ll also summarily see if you... need her help (and probably send the bastards running if you consider it for even a moment), but the purring will happen in the end as she hooks you close and readily confesses to how hot that was and how much she likes seeing that spark in you. This kind of purring might turn x-rated very fast, woops
Scarlet (Lady UF Pap):
Best spot when relaxed: you have to be very close to earn this, but if you’re at that point with her, then - delicately massaging the bones of her wrist... or tracing her collarbone.
Likely to purr in general when you’ve asked her to help you with anything and you’ve gotten... close over the course of that help. Perhaps it’s learning how to cook something, or investigating something, or learning some measure of self-defense or even swordplay from her... pride in you reaching some level of success will absolutely induce a pleased purr from her.
Also prone to purring if she’s had a good amount to drink. She definitely forgets some of her inhibitions and will be inclined to be more flirty, too - it runs in the family - buuuut she can also accidentally fluster herself, woops. So try not to tease her too much if you want to maximize the purring if you’re drinking with her ;D
Pepper (Lady SF Sans):
posted about here :D
Cinnamon (Lady SF Pap):
Best spot when relaxed: stroke along her sternum, or gently massage her spine. She’s got a lot of built up tension - having a soft, sweet human she’s awfully close to help take care of that is practically a guarantee to start her purring.
Likely to purr in general when she gets high and gets to play with your hair/touch you (doesn’t have to be frisky touching, either - you’re just soft and it’s nice to her)... and also when she watches the northern lights or a meteor shower. The latter is a very happy and rare state for her, but you’ve never seen her so relaxed and in awe that isn’t carefully hidden/masked with something that edges control.
Also inclined to purr if you’re inclined to sing/make music of some kind. It doesn’t even have to be particularly skilled; hell, half the time her purring in this regard is never even witnessed. Maybe she catches you singing in the shower and just leans on the wall outside the bathroom to listen, or you’re picking up an instrument and she overhears you from the hall/another room. She enjoys the musical expression from you, and the exploration even if it’s not expert, so long as you’re into it.
Blade (Lady HT Sans):
Best spot when relaxed: her palms! They’re so much bigger than your hands, but gently tracing along them and/or massaging them just tickles something soft in her soul and she ends up purring.
Likely to purr in general when you’re resting on her in any sort of casual, deliberate way. The display of trust means a lot to her - she knows how scary and threatening she looks and how hard she can be to get that kind of close to.
Also inclined to purr whenever she finds you making food for her/her sister. For fairly obvious reasons that... kind of means everything to her. She’ll eat every bite of course, no matter what it tastes like, but if you’ve paid attention and made something she particularly enjoys... well, hope you’re prepared to be stuck in the very comfortable grip of a purring giant skeleton woman for a while yet - it’s time for a sleepover, probably.
Bonus: purring machine if she catches you and her sister napping. Favorite human, bonded so well and appreciating her sister too? You won’t catch her purring probably, but you will wake up to a blanket having been laid over you both and Blade almost certainly nearby. If not, then you’ll smell her obscenely good cooking in the other room for sure.
Twist (Lady HT  Pap):
Best spot when relaxed: gently tracing along her cheekbones/back of her skull, or along the vertebrae of her neck! Also, as is a bit of a trend, is a bit weak to the collarbone as well.
Likely to purr in general when you’re appreciating nature with her in any way. Sitting in her lap as she sings to the flowers? Helping her water the garden? Simply following along as she tends to her many plants/goes on her walks through the forest? She’s going to end up purring. It means the world to her that you’re interested, for whatever reason you may have.
Also going to purr if you’re willing to take a bath with her. They have a massive tub, but also a hot springs they tend; she really, really likes going there, and if she has you agree to go with her, though it’s a vulnerable sort of thing? Hoo boi.
Alpha (Lady Q Sans): 
Purring denied actually, as my sib (who made Q, Alpha’s og counterpart) states... Alpha would effectively be like: “I am no simple bitch, I am a super-advanced AI - you’re going to have to work harder than that to get me to do something like purring!”
... So, for now, she remains an enigma. You’d probably legit have to be with her for ages & married or some such to unlock that after... winning a significant and highly unlikely bet. Or a series of them. XD
Glyph (Lady G!Sans):
Hardest (besides Alpha) to get to purr, actually! You’d have to be at an obscenely high intimacy level to unlock this.
Best spot when relaxed... isn’t a thing for her, actually! It’s the reverse. She’d have to have you melting in her arms relaxing at her touch before she’d come close, oho.
Likely not to purr, in general, as stated... but if there was any chance beyond the one stated above, it’s almost certainly if she’s all but the opposite of sober. The others are all nigh positive they’ve never heard it, except Serif - who secretly has recorded footage from when she and Glyph got drunk one night while looking after the dogs and Glyph ended up in a pile of adorable dog affection.
She’s a bit too well-managed beyond that to let purring slip - the Coda side of her is extremely opposed to purring, so that part of her nature is withheld XD
Dusk (Lady HF Sans):
Best spot when relaxed: third trickiest to get to purr, actually... until after she’s coming out of a high-adrenaline state and is finally relaxing with you soothing her. Mandible’s the trick with her then, or general careful affection. She’s still a bit out of her mind - literally, giant hole in her head and all - and is a liiiittle on the feral side.
