#Underpants Gnomes
anotherartblock · 1 month
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just guys being dudes
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roamingberry · 6 months
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South Park: SNOW DAY!'s site added the DLC info from Steam's page now aswell as new preview images and descriptions of these 3 DLCs. 👀
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rejected3 · 2 years
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Inktober2022 day 2  Scurry :3 
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rockshrimp1989 · 1 year
Another Easter egg at Casa Bonita!👀😄🩲
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stardust-sunset · 1 year
can someone PLEASE give me a rundown of stick of truth and the characters? I know High Jew Elf King because I see art of it all the time but can someone help me out pls i don’t know anything about it or the characters like if someone could just answer my questions i would love that
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curatorsday · 2 years
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Wednesday, February 8, 2023 - Laugh and Get Rich Day
Happy Laugh and Get Rich Day!
Image from 1998 South Park episode "Gnomes"
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Snow White or something
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feministsouthpark · 1 month
Mrs. Tweak - Character analysis (Part 1)
I'm starting a new series, analyzing some of my favorite South Park characters, starting with the one and only... Oh no... She's only known by her husband's surname! Well, for the purposes of my text, I'll call her on the widely accepted fanon name, Helen. And it's not like South Park has shied away from using fanon names in their official material. Let's start with S2E17 Gnomes, in which she appears for the first time, along with her son and husband.
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"Some things are more important than money. The people of South Park count on you to give them that first cup of coffee every day."
Her very first line serves as introduction to her values and beliefs. She is a devoted housewife, who believes in her husband. Clearly, she is a woman with a strong moral code first and foremost, and is a devoted housewife second.
Helen: Oh, hello, son. How was your day? Tweek: UUuuUunh! Helen: That's good. Who are your little friends? Tweek: What do you mean?! Kyle: We're his oral report buddies. Stan: Yeah, we have to stay up all night to write it. Helen: Well, have some coffee boys. I'll brew up another pot for later.
In her next interaction we learn about her as a mother, and she is shown caring for her son and being patient with him. But we're also met with a flaw in her parenting (of course, what else could you expect from South Park) which is that she nonchalantly offers coffee to children.
Kyle: Coffee? I don't think I like coffee. Helen: Oh, you'll like this coffee. It's fresh. And she coerces them to take it, although it's clearly out of good willed ignorance, rather than malicious intent.
Stan: 'Kay. Maybe it'll help us figure out what to do our report on. We have to present it to the entire South Park town committee tomorrow. Richard: Oh. I've got one for you. How about doing a report on how large corporations take over little family-owned businesses? Helen: Richard! Richard: No, I'm- serious, hon. These boys should learn how the corporate machine is ruining America. You see, I own a coffee shop and now a great, big, multi-million dollar company is going to move in and try to take all my business, which means I may have to shut down and sell my son Tweek into slavery. As you see, she is opposing to Richard using the children for commercial, however she is indifferent towards the way he threatens Tweek, probably because it's too common in their household. She chalks it up as Richard's weird sense of humor. She is however more strict with her son than her husband, as we see in the exchange that follows.
Kyle: We're already doing a paper on Tweek's underpants gnomes. Helen: Now, Tweek, how many times do we have to tell you? Your underpants are missing because you lose them, not because of underpants gnomes. Which line solidifies her as a grounded-in-reality type of individual. While Richard threatening Tweek wasn't that big of a deal for her, since it was a joke anyway (not that Tweek would know that, however Helen's parenting skills are lacking in the child's healthy psychological development department), but she stands up for something that she sees a problem with, because as soon as Richard says the boys should do their project in corporate takeovers again, she opposes, just like she did for the first time the idea was conceived, but this time she further explains her worries, instead of just interrupting.
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"Honestly, Richard. I don't see why you have to preach to some eight-year olds."
While she is dismissive of her husband's idea of using the children, she still demonstrates great care for his side of the problem. "My goodness. That's going to be a huge coffee house, honey." Then what follows is 8 year old Kyle questioning her parenting methods. Probably based on the fact that Sheila is overprotective, and Helen is quite the opposite.
Kyle: Do you ever think maybe you shouldn't give your son coffee? Helen: Like, how do you mean? Kyle: Like look at him. He's always shaking and nervous. Tweek: Agghh! Helen: [holding a bag of Tweekers BLEND] Oh, that. He has ADD, attention deficit disorder. That's why he's so jittery all the time. The writing seems to imply that Helen is in fact wrong, and her letting Tweek drink coffee is the problem (well Richard gives it to him mostly, but she fully enables it), however Tweek does show genuine signs of ADD in the later seasons, so in retrospective canon, she might as well be right, at least partly.