In exchange for hearing it, then, you’re probably gonna have to resign yourself to semi-feral protective instincts and chill in her protective hold for a while, heh.
Warning though - don’t mess with her floating ribs when she’s in that purring state. She’s been through a lot, and they’re really tender; you’re just as likely to cause her pain as ignite a passionate spark in her. It’s a danger zone.
Dawn (Lady HF Pap):
Best spot when relaxed:... I-If you can reach... she likes it when you touch (pet??) her nasal ridge, or massage the points where her giant horn/antlers connect to her skull.
Likely to purr in general when... er. Well. Honestly, she’s usually too... on-edge, and not terribly present, to purr. But if Dangerous Things have recently been significantly handled, enough to pull back to tend to wounds and stuff, she might start if you’re taken care of, her sister is there and safe as well, and the Snowdin forest has been, at least for a short reprieve, been successfully defended.
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your-nonbinary-pal · 4 years
Thanks a lot dude!
I actually have a little reason also for the freckles, monsters primarily have three kinds of magic in them, the first kind is the one with which the body is made, the second is their powers, like Toriel's fire, and the third one is the magic that SOULs are made out of
So sometimes, the second magic kind of over powers the first one which results in markings or as you said, freckles!
USR sans is more powerful that Papyrus just so ya know, it's cause I HC papyrus from undertale to be more powerful then sans, it's just that he holds back a lot of his power cause he doesn't want to kill anyone. And since US is supposed to be the swapped versions of UT, I thought it'd be fitting to have sans be more powerful than Papyrus.
Ooooooh~ great idea! Really!
I just love your interpretation
Might be my favorite one too, from all underswaps I saw
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pacifistofpatience · 5 years
US, UF, and UT skelebros with an S/O who obsessively collects mugs?
((Last one in my askbox! Its probably going to be a little bit until i open it again because I have some HC stuff I want to post first!!))
Lock them up tight
You know you just gave himthe holy grail of jokes, right?? How could he—how could he not pull the mugjoke on you once???
You’ll probably ascend toanother plane the first time he does it, because its one thing hearing the joke…but another thing to be on the receiving end of it
All the while Sans will besipping his bowl, contently waiting for you to come back to earth
Will want to drink fromthem
Has a believe that if youhave something, and it has a use, he intends to use it for that (And then some)cause what’s the point of just having it there? To look pretty??? Papyrus lookspretty and he always has a use!!
Still respects yourcollection, but will ask permission to use one every now and then
Probably waits for Sans topull the mug joke (because you know he’s going no matter what)
(After said joke is pulled:
Cue dramatic pausefollowed by shifty eye lights
Loves that you havesomething that you like to collect, and very much thinks its cute when youcome home carting another mug to add to your collection
Asks the stories behindthem, if you remember where you got this pretty colored one! And! Oh!! This onereminds him of the color of your soul!! And Oh! Oh! This one looks like hismagic!!
(You’re going to findthose last two placed next to each other at some point, don’t move them, he thinksthey belong together)
Has a habit of rearrangingthings, this includes your mugs
If Pappy sees a way themugs could be moved around to make it more aesthetic (Say, in color order) hemay just go ahead and do that when he gets a burst of energy
(also kind of needs thevisual change every now and then)
If you’re cool with himdoing it then its nbd, if it bothers you then maybe talk to him about it andhell understand, he kind of did it without thinking the first time anyway
Is the most likely to break one. Then panicand scramble to replace it before you notice. Like full on rushing out of the houserunning to every store near by and then some all the while searching on ebay inhopes he can fix it ASAP
The guilt will eat at himeven after he replaces the mug. Will confess in the most dramatic way possibleall the while begging for your forgiveness.
Forgive him, please, he’sprobably punished himself enough
He doesn’t really see thepoint of it, you just have a collection of something…?? A lot of somethings?? that you’ll never really use??
He believed that everythingyou have should have a purpose (Even his accidental collection has a purpose, avery specific one but still one)
Mostly because of the Undergroundand how limited supplies was (and how you had to fight tooth and nail to get it)so anything he had was only absolutely necessary
But he sees how much youlike them, and he’s not one to deny you anything
When you two move intogether, actually insists you bring your collection, and even makes room forit
(It’s a way to make iteven more permanent. Because, sometimes, he finds it hard to believe yourstaying there for him so having something tangible that you spent years buildingup reassures him in a way. It reminds him that you’re here to stay)
Another one that needs ause for everything
Doesn’t do anything aboutit, but will sometimes make side comments if you never use the mugs
But then one day you’llcome home and there will be this… spot…just cleared out, and a very pretty,very expensive looking shelving will be there??? And you’ll have no idea whatits for until three days later Boss demands to know why you haven’t placed yourcollection on the very nice display case he made for you! Honestly!! Does hehave to do everything!!
You never see when Boss addsa new piece to your collection, but you’re pretty sure you have at least 10more that you don’t remember buying
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Alright friendo, I make do on my words: What sweet nothings do the Goopmen say? (Dude, I love your writing???? Those sweet nothings were anything but nothing!)
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(bless you and your wonderful promise-keeping, with-a-whisper! and to you, sweet anon~. i am more than delighted to have an excuse to muse on everyone’s favorite void scientists… and i’m so happy that you like my writing! it’s a joy and an honor to hear TvT
(also, before i dive in - i’ll clarify that i’m taking the “Gaster isn’t related to the skelebros” stance for these purposes! i do love some dadster content and am happy to work on it and it’s implications, but across the board i like what can be done with Gaster and relations outside of dadster hcs, too - so if any of you would like dad!Gaster content for a prompt you send in, make sure you state it explicitly~!)
UT Gaster:
Former Royal Scientist, long-term Void Resident, absolute fan of all music that can be interpreted to be ‘Classical’, and an utterly hopeless addict to coffee and succulent gardens. Since returning from the Void shortly following the Barrier breaking, he’s been a fan of calmer spaces but ongoing company - he’ll choose to live near some of his dear old friends, and is a frequent visitor (and contributor - he quickly becomes a sought-after editor of scientific magical papers and books) of the now ever-growing monster Library/Libarby. The house he builds includes a spacious dome-like greenroom, largely filled with an exhaustive habitat for beautiful and varied succulents and a small seating area and mini library. He’s found in there frequently, enjoying the natural light, tending to his plants and listening to music, reading, writing, or planning out one of his latest projects. He most adores his closest friends’ and s/o’s company out there, and should you find yourself in a relationship with him, many an afternoon turned starry night will be spent out there in companionable pursuits of your normally individualistic hobbies that are then frequently set aside for clever and winding conversations on the nature of anything that may cross your minds. His words have the undercurrent of someone who has seen and lost too much for anyone to return from, yet gained it back in a stroke of luck and benevolent fate that he will never take for granted.
“I don’t suppose you would mind shifting from the chair to the lounge, would you, my dear? Ah, perfect - the way the afternoon sun falls over your shoulders there… far more fitting for how stunning you are, I’d say.”
“Your insight on the manuscript is as valuable as ever - truly, it’s no wonder I find myself caught in your gaze so often. Your intelligence shines so captivatingly through even in your very eyes.”
“I cannot say that I’m terribly skilled at minimizing how much of this blueprint paper I find myself going through… ah, but I just feel so terribly inspired in your presence. Having you near as I navigate the issues posed by this latest project is… well. Perhaps I could show you some small measure of my deep appreciation, if you would like…?”
Late one night, the very concrete of the street below you began to vibrate with the force of the words falling from Gaster’s mouth. It was a language that had no place in this world, a language that echoed and rang past any physical means and caught in your mind without the assistance of your ears. But still you laid in the street, unable to move your bloodied body for the nearly overwhelming pain that tore through you. Shadows blacker than the darkest night you’ve ever witnessed pooled around you, rising in smooth agitation to encircle you as violet magic wove itself over your wounds, not healing but at the least sealing. You bit down the urge to scream yourself hoarse to try to function through the pain as you managed to focus on Gaster’s form in front of you. His back was to you, and though he had risen to his tallest height, he had bent over slightly in a stance that spoke strongly of a quick-footed and battle-wise readiness. The shadows dripped from his form, flaring outward with the fitted longcoat he wore, pooling under violet light in his hands as more shadows rose from the natural lack of light this late in the night.At the other end of the street, you heard distant swearing, chanting, and outraged extremists congregating to attack once again. You felt a brush of a hand against your cheek - one of Gaster’s floating hands had materialized near your face, and with his feather-light touch gently grounded your fraying consciousness even through the pain. Another of his hands formed to gently hold the one hand of yours that was unwounded, careful not to jostle your arm. You weakly gripped it in return, groaning as the pain lanced through you with a shudder. “You are strong enough to make it through this, my dearest,” Gaster’s voice echoed in your mind. He hadn’t stopped speaking in the strange language that was rising in volume around you, but he had reached out to you through a bond you shared that was only just forming. You wished you could stand by his side, but felt a firm reassuring pressure against your mind in response to that. “No, my love, your kindness and fierceness have already rescued me once today - and now it is my turn to protect you. I swear by the stars, I will see you safe.” He squeezed your hand as gently as you could. “Now close your eyes, and don’t open them until I say.” As his voice faded from your mind, the streetlights in the distance were consumed in darkness - one by one quickly they blinked out, and you shut your eyes tight as a tangible darkness roared past you and towards the group that had tried to kill you both.