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Back to the episode's political topic, she has yet another exchange with Richard about her concerns: Richard: What do you think, hon? [she crosses her arms and moves away him. He follows] Hon? What's the matter? Helen: I have a big problem with this. Richard: What do you mean? Helen: We are just using those boys for our benefit. They have no idea what they're saying. Richard: But, kids are great to get people on our side. Helen: You don't just throw a child in a political commercial to sell your beliefs. I won't be a part of this anymore. [walks out the door] Richard: Honey, all's fair in love and war. And coffee. Hon? Hu-hon? As you can see, while Richard asks for her opinion, it's not out of respect. He just wants her to tell him he's doing great, he expected her to compliment and reassure him, even though she clearly stated time and time again that she disagrees on the matter. Richard ignored her thoughts and expected her to go along with everything he does, only after she leaves him, does he realize he is taking her for granted. And the episode makes it clear that the writers of the episode believe her to be right. In the end, she gives the "I've learned something today" speech. Yes, the parent who is wrong in one thing (giving her son coffee) and gets criticized by the ever so judgemental moral compass of the boys, Kyle, also gets to give a Kyle-speech of her own, which positions her to be in the right on that specific debate. South Park has low-key been creating multidimensional female anti-villains back in season 2? Well, yes, but that is party because this character wasn't conceived by Trey and Matt only. This episode is co-written by Pam Brady - a producer and creative consultant of the show - in her only full-on writing credit for the series. And I can't help but feel like her sense of womanhood helped shape Helen to be the well-rounded character she is. "These boys are absolutely right. We've been using these poor kids to pull at your heartstrings for our cause, and it's wrong. We're as low and despicable as Rob Reiner. You keep protesting and complaining, but did any of you ever even bother to taste Harbucks coffee? Harbucks coffee got to where it is by being the best. Don't you think you should at least try it?" There you have it. She is pro-corporation, and wether you agree with her or not, so are the writers (in 1998). And you better believe Trey and Matt see her as the hero of the story by the moment she is insulting Rob Reiner! She even earns a turn in her marriage, Richard listens to her at once, and tries Harbucks, and realizes he likes it. He then gets a new job running the local Harbucks, gaining more money than before. So he did not only became a better husband for her sake, but also a better breadwinner - thanks to her efforts to talk some sense into him.
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spinthetags · 7 months
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You can refresh your memory on Mountain Town and Underpants Gnomes Work Song by following the hyperlinks! Happy voting!
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officialeoj · 1 year
Sunday Silliness 🤪
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ramorazinn · 5 months
So my boss (affectionate) emails me at 5:58am, as I lay there on my phone trying to convince myself to get out of bed. Truly a time of day I should not have access to other humans. But you know, corporate America, the email popped up on my phone asking what our agenda was for today (last day before a big important work thing) and I, half asleep and scrolling through Tumblr memes, immediately reply
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Sigh. At least she laughed?
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roamingberry · 9 months
A 3 part series for the SoT cut content "The Underground". Wanted to make this into 1 whole video but had to split it into 3 parts since it kept crashing when trying to render it all fully. 😅
Part 2: https://youtu.be/l6IQ97I8OEk
Part 3: https://youtu.be/x-bzAWF39Ao
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phantoms-lair · 3 months
Very random, but I got to see Beetlejuice the Musical recently and I realized Beetlejuice's original plan was always doomed to failure because it was essentially an Underpants Gnome Plot. 1) Make the Maitlands scary 2) ??? 3) Profit (A living person says his name)
Adam and Barbara could manipulate their environment. They could not make themselves seen or heard. No amount of jerky Japanese ghost walks or primal screams were going to amount to anything any living person (Lydia was an except but a poor one as Beetlejuice had no idea about her back then and also she would have loved it.) who couldn't see or hear them.
And even if they has succeeded in scaring the Deetz + Delia, how would they make them say Beetlejuice's name. How would they even communicate that? Beetlejuice keeps going in on 'Some way, somehow'. Even he doesn't know! But he's convinced giving the Deetz's the fright of their lives is the key.
And the thing is...if he's stepped away from the scaring aspect, it probably would have been so easy! Fear wouldn't work, but confusion?
Take advantage of the fact that they could touch things. Have them leave notes everywhere with Beetlejuice's name three times. Have them write it on the wall.
Let's hide their phones Screw their phones
No, BJ, USE their phones. Get your name texted out. Eventually it's going be be said, if in no other context than "Who keeps writing 'Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice' everywhere". Heck, if he's taught them possession first thing he could have them possess Charles or Delia and make them say his name. Or if it doesn't work while coerced, use the possession to ask someone else to.
Beetlejuice could totally have made the 'Get the Maitlands make the Deetzs say my name' thing work if he hadn't been married to the one methodology doomed to end in failure.
But then again, he is a very self defeating fellow.
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I think there is nothing funnier than the fact that there are so many angsty and romantic south park high school au fanfics set in the same universe of a show where aliens, underpants gnomes, time travel, the power of imagination, crab people, cthulu, religious figures are real, and the fics acknowledge none of that paranormal stuff lmao
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buttfrovski · 7 months
tweek and cartman suffer from the same two things (underpants gnomes and homosexuality)
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mogwaisonmars · 1 month
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the underpants gnomes switch up their game
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