One clear night many weeks later found you sprawled on what you had fondly dubbed ‘the cuddle pit’ - and what he had called ‘a greater number of blankets and pillows than I believe I actually own piled in the center of my greenhouse with great finesse’. He held your head in his lap, mindful of your still-healing deeper injuries as his fingers brushed through your hair and massaged your scalp. In the background, piano music played softly through the speakers he had set up throughout the greenhouse, gently surrounding you both with the music as you watched the distant night sky. “The infinite span of the universe around us never ceases to astound me,” Gaster said, his voice soft. You turned your head slightly towards him, your eyes drifting up the plane of his chest and the fused vertebrae of his neck, along the firm line of his jaw. He caught your gaze proper, his eyelights trained on you rather than the sky itself. “The why is a question that often plagues those of us in scientific pursuits… as well as the how, which is of course brash indeed,” he continued, a small self-deprecating huff of laughter leaving him. You rolled your eyes, teasing and knowing, and caught his free hand with your own to intertwine your fingers after tracing the line of the perfect hole in his palm with a tender wash of emotion through you. “I never stray from at least the latter question for long myself… but I find you to be one of the only things that makes that question begin to fade from my mind, even for a moment - while also sparking such a fire in my soul to better discover that very how indeed…” He gently lifted his hand, bringing yours with it, and brushed a kiss against your knuckles. He watched you as he did so, seeming drawn to the visage of you lying so content in his lap, something undefinable perking the corners of your lips upwards as surely as it played a blush over your cheeks. “… Wondrous,” he whispered. He leaned towards you, his face close to yours as his gentle magic lifted you carefully towards him. He held you close, and his forehead brushed against yours with reverence. “You, all that you are… you continue to stitch awe into every line of my being with every moment I spend in your presence,” he said as he tilted his skull to capture your lips in a kiss.
(UF, US, and SF Gaster’s sweet nothings below the cut…
UF Gaster:
Current Royal Scientist, long-term Void Resident, absolute fan of all music that can be interpreted to be ‘Jazz’, and a very deft and devilish hand at puzzles laid through time and space. Truthfully put, those puzzles are effectively pranks - if you can deem frustratingly mindbending traps and endlessly twisted riddles and feats of nearly-cruel mental gymnastics pranks. Upon being freed from the Void after the Barrier fell, he very quickly assumed his former post of Royal Scientist. He did not falter in his quick reaction and stride to erect effective and complicated safety measures around the monsters claimed settlement at the base of the mountain to prevent the needless complication of fearful humans retaliating and finding out firsthand the creed the monsters had lived by Underground. As time passes and monsters integrate more widely into surface society - though certainly with little ease, widespread monster hate abounds and complications continue to rise - UF Gaster continues his work as Royal Scientist but turns to utilizing existing surface technology and vastly improving it to suit magical needs and abilities while conducting a number of his own more questionably acceptable projects on the side. He is not much of one for consistent interaction, but he does enjoy the company of a few close… ‘friends’, so to speak, more so if they are someone who can come mildly close to matching wits with him, and further yet if drinks at his closest friend Grillby’s (aka Grill’s) bar are involved. If you’re his s/o, you are someone who returned cleverness in spades, not falling for plainly laid traps (or at the least recovering with aplomb and learning swiftly), and who most certainly returned bite for bite. Once in that relationship with him, he prefers to have you close, allowing you your own freedom but preferring the time spent in one another’s presence far more than he’ll often admit (things are a bit heated when he does, however). He doesn’t speak for long around others except for a chosen few - and you are one of those, and damn near the only one who can draw him to be as loquacious as he can actually naturally be even in casual settings. If you’re his s/o, it isn’t long until you end up joining in on building these elaborate traps and time/space puzzles - preventing interruptions, testing his assistants, or simply building out on projects and curious scientific principles he’s been drawing you into experimenting with. You look at things differently than he does, and you’ll speak plainly with him - something many are unwilling to do, and he takes an admittedly wicked delight in the way you’ll speak your mind.
“I frankly find it insulting that anyone would consider leaving your presence without hoping for further interaction. Naturally though, it is better for their… longevity to do so, considering my presence, and considering that I will ensure that you are not hounded by the drooling masses.”
“My dear, if you tell off one of my grovelling assistants for interrupting us just one more time, I will be unable to hold back any further and you will find yourself ravished to the point of being unable to work any further this evening.”
“… Something so devastatingly entrancing as your soul comes along so rarely. I wonder what it would be like to hold it in my hands, to breach that fine scientific line of inquiry - to run my fingers along the pulsating core of your very being… what would I find within you, I wonder? And perhaps more pressingly… How would your captivating soul respond…?”
There was a crater in the park’s field now, the ground simply crumpling under the weight of Gaster’s silent rage. He had risen to his full height, one foot slightly in front of the other as his arm had shot outwards in protective line in front of you. You had risen back to your feet despite his insistence, spitting the blood that had welled in your mouth, one arm hanging nearly uselessly at your side as blood dripped down it. Your other hand gripped your phone, your mind working quickly enough to capture photos of your attackers even as you typed out a fast and slightly disjointed - but clear enough - message to Red. You whispered this to Gaster before sliding your phone into a safe pocket close to your body. He didn’t respond physically or in words, but you felt a brief brush of acknowledgement and approval from his magic. Shots rang out across the field, cracking against the crimson barrier he had erected. You both watched as more figures emerged from the forest at the edges of the field. At last, his gaze slanted to you, nearly unreadable in the sneer he hadn’t dropped. You felt his magic swell as he began to speak.“… Promises made and broken by the worst your people have to offer, my dear. I will not risk further danger to you.”Something tar-like dripped from behind a floating hand he had pressed to his torso. His trim longcoat hung with shadows that matched the pitch black of his wound, several bullet holes cleanly ripped through it’s back. Whatever they had put in those bullets was affecting parts of his magic, and his wound simply wouldn’t slow or heal over. Your good hand lifted to his arm, and you gently squeezed it. You trusted him. You knew well what you had stepped into when you had first become involved with monsters, and you knew the violence that would inevitably come with the rise of anti-monster sentiment. You nodded to him.He watched you for a moment longer, his eyelights softening for the shortest of seconds before they sharpened again. You felt the shadows rise around you, arcing over you protectively as he summoned another two hands to support your sagging form before the blood loss could drag you down. Behind that, behind you, you felt the massive weight of his magic increase as something shook the very ground below you. “I will not suffer these dregs that dare consider themselves on equal footing any further. They shall pay for what they have done to you.”Reality cracked behind you as his magic tore apart the laws of the world.
Another time, in the latest hours of the night, you sat atop one of his workbenches as his hands carefully took apart one of his latest projects, seeking a singular part that had overloaded in the latest test run. You couldn’t help the grin that pulled at your face as he grumbled threats of violence upon the assistant that had input an incorrect digit on one of his many - now scattered - pages of data and predictions. You hid your amusement carefully behind your cup of coffee, but his gaze shifted from his ongoing work just in time to catch it regardless.“Taking quite the delight in that drink, aren’t you, my dear?”You hummed noncommittally in response, returning his gaze in good humor. He didn’t look away from you as his deadpan expression shifted only slightly as a single bone brow rose. You bit your lip to prevent falling prey to his usual tactics.“Or are you quite enjoying my latest headache brought on by unsurprising incompetence in my employees?”You rolled your eyes at that, shooting him an amused look that said you were as unimpressed with his phrasing as ever.He straightened then, rolling his shoulders once as he readjusted the rolled cuffs of his shirt. His labcoat had been discarded earlier - or rather, left to drape over your shoulders conveniently when you were feeling particularly cold. There it still rested, and you were quite pleased with the arrangement. He eyed you for another moment before stepping in front of you, your legs easily shifting to make room for him as he pressed close.“Well. I do suppose there’s a few ways I could alleviate this headache… if you’re willing to shift your source of pleasure.”You set your coffee down in response. With your own brow raising, your hand lifted to his belt, hooked around it, and you tugged. He pressed closer to you automatically, a smirk matching your own rising on his face as his hands went to your waist. “Your mind twists such devilish puzzles that even come close to rivaling my own,” he commented dryly as your expression twisted in wry amusement. He chuckled as your other hand lifted to his collar. “And even still, you are able to match your own wits even in the way you handle the… physical,” his hands pulled at your waist, and you found your legs wrapping around his waist in return. He smirked as he leaned down, one hand shifting to press at the small of your back as the other lifted to draw your chin upwards. Hints of his magic ran through you at his touch, wrapping along your soul and causing your back to arch as you bit back a soft moan. His mouth hovered over yours as his gaze held you willingly captive. “… Care to continue our earlier experiments then, my dear?”
US Gaster:
Former Royal Scientist, longest-term Void Resident, absolute fan of all music that can be interpreted to be ‘Swing’, and a newly bestselling author (under pen name, of course) of steamy romance novels. It was by his practiced and steady hand that the Royal Library in the Capital became quite so full of so many salvaged and preserved books, thanks to his own methods to save what books were rescued from the dump in Waterfall. His skills in mechanics and soul magic have bled into all aspects of his life even after being rescued from the Void several years after the Barrier fell. He spends much of his time further researching the soul and the dominant traits it can display and the effects thereof, as well as relating his knowledge through both scientific papers and easy-to-read books and novels for the common person without any scientific background. He has since found a love for storytelling and his experience and passion for the naturally deep matters of the soul led him to writing steamy romance novels that now sell extraordinarily well. When he’s not at the small lab he shares with his former assistants Stretch and Undyne, he’s sitting in cafes, coffeeshops, assorted parks, and even the occasional tree writing and reading. If you’re his s/o you’re also found frequently in odd and sundry places, and you may have passed many a night sharing stories and imagined encounters and characters with him, applying alternative mechanics and their implications to the universe in words alone, and almost certainly have ended up having drinks with him at all hours of the night, as nocturnal as you both are inclined to be. He is more attuned to matters of the soul than any monster you’ve met, and that is saying something - his penetrating intuition constantly catches you offguard, even as his s/o… his insights are striking when he chooses to share them, but he is largely more concerned with spinning stories (emotionally founded and empowered thanks to his research) that cause your heart to skip a beat and your eyes to twinkle in that way that he simply cannot get enough of.
“I know the saying goes that a picture is worth a thousand words… too, though, I think that a thousand words could relay an infinite number of pictures. And yet… well, darling, I don’t think either could do a single moment spent by your side any amount of justice.”
“I’m quite aware that the frequently-quoted Juliet’s line runs ‘A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,’ and am all for her honest argument there, but quite frankly there is a delight I take in calling your name, purely your name, and seeing your face turn in a manner I have witnessed it do so by no other sweet nickname. Shall I demonstrate? Perhaps you will be able to help me observe those lovely distinctions…”
“Dearest, you have a streak of fierceness in you that I would trade for nothing under this open sky, and would gladly give up all the words I’ve ever spoken just to see sparking brightly for the rest of the days this world holds for us.”
It felt like something of an inevitability when the shots echoed over the small lake you sat at the edge of. For the strangest of moments, it was as if time itself fell into the moment unwillingly, dragging far slower than it should. Across the lake, you saw the shadowy figure stand levying his aim on Gaster, you the line of his shot and the steadiness of his hand, you saw Gaster himself turning to look behind you both as he searched for something in his bag with his magic flaring slightly in well-mannered frustration at his own habits. You saw the many ways this could play out - and you chose.Time fell back into its normal place as you moved. It didn’t take much, you already were nearly leaning against him - and so you pushed, surprise on your side as you were able to knock Gaster off balance.Even still, that didn’t stop the scream that escaped you as three of the bullets found their home through your shoulder and torso.Perhaps time moved too fast then, because there was a clamor of noise and sights and more as you fell, caught before you could hit the ground. Too many sensations crashed through you and were in turn overwhelmed by a piercing pain you hadn’t been able to come close to imagining before that moment. You found a grip on reality at last though, finding a roar of magic rushing away from you and across the lake as you were held so gently in Gaster’s arms, his face strained as his mouth moved - ah, he was talking to you…“-the stars, you beautiful, mad soul, stay with me, there, there you are - I’m here, dearheart, I have you, please just look at me, don’t look away,” he spoke far more quickly than you could easily understand, but the continuing sound of his voice was helping you focus on something other than the pain. Amber magic rose around you both, folding and weaving with impeccable mastery as you pieced together distant sirens and screams fading. He stepped forward, his voice weaving a heavier magic in your soul than even the actual power he commanded. “I am taking you to the King, I cannot-” his voice caught for a rough moment, but he gently smiled for you, even though you could see the strain around his eyes. “-I cannot wield healing magic, not so skillfully, but he is the deftest hand at it. You’re safe, my love, I shall see to it,” he swore as he continued walking, darkness folding around him as nothing swallowed you both whole. “I am so dearly… I am so, so sorry. I did not… you, you mean more to me than the world at our feet,” he whispered as you both emerged from his shortcut. “My soul sings for you, dearheart. I will protect you with everything I have.”
Laughter was shaking out of you as Gaster pulled you back to your feet in his living room, a bright grin spread across his face, a twinkle in his eyelights.“Come darling, surely you aren’t falling for me all over again?” His brow waggled at the line and you couldn’t stop laughing, leaning into his chest even as you tried to swat at him for his continued affronts. He caught your hand easily, slipping it into his easy hold to lead you in the dance again as the speakers played the music on. “You almost had it that time - let your body take over, it knows what to do, just feel it out and trust in my lead,” he said as he tugged you close, leaving you breathless as your laughter finally faded. You were flushed and grinning as you shook your head hopelessly but acquiesced. He took a step, then another, his hand gently pulling yours in a way that signaled where he was moving, and you tried to listen to what he was saying. Slowly but surely he picked up his movements, stepping to the side and swaying you both quickly in steps back in forth in time with the quick pace of the music. He stepped backward and lifted your hand and you let out another delighted laugh as you twirled under his easy guidance, kicking out your feet to match his own movements once you faced him again, your hips swaying as you let the infectious mood of the music guide you as surely as Gaster did. You pressed in close then, winking at him for the split second you had before he rolled you in a spin outwards and tugged you back towards him, other hand meeting your waist as yours easily met his shoulder. “You’re a natural,” he said, pulling you closer yet as he spun you both around the room. “Your feet are as quick as your mind - and that’s saying something,” he added, leaning in to whisper near your ear. You held onto his shoulder as he leaned further, letting you slide with supported ease into a low dip as the music flared out in its end. You were breathing hard, but a thrill ran through as you realized you had made it through a full song. He was watching you with pride and delight and something much more heated running through him, and your soul thrilled in response. Your hand tightened on his shoulder, and he pulled you only slightly out of the dip, closer to him.“The way your soul is shining right now… stars, it’s nearly enough to pull me to the ground,” he whispered, his face so very close to your own. “The way you speak, the way you think, the way you move…” his voice was dipping low again, a rough edge to it that was stealing your breath away. “My dear, your very existence draws me ever deeper in love with all that you are…”
SF Gaster:
Current Royal Scientist, short-term Void Resident, unexpected fan of all music that can be interpreted to be ‘Ambient’, and an incredibly practiced and gifted artist - particularly enjoying working with charcoal. Through a convoluted set of strange coincidences and fate-laden connections, both Spike and Russ ended up separately as witness to SF Gaster’s very soul being shattered across time and space, and so together and with haunted guidance they were able to bring him back from the Void even before the Barrier fell. Time and space itself could not be fixed, however, so he was forced to start all over again in building renown in the Underground - yet nevertheless became Royal Scientist quickly once more, acutely attuning the output of magical energy from the Core and becoming all the more intimately acquainted with matters of the Soul. After the Barrier fell, he retained his title as Royal Scientist, and operates to both provide advancements in technology improved and suited for magic, as well as further pursuing studying the magic and attributes of souls. He has an incredibly charismatic personality, but one that people cannot fully grasp - they trust and love him and his somewhat dark humor without question, yet if somehow forced to consider matters further, they realize that they know nearly nothing about him. A few monsters are close to him and are able to see more sides of his personality, and if you are his s/o you find yourself among the very select few to see him drop into a state of comfort enough to speak his mind bluntly. You’ll often pull him away from the lab to spend time on a rainy afternoon gazing out the windows with tea or coffee in hand, music playing in the background, wandering and wry conversations twining along time spent casually pursuing your own hobbies while he (most often) draws. His home is on the windy seaward side of the mountain, and his high windows face the rolling cold ocean waves, reflecting evening sun and chopping with beautiful storms that you both feel drawn to observe as you spend time together. On more than one occasion you’ve found yourself included in landscapes he’s sketched in charcoal, an aspect he found too natural and right to not include. As it turns out his home study has a wall dedicated to charcoal drawings he’s done and is fond of, and he has a number of files storing many others. You’ve saved (or perhaps loosely stolen) a collection of others still - he’s spotted them at your place, and the upward twitch of his mouth from his usual deadpan is something that warms you and leads you to teasing. For a number of reasons he prefers you by his side, not the least of which involves your knack for diverting his attention when he most needs it - mentally, emotionally, and most certainly physically. He particularly enjoys the witty volleys he gets into with you, and has a devilish love for flustering you whenever he can, particularly in inappropriate settings.
“I don’t suppose I could interest you in staying here with me in the lab this evening, could I? Even just having you here by my side… it does the most wicked things to my soul, my darling, an inspirational force that I simply cannot help but fall the willing victim to.”
“We do have to return inside, yes, I’m afraid the Queen would surely notice our absence… though truly, I’ll admit that I have all the preferred inclination to remain on this balcony with you, even if all I could do was to be caught in your gaze, and to be so lucky as to bear further witness to the intoxicating sensations of your hands upon me…”
“Perhaps I may offer an amenable alternative. Stay, dearheart, stay here with me. I assure you, nothing akin to regret shall cross your lips so long as I may offer this hospitality and protection to you…”
Night had not yet quite fallen when he rose from the rolling ocean waves with you in his arms, the water sliding away from his form as surely as it clung to yours. Your body rejected the salt and sea you had swallowed, coughing and heaving in his steady, reassuring hold as he swiftly once more stepped onto the high winding decking of the wandering boardwalk. You managed to open your eyes for a few moments, despite the weary weakness that now dragged at your very soul as you rid yourself of the last of the ocean in your lungs. You watched his golden magic easily shield you from the rain falling around you, and drew his eye away for a moment from something he was fixating on in front of you. His skull tilted to better face you, the many telling scarred cracks running from his eyes intriguingly not collecting any of the rain dripping down his face. His eyelights, terrifyingly fierce for the flash of a moment they were not on you, turned soft and caring as he caught your gaze. “Dearest, please let yourself rest,” he said. His voice was low and firm, the lilt of a rough accent you never could quite place a strange balm on your soul. Still, you frowned, knowing him, knowing what he was bound to do - but he shook his head, shifting to hold you that slight measure closer, the thick material of his greatcoat now against your cheek - smelling of the sea, pine, and mulled wine. Despite your concerns you let yourself relax slightly - the thrum of his familiar magic surrounding you, his scent, his voice - they spoke to you even more than his words, lulling you into an exhausted but secure half-sleep. “I shall take care of the loose ends, there shall not be a thread left untended to dare try to entangle you…”As he held you close, his towering form effortless and perfectly poised even as he strode forward with his greatcoat billowing behind him by the storm and his very magic, countless hands formed around him flanked in shadows cutting deeper than the depths of the waves beyond the boardwalk. The hush of the rain hitting his magic above you, the crash of the waves, and his own soft, deep, melodic humming of a haunting song you almost recognized let you fall deeper into unconsciousness, unheeding of the cut-off shouts of the cult of monster-haters who had chased you down and thrown you into the ocean.
Months later found you seated on the sprawling deck on the upper levels of his house, with a view that encompassed the sea - and if you cared to turn behind you, a view of Mount Ebott itself, looming tall at the forefront of a range of imposing mountains. For now, though, your gaze was focused eastward on the sea. Your legs were tucked under you and your hands buried in the pocket of your sweater, the early summer night still chilly as it turned to dawn, the horizon just now beginning to show the hints of paling blue that had the darkness of night slowly slipping away.A large blanket covered your view then for a moment as it swept outwards before settling over you with a waft of that scent of mulled wine you knew so well by now - a scent that grew stronger as Gaster stepped into view, two large stone mugs in his true hands while disembodied ones smoothed out the blanket that he set over you before they vanished in a flare of golden magic.“For you, my dear,” he offered, taking his seat next to you. You accepted the mug gratefully - since meeting him you had admittedly grown quite the taste for his drink of choice, and something he did with his magic laid a lasting effect in the drink - one that only made you fonder of it. You leaned into his side as you blew over the surface, basking in the gentle warmth emanating from the mug. You murmured a thank you as you tilted your head to look up at him. He nodded, a small upturn to his mouth fluttering a range of sweet emotions in your soul as his arm circled you. He took a sip of his own drink, his gaze not wavering from you even as the very edges of the sun began to peek over the horizon. Humming low, a tune that reminded you of ancient songs of the sea and of warning and mystery and a deep longing that somehow could be passed on through generations, one of his summoned hands brushed against your chin. Without hesitation you turned a little further towards him, a gentle smile on your face - this was no early morning for you both, but rather a long-coming ending to being awake for far longer than either of you knew was truly advisable. Still, you knew it wasn’t the exhaustion that had you unable to form words at the expression on his face, framed as he was by the dawning light of the sun.“… We spoke earlier of the implications of all creatures truly understanding the nature of souls,” he said. Your head tilted just a little further, intrigued with where he was going already, and distracting him for the barest of moments with the accompanying shift of your hair and the revealing of a little more skin along your neck and shoulder. “… Your points were truly diverting and of worthy consideration… Yet I have since found myself realizing something.”You nodded in general curious acknowledgement, waiting for him to continue as his gaze slipped over your features, catching on your chest before lifting once more.“Frankly, I would damn the results to the depths and back, if it only meant that I could become truly acquainted with your own.” His free hand resting on your arm lifted to tuck a lock of your hair back into place. It lingered afterwards, drifting along your revealed skin, trailing goosebumps with it. “My kingdom for the single jewel, and all that I suppose… but what a poor metaphor, really, in comparison to how brilliantly your soul shines.”
141 notes · View notes
tyranttortoise · 8 years
Okay, so both of the Alien s/o soul hc you were very good. And they got me thinking again (soul asker annoy) If souls are privet/hidden for any reason, why not show off their tec? I mean they did just crash into the side of a bloody mountain; something has to still be usable.... It might help convince UT Sans faster and maybe US Papyrus at the very least....I think...
* Thank you!  You brought up another good point with the tech.  
We could say that the alien was on Earth during the monster-human war and got banished with the other monsters, so perhaps during that chaos, they lost their tech.. or tried to make a break for their ship, only to be driven Underground.  
But that theory aside, if they did have the tech, I definitely think it would convince the skeles faster.  Let’s see.. UT!Paps, US!Sans, and SF!Sans don’t really need convincing.  
He would be super into it.  It blows his mind, and the first thing he wants to do it take it apart and attempt to put it back together.  He wants to know everything about it, and then he wants to know if he can apply those capabilities to other machines.And maybe fix the machine in his basement.
 He’s still so out of there.  His life is too complicated, and now he has to worry about an alien using a death ray on him?  *nopenopenope.
Well, looks like they can prove it.  Paps tries to wave it off, claiming that it’s something they found from the Surface or something that the “CRAZY BITCH ALPHYS” made, but.. he actually starts to believe it.  
He refuses to admit that out loud, however.
Like UT!Sans, he’s going to want to know everything there is about the tech, and then he’s going to have a million questions on astrophysics that he expects answered correctly.  He’s a huge skeptic about the whole situation–although, let’s face it; he’s still going to be making space puns regardless.  
If he doesn’t believe it, he’ll at least think that his S/O is some kind of quirky, genius inventor. 
He’s surprised by the proof, and now he’s going to take the claim a little more seriously.  He doesn’t really care about the tech, and hell–he doesn’t really care about whether or not their an alien, either.  That’s fine, and depending on what the tech does, he’ll either be impressed, entertained, or try to find a purpose for it Underground.  
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Have I ever mentioned how much I love Outertale?  Because I absolutely adore all the designs and everything to do with stars.For this, I did some digging through the Outertale blog because I was pretty sure I remembered reading somewhere about the monsters being a variant form of alien life.  So, technically, the monsters are aliens.  And the alien SOULs in Outertale are actually particles that are held together psychokinetic field that form their bodies and can release energy to cause magic.  
So, while I was about to say I could see there being other aliens out there somewhere that’d end up crashing through forcefield like Frisk.. I don’t know if even think those aliens could break the barrier.  By the SOUL lore of Outertale, human SOULs would still be way stronger/sturdier.  
(Though monsters turning into star dust when they die is about the coolest thing.)
But throwing all that aside and circling back to the alien SOUL thing and what it’d look like, etc, I like the idea of the SOUL being comprised of two shapes.  Probably a heart as the main shape with another shape in the middle, and I think the colors would represent entirely different things.  I’m a big fan of the two shapes being different colors, with two very different meanings.  Maybe the color of the heart represents their core attribute, while the one in the middle is what they strive to be?  
Or maybe it’s actually the color of a vice they have, like the deepest, darkest part of them.   
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Undertale Headcanon
Human bodies are poor conductors of magic, thus making it difficult to wield. This is why human souls seem so much more potent than a monster soul; they have to be since so much magical potential is lost while transitioning into something useful.
Monster bodies are composed of magic made solid, and as such they are excellent conductors of magic. This is why human souls are so potent once absorbed by a monster; the monster is a low-power body trying to use a high-power soul. Many regular monsters that absorb a human soul go insane from the extra power.
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